1. How to Write Recommendations in Research

    Recommendations for future research should be: Concrete and specific. Supported with a clear rationale. Directly connected to your research. Overall, strive to highlight ways other researchers can reproduce or replicate your results to draw further conclusions, and suggest different directions that future research can take, if applicable.

  2. Research Recommendations

    Research recommendations may be provided by experts in the field, such as professors, researchers, or consultants, and are intended to help guide the researcher towards the most appropriate and effective approach to their research project. ... Summarize recommendations: Provide a summary of the recommendations at the end of the report or ...

  3. How to Write Recommendations in Research

    Here is a step-wise guide to build your understanding on the development of research recommendations. 1. Understand the Research Question: Understand the research question and objectives before writing recommendations. Also, ensure that your recommendations are relevant and directly address the goals of the study. 2.

  4. The Ultimate Guide to Crafting Impactful Recommendations in Research

    Crafting impactful recommendations is the key to unlocking the full potential of your study. By providing clear, actionable suggestions based on your findings, you can bridge the gap between research and real-world application. In this ultimate guide, we'll show you how to write recommendations that make a difference in your research report or ...

  5. Research Implications & Recommendations

    Research implications refer to the possible effects or outcomes of a study's findings. The recommendations section, on the other hand, is where you'll propose specific actions based on those findings. You can structure your implications section based on the three overarching categories - theoretical, practical and future research ...

  6. What are Implications and Recommendations in Research? How to Write It

    Basic differences between implications and recommendations in research. Implications and recommendations in research are two important aspects of a research paper or your thesis or dissertation. Implications discuss the importance of the research findings, while recommendations offer specific actions to solve a problem.

  7. How to Write Recommendations in Research Paper

    Recommendations in a research paper: meaning and goals Before you start learning how to write recommendations in a research paper, the first thing is to clarify the meaning of this term. It is a significant element in the research paper structure, as it is critical to your discussion section and conclusion. While conducting research and ...

  8. Implications or Recommendations in Research: What's the Difference

    High-quality research articles that get many citations contain both implications and recommendations. Implications are the impact your research makes, whereas recommendations are specific actions that can then be taken based on your findings, such as for more research or for policymaking. That seems clear enough, but the two are commonly confused.

  9. Draw conclusions and make recommendations (Chapter 6)

    For this reason you need to support your conclusions with structured, logical reasoning. Having drawn your conclusions you can then make recommendations. These should flow from your conclusions. They are suggestions about action that might be taken by people or organizations in the light of the conclusions that you have drawn from the results ...

  10. How to write useful recommendations

    Recommendations are a key part of most reports. Their role is to tell your reader what they (or others) need to do based upon the findings in a report. These should be written with the mindset that each recommendation will prompt a change. Make Your Points Action-Based. Since we are telling the reader (or others) what to do, use action verbs.

  11. Research Report

    Research Report is a written document that presents the results of a research project or study, including the research question, methodology, results, and conclusions, in a clear and objective manner. ... Research reports can inform policy and practice by providing evidence-based recommendations for decision-makers. For example, a research ...

  12. How to formulate research recommendations

    How to formulate research recommendations. "More research is needed" is a conclusion that fits most systematic reviews. But authors need to be more specific about what exactly is required. Long awaited reports of new research, systematic reviews, and clinical guidelines are too often a disappointing anticlimax for those wishing to use them ...

  13. Recommendation Reports

    Recommendation reports are texts that advise audiences about the best ways to solve a problem. Recommendation reports are a type of formal report that is widely used across disciplines and professions. Subject Matter Experts aim to make recommendations based on the best available theory, research and practice. Different disciplines and professions have different research methods

  14. 22 Writing the conclusion & recommendations

    Suggest how your work reported in this paper opens new research possibilities. Implications of the study: Place the study in a wider context of research in the discipline and/ or a situation in the real world. (positive) Applications of the research: Indicate how the research may be practically useful in real-world situations: Recommendations

  15. PDF Writing Recommendations for Research and Practice That Make Change

    how to apply research findings to real-world problems, helping to bridge the gap between research and practice. • Improving decision-making: Research recommendations help decision-makers make informed decisions based on the findings of research, leading to better outcomes and improved performance. • Enhancing accountability: Research ...

  16. (PDF) CHAPTER FIVE Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

    Here are a few guidelines to enable you to write a good recommendation for your research paper. 1. Should be concrete and specific: Avoid beating around the bush.

  17. How to write recommendations in a research paper

    Recommendations in the research paper should also come from observation. For example, it is observed that Lenovo's income is stable and gross revenue has displayed a negative turn. Therefore the company should analyse its marketing and branding strategy. Recommendations in the research paper should be written in the order of priority. The ...

  18. Writing a Research Paper Conclusion

    In a more empirical paper, you can close by either making recommendations for practice (for example, in clinical or policy papers), or suggesting directions for future research. Whatever the scope of your own research, there will always be room for further investigation of related topics, and you'll often discover new questions and problems ...

  19. How to Write a Strong Recommendation Section for Your Research Paper

    A recommendation section is a vital part of your research paper, as it shows how your findings can be applied, extended, or improved in future studies or practice. It also demonstrates your ...

  20. Dissertation Recommendations ~ How To Write Them

    Here are some helpful tips for writing dissertation recommendations that you should incorporate when drafting a research paper: Avoid general or vague recommendations. Be specific and concrete. Offer measurable insights Ensure your suggestions are practical and implementable. Avoid focusing on theoretical concepts or new findings but on future ...

  21. Conclusions and recommendations for future research

    The initially stated overarching aim of this research was to identify the contextual factors and mechanisms that are regularly associated with effective and cost-effective public involvement in research. While recognising the limitations of our analysis, we believe we have largely achieved this in our revised theory of public involvement in research set out in Chapter 8. We have developed and ...

  22. How to Write Recommendations: Do's and Don'ts

    The research process should be systematic and logical. Conduct the research in an objective and unbiased manner. The research findings should be reproducible. The research recommendations should be made with a concrete plan in mind. The research recommendations should be based on a solid foundation of evidence.

  23. (Pdf) Chapter 5 Summary, Conclusions, Implications and Recommendations

    The conclusions are as stated below: i. Students' use of language in the oral sessions depicted their beliefs and values. based on their intentions. The oral sessions prompted the students to be ...

  24. Recommendation in Research

    A recommendation in research refers to the advice or suggestions provided by researchers at the conclusion of their study, aimed at addressing the gaps identified, enhancing future research, and applying findings in practical contexts.Recommendations are crucial as they guide stakeholders, including policymakers, practitioners, and fellow researchers, on how to utilize the research outcomes ...

  25. How To Write a Recommendation Report

    A recommendation report may also function as one part of the project planning process if solving a problem or challenge is an early stage in the project. How to write a recommendation report You can write a recommendation report with the following steps: 1. Choose a topic Choose a topic for your recommendation report.

  26. Research: The Most Common DEI Practices Actually Undermine Diversity

    Summary. While companies say they champion diversity, there are glaring disparities in diverse representation within managerial ranks. The authors examine the impact of various management ...