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Explore printable ELA worksheets for 10th Grade

ELA worksheets for Grade 10 are essential tools for teachers looking to enhance their students' English Language Arts skills. These worksheets cover a wide range of topics, including reading comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, and writing, all of which are crucial for success in Grade 10 ELA. Teachers can utilize these resources to supplement their lesson plans, provide additional practice for struggling students, or even as a basis for group activities and discussions. With a variety of formats and difficulty levels available, ELA worksheets for Grade 10 cater to the diverse needs of students, ensuring that every learner has the opportunity to excel in their English Language Arts education.

Quizizz is a fantastic platform that not only offers ELA worksheets for Grade 10 but also provides a plethora of other resources for teachers to engage their students in the learning process. This interactive platform allows educators to create and share quizzes, polls, and presentations, making it an excellent tool for both formative and summative assessments. With Quizizz, teachers can easily track student progress and identify areas where additional support may be needed. In addition to ELA worksheets for Grade 10, Quizizz offers resources for various subjects and grade levels, making it a one-stop-shop for all your educational needs. Explore the vast library of content available on Quizizz and discover how this innovative platform can transform your approach to teaching English Language Arts for Grade 10 students.

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Integrated Grammar Class 10 Exercises with Answers

english homework grade 10

Improve your English language skills with Integrated Grammar Class 10 exercises and find answers to commonly asked questions. Enhance your grammar proficiency and excel in your language studies.

Welcome to the world of Integrated Grammar Class 10 exercises and answers! In this comprehensive guide, we will explore various exercises designed to strengthen your English language skills. 

Whether you are a student looking to excel in exams or an English language enthusiast, these exercises will help you enhance your grammar and communication abilities.

What are Integrated Grammar Class 10 Exercises?

Integrated Grammar Class 10 exercises encompass a wide range of topics that challenge students to apply their grammar knowledge in real-life scenarios.

From transforming sentences to identifying errors, these exercises aim to improve sentence construction, enhance vocabulary, and refine communication skills.

The Importance of Integrated Grammar Class 10 Exercises

Integrated Grammar exercises hold significant importance as they help students grasp grammar concepts more effectively.

By integrating various grammar rules and applying them in exercises, students develop a deeper understanding of the language’s nuances. Let’s delve into the comprehensive outline for Integrated Grammar Class 10 exercises and Answers:

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Topics & Syllabus of Integrated Grammar Class 10

1. understanding tenses: the foundation of grammar.

In this exercise, you will encounter various tenses such as simple present, present continuous, simple past, past continuous, present perfect, and past perfect.

Practice forming sentences using each tense and identify the correct context for their usage. For example:

Exercise: Choose the correct tense for the following sentence: “She ___ (write) a letter to her friend every week.”

Answer: She writes a letter to her friend every week. (Simple Present Tense)

2. Parts of Speech: Building Blocks of Sentences

Identify the different parts of speech in sentences. Practice exercises that involve nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections. For example:

Exercise: Identify the verb in the following sentence: “The dog barks loudly.”

Answer: The verb in the sentence is “barks.”

3. Active and Passive Voice: Transforming Sentences with Clarity

Understand the impact of Active and Passive voice on the sentence’s structure and meaning. For example:

Exercise: Change the following sentence from active to passive voice: “They are playing football”

Answer: Football is being played by them.

4. Direct and Indirect Speech: Conveying Messages Effectively

Practice transforming direct speech into indirect speech and vice versa. Understand the changes required in reported speech. For example:

Exercise: Convert the following sentence from direct to indirect speech: “Mother said to us, ‘Obey your elders'”

Answer: Mother advised us to obey our elders.

5. Sentence Transformation: Expanding Your Language Horizons

Rephrase sentences while retaining their original meaning. Practice altering sentences using synonyms, antonyms, and different sentence structures. For example:

Exercise: Rewrite the following sentence using an antonym for the word “sad”: “She was sad for her mistake”

Answer: She was not happy about her mistake.

6. Sentence Types: Understanding Syntax

Identify and form different sentence types, including declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory sentences. For example:

Exercise: Classify the following sentence: “The weather is beautiful today.”

Answer: The sentence is a declarative sentence.

7. Vocabulary Enrichment: Enhancing Word Power

Expand your vocabulary and enhance your language expression. For example:

Exercise : Use the word “pinnacle” in a sentence to show its meaning.

Answer: Receiving the award was the pinnacle of her academic achievements.

8. Editing and Omission: Perfecting Your Writing

Identify and correct errors in sentences and paragraphs. Practice editing and omitting unnecessary information to improve writing clarity. For example:

Exercise : Find and correct the error in the following sentence: “The child’s were playing in the park.”

Answer: The children were playing in the park.

9. Class 10 Board Exam Practice: Preparation for Success

Prepare for your Class 10 English language board exam with practice papers and mock tests. Familiarize yourself with the exam pattern and boost your confidence. For example:

Exercise: Attempt a mock exam paper to assess your preparedness for the Class 10 board exam.

Answer: (Solve the mock exam paper and evaluate your performance.)

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Exercises Set for Integrated Grammar Class 10

Enhance your English language skills with a comprehensive set of Integrated Grammar Class 10 exercises. From tenses to essay writing, these exercises will strengthen your grammar proficiency and prepare you for academic success.

Integrated Grammar Class 10 exercises are designed to provide students with a holistic understanding of English grammar and language rules. 

As you progress through these exercises, you will gain the necessary skills to excel in both written and spoken communication.

Integrated Grammar Exercises on Tense

1. It ………………… (rain) since last night and it ………………… (look) as if it may rain for the rest of the day.

2. Ravi ………………… (not stop) studying until he ………………… (cover) all the exam topics. 

3. When Rupa ………………… (graduate)  from University next year she  ………………… (study) English for nearly four years. 

4. When the old woman ………………… ( hear)  that her grandson ………………… (arrest) for robbery. She ………………… (shock). 

5 . We ………………… (wait) for the bus for nearly half an hour,  but eat ………………… (not arrive) yet so, I don’t think we ………………… (be able to) attend the meeting on time. 

6. When I ………………… (have) another look I ………………… (realise) that the shirt ………………… (shrink)  in the laundry.

7. In the evening I often ………………… (play) chess with my next-door neighbour.  I ………………… (play) chess with him ever since I ………………… (come) to live here ten years ago. he has been here all his life. He ………………… (inherit)  this house from his father. 

8. The police ………………… (investigate) the robbery that ………………… (take) place last week.  so far,  they ………………… (discover) nothing and ………………… (arrest) no one. 

9. She ………………… (look)  very worried for the past few days:  but when I ………………… (ask)  what the matter was,  she ………………… (say)  that it was nothing. 

10. He walked along the road,  undaring what ………………… (happen)  and where all the people ………………… (go).  The streets were deserted and the stalls ………………… (leave) as they were with fruits and vegetables arranged in neat rows. 

Integrated Grammar Exercises on Modals

1. I ………………. Speak Arabic fluently when I was a child. But now, I ………………. say just a few things in the language.

2. The teacher said we ………………. reread this book for our own pleasure. But we ………………. reading we don’t want to.

3. You ………………. not leave small objects lying around. Such objects ………………. be swallowed by children.

4. Those whose names are called ………………. come for practice. The rest of you ………………. Come.

5. They ……………….  have returned last night. ……………….  I check to see if they are back.

6. The boy ………………. be very hardworking, but now he is lazy. He ………………. pull up his socks.

7. How ……………… you speak so rudely to me! You ……………… be punished.

8. I ……………….  not ask for his permission in case he says ’no’. I wish he were as lenient as he ……………….  Be.

9. How ………………. you are such a thing! You ………………. be ashamed of yourself. You never ………………. be so rude before.

10. He said that it ……………….  be alright for you to enter., but I think you ……………….  wait until he gets here.

Integrated Grammar Exercises on Active Passive Voice

Complete the following passages by using the correct passive form.

1. Yesterday the city (i) …………. (hit) by a thunderstorm. Many trees (ii) ……….. (uproot) and streets at several places (iii) ………… (flood) resulting in traffic jams.

2. If a long journey (i) ………… (give) a good start, it is half covered. Weariness of the traveller (ii) ………….. (defeat) by his enthusiasm and hope. He (iii)… (reward) with success.

3. Pleasure (i) ………….. (enjoy) through pains. Spring (ii)…………..  by those whose bones (iii) ………….. unbearably cold winter.

4. Whenever I feel that I (i) ………….. (leave) alone even by my shadow, my loneliness (ii) ………….. (dispel) by the soothing presence of someone who is everything to me. At that moment, I (iii) ………….. (compensate) heavily for all the losses.

5. Yesterday a UFO (i) ………….. (see) in the western sky over Delhi. People (ii) …………..  (horrify) to see it and started running. It was reported to have remained suspended in the air for sometime. Then it picked up speed and

(iii) ………….. (lose) from view.

6. Last week a picnic trip (i) ………… (organise) by our school. The students (ii). …….. (take) to fun and food village. Five buses (iii) …………..  (hire) on the occasion.

7. Gandhiji (i) ………….. (know) for practicing what he preached. Our country (ii) ………….. (teach) the lesson of truth and non-violence by him. The entire nation (iii)……………(being) into the mainstream of freedom struggle under his leadership.

Integrated Grammar Exercises on Subject Verb Agreement

Complete the following lines with an appropriate verb that agrees with the subject.

1. A lot of chicken…………. (is/are) eaten in America. As a result, a lot of chickens ……….. (is/are) raised on farms.

2. I study Agriculture and Economics. In fact, Economics …………. (is/are) my favourite subject. I think that Economics along with agriculture…………. (is/are) fascinating.

3. Everyone…………. (has/have) problems in life. Countries also … (have/has)

problems and so………… (do/does) the world.

4. One of the greatest problems (is/are) the growing population. Both India and China………….. (has/have) populations of over one billion people. Both (is/are) growing too.

5. A few of my friends …….. (own/owns) cars. One of my friends……………(is/are) rich. Much of his money …………. (come/comes) from his parents.

6. Rahul’s parents………..(run/runs) three companies. I don’t know what kind of

products the companies (deal/deals) with or who their customers ………… (is/are).

7. My teacher (is/are) funny. He ………… (like/likes) to tell jokes. I think his jokes …………. (is/are) funny and my friends. ………… (agree/agrees).

8. Most of the students in my class (is/are) boys. There…………(is/are) not many girls in my school who………….. (is/are) of my age.

9. My friend……. ………. (has/have) a play station My parents always …………. (ask/asks) me if I want one. But my answer…………. (is/are) always ‘No’.

10. Our greatest glory (is/nor) in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. Little minds………….. (is/are) tamed and subdued by failure but great minds (rise/rises) above it.

Integrated Grammar Exercises on Reported Speech

Fill in the Blanks.

1. Mum said, “I am angry with you,” Mum said she ………… angry with me.

2. Jaya said, “I am cooking lunch today.” Jaya said that she ……….. lunch ……….

3. My friend said, “I will go to the cinema tomorrow.” My friend said that he …………to the cinema ……………….

4. Her teacher said, “You must do your homework every day.”

Her teacher said that she ………… do her homework every day.

5. Their father said, “I can speak three languages.” Their father said that he …………  speak three languages.

6. Kavita said, “I have been on holidays.” Kavita said that she ………… on holidays.

7. Mary said, “I will play cards the day afte tomorrow. Mary said that …………… cards the following

8. Sangeeta said, “I went to bed early last night.” Sangeeta said that………….. to bed early the night before.

9. My dad said to the immigration officer, “This is my first visit to England.” My dad told the immigration officer that it ………….. his first visit to England.

10. He said to me, “You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.”

He told me that I ……………the most beautiful girl he……………….. ..

Integrated Grammar Exercises on Clause

Choose the appropriate options to complete the sentences

1. The man ……………….  house was robbed has still not been paid by the insurance company.

(iii) whose

2. She failed the exam, ……… came as a great surprise to us all.

3. The bat is the only mammal…………….can fly.

(iii) which

4. Jasmine is a flower ………… is white and very

5. The moment ………… I learned the results of the art competition was one of the worst moments of my life.

(iii) where

6. My sister Ankita had always wanted to go to a place ………. she could speak her native tongue.

7. The 19th-century artist, ……… name I could not remember, was one of the best I had ever seen.

8. This is the man ………… saved the kid.

9. He was wearing a cap ………… was black.

10. The house ……….. windows are open is beautiful.

Integrated Grammar Exercises on Determiners

Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners.

1…………. of the answers that ………… girls gave were wrong ………….. of them has passed the Test.

2. “Won’t you buy ………………… welfare lottery tickets, sir?” the boy asked. “I have …………………here that you can choose from.”

3………….. books are ………….? They have been lying on ……………… desk for a long time but ……………… of the girls have claimed them.

4. He has got ……………… debts to settle, but he hasn’t got ………… money.

5. You can do………….. better if you put in ……………………… more effort.

6. They encountered ……………………… difficulties because only…………. of them were really experienced at mountaineering. The rest had……………experience.

7. There was …….. accident near .. central market this morning…………. car hit ……….scooter and ………… man on……… scooter was killed.

8. A cup of tea may seem ………….. ordinary thing to ………… of us in India. But drinking tea is …………. ritual which is taken very seriously in ………… Japanese homes.

9…………….people came to …………. site where the revolutionary general was to be hanged. When I asked if he had………… desire, ………….smile came on …………. dry lips and he nodded his head.

10. It was …………….grand occasion for children……………. of them had won prizes

and …………… parents felt proud…………… of them introduced their parents to their teachers.

Integrated Grammar Exercises on Prepositions

Complete the following passages by using appropriate prepositions .

1………….. (in/on) pursuance …………… (of/in) your letter, we are writing today ………………… (to, for) the chairman and posting it ………………. (to/for)

him along  (with/by) your letter.

2……….. (At/on) the eleventh hour, Ramu withdrew ……………… (of/from) the contest, leaving the field open ……………… (to/for) his opponent ……… (in/on

3. If you want to go….. (by / on) bus, you have to go (to / for) the bus stop. You

look ……. (at/ for) the time table. Then you wait……… (about/for) your bus. When the bus arrives, you get……. .(on/in) the bus. You buy (of/ from) the conductor or show your pass. (to/at him). When you arrive………… (at/on) your destination, you get. . (out/ off) the bus.

4. Belgium and Denmark are only an hour or so apart………. (by/with) airplane, for example Dares look a lot like Belgians and if you were dropped. (on/at) a sheet corner ……… . (in/at) Copenhagen. You wouldn’t find it all that different………… (of/ from) a street corner ……… (in/at) Brussels.

5……….(in/of) the mid-1990s, an experimental school called the Achiever’s Academy opened……………….. (in/ on) the fourth floor of St Teresa High School ………. (in/at) Ambala city. St Teresa is………….. (in/of) the Laxmi Nagar area, one of the poorest neighborhoods ……….. (in/of) Ambala city. It is a squat gray 1960s era building …………… (over / across) the street from a bleak-looking group of high-rises.

6. Suddenly, he came ………… (to/upon) a little three-legged table, all made :………. (for/of) solid glass. There was nothing.. ………. (on/over) it except a tiny golden key and Alice’s first thought was that it might belong ………… (to/of) one of the doors of the hall. But, alas! Either the locks were too large, or the key was too small, but ………. . (at/on) any rate, it would not open any ………… .(of/out) them. However, ……. (on/at) the second round, she came ………….(on/upon) a low curtain she had not noticed before and …………. (above/behind) it was a little door about fifteen inches high. She tried the little golden key in the lock and ……………. (to/for) her great delight, it opened.

Solved Integrated Grammar Exercises Class 10

  Fill in the following blanks choosing the most appropriate option from the ones given below.

1. Butterflies are abundant (a) ……………….. The Central African Republic. It (b) ………………..  Home to nearly 600 identified species. Many butterflies are brilliantly coloured and small (c) ……………….. Some are as big s saucers. Farmer Philippe (d) ……………….. Solace in collecting butterfly wings from his fields and turning them into works of art. My favourite, since my childhood, is catching butterflies.

(a) (i) in (ii) from (iii) for (iv) into

(b) (i) has (ii) is (iii) was (iv) are

(c) (i) if (ii) therefore (iii) so (iv) while

(d) (i) find (ii) to find (iii) finding (iv) finds

2. The modern student (a) ……………….. the importance (b) ……………….. physical exercise. He spends one or two hours in the open air (c) ……………….. he takes part in different sports. However, care should (d) ……………….. not to overstrain the body.

(a) (i) understood (ii) understand (iii) have understand (iv) understands

(b) (i) of (ii) by (iii) from (iv) with

(c) (i) how (ii) which (iii) where (iv) why

(d) (i) be taken (ii) took (iii) takes (iv) has taken

3. He smelled so bad (a) ……………….. none of (b) ……………….. other little woodland creatures would play (c) ……………….. him. She looked at him solemnly. Roger (d) ……………….. all humiliations.

(a) (i) as  (ii) that (iii) which (iv) what

(b) (i) the (ii) with the (iii) for the (iv) of the

(c) (i) for (ii) at (iii) with (iv) of

(d) (i) will remember (ii) has remembered  (iii) remembers (iv) remembered

4. Reading a novel or short (a) ……………….. story second language could dramatically (b) ………………..  physiological response to emotions such (c) ……………….. smiling. It (d) ……………….. additional pleasure.

(a) (i) of  (ii) in (iii) from (iv) at

(b) (i) reduce (ii) reduces (iii) reduced (iv) reducing

(c) (i) like (ii) similar to  (iii) as (iv) alike

(d) (i) gives (ii) gave  (iii) given (iv) giving

5. Urban governance reforms (a) ……………….. based on the principle (b) ……………….. accountability. It is time to narrow accountability to a single office such as (c) ……………….. elected mayor, s successful cities (d) ……………….. the world do.

(a) (i) must (ii) must be  (iii) is (iv) should

(b) (i) with (ii) at (iii) on (iv) of

(c) (i) in (ii) with  (iii) of (iv) on

(d) (i) of (ii) across  (iii) for (iv) as

1. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction against each line.

Exercise 10

Exercise 11, exercise 12.

Congratulations on exploring the world of Integrated Grammar Class 10 exercises and answers! By immersing yourself in these exercises and diligently practicing, you will enhance your language skills and excel in your English language studies. Remember, a combination of passion, effort, and consistent practice will pave the way for success in both academic and personal language goals.

Integrated Grammar Class 10 Exercises: FAQs

Here are some frequently asked questions about Integrated Grammar Class 10 exercises:

Q: How do Integrated Grammar Class 10 exercises benefit students? 

A: Integrated Grammar exercises help students develop a comprehensive understanding of grammar rules and their application. These exercises enhance their language skills, leading to improved communication and writing proficiency.

Q: Are Integrated Grammar Class 10 exercises suitable for all proficiency levels? 

A: Yes, these exercises cater to students of all proficiency levels. They cover a wide range of grammar topics, from basics to advanced concepts, allowing students to progress at their own pace.

Q: Can Integrated Grammar exercises be fun and engaging?

 A: Absolutely! Educators and curriculum designers often incorporate interactive and creative approaches to make grammar exercises enjoyable. Engaging exercises can pique students’ interest, making the learning process more enjoyable.

Q: How can students stay motivated while practicing Integrated Grammar exercises? 

A: Setting achievable goals, rewarding progress, and providing positive reinforcement can keep students motivated. Additionally, relating grammar to real-life situations can show its practical relevance and keep learners engaged.

Q: Are there online resources available for Integrated Grammar Class 10 exercises? 

A: Yes, there are numerous online platforms that offer Integrated Grammar exercises, worksheets, and interactive quizzes. These resources provide additional practice opportunities and can be accessed conveniently.

Q: Can Integrated Grammar exercises help in competitive exams? 

A: Yes, a strong grasp of grammar is essential for excelling in various competitive exams. Integrated Grammar exercises build a solid foundation, helping students perform well in language-based assessments.

Q: What is the significance of Integrated Grammar Class 10 exercises?  

A: Integrated Grammar exercises help students develop a strong foundation in English grammar and improve overall language proficiency, enhancing their academic performance and communication skills.

Q: How can I excel in tenses and parts of speech exercises? 

A: Consistent practice is the key. Engage in various exercises and apply your knowledge in everyday conversations and writing.

Q: Why are active and passive voice exercises important? 

A: Active and passive voice exercises help you understand sentence structures and enable you to convey information clearly.

Q: How do sentence transformation exercises benefit language learners? 

A: Sentence transformation exercises expand vocabulary, improve language flexibility, and refine writing skills.

Q: What are the benefits of comprehension passages? 

A: Comprehension passages enhance reading comprehension skills, critical for understanding written texts effectively.

Q: How can I enrich my vocabulary through exercises? 

A: Vocabulary enrichment exercises introduce new words and idioms and encourage their usage in context.

Q: What is the significance of Integrated Grammar Class 10 exercises? 

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[Updated] CBSE Class 10 Holiday Homework 2024-25 Session in PDF

CBSE Class 10 Holiday Homework

This piece delves into the subject of Class 10 Holiday Homework, a topic that often evokes mixed emotions among students, many of whom view it as a daunting task. It’s not uncommon for students to come up with various excuses upon returning from holiday breaks, from the classic “the dog ate my homework” to blaming winter storms for incomplete assignments. However, parents must understand the importance of holiday homework as a way to sustain learning and practice.

In this article, you’ll discover the CBSE Class 10 Holiday Homework conveniently available in PDF format for practice purposes. Whether you’re a student, parent, or teacher, you can access and download these valuable assignments to support school activities.

Before delving into the Class 10 Holiday Homework, review the CBSE Class 10 Summary below. It encompasses the entire CBSE Class 10 Summary, and students are encouraged to examine it thoroughly for school purposes.

Class 10 Holiday Homework

Below, we have mentioned the updated Holiday homework for CBSE class 10 season-wise, like the autumn, winter, and summer seasons. Students can download the complete Subject holiday homework in PDF Format for practice.

CBSE Class 10 Worksheet

In this section, we have only mentioned the CBSE Class 10 worksheet in PDF format for practice purposes. Students can check and download the worksheet to prepare for our examination better.

Class 10 NCERT Solutions

Below, we have mentioned the complete NCERT Solution For Class 10. Students, parents, and guardians are advised to check the Class 10 NCERT Solution subject-wise.

Class 10 Sample Paper

In this section, we have mentioned the Model Test paper specially made for CBSE Class 10. Try to solve it within the prescribed time limit.

CBSE Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25

Check out the latest Syllabus for Class 10. The 2024-25 academic year session syllabus will remain the same until the following notification.

You Should Also Checkout

  • [Updated] CBSE Class 10 Maths NCERT Exemplar Book & Solutions 2024-25 Session in PDF
  • [Updated] CBSE Class 10 Sanskrit Practice Paper 2024-25 Session in PDF
  • [Updated] CBSE Class 10 Science Lab Manual 2024-25 Session in PDF
  • [Updated] Lakhmir Singh Solution for Class 10 2024-25 Session in PDF

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About Sourav Roy

Sourav is a student pursuing his graduation, passionate about education. He creates engaging content tailored for school students, aiming to make learning enjoyable and accessible. Through interactive lesson plans, videos, and articles, he inspires curiosity and fosters a love for learning. Sourav's goal is to empower students with the tools they need to succeed academically and instill a lifelong passion for knowledge.

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Online Enrichment for 10th Grade English (ELA 10)

Review course concepts work practice questions take practice tests get better grades.

Reasonably priced from $89

Practice 10th grade reading passages for free; no credit card required!

ELA 10 Student Dashboard on iPad

10th Grade English Enrichment Enabled by Innovative Platform Features 

Explanations, piqosity’s affordable pricing for english 10 enrichment, included services, group pricing, ela 10 course plans.

The chart above is for users who sign up directly with Piqosity beginning September 6, 2021.

  • No credit card is required to register for the free Community Plan.
  • All plans include unlimited access for 365 days.
  • Lower-tier plans can be upgraded after initial purchase; however, coupons are not applicable to upgrades, and the validity period will not be extended beyond the original purchase date.

Included Services for Individual Users

The Advanced Package with bundled Algebra prep includes a one-time parent-tutor consultation and a one-to-one student tutorial provided by a qualified educator. These services will help to ensure that parents and students get off to a great start and know how to correctly use Piqosity’s platform.

These consultation and tutorial services are provided by third-party educators not employed by Piqosity.

Have you already made your purchase?

  • Request your consultation and/or tutorial.
  • Preview the available educators on our Leaderboard.

Parent-Tutor Consultation

The purpose of the Parent-Tutor Consultation is for parents to get a better understanding of the steps required for their child to succeed at the chosen courses. These consultations are between a qualified tutor or manager and the student’s parent or guardian.

  • Students are not generally part of this meeting
  • Consultations last approximately 20 minutes
  • Consultations are typically virtual but can take place in-person when possible

Topics to be covered in the consultation include:

  • Answering a parent’s general questions about the selected course
  • Showing quick tips on how to best use Piqosity
  • Providing recommendations for next-steps

Private Tutorial

The purpose of the Private Tutorial is for students to review their completed Mini Diagnostic test with an experienced tutor and receive quick tips and strategies.

  • Tutoring sessions are help one-to-one with the student
  • Session last a maximum of 1 hour
  • Sessions are typically virtual but can take place in-person when possible

Topics to be covered in the 1-hour tutoring session include

  • Reviewing a student’s Piqosity mini-diagnostic test
  • Providing recommendations for next steps

Group Pricing for Educators

Discounted, per-student pricing is available to any educator including schools, tutoring companies, teachers, or tutors. Each student license is charged individually depending on the number of active licenses in the educator’s account.

Only one type of plan is available for group discounts–the Group Plan. The Group Plan includes access to all material including practice tests but no additional services or bundled courses.

No application is required; to qualify for group pricing, simply register as an educator or organization, and the discounts will be automatically applied.

  • Learn more about our group pricing .
  • Learn more about our free Learning Management System (LMS) for educators .

The Piqosity Advantage

Reading passages.

Plus complementary math, ACT, and SAT courses for unrivaled practice content

Innovative Platform

Our global team is continually expanding our app every 2 weeks


One product launch at a time, we’re on a mission to rethink education

Proven Experience

We work with students from PreK to college to help them reach their goals and beyond

How to Use Piqosity’s ELA 10 Course

Our proven skills building methodology for the last 18+ years.

success cycle

For high achieving tenth grade students, Piqosity’s English 10 course is an excellent supplement to in-school instruction; students can easily spend an hour or more per week reinforcing their skills. Precocious 9th graders could even use the ELA 10 course to get ahead. Learn more with our Quick Start guide .

Get Caught Up

Piqosity’s English 10 course is an excellent resource to remediate less than stellar grades. Whether your student realizes they need extra help in the 1st quarter or the 4th quarter, Piqosity can help students catch up to their peers and even get ahead.

If your student is a high school sophomore soon to be thinking about college, there’s a good chance they’ll have to take the ACT or SAT college admissions tests. Piqosity’s English 10 course is an excellent supplement to ensure your student is proficient in the tested English concepts.

Piqosity Improvement Cycle

Regardless of what your child’s specific goal is, the broader quest is always to ensure they simply have a strong command of grade-level math concepts. Piqosity’s Improvement Cycle for students applies:

  • Take a practice test to understand current strengths and weaknesses
  • Use the analysis from that test to develop an improvement roadmap
  • Internalize that plan by discussing with a peer, parent, or tutor
  • Practice, practice, practice until you can teach the concept yourself
  • Repeat until you’ve achieved your desired score

ELA 10 Curriculum

Aligned to Common Core and Texas Essential Knowledge & Skills

english homework grade 10

Piqosity’s English Language Arts for 10th grade (ELA-10) course features more than 110 reading passages followed by reading comprehension questions in main idea, supporting idea, vocabulary-in-context, author intent, organization & logic, tone, style, and figurative language. The passages are divided into 6 genre-specific units:

  • Unit 1 – Short Stories (5 stories at launch)
  • Unit 2 –  Frankenstein (24 chapters)
  • Unit 3 – Informational Texts (16 texts)
  • Unit 4 – Antigone (16 Excerpts)
  • Unit 5 – Pride & Prejudice (61 chapters)
  • Unit 6 – Inquiry Topics (4 discussion pieces)

The first topic of the English 10 course focuses on reading:

  • Supporting Ideas
  • Organization & Logic
  • Story Elements
  • Point of View
  • Author’s Purpose
  • Characterization
  • Figurative Language
  • Rhetorical Devices
  • Word Meanings & Word Choice
  • Text Connections

The second topic of the English 10 course focuses on language:

  • Subject-Verb Agreement
  • Clauses & Phrases
  • Prepositions
  • Conjunctions
  • Commas-Overview
  • Using Colons
  • Understanding Styles of Writing
  • Understanding Words in Context
  • Understanding Figurative Language

The third topic of the English 10 course focuses on writing:

  • Introducing Topics
  • Structure & Development
  • Transition Words & Phrases
  • Writing Conclusions
  • Argumentative Writing
  • Informative Writing
  • Narrative Writing
  • Research Writing
  • Citing Evidence & Using Quotations
  • Effective Evidence & Analysis
  • Using Precise Language
  • Writing Process

The fourth topic of the English 10 course focuses on speaking and listening:

  • Discussion Skills
  • Listening Skills
  • Presentation Skills

Complementary Courses

Bundle our Algebra II course for 1300+ practice math problems.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • ELA Courses
  • Pricing & Policies

Will Piqosity’s courses help my child if they are falling behind in school?

Yes! Piqosity’s courses are designed to meet your student where they are, and they can be used for both enrichment and remediation. Your child can use Piqosity’s lessons and practice materials to review and reinforce the concepts they are struggling with in class. If they aren’t sure where to start, they can take a diagnostic test to help them understand where their weaknesses lie, or they can use the Piqosity Virtual Tutor to progress through the Course Outline from start to finish.

Why is Piqosity’s Digital SAT Course Free?

Piqosity’s new Digital SAT course is currently free through May August 24, 2024. We are confident in the quality of our content but not all of it is available. Therefore, access is free because this course is still in development:

  • Not all 12 full-length tests are available. While we intend to offer 12 digital SAT practice tests plus 2 PSAT tests, we are rolling them out sequentially between February and May, 2024.
  • Instructional lessons are not yet uploaded. Our content team is in the process of adapting paper SAT lessons plus writing entirely new lessons and videos. These how-to guides will be uploaded beginning in May.
  • The questions are not normed. Piqosity is unique among e-learning platforms in that every question on our platform is continuously peer-normed for difficulty . However, given the newness of the DSAT content, we don’t yet have that data. For this reason, you’ll also notice that our full-length tests are not currently numbered 1-12. Instead they have unique names like “Baker” or “Sid Rich” so that we can shuffle the order around in order to encourage more usage of certain tests during the free, development period.

Who creates Piqosity’s courses?

Our content is partly written in-house and partly by third party publishers including tutors and teachers. Our in-house team has more than 15 years of experience helping thousands of students achieve their potential at our home base in Houston and around the world.

Our content is aligned to both Common Core and Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). We and our partners also write content in accordance with our experience and the specifications set forth by the test makers (i.e. ACT, College Board, and ERB).

Where do I go for technical assistance or customer support?

Piqosity works hard to make our platform as straightforward and easy-to-navigate as possible. If you are experiencing issues, please visit our support center for immediate answers to most questions, including how-to guides for students and educators , as well as a list of known technical issues . You can also contact us via support ticket any time or call us at +1 713-234-6098 within business hours.

What should my 8th grader be reading?

At this point, the world of literature has really opened up for your child. Depending on their skill level, your 8th grader may be comfortable reading everything from more advanced books in the “middle grades” section, to Young Adult novels, to certain classics ( Frankenstein, The Count of Monte Cristo, the Lord of the Ring trilogy, etc.). There are endless numbers of book lists online, but for parents, the important thing to keep in mind is to let their children pursue the type of literature that most engages and intrigues them; that’s the best way to encourage a life-long love of reading.

What should my 5th grader be reading?

The answer to this question is highly dependent on your child’s reading level, habits, and interests. In general, your child should be comfortable reading a variety of text types, including more complex chapter books. However, we strongly recommend encouraging your child to pursue their own reading subject material. Visit your local library or bookstore and let them pick out age-appropriate books in the “middle grades” section. Don’t forget that your child may also be interested in graphic novels and poetry.

What is the curriculum for 8th grade ELA?

ELA teachers expect 8th graders to be able to perform a variety of more advanced tasks related to reading, writing, grammar, and speaking. Among other things, your 8th grader should be able to: 

  • Read full-length texts, including complex novels and nonfiction texts. 
  • Efficiently find main ideas, summarize a text, synthesize information from more than one source, and compare and contrast more than one text. 
  • Be able to identify and discuss tone, mood, point of view, symbolism, figurative language, and other narrative elements. 
  • Maintain consistent subject-verb agreement and use complex punctuation correctly, including quotation marks, commas, ellipses, and dashes. 
  • Use both context and Greek and Latin roots to identify unfamiliar words.
  • Research, draft, write, edit, and provide sources for a variety of writing projects, including narratives, essays, presentations and reports, poems, cover letters, emails. and more. 
  • Show proficiency in typing and using online collaborative software, including the Microsoft and Google suite of tools. 

What is the curriculum for 5th grade ELA?

ELA teachers expect 5th graders to be able to perform a variety of tasks related to reading, writing, grammar, and speaking. Among other things, your 5th grader should be able to:

  • Read and understand a variety of text types, including longer chapter books and non-fiction materials.
  • Find main ideas, summarize a text, synthesize information from more than one source, and compare and contrast more than one text.
  • Write basic structured paragraphs and sentences for a variety of purposes, including simple reports, persuasive essays, and narratives, etc.
  • Use basic punctuation and capitalization correctly.
  • Understand and be able to identify a variety of grammar elements, including synonyms, antonyms, and conjunctions, as well as use different verb tenses correctly.
  • Use context clues to identify unfamiliar words.
  • Research information using the internet and books.

What is Piqosity?

Piqosity means to pique curiosity. We are a Houston-based education technology startup on a mission to rethink education. One product launch at a time, we are on a journey to democratize education publishing, personalize student learning, and empower future generations to tackle the greatest challenges. Our team has more than 18 years of tutoring and test prep experience since we first helped our first student out of a Rice University dorm room in 2003.  Click here to learn more about our company .

What if I need paper tests?

Every practice set on Piqosity, including adaptive questions and full-length mock tests, can be downloaded as a PDF file for easy printing.

Should I take an online class?

Piqosity’s online classes are suitable for many different types of self-directed learners. Whether you’re a student looking for additional \ enrichment and test prep outside of the classes or are simply looking for a little remediation, Piqosity’s courses provide you with the tools and resources you need to meet your goals.

However, online learning is not for everyone. Students who struggle to focus on the computer may find that classroom learning is better suited to their needs.

Is there a time limit to complete my Piqosity online course?

All courses are available for a full 365 days after the date of purchase. 

I’m an educator or publisher; can I publish with Piqosity?

Yes! We are actively looking for educators and publishers to contribute to our platform. Please contact us for more information.

How do Piqosity’s online classes work?

As always, it’s free to sign up with Piqosity’s Community Plan, which provides you with limited access to premium content. The paid plan unlocks all of Piqosity’s key innovative platform features, including:

  • Instructional lessons with multiple variations including videos
  • Adaptive practice including the option for gamification
  • Student analytics and strengths and weakness diagnostics
  • Answer explanations from both the original author and third-party educators
  • Printable PDF practice tests and question sets
  • Timers with settings for time and a half and double time
  • Online test taking tools like whiteboard, question scratch throughs, and flagging

Register now to get started!

How do Piqosity’s math and ELA courses align with my child’s curriculum?

Our content is aligned to both Common Core and Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). Where applicable, we and our partners write content in accordance with our experience and the specifications set forth by the test makers (i.e. ACT, College Board, and ERB).

How do I use Piqosity to improve my child’s reading and writing skills?

We designed Piqosity’s English Language Arts (ELA) courses to be used in-school as part of the core curriculum or after-school for enrichment. Compared to a classroom or learning center environment, Piqosity essentially offers multiple books in a more personalized, digital format:

  • Writing Handbook
  • Reading Manual
  • Anthology of Reading Passages
  • Classic Novels

Piqosity’s ELA courses contain more than 40 hours of material for the average student. During a typical 1-hour study sessions, most students will read 2-3 reading passages from the Anthology or 1 chapter from a novel and work the accompany questions.

Reference our Quick Start guide for more tips and step-by-step directions

How do I know my child is making progress in Piqosity’s ELA and math courses?

The dashboard for each course puts your student’s progress front and center, with easy-to-read “donuts” displaying their current score (out of 100) across the course as well as within each unit or topic that the course covers. For a more granular look at your student’s accuracy, refer to the Course Outline on the dashboard or visit the Lessons page; these tools display your student’s accuracy when it comes to individual concepts. If your student completed one of Piqosity’s diagnostic assessments upon getting started with the course, you can also compare their diagnostic scores with their current performance to get a sense of how they are progressing.

How can I help my 8th grader with ELA?

Parents of 8th graders may struggle to know exactly how to help their child improve their ELA skills. We are frequently asked questions such as “How do I improve my 8th grader’s reading and writing skills?” or “How do I improve my 8th grader’s vocabulary?” 

Now that your child is older, it is best to encourage the development of your child’s ELA skills via more independent means. For example, if your child likes to write, encourage them to keep a diary (with a promise that you won’t read it) or pursue their own writing projects. To develop their critical thinking skills, try to maintain an open dialogue about your teens opinions regarding what their reading, watching, or seeing in the news. Check in with your child to see if they need help maintaining a healthy homework schedule. And finally, continue to maintain a culture of reading within your home; take visits to the library or bookstore and encourage reading together as a family activity. 

If you desire more structured ELA practice, consider using Piqosity’s 8th grade ELA course. 

How can I help my 5th grader with ELA?

Parents of 5th graders may struggle to know exactly how to help their child improve their ELA skills. We are frequently asked questions such as “How do I improve my 5th grader’s reading and writing skills?” or “How do I improve my 5th grader’s vocabulary?” 

One of the best things you can do for your 5th grader’s reading, writing, and vocabulary skills is to encourage them to read outside of the classroom. To do this, we recommend helping them to find books related to their interests and involving your child in your local literary community (think bookstores, libraries, book clubs, and theatres). Try to establish a culture of reading within your home by reading together. If you desire more structured ELA practice, consider using Piqosity’s 5th grade ELA course.

Does Piqosity offer tutoring?

No, as an education-technology company, Piqosity does not directly provide tutorial services. However, we do partner with independent, third-party educators across the world. Some of our course packages include a consultation or tutorial session with these tutors and teachers.

Do Piqosity’s math and ELA courses last a full school year?

Currently, all of our Math and ELA courses are estimated to take around 40 hours to complete. School is in session for roughly 35 weeks out of the year; assuming a student works roughly 1 hour per week, your Piqosity math course will take the average student a full academic year to complete. Students using Piqosity to remediate or prepare for a standardized test such as the ISEE Lower Level , will likely have to compress this timeline.

Do Piqosity’s classes come with tutoring hours?

Piqosity does not provide tutorial services. However, we do partner with independent, third-party educators across the world. Some of our course packages include a consultation or tutorial session with these tutors and teachers.

Do I receive a certificate of completion or course credit for a Piqosity course?

Piqosity is not an accredited institution and does not offer course credit. We do not currently offer certificates of completion at this time, but are working towards doing so in the near future.

Can I use Piqosity’s courses to teach a class or tutor?

Yes! We built Piqosity not only to be user friendly for parents and students at home but also for the advanced needs of tutors and teachers. Key features for educators include:

  • Student management including the ability to see everything the student sees
  • Automatic scoring and analysis of all student work
  • Assignments with due dates
  • Custom Branding (tutoring companies and schools)

The biggest features for educators are still yet to come. Beginning this fall we will open up our platform to enable any qualified educator to upload their own instructional content to Piqosity. This means that educators will be able to create their own lessons and questions. They will be able to share this content with all users or just with their own students. We are actively looking for educators and publishers to contribute to our platform. Please contact us for more information.

Can I try before I buy?

Yes! All of our courses include a free “Community” plan with limited access to premium content like mini diagnostic tests. No credit card is required to register. If you decide that you want access to more premium content, simply upgrade your plan. Upgraded course plans are single-pay, non-recurring, and provide access for 365-days from the date of purchase.

Can I print Piqosity’s course materials?

Yes! Every practice set on Piqosity, including adaptive questions and full-length tests, can be downloaded as a PDF file for easy printing.

Can I cancel at anytime?

If you upgrade from the free Community plan, your credit card will only be charged the one time with no recurring fees. All paid plans are currently valid for 365 days from the date of activation. No credit card is required to initially register for Piqosity’s free Community plan.

At what age can my child take Piqosity’s 8th grade ELA course?

Children entering the 8th grade are typically around 13 or 14 years old, and our course is ideal for students at that age. However, Piqosity’s courses can be used in a variety of ways. If you have a younger child looking for a challenge, an 11 or 12-year-old could take our course of enrichment purposes. Meanwhile, an older 14-year-old or a 15-year-old who needs to review previously learned concepts could use our course for remediation purposes. You can learn more about how to effectively use our ELA courses for a variety of scenarios in our helpful user guide .

At what age can my child take Piqosity’s 5th grade ELA course?

Children entering the 5th grade are typically around 10 or 11 years old, and our course is ideal for students at that age. However, Piqosity’s courses can be used in a variety of ways. If you have a younger child looking for a challenge, an 8 or 9-year-old could take our course of enrichment purposes. Meanwhile, an older 11-year old or a 12-year-old who needs to review previously learned concepts could use our ELA course for remediation purposes. You can learn more about how to effectively use our ELA courses for a variety of scenarios in our helpful user guide .

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  2. 10th Grade English: Homework Help Resource

    Help your 10th grader get through a tough homework assignment or prepare for a test with this English homework help course. Our short, fun video lessons cover all the important English topics, and ...

  3. Free Printable Grammar Worksheets for 10th Grade

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  4. Free Printable ELA Worksheets for 10th Grade

    ELA worksheets for Grade 10 are essential tools for teachers looking to enhance their students' English Language Arts skills. These worksheets cover a wide range of topics, including reading comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, and writing, all of which are crucial for success in Grade 10 ELA. Teachers can utilize these resources to supplement ...

  5. 50 PRACTISE QUESTIONS FOR Tenses Class 10: English Grammer CBSE

    Here are 50 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) on tenses for Class 10 English Grammar (CBSE) along with their answers: Which tense is used to describe actions that happened in the past and are already completed? a) Present Tense. b) Past Tense. c) Future Tense. d) Perfect Tense. Answer: b) Past Tense. She ____ her homework before going to the party.

  6. 10th Grade English: Help and Review

    Ch 1. Text Analysis and Close Reading for 10th Grade: Help and Review. Ch 2. Developing as a Reader and Writer in 10th Grade English: Help and Review. Ch 3. Reading and Understanding in Various ...

  7. Integrated Grammar Class 10 Exercises with Answers

    9. Class 10 Board Exam Practice: Preparation for Success. Prepare for your Class 10 English language board exam with practice papers and mock tests. Familiarize yourself with the exam pattern and boost your confidence. For example: Exercise: Attempt a mock exam paper to assess your preparedness for the Class 10 board exam.

  8. Printable Tenth Grade (Grade 10) English Language Arts Tests

    Print our Tenth Grade (Grade 10) English Language Arts worksheets and activities, or administer them as online tests. Our worksheets use a variety of high-quality images and some are aligned to Common Core Standards. Worksheets labeled with are accessible to Help Teaching Pro subscribers only. Become a Subscriber to access hundreds of standards ...

  9. 10th Grade English: Homework Help Resource

    A 29-hour online course offering comprehensive English homework help for 10th graders, covering text analysis, literary forms, Shakespeare, writing process, and grammar. ... Ancient Literature for 10th Grade: Homework Help; Ch 10. Introduction to Literary Criticism: Homework Help; Ch 11. Drama for 10th Grade: Homework Help; Ch 12. The Writing ...

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  11. PDF English: Grade 10 Home Language Term 2 Week 1 & 2 Lockdown Activities

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  17. Get Grade 10 English Help

    Quality Grade 10 English Tutoring & Help. Oxford Learning®'s 10th Grade English tutoring program helps teens take their English skills to the next level with customized programs designed to increase confidence in all aspects of English from vocabulary to essay writing and everything in between. If your teen is struggling, or you want him/her ...

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  19. Homework: Reported Speech

    This handy homework sheet helps students to practise Reported Speech in a number of different ways. After downloading your PDF: print it immediately or save and print later. Answers are provided for teachers on the second page. Make your own worksheets with the free EnglishClub Worksheet Maker! Printable downloadable PDF homework on Reported ...

  20. Online Enrichment for 10th Grade English (ELA 10)

    T4. Piqosity's English Language Arts for 10th grade (ELA-10) course features more than 110 reading passages followed by reading comprehension questions in main idea, supporting idea, vocabulary-in-context, author intent, organization & logic, tone, style, and figurative language. The passages are divided into 6 genre-specific units:

  21. Grade 10 Study Guides

    We offer a collection of Grade 10 study guides that cover all major subjects. These Grade 10 study guides are also available in Afrikaans. Your essential Grade 10 study guides: ... Grade 10 English FAL 3-in-1 CAPS. From R 219.00. Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 3 customer ratings. Select options. Graad 10 Ekonomie 3-in-1 KABV. From R 219.00.

  22. Brainly

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  23. Grade 10

    Here is an overview of the topics covered in grade 10 English Literature: 1. Introduction to Literary Genres. In this unit, students are introduced to different literary genres such as poetry, drama, and prose. They learn about the unique characteristics and elements of each genre and explore examples from various authors and time periods.