Living In A Big City Essay: Lifestyle Essay

There was once a time when people preferred the small town living existence due to its inherent slow paced lifestyle and laid back, relaxing surroundings. Neighbors knew each other on a first name and last name basis and shared lazy Sunday afternoons at church or town sponsored fairs and socials. That kind of lifestyle probably still exists in some remote towns of the country. Or maybe it just exists in those Hollywood movies like Sweet Home Alabama. The reality of the situation is that the slow paced lifestyle that once described American living has given way to big city living. Being a person who exists in the 21st century, I am more comfortable with big city living for more reasons than just one.

First of all, big city living offers its residents an exciting lifestyle. Each day is an adventure as the city continuously offers something new to discover. There is always a new place opening up where people are encouraged to be different and try something new. The city offers its inhabitants a the opportunity to dive head on into the world of the future. City living is best lived in by people whose imagination knows no boundaries and wants to soar above the city lights that give glimmer to an otherwise dark night. I believe that is the reason why most small town people dream of eventually living in the big city. The surprises that big city living offers is simply too vast to quantify.

For me, big city living adventure began the day I learned to differentiate sounds. Living here is more than an adventure, it is an educational and social learning experience. There is no better place to learn about life than the city. Where everyone seems to be living in a glass menagerie and we can freely observe people and their attitudes in a habitat that they create for themselves. It may not be as open and nature bound as town living, but that is the beauty of city living. One learns by mingling with their friends and allowing strangers into their lives on a need to know basis.

Education-wise, the city offers an educational system that cannot be equaled in the small towns. All aspects of city living simply screams education. From the advertising billboards on the side of the bus to the hot dog cart vendor, there is always something new to learn. City dwellers have more stories with moral lessons to turn than any school teacher can teach.

Others say that there is a superficiality to city living because of the fast paced lifestyle led by the people. It seems like nobody really knows anything about their neighbors because they just live in the same building and nothing more. The truth of the matter is that city dwellers do not need all that time for face to face socialization because city living is designed to actually allow a person to have a social life on a different level. Like I explained earlier, city dwellers have a more adventurous spirit.

Such is the adventurous spirit that even the socialization aspect of our lives are dealt with in the same manner. While small towns would probably rely on Friday night socials or bingo nights, we rely on the internet, text messaging, and blogging to stay in touch with people and make friends. These friendships are not superficial at all because city dwellers tend to create an extended family among strangers due to the distance between them and relatives.

I cannot imagine myself moving out of the city because city living has a different kind of energy that keeps a person pumped up and ready for action. In order to live and survive in the city, one must possess quick with and abilities. Let me put it this way, city living makes one feel alive. Nothing can beat waking up late in the morning and then rushing out the door to catch the bus in order to not miss the first appointment of the day.

Big city living is the trend of the future. Urbanization has taken over the country as more and more states become reliant on industries for their income. The slow paced lifestyle of the past is only a hindrance to the future of any community. the importance of urbanization can be seen in every aspect of small town living that is now becoming a thing of the past. Even the farmers now rely heavily on technology to keep their farms running more efficiently and productively. Something they learned from following the big city models of running a production output oriented business.

More importantly, the city if where everything of importance is coming to the fore. Advances in the field of medicine are concentrated within the city because of the experimental advantages. While small town people are known for their good health, city dwellers are known for the amazing anti-bodies that our bodies contain due to certain unknown toxins that surround us. We are actually a lot healthier than the small town dwellers because our bodies are constantly fighting off airborne viral infections and thereby developing the necessary anti-bodies. My mother grew up in a small town. She told me that the first time she moved to the city, she was constantly fighting off infections just to be able to make it to work. So she was amazed when I was born and was practically never sick since childhood save for the occasional cold.

City living requires a person to learn how to handle himself in various, unexpected situations. There is nothing rudimentary about city living because of the way city life is designed to constantly evolve over time. If you are a person who believes that man was meant to constantly evolve and learn new things, then city living is meant for you. After all, cities seem to have a life of its own. Constantly changing and evolving in looks while the people living within try their best to keep up with the times and interests of those who make the city work.

In the end, city living is probably best described as a way of life for the youth. City living keeps on constantly on their toes and feeling young because everything about the life is meant to be enjoyed to the hilt. It is a never ending adventure that cannot be compared to anything else in the world. It is a state of mind that does not pigeon hole anybody because of his surroundings. City dwelling is all about breaking free and discovering ones self.

Living in the city is like the travel bug. Once you have been bitten by it, you will never want to stop. It is so enjoyable that nobody seems to ever get tired or grow old. It is more than a state of mind, city living is a state of physical and mental personality. Go ahead, try living in the city, it will change your life.

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IvyPanda. (2022, September 23). Living In A Big City Essay: Lifestyle.

"Living In A Big City Essay: Lifestyle." IvyPanda , 23 Sept. 2022,

IvyPanda . (2022) 'Living In A Big City Essay: Lifestyle'. 23 September.

IvyPanda . 2022. "Living In A Big City Essay: Lifestyle." September 23, 2022.

1. IvyPanda . "Living In A Big City Essay: Lifestyle." September 23, 2022.


IvyPanda . "Living In A Big City Essay: Lifestyle." September 23, 2022.

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Why Living In The City Is MUCH Better Than The Countryside

We’re here to settle the debate and tell you the reasons why we think living in a city is much better than the countryside. The environment that you are in has a massive impact on how you will grow as a person and ultimately sets the vibe around you.   

You might be a countryside person at heart, or maybe you just don’t know if you can see yourself settling down in a city, but that doesn’t mean you can’t move to the big city for a short period of your life. Come on, if you’re hesitant on whether moving to a city is for you, just do it!  

Here’s the top 10 reasons why living in the best is the absolute best thing you can do…  

City living


When you live in a new city, you won’t just gain professional experience but personal life experience too. You’ll learn things about yourself you didn’t know before and experience things you’ve never done before.   

Living away from your home means you’ll gain more independence and be more adaptable, and if you can live in a city, you can pretty much live anywhere as its not without its challenges.   

A study by Oxford University even found that city living makes you healthier and happier.  

Moving out

More job opportunities –  

There is a better job market in cities than in small towns or rural areas due to their being more businesses and companies who are based in a bustling city due to convenience. There is also a wider choice for jobs that are better paid in a variety of industries as most people tend to work in cities.  

 If you’re a university graduate or young professional, living in a city g ives you access to more internship and career opportunities. Whereas within the countryside, there is much less opportunity for jobs and the job market is mostly targeted to local people.  

Job opportunity

There’s so much to do and see  

Cities are packed with things to do so you’ll never be bored or run out of things to do with great entertainment facilities, endless choices of restaurants, shopping spots, and a banging nightlife right on your doorstep.   

You’ll be close to cultural hotspots such as museums, galleries, national parks and historic sites if you want to learn more about history or the arts.   

This means you’ll have far more options for those fun days or nights out with family and friends from going to cinemas, bars, or theatres, living in a city means they really do have it all.  

Cities are also prime locations for festivals and events so you can keep your schedule packed with exciting things to do. Whether its attending sporting events, music festivals or gaming events – the events programme is endless when you live in a city!   



Cities have better options for transport that are easily accessible. You don’t have to have a car to get around when living in a city as there is great public transport links such as trains, trams, taxis or busses, making that commute to work so much easier with less traffic!  

Transport links are also more frequent than in rural areas as there’s more demand for their services, so, you won’t have to determine which hourly bus to get to your friend’s house who lives in the opposite part of the city.  

Most cities also tend to have airports so you can easily get on a flight abroad for the important city breaks abroad or even fly to another part of the country.   


More social opportunities  

Living in the city means your social life will be busy, busy, busy!  

There are tons of opportunities to meet people due to the thousands if not millions of people that live in urban cities, whether it’s a capital city or a smaller city, there’s always going to be large amounts of people so you can build up your network.  

Due to there being so much to do, there’s always opportunity to make plans. Imagine this, you’re on your way home from the office and you stumble across a new exciting bar that’s opened in the city centre. It’s close to the tram stop back to your flat and you don’t have to faff around to get home, get that message in the group chat and organise a meet up!  

You can also make moving to a new city a fresh start. If you want to leave your old self behind and reinvent yourself, then moving to a city with a large amount of people you’ve never met, is the perfect option!  

Coffee date

Better education opportunities  

Perhaps you’re thinking about studying for a masters or fancy a new career route? Well, living in a city is the best option for if you want to learn new things with a wide choice of universities and colleges to choose from with modern facilities.  

Many studies have found that urban students typically receive a higher quality education and outperform those that live in rural areas.  

Education opportunities


Cities attract people from all walks of life with people coming from all over the country or from different countries to a specific city. This means city living is super diverse, so you’ll never be shy of chances to learn about different cultures.  

Walking city

There we have it. Debate = settled. Living in a city is clearly so much better than living in the countryside – right?   

After all there is so much to offer and so much to explore in a city, so if you get the chance or if you already live in a city, make the most of your time there!  

If you’re thinking about moving to a big city like Reading, we have fabulous modern accommodation, check out New Century Place here .  

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Essays About City Life: Top 5 Examples And Prompts

Urban life has its advantages and drawbacks; if you want to read and write essays about city life, continue below for a list of essays to read and ideas to tackle.

Many people stand divided about the city life and whether it’s a good or bad experience. For some, it’s all they’ve known and are most comfortable with. For others, it’s something they want to escape. Depending on your experiences with the city, you may see it as something that provides many opportunities or hazards.

When writing essays about city life, gathering research from both positive and negative viewpoints is essential. See our top essay examples, and intriguing writing prompts below for your next essay.

1. City Life by Sheri Page

2. essay on city life for students and children in 1500+ words by readingjunction, 3. long essay on life in a big city by prasanna, 4. essay on life in a big city for students and children by toppr, 5. what living in new york teaches you about love by lucie zhang, 9 essays about city life writing prompts, 1. comparing city life and country life, 2. health hazards caused by city life, 3. benefits of city life, 4. the best things to know about the city life in massachusetts, 5. how city life changes a person coming in from the country, 6. things to keep in mind when you’re adapting to a big-city life, 7. dealing with city life and controlling how it affects you, 8. the fashion dos and don’ts of city life, 9. what unusual things are normal to people who live the city life.

“There are many reasons I love the city life, but there are three main reasons, and they are entertainment, transportation and cost, and being able to experience ethnic diversity.”  

Page’s essay discusses her experience in the city and why she loves urban life. In addition, she writes about the top three things that make city life exciting for her. You might also find these essays about cities helpful.

“The charm of city life is the major reason for the top level of migration from rural areas. However, contrary to what people believe, living in the city has its pros and cons.”

This essay on city life inspects the advantages and drawbacks of living in a city. Because it takes an objective look at urban life, it has a neutral stance on the topic.

“A good life in a big city is almost impossible unless you are well settled. Also, you will hardly get any free and peaceful time in such cities as you have to hustle consistently.”

This essay writer talks about urban life in a good and bad light. Her essay incorporates the fun things about living in the city and the realities of having an urban life, like needing money to be happy in the city.

“Big cities, on the one hand, offer many opportunities for personal, professional, and economic growth. On the other hand, take away the comfort and relaxation from life.”

This short essay from Toppr discusses how big cities promote self-growth, economic evolution, and professional development. It also highlights some pros and cons of living in a big city compared to living in a village or small town.

“I fundamentally believe that moving to a new city is much like entering into a new relationship, and truly the only person who knows what is best for you, in that case, is yourself.”

New York is one of the biggest and busiest cities in the world. Zhang compares the idea of living in a big city like New York to being in a relationship. She uses her experience as a New Yorker to talk about what one can expect when moving to New York and becoming a citizen.

Are you ready to write an essay about city life? Consider using the essay topics we listed below to figure out the direction your essay will go.

Do you need help to make sure your essay is of excellent quality? Here are 7 essay writing apps you can use.

Essays About City Life: Comparing city life and country life

Urban life and country life are two very different things. If you’ve experienced living in both the country and city, this is the topic for your essay. Discuss similarities and differences between the typical lifestyles in the city and country. Consider also the emotions or mindsets of people who live in each environment.

While cities provide great educational and financial resources, they can also be risky. The smog, fast food, and unhealthy lifestyle practices are the main causes of declining physical health. Some people in the city are also ruthless, rude, and indifferent to others, causing unnecessary stress to those they encounter. Thus, city life can cause issues with a person’s mental and physical health.

The city is full of opportunities, conveniences, and activities for everyone. Entertainment events like sports events and shows are always available. You can find more schools and universities in some cities where your kids can get a better education. Even though the cost of living is more expensive in the city, you can also earn a higher salary. Those are the best benefits of living an urban lifestyle. Consider reading about other benefits or discuss your observations from your experience.

Massachusetts is the home of many great cities, including Boston, Cambridge, and Pittsfield. Depending on where you live, the lifestyle in each MA-based city is unique. It is the essay topic for you if you’ve moved around or have tried living in different areas in Massachusetts. You can also change Massachusetts to a state you’re more familiar with to fit your essay better.

Did you come from the country and move into the city to study or work? Express your emotions and thoughts about how adapting to the city changed you in this essay. You can also compare your typical lifestyle in the country and city here.

This is the perfect essay topic for you if you’re moving from a small town or the country to a big city. Include the survival tips and tricks you learned or realized when you moved to the big city. You can also describe what you expected before moving to the big city and the reality that faced you after the move.

City life can lack the meditative silence that village life provides. It’s full of people who want to take advantage of you, whether at work, on the street, or in your relationships. These experiences, while not universal to urbanites, can affect a person’s mental and physical health. Use this essay writing opportunity to describe how you dealt with bad experiences in the city and the lessons you learned.

For art or fashion-focused students, the city life provides a myriad of colorful opportunities for self-expression. Almost every kind of fashion is acceptable in the city for many people. You’d see people in work attire, loungewear, and even out-of-this-world costumes on the street. If you want to share your idea or opinion about the fashion you’ve seen in cities, this is the essay topic.

Cities are melting pots for different people, cultures, practices, and attitudes. Thus, people who have lived their lives within a city are more open-minded and have universal practices. This topic is a great choice, whether you’re from the country who visited the city or an urbanite who visited the countryside. Discuss the practices strange to you or the people around you when you visit other places and compare them to the normal thing to do in the city.

Are you wondering what other essay subjects to write about? Check out these 46 essay writing topics.  

living in the city is always better essay

Maria Caballero is a freelance writer who has been writing since high school. She believes that to be a writer doesn't only refer to excellent syntax and semantics but also knowing how to weave words together to communicate to any reader effectively.

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City Life Essay

500+ words essay on city life.

City life is very busy, fast-moving and restless. All the necessary things are easily available in the city. Life is full of luxuries, and everything is within reach. The city has many things to offer, such as better job opportunities, higher living standards, medical facilities, clubs, shopping malls, stores, restaurants, etc. It has theatres, amusement parks, cricket stadiums etc., for entertainment. People from rural areas are shifting to the cities for a better quality of life. This essay on city life will throw light on the positive and negative aspects of city life. Students must go through it and try to write their own essays. For more practice, they can go through the list of different essay topics, which will help in improving their writing section.

Positive Aspects of City Life

Life in a big city is a whirl of activities. Very often, people from the countryside move to the cities in order to find decent jobs. It offers good educational facilities for children by providing the best schools, colleges and institutions. Cities have always been the hub of innovation, the home of creative thought, art forms, political ideas and many more things. People of the city do not waste their time as they keep doing something to gain growth and success in their life. Cities are well connected with road, railway and flight networks. So, it becomes easy for individuals to connect with other people and grow their businesses as compared to rural areas. Cities have become a potent force for addressing economic growth, development and prosperity.

Negative Aspects of City Life

Cities are very crowded places. The cost of living in the city is high. The houses are small and inadequate due to space limitations. Bad housing conditions can cause various health issues. The environment of the city is very polluted due to the air, water, land and noise pollution. This causes bad health and can infect people with various diseases.

Some of the cities are very dirty due to the lack of a proper disposal system. Also, drainage problems are often found in the city. People do not get fresh air to breathe and natural places where they can rejuvenate themselves. People in the city are often busy, so they do not socially interact with others. They limit themselves to their houses and families. Sometimes, they don’t even know about their neighbours and surroundings.

The impact of the city on a person’s life is both negative and positive. From the bad quality of air to noise pollution and restless life, it has affected peace of mind. But cities are also stimulating as centres of industry, art, science and political power. They are the focus of progress. By reducing the aggressive impact of the city on people, the essential positive aspects of city life can be greatly intensified.

Students must have found this city life essay useful for improving their essay writing skills. They can get the study material and the latest updates on CBSE/ICSE/State Board/Competitive Exams at BYJU’S.

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Life in A Big City Paragraph - IELTS Essay Samples For Writing Task 2

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Updated on 17 April, 2024

Mrinal Mandal

Mrinal Mandal

Study abroad expert.

Mrinal Mandal

For this IELTS essay writing topic, you can either agree or disagree with the statement. That being said, it is critical to remember that the paragraph must be at least 250 words. 

However, the 40-minute time constraint often stresses students out, and they find it challenging to think of an answer and pick a side quickly. So, here are a few pointers to make 'life in a big city' paragraph writing easier.

  • Read the topic thoroughly.
  • Take the time to pick a stance.
  • Use varied vocabulary.
  • Structure the sentences correctly.
  • Maintain a formal tone and avoid casual phrases.
  • Divide the writing into paragraphs.
  • Check and re-check for any incorrect spellings or grammar.

Table of Contents

Sample essay 1, download e-books for ielts preparation, sample essay 2, explore more resources related to ielts essays:, life in a big city paragraph.

Question: Many individuals think that living in a large metro city is harder, while others think it is a practical choice. Discuss both perspectives and share your own.

Are metro cities better or not? This has been an ongoing debate between city-dwellers and those living in towns. Rightfully so. Both have their advantages and drawbacks. A small town has better quality air and far less pollution than a city. Small town residents have the luxury of walking out of their homes to absolute tranquillity instead of the noise and bustle of a big city. Moreover, towns are much closer to nature and allow you to take a breather from the chaos of a concrete jungle. 

However, with stores on every corner and excellent accessibility to entertainment and the arts, living in a city is much more exciting. Moreover, cities offer job opportunities that would not be available in smaller towns. This is often also the main reason people move to a metropolitan area. Further, with quality institutions, cities allow people access to better quality education. In addition, cities also have spaces that offer greenery and serenity in parks and gated communities. People do not have to go hunting for it in smaller towns. Nevertheless, if one still wishes to enjoy the peace of a town, they can always take one of the many available modes of transportation to the nearest town. 

Like everything in this world, living in a city has pros and cons. However, the population in cities alone highlights its many advantages. Therefore, based on my personal analysis and experiences, it is much better to make a good living and enjoy the conveniences of a large metro city than to stay in a small town or hamlet.

Word Count: 261

Tentative Band Score: 6

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Question: Many people believe living in a major metropolitan city is tough, while others believe it is more convenient. Examine both points of view and then express your own.

Metro cities often house the larger part of the population in any country. They have great opportunities for education and employment, allow people easy access to entertainment and house shops such as departmental stores, clothing retailers, and even exotic marts at almost every corner. There are restaurants serving all types of cuisines, people speaking different languages, and varied modes of transportation that can take you anywhere. 

Regardless, cities are overcrowded. It is a fact that the air quality is below par, and quietness is often a luxury. Most people struggle to make ends meet due to the high prices of goods and skyrocketing rent. Besides, the busy life in the metro is often a huge source of stress and anxiety for most. Smaller towns, on the other hand, allow their people to breathe clean air, eat nutritious, uncontaminated food and enjoy a healthy social life. Neighbours often greet each other and come together to celebrate and, in time, become family. Moreover, with the advancement of technology, small towns hold just as much potential in terms of employment. The only struggle is the accessibility to good digital connectivity since they do not have as many signal towers as a metro.

Nevertheless, having considered the pros and cons of both, I realize that the advantages of living in a smaller town far outweigh that of living in a city. In fact, if a bit of disconnection affords one the luxury of living a healthy and quiet life, a small town is the way to go. After all, a city may have accessibility and options, but towns allow you to build a sustainable and holistic life.

Word Count: 273

Tentative Band Score: 6.5

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Ielts exam overview.

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IELTS Exam Syllabus

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  • IELTS Exam Pattern

The IELTS exam pattern encompasses four major sections, i.e. listening, speaking, writing, and reading.

Register For IELTS

IELTS is the most popular and crucial test for evaluating English language proficiency throughout the world. Learn how to register for the IELTS exam.

IELTS Exam Eligibility Criteria

It becomes necessary for candidates to meet the eligibility for IELTS exam and demonstrate their language proficiency while being assessed on four parameters, namely, Writing, Reading, Speaking and Listening.

IELTS Exam Fees

The IELTS exam fee in India varies based on the types of IELTS tests. The link below shows detailed information on the IELTS exam fees.

IELTS Exam Dates 2022

The IELTS exam dates are allotted on a first-come and first-serve basis. Choose your date and timings beforehand to avoid the delay. You can register for the test both in online and offline mode.

IELTS Test Centres in India

Fully aware of the growing popularity of the language test, we bring to you a list of IELTS exam centers in India. The list will enable aspirants in better planning before registering for the test.

Band Score for Reading

IELTS reading band score decides the knowledge and proficiency of the English language of the applicants.

IELTS Listening Band Score

The listening section evaluates the comprehension level of candidates. The scores also depend on the understanding of different accents and dialects.

IELTS Score Validity

The IELTS score validity for General and Academic is two years across the globe. The IELTS result validity for Canada is two years.

  • Types of IELTS Exam

There are two types of IELTS tests – i) Academic IELTS and ii) General Training IELTS. Candidates are often confused about making the right choice of IELTS test that can meet their requirements regarding their education or job.

Books for IELTS Preparation

Picking the best IELTS books for preparation is essential for scoring well. It may seem tough at first but cracking the examination successfully is not impossible.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Topics

Writing task 2 in IELTS is descriptive essay writing. The applicants are supposed to write an essay in response to the statement or situation given in the essay.

Tips for IELTS Writing

Before appearing for the test, let’s take a look at the below-mentioned IELTS writing tips and tricks to score well in the writing section.

Reading Section IELTS

Reading is the second part of the IELTS test and takes 60 minutes. It consists of three or sometimes four reading passages to increase difficulty, and there are a total of 40 questions to answer.

IELTS Speaking Preparation

Please note that your performance on the speaking test is assessed based on the following criteria- fluency and coherence, grammatical range and accuracy, lexical resource, and pronunciation.

Phrases for IELTS Speaking

There are many phrases for IELTS speaking that a candidate should practice beforehand. If you aim for band 9, you should know these phrases.

  • IELTS Band Score Chart

IELTS is one of the most used English Language Proficiency Tests. The exam is scored in bands. Your IELTS band score determines the performance level of your test.

  • IELTS Band Score

Understanding the IELTS band score is not difficult. The results of the examination are reported on a scale of 9 bands.

  • IELTS Slot Booking

To book the IELTS exam, the candidates can either visit their nearest test center or book the slot online by visiting the official website of IDP. If they choose to go with the second option, they should follow the steps given below.

IELTS Academic Writing Task 1

IELTS Academic writing is meant for students who are applying for top-ranked universities and colleges in English-speaking countries. The writing task one is an academic summary writing based on diagrammatic and graphical representation.

  • IELTS Writing Task 2

Writing Task 2 is the second part of the writing section of IELTS, where aspirants are presented with a point of view, argument, or problem and asked to write an essay in response to the question.

Writing Task 1 IELTS

In IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 starts with a diagram, a visual representation of information. It can be a table, map, graph, process, diagram, or picture.

IELTS Essay Samples

The essay for IELTS is part of Writing Task 2. It is the same for the General Training and Academic of the IELTS. You will get a topic and have to write an essay on the same.

IELTS Cue Cards

The IELTS speaking cue cards come into play for the second part when the candidate will be choosing cue cards and then speaking on a topic for two minutes at least.

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Mrinal Mandal is a study abroad expert with a passion for guiding students towards their international education goals. He holds a degree in mechanical engineering, earned in 2018. Since 2021, Mrinal has been working with upGrad Abroad, where he assists aspiring students in realizing their dreams of studying abroad. With his expertise and dedication, he empowers individuals to navigate the complexities of international education, making their aspirations a reality.

Important Exams

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  • IELTS Speaking Topics
  • Tips to Crack IELTS in First Attempt
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  • Amateur Naturalists
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  • How to Be Confident While Speaking
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  • Flooding And Its Impact
  • Literacy In Freedonia's Prisons
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The Pros and Cons of Living in the City vs. the Country

By: Author Paul Jenkins

Posted on Published: June 22, 2021  - Last updated: July 31, 2023

Categories Lifestyle

City life or rural living – which is better? This is a question that has been debated for centuries. Both lifestyles have pros and cons, and the answer depends on your individual preferences. This blog post will discuss the pros and cons of living in the city vs. the countryside. We hope this information will help you decide where you want to live!


The first thing that comes to mind when considering the difference between the city and the countryside is transportation.

The fact is that it is much easier to move around a big city with public transport systems. Overall, cities tend to be well connected in transport and have much more regular services. They also have services running earlier in the morning and usually later into the evening.

However, the downside is that much more stress is involved in commuting around the city than in the countryside, where a car is likely to be your principal mode of transport. You have less independence in a city and are much more prone to be jammed in with other people.

Commuting via public transport from a suburb is also likely to be an unfun experience.

One way around this in a city is to use a bicycle, which carries risks and stresses.

And if you thought you could take your car into the city, think again.

Big cities like London have strict restrictions on cars coming into the center. It’s expensive to get the requisite permits, parking will be a nightmare, and if you try to go anywhere near southeast London, you are likely to be stuck in long traffic jams.

Essentially the transport story is a reflection of the city rat race.

Shopping and restaurants

The countryside loses out on city living when it comes to dining out. Because of the much more diverse cultures and populations in a large city, the variety of food and restaurants in cities is very wide. Certainly much better than you find in the countryside.

Rural residents can forget about getting sushi in most countryside areas!

Countryside restaurants tend to close earlier in the evening than their counterparts in the city. So, if you are into the 24/7 lifestyle, the urban lifestyle will suit you better because you have much more chance of getting something to eat at any time of the day or night.

Generally speaking, food in rural communities is healthier and more natural than in the city. Indeed, at a more affordable cost than city organic stores. Food in country stores is more likely to be locally sourced, meaning it will be fresher and better for you.

Regarding shops, cities beat rural life every day of the week. You cannot get the variety and quality of goods in shops in the countryside that you will find in any city. There is always the option of the county town, but usually, that will fall short of what you can find in the city.

At a time when many of us are shopping increasingly on online services like Amazon, this may not matter quite as much as it did in the past.

Food delivery services are another area where urban ones are favored over the rural living. It’s not so easy to get high-quality pizza in many parts of the countryside. Indeed, I’ve seen a YouTube video where the person presenting her country lifestyle admitted that there is a delineation lineation between pizza and nonpizza areas!

Things like cellular networks can be a real problem in the countryside. Cities are almost always universally covered at high speed. You will struggle to get a decent connection in certain places in the countryside. You may even be forced to use landlines, which will feed into the types of internet access you might get.

Those in a small town will usually be better off. And, for those in the deeper countryside, it is likely to improve.

People like Elon Musk are planning satellite internet services to open up communications for people living in the countryside. But for the moment, we must accept that that country life means less communication at high speed compared to our counterparts in an urban area.

Modern facilities will, of course, be easier to come by in a city.

Job Opportunities

It remains the case that cities offer much more job opportunities and mobility, so if you are very career-minded, you may need to accept city life for a while to build up your career.

Some small towns outside cities in America are now called Zoom Towns. Plus, there is an increasing drive towards setting up small businesses and entrepreneurs’ cottage industries. Meaning that the traditional employment forms in large corporations are diminishing.

I’ve seen quite a lot of debate among Silicon Valley techs on this point. Some argue passionately that you must be a city dweller to find and qualify for specific jobs. On the other hand, some argue that providing you fit the skill set, you can find a job and enjoy a rural lifestyle. Even when remote working.

Cities usually win on the Hobby front, also. Whether it’s salsa dancing, writing classes, or one of the myriads of other enjoyments. There are, of course, some activities that can only really be done in the countryside—for example, hiking, rock climbing in nature, and so forth.

It will be much easier to find fellow souls via meetup groups in the city than will be the case in a rural village.

This brings us neatly to entertainment and social life. Forget about finding a decent nightclub or jazz club in the countryside. Nor are you likely to find the latest movie readily available in most countryside cinemas.

Increasing numbers rely on Netflix and Amazon Prime for our evening entertainment. Especially at a time of the Covid pandemic.

Although the fire department, police, and hospitals are usually located closer to you in the city, the unfortunate fact is that crime tends to be higher and worse.

People tend to look out for each other far more in the countryside. Generally speaking, there is much more of a sense of community. I believe it’s been shown that everyone knows everyone else where you have up to about 160 people in a community. This is something in a rural place that is almost impossible to achieve in a city, with its tall buildings and large population.

On the other hand, if you need to call the police, they are likely to be much slower in coming to the countryside than in an urban environment. The same is also true for things like ambulances.

Air quality is significantly higher in the countryside. There is much less air pollution from cars and public transport. Research published by the BBC has shown that city residents tend to suffer high levels of asthma, common allergies, and depression. Conversely, urban dwellers are less obese, have a lower risk of suicide, and are less likely to be killed in accidents. Auto accidents in a rural area tend to be much more serious than those occurring in an urban center simply because of the speed of collisions.

If you are living in the countryside, living by the sea appears to be a good health choice. It’s been shown to be better for your psychological state, and the more blue sky you see, the less stress you’ll experience.

Cost of Living

When researching this article, I was surprised to learn that, on average, in the UK, houses are more expensive in the countryside than in the respective cities. This, of course, does not apply to the UK’s capital city, London.

On average, living in a city is much more expensive than in the countryside. Food costs are just part of the equation. If you are renting, it will be more expensive in the city than in the countryside.

On the other hand, living in the countryside means usually petrol costs and a higher cost for heating your home than you would pay in the City.

Natural Beauty

People living in the city will drive 4 hours to experience something that people living in the countryside get every day.

Every day, I wake up to the sound of the birds’ chorus. It’s a real privilege. 5 minutes down the road is one of the most beautiful woodlands in England. Looking out of my window in the evening, I often get a starlit sky. Dark Sky is something to be treasured.

When I step outside my door in the morning, I first inhale deeply. Not something I would do in a hurry in a London street. Of course, there are parks in the city; but in my view, they measure up to the outdoor space that one can find in the countryside.

If you enjoy walking in nature, it’s a no-brainer. The countryside is for you.

What can you do to feel in the countryside when you live in a city?

One thing to work on is creating some silence and Solitude!

When living in London and Paris, I used noise-canceling headphones to diminish the sound of the street and neighbors.

Finding small corners of local parks, where not too many people would be walking past, became very important. Finding rivers, streams, and wherever there was water and greenery was also essential.

Do You Think the Countryside or the City Is Better?

I think to answer this question is to answer questions about your motivations and enjoyment. Partly, I think it’s a question of age. It’s to do with what you enjoy doing every day.

Cities offer more opportunities to grow a career and social network. Along with that comes the disadvantage that connections and friendships may be more superficial in urban living than in the countryside.

What’s It Like Moving From the City to the Country?

Providing that you have reflected on some of the issues above and done some introspection into what you want, everything will be OK!

The massive reductions in stress, noise, pollution, and traffic will take you by surprise, even if you have experienced the countryside before. It’s such a contrast.

Should Kids Grow Up in Cities or the Countryside?

This is a complex question, which I’ve attempted to answer in another article .

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City Life is Better than Country Life

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living in the city is always better essay

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How the pros and cons of city living vary around the world

Every day, more people become city dwellers. The challenge of urban existence is to balance its benefits and its drawbacks.

For most of the six million years of human evolution , all humans and protohumans lived like somewhat glorified chimpanzees , at low population densities, scattered over the landscape as families or small bands. Only within the past 6,000 years, a small fraction of human history, did some of our ancestors come together in cities. But today more than half the world’s people live in these new settings, some of which have tens of millions of inhabitants.

Urban life involves trade-offs. We may gain big benefits in return for suffering big disadvantages. Let’s consider two of them: the trade-off between individual freedom and community interests, and the trade-off between social ties and anonymity.

To understand the issue of freedom, take first the city of Singapore , in effect one of the world’s most densely populated micro-countries. Singapore’s nearly six million people are packed into about 250 square miles—230 times the average U.S. population density. It’s an Asian financial center, a major port on one of the world’s busiest shipping straits, and a tiny piece of prime real estate wedged between two giant, powerful neighbors, Indonesia and Malaysia. Singapore was part of Malaysia until 1965, when economic and racial tensions spurred its separation. But Singapore depends on Malaysia for most of its water and much of its food, and can’t afford to make mistakes or provoke its neighbors.

Singapore citizens’ bargain with their government: less individual freedom in return for First World living standards.

So Singapore’s government monitors its citizens closely, to make sure that individuals don’t harm the community. Inspectors check for water standing in each household’s pots, lest they furnish breeding sites for disease-transmitting mosquitoes. Smart-technology sensors measure (or will measure) the traffic on every street, the movements of every car, and the temperatures of and shadows cast by buildings. They also will track the water and electricity consumption of every household and will note the time whenever a household toilet is flushed. Americans may view such measures with horror, as George Orwell’s novel 1984 come true. But for Singapore’s citizens, it’s the bargain that they have made with their government: less individual freedom in return for First World living standards, health, and security.

Next consider Germany’s cities, also densely populated. Local governments have rules about the shapes and colors of tiles that Germans may use on their houses’ roofs, and about the sizes and ages of trees that they can or can’t cut down on their property. To obtain a fishing license, Germans must attend many hours of fishing classes, then pass a 60-question exam. Most Americans would bristle at such restrictions. But benefits to German communities include beautiful regional architecture , green cities, government support for the arts, and healthy fish populations.

At the opposite extreme comes my own city of Los Angeles, where rights of the individual property owner are prized as sacred. The result is a free-for-all, in which many individuals and communities suffer disadvantages. Almost any style of house is permissible; local architectural character is nonexistent. Tree cover is vanishing, temperatures are rising, and landowners’ excavated dirt and sprayed pesticides end up on neighbors’ property. To fish in the local bay waters, anyone can buy a fishing license—no questions asked—so of course fish populations decline.

For Hungry Minds

The outcomes of trade-offs differ for Singapore, Germany, and L.A. because different geographies and histories have led to different customs. Population density is highest in Singapore, intermediate in Germany, lowest in the United States (including California). China—whence the ancestors of most of Singapore’s population arrived—has had cities for five millennia, Germany for two millennia, the United States for just a few centuries. Chinese traditional farming is communal; Germans have close-packed individual farms; and U.S. frontier settlements had self-sufficient, widely scattered families. The cultural legacies of those differences live on today.

Another issue of urban life is the trade-off between social ties and anonymity. Traditional living arrangements still practiced today in rural areas of New Guinea, where I’ve been working since the 1960s, resemble those formerly practiced in pre-urban Western societies. New Guinea villagers live out their lives where they were born, constantly surrounded by lifelong friends and social support.

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A first reaction of many lonely, urban Americans is: How heartwarmingly wonderful! When New Guinea villagers move to cities, they find themselves surrounded by strangers, their friends few or recent or scattered across the city. The frequent results are unhappy isolation, decline of social support, and proliferation of urban crime.

Still, we American city dwellers shouldn’t romanticize traditional village living arrangements. My New Guinea friends tell me that those arrangements are also socially suffocating, and limit individuals’ abilities to realize their potential. In New Guinea villages, everybody knows, constantly watches, and incessantly discusses what everybody else is doing.

As a result, a New Guinea friend who spent years living in a U.S. city loved it—because (as she told me) she could sit alone and read a newspaper in peaceful anonymity in a sidewalk café, without being importuned by fellow clan members asking her for money and bewailing their troubles. New Guineans have learned to appreciate the modern urban inventions of opaque bags and trouser pockets—because those inventions permit them to conceal things from neighbors and thereby to acquire small luxuries without becoming targets of village comment. Thus, New Guineans recognize drawbacks as well as heartwarming benefits of village life. They also understand the benefits, not just the pains, of urban anonymity.

It all comes down to compromises. As the world becomes increasingly urban, will all of us be forced to adopt more of Singapore’s solutions? If a government meter that records every flushing of your toilet is part of the price you’d have to pay for living in safety, health, affluence, and beautiful surroundings, what would you choose?

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Essay on City Life Vs Village Life for Students and Children

500+ words essay on city life vs village life.

Village life reflects the rural lifestyle and city life shows the urban lifestyle. Life in both rural and urban areas has its own plus points and problems. One is quite different from each other. Traditionally, India is a predominantly rural country as Mahatma Gandhi had said, “The real India lives in villages”. Though India is mainly a land of villages, there are many cities as well in the country.  Life in these big cities is quite different from life in a village. Let us consider, in brief, life in a big city and point out some of its important advantages and disadvantages.

essay on city life vs village life

Comparison: City life Vs Village life

The facility of education.

In big cities, there are good arrangements for education. The big college even universities are available.  There are also a very large number of school both government and private in the big city.  These arrangements do not exist in small towns and villages.

Medical Facility

Cities also provide sufficient medical facilities.  Almost in every city, there are good hospitals in which the poor get free medicines and treatment. Many qualified doctors are also there to serve the sick and the suffering. Indeed lack of such medical arrangement is the main drawback of villages.

Amusement and Recreation

Cities also provide many opportunities for amusement and recreation. In every city, there are a number of cinema houses and multiplexes, where we can enjoy with family. Also, a number of restaurants and hotels are available for better food of variety. There are also many parks and gardens where we can enjoy the best natural beauty. Villages are always lacking such facilities.

The Opportunity of Employment

The most important advantages of cities are the availability of huge opportunity for employment . They are centers of trade and commerce as well as offices of many multinational companies . Persons with different qualifications can easily find jobs to suit them.  In villages, employment is available mostly in farming. Due to farming, only seasonal jobs are available to a large population in villages.

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Mixed Culture

Cities are having a variety of people from various cultures. But real India and its customs are highly visible in villages.

Natural Environment

It is fact villages are always natural due to be their self-creation by nature. On the other hand, most cities are manmade. Hence the natural environment of villages is their main attraction. In villages only we may have the charms of birds and flowers or the beauty of the day-dawn.

Pollution and Adulteration

City life is extremely unhealthy due to air pollution, water pollution, and noise pollution . The people are not getting fresh air to breathe or the clear sky to enjoy the sunshine. Also, food in the cities is dirty, unhealthy and adulterated. The villages are very much away from such drawbacks.

Population and Other Issues

In city life is very costly. People have to live with a lot of pomp and show. A simple life as in the villages is almost impossible in the city. Besides, the cities are over-crowded and it is very hard for people to get suitable accommodation. People in the city do not have much sympathy with others even with neighbors. The sympathy and close interdependence which is marked in the village’s life is entirely lacking in the city.

Thus, life in villages and in cities presents two contrasting pictures. There are positive as well as negative aspects of both. Therefore it is up to the individual to make the most of it irrespective of the rural or urban setting that one lives in. I, myself, like to live in a village in the close vicinity of a modern city so that I can enjoy the pleasures both of the city and the village.

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City Life vs. Country Life, Essay Example

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Life in both a city and the country has a different charm. Just as we may not agree upon the most beautiful place in the world, similarly, one cannot claim that life in the city or the country is always better than the other. We all have different personalities and perspectives and quite often want different things from life. This is why some people may find the cities to be more appealing while others yearn for a life in the country. I am fortunate to have experienced life in both the cities and the country and while each has its attractions and shortcomings, I am mostly a country person at heart.

Life in the city is in the fast lane. When I was in New York, everyone always seemed in hurry. It seemed that people either slept or worked and nothing else. Some people would tell me that people who socialize in New York are often college students or those with less than average career ambitions. This made me realized that people in the city do go to the extremes and are not content with the average. But when I was living in the country, I liked the fact that people had mastered the art of balancing work and life. They worked hard but when work was over, they would totally forget about it and hang out with family and friends. They never waited for the weekends to enjoy life. The country people have taught me that sometimes life is best experienced at a slow pace. I might have heard from many in the cities that you should live every day as if it is your last day on the earth but it seems that only country people truly understand the meaning behind it.

Cities are huge not only in terms of geographical area but also population. While cities do have the benefit of greater diversity of cultures and ethnicities but huge population size prevents the feeling of community that I enjoyed in the country. People in the country even treat strangers as their own and smile often while greeting each other. A smile may not be much but it would remind me that country people are not totally absorbed in their own lives and do take the moment to acknowledge others’ presence.

Cities stay on the leading edge of latest trends whether in technology, fashion, or lifestyle habits. Thus, what I experience in cities is usually popular culture which keeps changing and may also exist in similar forms in other areas of the world. Thus, cities lose a distinctive trait that comes from a preserved culture. Country towns on the other hand resist modernity to some extent which is why I felt I was experiencing the same culture that one might have experienced even three decades ago or more. While cities exhibit present and future, country towns exhibit present and past. Since I have an interest in antique elements of culture, it is natural that I enjoy life in the country more than in the cities.

Country towns may not be as developed and populated as cities but there are also some advantages in it. First of all, there is less noise and the place doesn’t feel condensed. Everyone can freely enjoy its space and cheap real estate prices also help a lot. I was living with friends in a house that had a rent of only $500 while such a big house in a major city could easily have cost at least $5,000 by conservative estimates. In addition, I also noticed low environmental pollution which may explain why country people have good health and live long life. I found country people to be more content with their lives and less stressful even though their net worth was just average by the standards of rich people in big cities.

But like anything else, even your favorite things have shortcomings. I do consider myself open minded and have observed that people in country towns are not only old-fashioned but sometimes also resist progressive ideas because they feel threatened. To some extent, I understand that they want to preserve their traditions but at the same time, embracing progressive ideas is inevitable if the country towns want to ensure their long-term future. This is why I do feel sad at times as country towns have been fast disappearing and believe that country people do need to embrace flexibility for their own benefits.

I also noticed that there were fewer recreational opportunities in country towns such as museums and theaters. For someone who likes to explore different activities, it was a little disappointment. But at the same time, limited recreational activities also make life simple. This may also be why country people are less materialistic because they only need few things in life to be happy. The rules of simple life they inherit from their parents remain with them for lives. It seems there is an upside to resisting change also because it allows country people to avoid many social issues commonly faced by city people.

I like country life because it balances both work and family/social life and avoid extremities. Despite few economic resources, I found country people to be more content with life and less stressful. Country people are also more friendly and I felt a sense of community in country towns that is frequently absent in big cities. I also found the absence of noise and environmental pollution to be quite soothing during my stay in country towns.

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