Thank You Email After Presentation

Why write a thank you email after a presentation, what should a good thank you email include.

A thank you email is a good way to follow up with someone following an event or meeting. It should include the following information:

3) A request for feedback on how the meeting went.

Sample Thank You Emails After Presentation

Dear all, It was a pleasure to have you at our event! If you have any other questions about what we had to share, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Due to popular demand, this talk will be repeated on (DATE). Attendees will be able to watch the presentation live and receive a compiled version of the talk after the event. Thank you again for coming out, it was an honor having you there! Best regards, (YOUR NAME)

Hi everyone, Just wanted to thank you for coming to our presentation last Monday. We know it was a tough decision to make, and we’re so happy you made the choice to join our program! We can’t wait to see how you grow your business with (PRODUCT NAME), we know you won’t regret it. If there’s anything we can help with, don’t hesitate to reach out! Thanks so much, (YOUR NAME)

Dear all, Thank you for coming to the event. We are so grateful for your time and hope that you found it valuable. Below is a link to a recording of the presentation. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out using the contact information below. Sincerely,

Hi, Just wanted to thank you for listening to my presentation last Tuesday. I hope that you had a great time with us! We have a follow-up meeting in our office next week to talk about how we can collaborate going forward. Would you be interested in coming by? Let me know when you are free and I will follow up. Until next time, (YOUR NAME)

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How to Write a Thank You Email that will Close the Deal Faster

Business Etiquette

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Picture this: you just had a great sales meeting that could land a huge opportunity for your team. You came to the office full of ambitions and plans. You are impressed, inspired, and hopeful at the same time.

So, how can you seal the deal?

The answer is by writing a thoughtful, personal thank you email. In this article, we will discuss how to write a thank you letter after a sales meeting to turn a potential client into a reliable partner.

It’s important to demonstrate your gratefulness and wellness of intent to either potential and existing partners and clients. Transparency and politeness keep the world of business afloat. And if you are experiencing difficulties with keeping all of your partner/client communication personalized, use Nimble CRM to make your life significantly easier while keeping everything in an automated individual order.

What is a Thank You Email?

A follow-up thank you email after a sales meeting is exactly what it sounds like: a message thanking your prospect for their time. Although it may seem simple, it is an essential part of creating reliable business relations.

There are many ways to tell a person that you appreciate the opportunity to get acquainted with them. A standard email, postcard or a short Skype message tend to be the most appropriate methods.

3 Main Reasons to Say Thank You After the Sales Meeting

It is necessary to send a thank you email after job interviews, sales meetings, meetings with business partners, etc. It is not only about politeness; it is a way to demonstrate your professionalism and aptitude. Besides, there are more reasons to say thanks in your follow-up email after sales meeting :

A Quick Reminder

With a thank you email, you remind your potential client about yourself, your company, and the meeting you had. Additionally, you highlight the benefits of your cooperation once more. Visual perception works better; if you emphasize the perks of choosing your product or service over the rest in the email once more, it may be a push to sign a profitable business contract.

Additional Value

If you felt as though your potential customer had lingering doubts at the end of your meeting, you may decide to offer them more beneficial conditions. A thank you letter is a good chance to describe those.

Business Communication Improvement

In the world of business relations, it is essential to keep in mind the importance of human relations. The thank you email is a way to demonstrate your friendliness. Additionally, this is a chance to become a more interesting business partner than those who didn’t find the time for personal emails.

Must-Have Elements of a Good Thank You Email

Before determining how to write a thank you email after a sales meeting, let’s discuss what goes into a successful follow-up email:

Remember that you are writing an official letter to your potential business partner or hiring manager. Be polite and professional in everything you say.


The text needs to catch the reader’s attention. It needs to leave a positive impression that people will surely remember.

Structure of Thank You email

The letter should be exceptionally well-structured.

The irreplaceable elements of a thank you  letter are:


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  • A proper subject line for a thank you email after your meeting
  • A personalized greeting
  • An introduction paragraph
  • The body that includes the goals of business conversation to be achieved
  • The specific reference your meeting is associated with
  • The summary of the meeting

Thank You Email Tips & examples

How to Write a Thank You Email after Sales Meeting

Follow these simple steps to create a letter that will leave the best impression:

Say Thank You

Although it is obvious that you need to say thank you in your follow-up email, some professionals forget about it while trying to provide other sales-related information. It’s important to say you appreciate the time they devoted to you and describe your own impressions from the meeting with words like:

  • I enjoyed our conversation;
  • I think our meeting was very important;
  • It was nice to meet you, etc.

Apologize If Something Went Wrong

You cannot control all the aspects of your business meeting. If you were late because of a traffic jam on the freeway, it may be interpreted as rudeness or problems with self-organization. Saying you are sorry once more in a thank you letter would be appreciated.

Remind Your Prospect of the Specifics of Your Meeting

Your potential business partner may have a dozen meetings a week. Your thank you letter may get lost or forgotten about among the rest of the correspondence. Remind them of the day and add a specific fact that will refresh your meeting in their mind. For example, if you had great coffee, or if it was raining cats and dogs on the day you met, mention it.

Use the things you have in common to recall more attention to your letter. For example, if you studied at the same school or you have the same previously discussed interests, include it in your letter.

Summarize What You Talked About

We recommend taking notes during the meeting. This way, you won’t miss something important. Summarize these notes and add them to the text of your email, too. This will help you to make sure that you both have the same vision of your future cooperation. If some miscommunication occurs, you will get the opportunity to quickly fix it.

Arrange the Next Meeting

If your meeting had a positive outcome, you need to arrange the next meeting. If some of the points you discussed remain unclear, you need an additional conversation, too. Your thank you email may also include a time and date suggestion for the next meeting.

Add a Signature

Your email and your name should be associated with your brand or your company and its logo. Always add a signature to your emails; create it if you don’t have one. Keep in mind that you are your brand’s ambassador and should present yourself as such.

Mistakes to Avoid in Thank you emails

Although writing a thank you letter seems to be a piece of cake, some entrepreneurs fail at this task. We compiled a list of mistakes you need to be aware of:

Subject Line Is Not Relevant to Content

If your goal is to send a thank you letter, make sure you are actually sending a thank you letter. Stick to the defined structure; avoid writing about yourself, promoting your company, or asking for a favor. Show your gratitude, not your demands.

Misspelling Names

If you met someone named John, your thank you email needs to start with the words “Hello John.” If you met John, make sure you are going to send the email to his exact address. Check the name twice.

Additional tip: if you talked to more than one person, include them all in the email.

successful thank you emails templates

Withholding Additional Contact Information

Email is a convenient way to keep in touch with someone, but it’s not the best one. Add all possible ways to reach out to you, including your Skype contact and phone number.

Use Nimble’s Trackable Email Templates for Thank Yous

If you have a template of a thank you letter, it doesn’t mean you can use it in every case. Add a touch of personalization, customize the template, and adjust it to every particular situation to keep it professional.

In order to help you send more effective outreach, Nimble offers  trackable email templates   that can be sent to highly targeted groups at scale.

When used effectively, email templates can streamline your outreach workflow and increase your open rates, thus improving the probability of people RSVPing to your events. If you’d like to see them in action try  Nimble’s free trial .

Sending an Email that is Too Long or Too Short

The recipient has 40 seconds to read your email; after this time their attention is lost. Don’t be boring; keep it short and informative.

On the flip side, avoid writing emails that are too short or impersonal. Follow our guide below for the best results.

Forgetting about the Grammar

There is nothing worse than mistakes in your business letter. Read your email over carefully before sending it, use grammar-checking software to correct the mistakes, and only send out proofread emails.

Top Five Tips for Writing a Great Thank You Email

Now that you know what pitfalls to avoid, let’s clarify what practices will help you to make your email even better. Here are our top tips on writing thank you email after a sales meeting :

Send It Right Away

Generally, we highly recommend sending a thank you email one to three days after the meeting. It is better to remind your potential partner about yourself right away when the information about the outcome is still fresh in your minds.

Add Personalization

Aside from adding your recipient’s name, it’s pertinent to add some information specific to your meeting. Show them that human relations are no less important to you than professional ones.

During the meeting, you found out a lot about your potential partner, Analyze the information and think about what you can say, mention, or offer to provide extra value to the recipient.

Keep It Professional

Always remember: even if the atmosphere at the meeting was quite friendly, you must keep it professional. This is about business relations. Consider your words: avoid clichés, jargon, overly sophisticated phrases, and the like. Keep your email professional and clear.

Make It Readable

Your email should be easy to read. Use bulleted lists, simple language, and succinct sentences. Divide the plain text into paragraphs for the best result.

Be Honest and Positive

If you know for sure it is impossible to start the cooperation right now, let the recipient know about it. Even if your meeting didn’t bring the value right away, you still may build a partnership in the future. Each meeting brings you more experience and new connections.

Successful Examples for Inspiration

To implement these practices properly, take a look at some sources of inspiration. Here is a thank you letter after a sales meeting sample :

Hi [Name], It was a great pleasure to meet you today. I enjoyed learning more about [Company’s Name], your specifics, and your goals for this year.

I summarized the key points we discussed today. Let me know if anything needs further clarification or discussion:

We discussed …

We came to the conclusion…

Some of the points remain unclear for me. Can we please arrange an additional meeting next week? Here are a few dates that work for me: May X at noon May X at 12:30 May X at noon

Also, you mentioned that you participated in [Name] Conference last month. Can you provide a link to the video? I’d love to share it with my team. Best,

[Name, Signature]

As you can see, all the essential elements are present in this thank you letter.

Hello [Name], Thank you very much for the meeting we had last Friday, May X. I enjoyed the conversation and I believe it was really productive. Regarding our conversation: We discussed … You pointed out …

You need…  

Unfortunately, our company [Company’s Name] cannot provide you with the services you need.

But if you don’t mind, I would like to recommend our partner [Company’s Name]. Can I share the reference here? Or is it better to arrange another meeting to talk about this?

I am available on the following dates:

May X at noon May X at 12:00

Looking forward to hearing from you. Have a very good day!

Here, we can see that although the deal cannot be closed at the moment, it is still possible to keep in touch. This is a great way to occupy a reputable position in your niche.

Final Thoughts

The thank you letter is one of the essential steps you need to take in order to grow mutually beneficial business relations with your new partners. Although this task may seem obvious and easy, some entrepreneurs skip it and lose their opportunities.

With our guide, you’ll get a great chance to overcome the competitors and arrive at the expected results twice as fast.

sales presentation thank you email

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Nimble Editorial Team

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sales presentation thank you email

How to Write a “Thank You” Email After a Sales Meeting with Examples

Learn to craft compelling thank you emails after sales meetings with examples, to accelerate deals and foster strong client relationships.

sales presentation thank you email

Image source: master1305 on Freepik

In today’s world, the importance of 'thank-you' emails is paramount. They are essential for establishing lasting connections, whether after job interviews or business meetings. 

This is especially applicable in sales, where studies show emails are 40 times more effective in acquiring new clients than social media giants like Facebook and Twitter. 

In the following sections, we will explore the elements of a perfect thank-you for meeting email after a sales call or demo, accompanied by real-life examples to illustrate these principles in action. From choosing the right tone to timing your email for maximum impact, we cover all the bases to ensure your follow-up is as impactful as the initial meeting. Let’s get started!

Why Do You Need to Send a 'Thank-You' Follow-Up Email After a Business Meeting?

In business, the end of a meeting signifies the beginning of what can become a long-term, fruitful relationship. This is where a 'thank-you' follow-up email takes center stage.

Here’s why every sales meeting needs a ‘thank-you’ email:

  • Cements the first impression : A successful follow-up email shows you're not just a professional in the meeting room, but also attentive and considerate in your communications thereafter.
  • Keeps the conversation alive : A follow-up email is the modern and sped-up version of a thank-you letter that keeps the dialogue open and your presence in the client's mind.
  • Reiterates key points : There’s always a lot that gets discussed in business meetings , and it’s easy for some points to get lost. Your email addresses crucial aspects of the discussion, ensuring all parties are on the same page.
  • Set the stage for future communication : These emails are an unintrusive way to express interest in continuing the conversation and can set your next meeting up for success.
  • Differentiates you from the competition: A thoughtful follow-up demonstrates your dedication and attention to detail, highly valued qualities in any business context, as they contribute to the overall customer satisfaction.
  • Creates a personal connection : A personalized thank-you email shows you value the person behind the business title, which can be incredibly impactful in establishing trust and rapport.
  • Represents a professional courtesy : A thank-you note for meeting in the form of an email reflects well on you and your organization, showcasing a level of professionalism and courtesy that is always appreciated.

Key Elements of a 'Thank-You' Email After Sales Meeting

Here is a step-by-step process on how to write an impactful ‘thank-you’ email after a sales meeting:

  • Create a strong subject line
  • Include the ‘thank you’ in the introduction 
  • Provide a summary of the meeting
  • Mention the deals and decisions you made
  • Provide answers to unanswered questions
  • Describe action items and upcoming steps
  • Confirm the date for a follow-up meeting
  • Include a professional email signature

1. Create a Strong Subject Line

A proper subject line can be the decisive factor between your email being opened with enthusiasm or lost in the depths of a cluttered inbox. 

Here’s how to craft a proper subject line that not only captures attention, but also sets a positive tone for your message:

  • Be clear and direct : The subject line should convey the purpose of your message. Phrases like 'Thank You for the Meeting,' 'Great Connecting Today,' or 'Appreciation for Your Time' are straightforward and leave no room for ambiguity.
  • Personalize it : Whenever possible, include a personal touch. Include the recipient's name or reference a specific moment from the meeting. For example, 'John, Thank You for Discussing XYZ Today' or 'Emma, Appreciating Our Conversation on ABC.'
  • Keep it brief: Aim for less than 50 characters. A long, rambling subject line can be off-putting or get cut off in the recipient's email client.
  • Maintain the tone of the meeting : Match the tone of your subject line to the atmosphere of the sales meeting. If it is formal, keep the subject line professional. If the meeting had a more casual or enthusiastic vibe, feel free to reflect that with a more relaxed or upbeat tone.
  • Offer a glimpse of value : If you discussed something of value or agreed on the next steps, hint at this in the subject line. For instance, 'Excited About Our Future Collaboration' or 'Looking Forward to Exploring the New Proposal.'
  • Avoid spammy language : Stay away from all caps, overuse of exclamation marks, or overly salesy language, as this may trigger spam filters and can be off-putting to the potential business partner.
  • Test and refine : If you’re unsure, test out a couple of different subject lines with colleagues or friends to see which ones work best for your sales process. 

2. Include the 'Thank You' in the Introduction

The introduction is your first point of actual engagement in the email, so it's crucial to get it right. For a proper greeting, begin by addressing the recipient by their name to convey a warm, respectful tone. 

Afterwards, get to the point quickly. Your first or second sentence should clearly express your thanks.

‍ A. Example 1 (formal) : 'I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere thanks for meeting with our team today.' B. Example 2 (less formal) : 'Thank you for taking the time to discuss [topic] with me this morning.'

Consider following up with a detail from the meeting that shows you were attentive and engaged. It also helps personalize your message. For instance, you could say:  'I particularly appreciated your insights on [specific topic]. Your thoughts on [specific point] were especially enlightening.'

PRO TIP : Keep the introduction concise and avoid overly formal language; let your personality shine through.

3. Provide a Summary of the Meeting

After your initial thanks, transition smoothly into the meeting summary to maintain the flow of your email.

Mention the key points discussed during the meeting, focusing on those that are most relevant to the potential business relationship. If any challenges, objections, or concerns were raised, briefly acknowledge them. This shows you’re attentive and proactive about addressing any issues.

Avoid going into too much detail – the goal is to jog the recipient’s memory, not to provide a minute-by-minute account of the meeting.

PRO TIP : If there are multiple aspects to cover, consider using bullet points to make the summary more digestible and visually appealing.

Accurate meeting summaries usually require extensive meeting notes as support, which can be particularly tricky for sales. That is because during meetings, your focus should be on closing deals and negotiating terms with clients, not on scrambling to write down as much information as possible.

This is where MeetGeek comes into play. This sales meeting automation platform automatically records and transcribes every sales meeting, providing you with AI-generated summaries after each conversation. 

sales presentation thank you email

You can customize workflows that automatically send follow-up emails containing the AI-generated summarie. Alternatively, you can use sections of the summary to compose a brief ‘thank-you’ email to ensure that no action items and key decisions are forgotten.

And because we know how frustrating it can be to incorporate new software in your tool stack, MeetGeek seamlessly integrates with your favorite CRM tools , so you don’t have to spend time manually syncing information across platforms.

4. Mention the Deals and Decisions You Made

Once you've provided a summary of the meeting, use it as a transition into discussing specific deals and decisions.

Example : 'Building on the productive discussions we had about [summary point], I wanted to re-emphasize the key decisions we arrived at...'

The secret is to clearly state the specific agreements or decisions that were reached to remove any ambiguity and ensure both parties are on the same page.

Example #1 : 'I am pleased to confirm our decision to move forward with the implementation of the [specific solution or service] starting next month.'

Example #2 : 'I am excited about the potential of the [specific deal or opportunity] we discussed, and I believe it aligns perfectly with our mutual goals.'

Your tone should convey enthusiasm and confidence about the decisions and deals made, as this helps to build a sense of forward momentum.

MeetGeek assists you in capturing and tagging all the commitments and decisions from your sales meetings, making it easier to include them in your follow-up email. 

sales presentation thank you email

2 to 3 minutes after your sales meeting concludes, you can access the meeting summary , which includes next steps, key topics, and highlights with timestamps.

5. Provide Answers to Unanswered Questions

Acknowledge the questions that were left unanswered during the meeting to show that you were attentive and are now following up as promised.

Example : 'I recall that during our meeting, a few important questions were raised which we didn’t have the time to address thoroughly.'

For each unanswered question, provide a clear and concise answer. Be thorough in your explanation but avoid overly complex language and unnecessary jargon.

Example : 'Regarding your question about the scalability of our solution, I can confirm that our system is designed to efficiently handle an increase in volume up to X users without any significant performance impact.'

If required, include resources or direct the recipient to the relevant documentation for more information. This provides depth to your answers while demonstrating thoroughness and reliability on your part.

If some of the answers you provide may lead to more questions, extend an invitation for further discussion, either via email or another meeting. Additionally, in cases where you don’t have the answer immediately, be honest about it. Locate the necessary information and get back to them.

Example : 'You asked about X, and I want to offer the most accurate information. Allow me a day or two to consult with our customer support team/ another team member, and I will follow up with a comprehensive answer.'

6. Describe Action Items and Upcoming Steps

List the action items that were agreed upon during your conference meeting. Be specific about each item to avoid any confusion.

  • 'Action Item 1: I will send the detailed proposal for the [project/service] by [specific date].'
  • 'Action Item 2: Your team will provide the necessary data for the initial analysis by [specific date].'

For each action item, clearly state who is responsible, as this will help both parties understand their roles and responsibilities. Additionally, attach specific deadlines or timeframes to each action item, which is mandatory for keeping the project on track.

Additionally, indicate your willingness to assist or provide further information related to the action items to reinforce your commitment to a collaborative approach.

Example : 'Should you need any assistance or additional information while gathering the data, please feel free to contact me directly.'

7. Confirm the Date for a Follow-Up Meeting

Confirming the date for a follow-up meeting in your email is an important step in maintaining momentum and ensuring both parties are aligned on the next steps. 

If you have already decided on a date during the meeting , restate it to confirm: 'As we agreed, I am looking forward to our next meeting scheduled for [date] at [time].'

If a date was not set during the meeting , propose one based on the availability discussed or suggest a range of dates: 'I propose we meet again to continue our discussion. I am available on [date] or [date] – please let me know what works best for you.'

Regardless of the scenario, show your willingness to accommodate their schedule. This demonstrates respect for their time and a collaborative spirit.

Example : 'If these dates don’t suit your schedule, please feel free to suggest a more convenient time. I’m happy to adjust accordingly.'

If appropriate, also include a calendar invite . This is a practical step that can help ensure the meeting gets scheduled and avoids back-and-forth emails.

8. Include a Professional Email Signature

A well-crafted signature offers easy access to your contact information and reinforces your professional image. 

For starters, your professionalsign-off should be neat and not overly cluttered. Include only the essential information that you want the recipient to remember, which usually consists of your phone number and email address. You may also add your company website or professional LinkedIn profile.

  • Kind/ Warm/ Best Regards

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Company]

  • Phone: [Your Phone Number]
  • Email: [Your Email Address]
  • Website: [Company Website URL]
  • LinkedIn: [LinkedIn Profile URL]

Opt for easy-to-read fonts like Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman, and keep the font size consistent and readable. If appropriate and in line with your company’s branding guidelines, include the company logo to add a touch of professionalism.

PRO TIP : Some companies require legal disclaimers or confidentiality notes in their email signatures. Ensure you comply with your company’s policies.

PRO TIP #2 : Before sending the email, send a test email to yourself to ensure the signature appears as intended, especially if you’re using images or HTML formatting.

PRO TIP #3: Make sure your email signature is consistently formatted across all devices you use for business communication, such as your mobile phone or tablet.

Thank You Follow-Up Emails DO’s

Let’s take a look at some best practices for sending ‘thank-you’ emails.

A. Send the Email Directly After the Meeting

Send your email shortly after the meeting, ideally within 24 hours. This ensures that the discussion is still fresh for both parties, and it demonstrates a proactive approach, doubled by professionalism.

Set aside time after your meetings specifically for follow-up communications. This habit ensures you don't delay or forget to send your emails.

How to Write Comprehensive & Timely Follow-Ups

Sometimes, writing ‘thank-you’ emails after meetings gets put on the back burner, as it is a time-consuming process. However, MeetGeek simplifies the process by recording, transcribing, analyzing, and summarizing your discussions.

MeetGeek ensures that your clients receive a ‘thank-you’ email containing a comprehensive summary of the conversation, including action items and main points, within minutes after the meeting ends.

sales presentation thank you email

Here are the features that streamline the process of creating an effective meeting ‘thank-you’ email after any sales meeting:

  • AI-generated summaries : MeetGeek's AI assistant efficiently produces a concise summary of your meeting, highlighting crucial discussion points, action items, and decisions. This recap forms an excellent foundation for your email, significantly reducing the time and effort required on your part.
  • Automated email follow-ups: You can set specific teams and rules for automatically distributing summaries or key highlights of the meeting to your team members or clients.
  • Detailed meeting records : The tool automatically logs essential meeting specifics such as date, time, participants, and agenda, which can be invaluable when creating a context for further discussion.
  • Action item tracking : It's easy to pinpoint and monitor action items arising from your meeting. Including these in your follow-up email is an effective way to remind participants of their commitments.
  • Organized meeting tags : Your meeting notes will be neatly organized with tags identifying critical moments as 'action items,' 'decisions,' 'important,' or any other category you need.
  • Seamless integrations : Its compatibility with various CRM platforms enables effortless sharing of meeting summaries, action items, and other relevant information within your team.

B. Personalize the 'Thank You' Message

Generic messages get forgotten. Mentioning something unique about the meeting, like a shared joke or a mutual interest, can help to build a more personal connection. This level of personalization shows that you were fully engaged in the conversation and value the relationship with your potential client beyond just business.

C. Grab Attention from the Get-Go

The opening sequences of your email are crucial, as they should captivate the reader and set the tone for what’s to come. Begin with something that ties back to your meeting, a comment on a discussed topic, or a thank-you note that feels genuine and not just a formality.

D. Provide Additional Value

Express gratitude, but also offer something of value in your email — this could be a relevant article/ case study, a helpful connection, or a solution to a problem discussed during the meeting. It’s about leaving a positive impression and showing that you're invested in providing value to the relationship, not just closing a deal. 

E. Use a Professional Tone of Voice

Your tone should be professional yet approachable, blending courtesy with confidence. Adjust your tone to match the dynamics of the meeting and the nature of your relationship with the client. 

F. Be Wary of Vocabulary

The language you use is a reflection of your professionalism, so avoid industry jargon or overly-sophisticated phrases that might be confusing. At the same time, steer clear of overly casual or colloquial language that might come off as unprofessional. 

G. Proofread the Email

A small error can make a big difference, so double-check your email for grammar,  punctuation, and spelling errors. Try reading the email out loud to catch any awkward phrasing or mistakes that you might have overlooked. 

Thank You Follow-Up Emails DON’TS

Below we uncover what you should avoid at all costs in your ‘thank-you’ emails!

A. Be Overly-Friendly

While building a rapport is key, there's a fine line between being friendly and being overly familiar. This is not a networking event, so avoid using overly casual language, jokes, or personal anecdotes that might not have been shared in the meeting. 

Remember, this is a professional interaction, and maintaining a certain level of professionalism is obligatory. Your demeanor should reflect respect and courtesy without crossing into the territory of informal chumminess.

B. Use a Standard Template

Resist the temptation to use a one-size-fits-all template for your ‘thank-you’ emails. While email templates can work for setting up a job interview, they often lack the personal touch that makes thank-you emails effective. 

Your recipient is likely to notice if you’re using a generic template, which can make your message feel insincere. Instead, tailor each email to reflect the specific conversation and relationship. This personalized approach demonstrates genuine interest and investment in the relationship.

C. Forget to Include the Next Steps

The primary goal of a sales meeting is to move closer to a sale. Forgetting to clearly outline the next steps can destroy the momentum generated in the meeting, preventing the process from moving forward and potentially causing clients to lose interest.

D. Request Favors

A thank-you email is not the place to ask for favors or additional commitments from a potential customer. Keep the focus on expressing gratitude and summarizing key points from the meeting. If you have requests or proposals, save them for a separate communication or the next meeting. 

This approach helps maintain the integrity of the thank-you email and ensures it's received in the spirit it's intended – as a genuine expression of gratitude and a summary of the meeting.

Examples of 'Thank You' Emails After Meetings

Example #1: meeting with new prospects.

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I wanted to extend my gratitude for taking the time to meet with our team today. I was impressed by your insights on [specific point or idea from the meeting]. It's evident that your experience and perspective in [industry/field] are extensive, and I believe there is much we can achieve together. 

As discussed, I will be sending over a detailed proposal by [specific date] that outlines our previously discussed strategy and how I see our companies collaborating effectively.

Additionally, I’ve taken the liberty of attaching a [relevant document or link], which I believe could be beneficial for [specific purpose related to the meeting’s topic]. I hope you find it as useful as I anticipate. Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to reach out. 

Lastly, as we agreed, let’s plan to reconvene for a follow-up meeting. I suggest [proposed date and time], but I am open to adjusting to your schedule. Please let me know what works best for you.

Thank you once again for your time and the opportunity to discuss our potential collaboration. 

Kind regards,

[Your Job Title]

[Your Contact Information]

Example #2: Following Up with Existing Clients

Dear [Client's Name],

I wanted to thank you for our meeting earlier today. It’s always a pleasure to connect and discuss how [Your Company] can continue to support [Client’s Company] in achieving its goals.

Today’s discussion about [specific topic or project discussed] was particularly insightful. I am excited about the ideas we exchanged and the potential strategies we outlined for [specific goal or project]. 

In line with our conversation, I will be [mention any follow-up actions you committed to, e.g., 'preparing the revised project plan with the adjustments we discussed' or 'arranging a demo for the new product feature we talked about']. You can expect to receive this by [specific date or timeframe].

Should you need further clarification or wish to explore other potential areas of collaboration, please feel free to reach out. Your feedback and ideas are always welcome and invaluable to us.

Once again, thank you for your ongoing partnership and the productive conversation today. I am enthusiastic about the next steps and confident in the continued success of our collaboration.

Best regards,

[Your Professional Signature]

Example #3: Addressing Objections or Concerns

Subject: Addressing Our Discussion Points & Moving Forward Together

I hope your day is going great. I wanted to express my gratitude for the open and honest dialogue we shared in our meeting earlier today. Discussing [specific topic or project] with you provided valuable insights, and I appreciate your candidness in expressing your concerns.

Your points regarding [specific objections or concerns raised] have given me a lot to consider. I understand these are significant factors in your decision-making process, and it's crucial for us at [Your Company] to address them thoroughly.

In response to your concerns about [specific concern], I’ve taken the liberty to gather some additional information and resources that I believe can offer clarity and reassurance. [Briefly outline how your product/service addresses the concern, or attach relevant documents, case studies, etc.].

I also want to reiterate our commitment to [any assurances or commitments made in the meeting]. Our goal is to ensure a seamless and beneficial experience for [Recipient’s Company], and we are ready to adapt and work through these challenges together.

I propose we schedule a follow-up meeting [suggest a date/time] to discuss these points in more detail. However, I know you have a busy schedule, if there’s a time more convenient for you, I’m happy to accommodate.

Thank you once again for your valuable time and insightful discussion.

Warm regards,

Example #4: Attaching Supporting Materials 

Subject: Thank You for Our Meeting - Enclosed Supporting Materials

I wanted to express my sincere gratitude for our engaging meeting earlier today. Your insights and questions about [specific topic or product discussed] were extremely valuable.

As promised, I am attaching the supporting materials that align with our discussion. These include [list the supporting materials, e.g., detailed product brochures, case studies, technical specifications, pricing sheets, etc.]. I believe these documents will further clarify how our solutions can meet the needs and goals of [Recipient’s Company].

Please take your time to review these materials, and feel free to reach out with any questions or for further elaboration. I am here to provide any additional information you might need to make an informed decision.

I am looking forward to your thoughts after reviewing the enclosed materials and am eager to continue our conversation.

Example #5: Following Up with Next Steps

I wanted to express my gratitude for the time and insights you shared in our meeting today. It was a pleasure discussing the potential collaboration between [Your Company] and [Recipient's Company].

As we agreed, I’ve outlined the next steps to ensure we maintain our momentum:

  • Proposal Review: I will send over the detailed proposal we discussed by [specific date]. This will include timelines, pricing, and the scope of services.
  • Feedback Session: Once you've reviewed the proposal, let’s schedule a feedback session. I propose [suggest a date/time], but I'm flexible to accommodate your schedule.
  • Sample Product/Test Trial: For a practical understanding, we can arrange a sample product delivery or a test trial of our service by [specific timeframe].

I believe these steps will efficiently move us forward toward a fruitful partnership. Please let me know if you have any preferences or additional points to add.

Thank you once again for a constructive meeting. I’m excited about the possibilities ahead and look forward to your feedback on the proposal.

Example #6: Following Up with a Special Offer/Discount

Subject: A Special Thanks with an Exclusive Offer for [Recipient's Company]

I wanted to extend my heartfelt thanks for the opportunity to meet with you today. Our discussion about [specific topic/product discussed] was both insightful and valuable.

In appreciation of your interest in [Your Company's Product/Service], and as a gesture of our commitment to fostering a strong partnership with [Recipient's Company], I am pleased to offer you an exclusive discount/special offer.

[Describe the special offer or discount, e.g., 'We would like to extend a 15% discount on your first order' or 'an extended trial period for our service']. I believe this will provide an excellent opportunity for you to experience the full benefits of our product/service with added value.

This offer will be available until [offer expiry date], and I would be happy to discuss any questions you may have or assist in the process.

I look forward to the possibility of working together and hope this offer adds to the potential of a fruitful collaboration between our companies.

Thank you once again for a constructive meeting and for considering [Your Company] for your [specific needs/solutions].

Example #7: Informal ‘Thank-You’ Email After a Sales Meeting

Hi [Client's First Name],

I just wanted to drop you a quick note to say how much I enjoyed our chat today. It’s always refreshing to meet someone as passionate about [their industry/business area] as you are. I'm excited about the potential of what we can achieve together.

Just to recap, I’ll [briefly summarize the agreed action you will take, e.g., send over a detailed proposal, schedule a demo, provide additional information, etc.]. I’m aiming to have this to you by [specific date], and it would be great if you could [any action they need to take] by [their deadline, if applicable].

Also, let's pencil in a catch-up call for [suggest a date and time] to discuss any questions you might have and decide on the next steps. Does that work for you?

Thanks once again for your time today – I’m really looking forward to diving deeper into this project with you and seeing where we can take it. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need anything in the meantime.

[Your First Name]

[Your Company Name]

Create Better 'Thank You' Emails after Your Sales Meetings with MeetGeek!

In conclusion, crafting a thoughtful 'thank-you' email after a meeting is a powerful tool to leavea a lasting impression, reinforce your message, show appreciation, and keep the conversation going. Remember, the key to a great follow-up email lies in personalization, clarity, and timeliness. 

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Anastasia Muha is a passionate content writer with a knack for turning complex topics into simple, yet engaging stories. She is experienced in transforming ideas into compelling copy across a range of areas, with a particular interest in AI. Her aim is to craft powerful narratives that capture the audience's attention and drive results.

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How to Say Thank You After Your Big Sales Presentation

Anthony Iannarino

You nurtured the relationship , you cold called your dream client and made an appointment, you diagnosed their needs, you built the relationships, and you built a shared vision of a better outcome.

And now you made your big boardroom presentation. You used everything that you learned to make it a great presentation, you performed well, and you answered all of the questions.

Now, the whole thing is out of your hands and you must simply await the buying team’s decision, right? Wrong!

You don’t stop selling until the decision is made (and even then, should you not be awarded the business, you move your dream client right back on to your nurture list and keep selling . . . they’re still a dream client, after all).

After your big presentation, you need to send a thank you letter. But saying thank you could be so much more, if you embrace a modern sales approach and let it.

Saying Thanks

You certainly want to send personal card to each person to whom you presented. Fine. But that isn’t enough and it isn’t selling. You need to send a formal thank you letter that continues to sell your message.

Reinforce the Value that You Create

You have a solution that will help them generate better results. You had some dialogue with them during the presentation that clarified their vision, and you heard the challenges that they made to your solution in the form of questions.

Your follow-up letter needs to reinforce your ability to generate the result that you and your solution will provide. It needs to spell out how the conversation you had has strengthened your proposal. It needs to outline the changes to your plan and to your solution based on the buying team’s questions and what you have learned.

More than anything else, you have to reiterate and reinforce your differentiation . Your dream client may have seen only you, or you might have been one of ten presentations. Your follow up letter is your chance to sell, and it is your chance to remind your dream client of the differences that will make the difference .

You had solutions. Your competitor had solutions. Both seemed pretty reasonable. Your follow-up letter has to say more than thank you; it is has to say that your solution is right, that it will produce the results that your dream client needs, and that you are committed to helping them achieve that result.

Respond to Their Questions in Writing

If you are super sharp, and if you have a great team, you will have taken exceptional notes, including who asked what questions and who made what comments. Your letter will include a list of the questions that were asked with written answers reiterating and expanding on what you said when your time was limited to the presentation and the follow-up—now your time is no longer limited.

Related: 5 Controllable Elements of Time Management

The fact that you bothered to take notes, to remember what was important to each buying team member, and that you felt it was important enough to require a written response, demonstrates that you are detail-oriented, professional, caring , and concerned with the implementation and execution after you make the sales. It proves that you are listening.

This alone will differentiate you from your competitors , most of whom will send a thank you, and many of whom will do so by email only.

Ask for the Business

The closing of your letter needs again to ask for your dream client’s business. You need to say, “We very much look forward to working with you on this project, we will achieve the results that we discussed and presented, and we ask you to give us the opportunity to be part of your team. ”

If you are a long-time reader of this blog (and if you have taken action on what you read), you didn’t leave your presentation without scheduling a follow up appointment of some kind. I know your dream client’s buying team told you that they would be contacting you, but waiting is not an option; you must continue to sell until the final decision is made.

Your dream client has to know that you want the business more than your competitors. They have to know that you are more serious about producing the results—results that are better than your largest and fiercest competitors —and that you will act as part of their team.

Your thank you card isn’t enough.

Your follow-up letter needs to sell in your absence. It needs to differentiate you and your offering. You can say thank you, or you can say something real—like how passionately committed you are to helping your dream client produce better results.

Take the time to write the follow-up sales letter. Say thank you. And make it rock!

  • When does the sale really end?
  • Do you use every opportunity and every contact with your dream client as a chance to create value for them? Do you use those same opportunities and contacts to demonstrate that you do create value and to demonstrate your passionate desire to help them achieve the business results that they need and that you can provide?
  • What do you believe are the benefits of waiting passively for a buying team to make a decision? What if you competitors are taking actions and receiving commitments that you aren’t asking for or obtaining after the presentations have been made?
  • Do you take every opportunity to differentiate yourself as a professional? What does your follow up say about you? Does it say that you are about equal to your competitors? What could it say about your desire to be a part of their team? What could say about how much you care? What could it say about your ability to listen to your dream client’s needs?
  • What does your follow up suggest about what your dream client can expect from you should they choose you?

For more on increasing your sales effectiveness, subscribe to the RSS Feed for The Sales Blog and my Email Newsletter. Follow me on Twitter , connect to me on LinkedIn, or friend me on Facebook . If I can help you or your sales organization, check out my coaching and consulting firm, B2B Sales Coach & Consultancy , email me , or call me at (614) 212-4279.

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Written and edited by human brains and human hands.

Anthony Iannarino is an American writer. He has published daily at for more than 14 years, amassing over 5,300 articles and making this platform a destination for salespeople and sales leaders. Anthony is also the author of four best-selling books documenting modern sales methodologies and a fifth book for sales leaders seeking revenue growth. His latest book for an even wider audience is titled, The Negativity Fast: Proven Techniques to Increase Positivity, Reduce Fear, and Boost Success.

Anthony speaks to sales organizations worldwide, delivering cutting-edge sales strategies and tactics that work in this ever-evolving B2B landscape. He also provides workshops and seminars. You can reach Anthony at or email [email protected] .

Connect with Anthony on LinkedIn, X or Youtube. You can email Anthony at [email protected]


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32 Professional Thank You Email Templates for Any Occasion

32 Professional Thank You Email Templates for Any Occasion

  • Email Outreach
  • Sep 16, 2022
  • 15 min read

Vlad Orlov

Brand Partnerships at Respona

There are numerous situations in which you may need to send a “thank you” email – be it after some form of interaction with a client, a job interview, a welcome email, email marketing pitch or a pay raise.

It is a simple act of expressing gratitude – however, a lot of people struggle with picking the right words for their specific situation.

In this article, we will discuss:

  • The different ways to say “thank you” in an email
  • The structure of a professional “thank you” email and when to send it
  • Templates for 32 different use cases

But first, let’s answer a very simple question: what is a “thank you” email and why should you send them?

What is a Thank You Email?

Different ways to say thank you, when to send a thank you email, how to write a professional thank you email, thank you email templates, now over to you.

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A thank you email is exactly what it sounds like: a letter expressing gratitude as part of customer appreciation, to a colleague, partner, or your higher-ups for a certain action.

Such an action could be booking a demo with you, a job interview, a successful sale, or literally any other email campaign.

The goal of a “thank you” email is to establish and make a positive impression on your recipient.

Whatever your goal is, you will most likely benefit from showing a little bit of appreciation.

For example, thanking a prospective employer for your job interview might tip the scales in your favor a little bit.

Or, thanking a client for registering on your website might nudge them just that extra little bit towards making a purchase from you and generate a little bit of brand loyalty along the way.

Why is Sending a Thank You Email Important?

Sending a thank you email should be part of your outreach process  is important because it helps build relationships and extends collaborations further.

By sending a thank you email, you are showing the recipient that you appreciate their time and are interested in continuing to work together.

This can help improve the desired outcome of any previous meeting or conversation by fostering a stronger relationship between the two parties.

In addition, thank you emails can help to solidify business deals or agreements, as they show that both parties are committed to maintaining your collaborations.

There are countless different ways to say thank you.

However, depending on your recipient, some forms of this phrase may be more appropriate than others.

First, let’s take a look at the neutral ways to say “thank you”.

You may use these in an email to a colleague that you’re not super close with, or a link building partner, for example.

  • Many thanks
  • Thank you very much
  • I appreciate your help
  • Thank you for your help
  • Thank you for your time
  • Thank you for your assistance

In a more formal environment, a simple “thank you” might seem a little out of place.

Luckily, there are many ways to make a “thank you” sound a whole lot more professional.

These variations of a “thank you” will come in handy, for example, when communicating with a business partner, thanking a client, or discussing a new job offer.

  • I appreciate your assistance
  • Thank you for referring me to [name]
  • My deepest gratitude
  • Many thanks for offering me this opportunity
  • I sincerely appreciate it
  • Please accept my thanks
  • Thank you for providing me with this career advice
  • I am very grateful for your consideration
  • Thank you for considering my request
  • Thank you for the opportunity to meet with you
  • Thank you for putting me in touch with [name]
  • I appreciate your willingness to help
  • I would like to thank you for [action]
  • Thank you for speaking with me
  • Thank you for taking the time to [action]
  • I appreciate the information

There are a million other ways to say thank you in a formal way – however, the best way to make a thank you sound professional is to mention the exact action that you are grateful for.

The best time to send a thank you email is immediately after a certain interaction with your client, coworker, business partner, etc.

Notice how whenever you order something from Amazon, you get an email confirming your order and thanking you for your recent purchase?

amazon thank you email

There are countless other situations when sending a thank you email would be appropriate, or even downright necessary, such as:

  • After a job interview
  • Asking for a second interview
  • After a networking event
  • After a business lunch or dinner

After a meeting

  • After a presentation
  • After completing a project
  • After a sales call
  • After a favor
  • After a purchase
  • After onboarding a user to your platform

onboarding thank you email

We will be looking at templates for each of these situations, as well as dozens of others further down in the article.

Thank you emails are not exactly rocket science.

They share almost everything in common with any other kind of formal email  and consist of a subject line, greeting, the body of the email, sign-off, and, of course, your signature.

Email Subject Line

You don’t need to reinvent the wheel with the subject line.

As you will notice in the templates section, all of them include some form of “thank you” in them.

It’s a thank you email, after all.

The greeting will depend on who you’re emailing.

If it’s a friend or a colleague, it can be as simple as “hello”, or “hi”.

In a more formal email, such as one to your boss or a client, you may want to choose something more reserved, such as “Good afternoon”, or “Dear [Name]”.

The body is where the actual thanking happens (even though you probably already have a “thank you” in your subject line and sign-off).

The most important part of your email’s body is personalization.

Tell the person exactly what you are thankful for and tailor it to your exact situation.

For example, if you’re a job seeker thanking a hiring manager for attending a meeting with you, mention something that you have discussed – for instance, one of the interview questions or the project that you’re in the multiple interview process for to potentially sway the hiring decision in your favor.

Another tip for writing great “thank you” letters is to not overdo it. Be sincere, don’t lie, and don’t try to put the other person on a golden pedestal.

Finally, another tip to make for a great thank you email is to include other key phrases that express gratitude, such as:

By using other key phrases other than “thank you”, you will be able to give your email a more personal touch, in addition to being descriptive about what you’re thankful for.

A very typical sign-off for a thank you email is to simply say “Thanks,” again.

Again, no need to reinvent the wheel.

Your email signature should include a few things:

  • Your picture or company logo
  • Your physical address
  • Social handles
  • A phone number, other email addresses or any additional contact information on how to reach you

A good email signature makes you look more professional and provides your recipients with additional means of contacting you.

If you don’t already have one, you should set up an email signature before sending that email.

Subject: Thank you for the meeting

Dear [Name],

Thank you so much for taking the time to meet with me today. I really appreciate it. I am excited to move forward with our project and I feel confident that we will be able to achieve great things together.

Thank you again for your time and your expertise. I look forward to working with you.


When a job interview is set up

Subject: Thank you for setting up my interview

Hello [Interviewer name],

Thank you for taking the time to set up my interview. I appreciate the opportunity to speak with you about the [position] position. I am looking forward to meeting with you and learning more about the job.

Attaching my cover letter to this email.

Thank you again,

[Your name]

Post Interview Email Example

Subject: Thank you for your time!

Hello [Employer],

Thank you so much for taking the time to meet with me today. I really appreciate the opportunity to learn more about the [position] role and your company culture.

I am confident that I have the skills and experience required for the job and I am very excited about the possibility of joining your team.

Thank you again for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely, [Your name]

After you got the job

Subject: Thank You!

Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to work at [Company Name] as the [Job Title]. I am very excited to start working with you and the rest of the team. I am confident that I will be able to contribute to the success of the company and help it grow.

Thank you again for this opportunity. I look forward to working with you and getting started on this new adventure.

[Your Name]

After a job rejection

Subject: Thank You for Your Consideration

Dear [Employer],

Thank you for taking the time to consider me for the [position] position at your company. I appreciate the opportunity to have interviewed with you and your team, and I am grateful for the feedback you were able to provide.

I will continue to look for opportunities that match my skills and interests, and I hope to have the chance to meet with you again in the future. Thank you again for your time and consideration.

Thank you for your application

Subject: Thank you for your interest!

Hello [name],

Thank you for applying to [company name]! We appreciate your interest and time in applying with us.

We will be in touch with you if your qualifications meet our needs.

Thank you again, and we look forward to hearing from you.

For a job referral

Subject: Thank you for the referral!

Hello [Referrer],

Thank you so much for referring me to the [position] position at [company]! I am truly grateful for your help in getting my foot in the door. I will keep you updated on how the process goes and, fingers crossed, I will be starting my new job soon!

Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

After a job promotion

Subject: Thank you for the promotion

Hello [Name],

Thank you for the promotion. I am excited to take on the new responsibilities and challenges that come with this new role. I am grateful for the opportunity to contribute to the company in this new capacity.

Last day of work

Subject: Thank you!

Hello everyone,

I just wanted to say a quick thank you to everyone for making my last day at work so special. It meant a lot to me to have you all there to send me off. I’m really going to miss working with all of you, but I’m excited for the next chapter in my life.

Again, thank you so much and I hope to keep in touch.

Last day of internship

Subject: Thank You From an Intern

I wanted to say a big thank you to each and every one of you for making my internship here so memorable. I have learned so much from all of you, and I am truly grateful for your guidance and support. I will never forget the lessons I have learned here, and I look forward to applying them in my future career.

Thank you again from the bottom of my heart. I hope to keep in touch with all of you.

To boss for a personal favor

Subject: Thank you for the favor!

Dear [Boss],

Thank you so much for doing me the favor of letting me take the day off tomorrow. I really appreciate it! I’ll make sure to make it up to you.

Employee appreciation email

Subject: Thank You for Your Exceptional Performance

Dear [Employee Name],

Thank you for your exceptional performance during the past month/quarter/year. Your hard work and dedication are greatly appreciated. I am confident that your contributions will continue to be a valuable asset to our team.

Thank you again for your outstanding efforts.

To your team for their dedication

Subject: Thank you for your dedication!

Hello team,

I wanted to take a moment to say thank you for all your hard work and dedication. It is appreciated and does not go unnoticed. I am proud to be working with such a talented and driven group of people. Keep up the good work!

To a colleague for helping

Subject: Thank you for your help!

I wanted to take a moment to say thank you for your help with [project/task]. I really appreciate your expertise and assistance. Thank you for taking the time to help me out.

To a client for signing up

Subject: Thank you for signing up!

Hello [client name],

Thank you for signing up for our [program/service]. We are excited to have you on board and we are looking forward to working with you.

If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Client anniversary

Subject: Thank You for Your Continued Support!

Dear [client name],

Thank you for your continued support over the past [number] years! We appreciate your business and are looking forward to continuing to serve you in the future.

If there is anything we can do to improve your experience, please don’t hesitate to let us know.

Thank you again for being a loyal customer and we hope you have a happy anniversary!

For placing an order

Subject: Thank you for your order!

Thank you for placing your order with us! We appreciate your business and are excited to get your order shipped out to you.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Holiday thank you

Subject: Thank you for your business!

Dear [Client Name],

Thank you for your business in the past year. We truly appreciate it and are looking forward to continuing to work with you in the new year.

We wish you all the best in the coming year.

For becoming a member

Subject: Thank you for becoming a member!

Dear [Client name],

Thank you for becoming a member of our community! We are excited to have you as part of our growing group of like-minded individuals.

As a member, you will have access to exclusive content, discounts, and invitations to special events. We hope you take advantage of all that we have to offer and use this opportunity to connect with others who share your interests.

Thank you again for joining us. We look forward to getting to know you better!

For attending an event

Subject: Thank you for attending our event!

Thank you for attending our event! We appreciate your support and we hope you had a great time. We would love to hear your feedback, so please feel free to contact us.

Thank you again, and we hope to see you at our next event!

For sharing our content

Subject: Thank you for sharing my content!

I just wanted to drop a quick note to say thank you for sharing my content with your audience. I’m always grateful when people help me spread the word, and I really appreciate your support.

Thanks again,

For a referral

Thank you so much for referring [referred person] to us! We truly appreciate your confidence in our services and we’ll do our best to provide the referred person with the same high level of service that you’ve come to expect from us.

For support

Subject: Thank you for your support!

Hello [Client name],

Thank you so much for your support during this past year. We appreciate all that you have done for us and we are truly grateful. We are looking forward to continuing to work together and to provide you with the best possible service.

For feedback

Subject: Thank you for your feedback!

Hello [Client Name],

Thank you so much for taking the time to provide your feedback. We really appreciate it and will take your comments into consideration as we continue to strive to improve our services.

For visiting

Subject: Thank you for coming!

Thank you for coming to visit us! We enjoyed having you here and getting to show you around. We hope you had a good time and learned a little bit about what we do.

Thank you again for coming and we hope to see you soon.

For choosing us

Subject: Thank you for choosing us!

Thank you for choosing us as your [service] provider. We are committed to delivering the best possible service and we appreciate your business.

For booking/reservation

Subject: Thank you for booking with us!

Thank you for choosing to book with us! We are excited to have you as our guest and we look forward to providing you with an enjoyable experience.

Thank you again for your business. We appreciate your patronage.

[business name]

For making a payment

Subject: Thank you for your payment!

Thank you for your payment of [invoice amount] on [date of payment]. We appreciate your prompt payment and we look forward to continuing to work with you.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

For downloading content

Subject: Thank you for downloading our content!

Thank you for downloading our [type of content]! We appreciate your interest and hope you find it useful.

If you have any questions or feedback, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Thank you again, and best wishes,

For contacting

Subject: Thank You for Contacting Us

Thank you for reaching out to us. We appreciate your interest in our company and are happy to help answer any questions you may have. We will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible.

Thank you again for your interest, and we look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,

For registering for a giveaway

Subject: Thank You for Registering!

Thank you for registering for our giveaway! We appreciate your interest and are excited to see who the lucky winner will be.

Good luck, and thanks again for registering.

For raising concerns

Subject: Thank you for your concern

Thank you for bringing your concerns to our attention. We take feedback from our clients very seriously and appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts with us.

We will do our best to address your concerns as soon as possible and will keep you updated on our progress. Thank you again for your feedback.

So, to sum it up, in a good thank you email, you should:

  • Be honestly thankful but not overdo it
  • Directly mention the action that you’re thankful for
  • Be professional and respectful

Feel free to use one the templates we’ve provided or make any tweaks to make them fit your personal style.

If you’re in need to send a lot of emails and it seems like a lot of work to do it manually, don’t worry.

Respona was designed for mass outreach – feel free to start your 14-day free trial  right now.

How long should a thank you email be?

A thank you email doesn’t need to be an essay praising the recipient – a few lines directly thanking them for a particular action is enough.

When should you send a thank you email?

It depends on the situation.

If your recipient is a client and you want to thank them for a purchase, you should have an automated thank you system set up that immediately messages them.

On the other hand, if you have just had a job or a phone interview, it’s best to wait a couple of hours to not seem too pushy.

What’s the best way to say thank you?

The best way is a handwritten thank you note. But, that only works in the workplace or some setting where you have physical contact with your recipient.

However, in the digital age, a personalized thank you email will do just as well.

Who should send a thank you email?

A client, your boss, your colleague, a friend, a human resource manager, or a job candidate – thank you emails are appropriate to send to pretty much anyone you have interacted with professionally.

Should you follow up on a thank you email?

There is no need to follow up on a “thank you” as the message itself is already a follow up email on your recipient’s action.

Vlad Orlov

Managing brand partnerships at Respona, Vlad Orlov is a passionate writer and link builder. Having started writing articles at the age of 13, their once past-time hobby developed into a central piece of their professional life.

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Steps In Writing A Thank You Letter After Sales Presentation

Table of Contents

After you’ve finished pitching your product, you’re left with one final stage to complete. That’s sending a thank-you letter. To get this done effectively, you’ll want to take note of a few things.

For example, how can you write a thank you letter effectively? What can you say in your thank you letter to make your customer remember your presentation?

You’ll want to ponder these questions as you craft your final thank you letter. Keep reading to find out steps to write a thank-you letter after sales presentation .

Why Should You Write a Thank-You Letter After Sales Presentation?

Writing a thank you letter after a sales presentation is a meaningful way to express gratitude. It shows that you value their business, and build customer relationships. It helps keep your customers engaged in the future and can also be a great source of referrals for more sales. 

Steps to Writing a Great Thank-You Letter

1. express gratitude.

Start your thank you letter by thanking the customer for meeting with you and learning about your products or services. Show them that their presence was appreciated and that it made a difference to have them there. 

2. Reinforce Your Message

An excellent follow-up letter should reinforce the message presented during the meeting by briefly summarizing the topics discussed. This will help remind the customer of what was said and why they should choose your business over others. 

3. Offer Additional Help

Show them that you are willing to do more for their business by offering to answer any additional questions or provide further assistance. Make sure to leave contact information such as a telephone number, address, or email. So it is easy for them to reach out when needed. 

4. Request a Follow-up Meeting

Ask if it would be possible to meet with them again after a certain period. This is to follow up on the discussion from your previous meeting. This allows you to stay in touch and build on the relationship further. 

5. End With Gratitude

Lastly, end your thank you letter by expressing gratitude for their time and consideration. This will leave them feeling appreciated and show that their business is essential to them. 

What Types of Things Can You Say in Your Thank-You Letter?

When thanking a client for their business, you want to show gratitude and appreciation.

In the letter’s first sentence, thank them for the opportunity to have their business. Thank them for their trust and work. Thank them for their confidence and enthusiasm. 

sales presentation thank you email

Examples of a Thank-You Letter After Sales Presentation

A thank you letter can seem hard, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are some examples of what your thank you letter could look like: 

Dear (Name), 

Thank you for agreeing to meet and learn more about our products and services. We appreciate the interest that you have expressed in our business, and we would love to build a long-lasting relationship with you. Please inform us if you have something else we can do to assist with your needs.

We look forward to speaking again soon. 


Your Name. 

We enjoyed learning more about your business during our meeting yesterday and would love to continue our conversation. If you have any inquiries, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We are available for follow-up meetings anytime and look forward to hearing from you. 

Thank you again for your time and consideration. 

It was a pleasure meeting with you and learning more about your needs. We believe our products and services can help you with your problems. And, we can’t wait to have you as one of our precious customers. If you need anything else, please reach out to us. 

We appreciate your time and consideration, 

We appreciate your interest in our products and services. We are confident that our solutions will help your business reach its goals, and we look forward to a long-lasting relationship with you. If there is anything else we can do to assist you, please don’t hesitate to call us. 

Thank you once again, and have an awesome day! 

Dear (Name),

We really enjoyed discussing our products and services with you yesterday. And we are confident that they will be a great asset to your business. We look forward to furthering our relationship and would be more than happy to answer any additional questions or provide further assistance. You can give us a call at any time for inquiries.

Thank you again for your time and consideration,

Thank you for allowing us to present our products and services to you yesterday. We look forward to having the opportunity to meet with you again soon in order to follow up on our discussion further. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if there is anything else we can do for you.

We appreciate your time and consideration,

What Follow-up Action Do You Take After a Presentation?

  • Use a catchy phrase in the start of your Email
  • Make sure to start off with a killer subject line.
  • Make your pitch compelling and personalized.
  • Keep your follow-up email relevant, but don’t feel overwhelmed.
  • Stay consistent and follow-up with every prospect.

Following these steps, you can create a great thank you letter after a sales presentation. This will help foster strong relationships with customers and keep them coming back.

Writing a simple thank-you note can make all the difference in growing your business and creating long-lasting customer loyalty. So take the time to show your clients how much they mean to you! 

Steps In Writing A Thank You Letter After Sales Presentation

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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Professional thank you email: what is it, and how to write a professional thank you email

25 examples of professional thank you emails, how to write a professional thank you email to your clients  , how to write a professional thank you email to partners , how to write a professional thank you email to boss, how to write a professional thank you email to colleagues, 1. how do you send an official thank you email.

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How To Write A Professional Thank You Email (25 different use cases)

How To Write A Professional Thank You Email (25 different use cases)

Last update: September 6, 2024

15 minute read time 15 minute read

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By Stefan Smulders

Did you know including a simple “thank you” email in your outbound strategies can jump response rates by almost 53.5% ? 

While sending a thank you email is an expression of gratitude, it’s also a conversation re-starter. Especially for sales and marketing teams, it’s an essential strategy to maintain positive relationships with clients.

A study shows thank you emails have one of the highest open rates at 42%!

Want to learn how to write a thank you email but not sure how to stand out? Refer to the following guide based on real-time use cases and copy-pastable email examples. 

But first, let’s understand what a thank you email is all about.

When you’ve received a client referral, met a potential client at a business event, or successfully delivered a client project, regardless of the magnitude of the occasion, a thank you email is a quick way to show appreciation.

Thank you emails should be part and parcel of your business communication. 

Imagine you’re at the receiving end of thank you emails. A teammate sends you an email thanking you for your significant role in a project’s completion. It instantly lights up your day. Not only that, you’re motivated to continue pursuing the partnership and giving it your best.

Some tips on what should go into your thank you emails:

  • Write a short and sweet thank you email highlighting specific details and the reason for sending the email.
  • Include a personalized subject line. For example, “ Stefan, it was wonderful meeting you! ”
  • Ensure you don’t send a cookie-cutter message. Add the intention behind thanking the recipient, for example, after an event, conversation, or project they were a part of.
  • Write crisp text, avoid sounding salesy, and double-check for typos and grammatical errors to show professionalism. 

But wait. We know sending professional thank you emails is not this simple. So we’ve collected 25 different use cases of sending thank you emails to improve your personal connections. 

Let’s get into it.

We’ve divided the examples into four different use cases so you can jump to your preferred section and get sending winning thank you emails:

  • Sending thank you emails to your clients
  • Sending thank you emails to your partners
  • Sending thank you emails to your boss
  • Sending thank you emails to your colleagues 

Let’s go over seven different client occasions to send thank you emails and make a difference:

1. After a business event: 

You’ve just attended a business event and networked with executives and potential clients in your industry. But thanks to us humans’ memory limitations, most clients forget the important conversations they had at an event. 

So what’s the best memory refresher? Sending a personalized thank you note as an email reminding your potential clients of the incredible discussions you had with them at the event. 

A well-structured, to-the-point thank you email also helps you continue the conversation further and get to know a prospect better. 

A thank you email to a client after a business event example:

Subject line: Derek, it was lovely meeting you! Hi Derek, It was a pleasure talking to you at the SaaS Insiders event. I loved your presentation about AI and could not stop raving about it to my colleagues.  Would you like to have this conversation over a quick Zoom meeting this Friday?  Thanks again for your talk. Looking forward to meeting with you again soon. Thanks, Jack

Bonus tip: Potential clients may not always check their emails or respond to them. So, as a rule of thumb, try reaching them over other channels, too. For example, use LinkedIn to send a personalized thank you note along with an email. 

Expandi lets you send such requests at scale by tying up emails and LinkedIn and automating the whole process. 

how to write a professional thank you email

Expandi’s Smart Sequences allows you to set up workflows based on several scenarios and outcomes. For example , if the prospect fails to respond to your first ‘thank you’ email, you can set up an automated LinkedIn message and an email to be sent after 1-2 days as a follow-up.

2. After a purchase or a transaction: 

If your client has recently purchased with your business or engaged in a transaction, send them a short thank you email as a token of appreciation. After all, they deserve one for placing their trust in your services.

Moreover, a post-purchase thank you email sets the tone for communicating transaction details, providing necessary next steps, or even offering up-selling opportunities.

Here’s an example:

Subject line: Thanks for the purchase, we’re glad to have you onboard! Hi Mary, We’re excited to have you as a part of our agency! We cannot wait to bring you incredible results and watch your business grow.  For the next steps, please sign our contract here . Please feel free to reach us if you have any questions. You can access our free resources to learn more about our processes and services.  Thanks again for trusting us! [signature]

3. On special occasions: 

Track your clients’ birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, or major milestones to send them a sweet note congratulating and thanking them for their valuable relationship. 

Your clients will love the gesture and continue supporting your efforts. 

Subject line: Warm birthday wishes! Hey John, Happy birthday! Hope your upcoming year is filled with joy and many new and existing opportunities. Want to take a moment and thank you for your sincere support and friendship over the last year. Hope we continuously collaborate and work on many more projects together.  Thank you once again for your incredible support! [signature]

4. Referrals or recommendations:

If a client has made an effort and referred you to a job or a person, a short and simple thank you note is a polite way to appreciate them. Sending a thank you email persuades them to continue referring your services to others in their network.

Subject line: Thanks for the referral, Jack! Hi Jack, Thanks for referring me to John at Company X. Just got off a sales call with them, and they had great things to say about you. I was super proud of the fact that I worked with you!  I sincerely appreciate your support and for taking the time to recommend me to your network. I’ll keep you posted on the call’s progress. Thank you, [signature]

5. Feedback or testimonials:

If clients have gone out of their way to provide feedback or a testimonial, ensure you express gratitude with a personalized email thanking them. 

This small yet significant gesture instills mutual trust, urges them to continue working with you, and makes way for more valuable feedback.

Subject line: Thank you for the testimonial Hi Carol, Cannot thank you enough for taking the time to drop in a testimonial.  Heartfully appreciate your prolonged support and hope to continue this partnership for years to come! Thanks again for trusting our services! [signature]

6. Client appreciation events: 

Did you just host a successful client appreciation event? Then consider sending the participants a thank you email for their active participation. 

Sending a thank you email post-event continues the conversion beyond an event, thus developing a healthy bond between businesses and clients. 

Subject line: Thanks for attending last night’s session! Hi Joe, Thank you for actively being a part of our community and attending the networking event yesterday! Meeting you in person and knowing you’re a football fan was a pleasure. Hoping to stay connected and continuing our prolonged collaboration.  Cheers! [siganture]

7. Successful project completion: 

If you’ve successfully brought a project to completion and delivered it to a client, you should consider sending a thank you email to them. 

Picture this: The client is already ecstatic about the project’s successful completion, and sending a thank you email may be just what they need to continue their collaboration for future projects.

Subject line: Thanks for your support in bringing Project X to completion! Hello Jane, Glad to inform the completion of Project X within the expected timeline! As always, you’ve been of great help. Your expert insights and ideas are something we’ll always look up to. We hope to continue working with you for many other future projects and bringing you incredible results! Thanks again! [signature]

Want to thank your partner(s) but have no idea how? Let’s discuss six different occasions to thank your partners for their valuable friendship and show gratitude:

1. Successful collaboration: 

If you and your partner have successfully handed off a client project or hit a shared goal, consider sending them a thank you email and making their day.

For example, highlight their personal contribution that helped the project kick-off, acknowledge the value they brought to the partnership, etc. Doing so lays the ground for hitting many more business goals. 

Subject line: We did it, Steve! Thanks for the partnership. Hey Steve, Project X is now done and dusted and all set to be kicked off. You had a major role in this, and cannot thank you enough! Your ideas and sales outreach expertise brought so much to the table that our clients loved every bit of our approach. Cannot wait to work on more projects with you and hit many more sales goals.  Thanks again, and see you soon! [signature]

2. Partnership anniversary: 

Long-term partnerships are priceless. Sending a thank you email for your partnership anniversary sets the stage for mutual respect, friendship, and trust.

In the thank you email, thank them for their continued efforts, trust, and collaboration throughout the years. Make it more interesting by reflecting on some major milestones you’ve achieved together, letting them take a walk back memory lane.

Subject line: Here’s to our incredible journey – celebrating our partnership anniversary! Hello Team X, Today marks five years since our partnership started! My team and I take this opportunity to express our heartfelt gratitude for your trust and friendship all through these years, We’ve had some major ups and downs along the way. But that didn’t stop us from achieving our goals together.  Thank you for your invaluable contribution. Without your team and leadership’s feedback and expertise, we wouldn’t have made it this far. Here’s to many more years together as partners and friends! Cheers! [signature]

3. Referrals or introductions: 

If you had a partner who referred clients or other partners to your business, don’t forget to drop them a sincere thank-you email.  

Keep them posted on the outcomes so they are proud of their decision and continue referring you to others in their network. 

Subject line: Thanks for the awesome referral! Hi Dylan, Reaching out to thank you for connecting me with Mike from Operations. I really appreciate you going out of your way and introducing me to your network. Happy to inform you that I’ve been in touch with Mike, and we’re hoping to get on a call soon. Will keep you posted on the happenings! Once again, appreciate your efforts. Let me know if I can refer you to someone too. Thanks, [signature]

4. Support during challenging times:

A helping hand during a challenging situation or period deserves utmost recognition. And if you had a partner support you during hard times, let them know what the gesture meant to you with a thank you email.

A thank you email in this situation further strengthens the bond with your partners. You can also add a thank-you gift in return for their assistance. 

Subject line: Forever grateful for your support during the pandemic Hi Mike and Team, We hope this email finds you well. We at Company X want to thank you for your unwavering support during the recent pandemic.  We will forever be grateful for the incredible, non-stop commitment and support during this challenging time. Thank you for sharing your resources with us. It helped us deliver projects on time with no client complaints. Please accept our vouchers as a token of appreciation. Thanks again for standing by us. Hoping to continue this healthy partnership for years to come. Warm regards, [signature]

5. Special occasions:

Is your partner’s birthday or a long-due vacation coming up? Did your partner company reach a major milestone? Whatever the reason may be, ensure you whip up a personalized thank you email to wish them well.

Subject line: Enjoy your well-deserved vacation, Stefan! Hi Stefan, I know a vacation is long due for you. Hope you enjoy every minute of it and make beautiful memories. Thanks for everything you did in the last quarter. We constantly hit our sales and marketing goals thanks to your awesome commitment.  Looking forward to working on many more such targets once you’re back. Until then, have fun! Thanks, [signature]

6. Partnership renewal or extension 

Expressing gratitude with a thank you email is essential when you’ve extended a partnership or contract. 

It sets the tone for future communications and shared goals. Let them know you’re excited about reaching new feats and continuing the friendship. 

Subject line: Celebrating our extended partnership Hi Mike and Team at Agency X, My team and I are super excited to continue our partnership and friendship with you all.  Thank you for instilling trust in us. We wouldn’t do it without your support and commitment.  Cannot wait to see what’s to come in the following years! Here’s to the best partners and friends Wishing us all more success and growth. Thank you and best regards, [signature]

There are many ways to thank your boss besides a promotion. We have six ways for you to express gratitude to an awesome boss:

1. Recognition or praise: 

Did your manager or a lead leave glowing performance feedback or recognize your work? You know how these points play a key role in getting a raise. 

So it only makes sense to thank them for their encouragement and immense trust in your skills.

Subject line: Thanks for the awesome feedback, Jack Dear Jack, I just reviewed your feedback and cannot thank you enough for those encouraging words. You’ve always been a huge motivator for me to perform my best at work. And no doubt, your encouragement and guidance have made a massive difference to my skills and professional growth.  Thanks again for your never-ending support! Best regards, [signature]

2. Promotion or raise: 

A promotion or a raise is a testament to your incredible skills that your boss trusts. Ensure you commend them for their faith in your contribution with a short thank you email.

Write about how you see this as an opportunity to grow as an individual and a professional. State your undying commitment to perform better and contribute to the team’s success. 

Subject line: Thanks for the promotion, Mike! Hi Mike, Writing this email to thank you for promoting me to Marketing Lead. I’m aware your feedback played a big role in my promotion. Thanks for trusting my skills and being my guiding force for the last couple of years.  I assure you I will continue doing great work in my new position and make you proud! Please let me know if there are any specific areas I must focus on in my new position. I’m excited to work with you in the new role and learn more. Thanks again! Warm regards, [signature]

3. Mentorship: 

If you’ve received helpful guidance or mentorship from your boss, a thank you email is the best way to recognize their efforts and time spent. 

Make the email more specific by adding instances where their advice has helped you the most.

Subject line: Grateful for your valuable advice, John Dear John, Thanks for your unwavering support ever since I’ve joined your team. I always look up to you for inspiration and advice. Our recent discussion on what career skills I should upskill to has been extremely helpful. Glad to inform you that I’ve already signed up for the Marketing course as suggested by you. I will keep you updated on my course completion. Grateful to have you as my boss! Thanks, [signature]

4. Opportunities for growth or learning:

Did your boss recently refer you to a training program, workshop, or conference? Such career-oriented events are a gold mine of opportunities. 

And sending a thank you email is an excellent way to express gratitude for choosing and investing in you.

Subject line: Thanks for choosing me to attend ConX, Jane! Dear Jane, I just finished attending the ConX held at Northeastern University.  And I must say, it was a great experience meeting top executives in our industry and interacting with them. And the credit goes to you for choosing me as the company’s representative. Thank you so much for the incredible opportunity and for trusting me to represent our company.  Please let me if we can discuss the conference over a call.  Thanks again for the opportunity, Jane. Hoping to talk soon. Warm wishes, [signature]

5. Support during challenging times: 

If your boss lent a helping hand during a challenging time, send a thoughtful thank-you email to make their day and acknowledge their kindness.

Include how their support has significantly impacted your personal or professional life and how you’re forever grateful for the support.  

Subject line: Thanks for your kindness, Jake. You’re the best boss!  Dear Jake, Writing this email to thank you for extending my medical leave. As you know, things have been rough, and now I’m glad to let you know I’ve fully recovered. Thanks for the empathy and kindness you’ve shown in understanding my situation. The extended leave has ensured I focus on my health and wellbeing.  I’m super glad to join work this Monday and work alongside the team.  Once again, thank you for accommodating my medical leave! Warm regards, [signature] 

6. Thank you email for leaving a job:

Leaving a job and want to appreciate your boss for the support? A thank you email can do the trick. 

Subject line: It’s been a fun ride – thanks to you, Jill Hello Jill, As you’re aware, today is my last day at the company.  Wanted to take a moment and pen this email to you for your extreme support and motivation throughout my tenure here.  You’ve provided me with some amazing opportunities over the years that helped me grow as a professional. I look forward to staying in touch with you and hope our paths cross soon. Thanks again! Best regards, [signature]

Appreciating each other in a workplace is essential to building a strong relationship and achieving goals together. We have six examples of how to write thank you email to colleagues and encourage them:

1. Help or support on a project: 

If you have a co-worker who’s helped you finish a challenging project or offered guidance in any way, make it a point to thank them in an email. 

Your co-workers will cherish your message and gladly help you with upcoming tasks. 

While writing an email, mention specific instances your colleagues worked on and the outcomes. Keep the tone friendly and positive. 

Subject line: Could not have done it without you, Alex! Hey Alex, Hope you’re having a great day! Writing this email to thank you because the client at Bank Z loved the presentation you helped me with. The entire team couldn’t take their eyes off the deck and its simplistic design.  I’m glad I reached out to you for help. I must say, your design skills are exceptional. Looking forward to working on more such projects with you soon. Feel free to let me know if you need any help! Thanks, [signature]

2. Collaboration and teamwork: 

A positive work atmosphere is a result of individuals engaging and collaborating effectively. 

So if you’re a boss or manager looking to appreciate each of your team members for their outstanding teamwork, consider sending them a sweet thank you email.

Subject line: Keep up the team spirit, Ben! Hi Ben, Writing this to thank you for making a tremendous contribution to our team. You’re a great sport and always take on challenging tasks with ease. I see the team loves learning from you and that you’re always open to help. Also, thanks for the recent project completion. You’ve shown exceptional team spirit. Hope you continue to help and collaborate with the team and grow together. Let’s talk soon! Thanks, [signature]

3. Going above and beyond:

If you have a colleague who’s gone out of their way to help you or the team in any way, consider sending them a thank you email to make their day.

Highlight their thoughtfulness in helping out and how their actions have made a huge impact.  

Subject line: Grateful for your help and dedication  Hi Mary, Hope this email finds you well. Wanted to take a minute and thank you for everything you’ve done last week for our team. Despite your busy schedule, appreciate your willingness to help my team fix the bug, leading to on-time product delivery. On behalf of my team, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind gesture. Please feel free to let me know if there’s any help you may need in the future. Best regards, [signature]

4. Support during a challenging time: 

Did a kind-hearted colleague help you combat a difficult time? Then they deserve a thank you email from you.

Subject line: Thanks for lending a helping hand, Jake! Hi Jake, Thank you for always being a wonderful colleague and an aide during my challenging time. I wouldn’t have made it this far if not for you and your quick financial support. Thanks for giving me hope and understanding the situation.  I’m forever grateful to you. If you need any kind of help at work, please do not hesitate to let me know.  Thanks again for your friendship! Best regards, [signature]

5. Training or mentorship: 

Sometimes colleagues are great mentors who help you make important decisions at work or in your personal life. And it’s only fair to thank them for being extra outgoing and influencing your career growth.

Subject line: Thanks to the best mentor! Hi Alex, Wanted to take a moment and thank you for your thoughtful mentorship over the last month. You were generous enough to invest your time and effort in coaching me when I was lost in finding my fit at work. Also, appreciate your patience and knowledge. Thank you once again for being an incredible mentor, human being, and friend. I hope to make it up to you someday, hopefully soon! Thanks, [signature]

6. Celebrating achievements or milestones: 

A colleague might’ve hit a personal goal, such as a work anniversary or a much-awaited promotion. Whatever the reason may be, it calls for a thank you email to celebrate their achievements together.

Subject line: Congrats on your fifth year with us. You’ve been amazing! Hi Mark, Congratulations on your work anniversary! Cannot believe it’s been five years since you joined us. Time surely flies when you’re having fun at work. You’ve been an integral part of the team; our clients adore your work. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication.  Wishing you many more amazing years at our company and massive success. Thanks, [signature]

We hope you found the perfect example to use for writing a professional thank you email. 

A thank you email can do wonders in fostering a healthy work relationship with your bosses, clients, colleagues, or partners. Use it well, and remember to personalize it to make a better impact.

But let’s face it. Most of your clients or partners are busy and often forget to respond to emails.

In such a case, Expandi’s Smart Sequences come to your rescue.

Build and automate emails and LinkedIn messages to receive more responses for your efforts!

Learn more on and sign up for the 7-day free trial today . 

Follow these steps to send an official thank you email:

  • Write in formal language and be precise.
  • Personalize the message and add specifics.
  • Write a precise and personalized subject line.
  • Mention why you’re thanking them clearly.
  • Check for typos or grammatical errors.

2. How do you say thank you professionally in an email?   

You can say:

  • Thank you for your valuable advice.
  • Thanks for being a great mentor.
  • Appreciate your efforts in bringing the project to completion.
  • Your guidance has helped me immensely – thank you.
  • Thank you for your time.

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Sales Follow Up Emails That Convert (+Templates)

Sales Follow Up Emails That Convert (+Templates)

Following up with your prospects after a product sales demo is a no-brainer, right? When remote work comes into play, having a well-designed sales follow-up email is imperative to really connect with your lead and help them through the sales funnel. However, there is a difference between sending a quick recap email versus sending a thorough sales follow-up email that reinforces the value of your solution and gives your prospects the necessary information to keep the positive momentum.

Good sales follow-up emails require a well-planned strategy. Remember, every prospect interaction during the sales process is an opportunity to push the sale ahead. Although, being empathetic to every lead’s situation is essential when building a relationship with them. When you write your sales follow-up email, you are not only reminding them of what’s next, but you are guiding them to take action.

This article is designed specifically to help you master the art of writing a sales product demo follow-up email so you can maximize the momentum generated in the demo and take another step towards a deal. You could make the argument that the follow-up process is even more vital for remote inside sales reps .

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Why are sales follow-up emails important

Following up with your prospect after a sales call or meeting is the glue that keeps the entire sale intact. Studies have shown that 80% of sales require at least five follow-ups after the first conversation to be successful, yet too many sales professionals give up after just one try.

Why do they give up? Usually, it’s because they view sales follow-up emails as another opportunity for the sales pitch rather than using it as a sales catalyst. The purpose of sales follow-up emails is to reinforce the positive steps that have already taken place and get the prospects ready for what’s next.

When you get to the product demo, the sale has matured to a point where the buyer should understand how your product solves their pain points. Therefore, your demo follow-up email should clearly restate that value while addressing the next steps that you discussed in the meeting.

Following up is not only an important step, but it’s also a sales imperative! You are essentially leading your prospect down a path to a prosperous partnership, and your sales follow-up emails are the instructions that will help them achieve their goals with you.

The best sales follow up emails for after a demo

Your demo call just ended and you probably feel like you just ran a marathon. Though you are mentally exhausted, it’s the best time to start preparing your sales follow-up email while everything is still fresh.

Review your meeting notes. Watch the demo recording and analyze the talking points. Discuss the details with your colleagues who were in the meeting. Before you craft your email, ask yourself a few questions, including:

  • Did your one-feature framework solve their pain points or did you discuss other features?
  • Did you agree on the next steps or schedule the next meeting?
  • Were there any outstanding objections that need to be addressed?
  • Are there more decision-makers who need to see the demo before moving forward?
  • Did they mention competitors they were also considering?

Answering these questions will determine how you craft your sales follow-up email. You want to reassure your prospects that you understood every concern voiced during the demo, and show them how you plan to help them move ahead.‍

5 Golden Rules for sales follow-up emails

5 golden rules for sales follow-up emails

At Demodesk, we’ve noticed that successful sales follow-up emails share a similar formula or set of rules that lead to more effective responses. These best practices include:

  • Send your sales follow-up email 12 working hours after the demo.
  • Be patient. Don’t try to close or pressure them to buy.
  • Before you send it, make sure your internal team is aligned and ready.
  • Triple-check that you didn’t miss ANYTHING from the demo conversation.
  • Use a sales demo platform to track the email and allow for scheduling the next steps. If you don’t have a standardized sales follow-up process for your team, you should create one using these guidelines so nothing slips through the cracks. You can also start to create your own follow-up best practices.

How to write different sales follow-up emails

As mentioned above, the content of your email is determined by the discussion points from the demo and the next steps. That said, there are a few email-writing practices that should be considered in every follow-up message.

  • Keep it as short as possible while including the main action items.
  • Always add value by answering questions, providing intelligence, and removing hurdles
  • Make it easy for them to take action such as confirming the next meeting or signing a proposal

OK, sounds quite straightforward, right? To make your life easier, we’ve included some different use cases with sales follow-up email templates that you can customize to make them your own.

hot tips for the best subject lines

Hot tips: sales follow-up email subject lines

Don’t underestimate the power of your subject lines. They can affect whether or not your email even gets opened. In the case of sales follow-up emails, it’s better to avoid being cute or clever and clearly state what the email is about. If it’s post-demo, they should be expecting your email, so make sure they recognize your sender name and the subject line topic immediately. In addition to keeping it on point and relevant, here are some proven subject line techniques to consider.

  • Length: According to email experts, you should write lines that are about 40 characters for mobile and up to 70 characters for Gmail desktop.
  • Tone: You’ve hopefully built a rapport by this point, so make it more personal and conversational. Example: I’ve thought a lot about what you said yesterday. See our next steps.
  • Style: Even though you are excited, don’t use emojis or ALL CAPS. In fact, 85% of survey respondents prefer an all-lowercase subject line to one in all caps.

Email template #1: reinforce your value and confirm the next steps

The best-case scenario is that your demo went well and your solution is a fit. While this is amazing news, the sale is not a sure thing.

Use the sales follow-up email as an opportunity to remind them how your product fits perfectly into their plans, thank them for their insightful contributions to the discussion and give them one task that relates to the next steps .

template for after a good demo experience

Subject line: Great demo meeting! Here’s what is coming next

‍ Hi [prospect name],

Thank you for your time yesterday and for sharing more insights on [X goal and the Y challenges you’re facing]. We understand the bigger picture and we’re happy that the demo gave you a better idea of how [product name] will help you reach your goals.

Here are the X ways we agreed [your product] meets your requirements:

  • Problem / Solution #1
  • Problem / Solution #2

Based on the next steps we discussed, we will [send proposal] by [date]. Please click this scheduling link [ Demodesk scheduling link ] to confirm the best meeting time, so we can walk you through [the proposal.]

Let me know if you have any questions.

Best,[Your name]

Email template #2: outstanding questions, objections, or competitors

In most cases, the prospects will ask questions or have objections that you can’t answer on the demo call. They might also mention competitors that they are looking at in addition to your company.

For these use cases, it’s best to include answers to these outstanding issues in the sales follow-up email. Sometimes you’ll want to include support materials, such as articles or case studies to help the prospect. If they mention competitors, be proactive and send along a competitive analysis to show the pros and cons of each solution (including yours).

template for after a demo where a prospect still has questions

Subject line: Insightful demo meeting! The new information we discussed is enclosed

Thank you for your time yesterday and for sharing more insights on [X goals and the Y challenges you’re facing]. We are excited about our partnership, especially after seeing how well you responded to the demo.

During our discussion, you brought up [X, Y, and Z]. We are glad you are thinking about every possible scenario. Our team got together yesterday to address your questions. Here’s an overview of what we discussed. (A full report is attached for your review.)

  • Question / Answer #1
  • Question / Answer #2
  • Question / Answer #3

I am eager to hear what you think of the report. Let’s schedule a call early next week to discuss the report. Simply click this scheduling link [ Demodesk scheduling link ] to choose a meeting time that works best for you.

Email template #3: when the demo doesn’t go great

The reality is that not all product demos go well. Sometimes you can feel your prospect getting confused or the demo has a few hiccups. It happens!

When something goes wrong, your sales follow-up email is the first step in getting the sale back on track. Don’t ignore the issues, but rather address them head-on. While it’s important to acknowledge the situation, don’t try to solve everything in the follow-up email. Set the stage and schedule a follow-up meeting as soon as possible.

template for after a demo where the prospect still has concerns.

Subject line: X action items from our demo meeting and a new idea to run by you

Thank you again for your time yesterday and for sharing your insights on [X goal and the Y challenges you’re facing].

During our discussion, you brought up [X and Y]. We did not have enough time in the demo to address those concerns, but you’ll be happy to know that our [product] solves those pain points. Specifically,

  • Concern / Solution #1
  • Concern / Solution #2

We are glad you are thinking about every possible scenario and would love the opportunity to spend 30 minutes with you showing you exactly how we can meet your needs. We are available next week. You can click this scheduling link [ Demodesk scheduling link ] to choose a meeting time that works best for you.

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Use sales follow-up emails to lead your prospects

You are in control of your prospect’s experience. Be the most helpful sales professional they’ve ever dealt with by being communicative at every step of the sales process, especially post-demo. Don’t relax after a successful product demo. Instead, keep the momentum going to reach your ultimate goal, which is to help your prospects reach theirs.

‍ Sales follow-up email: mistakes to avoid:

  • Following up too soon or waiting too long (generally, 12 working hours after the demo is the sweet spot).
  • Sending emails after work hours or on the weekend.
  • Talking too much about yourself. Avoid words like “I”, “me,” “my”, “we,” “us,” and “our” and focus on using “you” and “your.”
  • Giving your prospect too many tasks. Keep it to one action.
  • Not tracking your conversations or email metrics.
  • Making grammatical or spelling errors in your emails.

Your sales follow-up emails are only as good as the next steps that you discussed with your prospects in the previous meeting. Learn how to present the right next steps before your demo ends.

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Thank You Email: When, Why & How to Write a Professional One! 

Ever thought about the magic of the simple word “thank you”? 

In our daily rush, we often forget to pause and say these two words, but they can make someone’s day, especially in emails. 

A thank you email is more than just good manners; it’s like a secret handshake in the professional world that shows you’re thoughtful, appreciative, and someone worth remembering. 

Whether for a big sale, some great advice, or just because someone took the time to meet with you, sending a thank you email is your chance to shine and make a lasting connection. 

Let’s dive into the why, when, and how sending the perfect thank you email. We’ll also include templates and examples to guide you through the process, making it easier for you to express your gratitude effectively and leave a lasting impression.

  • What is a thank you email?  
  • How to write a professional thank you email? 
  • Why should you send a thank you email?  
  • Common thank you email elements  

Types of thank you email

  • Mistakes to avoid in a thank you email  
  • Best phrases to say in a thank you email  
  • Thank you email examples 
  • Thank you email templates  
  • When you should send a thank you email? 

What is a thank you email?   

A thank you email is a friendly and polite way to show someone you appreciate what they’ve done for you. 

It’s a message you send through email to say thanks. For example, if someone helps you with your work or gives you advice, you can send them a thank you email. 

This email can make people feel appreciated and more likely to help you again. 

How to write a professional thank you email ? 

Writing a professional thank you email involves careful consideration of both content and tone. 

Each part of your email should be crafted to convey gratitude while reinforcing professional relationships.   

Here’s a detailed breakdown of each step, highlighting how to write a professional thank you email- 

1. Crafting the subject line   

The email subject line is important; it’s the first thing the recipient sees and determines whether your email is opened on time. 

A well-crafted subject line should be clear, concise, and directly related to the purpose of your email.   

Phrases like “thank you for your insightful advice” or “grateful for your support” immediately communicate the email’s intent, ensuring the recipient knows the email contains expressions of gratitude. 

Check out: 60+ best email subject lines  

2. Personalized greeting   

The beginning of your email should always include a personalized greeting. 

Addressing the recipient by name demonstrates respect and personalizes the message, making it clear that the email is intended specifically for them. 

This personal touch sets a positive tone for the rest of the email.  

3. Expressing gratitude   

The main body of your email should start with a clear statement expressing gratitude. 

Use phrases like “I’m writing to express my gratitude” or “I wanted to say thank you for…” to convey your appreciation explicitly. 

It’s essential to be specific about what you are thanking the recipient for, whether it’s their time, advice, or assistance. 

Being specific makes your thank you more meaningful and shows the recipient how much you value them. 

4. Detailing the impact   

After expressing gratitude, detail the impact of their action or support. 

Explain how their advice, support, or contribution has positively affected your project, work, or professional growth. 

This personalizes your thank you email further and shows the recipient that their efforts have had a meaningful impact, reinforcing the value of their contribution. 

5. Professional tone   

Maintaining a professional tone throughout your email is essential. 

Even if your relationship with the recipient allows for a more casual tone, keeping the email professional is important, especially when saying thank you in a professional email. 

This helps to ensure that your message is taken seriously and reflects well on your professional demeanor. 

6. Future engagement   

Towards the end of your email, indicate your desire for future engagement. 

Phrases like “I look forward to future collaborations” or “I’m eager to continue our discussions” suggest that you value ongoing interaction and are open to further professional engagement opportunities. 

This not only reinforces the importance of the relationship but also sets the stage for future communications.   

7. Closing remarks   

Conclude your email with a final statement of thanks, reiterating your appreciation for the recipient’s contribution or support.   

This reinforces the message of gratitude and ensures that your email ends positively. 

8. Professional sign-off   

End your email with a professional sign-off, such as “Best regards” or “Warmly,” followed by your name and relevant contact details. 

If you are sending a thank you email, be sure to include a professional email signature. This provides the recipient with your contact information in a professional format, making it easier for them to respond or reach out to you in the future. 

9. Review before sending   

Finally, review your email for any grammar mistakes or typos. 

Ensuring your email is polished and error-free is essential to sending a professional thank you email. It reflects your professionalism and attention to detail. 

By meticulously following these steps you can write a professional thank you email that effectively conveys your gratitude, enhances your professional relationships, and underscores your professionalism.   

Why should you send a thank you email?   

Sending a thank you email is more than a simple act of courtesy; it’s a strategic element of client relationship management and business etiquette. 

Understanding why you should send a thank you email can significantly enhance your professional interactions and positively impact your brand’s image. 

Let’s explore why it’s so important to send thank you through email. 

1. To acknowledge and strengthen relationships   

Sending a business thank you email after a meeting or upon receiving valuable feedback acknowledges the time and effort of your clients, colleagues, or business partners.   

It’s a gesture of personal gratitude that can strengthen professional relationships, making the recipients feel valued and appreciated. 

2. To encourage future business and referrals   

Expressing sincere gratitude for a client’s business or a partner’s support acknowledges their current contribution and paves the way for future interactions. 

A thank you email for appreciation can encourage repeat business, foster continued support, or even lead to referrals, as recipients are reminded of your professionalism. 

3. Encouraging future opportunities   

A well-timed thank you email can ease the way for future opportunities. 

It keeps the lines of communication open for repeat customers, further professional advice, or collaborations. 

Expressing your sincere gratitude for any support or feedback received shows that you’re open to growth and value the insights provided by others.    

4. Maintaining goodwill   

Sending a thank you email effectively expresses your appreciation for someone’s support or business. 

This not only enhances goodwill but also maintains a sense of mutual respect. 

It’s an acknowledgment of the significant role others have played in your professional life, reinforcing your gratitude and keeping the relationship strong. 

5. Solidifying lasting impressions   

A thank you email leaves a lasting positive impression on its recipients. 

By using phrases like “greatly appreciated”, “sincere gratitude”, and “thank you so much for your email” in a genuine manner, you signal that you’re not just a professional but also someone who values and recognizes the contributions of others. 

This can make a notable difference in how you’re perceived in your professional circle. 

6. To showcase your brand’s commitment to customer service   

Sending a thank you email serves as an expression of gratitude and showcases your brand’s commitment to exceptional customer service. 

It reflects your brand’s ethos, demonstrating that you value or prioritize customer satisfaction and engagement. 

When you express gratitude for a customer’s choice to do business with you or for their valuable feedback, it reinforces the idea that your company is attentive to its customers and dedicated to fostering positive relationships. 

This level of care can significantly enhance customer loyalty and set your brand apart as a leader in customer service excellence. 

7. To cultivate a culture of gratitude within your organization   

Beyond external communications, sending thank you emails internally promotes a culture of gratitude and appreciation within your organization. 

Recognizing the efforts or contributions of team members through a thank you email for their support in a project contributes to a positive work environment. 

This internal practice of gratitude can translate into external success, as a motivated or appreciated team is more likely to deliver exceptional service to customers and partners, further enhancing the company’s name and reputation in the marketplace. 

Incorporating these practices into your communication strategy not only enhances individual relationships but also contributes to building a strong, positive brand image. 

Whether acknowledging a personal favor or simply sending a thank you email for support, each message weaves a thread of positivity and professionalism into the fabric of your business interactions.

Common thank you email elements   

Crafting a thank you email involves more than just expressing gratitude.   

It encompasses a blend of professionalism, personal touch, and strategic communication.   

Here are the common elements that should be included in every thank you email, designed to ensure your message is both impactful and appreciated:  

  • Your name 
  • Contact information 
  • A professional greeting, such as “Dear” and the recipient’s name 
  • Body text expressing gratitude, with details 
  • A professional concluding statement.

Sending a thank you email to clients, or partners is pivotal in nurturing and solidifying relationships. 

These emails can vary in format or content depending on the interaction context and the message you wish to convey. 

Here are several thank you emails commonly used in sales and marketing, to ensure effectiveness and professionalism. 

1. Post-purchase thank you email   

After a customer makes a purchase, sending a thank you email is a great way to express gratitude for their business. This email can include:  

  • A personal touch, thanking the customer by name.  
  • Appreciation for choosing your company.  
  • Contact details for customer support to ensure they feel confident in their purchase.  

2. Thank you email for loyal customers   

A loyal customer thank you email is appropriate for customers who have been with your brand for an extended period. This might feature:  

  • Sincere gratitude for their continued support.  
  • Exclusive offers or rewards as a token of appreciation.  
  • A subject line that acknowledges their loyalty directly.  

3. After the meeting, a thank you business email   

Following a business meeting with a potential or existing business partner, sending a thank you email helps to reinforce the positive impression made during the session. This email should: 

  • Summarize the key points discussed and the next steps.  
  • Express gratitude for the time and insights shared.  
  • Include a clear subject line related to the meeting’s content.  

4. Thank you email for referral   

If you receive a customer referral, sending a thank you email acknowledges the referrer’s support. This email can: 

  • Highlight your sincere appreciation for the referral.  
  • Update the referrer on the status of their referral.  
  • Strengthen the relationship for future opportunities.  

5. Feedback thank you email   

After receiving valuable feedback from customers or partners, a formal thank you email response is a courteous. This type of email should: 

  • Thank the sender for their input and express gratitude for helping you improve.  
  • Outline any actions you plan to take based on their suggestions.  
  • Please encourage them to continue sharing their insights.  

6. Event attendance thank you email    

Following an event, such as a product launch or a webinar, sending a thank you email to attendees is crucial. This email could:  

  • Expressthanks for attending and contributing to the event’s success.  
  • Provide additional resources or answers to questions raised during the event.  
  • Mention future opportunities to engage with your brand.  

Mistakes to avoid in a thank you email   

Sending a professional thank you email is not just a courtesy—it’s an extension of your brand and professional image.   

While expressing gratitude, avoiding common pitfalls is equally important to ensure your message strengthens rather than weakens your professional relationships.   

Here are some mistakes to avoid when crafting your thank you emails: 

1. Generic messages   

Avoiding generic messages means each thank you email should be personalized and relevant to the specific interaction.   

Personalization goes beyond just inserting the recipient’s name; it includes referencing particular aspects of your interaction, such as a client meeting, the career advice they offered, or the support they provided.   

This attention to detail demonstrates that you value the relationship and have taken the time to craft a meaningful message.  

2. Delayed response   

The timing of your thank you email can significantly impact its effectiveness.   

A prompt response, ideally within 24 hours of the interaction, shows that you are attentive and value the time the recipient has invested in you. 

To avoid delays and ensure timely gratitude, you can use email sequences , which automates your follow-up process, keeping your responses efficient and on schedule. 

Whether it’s following up after a client meeting or receiving valuable feedback, timely gratitude reinforces your professionalism and eagerness to maintain a positive connection.  

Make an Impact: Leave a Lasting Impression with Your Follow-Up!

Learn how Salesmate Email Sequences improve your productivity by 2x.

3. Overly long emails   

While expressing your gratitude is essential, conciseness is key in a professional setting. 

A simple thank you email can clearly and directly convey your message, making it more impactful for your busy professional recipients. 

To enhance this approach, consider integrating these emails into the initial phase of a comprehensive lead nurturing workflow.  

This strategy allows you to manage subsequent communications, continually nurturing your contacts over time and guiding them through your sales and marketing funnel, ensuring your appreciation plays a role in a larger engagement strategy. 

(Note: For Salesmate customers, these can both easily be set up using Salesmate’s  smart emails and automation tools .  

4. Misspelling the recipient’s name   

Nothing undermines the sincerity of your thanks like getting the recipient’s name wrong.   

Ensuring accuracy in spelling and contact details is a fundamental step that shows respect and attention to detail.   

This level of care in your thank you email reflects well on you as a professional and reinforces the recipient’s positive view of your interaction.  

5. Forgetting to check for grammar mistakes   

The professionalism of your thank you email can be easily compromised by grammar mistakes or typos.   

Utilizing grammar checking tools or having a colleague review your email can help maintain the quality of your communication.   

A well-written email reflects your professionalism and the value you place on the recipient’s perception.  

6. Neglecting to mention next steps   

A thank you email presents an excellent opportunity to suggest future collaboration or follow-up email options. 

This expresses gratitude and shows you are looking forward to continuing the relationship. 

Whether it’s a client meeting or simply staying in touch, the willingness to engage further demonstrates initiative and a forward-thinking mindset. 

7. Using an inappropriate sign-off   

The closing of your email should match the professional tone of the rest of your message.   

A professional closing with your professional email signature and contact details provides a polished end to your correspondence.   

This consistency in professionalism reinforces the sincerity of your thanks and leaves the recipient with a positive final impression.  

8. Overlooking the power of a subject line   

Your subject line is the first thing the recipient sees, so it should clearly and concisely convey the purpose of your email.   

A well-crafted subject line ensures your email gets the attention it deserves and sets the tone for the message.  

By steering clear of these mistakes, your thank you emails can effectively convey your gratitude, strengthen your professional relationships, and enhance your brand image.  

Best phrases to say in a thank you email   

The articulation of gratitude in a thank you email reflects professionalism and cements relationships with clients, partners, and colleagues. 

Using the correct phrases can significantly enhance the impact of your message. 

Here are some of the best phrases to include in a thank you email, carefully selected to ensure they resonate with the recipients while incorporating the relevant keywords and phrases. 

When crafting your thank you mail, integrating these phrases with a personal touch and specific details related to your interaction can make your message stand out.   

It’s not just about saying thank you; it’s about making the recipient feel valued and acknowledged for their specific contributions.   

Whether it’s a loyal customer, a business partner, or a team member, a well-crafted thank you email can strengthen your professional relationships and open doors to future opportunities.  

Thank you email examples  

1. salesmate  .

A Salesmate user, previously a Zoho partner, sends an thank you email expressing admiration for Salesmate’s platform and support team.  

Below sharing the screenshot that highlight their expertise in creating custom modules and express a desire to explore partnership opportunities with Salesmate.  

The above thank you email example shows a proactive approach by the user to leverage their skills for mutual growth and underscores their enthusiasm for forging a new partnership with the Salesmate team. 

2. HubSpot  

A HubSpot user expresses gratitude to the HubSpot team for their outstanding customer loyalty program, noting its essential role in their decision to keep using HubSpot for business.  

Below sharing the screenshot that the user thanks the team for their exceptional service and is eager to continue the rewarding partnership. 

The above thank you email example shows a HubSpot user’s appreciation for the platform’s commitment to customer success, illustrating the positive impact of personalized support and loyalty programs on user satisfaction and business growth. 

3. Keap CRM  

The Keap CRM team sends a thank you email to its users, expressing gratitude for their trust and collaboration.  

Below sharing the screenshot that highlights the value of user feedback and its role in driving improvements, the team reaffirms its commitment to supporting the users’ business growth or looks forward to continued success together. 

The above thank you email example reflects a strong partnership and anticipation for future success together. 

4. Mailchimp  

The Mailchimp team sends a thank you email to its users, highlighting the importance of expressing gratitude for customer feedback.  

They stress how a simple “thank you so much” email can enhance customer loyalty and engagement. 

The above screenshot also mentions the availability of customizable templates on Mailchimp, making it easier for users to send heartfelt acknowledgments, thereby strengthening their customer relationships and fostering business growth. 

Thank you email templates   

Creating effective thank you email templates can save time and ensure communication consistency. 

Below are templates designed for various scenarios:   

Template 1: Thank you email for collaboration   

Collaborations between colleagues, teams, departments, and even companies are critical to achieving shared goals. 

This thank you email sample for collaboration is designed to acknowledge or respect the efforts and contributions made during a professional collaboration. 

Template 2: Thank you email for customer feedback  

Customer feedback is essential for businesses to improve their products, services, and overall customer experience. 

This template is crafted to express gratitude for such feedback, showing customers their input is valued and taken seriously.  

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Learn about Salesmate's Drag & Drop Email Template Builder for enhanced productivity.

Template 3: Thank you email for participating in a survey   

Surveys are vital for gathering customer insights and improving services or products. 

This thank you email template is crafted to express appreciation to customers who took the time to participate in a survey, showing them their opinions are valued and contribute to meaningful changes.  

Template 4: Thank you email after a product demo   

Product demonstrations are crucial touchpoints for engaging potential customers and showcasing the value of your offerings. 

This follow-up thank you email template is perfect after a product demo to reinforce the key benefits and keep the lines of communication open.   

Template 5: Thank you email for attending a webinar   

Webinars are effective tools for educating your audience, generating leads, and engaging with customers or prospects on a deeper level. 

This thank you email template helps you express gratitude to attendees and provides an opportunity to re-engage them post-event.  

Template 6: Thank you email for a successful launch event   

Launch events are pivotal moments for companies, offering a chance to showcase new products or services. 

This template is for expressing gratitude to those who contributed to making the event successful, from team members to attendees.  

Template 7: Thank you email for customer loyalty   

Loyal customers are the cornerstone of any business, and expressing appreciation for their continued support is crucial. This template is designed to thank a customer for their loyalty, encouraging ongoing engagement.  

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Unlock the wide possibilities of automated follow-ups from Salesmate.

Template 8: Thank you for a meeting email   

A thank you for your business email meeting helps to acknowledge the recipient’s time and reiterate the value of the conversation, keeping the lines of communication open for future interactions. 

Template 9: Follow-up thank you email after meeting   

Follow-up thank you emails after meetings are crucial for reinforcing discussed points and expressing gratitude for the time shared. This template is ideal for maintaining momentum after a productive meeting.  

When you should send a thank you email ? 

The timing of sending a professional thank you email can significantly impact your relationships with clients, colleagues, and partners. 

Recognizing the right moments to express gratitude strengthens connections and underscores your professionalism and attentiveness. 

Here are key instances when sending a thank you email is appropriate and beneficial, aligned with sales and marketing objectives. 

1. After closing a deal   

Once a deal is finalized, sending a thank you email acknowledging the client’s decision to choose your company is crucial. 

This gesture reinforces a positive impression and lays the groundwork for long-term collaboration. 

2. Post-meeting follow-up   

Following a business meeting or sales pitch, sending a thank you email is a professional courtesy. 

It’s an opportunity to recap the discussion, emphasize key points, and express gratitude for their time and consideration. 

3. Customer feedback and support   

After receiving customer feedback or resolving a support ticket, send a thank you email acknowledging their contribution to improving your services or products. 

This shows you value their input and are committed to ensuring their satisfaction.  

4. Referral acknowledgment   

A thank you mail is necessary when a client or contact refers to new business. 

It shows your appreciation for the referral and encourages them to continue recommending your services. 

5. After a business meeting or sales pitch   

Following a business meeting or sales pitch, sending a thank you email to express sincere gratitude for the time and opportunity to present your ideas or products is essential. 

This email should recap the key points discussed, affirm any next steps, and express eagerness for future collaborations. 

It’s an opportunity to express gratitude and keep the lines of communication open. 

Wrap up   

In conclusion, sending a thank you email isn’t just about following up; it’s about creating a moment of genuine connection in our all-too-often automated world. 

It’s your golden ticket to being remembered for all the right reasons. 

From nailing the timing to getting the tone right, each thank you email you send is a little piece of your professional puzzle, helping to build stronger relationships one thank you at a time. 

So, the next time you’re wondering if you should send one, remember that gratitude can go a long way. 

With this guide in your back pocket, you’re all set to write a thank you email that gets noticed and truly appreciated. Let’s start spreading some thanks! 

Frequently asked questions  

Yes, you can and should write simple thank you emails whenever someone has helped you, provided valuable information, or gone out of their way for you. Writing a thank you email is a simple yet effective way to show appreciation and maintain professional relationships. 

How to send thank you email will begin with a polite greeting, mention the specific reason you’re thankful, express your gratitude clearly, and close with a formal sign-off. Example: “Dear [Name], I wanted to express my sincere thanks for [reason]. Your support has been invaluable. Regards, [Your Name]. 

What to say in a thank you email impacts the recipient’s perception of your gratitude significantly. It includes a clear statement of thanks, details the impact of the recipient’s action or gesture, and, if appropriate, mention your next steps or how you plan to use their advice, gift, or support. 

The subject line for a thank you email is crucial because it’s the first thing the recipient sees, influencing whether they open the email promptly. 

A clear and engaging subject for thank you email sets the tone, indicates the email’s purpose, or ensures the message is noticed and appreciated. 

It acts as a preview of the gratitude expressed within, making it an essential element of effective email communication. 

Yes, automating the process of sending thank you emails is possible and can be highly efficient, especially for businesses or individuals who need to send these emails frequently. 

Automation helps ensure timely and consistent communication with customers, partners, or any stakeholders. 

This can be done using email marketing tools or customer relationship management (CRM) software , which allows you to create personalized email templates and set up triggers based on specific actions, such as completing a purchase, attending a webinar, or signing up for a service. 

These tools often provide the ability to segment your audience, personalize messages with details from the recipient’s interaction with your organization, and schedule emails to be sent at the optimal time, enhancing the effectiveness of your gratitude expression. 

While not always mandatory, replying to a thank you email can be a courteous gesture that fosters positive relations and communication. A brief response expressing appreciation for the acknowledgment or an offer of further assistance can enhance professional rapport and keep the dialogue open and friendly. 

Riyanshi Chaplot

Riyanshi is an enthusiastic content creator and SEO strategist at Salesmate who curates information on marketing, sales, and customer experience. She loves to explore new places and meet new people when she is not working.

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sales presentation thank you email

  • The letter is sent to remind both the customer and the target customer of your unending desire to serve him/her. Do not repeat previous offers but present him or her new ideas, like additional facts about the product or a special discount. You may opt to send her two letters, one after the meeting and another few weeks later for follow-up purposes.
  • Thank the customer for his or her time and interest during the presentation of the product and service. If you plan to follow-up, you can ask the client whether he successfully received the materials and if he enjoyed reading it.
  • Highlight the qualities that are most attractive to the customer, or those that will best fit his necessities.
  • Show the customer the ease of placing an order. Explain the steps very well and encourage him/her.


[Letter Date]

[Subject: Normally bold, summarizes the intention of the letter] -Optional-

Dear [Recipients Name],

I thank you for letting me showcase my insurance proposal. It was an enjoyable meeting. I would like to reinstate some of the main aims of the policy and also wish to answer all you queries. *If you apply for insurance now, one of you family member will get a 50% discount * The down payment is very less * You can customize the policy according to your wish Also, I would like you to take a look at the fantastic savings you can make on this policy. You can save up to $500 per year. I will call you by next week to answer all your queries. For any further details, please call 111-222-111.

Sincerely, [Senders Name] [Senders Title] -Optional-

[Enclosures: number] - Optional - cc: [Name of copy recipient] - Optional -

Follow up after a sales presentation. Sample letter.

Further things to consider when writing follow-up letters to business partners

Further things to consider when writing follow-up letters to business partners

Follow-Up Letters

Follow-up letters are letters you write after business contracts, job interviews or business meetings to show that you are still interested in the recipients and that you are willing to build a relationship. Follow-up letters provide a platform for continued communication and are an effective way of consolidating a real relationship between you and the recipients. A follow-up letter is important in the early stages of a business relationship as it gives you an opportunity to reintroduce yourself and reconnect with the recipient. It also gives you a chance to address a concern that was raised at the previous meeting or give additional information to the recipient. Well written follow-up letters can make a great difference in your success. These are letters sent during the early stage of the relationship, and therefore the writing style should be fairly formal. Make sure to write the letter as soon as possible after the meeting to keep things fresh. Explain your point clearly and avoid making unnecessary assumptions. Try as much as possible not to convey any negative sentiments. Where necessary, remind the recipient of any deadlines as well as date and time for the next meeting. Close the letter positively.

Letters to Business Partners

Letters to business partners are letters you write to people with whom you have some degree of involvement with their business dealings. A business partnership is a legal relationship formed when two or more people agree to run a business together are co-owners. When you make such a partnership, you need to write a letter to your business partners to convey your message clearly and strongly, and to keep a legal record of the partnership. The letter should be formal and must contain the partnership offer, names of all the business partners, and the terms and conditions of the partnership. Letters to business partners should be written with a professional tone. They should conform to all the accepted business letters standards. State the purpose of the letter. Give all the necessary details regarding the partnership as outlined in the contract. Include the name and title of the recipient. Employ the appropriate formal salutations and closings. State the date clearly and mention any document that is enclosed with the letter. Close the letter on a positive note and sign it off with your name and title. Letters to business partners should be printed on the company's letterhead.

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sales presentation thank you email

How to Write Sales Follow-Up Emails that Close Every Time (With 10 Templates You Can Steal)

sales presentation thank you email

In order to close sales, you need to be serious about following up with your prospects.

Unfortunately, many sales reps struggle to send effective follow-up emails that grab their recipients’ attention without spamming their inbox .

There are a number of key components that go into sending an effective sales follow-up email and consistently generating interest and closing more deals.

This article will show you how to write a sales follow-up email that gets a response and isn’t annoying.

8 Key Tips for Sending Effective Sales Follow-up Emails

  • Start with a killer email subject line that grabs their attention
  • Make your pitch compelling and personalized
  • Time your follow-up email to stay relevant but not feel overwhelming
  • Create a consistent cadence and keep following up with every prospect
  • Focus on the value that you can create for them
  • Inject personalization or points of interest that the prospect mentioned previously
  • Look for opportunities to follow-up naturally after an event or trigger ‍
  • Keep following up !

Writing Better Follow-Up Emails Can Skyrocket Your Sales

80% of all sales require five follow-ups to close?

Did you know that 80% of all sales require five follow-ups to close ?

Unfortunately for the overwhelming majority of sales reps who fail to follow up five times (92% to be exact), there’s a small yet persistent group of reps landing most of the deals.

Even worse, 44% of all reps gives up after one measly follow-up attempt!

Here’s the exact breakdown according to research by Marketing Donut :

  • 44% of sales reps stop following up after one rejection or ignored email
  • 22% of reps stop after two attempts
  • 14% of reps stop after three attempts
  • 12% of reps stop after four attempts

The math works out to suggest that 8% of salespeople are scoring 80% of the deals!

Even if following-up isn’t your favorite part of the job, it’s absolutely crucial to your success. If you give up before that crucial fifth follow-up, you’re shutting down the bulk of your sales potential.

The key is to strike a balance between sending attention-grabbing follow-up emails and driving your prospect crazy with incessant messages.

How to NOT be Annoying When Sending a Sales Follow-up Email

How to NOT be Annoying When Following Up

Want to get someone’s attention without scaring them away? Here are a few tips to keep in mind.

  • Make it easy for them to respond: Make sure your subject line and call to action are as specific as possible. The more emails your prospect receives every day, the less likely they are to read each one. If you send them a wall of text with no clear direction, they aren’t likely to reply. If you want them to take a certain action – tell them!
  • Don’t flag your email as high priority: No matter what you’re selling, your follow-up message is probably not a matter of life and death. Rather than ensuring it gets read, marking a sales email as urgent comes off as arrogant and could get your message deleted. If you really want to stand out in your contact’s inbox, take the time to write a relevant, punchy, personalized subject line.
  • Be respectful of their time:  Give prospect’s a reasonable window of time before sending a follow-up message. Even if you have to follow-up five times (as is required by most sales!), you can avoid spamming your prospect by spacing them out appropriately. Sending a follow-up email too soon tells the recipient you don’t respect their busy schedule.  

Timing is Everything: When to Send a Follow-Up Sales Email for Best Results

If you’re not concerned about getting the timing right, you’re following up wrong. Exactly when you send a hit (or schedule your emails to send it) is one of the most important aspects of an effective follow-up.

So, here’s the big question: how long should you wait before sending a follow-up email?

The bad news is that there’s no easy answer. The best times and days to send an email vary greatly depending on who you’re contacting.

The good news is that, in most cases, you can confidently follow-up every three to four days without making your prospect feel overwhelmed.

The even better news? Technology makes following up easier than ever. You can write, format, and schedule follow-up emails in advance using automatic email follow-up software like Propeller’s, so none of your opportunities slip through the cracks.

10 Sales Follow-Up Email Templates You Can Steal

Now, let’s dive into those email templates. We’ve provided ten follow-up email templates that you can use at different stages of the sales process, including when to send them and suggested subject lines.

10 Sales Follow-Up Email Templates You Can Steal

1. Following Up After Your First Meeting

Subject: Are you ready to discuss our next steps?

Hi [NAME] ,

I’d like to thank you for your time and find out how you’d like to proceed from here.

Are you ready to [SPECIFIC NEXT STEP] ?

Looking forward to hearing from you.


When to use it? After your first sales call or meeting with a potential customer. Use this email as an opportunity to build a positive relationship, stay top-of-mind, and build momentum to drive the sale forward.

2. Following Up After a Sales Demo

Subject 1: Great talking with you today!

Subject 2: One more thing before I forget

Hey [NAME] ,

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to meet with you today. Here’s a quick recap of the key points we covered:


Do you have any questions about what our solution can do for [PROSPECT’S COMPANY] ? When is a convenient time to chat about this over the phone?

When to use it? After a product demo when your presentation is still fresh in the prospect’s mind.

3. Following Up After a Sales Call or Meeting

Subject 1: I got your request approved!

Subject 2: Looks like we’re good to go

[NAME] , I’m writing to say thanks for giving me the chance to speak with you on [DAY] – and to deliver some good news.

I checked in with my [BOSS or WAREHOUSE] and they would be happy to arrange [SPECIAL REQUEST].

Please let me know how you would like to proceed.

When to use it?   After you’ve had a sales meeting with a potential customer who needs a few days to think it over or an extra incentive to commit. Whether they specifically requested a custom solution or you’re going out of your way to secure them a specific offer, this template allows you to re-open the conversation on a very positive note.

4. Following Up After Leaving a Voicemail

Subject 1: Is there a better time we can talk?

Subject 2: Tried to call you just now

I tried calling but assume you’re busy at the moment. I know how it goes.

When you have a moment, please call me back at [NUMBER] or reply here to let me know if there’s a better time for me to phone you.

Hope to talk soon.

When to use it?   As soon as you hang up the phone! Always pair a voicemail message with a quick email to reinforce the impact of your follow-up.

5. Following Up After a Trigger Event

Subject 1: Do you want more information?

Subject 2: Would you like to discuss next steps?

I trust that you’ve had a chance to read my previous message and check out our products online, so I thought it was a good time to check in with you again.

Have you had a chance to think over my proposal? I’m happy to chat on the phone to answer any questions you may have.

Are you free [SPECIFIC TIME] or [SPECIFIC TIME] for a quick conversation?

When to use it? If you’re using a CRM to track email opens and analytics, you can send this email shortly after a prospect has opened one of your previous messages or visited your website.

6. Following Up After a Networking Event

Subject 1: I’m glad we crossed paths today, [NAME]

Subject 3: You might want to see this

It was great connecting with you at [EVENT] on [DATE].

I was thinking about what you said about [PROSPECT PAIN POINT] and thought you might appreciate this case study on how we helped a similar company achieve [GOAL] in [TIMEFRAME] : [LINK to relevant case study or article] .

I would love to discuss how we can make this solution work for you. Are you free for a phone call on [DATE] at [TIME A] , [TIME B] , or [TIME C] ?

When to use it? Use this template to follow-up with prospects after meeting at a trade show or industry event. It serves the dual purpose of reminding the recipient of who you are and what your company offers, as well as finding out how serious they are about making a purchase in the near future.

7. Following Up When You Have the Wrong Contact

Subject 1: Can you help me?

Subject 2: I hope you can set me straight

Hi [NAME ],

I reached out to you a few days ago about [COMPANY OR PRODUCT] and it struck me afterwards that I may have missed the mark.

Are you the right person to talk to about this? If not, could you please tell me who I should contact?

Thanks for your help.

When to use it? If you realize the person you’re in contact with doesn’t have buying power or seems reluctant to commit to a purchase without checking in with a colleague.

8. Following Up After Radio Silence

Subject 1: A few things you should know about [COMPANY NAME]

Subject 2: This might be of interest to you, [FIRST NAME]

Hi again, [NAME] ,

I emailed you a while ago about [ COMPANY OR PRODUCT] and how I think we could be a great fit for [PROSPECT’S COMPANY] .

Did you know that our client’s report [ACHIEVEMENT] when they use our [PRODUCT OR SERVICE]? We also provide [BENEFIT A] and [BENEFIT B] to companies just like yours.

Would you like to hear about this solution in more detail? I’d be happy to fill you in!

When to use it? If you’ve sent a previous email or two and never heard back. Curate interesting pieces of content that you can send to potential clients when you need to recapture their attention.

9. Following Up After Multiple Follow Ups

Subject: Still hoping to connect

I’m sorry we haven’t been able to connect recently. The last time we spoke, you seemed quite interested in [PRODUCT OR SOLUTION].

I realize that you’re incredibly busy, so I’d be happy to schedule a call with you at any time that works for you – even if it falls outside of office hours.

I don’t mean to bother you, but would appreciate some indication of your decision either way.

When to use it? When you’ve already sent multiple follow-ups and still haven’t heard from the prospect. If you don’t get a response after following up on your original follow-ups, it might be time to send over a breakup email.

10. Following Up with A Breakup Email

Subject 1: Can I close your file?

Subject 2: Is this the end?

I’m in the process of clearing out my sales pipeline and I thought I should let you know that you’re on my delete list.

If you’re no longer interested, do I have permission to permanently close your file?

If you are still interested, what would you like to do as a next step?

When to use it? Only resort to this type of message when you’ve followed up already five or more times and still haven’t heard back.

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This Is The Most Effective Post-Interview Thank You Email

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“It was a pleasure speaking with you today. Thank you for the recommendation to read The Power of Less, maybe we can trade notes when you're done with Tribes! We will be in touch about next steps soon.”

That was part of a reply I received to a post-interview thank you email I wrote to a VP of sales. Four hours after receiving that reply, I got a call from the recruiter offering me a job.

A month after I was hired, I had a one-on-one with that VP and the first question she asked me was about the books we recommended to each other.

Leading up to the thank you email, we had spent 40 minutes on the phone together talking through introductions, behavioral questions, and case studies to see if I was a good fit for the role. While that conversation factored into the decision, my answers weren't what stood out in her mind.

It was the personal touch that stuck.

As a candidate, you want to be focused on two things during the job search:

  • Building relationships with people who can influence the hiring decision
  • Standing out from all of the other candidates vying for this job

The post interview thank you email is a highly effective (and incredibly easy) tactic that covers both bases. It's also overlooked by 76% of job seekers. Talk about low hanging fruit!

After interviewing at dozens of companies with over 100 people, I've had the chance to send (and test) plenty of thank you notes. This article will walk you through the template I've found to be the most effective and helped me land jobs at leading companies like Google, Microsoft, Twitter, and more.

In this post, we'll cover:

Why A Post-Interview Thank You Email Matters

  • How To Follow Up After An Interview — The Basics Of A Great Thank You Email (With Answered FAQ)
  • How To Write A Thank You Interview Email: A Step-By-Step Guide
  • Post-Interview Thank You Email Templates & Examples

2 Common Thank You Email Mistakes To Avoid

  • The Most Effective Email Template
  • How To Follow Up If You Haven't Heard Back From Your Interview

Before we get technical, it's important to understand why writing a thank you note is important in the first place.

Most people think their interview is over when they walk out of the building. Whether they absolutely crushed it or things didn't go according to plan, it's out of their hands now, right?

Not so fast.

Hiring managers at top companies pay very close attention to how and when their candidates follow up . Most are expecting some sort of thank you and failing to send one could actually cost you the job.

The data reveals that close to 80% of hiring managers feel that thank you emails are helpful when deciding between candidates. 22% of employers are   less likely to hire a candidate who does  not  send a thank you and 91% actually  like  being thanked  (imagine that!).

Accountemps Thank Note Survey Data Graphic

In addition to playing into your potential employer's expectations, thank you emails are an easy way to stand out from the competition. Despite all of the data above, only 24% of job seekers actually take the time to send a thank you note after their interview.

Part 1: How To Follow Up After An Interview — The Basics Of A Great Thank You Email (With Answered FAQ)

Before we dive into our post-interview thank you email templates and examples, we're going to walk through the fundamentals of sending a thank you note that will boost your chances of landing the job offer.

Should I Email, Call, Or Hit Them Up On Twitter?

If you run a Google search for “interview thank you notes,” you'll get all sorts of suggested mediums for sending – email, phone calls, Twitter, text messages, and even handwritten notes.

All of these can get the job done but we want to choose the method that's going to make things fast and easy for the interviewer on the other end.

Rather than sliding into their DMs, the data shows that interviewers prefer receiving thank you notes via email (with phone calls coming in at a close second):

Graphic of Survey Results on Preferred Thank You Note Medium

When you're in the room on interview day, it's much more natural to ask for someone's email than their phone number. On top of that email allows you to spend time crafting your response and you can track them using a tool like Yesware to help gauge interest.

For those reasons, I recommend sending all of your thank you notes via email.

“But what if I forgot to ask for their email and don't have it?”

No problem! There are plenty of tools out there that make it super easy to track down someone's email address. My favorite is .

All you need is the person's full name and the link to their company's website (so if they work at Spacex, it would be and Mailscoop will spit it out in just a few seconds:

After you've got your hands on their email, you can head over to Mail Tester , or another email testing website, and plug it in to verify that it exists on the company's email server. If it does, you're good to go!

If all else fails, you can always email your recruiter and ask them for the person's contact info. Sure, it's best to get it upfront but you're better off swallowing your pride to send your thank you email than sending nothing at all.

When Is The Best Time To Send A Follow Up Email After An Interview?

This is a question I get a lot.

When it comes to following up with hiring managers, posting articles on social media, or sending breaking news to a contact, timing is everything and there is a science behind it.

When it comes to thank you notes, the golden rule is simple:

Q – The Best Time To Send Your Thank You Note? A – As quickly as you can while still allowing yourself enough time to craft a quality email!

If you're a numbers person, shoot for 30 minutes – 2 hours after the interview, but don't pull your hair out if you can't get it out until later in the day. Life gets in the way and it's far more important to send it later than not send it at all.

What Subject Line Should You Use For Your Interview Thank You Note?

Sometimes coming up with a subject line can be the hardest part of writing an email! In this case, you don't need to go crazy — something short and to the point will do just fine. My recommendations are:

  • Thank you for your time today [Name]
  • Following up on our interview today
  • It was great speaking with you

Any of those will do the trick!

These are all short, sweet, and leave no room for confusion. If you're really struggling to come up with something, feel free to borrow one of them.

Should You Send A Handwritten Note?

Sending a handwritten note is a great way to make sure your thank you stands out, but it takes time. If you're able to get your email sent within the first 24 hours, you're better off doing that.

If you're set on sending a handwritten note, my number one piece of advice is to use good old fashion snail mail.

Sending a thank you via USPS is going to take a few days, but it will almost certainly be a lot harder to ignore.

How Long Should A Thank You Email Be?

Your interviewer is likely busy. So, try to keep your post interview thank you email short and sweet. 80-150 words in 2-3 concise paragraphs are all you need.

Can you write less? Maybe. But there’s a good chance that your short email will sound generic or lack some key ingredients.

Part 2: How To Write A Thank You Interview Email — A Step-By-Step Guide

Now that we’ve got the basics covered, it’s time we dig in to the anatomy of a thank you interview email! 

You’ll want to…

#1 Express Your Appreciation

Let the interviewer know exactly what you’re thankful for. Perhaps you’re thankful for their time or for meeting with you. But those things are pretty generic, right?

Instead, be specific about a part of the interview you actually enjoyed. For example, maybe your interviewer told you about one of the company’s new programs or projects. How has learning about that program or project made you more excited about potentially working at this company?

Here’s an example of how you would build your introduction: 

“Hi, James! Thank you for our conversation earlier today. I really enjoyed learning more about EcoWise’s plan to launch a new app for consumers to track their renewable solar energy credits, and I am eagerly excited to improve the app’s UX if selected for the role.”

Once you’re done with this introduction, be sure you…

#2 Personalize The Message

Your interviewer may get thank you emails from other candidates. And you don’t want your email to sound like all the others. So, you must personalize the message.

How do you do that? For one, you address the interviewer by name. But you should also mention specific details about things you and the interviewer talked about.

Picking up the example above, you could go with something like: 

“In my previous role at BrainBloom, I helped increase user retention by 30% by designing an interactive chatbot assessing users’ most searched topics within the app. I think we can work on something similar for EcoWise’s app.”

For example, you can briefly share an idea of how you would solve a company challenge that the interviewer mentioned during your conversation. If you haven’t already, it could also be a good time to share a Value Validation Project to really demonstrate your interest and ability to solve a specific problem.

#3 Wrap Up And Express Your Enthusiasm For Next Steps

Wrap up by expressing you’re looking forward to continuing your conversation the next steps.

In our example, this would look something like: 

“I look forward to discussing this further in the next steps! Best wishes,  Willie Sherman”

But don’t hit “send” just yet! First, you’ll want to make sure you…

#4 Proofread Everything!

Last, but certainly not least, is proofreading every single detail of your thank you email before you send it!

If you're writing your thank you note in something like Gmail, I definitely recommend installing a plugin like Grammarly  or Hemingway . They will catch any spelling errors  and make suggestions for better grammar to help improve your writing.

Once you have your final draft in front of you, read it out loud! Then send it to a friend to get a double confirmation. If everything looks good after that, you're all set to send!

Let’s recap on what a great thank you interview email looks like:

How To Write a Thank You Email After An Interview - Example

Part 3: Post-Interview Thank You Email Templates & Examples

Now that we've covered the basics of great thank you notes, we can dive into the science behind writing one that will stand out from the crowd and get you hired.

We'll start by calling out two common thank you email templates that you should avoid . These are email templates that everyone ends up using because they're easy and average. Our goal is to stand out — to zig while everyone else zags — which means we don't want boring, boilerplate templates.

Next, I'll walk you through the methodology behind my thank you email strategy. I'll show you how to craft an email that will set you apart from the competition and bump you up on the interviewer's short list. Then you can get a copy of my post-interview thank you email template along with several thank you email examples from real people in my community!

Now, let's dive into the science behind writing a thank you note that helps you build a relationship with your interviewer and stand out from other candidates.

We'll start by looking at the mistakes most candidates make when sending their post-interview thank you emails.

When it comes to thank you's, the most common formats tend to fall into two buckets:

Bad Email #1 (Don't Use This!) Dear Mr. Last Name: I enjoyed speaking with you today about the assistant account executive position at [Company].  The job seems to be an excellent match for my skills and interests. In addition to my enthusiasm, I will bring to the position strong writing skills, assertiveness, and the ability to encourage others to work cooperatively with the department. I appreciate the time you took to interview me. I am very interested in working for you and look forward to hearing from you regarding this position. Sincerely, Name

This email showcases zero personality and is so painfully formal that it can actually come off as unprofessional. You just spent an hour in a room trying to build a relationship with this person, you want your thank you note to be a reflection of your conversation!

Here's what the second most common email looks like:

Bad Email #2 (Don't Use This, Either!) Hi Name, Thank you for taking the time to meet with me today. I really enjoyed speaking with you about the position and am looking forward to next steps. Best, Your Name

While this is far better than Email #1, it leaves a lot on the table. Again, after chatting with someone for an hour, you should have a little bit more to say than “thanks, hope to hear from you soon!”

Remember, your thank you note is a huge opportunity for you to stand out, continue building a relationship with your interviewer, and cement that positive association in their mind.

We want to make sure we're doing everything we possibly can to capitalize on those three things.

Click Below To Get My “Copy & Paste” Post Interview Email Template Completely Free: Download A Free Copy Of My Proven Thank You Email Template

A Great Thank You Note Starts During The Interview

In order to maximize the value we deliver with our thank you note, we need to gather as much information as we possibly can during the interview.

These details come from the small talk you make before the interview starts, the conversations sparked by your answers or your resume, and the questions you ask your interviewer .

This is more of an art than a science and truly a case of practice makes perfect. Here are some pointers to get you started:

  • There is always a few minutes of small talk before the interview starts – use that to spark up a conversation. For example, if it's a Monday or Tuesday, ask how their weekend went. If it's Wednesday – Friday, ask if they have plans for the upcoming weekend.
  • If they begin talking, ask follow up questions. The longer you can get them to continue, the more information you get and the higher the odds of them creating a positive association with you in their brain .
  • At the end of the interview, have questions prepared ( here's a list of my favorites ). I always end an interview by asking them about their personal life outside of work.

The more personal information you get during the interview, the more ammo you have to include in your thank you note.

Remember the response I quoted in the opening paragraph of this post?

That VP had asked me about a book I read recently that made an impact on me. As soon as I answered, I asked her the same question. I hadn't read the book she mentioned, but I was very familiar with the author (Seth Godin).

I followed that up by asking her what she likes to read ( “are you a non-fiction only kind of person?” ) and how she finds the time to read with her crazy schedule.

Those two follow up questions sparked a conversation that lasted 15 minutes and helped me build a rapport.

In my thank you note, I mentioned that I ordered the book and appreciated the recommendation. A week later (after reading it), I followed up with her and mentioned my two favorite points the author made.

The mention in the thank you note helped me land the job and the follow up helped me start my new career with a fan in upper management.

If you want to ace your thank you note, you’ll need to bring in your a-game during the interview. This guide will help you effectively prepare for your next interview and walk out this amazing inputs for your thank you note!

The Most Effective Thank You Email Template

As mentioned above, I went on 50+ interviews and spoke to well over 100 people during the course of my job search. That meant a lot of thank you notes and, better yet, a lot of opportunities to test what format works best.

After all was said and done, the template below is the one my data showed to be most effective. I measured “effectiveness” by the percentage of people who replied as well my success rate for scoring a slot in the next round of interviews (or getting the offer).

What To Include

To start, we lead off with our “thank you.” It sounds obvious, but you'd be surprised at how many people fail to actually include the words “ thank you ” in their note, (seriously, I see this a surprising amount with the people I coach). Instead of actually saying it, they imply it  by saying stuff like “great chatting with you.”

People are busy, especially as you get further up the food chain. Their time is valuable and it goes a long way to acknowledge that. So don't just imply it, write out the words!

Next, we make a point to show them that we listened and understood.

Full attention is a rare thing in today's world and people like interviewers expect to get it from you. By recapping a point that you spoke about in your conversation, it shows that you were listening and engaged.

Bonus points if you add in an action you took based on the conversation, or share a relevant (and quality) piece of content!

Then, at the end of the email, we do the exact same thing by taking a personal angle in the PS. For best results, mention taking action against advice your interviewer gave you, illustrate your results, and finish with a follow up question.

This helps solidify your level of engagement in the interviewer's mind and keeps the door open to continue the conversation and build the relationship.

Now that you understand why each piece of the thank you email puzzle is important, let's check out a few examples of what an awesome post-interview thank you email looks like:

My Post-Interview Thank You Email Template & Examples

Click below to get a free copy of my proven Thank You email template, along with real-world examples of Thank You notes that worked. All you need to do is copy, paste, fill in the blanks, and hit send!

Click Below To Get My “Copy & Paste” Post Interview Email Template For Free: Download A Free Copy Of My Proven Thank You Email Template

How To Follow Up If You Haven't Heard Back After Your Interview

When it comes to getting the result you want (a job offer), persistence is key.

Sending a post-interview thank you email is always a must, but your work doesn't end there.

Hiring teams are  busy – they're interviewing other candidates, they're corralling colleagues for feedback, and (most importantly) they're still doing their jobs! Sometimes things fall through the cracks. While it's not ideal, we're all human and it happens.

If you want to boost your chances, you need to follow up.

Following Up When You Haven't Heard Back

The key to a great follow up is being politely persistent without being overbearing.

First, check back to see if the hiring team gave you a timeline. If the recruiter said, “we'll get back to you in a couple of weeks,” don't send a follow up one week later. Respect the timeline, but don't be afraid to follow up right when it ends.

Set a reminder in your phone or calendar for two weeks!

If you didn't get a clear timeline, my rule of thumb is to follow up every five business  days.

Austin's Five Day Follow Up Rule

My rule of thumb is to follow up every 5 business days when you haven't heard back and haven't been given a timeline.

Here's a quick email template you can use:

Hi [Name], I hope you are having a great week! I wanted to reach out and express my continued interest for the [Job Title] role. I know this is a busy time and I completely understand that there is a lot going into this decision. If there's anything else I can do or provide that would be helpful, please let me know! Best, [Your Name]

Updated Follow Up Email Template For Uncertain Times

If there's one thing COVID-19 has taught us, it is that unforeseen events can arise at any time. Whether it's a pandemic, an economic crisis, or acts of God, we will want to change the language in our emails.

The tests I've run with my clients have shown that following up with empathy is what works in uncertain times.

Here is the interview follow up email template you can use:

Hi [Name], I hope you are doing alright given everything that’s happening right now. I know this is an uncertain time and that there is a lot to deal with both personally and professionally. With everything going on, I completely understand that there may be delays in responses and/or with the process. Please take the time you need and stay safe. I did want to reach out to let you all know that I am still very excited about this opportunity. If there is anything I can do or provide that would be helpful, please let me know. I’m sending my best to you, your family, and your colleagues. Best, [Your Name]

There you go! You should be all set to send an awesome thank you email  and  stay on top of the company to make sure you're top of mind and standing out from the crowd.

If you missed it earlier, here's a link to my post-interview thank you email template complete with multiple examples:

sales presentation thank you email

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Austin Belcak

Austin is the founder of Cultivated Culture where he helps people land jobs without connections, without traditional experience, and without applying online. His strategies have been featured in Forbes, Business Insider, & Fast Company and has helped people just like you land jobs at Google, Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, Twitter, & more.

22 thoughts on This Is The Most Effective Post-Interview Thank You Email

' src=

Incredible piece of advice! You’re definitely a career strategist. I tried this strategy and it worked, and I’m happy. Thank you!

' src=

Awesome Maito! I’m so happy to hear it helped you score the offer 🙂

' src=

That’s what i needed the most right now because every time after my interview i always wonder what to write and how to write it, so thanks a lot for helping me out here and i am sure i am going to bookmark this for sure. cheers to this article.

I’m super happy to hear it Ritesh! I know it can be confusing trying to figure out how and when to follow up – I’m glad the article helped clear things up!

' src=

Nicely done. Thanks. Constructive feedback: I think you have “and causation doesn’t imply correlation” reversed.

Good catch, thanks!

' src=

Well written and very helpful!!

Appreciate it Trent!

That’s a great article and i was searching for this content because i didn’t know that doing follow up after applying for job is have this much importance so i was looking for how to do follow up process, thanks a lot for letting us know.Going to bookmark this for sure.

' src=

I enjoyed visiting your webiste. I leave comments rarely, but you definately up deserve a thumbs!

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Easy to check out, easy to read…heck I had formed to leave a commment!

' src=

Ha! I see you what you did with “bad email #1.” I actually read that email example on another site and thought “should I really be that formal after having such a great interview? Let me see if other websites agree.” Thank you for confirming my suspicion.

Haha I didn’t have the “don’t use this” at first and people were actually using that template Jeremy – glad you made your way to the right one 🙂

' src=

Very helpful, specific and easy-to-implement advice. Much appreciated!!

You got it!

' src=

Any advice on writing a thank you email after totally blowing a interview? I was so nervous I don’t think I answered anything they asked me. After walking out the door a moment of clarity hit me and I wanted to go back in. Is there any way to ask for a do-over?

' src=

really helpful, love your insight, and thanks for sharing Austin!

You got it Jon!

' src=

I just went on an interview. It was first in 9 years and after the interview I went to look up When is the best time to send a thank you follow up letter? Well it was with in 24hrs and I landed up on your site and I found out I did not ask enough questions. How can I rectifty that in my thank you letter? I am going to write my letter and hope you get back to me soon, but if not I will do my best with what I read in your article so that I can send it off in a timely manner. I know now for next time what to ask. Hopfully my thank you letter will set me apart from the crowd and will win me this position. Thank you for your site. It’s very informative.

Hey Carla, that’s ok! The thank you template here is best case scenario. Not everyone is going to remember to ask those questions or get all the info! The best thing you can do right now is send a thank you email as soon as possible. Thank them for their time, tell them that you enjoyed meeting them, and you’re looking forward to next steps.

' src=

Greate article. Keep writing such kind of info on your blog.

Im really impressed by it. Hey there, You have done a great job. I will certainly digg it and in my view suggest to my friends. I am confident they will be benefited from this website.

Thanks so much, I appreciate it!

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16 Templates For The Sales Follow Up Email


Every month, the sales clock resets.

Last month's performance is behind you — now, it’s all about this month. You may contact new clients or … begin your cadence of follow up emails in hopes of striking a deal.

Problem is, sending a generic, “just checking-in” follow up email typically isn't good enough.

So how do you write a sales follow up email that converts? When should you follow up? How do you maintain contact without being pushy? What should you say?

Download Now: 50 Sales Email Templates  [Free Access]

In this guide, we'll review five examples of follow-up emails you can learn from. Then we’ll check out 16 sales follow-up email templates we've created with the help of our salespeople here at HubSpot to help you get started.

Before we get started reviewing templates, it's important to note that your subject line is also exceptionally important — this is the first thing your prospective clients are going to read, so it needs to be perfect.

Follow Up Email Subject Lines

Here are some subject line examples — split into groups based on the type of sales follow up email you're writing — that will make your prospects intrigued enough to open your message. These examples have actually been used some of HubSpot's top sales professionals to help them achieve high email open rates.

Sales Email Subject Lines After No Response

  • Still any interest in our service?
  • Any updates for us?
  • It takes two to tango
  • Let's cut to the chase

Sales Email Subject Lines After A Trigger Event

  • Discussing your future goals today
  • Ideas for your launch
  • Question about new product feature
  • Thoughts about [title of blog post]

Sales Email Subject Lines For General Follow Up

  • How can we improve your [business goal]?
  • 10 free tactics to increase [objective]
  • Let's have a 10 min call on this?
  • [name], quick question
  • [name] recommended we chat

5 Follow-Up Email Examples

Like any other sales activity, some companies do follow-up emails better than their peers. Here, we'll take a look at some of the businesses that did them right. We’ll show you five follow-up email examples and what you can learn from them.

1. Twilio Covers the Follow-Up Email Fundamentals

Follow-up email example from Twilio

There’s a lot done right in this email. First, Emerald is aiming as high as she can. Although the information is protected, we know that "Howard" is Howard Schultz — CEO of Starbucks. 

She’s also writing this follow-up email with personalized information on why Starbucks needs Twilio. Emerald doesn't focus on highlighting the tool’s features; instead, she stresses how the tool can help Starbucks today . She clearly shows she did her homework and ties the information to strategies that Starbucks was already running.

The end product is a unique and valuable follow-up email that shows Emerald actually cares about helping Starbucks.

  • Aim high. The CEO might not be the person making the decision, but if they forward the email to the decision-makers, it's bound to get some serious attention.
  • Write a fully personalized and authentic message. Show them you understand they’re a person and not just an item on your to-do list. 
  • Offer value. Pack your follow-up emails with relevant information that speaks to their wants and needs.

2. Canva Re-Engages Its Audience

Follow-up email example from Canva

Every time you send an email with a link, you’re asking your audience, " Will you click the link? " If you want that answer to be " yes, " you need to prime your reader beforehand.

Canva does this beautifully in this short but elegant email. In just one small paragraph, the email asks two questions that every reader would say yes to. If someone answers, " Yes, I do wonder if I make mistakes on social media, " or, " Yes, I would like to make things better, " they’ll be more inclined to click the link and follow through .

The email also ends with a human touch — with the sender signing "Tom" with no last name.

This email can be read in a few seconds and will easily re-engage users. Plus, it’s so simple and non-intrusive that it’s unlikely to generate many unsubscribes.

  • Prime the reader. Catch their attention with the promise of something they could learn from.
  • Keep it short and engaging. If your leads have gone cold, don’t try and force them to come back. Instead, write them short follow-up emails containing content they may find interesting.
  • Keep it human. Consider an informal touch, like only signing your first name. 

3. Apple Humanizes Itself

Apple’s customer support is legendary. While many tech companies come off as cold and inaccessible, Apple aims to humanize the customer experience. 

Super Office's Steven MacDonald learned about Apple's commitment to exemplary customer service after writing to them about their iTunes store.

This is the first email Steven received from the company:

Follow-up email example from Apple

While Steven was impressed with the first message, it was the follow-up email that really wowed him. After Steven told them his issue was resolved, Apple replied with this:

Personalized follow-up email from Apple

Several other companies might have replied with something like, " Good to know. Thank you for choosing us. Please, let us know if there’s something else we can do. "

Apple thought differently. Instead of a canned response, Jose from Apple told Steven he was the reason why he made an effort at his job, and he reminded him that he was always " just an email away. "

With this email, Jose assured Steven that Apple's staff is a group of hardworking people who sincerely care about him and his experience with Apple products.

It means a lot that one of the top five largest corporations in the world can show that kind of commitment to individual customers.

  • Stop using canned responses. If you can’t avoid pre-written responses, use the right templates — and make sure the tone is as friendly and personal as possible.
  • Create a personal connection. Let recipients know the email was written by a person just like them, and not by a large, faceless corporation.
  • Use your name. Instead of signing the email with the name of your company, sign with the name of the person writing it.

4. Salesforce Leverages CTAs After an Event

Follow-up email from Salesforce

In this follow-up email, sent after the Connections conference in Chicago, Salesforce gives the reader a whopping four calls to action.

Although four CTAs may seem like a lot, it makes a lot of sense when you consider the context. The sender knows that these are warm leads, so it provides three quick routes to conversion. For any leads that may need a bit more convincing, the last CTA offers an informative keynote video instead of a direct conversion.

This email has the perfect CTA for every lead, wherever they are in their customer journey.

  • Use multiple CTAs. If you’re following up with someone who already knows your product, don’t be afraid to go for a sale. Set up a couple of ways for them to convert right away, like a pricing link and the phone number of one of your salespeople.
  • Include a soft CTA for colder leads. Avoid sounding pushy by giving them an option to learn more about your product. This might be a free ebook , webinar , or case study .

5. ReturnPath Follows Up with Ice-Cold Leads

Follow-up email from ReturnPath

All leads are worth a follow up, even your cold ones. This email asks one simple question: "Are you still interested?" 

Two things can happen out of this: The cold lead could reply “yes,” making them a hot lead. Or they could reply "no," telling the sender they’ll never buy.

Whatever happens, one thing is certain — the readers who respond will no longer be cold leads.

  • Never assume. Instead of deciding whether it’s worth deleting cold leads or not, let them tell you, themselves.
  • Know when to let go. By allowing recipients to choose whether to stay subscribed, you’ll make sure you're only keeping your qualified leads to nurture. Removing the rest saves time and money.

16 Follow Up Email Templates

Now that we've reviewed some examples of subject lines you can use for your follow up emails, let's dive into the templates that will help you improve your conversions. As mentioned, there are 16 templates here — we've organized them by specific use case so you can browse them easily.

First, here's a quick a look at the 8 specific use cases:

Follow Up Emails For Sales

  • After a meeting
  • After a trigger event
  • After you tweak an email
  • After leaving a voicemail
  • After a trade show, conference, or networking event
  • After your first discussion
  • After you send a follow up email
  • After sending several follow up emails

Use Case 1: After A Meeting

Once you've had a positive, first meeting with your prospective client, you'll probably find yourself sending them a follow up email.

For example — imagine, you just nailed your client call. Your prospective customers were hanging onto your every word — even finishing your sentences. And now your head is spinning thinking about all of the ways you'll spend your commission check. You send that follow up email regarding their next steps so you can close the deal.

But wait — for some reason, that same client isn’t responding to any of your emails or calls.

Here are two follow up emails you can send once you've had an initial meeting to get the ball rolling again.

[Name], I’m writing to follow up. I’m not sure what our next step is.

Let me know what makes sense for you as a next step, if any?

Thanks for your input.



[Name], I’m writing to follow up on our last conversation. My boss asked me for an update on your account. I told him I didn’t have one. I’m not sure if it makes sense to continue the conversation. What makes sense as a next step, if any? [Signature]

Use Case 2: After A Trigger Event

Another situation that calls for a follow up email is after a trigger event occurs. For example, if you notice a prospect is re-opening an email or proposal you sent, you can try to follow up with them. Using HubSpot's free sales tools, you can get notifications whenever a prospect opens your email .

Start tracking your emails today for free.

Not only does this tool make you feel like you're a spy, but it's exceptionally useful in gauging a prospect's interest and boosting conversions. In fact, a HubSpot customer closed a $100,000 deal  after capitalizing on an email notification.

Last we chatted, you requested that I get back in touch in November. I may be a month early, but I figured it’d be worth checking-in.

Have you given any additional thought to my proposal? I’d be happy to do a quick review of it on the phone and answer any pending questions.

What does your calendar look like to schedule a conversation?

[Name], two of your teammates were looking at our product page this week. The product page they’re all viewing is focused on helping reps close deals at an accelerated rate.

Do you have 10 minutes to discuss what tools your team has been researching? Would they like to join the call? If so, what does your calendar look like?

Get over two dozen pre-written email templates and a tool to automate your process, for free.

Use Case 3: After You Tweak An Email

Sometimes, when determining the type of follow up sales email you need to send, you realize you may need to make a few small tweaks to your message. Whether this is a simple change in wording, or sending the email to a different person at the company you're trying to do business with, small adjustments to your message might just get you that response you're looking for.

For example, Bryan Kreuzberger, Founder of BreakthroughEmail, was hired by a consulting agency to help close their pipeline filled with world-class, Fortune 1000 companies: Google, Toyota, etc. He had a list of 522 companies to work with, but the agency had a problem — they weren't closing any deals.

Instead of spamming companies with the same, ineffective email template, Bryan made a few small tweaks to their sales process.

Then, they saw an 80% email open rate , earning $4,386,000 in additional revenue.

I’m writing to follow up on my email. I didn’t hear back from anyone on the team. If it makes sense to talk, let me know what your calendar looks like.

If not, who is the appropriate person for me to talk to?

Thanks for your help,

Use Case 4: After Leaving A Voicemail

There are multiple scenarios in which you'll likely find yourself leaving a prospective customer a voicemail or two. But similar to email, just because you leave a voicemail doesn't mean your prospect will respond.

For the best chance of receiving a response, you can send a sales follow up email once you leave a voicemail. The best part? This type of follow up email has an 80% response rate within 24 hours .


I just called to [explain your purpose].

In my voicemail, I mentioned that I’ll try you again on [date and time], but feel free to reach me whenever works best for you at [phone number] or shoot me an email.

Use Case 5: After A Trade Show, Conference, or Networking Event

When you attend a trade show, conference, networking event, or any other occasion related to your core business product, service, or target customer, you're bound to make some important connections. So, you'll probably want to send a follow up email to some of those connections you made whether it's to close a deal, connect with a partner, or anything else.

What a great show. I hope you enjoyed it and learned more about email tracking software [tool] to improve your [problem facing business].

I’m sure improving your sales team’s productivity [objective] is a top priority for you. I thought I’d send you “10 Ways to Boost Your Sales Productivity” [piece of content] for you to review. If you’d like any additional information about how [details of content], I’d be more than happy to have a quick chat over the phone.

Just let me know if you have any questions or would like to have a more in-depth conversation. I’m here whenever you need me.

Use Case 6: After Your First Discussion

Sending a strong, first follow up email is crucial. Your message should show your prospective customer that you value their time and explain how you can continue to be of assistance to them.

Since you'll most likely be sending multiple first follow up emails every day to different prospects, you can automate all of your emails by using Sequences — one of the many tools in the HubSpot Sales toolbox.

I really enjoyed chatting with you earlier today and learning more about how you [role] at [company]. I understand the issues you’re encountering with [challenges discussed in conversation] and how they make it harder to [impact on team or company].

As mentioned, I’ve attached more information about our resources and how we can help you boost [business objective] and solve [business problem].

Just let me know if you have any questions and I’d be more than happy to chat again. If not, I look forward to talking again on [date and time].

Use Case 7: After You Send A Follow Up Email

Just because you follow up with your prospective clients once doesn't mean they'll respond. However, that also doesn't mean you should give up. By sending more follow up emails — in situations where you feel it'll be worth it — that are simple, short, and useful, you might just get that response you're looking for. Persistence pays off when it comes to sales follow up emails.

I wanted to get in touch to see which of the 10 Ways you’re using to boost your sales team’s productivity [details of content sent in first email]. If you haven’t implemented these techniques yet, I’d love to help you get started. Are you available for a 30 minute call on [date and time]? Just let me know what works best for you. I look forward to hearing from you!

If that email doesn't work, you can try sending a third follow up.

Note: If your prospect does want to set up a meeting, you can save time and use HubSpot's Meeting Scheduling Software so your prospects can book time on your calendar.

I know how busy you must be managing your team and helping them increase sales [job function]. I hope the resource I sent you about boosting your sales productivity was helpful, and that you can share it with the rest of your team. Here it is again [insert hyperlink here] in case it got lost in translation. Would you have time for a call on [date and time] or [date and time]?

Let me know what works best for you, or if you have any conflicts with those times. I’d be happy to work around your schedule.

Still nothing? Don't be discouraged. Remember: 80% of sales require at least five follow ups . So here’s a fourth follow up email template.

I’m sorry we haven’t been able to connect. Last time we spoke, you seemed very interested in boosting your sales productivity [objective]. Again, I know how hectic things can get between work and personal life.

I would be available for a call during weekends or before or after work hours if that’s easier for you. I don’t mean to bug you, but I do want to help you manage your team so you can exceed your sales goals [objective].

Use Case 8: After Several Follow Ups ... Time For The Break Up Email

Still no response? At this point, it might be time for the break up email.

If you continue the conversation, you'll likely be wasting your time. You're also probably annoying your prospect.

However, it's still important to "break up" with your prospect in a professional way that leaves them feeling positive about you and the company you work for, even if they're certain they won't be doing business with you at this time. Who knows — they may refer you to someone else and/or want to reach out to you in the future.

Here are a few variations of a template to help through your break up:

Hi [First Name],

I’ve tried to reach you a few times to go over suggestions on improving ___, but haven’t heard back which tells me one of three things:

1) You’re all set with ____ and I should stop bothering you.

2) You’re still interested but haven’t had the time to get back to met yet.

3) You’ve fallen and can’t get up and in that case let me know and I’ll call someone to help you   ….

Please let me know which one as I’m starting to worry!

[First Name], I wanted to reach out to you one last time. I have suggestions on how your ____ can work harder in terms of generating new business. If I don’t hear back from you, I’ll assume the timing isn’t right.

My information is below should you have any questions.

[First Name], I haven’t heard back from you since our last conversation. We’ve spent a good deal of time together, and I hope I’ve given you some good ideas for your ____ initiatives.

Please let me know if _____ is a priority for you now, or perhaps sometime in the future.

Your follow up is greatly appreciated.

Alright, you may be thinking the three break up email templates above are a bit less direct than you'd prefer to be after being ignored so many times. You can always go with the straightforward, no BS break up email as well.

In fact, when someone doesn't respond to Bryan Kreuzberger's second or third follow-up emails, he uses this tactic and sends a final follow-up that has a 76% response rate . Bryan swears by it, claiming it's his best-performing email of all time, "No matter how many variations I try, I can't match the results of the 'Permission to close your file?' email template."

Let's take a look:

[First Name],

We are in the process of closing files for the month. Typically when I haven’t heard back from someone it means they’re either really busy or aren’t interested.

If you aren’t interested, do I have your permission to close your file?

If you’re still interested, what do you recommend as a next step?

Thanks for your help.

Hey [First Name],

I was just running through my ___ pipeline and cleaning up my backlog of guest contributions. Since we haven't been able to get your ____ over the past few months, I'm going to go ahead and assume you won't be able to contribute the discussed _____?

If so, no worries. Just let me know so I can comfortably remove it from my list. If you still want to contribute, I'm also happy to keep it on my list and discuss how we can get it completed in a manner that suits your schedule.

Ready to Give Your Sales Follow Up Emails A Performance Boost?

Sending a sales follow up email might just be the thing that allows you to finalize and close a major deal. By implementing the templates we've reviewed in your sales process and tailoring them to your prospects, you'll sound professional, helpful, and thoughtful in your communication. And if you're in need of support, HubSpot's free sales tool has numerous features to help you throughout this process — because when you equip yourself with the right tools, you have more time for the important tasks you have to complete.

So, determine your use case, choose your template, and begin sending sales follow up emails to your prospective clients to boost conversions and increase sales.

sales presentation thank you email

After 12 months of using HubSpot Sales, we saw revenue grow 6X, our sales cycle shortened from 9 months to 4 weeks, and we grew our headcount by 5.

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HubSpot Sales - Email Templates

Send template emails from inside your inbox.

Access a library of built-in email templates designed for every step of your customer’s journey, or create your own from scratch.

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You’ll save hours when you can send your most repetitive emails in seconds.

sales presentation thank you email

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Words at Ease

How to Thank Keynote Speaker (20 Cool Samples)

Keynote speakers play a crucial role in setting the tone and theme of an event.

Their insights, expertise, and engaging delivery can leave a lasting impact on the audience.

As an event organizer, you must express your gratitude for their valuable contribution.

But how do you craft the perfect thank you message that conveys your appreciation genuinely and memorably?

In this article, we’ve compiled 20 sample thank-you messages for keynote speakers, along with expert commentary on when and how to use them.

Whether you’re looking for a heartfelt speech, a thoughtful email, or a concise text message, we’ve got you covered.

Let’s explore these examples and discover the art of thanking your keynote speakers with style and sincerity.

How to Thank Keynote Speaker

How to Thank Keynote Speaker

From heartfelt speeches to thoughtful gestures, here are 20 ways to express your gratitude to your keynote speaker:

1. A Heartfelt Speech

“On behalf of everyone at [Organization], I want to express our deepest gratitude to [Speaker Name] for that incredible keynote address. Your insights on [topic] were not only thought-provoking but also deeply inspiring. The way you weaved personal stories with practical advice left us all motivated to take action. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and setting such a positive tone for our event.”

Commentary: This sample is ideal for delivering a sincere thank-you speech immediately after the keynote address. It highlights the speaker’s specific contributions and their impact on the audience.

2. A Personalized Email

“Dear [Speaker Name],

I wanted to take a moment to personally thank you for your outstanding keynote at our [event name]. Your presentation on [topic] perfectly blended expertise, engaging storytelling, and actionable tips. I’ve received countless compliments from attendees who were inspired by your message.

Your dedication to preparing such a tailored and relevant presentation did not go unnoticed. We feel incredibly fortunate to have had you grace our stage.

If there’s anything we can do to support you in the future, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’d love to stay connected.

With deepest appreciation,

[Your Name]”

Commentary: A personalized email allows you to express your gratitude in more detail. This example acknowledges the speaker’s effort in customizing their presentation and opens the door for future collaborations.

3. A Thoughtful Text Message

“[Speaker Name], your keynote was phenomenal! Your stories about [topic] hit home. I’m still processing all the invaluable insights you shared. Just wanted to say a quick thanks for being such an integral part of our event. You truly made an impact! “

Commentary: A text message is a great way to share a concise yet meaningful thank you shortly after the event. It’s personal, timely, and shows that their contribution is still fresh in your mind.

4. A Handwritten Note

I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for your remarkable keynote at our [event name]. Your presentation on [topic] was not only informative but also deeply inspiring.

The way you captivated the audience with your personal anecdotes and practical wisdom was truly remarkable. I’ve received so many positive comments from attendees who were moved by your words.

Thank you for sharing your time and expertise with us. Your contribution was invaluable in making our event a resounding success.

With sincere appreciation,

Commentary: In the digital age, a handwritten note stands out as a thoughtful and personal gesture. It shows that you took the time to sit down and tangibly express your thanks.

5. A Public Acknowledgment

“Let’s take a moment to give a resounding round of applause to our incredible keynote speaker, [Speaker Name]!

[Speaker Name], your presentation on [topic] was an absolute highlight of our event. Your insights, passion, and engaging delivery left us all inspired and energized.

On behalf of everyone here, I want to express our deepest gratitude for sharing your wisdom and expertise with us. Your contribution has been invaluable, and we are so thankful to have had you as a part of this experience.

Please join me in giving [Speaker Name] another huge round of applause! “

Commentary: Publicly acknowledging your keynote speaker during the event is a powerful way to show your appreciation and get the audience involved. This example can be used as a script for a live thank you right after their presentation.

6. A LinkedIn Recommendation

“I had the pleasure of having [Speaker Name] deliver the keynote address at our recent [event name], and I couldn’t be more impressed. [Speaker Name]’s expertise on [topic] is unparalleled, and their ability to engage and inspire an audience is truly remarkable.

The keynote was a perfect blend of practical insights, personal anecdotes, and actionable advice. Attendees left feeling motivated and equipped to tackle challenges in their own lives and careers.

[Speaker Name] was an absolute joy to work with – professional, responsive, and dedicated to delivering a tailored message that resonated with our audience.

I wholeheartedly recommend [Speaker Name] as a keynote speaker for any event looking to inspire, educate, and empower their audience. Thank you, [Speaker Name], for making our event an unforgettable success!”

Commentary: Writing a glowing LinkedIn recommendation is a great way to express your gratitude while also helping to boost the speaker’s professional credibility. It showcases their skills and the impact they had on your event.

7. A Thoughtful Gift

“[Speaker Name], as a token of our appreciation for your incredible keynote at [event name], we wanted to present you with this [gift description].

We noticed your passion for [related interest] and thought this might be a meaningful addition to your collection.

Thank you again for sharing your time, wisdom, and energy with our audience. Your words will continue to inspire us long after the event.

With heartfelt gratitude,

The [Organization] Team”

Commentary: Accompanying your verbal or written thank you with a thoughtful gift shows an extra level of appreciation. Choose something that aligns with the speaker’s interests or the theme of their presentation.

8. A Charitable Donation

We were so moved by your powerful keynote at [event name], especially your insights on [related cause].

As a token of our gratitude, we have donated in your name to [charity organization], a cause we know you’re passionate about.

Thank you for not only inspiring our audience but also for sparking positive change in the world through your words and actions.

With deep appreciation,

Commentary: Making a charitable donation in the speaker’s name is a meaningful way to honor their impact and values. This gesture shows that their words resonated on a deeper level and inspired action.

9. A Personal Anecdote

“[Speaker Name], I wanted to share a personal story about how your keynote at [event name] impacted me.

When you spoke about [specific insight], it instantly transported me back to a challenging time in my career. Your words gave me a fresh perspective and the courage to approach that situation differently.

I’ve since implemented your advice, and the results have been transformative. I can’t thank you enough for sharing your wisdom and being such a powerful catalyst for change in my life.

Your impact extends far beyond the stage, and I am so grateful our paths crossed at this event.

With heartfelt thanks,

Commentary: Sharing a personal anecdote about how the speaker’s message resonated with you adds depth and sincerity to your thank you. It shows that their words had a tangible impact and will be remembered long after the event.

10. A Post-Event Survey Shoutout

“Attendee feedback is in, and the verdict is unanimous: Dr. Sarah Thompson’s keynote was the highlight of Leadership Summit 2023!

Here are just a few snippets of the glowing praise:

“Dr. Thompson’s insights on resilient leadership were game-changing. I left the keynote feeling empowered and ready to tackle any challenge.” – Maria Rodriguez, Operations Manager

“I’ve attended countless conferences, but Dr. Thompson’s keynote stood out as the most impactful and inspiring. Her authenticity and practical advice resonated deeply.” – John Chen, Entrepreneur

“The keynote was a masterclass in effective communication and empathetic leadership. Dr. Thompson’s stories and strategies will stick with me for years to come.” – Lisa Patel, HR Director

Dr. Thompson, your words not only inspired but also left a lasting impact on our audience. Thank you for being the heart and soul of our event.

We are so grateful for your contribution and can’t wait to see the ripple effects of your message in the days and years to come.

The Leadership Summit Team”

Commentary: Including specific quotes from attendees in your post-event thank you adds credibility and depth to your message. It shows the speaker that their words truly resonated and made a difference in people’s lives. Be sure to choose quotes that highlight different aspects of the speaker’s impact, such as practicality, inspiration, and long-term value. Attributing each quote to a specific attendee (with their permission) personalizes the feedback and makes it more meaningful.

11. A Poetic Tribute

“[Speaker Name],

Your words, like seeds of wisdom, Planted in the minds of all, Sprouted inspiration and purpose, A clarion call to stand tall.

Your message, is a guiding light, Illuminating paths untold and empowering souls to ignite And let their stories unfold.

For your presence, we are grateful, For your impact, we are blessed. Thank you for being the spark That ignited our event’s success.

With heartfelt appreciation,

Commentary: A poetic tribute is a creative and memorable way to express your gratitude. It shows that you put thought and effort into crafting a unique thank you that captures the essence of the speaker’s impact.

12. A Social Media Highlight

“The insights kept coming at #LeadershipCon2023, thanks to our incredible keynote speaker, @JohnSmithSpeaks! ️

Check out some of the top takeaways from their presentation on ‘Empowering Teams Through Authentic Leadership’:

  • Vulnerability is a strength, not a weakness. When leaders show their human side, it builds trust and connection with their team.
  • Active listening is the foundation of effective communication. Leaders who truly hear their team members create an environment where everyone feels valued and heard.
  • Empowered teams are built on a foundation of trust, autonomy, and clear purpose. When leaders provide the right tools and support, magic happens.

@JohnSmithSpeaks, your words have sparked conversations and ideas that will extend far beyond this event. Thank you for sharing your expertise and passion with us! #LeadershipCon2023 #keynotespeaker #authenticity #leadershipdevelopment #gratitude”

Commentary: Highlighting key insights from the speaker’s presentation on social media is a great way to extend their impact and express your thanks publicly. By sharing specific takeaways, you’re not only appreciating the speaker but also providing value to your followers who may not have attended the event. Tagging the speaker and using relevant hashtags increases visibility and encourages attendees to continue engaging with the ideas shared. This post strikes a balance between gratitude and content, making it a valuable addition to your event’s social media presence.

13. A Themed Gift Basket

As a small token of our immense gratitude, we’ve put together a special gift basket themed around your keynote on [topic].

Inside, you’ll find:

  • [Item 1 related to topic]
  • [Item 2 related to topic]
  • [Item 3 related to topic]
  • A heartfelt note from our team

We hope these goodies serve as a reminder of the powerful impact your words had on our audience.

Thank you again for being the cornerstone of [event name]’s success. We are so grateful for your time, wisdom, and dedication.

With warm regards,

Commentary: A themed gift basket shows that you paid attention to the speaker’s message and put thought into curating items that reflect their impact. It’s a tangible way to express your appreciation and create a lasting memory.

14. An Attendee Appreciation Roundup

We asked attendees to share their favorite moments from [event name], and your keynote stole the show!

Here are just a few of the glowing comments we received:

“[Quote 1]” “[Quote 2]” “[Quote 3]”

Seeing how your words resonated with so many people is a testament to the power of your message.

Thank you for being the spark that ignited inspiration, connection, and transformation at our event. Your impact will be felt for years to come.

With deepest gratitude,

Commentary: An attendee appreciation roundup is a powerful way to show the speaker the ripple effect of their words. Sharing specific quotes and comments allows them to read firsthand how their message impacted individuals in the audience.

15. A Personalized Playlist

Your keynote at [event name] hit all the right notes! It got us thinking about the power of music to inspire and motivate.

We’ve created a personalized playlist inspired by your message on [topic]. Each song reflects a key theme or insight from your presentation.

[Playlist link]

We hope this soundtrack serves as a reminder of the incredible impact you had on our audience.

Thank you for being the melody that elevated our event to new heights. Your words will continue to resonate with us.

Commentary: A personalized playlist is a creative and unexpected way to thank a speaker. It shows that you not only listened to their message but also found connections to music that amplifies their themes.

16. A Virtual Gratitude Wall

The impact of your keynote at [event name] continues to ripple through our community. To capture and celebrate your influence, we’ve created a virtual gratitude wall where attendees can share their key takeaways and ‘aha’ moments.

Check out the outpouring of appreciation here: [link to virtual wall]

Your words have sparked reflection, action, and transformation. We are so grateful to have had you as the guiding light of our event.

Thank you for sharing your gifts with us and for leaving an indelible mark on our hearts and minds.

With endless gratitude,

Commentary: A virtual gratitude wall is an interactive way to thank a speaker while also fostering a sense of community among attendees. It allows the speaker to see the collective impact of their message and feel the appreciation radiating from the audience.

17. An Event Highlights Recap

We’ve been busy compiling the highlights from [event name], and your keynote shines as the crowning jewel!

Your powerful words and engaging presence captivated the audience from start to finish. The energy in the room was electric, and your message left an indelible mark on everyone present.

Attendees have been buzzing about your insights on [topic] and how they can apply them to their own lives and work. Your ability to connect with the crowd and spark meaningful conversations was truly remarkable.

Thank you for being the driving force behind our event’s success. Your impact will continue to inspire and guide us as we move forward.

Commentary: Sharing a written recap of the event highlights is a thoughtful way to express your thanks and showcase the speaker’s impact. It allows them to relive the powerful moments from their presentation and see how their words resonated with the audience.

18. A Surprise Collaboration Proposal

I know this might come as a surprise, but your brilliant keynote at [event name] has sparked an idea that I couldn’t wait to share.

We’ve been brainstorming a new project focused on [related topic], and your unique insights from the keynote would be invaluable in shaping its direction.

Would you be open to hopping on a call next week to explore a potential collaboration? We would be thrilled to have your expertise guiding us.

No pressure at all – just wanted to express our appreciation and plant the seed for what could be an exciting partnership.

Let me know your thoughts. And again, thank you for delivering such an impactful keynote!

Commentary: If the speaker’s presentation aligns with your organization’s future goals, consider reaching out with a surprise collaboration proposal. This shows that their words resonated deeply and that you value their expertise beyond the keynote itself.

19. A Video Message

“Hey [Speaker Name]! I just wanted to send a quick video to say thank you so much for that incredible keynote at [event name]. Your insights on [topic] were spot on and resonated with our audience.

I especially loved the part where you shared that personal story about [specific detail]. It added such a human touch to the whole presentation.

I’ve been hearing nothing but positive feedback from attendees. You truly made an impact and set the perfect tone for the rest of the event.

So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for being such an important part of our success. We are so grateful for your time, expertise, and dedication.

If there’s anything I can ever do to support you, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Until next time, take care!”

Commentary: A video message adds a personal and authentic touch to your thank you. It allows you to express your gratitude in a more conversational and heartfelt way. This example can be recorded and sent after the event.

20. A Social Media Shoutout

“A huge shoutout to the incredible @[speaker_handle] for delivering a mind-blowing keynote at #[event_hashtag]! Your wisdom on [topic] left us all inspired and ready to take action. Thank you for sharing your brilliance with us! #grateful #keynotespeaker”

Commentary: Publicly acknowledging your keynote speaker on social media not only expresses your gratitude but also helps to amplify their message and boost their online presence. Use relevant hashtags and tag their handle to maximize visibility.

Beyond Words: Other Ways to Thank Your Keynote Speaker

While verbal and written expressions of gratitude are essential, there are other meaningful ways to show your appreciation for your keynote speaker:

  • Present them with a thoughtful gift related to their interests or the event theme
  • Donate to a charity or cause they support in their honor
  • Offer them a glowing testimonial or recommendation on their professional profiles
  • Invite them to participate in future events or collaborations
  • Encourage attendees to connect with them and continue the conversation

Wrapping Up: Crafting the Perfect Thank You for Your Keynote Speaker

Thanking your keynote speaker is an art that requires thoughtfulness, sincerity, and a touch of creativity.

By tailoring your message to their unique contribution and using the right medium, you can express your gratitude in a way that leaves a lasting impact.

Remember, your keynote speaker has invested time, energy, and expertise into making your event a success.

Acknowledging their efforts not only shows your appreciation but also strengthens your professional relationship.

So go ahead, use these sample messages as inspiration, and craft a thank you that truly reflects the value your keynote speaker brought to your event.

Your heartfelt words will not only make their day but also reinforce the positive impact they’ve made.

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Jun 19, 2023

How to write a thank you email with 39 samples and template

Wondering how to say thank you? Our thank you email template and 30 thank you email examples will help you say thank you meaningfully.

Blog writer

Lawrie Jones

Table of contents

How to write a thank you email

Saying thanks is an email superpower. Take the time to write and send a thank you, and you could change someone's day.

Thank you emails build someone’s confidence – and it's only polite to say thanks if someone has helped you.

The purpose of every thank you email is to express gratitude. Of course, you'll want to carefully consider the audience and let that influence the positive tone of voice.

Ultimately, sending a thank you email is about making someone smile.

Thank you emails are awesome to receive and easy to write and send with our guide. We go through the basics of the thank you email format (showing you how to run the fine line between formal and informal) and provide 39 expertly crafted examples to show you how it's done.

Want more? We've also created the best thank you email template available.

Thank you email format

A thank you email could be as short as two words: thank you. But you'll want to explain why you're saying thank you and the positive impact their actions have had on you.

There are no limits on the length of emails; write something long enough to give an appropriate thank you.

Ensure emails are formatted correctly (with proper spacing, punctuation, and grammar) and written in professional language.

There are three elements common to every thank you email:

  • Subject line

We go through each in order, building up a template thank you email suitable for all situations.

1. Thank you email subject line

Let's start with a few key principles. Thank you message subject lines should be brief and specific. They should include a few keywords that explain what you're saying and why. And, of course, the subject line should convey appreciation (if not, why are you sending it?).

Here are some example thank you email subject lines we're sending for a partner who has managed to secure us a great deal:

  • Thank you for your hard work!
  • Thanks for the new contract
  • Appreciate your hard work in negotiations!
  • Congratulations on securing the new contract ‍
  • Thanks for interviewing me today
  • Steve, it was a pleasure meeting you!

Sometimes you'll want to use your thank you emails to encourage more engagements. That's possible too:

  • Was awesome chatting with you – shall we schedule a meeting ?

2. Thank you email body

Let's get into the meat (or filling , if you're a vegetarian) of this thank you email sandwich. The thank you email body should use clear and concise language to express gratitude. Take the time to personalize the message, adding specific details and examples. This shows sincerity and enthusiasm that you won't get it if you send a cookie-cutter response.

You might want to offer a gift or return a favor. If that's the case, be sure to add your details. Here's an example thank you email body...

  • Thank you for all your hard work in securing us a great new deal.
  • All of us at (company name) wanted to single you out for all your hard work and dedication. We would never have got the deal over the line without your commitment and support. To say thank you, we would like to send you a token of our appreciation. Can you share your address?

3. How to end a thank you email

You've said thank you and offered a gift; now let's close off our thank you email. It's important to close with professionalism and provide your contact details. You may choose to reiterate why you're grateful or end with another thanks – it’s up to you.

Here is an example of how to end our sample thank you message to our super salesperson.

  • We're excited to build on our relationship with you and your company. Once again, thank you for all your efforts in making this happen.
  • It would be great to stay in touch, and I've included my contact details below.
  • I wish you well with the rest of your day.
  • Kind regards,

If you're still searching for some email ending inspiration, our  guide to email closing lines  includes 40 solid gold examples you can use for every situation – including thank you emails.

39 thank you email samples

Thanks for getting this far through the guide; it's now time to put the principles into practice.

Saying thank you in an email should be simple using these 39 thank you email samples suitable for professional situations.

We provide a brief intro to each, then dive into the example. Use these for inspiration (or take the simple approach and simply copy and paste them); it's up to you...

1. After the career fair thank you email

An email thank you after a career fair is a great way to establish a connection with a potential employer. We aim to create a personal connection in this example of a careers fair thank you email. The message acts as a reminder.  

2. Interview thank you email

Wondering how to write a thank you email after an interview (read more here) ? This example is for you. Sending an email after an interview is "vital", says Kiely Kuligowski in  Business News Daily,  and we agree. A post-interview thank you email doesn't need to be long or detailed, but it does need to be timely. Aim to send one within 24 hours of the interview and on the same day if possible. Short emails can undoubtedly be sweet as you'll see in this thank you email sample.      

3. Thank you email for job offer

Congratulations! You've got the job; now it's time to accept (or not, if that's what you decide). This thank you email for a job offer recognizes the value of the offer and presents a positive reply to your new employer.

4. Thank you email to the recommender

Getting a job is tough, and if someone has recommended you, it's right to recognize that. This thank you email to a recommender is a professional courtesy, but it also positively reflects you personally.

5. Thank you email for a job referral

This thank-you email for a job referral expresses personal gratitude, similar to the email sample above. If someone has gone out of their way to do something for you, it's only polite to say thanks – and here's a sample thank you email for a job referral you can use. 

6. Thank you email to reference after getting the job

Anyone kind enough to provide a positive reference for you deserves thanks if you get the job. This thank you email to reference after getting a job template does that in some style!      

7. Thank you email to recruiter after the rejection

A thank you email to a recruiter after rejection is essential for the process. You'll be disappointed, but sending an email shows you've accepted the news and displays some character. Our thank you email after a job rejection template strikes a positive note and aims to continue the connection you have.

8. Thank you for the opportunity email

A thank you for the opportunity email is another way of expressing gratitude for being considered for a role. Thanks for the opportunity emails can be sent to HR teams or named individuals, depending on how far you've gone through the progress. Be sure to personalize this sample for your circumstances.

9. Thank you for your application email

Everyone applying for a position has invested time and effort in their applications, so it's worth recognizing. In this thank you for your application template, we demonstrate how to express gratitude while retaining a professional distance.

10. Thank you email for accepting job offer

It's great that someone has accepted a job offer, so why not thank them? In our thank you email for accepting a job offer, we use the opportunity to add extra details for the successful candidate, showing them that they're joining an organization that will value them.

11. Thank you email for appreciation

It's great when someone appreciates what you do, so say thanks! Our thank you email for appreciation does just that, showing someone that you care and value their words.

12. Thank you email to CEO for recognition

Being recognized by your CEO for your work is a big deal in any business, so be sure to say thanks when it happens. This thank you email to CEO for recognition sample ensures the big boss knows you care about them and the company.

13. Thank you email after the pay raise

With pay packets as stretched as they are, a pay rise can mean a lot ( here's our guide on how to ask for a raise ), so be sure to say thanks. Our thank you email after pay rise template shows your appreciation for the uplift in your pay.

14. Thank you email for promotion

A promotion recognizes your vital skills, experience, and contribution to a company, like getting a pay rise. They're saying thanks with a better job title and bigger pay packet, so use our thank you email for promotion to show you're happy. And if you need some help asking for a promotion, be sure to read our guide on how to get it done .

15. Thank you email for bonus 

Cash is king, so be sure to say thanks if you've received a bonus. In this thank you email for a bonus, we're short and to the point showing how much we value the money.

16. Thank you email to a boss

Sometimes your boss may go beyond what's expected to help and support you. This thank you email to a boss can be personalized for any circumstances, demonstrating gratitude and loyalty.

17. Thank you last day of work email

It's customary to send a thank you email any time you leave a company. This thank on the last day of work email shows you how to maintain and improve your professional reputation when you leave a business.

18. Last day of internship thank you email

An internship is an opportunity to demonstrate to a company your value, so finish as you started, as a consummate pro! Our last day of internship thank you email is an excellent template for showing how much you have valued an opportunity.

19. Thank you email after event

This example of a thank you email after an event is a valuable template that any attendee would be pleased to receive.

20. Thank you email to customer for feedback           

Gaining information and intelligence from customers is a meaningful way to improve your business . If a customer has reached out to provide feedback (whether it's good or back), you should acknowledge their effort and thank them for their input.   

21. Thank you email for great customer service

You should never forget to say thanks if someone has gone beyond the call of duty to provide exceptional customer service. In this thank you email for great customer service, we provide the building blocks for a great email, but you'll need to personalize it before you use it. 

22. Thank you for an introduction email           

A personal introduction can be precious, and it's a support that's always worth recognizing. But, again, you'll need to shape this to the person you're messaging, but this thank you for an introduction email sample is a great place to start.

23. Networking thank you email

It's not what you know but whom you know (say the experts). This networking thank you email will ensure that anyone you're professionally involved with knows you value their help and support.

24. Thank you for meeting with me email

Sending a message after a meeting is a courtesy that everyone should extend. So in this thank you for meeting with me email, we offer a simple thanks and request another meeting .

25. Thank you for contacting us email

Having an adequate stock of emails is essential for anyone, and this thank you for contacting me sample is sure to be a success. This cookie-cutter response can be personalized with a name and a company and sent out as many times as needed.

26. Thank you email after negotiation

Negotiations can be challenging, but it's time to draw a line under difficult discussions and say thanks when a deal has been done. This thank you email after the negotiation is about setting out a positive and productive relationship for the future.

27. Thank you email for support

It doesn't matter if the support is from a colleague, friend, or family member; it's important to say thanks. This is a personal message that you should tailor before sending it. Stay true and say it from the heart. 

28. Thank you email for helping

We all benefit from the help of others from time to time, and we must recognize and reward it when it happens. In this thank you email for helping template, we provide a basic sample that you can use to shape into your own personal reply.

29. Thank you professor email

If your professor has done something special, then sending a thank you email is a kind courtesy. This thank you professor email sample is simple and can be edited and amended to include your personal messages of support.

30. Thank you email to a teacher

You may be emailing a teacher on your behalf or for the work they've done with your children. Regardless of the reason, this thank you email to a teacher template can be shaped for any circumstance.

31. Thank you for meeting email sample

Saying thanks after a business meeting is all part of professional business etiquette. You don't need to go into too much detail; say thanks, restate the essential points from the meeting, and push for the next steps. That's what we do in this sample thank you email after a business meeting.

32. Thank you for connecting me with someone email sample

Introductions are often the best way to create connections, so when it someone goes to the trouble of doing so, say thank you. This sample email to say thanks for making an introduction is sent to the person and includes an offer to reciprocate. It's only fair!

33. Thank you for salary increase email sample

Times are hard, right? So if you've had a salary boost, say thanks. There's no need to go overboard (you earn the money, after all), but it's professional and polite to recognize a raise.

34. Thank you for your feedback email sample

Feedback (good and bad) is critical for improving how we work and who we are. In this thank you for your valuable feedback sample email, we recognize and respect the time someone has spent sharing their view with us.

35. Thank you after a successful event email sample

Managing an event is stressful, so if things have run smoothly (or even if they haven't), say thanks. This post-event thank you email sample is ideal to share with staff who have made an event successful.

You can easily edit this sample thank you email after a successful event for attendees.

36. Thank you for collaboration email sample

Collaborations between colleagues, teams, departments, and even companies are critical. This thank you for collaboration email sample is a personal message sent to respect a professional collaboration.

37. Thank you for attending a virtual event sample email

Virtual events mean you won't get a chance to meet someone in person, but it's still professional to send a thank you!

This email is suitable for long lists of attendees, but be sure to personalize it with a name and some details before clicking send.

38. Thank you for the update email sample

Regular updates are essential to the smooth running of every business, so say thanks when you receive them.

We've made this thank you for the update email easy to understand, clear, and consistent.

39. Thank you for the confirmation email sample

Received confirmation all your details are present and correct? Say thanks! This thank you for the confirmation email sample is simple and brief (like this intro).

Thank you email template

We've broken down the fundamentals of the thank you email format and some pro samples. If you want the easiest way to create professional thank you emails, use this template.

Our customizable thank you template is formatted in the correct structure and layout. We've used a fill-in-the-blank format to make it as easy-as-possible.

You can edit the pre-written text to create emails that help you say thanks in style.

Thank you email template by Flowrite

The difference between writing a good and great thank you email can be as simple as Flowrite . Flowrite is an AI writing assistant that turns your instructions into ready-to-send emails and messages, like this:

Our browser extension and web app take care of the email format, capitalization, grammar, spelling, punctuation. In other words, you can focus on the message, and Flowrite will take care of the delivery.

Our template collection features dozens of email templates to help you write professional emails such us thank you emails. To grasp how easy and fast it's to write a professional thank you email with Flowrite, check out the example below.

Thank you note for reading

Thanks for reading this guide to thank you emails. By now, you should understand the fundamental building blocks of a great thank you email.

We encourage you to use the tips, copy and paste the examples, or tackle the template to create your thank you emails.

OK, so we've focused on the format and tone of voice; and urged professionalism, but thank you messages should always come from the heart. Use our examples, templates, and guidance to bring out your personality!

Bonus: 70 thank you phrases 

It can something be hard to write a thank you email. You can almost feel like giving up and saying: "I don't know how to say thank you." We know finding the right wording for your thank you can be challenging. 

Some thank you phrases may not fit the context, and at times it can be hard to figure out how to say thank you meaningfully, but we can help.

That's why it's good to have different thank you phrases and wordings in your toolbox. 

These 70 thank you examples will help you find the thank you phrases for thank you emails to your team, co-workers, colleagues, managers, employees, clients, fellow alumni, mentors, HR representatives, or customer service specialists.

Here are 70 thank you phrases that everyone should know.

  • Thank you for your help
  • Thank you for all your help
  • Thank you for helping
  • Thank you for helping me
  • Thank you for your time
  • Thank you for the time
  • Thank you so much for...
  • Thank you for your support
  • Thank you for all you do
  • Thank you for all that you do
  • Thank you for everything
  • Thank you for your hard work
  • Thank you for your hard work and dedication
  • Thank you for your time and effort
  • Thank you for your service
  • Thank you for considering
  • Thank you for your consideration
  • Thank you for your patience
  • Thank you for your understanding
  • Thank you for being patient
  • Thank you for being accommodating
  • Thank you for the kind words
  • Thank you for your kind words
  • Thank you for sharing
  • Thank you for reaching out
  • Thank you for reaching out to me
  • Thank you for thinking of me
  • Thank you for caring
  • Thank you for your support during this difficult time
  • Thank you for fixing the issue
  • Thank you for applying
  • Thank you for the interview
  • Thank you for the warm welcome
  • Thank you for your email
  • Thank you for coming
  • Thank you for joining us
  • Thank you for attending
  • Thank you for the information
  • Thank you for the notice
  • Thank you for the clarification email
  • Thank you for the heads up
  • Thank you for your attention to
  • Thank you for the great news
  • Thank you for the update
  • Thank you for the follow-up
  • Thank you for your detailed email
  • Thank you for your considered reply
  • Thank you for taking the time to message me
  • Thank you for everything that you have done
  • Thank you for your order
  • Thank you for your purchase
  • Thank you for your business
  • Thank you for supporting my small business
  • Thank you for choosing to shop with us again
  • Thank you for shopping with us again!
  • Thank you for your inquiry
  • Thank you for your interest in our services
  • Thank you for being our loyal customer
  • Thank you for your loyalty
  • Thank you for being a valued customer
  • Thank you for being our customer
  • Thanks for staying loyal to us!
  • Thank you for your response
  • Thank you for a quick response
  • Thank you for a prompt response
  • Thanks for the speedy reply
  • Thank you, and have a great day
  • Thank you, and have a great weekend
  • Thank you, and have a great holiday

15 Thank you synonyms and alternatives – the other ways to say thank you 

There are loads of other ways to say thank you, including some drop-in alternatives to thank you that you can use in an email. 

Why wouldn't you want to say thank you? Sometimes thank you feels a little too impersonal and can feel like a cookie-cutter response. If you've said thanks before, you may want other ways to thank you in an email.

Whatever reason you're searching for how to say thank you in other ways, we can help.  

Here are 15 thank you synonyms and alternatives everyone can use:

  • I appreciate your help
  • I welcome your advice
  • I wanted to express my gratitude
  • Cheers          
  • Your input is so valuable
  • We wanted to say how much we value your support
  • Your support is appreciated
  • Much obliged
  • I'm so grateful
  • I owe you one
  • Your support means everything
  • I'm beyond grateful
  • I'm indebted to you
  • I wanted you to know just what you've done
  • The impact you've had is incredible

These are just some of the ways you can say thank you without saying thanks. Use your imagination and inspiration to come up with some others.

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Thank for feedback

Reply to: "

Hi there, Your product is simply amazing. I have one question though. Can I use it in Spanish? Best, Tia

Received message

thanks not yet in spanish

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Generate an outreach

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The Follow-Up Thank You Email That Got Me Hired One Week After the Interview

Cambria Davies

Published: August 17, 2023

Can you get the job you want by sending a thank you email after a final interview? It's common practice for candidates to research the company they’re interviewing with. But many great interviews don’t turn into a job.

Man sends a thank you email after a final interview.

When interviewing at HubSpot, I sent a thank you email that impressed my interviewers so much they hired me within seven days. Apparently, that's 20 days faster than their average turnaround.

Next, we'll show you how to write a great thank you email after your next interview to achieve similar results.

  • Should You Send an Email?
  • How to Write a Thank You Email
  • What Not to Do

Interview thank you email graphic with title “The Thank You Email That Got Me Hired One Week After the Interview”

Should you send a thank you email after a final interview?

Most people get nervous about job interviews, and you probably do too. That can lead to some confusion and stress about the best way to follow up. Recruiters and hiring managers are busy. You don’t want to bother them, but your timeline and priorities are important too.

sales presentation thank you email

30 Free Follow-Up Email Templates

Follow up with colleagues, sales prospects, recruiters, and networking connections. Great for...

  • Sales Prospects
  • Job Recruiters
  • Networking Connections
  • Workplace Colleagues

Download Free

All fields are required.

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Click this link to access this resource at any time.

At the same time, even in a great job market, there is a lot of competition out there. According to Zippia , only about 6 out of 250 corporate job applicants actually get called in for an interview. And Robert Half’s research says that the shift from local to remote hiring means that employers are getting 54% more applications from skilled applicants.

With many jobs asking for two to four interviews per candidate , how can you stand out? Building relationships throughout the hiring process will take some time and creativity. But there is a simple and time-tested strategy that applicants don’t always remember – writing a great thank you email.

Best Thank You Interview Email

The best thank you email after a final interview is like the thank you notes that parents have their kids send after birthdays and holidays. It’s a way to show that you appreciate their time and effort, and to genuinely say thank you.

The work for your thank you email actually starts during the interview. Get your interviewer's name (and correct spelling) and jot down a few notes. This will make it easier for you to reference your conversation later when you follow-up with an email.

Your thank you email should be sent within 24 hours after your interview. No need to write a novel — this email should be sincere but concise. Be sure to:

  • Drive home your interest for the role and company.
  • Call out something that you found interesting in the conversation you had.
  • Offer to answer any questions

But this is for your dream job and not your favorite aunt. So, let’s talk about standing out with your thank you note so you can get the job you want.

How to Write a Thank You Email After an Interview

1. review your research..

47% of recruiters say they would reject candidates that had little knowledge about the company they're applying to. That's why it's important to resesarch the company as well as the people who will be conducting the interview. Successful candidates look through company websites, Glassdoor, and social media. That research is necessary for a successful job interview. At the same time, this research doesn’t always surface during those conversations.

Because even the best interviews are stressful, it’s easy to forget the details. But those details are what recruiters and hiring managers are looking for in a candidate because they show how excited you are about the job.

While it’s not always possible to take notes during an interview, be sure to make notes afterward. For interviews where you speak with many people, try to write some quick notes after each conversation. This makes it easier to remember what was special about each person and interview.

Before you start writing your thank you emails, review your notes and research. This will make it easier for you to create compelling thank you notes.

2. Learn what not to do.

You want to be the perfect candidate for the job. That means that you might look to a thank you email template to craft your thank yous. But that’s probably not your best next step.

If you search "Follow up email after interview" in Google, you'll come across boring email templates like this one:


Thank you so much for taking the time to interview me yesterday. It was such a pleasure to learn more about the team and position, and I’m very excited about the opportunity to explore a career with your company.

I look forward to hearing back from you about the next steps, and please let me know if I can provide any additional information.

[Your name]


So, what's wrong with it?

  • Feels like a template email.
  • Fails to mention any personal connection or topic of conversation that occurred during the interview.
  • Conveys a lack of interest in the company.
  • Provides no added value to the interviewer.

If I sent this as my follow-up thank you email, I might as well not have sent one at all. I needed to prove that I deserved the job. That I was the person this team needed.

3. Write a customized, detailed follow-up based on your interview conversations.

Here is the word-for-word email I sent my future hiring manager:

Thank you again for talking with me Tuesday night, I really appreciate the advice and all your help. It was great to learn more about the team and your experience at HubSpot.

Working with such a scrappy, fast-paced team within a company I truly admire would be an incredible learning experience, and I would love the opportunity to prove I'm a great fit for the role.

Attached is a how-to slide deck on SEO that I created for our [Client name] at 451 Marketing. I've also attached my resume and a one-pager to illustrate why I want to work for HubSpot and how I align with the culture.

Below are highlights of publications I've contributed to:

  • Informational Search Queries Take the Cake, or Pie - 451 Heat
  • My Summer at 451: An Intern's Inside View - 451 Heat
  • Downtyme: Saving you from your Smartphone - Rough Draft Ventures
  • Dyli: Personalized Fashion Discovery - Rough Draft Ventures

Finally, below is a link to my website where you can see more of my publications and projects. I've also included a link to a program I initiated at Boston University this year called the "Thanksgiving Homestay Program."

  • BU Thanksgiving Homestay Program

Hope you're staying warm and surviving Juno. I look forward to hearing back from you!

I knew I wanted my post-interview follow-up email to convey these elements:

Context and Personality

I started jotting down notes after the interview to ensure that I could include some personal connection or common interest that would help the hiring manager remember me in a pool of hundreds or even thousands of candidates.


I tried focusing on these main themes to show how badly I wanted the job:

  • Specific characteristics of the team that stood out to me
  • Elements of the position that appealed to me most
  • Values that I share with the company

For example, I emphasized the " scrappy, fast-paced " nature of the team as an aspect that particularly excited me about this role.

I recapped why I would be an asset to the team and the company. Instead of talking in generalities, I cited concrete examples of how I would contribute by drawing from past experiences and provided links to various content, projects, and presentations that I have worked on, some of which I spoke about during my interview.

Employers aren’t just looking for a qualified and capable candidate. They’re looking for genuine enthusiasm. I was thrilled about this potential job, and I told them why.

4. Show your unique value in an authentic way.

Smart people want to hire smarter people. So I figured out how to stand out from hundreds of other applicants.

I demonstrated I wasn't just qualified for the position, but I was qualified for the culture. Years ago, HubSpot published a SlideShare on their " Culture Code. "

I used that code to illustrate (literally) how my personality matches HubSpot's culture.

A few hours after sending this email, I saw (using HubSpot Sales ) that the hiring manager, Anum , opened my emails and clicked my links.

I had two more interviews scheduled the following week. I was hired that Thursday evening.

They later told me the importance of this extra step in the hiring decision:

"Your personal culture code was a major contributor in deciding to move you along our interview funnel. Not only was its content reflective of how your values tied to our company's values, the act of making it showed hustle and that you understood the importance we place on culture at HubSpot."

And now I'm writing this from my desk at HubSpot.

All because of a unique thank you email.

How to Add Value in Your Follow-Up

If you can, try to tailor the accomplishments you mention to the type of interview you just had. For example, after a competency-based interview, you might want to mention your experience with a recent industry trend. You could also refer to a specific app or tool that came up during your conversation.

In a behavioral interview follow-up, it might be better to talk about how you think your working style aligns with the team.

Another tip: Video interviews are more popular than ever. The ease of virtual interviews means that candidates might have more interviews that end without a job offer.

So, don’t just think about what you should write in your email. Think about what else you can add that spotlights why you would be perfect for the role.

For example, if you want to teach an online class, attach a short video of you teaching a class. If you’re applying for a design role, add a graphic thank you note to your email.

If you want to learn more about emails that get attention, check out this video from Nancy Harhut, an INBOUND favorite:

5. Ask smart questions.

You absolutely want to show your value during your job search. But there’s another essential skill you also want to show potential employers. Curiosity.

The technological advances that enable employees to work from home are also responsible for the speed of change in the workplace. To roll with that constant change, you need to stay curious.

Workplace success also means teamwork, communication, and interactive problem-solving. Curiosity also shows empathy. It’s an easy way to show interviewers your investment in other people and their role in the big picture.

Asking informed questions shows that you’re not just proud of your work experience and accomplishments. It highlights that you’re also excited about what people at their company are doing and how they do it.

6. Review your note to make sure you haven’t missed anything.

There are a few things that every follow-up email , no matter how casual, should include.

First, create an original subject line so that your thank you email is easy to find in a crowded inbox.

Next, check that you send your personalized email to the right person and that you've spelled their name correctly. Then review your email draft to make sure that the contents of your email call attention to your ability and enthusiasm for the role you’re applying for.

Finally, nail down the next steps as you close your email. If you clearly outline your expectations, it gives prospective employers a better chance to meet them.

Do you want an update on your next steps? Or do you need to submit extra information for their review? Maybe you have a personal deadline because of another offer and you want to know when they plan to reach out with a decision.

So, instead of closing your email with something general like "Hoping to hear from you soon," add a closing that clarifies your understanding of what happens next.

7. Customize your emails after each step in the interview process.

Since the hiring process usually includes more than one interview and several interviewers, you’ll need to factor that into your thank you emails. Keep in mind that interviewers may share your emails as the team decides on the right candidate, so every email should be (mostly) unique.

Make sure you're emailing everyone involved in your application process. Then, customize your notes according to the stage of the interview process and what you discussed with that person.

These are a few examples that can help you draft emails throughout the hiring process.

Recruiter Thank You Email

Thanks for answering all of my questions about the role and setting up my next interview with [Hiring Manager]! I appreciate your insight into how the team measures success, and I believe my experience [Details] would bring a lot to the team.

Follow-up Thank You Email Template

Thanks for taking the time to chat with me about the position today!

It was great to learn more about your strategy and approach to [Details], and I completely agree with your philosophy on [Details]. I believe my experience [Details] could bring a lot to the role and the team -- here's my recent [Blog post, white paper, talk] on the subject if you'd like to read more about it.

I'm excited about learning more from your team's VP in our conversation next week, which I appreciate you setting up.

Final Interview Thank You Email

If you've made it to the final stage of the interview process and are awaiting a decision on the role, make sure your thank you email is enthusiastic and confident. This way the hiring manager has the most positive possible impression of you before making a decision.

I wanted to drop you a final note to thank you for setting up such an interesting and engaging interview experience.

I feel like I've learned so much about the [Company] culture from speaking to so many team members, and it was exciting to hear how enthusiastic and bought-in the team is to the power of [Team/Role].

After my final conversation with [VP/Executive], I'm more excited than ever about the position and discussing next steps.

Please let me know if you have any other questions or next steps for me! Thanks so much.

It's amazing how putting in a few extra minutes of thought and creativity can get you exactly where you want to go. If you need more inspiration, these follow-up email templates are a great place to start.

Your Final Thank You Email Is Just the Beginning

Clicking "Send" on your final interview email can be the key to the next conversation you have. Once your email is complete, it’s time to think about the other decisions that come after you hear about that elusive dream job.

Do you know your target salary? What are you expecting for your benefits? What about time off? If you’re not chosen for this position, are you still hoping to work for this company in the future?

The process of applying for your dream job can be intense. But the more you prepare, the more comfortable and confident you’ll be. Keep building on your knowledge and experience, and you’ll be heading for success.

This post was originally published in January 2019 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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Use these templates to follow up with colleagues, sales prospects, recruiters, and networking connections.

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41 Sales Follow Up Email Templates For Every Scenario

If you're doing any kind of sales over email, you already know that getting a sale requires many follow up emails.

Before jumping into all of the templates, it's always important to remember a few things about follow ups:

  • Keep it short and sweet : Nobody wants to read 20 paragraphs - get to the point!
  • Make replying a simple yes/no task for recipients : The recipient shouldn't have to "think" about what to say - make it easy for them to say yes!
  • Be honest : Be upfront about your objectives (selling your product).
  • Add value : Stop saying "Hey - just following up here" for every email. We have many examples below.
  • Walk away gracefully : Know when to stop, and don't waste your time on someone who is clearly not interested.

Here are 25 of the best sales email follow up templates and samples you can use, based on different scenarios:

Import these templates into Gmail

If you don't want to copy and paste these templates all day, check out the Pigeon for Gmail app.

Using Pigeon, you can download all of these straight into your Gmail. You can do this one by one, or add the entire set:

Follow up email after a sales meeting

You just finished up a sales meeting and it went really well. Well, your work is not done.

You should be following up right after to take next steps and actions while you are still "top of mind" for your prospect.

Another approach is to be bit more comprehensive:

  • Show some social proof about other companies that use your product
  • Send a case study (add value)
  • Recap your meeting
  • Set next steps

Follow up email after no response from a client

This is probably one of the most common scenarios - you're following up to someone who either:

  • Has yet to respond to you, or
  • Has recently gone quiet

There are a few ways you can approach this:

1 - Owning it

It helps to be straightforward that you are doing sales as it can break down the "formal" nature of your relationship with the prospect.

2 - Sending helpful resources

Instead of just pestering them with follow-ups, offer something of value!

Here's another example of a nice email where you can genuinely help your client out while also selling your product/services:

3 - A simple one-liner

When humans disagree by saying “No”, it provides them an illusion of safety and control. They feel less threatened and more in the driving seat.

This template is like bait for this:

You can also "waive the white flag":

4 - Ask to close out the file

Unique sales follow up email examples.

One way to stand out is to be unique - and to stand out from the rest of the hundreds of other salespeople trying to get your prospects' attention

1 - Use humor + animated GIFs

Using humor and self-deprecation can often illicit a response:

2 - Use personalized images

Get their attention with a personalized image of your prospect or the logo of their company:

3 - Send a gift

Sending free accounts, extended trials, or even physical gifts can be very effective. Here's a sample you can use:

Follow up after leaving a voicemail

If you're doing any cold calls, it's absolutely essential to also email.

Why? Because your prospects may not like picking up the phone or even checking the voicemail. If you don't email they may never even check it.

Here's another sample:

Follow up email after a "trigger" event

Great salespeople can turn just about any 'event' into a way to sell more things.

For example, if a client just raised some capital, you can follow up with a template about how they will use this money:

Follow up email after a prospect visits your website

If someone clicked the link in your email, or visited your website, you can set up automations that can send them an email right when it happens:

  • It may help to acknowledge the awkwardness of it
  • Ask for a meeting

Follow up email after a sales phone call

Just like after an in-person meeting, you should be following up right after a sales call.

Keep this short and make sure to be clear about what the next step is. Also, make sure to thank them for their time.

It also helps to let them know you understand they are busy:

Follow up after a trade show, conference

Trade shows are an amazing way to find leads.

But how to email them effectively? There are a couple approaches

1 - Mention something you talked about

2 - send some resources, follow up after networking event.

Networking events are an underrated way to get more sales.

It's important that you stay casual in your follow ups, though.

Follow up email for sales meeting request

Just getting a meeting may be the first step to your sale, so focus your follow ups on getting that meeting.

Follow up email to an unresponsive prospect

Here's a template that you can use if you keep sending follow ups and you haven't heard anything.

This is sometimes called a "break up" email.

Another version of the breakup email (with some added humor):

Follow up email after providing quote

You just provided a quote and now it's time for the big decision for your prospect.

Sometimes, at this stage, the prospect might go silent here, as this can be a big financial decision.

It's very important to be persistent at this stage. Here's a couple approaches:

1 - Let them know more details and when things will get started

2 - or just keep it simple, follow up email after sending several follow up emails.

If you feel like you're running out of ideas, and not getting any responses, here's a couple more things you can try:

1 - Be forward + offer something of value

Stop beating around the bush and just ask for that meeting:

2 - See if you can get connected to someone else

Sometimes, you're just not talking to the right person:

3 - Get a bit personal

4 - use social proof.

Let your prospects know about the other successful companies that use your product!

Follow up email to a lost sale

Sometimes, people are just busy, and it's just not the right time.

But that doesn't mean they can't be re-engaged at a later date! You can let them know kindly that you're still around when they are ready:

Another great way to try to revive a lost sale is to show your passion that you want to make things work:

Prospect follow up email (early)

Very early in the sales process, you may not be going straight for the sale, but rather provide helpful resources to your prospect.

Here's an effective way to do that:

Follow up sales letter to client

This may even be a cold email, but it's a great way to get on a prospect's radar:

Follow up email after a sales presentation

After a demo or sales presentation, the prospect might be surer excited, so you should be immediately following up with next steps.

Business development follow up email

The key here is letting them know you have "ideas" that will improve their business. This can excite your prospects.

Sales reminder email / sales check-in email

Sometimes prospects ask you to get back to them at a later date.

Be sure to keep a reminder, and if you can, even email them a bit earlier - it shows you are prepared and thinking of the client:

Follow up email after sales pitch

Follow up after sales demo.

The key here is:

  • Remind the client about why they should buy from you
  • Offer to answer any questions
  • Get the next meeting

Follow up email after sales rejection

In sales, rejection is the norm, and sometimes, even a rejection can turn into a sale.

Maybe it's not today, but someday down the road.

The key is:

  • Let them know you're persistent
  • Let the prospect know you care about their success regardless if they're a customer

Follow up after sales proposal

If your previous email went unread, you can acknowledge that:

sales presentation thank you email

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Thank You Slides For Your Presentation

Thank you slide

A well-designed thank you slide is more than just a polite formality—it’s a powerful way to leave a lasting impression on your audience. The thank you slide is typically the last visual element your audience will see, making it a critical part of your presentation. Whether you’re closing a sales pitch, delivering a keynote speech, or wrapping up a training session, a well-crafted thank you slide can reinforce your message, provide contact information, and create a smooth transition to a Q&A session.

In this blog post, we’ll dive into the importance of a thank you slide, how to design one effectively, and present examples for different types of presentations.

Why the Thank You Slide Matters

The thank you slide plays several important roles:

  • Gratitude and Professionalism: It’s an opportunity to express appreciation for your audience’s time and attention.
  • Brand Reinforcement: It offers a final chance to showcase your brand or message.
  • Contact Information: It can include key details like your email, phone number, website, or social media handles, making it easy for your audience to reach out.
  • Transition to Q&A: It serves as a visual cue that you’re concluding the formal part of your presentation and are open to questions or discussion.

The thank-you slide is your final opportunity to leave a lasting impression on your audience. A well-crafted thank-you slide can reinforce your message, encourage further engagement, and show genuine appreciation.

To maximize its impact, it's crucial to consider various aspects, from the visual design to the message's tone. Here’s a comprehensive guide on creating a thank-you slide that stands out and enhances the overall effectiveness of your presentation .

1. Craft a Sincere Expression of Gratitude

A heartfelt thank you goes beyond mere politeness; it demonstrates your appreciation for the audience’s time and attention. A genuine message can help build rapport and leave a positive final impression.

Key Considerations:

  • Authenticity: Your gratitude should feel genuine and reflect your appreciation for the audience's engagement.
  • Personalization: Tailor your message to the specific event or audience to make it more meaningful.

Enhanced Example:

  • Text: “I want to extend my sincere thanks to each of you for joining me today. Your enthusiasm and participation have made this session truly engaging. I’m grateful for your time and hope the insights shared will be valuable to you moving forward.”

Visual Tip: Use a warm and approachable design, such as a soft color palette or an image of a handshake or group, to convey a personal touch.

2. Reinforce Key Takeaways with Clarity

Summarizing key points on the thank-you slide helps reinforce your main messages and ensures that the audience leaves with a clear understanding of your content.

  • Conciseness: Focus on the most critical points without overwhelming the audience with too much information.
  • Visual Aids: Incorporate infographics, charts, or icons to visually reinforce the summary.
  • Text: “Key Takeaways: 1. Understanding the core features of our product. 2. Recognizing the market opportunities we’re targeting. 3. Next steps for implementation and engagement.”

Visual Tip: Use bullet points or a summary diagram to present the key takeaways clearly and succinctly.

3. Facilitate Easy Follow-Up with Contact Information

Providing your contact details encourages continued dialogue and networking. Make it easy for your audience to reach out for further questions or opportunities.

  • Comprehensive Contact Info: Include multiple ways for the audience to connect, such as email, phone, and social media.
  • Call to Action: Encourage the audience to reach out for further information or discussions.
  • Text: “I’d love to continue this conversation. Feel free to contact me at [Email Address] or connect with me on LinkedIn [LinkedIn Profile]. Let’s keep the dialogue going!”

Visual Tip: Include icons for email, phone, and LinkedIn to make the contact information easily recognizable and accessible.

4. Encourage Feedback for Improvement

Inviting feedback shows that you value the audience’s opinions and provides you with constructive insights to refine future presentations.

  • Clear Feedback Request: Politely ask for feedback and explain how it will be used.
  • ‍ Accessible Feedback Mechanism: Provide a direct link or QR code to a feedback form or survey.

Enhanced Example :

  • Text: “Your feedback is crucial for us! Please take a moment to share your thoughts via our feedback form [link/QR code]. Your insights will help us improve our future sessions.

” Visual Tip: Use a QR code or clickable link in a prominent location on the slide, and consider adding a visual element like a feedback icon or form image to make the request more engaging.

5. End with a Powerful Closing Remark or Inspirational Quote

A closing remark or quote can leave a lasting impact and resonate with your audience, reinforcing the overall message of your presentation.

  • Relevance: Choose a quote or remark that aligns with the presentation’s theme or the audience’s interests.
  • Emotional Impact: Aim for a statement that inspires, motivates, or provides a final thought that echoes the presentation’s key message.
  • Text: “As we conclude, remember: ‘The only way to do great work is to love what you do.’ Thank you for your time and enthusiasm today. Let’s continue to strive for excellence together.”

Visual Tip: Incorporate an inspirational background image or a stylish font for the quote to make it visually impactful.

6. Design for Simplicity and Professionalism

A clean, professional design ensures that your thank-you slide is effective and aesthetically pleasing. Avoid clutter and focus on a streamlined presentation.

  • Minimalist Design: Use a simple background and limit text to key elements. Ensure that the font is readable and the design is cohesive.
  • Consistency: Match the thank-you slide’s design with the overall presentation style for a seamless experience.
  • Text: “Thank you for being an engaged audience. For further questions, please contact me at [Email Address].”

Visual Tip: Use a clean layout with ample white space, and incorporate consistent branding elements from your presentation to maintain a professional look.

7. Tailor the Thank-You Slide to the Presentation Context

Customize your thank-you slide to fit the specific event or audience. Consider the presentation’s tone, purpose, and the audience’s expectations when designing your slide.

  • Context Appropriateness: Adapt the message and visuals to align with the event type (e.g., formal, casual, educational).
  • Audience Focus: Reflect the interests and preferences of your audience in your thank-you message and design.
  • Text for a Corporate Meeting: “Thank you for your attention and valuable contributions. We look forward to collaborating on these initiatives and achieving our goals together.”
  • Text for a Workshop: “Thank you for your participation today. We hope you found the workshop insightful and look forward to your continued engagement.”

Visual Tip: Use design elements that match the event’s branding or theme to ensure the slide feels integrated and relevant.

Crafting the Perfect Thank-You Slide: Examples for Different Presentation Types

The thank-you slide is more than just a polite conclusion; it’s a chance to solidify your message, encourage further engagement, and leave a lasting impression. Here’s a detailed look at how to create impactful thank-you slides tailored to different types of presentations, complete with specific examples and design tips.

1. Sales Pitch Thank-You Slide Example: Drive Home the Value

In a sales presentation, your thank-you slide should echo the confidence and professionalism you’ve demonstrated throughout your pitch. It’s crucial to make it easy for the audience to take the next steps and engage with you further.

Key Components:

  • Brief Thank You Message: Acknowledge the audience’s time with a concise and professional message.
  • Contact Information: Provide clear contact details to facilitate follow-up.
  • Call to Action (CTA): Direct the audience on the next steps, such as scheduling a demo or signing a contract.

Design Tips:

  • Branding: Incorporate your brand colors and logo to maintain a polished and cohesive look.

Slide Content:

  • Text: “Thank you for your time and consideration. Let’s move forward together. Schedule a demo or contact me to discuss how we can drive success for your business.”
  • Contact Info: “[Your Name] | [Email Address] | [Phone Number] | [LinkedIn Profile]”
  • Design Tip: Use a professional background with your company’s color scheme and include a compelling tagline like, “Empowering Your Business for Growth.”

2. Conference or Keynote Thank-You Slide Example: Inspire and Connect

For a keynote or conference presentation, your thank-you slide should reflect the tone of your speech and inspire your audience. It’s an opportunity to reinforce your key messages and leave a memorable closing note.

  • Inspirational Message: Offer a final thought or quote that resonates with the theme of your presentation.
  • Contact Information: Provide ways for the audience to connect with you for further discussion or networking.
  • Feedback Request: Encourage the audience to share their feedback.
  • Visual Appeal: Use engaging visuals or a quote that aligns with the presentation’s theme.
  • Professional Design: Maintain a clean and cohesive design that reflects the conference’s branding.
  • Engagement: Include a link or QR code for feedback or additional resources.
  • Text: “Thank you for being an incredible audience. Remember, ‘The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.’ Stay inspired and keep pushing boundaries.”
  • Contact Info: “[Your Name] | [Email Address] | [Twitter Handle]”
  • Design Tip: Incorporate a powerful quote on a visually striking background, such as a sunset or a cityscape, with a QR code linking to additional resources or a feedback form.

3. Educational Workshop Thank-You Slide Example: Summarize and Encourage

In an educational workshop, your thank-you slide should summarize the key points and encourage participants to apply what they’ve learned. It’s also an opportunity to provide additional resources and invite further interaction.

  • Summary of Key Points: Briefly recap the main takeaways from the workshop.
  • Additional Resources: Provide links to resources, materials, or further reading.
  • Feedback Invitation: Encourage participants to provide feedback to help improve future workshops.
  • Clear Layout: Use bullet points or a summary diagram to present key takeaways clearly.
  • Resource Links: Include clickable links or QR codes for easy access to additional materials.
  • Interactive Elements: Add a call to action for feedback or follow-up questions.
  • Text: “Thank you for participating in today’s workshop! Key Takeaways: 1.  [Main Point 1] 2. [Main Point 2] 3. [Main Point 3] 4. For more resources, visit [Website Link] or scan the QR code.”
  • Feedback: “Your feedback is valuable! Please share your thoughts at [Feedback Form Link].”
  • Design Tip: Use a clean, organized layout with bullet points for takeaways and include a QR code for easy access to additional resources.

4. Funding Pitch Thank-You Slide Example: Build Anticipation for Follow-Up

When concluding a funding pitch, your thank-you slide should reinforce your excitement about potential collaboration and clearly state the next steps. It’s important to leave a strong impression and provide a clear path for follow-up.

  • Expression of Enthusiasm: Show your eagerness to work together and express appreciation for their consideration.
  • Contact Information: Ensure your contact details are prominently displayed.
  • Next Steps: Outline the steps you’d like the investors to take next, such as arranging a meeting or reviewing a detailed proposal.
  • Professional Design: Use a sophisticated design that reflects the seriousness of the pitch.
  • Clear CTA: Make sure the next steps are clearly defined and easy to follow.
  • Contact Details: Highlight your contact information to facilitate easy communication.
  • Text: “Thank you for considering our proposal. We are excited about the opportunity to collaborate and are eager to discuss how we can move forward together. Let’s arrange a follow-up meeting to explore the next steps.”
  • Contact Info: “[Your Name] | [Email Address] | [Phone Number]”
  • Design Tip: Use a sleek, professional background with a clear, actionable statement like, “Looking forward to our next conversation!”

5. Team Presentation Thank-You Slide Example: Reflect and Motivate

For a team presentation, the thank-you slide should celebrate collective achievements and motivate the team for future efforts. It’s a moment to recognize contributions and reinforce team spirit.

  • Recognition: Acknowledge the team’s efforts and contributions.
  • Motivational Message: Provide an inspiring note that encourages continued collaboration and enthusiasm.
  • Contact Information: Share contact details for further discussion or follow-up.
  • Team Imagery: Use team photos or graphics to emphasize collaboration.
  • Positive Tone: Incorporate a design and message that reflect the team’s achievements and future goals.
  • Text: “Thank you to everyone for your hard work and dedication. Together, we’ve achieved great results and have exciting opportunities ahead. Let’s keep up the momentum and continue striving for excellence!”
  • Contact Info: “[Your Name] | [Email Address] | [Internal Communication Platform Link]”
  • Design Tip: Include a group photo or team graphic with a motivational quote such as, “Teamwork makes the dream work!”

An effective thank-you slide is more than just a polite conclusion; it’s an opportunity to reinforce your message, facilitate continued engagement, and leave a memorable final impression. By expressing genuine gratitude, summarizing key points, providing contact information, inviting feedback, and incorporating a powerful closing remark , you can craft a thank-you slide that enhances your presentation’s impact. Tailor your design to fit the context and audience to ensure a polished and effective conclusion to your talk.

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Retro: A final 22 old photographs from livestock sales which were held at Dungannon from the Farming Life archive

Darryl Armitage

These photographs relate to livestock sales which were held at Dungannon in Co Tyrone down through the years. There are 22 in total.

We were wondering if any of our readers might be able to identify those in the photographs.

Have a look through this selection and let us know, drop us a comment, or email [email protected] .

In the weeks and months, we hope to bring regular Retro pictures for readers to enjoy.

You can find more of our videos here .

We were wondering if any of our readers might be able to identify those in the photographs.

1 . Farming Life archives

We were wondering if any of our readers might be able to identify those in the photographs. Photo: Farming Life archives

We were wondering if any of our readers might be able to identify those in the photographs.

2 . Farming Life archives

We were wondering if any of our readers might be able to identify those in the photographs.

3 . Columba O'Hare/ Fotacol

We were wondering if any of our readers might be able to identify those in the photographs. Photo: Columba O'Hare/ Fotacol

We were wondering if any of our readers might be able to identify those in the photographs.

4 . Farming Life archives

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  • Ulster Farmers' Union Watch


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  3. How to Write a Thank You Email that Close Deals Faster

    Misspelling Names. If you met someone named John, your thank you email needs to start with the words "Hello John.". If you met John, make sure you are going to send the email to his exact address. Check the name twice. Additional tip: if you talked to more than one person, include them all in the email.

  4. How To Write a Thank You Email After a Sales Meeting in 8 Steps

    Learn how to write a post-meeting email to maintain communication with prospective clients and leave a good impression. Follow eight steps, see a template and examples of thank you emails after sales meetings.

  5. How to Write a "Thank You" Email After a Sales Meeting ...

    A. Example 1 (formal): 'I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere thanks for meeting with our team today.'. B. Example 2 (less formal): 'Thank you for taking the time to discuss [topic] with me this morning.'. ‍. Consider following up with a detail from the meeting that shows you were attentive and engaged.

  6. How to Say Thank You After Your Big Sales Presentation

    After your big presentation, you need to send a thank you letter. But saying thank you could be so much more, if you embrace a modern sales approach and let it. ... check out my coaching and consulting firm, B2B Sales Coach & Consultancy, email me, or call me at (614) 212-4279. Read my interview with Tom Peters ...

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  8. Steps In Writing A Thank You Letter After Sales Presentation

    Steps to Writing a Great Thank-You Letter. 1. Express Gratitude. Start your thank you letter by thanking the customer for meeting with you and learning about your products or services. Show them that their presence was appreciated and that it made a difference to have them there. 2.

  9. How To Write A Professional Thank You Email (25 different use cases)

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  10. Sales Follow Up Emails That Convert (+Templates)

    Following up too soon or waiting too long (generally, 12 working hours after the demo is the sweet spot). Sending emails after work hours or on the weekend. Talking too much about yourself. Avoid words like "I", "me," "my", "we," "us," and "our" and focus on using "you" and "your.". Giving your prospect too many ...

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  12. How to Write Thank You Emails That Makes an Impact

    Here are several thank you emails commonly used in sales and marketing, to ensure effectiveness and professionalism. 1. Post-purchase thank you email . After a customer makes a purchase, sending a thank you email is a great way to express gratitude for their business. This email can include: A personal touch, thanking the customer by name.

  13. Follow up after a sales presentation. Sample letter

    Do not repeat previous offers but present him or her new ideas, like additional facts about the product or a special discount. You may opt to send her two letters, one after the meeting and another few weeks later for follow-up purposes. Thank the customer for his or her time and interest during the presentation of the product and service.

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  15. This Is The Most Effective Post-Interview Thank You Email

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  16. 16 Templates For The Sales Follow Up Email

    Learn how to write effective sales follow up emails with examples, subject lines, and best practices. Download 16 free templates to get started and boost your conversion rate.

  17. How to Thank Keynote Speaker (20 Cool Samples)

    Thank you for being the spark That ignited our event's success. With heartfelt appreciation, [Your Name]" Commentary: A poetic tribute is a creative and memorable way to express your gratitude. It shows that you put thought and effort into crafting a unique thank you that captures the essence of the speaker's impact. 12. A Social Media ...

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    Learn how to express gratitude in a professional email with our guide and examples. Find out how to format, write and end a thank you email for various situations, such as after an interview, a career fair or a job offer.

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  21. Create the Perfect Thank You Slide

    Learn why a thank you slide is important and how to design one effectively for different types of presentations. See examples of gratitude, summary, contact, feedback, and closing remarks for your thank you slide.

  22. Retro: A final 22 old photographs from livestock sales which were held

    These photographs relate to livestock sales which were held at Dungannon in Co Tyrone down through the years. There are 22 in total. ... be able to identify those in the photographs. Have a look through this selection and let us know, drop us a comment, or email [email protected]. In the weeks and months, we hope to bring regular Retro pictures ...