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RecipeTin Eats

Fast Prep, Big Flavours

Egg sandwich

At the heart of a great egg sandwich is a creamy egg filling and essential to this are soft boiled, not hard boiled eggs! The creamy yolks practically makes its own mayonnaise sauce and the soft-set egg whites almost melt in your mouth.

Picking up Egg sandwich

Egg sandwich thoughts

You wouldn’t think that someone would have so many opinions about a simple egg sandwich, but as I sat down to write this recipe, it turns out I do! Here’s my egg sandwich thought-dump, roughly in care-factor order:

No rubbery bits of whites – I don’t like little firm bits of egg whites in what should be a creamy egg filling. So I use soft boiled eggs with soft just-set egg whites, rather than hard boiled eggs which is more common in standard egg sandwiches.

Semi homemade mayo – Soft boiled eggs = creamy yolk = practically makes its own semi-homemade mayonnaise. It’s so good! Better flavour and more luxurious with less mayonnaise required.

No celery. I know that might be an unpopular opinion but crunchy bits in a creamy egg filling, no matter how small or finely sliced, just don’t appeal to me. Goes in the same bucket as #1.

Soft bread is best. Too much filling oozes out when you bite the sandwich if you use chewy, crusty artisan bread like sourdough.

So, if all that sounds good to you, then let me introduce to the egg sandwich of your dreams!

Picking up Egg sandwich

Creamy egg sandwich filling

Here’s an up-close-and-personal look at the filling. The left photo is just soft boiled eggs mashed up. You can see that it’s already pretty creamy, even before adding the mayonnaise! Then the photo on the right is the finished filling after adding the mayonnaise and mustard.

Egg sandwich filling

What you need for my egg sandwich

As already emphasised a number of times (reeks of passion, right??!), the key ingredient here is soft boiled rather than hard boiled eggs! With creamy yolks, you only need a mere dab of mayonnaise and smidge of mustard for a creamy, luxurious filling.

If you don’t have chives, substitute with finely minced green onion.

Ingredients for Egg sandwich

Soft boiled eggs – The creamy yolk gives you a head start on the creamy sauce so we only need 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise for 6 eggs (4 sandwiches). So we’re sort of making a semi-homemade mayonnaise here!

Mayonnaise – Whole egg mayo is creamier and less tangy than normal mayo. My favourite brand is S&W (Australia), followed by Hellman’s and Kewpie (equal second).

Dijon mustard – For flavour and a touch of tang.

Chives – For freshness and nice green bits in our filling.

Salt – Just 1/8 teaspoon! Trust me on this. Egg is weirdly salt adverse. The opposite of potatoes which can take loads of salt!

Best bread for egg sandwiches

As for the bread, you can really use anything you want though for traditional tea-type sandwiches (like pictured), soft white sandwich bread is the go. My only tip is to avoid crusty, chewy artisan bread (like sourdough). Filling ooze issues. Stick with soft bread!

Bread for Egg sandwich

How to make egg sandwiches

And the making part:

How to make an Egg sandwich

Cook soft boiled eggs and peel (8 minutes in boiling water). For full directions see my boiled eggs recipe , but I’ve included abbreviated directions in the recipe card below.

Mash the eggs using a fork to get it started, then a potato masher. The finer you mash, the creamier your filling! Once well mashed, you’ll see your filling is already semi-creamy.

Filling – Stir in the mayo, mustard, chives, salt and pepper.

Spread butter on the bread.

Spread filling on bread, from edge to edge!

Crusts – If you’re going for quaint English tea sandwiches, trim the crusts off then cut to your desired shape. The sandwiches pictured in post have been cut into 3 rectangles (4 sandwiches cut into a total of 12 finger sandwiches).

TIP: For extra neat edges, refrigerate the sandwiches for 1 hour before cutting. This will set the filling so you can cut more neatly. But be sure to serve at room temperature!

Egg sandwiches ready to be eaten

And there you have it! My egg sandwich. I know there are recipes out there with more bells and whistles, using fancier ingredients like creme fraiche, perhaps a smidge of curry powder, and other add-ins.

But to me, all that is unnecessary if you use soft boiled eggs. This is one of those recipes where the end result is so much more than the sum of its parts. I hope you give it a go! Let me know what you think if you do. And also, you know I always love hearing your thoughts on my thoughts on matters of food. Do you disagree with my position on soft boiled eggs? Do you think celery is mandatory? Fancier bread? Bring on the egg sandwich debate! 😂 – Nagi x

Watch how to make it

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Close up of Egg sandwich


Egg sandwich filling:.

  • ▢ 6 soft boiled eggs , at room temperature (Note 1)
  • ▢ 1 tbsp whole egg mayonnaise (S&W brand best, Note 2)
  • ▢ 2 tsp dijon mustard
  • ▢ 2 tsp finely chopped chives (sub green onion)
  • ▢ 1/2 tsp black pepper
  • ▢ 1/8 tsp cooking/kosher salt (yes really, that's all!)
  • ▢ 8 slices soft white sandwich bread (Note 3)
  • ▢ Soft salted butter , for spreading on bread


  • Mash egg: Place the eggs in a bowl and crush with a fork. Once mostly broken up, use a potato masher to mash them up really well. Smaller egg white bits = creamier filling.
  • Filling: Add remaining filling ingredients and gently stir to combine. Taste and add more salt if desired, but add with caution because it's bizarre how little salt eggs can take!
  • Make sandwich: Butter the bread. Divide filling between 4 pieces of bread, spread evenly edge to edge. Trim crusts (optional), then cut as you wish. (Note 4 tips)
  • Serve: Always serve at room temperature, for best flavour!

Recipe Notes:

Nutrition information:, life’s too short for bland sandwiches.

Chicken sandwiches ready to eat

Life of Dozer

No egg sandwiches for Dozer! 💨💨

how to make egg sandwich essay

Hi, I'm Nagi !

I believe you can make great food with everyday ingredients even if you’re short on time and cost conscious. You just need to cook clever and get creative!

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May 7, 2024 at 8:31 pm

My husband would have my head if I put celery in egg salad! But we usually hard boil our eggs, maybe he would like soft boiled better? I wouldn’t know, I don’t eat egg salad! I add paprika and extra pepper, per husband’s request. I’ll try it Nagi’s way today and see whate says.

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April 17, 2024 at 7:46 am

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February 10, 2024 at 7:54 am

Hi Nagi. Great idea to soft boil the eggs; thank you. If you were to medium to hard boil eggs, best way other than fork, is to use a ricer! So quick. Regards, Sandra 10 Feb 2024

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January 17, 2024 at 11:04 am

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September 10, 2023 at 9:34 pm

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August 31, 2023 at 10:35 am

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August 21, 2023 at 11:41 am

I like the egg Recipe could tell how to make banna pudding

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August 16, 2023 at 2:14 pm

A home cook who relies too much on a recipe is sort of like a pilot who reads the plane’s instruction manual while flying. Checkout ItzRecipes

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August 16, 2023 at 8:18 am

You’re the best Nagi. I absolutely love your recipes. Made me fall in love with cooking! Thanks 🙂

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July 21, 2023 at 1:11 pm

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May 4, 2023 at 2:57 am

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April 3, 2023 at 7:36 am

I agree Bakers Delight is the best fresh bread especially the Hi fibre Low Gi loaf it lasts longer than “normal” white please try it next time ! Cant wait to smash some egg sangas 🙂

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March 30, 2023 at 7:20 am

Hi Nagi. In today’s post the egg sandwich link brought me right here but the get the recipe button took me too roast leg of lamb. Oops. 😏

April 3, 2023 at 7:37 am

Yup me too, easy fix just type egg in search 🙂

April 3, 2023 at 8:58 am

Thanks Paul. I got it. I was just trying to help Nagi out. Turns out I’m about the millionth person to let her know. Sorry Nagi. 🙄

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March 30, 2023 at 6:50 am

OMG I LOVE a good egg sandwich!!! This simple recipe looks fabulous. I’m inspired! These are going in my belly today! I’ll let you the result

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March 30, 2023 at 2:41 am

Your book arrived yesterday (Mar 28) from Amazon. It is very heavy! Spent a couple of hours going over every page. No, there are not too many pics of Dozer. My favourite in the book is page 262 with him looking at the bones from the lamb shanks. He looks so young in that one 🙂

Loving you from Toronto.

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June 22, 2023 at 6:02 am

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March 29, 2023 at 6:40 pm

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March 29, 2023 at 12:49 pm

Hi Nagi & Dozer,

This looks great! My daughter loves egg salad sammies! We will give yours a try.

Just received my “DINNER” cookbook – finally! It’s beautiful! We’re here in Pennsylvania, USA. Hubby can’t wait for me to use it. I’m looking forward to it, too! Worth the wait!

Love to you both!

' src=

March 29, 2023 at 12:33 pm

Just received my cookbook in US. Truly beautiful and well layed out! Can’t wait to start cooking. Seriously, outstanding job Nagi!!

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March 29, 2023 at 10:44 am

This looks delicious! I just got your beautiful Dinner book from Amazon! I have been waiting for so long and now I finally have it in my hot little hands. It’s truly beautiful. Can’t wait to get started cooking from it.

' src=

March 29, 2023 at 10:35 am

Looks great. I just received my cookbook and have spent the last hour turning pages and greedily eyeing all the recipes. There is only one problem … I don’t know what to try first!! Best wishes to you and Dozer from North Carolina, USA.

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Start Your Day With Our Ultimate Breakfast Sandwich and Have the Best Morning Ever

By Alison Roman

Photography by Christopher Testani

Image may contain Burger Food and Hot Dog

We have some pretty strong opinions on what goes into the perfect breakfast sandwich: English muffins and American cheese are non-negotiable. The eggs must be folded, not scrambled or fried, so they maintain their integrity in every bite. And a sandwich without breakfast sausage isn't one worth eating. We took some cues from the breakfast sandwich gods at restaurants like Eggslut in Los Angeles, Noble Sandwich Co. in Austin, and The Eastman Egg Company in Chicago to create our version of the ultimate breakfast sandwich. Here's how we do it:

Image may contain Food Pizza and Bread

Classic English muffins deliver the optimal bread-to-egg-to-sausage ratio (we’re fiercely loyal to Thomas’ brand.) After splitting the muffin in half with your hands (that’s Thomas’ 101—a knife levels all those good nooks and crannies), the gold-star move is to butter both sides of each half, then griddle them in a large cast-iron pan over medium-high heat, pressing down slightly until golden brown, about 3 minutes per side.

Image may contain Food and Pork

We’re going to pat ourselves on the back and say that our Southern-inspired sausage patties are better than anything you can buy at the store. These easy-to-make patties should be formed no thicker than ¼". While the English muffins griddle, cook sausage alongside until browned on one side, about 2 minutes. (If some of the fat from the sausage should get onto the muffin, don’t be mad at it.)

Image may contain Burger and Food

There’s a time and a place for American cheese , and trust us: This is that time and place. Other cheeses just can’t compete with its meltability. The game plan: Once one side of the sausage has browned, flip it and place 2 slices of cheese on top. When the sausage is cooked through and the cheese is melty (about 2 minutes more), turn off the heat, but let the muffin and sausage sit there so that they stay warm while you make the eggs.

Image may contain Food Plant Burger and Pasta

The fluffy folded egg stays put when you eat it (unlike a scramble) and doesn’t dribble onto your face (like a fried). Begin by melting a dab of butter in a small nonstick skillet over medium heat. Beat 2 large eggs until well blended and add to a small nonstick skillet; season with salt and pepper. Using a heatproof rubber spatula, cook eggs, stirring pretty constantly to form pillowy curds (like a soft scramble) while lifting edges of the egg and tilting the skillet to let uncooked egg run underneath, until mostly set but still slightly runny on top, 2 minutes. Add a couple pinches of chopped chives and fold eggs into a half moon, then in half again so it all fits on that muffin.

Image may contain Food

A vinegary, not-crazy-fiery hot sauce (such as classic Cholula) is imperative for cutting through all the glorious fattiness. Also necessary: a drizzle of honey for the ultimate sticky-sweet-salty experience.

Image may contain Food Dessert and Bread

The ultimate homemade egg sandwich, also known as the breakfast, lunch, and dinner (why not?) of champions.

how to make egg sandwich essay

how to make egg sandwich essay

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Live Simply

Scrambled Egg Sandwich Breakfast Recipe (7 Ways!)

By Kristin Marr • Posted: February 6, 2023 • Updated: February 6, 2023

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This scrambled egg sandwich recipe is the ulimtate healthy comfort food and my favorite breakfast meal. Make a sandwich in under 10 minutes, or prep multiple sandwiches in advance and freeze (or store in the fridge) for busy mornings when you need an easy breakfast, fast!

Hands holding an assembled breakfast sandwich: scrambled eggs, cheese, arugula.

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If you love this recipe, you’ll also like these easy breakfast meals: make-ahead breakfast burritos , omelet cups , baked oatmeal with blueberries , chocolate protein yogurt , and protein overnight oats .

What you’ll love about this recipe

  • QUICK MEAL – Mornings are crazy enough, why complicate life with a fussy breakfast. You can easily make this sandwich in under 10 minutes and take it to go.
  • MEAL PREP – Make a sandwich the night before a busy morning. Or make multiple sandwiches at once and pop them in the fridge or freezer for an easy meal.
  • CHEAPER & HEALTHIER – It’s far cheaper to make your own meals, and healthier, too. Skip the Starbucks or Dunkin line, and make this sandwich instead.
  • FAMILY FAVORITE – Everyone loves this breakfast and it’s easy to customize based on everyone’s preference. Add cheese, meat, avocado, mayo–whatever you love!

Ingredients to make breakfast sandwiches on the counter: eggs, bread, leafy green, salt, pepper, cheese, and bread.

Ingredients Needed to Make a Basic Scrambled Egg Sandwich

  • 1 tablespoon butter or ghee use vegan butter or grease a pan with oil for dairy-free
  • 2 large eggs per person, per sandwich
  • 2 slices of bread per person, per sandwich: sourdough sandwich bread, Ezekiel english muffin , bagel, einkorn bread , hamburger bun, kaiser roll, whole wheat bread, white bread slices, or a brioche bun.

Optional Extras

  • 1 slice of cheese (or 1-2 tablespoons grated cheese), such as: cheddar cheese, gouda cheese, monterey jack
  • 1 tablespoon soft goat cheese
  • Cooked meat of choice: 1-2 slices bacon , 1-2 ounces ham, 1-2 slices canadian bacon, 1 sausage patty
  • 1-2 tomato slices
  • handful of baby arugula or spinach
  • 1 tablespoon sauce: cream cheese, pesto, or mayonnaise
  • 1/2 a small avocado: mash the avocado with salt and lemon juice or cut into slices
  • roasted red peppers
  • pickled red onions
  • dash of hot sauce (like sriracha )

Equipment Needed

  • 1 toaster for toasting the bread
  • 1 large or medium size skillet for cooking the eggs
  • 1 rubber spatula for cooking the eggs
  • Aluminum foil or parchment paper if meal prepping the sandwiches
  • Food storage bag, like a gallon-size Ziploc bag, if meal prepping the sandwiches and storing in the fridge or freezer

7 Favorite Sandwich Variations

  • Eggs, Hot Sauce, Ham, Mayo: Drizzle eggs with a splash of hot sauce, then spread mayo on a slice of bread, top with ham and eggs. Add second slice of bread on top.
  • Eggs and Avocado: Add mashed or sliced avocado (sprinkled with salt) to a slice of bread, then top with eggs. Serve open-faced or add a second slice of bread on top.
  • Eggs, Cheese, and Ham or Bacon: Add eggs, a slice of cheese, and ham, bacon , or canadian bacon to your favorite bread.
  • Eggs, Pesto, Arugula, Tomato: Spread pesto on one slice of bread, add arugula leaves, a tomato slice, and eggs over the top. Leave open-faced, or add a second slice of bread.
  • Eggs, Goat Cheese, Roasted Red Pepper, Spinach: Spread a slice of bread with goat cheese, then baby spinach and few slices of roasted red pepper, and top with eggs. Leave open-faced, or add a second slice of bread.
  • Eggs, Cream Cheese, Bacon, Sriracha: Add cream cheese to a slice of bread, drizzle sriracha over the top, then bacon, and eggs. Top with a second slice of bread, or leave open-faced.
  • Eggs, Tomato, Arugula: Add arugula to a slice of bread, followed by a slice of tomato sprinkled with salt, and eggs on top. Leave open-faced, or top with a second slice of bread.

Use Sunny Side Up Eggs Instead: Sub out the scrambled eggs for a sunny side up egg (or two sunny side up eggs) with a runny yolk for a different variation. How to make the best sunny side up eggs .

How to Make Breakfast Sandwiches

Before you begin, gather all your ingredients as the sandwich comes together very quickly.

Two slices of toasted bread on a cutting board.

Step 1: Toast the Bread

To start, toast your bread of choice in a toaster.

No toaster for the bread? No problem. Before cooking the eggs in the skillet, spritz the skillet with cooking oil (I use this avocado oil spray ), then add the bread of choice and cook on both sides for 1-2 minutes until toasted. 

Melting butter in a skillet.

Step 2: Make the Best Fluffy Scrambled Eggs

  • Over medium-low heat, melt 1 tablespoon of butter in a medium-size frying pan.
  • In a small bowl, crack the eggs, add a pinch of salt and pepper.
  • Vigorously whisk the eggs. Add the egg mixture to the melted butter and hot skillet, let set for a few seconds, then use a silicone or rubber spatula to bring the eggs up and over (see video below for how to cook flufy scrambled eggs ).
  • Once the eggs are glossy, fluffy, and resemble soft curds, remove from heat.

Adding Cheese: If you want cheese on your sandwich, immeadiately add a slice of cheese or shredded cheese on top of the eggs, once finished cooking. The heat from the eggs will create the perfect melted cheese over the small curds of eggs.

Assembling an egg sandwich: eggs, cheese, arugula, tomato.

Step 3: Assemble the Sandwich

  • Remove the bread from the toaster.
  • Add Toppings and Eggs: Place any desired toppings on one slice of the bread/bun: arugula, avocado, pickled onions, meat of choice, etc. Then place eggs on top.
  • Add Sauce: If you’re enjoying the sandwich right away and want to add any sauces, like mayo, pesto, etc. spoon and spread the sauce on the other slice of bread/bun. Place this slice of bread over the eggs.

How to Perfectly Cook Scrambled Eggs Video

Here’s how to make the best scrambled eggs .

Simple Tips for Meal Prep Success

  • The best egg sandwich to make for meal prep is: scrambled eggs , cooked meat (ham, bacon , sausage patty), and cheese. These toppings store the best in the fridge and freezer. Additional toppings desired should be added after reheating and before serving.

For busy mornings, I make a breakfast sandwich the night before, wrap in parchment paper or foil, and store in the fridge. The next morning, unwrap and reheat for a few seconds in the microwave.

You may also make multiple sandwiches on the weekend and store in the fridge or freezer for an easy breakfast all week.

  • Batch Cook Eggs: I’ve cooked up to 12 eggs at a time (for this breakfast burrito recipe ). Just use enough butter and a large enough skillet. Or, cook up to 12 eggs at one time using the sheet pan cooking method . Then, spoon the eggs on the bread/buns of choice.
  • Best Bread for Meal Prep Sandwiches: A soft sandwich bread isn’t the best option for make-ahead egg sandwiches. I use english muffins. I love Ezekiel brand, which are healthy (easier to digest) and have great fiber. English muffins are heartier and will hold up to the eggs without getting soggy.
  • Wait to Add Cheese: Place a slice (or sprinkle) of cheese directly on the bread, then add the eggs on top. You don’t want the cheese to melt until you reheat the sandwich later on.
  • Cool Before Storing: Allow meal-prep sandwiches to cool (just a few minutes), then wrap each sandwich in parchment paper or foil. You don’t want the heat from the eggs to create condensation when wrapped.

Egg and cheese sandwich, ready to eat.

How to Store & Reheat

  • Store, wrapped, in the fridge for up to 5 days.
  • Store, wrapped, in the freezer for up to 1 month.
  • To reheat from the fridge , unwrap the sandwich and place in the microwave for a few seconds (30-60 seconds). If you want a warmer sandwich, flip over and heat for another 30-60 seconds. Add additional toppings desired: sauce, tomato, avocado, arugula, etc. And enjoy!
  • To reheat from frozen , it’s best to thaw a sandwich overnight in the fridge. Unwrap and microwave for 30-60 seconds. If you want a warmer sandwich, flip over and heat for another 30-60 seconds. Add additional toppings desired: sauce, tomato, avocado, arugula, etc. And enjoy!
  • Oven Method: Reheat at 350F on a sheet pan for about 10 minutes, until warmed through. Or use a toaster oven. An air fryer would also work, just reduce the cook time. After reheating, add any toppings and enjoy!

What to Serve With Egg Sandwiches

Serve the sandwiches alone, or pair with extra protein (like yogurt or cottage cheese) or a carb (like oatmeal, sweet potato hash, or fruit). Try these favorite sides…

  • Cottage Cheese (I love Good Culture brand )
  • Chocolate Protein Yogurt
  • Healthy Yogurt Bowls
  • Protein Overnight Oats
  • Baked Oatmeal with Blueberries
  • Baked Oatmeal Cups
  • Seasonal Fruit: berries, grapefruit, orange, kiwi, etc.
  • Sweet Potato and Sausage Hash

MY Favorite & Easy

Egg recipes.

  • 15 Different Ways to Cook Eggs for Breakfast
  • How to Make Fluffy Scrambled Eggs Every Time
  • Scrambled Egg Sandwich
  • Ham and Cheese Omelette
  • Eggs in a Basket
  • Sunny Side Up Eggs
  • Sheet Pan Breakfast Burritos
  • Make-Ahead Breakfast Burritos
  • Instant Pot Hardboiled Eggs
  • Egg & Sausage Breakfast Casserole
  • Make-Ahead Omelet Cups
  • Bacon, Vegetable, and Kale Frittata
  • Spinach Feta Omelette

Hands holding an assembled breakfast sandwich: scrambled eggs, cheese, arugula.

Simple Scrambled Egg Sandwich

  • 1 medium or large skillet for cooking the scrambled eggs
  • 1 rubber spatula for cooking the eggs
  • foil or parchment paper if making the sandwich(es) for meal prep
  • 1 toaster for toasting the bread of choice


  • 1 tablespoon butter or ghee use vegan butter or grease a pan with oil for dairy-free
  • 2 large eggs per person, per sandwich
  • 2 slices of bread per person, per sandwich, such as: sourdough sandwich bread, Ezekiel english muffin, bagel, hamburger bun, kaiser roll, whole wheat bread, white bread, or a brioche bun.
  • optional extras cheese, meat, mayo, hot sauce-see notes below for all options


  • To start, toast your bread of choice. While the breads toasts, make the scrambled eggs…
  • Over medium-low heat, melt 1 tablespoon of butter in a medium-size frying pan. In a small bowl, crack the eggs, add a pinch of salt and pepper. Vigorously whisk the eggs.
  • Add the egg mixture to the melted butter and hot skillet, let set for a few seconds, then use a silicone or rubber spatula to bring the eggs up and over ( see the scrambled eggs technique here ). Once the eggs are glossy and fluffy and resemble soft curds, remove from heat.
  • If you want cheese on your sandwich, immeadiately add a slice of cheese or shredded cheese on top of the eggs, once finished cooking. The heat from the eggs will create the perfect melted cheese over the small curds of eggs.
  • Place any desired toppings on one slice of the bread/bun: arugula, avocado, pickled onions, meat of choice, etc. Then place eggs on top.
  • Add any sauces, like mayo, pesto, etc. Spoon and spread the sauce on the other slice of bread/bun. Place this slice of bread over the eggs.
  • Serve warm.

Make-Ahead Sandwiches:

  • For busy mornings, I make a breakfast sandwich the night before, wrap in parchment paper or foil, and store in the fridge. The next morning, unwrap and reheat for a few seconds in the microwave. You may also make multiple sandwiches on the weekend and store in the fridge or freezer for an easy breakfast all week.
  • Store in the fridge, wrapped, for up to 5 days, or in the freezer for up to 1 month. Reheat in the microwave, unwrapped, for 30-60 seconds. Or in the oven, unwrapped, at 350F for 10 minutes. After reheating, add any sauces (mayo, pesto, etc.) and toppings (tomato slices, avocados, arugula, etc.)

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Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack recipes to rotate week after week. Put healthy meals on auto-pilot .

More Easy Breakfast Recipes

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Stuffed Dates and Peanut Butter (With Chocolate Option)

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Baked oatmeal cut into bars with peanut butter and fruit.

Cinnamon Baked Oats No Banana (Easy Recipe)

Slices of baked oatmeal removed from the pan and on two plates with berries.

Brownie Chocolate Baked Oats (No Banana)

Overnight oats in glass jars topped with mango, pineapple, and banana.

Tropical Overnight Oats With Coconut Milk

Overnight oats in three jars with frozen fruit on top: mango, blueberries, and raspberries.

Meal Prep Overnight Oats With Frozen Fruit

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Kristin is the creator and editor-in-chief of Live Simply. Kristin is married to her high school sweetheart, Dustin, and is the mom to two kids and two free-roam (litterbox-trained) bunnies, Leo and Estela. Kristin started Live Simply in 2013 to share her passion for real food and natural living.

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Perfect Egg Sandwich

how to make egg sandwich essay

This fabulous recipe is courtesy of "The Martha Stewart Show."


1 teaspoon unsalted butter

1 large egg

Coarse salt

1 toasted English muffin, or a 3-inch piece soft baguette, split

Cooked bacon (optional)

Cooked sausage patty (optional)

Grated Gruyere (optional)

Chopped fresh herbs, such as chives, parsley, or basil (optional)

Heat butter in a small nonstick skillet until melted. In a small bowl, whisk the egg with a pinch of salt. Add egg mixture to skillet.

Using a heatproof rubber spatula, gently pull the egg away from the sides of the skillet toward the center. As the eggs start to set, stir them gently until curds form, about 2 minutes.

When egg is completely set, fold the egg into quarters and place on the bottom half of the English muffin or baguette. Add cheese, bacon, sausage, or herbs, as desired; top with remaining half of English muffin or baguette.

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how to make egg sandwich essay

Egg Sandwich

An essay about an egg sandwich from yesterday.

Luke Sacherman

Luke Sacherman

My favorite part of this egg sandwich is the pickles. Or maybe its the friendships I’ll make shortly after finishing it. Or maybe it’s the bread — scratch that — it’s the pickles. Definitely not the bread. I’m having trouble making up my mind. I’m not judging this sandwich solely on the quality of its being. I’m holding the entire restaurant dining experience accountable; the irresponsible parenting that’s on display, the barking, fighting dogs just outside the entrance.

I’m smiling because I’m thinking of Juan, my bookie, who sent me to this place to bet on dog fighting. He’s a mean guy, and I don’t mean mean in a positive way. I mean it in a mean way. And I’m saying that nicely.

Bon Iver is an important part of this egg sandwich, but not my favorite part. His music is quiet and soft and reminds me of crying. And you know what? To hell with this bread. It’s thick and soft and multi-grained and whoop-dee-doo but it isn’t toasted. Untoasted, raw, room-tempurature bread makes me feel less alive. I like my bread to suffer a little more before I eat it. I’d rather eat frozen bread than bread au naturale. I believe that you take on the power of the things you eat. And I’d like to have the power of toast. I really would. I have a long day ahead of me. And an even longer one already behind me. So really, I’d like the power of steaming hot toast, not just soft bread.

I haven’t decided what my least favorite part of this egg sandwich is yet. The untoasted bread was something I was willing to experiment with, but the wetness of the lettuce was definitely an unseen pitfall. I came here alone, with a roll of $20's, just trying to bet on dogs and have a decent sandwich while doing it. Now look at me. It’s pathetic. I haven’t made any new friends yet. I’m meeting a friend here, Rick, but I already know everything about him. So it’s less exciting.

I didn’t think that Leonard Cohen would be an important part of this sandwich. He’s becoming integral. I wonder if he’s cool with untoasted bread, or if he’s one of those dudes who doesn’t eat carbs. He’s pretty thin. I was flipping through the latest issue of Teen Allure magazine and saw him in a spread posing for a clothing brand called Sweat Euro. Maybe if I was wearing Sweat Euro gear I’d order another egg sandwich. But I won’t be buying any sweat Euro gear anytime soon: this egg sandwich was far too expensive to think about investing in pants made out of recycled balloon material.

There’s a reason this sandwich is so pricey. I understand that all the ingredients have their own stories; the pickles are local, the cream cheese was reared on premise, the tomatoes are adopted (and totally appreciate the lives they’ve been given), the eggs are painted by hand, the lettuce, although wet, has been sober for 10 months. It still doesn’t add up. Seven dollars? I mean this is New York City, right? Right? No? Someone’s telling me that no, this is Newark. And that makes sense. Because I’ve tried all the egg sandwiches worth a damn in New York, I’ve never had a sandwich that contain pickles with such… heft. I collect empty nail polish containers and vintage fruit stickers.

I’d like to say that this sandwich sucks. It was a huge mistake to order it. It was a bigger mistake to order this sandwich than it was to bet on Frosty the Dalmatian, who was old and really didn’t stand a chance in the ring against Kringo the Destroyer. I think I bet on Frosty because of his spots. Spots remind me of decimal points, which I associate with money.

I have to be honest: I originally ordered a egg and cheese croissant thing, but changed my order to this egg sandwich with pickles and cream cheese last minute. They lady at the register was nice about the switch, but less nice about the fact that I wasn’t wearing shoes or pants. I thought that ordering the more expensive sandwich would make people notice me. I also thought it would tip off the other people betting on dogs that I was the real deal. Instead, it didn’t. I’ll keep sitting here with this half-of-a-half of this sandwich and wait for a new friend to ask me for a bite. I might be here a while. Because this sandwich is no good — it’s a runt sandwich. Until then, goodbye!

Luke Sacherman

Written by Luke Sacherman

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Quick and Easy Egg Salad Sandwich

Making and enjoying a simple egg salad sandwich is so satisfying! This recipe keeps it easy.

how to make egg sandwich essay

  • Making an Egg Salad Sandwich
  • How to Make Easy Peel Eggs
  • Egg Salad Tips
  • Egg Salad Add-Ins
  • Avoiding a Soggy Sandwich
  • Peeling and Slicing Eggs

An egg salad sandwich is one of the easiest sandwiches in the world to make, especially if you have hard boiled eggs already made. It's also a great way to use up leftover eggs after Easter.

How to Make an Egg Salad Sandwich

How do you make an egg salad sandwich? Just chop up some hard boiled eggs, add a little chopped celery for crunch, some green onions or chives for the green factor, a dash of salt and pepper for seasoning, and a spoonful of mayonnaise to bind everything together. Easy!

For Easy-Peel Eggs, Try Steaming

Ever have hard-to-peel hard boiled eggs for egg salad sandwiches? Try steaming them !

Simply Recipes / Mihaela Kozaric Sebrek

Tips for the Best Egg Salad

  • Add a dash of curry powder. There is one more ingredient that will give your simple egg salad a special zing, and that is a dash of yellow curry powder. Not only will the curry powder give your egg salad sandwich a gentle spicy lift but it will also give it a bit more color as well.
  • To mayo or not to mayo? You can substitute the mayonnaise in an egg salad sandwich with some ripe avocado; if you do that you'll need to add some vinegar or lemon juice for an acidic component, and add more salt than you would expect. Personally, I prefer my egg salad sandwich with a hefty amount of mayonnaise. That said, the amount of mayonnaise is completely a matter of taste.

More Egg Salad Add-Ins

Since we first posted this recipe, so many of you have chimed in with your favorite versions of egg salad. Here are a few great ideas for add-ins.

  • Chopped bell pepper
  • Pickles or pickle relish
  • Smoked paprika
  • Chopped green or kalamata olives
  • Horseradish
  • Chopped cooked bacon

How to Avoid a Soggy Egg Salad Sandwich

The best way to avoid a soggy egg salad sandwich? Make your sandwich by laying a piece of lettuce over the toast, adding the egg salad, layering another piece of lettuce, and topping with the bread. The lettuce helps keep the bread from absorbing liquid from the egg salad.

The egg salad filling can also be prepared up to a day ahead and kept refrigerated. Wait to assemble your sandwich until just before eating.

Peeling and Slicing Eggs for Egg Salad 

Peel the hard boiled eggs by gently tapping them several times on a clean counter or cutting board, cracking them all over. Then gently peel the shells away from the eggs. If the shells are stubborn or clinging to the eggs, try peeling them under running water. Some eggs peel easily, while others can be frustrating. That's just how it goes (FYI, the older the eggs, the easier they peel once hard boiled).

Use any one of these kitchen tools to quickly slice or mash them to make egg salad.

  • Egg slicer — slice then in one direction and then the other
  • Potato masher
  • Pastry cutter

More Recipes for Egg Salad

  • Deviled Egg Salad
  • Curried Egg Salad with Mango Chutney
  • Tarragon Egg Salad

This recipe makes enough egg salad for one sandwich. If you are making more than one sandwich, you can easily scale up this recipe.

To make easy-to-peel hard boiled eggs, fill a saucepan with an inch of water and insert a steamer basket. Bring the water to a boil and place the eggs in the steamer basket. Cover the pan and let the eggs steam from the boiling water for 15 minutes. Then shock with cold water and peel.

You can also make easy-to-peel hard boiled eggs by  cooking them in a pressure cooker .


1 large egg , hard-boiled , peeled, and chopped (See Recipe Note)

1 to 2 tablespoons mayonnaise , to taste

2 tablespoons chopped celery

1 tablespoon chopped green onion or chives

Pinch curry powder

Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

2 slices white , wheat, multigrain, or rye bread , toasted or plain

Mash up the chopped egg a bit with a fork. Mix together the chopped hard-boiled egg, mayonnaise, celery and green onion. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and curry powder to taste. Mix with a spoon.

Toast your bread slices if making the sandwich with toast. Put a layer of lettuce on one slice of bread, spread the egg mixture on top of the lettuce, put another slice of bread on top.

Did you enjoy this recipe? Let us know with a rating and review!

  • Easy Dinners
  • Easy Lunches
  • Boiled Eggs
Nutrition Facts (per serving)
428 Calories
28g Fat
31g Carbs
12g Protein
Nutrition Facts
Servings: 1
Amount per serving
Calories 428
% Daily Value*
Total Fat 28g 36%
Saturated Fat 5g 26%
Cholesterol 198mg 66%
Sodium 838mg 36%
Total Carbohydrate 31g 11%
Dietary Fiber 2g 8%
Total Sugars 5g
Protein 12g
Vitamin C 4mg 18%
Calcium 130mg 10%
Iron 3mg 17%
Potassium 245mg 5%

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The Magnificent, Microwavable, 1-Minute Egg Sandwich

how to make egg sandwich essay

By Dawn Perry

This article is part of Epi Loves the Microwave , our exploration (vindication?) of the appliance everybody loves to hate.

I first encountered a microwaved egg while visiting a friend in college. She was living in a sorority house at the time, and as she toured me around the place we found some young ladies in the kitchen, separating eggs, ditching the yolks, and microwaving the whites until set. I concluded it was a sad excuse for dinner and promptly dismissed the idea as a necessary evil of staying Sorority Slim.

Fast-forward to a few weeks ago when I found myself in a carpeted café, in a one-horse town, in desperate need of a late lunch. Though she was closing up shop for the day, the proprietress offered to whip up an egg sandwich.

She split open a homemade roll and set it to toast. She cracked a couple of eggs into an old cereal bowl, added a little water, beat them with a fork, then stuck the bowl in the microwave. Two minutes later, the egg sandwich that arrived in a paper-lined plastic boat was one of the best I’ve ever had. And not because I was starving—okay, maybe a little because I was starving—but because where I expected a patty of tough and bouncy proteins I found a tender pillow of egg that yielded neatly between its top and bottom bun. There was no messy yolk, no tough fried edge. Just a perfect, fluffy omelet.

Unconventional? Perhaps. But the skillet-less approach is a winner and not just because you don’t have to do any dishes. Don’t get me wrong: I love a fried or scrambled egg. And I’m not suggesting you give up on those altogether. But in the complex world of egg sandwiches, the microwaved egg should be considered part of a respectable subgenre. It offers a structurally sound and uniform base for bacon, avocado, or a sausage patty were you to choose it. It's cleaner than fried eggs (which are meant for plates, knives, and forks) and more portable than scrambled eggs (which always fall out the back). And it saves you from doing one more dish (because I know you’re eating off a napkin).

Here’s how to do it: Pick a vessel roughly the size of your sandwich base, be it toast, muffin, biscuit, or roll. A liquid measuring cup with straight-ish sides is ideal for English muffins, but a flat-bottomed bowl or large ramekin will do just fine. Spray the inside with non-stick spray or, if you’re averse, lightly coat with olive oil or butter. Add a tablespoon of water, crack in 2 eggs, and whisk to incorporate. The splash of water creates steam, which lightens the proteins and gives them lift. Don’t forget to season the mixture with salt!

Then, microwave for 30 seconds, until you see bits of solid egg floating in the uncooked part. Give it a little stir—this will help the egg cook evenly—and microwave again for 30 seconds. You may see the egg puff up dramatically at this point. This is a good thing, but it's also the sign that you should stop the machine—you’re getting close to done. Add cheese if you like (we like), and continue to microwave until the egg is just set and the cheese is melted, 15–30 seconds more. (Not a cheese person? No need to stop the microwave—just continue microwaving for another 15 seconds.) You were simultaneously toasting your English muffin right? Good. Butter that if you want to and use a rubber spatula to help slide the egg on top. Douse with hot sauce, drizzle with pesto, layer on avocado. And if you want another one (and you probably will)? Good news: it's literally one minute away.

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How to Make an Egg Salad Sandwich

Last Updated: December 21, 2021 Tested

This article was co-authored by wikiHow Staff . Our trained team of editors and researchers validate articles for accuracy and comprehensiveness. wikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards. There are 8 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. The wikiHow Video Team also followed the article's instructions and verified that they work. This article has been viewed 187,026 times.

An egg salad sandwich is a simple meal you can prepare ahead of time and bring to work, school, or on a picnic. The protein from the eggs will keep you full, and you can flavor it however you want. To get started, hard-boil and peel the eggs for your egg salad. Then, mix in mayonnaise until the eggs are creamy and chunky. Layer the egg salad on your choice of bread that is toasted or untoasted. Enjoy the classic egg salad sandwich with a little salt and pepper to taste, or transform it by adding sliced vegetables and additional seasonings.


  • 8 large hard-boiled eggs
  • 1 ⁄ 2   c (120 mL) mayonnaise
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 teaspoon (4.9 mL) Dijon or yellow mustard (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon (4.9 mL) lemon juice (optional)
  • 8 slices of your choice bread
  • Sliced or chopped vegetables like lettuce, tomato, avocado, jalapenos, or green onion (optional)
  • Herb sprigs like rosemary, thyme, or cilantro (optional)
  • Crispy bacon (optional)

Yields 4 sandwiches.

Boiling and Peeling the Eggs

  • This will produce hard boiled eggs that will be perfect to use for the egg salad.
  • Alternatively, use a slotted spoon to transfer the eggs into a colander. Then, run the colander under cool water to temperate the warm eggs.
  • If the eggs are still warm after the 30 minutes, let them remain in the refrigerator for at least another 15 minutes.
  • Instead of tapping the egg against the countertop, you can tap the back of a metal spoon against the shell to create the starting cracks.
  • Repeat this process for the other 7 hard-boiled eggs.
  • Roll the egg against or over a paper towel to catch any shell pieces that fall off. This will make cleaning up easier.
  • If you are having a hard time peeling the eggs, try peeling them under running water over your kitchen sink. The water will get between the egg and its shell, and cause the shell to peel off easier.

Making the Egg Salad

  • If you want, you can leave the peeled eggs whole, but you may have a harder time mashing them.
  • If the egg salad seems dry or if you want the texture to be more creamy, add in more mayonnaise until you reach a desired consistency.
  • Make the egg salad tangy by mixing a 1  tsp (4.9 mL) of Dijon mustard, yellow mustard, or lemon juice in with the mayonnaise.
  • Make the egg salad spicy by mixing in a 1/4 tsp (1.25 g) of paprika or chili powder. Alternatively, dice up some jalapenos or bell peppers and stir those into the egg salad.
  • Add some sprigs of rosemary or thyme to give the egg salad a subtle earthy flavor.

Assembling the Sandwich

Step 1 Place 2 slices of bread on a flat surface to use as a base for your sandwich.

  • Make a classic egg salad sandwich with 2 slices of white bread, or opt for a more flavorful option like rye bread, pumpernickel, whole wheat, or whole grain bread. [12] X Research source
  • Give the sandwich an added crunch by lightly toasting your bread before assembling. The warmth of the bread will meld the flavors of the rest of the ingredients on your sandwich. [13] X Research source
  • Consider using a hunk of Italian bread, a warm croissant, a toasted bagel, or even a large tortilla as the base of your sandwich. [14] X Research source
  • Just be careful not to add more egg salad than the bread can handle. This way, the bread won’t fall apart and you will be able to comfortably pick up and eat your sandwich.
  • Transform the classic egg salad sandwich into a BLT-combo by adding crispy slices of bacon, a couple leaves of lettuce, and thin slices of tomato. [17] X Research source
  • Create a Mexican food inspired sandwich by pairing the egg salad with creamy slices of avocado, chopped green onions, and fresh cilantro. [18] X Research source
  • Compliment the creaminess of the egg salad by sprinkling some sharp cheddar cheese or pepper jack cheese for flavor. [19] X Research source
  • Repeat this process for the other 3 sandwiches or save the rest of the egg salad for later.

Step 5 Store leftover egg salad in a sealed container and refrigerate up to 5 days.

Community Q&A

Community Answer

Things You’ll Need

  • Mixing bowl
  • Pot with a lid
  • Measuring spoons and cups
  • Serving plate
  • Cutting board
  • Fork or spoon

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  • ↑ https://www.africanbites.com/egg-salad-sandwich/
  • ↑ https://www.southernkitchen.com/recipes/main-dish/the-masters-egg-salad-sandwich
  • ↑ https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/147103/delicious-egg-salad-for-sandwiches/
  • ↑ https://spaceshipsandlaserbeams.com/blog/party-food/the-best-egg-salad-sandwich-recipe
  • ↑ https://homecookingmemories.com/easy-egg-salad-sandwich-recipe/
  • ↑ https://www.thecookierookie.com/egg-salad-sandwich-recipe/
  • ↑ https://www.incredibleegg.org/recipe/simple-egg-salad-sandwich/
  • ↑ https://www.bhg.com/recipe/avocado-egg-salad/

About this article

wikiHow Staff

To make an egg salad sandwich, start by hard boiling several large eggs and chilling them in the fridge for 30 minutes before peeling off the shells. Then, cut the hard-boiled eggs in half and mash them with a spoon or fork in a mixing bowl. Next, stir in some mayonnaise and seasonings like salt and pepper. When you're finished making the egg salad, sandwich it between 2 slices of bread and enjoy. You can also add other ingredients, like bacon, lettuce, tomato, and avocado. To learn how to peel hard-boiled eggs, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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  • Sandwiches and Quick Meals

How to Make the Best Sandwiches: A Comprehensive Guide

Last Updated: April 30, 2024 Approved

  • Sandwiches with Meat

Making a Basic Sandwich

  • Vegetarian Sandwiches

Sandwich Shopping Lists

This article was reviewed by Marrow Private Chefs and by wikiHow staff writer, Hunter Rising . Marrow Private Chefs are based in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida. It is a chefs’ collective comprised of an ever-growing number of chefs and culinary professionals. Though regionally influenced primarily by coastal, traditional southern, cajun, and creole styles and flavors, the chefs at Marrow have a solid background in all types of cuisine with over 75 years of combined cooking experience. There are 14 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. This article has 15 testimonials from our readers, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 2,285,411 times.

A sandwich is a quick meal that you can make easily with a variety of ingredients you have around your home. Sandwiches usually consist of meat, cheese, vegetables, and condiments in between 2 slices of bread. You can experiment with different ingredients in your sandwich or you can follow a recipe to make a well-known classic. Once you make your sandwich, enjoy it hot or cold with your favorite side!

How to Make the Perfect Sandwich

  • Choose your bread (and if you want it toasted).
  • Spread condiments like mayo, ketchup, or mustard.
  • Layer meats, like ham, roast beef, or turkey on the bottom slice.
  • Add slices of cheese, like Cheddar, Provolone, or Swiss.
  • Top your sandwich with fresh veggies, like lettuce, onion, and tomato.
  • Finish your sandwich with salt, pepper, or oregano.

Making Meat Sandwiches

Step 1 Use sliced meat and cheese for a classic lunch sandwich.

  • Some classic combinations you can try are ham or turkey with Swiss cheese, or roast beef and Cheddar.
  • Toast the sandwich if you want to melt the cheese and heat the meat.
  • Layer multiple slices of meat, cheese, toast, and vegetables to make a club sandwich .

Step 2 Try a BLT for a tasty toasted sandwich.

  • Include avocado slices or use turkey bacon if you want to make your sandwich healthier.
  • Try different kinds of bacon, such as maple-infused or hickory smoked, to change the flavor of your BLT.

Step 3 Make a sandwich with egg and bacon for a breakfast option.

  • Put vegetables, like tomatoes, onions, or peppers, in your eggs to make your sandwich have a fresh flavor.
  • Use a biscuit or an English muffin instead of bread if you want your sandwich to feel more like a breakfast meal.
  • Try turkey bacon or use only the egg whites if you want to make your breakfast sandwich healthier.

Step 4 Have a reuben for a salty and tangy sandwich.

  • Compress the sandwich with another skillet while it’s cooking to flatten it and make it easier to eat.
  • Try having reubens with different meats, like roast beef or chicken, if you want to experiment with flavors.
  • Include pickles on your reuben if you want another sour, tangy flavor to go with the sauerkraut.

Step 5 Cook a tuna...

  • Mix hot sauce into your tuna if you want to make your sandwich spicier.
  • Chop onions and peppers to mix in with your tuna if you want to add crunch to your sandwich.

Step 1 Choose your favorite type of bread for the sandwich.

  • Look for different types of bread, like sourdough, pumpernickel, or rye, to see how they affect the overall flavor of your sandwich.
  • If you want to make a large sub sandwich, cut a baguette horizontally down the middle to use as the top and bottom pieces.
  • Try using buns or rolls instead of sliced bread if you want to make smaller sandwiches.
  • Look for pitas or tortillas if you’d rather have a wrap .
  • Experiment with different condiments to find new sandwich flavors. For example, you may use pesto, hummus, or Greek yogurt instead of a standard condiment.
  • You can also put a condiment directly on another component of your sandwich if you want the flavors to interact. For example, you may put hot sauce directly on meat to make it spicier.
  • Condiments can make your bread a little soggy if you let them sit for too long before eating your sandwich. If you don’t want your bread to get wet, then eat your sandwich as soon as you make it or toast the bread first.
  • Common sandwich deli meats include turkey, ham, roast beef, or bologna.
  • Try different types of cheeses with your sandwich. Common choices are Swiss, American, Cheddar, Muenster, and Provolone.
  • You can also use whole pieces of meat, like chicken breast or piece of steak, to make a heartier sandwich.
  • If you’re not using meat in your sandwich, then put heavier vegetables on the bottom, such as cucumbers or tomatoes.
  • If you want to add leafy greens, try using lettuce, spinach, arugula, or basil.
  • Add tomatoes, onions, and peppers to add fresh flavors to your sandwich. You can either sauté the vegetables or leave them raw.
  • Put avocado slices or alfalfa sprouts for different textures and flavors.

Step 5 Season the sandwich to enhance the flavor.

  • You can use fresh herbs in place of lettuce if you want your flavors to be more prominent.
  • You can also toast your sandwich in a pan over medium-low heat. Be sure to spray the pan with cooking oil or butter so the bread doesn’t burn.
  • If you want to toast your bread, wait to put on vegetables like lettuce or tomatoes so you can have a fresh flavor.

Step 7 Cut your sandwich so it’s easier for you to eat.

  • You don’t need to cut the sandwich if you don’t want to.
  • If you want to save some of your sandwich for later, wrap it in foil or a plastic bag and keep it in the fridge to preserve it .

Trying Vegetarian Sandwiches

Step 1 Make a peanut...

  • Use jam or preserves if you want actual fruit pieces in your sandwich.
  • Try adding additional ingredients, like hazelnut spread or cut bananas, to add more flavor to your sandwich.

Step 2 Enjoy a grilled...

  • Serve your grilled cheese with tomato soup so you can dip your sandwich.
  • Make a tomato and mozzarella sandwich for an Italian-style grilled cheese.
  • Include vegetables, like onions, peppers, or tomatoes, to make your sandwich healthier.
  • Put apples on your grilled cheese for a sweet and savory sandwich.

Step 3 Have a California veggie sandwich for a healthy, loaded option.

  • Use pickled vegetables to add a sour flavor and a crunch when you bite into it.
  • If you want to have a creamy, earthy flavor on your sandwich, try spreading goat cheese on one of the bread slices.

Step 4 Eat an egg salad sandwich for a rich flavor.

  • Try the egg salad in a lettuce wrap if you want a low-carb meal.
  • Mix cayenne pepper and paprika in your egg salad if you want to give it a kick.

Step 5 Make a hummus pita for a Mediterranian-style sandwich.

  • You can buy pita pockets to make it easier to enjoy your sandwich.
  • Try different flavors of hummus to change how your sandwich tastes.

how to make egg sandwich essay

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • Experiment with different flavor combinations on your sandwich since you may find something that you like. Thanks Helpful 9 Not Helpful 1
  • Hold your sandwich together with toothpicks so it doesn’t fall apart before you serve it. Just be sure to remove the toothpicks before you eat it so you don’t bite them and hurt yourself. Thanks Helpful 3 Not Helpful 4

Tips from our Readers

  • Do not put too many moist things in your sandwich because it can make the bread soggy.
  • Put potato chips in your sandwich for a salty flavor and some added crunch.

how to make egg sandwich essay

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  • ↑ https://www.themuse.com/advice/5-ways-to-make-your-sandwiches-awesome
  • ↑ https://youtu.be/8T9z798dxTI?t=384
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  • ↑ https://www.incredibleegg.org/recipe/simple-egg-salad-sandwich/
  • ↑ https://www.myrecipes.com/recipe/hummus-in-pita

About This Article

Marrow Private Chefs

To make a basic sandwich, first grab 2 slices of your favorite bread, like French, white, or wheat bread. Next, spread condiments, like mustard and mayo, evenly on each slice of bread. Then, add your main filling, such as deli meat, egg salad, or hummus, on top of one of the bread slices. If you are using deli meat, fold the meat instead of stacking the pieces flat to create height and texture. Follow that up with cheese, such as thinly sliced cheddar, provolone, and Swiss, if you like it. Add other toppings, like tomatoes, red onions, or lettuce, last to prevent sogginess. Finish by placing the other slice of bread on top. Finally, slice the sandwich in half for easier eating and dig in! For delicious sandwich topping and filling ideas, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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How To Cook Egg For Sandwich

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Creating the Perfect Egg for Your Sandwich

There’s nothing quite like biting into a delicious and satisfying sandwich. And when it comes to a classic breakfast sandwich, the star of the show is undoubtedly the egg. Cooking the perfect egg for your sandwich can take it from mediocre to mouthwatering. In this article, we will share some tried-and-true tips and techniques to help you master the art of cooking eggs for your sandwich.

1. Fresh is Best

When it comes to cooking eggs, using fresh eggs is key. Fresh eggs have a firm white and a yolk that stands tall, making them ideal for sandwiches. Check the package or do a simple float test to ensure your eggs are fresh and ready to be cooked.

2. Choose Your Style

There are several popular egg styles to choose from when it comes to making a sandwich. Consider the type of sandwich you’re preparing and choose the egg style that complements it best:

  • Fried Egg: A classic choice, fried eggs are cooked in oil or butter until the edges are slightly crispy, and the yolk is still deliciously runny.
  • Scrambled Egg: Whisked eggs cooked in a pan with a little oil or butter, scrambled eggs are light, fluffy, and perfect for layering in a sandwich.
  • Poached Egg: Poached eggs are gently cooked in boiling water until the whites are set and the yolk is still soft. They add a luxurious touch to any sandwich.

3. Season to Perfection

Don’t forget to season your egg to enhance its flavor. A sprinkle of salt and pepper will do wonders. You can also experiment with other seasonings such as paprika, garlic powder, or herbs like parsley or chives for an extra kick of flavor.

4. Get Creative with Additions

While a plain egg can be delicious on its own, adding some extras can take your sandwich to a whole new level. Consider adding cheese, crispy bacon, sautéed vegetables, or avocado slices to elevate your sandwich game.

5. Toast Your Bread

A sandwich is only as good as its bread. To complement your perfectly cooked egg, it’s essential to toast your bread. Choose a bread that suits your taste, whether it’s a fluffy brioche bun, a crusty baguette, or a whole wheat slice. Toasting your bread will add a delightful crunch and help hold your sandwich together.

6. Assemble with Care

When it’s time to assemble your sandwich, take care in arranging the ingredients. Place your cooked egg on the bottom and layer your chosen additions on top. This will help prevent any toppings from falling out while you enjoy your sandwich.

With these tips in mind, you’re well on your way to cooking the perfect egg for your sandwich. Whether you prefer a fried, scrambled, or poached egg, adding some seasoning and creative extras will make your sandwich a true culinary delight. So next time you’re craving a hearty sandwich, don’t forget to put your cooking skills to the test and enjoy every flavorful bite!

For those looking to put their egg-cooking skills to the test, there are several recipes in the guide that stand out. The Classic Breakfast Egg Sandwich is a timeless choice that never disappoints. If you're an avocado lover, try the Avocado and Egg Toast for a creamy and satisfying meal. The Spinach and Egg Breakfast Wrap is perfect for a healthy start to your day. For a hearty option, the BBQ Pulled Pork and Fried Egg Sandwich offers a delicious combination of flavors. And for something with a bit of a kick, the Huevos Rancheros Breakfast Sandwich is a must-try. These recipes not only make the most of your egg-cooking skills but also offer a variety of flavors and textures to keep your breakfasts exciting.

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Quick and Easy Egg Sandwich Recipe

Egg Sandwich Recipe

Egg sandwiches are simple but delicious and a great start to your day. You can have them for breakfast, as a tea time snack, or even for supper if you’re having midnight cravings. You can quickly whip up this egg sandwich recipe in 30 minutes or less, so if you’re running late and need a quick and tasty bite, this works great.

Meal : Breakfast, Snack Cuisine : American, Japanese

Preparation time : 10 minutes Cooking time : 15 minutes Total time : 25 minutes Yield : 2 servings


  • 60g of mayonnaise
  • ½ tsp of yellow mustard
  • ½ green onion, chopped
  • ¼ tsp of salt
  • ¼ tsp of pepper
  • ⅛ tsp of paprika
  • 4 slices of bread

Egg Sandwich Recipe

  • In a pot over high heat, add water and bring to a boil. Once it’s boiling, remove it from heat.
  • Carefully place the eggs in the hot water and cover the pot. Let them cook for 12 minutes.
  • Remove the eggs from the pot and transfer them to an ice bath to cool.
  • Once cooled, peel and transfer them to a bowl.
  • Using a fork, mash the eggs and stir in mayonnaise, mustard, and green onion.
  • Season with salt, pepper, and paprika. Mix until well combined.
  • Spread the eggs on the bread and serve!

Additional Toppings

Egg sandwiches are meant to be simple, but if you’d like to elevate this egg sandwich recipe , you can do so by adding extra toppings. Popular choices include chopped bell peppers, pickle slices, or crispy bacon.

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My partner and I spend $40 a week at Aldi. Here are 17 things we love to buy and how we use them.

My fiancée and I spend about $40 buying groceries at Aldi each week.

In the summer, I love snacking on green grapes, mandarin oranges , and bananas.

Some of our favorite easy meals are tacos, sandwiches, and stir-fries.

My fiancée and I live in a small Midwestern town with limited grocery options. But, thankfully, we have an Aldi, which I frequent once a week.

Two years ago, we could get by on a grocery budget of $20 a week, but rising inflation changed all that. Although food prices are finally starting to stabilize, according to the USDA , they aren't supposed to drop much this year.

These days, my grand total at Aldi usually clocks in at or under $40.

On my most recent trip, I picked up 17 items for just about $39 before tax. Here's everything I got and how we'll use it.

Penne rigate: $1

Reggano's penne rigate is a great budget option for pasta night . At $0.98 a box, I always add some to my cart.

The penne is especially good with a homemade tomato sauce . In a pinch, I'll keep it simple with olive oil, garlic, Italian seasoning, and Parmesan.

Mixed greens: $2.90

I'm a big fan of Simply Nature's resealable, premixed salad boxes . During a busy workday, it's easy to grab a handful of leaves, throw in dried cranberries, chopped walnuts, and chunky blue cheese, and have a quick and light lunch.

Plus, I think $2.89 is a fair price for this healthy staple.

Shredded cheddar cheese: $2.20

Happy Farm's thick-cut shredded cheddar is a must in our household.

A bag costs $2.19, and it's great for melting onto scrambled eggs , tacos, and sandwiches — all of which we eat frequently.

Flour tortillas: $2

I go back and forth between corn and flour tortillas . Right now, I'm on a flour kick.

A 20-count of Pueblo Linda's small fajita tortillas costs $1.99 at Aldi.

They toast up great in a pan or soften perfectly in the microwave for 10 to 20 seconds.

Frozen Asian veggies: $2.10

Season's Choice steamed-broccoli stir-fry is a good frozen veggie option to pair with any meal, especially at $2.09 a bag.

As an impatient cook, I simply throw this mix in a pan with a dash of olive oil and cook until it's sizzling.

The water chestnuts are a nice touch — I never buy the crunchy vegetables on their own, but I love eating them.

Frozen ground turkey: $2.75

The possibilities are endless with Kirkwood's all-natural ground turkey , but we like to use it as the protein in our tacos.

A pound costs $2.75, and we like to cook the whole thing in a pan with a can of black beans, diced onions, garlic, and cumin. We serve everything on lightly browned flour tortillas and top it off with shredded cheese.

Black beans (two cans): $1.65

My partner and I love black beans . At $0.81 a can, it's easy to stock up on these bad boys.

The beans are great in our taco mix, a bean-based salad, a breakfast burrito , or as a side dish.

Café Bustelo: $3.85

When it's time for morning coffee, I use a moka pot , which requires thinly ground espresso.

I think Café Bustelo is the perfect coffee for this brew method, and it keeps me energized well into the afternoon.

A 10-ounce bag is $3.85 at Aldi, and if I'm lucky, it'll last me through the week.

Whole milk: $1.70

I usually drink almond milk , but we still get a lot of use out of a ½ gallon of Friendly Farms whole milk.

It only costs $1.70, and it's thick enough to serve as a creamer for my espresso, light enough to drink on its own, and great for oatmeal or baking.

Wheat bread: $1.25

Honestly, I hate buying bread. If it were practical to make it ourselves every week, I would.

Until I figure that out, I find myself grabbing Aldi's cheapest loaf for our weekly sandwiches.

L'oven Fresh's split-top wheat bread cost me $1.25 on this trip.

Peanut butter: $1.80

Peanut butter is a necessity in our house — we probably eat it with a spoon more often than we should.

A small jar of Peanut Delight's no-stir creamy peanut butter is $1.79 at Aldi. When I'm not eating it out of the jar, I like to put a small dollop in my morning oats.

Oats: $3.95

I usually grab a large box of Millville rolled oats for $3.95.

At breakfast, I tend to add honey, cinnamon, and brown sugar to the cooked plain oats.

Bananas: $1.45

When I need a fiber fix, I love a plain banana. One bunch cost me $1.43 on this Aldi run.

Sometimes, I'll let them ripen, freeze them solid, and blend them with milk and a dash of peanut butter. If you get your ratios right, the end result tastes like peanut-butter-banana ice cream.

Eggs: $1.55

Eggs are a staple for a healthy breakfast or a quick lunch. Goldhen's large grade-A eggs cost me $1.54.

I eat them scrambled, fried, poached, over easy, or hard-boiled.

They're a cheap source of protein — our dog, Peppa, even occasionally enjoys them.

Mandarin oranges: $4

I can never eat just one mandarin orange. In fact, I usually eat two at a time.

A bag costs $3.59, but it's worth it. I like to eat them as a healthy dessert .

Green grapes: $3.45

Green grapes never last me a week, especially in the summer. I'm snacking on them right now as I'm writing this.

They're the perfect hydrating snack, so I never bat an eye at paying $3.42 for a bag.

Dark chocolate: $2

When the day is over, and I've done everything I need to do, there's nothing better than a square of dark chocolate .

A $1.99 bar of Moser Roth's 85% dark chocolate is always in our fridge. Paired with a glass of cabernet, it's the perfect treat.

Read the original article on Business Insider

how to make egg sandwich essay

You can tell a lot about a city by the sandwiches it keeps. Not just its tastes or its vices — cured meats — but also its fascination with myriad cultures, its appreciation for stellar ingredients and its desire for delicious convenience. Over the last three months, the New York Times Food staff has crisscrossed all five boroughs in search of heroes, bodega icons, inspired crossovers, meatless wonders and more. This list isn’t a ranking — though every one of these sandwiches is marvelous to eat, with one hand or two — but a way of surveying New York as the culinary destination it is. Why sandwiches? Well, what other food item could be as dynamic, diverse and entertaining as New York City itself? — Nikita Richardson

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Breakfast Bangers The most important sandwiches of the day.

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Your nearest bodega

Bacon, egg and cheese.

In New York City, there is no single bacon, egg and cheese to rule them all. Whichever B.E.C. you’re eating in that moment is the best one. You dig into one as a means to start your day or to battle a hangover or to simply fulfill a craving for the most satisfying combination of ingredients known to man. To love the B.E.C. is to exist on a continuum of past, present and future bacon, egg and cheeses — all of them just around the corner or down the block from wherever you are right now. NIKITA RICHARDSON

Chorizo egg sandwich

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Many people wouldn’t guess that C & B, by the looks of it, serves some of the finest sandwiches in the city. Ali Sahin’s tiny cafe has been located for nearly a decade on the south side of Tompkins Square Park in the East Village, serving breakfast sandwiches that exemplify why New Yorkers love breakfast sandwiches: they’re simple as can be, but every component is on point. Lining up for a weekend breakfast sandwich there feels a little like being at a model casting — one wonders if the name is a play on “see and be seen” — but ordering well is a great equalizer: a fat, rich chorizo patty straight off the griddle and wobbly scrambled eggs, all piled high on an housemade roll to soak up the sausage’s spiced fat. BECKY HUGHES

178 East Seventh Street (Avenue B), $13, candbnyc.com

Radio Bakery

Smoked salmon sandwich.

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New York is no stranger to smoked salmon — we’re practically aswim in lox — but it usually arrives in sandwich form on a bagel. Not so at the popular Radio Bakery in Greenpoint, where the pastry chef Kelly Mencin serves smoked salmon with a schmear of whipped cream cheese seasoned with pickled red onions and dill, all sandwiched between airy, crispy, everything-seasoned focaccia The bread recipe was perfected by Rafiq Salim, a partner here and a Gramercy Tavern vet, but the idea to serve it in this inventive, satisfying form is all Ms. Mencin’s. On weekends, the sandwich tends to sell out well before 11 a.m., but hopefully that won’t be an issue when a second Radio Bakery opens in Prospect Heights later this year. NIKITA RICHARDSON

135 India Street (Manhattan Avenue), $15, radiobakery.nyc

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Elyssa Heller is a pandemic pop-up success story. She started selling hand-rolled bagels and dishes inspired by the Jewish diaspora out of Paulie Gee’s pizzeria in 2020 before opening Edith’s Sandwich Counter in Williamsburg, where the menu is tight but clever: egg sandwiches on bagels, breakfast wraps on Yemeni flatbread and deli classics like tuna melts and pastrami on rye. Their most popular sandwich is the bacon, egg and cheese on a bagel, the platonic ideal of hangover food, with an added latke layer. It may not be kosher, but it’s texturally thrilling — the bagel chewy, eggs impossibly fluffy, the latke doing that crunchy-outside, creamy-inside thing that will cure what ails you. BECKY HUGHES

495 Lorimer Street (Powers Street), $14, edithsbk.com

Daily Provisions

The lumberjack.

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So many portmanteau foods can go horribly wrong: the cookie croissant, the everything doughnut, the Nutella calzone. But at Daily Provisions, the mash-up of its celebrated bacon, egg and cheese sandwich and its cult-favorite maple cruller tastes very, very right. The housemade peppery bacon and runny egg work with the maple glaze, as if you’ve swiped the egg and bacon from your lumberjack breakfast through the syrup on the pancake side of the plate. JULIA MOSKIN

Multiple locations, $12, dailyprovisionsnyc.com

Shelsky’s Brooklyn Bagels

The newhouse.

how to make egg sandwich essay

Bialys and sable can seem like afterthoughts on a bagel-store menu, the oft-overlooked urchins only a Jewish mother could love, and so often overshadowed by their powerhouse cousins, bagels and lox. But at Shelsky’s, these two stalwarts shine magnificently in the Newhouse sandwich. Made from toasted, housemade bialys and translucent slivers of wild Alaskan smoked sable, the sandwich is rounded out with scallion cream cheese for plushness, and sliced tomato for a touch of juicy sweetness. It’s an if-you-know-you-know combination that aficionados of appetizing might build for themselves from a bat mitzvah brunch platter, but it’s rarely seen preconstructed in the wild. For smoked fish lovers, this is a real opportunity to kvell. MELISSA CLARK

453 Fourth Avenue (10th Street), $18, shelskys.com

Egg katsu sando

how to make egg sandwich essay

We’re living in a golden age of katsu sandos in New York. Still, it’s worth a special visit to Little Egg for its take, which shines thanks to, well, the egg. The sandwich is inspired by a fried tamago that the chef Evan Hanczor first encountered in Tokyo — where he owns another restaurant. The eggs are cooked in a water bath at a low temperature, giving them their custardy texture, then sliced into planks and fried in a mixture of flour and panko. The end result is impossibly fluffy and tender yet crispy, and tastes even more luxurious in a brioche bun, embellished with a punchy yuzu kosho, pickled shallot mayo and arugula. PRIYA KRISHNA

657 Washington Avenue (St. Marks Avenue), $17, eggrestaurant.com

Kennedy International Airport Terminal 4

Shake shack breakfast sandwich.

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Few people head to the airport for an early-morning flight expecting a breakfast any better than a stale bagel or a granola bar. But the passengers flying out of Terminal 4 at Kennedy have grown accustomed to something much better. Here, the ubiquitous burger chain Shake Shack serves its far less ubiquitous breakfast menu, including a simple yet elegantly constructed egg and cheese sandwich: silken eggs with crisp edges, a slice of American cheese and a squishy burger bun. For several months in 2013, this was the only Shake Shack in the world that offered a breakfast sandwich. Now the morning offerings have expanded to other locations, including Grand Central Terminal, and the menu has more zhuzhed-up egg sandwiches including a version with bacon and tater tots, but the sheen of Terminal 4’s pioneer status remains. PRIYA KRISHNA

Kennedy International Airport, Terminal 4, $5, shakeshack.com/location/jfk-airport-nyc

Hero Worship Italian American standard bearers.

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Faicco’s Italian Specialties

The italian.

In 1998, Eddie Faicco, the fourth-generation owner of the nearly century-old Faicco’s Pork Store in the West Village, took over from his uncle and noticed that customers were far more interested in prepared food than the meats and cured sausages they had sold for decades. He later renamed the store Faicco’s Italian Specialties, and decided to introduce the mammoth sandwiches the shop is now known for. The shop’s most popular offering, the Italian hero, starts with crusty Italian bread from Mona Lisa Bakery in Dyker Heights, and is stuffed to the brim with freshly sliced prosciutto from Italy, Italian cappy-style ham from Boar’s Head, sweet soppressata, and mozzarella cheese that’s made at the shop. Iceberg lettuce, as thin as shredded paper, is piled on, along with tomatoes, roasted red peppers, salt, pepper, olive oil and a splash of red-wine vinegar. CHRISTINA MORALES

260 Bleecker Street (Leroy Street), $22, no website

Mama’s Too!

Chicken parm hero.

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Frank Tuttolomondo grew up in the Upper West Side slice shop his grandmother opened in 1959, but it was only after he went out on his own, mastered the New York slice and created a legendary pepperoni square, that he turned to hot heroes. His chicken Parms are giant torpedoes, overstuffed and quick-blasted in the pizza oven. The housemade sesame rolls have the signature savory, extra-browned crust of Mama’s Too pizza; even more impressive, so does the chicken cutlet. The basic chicken Parm with marinara sauce and mozzarella is top-notch; his new variation, with creamy stracciatella, vodka sauce and a bright dribble of pesto, is quickly approaching modern classic status. JULIA MOSKIN

Multiple locations, $20, mamastoo.com

Casa Della Mozzarella

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At just 31 years old, Casa Della Mozzarella is downright youthful compared with some of its weathered neighbors along Arthur Avenue in the Bronx. But in a world of monster hero purveyors (see: other entries in this category), this Italian deli opts for simplicity. The house sandwich, also called the Casa, is little more than ciabatta or a hero filled with sun-dried tomatoes, prosciutto, balsamic vinegar glaze and mozzarella di bufala. Emphasis on the mozzarella — taut, shiny, white blobs of salty goodness made fresh daily in the house that mozzarella built. NIKITA RICHARDSON

604 East 187th Street (Arthur Avenue), $9, instagram.com/casadellamozzarella

Defonte’s Sandwich Shop

Egg, potato and cheese hero.

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Before pistachio cream, wild arugula and hot honey came along, Italian American sandwich shops made their reputations with humbler materials. Fillings don’t get much more basic than roasted potato cubes, scrambled eggs and mozzarella stuffed into a hero roll, yet few sandwiches are as fortifying, economical or versatile as this $8.95 staple (or its sibling, the hero Defonte’s makes with eggs, peppers and mozzarella). Both are as welcome today as they must have been back when the Red Hook docks were in full swing; they’re sandwiches made for hungry stevedores. PETE WELLS

379 Columbia Street (Luquer Street), $9, instagram.com/defontes1922

Regina’s Grocery

Uncle rocco.

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What does an Italian deli look like in 2024? At Regina’s Grocery, a small chain of Italian sandwich shops from Roman Grandinetti, a native of Bensonhurst, it looks like breaking up with Boar’s Head and forgoing gut-busting mega-sandwiches for better ingredients in a slightly smaller but no less delicious package. The Uncle Rocco, a caper-dotted Italian tuna sandwich served on a hero with mozzarella, roasted red peppers, spicy Calabrian pepper paste and arugula, is oily perfection. NIKITA RICHARDSON

Multiple locations, $18, reginasgrocery.com

Filoncino Cafe

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Royal Crown Bakery is to Staten Island what Junior’s is to Brooklyn, sitting squarely at the center of every kind of celebration from first birthdays to retirement parties. Though the original location was in Bensonhurst, its arrival on the island heralded a new love affair with freshly baked stirato and all manner of buttery Italian cookies. You can always get a chicken cutlet sandwich at Royal Crown, but the sandwich is nearer to perfection at the bakery’s offshoot cafe on the south shore, where oozy mozzarella and a tangy-sweet balsamic vinegar glaze soak into a crisp chicken cutlet swaddled in freshly baked bread. It’s so simple, so effective and a superlative version of an old-school sandwich. NIKITA RICHARDSON

4569 Amboy Road (Retford Avenue), $15, filoncino.com


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You can throw a dart at Alidoro’s menu blindfolded and hit an excellent sandwich. When your eyes are uncovered, though, look closely at the ones made with prosciutto. Alidoro understands that prosciutto needs to be sliced and folded with care so when you bite down it doesn’t come zooming out of the bread in a big, stringy pink wad. On our more Spartan days, we gravitate toward the Galileo, which augments the ham with fresh mozzarella and nothing else. When we’re seeking thrills, we like the Alidoro, which buries the prosciutto under sweet peppers, hot peppers, arugula leaves and curls of shaved fennel, all inside bread slathered with mushroom paste and spicy-chile spread. But when life hasn’t pushed us to either extreme, we heed the call of the Michelangelo: provolone and hot peppers with arugula over layers of that meticulously arranged prosciutto. PETE WELLS

Multiple locations, $14, alidoronyc.com

Sal, Kris and Charlie’s Deli

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In the pantheon of comically large sandwiches, the Bomb, from this tiny deli in Astoria, rules supreme. It’s not unusual to see pictures on social media of this 14-inch behemoth set next to newborns or cradled in the arms of an influencer, neither of whom is likely to finish the whole thing. With its five meats, two cheeses, two peppers and all the other hero fixings, the Bomb is ultimately a deliciously messy gimmick — and a bandwagon worth hopping on for the story alone. NIKITA RICHARDSON

33-12 23rd Avenue (33rd Street), $17, facebook.com/salkrisandcharlies

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Veg In They don’t have the meats.

Baby blues luncheonette.

When Costa Damaskos moved to New York City from Australia a decade ago, it was his first exposure to the city’s Greek-owned luncheonettes and diners. So when many closed during the pandemic, he and his business partner, Jake Marsiglia, saw an opportunity to preserve an element of local history. At Baby Blues Luncheonette, they serve American classics with a Greek twist, like the HLT sandwich, a play on the BLT that is made with grilled halloumi. The cheese receives a hit of fresh lemon juice before it’s added, along with garlic aioli, crisp arugula tossed in a Greek salad dressing, slices of red onion and juicy heirloom tomatoes. It’s served between two slices of Pullman bread toasted with mayo. CHRISTINA MORALES

97 Montrose Avenue (Leonard Street), $15, instagram.com/babybluesny

Court Street Grocers

Veg-italian sub.

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Many of the offerings at Court Street Grocers would qualify as the best sandwiches in New York City. The veg-Italian — an Italian combo that swaps the meat for a plank of roasted squash (or sweet potato, depending on the season) — stands out because it’s a vegetarian sandwich that doesn’t feel lacking. Here, the roasted vegetables, with their oiled, caramelized edges, provide the creamy, rich and slightly chewy qualities of cured meat; their sweetness nicely balances the three kinds of cheese, arugula and thin slivers of onion. Many customers have told the shop’s co-owner Eric Finkelstein that they like this version better than the meaty one. They’re right. PRIYA KRISHNA

Multiple locations, $16, courtstreetgrocers.com

Sunday C&C Eatery

Crispy chick’n.

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For all the talk of lab-grown beef and perfecting the veggie burger, it’s chicken that is really at the heart of the American diet. So any plant-based alternative is welcome, whether going meat-free is a choice for life or just for the day. The Crispy Chick’n sandwich at this inventive kiosk inside Bowery Market isn’t trying to imitate its meaty brethren as much as to capture its essence, which has always been about shattering crust (in this case a wheat-based patty that’s been dredged and fried) under something acidic (usually pickles, but here, salsa acevichada). NIKITA RICHARDSON

348 Bowery (Great Jones Street), $16, eatatsunday.square.site

Marlow & Sons


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How does a sandwich becomes a classic? Born in 2009 Williamsburg at Saltie, this focaccia sandwich was meant to be a seasonally changing vegetarian option. A clean-out-the-fridge kind of sandwich that the chef Rebecca Collerton ate as a child, it had hard-boiled eggs, pickled beets and carrots, capers, olives and a mix of herbs held in check by a pimentón aioli. Ms. Collerton and her partners, Caroline Fidanza and Elizabeth Shula, couldn’t change it: “People would get very, very mad, send us angry emails and would cry,” Ms. Fidanza said. It remained a best seller until Saltie closed in 2017, a year before Ms. Collerton died from cancer. But in 2020, Ms. Fidanza brought the sandwich back as a pandemic grab-and-go option at Marlow & Sons, where the Scuttlebutt has charmed once again. SARA BONISTEEL

81 Broadway (Berry Street), $15, marlowandsons.com

Superiority Burger

Collard greens sandwich on focaccia.

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For some regulars, of which there are many, Superiority Burger’s collard greens sandwich trumps the titular burger. In 2015, Brooks Headley, formerly the pastry chef at Del Posto, stirred meatless mania when he opened Superiority Burger as a tiny East Village sandwich shop. The restaurant has since moved into a much bigger space on Avenue A with a full bar and a much larger list of dishes, including the collard greens sandwich: Rich, cooked-seemingly-forever greens are held together with strands of melted Cooper sharp cheese. The sesame focaccia that contains it all is, as Pete Wells once wrote, “the object of a small cult” — it functions as a reminder of the original sandwich shop and its well-deserved frenzy. BECKY HUGHES

119 Avenue A (East Seventh Street), $22, superiorityburger.com

French Onion Sandwich

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How to improve on the minimalist perfection of a grilled cheese? Extra ingredients would be superfluous to the pure harmony of melty cheese oozing from toasty, oily bread. And yet the French onion sandwich at Houseman, in Hudson Square, is the brilliant exception to prove the rule. One afternoon in 2015, the chef Ned Baldwin, inspired by gooey cheese-topped French onion soup, slid some caramelized onions he had on hand for a burger in between slices of brioche and funky raclette cheese. He griddled it and served it for staff meal, where it was such a hit that he moved it to the lunch menu — with a few canny tweaks. Now the sandwich is seasoned with grainy mustard for tang and maple syrup for sweetness, and the brioche is coated in Parmesan, then crisped, frico-like, in the hot pan. It’s a maximalist grilled cheese that manages to keep its balance. MELISSA CLARK

508 Greenwich Street (Spring Street), $23, housemanrestaurant.com

Spring Cafe

Vegan bbq pork bao bun.

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Defying New York City’s reputation for a lack of hospitality, Spring Cafe draws a clientele often greeted by name. (“No smoothie today, Cindy?”) Though they occupy a modest amount of space on an eclectic vegan menu, the bao buns are some of the best deals in the city, priced at two for $10.95. The most popular one, the vegan barbecue pork bao, folds brittle-edged, caramelized coins of deep-fried seitan into puffy buns, along with cool rounds of cucumber, crisp iceberg lettuce and a swipe of the house barbecue sauce, which tastes like hoisin with nuance, more spice than sweetness. Easily clutched and devoured on the go, this sandwich is all texture — cool, crisp, crunch on a cloud of yeasted dough — and delivers a hint of five-spice that lingers. ALEXA WEIBEL

153d Centre Street (Canal Street), $6, springcafenyc.com

Aunts et Uncles

Vegan lobster roll.

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As you might have guessed, there is absolutely no lobster in the vegan lobster roll at Aunts et Uncles in Flatbush. But you’ll be surprised by how close vegan mayo-smothered hearts of palm mixed with diced red onions and served in a toasted pretzel bun can come. Also, have you seen the price of lobster lately? NIKITA RICHARDSON

1407 Nostrand Avenue (Martense Street), $17, auntsetuncles.com

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Pastrami City The Jewish deli’s greatest hit.

Katz’s delicatessen, pastrami on rye.

Best pastrami on rye in the city? Not the one at Katz’s, built on bland, flimsy rye that would probably fall apart even if it weren’t tasked with holding a hot stack of cured meat the size of an armadillo. But to paraphrase the Gospel, a Lower East Side delicatessen does not live by bread alone. Bits of what in theater is called “business” are more than half the pleasure: the ticket, the turnstile, the wait at the counter, the pepper-crusted preview slice offered for your approval, the cash tips you stuff into a plastic quart takeout tub. Pastrami ordered and eaten at Katz’s is both a meal and a ceremony, one that can turn tourists into New Yorkers and New Yorkers into tourists. PETE WELLS

205 East Houston Street (Ludlow Street), $27, katzsdelicatessen.com

Frankel’s Delicatessen & Appetizing

Pastrami, egg and cheese.

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At his deli in Greenpoint, Zach Frankel has taken a classic New York-style bacon-egg-and-cheese sandwich and given it an update. He started out by simply substituting housemade pastrami for the bacon, yet this re-engineering took more than just swapping out the meats. In the original sandwich the wavy, textured bacon grips the eggs and holds them in place. But Mr. Frankel found that his thin slices of pastrami slipped around too much, sliding off the egg and out of the roll. So he cut the pastrami into thick, soft chunks that sink securely into the fluffy cloud of scrambled eggs. Each mouthful yields just the right combination of silky egg; smoky, gently spiced meat; and melty pulls of American cheese — and it all stays put. MELISSA CLARK

631 Manhattan Avenue (Nassau Street), $14, frankelsdelicatessen.com

Shalom Japan

Wagyu pastrami sando.

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Shalom Japan’s Wagyu pastrami sando has just three components — bread, meat, mustard — but its elemental ingredient list fails to reflect its complexity. Sawako Okochi and Aaron Israel, co-chefs and co-owners of this Williamsburg restaurant, start with Wagyu beef brisket, prized for its marbled fat. They separate the flat and the deckle, which cook at different rates, and brine them with salt, brown sugar, peppercorns and coriander for about two weeks. Next rubbed with black pepper, coriander, paprika, garlic powder and ground nori, the brined meat is smoked over cherry wood, then steamed until tender. Sliced into heftier pieces than your average pastrami, the meat melts in your mouth. It’s tucked into delicate, untoasted shokupan with caraway seeds — a nod to rye — and just enough Gulden’s mustard to remind you you’re alive. ALEXA WEIBEL

310 South Fourth Street (Rodney Street), $23, shalomjapannyc.com

Liebman’s Deli

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This sandwich, with layers of thinly sliced pastrami and corned beef topped with rich coleslaw and Russian dressing, isn’t unique to Liebman’s. (Though its creation may be unique to New York City — where else would Eastern European pastrami have crossed paths with Irish corned beef and a dressing invented in the United States?) Liebman’s exceptionality, rather, stems from its status as the last Jewish deli in the Bronx, a dubious honor perhaps in a city that is running short on classic delicatessens. But it’s going strong, possibly poised to last another 71 years after a second location opened last year in the Westchester County village of Ardsley. “It doesn’t matter if we’re one of 100 or we’re the last one,” said Yuval Dekel, whose Israel-born father bought the deli in 1980. “We’re kind of stubborn, we just stay the way we are.” NIKITA RICHARDSON

552 West 235th Street (Johnson Avenue), $26, liebmansdeli.com

Gotham Greats As classic as cursing the subway.

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Russ & Daughters Cafe

Classic bagel and lox.

There may be better purveyors of bagels, cream cheese and smoked salmon in New York, but there’s nowhere better to sit down to eat them than Russ & Daughters Cafe. Bathe in its glow of nostalgia for the old Lower East Side (a glowed-up version, with cocktails) while you watch the fish cutters shave transparent slices of Nova salmon. They arrive properly separated from the bagels, tomato slices, red onion, capers and cream cheese on the classic board. Unlike the bagel sandwiches sold at the original Russ & Daughters location on East Houston Street, here it’s a strictly open-faced situation. JULIA MOSKIN

127 Orchard Street (Delancey Street), $22, russanddaughterscafe.com

Blue Sky Deli (Hajji’s)

Chopped cheese.

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Much has been written about Blue Sky Deli, also known as Hajji’s, the Spanish Harlem corner deli and purported birthplace of one of the city’s most beloved sandwiches. The history is fuzzy: It was either inspired by a Yemeni dish (minus the cheese) or it was invented by Carlos Soto, a longtime employee who died in 2014. Either way, it became a phenomenon, and that is reason enough for Blue Sky’s chopped cheese to make our list. But the version served here — essentially a chopped-up patty melt with tomatoes, lettuce and onions on a fluffy roll or a fragrant hero, your choice — lives up to the hype. You’ll want to order two: one for now and one for five minutes after now. NIKITA RICHARDSON

2135 First Avenue (110th Street), $8, instagram.com/hajjis110

The Old Town Bar and Restaurant

The governor’s choice.

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The governor was George Pataki, said to have a soft spot for the combination of mushrooms and melted Muenster between dark planks of pumpernickel. If Mr. Pataki’s culinary bona fides aren’t good enough for you, maybe you’ll listen to the chef Wylie Dufresne. Mr. Dufresne has been an Old Town regular for at least three decades and an appreciator of the sandwich for almost as long. “It’s definitely simple, but smartly chosen,” he said, pointing out dairy’s affinity for mushrooms and Muenster’s ability to “melt like nobody’s business.” At his restaurant Stretch Pizza, a few blocks away, Mr. Dufresne translates the Governor’s Choice into pizza form. Like its source material, it brings to mind the flavors of Eastern Europe in the contours they assumed as naturalized citizens of New York. PETE WELLS

45 East 18th Street (Park Avenue South), $17, oldtownbarnyc.com

Grand Central Oyster Bar

Caviar sandwich.

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It takes a lot for a white-bread sandwich born in the 20th century to make this list. And it’s not here because the filling is a thick schmear of sustainable, domestic caviar, offset by the mildness of chopped hard-cooked egg. Or that it comes with a cool, crunchy cucumber-onion salad that — who knew? — is just what you want to eat between bites. It’s that the sandwich is a perfect expression of the art of white toast: golden but not brown, crisp but not hard, sturdy but delicate. It’s a perfect appetizer for two with a martini or Champagne, especially as a lead-in to clams and oysters from the peerless raw bar. The only pain point is its price, which has gone from about $14 in 2019, when caviar prices were at a historic low, to $45 amid today’s high demand and inflation. JULIA MOSKIN

89 East 42nd Street (Park Avenue), $45, oysterbarny.com

Roll N Roaster

Roll-n-roast beef.

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There are many distractions at Roll N Roaster, a Sheepshead Bay mainstay since 1970. A wheel to spin on your birthday for $5, $10, $15 or $25 worth of gold Roll n Roaster coins. The “Pleezes” and “Cheezes” that litter the menu. Bottles of Moët Champagne for $59.95. But the true thrill is the Roll-n-Roast Beef, the top-selling sandwich at the shop. It’s a delight best eaten in the moment: slow-cooked beef on a sesame bun that slowly dissolves in the gravy. The sandwich arrives on a paper plate in a restaurant that is also a time capsule of another, more golden time. Truly golden. Just look at the tables, the light fixtures, the liquid Cheez. “When a place is nostalgic,” the general manager Eric Rodriguez said, “you cannot change anything.” SARA BONISTEEL

2901 Emmons Avenue (East 29th Street), $8, rollnroaster.com

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‘Let Me Get Uhh…’ To-go favorites from your favorite bodega.

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Anthony’s Paninoteca

Do it for johnny.

What would New York be without its Wall Street guys turned restaurateurs? (This is, partly, a joke.) Before he left finance in 2018, Anthony Valois was a passionate home cook who competed in his share of chili cooking competitions on Staten Island. (That’s how he was discovered by the Staten Island Advance’s food editor, Pamela Silvestri.) Like so many competitive cooks before him, Mr. Valois briefly went into barbecue; but he’s found much more satisfaction in this tiny sandwich shop, where one day there might be housemade pastrami on the menu and hand-rolled meatballs the next. But this roast beef sandwich, an Italian-leaning take on French dip that substitutes mozzarella for the usual Swiss cheese, is a mainstay and reason enough to brave traffic on the Verrazano. NIKITA RICHARDSON

3994 Amboy Road (Nelson Avenue), $18, anthonyspaninoteca.com

Milano Market

Chicken caesar wrap.

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An unholy mash-up of a salad, a sandwich and a burrito, the chicken Caesar wrap is the 21st century’s contribution to the deli canon. (McDonald’s Snack Wraps, introduced in 2006, inspired countless copycats.) You can get it delivered, but some of the pleasure of this TikTok-famous sandwich is the frenzied cornucopia at Upper West Side and Upper East Side locations of Milano Market, which are filled with walls of deli meat, pyramids of panettone and the metallic clanging of tongs against bowls. Show up any time (after school is rush hour here), order your wrap toasted and admire the tong technique of the workers who toss the chunks of chicken breast (grilled or fried), romaine, shredded Romano cheese and the garlicky croutons that provide a much-appreciated crunch. JULIA MOSKIN

Multiple locations, $15, milanomarketnyc.com

Farmer in the Deli

Chopped salad sandwich.

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What makes a tuna or chicken salad sandwich so good? The combination of ingredients, sure, but also the perfect distribution of ingredients, made possible only by chopping everything to bits. Farmer in the Deli asks the question: What if that same ethos was applied to any sandwich? Turkey, bacon, lettuce, provolone, salt, vinegar and tomatoes? Chopped. No longer a sandwich as you might have imagined it, but the sandwich you didn’t know you were waiting for. NIKITA RICHARDSON

357 Myrtle Avenue (Adelphi Street), $11, instagram.com/farmerdeli1

BKLYN Larder

Prosciutto & butter.

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This is one of the borough’s best bites, and it’s not just because of the ham. To be sure, it’s got a prosciutto of provenance, made from whey-fed Parma pigs and cured for 36 months before being shipped across the Atlantic. But just as important is the exquisite Rodolphe Le Meunier butter (affectionately nicknamed R.L.M. on the Larder’s menu), which is handmade in France in wooden churns and seasoned with fleur de sel. Then there’s the Runner & Stone sourdough baguette — thinner, chewier and crisper than many of its ilk. Still, the magic comes together in the sandwich’s construction: Equal parts creamy butter and salty ham are slathered on the bread and layered into a filling almost as thick as the baguette slices themselves. It’s substantial but not at all overwhelming, a lovingly made Brooklyn take on an elegant classic. MELISSA CLARK

228 Flatbush Avenue (Bergen Street), $9, bklynlarder.com

Foster Sundry


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The 2016 closing of Porchetta, the chef Sara Jenkins’s ode to roasted pork in the East Village, was something of a hyperlocal, food-related tragedy. But a successor quietly appeared in 2015: Foster Sundry, an upscale shop in Bushwick from a Murray’s Cheese alumnus. All the meats are butchered and prepared in-house, including the smoked porchetta rubbed down with what the owner, Aaron Foster, calls “a luxurious amount” of fennel pollen imported from Italy and served with arugula, fennel mayo and pickled fennel, all of it cut through with lemon and garlic. Foster Sundry may have been born of Brooklyn’s peak artisanal era, when everything was small-batch or bust, but its longevity proves that well-made sandwiches are not just a passing fad. NIKITA RICHARDSON

215 Knickerbocker Avenue (Troutman Street), $16, fostersundry.com

Diner Party Delicious even if you’re not sitting in a vinyl booth.

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Salty Lunch Lady’s Little Luncheonette

As long as Dria Atencio has been cooking — about 15 years — she has been dreaming up sandwiches. (“I have books and books and books of sandwich ideas,” she said.) Those dreams became reality at her restaurant in Ridgewood, where she serves this maximalist sandwich featuring house-brined turkey, dill mayonnaise, dill havarti, dill pickles and avocado. The Salty Lunch Lady operation is small, so there’s usually a short wait for your sandwich, but that just means starting with dessert — s’mores icebox cake, airy Pavlova or banoffee pie from an old-school rotating display case — while you wait. NIKITA RICHARDSON

565 Woodward Avenue (Menahan Street), $17, saltylunchlady.com

Golden Diner

Chicken katsu club.

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There’s not a sandwich at Golden Diner that doesn’t merit an interminable brunch-rush wait. Take the chicken katsu club, which integrates the chicken katsus the owner and chef, Sam Yoo, grew up eating into a classic diner club. He starts with three slices of soft, Japanese-style milk bread and composes a two-layer sandwich, creating a Kewpie-mayo-sweetened BLT on one side and the katsu elements on the other: panko-crusted chicken thighs, cabbage slaw and Bull-Dog tonkatsu sauce. Consider just the cabbage. It’s sliced; salted, 2 percent by weight, to remove excess moisture; then rehydrated and seasoned with housemade Thousand Island dressing that uses bread and butter pickles from the Pickle Guys. “For every sandwich we do, our R&D process is similar to when we were in fine dining,” Mr. Yoo said. Because each detail has been perfected, each bite is perfect. ALEXA WEIBEL

123 Madison Street (Market Street), $19, goldendinerny.com

Agi’s Counter

Confit tuna melt.

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The devotion to this sandwich is so great that even joking about taking it off the menu — as the chef Jeremy Salamon did this past April Fools’ Day — can send diners into a tailspin. In its original iteration, the tuna melt was an open-faced tuna salad sandwich topped with matchstick fries. “I don’t know why we’re serving an open tuna sandwich when it really should be a tuna melt,” Mr. Salamon said to his sous-chef, before creating Agi’s now-beloved version. Oily, slow-cooked tuna, alpine Cheddar, pickled peppers, celery, dill and Kewpie mayo come on toasted, pillowy Pullman bread, with a small cup of cutting French mustard for every last bite. It’s an ever-so-slightly-elevated take that proves that, maybe, it is worth trying to build a better mousetrap. NIKITA RICHARDSON

818 Franklin Avenue (Union Street), $17, agiscounter.com

S & P Lunch

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There’s a reason the tuna melt at S & P Lunch has a devoted audience, and that reason is the tuna salad. Take away the American cheese and what you’re left with is a model of the smooth, soft, mild, reassuring, ungentrified type of tuna salad that prevailed before the rise of aspirational mix-ins like pimentón and grapes. Like an expensive mattress, it is neither too soft nor too firm, and an encounter with it can fix aches and cricks you didn’t know you had. PETE WELLS

174 Fifth Avenue (West 22nd Street), $13, sandwich.place

The Commerce Inn

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It’s the small details that separate good sandwiches from sandwiches you’d cross four lanes of traffic for. The patty melt that Jody Williams and Rita Sodi came up with for the Commerce Inn is a prime example. Unlike so many patty melts one meets, it hasn’t got any dry corners or meatless edges or dull patches. Note the texture of the beef — hand-chopped, like tartare, so it’s tender and unstringy. See how the patty stretches all the way to the edge of the rye bread and a little beyond. Taste the salt and pepper in the meat (“Season it like you would a steak,” Ms. Williams said) and the rosemary in the caramelized onions. Somebody has thought about these and countless other small details — small, but not minor. PETE WELLS

50 Commerce Street (Barrow Street), $18, thecommerceinn.com

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Honorary New Yorkers Maybe not native to the city but they’re locals now.

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Little Kirin

The pho sandwich.

Do most soups translate into sandwiches? Perhaps, but that doesn’t mean they should. Gimmicky but legit, Little Kirin’s pho sandwich is a rare exception. The chef, Brendan Tran, takes the elements of pho (paper-thin slivers of brisket, shaved white onion, chopped scallions and cilantro, fried shallots and hoisin) and nixes rice noodles for a ciabatta sub. Heavily seasoned with star anise, the accompanying broth (sold separately, by customer demand) is as good as that of any pho in the city, and completes the soup-to-sandwich concept for a French dip -meets- pho moment. The meat braises for six hours and the lucent broth is simmered separately; this sandwich takes no shortcuts. ALEXA WEIBEL

81 St. Marks Place (First Avenue), $21, eatlittlekirin.com

Spice Brothers

Shawarma east pita.

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In a city where shawarma often serves as a late-night snack to curb tomorrow’s hangover, Spice Brothers takes the popular Middle Eastern street food very seriously. Every element of the sandwich — the spit it’s roasted on, the single origin of the spices that perfume the meat, the spelling of tahina — has been fussed over. But it’s not so precious that it doesn’t fit in perfectly on the eternally scruffy strip that is St. Marks. NIKITA RICHARDSON

110 St. Marks Place (Avenue A), $17, spicebrothersny.com

Bánh mì xiú mai

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Thanh Da on Seventh Avenue in Sunset Park has a long list of pho, bún and cháo, but the reliable all-star is No. 4 on the sandwich list: the bánh mì xiú mai, or Vietnamese-style meatball sandwich. The nine-inch crusty loaf comes stuffed with juicy meatballs, pink in the middle, with pickled carrots and radishes and bracing cilantro. Wash it down with a pleasingly bitter cà phê sũa dá, Vietnamese coffee rich with condensed milk. SARA BONISTEEL

6008 Seventh Avenue (60th Street), $9, no website

Hamburger America

Hot ham sandwich.

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Admittedly, a ham sandwich is not an obvious thing to order at a place called Hamburger America. This burger counter, though, is animated by a deep regard for simple roadside foods, and makes its sandwiches with the same respect for local traditions as in its Oklahoma-style onion burgers. In the case of the hot ham, the tradition is Wisconsinian and began in Milwaukee, where bakeries would give away rolls with the purchase of a pound of ham on Sundays to lure in people on their way home from church. Hamburger America slices the meat thin and warms it on a flattop under a sheet of Swiss cheese. This goes on a hamburger bun rather than a roll baked that morning, which is too bad, but the bun is buttered and crisped to order in the vertical toaster that stands behind the counter. PETE WELLS

51 Macdougal Street (West Houston Street), $7, hamburgeramerica.com

Xi’an Famous Foods

Spicy cumin lamb burger.

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Most people probably go to Xi’an Famous Foods for spicy hand-pulled noodles, but it’s a mistake to skip out on the cumin lamb burger — though it is entirely unlike the hamburger you’re thinking of. It starts with slightly risen bread that is cooked on a griddle and flipped like a pancake, resulting in a crispy brown exterior and a fluffy center that hugs the chunks of spicy cumin lamb. The cumin lamb, a signature item at the restaurant and a staple in Xinjiang, in northwest China, is a family recipe and one of the few dishes that Jason Wang, the owner, enjoyed as a child. CHRISTINA MORALES

Multiple locations, $6, xianfoods.com

Cemitas El Tigre

Short rib barbacoa cemita.

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In 2009, Danny Lyu took a vacation to Mexico, where in the city of Puebla he tried a cemita for the first time. That seeded-bun sandwich remained on his mind until 2011, when he created his own version and sold it at the Smorgasburg food market; in 2015, he opened Cemitas El Tigre in Sunnyside, home to a large Latino population, where he’s been welcomed with open arms. The thick sandwich is stuffed with a barbacoa made with short rib, similar to a version he ate in Mexico City. And it is served with most of its traditional elements, including bread — made at a nearby Mexican bakery — that is crustier than a hamburger bun. A layer of pinto bean purée is smeared on, along with a paste made with chipotle peppers and mayo. The barbacoa is topped with avocado, lettuce, tomato, pickled onions, the Mexican herb papalo and a cold mound of shredded Oaxacan cheese. CHRISTINA MORALES

45-14 48th Avenue (46th Street), $14, cemitaseltigre.com

Tico’s Cuban American Cafeteria

Cubano sandwich.

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The options for a proper Cuban sandwich in New York City are scant. Tico’s Cuban American Cafeteria, in Bushwick, is one of the few restaurants making the sandwich just as delicious as any you’d find in Miami. (Take it from me, a native Miamian.) Albert Teran, whose nickname is Tico, marinates pork cushion meat for a day in a mojo sauce made with fresh orange and lime juice, garlic and oregano. That pork is roasted and packed between Cuban bread from La Gran Via Bakery in Sunset Park, along with smoked ham, garlic and dill pickles, Swiss cheese and yellow mustard. Brushed with butter, the sandwich is pressed until the crust is crisp and the cheese is gooey. “I wanted to make the most authentic Cuban sandwich in New York City,” Mr. Teran said. CHRISTINA MORALES

151 Wilson Avenue (Suydam Street), $15, ticocubancafe.com

Lucia Alimentari

Focaccia sandwich.

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It’s been only a few months since this Italian cafe and provisions shop opened in SoHo, and already it’s serving one of the city’s best new Italian sandwiches. Made with mortadella, rosemary ham and hot soppressata — all imported from Italy — it also includes sweet roasted red peppers, made in-house, a drizzle of balsamic vinegar for tartness and a Calabrian chile mayo that adds a subtle heat. The only thing that varies daily is the cheese, which could be either provolone, fontina or burrata. “It’s our discretion to see what we’re feeling,” said Salvatore Carlino, the owner and founder, who also operates Lucia Pizza next door. But the real star is the fresh, pillowy focaccia, made crunchy with flakes of salt. CHRISTINA MORALES

301 West Broadway (Canal Street), $12, instagram.com/lucia.alimentari

Extremely Online Viral hits you’ve definitely seen on your feed.

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Oxtail Macpatty

The Macpatty is one of those sandwiches that is greater than the sum of its parts, though those parts — pillowy coco bread, a crunchy patty, oxtail mac and cheese — are pretty good as well. Joshua Dat, who owns the shop with his family, knew that his Guyana-born father, Ganesh, who’d spent much of his life working in other people’s Caribbean restaurants, had the skills to make all the requisite parts. But leave it to a millennial, first-generation American to repackage it all to the tune of viral TikTok fame, generating hundreds of thousands of dollars in monthly sales and a small expansion from Hollis, Queens, to the Lower East Side. It’s a story that has played out time and again in New York City, but it’s never any less magical when it happens. NIKITA RICHARDSON

Multiple locations, $14, datzdeliny.com

Bark Barbecue

Chopped chicharrón and brisket sandwich.

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We all had our pandemic-era hyperfixations: sourdough baking, roller-skating, “The Queen’s Gambit.” For Ruben Santana, it was an obsession with barbecue that also reflected his Dominican roots. What does Dominican American barbecue look like? A take on tres golpes, maduros as a side dish and this sandwich, which is a nod to both Santo Domingo and Central Texas. (Mr. Santana was inspired to start barbecuing after watching a video about the chef Aaron Franklin.) The success lies in the combination of crispy pork, fatty brisket, pickled onions and a slather of a sauce made with Constanzera Melaza, a popular brand of Dominican molasses, for a touch of sweetness — something completely different and completely familiar. NIKITA RICHARDSON

55 Water Street (Dock Street), Fifth Floor, $18, instagram.com/bark_barbecue

Bulgogi Fatboy

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To be fair, a rubber ball wrapped in a flaky scallion pancake would taste great. But at this tiny Brooklyn storefront serving both Korean and Syrian food (sometimes together), the Bulgogi Fatboy feels particularly special. The sandwich is a hulking specimen bursting at the seams with savory, soy-and-ginger laced beef, lettuce, rice and a gochujang-based sauce. It’s hangover food that still manages to taste fresh and bright. The flavors of bibimbap meet the anatomy of a shawarma. Most notably: It is easily two (if not three) meals in one sandwich, so make sure you leave with extra sauce. PRIYA KRISHNA

126 Windsor Place (Prospect Park West), $20, sykorestaurant.com

Rowdy Rooster

Lil’ rowdy and big rowdy.

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Both portions of the Rowdy stand out in a city that over the past few years has become thick with chicken sandwiches. One of this Manhattan chain’s tricks is to treat chicken like a pakora by coating it in a spiced batter dominated by chickpea flour. This produces a rugged and remarkably sturdy shell that maintains its crunch even as it laps up Rowdy Rooster’s fire-breathing chile butter. Pickled onions and mint chutney are brought to bear, too. Yogurt blended with scallions does the job often performed by mayonnaise, and does it in a more interesting way. PETE WELLS

Multiple locations, $9 and $12, rowdyrooster.com

Cocoron Market

Mille-feuille pork katsu sando.

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The husband-and-wife duo Mika Ohie and Yoshihito Kida have been serving soba at Cocoron since 2011. They’ve since moved the soba restaurant down the street and opened Cocoron Market in the original space on the Lower East Side, where they’re now serving bento boxes, ramen and stellar Japanese sandwiches. There aren’t a thousand layers of fried pork in their “mille-feuille” pork katsu sando, only six, but you wouldn’t want any more. Rich with Japanese mayo and katsu sauce that seeps into fluffy white bread, it’s a delight to dig into on a bar stool, or hunched over standing outside on the Delancey Street sidewalk. BECKY HUGHES

61 Delancey Street (Allen Street), $11, cocoronandgoemon.com

Char siu BK Rib

how to make egg sandwich essay

This ingenious cross between the sticky-sweet dim sum staple char siu and a certain famous fast-food sandwich received so much glowing attention when it landed at this Cantonese American restaurant in Williamsburg that McDonald’s sent a cease-and-desist letter to the chef Calvin Eng in November. Now, the dish formerly known as the Char Siu McRib is the char siu BK Rib, but it remains the top seller, and for good reason. It takes three days to marinate and steam the ribs, which are deboned and paired with a sesame milk bun, a smear of Chinese hot mustard, sliced onion and bread-and-butter pickles. The pork melts into the bun, and the pickles and spicy mustard bring tangy, sharp relief. PRIYA KRISHNA

398 Manhattan Avenue (Frost Street), $28, bonniesbrooklyn.com

An earlier version of this article misstated the country that Costa Damaskos, an owner of Baby Blues Luncheonette, immigrated from a decade ago. It was Australia, not Greece.

An earlier version of the Russ & Daughters Cafe entry in this article misstated the address of the cafe. It is 127 Orchard Street. The item also misstated the price of the cafe's classic board. It is $22, not $17. And it misstated the source of the cream cheese. It is from a small dairy working with the cafe, not Ben’s cream cheese.

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  • Snacks & Appetizers
  • Deviled Eggs

This Twist of Deviled Eggs Will Make You Yell, "Hail Caesar!"

The perfect marriage of deviled eggs and Caesar salad.

how to make egg sandwich essay

Serious Eats / Amanda Suarez

Why It Works

  • A flavorful Caesar mayonnaise adds peppery, briny, cheesy, umami depth.
  • If not using Caesar mayo, we offer the easy alternative of flavoring the the egg yolk filling with classic Caesar ingredients or even just using Caesar dressing.

Caesar salad and deviled eggs are like a lock and key—two entirely different objects that fit together in perfect unison. The deviled egg is eggy and mayonnaisey, which calls to the egg-enriched, emulsified Caesar dressing . The Caesar is peppery and garlicky and cheesy, with the umami strength of Dijon and Worcestershire sauce and anchovies, all things that are perfectly at home with an egg. Putting them together is a no-brainer.

There's very little to say about how this recipe works: Hard boil some eggs, scoop out the yolks, and mix them with Caesar-y flavorings. I've written this recipe to work with my Caesar mayo , which, as I made clear in that recipe, is nothing more than a thicker version of a Caesar dressing (which is really just a thin mayo). The Caesar mayo works well because it delivers just about everything the yolks need to make the deviled egg filling, but I recognize that it might be annoying to have to prepare a Caesar mayo just for this, so I also offer instructions on how to flavor the yolks if using a basic mayonnaise instead—just mix in a bit of Dijon, garlic, black pepper, extra Parm, lemon juice, and both Worcestershire and fish sauce and you'll more or less have it nailed. (Plus, as I point out in the recipe note at the bottom, you could also just use Caesar dressing, which will make a thinner yolk filling, but it'd work in a pinch.)

After piping the yolks filling into the egg white halves, I garnish them with fun stuff to further evoke the spirit of Caesar salad, including a plump anchovy fillet, a shaving of Parmigiano-Reggiano and piece of romaine, and some toasted breadcrumbs as a nod to the salad's essential croutons.

For anyone who loves deviled eggs, briny, salty anchovies, and everything else that makes a Caesar great, this is the perfect bite.

Recipe Details


One dozen large eggs

1/2 cup (120g) Caesar mayonnaise or regular mayonnaise (see note)

1 ounce Parmigiano-Reggiano , finely grated (30g; about 1/2 cup), plus thinly shaved pieces for garnish

2 tablespoons (30ml) fresh lemon juice (from 1 lemon)

Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper

Twenty-four 1-inch pieces romaine lettuce , for garnish

24 oil-packed anchovy fillets , for garnish

Toasted bread crumbs for garnish

Bring 4 quarts (4L) water to a boil in a large pot and prepare an ice bath. Carefully lower eggs into pot and continue to boil for 30 seconds. Cover tightly, reduce heat to low (water should maintain a bare simmer), and continue cooking for 12 minutes for hard-cooked yolks. Immediately transfer eggs to ice water and allow to cool for at least 15 minutes, then peel under cool running water. Halve eggs lengthwise and scoop yolks into a medium mixing bowl; reserve egg white halves.

Add mayonnaise, Parmigiano-Reggiano, and lemon juice to egg yolks. Using a sturdy whisk, mash and stir together until thoroughly combined. Season with salt, and very generously with black pepper.

Transfer yolk filling to zipper-lock bag. Cut off corner of zipper-lock bag and pipe filling mixture into egg white halves, overstuffing each hole. Garnish deviled eggs with romaine lettuce, Parmigiano-Reggiano shavings, anchovy fillets, additional black pepper, and toasted bread crumbs. Serve.

If using regular mayonnaise and not Caesar mayo, add 1 teaspoon fish sauce, 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard, and 2 cloves very finely minced garlic to the egg yolk filling for a more Caesar-like flavor. Alternatively, you could just spike the egg yolk filling with an equal quantity of Caesar dressing ; it'll make a slightly thinner result, but will still work.

Make-Ahead and Storage

Filling and egg white halves can be stored covered in the refrigerator up to overnight before filling and serving (lay egg white halves cut-side-down on a large plate and cover with plastic wrap). Deviled eggs are best consumed the day they are assembled, but are safe to store in the refrigerator for up to three days.

  • Easter Appetizers
Nutrition Facts (per serving)
169 Calories
14g Fat
3g Carbs
8g Protein
Nutrition Facts
Servings: 12
Amount per serving
Calories 169
% Daily Value*
Total Fat 14g 17%
Saturated Fat 3g 17%
Cholesterol 194mg 65%
Sodium 276mg 12%
Total Carbohydrate 3g 1%
Dietary Fiber 0g 1%
Total Sugars 0g
Protein 8g
Vitamin C 1mg 5%
Calcium 71mg 5%
Iron 1mg 6%
Potassium 95mg 2%

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  11. Egg Sandwich. An essay about an egg sandwich from…

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    recipe of egg and cheese sandwich you only need just a few ingredients and some other added materials as you can see in front of this table right now; sliced sandwich bread, four hard-boiled eggs, four tablespoons of mayonnaise, four slices of cheese, lettuce and cherry tomatoes, spoon and fork, knives, and plate. Besides that, you can also added any other condiments you like it such as ...

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