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Distracted Driving: A Menace on the Roads

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The Spectrum of Distractions

Cognitive distractions.

Prof. Finch

Visual Distractions

Auditory distractions, biomechanical distractions, real-life consequences, preventive measures, regulatory measures, technological interventions, public awareness campaigns, conclusion: a call for undivided attention.

Distracted Driving: A Menace on the Roads. (2016, Jun 01). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/essay-about-distracted-driving-essay

"Distracted Driving: A Menace on the Roads." StudyMoose , 1 Jun 2016, https://studymoose.com/essay-about-distracted-driving-essay

StudyMoose. (2016). Distracted Driving: A Menace on the Roads . [Online]. Available at: https://studymoose.com/essay-about-distracted-driving-essay [Accessed: 11 Jun. 2024]

"Distracted Driving: A Menace on the Roads." StudyMoose, Jun 01, 2016. Accessed June 11, 2024. https://studymoose.com/essay-about-distracted-driving-essay

"Distracted Driving: A Menace on the Roads," StudyMoose , 01-Jun-2016. [Online]. Available: https://studymoose.com/essay-about-distracted-driving-essay. [Accessed: 11-Jun-2024]

StudyMoose. (2016). Distracted Driving: A Menace on the Roads . [Online]. Available at: https://studymoose.com/essay-about-distracted-driving-essay [Accessed: 11-Jun-2024]

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Distracted Driving: A Menace on the Roads essay

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117 Distracted Driving Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best distracted driving topic ideas & essay examples, 🎓 good research topics about distracted driving, 💡 most interesting distracted driving topics to write about, ⭐ simple & easy distracted driving essay titles, ❓ questions about distracted driving.

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"117 Distracted Driving Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 26 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/distracted-driving-essay-topics/.

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126 Distracted Driving Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Distracted driving has become a major issue on the roads, leading to countless accidents and fatalities each year. With the rise of technology and an increase in overall distractions, it is more important than ever to address this issue and raise awareness about the dangers of driving while distracted.

If you are a student tasked with writing an essay on distracted driving, you may be struggling to come up with a topic. To help you get started, here are 126 distracted driving essay topic ideas and examples:

  • The dangers of texting while driving
  • How social media contributes to distracted driving
  • The impact of multitasking on driving performance
  • The role of technology in distracted driving accidents
  • Strategies to prevent distracted driving
  • The psychological effects of distracted driving
  • How distracted driving laws vary by state
  • The influence of peer pressure on distracted driving behavior
  • The importance of education in reducing distracted driving
  • The correlation between distracted driving and age
  • The role of parents in teaching safe driving habits
  • The impact of distracted driving on insurance rates
  • The consequences of distracted driving accidents
  • The effectiveness of anti-texting campaigns
  • The influence of alcohol on distracted driving behavior
  • The correlation between distracted driving and road rage
  • The impact of distracted driving on emergency response times
  • The role of technology in preventing distracted driving
  • The benefits of hands-free devices for drivers
  • The correlation between distracted driving and cell phone use
  • The role of cognitive distractions in driving accidents
  • The impact of distracted driving on pedestrian safety
  • The effectiveness of distracted driving awareness programs
  • The correlation between distracted driving and fatigue
  • The influence of music on driving behavior
  • The impact of distracted driving on insurance claims
  • The benefits of driver education programs
  • The correlation between distracted driving and weather conditions
  • The influence of distractions in the car on driving performance
  • The role of technology in monitoring distracted driving behavior
  • The impact of distracted driving on traffic congestion
  • The correlation between distracted driving and traffic violations
  • The benefits of enforcing distracted driving laws
  • The impact of distracted driving on professional drivers
  • The consequences of distracted driving on personal relationships
  • The correlation between distracted driving and mental health
  • The role of distraction in driving decision-making
  • The impact of distracted driving on vehicle maintenance
  • The benefits of implementing distracted driving policies
  • The influence of distractions in the car on passenger safety
  • The correlation between distracted driving and driver training
  • The role of technology in detecting distracted driving behavior
  • The impact of distracted driving on insurance premiums
  • The consequences of distracted driving on workplace productivity
  • The correlation between distracted driving and driver fatigue
  • The benefits of implementing distracted driving programs in schools
  • The impact of distracted driving on driver confidence
  • The role of technology in preventing distracted driving accidents
  • The correlation between distracted driving and driver distraction
  • The impact of distracted driving on road safety
  • The consequences of distracted driving on driver behavior
  • The correlation between distracted driving and driver impairment
  • The benefits of implementing distracted driving policies in the workplace
  • The impact of distracted driving on driver stress
  • The influence of distractions in the car on driver concentration
  • The impact of distracted driving on driver reaction times
  • The consequences of distracted driving on driver alertness
  • The correlation between distracted driving and driver performance
  • The benefits of implementing distracted driving policies in schools
  • The impact of distracted driving on driver behavior
  • The influence of distractions in the car on driver safety
  • The impact of distracted driving on driver awareness
  • The consequences of distracted driving on driver concentration

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Distracted Driving, Essay Example

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Technology has penetrated almost every aspect of our personal and professional lives. But even among modern technologies, some have shaped our lives to a greater extent than others. If we ask people what is one modern technology they cannot live without, many will answer ‘cell phone’. I have smart phone and I cannot imagine a life without smart phone but I also believe maximum benefit of any technology requires responsible user habits. There are few aspects of cell phone that concern me as much as its use while driving. I am not oblivious to the fact that cell phones such as smart phones have tremendous productivity potential but even the most important business task cannot justify cell phone use while driving, let alone personal reasons. I propose complete legal ban on cell phone use while driving because it will yield tremendous economic and social benefits for American society.

Laws are usually made because their expected benefits to the society usually yield the potential costs. For example, drinking is not illegal in the U.S. for as long as one meets the minimum age criterion. But even the legal right to drinking doesn’t come without certain restrictions even though some may argue that such restrictions infringe upon one’s right to freedom of speech. For example, public intoxication may result in fines or prison time and the penalty may be even stiffer for driving under the influence. In the same way, cell phone use while driving also merit legal ban because the benefits of a legal ban may far exceed any potential costs to the society. The government has an obligation to advance the overall interests of the society and ban on cell phone use while driving help the government achieve this goal. The cost of distracted driving as a result of cell phone use is so huge it is estimated that distracted driving due to factors such as cell phone use cost the U.S. economy as much as $170 billion in 2010 (Rocky Mountain Insurance Information Association). Thus, it is clear ban on cell phone while driving would be justified because of the tremendous benefits to the American society.

Cell phone use should be banned while driving because there are strong ethical grounds for it. As citizens of the society, we are not only responsible to ourselves but to others as well. There is a reason we cannot smoke in many public places or cannot drink and drive because doing so unjustly put innocent people at risk. Distracted driving falls in the same area because we do not only endanger ourselves but also put others at risk whether they are fellow drivers on the road, cyclists, or pedestrians. A nationwide study found that 1,500 pedestrians were injured due to cell phone-related distracted driving in 2010 and pedestrian injuries have doubled since 2005. Study author Jack Nasar also predicted that the number of injuries may again double between 2010 and 2015 unless the trend is reversed (Nasar, 2013). Thus, cell phone use while driving should be banned because the offenders unjustly impose economic and social costs on their fellow citizens which is unethical.

It is a common knowledge that cell phone use makes driving a dangerous task and policy makers in the U.S. have not been oblivious to this fact. 14 U.S. states and D.C. ban cell phone use by all drivers and 38 states and D.C. ban cell phone use by novice drivers while driving. Texting while driving is considered even more dangerous task than oral communication on cell phone as 44 states and D.C. ban text messaging for all drivers (Governors Highway Safety Association, 2015). The danger of cell phone use while driving has also been recognized in many other countries. Some of the countries that have laws governing cell phone use while driving include Australia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Netherlands, Norway, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, and United Kingdom (Insurance Information Institute, 2014). The fact that so many countries including the U.S. have driving laws that discourage and/or prohibit cell phone is an affirmation of the fact that distracted driving is a major issue with significant implications for the society.

Every generation has a responsibility to set good examples for future generations and by banning cell phone use while driving, we set good examples for our children and for future generations. When adults use cell phone while driving, they set bad examples for the younger generation who usually have poor understanding of risk and, thus, take cues from the adults regarding behavioral norms.  Thus, we should not use cell phone while driving even if no ban exists because it would set wrong message to young people that it is ok to use cell phone while driving.

Some people tell me they are efficient at multi-tasking and can easily manage both driving and cell phone use at the same time. They are claim it may happen to someone but not them as their driving record shows. I remind them that not even a single person who lost his/her life due to cell phone use while driving expected the worst thing to happen to them because if anyone did, they would never have used cell phone while driving. Many people don’t realize but we often overestimate our ability to multitask. A 2008 study at the University of Utah found that cell phone use results in poor understanding of the changing traffic conditions. Another study at the University of Utah found that cell phone users may have even slower reaction times than those driving under the influence. Probably the best argument to refute claim one can multitask while driving is that cell phone users are four times more likely to be involved in a car crash than non-phone users (National Safety Council). Driving is a full-time job in which we cannot afford even a slight distraction due to the huge costs involved. Anyone who claims he can use cell phone while also driving responsibly severely overestimates his multitasking abilities and is a grave danger to not only himself but also everyone else on the road.

Opponents of the law, that prohibits texting while driving, claim that such laws infringe on one’s freedom(Swartsell, 2012). Such an argument may not be wrong but critics fail to realize that rights are rarely absolute. The government has a vested interest in advancing the overall interests of the society and laws that yield greater benefits than costs are justified. Laws that prohibit smoking in public places also infringe on one’s freedom but such laws are necessary because of costs such as secondhand smoking and air quality. Similarly, businesses may be prevented from discriminating against certain cultural groups even though it certainly infringes upon their right to choose who to serve and who not to serve. Laws against cell phone use while driving are justified even if they may infringe on one’s freedom because such laws advance society’s overall interests.

I propose nationwide ban on cell phone use while driving because America will be better off with such a policy. Cell phone ban will help the nation reduce road fatalities, direct and indirect economic costs such as healthcare costs and loss of productivity, and create better society for young people as well as future generations. The laws already exist in several U.S. states as well as in other countries which shows they are necessary and yield tremendous benefits. Critics may argue such laws infringe upon one’s freedom but rights are rarely absolute and government has responsibility advance society’s overall interests.

Governors Highway Safety Association. (2015, February). Distracted Driving Laws . Retrieved February 15, 2015. Web.

Insurance Information Institute. (2014, November). Distracted Driving . Retrieved February 15, 2015. Web.

Nasar, J. (2013, June 19). Distracted Walking: Injuries Soar for Pedestrians on Phones . Retrieved February 15, 2015. Web.

National Safety Council. (n.d.). The Great Multitasking Lie . Retrieved February 15, 2015. Web.

Rocky Mountain Insurance Information Association. (n.d.). Cost of Auto Crashes & Statistics . Retrieved February 15, 2015. Web.

Swartsell, N. (2012, October 27). Cities Disagree on Texting-Driving Ban . Retrieved February 15, 2015. Web.

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Distracted Driving Essay

“The CDC estimates each day in the United States, approximately 9 people are killed and more than 1,000 injured in crashes that are reported to involve a distracted driver.” (“Distracted Driving| Motor Vehicle Safety| CDC Injury Center”, n.d.) Distracted driving is defined as the operation of a motor vehicle while engaging in any another activity that diverts attention away from the road. One needn’t look far to find a distracted driver. Simply glance to the left, right or in the rear-view mirror. If drivers are not careful serious injury or even death can be the result of their dangerous behavior. While distracted driving has become a common source of automobile accidents, injuries, and deaths, serious consequences can be greatly diminished with proactive prevention. Vigilance in encouraging safe driving practices is everyone’s responsibility.

If asked, “what are the top causes of distracted driving” texting and talking on the phone would undoubtedly be among the lists. Both are still a major issue even with advancements in hands-free technology, such as Bluetooth, which allows drivers to have the capability to talk and text without ever touching their phones. Other examples of potentially harmful actions drivers frequently perform behind the wheel include: having intense conversations, eating or drinking, searching for the perfect song, getting the temperature just right, applying makeup or grooming. But what about the less obvious distractions? How often do we consider digital billboards on the side of the road as distracting, or how dangerous it can be when a driver loses focus attempting to view an accident on the side of the road? Drivers are guilty of performing many of these tasks daily, never stopping to think that a few seconds of being distracted can lead to lifelong regrets.

When taking into consideration irresponsible driving practices, one must then examine the consequences that could potentially follow. Citations are typically the first course of action used by law enforcement to punish drivers caught actively in engaging in unsafe driving behaviors. After multiple offenses insurance companies may decide to terminate a driver’s policy. Repeat offenders found to be the cause of a serious accident will likely incur harsh penalties and can be held liable for any harm or damage caused to individual and their property. In cases where a fatality has occurred, jail time may follow. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates 3,450 were killed in 2016 as a result of distracted drivers. (“Distracted Driving,” 2018)

Furthermore, preventing distracted driving is everyone’s responsibility. In order to prevent this epidemic from getting worse, laws must be adhered to and education must be accessible to new and experienced drivers. One way to deter unsafe driving practices is by holding family and friends accountable for their actions. If a passenger notices their driver attempting to send or receive text message’s they should encourage the driver to put the phone away until they have safely arrived at their destination.

Likewise, schools can contribute to the effort by requiring mandatory educational courses to new drivers. Drivers that have received fines or citations for distracted driving should also be required to complete mandatory distracted driving courses at their own expense. It is feasible for drivers to prevent distracted driving before ever getting behind the wheel. Many cell phones now come equipped with or offer downloadable apps to help decrease distractions. Drivers can also utilize technology within new their newer model vehicles to help keep distractions down.

Ultimately, driving is a privilege and anytime a driver makes the decision to get behind the wheel it is their responsibility to remain focused on the road and keep distractions to a minimum. Drivers need to take every precaution to ensure unnecessary distractions do not occur. Simply removing a phone from sight can greatly reduce the temptation to check messages or missed calls. Putting phones away in a bag, glove box or even the trunk are just a few options drivers can employ to reduce distraction. If a driver feels it is imperative to have their phone present and visible, they should silence the phones ringer and have the self-control to not tamper with the device unless necessary.

In conclusion, distracted driving has become a common source of automobile accidents, injuries, and deaths, serious consequences can be greatly diminished with proactive prevention.

Whether responding to an email or changing the station on the radio in the car, driving distracted can be extremely dangerous and have dire consequences. Drivers should take every precaution to ensure their focus remains on the road and never allow anyone or anything to cause them to lose their concentration and become distracted.

  • Distracted Driving| Motor Vehicle Safety |CDC Injury Center [Mobile App]. (n.d.). Retrieved
  • December 1, 2018, from https://www.cdc.gov/motorvehiclesafety/distracted_driving/index.html
  • Distracted Driving. (2018, November 5). Retrieved December 1, 2018, from
  • https://www.nhtsa/risky-driving/distracted-driving
  • Wikipedia contributors. (2018, November 28). Distracted driving. In Wikipedia, The Free
  • Encyclopedia. Retrieved January 1, 2019, from
  • https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Distracted_driving&oldid=871064799

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Essay on Safe Driving

Students are often asked to write an essay on Safe Driving in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Safe Driving

What is safe driving.

Safe driving is following the rules and regulations while driving. It means being aware of your surroundings, driving at a safe speed, and avoiding distractions. Safe driving helps prevent accidents and keeps everyone on the road safe.

Why is Safe Driving Important?

Safe driving is important because it saves lives. When you drive safely, you help reduce the risk of accidents, which can cause serious injuries or even death. You also protect your passengers, other drivers, and pedestrians.

How Can We Drive Safely?

There are many ways to drive safely. Some of the most important ones are:

Safe driving is a responsibility that every driver has. By following the rules of the road and being aware of our surroundings, we can all help make our roads safer.

250 Words Essay on Safe Driving

Safe driving: why it matters.

Safe driving is a crucial part of life on the road. It involves obeying traffic laws, being aware of your surroundings, and taking precautions to avoid accidents. Safe driving keeps you and others safe.

How to Be a Safe Driver

To be a safe driver, you can do several things. First, always obey the speed limit. Speeding is one of the leading causes of accidents. Second, never drink and drive. Alcohol impairs your judgment and reaction time. Third, always wear a seatbelt. Seatbelts can save your life in an accident. Fourth, be aware of your surroundings. Look out for other cars, pedestrians, and cyclists. Fifth, never drive while distracted. Distractions like cell phones or loud music can take your attention away from the road.

Consequences of Unsafe Driving

Unsafe driving can have serious consequences. Accidents can cause injuries or even death. They can also lead to expensive property damage. Additionally, being caught driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs can result in legal penalties like fines, jail time, or loss of your driver’s license.

Benefits of Safe Driving

Safe driving has many benefits. It can help you avoid accidents and injuries. It can save you money on repairs and insurance premiums. It can also make your commute more enjoyable.

Safe driving is simple common sense. By following these tips, you can be a safe and responsible driver and help keep the roads safe for everyone.

500 Words Essay on Safe Driving

Safe driving: a responsibility, importance of safe driving.

Safe driving is important for several reasons. First and foremost, it helps to prevent accidents. Accidents can result in injuries, property damage, and even death. By driving safely, you can help to protect yourself, your passengers, and other people on the road.

In addition to preventing accidents, safe driving also helps to reduce traffic congestion. When drivers are courteous and obey the rules of the road, traffic flows smoothly and efficiently. This benefits everyone, as it reduces wait times and makes it easier to get where you need to go.

Finally, safe driving is simply the right thing to do. It shows respect for others and demonstrates that you are a responsible citizen.

Keys to Safe Driving

There are many things that you can do to drive safely. Some of the most important include:

Obey the speed limit: Speeding is one of the leading causes of accidents. Always drive at or below the posted speed limit. Be aware of your surroundings: Pay attention to other vehicles, pedestrians, and cyclists. Be especially careful in areas with heavy traffic or poor visibility. Don’t drink and drive: Drinking and driving is illegal and dangerous. If you are caught driving under the influence of alcohol, you will face serious consequences. Wear your seatbelt: Wearing a seatbelt is the single most effective way to protect yourself in a car accident. Make sure you and all of your passengers are buckled up every time you get in a vehicle. Avoid distractions: Distracted driving is a major cause of accidents. Put away your cell phone, turn off the radio, and focus on the road when you are driving.

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Teens say distracted driving messages need to be catchier, more frequent and blunt


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By D’arin Floyd-Baldwin, Rosie Hill, D’Avora Williams and Grace Wang

Young adults typically underestimate the risk of distracted driving, making it difficult for public safety officials to craft effective messaging.

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This story was reported by Youthcast Media Group , which trains high school students from under-resourced communities to report, write and broadcast stories that highlight solutions to the health, wealth and social disparities where they live. Route Fifty will from time to time feature these unique voices and perspectives as they deal with the challenges in front of many state and local governments.

Neha Pradhan didn’t even think about the risks when she got in her car and pulled out her cellphone to take pictures of fall leaves while she drove.  She took her eyes off the road to get the perfect picture. When she looked back, she was speeding into the back of another car: “I slammed the brakes so hard I snapped forward,” said the 17-year-old Chicagoan.

She didn’t crash, but she realizes now that the momentary distraction could have cost her life.

Pradhan is not the only teen driver to put herself at risk this way. Teens are the age group with the largest percent of distracted drivers in the US , according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Distracted driving caused more than 3,500 deaths and 290,000 injuries in 2022 , and about 6% of those killed were teen drivers . Yet like Pradhan, most teen drivers don’t think about the possible dangers or consequences of being distracted when they get behind the wheel—until it happens to them.

“When it happened to me, I turned off my music. I put my hands back on the wheel, and I stopped doing anything because I was so shaken up by the experience,” she said.

In a survey of teen drivers around the country conducted by student-journalists with Youthcast Media Group, nearly 60% of respondents said they had experienced distracted driving as a driver or passenger, yet only 38% said that they saw it as a real danger to them or their friends, a finding that’s backed up by previous research on teen drivers .

Experts say that this reflects both that teens are more likely to do risky things as drivers or passengers, and that they generally perceive risks of many behaviors as lower than adults do. It likely also speaks to the ineffectiveness of current education and messaging about distracted driving. While 47 out of the 52 teens surveyed had seen videos or signs about distracted driving, the majority of them said the public service announcements, social media posts, ads and many parts of the government’s  $5 million distracted driving campaign , were ineffective.

Underestimating Risk

Even with seeing distracted driving awareness videos and posts on social media, many teens think that distracted driving crashes will never happen to them. According to the American Automobile Association, 32% of around 2,000 teen drivers surveyed don’t think anything bad will happen if they use their phones while driving , contrary to what the media messages tell them.

Rick Birt, Highway Safety Officer for Washington D.C. and former CEO of SADD Nation, said this teenage tendency to underestimate risk is an unavoidable fact tied in part to brain development.

“Because the frontal lobe … the part of our brain that's responsible for that decision-making process, isn't developed,” until age 25 or even 30, he said. “And so teens are literally unable to make the best decisions they can.”

Last year, Alexandria King, 19, of Kalamazoo, Michigan, was driving home from a camping trip with three friends and a car full of gear. “I was distracted by a song playing on the radio and the nice day that I completely forgot to check my blind spot,” King said. By the time she noticed what was going on, she had already been rear-ended. “Nobody got hurt, luckily, but the van was totaled,” she said.

Miya Timmer, 16, of Miami, hasn’t been in a major crash like King’s, but being a passenger in a car with a distracted driver has made a big impression.

“My friend, who I ride with very often, is always distracted by his phone, music and even his own emotions,” she said.  It’s made her look at and change the way that she drives when she is behind the wheel.

“When I see him doing things like going on his phone, or getting mad at other drivers, or getting distracted easily by people outside, I realize I shouldn't do that because then he drives unsafely and I feel unsafe,” Timmer said. “I don’t want to do that and put other people in dangerous situations.”

King’s and Timmer’s experiences highlight the necessity for more messages that hit home for teens. While there are social factors pushing distracted driving, many of the teens agreed that many of the PSAs were forgettable, repetitive or they weren’t displayed at the right areas to target teens.

Teens Suggest Solutions

So what do teens think would work? The solutions from the YMG survey were wide-ranging, but there were some that were repeatedly voiced.

Many wanted to see more distracted driving messages in all aspects of their lives, not just in driver’s education. “Whether that was at traffic safety school, high school, or home, re-enforcing the consequences of distracted driving can help the message stick,” one respondent said.

Instead of having billboards and PSAs on parts of the highway, many of the teens wanted to see those PSAs more often in “hotspot” areas of teen activity—on social media like TikTok or in places teens frequent. “This way the government wouldn’t be putting their money into videos that teens won’t remember or even get to see,” one respondent said.

A lot of the teens wanted to hear about the real life impacts of distracted driving on young drivers like them.

Timmer and King said they think that messages and images about what happened to them would be more helpful than seeing billboards and ads not targeted specifically to teens. This can also attack the social aspects of distracted driving; teen respondents suggest examples that illustrate that whatever is on that phone can wait.

There seems to be a disconnect between what agencies and policymakers think would change things and the realities, the youth respondents said.

In some states, there are already policies against hand-held cell phone usage, for drivers of all ages, including teens. Most recently, Colorado passed a law banning all cell phone use while driving except during emergencies or while using a hands-free device, and Pennsylvania allowed police to ticket distracted drivers using cell phones. Michigan is one of several states that are trying to address distracted driving through legislation. The state adopted a hands-free cell phone law in June 2023.

Lieutenant Michael Shaw of the Michigan State Police said the new law “includes a fine of $110, but with court fees, it can rack up to $300.”

Shaw said the push to get the word out about the law, and its consequences, was on social media accounts as well as traditional TV and print media outlets throughout the state. 

He said that he hopes that the fine will push drivers, including those ages 18-24, to stop using their phones.

Yet teens say the messaging and penalties are falling flat with them. One survey respondent suggested that agencies that are coming up with the campaigns, “need to be more creative and be in the right spot at the right times.”

The teens and law enforcement officers like Shaw do agree that potential distracted driving incidents could be prevented with better and more frequent targeted messaging of the dangers of distracted driving.

Shaw said that it’s hard to bring home the dangers of distracted driving. “I have had to tell parents and loved ones that their child has died because of distracted driving crashes… But ultimately, preventing distracted driving rests on the teen driver.”

“It is important to remember that these aren’t accidents, these are crashes and are often deadly,” Shaw said. “These are preventable.”

King, who got rear-ended, said she now avoids driving. “I ride my bike and I check my blind spot like crazy,” she said.

Pradhan said her near miss made the consequences real for her too. “The risk isn't worth it to text your friend back or change your music,” she said.

D’arin Floyd-Baldwin and D’avora Wiliams are juniors at Miami Lakes Educational Center in Miami, Rosie Hill is a sophomore at Loy Norrix High School in Kalamazoo, Mich., and Grace Wang is a junior at Palatine High School in Palatine, Ill. They were participants in Youthcast Media Group’s fall workshop on transportation and worked with Michigan multimedia journalist and author Andrea King Collier. YMG is a nonprofit that teaches high school students across the country to report on health and social issues that impact communities of color, and the solutions to these issues.

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  10. Distracted Driving, Essay Example

    A nationwide study found that 1,500 pedestrians were injured due to cell phone-related distracted driving in 2010 and pedestrian injuries have doubled since 2005. Study author Jack Nasar also predicted that the number of injuries may again double between 2010 and 2015 unless the trend is reversed (Nasar, 2013).

  11. 500 word essay about distracted driving

    1551 Distracted driving is exactly what it sounds like. Distracted driving is driving while distracted. These distractions can range anywhere from eating to using a cell phone while driving- texting or calling, from loud music to having friends and family members in the car with you while you are driving.... Page 1 of 50 - About 500 essays Distracted Driving And Distracted Driving society.

  12. Distracted Driving Essay

    Distracted Driving Essay. "The CDC estimates each day in the United States, approximately 9 people are killed and more than 1,000 injured in crashes that are reported to involve a distracted driver." ("Distracted Driving| Motor Vehicle Safety| CDC Injury Center", n.d.) Distracted driving is defined as the operation of a motor vehicle ...

  13. Distracted Driving: Eyes Off The Road

    Download. Distracted driving is an activity where the driver takes his eyes off the road and diverts his or her attention. Distracted driving includes texting, using a cell phone, eating or drinking, reading, talking to passengers, looking a the GPS, etc. There are 3 types of distraction while driving Visual, Manual, and Cognitive distraction.

  14. driving essay.docx

    Tate Whipple 1/20/2020 Distracted Driving 500 Word Essay It is easy to tell yourself that it wouldn't happen to you and to ignore the very real threat that distracted driving can have on both your life and the lives of others. The distracted driving presentation made the consequences of distracted driving come to life and helped me to fully understand what a dramatic and devastating effect it ...

  15. Motor Vehicle Accidents: Distracted Driving

    Distracted driving 500 words In 2014, there were 32,675 deaths related to motor vehicle accidents (Insurance Institute for Highway Safety and The Highway Loss Data Institute, 2015). The top reported causes of car accidents are distracted driving, speeding, and drunk driving (Starver, 2014). ... Essay about The Rise of Distracted Driving in the ...

  16. Essay On Distracted Driving

    Distracted Driving Essay 1955 Words | 8 Pages. Texting and driving has caused many deaths among teens and others, and many families grieve every day, wishing that the worst action anyone can do while driving to become illegal. In the year 2009, 5,500 people died in texting and driving related accidents (Johnson, 2012). From then the numbers ...

  17. Essay On Distracted Driving

    How To Write A Drunk And Distracted Driving Essay 2031 Words | 9 Pages. Drunk and Distracted Driving Essay Drunk and distracted driving is a very serious problem in today's society. There have been many laws made that have restricted the use of alcohol and distracting objects such as cell phones and other handheld devices.

  18. 100 Words Essay on Safe Driving

    500 Words Essay on Safe Driving Safe Driving: A Responsibility. Driving is a common activity that most people engage in regularly. However, it is important to remember that driving is a privilege and not a right. ... Avoid distractions: Distracted driving is a major cause of accidents. Put away your cell phone, turn off the radio, and focus on ...

  19. Essay On Distracted Driving

    Distracted driving is the practice of driving a motor vehicle while engaged in another activity. Most people think that the main distraction while driving is the use of a cell phone, however, this is entirely untrue. People partake in various activities while driving in their cars, causing distracted driving to be the primary reason for car ...

  20. Distracted Driving Essay

    For every year that passes, more than 5,000 Americans' lives come to an abrupt end due to distracted driving. These numbers are almost identical to the number of road fatalities that are caused by intoxicated drivers, showing a correlation that someone who is on their cell phone while driving is just as likely to be in an accident as they would be if they decided to drive under the influence.

  21. Teens say distracted driving messages need to be catchier, more

    Teens are the age group with the largest percent of distracted drivers in the US, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Distracted driving caused more than 3,500 deaths and 290,000 injuries in 2022, and about 6% of those killed were teen drivers. Yet like Pradhan, most teen drivers don't think about the possible ...

  22. Study reveals high rate of drowsy driving by teens

    However, when asked about the likelihood of drunk, drugged, distracted and drowsy driving leading to death or serious injury, drowsy driving was seen as having the lowest risk of death or serious ...