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Smart Owl Scholarship Guide: Your Path to Academic Funding

Navigating the landscape of college scholarships can be as challenging as the application process for the institutions themselves. Scholarships, however, offer a critical financial lifeline for many students, alleviating the burden of higher education costs. Among the myriad of scholarship opportunities available, the Smart Owl Scholarship stands out as a beacon for students seeking a streamlined route to funding their academic pursuits. Tailored to empower students with a quicker path to financial aid, Smart Owl Scholarship helps condense the often overwhelming process into actionable steps.


The journey to securing a scholarship involves understanding the intricacies of what scholarships are and the types available, preparing a strong application, and utilizing efficient strategies to enhance success rates. In this context, smart scholarship platforms that leverage technology become invaluable. They not only provide personalized recommendations but also simplify the application process by allowing students to apply for multiple scholarships with a single form. For those venturing into the world of scholarships, Smart Owl Scholarship offers a guide through this complex terrain by employing advanced AI systems to match students with scholarships that fit their profile.

Key Takeaways

  • Scholarships play a vital role in financing higher education, with options like Smart Owl Scholarship simplifying the search and application process.
  • Effective preparation and an understanding of scholarship fundamentals increase the likelihood of application success.
  • Advanced technology and AI systems are now central to matching students with suitable scholarships, streamlining financial aid acquisition.

Understanding Scholarships

When exploring financial aid options for college, understanding the different scholarships available can significantly impact a student’s ability to fund their education.

Types of Scholarships

Scholarships come in various forms, each tailored to recognize different achievements or qualities. Merit-based scholarships are awarded based on a student’s academic, artistic, or athletic abilities and often require a certain GPA to be maintained. Need-based scholarships evaluate a student’s financial need and aim to ensure that those who can’t afford college can still attend.

Some scholarships are specific to certain fields of study , encouraging students to pursue careers in areas like technology, education, or healthcare. For students who excel in areas outside of academics, no essay scholarships offer a chance at funding without the requirement of a written submission.

Ethnicity-specific scholarships are designed to support students from various cultural backgrounds, fostering diversity within the college or university setting. Additionally, there are recurring scholarships that provide funds over multiple years, and the coveted full-ride scholarship covers virtually all college expenses.

Scholarship Eligibility

Eligibility criteria for scholarships can vary widely. Universities might offer college scholarships directly linked to their institution, requiring applicants to be admitted before applying. In contrast, external scholarships have diverse requirements, from community service to creative video submissions.

Students should carefully review eligibility requirements to effectively narrow down the scholarships for which they qualify. This ensures that they are targeting opportunities that align with their unique circumstances, be it their ethnicity , intended field of study , or other personal attributes.

Preparing Your Application

Preparation is key to a successful scholarship application. Applicants should focus on crafting an engaging essay, presenting a robust academic and extracurricular profile, and securing strong letters of recommendation.

Crafting a Winning Essay

A scholarship essay is a central piece of the application where the candidate’s unique voice and qualifications shine through. They must tailor the essay to the scholarship’s specific requirements, highlighting how their experiences and goals align with the scholarship’s mission. It’s important to be concise yet powerful in conveying personal stories, challenges overcome, and future aspirations. Strong essays typically show rather than tell why an applicant deserves the award, using specific examples to illustrate their points.

Curating Your Academic and Extracurricular Profile

Scholarship committees look for students who have excelled academically and have been involved in extracurricular activities. When applying for scholarships , it’s crucial for applicants to curate a list of their accomplishments that demonstrates a balance between academic rigor and extracurricular engagement. They should highlight any leadership roles, volunteer work, sports, or other activities that attest to their skills and commitment.

Letters of Recommendation and References

Letters of recommendation are endorsements of a student’s character and abilities. Applicants should request recommendations from individuals who know them well and can vouch for their academic and personal qualities. It’s advisable to provide recommenders with specific information about the scholarship to help them compose a letter that speaks directly to the criteria. References should be well-informed about the applicant’s achievements and capable of providing insights that can’t be gleaned from grades or lists of activities.

Smart Owl Scholarship Explained

The Smart Owl Scholarship is an initiative that offers ease and accessibility for students seeking scholarships. Through ScholarshipOwl , it provides a streamlined application process, with some options requiring no essay submissions.

Understanding the Smart Owl Scholarship

ScholarshipOwl prides itself on providing a platform where students can apply for multiple scholarships. The service simplifies the search and application process by presenting a multitude of scholarship options in one location. Their Smart Owl Scholarship differs in that it typically does not require an essay, making the application procedure faster and less taxing for students who may already be burdened with academic responsibilities.

Eligibility and Application Requirements

Eligibility for the Smart Owl Scholarship includes:

  • Enrolled or planning to enroll in an accredited higher education institution.
  • Meet specific requirements of the individual scholarships, such as GPA or residency status.
  • Complete the ScholarshipOwl profile.
  • Submit any specific information that may be required for certain scholarships on the platform, remembering that the no essay Smart Owl Scholarship options require fewer submissions.

It’s essential for applicants to rigorously check each scholarship’s requirements they apply for, as these may vary and have unique stipulations.

Navigating Scholarship Platforms

Efficiently managing the scholarship application process is vital, and platforms like ScholarshipOwl provide crucial tools to ease this journey. Here’s how to effectively use these platforms to maximize scholarship opportunities.

Creating an Account with Scholarship Owl

To begin, one needs to create an account on ScholarshipOwl. This initial step involves providing basic information to set up a profile that the platform will use to identify potential scholarships. The process is straightforward: enter personal details, academic achievements, and financial needs, thereby paving the way to a customizable scholarship search experience.

Utilizing Search and Filter Functions

Once a profile is created, the next essential feature is the search and filter functions . ScholarshipOwl and similar platforms like Fastweb and Cappex offer various filters to narrow down the vast pool of scholarships. Students can sort scholarships by deadline, award amount, or eligibility requirements, streamlining their search to those most relevant to their profile.

  • Sort by : Deadline | Award Amount | Eligibility
  • Filter by : Academic Interest | Extracurriculars | Location

Taking Advantage of Personalized Scholarship Matching

One of the most powerful features of platforms like ScholarshipOwl is the personalized scholarship matching . The search engine utilizes the details provided in the student’s profile to suggest scholarships with precision. This tailored approach saves time and increases the odds of finding and securing scholarships that align well with the student’s unique qualifications and educational goals.

  • Scholarships based on academic qualifications
  • Awards centered around extracurricular involvements
  • Opportunities specific to intended college majors

Application Strategies

Understanding and employing effective application strategies can significantly increase one’s chances of securing scholarships. The following subsections emphasize how to optimize applications, manage deadlines and requirements effectively, and enhance the likelihood of winning.

Optimizing Your Scholarship Applications

To optimize scholarship applications, one should focus on personalization and relevance. Utilizing platforms like ScholarshipOwl can streamline the process. They match applicants with scholarships that align with their profiles, boosting efficiency. Applicants often overlook no-essay scholarships ; however, they provide a quick way to access scholarships without extensive time commitment.

Managing Deadlines and Requirements

A strategic approach to managing deadlines is crucial. Applicants should create a detailed schedule, highlighting each scholarship’s deadline and specific requirements. Tools that notify about upcoming deadlines or changes facilitate staying on track. One can find such tools at sources like ScholarshipOwl , which also assists in keeping application materials organized.

Maximizing Your Chances of Winning

To maximize their chances of winning, applicants must target scholarships where they meet all eligibility criteria and stand out in the pool of contenders. Scholarships with smaller award amounts may have fewer applicants, thus increasing the probability of winning. Engaging in contests or drawings can be an additional strategy, as these often have less stringent application processes. Moreover, applicants should also consider the application’s overall quality, as winners are typically those who submit polished and compelling applications.

Financial Aid Beyond Scholarships


While scholarships are essential in reducing higher education costs, they are only one part of the financial aid puzzle. Exploring federal and state aid, alongside understanding the nuances of loans and their repayments, is crucial for students navigating the complexities of funding their education.

Exploring Federal and State Aid

Federal and state governments offer a range of financial aid programs to support students in higher education. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is the gateway to these funds, determining eligibility for:

  • Federal Pell Grants: Awarded to undergraduates with exceptional financial need and does not have to be repaid.
  • Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG): Available to a limited number of students with acute financial need.
  • State Grants: Often require a separate application, with eligibility and amounts varying by state.

To maximize their financial aid awards, students should submit their FAFSA as early as possible, adhering to all relevant deadlines.

Understanding Loans and Repayments

Student loans are a major component of financial aid for higher education but entail future financial commitments. Knowledge of the following is imperative:

  • Subsidized Loans: Interest does not accrue while the student is in school.
  • Unsubsidized Loans: Interest accrues from the time the loan is disbursed.
  • Private Loans: Provided by banks and credit institutions, typically at higher interest rates and with fewer repayment options compared to federal loans.

Repayment Plans: It’s crucial for borrowers to understand their options, which can include income-driven repayment plans or consolidation options aimed at simplifying or reducing monthly payments.

Students must consider their future income potential and other financial responsibilities when taking on student loans, as the impact of this debt can be long-lasting.

Technology’s Role in Scholarships

The intersection of technology and educational funding is transforming how students access scholarships. With the advent of sophisticated algorithms and AI, the process has become more personalized and efficient.

How AI Influences Scholarship Platforms

AI technologies have become integral to scholarship services . They utilize complex algorithms to analyze a student’s academic and extracurricular profile, thereby offering tailored scholarship recommendations . For instance, platforms using AI can swiftly sift through vast databases to find scholarships that match a student’s specific qualifications and career aspirations, saving time and increasing the probability of finding funds for education.

Innovations in Scholarship Searching and Matching

The algorithms behind scholarship searching platforms can now learn from user interactions. This means that as a student engages with a scholarship service , the AI observes their preferences in real time and refines future recommendations accordingly. Scholarship platforms may also provide a suite of tools empowering students to manage their applications effectively. These technological advancements have fundamentally reshaped the landscape of scholarship discovery and application processes, making them more accessible and suited to individual needs.

Additional Resources and Support


When seeking financial aid for education, resources such as comprehensive blogs and direct support from experts can provide invaluable guidance. This guidance aids students in navigating the often complex world of scholarships.

Accessing Scholarship Blogs and Forums

Scholarship blogs offer a wealth of up-to-date information about available scholarships, application tips, and insights into the scholarship process. These platforms, like the one provided by ScholarshipOwl , are frequently maintained by experienced educators or financial aid advisors, providing firsthand guidance and support. Students actively participate in forums where they can ask questions, share experiences, and receive advice from peers and professionals alike.

Leveraging Expert Guidance and Support

Personal account managers and guidance counselors can offer tailored support to students navigating the scholarship journey. These experts often understand the intricacies of scholarship applications and can provide strategic advice, from crafting personal essays to meeting deadlines. Services such as phone support are equally important, providing immediate assistance for urgent inquiries or troubleshooting any issues with scholarship applications. Making use of these personalized resources can significantly enhance a student’s chances of success.

After the Award: Next Steps


Once scholarship winners are announced, the journey towards using the award effectively begins. It’s essential for recipients to understand how to manage their offers and to strategically plan for their education at college or university levels.

Handling Scholarship Offers

When a college student receives a scholarship offer, it is crucial to immediately review the terms and conditions of the award. They should note the disbursement process, as some scholarships are sent directly to the institution, while others may be given to the student to manage. Recipients must acknowledge the offer formally and provide any requested documentation to the scholarship provider in a timely manner.

Planning Your Educational Future

With the scholarship secured, planning ahead becomes imperative. The student should align the scholarship award with their educational expenses , creating a budget that accounts for tuition, books, housing, and other fees. They may consider speaking with a financial advisor at their university to ensure that any additional financial aid is adjusted accordingly and does not exceed the cost of attendance.

The next steps involve ongoing communication with both the scholarship provider and the university’s financial aid office to confirm that funds are applied as intended and to address any potential issues that may arise. It is also an opportunity for the student to explore further educational resources and support systems offered through the university, ensuring a robust academic experience.

Frequently Asked Questions


Navigating the intricacies of scholarship applications can raise numerous questions. This section aims to address common queries surrounding the No Essay Smart Owl Scholarship and the ScholarshipOwl platform.

What are the requirements to apply for the No Essay Smart Owl Scholarship?

To apply for the No Essay Smart Owl Scholarship, applicants must be at least 16 years old, enrolled in a high school or college, and be a U.S. resident.

How can one determine the legitimacy of the Smart Owl Scholarship platform?

The legitimacy of the Smart Owl Scholarship platform can be assessed by researching its history, reading user testimonials, and verifying it does not require payment for basic scholarship matching services.

What steps should be taken to delete a ScholarshipOwl account?

To delete a ScholarshipOwl account, users must usually navigate to their account settings and find the option for account deletion, or contact customer support for assistance.

Have applicants successfully received scholarships through ScholarshipOwl?

Many applicants have successfully received scholarships through ScholarshipOwl, as indicated by user reviews and testimonials shared by the service.

What features are available to users with a free ScholarshipOwl account?

Users with a free ScholarshipOwl account can benefit from scholarship matching and some application management tools without the need for a paid subscription.

Which platform is considered the top scholarship application app?

Different platforms may be preferred for different reasons; however, ScholarshipOwl is frequently mentioned as a top app due to its comprehensive services and ease of use.

Helpful Resources

Navigating the scholarship landscape can often be overwhelming, but there's no need to go through it alone. Scholarship Owl offers a supportive platform that can help simplify your search by matching you with scholarships suited to your unique situation. By consolidating numerous scholarship opportunities into one place, it provides a significant time-saving benefit, allowing you to focus more on your studies and less on the search. If you're looking to streamline the scholarship application process, Scholarship Owl may be a valuable tool in your educational journey.


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 (No Essay Monthly Scholarship) Apply Smart Owl Scholarship

If you are on the search for a scholarship that you can apply for every month without writing an essay, then stay glued to this blog post as I bring to you the No Essay Smart Owl Scholarship

When applying for scholarships, there are various criteria one has to meet in other to be eligible to apply. Some of these scholarships require someone to either be from a particular state or country, have a particular age limit, or must be enrolled in a particular school.

 Apart from these requirements, some of these scholarships require one to compile just a simple and fun essay of most times not less than 250 words. Some of these scholarships are the All About Education Scholarship , the Education Matters Scholarship , the Superpower Scholarship , and lots of other scholarships that you can see when you go through our scholarship category .

Some of these essays are so short that they will require you to make just a sentence like the 10 words or less scholarship where you just need to write about why you deserve the scholarship and then submit it. Easy right? Now, this blog post is about to reveal to you another easy peasy scholarship to apply for and get, called the Smart Owl Scholarship, where you don’t need to write any essay to win the scholarship.

 The sweeter thing about this scholarship is that you have the opportunity to apply for it every month. Without further ado, let’s get into finding out what this scholarship is all about.

Smart Owl Scholarship

Table of Contents

Smart Owl Scholarship

Smart Owl Scholarship is a type of scholarship that is provided by ScholarshipOwl, a scholarship organization that offers over 200 different types of scholarships and believes that education should be affordable and accessible to all. Through their AI-powered tools and technology, ScholarshipOwl connects students to the right scholarships that enable them to graduate debt-free. The Smart Owl Scholarship organizers offer a total of $50,000 to the winners of the scholarship. At least 4 Winners will be selected each month to be awarded $1,000. No essay is required. Once you apply, you will be automatically reapplied each month for more chances to win.

Smart Owl Scholarship Requirements

To be eligible to apply for the Smart Owl Scholarship, you must abide by the following;

  • You must be a resident of any of the 50 United States, District of Columbia, or US Territories except for Rhode Island and Michigan.
  •  You must be 16 years of age or older
  • You must either be enrolled now or will be enrolled within three months of registration in the Scholarship Sweepstakes, in a qualified high school, college, or university within the United States.

Special Smart Owl Scholarship Requirements

The winner will permit ScholarshipOwl to publish their name, state, and photo (not required for Tennessee residents). The winner may also be asked to record a short video testimonial that could be used on SmartOwl’s website, in emails, and other marketing materials. During the first six months after the scholarship award, the winner may be asked to do interviews with the media. There are additional requirements for the Winner. You should refer to the Terms of Use for the full requirements. The winner will be responsible for wire transfer, PayPal, or other related charges to the extent incurred.

Smart Owl Scholarship Amount

The Smart Owl scholarship amount stands at $50,000 total for 50 winners each month. The deadline for application is on the 31st of March 2024

How to apply for the Smart Owl Scholarship

To apply for the Smart Owl Scholarship, you must follow the steps below;

  •  Register by creating a Smart Owl account or Log In if you are an existing user
  • If you created an account on or after February 29, 2024, a single-entry application will be sent on your behalf to enter the sweepstakes.
  • After that, you can enter the Scholarship Sweepstakes once a week during the Sweepstakes Period.
  • If you created an account before February 29, 2024, you can enter the Scholarship Sweepstakes once every seven days during the Sweepstakes Period.
  • Alternatively, you can enter the Scholarship Sweepstakes by sending a postcard with your name, age, state of residence, and email address to; Scholarship Services Inc., 831 N Tatnall Street Suite M #224 Wilmington, Delaware 19801.

Having gotten every information you need on this scholarship, do not hesitate and start applying before the deadline.


  • Davidson Fellows Scholarship .
  • Scholarships For Vegetarians .
  • Singapore Polytechnic Scholarship (SP Scholarship) .
  • Nanyang Polytechnic Scholarship Applications .
  • IBEW Scholarship Application
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100+ No Essay Scholarships (That Are Actually Worth It)

$2 222 no essay smart owl scholarship

No Essay College Scholarships For People With Literally No Time

Struggling to find scholarships with quick and easy applications?

With 8+ years of experience in higher education guidance, I wrote this guide on no-essay scholarships.

young adult woman typing on her laptop which is sitting upon a desk

College grants are awesome for avoiding student loan debt, but all the paperwork involved? That gets exhausting. Student life is busy—sometimes you just want to apply with a short form and be on your way, no fuss.

So in this post, I’m sharing over 100 no-essay college scholarship opportunities available this year, from student contests that ANYONE can win to awards for specific degree paths, including grants for college-bound high school students and graduate-level studies.

No Essay Scholarships List

Just so you know….

There is absolutely NO essay requirement for all the scholarships listed below.

However, some do require a teeny bit of writing. I’m talking a couple of sentences in response to a question or a short personal statement. Nothing to sweat about.

I choose to include those college grants because, by no means, would I consider any of the word count requirements to be “essay” length. FYI, in case there is any confusion!

  • Video Overview: Top 5
  • Monthly Deadlines
  • Quarterly Deadlines
  • Deadlines in January
  • Deadlines in February
  • Deadlines in March
  • Deadlines in April
  • Deadlines in May
  • Deadlines in June
  • Deadlines in July
  • Deadlines in August
  • Deadlines in September
  • Deadlines in October
  • Deadlines in November
  • Deadlines in December


🔎 INFO: The scholarships in this section have continuous rolling deadlines. Winners are chosen on a monthly basis. Most you can apply for EVERY month.


$1,000 – $5,000Varies per month

$50015th bi-monthly
$1,000Last day of every month
$1,000Last day of every month

$500Last day of every month

$1,000Last day of every month

$1,000Last day of every month

$1,000Last day of every month

$2,000Last day of every month

$1,000Last day of every month
$1,000Last day of every month

$1,000Last day of every month

$2,000Last day of every month

$2,500Last day of every month

$2,000Last day of every month


$10,000Mar. 15, June 15, Sept. 15 & Dec. 15
$2,500Mar. 31, June 30, Sept. 30 & Dec. 31
$1,000Mar. 31, June 30, Sept. 30 & Dec. 31
$500Mar. 31, June 30, Sept. 30 & Dec. 31

📝 NOTE:  These scholarships are grouped by submission deadlines. Some appear more than once because they have more than one deadline throughout the year.


$1,000Jan. 1st

$500 – $25,000Jan. 3rd

$1,500Jan. 31st
$1,500Feb. 28th
$1,500Feb. 28th

$1,000 - $5,000Mar. 1st

$10,000Mar. 1st
$2,000Mar. 15th

$2,000Mar. 15th
$1,000Mar. 28th

$2,500Mar. 31st
$2,000 – $8000April 1st
$1,000April 15th
$250 – $10,000April 25th
$1,000April 30th

$3,000April 30th
$10,000May 1st
$1,000May 31st

$5,000May 31st
$1,000May 31st

$1,500May 31st

$1,000May 31st
$1,500May 31st

$1,000 – $15,000June 5th
$2,500June 28th
$2,500June 28th
$500June 30th

$2,500 – $20,000June 30th

$4,000June 30th

$1,500June 30th
$500June 30th
$5,000June 30th
$2,500 – $15,000June 30th
$5,000June 30th
$1,000July 1st
$500July 15th
$500July 15th
$1,000July 15th
$2,500July 26th

$1,500July 31st

$10,000July 31st
$1,000Aug. 2nd
$2,500Aug. 15th
$1,200Aug. 15th
$1,200Aug. 19th
$500Aug. 31st
$1,500Aug. 31st
$1,000Aug. 31st
$1,000Aug. 31st
$1,000Aug. 31st
$2,500Aug. 31st
$1,500Aug. 31st
$5,000Sept. 1st

$2,000Sept. 15th
$500Sept. 30th
$1,000Sept. 30th

$1,500Sept. 30th

$2,500 – $100,000Oct. 11th

$2,500 – $20,000Oct. 30th
$1,000Oct. 30th
$1,500Oct. 30th
$500Oct. 31st

$2,000Oct. 31st
$1,000Nov. 15th

$5,000Nov. 30th

$3,000Dec. 1st
$500Dec. 31st

$1,500Dec. 31st

$10,000Dec. 31st
$1,000Dec. 31st
$2,500Dec. 31st

FAQs About Scholarships Without Essays

Feeling lost on how it all works? Or maybe a little suspicious?

These frequently asked questions will give you the lowdown on what you need to know.

Do All Scholarships Require Essays?

No, all scholarships do not require essays. Writing a paper is easily the most time-consuming part of applying for scholarships. Thankfully, there are college scholarships with no essay required.

Some will have you submit a short video in lieu of a writing piece. Others will have you submit your info for a chance to win, with the winners being selected at random.

The second type of scholarships are also referred to as scholarship sweepstakes and lottery scholarships. These applications are short and sweet, which is why they’re a favorite among students.

Are No Essay Scholarships Legit?

YES, no essay scholarships are legit and a real way to get free money for college tuition. They basically work like sweepstakes/raffle. Winners are chosen at random, commonly on an annual or quarterly basis.

While there are many trustworthy sources who have no essay scholarship contests:

All that glitters is not gold.

Use your best judgment before sharing your personal information. Be aware of scholarship scams because unfortunately, they exist too. Some offers are just a trick to collect emails so they can spam you.

How to Spot Scholarships Scams?

How can you tell when a non essay scholarship is really just a ploy for information?

Often times, certain things about the application will seem off. Knowing the warning signs can make it easier to differentiate a scam from a legitimate scholarship.

Here are some things to look out for:

1. Do not pay to pass go.

If a scholarship requires you to pay a fee, just close the tab and move on.  Never pay to apply for a scholarship or any type of student aid.

2. The cake is a LIE.

I can GUARANTEE that if a scholarship claims to be “guaranteed”, it’s a scam. Guaranteed college scholarships are always fake.  Don’t trust anyone who makes such assurances. Big promises = big disappointments.

Warning signs like that mean you should walk away from an application. Because it’s definitely not worth the trouble or the ensuing headache.

Just remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. And when in doubt, Google it out!

To help you steer clear of scammers:

I put together a BIG list of no essay college scholarships (shown above). There’s no need to spend time scouring the web for these diamonds in the rough. Instead, you can get straight to applying.

female college student smiling and working on a laptop at desk in dorm room

Final thoughts on scholarships with no essay

When it comes to no essay college scholarships…it’s important to keep your expectations in check. These may be the easiest scholarships to apply for, but they aren’t the easiest scholarships to get.

The lower the bar of entry for a scholarship, the more applicants it gets. Or in other words – the easier the application, the more attractive it is. And scholarships with no essay have a POWERFUL allure. As a result, there’s a lot of competition for the award money.

But on the other hand…while your chances of winning are slim, they’re not quite nonexistent. Most winners are selected by completely random drawings.

So, in the infamous words of lottery players everywhere—you can’t win if you don’t play! Someone’s gotta win and it just might be you.

Do you know of any other super easy scholarships I can add to this list? What’s your take on scholarships without an essay requirement? Share your thoughts by dropping a comment down below.

  • The Top 50 Scholarships for African American Women
  • 49+ Scholarships for Graduate Students (Your Next Degree Could Be Free!)
  • 23 Fabulous Scholarships for Aspiring Vet Techs

Pin it for later 📌:

100+ no essay scholarships for college infographic for Pinterest

Easy Scholarships No Essay

Charlotte "Charlie" Lake, co-founder of College Life Made Easy

Get to know Charlie: college insider, seasoned blogger, and your go-to guide for navigating the ups and downs of campus life. Charlie is a 2015 graduate, author of the book 175+ Things to Do Before You Graduate College , and co-founder of College Life Made Easy , a student lifestyle site dedicated to helping young adults make the college experience less stressful and more successful. You can learn more about her on the About Page. She regularly writes about college tips, organization strategies, scholarships, dorm room ideas, and small DIY craft projects like Halloween costumes and care packages. She has been quoted in major publications, including Redfin , College Ave Student Loans , and more.

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I interested this collage

That’s a great collection!

We think so too! 🙌 Thanks for leaving a comment, Alexa!

Never saw a great explination such as this. Keep up the good work.

Is this worldwide? Can students of any country apply?

Hi Katy, it depends on the scholarship as they each have their own set of eligibility requirements. You can find more information about any residency requirements they might have by following the links.

Nice, thanks!


Here’s a scholarship for any current or upcoming law school students. Just pledge to not drink and drive and not text while driving, and consider downloading Uber/Lyft and the app. Winner picked this summer:

Thanks Alex, just added it to the list!

Hi Charlie, we also offer a really easy scholarship that we would love for you to add if possible?

All of the relevant information is listed blow.

How it works- The $500 “Because College is Expensive” Scholarship is open to all students and those planning on enrolling within 12 months. The winner will be determined by random drawing and then contacted directly and announced on this Scholarship page. One entry per person is all that is necessary. Read the official rules for additional information.

Who can Apply?

High school students, adults looking to head back to school, current college students and anyone else looking to attend college or graduate school within 24 months.

Deadline: 4 dates (3/31, 6/30, 9/30 & 12/31)


Thank you & do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.

Thanks, John

Hey John, I will add that one to my list! Appreciate you letting me know about it in a comment! ?

What an amazing scholarship list, thank you!!! 🙂

Glad it was helpful for you, Monica 🙂

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Smart Owl Community Scholarship

Did you know there is a vibrant community of students just like you who are all talking about scholarships, financial aid and applying for college?? If you're a "smart owl," you'll want to be part of that community so that you can get all the support you need as you embark on your college journey! That's why ScholarshipOwl is offering this scholarship - we want to spread the word about our free community on Discord, and we're happy to offer TWO scholarships to students who help us do that! One student will receive a $750 scholarship, and one student will receive a $500 scholarship. To apply, all you need to do is join our community and go on social media and tell us about it!

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24 Scholarships You Don

30 NO-ESSAY Scholarships for the Class of 2023

With so many application deadlines and SAT test dates piling up, applying for scholarships can quickly become overwhelming. Especially when those scholarships make you jump through hoops by writing essays and submitting transcripts. The stress of writing a scholarship essay on top of keeping up with school can deter students from taking advantage of free money . That’s not the case with these no essay scholarships. From surveys to sweepstakes these easy scholarship applications are a breeze. These programs want to help busy students like you pay for school, without adding extra stress to your life. Calling Class of 2023, these scholarships are looking for you! 

Applying to these scholarships is a no-brainer. Want more opportunities to score free money? 

Check out our other scholarship lists! 

Our Top Scholarship Pick

The $25,000 “be bold” no essay scholarship.

Rolling monthly application deadlines. Next deadline: June 1, 2023

Award: Awards $25,000

Overview: The $25,000 “Be Bold” Scholarship is a no-essay scholarship that will be awarded to the applicant with the boldest profile. No-Essay Scholarship in just a few clicks! Fund your education with verified new scholarships, available only on New scholarships are added daily, and membership is 100% free for students.

$2,000 Nitro Scholarship

Deadline: March 3, 2022 

Award Amount: $23,410 20 winners, $1,170 each

Overview: The Skin Grip Diabetes Scholarship will be awarded to 20 individuals who live fearlessly and fight to make the world a better place despite their diagnosis.

To be eligible for this scholarship, you must be a high school senior or any undergraduate in a 2- or 4-year degree program who has diabetes. To apply, please upload a short video (can be filmed via cell phone, Zoom, etc) two minutes max, answering this question:

How do you live fearlessly with diabetes?

$1,000 Cappex Easy College Money Scholarship

Deadline: December 31, 2023

Award Amount: $2,000

Overview: Apply to Nitro’s monthly No-Essay Scholarship in seconds for a chance to win $2,000!

2022 HireAHelper Skilled Trade & Technology Scholarships

Deadline:  July 17, 2023.

Award: $2,000

Overview: Growing demand and lack of qualified workers in skilled trades like the moving industry means it’s a great time to go back to school and enter these lucrative and fast-growing industries. To help keep up with demand and assist the next generation of professionals, HireAHelper will award a $2,000 scholarship four times a year to eligible students.

Scholarships for Creative High School Students Aspiring to Attend College

Kahoot Live Scholarship

Deadline: May 26, 2023

Award Amount: $500

Overview: Do we have any Swifties in the house? If so, this Kahoot scholarship is just for you! We will quiz you on all things Taylor Swift to test out just how much of a Swiftie you really are.

Hop on our Instagram live on Thursday, May 25 at 9 PM Eastern to join us as we give away another $500 scholarship to the winner of this Swifie-fied Kahoot game!

As always, we must have at least 1,000 viewers on the live stream and 1,000+ players in the Kahoot game to award the scholarship, and you must be a current or future college student with a profile to participate.

ScholarshipPoints Scholarships

Deadline: See Website

Award Amount: Up to $10,000

Overview: Complete the form to be automatically entered into our $10,000 scholarship!

Scholly No-Essay Scholarship

Deadline: June 1, 2023

Overview: Are you looking to secure funding for college or graduate school?

We’ve partnered with Scholly to create this exclusive scholarship for high school students, transfer students, college students, and current or prospective graduate students.

20 Potential Scholarships for the Top 10 Academic Majors

CampusReel No-Essay Scholarship

Award Amount:$500

Overview: Are you on the hunt for financial aid for college?

We’ve partnered with CampusReel to create this exclusive scholarship for high school students, transfer students, college students, and current or prospective graduate students.

AFSA High School Senior Contest

Deadline: January 1, 2024.

Overview:  The High School Senior College Scholarship Contest is open to high school seniors who are citizens or aliens legally residing in the USA. Scholarship funds are payable to the winner’s college/university or certified trade school in the United States; winner must enroll for classes beginning no later than Fall 2022 session. Winner selection is NOT based on financial need, GPA or demographic criteria. Home-schooled students may apply as long as course of study is equivalent to that of a senior in high school.

GoSkills Scholarship

Deadline: Fall Deadline: Sept. 15 (11:59PM PST) Fall Award Date: Oct. 15 Spring Deadline: March 15 (11:59PM PST) Spring Award Date: April 15

Overview: Okay, Female high school and college students, here is your time to debut your online business ambitions. There are open-ended questions on the application, but it’s more like a friendly conversation. The questions ask you about your concerns and your role models. Besides the application, you need to provide a link to your business plan (GoSkills provides instructions for your business plan right above the area for the link). If you don’t get excited about writing an essay, try your hand at mapping a business plan

Nitro Pay For College No-Essay Scholarship

Award Amount: $10,000

Overview: We’ve partnered with Nitro to create this exclusive no-essay scholarship for anyone thinking through how to pay for college.

Nitro is a leading financial aid and loan resource platform, guiding you on everything from the FAFSA to best practices for federal and private loans.

By applying, you’ll automatically get registered for Nitro, setting you up for success in funding your education in the most effective way. The scholarship will be awarded to applicants who get the most out of the Nitro platform. No-Essay Community Scholarship

Award Amount: $5,000

Overview: This scholarship is for students who recognize the value of a strong community, and are always on the lookout for ways to help their friends and strengthen their community. It will be awarded to a student who has invited many friends to join

To invite a friend, visit your Invite Friends page on the dashboard to copy your unique invite code and text it to your friends. For each friend who creates a profile, your chances of winning the Community Scholarship go up.

AFSA $2,000 College Scholarship

Deadline: January 1, 2024

Overview: The Second Chance College Scholarships Contest is open to citizens and aliens legally residing in the USA with High School Diploma, GED or equivalent. Scholarship funds are payable to the winner’s college/university or certified trade school in the United States; winner must enroll or already be enrolled for Spring 2022 session. Winner selection is NOT based on financial need, GPA or demographic criteria.

Expand Your Horizons Scholarship

Deadline: April 28, 2024

Overview: Getting the most out of life requires both the courage to explore the world, and the kindness and openness to welcome and accept all those you meet along the way.

One student whose profile demonstrates an openness to learning about other cultures and sharing their own will receive $2,000 to help them continue on their path to travel and learn.

This may include studying new languages, traveling to study in a new place, teaching or learning art styles or cooking methods from a new culture, or anything else that demonstrates openness to new cultures in your school, work, or hobbies.

Launchy Web3 Scholarship

Deadline: April 30, 2024

Award Amount: $1,000

Overview: Chain Catalyst by Launchy is a free newsletter for web3 builders and investors.

We’ve partnered with Chain Catalyst by Launchy to create this exclusive scholarship. By applying, you’ll automatically be subscribed to the Chain Catalyst by Launchy newsletter, getting web3 tips, news, and insights delivered directly to your inbox.

The scholarship will be awarded to applicants who get the most out of Chain Catalyst by Launchy.


Deadline: June 15, 2023

Overview: Over $1.2 million in scholarships given away. You could be the next winner!

New Scholarships for Student Athletes – Class of 2019-2020 Scholarship

Deadline: May 31, 2023

Overview: CARiD is giving away $1,000 to offset your educational expenses for college! Just getting the essentials can add up quickly and CARiD wants to help – books, food, backpacks, some sweet spinners for your commuter vehicle, or whatever else you need to get ready for school! Most importantly – CARiD believes in higher education and wants to help you achieve your goals!

Barbara Lotze Scholarship

Deadline: December 1, 2023

Overview: Undergraduate students enrolled, or planning to enroll, in physics teacher preparation curricula and high school seniors entering such programs are eligible. Successful applicants receive a stipend of up to $2,000 and a complimentary AAPT Student Membership for one year. The scholarship may be granted to an individual for each of four years.

Richard “88 Fingers” Turner, Jr. Music Scholarship

Deadline: August 1, 2023

Overview: Richard “88 Fingers” Turner, Jr. is a beloved husband and talented pianist.

Known for his dexterity and musical talent, Richard has inspired the next generation of aspiring African American musicians. In order to truly thrive in the industry, it’s critical for musicians to have a strong educational foundation, which can often be inaccessible due to the high cost of college.

This scholarship seeks to honor Richard Turner, Jr. by supporting African American musicians in their pursuit of education.

Any African American two or four-year undergraduate student who is pursuing a music degree and career may apply for this scholarship.

Westfield State University advertisement

To apply, submit a 2-3 minute video of yourself performing.

“A Bold Mind” Psychology No-Essay Scholarship

Overview: Psychology is a great career field for students with a deep sense of curiosity about human behavior and the mind.

This scholarship seeks to support students who are passionate about psychology so they can afford to pursue their education.

Any student who is pursuing psychology may apply for this exclusive no-essay scholarship!

“Science for Life” Biology and Health Sciences No-Essay Scholarship

Overview: Biology and health sciences can require significant education which can be difficult for the average student to afford without becoming buried in debt.

This scholarship aims to support students who are pursuing biology and the health sciences so that they can complete their degrees no matter their financial status.

Any student who is interested in studying biology or the health sciences may apply for this no-essay scholarship opportunity!

Milk Road Crypto and Web3 No-Essay Scholarship

Deadline: August 16, 2022

Packed with insights, analysis, and entertainment, The Milk Road helps you get smarter about crypto without ever feeling dumb, regardless of how much you already know.

We’ve partnered with The Milk Road to create this exclusive scholarship. By applying, you’ll automatically be subscribed to The Milk Road, giving you essential crypto insights straight to your inbox.

This scholarship will be awarded to applicants who get the most out of The Milk Road. You will be a strong applicant if you:

  • Read The Milk Road every day
  • Share The Milk Road with your friends
  • Apply what you learn to accelerate your education and career

51 Scholarships Worth $1,000 for High School Students

CollegeXpress No-Essay Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,200

Overview: Are you a high schooler preparing to navigate through your college experience?

We’ve partnered with CollegeXpress to create this exclusive scholarship for high school students who are interested in college resources, an opportunity related to our 30 other no-essay scholarship awards.

This scholarship is also unique in that it will favor students who apply earlier—who are bold and seize the day without procrastinating.

The Discover Student Loans Scholarship Award Sweepstakes

Overview: Sign up for emails to get helpful college tips and resources, and enter for the chance to win a scholarship! Throughout the year, 12 eligible students or parents will be randomly selected to win a $5,000 Discover Student Loans Scholarship Award to help cover college expenses.

Huntington’s College Scholarship Sweepstakes

Deadline: June 30, 2023

Award Amount: $4,000

Overview: Scholarship contest for college-bound students. Simply submit this Official Entry form by the deadline posted in the Official Rules and you could win a $4000 College Scholarship!

Italian Catholic Federation Scholarships

Deadline: See Website 

Award Amount: Up to $1,000

Overview:  Since 1964, the Italian Catholic Federation has awarded over $2,000,000.00 in scholarships to more than 6,000 high school students, of the Catholic faith, attending college. Each spring, the Italian Catholic Federation receives nearly 400 applications for its yearly scholarship awards. Applications are received from students in public as well as Catholic high schools in California, Arizona, Nevada, and Illinois.

Scholarship Guidebooks: The Good, the Bad, and the Best of the 21st Century

No Essay Smart Owl Scholarship

Deadline: May 29, 2023

Award Amount: $7,000

Overview:  Apply Me, Inc. (“ScholarshipOwl”) is pleased to offer this scholarship sweepstakes (“Scholarship Sweepstakes”) in which you can apply for a chance to win a scholarship to be paid by ScholarshipOwl directly to your qualified high school, college or university.

For What It’s Worth Scholarship

Overview: We’ve partnered with For What It’s Worth to create this exclusive scholarship. By applying, you’ll automatically be subscribed to the For What It’s Worth newsletter, getting tips and news delivered directly to your inbox so you can invest in the world that you want.

The scholarship will be awarded to applicants who get the most out of For What It’s Worth. You will be a strong applicant if you:

  • Read For What It’s Worth every week
  • Share For What It’s Worth with your friends
  • Engage with For What It’s Worth’s content

Stuck At Prom Scholarship Contest

Deadline: June 7, 2023 

Overview: We’re giving away $20,000 in cash scholarships to high school students who make the best prom attire out of Duck® Brand Duct Tape! New this year? You can document your journey to prom perfection in a short video or written essay. Plus, once the voting period starts, a live voting counter lets you see the results in real time.

“A Bold Life” No-Essay Scholarship

Deadline: July 31, 2023

Overview: Regardless of where you find yourself today, remember that you only have one life to live, and it’s up to you to make it count. Embracing the world with boldness can help you do that.

To encourage people to create an adventurous and exciting life as they define it, the “A Bold Life” No-Essay scholarship exists to support a student who will do what it takes to live life to the fullest.

The scholarship is open to all students and non-students from any field of study. The only requirement is that you’re committed to overcoming fear and relentlessly pursuing a life that will leave you fulfilled.

The Mega-List of BIG Name Scholarships & Foundations

More Helpful Guides:

How to Find—and Win—Scholarships: Your Complete Guide

How I Landed My Dream Internship

Make a List, Check It Twice: A College Applications Guide

Three Difficult Conversations to Have About Affording College

Disclaimer: This article contains affiliate links to products and services. We may receive commissions for purchases made through these links.

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$50,000 ScholarshipOwl No Essay Scholarship

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$2 222 no essay smart owl scholarship


Top 20 No Essay Scholarships to Apply for in 2024

Harvard University

Introduction: No essay scholarships

Let's talk about no-essay scholarships. Whether you've been applying to scholarships for a while or you're completely new to the scholarship process, chances are, at some point you've felt tired, frustrated, or even fully on fed-up with writing all of those essays. Finding financial aid can be a lot of work - I feel you!

A smart strategy when applying for scholarships is to mix up the types of scholarships you're applying for. But what does this actually mean?

Well, if you're familiar with the world of scholarships, you've probably discovered that there are scholarships out there of all sorts, shapes, and sizes.

Some scholarships are for small amounts (think: anywhere from $100 to a few thousand dollars) while others go for larger amounts (sometimes even full-tuition!). Some scholarships have long lists of application requirements, while others only ask you to write a sentence, upload your transcript, or fill out a form.

So, when I say "mix up the types of scholarships you're applying for", I'm saying that it's important to consider things such as scholarship type (is there an essay required?), amount (generally, scholarships with  bigger awards  are harder to earn), and category (how specific does the scholarship get in terms of matching your unique profile?).

This post covers one specific type of scholarship that I'm sure you'll enjoy incorporating into your scholarship strategy: a no-essay scholarship!

Most of these no essay scholarships are open to high school , college , and  graduate  school students, be sure to get those easy applications in, and keep your toes crossed while you get to work on some of those other more labor-intensive opportunities.

*Pro-tip - While some of these no essay scholarships currently have specific deadlines, keep them bookmarked because they often renew monthly, quarterly, or yearly!

20 No essay scholarships to apply for ASAP!

Too cool to pay for school no essay scholarship.

Award Amount:  $1,000

Scholarship Deadline:  Quarterly (last day of the month in September, December, March, and June)

PS - this is one of no essay scholarships awarded by Access Scholarships (that's us!). It's open to high school, undergraduate, and graduate students studying in the United States, and is an easy way to win $1,000. 

Niche $10,000 No Essay Scholarship

Award Amount:  $10,000

Scholarship Deadline:  Rolling

ScholarshipPoints No Essay $2,500 Monthly Scholarship

Amount : $2,500 

Deadline : Expires on the last day of each month

Eligibility: The ScholarshipPoints Scholarship is a monthly no essay scholarship open to all high school and college students ages 16 and older, who are US residents!

Smart Owl No Essay $1,000 Scholarship

Amount : $1,000 (4 awards per month!)

Deadline : Expires on the 28th or 29th of each month

Eligibility: The Smart Owl Scholarship is a monthly no essay scholarship open to all high school and college students ages 16 and older, who are US residents!

Sallie Mae College Scholarship

Award Amount : $2,000

Scholarship Deadline : Monthly

Eligibility- Open to high school juniors & seniors and all college students

CollegeVine No Essay $2,000 Scholarship

Award Amount:  $2,000

Scholarship Deadline:  December 31

Open to high school students of all years (must be a US resident).

Bold $25,000 Scholarship

Amount:  $25,000

Deadline:  Continuous

CollegExpress Monthly Scholarship

Award Amount:  $2,500

Scholarship Deadline:  Last day of each month

Niche No Essay Scholarship

Scholarships360 $10,000 scholarship.

Scholarship Deadline:  Rolling 

Open to high school sophomores and juniors in the US. 

Appily Easy Money Scholarship

Around the corner from college scholarship.

Award Amount : $1,000

Scholarship Deadline : December 31, June 30

Open to all high school students, including students with DACA status and international students who are planning on attending a higher education institution in the US! 

Be Bold No-Essay Scholarship

Award Amount:  $25,000

Scholarship Deadline: Rolling

Christian Connector Scholarship

Eligibility:  Open to high school juniors and high school seniors who are interested in or planning to enroll in a Christian college or university.

Direct Textbook Photo Essay Scholarship

Award Amount:  $500

Discover Student Loans Scholarship Contest

Scholarship Deadline:  January 4

Lounge Lizard Web Design Scholarship

Scholarship Deadline:  February 27 and October 10

Create A Greeting Card Scholarship

Scholarship Deadline:  March 9

Frame My Future Scholarship

Award Amount:  $2,000 each (5 awards)

Scholarship Deadline: March 15

ULoop Dorm Survey Scholarship

Scholarship Deadline:  June 30

no-essay scholarships

Frequently asked questions about no essay scholarships

Are no essay scholarships legit.

No essay scholarships are 100% legit!

No essay scholarships are created to be more like contests or sweepstakes. Generally, all you have to do to be considered is enter some information on an application page and you're good to go. This is in contrast with other more labor-intensive scholarships, that require a greater amount of work and time commitment (think: essays, letters of recommendation, videos, interviews).

The fact that no essay scholarships don't require a whole lot of effort (they're definitely the easiest opportunities out there!) doesn't mean that they aren't just as real as other scholarships that do have more detailed eligibility and application requirements to apply. In fact, no essay scholarships can sometimes be just as competitive as full-ride scholarships , given the fact that so many students apply for these opportunities.

At the end of the day, each and every scholarship we feature in our database and in our blog posts aims to guide students in the direction of legitimate opportunities to help you navigate the journey of paying for college.

What are some common qualities of a no essay scholarship?

The most identifiable quality of a no essay scholarship is the fact that it doesn't require an essay! Rather than asking students to upload an essay on the application page, these scholarships generally will ask for the completion of a form, or for students to upload a photo, video, or other unique type of submission. The fact that these scholarships can often be completed much more quickly and easily than other scholarships is what makes them so great.

You'll also find that the majority of no essay scholarships are open to a wide variety of students, and they usually won't have any specific eligibility requirements such as only being open to students in certain majors or with a certain minimum GPA.

Who is eligible to apply for no essay scholarships?

When it comes to eligiblity, as I mentioned just above, no essay scholarships are usually open to a wide range of students. For example, a no essay scholarship might be open to students ages 13 and older in the US, or maybe it's open to all high school students in the US. These eligibility criteria are very generous and intended to give all (or nearly all) students who want to apply an opportunity to do so.

How difficult is it to win a no essay scholarship?

Because no essay scholarships are usually open to so many different types of students, along with the fact that they often require very little effort on the part of the student (and run more like sweepstakes than real in-depth scholarships), means that they are difficult to win, and the process is unpredictable.

Luckily, because these scholarships require so little time commitment to apply, not winning one of these types of scholarships doesn't necessarily indicate that you've wasted your time applying, since it likely didn't take that much time in the first place!

How can I increase my chances of winning no essay scholarships?

No essay scholarships are open to such a wide variety of students in terms of eligible areas of study, state residency, and year in school. This, in combination with the fact that the winners for these scholarships are generally always selected at random, means that increasing your chances of winning one of these scholarships is very, very difficult.

In the spirit of full-transparency: the only way that you can actually increase your chances of winning no essay scholarships is by applying for all of them and not missing any deadlines.

For example, take Tallo's monthly no essay scholarships . They pick at least 12 winners each year, usually at the end of each month. If you want to maximize your chances of winning one of Tallo's no essay scholarships, you should set a reminder to make sure that you apply for them every month, so that you don't miss out on an opportunity to win.

Most of the no essay scholarships I've come across are for small amounts, such as $1,000. Why is this the case?

Most no-essay scholarships are for small amounts (think: $500 - $2,000) because, in comparison to other scholarships that have lots of application requirements, no-essay scholarships tend to run more like contests.

Organizations love to give back to students in any and all ways possible, and they also like to try to make student's lives easier by offering easy scholarship opportunities.

However, from the perspective of private organizations, many of them would rather save their scholarships of higher amounts to be distributed through competitive opportunities where they can select students on the basis of merit, leadership, and other qualities. That's why you'll probably never come across a full-ride scholarship that doesn't require an essay or extra submission of some sort!

Where can I find more scholarships to apply for?

There are tons of resources and places out there that you can use to find "harder" scholarships to apply for to pair with your efforts in applying to the easy ones.

The first place I recommend you go is over to the Access Scholarship Search Engine or Blog, where you can find all types of scholarships based on criteria such as home state, area of study, ethnicity, and more.

After that, I recommend you also do some surfing of the web, as well as outreach to your guidance counselor or financial aid office to help you find local scholarships and even more nuanced opportunities.

Important tips and things to keep in mind with no essay scholarships

Tip #1: apply often..

Many of these scholarships run continuously on a monthly or quarterly basis.

Set a reminder for yourself to revisit these scholarships each month and reapply to give yourself the best chance at winning one!

Tip #2: Find ways to get a leg up.

Scholarships with no essays that have any sort of additional component (like an art or video submission) will tend to give you a "leg up" because they involve more than some luck.

Take full advantage of scholarships like these by putting your best foot forward with that extra submission!

Tip #3: Make no essay scholarships one piece of the puzzle.

Scholarships with no essays should be a key component of your scholarship application strategy because of how easy they are to apply for.

However, it's important to remember they should be balanced with other scholarships that have more specific and stringent requirements.

When you apply for essay-based scholarships, you're given the opportunity to tell the committee about you, who you are and why you should be selected for the opportunity. The winners for these scholarships, unlike their no-essay counterparts, are not chosen at random, so if you choose these scholarships carefully, apply for ones that are specific to your qualities, and write strong essays, you'll have the best chances of winning at the end of the day!

General tips for applying for all kinds of scholarships

Navigating the world of scholarships can be stressful and confusing to say the least. Follow these tips to make sure you’re covering all of your bases and giving yourself the greatest possible chance at success!

#1: Get yourself organized before you dive right in.

Just like with any other part of the college / financial aid process, organization is crucial to success when it comes to searching and applying for scholarships.

My top organization-related recommendation for students is to start by creating a readily-accessible folder on your computer where you can then create subfolders for your scholarship essays, transcripts, and other application materials. This is also the place where you’ll want to house your scholarship tracker , which will help you keep track of scholarships you find, upcoming deadlines, and your overall progress.

#2: Do your brainstorming.

You likely wouldn’t start an essay on the American Revolution without doing some initial brainstorming and planning first. The same rule should apply for when it’s time to search for scholarships.

Sit down with a pen and paper or a blank word document open, and start to bullet out a list of traits and things that you feel make up who you are as a person. These things should be both academic and personal. To give you an idea of what I’m talking about, here’s a sneak peek into what my own personal list might look like:

-I am from New Jersey

-I am a business student with an interest in marketing

-I like to play sports (tennis, basketball, etc)

-I hold leadership positions in my extracurriculars

-I identify as female

-I am a twin

-I am left-handed

-I enjoy doing crossword puzzles

-I go to college in Wisconsin

I could go on and on with this list, but I won’t bore you! What I’m trying to get at though is that creating a list like this to track your hobbies, academic pursuits, and other things that make up who you are can be incredibly helpful in allowing you to find scholarships that are highly specific to you.

PS - For some students, this may also fall under the initial organization step of the process, but ultimately it doesn’t matter when you do it as long as it gets done.

#3: Know where to look.

Knowing what types of scholarships you want to search for doesn’t really matter if you don’t know where to actually search for them! Here are a few ideas on where you can get started in searching for scholarships:

- Scholarship search engines like, which allow you to search through thousands of scholarship opportunities all in one place

- Normal search engines , such as Google (the more specific you can be here, the better)

-Your school’s college prep, guidance, or financial aid page/website

- Social media (you can follow scholarship accounts and hashtags that might be relevant to help you discover local scholarships)

- Family, friends, teachers, coaches, and other people in your community who might know of local or community-based scholarships that you’re eligible for

#4: If a scholarship has an essay or additional type of submission, make sure you put your absolute best foot forward.

This is, in my opinion, the biggest key to help students see success in actually winning scholarships.

You can have a 4.0 GPA and solid letters of recommendation, but if you don’t also take the time to carefully craft, edit, and perfect the essay (or other additional submission), you’re missing out on giving the scholarship committee the opportunity to learn more about who you are as a person and why you’re a great fit to win the award.

#5: Keep those grades up.

Although this eligibility requirement can definitely vary, many scholarships require students to have at least a 2.5 or 3.0 GPA. Sometimes, the minimum requirement can be even higher, such as a 3.75/4.0.

While grades certainly aren’t the end-all-be-all, keeping your GPA up (as high as you possibly can!) will make sure that you are opening yourself up to as many opportunities as possible.

#6: Apply often.

Unfortunately, applying for scholarships is not a “one and done” process. To give yourself the highest chance at seeing success, you should apply for scholarships as often as you can, or whenever you come across an opportunity that you think is worth applying for.

Many students find it helpful to set specific goals in this area, like to apply for 3 scholarships each month. Ultimately, the goal you set should be one that is specific and realistic, based on all of the other things that you’re juggling!

#7: Ask for feedback along the way.

If you don't ever take the time to assess your weak spots, how can you possibly improve?

Asking for feedback throughout the scholarship process, whether it be from a committee, a teacher, or someone who is helping you along the way, is crucial to helping you grow and becoming a stronger applicant. 

Getting feedback is especially important when it comes to the scholarship essay piece of the puzzle. When we write and edit, we tend to overlook our own mistakes because we're so used to making them. Sometimes it takes an extra set of eyes on an essay to help lead you in the direction of success.

No-essay scholarships: To conclude...

To summarize, no-essay scholarships can be a great addition to any overall scholarship strategy for high school, college, and graduate students.

Since no-essay scholarships often operate on a monthly or quarterly basis, you can give yourself a better chance at winning these scholarships if you enter in every application period that you're eligible for.

Although no-essay scholarships usually aren't for large amounts, the process of entering to win is usually an easy one, so there's no harm in applying for these scholarships to round out your strategy and yes, give you a break from all those essays!

$2 222 no essay smart owl scholarship

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The Ultimate Guide to Scholarship Scams

Scholarships & Financial Aid

The Ultimate Guide to Scholarship Scams

Updated on April 6th, 2023

Finding scholarship opportunities for higher education can be challenging in its own right, but when your student also has to dodge scholarship scams, it is even more daunting.

Some companies use fake scholarship applications to collect people’s personal data and sell it to third parties. Others gather information that allows them to steal the identity of anyone who applies. Some even charge students to apply and then don’t award scholarships, allowing them to take off with the money.

Ultimately, the scholarship landscape can feel like a minefield. However, by learning what makes opportunities legitimate and what warning signs are present with some common scholarship scams, your student can avoid less than scrupulous attempts to take their personal and financial information.

If you want to make sure your student avoids scholarship fraud and scams, here’s what you need to know.

If you want to find out more about how to find legitimate scholarships, making it easier to avoid scholarship scams, then sign up for our free webinar! You’ll learn a bunch about how to locate available scholarships, organize documentation , fill out applications, write winning essays, and more. Take a moment and head to  to find out when the next training session is available.

  • 2 How Do You Find Legitimate Scholarships?
  • 3 How Do You Spot Scholarship Scams?
  • 4 What Happens If You Fall for a Scholarship Scam?
  • 8 Is Scholarship Detective Legit?

How Do You Find Legitimate Scholarships?

When your student begins their college journey, finding ways to pay for their tuition, room and board, and other expenses are critical. Most students would do almost anything to avoid student loans, and landing scholarships is a great way to access money that doesn’t have to be paid back.

However, it can be hard to separate legitimate opportunities from scholarship scams if you don’t know what a real award looks like. Luckily, there are a few hallmarks that increase the odds a scholarship offer is the real deal.

By and large, legitimate scholarships:

  • Require  essays  or at least a few short-answer responses
  • Require additional support such as transcripts, SAT/ACT scores, and recommendation letters
  • Most have minimum GPA requirements – though there are some exceptions to this
  • Are rewarded once or twice per year

When a top scholarship provider has criteria similar to what is listed above, there is a decent shot it is a real opportunity. However, if your student still has doubts, then researching the awarding organization is a smart move.

Usually, when companies are using scholarship scams to gather data, word spreads quickly online. But, even if it doesn’t, a lack of information showing the scholarship is legitimate could also serve as a warning sign.

Related Video: Where to Find Legitimate Scholarships (& Avoid Scholarship Scams)

Finding scholarships can be challenging, but when you also have to dodge scholarship scams, it is even harder. Here are our tips for spotting the scams.

How Do You Spot Scholarship Scams?

Perhaps your student has checked out those scholarships with little to no requirements which take a maximum of 5 minutes to fill out. The companies have monthly “drawings,” announcing a winner each month, and tell your student to apply over and over to increase their chances of landing the scholarship.

Nearly every student spots at least a few of these during their scholarship search. They sound too good to be true but are still incredibly tempting. Unfortunately, the reason they seem too good to be true is typically that they are one of many forms of college scholarship scams .

Identifying scholarship scams doesn’t have to be difficult. There are some signs a scholarship may not be what it seems. Here are the red flags:

  • 100 characters or less for the “essay”
  • Commonly use the term “sweepstakes,” “drawing,” “enter to win,” or “random selection”
  • Have zero requirements aside from entering your basic information
  • Asks for your Social Security Number or financial details (credit card, debit card, or bank account numbers)
  • You apply by posting something on social media
  • There is an application fee
  • It is open to everyone
  • No proof of past award recipients
  • It takes less than 5 minutes to apply
  • Are rewarded weekly or monthly

If your student is worried an opportunity is a scholarship scam, then they need to review the fine print. Usually, it will be in a section labeled with words like “rules,” “terms and conditions,” “privacy,” or a similar phrase. That’s where they may find some of the terms that indicate the scholarship is something other than what it looks like if they don’t see them elsewhere.

What Happens If You Fall for a Scholarship Scam?

If your student applies to one of these scholarship scams, a few things can happen.

If the “scholarships” are actually sweepstakes, what your student may end up doing is putting themselves on massive mailing lists. Say hello to a spam-filled inbox, robocalls, and more aggressive marketing attempts.

Is scholarship owl legit? How to avoid scholarship scams.

However, it can be worse than getting bombarded by junk mail and calls. If the “scholarship” asks for a lot of personal information, including name, birth date, address, and Social Security Number, it may be collecting enough data to attempt to steal your student’s identity. Now, if that isn’t scary, what is?

Other scholarship scams work by charging people upfront fee to apply for a scholarship. Then, after your student hands over their hard-earned cash, the company just keeps it. In another worst-case scenario, they may even steal the debit or credit card number, giving them a chance to rack up charges without your student’s consent.

The repercussions of applying to a scam scholarship can vary dramatically, but they are always hard to deal with, including if your student only ends up on a mailing list.


If your student falls for a scholarship scam, figuring out what to do can be challenging. Usually, it will depend on what happens after their information is submitted, though there are steps they can take to protect themselves if they think they are a victim of a scam.

First, any bank account number, debit card, or credit card involved needs to be locked down. Have your student contact the financial institutions to let them know what occurred as soon as possible. They will be able to help identify the next step.

Your student may want to contact the three major credit bureaus as well, either freezing their information or placing a fraud alert on their profile, depending on whether a scammer has attempted to steal their identity.

financial aid scams and how to find legit scholarships

Finally, reporting the scam to authorities can be a smart move. It helps agencies locate scammers and fight fraud. Filing a complaint with the Federal Bureau of Investigations, Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) is a pretty simple process and allows your student to do their part to stop other people from falling victim to such scams. The complaint form can be found here:  FBI IC3

If your student experienced a financial loss, then they may need to file a police report as well. This can be done at their local police department.


Scholarship Owl is a scholarship search engine and application platform. Students complete basic profiles and the company attempts to match students to scholarship opportunities. Then, it will even submit applications for them, though it may prompt the student for more detailed information, if the scholarship requires it.

By creating an account, your student is entered to win Scholarship Owl’s “scholarship,” which is actually a sweepstakes. Plus, while Scholarship Owl is a database filled with scholarships, many are the “no essay scholarships” that aren’t very legitimate. However, there are some more genuine scholarships on there mixed in with the kinds that are more sweepstakes-style.

It’s also important to note that Scholarship Owl does charge for some of its services. Your student can’t access all of the features without paying. Luckily, Scholarship Owl doesn’t find anything they couldn’t find on their own, so most students don’t need a service like this to find amazing opportunities.

Additionally, Scholarship Owl may hand your student’s information over to third parties, based on their privacy policy. They might even be paid for your student’s information, allowing them to profit on their account. That means your student is could very well get hounded by spam and marketing attempts.

Here is a snippet from the  Scholarship Owl Privacy Policy  (reviewed on September 7, 2020) that discussions the option to receive compensation for your student’s information:

“We may be compensated for information, including personal data, that is disclosed to Third Party Partners or other third parties.”

Remember, if a website makes lofty claims, there is usually a catch. Make sure your student knows what it is before they sign up.


Scholarship Points has students complete surveys for a chance to win cash. Again, they are not offering a real scholarship. Instead, this is a sweepstakes, and the cost of entering is your student’s personal data.

Edvisors, the company behind Scholarship Points, profits by selling your student’s data through surveys, sending participants marketing emails, hosting contests, and similar activities. This is another case where ending up on a mailing list is highly likely as companies will pay top dollar to connect with college students.

While it is possible to win the Scholarship Points sweepstakes, your student’s odds are abysmal. They would likely be better off focusing on legitimate scholarships.

legit scholarship websites and how to avoid scams

Is Scholarship Detective Legit?

Scholarship Detective is a scholarship search engine. The company maintains a large database of opportunities and allows people to search them for free. They do list plenty of legitimate scholarships, but there are also some questionable ones that appear in the results, so your student would need to exercise due diligence before applying to any of them.

The $1,000 scholarship from Scholarship Detective is open to all students and only requires a short form and a 140 character statement on how your student would use the money; essentially, a tiny “essay.” The essays are judged to determine who receives the money, and the funds are sent directly to the student’s school.

It does encourage students to apply once a week for a chance to receive the money, so competition is incredibly high for making money. While the company cannot show the odds of being selected, as it varies depending on the number of applicants, your student’s chances would likely be slim, to say the least.

Additionally, Scholarship Detective may give exclusive access to your student’s information to certain “trusted” third parties, but they do not sell or trade it to outside parties.


College Is Power (CIP) provides information and tools to current and prospective college students. They also list a $1,000 scholarship, where students enter using a short form and adding a 150-word essay.

Using much of the site does not require any personal information. Additionally, CIP does not sell any personal or financial information as provided by scholarship applicants. However, it may be disclosed to certain third-party partners.

Anyone interested in the scholarship can only apply once, and the short essays are judged to select a winner. Scholarship funds are paid directly to the student’s school or the applicant themselves.


Another resource site for college students, Return 2 College has a $1,000 scholarship that can be paid to the applicant or the student. It requires an essay, though it has to be three sentences or less, and a range of personal information.

Using the tools on the website does not require any personal information. They also do not sell any details collected through the scholarship application to unaffiliated third parties, though they may give your student’s data to third-party partners.

avoid scholarship scams and find legit scholarship points

Is the Scholarship Zone Scholarship Legit?

Scholarship Zone lists a $10,000 scholarship on their website. However, the entry form requires very little information, and the winner is selected at random during a drawing, essentially making it a sweepstakes.

Plus, your student’s information will likely be shared with third parties, allowing companies to market to your student.


To be fair, a sweepstakes in and of itself might not be a scam. Many companies hold legitimate sweepstakes to entice customers and encourage word-of-mouth about their product. Plus, it lets them boost their contact list, allowing the aforementioned spam to start flowing in.

However, labeling a sweepstakes as a legitimate scholarship, is dishonest. While it may be limited to college students, the winner is selected at random, and they’re usually are no meaningful criteria (like financial need or merit) that play into who is chosen. In the vast majority of cases, it is not a genuine scholarship; it’s a prize, and that isn’t the same thing.

But, by using the information above, your student can make smart choices about which opportunities they seize. Not only can this help them can avoid scholarship scams that may harm them, but it will also allow them to apply to legitimate scholarships with confidence, increasing the odds that they can make their dream of graduating debt-free a reality.

Learn how I won $126k in external scholarships by registering for my webinar.

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April 2, 2019 at 7:05 pm

Surprised to hear there are some scammers taking advantage over funds for scholarship. These people are using their knowledge the wrong way.

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No Essay Scholarships

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If you ask the average student why they don’t apply for scholarships, many will say it's because they don't think they can win. However, another common reason dissuading them is that it can be a big hassle to apply. Not only do you have to complete an application, but you also often have to meet other requirements, like getting a letter of recommendation, submitting your official transcript and writing an essay . The essay is one key reason that many students put off applying for a scholarship. It’s time-consuming and exhausting, especially when you have to juggle homework, extracurriculars, and more. That's where no-essay scholarships come in. These scholarships do not require written essays so students can apply without wringing their hands. Read below to learn more about no-essay scholarships, where to find them, and how to apply.

Continue reading the article below the scholarship list.

25 No Essay Scholarships with Approaching Deadlines

Scholarshippoints $2,500 scholarship.

  • Amount $2,500
  • Deadline June 15, 2024

ScholarshipPoints $2,500 Scholarship ScholarshipPoints awards a $2,500 scholarship every month of the year exclusively to members. There is no essay required. Simply sign up to be automatically entered into the scholarship. ScholarshipPoints will also be awarding three separate $1,000 Scholarships each month. That means we give out over $5,500 in scholarships every single month! Applicant

One Earth Film Festival Young Filmmakers Contest

  • Amount $1,000
  • Deadline June 25, 2024

One Earth Young Filmmakers Contest is open to students from third grade through college. Each film submission is based on one or several of the following topics: water, waste, food, transportation, energy, open space, and ecosystems. All entries must be between 3 and 8 minutes in length. Submissions are open to Elementary, Middle School, High School, Undergraduate and Graduate, as well as

$2,000 Sallie Mae Scholarship

  • Amount $2,000
  • Deadline June 30, 2024

Sallie Mae is offering a straightforward monthly scholarship opportunity, awarding $2,000 to eligible entrants. No essays or account sign-ups are required—just a simple scholarship for individuals seeking financial assistance for their education. Scholarship Details Monthly award of $2,000. No essay or account sign-ups needed. Eligibility Criteria Open to individuals seeking financial

$2,000 No Essay CollegeVine Scholarship

CollegeVine is dedicated to becoming the trusted source of lifelong guidance for the next generation, assisting millions of families in finding paths toward better life outcomes. The CollegeVine platform not only helps you secure admission to your dream school but also supports you in financing your education by connecting you with advisors, current college students, peers, and admissions

$25,000 Be Bold No-Essay Scholarship

  • Amount $25,000

This is your chance to win the $25,000 "Be Bold" Scholarship, a no-essay scholarship designed for individuals with bold profiles. Designed for students like you, who are pushing yourselves to succeed and educate yourselves, this scholarship celebrates determination and ambition. By joining the platform, you can spotlight your goals, accomplishments, and drive directly to scholarship panels

L. Ron Hubbard Illustrators of The Future Contest

  • Amount $5,000

L. Ron Hubbard’s Illustrators of the Future Contest is an opportunity for new science fiction and fantasy artists worldwide to have their work judged by some of the masters in the field and discovered by a wide audience. Scholarship Details A historic and influential contest in the fields of science fiction and fantasy art. Open to new science fiction and fantasy artists worldwide.

Niche $2,000 No Essay Scholarship

The $2,000 No Essay Scholarship is open to high school student all the way up to, and including, graduate school students. Scholarship Details $2,000 No Essay Scholarship for tuition and any other college-related expenses No essay requirement. Eligibility High school, college or grad school students. Specific criteria can be found in the official scholarship

Barbara Caras Memorial Scholarship for Film Studies

  • Deadline July 31, 2024

To be eligible for the Barbaras Caras Memorial Scholarship for Film Studies, applicants must be residents of Sarasota or Manatee County, Florida who have completed at least one full year at an accredited Florida college. Must be currently enrolled in one of the following majors: Computer Animation, Creative Writing, Motion Design, Illustration or Film and must provide at least one sample of their

ConnectHER Film Festival

  • Deadline October 31, 2024

The ConnectHER Film Festival welcomes submissions that focus on issues that affect the lives of women and girls with a special emphasis on amplifying BIPOC voices. Films, be they animated, documentary or narrative, must be related to any of the following themes, all centered around women’s issues: refugees/IDPs, war and conflict, political enfranchisement and power, gender inequality, ending

VFW Voice of Democracy Competition

  • Amount $35,000

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National Rice Month Scholarship Contest

National Rice Month is a time to celebrate the harvest of the small but mighty grain that has captivated Americans’ hearts and stomachs for more than 300 years. Nearly 85 percent of the rice consumed in the United States is grown right here on family farms across six states: Arkansas, California, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, and Texas. That’s a fun fact that not many people are aware of and

Jack Kent Cooke Young Artist Award

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  • Deadline November 15, 2024

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Cards Against Humanity Science Ambassador Scholarship

  • Amount $160,000
  • Deadline December 13, 2024

The Science Ambassador Scholarship aims to empower and recognize the academic contributions of women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math). To apply, prospective candidates are required to create a three-minute educational video showcasing their passion for a STEM topic. The scholarship emphasizes creativity, accuracy, and a demonstrable enthusiasm for the chosen subject.

Taco Bell Live Más Scholarship

  • Deadline January 3, 2025

The Live Más Scholarship is for students who are pursuing higher education, preparing for the workforce, or channeling their passion into transformative changes in their communities and beyond. Our belief in your potential is unwavering and we support you at every stage of your journey, whether you're just beginning to recognize your strengths, or you're already making strides in bringing your

Virginia Arts Festival Model NATO Challenge

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SCAD Challenge Film Scholarship Competition

  • Amount $4,000
  • Deadline February 12, 2025

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ISF Film Scholarship

  • Deadline March 21, 2025

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Doodle for Google Scholarship

  • Amount $55,000

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The Joseph M. Fannell Creative and Performing Arts Scholarship

  • Deadline March 31, 2025

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The National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences National Scholarships

  • Amount $20,000

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Stuck At Prom Scholarship Contest

  • Amount $15,000
  • Deadline June 5, 2025

Submit your Duck Tape® promwear from now until 12pm ET (noon) June 5th for a chance to win up to $15,000! Create and wear your original promwear using Duck® Brand Duct Tape and/or Duck® Brand Crafting Tape. Remember to take a high resolution pic of the big moment! See official rules for details. Eligibility Criteria Open to high school students or those in a home school association (at the

What Is a No-Essay Scholarship?

Like the name suggests, a no-essay scholarship is a scholarship that does not require a written essay. However, that doesn't mean that you won’t have to provide some information about yourself. Sometimes you will have the choice of recording a video instead of submitting a written essay.

For example, the Stuck at Prom Scholarship is awarded to a student who creates an inspiring and creative dress or tux using Duck Tape. One $10,000 scholarship will be awarded to each winner from the dress and tux category, and there are several runner-up awards too. Applicants have to describe their creation in either a written essay or in video form.

Types of No-Essay Scholarships

There are several kinds of no-essay scholarships that students can apply for. Here are the most popular types:

Scholarship Sweepstakes

A scholarship sweepstakes is a type of no-essay scholarship. Scholarship sweepstakes are scholarships where students are chosen randomly, like a lottery. For example, the Niche $2,000 No Essay Scholarship chooses a winner at random. As long as you complete the application by the due date and meet the basic requirements, you’ll have a shot at winning.

Applicants usually don't have to submit other common scholarship requirements, like transcripts or letters of recommendation. Some sweepstakes scholarships are given out more than once a year. For example, College Board's BigFuture Scholarship is given out every month. Students can win either $500 or $40,000. There is no essay required. Instead, the College Board requires that you complete several steps that will help your overall college application process.

You have to enter every month to be considered, so don't think that one application is enough. Set a recurring reminder in your calendar so you don’t forget.

Video Scholarships

Some no-essay scholarships may not necessarily be easier to apply for than a scholarship that requires an essay. If a video contest scholarship wants a 5-minute video about why you deserve to win it may take just as much time to write, create, and edit as an essay would.

It also depends on what your skills are. If you’re a budding YouTuber, then submitting a video might be a more appropriate fit for you than writing an essay would be. If you prefer writing or feel you are better at putting pen to paper, feel free to go that route. A lot of these scholarships are fairly flexible regarding which medium you use for creative expression.

Where to Find No-Essay Scholarships

You can find no-essay scholarships on, which has a large database of no-essay scholarships.

You can also search for no-essay scholarships on Google and other search engines. You can try to narrow down the search by being more specific. For example, if you're comfortable creating video, you can search for “no-essay video scholarship.”

Sometimes your school will also offer no-essay scholarships. In fact, many colleges will automatically consider you for a scholarship when you apply. If you want to be considered for other awards, you may have to submit an essay. However, this depends on your school.

How to Apply for a No-Essay Scholarship

No matter what kind of scholarship you're applying for, you should read through all the rules and requirements beforehand. Make sure you are actually eligible to apply. You may be surprised at how many students submit scholarship applications when they're not actually qualified.

Also, always submit your application before or by the deadline. If you submit your application late, it will almost invariably be automatically rejected.

Some no-essay scholarships will have other components you have to submit. For example, the BigFuture Scholarship requires that you submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) .

No-Essay Scholarship FAQs

No-essay scholarships have a lot of benefits and drawbacks, and it can be hard to decide if they’re worth spending time on. Keep reading to learn more about no-essay scholarships and how they work:

If I win a no-essay scholarship, what can the funds be used for?

Rules around how you can spend money from a no-essay scholarship are usually similar to those for a traditional scholarship. As such, we recommend reading the description and rules thoroughly and contacting the scholarship provider directly if you can't find the answers to all of your questions on this topic.

For example, winners who receive the Taco Bell Live Más Scholarship can only use the funds for qualified education expenses, including tuition, textbooks, fees, and other necessary supplies.

If you win a no-essay scholarship, you should read through the terms and conditions to understand what you can use the funds for. Some scholarships may have more generous rules than others.

Are no-essay scholarships easier to win?

No-essay scholarships may be easier to apply for, but your chances of winning may be slimmer than with traditional scholarships that require an essay. If a no-essay scholarship has fewer requirements, taking less time and effort than others, there are likely to be more students who apply. When more people are competing for the same award, it automatically decreases each applicant's odds of winning.

What is the GPA requirement for a no-essay scholarship?

No-essay scholarships may still have academic requirements, like a minimum GPA. These can vary depending on the scholarship provider.

Some no-essay scholarships may not even ask what your GPA is. For example, the $2,000 Sallie Mae Scholarship only asks what college you plan to attend or are attending, what year in school you’re in, and your high school graduation year. Both current and prospective college students are eligible.

Are no-essay scholarships legitimate?

Sometimes something seems too good to be true, such as being able to enter to win a $5,000 or even $50,000 scholarship without having to put in dozens of hours of work. However, there are plenty of awards that do not require a traditional essay and are 100% legitimate. Just remember that you should never have to pay to apply for a scholarship.

Even no-essay scholarships that operate like sweepstakes do not have an application fee. If you are being told that you have to pay money to apply for a scholarship, then you are likely being scammed.

Many students believe that no-essay scholarships are scams because they don’t end up winning them. It’s important to remember that no-essay scholarships often have huge applicant pools, which makes winning seem impossible.

If you seriously need scholarship funds to pay for college, you should focus on scholarships that match your academic major , school year , interests, skills, special attributes , qualifications, and more. You can also find scholarships designed for someone with your background.

Is there a good time to apply for a no-essay scholarship?

Deadlines for no-essay scholarships are variable, so there’s no “season” or perfect time to apply for one. Unlike college applications, which generally have a standardized time frame, scholarship deadlines vary.

You should start applying for scholarships as soon as possible, whether they require an essay or not. High school is a busy time and you’ll increase your odds of winning a scholarship if you submit as many applications as possible.

Can I apply for multiple no-essay scholarships?

There is no limit on how many scholarships you apply for, including no-essay scholarships. Even if you applied for a scholarship before and didn’t win, it doesn't mean you're prohibited from applying again.

Winning scholarships is partially a numbers game. The more scholarships you apply to, the greater your chances are of winning. Apply for as many scholarships as you are eligible for and don't get discouraged if you don't win. Applying for scholarships is difficult, especially if you're focused on awards with few requirements.

How much are no-essay scholarships worth?

The amount you can win from a no-essay scholarship truly depends on the award. Some awards may be as little as $500, while others may give out $50,000.

For example, the Niche $25,000 "No Essay" Scholarship gives out - you guessed it - $25,000. In general, you should expect that generous scholarships that don't require essays will be highly competitive. A basic rule of thumb is that if it's easy to apply for, it will be harder to win.

Are no-essay scholarships harder to find?

With so many students attending college and struggling to afford it these days, scholarship providers are often overwhelmed when trying to choose a winner. That's why essays are so effective in sorting out the right candidate.

No-essay scholarships may be harder to find than scholarships that require a written essay. However, that doesn't mean they’re impossible to find.

Are video scholarships easier to apply for than no-essay scholarships?

In the era of TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, and Snapchat, it’s easier for some students to create videos instead of writing essays. However, many students don't realize you still have to write a script if you're applying for a scholarship with video components.

Creating a video script from scratch is not that dissimilar from writing an essay. Plus, you may have to do several takes before you get one that is usable.

Should I prioritize no-essay scholarships over scholarships that require an essay?

If you're someone who's not confident in their writing skills, you may feel like looking for no-essay scholarships is the better plan. But, don’t give up. Scholarship providers aren't necessarily looking for the most well-written essay. Instead, they are looking for the student who best fits what they’re looking for. The essay is just one tool to sell yourself.

Plus, you can always ask someone, like a teacher, parent, or another adult, to read through your essay before you submit it. You can also ask them to help you brainstorm what you should write before you start crafting it. There are multiple ways to get around not having the best writing skills.

Do I have to be in college to apply for a no-essay scholarship?

One of the easiest things you can do to win more scholarship money is to start applying for awards early. Some middle school students may even be eligible for scholarships. You should at least start looking while you’re a high school freshman .

Some students also have the opposite problem and think that just because they're already enrolled in college, they no longer qualify for scholarships. Unless you have graduated from college, you can still apply for scholarships.

Can current college students apply for no-essay scholarships?

Many students think that you must be a high school student to be eligible for a scholarship. However, that’s a common misconception. In fact, current college students can still qualify for undergraduate scholarships , even no-essay scholarships.

Are graduate students eligible for no-essay scholarships?

While some students believe that only undergraduate students are eligible for no-essay scholarships, graduate students may be eligible for dozens of different no-essay scholarships.

For example, the Science Go Seek Scholarship is available to high school students, undergraduate students, and even graduate students. Awards are given out monthly. There is no essay required. has a variety of monthly no-essay scholarships available.

Are there scholarships with in-between essay requirements?

If you’re not inherently opposed to writing essays, you will find a larger number of awards you can apply for. Remember, while no-essay scholarships may seem enticing, there are plenty of scholarships that have low essay requirements.

Many scholarships asks for one essay that is 250 words or less. That’s a fairly small essay requirement, compared to other essay scholarship requirements.

What are your chances of acceptance?

Calculate for all schools, your chance of acceptance.

Duke University

Your chancing factors


$2 222 no essay smart owl scholarship

28 Super Easy Scholarships to Apply for in 2023

What’s covered:, 28 easy scholarships to apply for, strategies for applying to easy scholarships.

Applying for scholarships is an important part of preparing for college. Given how expensive higher education is, these awards can relieve lots of anxiety and provide students with unique opportunities. Unlike loans, scholarships do not have to be paid back.

That said, after a grueling college application process, the thought of completing more applications can feel overwhelming to many students. Fortunately, there are plenty of easy scholarships you can apply for in under an hour. Some don’t even require essays. We’ve rounded up X super-quick scholarships with applications you’ll complete in no time at all.

1. CollegeVine Scholarships

Amount: $2,000

Deadline: Quarterly

Eligibility: High school student and US resident

Application Requirements: Create a free CollegeVine account or fill out your chancing profile if you already have an account

CollegeVine provides a quarterly, no-essay scholarship of $2,000. All you have to do is sign up for a free account, which allows you to see your chances of acceptance at 1,600+ schools, get your essays reviewed by a peer, ask questions in our community forum, and more. If you already have an account, just make sure your chancing profile is filled out.

Awards will be paid out directly to students to help them cover any educational costs. Learn more about the CollegeVine scholarships .

2. Because College Is Expensive Scholarship

Amount: $500

Deadline: End of each quarter at 11:59 pm EST

Eligibility: High school sophomores, juniors, and seniors, college students, and graduate students

Application Requirements: Simple online form

Cedar Education Lending gives out the aptly-named Because College Is Expensive Scholarship once per quarter. All you need to do to apply is complete a simple form, and you’ll be entered into a $500 random drawing.

3. I Have a Dream Scholarship  

Amount: $1,500

Deadline: January 31, 2024

Eligibility: Must be a legal U.S. resident; must be at least 14 years old at the time of application

Application Requirements: Short answer question

For this scholarship, applicants will submit an online written response to the following prompt in 250 words or fewer:

“We want to know… what do you dream about? Whether it’s some bizarre dream you had last week, or your hopes for the future, share your dreams with us for a chance to win $1,500 for college.”

4. SmarterCollege Scholarship

Amount: $2,500

Deadline: Recurring (next deadline is June 30, 2023)

Eligibility: Must be at least 17 years old; must be a US resident

All you have to do to apply for this scholarship is complete a 5 question application! You can apply each month.

5. Cappex Easy Money Scholarship

Amount: $1,000

Deadline: The end of each month

Eligibility: Must be a registered Cappex user; must be at least 13 years old; must be a US resident; must be planning to enroll in an accredited post-secondary institution of higher learning within 4 years

In order to enter this scholarship contest, sponsored by Cappex, all you need to do is complete the online registration form. Perhaps that’s why it’s called “Easy Money!”

6. “No Essay” College Scholarship

Deadline: Monthly (next deadline is May 31, 2023)

Eligibility: High school students, college students, and others planning to attend college or graduate school within the next year ( additional eligibility requirements )

As noted in the name, this scholarship requires no essay to enter. The recipient is selected by a random drawing, and you can enter once per month. If you win, you can use the award for education-related expenses, such as tuition, housing, and books.

7. No Essay Smart Owl Scholarship

Deadline: May 29, 2023

Eligibility: Must be at least 16 years old and a U.S. resident in any state, territory, or the District of Columbia, except for Rhode Island and Michigan; must be enrolled in a U.S. high school, college, or university

When you create an account on Scholarship Owl on or after April 30th, 2023, you’ll automatically be entered to win the scholarship. You can then enter again once every seven days during the Sweepstakes Period. 

8. Make Me Laugh

Deadline: August 31, 2023

Here’s one for the comedians out there. This is not only an opportunity to win $1,500 in scholarship money but also a chance to showcase your comedy set. In 250 words or fewer, respond to this prompt:

“OMG… finding and applying for scholarships is serious business, but it’s time to lighten things up a little. We don’t want to know why you deserve $1,500 or how great your grades are, we simply want to LOL. Describe an incident in your life, funny or embarrassing (fact or fiction), and make us laugh!”

9. ScholarshipPoints Scholarship

Deadline: Monthly

Eligibility: Legal residents of the U.S. who are at least 13 years old; must sign up as a member of

This simple online form secures $2,500 scholarships for randomly selected students each month. Completing the form means you will be automatically entered.

10. Flavor of the Month Scholarship

Deadline: July 31, 2023

I don’t know about you, but I love ice cream. The premise of this scholarship is simple: you just need to talk about your favorite flavor of the (objectively) best dessert out there. In 250 words or fewer, respond to this prompt:

“Summer and ice cream go hand-in-hand. In fact, July is National Ice Cream Month, and that’s the inspiration behind this award. We think people are very similar to ice cream; some are nutty, others a little exotic, while some are very comforting. If you were an ice cream flavor, which would you be and why?”

11. Courage to Grow Scholarship

Eligibility: Must be a high school junior or senior or a college student with a minimum GPA of 2.5 and a U.S. citizen

This scholarship is awarded once per month. To enter, you just need to describe in 250 words or fewer why you believe you should receive the scholarship.

12. College Is Power Scholarship

Deadline: May 31, 2023

Eligibility: Must be at least 17 years old and plan to start college within the next 12 months or already be enrolled; must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident

Full- or part-time students may apply for this easy scholarship. Judging is mainly based on your response to the following prompt, which you should address in 150 words or fewer:

“What is your primary goal for going to school?”

13. Nitro Scholarship

Eligibility: Must be at least 17 years old and a high school senior or college student, parent of a high school senior or college student, or loan-paying college graduate or parent of a graduate; must be a legal U.S. resident

This scholarship, open to both students and their parents, is offered once per month. All you need to do is complete a short form to enter the competition.

14. SuperCollege Scholarship

Deadline: May 31, 2023 

Eligibility: High school seniors, college or graduate students, or adults planning to enroll in college or university; must be a permanent U.S. resident; Employees, officers, and directors (and their relatives) of SuperCollege and its affiliates are not eligible

To enter the SuperCollege Scholarship drawing, you just need to complete this form . Winners are chosen at random and may apply the award to education-related expenses.

15. Tallo + Niche Scholarship

Eligibility: Must be 13 years of age

Application Requirements: Create a profile and short answer questions

You don’t need to write an essay for this scholarship—you just need to create a profile on the sponsoring site, click “Opportunities,” and enter “Niche” in the keyword field. From there, you can apply by answering very brief questions:

“What’s your next step after school? Is there a company you have your eye on? Tell us! Just answer a few questions—no essays, we promise—and you’ll be entered to win!”

16. $40,000 BigFuture Scholarships

Eligibility: High school students, college students, community college students, and graduate students

Application Requirements: Make account and complete simple steps

The College Board offers scholarships with easy requirements—advance your college application process. You get entries into their drawing for things like building your college list, practicing for the SAT, exploring scholarships, strengthening your college list, completing the FAFSA, and applying to colleges.

17. Book Recommendation Scholarship

Amount: $1,300

Eligibility: N/A

Application Requirements: Simple online form and short answer question

All you have to do to get entered to win this scholarship is register and answer the following question in one sentence:

“What is a good book you’d recommend to a friend for the summer?”

18. $5,000 Christian Connector Scholarship

Amount: $5,000

Eligibility: Must request Christian college, university, and/or Bible college information; must be enrolling for the first time as a full-time student at a Christ-centered Christian college, university, or Bible college

Students planning to attend a Christian college can fill out a simple online form to submit for this online drawing, which will surely draw fewer students than others on the list. 

19. $2,000 CampusReel Virtual Tour Scholarship

Deadline: June 30, 2023

Eligibility: Open to all high school, college, community and graduate students

Application Requirements: Watch a video

Students can easily get their name entered into this lucrative drawing by watching a student-led virtual tour!

20. Annual Catholic College Scholarship

Eligibility: Must be at least 13 years old

To submit to this drawing, students must complete a form to receive information from Catholic colleges and universities.

21. Community Champions Scholarship

Eligibility: Must have applied to or be enrolled in a degree program; or the parent or legal guardian of a person who has applied to or who is enrolled in a degree program; Must be legal resident of the US; Must be age 18 or older

Application Requirements: Social media engagement and a simple online form

To be entered in this drawing, students must follow @AscentFunding on Instagram,“like” a specific post, tag two friends in a post with a specific hashtag, save the post, and complete a contact form.

22. Shining Stars Scholarship

To be entered in this drawing, students must follow @AscentFunding on Instagram,“like” a specific post, leave a comment about mental health with a specific hashtag, save the post, and complete a contact form.

23. Zombie Apocalypse Scholarship

Deadline: October 31, 2023

Eligibility: Students age 14 or older; Must be planning to enroll in a postsecondary institution sometime before the Fall of 2027

This application asks you to respond to a specific prompt in 250 words or less:

“ Describe your escape plan if there were a zombie outbreak at your school.”

24. Education Matters Scholarship

Deadline: November 30, 2023

Eligibility: Must be U.S. student; Must be 14 years of age or older; Must be a legal U.S. resident

To submit to this competition, students must respond to the following prompt in 250 words or less:

“What would you say to someone who thinks education doesn’t matter, or that college is a waste of time and money?”

25. Top Ten List Scholarship

Deadline: December 31, 2023

“Create a Top Ten List of the top ten reasons you should get this scholarship.”

26. Unigo $10k Scholarship

Amount: $10,000

“Would you rather be smart, funny or rich? Why?”

27. Too Cool to Pay for School No Essay Scholarship

Deadline: Quarterly (next deadline is June 30, 2023)

Eligibility: Must be high school, college, or graduate school student; Must be currently enrolled full time (in high school or at an accredited university) or planning on enrolling within 24 months

This easy online form submits you for a drawing that will happen four times this year.

28. Around the Corner from College Scholarship

Deadline: June 30th, 2023

Eligibility: Open to current high school students (freshman, sophomores, juniors, and seniors)

This drawing requires filling out a quick and simple online form.

1. Apply to as many easy scholarships as possible. 

Given that many of these scholarships are lottery-based, it’s easy to apply. Even those that have short essays require minimal time to complete the application process, so they won’t eat up too much of your day. You can maximize your chances of winning one by applying to as many as possible.

Additionally, many of these scholarships you can apply to every month. Make a schedule and fill out the simple online forms for each drawing.

2. Balance easy scholarships out with more specific ones.

You shouldn’t focus solely on “easy” scholarships since your odds of winning are much lower. Because applying to these scholarships takes minimal effort, they draw a high number of entrants. This means your odds of winning are lower than they are for scholarships with a more rigorous application process. 

If you apply to scholarships that are tailored to your profile and require more of a time commitment to enter, you will increase your award potential. That might mean entering scholarship contests for people who share your background or demographics or for students intending to study a certain discipline. Find more opportunities on the scholarship section of our blog .

3. Apply to schools with generous merit scholarships.

Most scholarship money comes from schools themselves and not external providers. Many schools consider students for merit scholarships just based on their application, so it’s no extra work; in fact, many schools have automatic scholarships based on SAT/ACT scores . Applying to schools where you’re in the top 75th percentile or above in terms of grades and test scores can maximize your chances of getting merit scholarships.

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CollegeVine “$2,000 No Essay CollegeVine Scholarship — June 30, 2024” Official Rules




The terms contained herein, together with any additional supplemental rules or guidelines represent the complete set of terms for this CollegeVine “$2,000 No Essay CollegeVine Scholarship — June 30, 2024” (“Official Rules”).

PROMOTION PERIOD: Entry to the “$2,000 No Essay CollegeVine Scholarship — June 30, 2024” (the “Sweepstakes”) begins on April 1, 2024 at 12:00AM EDT and ends on June 30, 2024 at 11:59PM EDT (the “Promotion Period”). These Official Rules apply to this Sweepstakes. Entries into this Sweepstakes must be received during the Promotion Period. The Sponsor's computer is the official time keeping device for all Sweepstakes.

ELIGIBILITY: This Sweepstakes is open only to natural persons who meet the following criteria at the time and date of entry: (a) student enrolled in grade 9, 10, 11, or 12 and (b) at least thirteen (13) years of age (“Entrant”).

Eligible Entrants who are under the legal age of majority in their state of primary residence (a “Minor”) must have their parent or legal guardian’s permission to participate in the Sweepstakes.

A Minor Entrant will be required to provide parental consent in a form satisfactory to the Sponsor before they can be declared a winner and any prize can be awarded under the terms of these Official Rules.

Void in Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, United States territories, possessions, protectorates, foreign-based United States military installations, and wherever restricted or prohibited by law.

Sponsor, employees of Sponsor, and all of their respective partners, parent companies, divisions, subsidiaries, affiliates, trustees, advertising, promotion and public relations agencies, and their respective officers, directors, employees, agents, independent contractors, representatives and agencies, the named school, the district in which the school sits, and their respective officers, directors, employees, agents, independent contractors, representatives and agencies (collectively, the “Sweepstakes Entities”) are not eligible to participate in the Sweepstakes and/or win a Prize (as defined below).  Additionally, immediate family members of such employees and persons living in the same household as such employees (whether related or not) are not eligible to win.  For the purposes of this Sweepstakes, “immediate family members” is defined as spouse, domestic partner, mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, children, siblings, and their spouses and “persons living in the same household” shall mean people who share the same residence at least three (3) months a year, whether legally related or not. 

Sponsor is not responsible for any type of personal, income, federal, state, local, judicial or other taxes imposed on the winner’s winnings.

Entrant, or, if applicable, Minor Entrant’s parent or legal guardian, may be required to provide Sponsor a copy or digital image of your government-issued ID to confirm your identity. Sponsor may request additional and/or secondary information to prove your identity after the receipt of your initial documents. You have the right to refuse to provide any and all requested documents; however, you acknowledge that by refusing to provide any documents requested by Sponsor which may be required by law or for identity verification or security purposes, in the time period requested, your prize may be forfeited. By forfeiting a prize or the right to a prize Sponsor shall have no obligation to provide compensation.

You understand that you may not be eligible to win a prize due to your local laws if you are a Minor. In some cases, the parent or legal guardian of a Minor may be able to accept the prize on your behalf. In such cases where a parent or legal guardian is able to accept the prize, we may request additional information from and about the parent or legal guardian.

AGREEMENT TO OFFICIAL RULES: Sweepstakes will be conducted by Sponsor and each Entrant who participates (or their parent or legal guardian if an Eligible Minor Entrant) in the Sweepstakes unconditionally accepts and agrees to comply with, abide by, and have all participation subject to these Official Rules and the decisions of the Sponsor, which shall be binding with respect to all aspect of the Sweepstakes. Sponsor reserves the right to determine Entrant’s eligibility based on the criteria set forth in these Official Rules.

Winning a prize requires that the potential winner of the prize is, and remains, in compliance with these Official Rules, and any additional or supplementary rules, terms, or conditions, and timely returns all prize claim documentation. Until a potential winner is verified to be eligible and in compliance with these Official Rules, and any additional or supplementary rules, terms, or conditions, the potential winner is, and will remain, a potential winner, unless the potential winner is disqualified for not complying with the Official Rules, and any additional or supplementary rules, terms, or conditions, and/or not being eligible to participate in the Sweepstakes. Display or announcement of potential winner’s name does not guarantee the prize will be awarded. Sponsor reserves the right to disqualify any potential winner who Sponsor, in its sole and absolute discretion, determines is not permitted by law to receive a prize. Sponsor is not required to conduct any advertising or public relations associated with a winner.

HOW TO ENTER THE SWEEPSTAKES: To participate and enter the Sweepstakes, you will need a CollegeVine account (“CollegeVine Account”), you must complete your profile. If you do not already have a CollegeVine Account visit (“CollegeVine Website”) to create your free account. By submitting your information and creating a CollegeVine Account, you will be required to agree to the CollegeVine terms and conditions and privacy notice. If you do not agree to the CollegeVine terms and conditions and privacy notice you cannot create a CollegeVine Account. Creating more than one account is strictly prohibited. After creating your account, you will be able to complete your profile at .

Only one entry is allowed per person. Additional entries beyond the specified limit or submitted after the Promotion Period will be void. Any entries that do not comply with the Official Rules and any additional or supplementary rules, terms, or conditions provided on the Sweepstakes Page, are void. All entries submitted in compliance with the Official Rules, and any additional or supplementary rules, terms, or conditions provided on the Sweepstakes Page, and not disqualified are considered “Eligible” for the purposes of the Sweepstakes.

Alternative Means of Entry (AMOE): To obtain one (1) entry without booking and attending a guidance session, Entrant must legibly handprint their first and last name, grade, school, mailing address, city, state, ZIP code, and complete e-mail address on a piece of paper and mail in a handwritten envelope which includes Entrant’s handwritten return address in the upper left-hand corner. The envelope must have sufficient postage and be free of any extraneous decoration, drawing, stickers, or tape. Mail to: CollegeVine, Attention: “$2,000 No Essay CollegeVine Scholarship — June 30, 2024”, 68 Harrison Ave, Ste 605, Boston, MA 02111-1929 (“Mail-in Entry”). Mail-In Entry and envelope must be legibly handwritten. Mechanical reproductions, postage-due, and Mail-In Entries sent in excess of the entry limits will not be accepted. Mail-In Entries received without a verifiable and legible residential return address as required herein or in any adorned envelope will be deemed incomplete and void. Mail-In Entries must include all required information (as provided above) to be considered a valid entry. Bulk shipments (multiple entries in one shipping package) will not be accepted and will be destroyed. Mail-In Entry must be postmarked during the Promotion Period and received no later than three (3) days after the end of the Promotion Period. Earn one (1) entry per valid Mail-In Entry. Entrant is limited to one (1) Mail-in Entry during the Promotion Period. Requests for confirmation of receipt of Mail-In Entry will not be acknowledged. No photo copies, facsimiles, or reproductions of Mail-In Entry will be accepted. Sponsor is not responsible for late, lost, damaged, stolen, incomplete, illegible, postage due, or misdirected entries. Proof of mailing does not constitute proof of delivery. By using this AMOE method, Entrant agrees that any other entries using other methods will be void.

Important notice regarding online entry from your mobile device: Depending on your wireless service provider/plan, Entrant may be subject to additional fees when using a mobile device in connection with entering and participating in the Sweepstakes or communicating with Sponsor or its representatives. Entrant is solely responsible for all charges, fees and taxes associated with entry and participation in this Sweepstakes. Entrant should consult their wireless service provider regarding its pricing plans prior to participating via a mobile device.

LIMITS OF ENTRY: All rules, guidelines, and terms and conditions of Sponsor apply. By entering, Entrant, or, if applicable, Minor Entrant’s parent or legal guardian, is confirming their acceptance and agreement to these Official Rules, and any additional or supplementary rules, terms, or conditions provided.

Entries generated by a script, computer programs, macro, programmed, robotic or other automated means are void and subject to disqualification and suspension. Entries that are in excess of the stated limits, incomplete, illegible, corrupted, damaged, destroyed, forged, false, lost, late or misdirected, deceptive or otherwise not in compliance with the Official Rules, and any additional or supplementary rules, terms, or conditions provided, may be disqualified from the Sweepstakes at Sponsor’s sole and absolute discretion. Entries submitted by Entrants who do not meet the eligibility requirements (including all requirements with respect to age and residence) are void. Winners may be required to show proof of eligibility. Those who do not follow all of the instructions, provide the required information, or abide by these Official Rules, and any additional or supplementary rules, terms, or conditions provided on the Sweepstakes Page, and/or other instructions of Sponsor may be disqualified. The Sponsor may run multiple campaigns, contests, sweepstakes, or other promotions simultaneously. Entry into one (1) Sweepstakes does not constitute entry into any other.

Sponsor is not responsible for incorrect or inaccurate entry of information by Entrant, or, if applicable, Minor Entrant’s parent or legal guardian; lost or late entries or transmissions; interrupted or unavailable network, server, or other connections; scrambled transmissions or other errors or problems of any kind whether mechanical, human, or electronic, technical malfunctions of any computer hardware, software, or any combinations thereof; or problems associated with any virus or any other damage caused to entrants’ systems. Incomplete or ineligible entries will be voided.

Entrant may not create or use more than one email or CollegeVine Account to enter the Sweepstakes. Creating multiple accounts on CollegeVine to use for entry into any Sweepstakes is strictly prohibited. Entrants found to have created or used multiple accounts to enter the Sweepstakes will be disqualified.

Sweepstakes entries cannot be purchased, are non-transferrable, and may not be bought, sold, traded, bartered, or transferred from one person to another by any means.

HOW AND WHEN WINNERS WILL BE DETERMINED: One potential winner will be selected in a random drawing conducted by the Sponsor to be held on or about July 14, 2024, from among all Eligible Entries received during the Promotion Period. Proof of transmission is not proof of receipt. All decisions of the Sponsor are final and binding with respect to all matters related to the Sweepstakes.

WINNER NOTIFICATION/VALIDATION: The potential winner will be notified by email using the email provided in their entry. The potential winner, or their parent or legal guardian if they are a Minor Entrant, may be required to execute and return an IRS Form W9 and Affidavit of Eligibility/Release of Liability/Publicity form (“Affidavit”) (where legal) by the date specified in the notification or if one is not specified then five (5) business days. Noncompliance within this time period, or with these Official Rules, and any additional or supplementary rules, terms, or conditions provided, or the return of any prize/prize notification may result in disqualification, and, at Sponsor’s discretion, time period permitted, an alternate potential winner may be selected. The prize will be fulfilled approximately two (2) weeks after winner validation has been completed. Any Winner later determined to be ineligible may be required to return their prize and may be prohibited from entering or winning any future Sweepstakes or other promotions conducted by Sponsor.

The Sponsor is not responsible for and shall not be liable for late, lost, damaged, intercepted, misdirected, or unsuccessful efforts to notify the potential winners, for late, lost, misdirected, or unsuccessful efforts of potential winner to provide consent.

PRIZE(S) AND ODDS: One (1) Winner will receive a US$2,000 cash prize (the “Prize”). The cash prize will be paid to the Winner (or if Winner is a minor to the Winner’s parent or guardian) by check, wire transfer, or through a third-party electronic payment service selected by Sponsor. No transfer, substitution, or cash alternative redemption will be awarded in lieu of the stated prize except by Sponsor, who reserves the right to substitute a prize (or portion thereof) of comparable or greater value, in its sole discretion. All prize details are at the sole discretion of the Sponsor. Odds of winning depend on number and timing of eligible entries in the Sweepstakes. The Approximate Retail Value (“ARV”) of the Prize is US$2,000 dollars.

There is no substitution for any Prize or any portion thereof and no refunds will be given for any unused or unclaimed portion of the Prize, except in Sponsor’s sole discretion. The Prize is not transferable, assignable, or redeemable for cash. All Prize details are at Sponsor’s sole discretion.

Winner, or their parent or legal guardian if the Winner is a Minor, is solely responsible for the reporting and payment of any and all federal, state and local taxes as well as any other costs and expenses associated with acceptance and use of a Prize not specified herein as being awarded. Winner may be issued an IRS Form 1099-Misc based on the ARV of the Prize awarded.

DELIVERY DISCLAIMER: The Sponsor disclaims all liability for the inability of an Entrant to complete an entry due to equipment malfunction, busy lines, inadvertent disconnections, acts beyond their control, or otherwise. The Sponsor disclaims all liability for any delays, misdelivery, loss, or failure in the delivery of any item sent by electronic transmission or other delivery method. The Sponsor is not responsible for human, mechanical, technical, electronic, communications, telephone, computer, hardware or software errors, malfunctions or failures of any kind, including: any form of active or passive filtering, insufficient space in participant's e-mail account to receive e-mail messages, failed, incomplete, garbled or delayed transmission of online entries, traffic congestion on telephone lines, the Internet, or on any website, or lost or unavailable network connections which may limit an Entrant’s ability to participate in the Sweepstakes. No mechanically reproduced entries or facsimiles will be accepted. Entries void if incomplete, defective, altered, forged, illegible, or received outside authorized channels. Sponsor reserves the right at its sole discretion, to disqualify any individual (and all of their entries, or any portion thereof) who tampers with the entry process.


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GENERAL DISCLAIMERS: By participating in the Sweepstakes, Entrant (or if Entrant is a Minor then the parent or legal guardian of the Minor Entrant,) agrees to release, discharge, indemnify, and hold harmless the Released Parties from and against any and all claims, liability, costs (including attorneys’ fees), losses, damages, fines or injuries (up to and including bodily injury and death) of any kind arising out of or related to: (i) Entrant’s participation in the Sweepstakes; (ii) any acceptance, possession, misuse or use of any Prize (including, without limitation, losses, damages or injuries to Entrant’s or any other person’s equipment or other property, or to their persons, including those arising from any travel to/from and participation in any Prize event or activity); (iii) the Released Parties’ violation of rights of publicity or privacy, claims of defamation or portrayal in a false light or based on any claim of infringement of intellectual property; and (iv) any typographical, human or other error in the printing, offering, selection, operation or announcement of any Sweepstakes activity and/or Prize. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Entrant (or if Entrant is a Minor then the parent or legal guardian of the Minor Entrant), agrees that the Released Parties have neither made nor will be in any manner responsible or liable for any warranty, representation or guarantee, express or implied, in fact or in law, in connection with the Sweepstakes and/or with respect to Prizes, including, without limitation, to any Prize’s quality or fitness for a particular purpose. Entrant (or if Entrant is a Minor then the parent or legal guardian of the Minor Entrant) agrees that the Released Parties shall have no responsibility or liability for discontinued prizes; human error; incorrect or inaccurate transcription of registration and/or account information; any technical malfunctions of the telephone or data network, computer online system, computer dating mechanism, computer equipment, software, social media platform, or Internet service provider utilized by Sponsor; interruption or inability to access the website, application or any online service via the Internet due to hardware or software compatibility problems; any damage to Entrant’s (or any third person’s) computer or mobile device and/or its contents related to or resulting from any part of the Sweepstakes; any lost/delayed data transmissions, omissions, interruptions, viruses, bugs, defects; and/or any other errors or malfunctions, even if caused by the negligence of the Released Parties. The Released Parties are not responsible for any changes or unavailability of the wireless carrier, internet service provider, or the website(s) used for purposes of administering the Sweepstakes that may interfere with the Sweepstakes (including any limitations, any restrictions, or any conditions on Sponsor’s ability to use the website for the Sweepstakes as set forth herein that are not acceptable to Sponsor) or ability of Entrant to timely enter, receive notices, or communicate with Sponsor via the website, SMS text service, or email platform, in which case Sponsor, in its sole discretion, may terminate or modify the Sweepstakes.

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No Preclusive Effect. No award or finding or stipulation of fact by the arbitrator will have any preclusive or collateral estoppel effect in any other arbitration or court, unless it involves the exact same parties.

Severability. If any part of this arbitration provision is deemed to be invalid, unenforceable or illegal, then the balance of this arbitration provision shall remain in effect and shall be construed in accordance with its terms as if the invalid, unenforceable or illegal provision were not contained herein.

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  18. 28 Super Easy Scholarships to Apply for in 2023

    7. No Essay Smart Owl Scholarship. Amount: $1,000. Deadline: May 29, 2023. Eligibility: Must be at least 16 years old and a U.S. resident in any state, territory, or the District of Columbia, except for Rhode Island and Michigan; must be enrolled in a U.S. high school, college, or university.

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