Preparing for a Dissertation Defense. Key Questions, Key Approaches

Kerron Boothe Ph.D. at EHS² © ™ Graduated LIGS University

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Department of Defense (DoD)

The Department of Defense (DoD) is America's oldest and largest government agency. The DoD is responsible for providing the military forces needed to deter war and protect the security of the United States. The major elements of these forces are the Army, Navy, Air Force, Space Force, DARPA, CDMRP, and Marine Corps; see list under Department Links for frequently used agencies. DOD consists of a number of service components and other activities and it has a substantial annual research budget.

Department Links

AFOSR: Air Force Office of Scientific Research

AFRL:  Air Force Research Lab

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The DoD has long supported universities to perform state-of-the-art, competitive, basic research in science and engineering relevant to the DoD mission and reflecting national security priorities, while strengthening the future science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) workforce. Each program can potentially have their own research programs, solicitations, and unique requirements (Unlike NIH/NSF with are fairly uniform in terms of proposal components and submission procedures). DoD awards may be in inform of grants, cooperative agreements, contracts, other transaction agreements (OTAs), or Technology Investment Agreements (TIAs).

A Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) is a competitive solicitation procedure used to obtain proposals for basic and applied research. The BAA contains priorities for research topics, eligibility requirements, instructions on the submission process, and required content for proposals. Each BAA is specific to that funding opportunity - please read these carefully, as they apply to the specific opportunity and may contain special requirements.

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Grant applications are submitted in accordance with individual broad agency announcements. Refer to the individual announcement for specific submission requirements.

You may be asked to submit an Idea Statement first to a program officer before submitting any required proposal materials. Also, there may be a formal, two step application process. You may be required to submit a white paper, followed by an invited full proposal. Carefully read the BAA for specific requirements. Below is a list of the usual documents that are part of a DoD proposal: 

  • White paper (this may be a required first step, with full proposals invited)
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DoD 101  - Overview of the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD)

Heilmeier Questions  - Specific questions to answer in ANY research grant proposal. From DARPA.

University guide to working with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)

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  • CDMRP: How to apply and tips for submission success

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Research Proposal Defense

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research proposal defense pdf

The purpose of the Research Proposal Defense is to test the validity of the dissertation proposal and the candidate's fitness to carry out the research work proposed.


The examination may be taken no earlier than the semester in which the candidate completes the eight credits of coursework as required by the focus area . The candidate must have finished the candidacy examination requirements .

Required Actions

The candidate is required to do the following:

  • The candidate must complete and submit a Research Proposal Examination Request Form (PDF) to the Ph.D. in Engineering mailbox (207 Russ) no later than 30 days before the scheduled defense. The dissertation advisor and Program Director must sign this form.
  • The format of the proposal must conform to the regulations outlined by the Graduate School in the Graduate Policy and Procedures Manual . The substance of this proposal forms a major part of the oral portion of the exam. As such, it must be a complete document with a thoughtful, in-depth treatment of the dissertation topic. It should be substantial enough to form the basis of a meaningful oral examination, establishing a worthy research problem and developing an effective research plan. It should only be written after the student has done enough work on the problem to speak meaningfully about it, including discussion of the preliminary investigations. Above all, it should be a technically sound and scholarly document.
  • At least two weeks prior to the scheduled defense, the Research Proposal must be submitted to the candidate's Dissertation Committee.

Examination Format

On the day of the defense, the examination begins with a short presentation by the candidate outlining the problem chosen, the procedures and methods to be used, the work already completed, and the additional work proposed to be completed for the Ph.D. degree. The Dissertation Committee then questions the candidate. The committee may also ask questions of a more general nature in order to test the adequacy of the candidate's preparation for the proposed research. At the conclusion of the examination, the dissertation advisor announces one of four decisions:

  • The candidate passed the Research Proposal Defense and may proceed to independent study and research for the doctoral degree.
  • The examination is temporarily adjourned. The candidate must revise the Research Proposal and be examined again within the next six months.
  • The candidate failed, but may submit a new Research Proposal and submit to another Research Proposal Defense after completing additional coursework, independent study, or research.
  • The candidate failed and will not be readmitted to another examination.

Members of the Dissertation Committee must sign a Record of Research Proposal Defense Form. A copy of the signed form will be given to the student and dissertation advisor.

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Mathematics Education Doctoral Candidacy, Qualifying Exam, and Dissertation Proposal

Doctoral candidacy status.

Candidacy status is an important attainment for doctoral students. Admission to candidacy status must occur at least six months prior to the date of the final dissertation defense. The condition for granting candidacy status by the Graduate College is the approval of a dissertation proposal by the student's advisory committee. The Department of Mathematics requires in addition that the student pass a Qualifying Exam before approval of the dissertation proposal.

Purpose of the Qualifying Exam

The purpose of the Qualifying Exam is to test students in their area of specialization in order to determine their readiness to write a dissertation in that particular area.

Schedule and Application Procedures

The Qualifying Exam should be taken when the student has mastered a significant body of material related to the area of specialization. This should be approximately at the beginning of the dissertation work. The exam is scheduled by the student's advisory committee in consultation with the student. Admission to candidacy status must occur at least six months prior to the date of the final dissertation defense.

Administration and Evaluation

The Qualifying Exam is given by the student's advisory committee. The chairman of this committee leads the examination process. The advisory committee also determines the result of the exam. The completed  Qualifying Exam Report (.pdf)  form should be returned to the graduate director.

In decisions resulting from a vote of the advisory committee (e.g., Qualifying Exam, dissertation proposal, dissertation defense, approving a dissertation), a pass requires that the advisor vote in the affirmative and that no more than one member of the committee dissent.

Format and Exam Topics

Part of the Qualifying Exam must be oral. It will cover material previously outlined to the student in the form of a reading list. This reading list will be prepared by the student's advisory committee and will consist of portions of books and research papers applicable to the student's area of specialization. The reading list will be given to the student at least two months prior to the exam.

Failure and Re-examination

If the student fails this exam the advisory committee shall notify the student of the conditions under which a second exam may be taken. If the student fails to meet the conditions imposed by the advisory committee, or if s/he fails the second exam, then the Graduate Committee may dismiss the student from the program. Appeals to such dismissal must be filed in writing with the Graduate Committee within 10 working days of the dismissal.

Dissertation Proposal

After the student has passed the Qualifying Exam and after an outline of the dissertation work has been prepared, the student must formally present the research plans to the advisory committee. A written dissertation proposal should be prepared and distributed to the advisory committee. The committee may require an oral presentation by the student. In any case the student should be present to answer questions. It is the responsibility of the committee to evaluate this proposal and determine whether the research plans will lead to an acceptable dissertation. The committee should discuss the extent to which the student will be permitted to use in the dissertation results of papers published (or to be published) with others. The dissertation proposal should identify any portions of the research project that are planned as joint work with others. Upon approval by the advisory committee of the dissertation proposal, the student should inform the graduate director and submit the  Admission to Doctoral Candidacy form  to the Graduate College. 


Supported by

Environmental Group to Study Effects of Artificially Cooling Earth

The Environmental Defense Fund, entering controversial territory, will spend millions of dollars examining the impact of reflecting sunlight into space as global warming worsens.

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A column of mist rises into the air from the deck of an old aircraft carrier.

By Christopher Flavelle

The Environmental Defense Fund will finance research into technologies that could artificially cool the planet, an idea that until recently was viewed as radical but is quickly gaining attention as global temperatures rise at alarming rates.

The group hopes to start issuing grants this fall, said Lisa Dilling, associate chief scientist at E.D.F., who is running the project. She said research would focus on estimating the likely effects in different parts of the world if governments were to deploy artificial cooling technologies.

The intent is to help inform policymakers, she said. “We are not in favor, period, of deployment. That’s not our goal here,” Dr. Dilling said. “Our goal is information, and solid, well-formulated science.”

The Environmental Defense Fund has previously expressed skepticism about techniques like these. But Dr. Dilling says the discussion about ways to cool the planet isn’t going away, regardless of opposition. “This is something that I don’t think we can just ignore,” she said.

The group will fund what is sometimes called solar radiation modification, or solar geoengineering, which involves reflecting more of the sun’s energy back into space. Possible techniques involve injecting aerosols into the stratosphere, or brightening clouds to make them more reflective.

Researchers believe such actions could temporarily reduce global temperatures, until society reduces greenhouse gas emissions by burning far less fossil fuel.

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  13. (PDF) List of 20 Frequently Asked Thesis Defense Questions

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    Thesis and Defense Guidelines 3 iii) Required font for text: Arial 11 pt. Helvetica 11 pt. Times New Roman 12 pt. iv) Paper: Printed copies submitted to the Thesis Defense Committee may be duplicated on standard photocopy paper, printed double-sided, and secured using either a three-hole binder or a spring binder.

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