The Role of Computers in Our Life

Introduction, computers and education, computers and personal interaction, computers and business, works cited.

It is true that computers have created a revolution in the life of human beings and have simplified the way in which we live. But is the computer really helping humans or just adding more work? Are humans becoming more addicted to computers?

The aim of this paper is to investigate the role of computers in the daily life of people, especially in areas of business, education, and personal interaction. The paper investigates the dependence of humans and life on the computer and shows that, to some extent, the loss of computers would cause a social breakdown.

The computer is serving as a replacement for almost all traditional technologies that were used by our preceding generation. But are we using the computer in a balanced and efficient manner? The paper points out that in most cases, the computers are believed blindly, leading to severe cases of breakdown when a computer fails to work.

The use of technology and computers in the education system has become a norm in this century. The influence of computers in education is evident right from the primary classes until post-graduate education. “Over the past 20 years, schools have spent millions of dollars to equip themselves with the latest technologies.

Technology is indeed the most impressive development of our age, and each of us, in our own way, is captivated by it.” (Wepner 1). However, there are some primary drawbacks in the way in which we use technology in school or college education. In most cases, the teachers who plan for the class to be taken with the help of computers or the internet takes a lot of things for granted.

The teacher believes that the entire system is failing proof and will run exactly the same way he or she has planned it to run. And in most cases, the teachers are overconfident about their classes using computers and technology. All these can bring about severe failures in the whole plan.

An example from the life of a fourth-grade teacher, John, who prepared a lesson on the Presidential election of the United States. John had decided to take his fourth-grade students to the computer lab to show the website featuring the details on the U.S. Presidential elections.

Prepared to use the internet as a means of teaching, John took his students to the lab to find that the computers in the lab were not supporting internet access. John decided to call the technical assistant but was disappointed as he was on a field trip with another class of students.

Had John pre-checked the computers in the school lab before preparing for the lesson, he would not have faced this difficulty. Even though most reputed hardware vendors promise 24 hours of hardware technical support, it is hardly the practical case.

In order to access the support, in most cases, we should be as proficient as them to untangle the problem in hardware and software skills, or we should wait. It is always best to have somebody with good technical knowledge to be present when using computers for educational purposes.

“With increasing, use of instructional technology come the probability that at some point, the technology will fail, resulting in lost time, student frustration, and perhaps, loss of papers for exams.” (Hitch 2). Another example is quite recent, which had affected a large number of students.

The conductors of the Common Admission Test, the world’s third toughest admission exam to the top management institutions of India, decided to take the test online for the first time. A reputed American software firm was appointed to conduct the test online in over five thousand centers across India and abroad. Several thousands of students take the test every year and are considered a lifeline for many.

On the day of the test this year, several computers just stopped responding after the students started their exams. Another problem that arose was a virus attack on the computers of many exam centers, which manipulated the question paper to ask stupid questions to the students.

More than two thousand students had to stop taking the test and were scheduled. The problem even affected the Ministry and parliament affairs after the students and interesting groups protested.

Had the conductors foreseen the chance of virus attack and system shut down while designing the software for conducting the paper, this would not have happened. “The first step in planning for technology disruptions is a thorough review of existing policies.” (Hitch 5). Using standardized computer systems and networks and taking enough security provisions is a must while conducting online exams of this scale.

The computer’s revolution in changing lifestyle was followed by the advent of the internet and much more sophisticated technology like the use of real-time chats and video and chats over the net.

“The emergence of new digital media in recent years has spurred much popular and scholarly debate on the implications of these new technologies for human interaction and its outcomes.” (Yzer and Southwell 8). It is sure that these new technologies have helped to change our life for the better. But these are not without negative sides.

Shelley B. Wepner, in her paper Technology Run Amok: Top ten Techno Blunders site two personal examples of the effect of computer failure in her personal life.

The first one was while she needed to submit a grant application urgently, her computer suddenly froze. The system failed to respond to anything. As it was the middle of the night, the author could not call for technical help to solve her problem. She had to stop the work.

A second occasion when the author faced technology problem was when she needed to email her fellow committee members about an urgent work which had come up just before she was about to leave home for vacation for a few days. To her dismay, the computer had gone dead. She has quoted in her paper as “The summer 2003 incarnation of a widespread worm had hit my computer.

The hardware company’s technical support team offered me the equivalent of “take two aspirins and call in the morning” by saying, “Go find a technician and call us back in a few hours when you have your data saved.” (Wepner 2).

While we are getting more dependent on this machine, we have to realize that machines have to serviced and replaced at the right time. Using old and outdated computers and software can add problems to solving them. Also, using necessary precautions and methods like the antivirus and spam ware defenders have to be installed and updated to avoid disastrous situations.

Computers and information technology have started taking up a business around the world on behalf of humans. “In fact, by now, the role of computers in business has risen to the point where computer networks, even more than personnel, are synonymous with the corporate entity.” (Hemphill para 4). But this dependency has caused some serious problems when the system break downs.

On November 19, the airline industry in the U.S. faced a four hour shut down and delay of flights across the country. “The Federal Aviation Administration blamed a four-hour software failure for causing airline delays and cancellations across the U.S. in at least the third such disruption since September 2007.” (Hughes and Schlangenstein para 1).

Although technology is far advanced, a simple malfunction in the software caused a literal standstill of some of the busiest airports in the country.

Several tens of thousands of circuits and software had to be replaced to get the airline traffic control into normal. The Inspector-General was quoted saying as “Technical problems are causing unscheduled outages and creating risks to air- traffic control operations.” (Hughes and Schlangenstein para 3).

Another incident was caused by the bank account database of some famous banks around the world. In most developing countries, the banks and their operations are completely computerized. An attack of a virus onto a bank’s database has caused high variations in all the accounts of the bank’s clients, leading to a heavy financial disaster.

Business institutions have to take extreme care and precaution while implementing computer and technology into business as a small disruption can cause high losses.

By providing examples of the effects of computer disruption on education, personal, and business life, this paper has proved that the increasing dependence of humans on computers is actually creating more problems than solving them. Using computers without proper precautions and alternate solutions may lead to complete failure of objectives. It is always better to control the use of technology and stop being addicted to computers.

Hemphill, Mark. The Role of Computer in Business . MIS for the Information Age. 2004.

Hitch, Leslie P. “Being Prepared for Technology Snow Days.” ECAR Research Bulletin 2002.

Hughes, John and Schlangenstein, Mary. FAA Cites Software Failure in U.S. Flight Disruptions (Update 1). Bloomberg Press . 2009.

Wepner, Shelly B. Technology Run Amok: The Top Ten TechnoBlunders. Reading Online – Electronic Classroom. 2009.

Yzer, Marco C. and Southwell, Brian G. “New Communication Technologies, Old Questions.” American Behavioral Scientist 52. (2008): 8-20. Sage Publications.

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How Computers Affect Our Lives Essay

How computers affect our lives: essay introduction.

Computers are a common phenomenon in the lives of people in today’s world. Computers are very vital especially to those people who run businesses, industries and other organizations. Today, almost everything that people engage in makes use of a computer. Take for instance, the transport sector: vehicles, trains, airplanes, and even traffic lights on our roads are controlled by computers.

In hospitals, most of the equipments use or are run by computers. Look at space exploration; it was all made possible with the advent of computer technology. In the job sector, many of the jobs require knowledge in computers because they mostly involve the use of computers.

In short, these machines have become so important and embedded in the lives of humans, they have hugely impacted on the whole society to the extent that it will be very hard to survive now, without them. This article discusses the influence of computers on the everyday life of human beings.

One can guess what will exactly happen if the world had no computers. Many of the cures found with help of computer technology would not have been developed without computer technology, meaning that many people would have died from diseases that are now curable. In the entertainment industry, many of the movies and even songs will not be in use without computers because most of the graphics used and the animations we see are only possible with the help of a computer (Saimo 1).

In the field of medicine, pharmacies, will find it hard in determining the type of medication to give to the many patients. Computers have also played a role in the development of democracy in the world. Today votes are counted using computers and this has greatly reduced incidences of vote rigging and consequently reduced conflicts that would otherwise arise from the same.

And as we have already seen, no one would have known anything about space because space explorations become possible only with the help of computer technology. However, the use of computers has generated public discourses whereby people have emerged with different views, some supporting their use and others criticizing them (Saimo 1).

History of computers

To better understand how computers influence the lives of people, we will have to start from the history, from their invention to the present day. Early computers did not involve complex technologies as the ones that are used today; neither did they employ the use of monitors or chips that are common today.

The early computers were not that small as those used today and they were commonly used to help in working out complex calculations in mathematics that proved tedious to be done manually. This is why the first machine was called by some as a calculator and others as a computer because it was used for making calculations.

Blaise Pascal is credited with the first digital machine that could add and subtract. Many versions of calculators and computers borrowed from his ideas. And as time went by, many developed more needs, which lead to modifications to bring about new and more efficient computers (Edwards 4).

Positive Effects of Computer on Human Life

Computer influence in the life of man became widely felt during World War II where computers were used to calculate and track the movements and also strategize the way military attacks were done (Edwards 4). It is therefore clear, that computers and its influence on man have a long history.

Its invention involved hard work dedication and determination, and in the end it paid off. The world was and is still being changed by computers. Man has been able to see into the future and plan ahead because of computers. Life today has been made easier with the help of computers, although some people may disagree with this, but am sure many will agree with me.

Those who disagree say that computers have taken away the role of man, which is not wrong at all, but we must also acknowledge the fact what was seen as impossible initially, become possible because of computers (Turkle 22).

As we mentioned in the introduction, computers are useful in the running of the affairs of many companies today. Companies nowadays use a lot of data that can only be securely stored with the help of computers. This data is then used in operations that are computer run. Without computers companies will find it difficult store thousands of records that are made on a daily basis.

Take for instance, what will happen to a customer checking his or her balance, or one who just want to have information on transactions made. In such a case, it will take long to go through all the transactions to get a particular one.

The invention of computers made this easier; bank employees today give customers their balances, transaction information, and other services just by tapping the computer keyboard. This would not be possible without computers (Saimo 1).

In personal life

Today individuals can store all information be it personal or that of a business nature in a computer. It is even made better by being able to make frequent updates and modifications to the information. This same information can be easily retrieved whenever it is needed by sending it via email or by printing it.

All this have been made possible with the use of computers. Life is easier and enjoyable, individuals now can comfortably entertain themselves at home by watching TV with their families or they can work from the comfort of their home thanks to computer technology.

Computers feature in the everyday life of people. Today one can use a computer even without being aware of it: people use their credit cards when buying items from stores; this has become a common practice that few know that the transaction is processed through computer technology.

It is the computer which process customer information that is fed to it through the credit card, it detects the transaction, and it then pays the bill by subtracting the amount from the credit card. Getting cash has also been made easier and faster, an individual simply walks to an ATM machine to withdraw any amount of cash he requires. ATM machines operate using computer technology (Saimo 1).

I mentioned the use of credit cards as one of the practical benefits of using computers. Today, individual do not need to physically visit shopping stores to buy items. All one needs is to be connected on the internet and by using a computer one can pay for items using the credit card.

These can then be delivered at the door step. The era where people used to queue in crowded stores to buy items, or wasting time in line waiting to buy tickets is over. Today, travelers can buy tickets and make travel arrangements via the internet at any time thanks to the advent of computer technology (Saimo 1).

In communication

Through the computer, man now has the most effective means of communication. The internet has made the world a global village. Today people carry with them phones, which are basically small computers, others carry laptops, all these have made the internet most effective and affordable medium of communication for people to contact their friends, their families, contact business people, from anywhere in the world.

Businesses are using computer technology to keep records and track their accounts and the flow of money (Lee 1). In the area of entertainment, computers have not been left behind either.

Action and science fiction movies use computers to incorporated visual effects that make them look real. Computer games, a common entertainer especially to teenagers, have been made more entertaining with the use of advanced computer technology (Frisicaro 1).

In Education

The education sector has also been greatly influenced by computer technology. Much of the school work is done with the aid of a computer. If students are given assignments all they have to do is search for the solution on the internet using Google. The assignments can then be neatly presented thanks to computer software that is made specifically for such purposes.

Today most high schools have made it mandatory for students to type out their work before presenting it for marking. This is made possible through computers. Teachers have also found computer technology very useful as they can use it to track student performance. They use computers to give out instructions.

Computers have also made online learning possible. Today teachers and students do not need to be physically present in class in order to be taught. Online teaching has allowed students to attend class from any place at any time without any inconveniences (Computers 1).

In the medical sector

Another very crucial sector in the life of man that computers has greatly influenced and continues to influence is the health sector. It was already mentioned in the introduction that hospitals and pharmacies employ the use of computers in serving people.

Computers are used in pharmacies to help pharmacists determine what type and amount of medication patients should get. Patient data and their health progress are recorded using computers in many hospitals. The issue of equipment status and placement in hospitals is recorded and tracked down using computers.

Research done by scientists, doctors, and many other people in the search to find cures for many diseases and medical complications is facilitated through computer technology. Many of the diseases that were known to be dangerous such as malaria are now treatable thanks to computer interventions (Parkin 615).

Computers replacing man

Many of the opponents of computer technology have argued against the use of computers basing their arguments on the fact that computers are replacing man when carrying out the basic activities that are naturally human in nature.

However, it should be noted that there are situations that call for extraordinary interventions. In many industries, machines have replaced human labor. Use of machines is usually very cheap when compared to human labor.

In addition machines give consistent results in terms of quality. There are other instances where the skills needed to perform a certain task are too high for an ordinary person to do. This is usually experienced in cases of surgery where man’s intervention alone is not sufficient. However, machines that are computer operated have made complex surgeries successful.

There are also cases where the tasks that are to be performed may be too dangerous for a normal human being. Such situations have been experienced during disasters such as people being trapped underground during mining. It is usually dangerous to use people in such situations, and even where people are used, the rescue is usually delayed.

Robotic machines that are computer operated have always helped in such situations and people have been saved. It is not also possible to send people in space duration space explorations, but computer machines such as robots have been effectively used to make exploration outside our world (Gupta 1).

Negative Computer Influences

Despite all these good things that computers have done to humans, their opponents also have some vital points that should not just be ignored. There are many things that computers do leaving many people wondering whether they are really helping the society, or they are just being used to deprive man his God given ability to function according to societal ethics.

Take for instance in the workplace and even at home; computers have permeated in every activity done by an individual thereby compromising personal privacy. Computers have been used to expose people to unauthorized access to personal information. There is some personal information, which if exposed can impact negatively to someone’s life.

Today the world does not care about ethics to the extent that it is very difficulty for one to clearly differentiate between what is and is not authentic or trustful. Computers have taken up every aspect of human life, from house chores in the home to practices carried out in the social spheres.

This has seen people lose their human element to machines. Industries and organizations have replaced human labor for the cheap and more effective machine labor. This means that people have lost jobs thanks to the advances made in the computer technology. Children using computers grow up with difficulties of differentiating between reality and fiction (Subrahmanyam 139).

People depend on computers to do tasks. Students generate solutions to assignments using computers; teachers on the other hand use computers to mark assignments. Doctors in hospitals depend on machines to make patient diagnoses, to perform surgeries and to determine type of medications (Daley 56).

In the entertainment industry, computer technology has been used to modify sound to make people think that person singing is indeed great, but the truth of the matter is that it is simply the computer. This has taken away the really function of a musician in the music sector.

In the world of technology today, we live as a worried lot. The issue of hacking is very common and even statistics confirm that huge amounts of money are lost every year through hacking. Therefore, as much as people pride themselves that they are computer literate, they deeply worried that they may be the next victim to practices such as hacking (Bynum 1).

Conflict with religious beliefs

There is also the problem of trying to imitate God. It is believed that in 20 years time, man will come up with another form of life, a man made being. This will not only affect how man will be viewed in terms of his intelligence, but it will also break the long held view that God is the sole provider of life.

Computers have made it possible to create artificial intelligence where machines are given artificial intelligence so that they can behave and act like man. This when viewed from the religious point of view creates conflicts in human beliefs.

It has been long held that man was created in the image of God. Creating a machine in the image of money will distort the way people conceive of God. Using artificial methods to come up with new forms of life with man like intelligence will make man equate himself to God.

This carries the risk of changing the beliefs that mankind has held for millions of years. If this happens, the very computer technology will help by the use of mass media to distribute and convince people to change their beliefs and conceptions of God (Krasnogor 1).

Conclusion: How Computer Influences Our Life

We have seen that computer have and will continue to influence our lives. The advent of the computers has changed man as much as it has the world he lives in.

It is true that many of the things that seemed impossible have been made possible with computer technology. Medical technologies have led to discoveries in medicine, which have in turn saved many lives. Communication is now easy and fast. The world has been transformed into a virtual village.

Computers have made education accessible to all. In the entertainment sector, people are more satisfied. Crime surveillance is better and effective. However, we should be ware not to imitate God. As much as computers have positively influenced our lives, it is a live bomb that is waiting to explode.

We should tread carefully not to be overwhelmed by its sophistication (Computers 1). Many technologies have come with intensities that have seen them surpass their productivity levels thereby destroying themselves in the process. This seems like one such technology.

Works Cited

Bynum, Terrell. Computer and Information Ethics . Plato, 2008. Web.

Computers. Institutional Impacts . Virtual Communities in a Capitalist World, n.d. Web.

Daley, Bill. Computers Are Your Future: Introductory. New York: Prentice, 2007. Print.

Edwards, Paul. From “Impact” to Social Process . Computers in Society and Culture,1994. Web.

Frisicaro So What’s the Problem? The Impact of Computers, 2011. Web.

Gupta, Satyandra. We, robot: What real-life machines can and can’t do . Science News, 2011. Web.

Krasnogor, Ren. Advances in Artificial Life. Impacts on Human Life. n.d. Web.

Lee, Konsbruck. Impacts of Information Technology on Society in the new Century . Zurich. Web.

Parkin, Andrew. Computers in clinical practice . Applying experience from child psychiatry. 2004. Web.

Saimo. The impact of computer technology in Affect human life . Impact of Computer, 2010. Web.

Subrahmanyam et al. The Impact of Home Computer Use on Children’s Activities and Development. Princeton, 2004. Web.

Turkle, Sherry. The second self : Computers and the human spirit, 2005. Web.

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IvyPanda . 2023. "How Computers Affect Our Lives." August 21, 2023.

1. IvyPanda . "How Computers Affect Our Lives." August 21, 2023.


IvyPanda . "How Computers Affect Our Lives." August 21, 2023.

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Essay on Computer and its Uses for School Students and Children

500+ words essay on computer.

In this essay on computer, we are going to discuss some useful things about computers. The modern-day computer has become an important part of our daily life. Also, their usage has increased much fold during the last decade. Nowadays, they use the computer in every office whether private or government. Mankind is using computers for over many decades now. Also, they are used in many fields like agriculture, designing, machinery making, defense and many more. Above all, they have revolutionized the whole world.

essay on computer

History of Computers

It is very difficult to find the exact origin of computers. But according to some experts computer exists at the time of world war-II. Also, at that time they were used for keeping data. But, it was for only government use and not for public use. Above all, in the beginning, the computer was a very large and heavy machine.

Working of a Computer 

The computer runs on a three-step cycle namely input, process, and output. Also, the computer follows this cycle in every process it was asked to do. In simple words, the process can be explained in this way. The data which we feed into the computer is input, the work CPU do is process and the result which the computer give is output.

Components and Types of Computer

The simple computer basically consists of CPU, monitor, mouse, and keyboard . Also, there are hundreds of other computer parts that can be attached to it. These other parts include a printer, laser pen, scanner , etc.

The computer is categorized into many different types like supercomputers, mainframes, personal computers (desktop), PDAs, laptop, etc. The mobile phone is also a type of computer because it fulfills all the criteria of being a computer.

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Uses of Computer in Various Fields

As the usage of computer increased it became a necessity for almost every field to use computers for their operations. Also, they have made working and sorting things easier. Below we are mentioning some of the important fields that use a computer in their daily operation.

Medical Field

They use computers to diagnose diseases, run tests and for finding the cure for deadly diseases . Also, they are able to find a cure for many diseases because of computers.

Whether it’s scientific research, space research or any social research computers help in all of them. Also, due to them, we are able to keep a check on the environment , space, and society. Space research helped us to explore the galaxies. While scientific research has helped us to locate resources and various other useful resources from the earth.

For any country, his defence is most important for the safety and security of its people. Also, computer in this field helps the country’s security agencies to detect a threat which can be harmful in the future. Above all the defense industry use them to keep surveillance on our enemy.

Threats from a Computer

Computers have become a necessity also, they have become a threat too. This is due to hackers who steal your private data and leak them on internet. Also, anyone can access this data. Apart from that, there are other threats like viruses, spams, bug and many other problems.

essay on role of computer in today's life

The computer is a very important machine that has become a useful part of our life. Also, the computers have twin-faces on one side it’s a boon and on the other side, it’s a bane. Its uses completely depend upon you. Apart from that, a day in the future will come when human civilization won’t be able to survive without computers as we depend on them too much. Till now it is a great discovery of mankind that has helped in saving thousands and millions of lives.

Frequently Asked Questions on Computer

Q.1  What is a computer?

A.1 A computer is an electronic device or machine that makes our work easier. Also, they help us in many ways.

Q.2 Mention various fields where computers are used?

A.2  Computers are majorly used in defense, medicine, and for research purposes.

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Importance Of Computer Essay - 100, 200, 500 Words

  • Essay on The Importance of Computer-

It perfectly suits the era we are presently living in. With the development of Science and Technology, computers have become an essential part of human life. The lives of people revolve around technology. Computers are used in every sector. The computer was invented by Charles Babbage from students to working professionals, entrepreneurs, and prominent business owners; computers are used for various purposes. Here are a few sample essays on the importance of computers.

100 Words Essay on The Importance of Computer

200 words essay on the importance of computer, 500 words essay on the importance of computer.

Importance Of Computer Essay - 100, 200, 500 Words

A computer is a modern and complex machine, adequate for performing various tasks in a fraction of a second. These devices are used in various fields such as educational and medical fields. In the education field, a computer is used for teaching and learning purposes. In the modern era, a computer is used for smart classes (computer-based learning) to make sessions informative, and interactive and to ensure that students capture and understand the significant information of all the topics and it does not skip their mind. Various prominent software has been developed to enhance the learning and skills of students and teachers. Computers are used in medical sectors for X-rays, CT scans, MRI scans, etc, to monitor and store the records of patients.

Technology has changed the aspects of life and has made life better. Computers are popular electronic devices that can be used to write documents, play games, send an email, make presentations and designs and browse the internet for finding information. The older generation systems were less effective and had fewer functions but improvisations have been made to make these systems effective and more useful. Computers have made life easy for individuals as one can find information about anything they are looking for at their own pace.

These are used in various places like colleges, schools, hospitals, universities, homes, offices, banks, government organisations, airports, railways, etc. These systems help in communication, storage of data, learning and improving skills, etc. Manual labour has been reduced because of the various software available on computers. This software helps in the calculation, making presentations, writing, online shopping, printing materials, booking tickets, etc.

Nowadays, most activities like traffic control, movement of people in societies, etc. are monitored by computers. High-performance computers are used in the field of Science and Engineering to stimulate dynamic processes, topographic images, plotting and analysing data, and for research and development. They are also used to digitise photographs, make animations and graphic designing, dance, arts, and culture.

Computers have become an essential part of modern lives. These systems serve as a convenient information source for managing organisations and accomplishing various tasks. This is one of the significant reasons that computers are in higher demand for banking, entertainment, education, businesses, administration work, and in industries. The computer generation and delivery market are thriving across the world. From large computer systems to handy systems (laptops); computers are present in all organisations. No organisation, industry, or business can function independently of these systems. They are used for various purposes in different sectors.

Use of Computers in Different Sectors

Computers are used in businesses of small and large scale to store data. It helps business owners to record their company data, information, and salaries of employees, and to allow the work to employees. Different software available in the systems also helps them to store the progress of the employees. They are being extensively used for educational purposes.

Computers have replaced books as large amounts of information and knowledge is widely available via the internet. The present generation (generation Z) is completely dependent on these systems for their educational purposes. Schools, institutes, and universities are dependent on computers to store the information, record, and progress of students. Computer-based learning has been introduced in schools. Educational organisations have also introduced computers as a subject to educate students about emerging technology.

The invention of these systems has also generated employment and a whole sector is dedicated to these systems, that is the IT (Information Technology) sector.

The use of computers does not limit to these sectors but also expands to governmental organisations, home, and medical sectors. Computers are used in the medical sector to monitor patients' blood pressure and respiration rate. It helps in storing medical and patient data to deliver quality health care. This information is useful to improve the treatment of the patient. The data stored in systems of medical care units can help in the analysis of disease and control it before it turns out to be epidemic. Nowadays, computer-assisted surgery has been introduced in hospitals which have turned out to be a blessing.

In the government sector, it is used for data processing, maintaining the data of citizens like their birth, location, number of family members, and death. The defence organisation of countries has benefited from these systems for satellites, missile development, rocket launches, etc. Computers are also being used for banking purposes. The use of computers has introduced paperless eco-friendly systems.

The Pandemic Period

None of us can ever forget the lockdown period when Covid cases were rising rapidly, we were locked in our houses and no sector was working except the medical sector. During these times when we understood the importance of computers in our life because these systems helped us to connect not only to our loved ones but also to our colleagues and to continue working with the help of our systems. The lockdown period showed the importance of these systems to humankind and it turned out to be a blessing in the middle of chaos. Most companies and educational sectors became dependent on these systems to function properly.

Explore Career Options (By Industry)

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Data Administrator

Database professionals use software to store and organise data such as financial information, and customer shipping records. Individuals who opt for a career as data administrators ensure that data is available for users and secured from unauthorised sales. DB administrators may work in various types of industries. It may involve computer systems design, service firms, insurance companies, banks and hospitals.

Bio Medical Engineer

The field of biomedical engineering opens up a universe of expert chances. An Individual in the biomedical engineering career path work in the field of engineering as well as medicine, in order to find out solutions to common problems of the two fields. The biomedical engineering job opportunities are to collaborate with doctors and researchers to develop medical systems, equipment, or devices that can solve clinical problems. Here we will be discussing jobs after biomedical engineering, how to get a job in biomedical engineering, biomedical engineering scope, and salary. 

Ethical Hacker

A career as ethical hacker involves various challenges and provides lucrative opportunities in the digital era where every giant business and startup owns its cyberspace on the world wide web. Individuals in the ethical hacker career path try to find the vulnerabilities in the cyber system to get its authority. If he or she succeeds in it then he or she gets its illegal authority. Individuals in the ethical hacker career path then steal information or delete the file that could affect the business, functioning, or services of the organization.

GIS officer work on various GIS software to conduct a study and gather spatial and non-spatial information. GIS experts update the GIS data and maintain it. The databases include aerial or satellite imagery, latitudinal and longitudinal coordinates, and manually digitized images of maps. In a career as GIS expert, one is responsible for creating online and mobile maps.

Data Analyst

The invention of the database has given fresh breath to the people involved in the data analytics career path. Analysis refers to splitting up a whole into its individual components for individual analysis. Data analysis is a method through which raw data are processed and transformed into information that would be beneficial for user strategic thinking.

Data are collected and examined to respond to questions, evaluate hypotheses or contradict theories. It is a tool for analyzing, transforming, modeling, and arranging data with useful knowledge, to assist in decision-making and methods, encompassing various strategies, and is used in different fields of business, research, and social science.

Geothermal Engineer

Individuals who opt for a career as geothermal engineers are the professionals involved in the processing of geothermal energy. The responsibilities of geothermal engineers may vary depending on the workplace location. Those who work in fields design facilities to process and distribute geothermal energy. They oversee the functioning of machinery used in the field.

Database Architect

If you are intrigued by the programming world and are interested in developing communications networks then a career as database architect may be a good option for you. Data architect roles and responsibilities include building design models for data communication networks. Wide Area Networks (WANs), local area networks (LANs), and intranets are included in the database networks. It is expected that database architects will have in-depth knowledge of a company's business to develop a network to fulfil the requirements of the organisation. Stay tuned as we look at the larger picture and give you more information on what is db architecture, why you should pursue database architecture, what to expect from such a degree and what your job opportunities will be after graduation. Here, we will be discussing how to become a data architect. Students can visit NIT Trichy , IIT Kharagpur , JMI New Delhi . 

Remote Sensing Technician

Individuals who opt for a career as a remote sensing technician possess unique personalities. Remote sensing analysts seem to be rational human beings, they are strong, independent, persistent, sincere, realistic and resourceful. Some of them are analytical as well, which means they are intelligent, introspective and inquisitive. 

Remote sensing scientists use remote sensing technology to support scientists in fields such as community planning, flight planning or the management of natural resources. Analysing data collected from aircraft, satellites or ground-based platforms using statistical analysis software, image analysis software or Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is a significant part of their work. Do you want to learn how to become remote sensing technician? There's no need to be concerned; we've devised a simple remote sensing technician career path for you. Scroll through the pages and read.

Budget Analyst

Budget analysis, in a nutshell, entails thoroughly analyzing the details of a financial budget. The budget analysis aims to better understand and manage revenue. Budget analysts assist in the achievement of financial targets, the preservation of profitability, and the pursuit of long-term growth for a business. Budget analysts generally have a bachelor's degree in accounting, finance, economics, or a closely related field. Knowledge of Financial Management is of prime importance in this career.


An underwriter is a person who assesses and evaluates the risk of insurance in his or her field like mortgage, loan, health policy, investment, and so on and so forth. The underwriter career path does involve risks as analysing the risks means finding out if there is a way for the insurance underwriter jobs to recover the money from its clients. If the risk turns out to be too much for the company then in the future it is an underwriter who will be held accountable for it. Therefore, one must carry out his or her job with a lot of attention and diligence.

Finance Executive

Product manager.

A Product Manager is a professional responsible for product planning and marketing. He or she manages the product throughout the Product Life Cycle, gathering and prioritising the product. A product manager job description includes defining the product vision and working closely with team members of other departments to deliver winning products.  

Operations Manager

Individuals in the operations manager jobs are responsible for ensuring the efficiency of each department to acquire its optimal goal. They plan the use of resources and distribution of materials. The operations manager's job description includes managing budgets, negotiating contracts, and performing administrative tasks.

Stock Analyst

Individuals who opt for a career as a stock analyst examine the company's investments makes decisions and keep track of financial securities. The nature of such investments will differ from one business to the next. Individuals in the stock analyst career use data mining to forecast a company's profits and revenues, advise clients on whether to buy or sell, participate in seminars, and discussing financial matters with executives and evaluate annual reports.

A Researcher is a professional who is responsible for collecting data and information by reviewing the literature and conducting experiments and surveys. He or she uses various methodological processes to provide accurate data and information that is utilised by academicians and other industry professionals. Here, we will discuss what is a researcher, the researcher's salary, types of researchers.

Welding Engineer

Welding Engineer Job Description: A Welding Engineer work involves managing welding projects and supervising welding teams. He or she is responsible for reviewing welding procedures, processes and documentation. A career as Welding Engineer involves conducting failure analyses and causes on welding issues. 

Transportation Planner

A career as Transportation Planner requires technical application of science and technology in engineering, particularly the concepts, equipment and technologies involved in the production of products and services. In fields like land use, infrastructure review, ecological standards and street design, he or she considers issues of health, environment and performance. A Transportation Planner assigns resources for implementing and designing programmes. He or she is responsible for assessing needs, preparing plans and forecasts and compliance with regulations.

Environmental Engineer

Individuals who opt for a career as an environmental engineer are construction professionals who utilise the skills and knowledge of biology, soil science, chemistry and the concept of engineering to design and develop projects that serve as solutions to various environmental problems. 

Safety Manager

A Safety Manager is a professional responsible for employee’s safety at work. He or she plans, implements and oversees the company’s employee safety. A Safety Manager ensures compliance and adherence to Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) guidelines.

Conservation Architect

A Conservation Architect is a professional responsible for conserving and restoring buildings or monuments having a historic value. He or she applies techniques to document and stabilise the object’s state without any further damage. A Conservation Architect restores the monuments and heritage buildings to bring them back to their original state.

Structural Engineer

A Structural Engineer designs buildings, bridges, and other related structures. He or she analyzes the structures and makes sure the structures are strong enough to be used by the people. A career as a Structural Engineer requires working in the construction process. It comes under the civil engineering discipline. A Structure Engineer creates structural models with the help of computer-aided design software. 

Highway Engineer

Highway Engineer Job Description:  A Highway Engineer is a civil engineer who specialises in planning and building thousands of miles of roads that support connectivity and allow transportation across the country. He or she ensures that traffic management schemes are effectively planned concerning economic sustainability and successful implementation.

Field Surveyor

Are you searching for a Field Surveyor Job Description? A Field Surveyor is a professional responsible for conducting field surveys for various places or geographical conditions. He or she collects the required data and information as per the instructions given by senior officials. 

Orthotist and Prosthetist

Orthotists and Prosthetists are professionals who provide aid to patients with disabilities. They fix them to artificial limbs (prosthetics) and help them to regain stability. There are times when people lose their limbs in an accident. In some other occasions, they are born without a limb or orthopaedic impairment. Orthotists and prosthetists play a crucial role in their lives with fixing them to assistive devices and provide mobility.


A career in pathology in India is filled with several responsibilities as it is a medical branch and affects human lives. The demand for pathologists has been increasing over the past few years as people are getting more aware of different diseases. Not only that, but an increase in population and lifestyle changes have also contributed to the increase in a pathologist’s demand. The pathology careers provide an extremely huge number of opportunities and if you want to be a part of the medical field you can consider being a pathologist. If you want to know more about a career in pathology in India then continue reading this article.

Veterinary Doctor

Speech therapist, gynaecologist.

Gynaecology can be defined as the study of the female body. The job outlook for gynaecology is excellent since there is evergreen demand for one because of their responsibility of dealing with not only women’s health but also fertility and pregnancy issues. Although most women prefer to have a women obstetrician gynaecologist as their doctor, men also explore a career as a gynaecologist and there are ample amounts of male doctors in the field who are gynaecologists and aid women during delivery and childbirth. 


The audiologist career involves audiology professionals who are responsible to treat hearing loss and proactively preventing the relevant damage. Individuals who opt for a career as an audiologist use various testing strategies with the aim to determine if someone has a normal sensitivity to sounds or not. After the identification of hearing loss, a hearing doctor is required to determine which sections of the hearing are affected, to what extent they are affected, and where the wound causing the hearing loss is found. As soon as the hearing loss is identified, the patients are provided with recommendations for interventions and rehabilitation such as hearing aids, cochlear implants, and appropriate medical referrals. While audiology is a branch of science that studies and researches hearing, balance, and related disorders.

An oncologist is a specialised doctor responsible for providing medical care to patients diagnosed with cancer. He or she uses several therapies to control the cancer and its effect on the human body such as chemotherapy, immunotherapy, radiation therapy and biopsy. An oncologist designs a treatment plan based on a pathology report after diagnosing the type of cancer and where it is spreading inside the body.

Are you searching for an ‘Anatomist job description’? An Anatomist is a research professional who applies the laws of biological science to determine the ability of bodies of various living organisms including animals and humans to regenerate the damaged or destroyed organs. If you want to know what does an anatomist do, then read the entire article, where we will answer all your questions.

For an individual who opts for a career as an actor, the primary responsibility is to completely speak to the character he or she is playing and to persuade the crowd that the character is genuine by connecting with them and bringing them into the story. This applies to significant roles and littler parts, as all roles join to make an effective creation. Here in this article, we will discuss how to become an actor in India, actor exams, actor salary in India, and actor jobs. 

Individuals who opt for a career as acrobats create and direct original routines for themselves, in addition to developing interpretations of existing routines. The work of circus acrobats can be seen in a variety of performance settings, including circus, reality shows, sports events like the Olympics, movies and commercials. Individuals who opt for a career as acrobats must be prepared to face rejections and intermittent periods of work. The creativity of acrobats may extend to other aspects of the performance. For example, acrobats in the circus may work with gym trainers, celebrities or collaborate with other professionals to enhance such performance elements as costume and or maybe at the teaching end of the career.

Video Game Designer

Career as a video game designer is filled with excitement as well as responsibilities. A video game designer is someone who is involved in the process of creating a game from day one. He or she is responsible for fulfilling duties like designing the character of the game, the several levels involved, plot, art and similar other elements. Individuals who opt for a career as a video game designer may also write the codes for the game using different programming languages.

Depending on the video game designer job description and experience they may also have to lead a team and do the early testing of the game in order to suggest changes and find loopholes.

Radio Jockey

Radio Jockey is an exciting, promising career and a great challenge for music lovers. If you are really interested in a career as radio jockey, then it is very important for an RJ to have an automatic, fun, and friendly personality. If you want to get a job done in this field, a strong command of the language and a good voice are always good things. Apart from this, in order to be a good radio jockey, you will also listen to good radio jockeys so that you can understand their style and later make your own by practicing.

A career as radio jockey has a lot to offer to deserving candidates. If you want to know more about a career as radio jockey, and how to become a radio jockey then continue reading the article.


The word “choreography" actually comes from Greek words that mean “dance writing." Individuals who opt for a career as a choreographer create and direct original dances, in addition to developing interpretations of existing dances. A Choreographer dances and utilises his or her creativity in other aspects of dance performance. For example, he or she may work with the music director to select music or collaborate with other famous choreographers to enhance such performance elements as lighting, costume and set design.

Social Media Manager

A career as social media manager involves implementing the company’s or brand’s marketing plan across all social media channels. Social media managers help in building or improving a brand’s or a company’s website traffic, build brand awareness, create and implement marketing and brand strategy. Social media managers are key to important social communication as well.


Photography is considered both a science and an art, an artistic means of expression in which the camera replaces the pen. In a career as a photographer, an individual is hired to capture the moments of public and private events, such as press conferences or weddings, or may also work inside a studio, where people go to get their picture clicked. Photography is divided into many streams each generating numerous career opportunities in photography. With the boom in advertising, media, and the fashion industry, photography has emerged as a lucrative and thrilling career option for many Indian youths.

An individual who is pursuing a career as a producer is responsible for managing the business aspects of production. They are involved in each aspect of production from its inception to deception. Famous movie producers review the script, recommend changes and visualise the story. 

They are responsible for overseeing the finance involved in the project and distributing the film for broadcasting on various platforms. A career as a producer is quite fulfilling as well as exhaustive in terms of playing different roles in order for a production to be successful. Famous movie producers are responsible for hiring creative and technical personnel on contract basis.

Copy Writer

In a career as a copywriter, one has to consult with the client and understand the brief well. A career as a copywriter has a lot to offer to deserving candidates. Several new mediums of advertising are opening therefore making it a lucrative career choice. Students can pursue various copywriter courses such as Journalism , Advertising , Marketing Management . Here, we have discussed how to become a freelance copywriter, copywriter career path, how to become a copywriter in India, and copywriting career outlook. 

In a career as a vlogger, one generally works for himself or herself. However, once an individual has gained viewership there are several brands and companies that approach them for paid collaboration. It is one of those fields where an individual can earn well while following his or her passion. 

Ever since internet costs got reduced the viewership for these types of content has increased on a large scale. Therefore, a career as a vlogger has a lot to offer. If you want to know more about the Vlogger eligibility, roles and responsibilities then continue reading the article. 

For publishing books, newspapers, magazines and digital material, editorial and commercial strategies are set by publishers. Individuals in publishing career paths make choices about the markets their businesses will reach and the type of content that their audience will be served. Individuals in book publisher careers collaborate with editorial staff, designers, authors, and freelance contributors who develop and manage the creation of content.

Careers in journalism are filled with excitement as well as responsibilities. One cannot afford to miss out on the details. As it is the small details that provide insights into a story. Depending on those insights a journalist goes about writing a news article. A journalism career can be stressful at times but if you are someone who is passionate about it then it is the right choice for you. If you want to know more about the media field and journalist career then continue reading this article.

Individuals in the editor career path is an unsung hero of the news industry who polishes the language of the news stories provided by stringers, reporters, copywriters and content writers and also news agencies. Individuals who opt for a career as an editor make it more persuasive, concise and clear for readers. In this article, we will discuss the details of the editor's career path such as how to become an editor in India, editor salary in India and editor skills and qualities.

Individuals who opt for a career as a reporter may often be at work on national holidays and festivities. He or she pitches various story ideas and covers news stories in risky situations. Students can pursue a BMC (Bachelor of Mass Communication) , B.M.M. (Bachelor of Mass Media) , or  MAJMC (MA in Journalism and Mass Communication) to become a reporter. While we sit at home reporters travel to locations to collect information that carries a news value.  

Corporate Executive

Are you searching for a Corporate Executive job description? A Corporate Executive role comes with administrative duties. He or she provides support to the leadership of the organisation. A Corporate Executive fulfils the business purpose and ensures its financial stability. In this article, we are going to discuss how to become corporate executive.

Multimedia Specialist

A multimedia specialist is a media professional who creates, audio, videos, graphic image files, computer animations for multimedia applications. He or she is responsible for planning, producing, and maintaining websites and applications. 

Quality Controller

A quality controller plays a crucial role in an organisation. He or she is responsible for performing quality checks on manufactured products. He or she identifies the defects in a product and rejects the product. 

A quality controller records detailed information about products with defects and sends it to the supervisor or plant manager to take necessary actions to improve the production process.

Production Manager

A QA Lead is in charge of the QA Team. The role of QA Lead comes with the responsibility of assessing services and products in order to determine that he or she meets the quality standards. He or she develops, implements and manages test plans. 

Process Development Engineer

The Process Development Engineers design, implement, manufacture, mine, and other production systems using technical knowledge and expertise in the industry. They use computer modeling software to test technologies and machinery. An individual who is opting career as Process Development Engineer is responsible for developing cost-effective and efficient processes. They also monitor the production process and ensure it functions smoothly and efficiently.

AWS Solution Architect

An AWS Solution Architect is someone who specializes in developing and implementing cloud computing systems. He or she has a good understanding of the various aspects of cloud computing and can confidently deploy and manage their systems. He or she troubleshoots the issues and evaluates the risk from the third party. 

Azure Administrator

An Azure Administrator is a professional responsible for implementing, monitoring, and maintaining Azure Solutions. He or she manages cloud infrastructure service instances and various cloud servers as well as sets up public and private cloud systems. 

Computer Programmer

Careers in computer programming primarily refer to the systematic act of writing code and moreover include wider computer science areas. The word 'programmer' or 'coder' has entered into practice with the growing number of newly self-taught tech enthusiasts. Computer programming careers involve the use of designs created by software developers and engineers and transforming them into commands that can be implemented by computers. These commands result in regular usage of social media sites, word-processing applications and browsers.

Information Security Manager

Individuals in the information security manager career path involves in overseeing and controlling all aspects of computer security. The IT security manager job description includes planning and carrying out security measures to protect the business data and information from corruption, theft, unauthorised access, and deliberate attack 

ITSM Manager

Automation test engineer.

An Automation Test Engineer job involves executing automated test scripts. He or she identifies the project’s problems and troubleshoots them. The role involves documenting the defect using management tools. He or she works with the application team in order to resolve any issues arising during the testing process. 

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Essay on Importance of Computer

Students are often asked to write an essay on Importance of Computer in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Importance of Computer

Introduction to computers.

Computers are important in our lives. They help in various tasks like learning, communication, and entertainment.

Role in Education

Computers make learning fun. They offer educational games and online classes.


Computers help us communicate with friends and family through emails and social media.


Computers provide entertainment like movies, music, and games.

In conclusion, computers have a significant role in our lives. They make tasks easier and more enjoyable.

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  • 10 Lines on Importance of Computer

250 Words Essay on Importance of Computer

The emergence of computers.

The advent of computers has revolutionized the world, dramatically transforming human life and societal structures. Computers, initially designed for complex computations, now permeate every aspect of our daily lives, from education and business to entertainment and communication.

Computers in Education

The importance of computers in education is undeniable. They have transformed the way we learn, making education more interactive and engaging. With the help of computers, vast amounts of information can be accessed within seconds, facilitating research and broadening the scope of knowledge. Moreover, online learning platforms have made education accessible to everyone, irrespective of geographical boundaries.

Role in Business

In the business world, computers have become indispensable. They assist in managing large databases, conducting financial transactions, and executing marketing strategies. The advent of e-commerce, largely facilitated by computers, has reshaped the global economy, enabling businesses to reach customers worldwide.

Impact on Communication

Computers have also revolutionized communication. Emails, social networks, and video conferencing have made communication instantaneous, bridging the gap between people across the globe. This has not only enhanced personal interactions but also fostered international collaborations.

Entertainment and Leisure

In the realm of entertainment and leisure, computers have introduced new dimensions. From digital art and music to online gaming and streaming services, computers have enriched our recreational experiences.

In conclusion, the importance of computers is vast and multifaceted. They have become an integral part of our lives, continually shaping our world. As we move forward, the influence of computers will only continue to grow, making them an undeniable necessity in our modern existence.

500 Words Essay on Importance of Computer


The computer, a revolutionary invention of the twentieth century, has become a fundamental part of our daily lives. Its importance cannot be overstated as it has revolutionized various sectors including business, education, healthcare, and entertainment. This essay explores the significance of computers in our contemporary world.

The role of computers in education is transformative. They serve as an interactive medium where students can learn and explore new concepts. Online learning platforms, digital libraries, and educational software have made learning more accessible, engaging, and personalized. Furthermore, computers have also simplified research, data analysis, and presentation of academic work, enhancing the overall educational experience.

Impact on Business and Economy

Computers have reshaped the business landscape. They have facilitated automation, leading to increased productivity and efficiency. Businesses are now able to manage large volumes of data, aiding in informed decision-making and strategic planning. E-commerce, digital marketing, and online banking are other significant contributions of computers, driving economic growth and globalization.

Healthcare Advancements

In healthcare, computers have been instrumental in improving patient care and medical research. They have enabled advanced diagnostic tools, telemedicine, electronic health records, and medical imaging. These advancements have resulted in improved patient outcomes, efficient healthcare delivery, and groundbreaking medical discoveries.

Entertainment and Communication

The entertainment industry has been revolutionized by computers. They have given birth to digital media, video games, and computer-generated imagery (CGI) in films. Moreover, computers have redefined communication, making it instant and borderless. Social media, email, and video conferencing are now integral parts of our social and professional lives.

Challenges and Future Prospects

Despite the numerous benefits, the use of computers also brings challenges such as cybersecurity threats and digital divide. Addressing these issues is crucial for a safe and inclusive digital future. On the brighter side, the future of computers is promising with advancements like quantum computing, artificial intelligence, and virtual reality. These technologies are expected to further enhance our lives, solve complex problems, and open new avenues of exploration.

In conclusion, the importance of computers in our modern society is undeniable. They have transformed the way we learn, work, communicate, and entertain ourselves. While challenges exist, the prospective advancements in computer technology signify exciting possibilities. As we continue to integrate computers into our lives, it is essential to harness their potential responsibly and ethically.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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The Role Of Computer In Everyday Life Essay

The Role Of Computer In Everyday Life Essay

T he computer is a wonderful gift of science. Since the invention of the technological engine by Charles Babbage , the computer has steadily made inroads into the lives of modern man. In recent times it has been a part of human existence, especially, in urban areas. The computer has helped us in speeding up the work. It has successfully replaced humans in the industrial and administrative fields. In education, too, has brought many benefits.

In a very competitive world, we need computers to lend speed and efficiency to our work. Without computers, we will hardly be able to compete with the rest of the world. In our country computers are being used increasingly in the fields of business, administration, health, and education. It is a sign of our progress towards development and prosperity.

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What is the Importance of Computer in Human Life?

Let's see the uses of computers in various fields and why the computer is important in our lives. 

Why Are Computers So Important In Our Lives?

Today, the computer is indispensable, and its presence has become very important and necessary in our daily lives, and it has become easier for us to do many operations and activities.

A computer is an electronic device that receives information and data, automatically stores it retrieves it at any time, and uses it in a useful manner. The computer converts different types of numbers and solves intractable mathematical equations very quickly and with high accuracy.

The computer was invented in the second half of the twentieth century and now it has become the backbone of life.

Some operations before the invention of the computer were very difficult, including searches and doing some arithmetic activities. In 1642 AD, the calculator was invented to facilitate arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, and other arithmetic operations.

Read Here: What are the Uses of Mathematics in Everyday Life?

The computer has been able to invade the lives of individuals in a large way, and it is used in all areas of their lives, and based on this great position that it has enjoyed, the manufacturers have been interested in producing many shapes and types for it in line with the user's need, including the mobile device, office devices, and others.

The more advanced the device is, the more benefits will be gained from it. There are many things to consider before buying a computer for everyday use.

Computer use is common in homes, institutions, businesses, and education, it is also an integral part of the services, entertainment, and other sectors.

The Uses of Computers in Our Daily Lives

The computer is used in several areas of our lives, including the following:

Education: The use of computers in the field of education is one of its most important benefits in daily human life. It is one of the most important educational tools used by teachers and students.

The computer is used in the field of education in schools and universities, where hard disks and magnetic disks are used to explain the lessons, and drawings and films are used to deliver information to students, as well as the students retain the information in order to retrieve it at a later time.

The computer has restructured the education system. Schools, colleges, and almost all educational institutions use at least one computer each semester, and many colleges and universities offer online degrees to students.

Many schools and colleges around the world are now using computer and Internet technologies to teach students digitally and creatively, as the use of the computer in the classroom unleashes creativity and imagination among students.  Through computer programs, you can learn more deeply and more accurately, such as: drawing tools, spreadsheets, music, video lectures, and PowerPoint presentations.

This has led to the creation of new models of work in the field of education, such as: small classes, smart classrooms, and digital classrooms.

Medicine: The computer is widely used in the field of health care, as it has become an integral part of hospitals, laboratories, and medical clinics. 

The following are some examples of computer use in health care:

  • The computer is used to archive patients' records and the treatments they receive.
  • It facilitates the medical diagnosis of patients and monitors their health conditions.
  • It is an effective medical tool, which allows monitoring of the heart rate and blood pressure of a sick person. 
  • It helps in performing some types of surgeries.
  • It provides the possibility of exchanging medical expertise and consultations between doctors around the world.

The Internet: The computer is used to access the Internet, and the Internet is used as a means of communication between people in all countries of the world. 

With the help of the Internet you keep in touch with your friends and family, computers provide this to you easily, and the Internet is also used to search for information. You just have to type a word in the search engine and open many pages to provide all the information about the specific word, and you can also watch movies, videos, and news on computers connected to the Internet.

Communication: Computers are one of the main tools that allow communication between people regardless of their location, as the computer has become an effective communication tool that brings together family members, relatives, and friends, and allows job interviews to be conducted virtually. This is done by connecting the computer to the Internet, and then using some programs and tools to conduct Internet communications, whether visual or even audio.

A computer connected to the Internet allows the use of various social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and others. These means allow users to interact with each other by sharing photos, videos, and other activities.

The computer is also used to organize phone lines, pay phone bills, and control the purity of voice calls.

Business: The business sector is one of the most important sectors in which the computer is used, due to the numerous and important services it provides for employers or workers.

Through the computer, many different actions can be performed,  such as conducting online sales, transferring funds between accounts, completing large account operations, and other institutional work that requires speed and accuracy.

 The computer also provides business companies with the ability to create economic forecast plans based on some of the data it is provided with. In addition, corporate computers provide protection for their data and information from theft or vandalism.

When a user surfs the browser, there is a passing of information between the server and the user's PC. It should be encrypted with modern encryption standards. It is therefore necessary to have an SSL certificate to secure online transactions.

The use of computers in business has made it easier to find employees. This is done through some specialized social media such as LinkedIn.

The computer has also made it easier to manage the company's employee records through specialized programs, as well as to prepare the company's budget, tax forms, and others.

Transportation: The computer is used in transportation, where the routes of transportation lines are controlled, as well as booking travel tickets via the computer and recently via the Internet, and booking international airline tickets anywhere in the world via the Internet.

The computer is used to control transportation, determine the take-off and direction of aircraft, and store information about workers in the field of transportation.

The industry: Computer uses are widespread in the industry, as most companies today have a wide range of uses for computers, and factories have become highly dependent on the operation of machines to ensure a high level of quality.

 The use of computers in the industry has been a great necessity, as it is used as a means to allocate industrial resources more efficiently, as well as as a means to reach a larger group of potential customers. As a result, IT jobs have flourished as the industry relies on computers for its daily operations.

Entertainment: Computers are among the best sources of entertainment because they offer a wide range of options related to entertainment and entertainment. Through the computer, you can listen to music, watch some movies and videos, and talk and chat with your friends.

Today, everything related to daily life can be done with a few simple clicks, where breakfast can be ordered online, newspapers can also be read, and work from home can be done comfortably with the help of a laptop.

Engineering and military: Both the engineering and military fields are broad areas of computer use. The computer helps accomplish many operations, including: 

The computer provides special programs for advanced engineering drawing,  such as the design of buildings, structures, ships, planes, city planning, and design through 2D and 3D graphics.

The computer is used in the field of military industries and to control them through computerized control systems that control missile launches, military communications, military planning operations, and smart weapons.

Security systems: The computer is used in various electronic protection systems, such as surveillance cameras, which are widely used in private and government facilities in order to monitor the movement of goods and people in these areas.

Some types of computers, particularly those built with facial recognition and fingerprint, have also contributed to reducing the possibility of identity fraud.

Automation systems: Computers are used in automation systems that are concerned with the manufacture of automated robots.

It also facilitates the completion of much other work such as manufacturing and assembling auto parts, in addition to that, robots or automated programs can be used in scientific discovery tasks that are difficult for humans to carry out, such as exploring geographical areas that are inaccessible to humans.

Problem Solving: Today, the computer is used to find solutions to any problem through computer experts. Technological problems are solved by finding solutions by experts, directly or indirectly, and this affects our daily lives positively.

The Importance of Computers in Our Daily Life

The importance of computers in daily life can be summarized as follows:

  • A computer is a vital tool for accessing and processing information and data, as it is the first window to access the Internet.
  • It is an important tool for science students, who generally rely on it in preparing their educational reports and projects.
  • It facilitates ways of communicating with others by editing and writing messages and preparing reports and documents.
  • It is an effective element in achieving success in the educational process.
  • It is a major tool in distance education, this type of education cannot be completed without the presence of a laptop or computer.
  • It helps to be familiar with the news and stay up to date, as it is a means of communicating with the outside world.
  • It helps in doing some electronic transactions, such as making payments, purchasing, and others.
  • It helps perform the tasks assigned to the user.
  • It provides tools and means to facilitate work, such as tables, worksheets, presentations, and many more.
  • It preserves and stores information away from the damaging factors of traditional methods of storage.
  • It facilitates making and storing calculations.

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Computers: essay on the importance of computer in the modern society.

essay on role of computer in today's life


Read this comprehensive essay on the Importance of Computer in the Modern Society !

As the world progresses on in this never ending chase for a time and wealth, it is undeniable that science has made astounding developments.


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As the 21st century looms ahead, it is clear to see that it has advancements that humanity may never have dreamed of and one of these shining developments is the well-recognized computer. Having the Latin meaning of ‘computing’ or ‘reckoning’ the computer is an invention that was called the ‘MAN OF THE YEAR’ in a survey carried out by an international magazine.

The computer system is not a simple machine. It is like a very modern and highly complex calculator. It can do all the functions at a speedy rate and also helps us to search and progress in our homes and businesses. A computer can therefore be called a calculator with a twist for not only does it perform fast calculations, but it also has other special characteristics. The computer has thoroughly changed the way we witness things, with its special auto correcting tools, which work with all languages, all logic and all subjects.

There was a time when computers were only heard of as a luxury. However today they are an unavoidable part of success and development. No longer are they owned only through theft and by the filthy rich, in fact computers are and will in the coming days and months be used to accomplish the brilliant goals of success and unparalleled development. For example, in India, the accurate knowledge and use of computers will bring change in a big and astonishing way. It will lead to the demolition of illiteracy, and lead to optimism, efficiency, productivity and high quality.

Even now in our day to day lives, computers have been allotted an integral role to play. They can be seen being used not only at the office or at home, but in all kinds of sectors and businesses. They are used at airports, restaurants, railway stations, banks etc. slowly and gradually, as computers are penetrating through the modern society, people are getting more and more optimistic about the promises its invention made. They are also used in the government sectors, businesses and industry, and through witnessing the rapid progress of the computer; mankind slowly sees the lights it has brought along.

One of the best things about the computer is the fact that it can help us to save so much of manual power, cost, and time. By the use of a computer, tasks can be done automatically and that will lead to saving the countless hours that may otherwise have been spent on doing the job manually.

Computers also ensure more accuracy. Examples of such cases include ticket booking, payment of bills, insurance and shopping. Interestingly, automatic operations of vehicles, like trains also help to ensure further safety and reliability of the journey. Computers can be used to observe and predict traffic patterns which would be a grand benefit to all and would save the hassle of getting stuck for hours in the roadblocks and traffics.

Computers can also drastically change the way agricultural tasks and businesses are carried out all over the world. With regard to agriculture, computers are being used to find out the best possible kinds of soil, plants and to check which match of these would result in the perfect crops. Use of computers thus in this sector along with the use of better agricultural practices and products in several countries, like India, could help the agricultural industry reach soaring heights, directly assuring the welfare of the economy.

It is also wonderful to see that the invention of this unbelievable machine has brought a ray of hope in the darkness of the sick citizens’ world. Computers are very capable of bringing along a medical revolution. Where in health sectors computers are being used for research regarding blood groups, medical histories, etc. and helping to improve medicine in a big way. The knowledge that computers are providing in this field may lead to better use and purchase of medicinal drugs and ensure better health. This also leads to a better diagnosing pattern and makes health care faster and more efficiently.

Although computers are bringing the evolution of technology and changing the way lives are lived, it cannot be denied that there are areas where the impacts of the computer system are not fully recognized yet. For instance if we take the education sector, the literacy rates have not been improved by computers the way other sectors have seemed to have gotten better over night.

The fact remains that 64% of our population remains to date illiterate, and it will be a revolutionary act if computers were made the full use of and worked with to spread educational awareness, in all areas, especially the underprivileged sector. They can be used to plan out lessons, and lessons can be taught on the computers too, the benefit of the prospect lying in the fact that computers excel at lots of different things altogether, which means they can be used to teach not only limited subjects but be used to spread education with reference to all kinds, including text, numbers and graphics.

Perhaps one may think the horrendous thought that computers may take the teacher’s place in the classroom, but we must look at the prospect with the brighter side. No longer will the teacher remain a person who only fits data into a pupil’s mind; and once again become that one supreme authority who inculcates both philosophical and spiritual education amongst his or her students, rising in esteem and role play.

The advantage of computers can also be seen in the fact that they might just be able to improve administration through the world. By providing daily accurate information to the administration departments, computers may change the way decisions are taken across the globe.Keeping all the above mentioned things in mind, we must accept that if used the right way, computers are a gift of science to mankind.

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  • The future of computing

Everywhere and invisible

You are likely reading this on a computer. You are also likely taking that fact for granted. That’s even though the device in front of you would have astounded computer scientists just a few decades ago, and seemed like sheer magic much before that. It contains billions of tiny computing elements, running millions of lines of software instructions, collectively written by countless people across the globe. The result: You click or tap or type or speak, and the result seamlessly appears on the screen.

One mill of the analytical engine

Computers once filled rooms. Now they’re everywhere and invisible, embedded in watches, car engines, cameras, televisions and toys. They manage electrical grids, analyze scientific data and predict the weather. The modern world would be impossible without them, and our dependence on them for health, prosperity and entertainment will only increase.

Scientists hope to make computers faster yet, to make programs more intelligent and to deploy technology in an ethical manner. But before looking at where we go from here, let’s review where we’ve come from.

In 1833, the English mathematician Charles Babbage conceived a programmable machine that presaged today’s computing architecture, featuring a “store” for holding numbers, a “mill” for operating on them, an instruction reader and a printer. This Analytical Engine also had logical functions like branching (if X, then Y). Babbage constructed only a piece of the machine, but based on its description, his acquaintance Ada Lovelace saw that the numbers it might manipulate could represent anything, even music, making it much more general-purpose than a calculator. “A new, a vast, and a powerful language is developed for the future use of analysis,” she wrote. She became an expert in the proposed machine’s operation and is often called the first programmer.

Colossus machine

In 1936, the English mathematician Alan Turing introduced the idea of a computer that could rewrite its own instructions , making it endlessly programmable. His mathematical abstraction could, using a small vocabulary of operations, mimic a machine of any complexity, earning it the name “universal Turing machine.”

The first reliable electronic digital computer, Colossus, was completed in 1943, to help England decipher wartime codes. It used vacuum tubes — devices for controlling the flow of electrons — instead of moving mechanical parts like the Analytical Engine’s cogwheels. This made Colossus fast, but engineers had to manually rewire it every time they wanted to perform a new task. Perhaps inspired by Turing’s concept of a more easily reprogrammable computer, the team that created the United States’ first electronic digital computer , ENIAC, drafted a new architecture for its successor, the EDVAC. The mathematician John von Neumann, who penned the EDVAC’s design in 1945, described a system that could store programs in its memory alongside data and alter the programs, a setup now called the von Neumann architecture. Nearly every computer today follows that paradigm.


In 1947, researchers at Bell Telephone Laboratories invented the transistor , a piece of circuitry in which the application of voltage (electrical pressure) or current controls the flow of electrons between two points. It came to replace the slower and less efficient vacuum tubes. In 1958 and 1959, researchers at Texas Instruments and Fairchild Semiconductor independently invented integrated circuits, in which transistors and their supporting circuitry were fabricated on a chip in one process.

For a long time, only experts could program computers. Then in 1957, IBM released FORTRAN, a programming language that was much easier to understand. It’s still in use today. In 1981 the company unveiled the IBM PC and Microsoft released its operating system called MS-DOS, together expanding the reach of computers into homes and offices. Apple further personalized computing with the operating systems for its Lisa, in 1982, and Macintosh, in 1984. Both systems popularized graphical user interfaces, or GUIs, offering users a mouse cursor instead of a command line.

Arpanet map

Meanwhile, researchers had been doing work that would end up connecting our newfangled hardware and software. In 1948, the mathematician Claude Shannon published “ A Mathematical Theory of Communication ,” a paper that popularized the word bit (for binary digit) and laid the foundation for information theory . His ideas have shaped computation and in particular the sharing of data over wires and through the air. In 1969, the U.S. Advanced Research Projects Agency created a computer network called ARPANET, which later merged with other networks to form the internet. In 1990, researchers at CERN — a European laboratory near Geneva, Switzerland — developed rules for transmitting data that would become the foundation of the World Wide Web.

Better hardware, better software and better communication have now connected most of the people on the planet. But how much better can the processors get? How smart can algorithms become? And what kinds of benefits and dangers should we expect to see as technology advances? Stuart Russell, a computer scientist at University of California, Berkeley and coauthor of a popular textbook on artificial intelligence, sees great potential for computers in “expanding artistic creativity, accelerating science, serving as diligent personal assistants, driving cars and — I hope — not killing us.” — Matthew Hutson

Jobs and Mac

Chasing speed

Computers, for the most part, speak the language of bits. They store information — whether it’s music, an application or a password — in strings of 1s and 0s. They also process information in a binary fashion, flipping transistors between an “on” and “off” state. The more transistors in a computer, the faster it can process bits, making possible everything from more realistic video games to safer air traffic control.

Combining transistors forms one of the building blocks of a circuit, called a logic gate. An AND logic gate, for example, is on if both inputs are on, while an OR is on if at least one input is on. Together, logic gates compose a complex traffic pattern of electrons, the physical manifestation of computation. A computer chip can contain millions of such logic gates.

So the more logic gates, and by extension the more transistors, the more powerful the computer. In 1965, Gordon Moore, a cofounder of Fairchild Semiconductor and later of Intel, published a paper on the future of chips titled “Cramming More Components onto Integrated Circuits.” He graphed the number of components (mostly transistors) on five integrated circuits (chips) that had been built from 1959 to 1965, and extended the line. Transistors per chip had doubled every year, and he expected the trend to continue.

Original Moore graph

In a 1975 talk, Moore identified three factors behind this exponential growth: smaller transistors, bigger chips and “device and circuit cleverness,” such as less wasted space. He expected the doubling to occur every two years. It did, and continued doing so for decades. That trend is now called Moore’s law.

Moore’s law is not a physical law, like Newton’s law of universal gravitation. It was meant as an observation about economics. There will always be incentives to make computers faster and cheaper — but at some point, physics interferes. Chip development can’t keep up with Moore’s law forever, as it becomes more difficult to make transistors tinier. According to what’s jokingly called Moore’s second law, the cost of chip fabrication plants, or “fabs,” doubles every few years. The semiconductor company TSMC has considered building a plant that would cost $25 billion.

Today, Moore’s law no longer holds; doubling is happening at a slower rate. We continue to squeeze more transistors onto chips with each generation, but the generations come less frequently. Researchers are looking into several ways forward: better transistors, more specialized chips, new chip concepts and software hacks.  

Computer performance from 1985 through 2015

Modern Moore graph

Until about 2005, the ability to squeeze more transistors onto each chip meant exponential improvements in computer performance (black and gray show an industry benchmark for computers with one or more “cores,” or processors). Likewise, clock frequency (green) — the number of cycles of operations performed per second — improved exponentially. Since this “Dennard-scaling era,” transistors have continued to shrink but that shrinking hasn’t yielded the same performance benefits.


Transistors can get smaller still. Conceptually, a transistor consists of three basic elements. A metal gate (different from the logic gates above) lays across the middle of a semiconductor, one side of which acts as an electron source, and the other side a drain. Current passes from source to drain, and then on down the road, when the gate has a certain voltage. Many transistors are of a design called FinFET, because the channel from source to drain sticks up like a fin or a row of fins. The gate is like a larger, perpendicular wall that the fins pass through. It touches each fin on both sides and the top.

But, according to Sanjay Natarajan, who leads transistor design at Intel, “we’ve squeezed, we believe, everything you can squeeze out of that architecture.” In the next few years, chip manufacturers will start producing gate-all-around transistors, in which the channel resembles vertically stacked wires or ribbons penetrating the gate. These transistors will be faster and require less energy and space.

Transistors revisited

Finfet and gate all around transistor drawings

New transistor designs, a shift from the common FinFET (left) to gate-all-around transistors (right), for example, can make transistors that are smaller, faster and require less energy.

As these components have shrunk, the terminology to describe their size has gotten more confusing. You sometimes hear about chips being “14 nanometers” or “10 nanometers” in size; top-of-the-line chips in 2021 are “5 nanometers.” These numbers do not refer to the width or any other dimension of a transistor. They used to refer to the size of particular transistor features, but for several years now they have been nothing more than marketing terms.

Chip design

Even if transistors were to stop shrinking, computers would still have a lot of runway to improve, through Moore’s “device and circuit cleverness.”

A large hindrance to speeding up chips is the amount of heat they produce while moving electrons around. Too much and they’ll melt. For years, Moore’s law was accompanied by Dennard scaling, named after electrical engineer Robert Dennard, who said that as transistors shrank, they would also become faster and more energy efficient. That was true until around 2005, when they became so thin that they leaked too much current, heating up the chip. Since then, computer clock speed — the number of cycles of operations performed per second — hasn’t increased beyond a few gigahertz.

A Navajo woman sitting at a microscope

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Core memory weavers and Navajo women made the Apollo missions possible

The stories of the women who assembled integrated circuits and wove core memory for the Apollo missions remain largely unknown.

Computers are limited in how much power they can draw and in how much heat they can disperse. Since the mid-2000s, according to Tom Conte, a computer scientist at Georgia Tech in Atlanta who co-leads the IEEE Rebooting Computing Initiative, “power savings has been the name of the game.” So engineers have turned to making chips perform several operations simultaneously, or splitting a chip into multiple parallel “cores,” to eke more operations from the same clock speed. But programming for parallel circuits is tricky.

Another speed bump is that electrons often have to travel long distances between logic gates or between chips — which also produces a lot of heat. One solution to the delays and heat production of data transmission is to move transistors closer together. Some nascent efforts have looked at stacking them vertically. More near-term, others are stacking whole chips vertically. Another solution is to replace electrical wiring with fiber optics, as light transmits information faster and more efficiently than electrical current does.

TrueNorth chip

Increasingly, computers rely on specialized chips or regions of a chip, called accelerators. Arranging transistors differently can put them to better use for specific applications. A cell phone, for instance, may have different circuitry designed for processing graphics, sound, wireless transmission and GPS signals.

“Sanjay [Natarajan] leads the parts of Intel that deliver transistors and transistor technologies,” says Richard Uhlig, managing director of Intel Labs. “We figure out what to do with the transistors,” he says of his team. One type of accelerator they’re developing is for what’s called fully homomorphic encryption, in which a computer processes data while it’s still encrypted — useful for, say, drawing conclusions about a set of medical records without revealing personal information. The project, funded by DARPA, could speed homomorphic encryption by hundreds of times.

More than 200 start-ups are developing accelerators for artificial intelligence , finding faster ways to perform the calculations necessary for software to learn from data.

Some accelerators aim to mimic, in hardware, the brain’s wiring. These “neuromorphic” chips typically embody at least one of three properties. First, memory elements may sit very close to computing elements, or the same elements may perform both functions, the way neurons both store and process information. One type of element that can perform this feat is the memristor . Second, the chips may process information using “spikes.” Like neurons, the elements sit around waiting for something to happen, then send a signal, or spike, when their activation crosses a threshold. Third, the chips may be analog instead of digital, eliminating the need for encoding continuous electrical properties such as voltage into discrete 1s and 0s.

These neuromorphic properties can make processing certain types of information orders of magnitude faster and more energy efficient. The computations are often less precise than in standard chips, but fuzzy logic is acceptable for, say, pattern matching or finding approximate solutions quickly. Uhlig says Intel has used its neuromorphic chip Loihi in tests to process odors, control robots and optimize railway schedules so that many trains can share limited tracks.

Cerebras chip

Some types of accelerators might one day use quantum computing , which capitalizes on two features of the subatomic realm. The first is superposition , in which particles can exist not just in one state or another, but in some combination of states until the state is explicitly measured. So a quantum system represents information not as bits but as qubits , which can preserve the possibility of being either 0 or 1 when measured. The second is entanglement , the interdependence between distant quantum elements. Together, these features mean that a system of qubits can represent and evaluate exponentially more possibilities than there are qubits — all combinations of 1s and 0s simultaneously.

Qubits can take many forms, but one of the most popular is as current in superconducting wires. These wires must be kept at a fraction of a degree above absolute zero, around –273° Celsius, to prevent hot, jiggling atoms from interfering with the qubits’ delicate superpositions and entanglement. Quantum computers also need many physical qubits to make up one “logical,” or effective, qubit, with the redundancy acting as error correction .

Quantum computers have several potential applications: machine learning, optimization (like train scheduling) and simulating real-world quantum mechanics, as in chemistry. But they will not likely become general-purpose computers. It’s not clear how you’d use one to, say, run a word processor.

New chip concepts

There remain new ways to dramatically speed up not just specialized accelerators but also general-purpose chips. Conte points to two paradigms. The first is superconduction. Below about 4 kelvins, around –269° C, many metals lose almost all electrical resistance, so they won’t convert current into heat. A superconducting circuit might be able to operate at hundreds of gigahertz instead of just a few, using much less electricity. The hard part lies not in keeping the circuits refrigerated (at least in big data centers), but in working with the exotic materials required to build them. 

The second paradigm is reversible computing. In 1961, the physicist Rolf Landauer merged information theory and thermodynamics , the physics of heat. He noted that when a logic gate takes in two bits and outputs one, it destroys a bit, expelling it as entropy, or randomness, in the form of heat. When billions of transistors operate at billions of cycles per second, the wasted heat adds up. Michael Frank, a computer scientist at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque who works on reversible computing, wrote in 2017: “A conventional computer is, essentially, an expensive electric heater that happens to perform a small amount of computation as a side effect.”

But in reversible computing, logic gates have as many outputs as inputs. This means that if you ran the logic gate in reverse, you could use, say, three out-bits to obtain the three in-bits. Some researchers have conceived of reversible logic gates and circuits that could not only save those extra out-bits but also recycle them for other calculations. The physicist Richard Feynman had concluded that, aside from energy loss during data transmission, there’s no theoretical limit to computing efficiency.

Combine reversible and superconducting computing, Conte says, and “you get a double whammy.” Efficient computing allows you to run more operations on the same chip without worrying about power use or heat generation. Conte says that, eventually, one or both of these methods “probably will be the backbone of a lot of computing.”

Software hacks

Researchers continue to work on a cornucopia of new technologies for transistors, other computing elements, chip designs and hardware paradigms: photonics, spintronics , biomolecules, carbon nanotubes . But much more can still be eked out of current elements and architectures merely by optimizing code.

In a 2020 paper in Science , for instance, researchers studied the simple problem of multiplying two matrices, grids of numbers used in mathematics and machine learning. The calculation ran more than 60,000 times faster when the team picked an efficient programming language and optimized the code for the underlying hardware, compared with a standard piece of code in the Python language, which is considered user-friendly and easy to learn.

Computing gains through hardware and algorithm improvement

Algorithm improvement chart

Hardware isn’t the only way computing speeds up. Advances in the algorithms — the computational procedures for achieving a result — can lend a big boost to performance. The graph above shows the relative number of problems that can be solved in a fixed amount of time for one type of algorithm. The black line shows gains over time from hardware and algorithm advances; the purple line shows gains from hardware improvements alone.

Neil Thompson, a research scientist at MIT who coauthored the Science paper, recently coauthored a paper looking at historical improvements in algorithms , abstract procedures for tasks like sorting data. “For a substantial minority of algorithms,” he says, “their progress has been as fast or faster than Moore’s law.”

People have predicted the end of Moore’s law for decades. Even Moore has predicted its end several times. Progress may have slowed, at least for the time being, but human innovation, accelerated by economic incentives, has kept technology moving at a fast clip. — Matthew Hutson

Chasing intelligence

From the early days of computer science, researchers have aimed to replicate human thought. Alan Turing opened a 1950 paper titled “ Computing Machinery and Intelligence ” with: “I propose to consider the question, ‘Can machines think?’” He proceeded to outline a test, which he called “the imitation game” ( now called the Turing test ), in which a human communicating with a computer and another human via written questions had to judge which was which. If the judge failed, the computer could presumably think.

Man with wires

The term “artificial intelligence” was coined in a 1955 proposal for a summer institute at Dartmouth College. “An attempt will be made,” the proposal goes, “to find how to make machines use language, form abstractions and concepts, solve kinds of problems now reserved for humans, and improve themselves.” The organizers expected that over two months, the 10 summit attendees would make a “significant advance.”

remington ad

More than six decades and untold person-hours later, it’s unclear whether the advances live up to what was in mind at that summer summit. Artificial intelligence surrounds us, in ways invisible (filtering spam), headline-worthy (beating us at chess, driving cars) and in between (letting us chat with our smartphones). But these are all narrow forms of AI, performing one or two tasks well. What Turing and others had in mind is called artificial general intelligence, or AGI. Depending on your definition, it’s a system that can do most of what humans do.

We may never achieve AGI, but the path has led, and will lead, to lots of useful innovations along the way. “I think we’ve made a lot of progress,” says Doina Precup, a computer scientist at McGill University in Montreal and head of AI company DeepMind’s Montreal research team. “But one of the things that, to me, is still missing right now is more of an understanding of the principles that are fundamental in intelligence.”

AI has made great headway in the last decade, much of it due to machine learning. Previously, computers relied more heavily on symbolic AI, which uses algorithms, or sets of instructions, that make decisions according to manually specified rules. Machine-learning programs, on the other hand, process data to find patterns on their own. One form uses artificial neural networks, software with layers of simple computing elements that together mimic certain principles of biological brains. Neural networks with several, or many more, layers are currently popular and make up a type of machine learning called deep learning.


Deep-learning systems can now play games like chess and Go better than the best human. They can probably identify dog breeds from photos better than you can. They can translate text from one language to another. They can control robots and compose music and predict how proteins will fold.

But they also lack much of what falls under the umbrella term of common sense. They don’t understand fundamental things about how the world works, physically or socially. Slightly changing images in a way that you or I might not notice, for example, can dramatically affect what a computer sees. Researchers found that placing a few innocuous stickers on a stop sign can lead software to interpret the sign as a speed limit sign, an obvious problem for self-driving cars .

photo of a person looking at the "Edmond de Belamy" portrait

Artificial intelligence challenges what it means to be creative

Computer programs can mimic famous artworks, but struggle with originality and lack self-awareness.

Types of learning

How can AI improve? Computer scientists are leveraging multiple forms of machine learning, whether the learning is “deep” or not. One common form is called supervised learning, in which machine-learning systems, or models, are trained by being fed labeled data such as images of dogs and their breed names. But that requires lots of human effort to label them. Another approach is unsupervised or self-supervised learning, in which computers learn without relying on outside labels, the way you or I predict what a chair will look like from different angles as we walk around it.

Models that process billions of words of text, predicting the next word one at a time and changing slightly when they’re wrong, rely on unsupervised learning. They can then generate new strings of text. In 2020, the research lab OpenAI released a trained language model called GPT-3 that’s perhaps the most complex neural network ever. Based on prompts, it can write humanlike news articles, short stories and poems. It can answer trivia questions, write computer code and translate language — all without being specifically trained to do any of these things. It’s further down the path toward AGI than many researchers thought was currently possible. And language models will get bigger and better from here.

Neural network

Another type of machine learning is reinforcement learning , in which a model interacts with an environment, exploring sequences of actions to achieve a goal. Reinforcement learning has allowed AI to become expert at board games like Go and video games like StarCraft II . A recent paper by researchers at DeepMind, including Precup, argues in the title that “ Reward Is Enough .” By merely having a training algorithm reinforce a model’s successful or semi-successful behavior, models will incrementally build up all the components of intelligence needed to succeed at the given task and many others.

For example, according to the paper, a robot rewarded for maximizing kitchen cleanliness would eventually learn “perception (to differentiate clean and dirty utensils), knowledge (to understand utensils), motor control (to manipulate utensils), memory (to recall locations of utensils), language (to predict future mess from dialogue) and social intelligence (to encourage young children to make less mess).” Whether trial and error would lead to such skills within the life span of the solar system — and what kinds of goals, environment and model would be required — is to be determined.

Another type of learning involves Bayesian statistics, a way of estimating what conditions are likely given current observations. Bayesian statistics is helping machines identify causal relations, an essential skill for advanced intelligence.


To learn efficiently, machines (and people) need to generalize, to draw abstract principles from experiences. “A huge part of intelligence,” says Melanie Mitchell, a computer scientist at the Santa Fe Institute in New Mexico, “is being able to take one’s knowledge and apply it in different situations.” Much of her work involves analogies, in a most rudimentary form: finding similarities between strings of letters. In 2019, AI researcher François Chollet of Google created a kind of IQ test for machines called the Abstraction and Reasoning Corpus, or ARC, in which computers must complete visual patterns according to principles demonstrated in example patterns. The puzzles are easy for humans but so far challenging for machines. Eventually, AI might understand grander abstractions like love and democracy.

Machine IQ test

Blocky tests

In a kind of IQ test for machines, computers are challenged to complete a visual patterning task based on examples provided. In each of these three tasks, computers are given “training examples” (both the problem, left, and the answer, right) and then have to determine the answer for “test examples.” The puzzles are typically much easier for humans than for machines.

Much of our abstract thought, ironically, may be grounded in our physical experiences. We use conceptual metaphors like important = big, and argument = opposing forces. AGI that can do most of what humans can do may require embodiment, such as operating within a physical robot. Researchers have combined language learning and robotics by creating virtual worlds where virtual robots simultaneously learn to follow instructions and to navigate within a house. GPT-3 is evidence that disembodied language may not be enough. In one demo , it wrote: “It takes two rainbows to jump from Hawaii to seventeen.”

“I’ve played around a lot with it,” Mitchell says. “It does incredible things. But it can also make some incredibly dumb mistakes.”

AGI might also require other aspects of our animal nature, like emotions , especially if humans expect to interact with machines in natural ways. Emotions are not mere irrational reactions. We’ve evolved them to guide our drives and behaviors. According to Ilya Sutskever, a cofounder and the chief scientist at OpenAI, they “give us this extra oomph of wisdom.” Even if AI doesn’t have the same conscious feelings we do, it may have code that approximates fear or anger. Already, reinforcement learning includes an exploratory element akin to curiosity .

Stop sign stickers

One function of curiosity is to help learn causality, by encouraging exploration and experimentation, Precup says. However, current exploration methods in AI “are still very far from babies playing purposefully with objects,” she notes.

Humans aren’t blank slates. We’re born with certain predispositions to recognize faces, learn language and play with objects. Machine-learning systems also require the right kind of innate structure to learn certain things quickly. How much structure, and what kind, is a matter of intense debate in the field. Sutskever says building in how we think we think is “intellectually seductive,” and he leans toward blank slates. However, “we want the best blank slate.”

One general neural-network structure Sutskever likes is called the transformer, a method for paying greater attention to important relationships between elements of an input. It’s behind current language models like GPT-3, and has also been applied to analyzing images, audio and video. “It makes everything better,” he says.

Thinking about thinking

AI itself may help us discover new forms of AI. There’s a set of techniques called AutoML, in which algorithms help optimize neural-network architectures or other aspects of AI models. AI also helps chip architects design better integrated circuits. This year, Google researchers reported in Nature that reinforcement learning performed better than their in-house team at laying out some aspects of an accelerator chip they’d designed for AI.

Estimates of AGI’s proximity vary greatly, but most experts think it’s decades away. In a 2016 survey, 352 machine-learning researchers estimated the arrival of “high-level machine intelligence,” defined as “when unaided machines can accomplish every task better and more cheaply than human workers.” On average, they gave even odds of such a feat by around 2060.

But no one has a good basis for judging. “We don’t understand our own intelligence,” Mitchell says, as much of it is unconscious. “And therefore, we don’t know what’s going to be hard or easy for AI.” What seems hard can be easy and vice versa — a phenomenon known as Moravec’s paradox, after the roboticist Hans Moravec. In 1988, Moravec wrote, “it is comparatively easy to make computers exhibit adult-level performance in solving problems on intelligence tests or playing checkers, and difficult or impossible to give them the skills of a 1-year-old when it comes to perception and mobility.” Babies are secretly brilliant. In aiming for AGI, Precup says, “we are also understanding more about human intelligence, and about intelligence in general.”

The gap between organic and synthetic intelligence sometimes seems small because we anthropomorphize machines, spurred by computer science terms like intelligence , learning and vision . Aside from whether we even want humanlike machine intelligence — if they think just like us, won’t they essentially just be people, raising ethical and practical dilemmas? — such a thing may not be possible. Even if AI becomes broad, it may still have unique strengths and weaknesses.

Turing also differentiated between general intelligence and humanlike intelligence. In his 1950 paper on the imitation game, he wrote, “May not machines carry out something which ought to be described as thinking but which is very different from what a man does?” — Matthew Hutson

iCub robot

Ethical issues

In the 1942 short story “Runaround,” one of Isaac Asimov’s characters enumerated “the three fundamental Rules of Robotics — the three rules that are built most deeply into a robot’s positronic brain.” Robots avoided causing or allowing harm to humans, they obeyed orders and they protected themselves, as long as following one rule didn’t conflict with preceding decrees.

We might picture Asimov’s “positronic brains” making autonomous decisions about harm to humans, but that’s not actually how computers affect our well-being every day. Instead of humanoid robots killing people, we have algorithms curating news feeds. As computers further infiltrate our lives, we’ll need to think harder about what kinds of systems to build and how to deploy them, as well as meta-problems like how to decide — and who should decide — these things.

This is the realm of ethics, which may seem distant from the supposed objectivity of math, science and engineering. But deciding what questions to ask about the world and what tools to build has always depended on our ideals and scruples. Studying an abstruse topic like the innards of atoms , for instance, has clear bearing on both energy and weaponry. “There’s the fundamental fact that computer systems are not value neutral,” says Barbara Grosz, a computer scientist at Harvard University, “that when you design them, you bring some set of values into that design.”

One topic that has received a lot of attention from scientists and ethicists is fairness and bias . Algorithms increasingly inform or even dictate decisions about hiring, college admissions, loans and parole. Even if they discriminate less than people do, they can still treat certain groups unfairly, not by design but often because they are trained on biased data. They might predict a person’s future criminal behavior based on prior arrests, for instance, even though different groups are arrested at different rates for a given amount of crime.

Estimated percent of Oakland residents using drugs

Bar charts on Oakland drug use (side by side)

Percent of population that would be targeted by predictive policing

Bar charts on Oakland drug use (side by side)

A predictive policing algorithm tested in Oakland, Calif., would target Black people at roughly twice the rate of white people (right) even though data from the same time period, 2011, show that drug use was roughly equivalent across racial groups (left).

And confusingly, there are multiple definitions of fairness, such as equal false-positive rates between groups or equal false-negative rates between groups. A researcher at one conference listed 21 definitions . And the definitions often conflict. In one paper , researchers showed that in most cases it’s mathematically impossible to satisfy three common definitions simultaneously.

Another concern is privacy and surveillance , given that computers can now gather and sort information on their use in a way previously unimaginable . Data on our online behavior can help predict aspects of our private lives, like sexuality. Facial recognition can also follow us around the real world, helping police or authoritarian governments. And the emerging field of neurotechnology is already testing ways to connect the brain directly to computers. Related to privacy is security — hackers can access data that’s locked away, or interfere with pacemakers and autonomous vehicles.

Computers can also enable deception. AI can generate content that looks real. Language models might write masterpieces or be used to fill the internet with fake news and recruiting material for extremist groups. Generative adversarial networks, a type of deep learning that can generate realistic content, can assist artists or create deepfakes , images or videos showing people doing things they never did.

Putin Obama example

On social media, we also need to worry about polarization in people’s social, political and other views. Generally, recommendation algorithms optimize engagement (and platform profit through advertising), not civil discourse. Algorithms can also manipulate us in other ways. Robo-advisers — chatbots for dispensing financial advice or providing customer support — might learn to know what we really need, or to push our buttons and upsell us on extraneous products.

Multiple countries are developing autonomous weapons that have the potential to reduce civilian casualties as well as escalate conflict faster than their minders can react. Putting guns or missiles in the hands of robots raises the sci-fi specter of Terminators attempting to eliminate humankind. They might even think they’re helping us because eliminating humankind also eliminates human cancer (an example of having no common sense). More near-term, automated systems let loose in the real world have already caused flash crashes in the stock market and Amazon book prices reaching into the millions . If AIs are charged with making life-and-death decisions, they then face the famous trolley problem, deciding whom or what to sacrifice when not everyone can win. Here we’re entering Asimov territory.

That’s a lot to worry about. Russell, of UC Berkeley, suggests where our priorities should lie: “Lethal autonomous weapons are an urgent issue, because people may have already died, and the way things are going, it’s only a matter of time before there’s a mass attack,” he says. “Bias and social media addiction and polarization are both arguably instances of failure of value alignment between algorithms and society, so they are giving us early warnings of how things can easily go wrong.” He adds, “I don’t think trolley problems are urgent at all.”


There are also social, political and legal questions about how to manage technology in society. Who should be held accountable when an AI system causes harm? (For instance, “confused” self-driving cars have killed people .) How can we ensure more equal access to the tools of AI and their benefits, and make sure they don’t harm some groups much more than others? How will automating jobs upend the labor market? Can we manage the environmental impact of data centers, which use a lot of electricity? (Bitcoin mining is responsible for as many tons of carbon dioxide emissions as a small country.) Should we preferentially employ explainable algorithms — rather than the black boxes of many neural networks — for greater trust and debuggability, even if it makes the algorithms poorer at prediction?

What can be done

Michael Kearns, a computer scientist at the University of Pennsylvania and coauthor of The Ethical Algorithm , puts the problems on a spectrum of manageability. At one end is what’s called differential privacy, the ability to add noise to a dataset of, say, medical records so that it can be shared usefully with researchers without revealing much about the individual records. We can now make mathematical guarantees about exactly how private individuals’ data should remain.

Somewhere in the middle of the spectrum is fairness in machine learning. Researchers have developed methods to increase fairness by removing or altering biased training data, or to maximize certain types of equality — in loans, for instance — while minimizing reduction in profit. Still, some types of fairness will forever be in mutual conflict, and math can’t tell us which ones we want.

At the far end is explainability. As opposed to fairness, which can be analyzed mathematically in many ways, the quality of an explanation is hard to describe in mathematical terms. “I feel like I haven’t seen a single good definition yet,” Kearns says. “You could say, ‘Here’s an algorithm that will take a trained neural network and try to explain why it rejected you for a loan,’ but [the explanation] doesn’t feel principled.”

Explanation methods include generating a simpler, interpretable model that approximates the original, or highlighting regions of an image a network found salient, but these are just gestures toward how the cryptic software computes. Even worse, systems can provide intentionally deceptive explanations , to make unfair models look fair to auditors. Ultimately, if the audience doesn’t understand it, it’s not a good explanation, and measuring its success — however you define success — requires user studies.  

Something like Asimov’s three laws won’t save us from robots that hurt us while trying to help us; stepping on your phone when you tell it to hurry up and get you a drink is a likely example. And even if the list were extended to a million laws, the letter of a law is not identical to its spirit. One possible solution is what’s called inverse reinforcement learning, or IRL. In reinforcement learning, a model learns behaviors to achieve a given goal. In IRL, it infers someone’s goal by observing their behavior. We can’t always articulate our values — the goals we ultimately care about — but AI might figure them out by watching us. If we have coherent goals, that is.

“Perhaps the most obvious preference is that we prefer to be alive,” says Russell, who has pioneered IRL. “So an AI agent using IRL can avoid courses of action that cause us to be dead. In case this sounds too trivial, remember that not a single one of the prototype self-driving cars knows that we prefer to be alive. The self-driving car may have rules that in most cases prohibit actions that cause death, but in some unusual circumstance — such as filling a garage with carbon monoxide — they might watch the person collapse and die and have no notion that anything was wrong.”

Digital lives

Facebook metaverse

In 2021, Facebook unveiled its vision for a metaverse, a virtual world where people would work and play. “As so many have made clear, this is what technology wants,” says MIT sociologist and clinical psychologist Sherry Turkle about the metaverse. “For me, it would be wiser to ask first, not what technology wants, but what do people want? What do people need to be safer? Less lonely? More connected to each other in communities? More supported in their efforts to live healthier and more fulfilled lives?”

Engineer, heal thyself

In the 1950 short story “The Evitable Conflict,” Asimov articulated what became a “zeroth law,” which would supersede the others: “A robot may not harm humanity, or, by inaction, allow humanity to come to harm.” It should go without saying that the rule should apply with “roboticist” in place of “robot.” For sure, many computer scientists avoid harming humanity, but many also don’t actively engage with the social implications of their work, effectively allowing humanity to come to harm, says Margaret Mitchell, a computer scientist who co-led Google’s Ethical AI team and now consults with organizations on tech ethics. (She is no relation to computer scientist Melanie Mitchell.)

One hurdle, according to Grosz, is that they’re not properly trained in ethics. But she hopes to change that. Grosz and the philosopher Alison Simmons began a program at Harvard called Embedded EthiCS, in which teaching assistants with training in philosophy are embedded in computer science courses and teach lessons on privacy or discrimination or fake news. The program has spread to MIT, Stanford and the University of Toronto.

“We try to get students to think about values and value trade-offs,” Grosz says. Two things have struck her. The first is the difficulty students have with problems that lack right answers and require arguing for particular choices. The second is, despite their frustration, “how much students care about this set of issues,” Grosz says.

Another way to educate technologists about their influence is to widen collaborations. According to Mitchell, “computer science needs to move from holding math up as the be-all and end-all, to holding up both math and social science, and psychology as well.” Researchers should bring in experts in these topics, she says. Going the other way, Kearns says, they should also share their own technical expertise with regulators, lawyers and policy makers. Otherwise, policies will be so vague as to be useless. Without specific definitions of privacy or fairness written into law, companies can choose whatever’s most convenient or profitable.

When evaluating how a tool will affect a community, the best experts are often community members themselves. Grosz advocates consulting with diverse populations. Diversity helps in both user studies and technology teams. “If you don’t have people in the room who think differently from you,” Grosz says, “the differences are just not in front of you. If somebody says not every patient has a smartphone, boom, you start thinking differently about what you’re designing.”

According to Margaret Mitchell, “the most pressing problem is the diversity and inclusion of who’s at the table from the start. All the other issues fall out from there.” — Matthew Hutson

Editor’s note: This story was published February 24, 2022.

pic of Turing

Alan Turing (shown) sketches out the theoretical blueprint for a machine able to implement instructions for making any calculation — the principle behind modern computing devices.

Operators at the ENIAC

The University of Pennsylvania rolls out the first all-electronic general-purpose digital computer , called ENIAC (one shown). The Colossus electronic computers had been used by British code-breakers during World War II.

Grace Hopper

Grace Hopper (shown) creates the first compiler. It translated instructions into code that a computer could read and execute, making it an important step in the evolution of modern programming languages.

Kids looking at a computer

Three computers released this year — the Commodore PET, the Apple II and the TRS-80 (an early version shown) — help make personal computing a reality.

Lee Sedol playing

Google’s AlphaGo computer program defeats world champion Go player Lee Sedol (shown).

Sycamore chip

Researchers at Google report a controversial claim that they have achieved quantum supremacy, performing a computation that would be impossible in practice for a classical machine. (Google’s Sycamore chip is shown.)

From the archive

From now on: computers.

Science News Letter editor Watson Davis predicts how “mechanical brains” will push forward human knowledge.

Maze for Mechanical Mouse

Claude Shannon demonstrates his “electrical mouse,” which can learn to find its way through a maze.

Giant Electronic Brains

Science News Letter covers the introduction of a “giant electronic ‘brain’” to aid weather predictions.

Automation Changes Jobs

A peek into early worries over how technological advances will swallow up jobs.

Machine ‘Thinks’ for Itself

“An automaton that is half-beast, half-machine is able to ‘think’ for itself,” Science News Letter reports.

Predicting Chemical Properties by Computer

A report on how artificial intelligence is helping to predict chemical properties.

From Number Crunchers to Pocket Genies

The first in a series of articles on the computer revolution explores the technological breakthroughs bringing computers to the average person.

Calculators in the Classroom

Science News weighs the pros and cons of “pocket math,” noting that high school and college students are “buying calculators as if they were radios.”

Computing for Art’s Sake

Artists embrace computers as essential partners in the creative process, Science News ’ Janet Raloff reports.


Mathematics writer Ivars Peterson reports on the push toward ultrafast supercomputing — and what it might reveal about the cosmos.

A Mind from Math

Alan Turing foresaw the potential of machines to mimic brains, reports Tom Siegfried.

Machines are getting schooled on fairness

Machine-learning programs can introduce biases that may harm job seekers, loan applicants and more, Maria Temming reports.

An illustration of a smiley face with a green monster with lots of tentacles and eyes behind it. The monster's fangs and tongue are visible at the bottom of the illustration.

AI chatbots can be tricked into misbehaving. Can scientists stop it?

To develop better safeguards, computer scientists are studying how people have manipulated generative AI chatbots into answering harmful questions.

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DNA illustration

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Importance of Computers in Our Daily Life – 3 Essays

Category: Blog , Essays and Paragraphs On March 16, 2016 By Various Contributors

Importance of Computers in Our Daily Life – Essay 1. 

Computers are those devices that play a very important role in our everyday life . We are so accustomed to using them that we barely notice their presence. However, their absence can spell trouble for a lot of us. Beginning with a school project to electricity payment to work from home, computers have become part and parcel of our daily lives.

Though many of us maybe averse to the idea of machines pervading into our daily lives, they have come to become the unavoidable necessity.

A computer is an electronic device that processes information . They work at such speed and accuracy that they seem to free us up from many very mechanical tasks. Following is a list of ways in which computers have come to become a very important part of our daily life .

  • Access to information : Computers are a device that can be used to access the internet and wide range of information for a variety of purposes
  • Prepare for projects : Computers are essential to prepare for school and college projects and for work reports
  • Typing and Editing : It helps us type and edit a lot of documents beginning with letters to family to notices, projects and variety of lists and documents
  • Learning : Computer assisted learning has come to become a tool for learning and has come to revolutionise the ways in which we learn
  • Distance Education : It is an important requirement for distance education beginning from MOOC courses to correspondence degrees
  • Instant access to news : The news about various happenings are instantly updated on the internet and can be accessed by the computer
  • Stay updated : It helps us stay updated about anything and everything from international news to celebrity activities
  • Connect with people : It helps us stay connected with people through mails, chat rooms and social media
  • Access social media : We can access social   media sites like Facebook, twitter and instagram
  • Employment and work from home : It provides us access to part time employment such as freelancing and work from home options
  • Online transactions : We can carry out hassle free transactions through the computer and make payments anywhere and at any time
  • Shopping : Online shopping is emerging as one of the modes of shopping and the computer enables us to access a variety of products with literally a click of the mouse
  • Bookings and reservations : A computer helps in making bookings and reservations for travel, parties, movies and a various other events
  • Variety of applications : The computer comes with a variety of applications that come handy in our day to day life
  • Budgeting : It’s an effective budgeting tool and has software that help in maintaining and developing monthly budgets
  • Scheduling and lists : It is a good tool for making schedules and keeping lists and with timely updates help us keep on track with our work
  • Storing personal information digitally : We can store a lot of personal information, pictures and so on digitally on the computer and access it instantly
  • Leisure : They are also a part of our general leisure time activity including a variety of options like games, educational videos, movies, social media and general surfing of the web
  • Gaming : Gaming is something that appeals to all ages and one of the most important uses of the computer
  • Entertainment : It is a source for entertainment like movies, music and so on

Computers are a basic necessity in today’s world . We can perform a variety of functions using the computer and it is indeed the technology for the future. From managing our finances or making purchases, it has proved to be a very handy device that has transformed the ways in which we operate in society.

By Swetha (2019)

Importance of Computers in Our Daily Life – Essay 2.

Introduction: Be it offices, hospitals, malls or just homes, computers are everywhere! They help us with calculations, storing data, staying organized and also entertain and inform us.

Computers add speed and accuracy in various methods and so, they help us save time and money too!

Computers have made important contributions in various fields including science, technology, education, society and many more!

Meaning of Computer:  Computers can be defined as electronic devices that receive, store and process the input data to generate the right output. In order to receive the right and desired output, one should enter the right information or data in computers.

Computers process various types of data, which is entered by users. These electronic devices execute a number of programs to achieve the correct result.

Computers also act as highly reliable scientific equipment. They receive and store data and carries out logical and mathematical calculations too to provide fast and accurate results. These days, computers are used in various fields and at almost every place!

Importance of Computers

Let us find out the significance of computers in our daily life:

  • Education – Computers have a great contribution in the education field. The internet enabled computers do not only provide important knowledge and information on every subject, but they also connect students across the world. Moreover, the concept of smart classes, eBooks, multimedia learning, etc., has become possible only because of computers.
  • Internet – With the help of internet on computers we stay connected with our friends and family. Computers provide us information and also entertain us. Today, we just need to type a word in the search engine and numerous pages open up for providing information on that particular word! Computers are extremely helpful in the distribution of information and knowledge. Also, we can watch movies, videos, news, etc., on computers with internet. Computers also help us generate money as there are many jobs and businesses that can be done online. Moreover, the online banking systems, online shopping and similar internet supported concepts on computers help save our time as well as money .
  • Calculation : While computers carry out calculations and store and process data at office, they are also useful at home for many domestic tasks. For instance, they help us calculate the household budget by storing every day/monthly essential data.
  • Help Businesses to grow – Regardless of being small or big, various businesses maintain their books of accounts in computers. Also, there are various online methods like email campaign, social media marketing, etc., that help businesses to promote and grow. Computers also provide quick & reliable electronic receipts in supermarkets and at various other places too. They are also widely used at hospitals for storing and retrieving patient information.
  • Entertainment – Computers are great sources for entertainment. They give us plethora of choices when it comes to entertainment. We get to listen to music, watch movies and videos and chat with our friends with the help of computers.

Conclusion : Computer is one of the best gifts of technology! They are a pack of entertainment, information, knowledge and intelligence. Undoubtedly, computers have made significant contribution in human life and progress, but we suggest that one should not become a slave of technology! What we exactly mean to say is that we should spend time in front of screen with a purpose and meaning and that, we should always remember that the real world lies off-screen!

By Sehba (2016)

Importance of Computer in Our Daily Life – Essay 3. 

Computer is a machine that helps in processing data into meaningful information. It is one of the most common machines these days with endless possibilities for application, thereby making life truly simple for everyone around.

A computer is usually a set of machines but it could easily be just a small chip installed in a machine. The main parts of a computing system are an input device, a processing unit and an output device. Generally these are in form of a keyboard or a mouse which are used to feed the data, a central processing unit and a screen to display the output.

A person with even an elementary training can easily operate the machine to achieve the required output within seconds. Computers have penetrated every sphere of life, all industries and every possible field.

Importance of computer in our daily life

Computer is important in our life in many more ways than we can imagine.

  • Computers have made processing of data very easy . Large amounts of computing can be done within fractions of seconds just by feeding the right processes.
  • Computers have a large storage space with the possibility of having additional space too, making very large amounts of information stored in a very small space as against having that done physically.
  • Since computers can multitask easily one can do many tasks together on the same machine.
  • Computerization has made reservations to railways, airlines and roadways simple and clear of any confusion.
  • Banking has become a much simpler business and the tedious calculations are now taken care of by machines in a jiffy.
  • Computerized eye testing can give much more accurate results.
  • Computers in offices have replaced many shelves lined along the walls with piles and piles of files on them.
  • Schools can keep the records of each child stored in a digital format for easy access when necessary.
  • Digitization of libraries has been a very big advantage of computerization since maintaining the old books can be very expensive and tedious.
  • Supermarkets have become much easier to manage with the automated inventory systems.
  • Computers in car make a lot of manually done actions redundant such as rolling the window panes.
  • Having a chip card can make travel and ticketing for daily or regular commute easy by saving time on a computer operated swiping system.
  • Office work has been almost completely automated by use of software such as spreadsheets, word processing documents etc.
  • Jewellery and fashion can be easily designed using software customized to them.
  • Entertainment has taken a new meaning by the gaming industry that heavily relies on computer technology.
  • Music and films too are of a much better quality since digitization has taken over. Editing and mixing can now be done more easily and with much better effects.
  • Children’s learning aids are of a much better quality since they are made by using computers.
  • Architectural designs can also now be made and any modifications can be easily made by computers.
  • Computers are very critical in aviation industry in getting real time information about the various flights.
  • Hospitals are benefiting quite a lot by computer technology.

The accuracy rate of jobs done by computers is very high as along as the right procedures are administered. The rate of human errors goes down drastically and the human labour to stands redundant. The ease with with computers can be operated makes more and more people capable of handling such jobs. At the same time since the machine does not have its own intelligence, the decision making at critical times becomes that much more tricky since the machine does not have the ability to judge the situation.

By Janhavi (2019)

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Essay on Role of Computers and internet in our Lives

essay on role of computer in today's life

Computers are perhaps the most controversial inventions of the 20th century. Ever since Bill Gates made it a household name, people have been debating over its merits and demerits. Most students would agree that the computer is the greatest invention on earth because it has opened up a vast store of easily available information for them. At a click of the mouse, they get to learn all the things that help them to keep abreast of today’s fast-moving world. However, for each positive aspect of the computer, there are equal or more negative counterpoints.

Gone are the days of vigorous handwriting practice. The computer has come as a blessing for students who can now submit their assignments in neat and legible sheets. They can loop up any information to put together their projects and use various software applications to present them impressively. Colored graphs and diagrams can be inserted, there is very little scope of spelling errors and even grammatical mistakes are done away with.

Knowledge increases with its spread and anyone who wants to spread his thoughts and knowledge can put it on the internet. It is available to the world and research students no longer need to labor through piles and piles of manuscripts. Universities can be contacted, websites can be consulted and even queries are answered through the internet. All this saved them a lot of time, labor, as well as money. For those who want to discuss, there are numerous e-forums and conferences that they can log onto. They can always indulge in healthy interaction with other literary enthusiasts.

As computers become increasingly pervasive in our lives, an increasing number of people are facing problems on the domestic front because of computers and the internet. Individuals are spending hours on end chatting or surfing on the net, but they do not have time for the other members in the family. Each one is becoming less communicative and more dependent on the computer. Children, especially of the advanced and more developed countries are known to the advanced and more developed countries are known to spend 20 hours a week playing computer games. 

Alternately, computers are helping to build up a global family instead of narrow groups based on community and caste. The different groups that can be found on social networks are witness to the growing popularity of ‘international communities’. In a very short time, people can be brought together, to protest against some wrong, to fight for some right or garner support for someone. As people become increasingly aware of what is going on in the world, more and more people are involving themselves in the service of others. Some doctors can be consulted online, lawyers who clarify legal points and teachers who help students with their assignments. There are net cafes that allow people to play online video games-most of which show a lot of violence and aggressiveness. Children, who spend a substantial time playing these games, believe that such violence is the accepted behavior in life too. If on the other hand playing video games can be restricted and supervised, children can develop better reaction time, visual activity and dexterity. Is it not amazing to know that a child sitting in the US may be playing a game with a child in Japan or Australia? This international level of activity excludes a lot of negative prejudices allowing the child to develop into a world citizen. However, the child can very easily get in touch with negative groups also.

Sadly, the advent of computers and the internet has rung the death knell on a lot of habits that are essential for the development of a good character. Reading is one such habit that is fast drying. Be it the daily newspaper or a work of fiction, the practice of group reading is decreasing. Communicative skills are deteriorating and health to is suffering because of the long hours spent sitting in front of the computer. It depends on our wisely making use of the computer to turn it into a boon instead of a bane for us.

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Promises and Pitfalls of Technology

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Josephine Wolff; How Is Technology Changing the World, and How Should the World Change Technology?. Global Perspectives 1 February 2021; 2 (1): 27353. doi:

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Technologies are becoming increasingly complicated and increasingly interconnected. Cars, airplanes, medical devices, financial transactions, and electricity systems all rely on more computer software than they ever have before, making them seem both harder to understand and, in some cases, harder to control. Government and corporate surveillance of individuals and information processing relies largely on digital technologies and artificial intelligence, and therefore involves less human-to-human contact than ever before and more opportunities for biases to be embedded and codified in our technological systems in ways we may not even be able to identify or recognize. Bioengineering advances are opening up new terrain for challenging philosophical, political, and economic questions regarding human-natural relations. Additionally, the management of these large and small devices and systems is increasingly done through the cloud, so that control over them is both very remote and removed from direct human or social control. The study of how to make technologies like artificial intelligence or the Internet of Things “explainable” has become its own area of research because it is so difficult to understand how they work or what is at fault when something goes wrong (Gunning and Aha 2019) .

This growing complexity makes it more difficult than ever—and more imperative than ever—for scholars to probe how technological advancements are altering life around the world in both positive and negative ways and what social, political, and legal tools are needed to help shape the development and design of technology in beneficial directions. This can seem like an impossible task in light of the rapid pace of technological change and the sense that its continued advancement is inevitable, but many countries around the world are only just beginning to take significant steps toward regulating computer technologies and are still in the process of radically rethinking the rules governing global data flows and exchange of technology across borders.

These are exciting times not just for technological development but also for technology policy—our technologies may be more advanced and complicated than ever but so, too, are our understandings of how they can best be leveraged, protected, and even constrained. The structures of technological systems as determined largely by government and institutional policies and those structures have tremendous implications for social organization and agency, ranging from open source, open systems that are highly distributed and decentralized, to those that are tightly controlled and closed, structured according to stricter and more hierarchical models. And just as our understanding of the governance of technology is developing in new and interesting ways, so, too, is our understanding of the social, cultural, environmental, and political dimensions of emerging technologies. We are realizing both the challenges and the importance of mapping out the full range of ways that technology is changing our society, what we want those changes to look like, and what tools we have to try to influence and guide those shifts.

Technology can be a source of tremendous optimism. It can help overcome some of the greatest challenges our society faces, including climate change, famine, and disease. For those who believe in the power of innovation and the promise of creative destruction to advance economic development and lead to better quality of life, technology is a vital economic driver (Schumpeter 1942) . But it can also be a tool of tremendous fear and oppression, embedding biases in automated decision-making processes and information-processing algorithms, exacerbating economic and social inequalities within and between countries to a staggering degree, or creating new weapons and avenues for attack unlike any we have had to face in the past. Scholars have even contended that the emergence of the term technology in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries marked a shift from viewing individual pieces of machinery as a means to achieving political and social progress to the more dangerous, or hazardous, view that larger-scale, more complex technological systems were a semiautonomous form of progress in and of themselves (Marx 2010) . More recently, technologists have sharply criticized what they view as a wave of new Luddites, people intent on slowing the development of technology and turning back the clock on innovation as a means of mitigating the societal impacts of technological change (Marlowe 1970) .

At the heart of fights over new technologies and their resulting global changes are often two conflicting visions of technology: a fundamentally optimistic one that believes humans use it as a tool to achieve greater goals, and a fundamentally pessimistic one that holds that technological systems have reached a point beyond our control. Technology philosophers have argued that neither of these views is wholly accurate and that a purely optimistic or pessimistic view of technology is insufficient to capture the nuances and complexity of our relationship to technology (Oberdiek and Tiles 1995) . Understanding technology and how we can make better decisions about designing, deploying, and refining it requires capturing that nuance and complexity through in-depth analysis of the impacts of different technological advancements and the ways they have played out in all their complicated and controversial messiness across the world.

These impacts are often unpredictable as technologies are adopted in new contexts and come to be used in ways that sometimes diverge significantly from the use cases envisioned by their designers. The internet, designed to help transmit information between computer networks, became a crucial vehicle for commerce, introducing unexpected avenues for crime and financial fraud. Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, designed to connect friends and families through sharing photographs and life updates, became focal points of election controversies and political influence. Cryptocurrencies, originally intended as a means of decentralized digital cash, have become a significant environmental hazard as more and more computing resources are devoted to mining these forms of virtual money. One of the crucial challenges in this area is therefore recognizing, documenting, and even anticipating some of these unexpected consequences and providing mechanisms to technologists for how to think through the impacts of their work, as well as possible other paths to different outcomes (Verbeek 2006) . And just as technological innovations can cause unexpected harm, they can also bring about extraordinary benefits—new vaccines and medicines to address global pandemics and save thousands of lives, new sources of energy that can drastically reduce emissions and help combat climate change, new modes of education that can reach people who would otherwise have no access to schooling. Regulating technology therefore requires a careful balance of mitigating risks without overly restricting potentially beneficial innovations.

Nations around the world have taken very different approaches to governing emerging technologies and have adopted a range of different technologies themselves in pursuit of more modern governance structures and processes (Braman 2009) . In Europe, the precautionary principle has guided much more anticipatory regulation aimed at addressing the risks presented by technologies even before they are fully realized. For instance, the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation focuses on the responsibilities of data controllers and processors to provide individuals with access to their data and information about how that data is being used not just as a means of addressing existing security and privacy threats, such as data breaches, but also to protect against future developments and uses of that data for artificial intelligence and automated decision-making purposes. In Germany, Technische Überwachungsvereine, or TÜVs, perform regular tests and inspections of technological systems to assess and minimize risks over time, as the tech landscape evolves. In the United States, by contrast, there is much greater reliance on litigation and liability regimes to address safety and security failings after-the-fact. These different approaches reflect not just the different legal and regulatory mechanisms and philosophies of different nations but also the different ways those nations prioritize rapid development of the technology industry versus safety, security, and individual control. Typically, governance innovations move much more slowly than technological innovations, and regulations can lag years, or even decades, behind the technologies they aim to govern.

In addition to this varied set of national regulatory approaches, a variety of international and nongovernmental organizations also contribute to the process of developing standards, rules, and norms for new technologies, including the International Organization for Standardization­ and the International Telecommunication Union. These multilateral and NGO actors play an especially important role in trying to define appropriate boundaries for the use of new technologies by governments as instruments of control for the state.

At the same time that policymakers are under scrutiny both for their decisions about how to regulate technology as well as their decisions about how and when to adopt technologies like facial recognition themselves, technology firms and designers have also come under increasing criticism. Growing recognition that the design of technologies can have far-reaching social and political implications means that there is more pressure on technologists to take into consideration the consequences of their decisions early on in the design process (Vincenti 1993; Winner 1980) . The question of how technologists should incorporate these social dimensions into their design and development processes is an old one, and debate on these issues dates back to the 1970s, but it remains an urgent and often overlooked part of the puzzle because so many of the supposedly systematic mechanisms for assessing the impacts of new technologies in both the private and public sectors are primarily bureaucratic, symbolic processes rather than carrying any real weight or influence.

Technologists are often ill-equipped or unwilling to respond to the sorts of social problems that their creations have—often unwittingly—exacerbated, and instead point to governments and lawmakers to address those problems (Zuckerberg 2019) . But governments often have few incentives to engage in this area. This is because setting clear standards and rules for an ever-evolving technological landscape can be extremely challenging, because enforcement of those rules can be a significant undertaking requiring considerable expertise, and because the tech sector is a major source of jobs and revenue for many countries that may fear losing those benefits if they constrain companies too much. This indicates not just a need for clearer incentives and better policies for both private- and public-sector entities but also a need for new mechanisms whereby the technology development and design process can be influenced and assessed by people with a wider range of experiences and expertise. If we want technologies to be designed with an eye to their impacts, who is responsible for predicting, measuring, and mitigating those impacts throughout the design process? Involving policymakers in that process in a more meaningful way will also require training them to have the analytic and technical capacity to more fully engage with technologists and understand more fully the implications of their decisions.

At the same time that tech companies seem unwilling or unable to rein in their creations, many also fear they wield too much power, in some cases all but replacing governments and international organizations in their ability to make decisions that affect millions of people worldwide and control access to information, platforms, and audiences (Kilovaty 2020) . Regulators around the world have begun considering whether some of these companies have become so powerful that they violate the tenets of antitrust laws, but it can be difficult for governments to identify exactly what those violations are, especially in the context of an industry where the largest players often provide their customers with free services. And the platforms and services developed by tech companies are often wielded most powerfully and dangerously not directly by their private-sector creators and operators but instead by states themselves for widespread misinformation campaigns that serve political purposes (Nye 2018) .

Since the largest private entities in the tech sector operate in many countries, they are often better poised to implement global changes to the technological ecosystem than individual states or regulatory bodies, creating new challenges to existing governance structures and hierarchies. Just as it can be challenging to provide oversight for government use of technologies, so, too, oversight of the biggest tech companies, which have more resources, reach, and power than many nations, can prove to be a daunting task. The rise of network forms of organization and the growing gig economy have added to these challenges, making it even harder for regulators to fully address the breadth of these companies’ operations (Powell 1990) . The private-public partnerships that have emerged around energy, transportation, medical, and cyber technologies further complicate this picture, blurring the line between the public and private sectors and raising critical questions about the role of each in providing critical infrastructure, health care, and security. How can and should private tech companies operating in these different sectors be governed, and what types of influence do they exert over regulators? How feasible are different policy proposals aimed at technological innovation, and what potential unintended consequences might they have?

Conflict between countries has also spilled over significantly into the private sector in recent years, most notably in the case of tensions between the United States and China over which technologies developed in each country will be permitted by the other and which will be purchased by other customers, outside those two countries. Countries competing to develop the best technology is not a new phenomenon, but the current conflicts have major international ramifications and will influence the infrastructure that is installed and used around the world for years to come. Untangling the different factors that feed into these tussles as well as whom they benefit and whom they leave at a disadvantage is crucial for understanding how governments can most effectively foster technological innovation and invention domestically as well as the global consequences of those efforts. As much of the world is forced to choose between buying technology from the United States or from China, how should we understand the long-term impacts of those choices and the options available to people in countries without robust domestic tech industries? Does the global spread of technologies help fuel further innovation in countries with smaller tech markets, or does it reinforce the dominance of the states that are already most prominent in this sector? How can research universities maintain global collaborations and research communities in light of these national competitions, and what role does government research and development spending play in fostering innovation within its own borders and worldwide? How should intellectual property protections evolve to meet the demands of the technology industry, and how can those protections be enforced globally?

These conflicts between countries sometimes appear to challenge the feasibility of truly global technologies and networks that operate across all countries through standardized protocols and design features. Organizations like the International Organization for Standardization, the World Intellectual Property Organization, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, and many others have tried to harmonize these policies and protocols across different countries for years, but have met with limited success when it comes to resolving the issues of greatest tension and disagreement among nations. For technology to operate in a global environment, there is a need for a much greater degree of coordination among countries and the development of common standards and norms, but governments continue to struggle to agree not just on those norms themselves but even the appropriate venue and processes for developing them. Without greater global cooperation, is it possible to maintain a global network like the internet or to promote the spread of new technologies around the world to address challenges of sustainability? What might help incentivize that cooperation moving forward, and what could new structures and process for governance of global technologies look like? Why has the tech industry’s self-regulation culture persisted? Do the same traditional drivers for public policy, such as politics of harmonization and path dependency in policy-making, still sufficiently explain policy outcomes in this space? As new technologies and their applications spread across the globe in uneven ways, how and when do they create forces of change from unexpected places?

These are some of the questions that we hope to address in the Technology and Global Change section through articles that tackle new dimensions of the global landscape of designing, developing, deploying, and assessing new technologies to address major challenges the world faces. Understanding these processes requires synthesizing knowledge from a range of different fields, including sociology, political science, economics, and history, as well as technical fields such as engineering, climate science, and computer science. A crucial part of understanding how technology has created global change and, in turn, how global changes have influenced the development of new technologies is understanding the technologies themselves in all their richness and complexity—how they work, the limits of what they can do, what they were designed to do, how they are actually used. Just as technologies themselves are becoming more complicated, so are their embeddings and relationships to the larger social, political, and legal contexts in which they exist. Scholars across all disciplines are encouraged to join us in untangling those complexities.

Josephine Wolff is an associate professor of cybersecurity policy at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University. Her book You’ll See This Message When It Is Too Late: The Legal and Economic Aftermath of Cybersecurity Breaches was published by MIT Press in 2018.

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Student Essays


Essay on Importance of Computer in Life for Students

Computers are really very important in today’s life!. I have written a beginners level essay on topic Importance of computer, covering; 5 importance of computers, points, importance of computers in our daily life, computer education, in points and additionally, short & long essay on importance of computer in 120, 150, 200 words & 500 plus words essay for students.

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Essay on Importance of Computers | In Points, For Children & Students


Computers are the electronic devices that process input to generate output. They can perform such multiple and complex tasks that are impossible for a human mind to complete efficiently. There is hardly any function which a computer cannot perform.

In today’s world, computers are required in every field. From children to adults, from students to teachers, from free lancers to businessmen, everyone is dependent on computers for their work. These computes not only work efficiently but also provide best results.

Importance of Computers

The importance of computers in our daily life is undeniable. Now a days, the value of computers has increased a lot due to the facility of internet connection with computers. No doubt, they are important in every field of life.

In Work Place

There was a time when people had to work till late night to work manually in offices. Luckily, computers have become so advanced that now they can easily be used in workplace for different purposes like creating worksheets, managing accounts and storing all the data.

They can perform quick processing of data without causing any errors. This has made our life easier by reducing the work load and saving time.

In Our daily Life

In our daily life, we need so many things to do our work like calculator, paper, pen, books, diary, notepad etc. but we can find all these things in a single device called ‘computer’.

In computers, we can use notepads to save our daily schedule, calculator to make calculations, Word-Pad to write or make presentations and also store our personal passwords without any worry.

In Field of Education

Before the invention of computers, The scope of education for students was just limited to books. They had difficulties to complete their projects without any idea or help. But now, computers have made their life easier.

They can find every information related to their subjects in a computer which is connected to internet. They can download all articles or books in their computer and read them any time.

This helps them a lot in increasing their general knowledge. They can store all their documents in the form of soft copies in computer which allows them to read at any time and any place.

For Entertainment Purposes

Computers have so many amazing features that will not let anyone get bored. Children can play games or watch their favorite shows. A person can easily download his favorite movies or songs to spend his free time.

Data Storage

A computer has huge storage space which allows us to save all our memorable pictures and videos in it. We can save all our documents, pictures, video and music easily in our computers without getting worried about storage space.

For Communication Purposes

A computer connect to internet helps us to stay connected with our family and friends no matter in which part of the world they reside. We can easily talk to them through mail or video camera because of which distance is not a problem anymore.

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In Medical Field

Computers are doing a great job in the field of medical. They are used to locate and examine the area of injury in order to get precise results.

A computer is the greatest invention created for mankind. Our life is surrounded by these computers. There is not even a single feature that an advanced computer does not offer.

The invention of computers has brought a revolution in the way we think and work. That day is not too far when this world will become fully dependent on computers. It is indeed a wonderful invention for mankind.

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The Internet has turned our existence upside down. It has revolutionized communications, to the extent that it is now our preferred medium of everyday communication. In almost everything we do, we use the Internet. Ordering a pizza, buying a television, sharing a moment with a friend, sending a picture over instant messaging. Before the Internet, if you wanted to keep up with the news, you had to walk down to the newsstand when it opened in the morning and buy a local edition reporting what had happened the previous day. But today a click or two is enough to read your local paper and any news source from anywhere in the world, updated up to the minute.

The Internet itself has been transformed. In its early days—which from a historical perspective are still relatively recent—it was a static network designed to shuttle a small freight of bytes or a short message between two terminals; it was a repository of information where content was published and maintained only by expert coders. Today, however, immense quantities of information are uploaded and downloaded over this electronic leviathan, and the content is very much our own, for now we are all commentators, publishers, and creators.

In the 1980s and 1990s, the Internet widened in scope to encompass the IT capabilities of universities and research centers, and, later on, public entities, institutions, and private enterprises from around the world. The Internet underwent immense growth; it was no longer a state-controlled project, but the largest computer network in the world, comprising over 50,000 sub-networks, 4 million systems, and 70 million users.

The emergence of  web 2.0  in the first decade of the twenty-first century was itself a revolution in the short history of the Internet, fostering the rise of social media and other interactive, crowd-based communication tools.

The Internet was no longer concerned with information exchange alone: it was a sophisticated multidisciplinary tool enabling individuals to create content, communicate with one another, and even escape reality. Today, we can send data from one end of the world to the other in a matter of seconds, make online presentations, live in parallel “game worlds,” and use pictures, video, sound, and text to share our real lives, our genuine identity. Personal stories go public; local issues become global.

The rise of the Internet has sparked a debate about how online communication affects social relationships. The Internet frees us from geographic fetters and brings us together in topic-based communities that are not tied down to any specific place. Ours is a networked, globalized society connected by new technologies. The Internet is the tool we use to interact with one another, and accordingly poses new challenges to privacy and security.

Information technologies have wrought fundamental change throughout society, driving it forward from the industrial age to the networked era. In our world, global information networks are vital infrastructure—but in what ways has this changed human relations? The Internet has changed business, education, government, healthcare, and even the ways in which we interact with our loved ones—it has become one of the key drivers of social evolution.

The changes in social communication are of particular significance. Although analogue tools still have their place in some sectors, new technologies are continuing to gain ground every day, transforming our communication practices and possibilities—particularly among younger people. The Internet has removed all communication barriers. Online, the conventional constraints of space and time disappear and there is a dizzyingly wide range of communicative possibilities. The impact of social media applications has triggered discussion of the “new communication democracy.”

The development of the Internet today is being shaped predominantly by instant, mobile communications. The mobile Internet is a fresh revolution. Comprehensive Internet connectivity via smartphones and tablets is leading to an increasingly mobile reality: we are not tied to any single specific device, and everything is in the cloud.

People no longer spend hours gazing at a computer screen after work or class; instead, they use their mobile devices to stay online everywhere, all the time.

Anyone failing to keep abreast of this radical change is losing out on an opportunity.

Communication Opportunities Created by the Internet

The Internet has become embedded in every aspect of our day-to-day lives, changing the way we interact with others. This insight struck me when I started out in the world of social media. I created my first social network in 2005, when I was finishing college in the United States—it had a political theme. I could already see that social media were on the verge of changing our way of communicating, helping us to share information by opening up a new channel that cuts across conventional ones.

That first attempt did not work out, but I learned from the experience.I get the feeling that in many countries failure is punished too harshly—but the fact is, the only surefire way of avoiding failure is to do nothing at all. I firmly believe that mistakes help you improve; getting it wrong teaches you how to get it right. Creativity, hard work, and a positive attitude will let you achieve any goal.

In 2006, after I moved to Spain, I created Tuenti. Tuenti (which, contrary to widespread belief, has nothing to do with the number 20; it is short for “tu entidad,” the Spanish for “your entity”) is a social communication platform for genuine friends. From the outset, the idea was to keep it simple, relevant, and private. That’s the key to its success.

I think the real value of social media is that you can stay in touch from moment to moment with the people who really matter to you. Social media let you share experiences and information; they get people and ideas in touch instantly, without frontiers. Camaraderie, friendship, and solidarity—social phenomena that have been around for as long as humanity itself—have been freed from the conventional restrictions of space and time and can now thrive in a rich variety of ways.

Out of all the plethora of communication opportunities that the Internet has opened up, I would highlight the emergence of social media and the way they have intricately melded into our daily lives. Social media have changed our personal space, altering the way we interact with our loved ones, our friends, and our sexual partners; they have forced us to rethink even basic daily processes like studying and shopping; they have affected the economy by nurturing the business startup culture and electronic commerce; they have even given us new ways to form broad-based political movements.

The Internet and Education

The Internet has clearly impacted all levels of education by providing unbounded possibilities for learning. I believe the future of education is a networked future. People can use the Internet to create and share knowledge and develop new ways of teaching and learning that captivate and stimulate students’ imagination at any time, anywhere, using any device. By connecting and empowering students and educators, we can speed up economic growth and enhance the well-being of society throughout the world. We should work together, over a network, to build the global learning society.

The network of networks is an inexhaustible source of information. What’s more, the Internet has enabled users to move away from their former passive role as mere recipients of messages conveyed by conventional media to an active role, choosing what information to receive, how, and when. The information recipient even decides whether or not they want to stay informed.

We have moved on from scattergun mass communication to a pattern where the user proactively selects the information they need.

Students can work interactively with one another, unrestricted by physical or time constraints. Today, you can use the Internet to access libraries, encyclopedias, art galleries, news archives, and other information sources from anywhere in the world: I believe this is a key advantage in the education field. The web is a formidable resource for enhancing the process of building knowledge.

I also believe the Internet is a wonderful tool for learning and practicing other languages—this continues to be a critical issue in many countries, including Spain, and, in a globalized world, calls for special efforts to improve.

The Internet, in addition to its communicative purposes, has become a vital tool for exchanging knowledge and education; it is not just an information source, or a locus where results can be published, it is also a channel for cooperating with other people and groups who are working on related research topics.

The Internet and Privacy and Security

Another key issue surrounding Internet use is privacy. Internet users are becoming more sensitive to the insight that privacy is a must-have in our lives.

Privacy has risen near the top of the agenda in step with an increasing awareness of the implications of using social media. Much of the time, people started to use social media with no real idea of the dangers, and have wised up only through trial and error—sheer accident, snafus, and mistakes. Lately, inappropriate use of social media seems to hit the headlines every day. Celebrities posting inappropriate comments to their profiles, private pictures and tapes leaked to the Internet at large, companies displaying arrogance toward users, and even criminal activities involving private-data trafficking or social media exploitation.

All this shows that—contrary to what many people seem to have assumed—online security and privacy are critical, and, I believe, will become even more important going forward. And, although every user needs privacy, the issue is particularly sensitive for minors—despite attempts to raise their awareness, children still behave recklessly online.

I have always been highly concerned about privacy. On Tuenti, the default privacy setting on every user account is the highest available level of data protection. Only people the user has accepted as a “friend” can access their personal details, see their telephone number, or download their pictures. This means that, by default, user information is not accessible to third parties. In addition, users are supported by procedures for reporting abuse. Any user can report a profile or photograph that is abusive, inappropriate, or violates the terms of use: action is taken immediately. Security and privacy queries are resolved within 24 hours.

We need to be aware that different Internet platforms provide widely different privacy experiences. Some of them are entirely open and public; no steps whatsoever are taken to protect personal information, and all profiles are indexable by Internet search engines.

On the other hand, I think the debate about whether social media use should be subject to an age requirement is somewhat pointless, given that most globally active platforms operate without age restrictions. The European regulatory framework is quite different from the United States and Asian codes. Companies based in Europe are bound by rigorous policies on privacy and underage use of social media. This can become a competitive drawback when the ground rules do not apply equally to all players—our American and Japanese competitors, for instance, are not required to place any kind of age constraint on access.

Outside the scope of what the industry or regulators can do, it is vital that users themselves look after the privacy of their data. I believe the information is the user’s property, so the user is the only party entitled to control the collection, use, and disclosure of any information about him or herself. Some social networks seem to have forgotten this fact—they sell data, make it impossible to delete an account, or make it complex and difficult to manage one’s privacy settings. Everything should be a lot simpler and more transparent.

Social networks should continue to devote intense efforts to developing self-regulation mechanisms and guidelines for this new environment of online coexistence to ensure that user information is safe: the Internet should be a space for freedom, but also for trust. The main way of ensuring that social media are used appropriately is awareness. But awareness and user education will be of little use unless it becomes an absolute requirement that the privacy of the individual is treated as a universal value.

The Internet and Culture

As in the sphere of education, the development of information and communication technologies and the wide-ranging effects of globalization are changing what we are, and the meaning of cultural identity. Ours is a complex world in which cultural flows across borders are always on the rise. The concepts of space, time, and distance are losing their conventional meanings. Cultural globalization is here, and a global movement of cultural processes and initiatives is underway.

Again, in the cultural arena, vast fields of opportunity open up thanks to online tools. The possibilities are multiplied for disseminating a proposal, an item of knowledge, or a work of art. Against those doomsayers who warn that the Internet is harming culture, I am radically optimistic. The Internet is bringing culture closer to more people, making it more easily and quickly accessible; it is also nurturing the rise of new forms of expression for art and the spread of knowledge. Some would say, in fact, that the Internet is not just a technology, but a cultural artifact in its own right.

In addition to its impact on culture itself, the Internet is enormously beneficial for innovation, which brings progress in all fields of endeavor—the creation of new goods, services, and ideas, the advance of knowledge and society, and increasing well-being.

The Internet and Personal Relationships

The Internet has also changed the way we interact with our family, friends, and life partners. Now everyone is connected to everyone else in a simpler, more accessible, and more immediate way; we can conduct part of our personal relationships using our laptops, smart phones, and tablets.

The benefits of always-online immediate availability are highly significant. I would find a long-distance relationship with my life partner or my family unthinkable without the communication tools that the network of networks provides me with. I’m living in Madrid, but I can stay close to my brother in California. For me, that is the key plus of the Internet: keeping in touch with the people who really matter to me.

As we have seen, the Internet revolution is not just technological; it also operates at a personal level, and throughout the structure of society. The Internet makes it possible for an unlimited number of people to communicate with one another freely and easily, in an unrestricted way.

Just a century ago, this was unimaginable. An increasing number of couples come together, stay together, or break up with the aid—or even as a consequence—of social communication tools. There are even apps and social networks out there that are purposely designed to help people get together for sex.

Of course, when compared to face-to-face communication, online communication is severely limited in the sense impressions it can convey (an estimated 60 to 70 percent of human communication takes place nonverbally), which can lead to misunderstandings and embarrassing situations—no doubt quite a few relationships have floundered as a result. I think the key is to be genuine, honest, and real at all times, using all the social media tools and their many advantages. Let’s just remember that a liar and a cheat online is a liar and a cheat offline too.

The Internet and Social and Political Activism

Even before the emergence of social media, pioneering experiments took place in the political sphere—like  Essembly , a project I was involved in. We started to create a politically themed platform to encourage debate and provide a home for social and political causes; but the social networks that have later nurtured activism in a new way were not as yet in existence.

Research has shown that young people who voice their political opinions on the Internet are more inclined to take part in public affairs. The better informed a citizen is, the more likely they will step into the polling booth, and the better they will express their political liberties. The Internet has proved to be a decisive communication tool in the latest election campaigns. It is thanks to the Internet that causes in the social, welfare, ideological, and political arenas have been spoken up for and have won the support of other citizens sharing those values—in many cases, with a real impact on government decision making.

The Internet and Consumer Trends

New technologies increase the speed of information transfer, and this opens up the possibility of “bespoke” shopping. The Internet offers an immense wealth of possibilities for buying content, news, and leisure products, and all sorts of advantages arise from e-commerce, which has become a major distribution channel for goods and services. You can book airline tickets, get a T-shirt from Australia, or buy food at an online grocery store. New applications support secure business transactions and create new commercial opportunities.

In this setting, it is the consumer who gains the upper hand, and the conventional rules and methods of distribution and marketing break down. Consumers’ access to information multiplies, and their reviews of their experience with various products and services take center stage. Access to product comparisons and rankings, user reviews and comments, and recommendations from bloggers with large followings have shaped a new scenario for consumer behavior, retail trade, and the economy in general.

The Internet and the Economy

The Internet is one of the key factors driving today’s economy. No one can afford to be left behind. Even in a tough macroeconomic framework, the Internet can foster growth, coupled with enhanced productivity and competitiveness.

The Internet provides opportunities for strengthening the economy: How should we tackle them? While Europe—and Spain specifically—are making efforts to make the best possible use of the Internet, there are areas in which their approach needs to improve. Europe faces a major challenge, and risks serious failure if it lets the United States run ahead on its own. The European Commission, in its “Startup Manifesto,” suggests that the Old World be more entrepreneur-friendly—the proposal is backed by companies like Spotify and Tuenti. Europe lacks some of the necessary know-how. We need to improve in financial services and in data privacy, moving past the obsolete regulatory framework we now have and making a bid to achieve a well-connected continent with a single market for 4G mobile connections. We need to make it easier to hire talent outside each given country.

The use of e-commerce should be encouraged among small and medium-sized enterprises so that growth opportunities can be exploited more intensely. Following the global trend of the Internet, companies should internalize their online business. And much more emphasis should be placed on new technologies training in the academic and business spheres.

Modern life is global, and Spain is competing against every other country in the world. I do not believe in defeatism or victim culture. Optimism should not translate into callousness, but I sincerely believe that if you think creatively, if you find a different angle, if you innovate with a positive attitude and without fear of failure, then you can change things for the better. Spain needs to seize the moment to reinvent itself, grasping the opportunities offered up by the online world. We need to act, take decisions, avoid “paralysis through analysis.” I sometimes feel we are too inclined to navel-gazing: Spain shuts itself off, fascinated with its own contradictions and local issues, and loses its sense of perspective. Spain should open up to the outside, use the crisis as an opportunity to do things differently, in a new way—creating value, underlining its strengths, aspiring to be something more.

In the United States, for instance, diving headfirst into a personal Internet-related startup is regarded as perfectly normal. I’m glad to see that this entrepreneurial spirit is beginning to take hold here as well. I believe in working hard, showing perseverance, keeping your goals in view, surrounding yourself with talent, and taking risks. No risk, no success. We live in an increasingly globalized world: of course you can have a Spain-based Internet startup, there are no frontiers.

We need to take risks and keep one step ahead of the future. It is precisely the most disruptive innovations that require radical changes in approach and product, which might not even find a market yet ready for them—these are the areas providing real opportunities to continue being relevant, to move forward and “earn” the future, creating value and maintaining leadership. It is the disruptive changes that enable a business, product, or service to revolutionize the market—and, particularly in the technology sector, such changes are a necessity.

The Future of Social Communications, Innovation, Mobile Technologies, and Total Connectivity in Our Lives

The future of social communications will be shaped by an  always-online  culture.  Always online  is already here and will set the trend going forward. Total connectivity, the Internet you can take with you wherever you go, is growing unstoppably. There is no turning back for global digitalization.

Innovation is the driving force of growth and progress, so we need to shake up entrenched processes, products, services, and industries, so that all of us together—including established businesses, reacting to their emerging competitors—can move forward together.

Innovation is shaping and will continue to shape the future of social communications. It is already a reality that Internet connections are increasingly mobile. A survey we conducted in early 2013 in partnership with Ipsos found that 94 percent of Tuenti users aged 16 to 35 owned cell phones, 84 percent of users connected to the Internet using their phones, and 47 percent had mobile data subscriptions for connecting to the Internet. A total of 74 percent of users reported connecting to the Internet from their phone on a daily basis, while 84 percent did so at least weekly. Only 13 percent did not use their phones to connect to the Internet, and that percentage is decreasing every day.

Mobile Internet use alters the pattern of device usage; the hitherto familiar ways of accessing the Internet are changing too. The smartphone activities taking up the most time (over three hours a day) include instant messaging (38%), social media use (35%), listening to music (24%), and web browsing (20%). The activities taking up the least time (under five minutes a day) are: SMS texting (51%), watching movies (43%), reading and writing e-mail (38%), and talking on the phone (32%). Things are still changing.

Smartphones are gaining ground in everyday life. Many of the purposes formerly served by other items now involve using our smartphones. Some 75 percent of young people reported having replaced their MP3 player with their phone, 74 percent use their phone as an alarm clock, 70 percent use it as their camera, and 67 percent use it as their watch.

We have been observing these shifts for a while, which is why we decided to reinvent ourselves by placing smartphones at the heart of our strategy. I want to use this example as a showcase of what is happening in the world of social communication and the Internet in general: mobile connectivity is bringing about a new revolution. Tuenti is no longer just a social network, and social media as a whole are becoming more than just websites. The new Tuenti provides native mobile apps for Android, iPhone, Blackberry, Windows Phone, as well as the Firefox OS app and the mobile version of the website, Tuenti is now a cross-platform service that lets users connect with their friends and contacts from wherever they may be, using their device of choice. A user with a laptop can IM in real time with a user with a smartphone, and switch from one device to another without losing the thread of the conversation. The conversations are in the cloud, so data and contacts are preserved independently of the devices being used. This means the experience has to be made uniform across platforms, which sometimes involves paring down functionalities, given the processing and screen size limitations of mobile devices. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and so on are all evolving to become increasingly cross-platform experiences. But Tuenti is the first social network that has also developed its own Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO)—the company is an Internet service provider over the mobile network. Tuenti is an MVNO with a social media angle, and this may be the future path of telecommunications.

Social media are evolving to become something more, and innovation must be their hallmark if they are to continue being relevant. Tuenti now embraces both social communications and telecom services provision, offering value added by letting you use the mobile app free of charge and without using up your data traffic allowance, even if you have no credit on your prepaid card—this is wholly revolutionary in the telecom sector. The convergence of social media with more traditional sectors is already bringing about a new context for innovation, a new arena for the development and growth of the Internet.

Just about everything in the world of the Internet still lies ahead of us, and mobile communications as we know them must be reinvented by making them more digital. The future will be shaped by innovation converging with the impact of mobility. This applies not just to social media but to the Internet in general, particularly in the social communications field. I feel that many people do not understand what we are doing and have no idea of the potential development of companies like ours at the global level. Right now, there may be somebody out there, in some corner of the world, developing the tool that will turn the Internet upside down all over again. The tool that will alter our day-to-day life once more. Creating more opportunities, providing new benefits to individuals, bringing more individual and collective well-being. Just ten years ago, social media did not exist; in the next ten years, something else radically new will emerge. There are many areas in which products, processes, and services can be improved or created afresh. The future is brimming with opportunities, and the future of the Internet has only just begun.

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  • 7. Eldorado Comparison Similar to the HG Wells story, in the poem Eldorado by Edgar Allen Poe the romance genre is demonstrated through a place apart, and also demonstrates a serpent in the garden. This is demonstrated through the knight and the shadow trying to find Eldorado; a place/county that was known for having the most gold during the gold rush in 1848. In the first stanzaof the poem everything seems perfect Gaily bedight, A gallant knight, In sunshine and in shadow , although still when the second stanza starts the knight is in the same optimistic state; that he will eventually find Eldorado and prosper. There are still glimpses of a gloomy future, the knight is old, a shadow is growing over his heart, and he is failing his quest. The shadow that was originally ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Mental Health Court Mental Health Court Mental Health Court 2013 By: Elizabeth Gavin Professor Contino Class: Corrections One 9/17/2013 2013 By: Elizabeth Gavin Professor Contino Class: Corrections One 9/17/2013 Mental health courts are a resource given to prisoners who would normally be put in prison if they had not decided to join this special program. Mental health court is a court run program by the district attorney s office in some counties. This program is based off of traditional court room structure but is also paired with community services. Mental health courts solve a lot of different problems within our criminal justice system. The first problem it solves is the ... Show more content on ... PTSD is usually only excepted when you are a veteran and then you would not go into the mental health court but into the veteran s court that they offer. Other disorders besides these can sometimes be acceptable but they have to come with substantial evidence that it impaired their judgment. At York County an exclusion from the mental health court would be if you had any previous charges they are not resolved in other states. Not every charge is allowed to enter into mental health court some examples of that are murder, any sexual charge, any violent offense (example aggravated assault), and anyone who is classified as a violent offender. Although these crimes are excluded under the conditions under certain circumstances they might allow one of these charges to enter into mental health court. Along with a list of certain circumstances to get into mental health court York County also provides a list of prohibited medications in the treatment court so people are aware of the rules before entering. The mental health court at York County has three phases for the offenders and has listed what is expected of them and what the possible sanctions if they do not follow what is required of them (York county mental health court manual, May, 2005). I stated earlier how most mental health court programs are for a yearlong and can change depending on what happens with the offender and the treatment courts position. From being able to have the ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Real Property Rights And Ownership For The Three Gateway... OVERVIEW With a focus on lifestyle luxury brands in exotic destinations and gateway cities around the world, this assignment analyzes three potential foreign markets to invest in: Italy, India, and Dubai, for Nobu Hotels. This report will highlight the differences in real property rights and ownership for the three gateway markets against the United States. Based on this analysis, it is evident that Dubai and Italy offer the strongest investment opportunities, whereas India s conflicting and demanding laws make its investment opportunity unpredictable and risky despite its attractive economic growth potential. Table 1 gives an overview of the differences between the three regions that will be covered in this report. Ownership Taxes Opportunity Foreign Ownership Foreign Leasing Ownership Transfer Complexity Property Taxes Foreign Taxes Transfer/Sales Taxes Investment Opportunity Dubai Yes Yes Low No No Yes High Italy Yes Yes Low Yes Yes Yes High India No Yes High
  • 10. Yes Yes Yes Low Medium Table 1 Summary of Findings ITALY Italy is viewed as the 8th largest economy in the world with a 2.2 trillion USD economic value despite a recent recession and political instability. Italy s economy is driven by small to medium sized companies, but has a large problem with counterfeit goods and a low number of patents compared to other European powers. Waterfront locations Lake Como and Sardinia have land use controls which keep the supply of new developments constrained. Italy as a whole is ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Conformity In Social Psychology The subject of conformity is considered a primary point of research in social psychology. Many social psychologists throughout history have experimented and evaluated the attributes of conformity, concluding key factors that contribute to conformity. With consideration, it is arguable that culture and group size are two of the most accountable factors in social conformity. Evidently, research in these areas are both highly notable and in abundance; with respect to studies such as the Asch Line Experiment (Asch, 1951) and the Stanford Prison Experiment (Zimbardo, 1971). Social psychological theories such as The Chameleon Effect (Chartrand Bragh, 1999) also suggest evidence of conformism in society. Furthermore, the power and influence of minority groups (Minority Influence Theory; Charlan Jeanne Nemeth, 2009; Moscovivi and Lage, 1976) can importantly provide insight into not only how a minority can influence a majority in society but also show an alternative argument to the Asch paradigm. Fundamentally, all three factors that contribute to conformity are in attempt to describe human behaviour. Held in common belief, conformity has been long considered to an extent a product of cultural conditions in social psychology. Popular assumption regarded conformity of a society, singular and belonging of individual cultures globally and with respect to each, evidence was apparent of different types of conformity depending on the cultures characteristics (Peabody, 1985). ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Benefits Of A Healthy And Glowing Skin Also Anti Aging Introduction Wardah is a popular well known cosmetic company in Australia and going to distributed / export to overseas country, that focusing on how to make healthy and glowing skin also anti aging. Our product include facewash , moisturiser , night cream, morning cream, sunblock, mask. Our product is not contain animal substances, all of them is made of natural grew ingredients. Our objectives is to make high quality product with reasonable price and also make our customer satisfied with the results. Our products is already certified with no fragrances and animal cruelty free to prevents animal death. Objectives of the research : To understand about new market that Wardah company going to export To evaluate customers interested in ... Show more content on ... Customers in Vietnam show that more likely buy cosmetic made in overseas and they more prefer skin care products cosmetic market current and future prospects 2167 7689 1000155.php?aid=65405 according of this websiteThe industry of Cosmetic expected to record faster growth in the next years than was achieved in the previous years. Expenditure on personal care products is expected to continue to grow over the coming years. In particular, This website showed important information on the current market situations of the cosmetics industry in Malaysia. Researches related consumers purchasing and expenditure on cosmetics are still needed because it seems that consumer s behavior is changing over time. and personal care in indonesia/report this website showed about value sales growth, desirable target for beauty and personal care, multinational company dominate beauty and personal care in Indonesia, segmented product offering targeted at specific needs. a Growing Beauty Hot Spot in Southeast Asia 221481651.html this website showed that Singapore is one favourite destination for southeast Asia country for buying cosmetic product, creating product lunch in ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Prohibition and the Mafia Essay The prohibition caused much controversy in the 1920 s. The 18th amendment was passed on Jan 16, 1920, it said in Title II, Section 3 the National Prohibition Act states that No person shall on or after the date when the 18th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States goes into effect, manufacture, sell, barter, transport, import, export, deliver, furnish or possess any intoxicating liquor except as authorized in this act. (United States constitution). The Prohibition opened up many big business opportunities in the illegal marketing of alcohol. The people who took advantage of this opportunity were known as Bootleggers . With the enactment of this law organized crime was established, allowing men such as Al Capone to capitalize... Show more content on ... With everyone wanting and buying alcohol it increased the demand for it, which is when organized crime started. Once the organized crime families were established they were the main contributors to the illegal Bootlegging of alcohol. During the 20 s there was a great deal of violent crimes. Most of them could be connected back to the organized crime families. Alphonse Gabriel Al Capone was a gangster who led illegal activities such as the smuggling and the bootlegging of alcohol during the prohibition. Even though he had a tough exterior he was a caring man he was the first to open up a soup kitchen in Chicago (hammer). Capone s estimated annual revenue was around 100 million dollars. He had many men working for him such as Frank Nitti, August Pisano and Louis Morganno. He supplied Chicago with most of its alcohol. (Capone: the man and his era). Capone was said to be involved with many violent crimes, as the same with many of the men who could be classified as organized crime gangsters. With t the lack of evidence and the numerous amount of people that Capone had paid off the police were never able to charge him with any of numerous amounts of crimes. One of the most well known killings that Capone was said to be involved with was the ST. Valentines Day massacre. Capone s men enter a competitors garage dressed as policemen and killed 6 other gangster. There were few occasions where he was arrested but was released due to lack of evidence. The 1927 ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Kraft Food s Case Study KRAFT FOOD COMPANY Chapter I INTRODUCTION A. COMPANY S HISTORY According to Frank (2010), in 1903, there was a man named James Lewis Kraft who had begun cheese delivery service at Chicago area after he had been eased out from a cheese company at Buffalo. Every morning, he will buy cheese wholesale and resold it to the local vendors in order to avoid the cheese melt or spoil. The business was successful and several of his brothers who are known as Charles H., John H., Fred Walker and Norman had joined the company named J.L Kraft amp; Bros. Co. in 1909 as permanent employees (MAC 2011). James L. Kraft is a president of the company who had invented a revolutionary process in 1915.This process helps to pasteurize the cheese, thus it ... Show more content on ... We support the goals of the company by applying the highest ethical conduct within our corporate philosophy in all our business transactions (6), treatment of employees (9), and social and environmental policies (8). We at Kraft Foods focus highly on our consumers lifestyles and aim to grow profitable in the worlds food market and provide a higher than expected return to shareholders (5). Our company takes pride in making today and the future delicious. 1.) Customers 2.) Products and services 3.) Markets 4.) Technology 5.) Concern for survival, growth, and profitability 6.) Philosophy 7.) Self concept 8.) Concern for public image 9.) Concern for employees Revised Vision Statement Global leadership in offering the best food products enabling people to eat and live better. Explanation This revised vision statement incorporates a vision for the Kraft Foods Inc. to become a global leader among its competitors that is to be the number one. This statement shall encourage the whole organization of the corporation to think not only for the good but for the best. The corporation shall offer not only quality products but the best quality products helping their global market to live better through the consumption of their products. B. EXTERNAL ASSESSMENT 1. Competitive Profile Matrix ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Ursula Andress And The Russian Dancer The Russian dancer, Kristina Rihanoff has recreated the famous beachside pose of Ursula Andress Honey Ryder from 007 classic Dr. No for Closer magazine. Holding two shells up and rocking the white two piece complete with a knife, the Strictly professional has done a pretty good job at imitate the Bond girl. Managing to pull off soaking hair, she appeared almost identical to Honey. Ursula Andress is a Swiss film and television actress, former model and sex symbol, who has appeared in American, British and Italian films. She is best known for her role as Bond girl Honey Ryder in the first James Bond film, Dr. No, for which she won a Golden Globe. She later starred as Vesper Lynd in the Bond parody Casino Royale. The image of Ursula has ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Comparison Of Edward Weston s Life And Work Edward Weston was born March 24th, 1886, he was from Highland Park Illinois. He is known as a major photographer from the early to mid 20th century. His style of carefully composed and thought out images, focused on sharp details of natural forms, landscapes and nudes. Edward Weston was a complex man. Often portrayed as a philanderer, a consummate Don Juan with a camera, he was much deeper and caring: a respectful son, a caring brother, a loving husband. A doting, proud, and engaging father, the real Edward Weston was a man whose philosophy of life, art, and lovewere inseparable. His world, often overly egocentric, was one built in passion, enthusiasm, and love. He born into a family of well respected and well educated men. His father was a medical doctor and his grandfather was a literature professor. Grandfather Weston was keenly interested in the literature of Edgar Allen Poe, Washington Irving, and others and no doubt provided the seed of inspiration that sparked Edward Weston s lifelong passion for reading and literature.His greatest influences came from his family. They helped motivate him from a midwestern youth destined for business into a california artist. Weston s mother died when he was only five. Her death caused Edward and his older sister Mary, to be come close and also and influence of his. ... Show more content on ... He was a very intuitive, self motivating, and such a perfectionist. Also, I much rather enjoy the slow process of using actual film rather than using digital cameras. Having, to think about each frame rather than being able to just push a button has a very demanding effect on the final production. I also enjoy being isolated as an artist and want to have every single detail planned out and written down. I often keep journals and scrap papers with ideas and thoughts so that i can come back and visit them, to one day make them a ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Black Hawk Down Themes What major historical theme, which we have discussed in class, is exemplified in this movie? A few weeks ago our U.S. History class discussed a captivating historical Gunfight that took place near the O.K. Corral in the late 1800s. This Old Western story is known as one of the greatest gun fights in history, because on October 26 late 1800s in Tombstone, Arizona Territory five outlawed Cowboys and four lawmen experienced a thirty second gun fight. A major historical theme occurred in the beginning of Black Hawk Down when Atto says to General Garrison, You ve been here, what, six weeks. Six weeks, you tried to catch the General. You put up reward posters. $25,000. What s this, gunfight at K.O. Corral? (7:31 7:53) Although its known... Show more content on ... (6:30 9:03) The U.S. had to fight their way through Somalia militia before capturing Aidid. As hours progressed in Somalia the U.S. lost two Black Birds, and many soldiers were either wounded or dead. Chaos broke lose in Somalia, because we see a hatred race yearning to kill, and have victory. Somalia militias believe (1:45:00 1:45:52) if the Americans capture Aidid the killing doesn t stop, and if there is no victory then there is no peace. (8:46 8:50) Atto states This is civil war, This is our war. Not yours Atto is convinced the U.S. should stay away from Somalia, and the U.S. is waisting there time trying to find ... Get more on ...
  • 18. 1.5 Elisa Answers Activity 1.1.5: ELISA | Conclusion Explain why antibodies allow scientists to target and identify specific disease agents. a. Antibodies allow scientists to target and identify specific disease agents because they bind to antigens to counteract them. The more antigens you have, the more antibodies you have, the more the of the virus/bacteria that there is in you. Why is the secondary antibody used in an ELISA test conjugated with an enzyme? What happens when this enzyme meets up with its substrate? b. Attached to the secondary antibody is an enzyme such as peroxidase or alkaline phosphatase. These enzymes can metabolize colorless substrates (sometimes called chromagens) into colored products. After an incubation... Show more content on ... The darker their color the longer that they had been infected with the disease. After knowing their dilution, I could then categorize all 9 patients by the seriousness of the meningitis condition. Discuss the limitations of using antigen concentration to deduce the path of infection. Be sure to refer to the workings of the human immune system. g. By using antigen concentration to deduce the path of infection, the body s immune system may try to fight off the antigen invader. Therefore, a limitation may be that the results are a little skewed as some of the antigens may have been killed by the body s defense. Also, each person is different, so the body s response to these foreign objects would have varied. The ELISA test can also be used to detect antibodies that are produced in response to a specific antigen. Using information about how you completed this ELISA experiment, outline a procedure for testing for antibodies in the blood. h. Add protein to the well i. Add antigens to the well i. Antigens will stick to the protein sites j. Add primary antibody ii. Antibody will attach to antigen k. Add secondary antibody with an enzyme attached to it l. Add indicator and color substrate m. Extract the antibody that is desired from ELISA experiment and study it Explain why in sudden outbreaks, it may be better to test for ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Eukaryotic Cell Lab Report All living things are composed of cells. A cell is the most basic unit of life and the smallest working unit of living things. Cells can either be classified as prokaryotic or eukaryotic. A prokaryotic cell does not have a nucleus and is the smallest type of cells. Whereas, eukaryotic cells are much more complex and include a nucleus. For this lab the student used a cheek celland an onion cell which are classified as eukaryotic cells. Eukaryotic cells also consist of many organelles. An organelle is one of several structures with specialized functions, suspended in the cytoplasm of a eukaryotic cell. A list of organelles are as follows: the nucleus, cell membrane, cell wall, cytoplasm, endoplasmic reticulum (ER), ribosome, mitochondria, vacuole, lysosome and chloroplast. Both plant and animal... Show more content on ... The function of the cell membrane is to separate the cell from its environment and regulate the exchange of materials into and out of the cell. Along with the cell membrane, all cells have cytoplasm which is the substance composed mostly of water that fills the cell s inner volume. The cytoplasm has three functions which are to provide a medium for organelles to remain suspended in, a site for many biochemical reactions, and aids in the movement of different cellular elements. In addition, both plant and animal cells have a network of tubular membranes within the cytoplasm of the cell, that can be either with a smooth surface (smooth endoplasmic reticulum) or studded with ribosomes (rough endoplasmic reticulum) and are involved in the transport of materials. Mitochondrion which break down sugar molecules into energy and a vacuole which stores food, water, and wastes are also organelles that are found in eukaryotic cells. In addition, lysosomes are also present and break down larger food molecules (lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins) into smaller molecules that can be used by the rest of the cell. However, there are some organelles that are only present in ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Police Officers Wear Body Cameras Should Police Officers Wear Body Cameras Ken Davis Liberty University Abstract The pedigree of this literary review will outline some of the dimensions and elements that provide empirical research by reliable researchers using reliable methods. The purpose of this paper is threefold. The first purpose is to review the communication and organizational literature on authority in order to illustrate how police brutality assist and continues to evolve. The Federal government does not allow brutality among law enforcement, however excessive force is permissible. Excessive force is when law enforcement officers are making arrests, maintaining order, and defending life, law enforcement officers are allowed to use... Show more content on ... The closing argument(s) of this research on police brutality aids the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to regulate law enforcement to wear body cameras. Keywords: brutality, excessive, discretionary, reasonably Should Police Officers Wear Body Cameras As far back during the time of the Great Depression law enforcement has been used by local, state, and federal government agencies authority to enforce the law and preserve justice (Yamato, 2011). U.S. law enforcement officers, security guards, and other officials like judges and prosecutors have been given tremendous power. The resolution of the law enforcer is to assert justice and ensure the constitutional rights of all citizens are upheld. However, police misconduct is regularly reported: excessive force, sexual assaults, false arrest, fabrication of evidence, deprivation of property and failure to keep from harm. Excessive force is when law enforcement officers are allowed to use whatever force is reasonably necessary (Federal Bureau of Investigation, (2015). Consequently, disagreement between the police and the citizens are escalating. For over a century the United States citizens have been involved in some sort of opposition with law enforcement. Nearly all citizens, no matter what their race, nationality, and origination have antipathy against the political ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Marriott Corporation Cost Of Capital Harvard Business School 9 298 101 Rev. March 18, 1998 Marriott Corporation: The Cost of Capital In April 1988, Dan Cohrs, vice president of project finance at the Marriott Corporation, was preparing his annual recommendations for the hurdle rates at each of the firm s three divisions. Investment projects at Marriott were selected by discounting the appropriate cash flows by the appropriate hurdle rate for each division. In 1987, Marriott s sales grew by 24% and its return on equity stood at 22%. Sales and earnings per share had doubled over the previous four years, and the operating strategy was aimed at continuing this trend. Marriott s 1987 annual report stated: We intend to remain a premier growth company. This means... Show more content on ... Lodging generated 41% of 1987 sales and 51% of profits. Contract services provided food and services management to health care and educational institutions and corporations. It also provided airline catering and airline services through its Marriott In Flite Services and Host International operations. Contract services generated 46% of 1987 sales and 33% of profits. Marriott s restaurants included Bob s Big Boy, Roy Rogers, and Hot Shoppes. Restaurants provided 13% of 1987 sales and 16% of profits. Financial Strategy The four key elements of Marriott s financial strategy were the following: 2 Manage rather than own hotel assets. Invest in projects that increase shareholder value. Optimize the use of debt in the capital structure. Repurchase undervalued shares. Marriott Corporation: The Cost of Capital 298 101 Manage rather than own hotel assets In 1987, Marriott developed more than $1 billion worth of hotel properties, making it one of the 10 largest commercial real estate developers in the United States. With a fully integrated development process, Marriott identified markets, created development plans, designed projects, and evaluated potential profitability. After development, the company sold the hotel assets to limited partners while retaining operating control as the general partner under a long term management contract. Management fees typically equaled 3% of revenues plus 20% of the profits before ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Historical Systems Of Power Essay Historical Systems of Power, Governance, and Authority Through out our history and even in modern times, colonialism, imperialism and revolution have played a major part in the rise and fall of power structure and governance in the world. Societies have been overtaken, ruled, risen, and fallen. Wars have been fought for the power of one society, faction, or government to rule another. Non violent revolutions have enacted changes in power as well, making significant changes in power structures. In 1604, King James I gave a land grant to a group of entrepreneurs known as The Virginia Company to establish a colony in North America in the Chesapeake Bay. The colony was headed by Captain John Smith. The Virginia Company launched the... Show more content on ... The soldiers retaliated killing 3 men, and injuring 8 others. Then, in June of 1772, in retaliation of the Stamp Act, and the brutal enforcement of it, The Sons of Liberty attacked, looted and burned the ship Gaspee, capturing the whole crew. The Patriots, those who wanted freedom from British rule, began brutal attacks on the Loyalist. Loyalists were those colonists that wanted to continue under British rule. On December 16, 1773, in retaliation for the imposed Tea Tax the Patriots burned ships that were loaded with tea, and dumped the tea chests out in to the harbor. This event in history is known as The Boston Tea Party. This violent revolution was the precursor the the American Revolutionary War. If the Patriots were trying to incite a war, they did so very well. It wasn t the American Revolution that earned the Colonies freedom from Britain, but the winning of the war. Even then, hundreds of thousands of men who fought would not earn their freedom because of the color of their skin. The only freedoms won in this war were for the upper crust white male Colonists. In 2004, the citizens of the Ukraine were desperate to overthrow the reign of President Leonid Kuchma, and his like minded presidential candidate Viktor Yanukovych. The Orange Revolution was coined orange, because that was the color of the campaign for Viktor Yushchenko, who was the leader for Our Ukraine ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Ginga Eiyuu (Legend Of The Galactic Heroes Crafting a masterful anime is similar to cultivating a delicate flower, it requires a willingness to accept circumstances the way they are, and not the way we wish them to be. Lithops, a flower with a low dependence on water, can have their skins burst if they are oversaturated with excess liquids. In the same breath, an animethat strives for over the top action sequences (e.g. run of the mill Shounen anime) but neglects the political, economic, and social struggles that accompany those events, falsely establishes a dichotomous situation that rarely, if ever, exists. The original Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu (Legend of the Galactic Heroes) understood these concepts extremely well, taking every opportunity it could to flesh out characters, explore pertinent historical events, and question the role(s) of government and its people. If it were required to sum up the original series in one word, it would be: methodical. Nothing ever felt rushed, hurried, or crammed down our throats. Everything blossomed from the seeds of past events. And while the outcomes may, or may not, have been what we had expected, it all blended into a larger political narrative that is relevant today, and, I... Show more content on ... It started by retelling the history of Rudolf Goldenbaum and the birth of the Free Planets Alliance; however, the episode only dedicated two minutes to the documentary styled recap of the war between the two powerhouses. In the original series, an entire episode was dedicated towards this recap, and it occurred much later on. Not saying that I did not enjoy the presentation of the material in this manner, but it felt like the meticulous gradualness of the original series might be interchanged for a more robust paced narrative in the The New Thesis. Luckily, this was not the case. As the series seems to have found its rightful mode of delivery: languid ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Nuclear Bomb Changed History August 6, 1941, the day that forever changed history. A nuclear bomb by the name of Little Boy was dropped over Hiroshima, wiping out the city and killing thousands of innocent people without warning. Three days later another bomb dubbed the name Fatman was dropped over top of Nagasaki, with the same result. These bombs were dropped as a response to the attack on Pearl Harbor and wreaked havoc on both cities wiping out almost everything in its path. While this saved the lives of American soldiers, it killed countless of innocent Japanese citizens. With the help of this new technology, a war could be won or lost in the blink of an eye. By being the first to use these bombs, the United States set the bar for nuclear war to be justifiable. According to an article on, in 1939 a group of American scientists started to get... Show more content on ... It was understood that fission was capable of making a massive bomb, way more powerful than chemical energy. According to an article from...............Just one kilogram of plutoniumor uranium could be capable of producing the same explosion as 20,000 tons of TNT. Scientists used a very fast nucleus which would run into other nuclei and then produce more and more all the way up to about 80 times each giving off atomic energy. All of this would happen in one millionth of a second and produce a temperature that exceeds anything here on earth. It can reach up to about ten billion degrees. The first thing that happens when a bomb explodes is, there is an initial blast wave, then there is a electromagnetic pulse followed by a thermal wave. There is also the radiation damage and then local and global fallout. The initial blast wave will crush anything in its path with 750 mile per hour air speed. The electromagnetic wave would shut down and damage all electronics over a huge radius. The thermal wave will burn anyone exposed to it and create many ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Sublimity During The Industrial Revolution The Romantics notion of sublimity was completely altered by the adverse effects of the Industrial Revolution during the 19th century. Before the worker became strictly engaged to the mechanism that would lead to capitalism, they were once people who hand crafted their lives from nature from where they lived. Romantics initially yearned to expose the natural feelings and thoughts through various forms of artistic production found out in scenes that showed realism. However, with the Industrial Revolutionunderway, Romantics turned their view to criticize actively, display the new conditions of the worker, and give a new view of modernity outside of the factory. Romantics once sought wonder (sublimity) through a lens that had shown the uncouth ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Escaping Salem Essay Escaping Salem: The Other Witch Hunt of 1692 American Economic and Social History September 26, 2012 The seventeenth century was full of challenges; political, social, and economical. Across the board individuals struggled to live, although the conditions had much improved from the beginning of the colonies. Women in particular had a difficult time fitting into this patriarchal this society. Women were defined by men and were seen as an accessory to men. In the colony of New England women were learning how to have a silent voice, while still maintaining the proper role of time. The way women were seen by men, who ran the colony, and the way men thought, not only about women, but also about the world would sculpt the society and the ... Show more content on ... Although in this case (Kate Branch) the Enlightenment thought directly influenced the process of the trail, still the testimony of the women involved held less value than that of a man. Any women seen challenging the thought of a man was at a greater risk of being accused of witchcraft. Daniel Wescot and other men describe incidents involving Goody Disborough and Elizabeth Clawson. These events started with an argument between a man and a women; the man later accused the women of cursing livestock, children, or themselves by witchcraft. (Godbeer, 2005) The reason that women were accused was that they disagreed with a man s point of view. Sadly enlightenment thought did not enlighten the thought that women were intellectually equal to men. The Enlightenment was a primarily a period of intellectual growth, steaming from science to free thought. Science and the judicial system seem to be on opposite ends of the intellectual spectrum, in Escaping Salem however that is disproven. Science is all based on evidence similar to the judicial system. New England s court system may not have been as advanced as our Supreme Court is now but they still used evidence to prosecute or unfortunately persecute. Stamford s court systems require two eye witnesses to ever event used to convict. (Godbeer, 2005) Similarly science must have an outcome happen multiple times for ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Cindy Sherman s Conceptual Portraits Cindy Sherman was born in Glen Ridge, New Jersey in 1954, but moved to Huntington, New York where she grew up. Cindy went to college at the State University of Buffalo and started as a painter. She soon became frustrated with painting because she had nothing else to express in a painting, so she picked up a camera. Cindy Shermanis known for her photographyof conceptual portraits. Conceptual portraits tell a story or illustrate and idea. Cindy would play around with make up, costumes, and wigs and take on the roles of the house wife, a prostitute, the woman in distress, etc... for these portraits. These portraits would raise the challenging questions about woman in society. Although, this is not what she intended to do. Cindy s ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Climate And Paleoclimatology 4.0 Measuring and Noticing the Change 4.1 Paleoclimatology The Earth has maintained records of its climatic conditions in glaciers and ice caps, sediments from lakes and oceans, within the skeletons of coral reefs, as well as tree rings. The study of these samples is known as paleoclimatology. These environmental recorders can be used by scientists to estimate past conditions. Common findings from paleoclimatologists (those who study environmental evidence to gain insight on what the past climate was like and why) indicate that the Earth s climate is always changing. Further examination shows that the Earth s climate is able to drastically shift in a matter of years or decades. A main focus in paleoclimatology is to distinguish whether the ... Show more content on ... As the layers are marked based on seasonal variations in snow, the isotopic composition of the precipitation is examined further to determine the temperature when and where the snow fell. Similarly, examining the isotopic properties of wind blown dust allows for the material to be traced back to its origin. Anything that is within the atmosphere has the potential to end up in an ice core, and more often than not remains unchanged over time. Trapped gases in air bubbles are highly reliable records of atmospheric composition. Slight differences between bubbles and air composition caused by gravitational and thermal effects, are well understood and recognizable. Certain chemical reactions in impure ice can possibly produce abnormal compositions for some gases. However, due to the close association of the gas and ice chemistry, it is a clear indicator of climate change (Г“skarsson, 2004). Ice core records are generally cross referenced with other ice core records along with other methods of instrumental climate records to confirm findings. Statistical and physical analyses are needed to put small, one time changes into perspective. Meanwhile, large changes in the concentrations of most materials in ice, reflect changes in their atmospheric loading. Similar to layers of snow accumulating on top of glaciers or ice caps, billions of tons of sediment accumulate on the ocean floor and in lake basins each year and ... Get more on ...
  • 29. The Beliefs Of Society In Chinua Achebe s Things Fall Apart In the novel, Things Fall Apart, the author Chinua Achebe details the life of the protagonist, Okonkwo, and through him the rituals and customs of the Ibo people. The practices of the Ibo people are highly religious and taken very seriously throughout the whole clan. The religious guidance of a select few spiritual figures dictates the lives of the entire population. Traditions have deep religious connotations and have been passed down from the tribal ancestors who started the customs. These ways prompt many problems for Okonkwo and others surrounding him. Chapter 13 displays the disapproval some clansmen have with how situations are handled in the society and is ultimately setting up the scene for why some Ibo decide to convert to Christianity. The Ibo have an arbitrary set of rules, and this unchanging set of conventions is the source of flaws in their society. Society should change to encompass the evolving thought styles of its members. It s the right and duty of the people to engender change in a system that they believe is flawed. In Chapter 13, Obierika ponders the way society reacts to Okonkwo s mishap, Why should a man suffer so grievously for an offense he had committed inadvertently? Although he thought for a long time he found no answer (Achebe 106). Many Ibo don t view what Okonkwo did as a truly evil and punishable act. If they did, they would have stayed away from him and let him suffer the punishment. However, friends went to help Okonkwo prepare to leave ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Mindfulness Practice Mindfulness practice is the purposeful, nonjudgmental, moment to moment awareness that a person has. The goal of mindfulness meditation is to get the person better acquainted with their thoughts and feelings in the present moment of experiencing them (Corts, Dolderman, Krause, Smith, 2015). People must take an attitude of acceptance and openness towards themselves and they must detach from negative or troubling thoughts. The effects of mindfulness mediation on cancerpatients or survivors correlates with a betterwell being for these people. The ability to engage in mindful awareness is associated with improved psychological distress and physical health symptoms in populations with chronic illness, including cancer. Psychological distress Individuals living with cancer frequently experience psychological distress throughout the course of the illness. Psychological distress can interfere with the ability to cope with cancer. The study done by Patterson and McDonald (2015) investigates how young people who participate in mindfulness display less psychological distress and less uncertainty. In another study, it was found that... Show more content on ... (2014) found that mindfulness based stress reduction led to significant improvements in anxiety and functional disability as well as improvements in depression and sleep disturbance. The results of a study by Bower et al. (2014) show that mindfulness meditation has led to significant improvements in stress and depressive symptoms, as well as fatigue, sleep disturbance, and positive psychological processes. Patterson and McDonald (2015) found that the characteristics of mindfulness (present moment awareness and nonjudgmental thoughts and feelings) correlate with better outcomes for young people who went through cancer treatment. Mindfulness has improved the quality of life for many cancer patients, and the ability to be mindful can help improve the outlook on life that these cancer patients ... Get more on ...
  • 31. How The Media Regulate Agents What is the Landscape Currently? Now that an analysis has been constructed to compare the media regulating agents, a second analysis must be molded in order to recognize the current media landscape. This needs to be established in order to bring justification to any policy changes at the government or industrial levels. If the common child s media landscape reflexes the sociocultural environment that is desired, then no policy change is require. On the other hand, if there is dissonance present, then a policy adjustment is needed. The question now rises on what type of sociocultural environment is desired. While this can be highly subjected on an individual case, one could make argument for broaden sociocultural goals on a macro or ... Show more content on ... With that being said, it is still possible to create a sociocultural goal to act as a standard to compare with media policies. Many of these standards are already incorporated into the language of American policies. For example, violence, sexual, profane, and dangerous substance contents are used as a standard in most of the industries regulatory systems. Typically these standards are a reflection of risky or illegal behavior that could be modeled by the audience. For the purpose of this article, a look at two of these common standards will be evaluated in two parts. First, an evaluation of the media content s relationship to influence the audience to conduct in a risky behavior will be reviewed, and second it s prevalence in the current media landscape will be mentioned. For the sake of relevance towards the legality of the situation, this article will look at the content of violent and sexual content in media. While many other standards can and need to be discussed, these two are the most prevalent in the current media and political conversation. How does Violence Play in Children Media? In a longitudinal study that lasted for fifteen years, Leonard Eron and Rowell Huesmann found a specific causation between the violent television content and an increase amount of aggression from adults who were raised in this ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Social and Reproductive Monogamy in Vole Rats Social and Reproductive Monogamy in Vole Rats Reproductive monogamy is defined as an exclusive sexual relationship between a female and a male based on their sexual interactions. Social Monogamy refers to male and female s social living arrangement without sexual interactions. It refers to the living patterns, raising offsprings, and obtaining food. Monogamy is common in birds, but also occurs in invertebrates. Why would a male mammal choose to mate with one female when he can mate with more than one? Why would the male stay around instead of finding another female to live with? Many researchers have attempted to answer this question of why some mammals prefer monogamy over polygamy. Vole rats, one of the species that perform monogamous mating, demonstrate pair boding. Male and female pairs of vole rats have been observed together over several months, and the males stay with females even when the female is not reproductively active. A typical vole family in the wild is almost always consisted of one male, one female, and their offspring. In addition, unlike other species in which females are the only ones taking care of the offspring, vole rats share parental roles and even build nests together. Because they show these monogamous behaviors, they have served as a good species/model to learn about monogamy for neuroscientists. In this paper, monogamy, specifically in vole rats, will be explained along with its proximate and ultimate causes of this adaptation. There are two ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Redbox Marketing Plan Redbox Marketing Plan U.S.A Redbox Marketing Plan U.S.A 1 Contents 1 Contents1 2 Executive Summary3 3 Introduction3 4 Problem Statement4 5 External Analysis4 5.1 Marketing Segmentation4 5.1.1 Geographic Segmentation4 5.1.2 Demographic Segmentation4 5.1.3 Pshychographic Segmentation4 5.2 DESTEP analysis5 5.2.1 Demography5 5.2.2 Geographic5 5.2.3 Economy5 5.2.4 Political5 5.2.5 Social6 5.2.6 Technological6 5.3 Competitors Analysis6 6 Internal Analysis7 6.1 Current Target Market7 6.2 Current Positioning7 6.3 Competitive Advantage8 6.4 Current Marketing Mix8 7 Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threat Analysis9 7.1 Strengths9 7.2 Weaknesses9 7.3 Opportunities10 7.4 Threats... Show more content on ... It has set up its kiosks primarily in fast food restaurants, grocery stores and convenience stores as these locations are frequently visited by people, and the kiosk could create a direct impulse to the people who are passing by. 5.1.2 Demographic Segmentation Redbox has not segmented its market by any demographic variable. With its kiosk located at routine place, it wishes to target the whole market, otherwise known as mass marketing. 5.1.3 Pshychographic Segmentation Redbox also has segmented the market by behavioral Segmentation; it has placed its kiosk at location as they are frequently visited by the common mass. It has not placed its kiosks at museums or exhibition, as not many people go there on a regular basis. 5.2 DESTEP analysis 5.2.1 Demography Millenials For Redbox, the demography that belongs to their interest is the Millenials or otherwise known as Generation Y. This breed are born between 1977 and 2000, this category includes several age cohorts, tweens (aged 8 12), teens (13 18); and young adults (the twenty something). The junior Millenials are just at the initial stage to use their buying power. The senior Millennials have finished tertiary education (college, universities) and now making their entry in the workforce. One thing that all Millennials have in common is their creative dealing with computer,digital, and Internet technology. 5.2.2 Geographic Locations which guarantee that the most potential customers as possible
  • 34. ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Rust And Copper Artifact This artifact, at first glance appears to be made of copper because of the greenish blue color. Upon closer inspection though you can see rust, and copper doesn t rust, it oxidizes. Which leads me to believe that it is some other sort of metal. This object appears to be no more than an inch, and doesn t appear to be very wide. As I stated before, it has a greenish blue color to it. It appears to be rough, but the roughness and the rust makes me believe that it is weathered, so it most like could have been smooth when it was first crafted. There appears to be no movable parts to it and there is a indentation on the front that may have been a design or something written on it at one point in time. This artifact could have been used as a string ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Roone Arledge s Monday Night Football During the fall, regardless of who is playing, Monday Night Football is my favorite time of the week. My roommates and I order a pizza, have a few beers, and listen to Jon Gruden and Mike Tirico s commentary. Monday Night Football is great because it is something that enables my roommates and I to get through Mondays. ESPN is also a program that is always on in my house. It s usually being played in the background but when live sporting events are being broadcasted, my roommates and I can usually be found watching it. When trying to figure out what to write about in regard to this paper, I decided that I would be very interested in expounding upon the man most responsible for the creation of Monday Night Football and ESPN. Without Roone Arledge,... Show more content on ... Instead of the traditional two man broadcasting team , Davies says, Arledge decided to put three men in the booth (Davies, 2012). Together the three man team of Howard Cosell, Don Meredith, and Frank Gifford brought contrasting styles and personalities (Davies, 2012) to the broadcast booth. The contrasting styles of Meredith and Cosell especially delighted viewers because of their off kilter banter and one upmanship. Cosell was especially electrifying because he was not afraid to speak his mind and criticize players for mistakes and poor decisions. The combination of Arledge s innovations and the commentary from the broadcast booth led to Monday Night Football becoming a national institution and one of the most profitable and longest running programs in television history (Davies, ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The Pest Analysis Of Nestle NestlГ© is an international prominent food and beverages company with more than 2000 brands headquartered in Vevey, Switzerland. The intent of NestlГ© is to be the world s recognized first rated Nourishment, Health and Wellness Company, and exemplar industry for monetary management, trusted by every stakeholder. It is committed to afford not only healthier but also tastier foodstuffs for all age demographics at anytime, anywhere to boost people s life; NestlГ© s top priority is to ensure the first rated quality and safety for consumers followed by their slogan, Good food, Good Life . To look back on the origins of NestlГ©, it all started in 1866, when two different business enterprises were established, that subsequently joined together to form... Show more content on ... 2.0 PESTEL analysis of NestlГ© 2.1 Impacts of Political factors The political issues define the extent of the interference of government and its policy in the market. Accordingly, some political matters that can affect NestlГ© are the stability of political issues such as employment decrees, taxation regulations, consumer protection statutes, environmental regulations, trade restrictions, and health and safety stipulations. For example, government alteration in a country, that NestlГ© had its operations in, may implicate NestlГ© as the new government may amend the current economic policy like trade restrictions. 2.2 Impacts of Economic factors The economic factors, determinants of economy trends, impact to the company directly and cause the booming lengthy consequences as well. Some of these factors that can impinge on NestlГ© are economic inflation or deflation rates, interests rates, cost of living, taxes, exchange rates, income levels and trading codes. For instance, when people earn higher incomes, the consumer demand of NestlГ© will likely ... Get more on ...
  • 38. My Day Of School After Winter Break Numb Toes and Good Times There are not many things I love more than the smell of pine trees, the cold brisk wind of the first snowfall, and the joy of Christmas time. I can see myself now, getting released on my last day of school before winter break. Second grade might not have been a struggle, but a couple weeks off of school was just what a little me needed. I trudged home through the snow and slush. The sidewalks were almost non existent in Michigan winters; you had to search for footprints made by others or risk a rolled ankle. Muddy slush seeped into my snow boots, yet still I had a grin peeled across my face. This smile was mostly a result of the day approaching, December 25th. Christmas mostly meant a couple things to me when I was little, presents, candy, and my favorite vacation out west to the mountains. The Christmas card had already sent out that year, it was all seven of us; heads morphed onto the Little Rascals characters. At the time this was probably relatively funny, but now it s pretty much just embarrassing. The poems on the cards were always the best, I m sure my second grader friends couldn t interpret the jokes my mom wrote, but their moms would. We would start planning our Christmas cards around September, it was way too early but I guess it was necessary, to create a comic masterpiece. I never understood how she made everything rhyme and flow so well, it still amazes me to this day. When I finally made it home, like clockwork, my mom yelled at me ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Pool Fencing Essay Due to the number of drowning rates each year occurring, effective and safe fencing measures desperately need to be installed into every private pool in the backyard. Pool fencing is enforced by Australian legislation, to prevent the occurrence of premature deaths, as drowning s and their consequences are preventable! (AIHW, 2014). However, by teaching children in a primary school based learning environment, the basic foundations of swimming and water safety, the number of drowning s may be decreased from year to year to improve the issue of public health. The HPS approach aims to protect the health of all children to improve their physical, social and mental needs to improve their quality of life and wellbeing s. Primary schools can co operate with other community members and organisations, parents, the P C, staff members in the school and the students to promote a healthy school and to prevent the occurrences of drowning s. ... Show more content on ... This program is Swim and Survive and is a great learning tool to utilise, to educate children about the importance of swimming and water safety, that is aimed to reduce the statistics of drowning s from occurring in the 5 14 years age group. (RLSSA, 2011). Swimming and water safety skills have successfully been shown to reduce the risk of drowning, which has stimulated the World Health Organization (WHO) to encourage teaching all primary school aged children basic swimming, safe rescue skills and water safety for a lifetime expertise. (Scarr, 2016). The public health issue of drowning s in premature ages is covered in the K 6 PDHPE syllabus under the safe living strand, which is located under the heading of water safety that gradually progresses to different topics across all the stages in the ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Epic Theatre By Bertolt Brecht Bertolt Brecht was the pioneer of a new style of theatre, epic theatre. Epic theatre differentiates itself from Bertolt s previous influences by presenting a series of loosely connected scenes that avoid illusion and often interrupt the story line to address the audience directly with analysis, argument, or documentation. He sought to remind the spectator that the play is an illustration of the playwright s point of view rather than a slice from reality. This made audiences react with curiousity and participate in a dialogical argument criticising their own life and what they could do to change it rather than an emotional and empathic response that accepts events in the play as a slice of reality, accepted as the norm. He wanted his audiences to adopt a critical perspective in order to recognise social injustice and to go forth and transform the reality. Bertolt utilised specific techniques to intentionally disillusion the audience throughout the play. One of the main techniques that Bertolt utilised was exposing the construction and mechanisms of theatre to the audience. By emphasizing the spectator s awareness of the methods of its production, his shows aimed to expose the contradictions between the characters ideology and purpose. Such techniques included flooding the stage with harsh white light, regardless of where the action was taking place, and leaving the stage lamps in full view of the audience; making use of minimal props and indicative scenery; intentionally ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Limited Liability Companies After reading the case of Alex, Bill, Carl, and Devon s business, me being their accountant, a type of business I would suggest them will be a Liability Limited corporation. Based on their needs LLC would be a perfect form of business for them. As their company was sole proprietorship ran by their dad, LLC offers some advantages of a corporation, as well as some advantages of a sole proprietorship. A limited liability company, commonly called an LLC, is a business structure that combines the pass through taxation of a partnership or sole proprietorship with the limited liability of a corporation. (Nolo, 2014, n.a.) The characteristics of LLCs and a partnership company are somewhat similar as they both provide flexibility to the management and also the benefit of pass through taxation. The Owners of an LLC are called members. As most states do not have any limit on ownership, members can be individuals, companies, other LLCs and foreign individuals. There is no limit on the number of members in LLC. Some LLC also have only one owner, which is called a single member, and it is allowed in most of the states. Most states do not restrict ownership, and so members may include individuals, corporations, other LLCs and foreign entities (, 2014) There are some important factors that Alex, Bill, Carl, Devon and Xavier should know before they move forward to convert their business into Limited Liability Company. Ease and cost of formation In order to establish LLC, an ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Research Paper On Glossophobia Glossophobia a fear of public speaking is pretty common amongst people. Almost everyone suffers from the fear of not performing well in front of others, at least to some degree. It is only natural to feel scared because humans are wired to be concerned about what others think about us. We get a sense of importance when we know other people admire and acknowledge the work that we do. A perfect example of this is how and why we post the coolest things we do on Facebook. We post things to please the audience of our posts. Or another way to put it, we post on Facebook because we seek the validation of people viewing our Facebook profiles. This does not necessarily build our confidence, but it simply goes to show that we all care about what everyone else thinks about us, and that is not necessarily a negative quality. It is only natural to feel so. In fact it is those people who care about what people think about them who end up being successful... Show more content on ... He fakes it! Take the example of Adele, who is now a Grammy award winning singer. She used to be afraid of performing on stage. There are several other celebrities who are glossophobic, but don t seem so at all Julia Roberts, Tiger Woods and Bruce Willis. All 3 of them are not only glossophobic but even have a severe stuttering problem. They all faked it till they made it. So, now you can too! Some good tips on how to fake confidence: your posture. When you are standing in front of an audience, strike up a power pose think Superman or Wonderwoman. Observe how they stand up tall and appear strong, confident and powerful. Your hands should be open so that you feel more comfortable or appear so. If they are closed, your shoulders would end up slouching or bending and this may make you feel more anxious. So, if you try striking this Superman/Wonderwoman power pose you will instantly find yourself feeling confident. Just give it a ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Analysis Of The Book The Night Of The Treaty This week I have kept my mind clear of this weekend s plans. Jake would be showing up in a little bit and after he reminded Edward of the treaty he was going to ride back to La Push with me. Today was Tiffany s birthday and Embry and I went in together and bought her a present that we were going to give her. I had stayed up late last night decorating a cake. It was her favorite, strawberry, and I had put chocolate frosting on top. I even used white frosting that I dyed green to write Happy Birthday and put flowers around edges. The phone rang as finished making dinner. I was taking most of it with me to the Call s but I was leaving some of it for Uncle Charlie s and Bella s dinner. Edward would be bringing Bella home from work at ... Show more content on ... He ll know that you wouldn t have known. Jake said like he was brilliant. But that s not going to keep Bella from throwing me under the bus. You know how she hates me. If she goes down for this she is just going to take me with her. I said. I have better things to do then stare at my four walls for however long Uncle Charlie grounds me for. Then tell him you felt that it was up to Bella to come clean about what she had been up to. That tattling is never the answer. Jake said. If I get in trouble, you get to tell Embry why I am in deep shit. I said. Jake laughed. Just wait in your room till after I bring the bike. After he screams and yells, come down and offer to drive me home. We go around the corner and park. I wait until Bella and her leech show up and I remind them of the treaty. Then we actually head down to the res. You can drop me at Sam and Emily s and I ll stay there till I go home later. I ll have to report to Sam anyway. Jake said. Okay. See you in a little bit. I said and hung up. I wrapped the cake and put it in the back of the car and grabbed the wrapped box that held Embry s and my gift to Tiffany and put it in the center console. Everything was ready for Jake s big stunt. I went upstairs to get my homework done while I waited. Uncle Charlie yelled up the stairs that he was home at five forty five and it was about five ... Get more on ...
  • 44. How Does Tragic Love As The Struggle For Freedom In Romeo... Kottman, Paul A. Defying the Stars: Tragic Love as the Struggle for Freedom in Romeoand Juliet. Shakespeare Quarterly 63.1 (2012): 1 38. This article discusses how in Shakespeare s Romeo and Juliet, the title character s each achieve freedom and self realization through their love for one another. I will use this article to make claims that R and Julie in Warm Bodies achieve the same things through their actions and their love, as their Shakespearean counterparts do. I will use the arguments made in this article to support my own claims about how Warm Bodies uses the zombie apocalypse to construct a reality in which love literally can change the world. Scott, Lindsey. Closed In A Dead Man s Tomb : Juliet, Space, And The Body In Franco ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Bloo Blood Cancer CANCER a very crucial disease caused by abnormal growth of cells that can spread in any part of the body and covers many tissues. In the disease some of the cells begin to spread and some starts to contract causing very serious illness and sometimes even death. Human body is made up of trillions and trillions of cells and cancer cells can grow in any part of the body. In natural human body process all the cells keep breaking and new cells keep taking their places and that s how the body work properly but when cancer cells grows the old cells keep becoming abnormal and the natural process disturbs. Cancer cells usually forms in a tumour that is a mass of tissues. Tumours have highly toxic fluid in it that spread in the whole body if not taken proper care of. As these tumours develop, some cancer cells can break off and move to aloof places in the body via ... Show more content on ... In United States, in every 20 minutes every 2nd person is diagnosed with blood cancer, which means 25000 people yearly came to know that they are suffering from this crucial disease and very small ratio of people manages to be fully cured. In this type of cancer, the patient have to change his whole blood in every 2 3 days. Its treatment is radiotherapy and chemotherapy along with proper very healthy and careful diet because there are many natural foods that helps a lot in treating cancers. SKIN CANCER Skin cancers also occurs due to the development of abnormal cells over the skin. This type of cancer usually cause because of too much direct exposure to sun, or too less sun exposure, family background, and use of dangerous or effected cosmetics or equipment over the skin. In 2012, according to a study 55 000 people dies because of skin cancer and it is even more common in countries like Australia and New Zealand. It can be treated with external beam radio therapy, skin surgery and chemotherapy. Prostate ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Mike Nichols s Film The Graduate Mike Nichols delivered a memorable piece through his film, The Graduate. A mildly comedic drama about a young man, Benjammin Braddock (Dustin Hoffman), lost in sense of direction and found his path through the seduction of an older woman, Mrs. Robinson, (Anne Bancroft). We saw all sorts of visual and verbal dramatic scenes to depict Braddock s lack of experience tackling the world after submerging himself in school. When Braddock s life after graduation began, Braddock was pressured with so many expectations to live up the standards of his relatives. He felt so burdened with the amount of responsibilities he had to deal with as an adult. In his way to find escape from the situation, he would do anything to be alone whenever possible. ... Get more on ...
  • 47. The Great Depression Provided A Political Opportunity For... hitlerwas a complete asshole that killed loads of jews and thought it was fun to form the nazis Under Hitler s leadership and racially motivated ideology, the Nazi regime was responsible for the genocide of at least 5.5 million Jews hitler shot himself and his fam,ily as britain marched on berlin After World War I, Hitler returned to Munich.[72] With no formal education or career prospects t the time of Hitler s release from prison, politics in Germany had become less combative and the economy had improved, limiting Hitler s opportunities for political agitation. The Great Depression provided a political opportunity for Hitler. Germans were ambivalent to the parliamentary republic, which faced strong challenges from right and left wing extremists. The moderate political parties were increasingly unable to stem the tide of extremism, and the German referendum of 1929 helped to elevate Nazi ideology.[120] The elections of September 1930 resulted in the break up of a grand coalition and its replacement with a minority cabinet. Its leader, chancellor Heinrich BrГјning of the Centre Party, governed through emergency decrees from President Paul von Hindenburg. Governance by decree would become the new norm and paved the way for authoritarian forms of government.[121] The NSDAP rose from obscurity to win 18.3 per cent of the vote and 107 parliamentary seats in the 1930 election, becoming the second largest party in parliament.[122] Hitler and NSDAP treasurer Franz Xaver ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Literary Analysis Of The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow Michelle Ball Thompson ENG 251 C01 Literary Essay Oct 3, 2017 Title of Essay The short story of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. by Washington Irving introduced the character Ichabod Crane. Ichabod s name means No Glory which is the essence of the character himself. Ichabod s legacy became a sort of an old wives tale by which he believed in so much he ultimately fell victim to. Ichabod is a character that is a bit of an underdog that you feel compassion for but inevitably conclude he received the outcome he deserves. Ichabod Crane s appetite for the finer things in life and his fascination with superstitions brought him to the town of Sleepy Hollow but ultimately became the source of his departure and the focus of one of the towns ghost stories that he so enjoyed sharing in. The physical description of Ichabod Crane was one of less than flattery. The narrator describes Ichabod as tall but exceedingly lank, hands that dangled a mile out of his sleeves, feet that might have served as shovels, and his whole frame most loosely hung together (535). The narrator further explains his huge ears, large green glassy eyes, and a long striped nose that looked like a weather cock, perched upon his spindle neck (535). His physique was compared to that of a scarecrow (535). Ichabod s name and physical description gave an impression of a comical character with an unfortunate hand dealt in appearances. Ichabod Crane moved from Connecticut to teach the children in Sleepy Hollow, which was a small rural town (535). As the schoolmaster, he was well known in his community as he was a regular visitor to the homes of his students. He would help with chores at the homes of his students and was certainly up for a visit to students homes with pretty sisters and mothers who were talented cooks (536). The school master is generally a man of some importance in the female circle of a rural neighborhood (536). also, he was a kind of travelling gazette, carrying the whole budget of local gossip from house to house (537) and was a perfect master of Cotton Mather s history of New England Witchcraft, in which, by the way, he most firmly and potently believed (537). His preferred past time was to visit with old Dutch wives of ... Get more on ...
  • 49. Understanding And Understanding Of Physical, Social And... Standard 1: Know students and how they learn As every individual is unique, getting to understand the students characteristics, knowledge and cultural background are essential requirements for encouraging their development and learning (Arthur, Beecher, Death, Dockett Farmer, 2012). In order to achieve the above requirements, a strong and positive relationship with students is the effective way for teachers to build up a holistic picture of a student (Groundwater Smith, Ewing Le Cornu, 2015a; Nixon Gould, 2005). The various recorded interactions and observations between teachers and students made during the professional experience, have helped me to understand how students learn and have strengthened my ability to plan and implement lessons (Arthur et al., 2012). 1.1Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics of student There are many factors that influence students participation in learning. Some examples of these factors include the learning atmosphere of the school, teaching strategies and the student s capabilities (Groundwater Smith, et al., 2015b; Nixon Gould, 2005). In order for students to complete different tasks during lessons, it is important that teachers present clear and concise instructions. According to Porter (2014a), by providing clear instructions and high quality examples, teachers may help to increase a student s academic performance. In addition, by removing classroom ... Get more on ...
  • 50. The Safety Department Will Oversee All Aircraft Accident The safety department will oversee all aircraft accident investigations. When an accident occurs the safety, branch will contact all the necessary agencies, such as the NTSB and FAA. All members of the organization that have received the specialized training and are members of the on call 24 hour Go Team will be notified and sent to the scene as soon as possible. For further information concerning aircraft accident investigations please review Appendix 1 of this safety plan. Safety Analysis The quality assurance division within the safety branch will maintain a safety analysis data base. The database will be a digital record of all inspections that will be conducted by the quality office. The data that is recorded will be reviewed on... Show more content on ... When the purchase is made, the customer will have to agree to the terms set by our company. Considering most people do not read most information presented in front of them, the information will be covered when they are in place. Customers will be made aware of the contact information available to them should they encounter a safety related issue. Customers will also be given the opportunity to receive feedback concerning the issue they are concerned with. In some cases, depending on what the safety issue is, the customer maybe compensated with air miles, discounted flights, or some other form of compensation for their honesty is bringing up the safety issue. Our company is built to do most things in aviation, but not all. Contractors will be needed. It will be the responsibility of the safety department to screen all companies that are applying to be a contract member of our company. The key areas that should be focused on will be the safety record of the contract company, financial status of the contract company, and do the needs and goals of the contract company meet our expectations. These are just a few items to be considered when screening contractors. These items should be discussed prior to the signing of the contract. It can be very difficult and counterproductive to amend these items after the contract has been signed. It is also very ... Get more on ...
  • 51. What Is The Economic Expansion Of The Us Economy The United States economy is currently in a time of expansion. This period of expansion has been in progress since the years following the Great Recession of the late 2000s. This expansion is evidenced by several factors including the real gross domestic product rising and continuing to rise toward the natural level of output. As the United Statesapproaches a decade since the last recession, there are a number of signs that suggest this economic growth is not sustainable. The United States government is incurring large deficits each year, leading to a continually increasing debt level. While there have been times in U.S. history when debt and deficit levels have been high, the current debt level is not justified. There is no major... Show more content on ... This is a useful measure because it is not just focused on raw numbers that can shift based on a variety of economic factors. It is based on how the consumers that make up an economy feel. A statistical measure that supports the period of economic growth from the consumer perspective is the level of Real Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE). PCE measures the spending from households in the economy. Unlike a measurement like CPI, PCE does not base its measurements off of a pre fixed basket (Investopedia PCE, 2016). This allows it to take into account varying purchases and expenses for households. PCE is also based on a formula that allows for changes in consumer behavior which can make it more accurate in the short term (Investopedia PCE, 2016). This makes it a better forecasting statistic. Real PCE has been consistently rising since the recession of 2008. This means consumers are making enough money to increase their purchases and further stimulate the economy. Real Personal Consumption Expenditures The state of business in the U.S. economy can be seen in the inventory to sales ratio. The inventory to sales ratio measures the inventory businesses are accumulating in comparison to the sales they are making. High inventory to sales ratios mean businesses are likely selling less than they expected to. This is seen in times of recession or coming recession. If ... Get more on ...
  • 52. Motives And Thoughts By Lauryn Hill Riche 1 Carlyle S. Riche Jr. English 102.036 Professor Dubose March 10th 2010 The Observation of Global Deception: A Persuasive Essay on Lauryn Hill s Motives and Thoughts Edward George Bulwer Lytton once said, When the world has got hold of a lie, it is astonishing how hard it is to kill it. You can beat it over the head, till it seems to have given up the ghost and behold! The next day it is as healthy as ever (53). Lauryn Hill, an astounding singer, actress, musician and above all artist, who has produced many brilliant and masterful works of art in her career. From writing songs to appearing in American films but her poetic strength has projected the farthest, Hill s poems speak to many, striking nerves and emotions never ... Show more content on ... Although, the persona does state that the actual truth exists in some. Hill acknowledges that some have not given into what society wants us to believe and have adopted their own way of thinking and living. This is clearly proven in the poem when the author states, Light shown in darkness, image exposed. Few can see through the new emperor s clothes (lines 13 14). Light illuminates the idea of the truth in society. Hill alludes to new emperor s clothes, primary symbolizing lies and deception (line 13). The persona states that few can actually see through the lies that have been provided. When we are being lied to time after time, these lies become a part of our psyche and are then repeated and reproduced later in time. This false belief is slowly killing the minds of society. Fallacy is defined as deceptive appearance, guile, trickery, or false or mistaken idea (Merriam Webster 1). The persona presents the fact that we have been sucked into what the world wants us to believe. The more we are lied to, the more we are going to be negatively affected. Moral dilemma, pride is the root. Misguided from youth, heart divided from truth (lines 28 29).We have been taken from what is right and thrown into the wrong. Hill is stating that we have been misguided at a very young age. Our minds and hearts have been separated from what is right in the world. Lacan s Model of the Psyche can be directly related to how the persona feels about this ... Get more on ...
  • 53. Exploring Terrorism And Terrorism Module two highlighted the need for a greater understanding of how to recognize terrorism and what resources can be utilized to strengthen communities. A strong capability to perform hazard and threat assessments can go a long way in helping a community take preventive and protective measure in the fight against terrorism. Fighting terrorism is a combination of several tools and activities aimed at improving response capabilities and reducing the risks from attacks. Activities to measure and improve capabilities can come in the form of prevention, protection, response, recovery and mitigation. Each of these areas is designed to address a specific set of capabilities, or core capabilities, aimed at creating a better more effective method ... Show more content on ... When stakeholders use the combined tools and guidance such as the NRF and the CPG 101, better measures can be taken to improve a community s preparedness level and reduce the risks associated with a terrorist attack. The NRF and CPG 101 are two parts to a larger arsenal of federal guidance that is provided by FEMA. One key element to maximizing the effectiveness of plans and planning tools is the incorporation of an assessment processes. Key assessment processes should include the following steps to be successful: 1.Identify the list of hazards and threats that may impacts a community. 2.Utilize a scenario to describe the hazards and threats and show how they may impact a community. 3.Conduct an assessment on each hazard and threat to determine a measurable benchmark to achieve a basic level of capability. Define the capability target or goal. 4.Determine the resources required to reach the capability target based on current (available) resources and assets. These four basic steps are the essential pieces to the Threat and Hazard Identification Risk Assessment or THIRA. THIRA is a leading step by step methodology to help communities determine where planning gaps exist in the identification and management of hazards. The heart of THIRA is its simple structure that allows communities to identify desired outcomes, determine capability targets, and apply resources to help meet those targets. FEMA describes ... Get more on ...
  • 54. Richard Harwood Modern Day Plight In the context of 1996, where Richard Harwood claims the average American admits to more knowledge of what actors are on television programs, rather than the people that have been voted in or appointed to represent them in local and national government, The average American voter feels alienated. These voters are alienated to an extent of which they feel they have very little ties to the political system of that time. Harwood references a much older document that illustrates the modern day plight among the voters. He does so to say that this problem isn t one that is new, but is one that has caused trouble for a long period of time. In Harwood s article, he is on the side that media is to blame for the alienated voter, but he analyzes it deeper ... Get more on ...
  • 55. Right To Bear Arms Justified How is owning a gun justified? By the second amendment, the right to bear arms is granted to the 318 million people currently living in the United States of America. It justifies the ownership of a gun without directly justifying it. The initial understanding of this amendment by the majority of the U.S. is that every person (under the right circumstance) has the right to have a gun in their possession. Although this meaning has been the inherited mindset of most ideas concerning the matter, the controversial conflicts arising around the existence of this amendment represent the true depth of it s meaning and how it stands for much more than just the right to own a gun. In correspondence with the debates on how valid the second amendment ... Show more content on ... The United States has been and continues to be a strong, democratic country, but the importance of the second amendment resides with the precaution that an unprincipled mind may come into power. It represents security from an unjust power that could eventually come to leadership in the many future years of the U.S.A. It gives the people something that they can yield extra strength with against the corrupt side. The citizens are able to fight back or at least defend themselves in the situation that they would need to do so. It gives them the opportunity to take additional precaution. In this way, the second amendment stands for how the rules in this state remain honest to America s power and how it truly resides with its people. It represents America s kept promise of democracy and how it acts as a government that is for the people and by the people. This amendment shows that the United States is a country that will act in truth to its claims and how the democracy of its state will favor the the majority of the ... Get more on ...
  • 56. Stateless Minority People Of The Rohingya Executive Summary The Rohingya are the stateless minority people of Myanmar and have been residing there for a long time. They have deprived citizenship as Myanmar government consider them as illegal immigrants. So they are being deprived of many of the basic rights and being tortured for a long time but the recent Ethnic Cleansing mission of the Myanmar government has severely destroyed the Rohingya and forced them to leave the country. Who are the Rohingya people? The Rohingya are the minority people of Myanmar residing in the Rakhine state of the country. They are the world s most harassed minority. Majority of the ethnic group are Muslim while some of them are Hindu, who lived in Myanmar for centuries. They have been denied citizenship since 1982 in the Buddhist Southeast Asian country. There are 135 official ethnic groups in Myanmar but the Rohingyas are not considered among them. Most of the Rohingya people live in the Western coastal state of Rakhine and are not allowed to leave without permission from the government. Though they have been living there for quite a long time they are deprived of the basic services and opportunities of the country. Origin According to some authentic sources, Rohingyas have lived in Myanmar since as early as 8th century. The Rohingyas say that they are the successors of Persian Arab Muslim traders, who came to the country generations ago. During the British rule from 1824 to 1948, migration took place to present Myanmar from ... Get more on ...
  • 57. How Does Shelley Use Language Shelley uses a wide range of language to describe the weather. To begin with the rain not only falls, but it patters dismally . The negative feeling that surrounds this word forebodes that something bad is going to happen; making the reader anxious and alert. It reflects the adverse tone and mood in this section of the extract. Similarly, the night is described with the adjective dreary . Together, the cumulative effect of these words creates a semantic field of a sense of danger which only adds further to this already tense (atmosphere) part of the extract. Furthermore, Shelley uses pathetic fallacy, using setting, to reflect Dr Frankenstein s mood. Shelley s use of grim weather, with which rain pattered dismally foreshadows and reflects ... Get more on ...
  • 58. U.s. National Security Efforts And Defending The Nation Essay Counterterrorism is the use of personnel and tools to acquire, disturb, or dismantle terrorist networks and their affiliates. Counterterrorism is essentially an offensive approach to a terrorist threat involving intelligence operations, diplomacy, military operations, and counterterrorism training. Despite party affiliation and different approaches, both the Bush and Obama administrations have been devoted to U.S. national security efforts and defending the nation. During the Republican Bush administration, 9/11 was both a significant terrorist attack and also a significant event during Bush s time as president. The group behind 9/11 was a terrorist organization named al Qaeda, lead by Osama bin Laden. Founded on August 18th 1988, al Qaeda is a group of Islamic extremists who call for the the creation of caliphate or an Islamic state. 9/11 was a form of vengeance against the U.S. in response to the country s participation in the Gulf War, continued military presence in the Middle East, and support of Israel. On September 11th 2001, 19 members of al Qaeda hijacked four planes, crashing two into the World Trade Center, one into the Pentagon, and one onto a field in Pennsylvania en route to Washington. Although it was never confirmed, it was believed that the plane en route to Washington was intended for either the White House or the Capitol building. The attack shook the nation and claimed the lives of over 3,000 people. On the evening of September 11th, George Bush ... Get more on ...


  1. Essay on Importance of Computer in Life for Students

    essay on role of computer in today's life

  2. The Role of Computers in Our Daily Life

    essay on role of computer in today's life

  3. Essay on Role of Computer and Internet in our lives

    essay on role of computer in today's life

  4. Essay on Importance of Computer In English

    essay on role of computer in today's life

  5. write an essay on role of computer

    essay on role of computer in today's life

  6. Essay On The Role of Computers in Everyday Life

    essay on role of computer in today's life


  1. Importance of 💻 Computer Essay in English // write an essay on importance of computer in English

  2. write an essay on role of computer

  3. Essay on " Computer"

  4. Internet essay writing in english

  5. Basics of Computers

  6. Computer Basics: Understanding Operating Systems


  1. Essay on the Role of the Computer in Modern Life

    1. This essay sample was donated by a student to help the academic community. Papers provided by EduBirdie writers usually outdo students' samples. Cite this essay. Download. Nowadays, computers play an important role in our day-to-day lives, they are almost used everywhere, without them this modern life seems to be impossible.

  2. The Role of Computers in Our Life

    An example from the life of a fourth-grade teacher, John, who prepared a lesson on the Presidential election of the United States. John had decided to take his fourth-grade students to the computer lab to show the website featuring the details on the U.S. Presidential elections. Prepared to use the internet as a means of teaching, John took his ...

  3. Essay on Importance of Computer in Our Life

    Conclusion. In conclusion, computers have permeated every aspect of our lives, becoming an essential tool for learning, communication, business, healthcare, and entertainment. They have significantly increased efficiency, productivity, and accessibility, making our lives easier and more connected. As technology continues to evolve, the role of ...

  4. How Computers Influence Our Life

    It is therefore clear, that computers and its influence on man have a long history. Its invention involved hard work dedication and determination, and in the end it paid off. The world was and is still being changed by computers. Man has been able to see into the future and plan ahead because of computers.

  5. Essay on Computer and its Uses in 500 Words for Students

    500+ Words Essay on Computer. In this essay on computer, we are going to discuss some useful things about computers. The modern-day computer has become an important part of our daily life. Also, their usage has increased much fold during the last decade. Nowadays, they use the computer in every office whether private or government.

  6. Essay on Use of Computer in Daily Life

    Conclusion. In conclusion, the use of computers in daily life has brought about profound changes in the way we communicate, learn, entertain ourselves, and conduct business. They have made our lives more convenient, efficient, and connected. However, as we continue to rely on computers, it is essential to consider the potential risks and ...

  7. Essay on Importance of Computer in our life, Uses of Computer in

    In this essay on the importance of computers in our life, students can get the use of computers in education, uses of computers in different fields like defense, medicine, business, entertainment, communication, and what is the importance of computers in today's world. We have also compiled the importance of computers in points.. In case you have to write the 5 uses of computers, you can ...

  8. Importance of Computer Essay

    500 Words Essay on The Importance of Computer. Computers have become an essential part of modern lives. These systems serve as a convenient information source for managing organisations and accomplishing various tasks. This is one of the significant reasons that computers are in higher demand for banking, entertainment, education, businesses ...

  9. Essay on Importance of Computer

    Conclusion. In conclusion, the importance of computers in our modern society is undeniable. They have transformed the way we learn, work, communicate, and entertain ourselves. While challenges exist, the prospective advancements in computer technology signify exciting possibilities. As we continue to integrate computers into our lives, it is ...

  10. The Role Of Computer In Everyday Life Essay

    The computer has helped us in speeding up the work. It has successfully replaced humans in the industrial and administrative fields. In education, too, has brought many benefits. In a very competitive world, we need computers to lend speed and efficiency to our work. Without computers, we will hardly be able to compete with the rest of the world.

  11. Importance of Computer Essay

    In today's World of Science and technology, computers are used in almost all the fields and sectors, and across the people of all age groups for serving various needs and purposes. Computers play a crucial role in people's day-to-day activities, studying, gathering information, doing research, or completing any work or task.

  12. Role Of Computers And Internet In Our Lives Essay

    The Role Of Computers And Internet In Our Lives essay 100, 150, 200, 250 words in English helps the students with their class assignments, comprehension tasks, and even for competitive examinations. You can also find more Essay Writing articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

  13. What is the Importance of Computer in Human Life?

    Computers play an important role in our everyday life because it is very accurate, fast and can accomplish many tasks easily. Learning basic computer skills is essential for everyone to be employable and competent in today's digital age. Let's see the uses of computers in various fields and why the computer is important in our lives.

  14. Essay on How Computers Affect Our Lives

    The computers affected the community, both positive and negative, largely supported by government agencies and other gigantic enterprises that know the value of everything but the price of nothing that is, that know the short-range utility of computer system but have no idea of their ultimate social cost. We can mention that there is a positive ...

  15. Computers: Essay on the Importance of Computer in the Modern Society

    The advantage of computers can also be seen in the fact that they might just be able to improve administration through the world. By providing daily accurate information to the administration departments, computers may change the way decisions are taken across the globe.Keeping all the above mentioned things in mind, we must accept that if used the right way, computers are a gift of science to ...

  16. Computers rule our lives. Where will they take us next?

    1975. The first in a series of articles on the computer revolution explores the technological breakthroughs bringing computers to the average person. 1975. Science News weighs the pros and cons of ...

  17. Importance of Computers in Our Daily Life

    Gaming: Gaming is something that appeals to all ages and one of the most important uses of the computer. Entertainment: It is a source for entertainment like movies, music and so on. Computers are a basic necessity in today's world. We can perform a variety of functions using the computer and it is indeed the technology for the future.

  18. Essay on Role of Computers and internet in our Lives

    Role of Computers and internet in our Lives. Computers are perhaps the most controversial inventions of the 20th century. Ever since Bill Gates made it a household name, people have been debating over its merits and demerits. Most students would agree that the computer is the greatest invention on earth because it has opened up a vast store of ...

  19. How Is Technology Changing the World, and How Should the World Change

    Technologies are becoming increasingly complicated and increasingly interconnected. Cars, airplanes, medical devices, financial transactions, and electricity systems all rely on more computer software than they ever have before, making them seem both harder to understand and, in some cases, harder to control. Government and corporate surveillance of individuals and information processing ...

  20. Essay on The Role of Computers in Modern Life

    The Role of Computers in Modern Life: The twentieth century has witnessed a great advance in science and technology, and its applied form. The latest in this development is computer technology, which has come like a worldwide technical revolution. A computer is essentially a processing machine that can perform several important functions in a ...

  21. Essay on Importance of Computer in Life for Students

    Computers are really very important in today's life!. I have written a beginners level essay on topic Importance of computer, covering; 5 importance of computers, points, importance of computers in our daily life, computer education, in points and additionally, short & long essay on importance of computer in 120, 150, 200 words & 500 plus words essay for students.

  22. Essay On The Role of Computers in Everyday Life

    Essay On The Role of Computers in Everyday Life | PDF | Internet | Software. Essay on the Role of Computers in Everyday Life - Free download as Word Doc (.doc), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. taibur.

  23. Role Of Technology In Today's Life Free Essay Example

    The term information technology (IT) is widely used nowadays. It refers to the subject related to creating, managing networking, software programming, and exchanging information. In this world, technology plays an eminent role in all spheres of life. Role of technology in business - technology is playing a vital role in the business world.

  24. How the Internet Has Changed Everyday Life

    The Internet has become embedded in every aspect of our day-to-day lives, changing the way we interact with others. This insight struck me when I started out in the world of social media. I created my first social network in 2005, when I was finishing college in the United States—it had a political theme.

  25. Essay On Role Of Computer In TodayS Life

    Essay On Role Of Computer In Today'S Life 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2.