• Loss Of Grandparent

How to Write a Beautiful Eulogy for a Grandfather + Examples

Updated 04/19/2024

Published 10/28/2019

Erin Coriell, BA in Mass Communication/Media Studies

Erin Coriell, BA in Mass Communication/Media Studies

End-of-life care educator and grief worker

Writing a eulogy for a beloved grandfather may be overwhelming. Here are tips to help write a heartfelt eulogy, alongside 10 examples.

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Your grandfather may have been part of your life since you were born. Perhaps his wisdom and life lessons helped you grow into the person you are today. For this reason, you might be more than willing to write the eulogy for your grandfather.

Grandfathers are an important part of family life; losing them can be extremely difficult. If you agreed to write a eulogy, you might feel nervous or unsure about how to start. That’s OK.

You might also feel added pressure to write the perfect eulogy. But instead of focusing on perfection, focus on writing from the heart. 

Here are some practical tips to help you write a eulogy that will make your grandfather proud.

Tip: If you're responsible for writing a eulogy for your grandfather, you might have other complicated tasks to take care of, too. Our post-loss checklist can guide you through all of the post-loss responsibilities you might have on your plate. 

Jump ahead to these sections:

Should you give a eulogy for a grandfather, tips for writing a eulogy for a grandfather, bible verses for a grandfather’s eulogy, poems for a grandfather’s eulogy.

  • Example Eulogies for a Grandfather

It’s common for a grandchild to give a eulogy for a grandparent. Consider volunteering if you feel inclined and prepared to complete such a task.

However, if you don’t feel inclined or prepared to give the eulogy, it is common for children, friends, associates, or extended family members to complete the task. Of course, some families rely on the officiant or minister to speak about their loved one at a funeral.

Ask yourself these questions as you decide whether to write and present the eulogy.

Do you have something positive to say?  Are you reasonably sure you could get through the presentation?  It's common for people to cry while reading a eulogy, but could you manage the presentation in the presence of tears or excess emotion? 

Don’t worry that you aren’t a “good enough” writer or speaker. As long as people can hear you, and you speak positively about the deceased – and from the heart – you are equipped for the job.

Before you agree to the task, consider these tips for writing a eulogy for a grandfather. We’ll give you ideas on the writing and delivery process to help you decide if you are up for the job. 

Reflect on memories 

Writing a eulogy for a grandfather reflect on memories image

Take time to brainstorm the memories you have of your grandfather. Write down as much as you can. Let your memories lead the way. You might find yourself thinking about the first time you went fishing together.

Or you might remember the weekly visits to his house. Even if something you used to do together seems small or silly, write it down. Some of the best memories are the simple ones.

If he had a favorite chair he sat in or a certain hat that he used to wear, mention that. Through the lens of your memories, his legacy will shine. If you need more guidance on where to begin, check out our guide on how to start a eulogy .

Recall the stories 

Grandfathers are some of the best storytellers. They have lived through a lot and have a lifetime of experiences. If your grandfather was a storyteller, be sure to include some of his stories in the eulogy.

Think of the stories he would tell on repeat or to the new people he met. If he told a story a lot, it was likely one of his favorites.

Even if your grandfather told the same story a thousand times, tell it again. Your family will appreciate hearing it one last time. And it might help them remember something special they loved about your grandfather.

By sharing his stories, you honor his life. Grandfathers have a lot of wisdom and it's a part of their legacy to leave some behind. Through the art of storytelling, you unravel the wisdom a little at a time. 

Paint a picture 

Everyone had a different relationship with your grandfather. To some, he was a brother. Others may have cherished him as a life-long friend. This is an opportunity to share what it was like to have him as a grandfather. Were you close? Was there something special you did together? Did he let you do things your parents didn't?

In your eulogy, you get to paint a picture of what it was like to grow up with your grandfather. Your relationship was unique and you are free to express that. By sharing about life with your grandfather, you are honoring him in the best way.

Express emotions 

Writing a eulogy for a grandfather express emotions image

It's OK if writing the eulogy makes you emotional. Don't be afraid to express those emotions in your speech. It might even make sense to write a few lines about how losing your grandpa affects you. Grief is a form of praise. Even though sometimes it’s hard, expressing emotions in words is cathartic. 

Writing a eulogy is a way to celebrate and grieve for your grandfather. It might feel overwhelming at times, but remember that there's no right or wrong way to grieve. If your heart is aching, let it ache.

The emotions, both happy and sad, are a testament to how much you loved your grandfather. 

Trust the process 

If you are feeling nervous about reading your eulogy out loud, don’t worry. You are not alone. It's normal to feel nervous before sharing something vulnerable and heartfelt. It takes courage to stand in front of people and express yourself.

If uncomfortable feelings creep in, think of your grandfather. Honor his memory with your courage. Your vulnerability after his death proves how much he meant to you.  

Don’t overthink it 

As humans, we tend to overthink things. Be gentle with yourself in this time of grief. Let yourself be free from the burden of overthinking. Don't focus too much on your mind.

Instead, let the words flow from your heart. The heart will remember the impactful ways your grandfather touched your life.

Public speaking is a special type of skill. Very few people are naturally comfortable in front of a crowd. If you are shy or nervous to read the eulogy out loud, practice it with a family member or friend. Even if you’re feeling confident, you should run through the speech a few times. Rehearsing your words will help you when it’s time to share them. 

Though eulogies are a type of speech, no one in the audience is expecting you to hold it together. You are grieving and strong emotions are part of that process. Take a deep breath and commit to doing the best you can given the circumstances. 

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If your grandpa was a person of faith, you might consider using Bible verses in his eulogy. Of course, it’s always best to share passages that were important to the deceased. Look for baptismal or confirmation records that may list a verse – or check the deceased’s Bible to find underlined passages.

Here are some Bible verses that speak about salvation, peace, and comfort. 

Proverbs 3:3-4 

“Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.  Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man.”

Matthew 11:28-30

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 

Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Psalm 27 begins:

“The Lord is my light and my salvation— whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life— of whom shall I be afraid?”

John 14:1-3

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. 

My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.”

2 Corinthians 1:3-4

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort,  who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.”

Matthew 5:3-12

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.  Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”

Do you know of a poem that reminds you of your grandfather? Maybe he had a favorite that he often quoted, or perhaps you know of one that reminds you of this great man. 

Here are some poem ideas for a grandpa’s funeral .

Gone From My Sight by Henry Van Dyke

I am standing upon the seashore. A ship, at my side, spreads her white sails to the moving breeze and starts for the blue ocean. She is an object of beauty and strength. I stand and watch her until, at length, she hangs like a speck of white cloud just where the sea and sky come to mingle with each other. Then, someone at my side says, “There, she is gone.” Gone where? Gone from my sight. That is all. She is just as large in mast, hull and spar as she was when she left my side. And, she is just as able to bear her load of living freight to her destined port. Her diminished size is in me -- not in her. And, just at the moment when someone says, “There, she is gone,” there are other eyes watching her coming, and other voices ready to take up the glad shout, “Here she comes!” And that is dying...

Weep Not For Me by Unknown Author

Weep not for me though I have gone Into that gentle night Grieve if you will, but not for long Upon my soul’s sweet flight I am at peace, my soul’s at rest There is no need for tears For with your love I was so blessed For all those many years There is no pain, I suffer not The fear is now all gone Put now these things out of your thoughts In your memory I live on Remember not my fight for breath Remember not the strife Please do not dwell upon my death But celebrate my life

God Saw You Getting Tired by Frances and Kathleen Coelho

God saw you getting tired and a cure was not to be so he put his arms around you and whispered, Come to Me  With tearful eyes we watched you and saw you pass away and although we love you dearly we could not make you stay.   A Golden heart stopped beating hard working hands at rest. God broke our hearts to prove to us He only takes the best.

Miss Me, But Let Me Go by Edward Albert Guest

When I come to the end of the road And the sun has set for me, I want no rites in a gloom filled room Why cry for a soul set free! Miss me a little, but not for long, And not with your head bowed low. Remember the love we once shared, Miss me, but let me go! For this journey we all must take, And each must go alone; It’s all a part of the master’s plan A step on the road to home. When you are lonely and sick of heart Go to the friends we know, And bury your sorrows in doing good deeds, Miss me, but let me go. 

Example Eulogies for a Grandfather 

Eulogy example from a grandson or granddaughter

You might be feeling flooded with memories and stories and unsure of where to start. Sometimes writing the first few sentences is the hardest part. You can also start, add in, or close with popular funeral quotes if you need more help getting started.

Here are some examples of how you can begin a eulogy for your Grandfather: 

From a grandson

  • For those of you who don't know me, I am [name], the grandson of [name]. We are here today to celebrate the life of this wonderful man. My grandpa watched me take my first steps, he taught me my first words, and he was there when I caught my first fish. In fact, he was there for most of my firsts growing up. He taught me so much. It feels like I learned most of what I know from him. I'd like to share a few stories that help illustrate what kind of grandpa he was [insert stories].
  • Grandpa [name] was my best friend. I loved spending the weekends at his house and watching baseball together. He was one-of-a-kind. He always made me feel like I was the most important person in the room. He was my greatest supporter and he told me I could achieve anything I put my mind to. He was a courageous man who taught me the importance of discipline and hard work.  
  • Grandpa was a man of few words, so when he did speak, everyone listened. He was the glue that kept our family together. He worked hard to provide for his family. He never complained about how much he worked or how tired he was. I always knew if I needed something, I could count on my grandfather. He was an incredible role model. If I turn out to be half the man he was I’ll consider myself a success.  
  • Pa was an incredible dude. If he was here now, he'd have a good chuckle at me using the word 'dude.' He always laughed at the lingo us kids used. We would show him our newest toys and invite him to play video games. When he was growing up the radio was his method of entertainment. He grew up in a simpler time, but he embraced our love for technology and new gadgets.  
  • Grandpa had the best stories. Even if I'd heard them on more than one occasion, I'd listen close for a new detail. He had an incredible heart and spirit. He was enthusiastic when it came to storytelling. As his grandson, I can only hope to tell the stories half as well as he did. I have two children now and it's important to me that they remember their great-grandfather. I'd like to share one of my favorite stories. 

From a granddaughter

  • Grandpa was one of the kindest men I have ever met. He would give you the shirt off his back. His generosity was limitless. He was a smart man and he worked hard for everything he had. He didn't judge others or criticize different ways of life. He would nod his head and say something like "To each their own." He meant it. He was a role model to me. I am sad that we won't get to have our front porch talks anymore. 
  • I will miss Grandpa [name] greatly. Aside from my parents, he is the only person that has known me my whole life. It's surreal to think he will no longer be here. It makes me very emotional to think about my children growing up without him. I have been very blessed to have him as a grandpa for 35 years. I will treasure the memories I have of him. I’d like to share one of my favorites with you now. 
  • Gramps was an incredible person. He raised 5 children and helped care for 16 grandchildren!  On Sunday we'd gather at his house. He shared memories of his time in the war and talk about how it shaped his life. As a child, I didn't understand the impact of his service. But as an adult, it makes me so proud. Gramps served his country and he served his family. I was lucky to call him my grandpa.
  • What a blessing it has been to call [name] my grandfather. While prepping for this eulogy, I recounted lots of memories and went through old photos. When I told my friends a few stories about my grandfather, they expressed how lucky I was. We had a special bond and he taught me so much about life. I'd like to share a couple of my favorite stories with you today. 
  • Gramps lived his life with gusto. He grew up in a poor family. He worked hard to help his family get out of poverty. At the age of 18, he left home and started his own business. When he met my grandmother, he stole her heart immediately. She said she fell in love with a man who she knew would never give up. Gramps was relentless. Even on his deathbed, he didn't give up. He smiled and participated in life until the very end. 

A Grandfather’s Legacy

Your grandfather might have played a key role in your life . Perhaps he helped shape who you are. Or was the person you turned to when you needed advice.

Regardless, remember your eulogy isn't a final goodbye. His legacy will live on in the stories and memories you pass on to your children and grandchildren.


  • Funerals & Memorial Services

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11 Eulogy Examples for a Grandfather (Touching Readings)

After your grandfather passes away a eulogy is the opportunity for you to share your memories, thoughts and feelings about him. To reflect on his life and legacy.

If you aren’t sure what to say in a eulogy though then you’re not alone. Finding the right words and knowing what to include can be hard.

To help you the following eulogy examples for grandfathers, tips for writing a eulogy and ideas for what else to incorporate will give you some inspiration and guidance.

Related: 19 Moving Eulogy Examples and Samples

Table of Contents

Short Eulogy Examples for a Grandfather

These eulogy examples are short and to the point. You can use them as starting points for a longer reading or as ideas of what you could include in your own.

Short and Sweet Eulogy

My grandfather was a man of few words but his presence was immense. He was the quiet strength of our family, always there, always steady. In his simple, everyday actions he taught us about patience, understanding and unconditional love.

Today, as we remember him, we cherish the moments we shared and the quiet lessons he imparted. His memory will forever be a blessing and light in our lives.

Traditional Grandfather Eulogy

My dear grandfather, [Name], was a wise, loving and caring person who was taken from us far too soon. [Name] was a devoted grandfaher, a mentor and an inspiration to us all.

Granddad was always there for me. Be it through the good times or the bad, I knew I could rely on him. He taught me the importance of family, tradition and heritage, and was always willing to lend a helping hand. He had a heart of gold and was my mentor, my friend and my guiding light.

[Name] will always hold a special place in my heart and I will cherish the memories we shared. [Name] will be deeply missed but never forgotten.

Young Grandfather Eulogy

My dear grandfather, [Name], was a young, vibrant and loving person who was taken from us too soon. [Name] was a devoted grandfather, a role model and an inspiration to us all.

[Name] was always full of energy and had a zest for life. He was a young grandfather and his presence was always felt by his grandchildren. He was always there for them and they loved him dearly. He taught them how to enjoy life and to always be open to new experiences. [Name] was always supportive, always kind and always made time for his grandchildren.

[Name] will always hold a special place in our hearts and we will cherish the memories we shared. [Name] will be deeply missed but never forgotten.

eulogy example for grandfather

Nurturing Grandfather Eulogy

My dear grandfather, [Name], was someone who nurtured and cared for so many. He was a wholly selfless person and I miss him so much.

[Name] always put his family first and he was always there for us when we needed him. Those needs always came before his, whatever they were. On top of that he taught us how to be selfless and how to care for others too. He was a role model for us, and his love and kindness will always be remembered.

It’s hard to believe [Name] is gone. But we will continue to honor his legacy and cherish the time we had with him.

Grandfather Passed Away Suddenly Eulogy

We have lost our dear grandfather, [Name], so suddenly. He was taken from us so abruptly and in the cruelest of ways.

It’s hard to accept that he is really gone. I still expect to see his smiling face coming through the door any time now. But I will try to remember the things he taught me.

I learnt how to be strong, how to be resilient and how to accept the thing we cannot change.

[Name] will be deeply missed, but his love and kindness will always be remembered.

Related: How to Write a Eulogy: The Ultimate Guide

grandfather eulogy example

Heartfelt and Personal Eulogy for Grandfather

Ladies and gentlemen, we gather here today not just to say farewell to my beloved grandfather, but to honor and remember the incredible life he lived. From my earliest memories I am aware of my grandfather being a fountain of wisdom and a source of endless love.

He was born in a small town, in a different era, but his values and principles were timeless. He lived through some of the most significant changes in our history yet he remained grounded in his beliefs – the importance of family, the value of hard work and the power of kindness.

As a young man he served his country with honor. Those years shaped much of who he became, instilling a sense of duty and strength that he carried throughout his life. After his service he returned to his hometown where he met my grandmother. Their love story was one for the ages, filled with deep respect and commitment.

Professionally he was as reliable as they come – a man who believed in the dignity of work, regardless of the job. He taught us all about the value of putting in an honest day’s work, not just to earn a living but to contribute something meaningful to the world.

But perhaps what I will remember most about my grandfather is his role within our family. He was the patriarch, the calm in our storm. His advice was always thoughtful, his demeanor always calm. He had a unique way of teaching life’s greatest lessons, not through lectures, but through his actions and the stories he shared.

His stories were legendary – not just for their content, but for the way he told them. With each tale he transported us to a different time, teaching us about life, love and everything in between.

His love for his family was immense. As a father, he was a guide and a protector. As a grandfather, he was a mentor and a friend. He was our biggest supporter, cheering us on in our successes and comforting us in our failures.

In his later years, even as age slowed him down, his spirit remained as vibrant as ever. His sense of humor never faded, and his eyes always sparkled with joy, especially when surrounded by his family.

Today, as we bid him farewell, we do so with heavy hearts. But we also celebrate a life well lived. A life filled with love, laughter and kindness. He leaves behind a legacy that will continue to live on through each of us. Grandpa, you may be gone, but you will never be forgotten. Your love has shaped us, and your memory will always be a treasure in our hearts. Rest in peace, dear Grandfather.

Formal and Respectful Eulogy

Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today to pay tribute to a man of exceptional character and integrity, my grandfather. His life was a testament to the virtues of honesty, hard work and compassion. Today, as we bid him goodbye, we not only mourn his loss but celebrate the extraordinary legacy he leaves behind.

Born into a modest family, my grandfather’s early life was marked by simplicity and hard work. He understood from a young age the value of education and the power of knowledge. His pursuit of learning was not just for personal advancement but a tool he used to better the lives of those around him.

His career was a reflection of his character. He was respected in his profession for his hard work, ethical standards and commitment to always striving for excellence. His colleagues knew him as a man who could always be relied upon and a person of his word.

But beyond his professional life he was a pillar in his community. He believed strongly in giving back and was actively involved in various community services. His efforts were not for recognition but sprang from a genuine desire to make a difference.

As a family man he was the bedrock upon which our family was built. His relationship with my grandmother was one of mutual respect and love, a partnership that stood strong for decades. As a father he was a guide and a provider, instilling in his children values that have shaped their lives.

And as a grandfather his role took on a new dimension. He was a storyteller, an advisor and a friend. His grandchildren looked up to him, not just out of respect, but out of a deep sense of love and admiration.

His wisdom was always shared with a gentle hand. He taught us the importance of living a life guided by principles, the significance of always keeping one’s word and the power of showing kindness to others.

In his final years he faced his challenges with the same dignity and grace that marked his entire life. He was a source of strength and inspiration, showing us how to face adversity with courage and humility.

As we stand here today, we realize the void his passing leaves in our lives. And yet we take solace in the rich memories and the mark he has left on each of us. His legacy is not just in the life he led but in the lives he touched.

Grandfather, your memory will forever be a guiding light for us. Your life was a journey of love, dedication, and honor. As we say our final goodbyes, we do so with the knowledge that your spirit will continue to live on through us. Rest in peace, and thank you for everything.

Reflective and Celebratory Eulogy

Friends and family, we gather here today not just in sorrow but in celebration of a life that touched us all so deeply. My grandfather was a man of extraordinary character, whose life story deserves to be celebrated with joy and admiration.

Born in a time of great change, he witnessed the world transform around him. Yet, in all this change, he remained a constant – one who brought stability, love and wisdom. His life was a tapestry of rich experiences, from his youthful adventures to his golden years surrounded by those he loved.

He was a man who found joy in the simplest things – a cup of coffee in the morning, the sound of birds at dawn, a good book in the evening. But he also lived life to its fullest and embraced every moment with enthusiasm and excitement.

His laugh was contagious and his sense of humor could help us through even the darkest days. He could turn any moment into a celebration and any gathering into a memorable event. His stories, often filled with humor and wisdom, were the highlight of many family gatherings, leaving us all in stitches or deep thought.

Professionally, he was dedicated and respected, but he never let his work define him. Instead he taught us the importance of balancing ambition with the need for joy and rest. He believed in hard work but also in the value of a well earned rest, a lesson that has stayed with me throughout my life.

As a family man he was nothing short of extraordinary. His love for my grandmother was a timeless love story, full of respect, admiration and mutual support. As a father he was a hero – strong, dependable and always there. And as a grandfather he was a magical presence in our lives – on the one hand a wise mentor, the other a playful companion, and always our biggest fan.

In his later years he embraced his role as the elder statesman of our family with grace and dignity. His wisdom grew even deeper, his advice more poignant. His presence at family events was always a source of joy and comfort.

Today, as we remember him, let us not dwell on our loss but celebrate the gift of having known such an incredible man. Let’s carry forward the lessons he taught us: to live life with passion, to laugh often, to love deeply, and to make every day count.

Grandfather, your legacy is not just in the past but in the way you shaped our futures. You taught us to be better, to love more, and to always find a reason to celebrate. As we say goodbye, we do so with hearts full of gratitude for the time we had with you. Your spirit will live on in each of us, in our stories, our laughter, and our love. Rest in peace, dear Grandfather, knowing you have left the world a better place.

Religious Eulogy for a Grandfather

Dear friends and family, as we gather here today in the house of the Lord, we come together not only to mourn the loss but also to celebrate the life of a truly remarkable man – our beloved grandfather. In the spirit of faith and hope, we remember a life well lived under the grace of God.

My grandfather was a man of deep and abiding faith. His relationship with God was the cornerstone of his life, guiding his actions and decisions. He was a familiar face in the pews of this very church, his voice often joining in hymns of praise, his hands folded in prayer for others, his heart always open to the word of God.

He lived his faith through his actions – a living testament to the teachings of Christ. He loved unconditionally, forgave readily and offered help without expecting anything in return. His generosity knew no bounds, and his kindness touched the lives of many in our community.

Grandpa’s faith was not just a Sunday commitment; it was a daily practice. He found joy in the simple blessings of life – a family meal, a good day’s work, a helping hand extended to a neighbor. He taught us the value of honesty, the importance of hard work and the power of prayer. His wisdom, often shared over a cup of coffee or during a long walk, was steeped in the scriptures he cherished.

In times of trouble he was a pillar of strength, reminding us to ‘cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you’ (1 Peter 5:7). In moments of joy, he led us in giving thanks, living by the words, ‘Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever’ (Psalm 107:1).

As we say goodbye to him today, we find comfort in the promises of our faith. We are reminded in Philippians 1:21, ‘For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.’ We believe that he has found his eternal rest in the arms of our Savior, in a place where there is no pain or sorrow, but only the peace and joy of everlasting life.

While we will miss his presence in our lives, we hold tight to the memories and the lessons he has left behind. His legacy of faith, love, and kindness will continue to live on in each of us. We are blessed to have known him, loved him, and learned from him.

In closing, let us pray for his soul and find solace in the hope of our own salvation. May we live our lives in a way that honors his memory and reflects the love of Christ he so vividly demonstrated.

‘The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit’ (Psalm 34:18). May God grant us strength in our sorrow and peace in our hearts. Amen.”

Tips for Writing a Eulogy for a Grandfather

When writing a eulogy for your grandfather focus on the most cherished memories you have of him. You can include anecdotes or your favorite stories too.

Don’t forget to mention his biggest achievements either. You should be aiming to reflect on his life and legacy.

A good way to cover all of this is by choosing a theme or central message that encapsulates your grandfather’s life. This can be a way to provide a clear and concise tribute to the grandfather who has passed away.

Don’t forget to use clear and easy to understand language. You want the audience to follow what you’re saying and be able to focus on the content rather than trying to understand what you’ve said.

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eulogy examples for a grandfather

Sally Collins is a writer and the founder and owner of Sympathy Message Ideas. Her passion is to help others deal with grief and provide assistance with talking to those grieving.  Learn more about Sally .

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Writing a Eulogy for Grandfather to Celebrate His Life

As a college instructor and communication expert with extensive nonfiction and educational writing experience, Mary shares tips and advice related to a wide variety of topics.

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Losing your grandfather is hard, no matter what age you are at the time he passes away. Being asked to deliver the eulogy at his funeral is a high honor. If you're struggling to figure out what to say, review this sample eulogy for inspiration.

Example Eulogy for a Grandfather

What can I say about my grandfather? My name is [insert name] and I wouldn't be the person I am today without him. The fact that he's not with us anymore breaks my heart, but the fact that he taught me - and our entire family - what it means to really love someone will help me heal and go on. From the time I was very young, I worshipped my grandfather. While I may not always have shown it, I always looked up to him. From the time I was very small, I knew that he was the ideal example of what a family man should be. Not only was he the leader of our family, he was an incredible human being who left his mark on everyone he met. When I look out today, not only do I see my family, I see so many friends, coworkers, neighbors, and others who are also mourning the loss of this great man.

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I want to tell you what kind of person my grandfather really was.

  • He loved his family. [Insert a few examples or stories to illustrate this point.]
  • He was passionate about [insert cause/hobby/etc.] [Insert a few examples or stories that convey his passion.]
  • He had a great [insert something like "sense of humor," "golf game," "career as a _________"]. [Extrapolate with a few examples or stories.]

He was all of those things, and so much more. While I may not know what my future - or the future of our family - looks like without grandpa, I know that I'm a better person because I was loved by him. I only hope that I can live up to the example of love, strength, character, and integrity that he set for all of us. While he's no longer here to say that he's proud of me, I carry his strength in my heart. The kindest compliment I hope to hear someday is "your grandfather would be proud."

Thank you so much for joining my family in celebrating the life of [insert grandpa's name], a man I'm so proud to call my grandfather. I'd like to leave you with these final words. [Insert a meaningful poem , quote , or bible verse ].

Preparing to Write Your Grandfather's Eulogy

While sample eulogy speeches can be a good source of inspiration, your grandfather's life is unique. Use as much of the example speech as you like, but be sure that you're truly celebrating his life by crafting a heartfelt eulogy that honors his memory and the one-of-a-kind mark he left on the world. Before you start writing, spend some time reflecting on your relationship with your grandfather, as well as his impact on the family as a whole.

To get started:

  • Consider the impact your grandfather had on making you the person you are today.
  • Reflect on your fondest memories of spending time with your grandfather.
  • Ask your parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and siblings to share their favorite stories about grandpa.
  • Make a list of your grandfather's passions, such as hobbies, volunteer work, causes, memberships, etc.
  • Do a freewriting exercise, during which you spend 5 minutes writing down any words that come to mind when you think about your grandfather.

As you complete these activities, you're sure to experience quite a few strong emotions - from love and joy to sadness and grief. You'll also develop a clear idea of what needs to be included in your grandfather's eulogy. As a result, you'll know exactly what to say when delivering the eulogy.

Pay Tribute to Your Grandfather

Honoring your grandfather with a heartwarming funeral speech is a wonderful way to celebrate his life after he passes away. Even if you find public speaking to be stressful, chances are that you'll ultimately be glad you agreed to prepare and present brief remarks at his funeral.

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Eulogy Examples For Grandfather

What do you say in a eulogy for your grandfather.

The first thing to remember is that if you are writing a eulogy for your Grandfather, then you meant something to him. You were key in his life and the memories you shared are yours, nothing you write or say can change what you meant to him and the family. I’m so sorry for the loss of your grandfather. The only way I can help is by bringing together some of the most appropriate funeral speeches for grandfathers I can find to hopefully give you some inspiration whilst you are on this writing journey. You might not be an expert at writing and to be honest, that doesn’t matter The genuinely love you had for your grandfather will shine through as long as you take some time to write your words and feeling down.

If you need some guidance, I have included some tips from professional writers below, this includes templates and also a link to their service if you would like some extra help.

If I can help anymore, please do let me know. If you would like to share your eulogy here, to help others, I would be honoured. Sending best wishes to you and your family.

Grandson’s Heartfelt Eulogy for Grandfather

I wrote a little stuff down. I had to do that so I can remember all the stuff that I would like to say about him. Robert Elton Buddy Fairchild was by all definitions of the term a true Southern gentleman. He made friends with complete strangers wherever he went. And he had friends all over the place. I can’t say how many people I’ve met over the years knew him. He would help out anyone in need and give you the shirt off his back. He really was a true friend and I’m very blessed to have had him as my “bud bud”. Bud bud was my grandfather, but he was really more like a second father to me. After my dad had an accident that left him paralyzed, we moved in with Nana and Bubba for a while when our house was being built. I’m not positive but I believe this is where my and Bubba’s relationship really took off. I was 2-years old and he was larger than life. He became my best friend. As I grew older, I remember being so excited when I was as tall as his shoulders. I don’t know…it was always funny. But he was the biggest man in the world for me. I loved sitting on his lap and talking to him. I would have him tell me stories of the good old days of Transylvania and of his childhood. We really talked a lot and that never changed. You can ask Nana and mom or my wife… He would start out a conversation between us all and by the end of lunch, he and I would end up in the back of the house talking for hours about farming and the new gun he just got or was about to get. Between him and uncle Ben, they were my two favourite people in the world to talk to. I’m sure gonna miss the talks but I sure know the two of them are up there together. My brother Gabe and me went hunting with Bubba plenty before he took deer hunting in Texas and Gabe shot his first deer with him. When I was probably12 or so, we got in the country club. He built us a camp on an old trailer house. A trailer house wasn’t built well enough for him. This thing was put together right. He really enjoyed setting that camp up for us boys. I think either Blaine or Matthew dubbed it by bubba’s roost. He would wake up early every morning and have his breakfast made and jab at us asking, “boys are y’all gonna sleep all day?” The times with him at that camp were some of the best of my life. He was so giving of himself and of his time. He was always there for us no matter what. We never had to want to watch much football with bud around. I wish there was some way I could repay him for all he did. I’m so thankful that for the last few years I’ve been able to farm some of his lands. It really meant the world to me and made me proud when he or uncle Ben would pay me a compliment. I really love farming but ever since I came back to the farm six years ago, I’ve had the urge to plant cotton. I grew up around it. My whole life and between him and dad I just missed it. But a lot of it had to do with I wanted to make bud proud. So, I planted my first cotton crop this spring and I knew he was excited about it. He helped me find the picker that I brought from his good friend Mr Donald Gregory. I was really looking forward to him riding with me this fall. I had the feeling he’ll be there. I’m gonna miss our talk so much. I was telling mom last time…I’m sorry. I don’t know if I’ll ever not expect to see him sitting in his chair when I write on the corner at the back of his house looking down that long hallway. We both used to just love riding… A couple of times, we rode over to Vicksburg and up to Eagle Lake. It’s showtime where he would tell me about the old days on Henderson Island. He would stop by the lowest door and homeward store and would land just to talk to friends he knew. He knew all over the place. We rode from there up to highway 1 all the way past Lake Washington and across the river of Greenville and headed back to Transylvania. That was a nice ride. I was going through a tough spot in my life the first time we did that and we always talked about doing it again as soon as we had the chance. But as life goes, we’re always “blowing and going” as he’d like to say, and we never got a chance to. I’d give anything to have the opportunity to make that ride one more time but you’re severely missed. But I know you’re in a better place. A place where the cotton yarns never end and the whites bite year-round. Bud bud was a great man. I’m proud to have his blood running through my veins. My only wish is that one day I can be half the man he was. Thank you all

Eulogy Example for Grandpa from Granddaughter

Richard Brown – my grandpa. I know he was so many things to so many of you – my grandma he was her ‘prince charming’. To my dad Dave, he was his role model and to my aunts, Sherry and Shelly, he was their first love – so many. To so many of his friends, he was their pastor and shoulder to lean on. But to me, my grandpa was so much more than any of these things. He was my hero. He was the only person who could look at me with those big blue eyes and smile and all my fears would go away. I knew that when I was with him I would be okay. Now for those of you who knew my grandpa well you knew that he was an avid camper hunter fisherman and so much more than that. If my grandpa could have lived at our property in the woods of Yosemite, he probably would have. We spent most of our summers and holidays there. And I got to watch as he and my dad built a cabin for all of us with their bare hands. It was about a three-hour drive to get to our property and the drive was always adventurous, to say the least. In fact, I’m not sure that there was ever a time where nothing broke down got stuck or the road was actually safe to drive on. I remember one particular occasion when we were stopped on the side of the road because one of the trailers had something wrong with it. We were in the middle of nowhere and of course, I was scared and worried. I will never forget sitting there with my grandma and watching my dad and grandpa scratch their heads and try to fix the problem. My grandma knew I was nervous and so she leaned over to me and said, “Don’t you worry May, with your grandpa and your dad here. They can get us out of anything…” And right after she said that there was a huge boom and the tire was fixed! Grandpa and dad were master “Jimmy Riggers”. And that one comet has stuck with me all these years. I always knew that my grandpa could protect me and get me out of any situation. Grandpa taught me how to fish, how to chop wood, how to walk on stilts and so much more. He was always the first one up in the morning so that when we woke up he would be back standing there with a box of fresh doughnuts. He taught me that drinking coffee is good for you because it grows hair on your chest and to never ever unscrew your bellybutton because your bottom would fall off. He showed me what true love was all about by treating my grandma like a princess and he taught me what true faith in God was when he watched the love of his life be taken away from him by cancer. My grandpa was truly a man of wisdom and courage and he leaves behind him a legacy that will continue what he started. I watched him walk through many trials in his life and never once saw him waver on what he believed in, especially in these last few weeks as his illness took over his body. I sat through a lot of my grandpa’s sermon but the things that spoke to me the loudest were his actions. Thank you, grandpa, for showing me how to live a life without compromise. Thank you for showing me what walking in humility and love is all about. I know my grandpa was not only an inspiration to me but to so many of you as well. So today, I am sure he would want you to leave here not in mourning but rejoicing in life. Norman Cousins once said, “Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside of us while we’re still alive. If anything, let today inspire you to live a life with no regrets.” I love you, grandpa!

A Eulogy by the Grandchildren

As everyone here knows, grandpa was an incredibly accomplished man. He was an outstanding philanthropist and dozens of boards were blessed with his membership and he received countless awards, including a Spurwink Institute humanitarian of the year. But we’d like to highlight another perhaps a lesser-known accomplishment based on our recollections grandpa must hold the record for most rides on Splash Mountain. That was a theme that kept coming up grandpa took me to Disney World and went on Splash Mountain over and over and over and over again. It’s really incredible not only that grandpa was able to spend a couple of days one-on-one with us given how busy and active he was all the time but also how many sixty-year-old businessmen do you know of who would willingly get drenched at 7:00 in the morning for the 15th time in a row knowing full well that he would repeat the entire process next year with another grandchild. He was always thrilled to take the extra step to make his family happy. Family was huge for grandpa, both metaphorically and literally. Having everyone not just get along well but really love each other and look forward to seeing each other was overwhelmingly important to him. Visiting Bronte at school in Kenyon he asked Hannah to come surprise her cousin. She said, “absolutely” and flew out with him. He had Hannah hide in the back of the van and told Bronte he had a present for her. When Hannah jumped out grandpa was so overjoyed at how happy his grandchildren were to see each other that he literally had tears in his eyes. It was the first time they had seen him cry. Thanksgiving is a time that some families dread but for us it starts a week earlier with excited messages flying back and forth between us talking about what everyone’s been up to. We can’t wait to see everyone and what we’re going to do when we’re all together and of course there’s this camp Albert, family retreat on Great Diamond which is a highlight of everyone here. The love that grandpa Al and grandma JJ had for each other fills this family and the most important legacy we have is the strong sense of family that he cared so much about and spent so much time and effort to foster. As Eden put it grandpa was a man who got what he wanted and what he wanted was to make people happy. If you ever drove with him he was not shy about giving directions frequently at the last minute possible and sometimes later you didn’t have a ton of time to think about what was going on, “take this left now” while driving with him despite the destination it wasn’t uncommon for grandpa’s directions to somehow lead to a local flower shop where grandpa Al would buy flowers for Grandma JJ. No matter how busy he was, grandpa would take the time to show his love for Grandma JJ and that love is very much reflected throughout his entire family. Time is unfortunately limited here but we just want to talk about a few other indelible memories that grandpa left for all of us. Grandpa loved ice cream like Alexander said he would buy him more ice cream way bigger than his parents would have allowed. He took us all to McDonald’s and on my latest trip to Los Angeles I found myself ordering a Chicken McNugget for the first time in upwards of a decade and I’m not the only grandchild who’s doing this. He loved to hold your hand and when his Parkinson’s had reached the stage where he wanted assistance walking he would hold on long after reaching his destination and sitting down. As part of his Spurwink Institute award all of the grandchildren at the time were asked to write a paragraph about him. And Karen, Hannah and Natalya are going to read some excerpts from ages 7, 7 and 4. Grandpa was special because he spoils people, he’s a very good skier, he helps other people and takes us to McDonald’s a lot. Grandpa goes on a lot of adventures to different places. He likes the circus and took our cousins to one he’s need to be around and did a lot of fun things with us. He’s special because he’s my grandpa. I once asked my daddy why grandpa Al has so many friends. My dad said that grandpa Al likes a lot of people and helps a lot of people. He loves me and I love him. He must know what it’s like to want something really badly, but it doesn’t just happen because he gives a lot of sadaqa. If I could give him anything in the world I’d give him love. Grandpa was special because he takes us to McDonald’s a recurring theme. And he gives us candy and toys. He sleeps and snores sitting down. I watch TV with him. He loves me and I love him. Thank you.

How to Write a Eulogy for Your grandfather

Speak your truth.

You do not have to go out of your way to make your eulogy touching, funny, or inspiring. Just tell your truth respectfully. The natural emotional response that stems from your truth will be more meaningful than if you tried to force an emotional response from attendees. It will be heartwarming on its own.

Be yourself, speak your truth, and all will be well. 

Let People Know Who He Was

Whether you called him “Grandpa,” “Grampy,” “Gramps,” or even “Pop,” you are one of a group of lucky people who had the opportunity to know him. Give some thought as to how you want people to remember him, too. Consider starting your eulogy by listing the reasons why you admired your grandfather. Describe his sense of humour, what he liked, and if he had any lovable quirks. Avoid accusing him of wrongdoing and bringing up negative traits. 

speeches for a grandads funeral

Tell A Story

Emotions aside, the basis of a good eulogy is storytelling—an anecdote. An anecdote is a great way to give an example of how great your grandfather was or remember something about him. It may also help you work through the emotional stress of giving this speech. By revisiting something familiar to you, you don’t have to worry about coming off as insincere, writing a eulogy that feels like an essay, or being someone you’re not.

Just a simple story about thirty minutes in a family’s life can catch your audience’s attention. It lets them see more about who your granddad was.

Use Visual Aids

If you’re still stuck, look for visual aids. A photograph or even something your grandfather gave you can help you build a story. It will also help your audience connect to your words even more.

Eulogy Example

“My Granddad George was a powerhouse of a man. He worked two jobs until he was 66 and still trained other guys for the company after he retired. One day, when I was about 13 and visiting my grandparents, the president of the company called Granddad all irate and said, “You made a mistake, George! This document shows that you have the windows at 29″ off the floor. They need to be 36″ for safety.”

Granddad shot back, “Yeah, right, and the floor will collapse. Look again at the drawings!” He hung up in disgust. Grandma got very upset and worried, and she said to Granddad, “You’re going to lose your job, and then what will we do?” I sat there and didn’t know what to say, so I didn’t say a thing. “Oh,  he’s  the fool,” Granddad said. “But he will admit when he is wrong, and he is wrong now. He’ll call back.”

Thirty minutes later, the phone rang again. Granddad’s eyes twinkled as he picked up the phone. It was his boss. “Ah, I see,” he said, “Sure, it’s not a problem. Why, sure.”

Grandma and I were on tenterhooks, but all we could do is to wait. Grandpa and his boss spoke on the phone for a good 15 or 20 minutes. When he finally hung up, he took a deep breath, and then he grinned. “I just got offered a promotion and a $50 a week raise. I saved the company a hundred thousand dollars!” he said, “We’re rich!” We laughed for hours, off and on, and Grandpa was probably more upbeat from then on out.”

Bear in mind that your eulogy is not the only way that people will remember your grandfather. You do not have to recount his life from birth to death. The small chapter of his life that you are sharing is special to you and special to everyone. 

speeches for a grandads funeral


How to write a eulogy for a grandfather.

Writing a eulogy for the life of a grandfather is a wonderful opportunity to remember his life, their personality, and the impact his life had on those around him. If you’ve never written a eulogy before, these steps will help guide you and will help you feel more prepared to honor the life of your grandfather.

What is a eulogy?

A eulogy is a speech or short piece of writing that’s done in honor of someone , most often, who has recently passed away. Eulogies are read by members of the family or friends who were close to the deceased and are typically read at the funeral service or another memorial event.

What kind of information is typically included in a eulogy?

Even though a eulogy is a unique piece of writing tailored to the life of the person who passed away, there’s still content that you’ll commonly find in most eulogies. Typically, a eulogy will include the following information:

  • Stories, memories, or special anecdotes from the individual’s life
  • Reflections on the time the eulogy reader spent with the deceased or important moments
  • Words of comfort and support for those in the family or who are grieving
  • Other accomplishments in the deceased’s life

A eulogy for a grandfather would most likely focus on the totality of his life – what made him special? What lessons did he pass on to his children and grandchildren? What kind of grandfather was he? What qualities did he have that made him unique?

When writing a grandfather’s eulogy, focusing on answers to these questions can help you craft a unique and heartwarming eulogy. If you’re unsure of the answers to these questions, consider asking your family members for their responses as a way to start brainstorming qualities you want to include.

Eulogies can also include favorite passages, prayers, readings, and poems . These are excellent to include in a eulogy, especially if you feel a poem best expresses something you’re unable to find the words for. Poems are also excellent in expressing special relationships (for example, if you’re a grand daughter and are looking for grandpa death poems, you’ll likely find a poem that perfectly encapsulates your relationship.)

How long does a eulogy reading last?

Since eulogies are unique to the lives of the individuals they’re written for, there’s no correct length for a eulogy. Generally, a eulogy takes around 3 - 10 minutes to read out loud. Of course, a eulogy can be much shorter or much longer, depending on the writer, their speaking style, and their preferences. A eulogy written for a grandfather may run a bit longer, especially if the grandfather had a lot of experiences in life that you want to touch on.

Who should write the eulogy?

The eulogy should be written by someone who was close to the deceased, such as a family member or friend. If the family would like a funeral tribute to a grandfather from his grandchildren, consider asking if any of the grandchildren are interested in writing a eulogy. Alternatively, it’s appropriate for anyone close to the deceased to write the eulogy, so consider asking his partner, his spouse, his children, his close friends, his siblings, or anyone else if they’d feel comfortable and would like to give a eulogy.

Where do I start if I’ve never written a eulogy?

Writing a eulogy is not necessarily considered common knowledge, so don’t panic if you’ve never written one before and are given the opportunity to do so. The primary thing to remember is to remain authentic when writing a eulogy and the rest will come naturally. Here’s a brief guide on steps to take when writing a eulogy, especially if it’s your first time:

  • Read through this guide on How to Write a Eulogy for in-depth guidance on the general steps you’ll need to take when writing a eulogy.
  • If you’ve never seen a eulogy or heard one read out loud, it can help to look at example eulogies before beginning the process. Looking through examples helps you understand the general structure of a eulogy and can inspire you to include content you wouldn’t have considered previously.
  • Once you have an understanding of the typical content contained in a eulogy, it’s time to start brainstorming. Identify key traits and the type of personality the individual exhibited during their life. Identify other key events and accomplishments you’ll want to reference in the eulogy. Once you’ve got a list of traits, stories, memories, anecdotes, and other information down, start reducing the list to the core elements you’d like to address and include in the eulogy. After identifying your content, it’s time to start outlining. It can help to identify the type of “flow” you’d like the eulogy to have (for example, maybe you want to share memories interspersed throughout the eulogy or maybe you want a single section that lists out your favorite memories – try to outline this in advance).
  • After you have your initial draft finished, ask a trusted friend or family member to read the eulogy or listen to you read it and request feedback.

If you’re not comfortable with writing a eulogy after looking at the guides and examples, you’re not alone! Hiring a professional eulogy writer is something some people do when they’re not comfortable writing a eulogy for a loved one on their own and it can come in handy if you find yourself in this position.

Order a eulogy

If you’ve recently lost a grandfather, consider setting up a memorial site for him on Ever Loved – for free. Ever Loved memorial websites let you share photos and memories, post eulogies, share event details, raise donations and much more.

Start a website

Create a memorial website

Get funeral quotes, get free grief support, how to make a beautiful memorial service invitation.

Planning a memorial service on your own can be a lot, especially after the loss of a loved one. Sending out invitations is an important part of this process, but it can be difficult to know where to start. Here’s some easy ways to send out memorial service invitations to friends and family when the

How to Write a Eulogy for a Husband

With the loss of a loved one comes the opportunity to remember their life, the impact they had on those around them, and to share their life story with others. Writing a eulogy is one of these opportunities and can help you let others know just how special the person who passed away was. What

How to Write a Eulogy for a Wife

The passing of a wife is almost always a painful and difficult experience for her loved ones. While it can be difficult to know what to say or how to proceed in this difficult time, writing a eulogy for your wife can be one way to express your love and appreciation for her life and legacy. Wha

Create a space to remember someone

speeches for a grandads funeral

Crafting a Heartfelt Eulogy for Grandfather: 7 Essential Steps to Follow

A heartfelt eulogy for your grandfather is an essential part of the grieving process and a way to honor his life and legacy. It’s an opportunity to share your favorite memories, stories, and anecdotes about your beloved grandfather with family and friends. Writing a eulogy can be a daunting task, especially when dealing with strong emotions and the weight of memorializing a cherished family member. However, taking a deep breath and following a few simple steps can help you craft a beautiful eulogy that pays tribute to your grandfather’s life and the impact he had on the whole family.

A eulogy serves as a memorial speech for your grandfather , capturing his essence as a family man, a role model, and perhaps even a best friend. By reflecting on your grandfather’s life, you can celebrate his accomplishments, the lessons he taught, the joy he brought to so many friends, and the love he shared with his entire family. Your grandpa may have been the only person who could make the whole family laugh or the one who started his own business and became an inspiration to everyone around him. Through the eulogy, you’ll not only honor your grandfather’s life but also provide comfort and solace to those grieving his loss.

II. Step 1: Gathering Memories and Stories

A. reflect on personal memories with your grandfather.

Before you start writing a memorial speech for your grandfather, take some time to reflect on your personal memories with him. This could include funny incidents that made the whole family laugh, the valuable life lessons your grandpa taught you, or the special moments you shared together. Think about what made him unique, how he influenced you, and why you looked up to him as a role model.

B. Reach out to family and friends for their favorite stories

To create a well-rounded eulogy that truly captures your beloved grandfather’s essence, it’s essential to include stories and experiences from other family members and friends. Reach out to them and ask for their favorite memories and anecdotes involving your grandfather. This will not only help you gather more material for the eulogy but also show how your grandfather impacted so many lives and made lasting connections with those around him.

C. Compile a list of memorable moments and anecdotes

Once you’ve collected personal reflections and stories from others, compile a list of the most memorable moments and anecdotes. This will give you a clear idea of what to include in your eulogy and help you paint a vivid picture of your grandfather’s life. For example, you can mention how he started his own business and became an inspiration to the entire family or the time when he was the only person who could make everyone laugh during a difficult situation. Remember, the perfect eulogy should encompass the many facets of your grandfather’s personality and the impact he had on those around him.

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Share the warmth, love, and joy of your loved one’s life in a touching eulogy. Let our compassionate writers guide you through the process.

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III. Step 2: Identifying Your Grandfather’s Core Values

A. analyzing his actions and decisions.

As you begin to craft a memorial speech for your grandfather, it’s crucial to identify his core values that defined him as a person. Reflect on his actions and decisions throughout his life. For instance, if he started his own business or was considered the backbone of the whole family, what motivated him? By examining his choices and the principles that guided him, you can create a fitting tribute to your beloved grandfather.

B. Understanding his guiding principles

To gain a better understanding of your grandfather’s guiding principles, reach out to family members and friends who knew him well. Ask them about the lessons grandpa taught them and the values he held dear. For example, if your great grandfather often said that he was “half the man” your grandfather was, what qualities did he admire in him? Was it his dedication to his family, his kindness, or his ability to make everyone laugh during hard times? Gathering insights from those close to him will help you paint a fuller picture of your grandfather’s character and values.

C. Incorporating these values into the eulogy for grandfather

Once you have a clear idea of your grandfather’s core values, it’s time to incorporate them into the eulogy. Use specific examples and stories to illustrate these values in action. For instance, you can share how your grandfather was not only a best friend but also a role model who left a lasting legacy for his grandchildren. Or, you can mention how he was the only person who could bring so many friends together and make them feel like family.

By including these values in the eulogy, you’ll be honoring your grandfather’s life and providing comfort to those mourning his loss. In just a few words, you can capture the essence of your grandfather, painting a beautiful picture of a great man who will be deeply missed, but whose memory will live on in the hearts of all who knew him.

IV. Step 3: Organizing Your Thoughts

A. creating an outline for the eulogy.

Before you start writing a memorial speech for your grandfather, it’s crucial to create an outline that captures the essential elements you want to include. This will help you ensure that you cover all the important aspects of your grandfather’s life, such as his role as a family man, the values he taught, the impact he had on the whole family, and the memories you shared.

B. Deciding on the structure and flow of the speech

Once you have a clear idea of the essential elements to include in the eulogy, it’s time to decide on the structure and flow of the speech. Organize the content in a way that feels natural and engaging for your audience. Start with a brief introduction, then move on to your beloved grandfather’s life story, including his accomplishments, favorite memories, and the lessons he taught. End the eulogy by paying tribute to his legacy and how he impacted the lives of so many friends and family members.

C. Balancing emotional and factual content

Writing a eulogy for a grandfather can be an emotional journey, but it’s important to strike a balance between emotional and factual content. Share heartfelt anecdotes about your grandpa, but also include specific examples that illustrate the values he held dear. For instance, you can mention how he was the only person who could make the entire family laugh or how he started his own business and became a role model for everyone around him. By incorporating both types of content, you’ll create a beautiful eulogy that honors your grandfather’s life and leaves a lasting impression on those gathered to remember him.

Transform Your Memories into a Beautiful Tribute

Writing a eulogy during this difficult time is hard. Our professional writers are here to help you capture your loved one’s essence and life beautifully.

Click Here for Professional Eulogy Assistance

V. Step 4: Writing the Eulogy

A. using descriptive language and storytelling.

When writing a memorial speech for your grandfather, it’s essential to use descriptive language and storytelling to bring your memories and anecdotes to life. This will help paint a vivid picture of your beloved grandfather and make the eulogy more engaging for the audience. For example, you can share how he was the only person who could make the whole family laugh with his humorous stories or how he started his own business and became a role model for the entire family.

B. Expressing gratitude and love for your grandfather

In your eulogy, take a deep breath and express your gratitude and love for your grandfather. Share the lessons your grandpa taught you and the values he instilled in you and your family members. By expressing your appreciation for everything your grandfather did for you and the family, you’ll be honoring his life and paying tribute to the great man he was.

C. Highlighting his achievements and impact on others

To create a beautiful eulogy that celebrates your grandfather’s whole life, it’s important to highlight his achievements and the impact he had on so many friends and family members. Share specific examples from his life, such as how he grew older but never lost his sense of humor or how he left a lasting legacy for his grandchildren. By focusing on his accomplishments and the positive influence he had on others, you’ll evoke a sense of joy and pride in the audience and inspire future generations to follow in his footsteps.

Remember, writing a eulogy for a grandfather can be an emotional journey filled with strong emotions, but by following these steps and using the keywords mentioned above, you’ll be able to craft a heartfelt tribute to your beloved grandfather that honors his memory and brings comfort to those mourning his loss.

VI. Step 5: Including Personal Touches

A. sharing unique traits or quirks about your grandfather.

To make your memorial speech for your grandfather even more heartwarming and personal, consider sharing some of his unique traits or quirks that made him the beloved family member he was. Was he the only person who could tell a joke in such a way that it made the whole family laugh? Or did he have a special talent for fixing things around the house? By incorporating these personal details, you’ll create an even stronger connection with your audience and help them remember your grandfather fondly.

B. Incorporating his favorite quotes, poems, or sayings

Another way to add a personal touch to your eulogy is by including your grandfather’s favorite quotes, poems, or sayings. These can provide insight into his values and beliefs and serve as a reminder of the lessons he taught you and your family. For instance, if your great grandfather often said he was “half the man” your grandpa was, share this quote and explain what it meant to your family.

C. Mentioning special memories or inside jokes

To truly capture the essence of your grandfather’s life, don’t forget to mention special memories or inside jokes that were shared among family and friends. These anecdotes will help paint a vivid picture of your grandfather as a loving family man who left a lasting impact on so many lives. Whether it was the time he started his own business or the countless moments he spent with his grandchildren, these stories will bring a smile to everyone’s face and remind them of the beautiful legacy your grandfather left behind.

VII. Step 6: Practicing Delivery

A. reading the eulogy aloud multiple times.

To ensure a smooth delivery of your memorial speech for your beloved grandfather, take the time to read it aloud multiple times. This will help you become more comfortable with the content and identify any areas that might need improvement or clarification. Remember, practice makes perfect, and a well-rehearsed eulogy will leave a stronger impression on your audience.

B. Receiving feedback from trusted family members or friends

Share your eulogy with trusted family members or friends to receive valuable feedback. They might provide insights or suggestions on how to better express certain memories or emotions, or they may share additional stories that could be included in the speech. Their input can help you craft an even more heartfelt and authentic tribute to your grandfather’s life.

C. Adjusting the tone and pace for optimal delivery

As you practice delivering your eulogy, pay attention to the tone and pace of your speech. Your goal is to create a balance between honoring your grandfather’s life and celebrating his legacy while also providing comfort to those mourning his loss. Adjust your tone to convey the deep emotions you feel, but also remember to include moments of joy and laughter as you recount favorite memories and stories. For instance, when sharing how your grandpa taught the entire family the value of hard work by starting his own business or how he was the only person who could make so many friends feel like family, allow your voice to reflect the pride and admiration you feel for your great grandfather.

VIII. Step 7: Delivering the Eulogy with Confidence and Emotion

A. tips for managing emotions during the speech.

Delivering a memorial speech for your grandfather can be an emotional experience. To manage your emotions during the speech, take deep breaths, and remember to focus on the positive memories, lessons, and impact your grandfather had on the entire family. You can also keep a glass of water nearby to help you stay calm and composed.

B. Engaging the audience with eye contact and body language

To effectively connect with your audience, maintain eye contact and use appropriate body language as you share your favorite stories about your beloved grandfather. This will not only make your speech more engaging but will also help convey the love and admiration you have for the great man he was.

C. Concluding the eulogy with a heartfelt message

As you conclude your eulogy, use a few words to express your gratitude for having known your grandfather and for the legacy he left behind. Share how he was the only person who could bring so many friends together and make them feel like family. Remember to pay tribute to his whole life, including the time he started his own business, and the countless moments he spent teaching valuable lessons to his children and grandchildren.

IX. Example Eulogies

Dear friends and family,

As we gather here today, we do so not only to bid farewell to a man who was the bedrock of our family but also to celebrate a life that was filled with love, wisdom, and abundant generosity. Today, we remember and honor my grandfather, our patriarch, George.

Grandpa George was a man of profound strength and wisdom, a steady guiding light in a world that often seemed tumultuous and uncertain. His kindness knew no bounds, his laughter was infectious, and his life was a testament to the power of perseverance, humility, and unwavering love.

Growing up, some of my most cherished memories were woven into the tapestry of the stories Grandpa George would share. I remember how he would sit on the porch in his favorite rocking chair, a gentle breeze rustling his hair, his eyes twinkling with the promise of a new tale. As a child, I would sit at his feet, utterly entranced, as he weaved stories of his youth – of humble beginnings, hard work, and adventures that seemed larger than life.

One such story that stays with me is the tale of the ‘Great Apple Pie Incident.’ As the story goes, Grandma had baked an apple pie for a community bake sale, the aroma filling their small house. Young Grandpa George, unable to resist the temptation, attempted to steal a piece before it cooled. However, the hot pie dish slipped from his hands, creating a mess of apple and pastry, and ruining his chances of a delicious slice of pie. The real lesson he wanted me to learn? Patience and respect for other’s efforts. Although it took a pie disaster for him to learn, he made sure to instill these values in us through his stories.

But the lessons he taught us went far beyond patience and respect. Grandpa George was the epitome of resilience. He taught us that life would throw challenges our way, but it was how we rose from them that defined us. He showed us the importance of family, the power of laughter, and the value of a well-baked apple pie.

Today, as we stand here, his absence feels all too real, his voice and laughter echoing in our hearts. We will miss his tales, his wisdom, and his comforting presence. However, I take solace in knowing that he lives on in each of us, in the lessons he taught, and the love he shared.

Grandpa George, I am grateful for every moment, every story, and every shared slice of apple pie. You were more than just a grandfather – you were a teacher, a friend, and a guiding light.

Though we are saying our final goodbyes today, you will forever remain alive in our hearts and in the stories we pass down through generations. You were the roots that grounded us, the branches that lifted us, and the leaves that provided shelter during life’s stormy days.

Rest in peace, Grandpa George. Your life was a journey well-traveled, your legacy an unforgettable tale in our family history. Thank you for the love, the wisdom, and the apple pies. You are dearly missed and will forever be loved.

Until we meet again, Grandpa. May your stories continue to unfold in the heavens above.

Example N#2

Ladies and Gentlemen,

As we gather here today, we are united not only in our grief but also in our deep love and admiration for a man who has left an indelible imprint on all of our hearts. We are here to remember, celebrate and bid farewell to a grandfather like no other, my beloved Grandpa Richard.

Grandpa Richard was a man of immense character. He was the epitome of wisdom and grace, mixed with a generous dash of mischief and a twinkle in his eye. He believed that life was too serious to be taken seriously all the time, and that laughter was the best medicine, second only to his homemade chili – the secret recipe of which he claimed was love, a hefty amount of spices, and an undisclosed ingredient he simply referred to as ‘Richard’s Magic’.

If you ever asked Grandpa Richard for advice, you could be certain it would be accompanied by a tale, often so extravagant that you’d question its authenticity. Yet, it was these stories, these elaborately woven narratives that were filled with wisdom, humor, and, occasionally, runaway donkeys named Jasper.

The story of Jasper, the mischievous donkey, was one of Grandpa Richard’s favorites. As he told it, Jasper was an escape artist. He had a knack for getting out of the farm and causing chaos around the small town. But it was during one of these escapes that Jasper, according to Grandpa, helped foil a bakery robbery. When asked how a donkey could possibly do that, Grandpa Richard would laugh heartily and say, “Well, even a stubborn donkey can kick a thief into justice. Remember, never underestimate anyone or any donkey!”

Through his laughter, his stories, and yes, even his ‘Richard’s Magic,’ he taught us to embrace life with humor and resilience. He taught us to live boldly, love deeply, and laugh often.

Though today we are saying our final goodbyes, Grandpa Richard’s spirit, his stories, and his laughter will continue to live on within each of us. He might not be present in body, but his legacy and his teachings are etched into our hearts and our lives.

As we remember Grandpa Richard today, I hope we can celebrate his life as he would have wanted us to – with joy, laughter, and perhaps a serving or two of his homemade chili. His tales will forever be recounted, his wisdom forever shared, and his love forever felt.

To our dear Grandpa Richard, thank you for filling our lives with stories, laughter, and love. You were the best grandfather we could have asked for. As we say goodbye, we do so with heavy hearts and tear-streaked faces, but also with smiles, as we remember the humor and happiness you brought into our lives.

Here’s to Grandpa Richard – a man, a storyteller, a chili-maker extraordinaire. May you rest in peace, and keep them laughing wherever you are.

Until we meet again, dear Grandpa. Your tales will continue, your laughter will echo, and your love will always be felt. We love you and will miss you dearly.

X. Conclusion

A. the lasting impact of a heartfelt eulogy.

A well-crafted, heartfelt eulogy can leave a lasting impact on the lives of those who attend the memorial service. It serves as a beautiful tribute to your beloved grandfather and allows the audience to relive cherished memories while also providing comfort during a difficult time. By sharing stories, lessons, and the legacy your grandfather left behind, you create a powerful connection with your audience and ensure that his memory lives on in their hearts.

B. Honoring your grandfather’s memory through words and actions

Remember, honoring your grandfather’s memory goes beyond delivering a touching eulogy; it involves living by the values he taught and carrying on his legacy through your own actions. By following his example, you can inspire others and keep his spirit alive for generations to come.

If you’re struggling to write a heartfelt eulogy for your beloved grandfather, consider using MemoryCherish’s eulogy service. Our team of experienced writers will work closely with you to craft a personalized and beautiful tribute that captures the essence of your grandfather’s life and leaves a lasting impression on all who attend the memorial service. Let us help you honor your grandfather’s memory and celebrate the great man he was with a touching eulogy that brings comfort, joy, and inspiration to everyone present.

Q: How do I write a short tribute to my grandfather?

A: To write a short tribute to your grandfather, begin by brainstorming the most cherished memories, life lessons, and qualities that made him special. Focus on 2-3 key aspects of his character or memorable moments you shared with him. Then, create a brief outline and write a few sentences for each point, expressing your admiration and gratitude for his presence in your life. Remember to keep it concise, heartfelt, and genuine.

Q: What do you say in a remembrance speech?

A: In a remembrance speech, you should focus on honoring the life and legacy of the person who has passed away. Start by expressing your condolences and acknowledging the loss. Share personal memories, anecdotes, and qualities that made the person special. Highlight their achievements, impact on others, and the lessons they taught. Conclude by offering words of comfort, hope, and gratitude for having known the person, and encourage everyone to celebrate their life and keep their memory alive.

Q: How do you write a short eulogy for a grandparent?

A: To write a short eulogy for a grandparent, follow these steps:

  • Reflect on your grandparent’s life, their values, and the impact they had on your family.
  • Choose 2-3 key aspects or memories you want to focus on.
  • Create a brief outline with an introduction, body, and conclusion.
  • In the introduction, express your condolences and briefly mention the key points you will discuss.
  • In the body, share personal anecdotes, qualities, and life lessons from your grandparent.
  • Conclude by offering words of comfort and gratitude for the time spent with your grandparent and the legacy they left behind.
  • Keep the eulogy concise, genuine, and focused on honoring your grandparent’s memory.

Want to make sure your loved one’s eulogy is as unique and special as they were? Our experienced eulogy writers can help.

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Eulogy for a grandfather

By mike buechel.

Today, I have the honour of reintroducing you to Francis Alois Buechel—better known to many as “Pa”.

Born December 3, 1928. Son of Edwin and Helen, brother of Viola, Husband to Alice, Father of six children, 17 grandchildren, 17 great grandchildren, friend and storyteller to all else who meet him.

We are here today to remember the life and legacy he leaves on the earth.  It was a long and simple life: never complex and always with good, honest intentions.

I would like to reflect on the person Grandpa was. 

I could stand here for the better part of the day and reminisce about all the stories grandpa was either part of or he told, and for those who knew Grandpa, you understand how long those stories could be.

We will cover some of those, but overall I would like to remember the person grandpa was and what he has done for everyone he met.

Grandpa was above all else a family man, followed very closely by storyteller. 

He had the ability to have a witty comeback for almost any conversation, something that he definitely passed on to everyone in the family. 

You never knew what little pun he had just waiting for the conversation, but you knew there would be one, followed by that smile and laugh you just knew he loved to show off.

Family man is a term not appreciated nearly enough these days.  Today, there is more emphasis put on who we are and what we accomplish.  Grandpa though, was the epitome of how great and unselfish it is to put those in your family first.

Grandma and Grandpa never asked for much.  They drove plain, simple vehicles, lived in a modest home, and never took anything in life for granted.

Grandma and Grandpa put everyone in their family first. 

I have heard the story a hundred times about grandpa selling the business to the boys.  It was always presented as him seeing the boys wanting to grow the business and move it at a pace he wasn’t really interested in.

He was happy with how things were, so he sold it to them so they could expand and grow the business the way they felt best…

Now I was barely even alive at this point, so I am going to take the following assumption from what I knew about Grandpa and what made him tick.

I personally believe the sale of the business had more to do with Grandpa wanting to keep everyone happy and keep peace in the family.

Knowing Grandpa, I don’t think it was in his nature to just give something like that over when he was so young.

Grandpa, was of course, a very driven person.  You do not become the largest pig farmer in a whole county by being ok with “average”.

You do not pay off a bank loan on your first splitter ahead of schedule, when you were first told by the bank “we aren’t going to give you the money because you will fail”.

No—Grandpa had a work ethic and drive that he was very modest about.  So why then would grandpa sell his business that he developed into a success?  I believe it was because his love of his family and desire to keep the peace with his boys.

It was not only this act that showed what a family man grandpa was.  If there was a holiday to be celebrated by Grandma and Grandpa you were pretty sure it wasn’t going to be on the actual day—Christmas was never Christmas day.

This way everyone in the family could celebrate with their other families on that day.

Grandpa, was of course, all about keeping the peace in the family.  I don’t know if we all really thought about it that way.

It’s easy to just dismiss it and say it’s what our family does, not really thinking about why.  That’s ok, It keeps the peace then, just as Grandpa wanted it.

Grandpa was also a very devote husband to his wife.

They used to go to the mall every Sunday, just to walk around and hold hands, and maybe buy grandma a piece of jewellery at JC Penny’s.

I don’t honestly know if I ever really saw one without the other.  Just like going to their house, if you came to the door, chances are they were at the table together, grandpa at the head of the table, grandma to the right.

They had a life together that was inspirational.  Sure, through the years I’m sure there were issues they had to work through.  No matter the issue, they made the most of their life together.

Even these last few days, the love you could see in Grandma’s eyes for this man she went through life with was nothing short of amazing.

Grandpa hanging on to allow grandma time to smile at him and gently hold her hand one day longer.  We can all learn from them, our time together is short, even 63 years together is barely a blip in the realm of the world.

Some say it’s what you leave on this earth that shows what you did with your life.

What Grandpa was able to help me see is it is more important to grow old with style and dignity and give everything you can to the people you love.

Now, Grandpa would likely state how difficult it was in his golden years: hard to breath—coughing those three deep coughs in a row over and over that made you think a lung would spit right out on the table.

Yes, no amount of bee pollen pills was going to make him feel better… (but of course to him they did).

Grandpa grew old with dignitary because he kept his wife happy.  He’d chauffeur Grandma and her sister’s around like they were rock stars—it was always funny when he’d stop at work with them—he’s had the biggest grin on his face!

Grandpa made sure grandma was happy, and that is something that we should all take pride in.  It was never about individual accomplishment with him, it was about their life together.

I would never say I was the closest in the family with grandpa, or the best grand kid, but what I would say is there is no one else in the world I would have wanted as a grandpa.

He taught all of us in the family what it meant to do an honest day’s work. I can remember as a youngster playing outside on a Saturday or Sunday watching grandpa drive his little Massey Ferguson forklift to his quarry on Paradise road.

He’d get together a pallet of stone, and then drive back to work to do what he needed with it.

Work had to be done, and if there was time, it needed to get taken care of.

He was not one to sit still too long, whether it was to saw stone, or later in his career driving his single axle truck he was so proud of, he’d make sure he did his job.

As a side note—Grandpa was a perfectionist that would drive us non-perfectionist absolutely crazy.

Loading grandpa’s truck was an art form, and if you had something a little out of place, he’d make sure you knew it… every pallet had a place, every strap had a location, every load an exact drop spot to be delivered to.

Grandpa’s maps were a source of extreme pride for him…  Don’t try to give Grandpa a direction that didn’t have an exact route.

I’ll never forget how excited he was when he got a Calumet County road map that had every road and route you could take.

When being “the gofer”—pa’s nickname for himself because he would “go for” whatever was needed at work, it wouldn’t matter where he was going or how many times he had been there—those maps were getting whipped out.

For those of you who knew Dick Kaiser, those two going around and around about how to get to a job site was always a battle to the end.  The man who couldn’t give a direction with the man that couldn’t get there without.

Anyway—back to my point from before—it wouldn’t be a eulogy about grandpa without a random story getting thrown in the middle.

Grandpa taught all of us the importance of being honest in our work and doing the best job you can.

When Grandpa was getting older, he got into woodworking, specifically doll cradles and Christmas mangers.  Grandpa was always so proud of the work he put into these.

His mangers were a thing of beauty, taking old barn board off his barn and cutting them down to the last piece of wood he could get out of them.

He had an assembly process for making those mangers down to a science that Henry Ford would have been impresses with.

Did I mention grandpa was fickle?

I loved the way he would save every little piece of wood and nothing would go to waste.

I cleaned out grandma and grandpa’s car garage this past year… what a good laugh I had inside.  That man saved every little scrap piece of wood you could imagine. 

It was so funny because he was feeling pretty good the day I did it, so sure enough, grandpa made his way to the basement to see how I was doing, or more likely, what I was doing.

I loaded the wood onto a pallet, and as I was taking the pallet away from the house a cutoff shovel handle rolled off the pallet. Of course grandpa picked it up and said, “I’ll keep this one piece, I might need this yet.” 

But I digress… I’m certain I have grandpa’s random storytelling and smart alack dysfunction too…

So in concluding our memory on the life of “Pa” Buechel, I want you all to remember that he was one of the best people you may ever have had the honour of meeting.

I understand that’s a bold statement, but I believe it to be very true.

The people that make the biggest impact in the world are people like grandpa—honest, truthful, and putting the needs of their family first, it’s bigger than I think Pa even realized.

Remember, this is a man who likely did not realize how big a deal it was that he took a risk and made a decision that affected thousands of people.

As Rick Schneider, a salesperson at Buechel Stone was told by one of his customers: “That very decision Francis made that day to buy a stone splitter did not just change you and me, it changed the stone industry” …

Yet I stand here telling you that decision was not nearly as significant for everyone here as the decision he made to love and care for his family.

I know one thing for sure—Grandpa will always have my back.

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Moving Example of a Eulogy for a Grandfather 

Writing a eulogy for a beloved grandfather can be a daunting challenge at a very emotional time in your life. Reading through an example of what someone else has written can be a good way to start to get some ideas and inspiration.

We have many sample eulogies on our site which are written by real people, for real people.

We also have advice on how to write eulogy , along with a free template . See the links at the bottom of the page. But first, here is a lovely eulogy for her ‘Lolo’ written for us by Pamela.

(Note: “Lolo” means Grandfather in Filipino)

Grateful for Lolo by Pamela Corazon

Grandfather quote - meme

Thank you all for being with us today.

We wish to celebrate a man whose entire life has been dedicated to his family, his community, and God. A devoted husband to one, a wonderful father to nine, a loving grandfather to 23, great grandfather to six, and a leader to many - what a truly extraordinary life Lolo had. Today, I wish to share some words about the man who has been an integral part of my life.

To say that I am lucky to be one of his grandchildren is an understatement. It is a blessing that I am truly grateful for and will be for the rest of my life. It is a challenge to speak today, to put into words the many things that I would like to say about him.

Lolo loved to share his life experiences. What an amazing memory he had - ask him anything about his childhood and he would be able to tell each story with the most vivid details.

Hearing him talk about the challenges he had to face, growing up in a time of war, losing his father while attending college, having to leave school to take the reigns in taking care of the family’s affairs, his mother and younger siblings, it was like hearing something out of a movie. I asked him once, how did you do it? His answer, “I just had to be brave.”

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Out of all the stories about his life though, my favourites will always be the ones about how he met Lola, and how they nurtured and reared all of their nine children.

He always said it was only through the grace of God that they seemed to always have enough. Enough food to eat, even a little extra to help out friends and neighbours, enough to send the kids to school.

For many years, grandfather had fish ponds to provide for his family. Everything went well, until the time their youngest child finished school. He said it was as if the Lord knew that their obligation to give their nine kids the education they needed was completed. That was when he said the fish just “stopped coming”. That was one special thing about Lolo, he was a man of great faith.

He always said that his greatest treasure was his family. I remember the very first morning of Lolo’s abrupt confusion because of the many medications he was taking. I received a call from the hospital because he fell on the floor which resulted in a minor cut and bruising on his left arm.

With no memory of why he was in the hospital, the Neurology team conducted an assessment and asked him a lot of questions: what were his name, date of birth, and other details about his confinement.

I was nervous because he could not answer most of the questions, even his exact date of birth - when he suddenly blurted out numbers which we all thought were random. But then I realised their meaning - he was reciting the years of birth of his children! With tears in my eyes, I told the doctors about the significance of the numbers. I could not believe it. Even in his confused cognitive state, his family was still etched in his core being.

As a grandfather, Lolo was a rockstar. From being an awesome playmate and secret keeper when I was small to the confidante and rock as I grew older, he was everything and more. I will miss our conversations. An excellent listener, he was someone with whom I could speak about anything without being afraid of being judged. There were times that he would offer me pieces of advice or even scold me, but he always did so lovingly.

With him, I felt like I could do anything. Lolo had an uncanny ability to make people feel special, there were no “small wins” with him. Each achievement was celebrated like a huge victory. To him, just passing a school quiz in third grade merited a tub of ice cream.

He has taught me so many lessons about life. Lessons which I will remember, and hopefully, live by. During the latter part of his life, Lolo always said that having lived well into his 80s was already a great blessing and that each extra day he was given felt like winning the jackpot. What a lover of life!

It did not matter that he was no longer able to enjoy the daily activities that he used to do, or that he already needed assistance just to sit and eat his meals - his mi ndset was always all about gratitude.

During his last hospital confinement, he was already inviting the doctors, nurses, and all the hospital staff to his home for his 90th birthday! It’s too bad that he left us only a mere month before his 90th, but we will celebrate it anyway, and he will be present in our hearts.

Thank you for your love, Lolo. My daughter is one year old now and she sees your picture every day, which I have displayed on our bookcase. I will tell her stories about you, her great grandfather. You two would have gone along very well, just like us.

There is never a day that goes by that I don’t think of you. Can you please visit me in my dreams? I love you. I hope I will make you proud.

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speeches for a grandads funeral

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speeches for a grandads funeral

For Grandpa

"Sorrow comes in great waves...but it rolls over us, and though it may almost smother us.it passes and we remain." - Henry James

My Grandpa was a humble man; he never liked to be the center of attention. In life and now in death, he wouldn't want us to focus on him. He wouldn't want us to focus on the sadness of his death, but instead focus on the happiness in our lives. He would want us to appreciate each other and our future.

A man as humble and loving as Grandpa will always be remembered by those of us who knew him and loved him. Although we will miss him, his smile, his pranks, his love, we take consolation in the good feelings of our memories.

I remember when I was a little girl, visiting Grandma and Grandpa. Grandpa would help us make forts and haunted houses in the basement. After it was built he pretend to go do something but he'd sneak back and scare us, or play tricks on us. And we'd shriek with fright but then laugh until our faces were sore because we knew it was Grandpa having fun with us. Then we'd go upstairs for a huge, delicious meal that Grandma would have prepared for us.

Every Christmas, Grandpa used to dress up as Santa, and sometimes even the Easter Bunny. I was so excited when I saw him with a bag full of goodies. I would sit on his lap and I'd open the bag. It was so much fun.

Whenever we would visit, Grandpa always played with us. We played board games, we'd have races and he would show me how his tools worked and we would build things together. One time we built a shelf that I hung up in my room, it's still there now. He was so much fun to be around, he loved to laugh and to have fun and I adored him.

Grandpa always said that his grandchildren kept him young at heart. That made us feel good inside. I can see that my father got his fun loving spirit from grandpa. He was a great teacher to have, not only for my dad and us, but also for everybody. He was selfless and kind. He loved being a parent and grandparent. It was his calling in life.

Grandpa, I will always miss you. But I have so many wonderful memories to hang on to. You were a role model, and a friend. Your guidance and love will carry me through to the end of my days. I love you Grandpa, until we meet again.

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21+ Best Funeral Poems For Grandpa


We have assembled a collection of 21+ most beautiful funeral poems for Grandpa to help you celebrate his life and his enduring love.

At the end of our post, we have links to our Pinterest board and Facebook album where you can find more images with your favourite quotes from funeral poems for a grandfather created especially for you.

This first beautiful funeral poem articulates how lucky we feel to have been given the best Grandpa in the world.  Let’s live our lives in a way that honours his love and legacy.

We Had a Wonderful Grandfather

Unknown Author

We had a wonderful grandfather, One who never really grew old; His smile was made of sunshine, And his heart was solid gold; His eyes were as bright as shining stars, And in his cheeks fair roses you see. We had a wonderful grandfather, And that’s the way it will always be. But take heed, because He’s still keeping an eye on all of us, So let’s make sure He will like what he sees.

Funeral Poems for Grandpa Meme

This poem beautifully captures how, when we reach adulthood, we are able to see our grandfather more fully, as a person with a lifetime of his own life experiences, hopes and dreams.  We are able to see him not just as “Grandpa,” but as a friend.

This beautiful poem is the perfect poem to recite at a funeral or memorial service for a beloved Grandpa.  It is also appropriate for a celebration of life ceremony.

A Poem for Grandpa (Modified)

Unknown Author

Grandpa, you were just a boy, So many years ago. You had your loves and had your dreams, You watched us come and go. You watched us make the same mistakes, That you had made before, But that just made you hold us tight, And love us all the more. We haven’t always thought about The things that you have seen. To us you’ve just been ‘Grandpa’, No thought of who you’ve been. But we remember now in love, Your life from start to end, And we’re just glad we knew you, As Grandpa, and as Friend.

This beautiful poem reflects on all the special characteristics about our Grandpa that makes him special.  It also thanks him for always being there for his family and lets him know that he will always be remembered.

This poem would make a beautiful tribute to a special grandfather at any type of funeral service.

We’ll always remember that special smile, that caring heart, that warm embrace, you always gave us. You being there for Grandma and us through good and bad times, no matter what. We’ll always remember you Grampa because there’ll never be another one to replace you in our hearts, and the love we will always have for you.

Funeral Poems for Grandpa

This beautiful poem uses powerful imagery to compare a grandfather who has passed away to a giant tree that has fallen.  Both provided shelter and safety while they lived, and both left an indelible mark on those around them, even after their passing.

The poem was originally written for fathers.   However, we modified it because its message also rings true for a grandfather, our father’s father.

To My Grandfather (Modified)

By Georgia Harkness

A giant pine, magnificent and old Stood staunch against the sky and all around Shed beauty, grace and power. Within its fold birds safely reared their young. The velvet ground beneath was gentle, and the cooling shade gave cheer to passers by. Its towering arms a landmark stood, erect and unafraid, As if to say, “Fear naught from life’s alarms”. It fell one day. Where it had dauntless stood was loneliness and void. But men who passed paid tribute – and said, “To know this life was good, It left it’s mark on me. Its work stands fast”. And so it lives. Such life no bonds can hold – This giant pine, magnificent and old.

This touching funeral poem reminds us that even though he may be gone, our Grandpa will always be with us.  Every beautiful thing that we see and experience will remind us of his eternal love.

Our grandfather wisely taught us many valuable lessons about life.  His wisdom makes us feel as though we can accept all of life’s challenges because he taught us that challenges help us grow stronger.

Your Spirit

By Tram-Tiara T. Von Reichenbach

I know that no matter what You will always be with me. When life separates us I’ll know it is only your soul Saying goodbye to your body But your spirit will be with me always. When I see a bird chirping on a nearby branch I will know it is you singing to me. When a butterfly brushes gently by me so care freely I will know it is you assuring me you are free from pain. When the gentle fragrance of a flower catches my attention I will know it is you reminding me To appreciate the simple things in life. When the sun shining through my window awakens me I will feel the warmth of your love. When I hear the rain pitter patter against my window sill I will hear your words of wisdom And will remember what you taught me so well’ That without rain trees cannot grow Without rain flowers cannot bloom Without life’s challenges I cannot grow strong. When I look out to the sea

speeches for a grandads funeral

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This funeral poem emphasizes the fact that our Grandpa will always be a part of us.  No matter how old we get or where we end up in life, we will never outgrow our love for him.

This is a very popular funeral poem to read at a service for a grandfather, whether it be a funeral service, memorial service, or a celebration of life ceremony.

A Love Like No Other

By Paula M. Newman

From the time I was born I guess you would know Ten perfect fingers Ten little toes When you first put your finger in my tiny hand that’s when I first knew You were my papa no one else would do As I grow older and reach for the sky My Papa is still there to keep that twinkle in my eye When I need someone to hold me you never say I’m too big You pick me up and squeeze me and whisper you’re my little kid Most other people don’t understand me or maybe just not as well That’s why you’re the one I run to when I have something to tell I love you Papa as you can see I’m so glad that you’re a part of me

“Weep Not For Me” is a very popular funeral poem that would be appropriate for a Grandpa’s funeral service.

This eloquent poem reassures us that our Grandad is at peace, and encourages us to dwell on his wonderful life, love and legacy, and not on how he died.

Weep Not For Me

Weep not for me though I have gone Into that gentle night Grieve if you will, but not for long Upon my soul’s sweet flight

I am at peace, my soul’s at rest There is no need for tears For with your love I was so blessed For all those many years

There is no pain, I suffer not The fear is now all gone Put now these things out of your thoughts In your memory I live on

Remember not my fight for breath Remember not the strife Please do not dwell upon my death But celebrate my life

This poem is about what makes a man successful.  A man who laughed often, who loved his family and friends, who was respected and trusted, who appreciated the beauty of the world, who left the world better than he found it, is the very definition of success.

This poem helps us celebrate the legacy of the incredible man that our Grandfather was and the impact that he had on those people who were lucky enough to know him.

This poem makes a beautiful tribute to read at all types of service for a Grandpa, from a traditional, religious funeral service, to a free-spirited celebration of life ceremony.

He Has Achieved Success

By Bessie Anderson Stanley

He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often and loved much: who has enjoyed the trust of pure women, the respect of intelligent men and the love of little children; who has filled the niche and accomplished his task; who has left the world better than he found it; whether by an improved poppy, a perfect poem, or a rescued soul; who has never lacked appreciation of Earth’s beauty or failed to express it; who has always looked for the best in others and given the best he had. Whose life was an inspiration; Whose memory a benediction.

Funeral Poems for Grandpa

This next funeral poem reminds us that our Grandpa will always be with us, though he will be sorely missed.  Our loved ones never truly leave us.

His Journey’s Just Begun

By Ellen Brenneman

Don’t think of him as gone away his journey’s just begun, life holds so many facets this earth is only one. Just think of him as resting from the sorrows and the tears in a place of warmth and comfort where there are no days and years. Think how he must be wishing that we could know today how nothing but our sadness can really pass away. And think of him as living in the hearts of those he touched… for nothing loved is ever lost and he was loved so much.

This next poem is appropriate to recite at a religious service for a beloved Grandfather, especially if he was elderly or suffered from an illness prior to his passing.

It offers some comfort to those attending the funeral or memorial service by reminding us that he is no longer in any pain and is in God’s loving arms.

God Saw You Getting Tired

God saw you getting tired and a cure was not to be so he put his arms around you and whispered, “Come to Me”

With tearful eyes we watched you and saw you pass away and although we love you dearly we could not make you stay.

A Golden heart stopped beating hard working hands at rest. God broke our hearts to prove to us He only takes the best.

The next poem is popular for funeral services because it eloquently articulates how difficult it is to accept that our loved one has passed away.  (We modified this poem for gender as the message is appropriate for both women and men.)

Choose to read this poem at your Grandpa’s funeral service if you were blessed to have a close relationship with him.

Away (Modified)

By James Whitcomb Riley

I cannot say and I will not say That he is dead, he is just away. With a cheery smile and a wave of hand He has wandered into an unknown land; And left us dreaming how very fair Its needs must be, since he lingers there. And you-oh you, who the wildest yearn From the old-time step and the glad return- Think of his faring on, as dear In the love of there, as the love of here Think of him still the same way, I say; He is not dead, he is just away.

This funeral poem beautifully highlights the importance of celebrating your Grandpa’s life and legacy.  It invites us to not focus on his death, but to find comfort in all the wonderful things that he did while he was with us.

Given the simplicity of the poem’s language, it would be an appropriate poem for a teenage granddaughter or grandson to recite a funeral service.

By David Harkins

You can shed tears that he is gone. Or you can smile because he lived. You can close your eyes and pray that he will come back. Or you can open your eyes and see all that he has left. Your heart can be empty because you can’t see him. Or you can be full of the love that you shared, You can turn your back on tomorrow and live for yesterday, Or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday. You can remember him and only that he is gone. Or you can cherish his memory and let it live on, You can cry, close your mind, be empty, and turn your back. Or you can do what he would have wanted, smile, open your eyes, love and move on.

This next poem reminds us that our beloved Granddad never really leaves us and that we can see signs of his love in nature.  In the singing of the birds, in the rising and setting of the sun — he is always there.

This is a beautiful poem to read in tribute to a special Grandpa.  It is appropriate for all types of services, from a traditional funeral or memorial service, to a one-of-a-kind celebration of life ceremony.

By Fiona Bourke

Granddad, We know you can no longer stay with us, you fought long and hard to be with us. We know you now watch over and protect us. Although we cannot hear your voice or see your smiling face, We know deep down in our hearts that you have not left us. Instead every day you surround us with the singing of the birds, the rising of the sun and the falling of night. So many broken hearts are left behind, But in our deepest despair our greatest comfort lies knowing that you are now at peace with the angels and God. So as times passes our tears will dry, our hearts will mend, but our love for you will never end.

Funeral Poems for Grandpa

This beautiful poem is written in the voice of a young boy talking to his beloved Grandpa who has gone to heaven.  This sweet poem would be perfect for a young grandson to read at Grandpa’s funeral, memorial service, or celebration of life ceremony.  It could also be read at a post-funeral reception as a special presentation.

A Poem for My Granddad

By Dennis Taylor

Hello there, Granddad. It’s me, your little man, I couldn’t find you yesterday, When I came to visit Nan.

She says you’ve only left the room, You haven’t gone away. But I really miss you, Granddad And the games we used to play.

She says you have my teddy. He’ll keep you safe from harm. If the going gets hard, just squeeze his hand And he will keep you calm.

You’ve also got some sweeties. Isn’t Nana kind? I may have stolen one or two, But I knew you wouldn’t mind.

And now that you’re not here, Granddad I’ll give double hugs to Nan. Goodnight, God bless you, Granddad, From your loving ‘little man’.

This next poem is a favourite of ours.  This poem uses beautiful and powerful imagery to eloquently articulate how different the world may appear now that Grandpa is no longer here and how, although grief may fade with time, life will never be the same.

This poem would be a beautiful tribute to a beloved Grandpa from an adult granddaughter or a grandson.

As I Look Up to the Skies Above

As I look up to the skies above, The stars stretch endlessly– But somehow all those rays of light Seem dimmer now to me. As I watch the morning sun appear, The shadows still don’t fade— As if the brightest light of all Was somehow swept away.

Though I see the branches swaying, And watch their dancing leaves– The echoes carried on the wind Don’t sound the same to me. As I listen to the morning birds Sing softly from afar– It seems to be a mournful tune That echoes in my heart.

Another day has come again, As time moves surely on– But nothing now seems quite the same, To know that he is gone. The days and weeks and months ahead Will never be the same– Because a treasure beyond words Can never be replaced.

The loss cannot be measured now, The void cannot be filled– And though someday the grief may fade, His mark will live on still. For even with my heavy heart, I know that I’ve been blessed To have been one who’s life he touched With warmth so infinite.

This popular funeral poem provides us with comfort by reminding us to not dwell on how our dearly loved Grandpa died, but to dwell on the incredible life that he lived.

This poem makes a beautiful tribute for a celebration of life ceremony or memorial service.  If Granddad was blessed to have had a number of grandchildren, they could take turns reading or reciting a verse.

Not How Did He Die, But How Did He Live?

Not how did he die, but how did he live? Not what did he gain, but what did he give?

These are the units to measure the worth Of a man as a man, regardless of birth.

Not, what was his church, nor what was his creed? But had he befriended those really in need?

Was he ever ready, with word of good cheer, To bring back a smile, to banish a tear?

Not what did the sketch in the newspaper say, But how many were sorry when he passed away.

This beautiful poem uses the metaphor of a beautiful garden to describe a Grandfather’s life.  He helped plant the seeds that gave us our start, guided and nurtured our growth to adulthood, and provided protection from life’s storms.

This poem would make a beautiful tribute to a special Grandfather at a funeral service, memorial service or a celebration of life.  As with the previous poem, it would be a good poem to be collectively read (or recited) by his grandchildren.  The simplicity of the language also makes the funeral poem well suited for a family where the grandchildren vary greatly in ages.

Grandfather Kept a Garden

Our Grandfather kept a garden. A garden of the heart; He planted all the good things, That gave our lives their start.

He turned us to the sunshine, And encouraged us to dream: Fostering and nurturing the seeds of self-esteem.

And then the winds and rain came, He protected us enough; But not too much because he knew We would stand up strong and tough.

His constant good example, Always taught us right from wrong; Markers for our pathway that will last a lifetime long.

We are our Grandfather’s garden, We are his legacy. Thank you Grandfather, we love you.

Funeral Poems for Grandpa

This next funeral poem, “My Grandfather,” describes the truly special qualities a Grandpa possesses.  He always had a smile for you, exciting stories to share, and an ear ready to listen to what was in your heart.

This poem is a beautiful tribute to show how proud you are to have had him as your Grandad.  It is appropriate for both Granddaughters and Grandsons to read or recite.

My Grandfather

My Grandfather was a man who had smiles to brighten your days, who always made you feel good with his warm words of praise. And what’s more he knew what to do to make wishes come true. He was my Grandfather.

My Grandfather was someone who always had good stories to tell, but just as importantly he knew how to be a good listener as well. He was patient and kind and the very best friend you could ever hope to find. He was no ordinary man.

And I’m proud to tell the world that [Insert Your Granddads name here] Was my Grandfather.

This next funeral poems expresses how difficult it is to lose a beloved grandfather and how sorely he will be missed.  It is appropriate for a religious or a spiritual funeral service for a Grandpa (since the poem references heaven).

Our Granddad

It broke our hearts to lose you, but you never went alone, for a part of us went with you, the day god took you home.

A million times we missed you, A million times we cried, If love could have saved you, you never would have died.

To the grave you travel, Our flowers placed with care, No-one knows the heartache, as we turn to leave you there.

If tears could build a stairway, and memories could make a lane, we would walk right up to heaven, and bring you home again.

We love you Granddad, sleep well in heaven with the angels.

This touching poem is written in the voice of a Grandfather who is speaking to us after he has passed away.  He tells us to remember the happy times we shared with him and to look for signs of him in the beauty of the world around us.

This poem would be a touching reading to give at a celebration of life ceremony, particularly one that is held outdoors (for example, on the beach).

I’ll Be There

There was no time to say goodbye But this I ask – please do not cry Remember me as you think best The happy time – forget the rest.

Look for me and I’ll be there And you will find me everywhere In the gentle touch of breeze That cools the skin or swirls the leaves.

In the scent and colour of flowers That gave to me such happy hours On sunny days under sunny skies of blue Just think of me, I’ll be with you.

In winter when there’s cloud or mist The rain will give to you my kiss As wood smoke lingers in the air Look for me and I’ll be there.

Where seagulls cry above the sea And surf rolls in so endlessly Among towering trees that soar above In all these things that i once loved Look for me and I’ll be there You’ll feel my presence everywhere.

Like the previous poem, this poem is also written in the voice of a Grandfather who is speaking to us after his death.  He reassures us that although he is sad that his time on Earth is done, and that he will miss us terribly, he was welcomed into Heaven where he will live forever.

Given the theme of eternal life in this poem, it is appropriate for a religious funeral or memorial service for a Grandfather.

When Tomorrow Starts Without Me

By David M. Romano

When tomorrow starts without me and I am not here to see If the sun should rise and find your eyes all filled with tears for me I know how much you love me as much as I love you And each time you think of me I know you’ll miss me too. But when tomorrow starts without me please try to understand That Jesus came and called my name and took me by the hand. He said my place is ready in heaven far above And that I have to leave behind all those I dearly love. But as I turned to walk away a tear fell from my eye For all my life I’d always thought it wasn’t my time to die. I had so much to live for and so much yet to do It seems almost impossible that I was leaving you. I thought of all the yesterdays the good ones and the bad I thought of all the love we shared and all the fun we had. If I could have stayed for just a little while I’d say goodbye and kiss you and maybe see you smile. But then I fully realize that this could never be For emptiness and memories would take the place of me. And when I thought of worldly things that I’d miss come tomorrow I thought of you and when I did my heart was filled with sorrow. But when I walked through Heaven’s gate and felt so much at home As God looked down and smiled at me from his great golden throne. He said This is eternity And all I’ve promised you Today your life on earth is past but here it starts anew. I promise no tomorrow but today will always last And since each day’s the same here there’s no longing for the past. So when tomorrow starts without me don’t think we’re far apart, For every time you think of me I’m right here in your heart.

This next gorgeous poem was submitted to us by an Love Lives On reader and we absolutely love it. It was written in memory of his first wife who passed away from Lupus but is applicable to anyone grieving the loss of a grandpa.

Last Journey

By Timothy Coote

There is a train at the station With a seat reserved just for me I’m excited about its destination As I’ve heard it sets you free

The trials and tribulations The pain and stress we breathe Don’t exist were I am going Only happiness I believe

I hope that you will be there To wish me on my way It’s not a journey you can join in It’s not your time today

There’ll be many destinations Some are happy, some are sad Each one a brief reminder Of the great times that we’ve had

Many friends I know are waiting Who took an earlier train To greet and reassure me That nothing has really changed

We’ll take the time together To catch up on the past To build a new beginning One that will always last

One day you’ll take your journey On the train just like me And i promise that I’ll be there At the station and you will see

That Life is just a journey Enriched by those you meet No one can take that from you It’s always yours to keep’

But now as no seat is vacant You will have to muddle through Make sure you fulfill your ambitions As you know I’ll be watching you

And if there’s an occasion To mention who you knew Speak kindly of that person As one day it will be you

Now i can’t except this ending And as it’s time for me to leave Please make haste to the reception To enjoy my drinks, they’re free!

This final poem is one of our favourites as the theme is thankfulness for all our Grandpa did for us.  The blessings he brought into our lives are immeasurable.

This is another poem that could be collectively read by all the Grandchildren at Grandpa’s funeral service.  Each grandchild, depending on his or her age, could read a few lines.

As We Look Back

By Clare Jones

As we look back over time We find ourselves wondering ….. Did we remember to thank you enough For all you have done for us? For all the times you were by our sides To help and support us ….. To celebrate our successes To understand our problems And accept our defeats? Or for teaching us by your example, The value of hard work, good judgment, Courage and integrity? We wonder if we ever thanked you For the sacrifices you made. To let us have the very best? And for the simple things Like laughter, smiles and times we shared? If we have forgotten to show our Gratitude enough for all the things you did, We’re thanking you now. And we are hoping you knew all along, How much you meant to us.

Funeral Poems for Grandpa Meme

It Helps to Share…

If you found this post on 21+ best funeral poems for Grandpa helpful, follow Love Lives On on Pinterest for more inspiring ideas to help you plan your Grandpa’s service.

You can also check out our funeral poems for Grandpa Pinterest board for more stunning images (with quotes) that you can keep and share online with family and friends.  We made them for you and all our readers to enjoy.

Use the comment box below to let us know if you have a suggestion of funeral poems we should add to this post.  At Love Lives On, we’re always listening.

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Eulogy for my Grandfather - A Life Full of Pride, Joy and Happiness

by Christian (WI)

For those of you who don’t know me, I am Christian, and Richard was my grandpa. He lived a life that was full of pride, joy, and happiness. He took pride in his career as a letter carrier for 39 years serving the United States Postal Service. It all started in 1961 when he bravely entered the US Army. While in the Army he met my Grandma, Barb, through being pen pals while he was stationed in Italy. He often spoke favorably about his time spent in Italy. After returning from Italy, he married my Grandma on September 11, 1965. One year later they were blessed with a baby daughter, Joanne. After many difficulties Joanne passed gracefully on January 30th, 1970. On September 14th, 1967 they gave birth to a son, Tim. A few years after Tim was born, Annette was born on January 15th, 1970. A year later, Anne was born on June 7th, 1971. Lastly, on May 26th, 1974 their youngest daughter, Michelle, was born. His 4 grown children are living proof of his willingness to put others before himself. My grandpa’s generosity, work ethic, humility and selflessness are all qualities that I admire him for, and qualities I myself aspire to. There are many memories Grandpa and I have together. One of my favorite memories was after his retirement in 2003 when he began his sharpening business. I was fortunate to spend lots of time with Grandpa while he went to flea markets and farmers markets doing his sharpening. I enjoyed as he called it “spending the profits” at the various vendors. Another memory was the periodic visits to Mocha Moment, where in the winter we’d have a cup of hot apple cider, and in the summer, we’d have strawberry banana smoothies. These are memories I will always cherish, and hold close. Anyone who knew my grandpa knows of his generosity, work ethic, humility and selflessness. He demonstrated these traits again and again through both his career with the United States Postal Service, and his part time turned full time job at Ace Hardware. Whatever Grandpa was involved in, he made sure that it was done the right way. He never cut corners, and always made sure others were happy. He continued this even as he lay in bed in ICU. He made sure that I went and bought cookies from Rollin’ Pin Bakery for all of the nurses and doctors. In middle school when I just had to be to school early every day, and didn’t want to wait for my siblings; grandpa made the drive over to our house to come pick me up, and take me to school. I never once heard him complain. He never wanted to disappoint anyone, or let them down. There wasn’t ever a time anyone, including me, ever had to hear the word no to anything we asked of him. He would find a way to make it work or happen. The support I have received from Grandpa throughout my 17 years has been truly amazing. I can’t recall a function, or sporting event of mine in which he wasn’t there. He was always there to support and cheer me on. One of the most recent was the grand opening for the school credit union which I have worked on all summer. Grandpa saw all of the work and dedication that I and all the others involved had put into this. Sure enough, on the night of the grand opening, Grandpa was there to support me. I didn’t even have to ask him to be there, he just knew it was something that was important to me and he was sure to be there. In conclusion, Grandpa will be missed dearly. I hope to someday become half the man he was. People like my Grandpa are one in a million. Anyone who was around Grandpa knew of his generosity, work ethic, humility, and selflessness. Albert Einstein once said, “Our death is not an end if we can live on in our children and the younger generation. For they are us, our bodies are only wilted leaves on the tree of life.” So let us celebrate Grandpa’s life and continue his legacy. Thank you Grandpa. I love you, and will miss you.

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speeches for a grandads funeral

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How to Write a Eulogy for a Grandparent

Last Updated: November 30, 2021 Approved

This article was co-authored by Rebecca Tenzer, MAT, MA, LCSW, CCTP, CGCS, CCATP, CCFP . Rebecca Tenzer is the owner and head clinician at Astute Counseling Services, a private counseling practice in Chicago, Illinois. With over 18 years of clinical and educational experience in the field of mental health, Rebecca specializes in the treatment of depression, anxiety, panic, trauma, grief, interpersonal relationships using a combination of Cognitive Behavioral therapy, Psychodynamic therapy, and other evidence-based practices. Rebecca holds a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Sociology and Anthropology from DePauw University, a Master in Teaching (MAT) from Dominican University, and a Master of Social Work (MSW) from the University of Chicago. Rebecca has served as a member of the AmeriCorps and is also a Professor of Psychology at the collegiate level. Rebecca is trained as a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist (CBT), a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional (CCTP), a Certified Grief Counseling Specialist (CGCS), a Clinical Anxiety Treatment Professional (CCATP), and a Certified Compassion Fatigue Professional (CCFP). Rebecca is also a member of the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Society of America and The National Association of Social Workers. wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. In this case, 97% of readers who voted found the article helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 379,244 times.

A eulogy is a speech about a person who has died, typically delivered at the funeral service. Several eulogies might be given from people who knew the deceased as a coworker, a classmate, a neighbor, etc. To write a eulogy for a grandparent, you should concentrate on your relationship as his or her grandchild, rather than trying to encompass your grandparent's entire life. Funerals can be difficult for everyone who knew the departed, but knowing how to write a strong eulogy can help give you and everyone else in attendance a sense of peace and closure.

Sample Eulogies

speeches for a grandads funeral

Planning a Eulogy

Step 1 Brainstorm and plan.

  • Ask yourself what qualities best describe your grandparent.
  • Consider what set your grandparent apart from anyone else you know.
  • If your grandparent had certain hobbies or passions in life, you may want to mention those. But there's no need to make these the focus of your eulogy, as it should be primarily about the departed's role as your grandparent.

Step 2 Ask about other people's memories.

  • When speaking with others about your grandparent, you may want to consider asking how and when they first met your grandparent (if there is no familial relation), what their favorite memories are with your grandparent, and what your grandparent's best qualities were. The answers may vary greatly from your own list if the person was a friend rather than a relative of your grandparent, which can help you open your eulogy to include how others saw your grandparent.

Step 3 Look for illuminating memories.

  • As you begin writing down your memories, focus on writing a series of little truths. Avoid the big, sweeping declarations and focus on the little details that defined your grandparent or your relationship with your grandparent. [4] X Research source

Step 4 Be concrete.

Setting the Tone

Step 1 Make people laugh without telling jokes.

  • Don't write jokes . Remember that it's still a funeral, but one or two humorous and well-placed anecdotes can help lighten the mood and make everyone remember the fond, happy memories they had of your grandparent. [6] X Research source

Step 2 Tailor the speech to your grandparent.

  • Consider having someone else read your eulogy beforehand and ask them if there's too much of you in it. Having an outsider's opinion may help you recognize ways to focus more on your grandparent and your relationship than on your subjective feelings.

Preparing the Eulogy

Step 1 Write a brief introduction.

  • Try to keep the eulogy under five minutes, even if there is no explicit time limit. After five minutes most people find it difficult to keep listening, especially if they are overcome with grief.

Step 4 Avoid trying to make sense of things.

Expert Q&A


  • Begin writing a eulogy as soon as you're asked. You will probably only have a few days, but the more time you take, the better the eulogy will be. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Try not to be nervous if you're asked to deliver a eulogy. No one attending the funeral will expect you to be an expert public speaker. They will appreciate any memories you share with them, no matter how they are delivered. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • If you are not to familiar with the deceased, think of three words about them, then why. This will make a memorable, but easy to come up with eulogy. Try to make it heartfelt. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • A funeral is not the time to "set the record straight" about your grandparent or to resolve family issues. Be kind and try to give as loving a tribute as possible. Thanks Helpful 9 Not Helpful 1
  • Never make your eulogy into a poem. The attendees will be distracted from the meaning because they will be concentrating on the rhythm and rhyme of the poem. Thanks Helpful 13 Not Helpful 3

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  • ↑ Rebecca Tenzer, MAT, MA, LCSW, CCTP, CGCS, CCATP, CCFP. Clinical Therapist & Adjunct Professor. Expert Interview. 29 November 2021.
  • ↑ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/carol-dechant/your-gift-of-a-eulog_b_834660.html
  • ↑ http://www.esquire.com/lifestyle/how-to/a735/how-to-give-a-eulogy/

About this article


Writing a eulogy for your grandparent can be hard and emotional, but it can also give you an opportunity to say goodbye and celebrate their life. Before you draft your eulogy, try brainstorming happy memories you have of your grandparent, things you were proud of them for, and hobbies or interests that were important to them. You can also ask your parents and other family members what they remember best about your grandparent. If there are other speakers giving eulogies, ask them what they’ll be talking about so you don’t say the same things. Start your eulogy with a short introduction telling people who you are in case they don’t know. Then, write a paragraph for each memory or characteristic you think paints a picture of your grandparent’s life. Try to keep things under 5 minutes if you haven’t been given a time limit. For more tips, including how to edit your eulogy once you’ve written a first draft, read on. Did this summary help you? Yes No

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trying to write a speech for my grandads funeral


hi my grandad is not dead but he is dying of cancer and he wants me and my little brother to write a speech at his funeral because we are his closet grandchildren but we cant think of anything to write. i was hoping someone on here might be able to help me out please? thanks


At the funeral, talk to him as though he is there (he is).

Tell him how much he’s influenced you, how much he’s helped you. Tell him how much you love him, and how much you’ll miss him. Tell him how proud you are of the things he achieved in his life. Tell him you are going to uphold his values, and that you’re going to make him proud of the things you will do in your life. There’s also a poem I’ve written. I’m no poet, so it’s not literary masterpiece. Feel free to use it or change it however you want. It’s a reminder that your Grandad was once your age!

Granddad, you were just a lad, So many years ago. You had your loves and had your dreams, You watched us come and go.

You watched us make the same mistakes, That you had made before, But that just made you hold us tight, And love us all the more.

We haven’t always thought about The things that you have seen. To us you’ve just been ‘Granddad’, No thought of who you’ve been.

But we remember now in love, Your life from start to end, And we’re just glad we knew you, As ‘Granddad’, and as ‘friend’.

hi my grandad passed away a few weeks ago and i looked and poems then a poem came to my head i made it up all by my self and we had a funeral about 2 weeks ago this is how it gose

you was a great grandad, i love you that’s for sure, but when i remember all the jokes you told i love you evan more, i love you more than the clouds, i love you more than the sky, but when you passed away i could not say goodbye, i thought it was a dream, a dream that can’t come true, but when i look up at the stars at night i will always think of you

Grandfather’s Eulogy

My grandfather (we call him Dzadziu) is currently losing a short battle with cancer. He is 89 years old and I have always been close to him. I have lived next door to him for the last 9 years and have been helping care for him in his last days. I am one of the oldest grandchildren and may be asked to do a eulogy and I want to be ready, but I need help. I don’t know where to begin….Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

my grandad past away on sunday erlier hours in the mornin i miss him so much and want to say something at the funeral but i dont no what to say if anyone has any ideas can you please write back to me on here

hello tasha my grandad is currently dying of cancer so i thought i could help u out:

no matter wot u say it will be special talk to him as if u wer having a conversation he will always be with u.

tell him how much u love him and will miss him promise him u will make him proud and make somethng good out of your life and finally say that u will never foget him and he will always be in your head and your heart.

i hope this helped

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Hi, My grandad recently passed away from cancer and i do not know how to start off the speech he would of wanted me to write him one but I am 14 and i tend to get lost with what I m trying to say can anyone help? x

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‘I’m completely broken.’ Family, friends give emotional farewell to fallen Santaquin hero

The funeral for santaquin police sgt. bill hooser was held monday at utah valley university.

speeches for a grandads funeral

By Pat Reavy

Courtney Hooser is getting married in September. But her father, Santaquin Police Sgt. Bill Hooser, won’t be there.

“I’m completely broken,” she said, fighting emotions during her father’s funeral. “My dad no longer gets to walk me down the aisle. ... I will never understand why this happened.”

On Monday, family members, co-workers, city and state leaders, as well as police officers from across the state and across the country, paid their final respects to Hooser, who was killed in the line of duty a little over a week ago.

During an emotional ceremony in Orem at Utah Valley University’s UCCU Event Center, the two personas of Bill Hooser were remembered — “Cop Bill,” the by-the-book law enforcer who became the best instructor the Santaquin Police Department ever had and revamped how new officers are trained in the field; and “Bill Bill,” or simply “Dad,” a dedicated husband, father and grandfather who, when he wasn’t working, loved being in the outdoors and with his family.

“My dad loved being a girl dad,” his oldest daughter, Shayle Terry, told the congregation. She recalled how her father went to every dance recital and gymnastics practice she and her sister had, learned all the cheers of their cheerleading squad and would go dress shopping with them for dances.

She also recalled how her father met his future wife, Kinda Edwards, at a young age, and how the two quickly became inseparable.

“She was his world, and he was hers,” Terry said.

And when it came to his job, “Being in law enforcement set his soul on fire.”

The most emotional speech of the ceremony came from Hooser’s youngest daughter, Courtney Hooser, who said she had been filled with anger, sadness, grief and confusion since her brother-in-law, also a police officer, arrived on her front porch on the morning of May 5 to deliver the tragic news.

“It will be a day I will never forget,” she said while trying to hold back her tears.

Courtney Hooser said in preparing a speech for the funeral, she ended up scrolling through old text conversations with her father.

“I keep wishing for just one more story for him,” she said. “My dad is nothing short of a hero. I’m so grateful to be raised by such an admirable man.”

speeches for a grandads funeral

Ashley Dowd, Bill Hooser’s niece, asked the crowd to give her uncle one last round of applause, which turned into a standing ovation as the clapping from the audience echoed throughout the arena.

From a professional side, Santaquin Police Lt. Mike Wall called Hooser “irreplaceable.”

“Bill was about as squared away as you could get as an officer,” he said, while also calling him a “phenomenal” field training officer. “He really cared about making sure those (young officers) were squared away and kept them safe and returned home to their families.”

Wall said Hooser wanted all the officers he oversaw to serve at the highest level.

“Bill demanded excellence and he would not stop with anything less,” he said. “It saddens me to know no matter how hard I look, or how far I go, I will never be able to replace Sgt. Hooser. He truly, truly was irreplaceable. A peacekeeper, a friend, and really was a one-of-a-kind guy.”

Santaquin Police Chief Rodney Hurst echoed those sentiments, calling Hooser “the best field training officer I’ve ever seen” who “personally revamped the entire training program.”

But Hurst says over the past couple of weeks, he also learned of the special bond Hooser had with his wife and daughters, and he admitted he is “envious” of the relationship Bill Hooser had with his wife Kinda.

“I am so inspired by the Hooser family,” the chief said.

Even Utah Gov. Spencer Cox said the tight bond between the couple was evident from the first time he spoke with the family.

“To hear Kinda, Bill’s wife, talk about their love affair, their first date when she was 17, how scared she was, when there was hard times in their family, when they lost their job and didn’t know what to do and where to go and found the law enforcement community and their calling and their purpose. We lost a good one,” the governor said of Hooser.

Cox also recounted how there’s nothing like having to make the call to a family who has lost a loved one in the line of duty.

“I hope no one ever has to make that call and I wish I never had to make that call and, at the same time, I wish everyone got an opportunity to listen in to that call,” he said Monday.

But Cox said even after receiving the horrible news, the Hooser family never second-guessed the late career switch Bill Hooser made. Instead, his wife told the governor during his call to her, “We are a law enforcement family.”

“There was so much courage and strength on that call. ... They didn’t lament that he chose law enforcement, that the very calling that they found their place ended up costing them their husband and father, that wasn’t their lament. They were so proud of what he did and how he did it, and the other people who do it. I hope all of us can leave better people today and more committed to finding our own calling,” the governor said.

“Sgt. Bill Hooser is a hero. My prayer for all of us is we will learn from his life.”

speeches for a grandads funeral

Police officers from across the state formed a cordon of honor stretching from the events center and across the parking at the conclusion of the services. A procession led by dozens of bagpipers and drummers led Hooser’s casket, draped with an American flag, to the awaiting hearse. From there, a long police escort would take the casket to Hooser’s final resting place at the Santaquin City Cemetery.

Highway overpasses were lined with servicemen and servicewomen saluting the fallen officer. The streets leading to the UCCU Center in Orem and on Main Street in Santaquin were lined with blue ribbons American flags and residents honoring the man who helped keep their community safe.

“This kind of stuff just doesn’t happen here,” said Sean Steele, who has lived in Santaquin for 27 years. “We’ll let them know we back the blue.”

Steele lives across the street from the Santaquin City Cemetery, where hundreds of first responders brought Hooser’s body to rest on Monday afternoon.

Ray Campbell of Santaquin was “heartbroken” about Hooser’s death. “It has put a cloud over our whole community,” she said. “I’m sad it took all this to happen for us to all be loud about our support for police officers.

At the gravesite, Hooser was honored with bagpipes playing “Amazing Grace” and a 21-gun salute.

“Just a sobering reminder of that thin blue line that stands between us and the bad guys and the people that are willing to step forward and serve and pay the ultimate sacrifice,” Cox said. “It’s just been remarkable to see the depth of sorrow and the height of compassion as people have all come together to help them, not just the family but the chief of police, the mayor and the other officers, to see the other agencies step up so they can have time with their families to mourn, that’s pretty impressive.”

Hooser was born in Cleburne, Texas. He was the second of seven children. His family moved to Utah in 1984. Hooser’s first “real job” was framing, his family said. “He gained a passion for building and carpentry. He built furniture pieces to rival master craftsmen.”

But about 10 years ago, while living in New Mexico, Bill joined the volunteer reserve deputies for the San Juan County Sheriff’s Office and developed a passion for service. It was then he decided to make a career switch and become a police officer.

Hooser started his police career eight years ago with the San Juan County Sheriff’s Office in New Mexico. In 2017, he returned to his native Utah and became an officer with the Santaquin Police Department. In February, Hooser, 50, was promoted to the rank of sergeant.

On May 5, while assisting a Utah Highway Patrol trooper with a traffic stop involving a semitruck and 53-foot trailer, Hooser was killed when police say the semi driver intentionally rammed into both his police car and the trooper’s vehicle and also hit Hooser.

“The suspect made a U-turn abruptly, deliberately hitting officers and intentionally hitting both vehicles. He also struck the Santaquin officer, causing fatal injuries,” said Spanish Fork Police Lt. Cory Slaymaker.

The suspected driver, Michael Aaron Jayne, 42, was arrested a few hours later in Vernal after allegedly stealing another semitruck and two other vehicles. He was hospitalized with injuries he suffered after crashing on U.S. 40. Jayne was released from the hospital and booked into the Utah County Jail on Saturday. As of Monday, formal charges had not yet been filed against him.

Family members said Hooser wasn’t even scheduled to work that Sunday morning but had agreed to fill in for another officer.

Without mentioning him by name, Cox on Monday called Jayne “an evil human being” and “despicable,” while also honoring the officer and UHP troopers who risked their lives that day.

“There are heroes all among us every day doing this kind of work,” he said while encouraging Utahns not to take for granted the unsung work that officers do every day.

Contributing: Emma Everett Johnson

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Jimmy Carter, 99, Is 'Still There' as He Nears 'the End,' Grandson Says

Jason Carter offered a health update on his grandfather while speaking at the Rosalynn Carter Georgia Mental Health Forum this week


Jimmy Carter , 99, remains present more than a year into hospice care , his grandson Jason Carter said this week — though his time left remains uncertain.

Speaking at the annual Rosalynn Carter Georgia Mental Health Forum on Tuesday, May 14, Jason said that 15 months after the former president terminated medical intervention, "he really is, I think, coming to the end," adding, "there’s a part of this faith journey that is so important to him, and there’s a part of that faith journey that you only can live at the very end and I think he has been there in that space.”

Kate Carter

Jason, who chairs the Carter family's human rights organization, expressed a similar sentiment to PEOPLE eight months ago, when he said ahead of Jimmy's 99th birthday , "My grandfather right now is really physically limited — he's coming to the end, as is obvious by the fact that he's been in hospice — and so in that way I think he's frustrated."

At the time, Jason continued, his grandfather was finding meaning in the rare opportunity he was given to reflect on his life and values.

David Goldman/AP

Jimmy, whose condition was not disclosed, entered hospice care in February 2023 so that he could live out his remaining days at his Plains, Ga., home with family. His wife, Rosalynn , was diagnosed with dementia in May 2023.

"There are a lot of different ways that [dementia] can manifest, and for [my grandmother], it has manifested in such a happy and loving way, which is not surprising given the way she has lived her life and the joy that she's always felt," Jason told PEOPLE in the September interview. "And so it's difficult, but it's the best possible case scenario really in that way."

Despite their limitations, he said at the time, "They are definitely still there for each other."

"They are in love at home together and at peace with whatever comes," he told PEOPLE. "That love story that really defines their life continues to define it."

Rosalynn herself entered hospice care in November and died two days later at the age of 96.

Brynn Anderson/POOL/AFP/Getty

During his speech at the mental health forum on Tuesday, Jason, 48, reflected on the impact Rosalynn's death had on the Carter family.

“My grandmother’s passing was a difficult moment for all of us, including my grandfather,” he said, but, "The outpouring of love and support that we, as a family, received from people in this room and from the rest of the world was so remarkable and meaningful to us, and it really turned that whole process into a celebration.”

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Jason then told a light-hearted story about Jimmy's recent health, recounting a conversation he shared with his grandfather during an Atlanta Braves game.

"I said, 'Pa Pa … people ask me how you’re doing and I say I don’t know.' And he said, ‘Well, I don’t know myself,' " Jason said with a laugh. "And so, he’s still there."

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speeches for a grandads funeral

Jimmy Carter’s grandson says former president is ‘coming to the end’ after receiving hospice care for over a year

J immy Carter’s grandson said Tuesday that the former president, at 99 years old, is “coming to the end” after spending over a year in hospice care .

Jason Carter, the 39th president’s grandson and chair of The Carter Center governing board, gave a brief update on his grandfather’s health while paying tribute to his grandmother, Rosalynn Carter, who died in November at the age of 96.

Jimmy Carter served one term as president, from 1977 to 1981.

“My grandmother’s passing was a difficult moment for all of us, including my grandfather,” Jason Carter said at the 28th Rosalynn Carter Georgia Mental Health Forum.

“My grandfather is doing okay,” Jason Carter added. “He has been in hospice, as you know, for almost a year and a half now, and he really is, I think, coming to the end that, as I’ve said before, there’s a part of this faith journey that is so important to him, and there’s a part of that faith journey that you only can live at the very end, and I think he has been there in that space.”

The former president entered hospice care in February 2023 after forgoing a series of hospital stays, opting to spend time with his family at his home in South Georgia, according to a statement from The Carter Center.

During Tuesday’s speech, Jason Carter recounted his conversation with his grandfather while they were watching an Atlanta Braves game.

“I said, ‘Pa Pa … people ask me how you’re doing, and I say ‘I don’t know.’ And he said, ‘Well, I don’t know myself.’ And so, he’s still there,” Jason Carter said.

Since Jimmy Carter entered hospice care, the former president has celebrated his 99th birthday and made an appearance at his wife’s funeral in November. The former first lady was known for her mental health advocacy, and Jason Carter addressed in his speech how mental health was influencing Jimmy Carter’s final days.

The Rosalynn Carter Georgia Mental Health Forum was established in 1995 and is held annually in May to address mental health policy, according to its site .

“The caregiving associated with mental health and mental illness is so crucial and so fundamental to the work that we all do in this room, and to her legacy,” Jason Carter said. “It is remarkable and important, and we’ve all experienced it very firsthand over the last year, so we give thanks for that as well.”

Jason Carter, grandson of former president Jimmy Carter, spoke at tribute service for first lady Rosalynn Carter at Emory University on November 28, 2023 in Atlanta, Georgia. During a speech Tuesday, Jason Carter said his grandfather is “coming to the end” after spending over a year in hospice care.

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Professional Eulogy Writing

Eulogy writing guide, funeral speeches for a work colleague, tribute speech to dad from daughter, funeral speech writing advice, funeral speech for grandpa.

  • May 2, 2023


Table of Contents

1. Start with a strong opening

2. offer thanks and acknowledgements, 3. provide a brief biography, 4. celebrate his character and values, 5. share cherished memories, 6. offer words of comfort and reflection, 7. end with a heartfelt closing, funeral speech for grandpa example.

Losing a loved one is never easy, and when it's your beloved grandpa, the grief and sadness can be overwhelming. During this time, you may be entrusted with the important task of delivering a eulogy at his funeral, which is both an honour and responsibility. Crafting a meaningful and heartfelt funeral speech for your grandpa may seem daunting, but with the right guidance and support, you can create a beautiful tribute that honours his life and legacy.

In this article, we'll discuss how you can write a funeral speech for your grandpa that celebrates his unique qualities, shares cherished memories, and leaves a lasting impact on his friends and family. Furthermore, we'll introduce you to our innovative Eulogy Assistant , which can help you seamlessly compose a personalised eulogy that best commemorates your beloved grandpa.

The beginning of your eulogy should capture your audience's attention and set the tone for the rest of your speech. You can open with a quote, a favourite memory or an anecdote that encapsulates your grandpa's personality, values or style.

Take a moment to express gratitude on behalf of your family. Thank the people who have come to pay their respects and acknowledge any significant contributions or support from friends, caregivers or community members during your grandpa's life and after his passing.

Need a Eulogy? Get a Personalized Professional Eulogy Written For Your Loved One

Writing a eulogy for a loved one you have just lost, can be both challenging and painful. Alongside the pressure of delivering a meaningful tribute in front of other funeral guests.

Let our expert Funeral Speech Writers create a heartfelt & personalized eulogy, that captures the amazing life and memories of your loved one.

Learn more about our Professional Eulogy Writing Service today, and see how we can help you.

Share some essential details about your grandpa's life, such as his place of birth, upbringing, education, career and family life. Include pivotal moments or turning points that shaped his character and values, and highlight any significant achievements or experiences.

This section is an opportunity to share stories or anecdotes that showcase your grandpa's unique qualities, such as his humour, generosity, wisdom or resilience. Reflect on the lessons he taught you, and how his example has influenced the lives of those who knew him.

Personalise your speech by sharing heartfelt memories of your time together. Whether it's a favourite vacation, a special holiday or a simple moment of laughter, these stories will help to bring your grandpa to life and evoke fond emotions among your listeners.

Finish your eulogy by providing comfort and solace to your audience. Share your grandpa's wisdom, beliefs or philosophy on life and death, and encourage others to keep his memory alive through their actions, relationships and personal growth.

Close your eulogy by expressing your love, gratitude and farewell for your dearly departed grandpa. This is your moment to say goodbye and offer any final reflections, wishes or blessings.

"Dear friends and family, we are all gathered here today to celebrate the life of my grandpa, John, who was a true source of love, laughter and wisdom in our lives. I am honoured to have the opportunity to share with you some of the meaningful moments and lasting lessons he has given us."

"Before we delve into the memories that make my grandpa a remarkable man, I would like to extend our sincerest gratitude to everyone here for their love and support in this difficult time. Thank you especially to the staff at the Evergreen Care Center, who provided grandpa with exceptional care and compassion during his final years."

"As we bid farewell to my beloved grandpa, let us be reminded of the love, laughter and wisdom he shared with us. His unwavering dedication to family, friends and community continues to inspire us all to be better individuals every day. Grandpa, we will cherish the memories and continue to honour your legacy in our own lives. Rest in peace, and know that you will forever be in our hearts."

If you're struggling to find the right words to honour your grandpa, Eulogy Assistant provides the guidance and support you need throughout the process. This innovative tool helps you craft a personalised, heartfelt and engaging funeral speech that best commemorates your beloved grandpa. Try Eulogy Assistant today to ensure you deliver a eulogy that captures his essence and celebrates his life.

Looking For Examples? Here Are Some of The Best Eulogies

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  • jimmy carter

Grandson says Jimmy Carter is 'coming to the end' in brief update about former president's health

Carter, 99, entered hospice in February 2023

ATLANTA -- Jimmy Carter's grandson said Tuesday that the former president is "coming to the end" in a brief update about the 39th president's health.

"(My grandfather) is doing OK," Jason Carter said at a mental health forum named in honor of his grandmother, the late former first lady Rosalynn Carter, at the Carter Center. "He has been in hospice, as you know, for almost a year and a half now, and he really is, I think, coming to the end that, as I've said before, there's a part of this faith journey that is so important to him, and there's a part of that faith journey that you only can live at the very end and I think he has been there in that space."

Jimmy Carter, now 99, became the oldest living president in history after George H.W. Bush died in 2018 at the age of 94. He has survived metastatic brain cancer, liver cancer and a number of health scares, including brain surgery after a fall in 2019. He entered hospice care in February 2023 after a series of hospital stays and made a rare public appearance to attend his wife's memorial service back in November, CNN reported .

"My grandmother's passing was a difficult moment for all of us, including my grandfather," Jason Carter said Tuesday. But, he added, "The outpouring of love and support that we, as a family, received from people in this room and from the rest of the world was so remarkable and meaningful to us. And it really turned that whole process into a celebration."

Rosalynn Carter made mental health advocacy one of her key areas of focus as Georgia and America's first lady. In 1977, Carter made it her signature cause, notably through the creation of the President's Commission on Mental Health. Her efforts resulted in increased research funding, broader treatment access and innovative approaches to mental health care.

Jason Carter said that moments with his grandfather over the past year reminded him of the mental illness aspects related to caregiving, another cause his grandmother championed.

During the speech, he recounted one conversation with the former president as they watched an Atlanta Braves game together.

"I said, 'Pa Pa ... people ask me how you're doing and I say, I don't know.' And he said, 'Well, I don't know myself.' And so, he's still there," Jason Carter said, laughing.

The former president's health has been the subject of widespread attention in recent years, especially since he entered hospice. Speaking with CBS in February, Jason Carter said his grandfather's spirit was "as strong as ever."

The former president is widely revered for his championing of human rights. His brokering of the Camp David Accords in 1978 with Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin remains central to his legacy.

A peanut farmer and U.S. Navy lieutenant before going into politics, Carter, a Democrat, served one term as governor of Georgia before serving as president of the United States from 1977 to 1981.

The-CNN-Wire & 2024 Cable News Network, Inc., a Time Warner Company. All rights reserved.

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