50 Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking Examples

Critical thinking and problem solving are essential skills for success in the 21st century. Critical thinking is the ability to analyze information, evaluate evidence, and draw logical conclusions. Problem solving is the ability to apply critical thinking to find effective solutions to various challenges. Both skills require creativity, curiosity, and persistence. Developing critical thinking and problem solving skills can help students improve their academic performance, enhance their career prospects, and become more informed and engaged citizens.

critical thinking success stories

Sanju Pradeepa

Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking Examples

In today’s complex and fast-paced world, the ability to think critically and solve problems effectively has become a vital skill for success in all areas of life. Whether it’s navigating professional challenges, making sound decisions, or finding innovative solutions, critical thinking and problem-solving are key to overcoming obstacles and achieving desired outcomes. In this blog post, we will explore problem-solving and critical thinking examples.

Table of Contents

Developing the skills needed for critical thinking and problem solving.

Developing the skills needed for critical thinking and problem solving

It is not enough to simply recognize an issue; we must use the right tools and techniques to address it. To do this, we must learn how to define and identify the problem or task at hand, gather relevant information from reliable sources, analyze and compare data to draw conclusions, make logical connections between different ideas, generate a solution or action plan, and make a recommendation.

The first step in developing these skills is understanding what the problem or task is that needs to be addressed. This requires careful consideration of all available information in order to form an accurate picture of what needs to be done. Once the issue has been identified, gathering reliable sources of data can help further your understanding of it. Sources could include interviews with customers or stakeholders, surveys, industry reports, and analysis of customer feedback.

After collecting relevant information from reliable sources, it’s important to analyze and compare the data in order to draw meaningful conclusions about the situation at hand. This helps us better understand our options for addressing an issue by providing context for decision-making. Once you have analyzed the data you collected, making logical connections between different ideas can help you form a more complete picture of the situation and inform your potential solutions.

Once you have analyzed your options for addressing an issue based on all available data points, it’s time to generate a solution or action plan that takes into account considerations such as cost-effectiveness and feasibility. It’s also important to consider the risk factors associated with any proposed solutions in order to ensure that they are responsible before moving forward with implementation. Finally, once all the analysis has been completed, it is time to make a recommendation based on your findings, which should take into account any objectives set out by stakeholders at the beginning of this process as well as any other pertinent factors discovered throughout the analysis stage.

By following these steps carefully when faced with complex issues, one can effectively use critical thinking and problem-solving skills in order to achieve desired outcomes more efficiently than would otherwise be possible without them, while also taking responsibility for decisions made along the way.

what does critical thinking involve

What Does Critical Thinking Involve: 5 Essential Skill

Problem-solving and critical thinking examples.

Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking Examples

Problem-solving and critical thinking are key skills that are highly valued in any professional setting. These skills enable individuals to analyze complex situations, make informed decisions, and find innovative solutions. Here, we present 25 examples of problem-solving and critical thinking. problem-solving scenarios to help you cultivate and enhance these skills.

Ethical dilemma: A company faces a situation where a client asks for a product that does not meet quality standards. The team must decide how to address the client’s request without compromising the company’s credibility or values.

Brainstorming session: A team needs to come up with new ideas for a marketing campaign targeting a specific demographic. Through an organized brainstorming session, they explore various approaches and analyze their potential impact.

Troubleshooting technical issues : An IT professional receives a ticket indicating a network outage. They analyze the issue, assess potential causes (hardware, software, or connectivity), and solve the problem efficiently.

Negotiation : During contract negotiations, representatives from two companies must find common ground to strike a mutually beneficial agreement, considering the needs and limitations of both parties.

Project management: A project manager identifies potential risks and develops contingency plans to address unforeseen obstacles, ensuring the project stays on track.

Decision-making under pressure: In a high-stakes situation, a medical professional must make a critical decision regarding a patient’s treatment, weighing all available information and considering potential risks.

Conflict resolution: A team encounters conflicts due to differing opinions or approaches. The team leader facilitates a discussion to reach a consensus while considering everyone’s perspectives.

Data analysis: A data scientist is presented with a large dataset and is tasked with extracting valuable insights. They apply analytical techniques to identify trends, correlations, and patterns that can inform decision-making.

Customer service: A customer service representative encounters a challenging customer complaint and must employ active listening and problem-solving skills to address the issue and provide a satisfactory resolution.

Market research : A business seeks to expand into a new market. They conduct thorough market research, analyzing consumer behavior, competitor strategies, and economic factors to make informed market-entry decisions.

Creative problem-solvin g: An engineer faces a design challenge and must think outside the box to come up with a unique and innovative solution that meets project requirements.

Change management: During a company-wide transition, managers must effectively communicate the change, address employees’ concerns, and facilitate a smooth transition process.

Crisis management: When a company faces a public relations crisis, effective critical thinking is necessary to analyze the situation, develop a response strategy, and minimize potential damage to the company’s reputation.

Cost optimization : A financial analyst identifies areas where expenses can be reduced while maintaining operational efficiency, presenting recommendations for cost savings.

Time management : An employee has multiple deadlines to meet. They assess the priority of each task, develop a plan, and allocate time accordingly to achieve optimal productivity.

Quality control: A production manager detects an increase in product defects and investigates the root causes, implementing corrective actions to enhance product quality.

Strategic planning: An executive team engages in strategic planning to define long-term goals, assess market trends, and identify growth opportunities.

Cross-functional collaboration: Multiple teams with different areas of expertise must collaborate to develop a comprehensive solution, combining their knowledge and skills.

Training and development : A manager identifies skill gaps in their team and designs training programs to enhance critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making abilities.

Risk assessment : A risk management professional evaluates potential risks associated with a new business venture, weighing their potential impact and developing strategies to mitigate them.

Continuous improvement: An operations manager analyzes existing processes, identifies inefficiencies, and introduces improvements to enhance productivity and customer satisfaction.

Customer needs analysis: A product development team conducts extensive research to understand customer needs and preferences, ensuring that the resulting product meets those requirements.

Crisis decision-making: A team dealing with a crisis must think quickly, assess the situation, and make timely decisions with limited information.

Marketing campaign analysis : A marketing team evaluates the success of a recent campaign, analyzing key performance indicators to understand its impact on sales and customer engagement.

Constructive feedback: A supervisor provides feedback to an employee, highlighting areas for improvement and offering constructive suggestions for growth.

Conflict resolution in a team project: Team members engaged in a project have conflicting ideas on the approach. They must engage in open dialogue, actively listen to each other’s perspectives, and reach a compromise that aligns with the project’s goals.

Crisis response in a natural disaster: Emergency responders must think critically and swiftly in responding to a natural disaster, coordinating rescue efforts, allocating resources effectively, and prioritizing the needs of affected individuals.

Product innovation : A product development team conducts market research, studies consumer trends, and uses critical thinking to create innovative products that address unmet customer needs.

Supply chain optimization: A logistics manager analyzes the supply chain to identify areas for efficiency improvement, such as reducing transportation costs, improving inventory management, or streamlining order fulfillment processes.

Business strategy formulation: A business executive assesses market dynamics, the competitive landscape, and internal capabilities to develop a robust business strategy that ensures sustainable growth and competitiveness.

Crisis communication: In the face of a public relations crisis, an organization’s spokesperson must think critically to develop and deliver a transparent, authentic, and effective communication strategy to rebuild trust and manage reputation.

Social problem-solving: A group of volunteers addresses a specific social issue, such as poverty or homelessness, by critically examining its root causes, collaborating with stakeholders, and implementing sustainable solutions for the affected population.

Problem-Solving Mindset

Problem-Solving Mindset: How to Achieve It (15 Ways)

Risk assessment in investment decision-making: An investment analyst evaluates various investment opportunities, conducting risk assessments based on market trends, financial indicators, and potential regulatory changes to make informed investment recommendations.

Environmental sustainability: An environmental scientist analyzes the impact of industrial processes on the environment, develops strategies to mitigate risks, and promotes sustainable practices within organizations and communities.

Adaptation to technological advancements : In a rapidly evolving technological landscape, professionals need critical thinking skills to adapt to new tools, software, and systems, ensuring they can effectively leverage these advancements to enhance productivity and efficiency.

Productivity improvement: An operations manager leverages critical thinking to identify productivity bottlenecks within a workflow and implement process improvements to optimize resource utilization, minimize waste, and increase overall efficiency.

Cost-benefit analysis: An organization considering a major investment or expansion opportunity conducts a thorough cost-benefit analysis, weighing potential costs against expected benefits to make an informed decision.

Human resources management : HR professionals utilize critical thinking to assess job applicants, identify skill gaps within the organization, and design training and development programs to enhance the workforce’s capabilities.

Root cause analysis: In response to a recurring problem or inefficiency, professionals apply critical thinking to identify the root cause of the issue, develop remedial actions, and prevent future occurrences.

Leadership development: Aspiring leaders undergo critical thinking exercises to enhance their decision-making abilities, develop strategic thinking skills, and foster a culture of innovation within their teams.

Brand positioning : Marketers conduct comprehensive market research and consumer behavior analysis to strategically position a brand, differentiating it from competitors and appealing to target audiences effectively.

Resource allocation: Non-profit organizations distribute limited resources efficiently, critically evaluating project proposals, considering social impact, and allocating resources to initiatives that align with their mission.

Innovating in a mature market: A company operating in a mature market seeks to innovate to maintain a competitive edge. They cultivate critical thinking skills to identify gaps, anticipate changing customer needs, and develop new strategies, products, or services accordingly.

Analyzing financial statements : Financial analysts critically assess financial statements, analyze key performance indicators, and derive insights to support financial decision-making, such as investment evaluations or budget planning.

Crisis intervention : Mental health professionals employ critical thinking and problem-solving to assess crises faced by individuals or communities, develop intervention plans, and provide support during challenging times.

Data privacy and cybersecurity : IT professionals critically evaluate existing cybersecurity measures, identify vulnerabilities, and develop strategies to protect sensitive data from threats, ensuring compliance with privacy regulations.

Process improvement : Professionals in manufacturing or service industries critically evaluate existing processes, identify inefficiencies, and implement improvements to optimize efficiency, quality, and customer satisfaction.

Multi-channel marketing strategy : Marketers employ critical thinking to design and execute effective marketing campaigns across various channels such as social media, web, print, and television, ensuring a cohesive brand experience for customers.

Peer review: Researchers critically analyze and review the work of their peers, providing constructive feedback and ensuring the accuracy, validity, and reliability of scientific studies.

Project coordination : A project manager must coordinate multiple teams and resources to ensure seamless collaboration, identify potential bottlenecks, and find solutions to keep the project on schedule.  

These examples highlight the various contexts in which problem-solving and critical-thinking skills are necessary for success. By understanding and practicing these skills, individuals can enhance their ability to navigate challenges and make sound decisions in both personal and professional endeavors.


Critical thinking and problem-solving are indispensable skills that empower individuals to overcome challenges, make sound decisions, and find innovative solutions. By honing these skills, one can navigate through the complexities of modern life and achieve success in both personal and professional endeavors. Embrace the power of critical thinking and problem-solving, and unlock the door to endless possibilities and growth.

  • Problem solving From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • Critical thinking From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • The Importance of Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills for Students (5 Minutes)

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Seven critical thinking tactics high-performing leaders use to make informed decisions.

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Critical thinking is a skill that must be developed in leaders, particularly for leaders who might be lacking in this area. Critical thinking allows leaders at every level to evaluate their decision-making and how these decisions ultimately impact results.

What made a leader successful in the past is often not what will make them successful in the future. At each level, a leader must think like a leader at the next level above them to better understand the impact on the systems and people involved in their decisions. As leaders grow within the organization, they become more acutely aware of their priorities, available resources, and how they need to be accountable for their decisions. High performing leaders tend to be tactical in their approach.

Be open-minded and stay curious.  

High-performing leaders know they need to critically think through situations and draw on past experiences. However, do not let past experiences be the sole viewpoint from which you make decisions. Seasoned leaders know that the past is the past for a reason. You can pull valuable data and observations from what worked and what did not work in the past. 

Leaders ask questions. They know there has been progress in their company — new employees who bring their own diverse experiences, talent, skills and abilities into the workplace. New technology can also be incorporated to better manage processes and create new solutions. Success leaves clues. What information do you need to gather to be informed? What are you not seeing?

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Be an observer and listen carefully.  

Whenever possible, a leader should walk amongst their people and see them in action. Connect with individual team members regularly as well as together. Observe their interactions and listen to their questions, concerns and challenges. Challenges provide valuable information about what can be improved. A deeper exploration of the situations employees bring to your attention can result in a big win for your company.

Reflect on learning.  

Exceptional leaders reflect on their experiences and interactions with others. With every new experience, take time to reflect and journal out what was successful, what needs to be improved and what was learned. You can accept feedback that serves you and see how best to integrate it into your practice. Do not be afraid to ask your peers, colleagues or clients for feedback.

As an emerging leader, you may feel pressured to keep implementing without reflecting on your results. With every action made, the two questions that should be asked are: Is the step I am taking aligned with getting the results I want? And did the action I took get the results expected? If not, why? The next step is revealed by answering these questions.

Assimilate new knowledge and experiences.  

As you are exposed to new knowledge and experiences, you need to analyze, evaluate and reason with how this new information can be applied and integrated into what you already know. Dig deeper in your research by collecting facts, figures and statistics to inform your decisions and actions. Every advanced level a leader steps into comes with its own challenges. You may find you now need to adapt or flex to a new situation. What got you here does not always get you there!

Start conversations with others to gain a different perspective.  

For a new leader, it can be affirming and validating to have people agree with their ideas and actions. It can also be limiting to their growth as a leader. Although the old adage suggests you surround yourself with like-minded people, you may want to consider surrounding yourself with people who think and act differently than you. 

When you share stories and engage in conversations with others who have different perspectives, you may discover ways to collaborate, create, or innovate. How do you know you are "right?" You can almost always find the rationale to support your viewpoint. However, your viewpoint may not offer the whole picture of a situation.  

Brainstorm solution-focused ideas.  

You may want to interview or ask others for input on their experience with a similar situation. Share a case study or a scenario. Allow others to contribute to breaking down complex concepts into more manageable pieces. Team members can share the approaches and open the discussion to discovering new ideas otherwise not thought of before. 

The question is not, "How can we approach this?” The questions that will ignite discussion are, "What can we do?" and "What is possible?"

Evaluate the opinions, judgments and decisions of others.  

Many people like to offer their opinions and judgments about what your decision should be in any given situation. When you hear them, you will discover people’s beliefs and fears. It is important to discern what is relevant and what is not. 

What is informing or influencing you? Be careful not to be swayed into pleasing others. No matter the decision, you will find people who support it and others who do not. It is valuable to gain insight and other perspectives. At the end of the day, you or your team will have to make an informed decision — one you all feel confident with.

A high-performing leader demonstrates strong critical-thinking skills and is decisive. They know when they need to be tactical in their approach, and do so with informed decision-making and accountability for results. In what ways can you develop your critical thinking and become more tactical to achieve the results you want?

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Here's How Critical Thinkers Unlock Unimaginable Success On this episode of "The Jeff Fenster Show," Contrarian Thinking founder Codie Sanchez breaks down risk-taking, deal-making, and the personal mental processes that will help you achieve your goals.

By Jeff Fenster Sep 25, 2023

Key Takeaways

  • Contrarian Thinking founder Codie Sanchez emphasizes critical thinking and risk-taking to achieve financial freedom.
  • Starting a "boring" business can be less risky and more profitable in the long run.
  • "Skin in the game" means being willing to put yourself on the line to succeed.
  • Deal-making requires understanding the other party's interests.

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

In a world where innovation often takes center stage, Codie Sanchez , the visionary founder of Contrarian Thinking , reminds us that sometimes, the path to success lies in thinking differently. In a recent interview on The Jeff Fenster Show , Codie shared her inspiring journey of launching a business that began with a single email and has now garnered over a hundred million views and half a million subscribers.

Here are some key takeaways from the interview that shed light on the power of contrarian thinking:

1. Embrace Critical Thinking and Risk-Taking

Codie's story underscores the significance of critical thinking and taking calculated risks. She urges us to step out of our comfort zones, seize opportunities for personal growth, and expand our horizons by subscribing to her newsletter . Codie firmly believes that acquiring new skills, taking risks, and challenging ourselves are essential ingredients for success. To find the right answers, she encourages us to ask the right questions.

2. Gaining the Entrepreneurial Edge With "Skin in the Game"

Codie delves into the concept of "skin in the game," a philosophy that champions putting yourself on the line and embracing risks to achieve your goals. This principle, she emphasizes, is fundamental to entrepreneurial success. To truly thrive, one must be willing to fail, learn, and grow.

3. The Benefits of the "Boring" Business Approach

Codie challenges the perception that flashy businesses are the only path to prosperity. Starting a so-called "boring" business can be less risky and more financially rewarding in the long run. By prioritizing skill-building and knowledge acquisition, individuals can pave the way for significant breakthrough moments.

4. The Art of Deal Making

In their conversation, Codie and Jeff Fenster dissect the art of deal-making, drawing distinctions from the real estate world. Codie emphasizes that deal-making is a process rooted in negotiation and compromise. To strike meaningful agreements, it's crucial to understand the interests of all parties involved and to commit fully to the task at hand.

Codie's Personal Journey

Codie Sanchez's journey exemplifies the power of contrarian thinking in achieving extraordinary success. Her message is clear: embrace critical thinking, take risks, and be willing to put your "skin in the game." Whether you're starting a "boring" business or navigating complex deal-making processes, Codie's insights provide a roadmap to financial freedom and personal growth.

So, as you embark on your own path to success, remember Codie's words of wisdom, and don't hesitate to step outside your comfort zone. Subscribe to Contrarian Thinking and discover the transformative potential of contrarian thinking for yourself. After all, it's in the willingness to challenge conventions that true innovation and success often thrive.

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About The Jeff Fenster Show

Serial entrepreneur Jeff Fenster embarks on an extraordinary journey every week, delving into the stories of exceptional individuals who have defied the norms and blazed their own trails to achieve extraordinary success.

Founder, Everbowl

Jeff Fenster is an award winning entrepreneur, best selling author, podcast host and expert in relationship capital.

His entrepreneurial success is vast - ranging from a quick serve restaurant chain, payroll and HR company, digital marketing agency and a construction company. But no matter what venture Jeff pursues, he lives by the principle of putting people first.

He was named a  Empact100 Showcase Top 100 Entrepreneur  in 2013,  2019's Top 40 Executive Under 40  by the San Diego Business Journal, and a  Top Entrepreneur to Watch for 2020  by Thrive Global.

Jeff’s acclaimed podcast, The Jeff Fenster Show, features successful entrepreneurs, celebrities and athletes sharing their insights and stories of success. Today, Jeff speaks around the country on entrepreneurial mindset, authentic networking and vertical integration.

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critical thinking success stories

The Integrated Teacher

19 Short Stories and Questions For Critical Thinking

Apr 2, 2024

There have been rumblings in different online teacher groups recently about replacing novels with short stories and informational articles in middle and high school English classrooms. I have to admit I was shocked when I first read the comments because I am a book lover at heart, but since then, I’ve considered that there are several pros and cons to this approach.

Short stories and other smaller texts can provide a briefer timeline to complete tasks, and this process is helpful when there is already SO MUCH curriculum to cover. Short stories and related activities can also be more engaging for our students because of the exposure to diverse voices and themes! Using short stories and lessons provides students with amazing choices to meet their needs and preferences!

On the other hand, incorporating mainly short stories and other shorter passages means students’ already-pressed attention spans (as a result of social media influences and pervasive sources of technology) are reinforced. Plus, students miss out on the more complex stories within longer pieces of fiction that are, dare I say, life-altering! A novel can provide opportunities for sustained reading and layers for analysis that shorter pieces of literature like short stories and related texts cannot offer.

Ultimately, no matter where you find yourself on the issue, I think we can all agree that short stories and their counterparts can be vital, effective, and helpful in the modern classroom!

Continue reading for 19 Short Stories and Questions For Critical Thinking!!

Need help with Test Prep ?  Check out this  FREE Pack of 3 Test Prep Activities  to help students achieve success on standardized tests!

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Table of Contents

19 Short Stories and Questions – Suggestions for Teaching Them

You don’t need to remove all novels to be able to include short stories and smaller passages like vignettes, articles, and narratives; there’s a time and place for all genres! But if you’re thinking about ways to include more short stories and fun activities, check out this list of 19 varied short stories and critical thinking questions as well as suggestions for teaching them in middle school and high school.

1.  “The Most Dangerous Game” 

“The Most Dangerous Game” is one of my absolute favorite short stories and overall plots to teach! This suspenseful short story by Richard Connell follows the harrowing ordeal of Sanger Rainsford, a skilled hunter who becomes the prey of a deranged aristocrat named General Zaroff. Stranded on Zaroff’s secluded island, Rainsford must outwit the cunning general in a deadly game of survival, where the stakes are life and death. 

the most dangerous game short stories and activities


  • You could focus on the setting (description of time and place) and examine how the setting changes throughout the story.
  • Students could learn about the plot (major events in the story) and list the major events and evidence as they read.
  • Define foreshadowing (hints for what will happen by the end of the story) and encourage students to hypothesize about what will happen after every page.
  • Analyze the character development (how a character changes over time) of Rainsford and highlight his traits/actions as you read along.


  • How does the setting contribute to the tension and suspense in the story?
  • How does the author use foreshadowing? How does the author hint at the danger Rainford is facing?
  • What inferences can you make about the main character and the changes he undergoes from the beginning to the end of the story?

If you want to teach plot elements and plot analysis , check out this lesson bundle for the story , which includes comprehension quizzes and a variety of activities!

2.  “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge”

Ambrose Bierce’s story is a gripping tale set during the American Civil War, where a Southern civilian named Peyton Farquhar faces execution by hanging after attempting to sabotage a Union railroad bridge. As Farquhar falls through the trapdoor, time seems to stretch, and he experiences a surreal moment, only to realize his grim reality. 

Integrating historical texts with other short stories and passages like “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” will make history come more alive and relevant for our students!

  • Teach about irony (when the opposite occurs from what is expected) and how it plays a role throughout the story.
  • Explain the term characterization (how a character is depicted) by looking at direct and indirect references while reading with your students.
  • Discuss the major themes (messages) of the story and how they connect to our modern era within a Socratic Seminar.
  • How does the author use characterization to convey Peyton Farquhar’s thoughts, emotions, and motivations?
  • What is the purpose of irony in this story? How does its use affect the reader’s interpretation and understanding of events?
  • What is the significance in our contemporary/real world of the themes of the story, including reality and fantasy, the passage of time, and the consequences of actions?

Ensure students’ understanding of the story with this set of reading questions that are perfect for state test prep, too !

an occurence at owl creek bridge short stories and questions

3.  “The Masque of the Red Death”

This chilling tale from Edgar Allan Poe is set in a secluded abbey where Prince Prospero and his wealthy guests attempt to escape a deadly plague known as the Red Death. Despite their isolation efforts, the guests are confronted with their own mortality as a mysterious figure in a blood-red mask appears.

If you have not read any short stories and poems from Poe, this story is a perfect journey into the horror genre!

  • The setting (description of time and place) plays a MAJOR role in the story, so following the Prince from room to room and highlighting the imagery (description that connects to the five senses) is very important when reading.
  • If you have not introduced mood  (emotion intended for the reader to experience), this story is PERFECT for delineating its progression from start to finish.
  • As students read, you might guide them through identifying various examples of  symbolism  (object, person, or place that represents something else); each room, objects within, and the “antagonist” is symbolic in some way!
  • How does the author convey the tone of the story? How would you, as the reader, describe the story’s mood?
  • What role does the plot structure (focus on the different rooms) play in shaping the reader’s understanding of the story?
  • What is the purpose of the symbolism in the story such as the clock and the masked figure?

Check out this EASY-TO-TEACH bundle , you can practice with your students, so they will feel more confident analyzing higher-level language in “The Masque of the Red Death!”

4.  “The Cask of Amontillado”

Another chilling tale from Poe is the classic story “The Cask of Amontillado.” This one is set during Carnival in an unnamed Italian city. The plot centers on a man seeking revenge on a ‘friend’ he believes has insulted him. If your students are anything like mine, they will relish the ending particularly!

This is just one more of Poe’s short stories and tales that will capture the mind of every reader!

  •  As you plan for this short story, be sure to encourage your students to analyze the changing setting (description of time and place); following Fortunato from scene to scene will help your students track what is really going on.
  • This story is the perfect moment to teach about dialogue (conversation within someone=internal and/or between someone and someone/thing else=external); Montresor certainly means more than what he SEEMS to say!
  • You might also offer a mini-lesson on the 3 types of irony and how each plays a role in the story: verbal (when a person says the opposite of what is really intended), situational (an action occurs that is the opposite from what the reader expects), and dramatic (a character expects a result, but the opposite occurs and the audience can tell what will happen)!
  • Describe Montresor. What are his motives and personality?
  • What inferences can you make about Montresor’s mindset based on his dialogue?
  • What is the purpose of the family’s motto and the carnival atmosphere? 

Check out this Short Story Activity & Quiz Bundle for Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Cask of Amontillado,” which contains questions and answers modeled after various reading standardized tests as well as pre-quiz reading comprehension questions, graphic organizers, and a writing activity to get students thinking critically about this classic short story involving REVENGE!

Want 7 more teaching ideas for one of Poe’s epic short stories and questions to go with it? Click below!

questions for the cask of amontillado

5.  “To Build a Fire”

This story by Jack London describes the treacherous journey of a man through the harsh Yukon wilderness during extreme cold. Despite warnings and the company of a loyal dog, the man’s arrogance and underestimation of nature’s power lead to a tragic end.

Short stories and ideas related to survival in nature are still relevant today! Who knows when you might get lost on a hike or crashland in no man’s land?

  • This story is PERFECT for a bit of  literary analysis  (examining the impact of various ideas, elements, or themes within a piece of literature); you could hone in on literary devices, characterization, theme, etc.!
  • Integrating clips from survival shows will help students see connections to the world and extend their thinking by comparing (recognizing similarities) and contrasting (recognizing differences) varied experiences!
  • Write a short narrative about surviving 24 hours in a different setting (description of time and place).
  • How does the author use irony? Provide an example and explain. 
  • What real-world connections can be made between this story and our contemporary life? 
  • What is the story’s message about preparedness and respecting nature?

Grab these engaging short stories and activities to make teaching this Jack London story stress-free!

6.  “The Cactus”

Told from the point of view of a young man at his former lover’s wedding, the narrator retells their story. Like most of O. Henry’s short stories and texts, this one has a twist that involves the titular cactus plant.

The ending will end in a bit of fun for your students!

  • Introduce diction (word choice) and its impact within the story by hyperfocusing on specific words within the story . Students can look up definitions, locate synonyms, create their own sentences, replace the words, etc.
  • Investigate twist endings (unexpected finish to a story); before reading the end of the story, ask students to guess why the girl “rejected” him. Some students may know the answer before reading it!
  • Describe the main characters. What similarities and differences are evident? How does this affect the story’s action?
  • What inferences can you make about Trysdale and his feelings about love and marriage?
  • What are the real and symbolic meanings of the cactus?

This resource packed with questions and answers, graphic organizers, and writing activities is sure to get your students thinking about this love story driven by misconceptions.

short stories and activities image

7.  “After Twenty Years”

This tale of friendship and betrayal focuses on the reunion of two old friends after twenty years apart on a New York City street corner. As they reminisce, something is revealed that demonstrates the reality of their bond as well as the choices they’ve made in life.

If you have not read O. Henry’s short stories and incorporated character analysis yet, this is your chance! The story is not long and can be completed in one to two class periods!

  • Sometimes, we ask students to visualize (create a picture) in their minds, but why not give them the opportunity to use their artistic skills to draw the two characters?
  • As students read, annotate for a description of each character; then, students can do a character analysis (investigation of the characters’ similarities and differences).
  • What type of irony is used in the story? How does its use affect your interpretation and understanding of the story?
  • How does the urban setting contribute to the mood of the story?
  • What is the story’s message about friendship and loyalty?

Examine the links between loyalty and duty with this set of resources designed specifically for this O. Henry story.

8.  “The Lottery”

“The Lottery” is the quintessential short story for middle school or high school English! Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery” tells the story of an annual ritual that takes place in a seemingly idyllic town. When the townsfolk gather for the lottery drawing, a shocking turn of events demonstrates the dark side of human nature and their ties to (outdated) traditions.

  • Introduce the terms suspense (uncertainty and/or excitement leading up to a major event) and tension (anxiety or uneasy feelings experienced by characters). While reading, identify evidence that relates to each of these concepts and chat/write about their impact on meaning and plot.
  • Teach title (the name of the text) analysis. The title of “The Lottery” is perfect for teaching the impact of the title and audience expectations. Before reading, students may write what they believe the story will be about based on the title. After reading, students can complete a quick write responding to their previous expectations! You can do a text analysis for all short stories and poems!
  • What role does the plot structure play in building suspense and tension? (Consider the revelation of the lottery’s ‘prize’ in particular.)
  • What social commentary is being made through the story and its characters?
  • Describe Mr. Summers, Tessie, and Old Man Warner. What does the story reveal about their role in the community and their feelings about the lottery?

Give yours elf a breath of fresh air with this NO PREP curriculum that integrates test prep within the teaching of literature by using Shirley Jackson’s quintessential story!

the lottery short stories and activities

9.  “The Pedestrian”

This Ray Bradbury story follows a lone walker in a futuristic society in which everyone else is consumed by technology, particularly the television. One evening, the walker encounters a police car that questions his unusual behavior and the end is quite unexpected! (Most of Bradbury’s short stories and texts connect to the future and technology in some way!)

  • This story exemplifies Dystopian Literature (texts that include a supposedly perfect future society marred in some way by governmental or societal oppression). Using this story to introduce this type of literature is always fun for students because they will easily make connections to other dystopic short stories and poems!
  • Teach about mood (the emotional impact of a story’s description/action). The goal is to get students to deepen their critical thinking skills by recognizing how the mood changes and the purpose for that change!
  • How does the author use foreshadowing and suspense to build the mood of the story?
  • What is the central theme of the story? How might it connect with our current world?
  • What similes and metaphors does Bradbury use to describe the community and its members? What is notable about these comparisons?

With this resource about Bradbury’s “The Pedestrian,” you can just print and teach the lesson and activities with EASE! 

10.  “The Gift of the Magi”

This 1905 story by O. Henry relays a tale about a couple struggling to make ends meet. Throughout the story, they both figure out gifts to buy one another for Christmas and realize what love truly means!

  • Review character traits (how a character is depicted internally and externally). Log the traits of each character within the story and how they are important to the meaning of the story.
  • Extend (move beyond the text) critical thinking skills by encouraging students to think and write about other people. If they had $1,000 to spend on someone else, how would they spend the money and why?

the gift of the magi short stories and questions

  • How would you describe Della and Jim, and their relationship?
  • What values do the characters have, when you consider their actions and decisions?
  • Explain how dramatic irony is used in the story. Is it necessary? Is it effective? Why or why not?

This tale is a great addition to your short stories and questions unit around the winter holidays! Save yourself time at that time of the year with this lesson bundle . 

11.  “The Monkey’s Paw” 

“The Monkey’s Paw” is a classic horror story about the White family who come into possession of a mystical monkey’s paw that grants three wishes. Despite warnings, they use it and then face devastating consequences as a result.

  • Teach about the elements of the horror/suspense genre (Ex. Scary movies are typically dark, stormy, surprising, morbid, etc.).
  • Create a thematic statement (message relayed by the text in a complete sentence). There is no perfectly created theme (message) unless it is directly stated by the author; however, students can create a theme by supporting their ideas with evidence from the story!
  • What is the main theme of the story? Or how does the author communicate the themes of greed or fate? Is one stronger than the other?
  • Are Mr. and Mrs. White more alike or different from one another? How do you know?
  • Should we be afraid of the unknown? What message does the story share? Do you agree or disagree?

Examine W.W. Jacobs’ classic story with this set of questions and answers along with rigorous reading and writing activities . While it is ideal for a spooky season, the story is valuable for its ability to hook readers any time of year!

12.  “Lamb to the Slaughter” 

This classic story with a killer plot twist is about a woman who kills her husband and gets away with murder thanks to cooking a leg of lamb!

  • You could introduce the plot elements (exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution), encourage students to identify major events to fit each element and write down textual evidence to support their ideas.
  • Complete a film analysis (examination of film techniques and their effects) to compare/contrast the short story with the classic Alfred Hitchcock television episode.
  • What is Mary Maloney’s state of mind? Does it remain the same or does it change throughout the story? Explain.
  • Is the resolution of the story satisfying? Why or why not? Why do you think the author ended it as he did?
  • How does irony contribute to the theme of deception in the story? Explain.

Spice up your middle school English or high school English class with this short stories and activities bundle for Dahl’s famous story!

13.  “The Tell-Tale Heart” 

Poe’s classic psychological thriller is narrated by an unnamed protagonist who insists on their sanity while recounting how they murdered an old man. The narrator is haunted by the sound of the victim’s beating heart, which ultimately drives him to confess to the crime despite not originally being a suspect. 

  • Teach symbolism (object, person, or place that represents something else) by focusing on the heart and eye . The author used these symbols in various ways!
  • Investigate psychology (the study of the human mind) as a part of the story. Determine what is fact and what is fiction within the narrator’s mind.
  • What does the story reveal about the human psyche?
  • What is the deeper meaning of the two key symbols in the story – the beating heart and the eye of the old man?
  • What role do the narrator’s inner thoughts play in the development of the plot?

the tell tale heart short stories and activities

This Short Story Comprehension Bundle offers quick (and effective!) ways to assess students’ learning and understanding of the story. It’s easy to use and will no doubt save you time too!

14.  “The Scarlet Ibis” 

Emotional short stories and their counterparts have a place as well in English classrooms! This short story by James Hurst about two brothers is a heartbreaking must-read. Through flashbacks, the unnamed narrator tells the life story of his younger sickly brother William Armstrong, who is nicknamed Doodle. And the end…well, you’ll see.

  • Define and explain the purpose of a flashback (referring back to the past within a story). Think about the implications of never thinking back on the past or always thinking about the past.
  • Complete a comparison chart between Doodle and the Ibis as you read along. Then, students can create a visual of each after they have ready by using their own evidence!
  • What is the meaning of the story’s title and the presence of a scarlet ibis in the story?
  • What is the central theme of the story? How do the events of the story support this chosen theme?
  • How does the author use personification for the storm? What effect does this have on the story?

This flexible resource features critical thinking questions and answers as well as writing and reading activities for students to explore Hurst’s heartbreaking story.

15.  “The Veldt” 

This science fiction story by Ray Bradbury was first published as “The World the Children Made” and it is quite fitting as a title! The story focuses on a futuristic world in which a video screen can be controlled and it turns out to be more than simple virtual reality! By the story’s conclusion, the world the children made is the downfall of their parents. 

  • Compare and contrast “The Veldt” with “The Pedestrian,” two short stories and dystopic texts by Ray Bradbury. Analyze the similarities and differences of both short stories and create a thematic statement that connects to both texts!
  • Make connections to our current reality in the 21st century. Locate research about the implications of technology on young people and integrate this information as you discuss this short story.
  • How does the author address the theme of technology versus humanity in the story? Do you agree with this commentary? Why or why not?
  • How does the nursery reflect the personalities of Wendy and Peter in this story?
  • Do you know the story of Peter Pan and his friend Wendy? What connections can you make between it and this story by Ray Bradbury?

Ray Bradbury’s classic short stories and similar passages are the BEST to teach in middle and high school English! With so much to dive into, they are sure to be a hit with your students. Grab this set of activities to extend your students’ engagement with rigorous reading and writing activities about “The Veldt.” 

16.  “The Necklace” 

A woman who longs for a life of luxury and elegance beyond her means faces consequences when she loses a borrowed necklace. Guy de Maupassant’s story ends with a twist that has the reader question the value of material possessions. 

  • I love comparing this short story with O. Henry’s “The Gift of the Magi.” You might choose to focus on the theme, characterization, setting, etc.
  • Summarize (writing about the main idea with details) each chunk of the story as you read with your students. Instead of asking students to write a paragraph, you could ask students to create each summary in only one sentence.
  • The story explores vanity, deception, and the consequences of striving for social status. Which theme do you think is the most important? Explain with support from the story.
  • Is Mathilde Loisel a likable character? Does this change during the story? Does it matter if the reader likes her? Why or why not?
  • What clues does the author provide throughout the story that foreshadow the twist at the story’s end?

Focus on the standards with this Short Story Lesson Bundle for “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant!

Need help with implementing activities for “The Necklace?” See below!


17.  “A Vendetta” 

Guy de Maupassant’s late-19th-century story is all about REVENGE. A mother is obsessed with creating a plan to avenge her son’s murder and she then puts the plan into action with a morbid outcome.

  • There are so many texts that involve REVENGE! Why not use this concept as a focus for a thematic unit (texts linked to a similar concept and/or message)? You could read “A Poison Tree,” “The Cask of Amontillado,” and “Lamb to the Slaughter” as well as “A Vendetta” with the intention of writing about all 4 for a comparison/contrast paper, presentation, or seminar.
  • Analyze the development (how a character changes over time) of the mother and the dog throughout the story; you might annotate for similarities and differences as well as their motivations!
  • What comment is the story making about the nature (or need) for justice? Do you agree or disagree? Why or why not?
  • What similes and metaphors does the author use to communicate the main character’s feelings about the vendetta?
  • How does the author use details to explain the main character’s thoughts, feelings, and motivation?

Add these activities for this lesser-known work to your short story plans. It’s sure to keep things fresh for your short stories and activities unit! 

18.  “Thank You, Ma’am” (also known as “Thank You, M’am”)

This heartfelt story by Langston Hughes tells the story of Luella, an older woman in the neighborhood, who is nearly robbed by a young man named Roger. In response to Roger, Luella brings him back to her home and treats him with an abundance of kindness, which has a profound effect on Roger.

This tale is at the top of the list for the BEST short stories and passages for upper middle and younger high school students!

  • Introduce perspective and/or point of view (how a story is told: 1st, 2nd, 3rd omniscient, 3rd limited, 3rd objective). Students might rewrite the story from another perspective or extend the story using the perspective of one of the main characters.
  • Review plot elements with a focus on the exposition (introduction to the characters, setting, and conflict), climax (highest point of interest/turning point of the story), and resolution (how the story is concluded and/or resolved in some way.) You could assign an activity surrounding each concept: visualization of the scene, a journal response to the event, or a short response focused on how the element is important to the overall theme!

thank you maam short stories and questions

  • Do you believe in second chances? What does the story say about second chances? 
  • How might the climax of the story also be seen as the turning point in Roger’s life?
  • How would you describe Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones? Are her actions expected or unexpected in the story? Consider from Roger’s and the reader’s point of view.

Click to check out all of the details for this BUNDLE with differentiated options , which includes a Test Prep Quiz (with varied options), Venn Diagrams, Graphic Organizers, and Writing Responses!! 

19.  “Click Clack the Rattle Bag”

This short story by Neil Gaiman is creepy and fun in the best ways possible! The narrator is taking care of his girlfriend’s little brother and walking him to bed when the child asks for a story. Instead of the narrator sharing a story, the boy shares about the Click Clacks who drink their prey and leave behind rattling bodies. The end is too good to be missed!

Short stories and plots like those in “Click Clack the Rattle Bag” will most certainly engage even your most struggling learners!

  • We all know that test prep can be tough as many reading passages are, well, boring! Why not accomplish some test prep with your students and incorporate 5 standardized test-related questions ? You could focus on theme, structure, order of events, characterization, etc.!
  • Help students make inferences (acknowledging and hypothesizing about the impact of details that are not directly referenced or stated) as the scene moves along. Students can analyze the change in the setting, the little boy himself, the story the boy is telling, and specific phrases from the story.
  • What details in the story contribute to its eerie atmosphere or mood? Or what figurative language devices does Neil Gaiman use to create a sense of suspense in the story? 
  • How does the author use ambiguity in the story? Is it effective or not? Explain.
  • What inferences can you make about the relationship between the narrator and the young boy?

click clack the rattle bag short stories and questions

This “Click Clack the Rattle Bag” Quiz Pack for middle and high school students uses the Common Core standards and contains questions and answers modeled after various state standardized tests! Make teaching this amazing short story by Neil Gaiman SIMPLE & EASY!

Why should we incorporate more short stories and activities in our teaching?

While I would never advocate replacing all novels with short stories and smaller texts, there is still something to be said about spending quality time with short stories and excerpts. 

Including short stories and standards-based activities is an ideal option to improve reading comprehension and develop skills, especially in middle and high school English classes!


short stories and questions unit

This  Short Stories and Test Prep Questions ULTIMATE BUNDLE with Lessons, Quizzes, and Activities uses the Common Core standards with reading comprehension QUESTIONS and ANSWERS for 18 short stories such as “The Most Dangerous Game,” “The Monkey’s Paw,” “The Tell-Tale Heart,” “After Twenty Years,” “The Gift of the Magi,” “The Veldt,” “The Lottery,” “The Pedestrian,” etc. modeled after various state reading exams.

Make teaching short stories and activities SIMPLE & EASY!

Just PRINT & TEACH with engaging short stories and lessons!!

Need more fun ideas for teaching short stories and corresponding activities? Check out my store Kristin Menke-Integrated ELA Test Prep !

critical thinking success stories


I primarily focus on  integrating multiple disciplines and subjects. The goal is to make teaching simplified and effective!

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HBR On Strategy podcast series

3 Ways to Build Critical-Thinking Skills

When was the last time you practiced your critical thinking skills?

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When was the last time you practiced your critical thinking skills? Helen Lee Bouygues , an expert in business transformation, says many business problems are really about simple errors in critical thinking.

“People believe that critical thinking is something that we do every day and it comes very natural,” she tells IdeaCast host Curt Nickisch . “But in reality, critical thinking is not only extremely important for success in life, but it’s also something that needs to be learned and practiced.”

In this episode you’ll learn how to practice your critical thinking skills. Bouygues outlines three key components of critical thinking: questioning your assumptions, reasoning through logic, and diversifying your thought process.

Key episode topics include: strategy, strategy formulation, decision making and problem solving, managing yourself, critical thinking, managing emotions, strategic decisions.

HBR On Strategy curates the best case studies and conversations with the world’s top business and management experts, to help you unlock new ways of doing business. New episodes every week.

  • Listen to the full HBR IdeaCast episode: Improve Your Critical Thinking at Work (2019)
  • Find more episodes of HBR IdeaCast.
  • Discover 100 years of Harvard Business Review articles, case studies, podcasts, and more at HBR.org .

HANNAH BATES: Welcome to HBR On Strategy , case studies and conversations with the world’s top business and management experts, hand-selected to help you unlock new ways of doing business. When was the last time you practiced your critical thinking skills in your business? Helen Lee Bouygues says many business problems are really about simple errors in critical thinking. Bouygues is an expert in business transformation and she’s been an interim CEO, CFO, or COO at more than a dozen companies. In this episode you’ll learn how to improve your critical thinking skills for business – through (you guessed it) practice. Bouygues outlines 3 key components of critical thinking: questioning your assumptions, reasoning through logic, and diversifying your thought process to avoid selective thinking. You’ll learn how to practice each and why building in time to think without distractions can also help you make better decisions.  This episode originally aired on HBR IdeaCast in July 2019. Here it is.

CURT NICKISCH: Welcome to the HBR IdeaCast from Harvard Business Review. I’m Curt Nickisch. You know the story. Maybe it’s even a nightmare of yours. One day, the company is flying high. No reason to change anything. Customers and contracts will always be there. And then one day – the money stops flowing in, and the business is suddenly in real trouble. Our guest today knows this all too well. She has been an interim CEO, CFO, or COO at more than one dozen companies. Sometimes they needed her because they were mismanaged. Some failed to stay in front of changing technologies. In a few cases, members of the senior team were simply negligent. But in her experience, all these organizational problems shared one root cause: A lack of critical thinking. Our guest is Helen Lee Bouygues. She’s the founder of the Reboot Foundation. Based in Paris, the nonprofit helps parents, teachers and employers think more critically about their problems. She’s also the author of the HBR.org article “3 Simple Habits to Improve Your Critical Thinking.” Helen, thanks for being here.

HELEN LEE BOUYGUES: Thank you for having me, Curt.

CURT NICKISCH: Helen, you worked in transitional periods for a bunch of big companies. And, you say that many people’s business problems really come down to simple errors in critical thinking. That just sounds a little surprising to me and I wanted to hear why you say that.

HELEN LEE BOUYGUES: Yeah, I think at first glance people believe that critical thinking is something that we do every day and it comes very natural. But in reality, critical thinking is not only extremely important for success in life, but it’s also something that needs to be learned and practiced. Critical thinking skills are very much predictive of making positive financial decisions, even more so than raw intelligence, but people kind of forget what that actually means in terms of tools and practices that they need to exercise in order to make the right decisions, or at least the better decisions. Based on my 20 years of different turnaround and transformation experience, I have noticed that very often when things go sideways or create problems and companies find themselves in a situation of a need for turnaround, it’s typically been because I would argue that the leadership perhaps lacked some elements of critical thinking.

CURT NICKISCH: Why do you think we lack critical thinking skills, or why do you think we think we’re better at it than we actually are?

HELEN LEE BOUYGUES: That’s a great question Curt and actually we did a survey at the Reboot Foundation about a year ago, where we asked people questions of everything from ranging from how often do they practice critical thinking to how important they think critical thinking is, and how often they teach their children critical thinking? I think one of the reasons why it’s more difficult in today’s day and age is that we live in a world of incessant distraction and technology is often to blame as well. We live in a period when we have a question, we want that instant gratification getting the information, just typing the question on Google, having the answer quickly and so, we don’t actually have as much time to stop and think. And part of the necessity of critical thinking is having that ability to take a step back and actually think about your own thinking. And yet, it’s actually becoming more and more critical because as businesses evolve and there’s more urgency to make decisions, that’s exactly when we need to do more critical thinking than perhaps we used to, because of evolving technology and rapidly changing competitive environments in business.

CURT NICKISCH: You say that getting better at critical thinking is something we can learn and cultivate?

HELEN LEE BOUYGUES: Yes. The opposite of critical thinking could be selective thinking. And naturally selective thinking is something that you can actually do relatively quickly because it’s just a reinforcement of your own opinion. People in business can get better at critical thinking if they just do three things. One, question assumptions. Two, reason through logic. And three, diversify thought.

CURT NICKISCH: How do you actually do that?

HELEN LEE BOUYGUES: So, the taking a break, and that doesn’t mean doing meditation or yoga, but actually taking the time. It could be going for a run, or a walk around the block. That alone creates that opportunity for an individual to take the time to stop and think. So, that’s one dimension I think that people need to put in their normal practice. The second element that you wouldn’t necessarily think about in terms of an attribute necessary for critical thinking is management of emotions. So, the number of times that you can imagine, especially in a boardroom for a company that’s going through a difficulty, heated discussions, insults across the room. In that type of environment, it’s very difficult to engage in rational thinking. As much emotions are important, when it comes to true important decisions, we need to put aside the feelings and emotions that go awry in a meeting setting. In addition to that, I think the other element of what we need to make sure that we conduct is making sure that we have other points of views.

CURT NICKISCH: When you talk about looking at things from opposing viewpoints, sometimes that’s helpful when you have somebody who plays that role, or when you have a diverse team that you can share ideas with and explore. I don’t know that all of us are as good of just thinking from other perspectives when we’re kind of just in our own thoughts.

HELEN LEE BOUYGUES: Yeah, but it’s again, that’s why I think I started off this conversation Curt, in saying that critical thinking is something that you actually need to practice and you need to learn. Because indeed, it’s natural and it’s very human to stay in your own personal bubble because it’s comfortable. But you can actually do this from a small scale to a larger scale, and what I mean by that specifically is if you’re starting small, if you work in for example, in accounting. Go have lunch with people in marketing in your organization. I have a good friend, Mathilde Thomas, she’s actually the founder of Caudalie which is a very successful line of skincare products made from grapes. Mathilde grew up spending her time in her family vineyards, so her family originally was in the wine business. And the idea of the skincare product came about because one day a friend of the family, this physician, came to visit the vineyard and he was looking at the vat of grape skins that were about to be discarded and he said, well that’s a pot of treasure, so why are you just discarding that away? And that’s effectively how the business of Caudalie actually began. So, that’s a positive story where people who are not necessarily in the same field can get together and actually come up with innovation or here it wasn’t even intended to be an innovation. It just was an idea that sprung from two people from different walks of life getting together and coming up with the business idea. So, that’s a positive example in terms of diversity.

CURT NICKISCH: Where have you seen this failure in some of the companies that you worked with? Where have you seen the inability to diversify thought and opinions and host costly that can be?

HELEN LEE BOUYGUES: I think in terms of negative, I’ve seen a specific example for a pharmaceutical company where the founder brought in a CFO who actually had very little experience in accounting. He had experience in mergers and acquisitions, in elements of financing, but not pure accounting. But his true qualification of becoming the CFO was the fact that he was a very, very good friend of the CEO’s and you see that example over and over again, including in boards. The number of times you see the board of a company being surrounded, the CEO being surrounded by his or her friends, which is why often I think from time to time, you have companies, publicly listed companies where sometimes the board may not see certain indications. Be it the case of a Steinhoff or an Enron, which is an extreme case of fraud, but even in terms of general decisions, strategic decisions, that if you have a board composed of just a group of friends of the CEO’s, you don’t have diversity of thought in that type of environment.

CURT NICKISCH: So, we’ve talked some about questioning assumptions and the power of diversifying thought. But another point you make is that people need to get better about reasoning through logic. And I think this is going to surprise people too because logical is just such a household word. We think that we think logically, so why is logic a deficit and kind of a prerequisite for the critical thinking you think we need to see more of in management?

HELEN LEE BOUYGUES: So, one of the stories that I like to bring up is a specific company that I encountered a couple of years ago. It’s one of the world’s largest producers of aluminum tubes and they have clients ranging from L’Oréal to Proctor and Gamble, all over the world.

And the CEO of this company was blindsided by his own fervor and probably unreasonable optimism about the outlook for the revenue profile of this company. In reality, the company was in relatively dire financial straits, but again he was blinded with his hope that his clients would never leave because the switching costs of his clients would be too high, or that at least was his hypothesis. And for some business leaders I think some optimism is obviously a good thing. There wouldn’t be Ubers or EBays if we didn’t have entrepreneurs who have that charisma and exuberance. But what I often find in companies is CEOss with something I call simply WTF. Now Curt, that’s not what you think that we commonly use in text messages, but it’s for me it’s “wishful thinking forever’. And I think that blinded optimism can often mask the capability and the ability to reason through logic and actually re-question your approach and saying, “well, can my customers decide to change vendors? Is the competitive environment actually shifting? Are there low-cost companies that could actually take over my business even if that hurdle rate is high?” So, it’s again coming back to being able to ask the right questions and looking at your business and saying, “is there a different way of doing things?” And that’s when you avoid the pitfalls of actually reasoning through logic. And it comes back to the argument of having different views from your original views and your original sentiments. And obviously in order to do that, we need to really pay close attention to our own chain of logic.

CURT NICKISCH: Which I like by the way, wishful thinking forever. I’m going to read text messages that way now. Probably make them a little more optimistic. Yeah. A lot of companies pay consultants to do this kind of critical thinking for them and they come in with tools and concept mapping, and all of the sorts of things that maybe they’re a little more deliberate about and also, removed from the emotion of working in the culture of a company. Do you see consultants as essentially paid critical thinkers?

HELEN LEE BOUYGUES: I think many consultants are good at critical thinking. I don’t believe that the industry of management consulting is a sector that is there to enforce critical thinking for companies. And let me explain why I believe that. A lot of, in a lot of situations CEOs seek validation and look for evidence that supports their preconceived notions. And consultants are often trained to agree with their client’s theories. So, I would almost counter argue and say, for CEOs to effectively use consultants, they almost need to be very precise and be very upfront in their scope of work with the consultants, demand and ask that the consulting firm give a different point of view, or an opposing point of view than the original thesis of a leader. Now that is sometimes hard to do. It goes back to the original part of our discussion. It’s less comfortable for leaders and in a lot of situations why CEO’s are hiring consultants are to justify and explain with more detail to their boards of why they’re doing certain strategic activities. So, that’s where we have to be careful about relying on consultants as quote, “a mechanism to do better critical thinking in business”.

CURT NICKISCH: Have you actually seen companies turn around when they change the way they approach problems and instituted critical thinking across the organization in a more deliberate way?

HELEN LEE BOUYGUES: Yes. I worked with a telecom company in Africa, not so long ago. And they had probably the lowest customer satisfaction rate across the board, amongst the different countries in Africa. And the CEO was somebody who was a very open minded, wanted to challenge – now you could argue Curt, they were on the low, they couldn’t get lower in terms of customer satisfaction, so they only had room to go up. But if you put that aside, what he instituted was to have a sub group of his team to go visit another South African country that had very high customer satisfaction rates. So, it was, I would call creating an environment for its employees to have a bit of a diversity of thought, but also to actually be exposed to give the capacity for its employees to question the assumptions about what they were doing wrong. So, very good CEOs not only are capable of trying to conduct metacognition for him or herself, meaning questioning his or her own way of thinking, but he’ll challenge his team and help them to challenge their own way of thinking by showing different examples of for example, success stories in the same type of work where in a case of this telecom company in Africa, where they could see and visit customer services centers in other African countries where they had high customer satisfaction rate. So, it’s giving the exposure to its team to seek out diversity of thought, but also promoting that, and encouraging that its employees think differently than being focused on their own silos of work and being, trying to be efficient in their own capacity, in their existing dimension.

CURT NICKISCH: Yeah. So, if that was a good critical thinker, as a CEO, what do most leaders do in that situation? What does the “uncritical thinker” do?

HELEN LEE BOUYGUES: The uncritical thinker would be to try to gain more efficiency out of its existing employees and continue to do more of the same thing. But probably putting in more KPI’s. That’s a popular thing that leaders do. And try to put more pressure in the system so that companies are more productive. Rather than thinking out of the box and trying to say, should we be doing something differently than the way we’re doing it today?

CURT NICKISCH: And for individuals? Because whether or not you have a CEO who’s good at this, you can still affect your own team and you can still affect your own work with your own critical thinking. What should they do to get better at critical thinking?

HELEN LEE BOUYGUES: Be curious. Ask the questions. “ What if” questions are great. It’s important to constantly challenge yourself saying, what if I did something differently than the way I’m doing it now? What if I approached my client differently than the way I’m doing it now? What if I changed the processes? Would there be improvement? That’s the type of individual who can improve by actually questioning the assumptions of what he or she is doing on a daily basis. And then the second element again, is trying to be very factual and be rigid about gathering facts and proof and accumulating data in order to truly justify why you’re doing what you’re doing. It’s going back to paying close attention to the chain of your own logic. And then the third is expanding your horizon by interacting with people that are not in your existing silo. So, I go back to the example, very simple example, go have lunch, go have a drink with somebody that’s not in your same department, but go reach out to somebody who’s in a totally different building, or even different division within your group.

CURT NICKISCH: Helen, thanks for coming on the show and talking about thinking through how to be a better critical thinker.

HELEN LEE BOUYGUES: Thank you so much. It was a real pleasure to be on your show.

HANNAH BATES: That was Helen Lee Bouygues in conversation with Curt Nickisch on the HBR IdeaCast . Bouygues is an experienced business leader and founder of the Reboot Foundation – for improving critical thinking. We’ll be back next Wednesday with another hand-picked conversation about business strategy from the Harvard Business Review. If you found this episode helpful, share it with your friends and colleagues, and follow our show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. While you’re there, be sure to leave us a review. We’re a production of the Harvard Business Review – if you want more articles, case studies, books, and videos like this, find it all at HBR.org. This episode was produced by Mary Dooe, Anne Saini, and me, Hannah Bates. Ian Fox is our editor. Special thanks to Rob Eckhardt, Adam Buchholz, Maureen Hoch, Adi Ignatius, Karen Player, Ramsey Khabbaz, Nicole Smith, Anne Bartholomew, and you – our listener. See you next week.

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Critical Thinking is a Powerful Key to a New Plant’s Success

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  • Transformative Change Against Key Metrics Empower your workforce by embedding analytic skills for setting priorities, resolving issues, and planning ahead. Learn More

The Corning Environmental Technologies plant in Shanghai is a manufacturing hub that makes catalytic converter substrates for automotive OEMs throughout Asia. The plant is one of the highest yielding, highest quality factories in the Corning network and has achieved a record of consistent improvement against key success factors.

When the plant was first built, some customers were skeptical of its capabilities. The engineering and managerial work force, while well-grounded in theoretical education, hard work, and a tremendous willingness to learn, came from a top-down oriented society that was reluctant to express ideas or suggestions. A primary challenge for Corning management was to convince this excellent workforce that it was their job to have opinions.

Kepner-Tregoe (KT) helped with planning, facilitated issues, and provided Problem Solving and Decision Making training. In addition, a program was launched to integrate process thinking into the way business was conducted every day. KT processes were incorporated into standard procedures and are used to resolve both production and commercial issues.

Results have been both subtle and dramatic. Expressing opinions is now viewed as acceptable, even when the boss is in the room. Working on cross-functional teams is no longer a foreign concept. Potential Problem Analysis has helped the new facility install equipment seamlessly. Situation Appraisal helps work stay on course while minimizing conflict and interdepartmental problems. Examples of successful use of process, use of process by senior staff, coaching, and rewards have helped to embed critical thinking skills and encourage their usage. Defect rates at a key customer are 20 times lower than before the factory supplied their parts. Based on their benchmarking, Corning Shanghai rates better than or competitive with all of its competitors and has broken records for ratings against key measures.

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Critical Thinking Curriculum For A Better World

Critical thinking curriculum for deeper learning.

Wordless Videos Resemble Real Life

When we sit down at a meeting or walk into class, there is no voiceover telling us who other people are, what they’re thinking, or what they’re feeling. We have to wonder. We have to engage.

Yet too often we settle with a judgment — about self, other people, cultures, and ways of life — instead of remaining curious beyond that initial judgment. This judgment and prejudice starts by age 3 , before most kids can even read.

Wordless videos can help kids value and act on their curiosity about other people, perspectives, and ways of life early in life and every day. And that’s showing to matter for academic learning , too.

Instead of telling viewers what to think, we want to ask you to think critically — to wonder. Instead of accidentally prescribing a fixed narrative, we want to intentionally prescribe deep curiosity. Critical thinking is so important. Learning to learn is so necessary.

What makes it even better? Our stories and lesson plans are written in many languages too, so weaving in wordless videos really makes critical thinking curriculum a fully localized experience for you(th) almost anywhere in the world.

Wordless Videos Improve Academic Learning

Wordless stories have been shown to boost curiosity and engagement, to improve reading comprehension and academic learning, and to help students explore topics that matter to them. These benefits are showing to be interconnected: fostering curiosity and a sense of purpose is fundamental for a student’s academic success , and early math and reading success is a strong predictor of long term success . New research is also showing that curiosity building can play a huge role in a student’s overall academic learning. Powerful critical thinking curriculum.

Wordless Videos Encourage Critical Thinking

We live in stories. We learn through stories. We wonder through stories. Telling us how to think or what to think or why just isn’t exciting. Empathy doesn’t stick if you tell somebody to be empathetic. It’s pretty ineffective to say “be kinder to others” or “wonder about others!!!” like an instruction. Showing is key.

Stories move people to action , and engaging content is SO important for kids today . Plus, in a world of ads and messages screaming at us, taking out the words is just kinda refreshing. Check out a story to see for yourself !

Read more about Why Wordless Videos in this article with GivingCompass or this piece in Teaching Channel !

Hear what teachers, students, and school leaders are learning as they engage with critical thinking curriculum! 

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National Storytelling Network

Storytelling and Critical Thinking

By charles temple.


Years ago while working in Eastern Europe and Central Asia as a trainer for the Open Society Institute I stumbled the value of storytelling as a tool for sparking discussions and helping people think critically. Our task was to work with teachers who, shortly after the cataclysmic political changes of 1989, wanted to know how to teach students to think in diverse ways and come up with their own answers to questions. I wanted to demonstrate ways of doing that; and soon found that the quickest way to engage listeners in a pithy subject for a discussion was to tell them a story, usually through a translator who would retell the words in the local language, sentence by sentence.  And then everybody would jump in and say what they thought about it.

Fifteen years and forty countries later it has become clear that storytelling is just a wonderful way to provoke discussions that get everybody thinking together—and you don’t have to go six thousand miles from home to do that. Here in the US, teachers in 45 states and the District of Columbia are now required by the Common Core Standards to teach the way those Eastern European teachers wanted to: so that students will learn to think deeply about issues they care about, stake out positions on those issues and support them with reasons, often in friendly debates with others. Storytelling is humanity’s oldest and most engaging way of putting issues out there for debate. To provoke rich discussions, all you need is to present them in a way that invites questions rather than asserts answers. That, and a few strategies for inviting and hosting discussions.

Some stories pose their own questions. They have questions built right into them. “The Cow Tail Switch,” from West Africa, and “The Theft of a Smell,” from Peru, are examples. You can have a good discussion of each by asking for predictions about the end, or you can use a fancier strategy such as “Corners” that gives people group support as they think of reasons to back their answers.

Some stories contain moral dilemmas that invite exploration. These stories may not come right out and ask a question, but the questions aren’t hard to find. “The Woman of the Sea,” from Scotland, and “The King and the Shirt,” from Russia, are stories that can invite listeners to voice their own questions. But there are strategies that can deepen the discussion and lead to debate. Some of those strategies are “Shared Inquiry,” “Discussion Web,” “Academic Controversy,” and “Value Line.”

And some stories seem straightforward, but can still yield up engaging issues with a little work. “Jack and the Beanstalk,” from England; “Hansel and Gretel,” from Germany; “The Boy Who Lived With the Bears,” from the Seneca Indians of Upstate New York; “The Orphan Boy and the Elk Dogs,” from the Blackfoot people of the Northern Plains; and “A Gift of Laurel Blooms,” from the Appalachian Mountains in Kentucky, can all inspire interesting thoughts. But sometimes to get at the heart of these stories you need to to twist them around. And sometimes you need to climb inside the skin of the characters and see what they are going through.  Strategies like retelling them by casting people in different roles, or comparing them to other stories, or relating them to life, or dramatizing them can all lead to good discussions.

I look forward to seeing you in Richmond at the National Storytelling Conference this August.

About Charles

As a teacher, author of children’s books and textbooks, and leader of workshops for teachers and writers, my work has taken me to more than 30 countries in North America, Central and South America, Europe, the Caucasus, Central and Southeast Asia, and East and West Africa–with support from USAID, the World Bank, UNESCO, CIDA of Canada, the Dutch government, the Open Society Institute, and the International Reading Association. I was born in North Carolina, and lived in South Carolina, Virginia, and Texas before moving to Upstate New York, where I chair the education department at Hobart & William Smith Colleges and have happily taught for thirty years.

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Short Stories for Critical Thinking

  • Post author: Hayden J Williams
  • Post published: March 24, 2024
  • Post category: Productivity / Creativity / Learning

We all love a good story. But have you ever stopped to dissect why a character made a certain choice, or questioned the author’s motives?

By delving deeper into the narrative, we can sharpen our ability to analyze evidence, identify bias, and uncover underlying themes. This article equips you with critical thinking tools to unlock the deeper meaning within each sentence.

Table of Contents

Building Your Critical Thinking Toolkit  

Pre-reading activities : Prepare your mind for critical thinking before delving into the story.

  • Title and Cover Analysis : Examine the title and cover artwork to make predictions about themes, characters, and plot.
  • Author Research : Explore the author’s background, literary influences, and relevant historical or cultural contexts to understand their perspective.
  • Identify Biases : Challenge yourself to identify potential biases or assumptions in the story. Consider how they may affect your interpretation.
  • Question Generation : Brainstorm questions or discussion prompts to explore while reading, focusing on themes, character motivations, and moral dilemmas.
  • Debate or Discussion : Engage in a brief debate or discussion with peers to share different perspectives and interpretations of the story’s themes and messages.

By actively engaging in these pre-reading activities, you’ll stimulate your critical thinking skills and enhance your ability to analyze and interpret the text effectively.

Active Reading: Become a Story Detective  

Prepare to Engage : Immerse yourself in the text as you embark on a journey of discovery. Before you begin, take a moment to skim through the text, getting a sense of its main ideas and key points. Equip yourself with tools like highlighters, notebooks, and sticky notes to interact actively with the material. This will promote active engagement for critical analysis.

Focus on the Details : Start by paying attention to the details. Notice the language used, the interactions between characters, and the descriptions of the setting. Each word holds significance, guiding you deeper into the heart of the story. Enhances comprehension and critical interpretation.

Ask Questions Ask questions along the way. Why did the characters act the way they did? What might happen next? Asking questions before, during, and after reading helps you better understand and think critically about the text. Stimulates critical inquiry and understanding.

Predict Make predictions based on what you already know and what you’ve read so far. Picture scenes unfolding in your mind’s eye. Create mental images to help you better understand the story. Encourages anticipation and analysis of narrative elements.

Annotate for Understanding As you read, jot down your thoughts and reactions in the margins of the text. Underline passages that stand out to you, and write down any questions or ideas that come to mind. These notes will help you stay engaged with the material and remember important points. Helps contextual understanding and critical comparison.

Connect & Compare Look for connections between the text and your own experiences, as well as other texts you’ve read. How does this story relate to what you already know? Are there similarities or differences between this and other stories you’ve encountered?

Remember, reading is not just about reaching the end—it’s about the journey. Enjoy the process of discovery and embrace the challenges that come with understanding a new story. So, grab your book, get comfortable, and dive into the text. Who knows what secrets you’ll uncover along the way?

Post-Reading Debrief: Unmasking the Clues

Character Analysis: Delve into the motivations, actions, and contributions of characters to the story’s message. Engage in debates about character decisions and question their reliability as narrators. This activity promotes critical thinking by examining character development and the impact on the narrative. Example “How does the story portray a character’s growth or internal conflict? Did they overcome a limitation or learn something about themself?

Theme Detectives:   Identify the story’s central themes and analyze how different elements portray them. Discuss symbolism, analyze plot twists for thematic significance, and explore how characters and events contribute to the overall themes. This activity encourages critical analysis of underlying messages and the author’s thematic intentions. Example “Does the story highlight the potential for humans to overcome adversity? How do specific elements, like symbolism or plot twists, reinforce this message?”

Author’s Intent: Explore the author’s potential message and analyze their writing techniques. Examine the use of language, identify literary devices such as foreshadowing or imagery, and consider how these elements contribute to the story’s meaning. This activity encourages critical thinking by unpacking the author’s craft and intentions behind the narrative. Example “Does the author seem to be questioning the limitations of the human experience or celebrating its potential? What writing techniques support this interpretation?”

Alternative Perspectives : Consider different viewpoints within the story or imagine alternative endings. This activity prompts readers to think critically about narrative possibilities, character motivations, and the impact of different choices on the story’s outcome. It encourages creative thinking and cultivates a deeper understanding of the text’s complexities. Example: What would be the story like from the viewpoint of a different character, or how a change in setting or historical context might impact the story’s message

By engaging in these post-reading activities, readers continue to unravel the mysteries of the story, uncover hidden layers of meaning, and develop a more nuanced appreciation for the text. Whether exploring characters’ motivations, analyzing thematic elements, deciphering the author’s intent, or imagining alternative perspectives, these activities promote critical thinking , creativity , and deeper engagement with the text.

short stories for critical thinking

Put Your Skills to the Test: Analyze and Discuss  

The Critical Thinking Showcase: Analyzing Short Stories  

We’ve explored the tools for critical thinking analysis. Now, let’s put them into practice! Here are summaries of three captivating short stories representing diverse genres:

Story 1: The Necklace (Genre: Realism by Guy de Maupassant)

Summary: Mathilde Loisel, a young woman consumed by a desire for a more affluent life, feels trapped in her ordinary existence with her kind but working-class husband. An invitation to a prestigious social event fuels her yearning for luxury. Desperate to appear the part of a wealthy socialite, Mathilde convinces her friend, Madame Forestier, to loan her a magnificent diamond necklace. The evening allows Mathilde to temporarily escape her reality, basking in the admiration she receives because of the borrowed jewels.

However, disaster strikes when Mathilde loses the necklace during the event. Terrified of her friend’s reaction and determined to rectify their mistake, Mathilde and her husband plunge themselves into years of grueling labor and strict frugality to replace the expensive necklace. The experience takes a heavy toll on their lives, forcing them to sacrifice their dreams and endure significant hardship. Finally, after years of relentless work, they manage to buy a replacement necklace and return it to Madame Forestier, relieved to be free of the burden of their deception. The devastating truth is then revealed – the borrowed necklace was a cheap imitation, and their immense sacrifice was entirely in vain.

Story 2: The Machine Stops (Genre: Dystopian Fiction) by E. M. Forster

Summary: In the far future, people live in underground sterile chambers, depending completely on a massive machine for everything. This machine, treated like a god, provides food, entertainment, and even air to breathe. Communication happens only through the machine, eliminating face-to-face talks. Vashti, one of the residents, is disturbed when her son Kuno expresses a desire to see the forbidden surface world, challenging the machine’s authority. She questions the sterile existence enforced by the machine and yearns for a deeper connection. Vashti is initially dismissive.

However, Kuno’s persistence leads him to escape the underground confines, experiencing the freedom of nature. Meanwhile, the machine begins to malfunction, causing panic among the underground dwellers. As the machine ultimately fails, Vashti and Kuno find themselves facing the unknown on the surface. The story explores themes of technological dependence, isolation, and the loss of human connection, offering a cautionary tale about the consequences of overreliance on technology and the importance of genuine human interaction.

Story 3: The Gift of the Magi (Genre: Coming-of-Age by O. Henry)

Summary: Deeply in love but struggling with poverty, a young couple, Della and Jim yearn to give each other meaningful Christmas gifts. Determined to express their love despite their limited means, Della sells her most treasured possession – long, flowing hair – to buy a platinum chain for Jim’s cherished pocket watch. Meanwhile, Jim sacrifices his most prized possession, a gold watch passed down through generations, to buy jeweled combs for Della’s hair. The irony of their situation unfolds when they exchange gifts, realizing that their sacrifices made the gifts unusable. Though their possessions are gone, their love shines brighter than ever.

The story celebrates the true meaning of love and the sacrifices people make for their loved ones, showing that the greatest gifts are often not material but expressions of love and selflessness.

Critical Thinking Challenge: Sharpen Your Skills 

For each story summary, we’ll delve deeper with critical thinking questions (5-7 questions) that target different aspects of human development and the story’s message:

Story 1: The Necklace 

Character Analysis: How does Mathilde’s obsession with material wealth affect her life and relationships? Analyze her thoughts, actions, and motivations throughout the story

Theme Detectives: Does the story explore the limitations of social class or the dangers of envy? Analyze the symbolism of the necklace to support your answer. Consider how social pressures and desires for possessions influence the characters. 

Author’s Intent: What message might Guy de Maupassant be conveying about societal pressures and human desires? Explore how the story critiques social expectations and the potential dangers of coveting what others have. Consider the use of irony and the characters’ downfalls.

Alternative Perspectives: How might the story be different if told from the perspective of Mathilde’s friend who loaned the necklace?  Consider the friend’s motivations, potential feelings of betrayal, and the impact of the situation on their relationship. What message might the story convey from this viewpoint?

Story 2: The Machine Stops

Theme Detectives : How does the story portray the dangers of uncontrolled automation? Analyze how the machine’s role in society highlights the potential for technology to become oppressive.

Character Analysis : How does Vashti’s rebellion challenge the status quo? What does her yearning for connection reveal about the limitations of a technology-dependent life?

Author’s Intent: What message might E. M. Forster be conveying about the importance of human interaction and the dangers of sacrificing individuality for convenience?

Alternative Perspectives: Imagine the story from the viewpoint of someone who wholeheartedly believes in the machine’s superiority. How would they justify the system and view Vashti’s actions?

Story 3: The Gift of the Magi

Character Analysis:

  • How do Della and Jim’s sacrifices for each other reveal their love and commitment? Analyze their actions, thoughts, and the challenges they face.

Theme Detectives:

  • Does the story celebrate the true meaning of love or highlight the challenges of poverty? Analyze the symbolism of the gifts to support your answer. Consider the characters’ motivations and the emotional impact of the story.

Author’s Intent:

  • What message might O. Henry be conveying about the importance of love and selflessness? Explore how the story portrays the characters’ love despite their limited means. Consider the use of irony and the story’s ending.

Alternative Perspectives:

  • How might the story be different if set in a time of great wealth and abundance? Would the characters’ actions and the story’s message change? Consider the impact of economic circumstances on the themes of love and sacrifice.

Recognizing Bias in Stories

For critical thinking, it is important to recognize the biases in the short stories.

For example: in “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee, we can recognize the bias inherent in the novel’s portrayal of racial injustice in the American South during the 1930s. The story is told from the perspective of a young white girl, Scout Finch, whose father, Atticus Finch, defends a Black man accused of raping a white woman.

Critical Analysis: By critically analyzing the characters, themes, and narrative structure, we can gain insight into the biases and prejudices present in society at the time. We can also explore how the novel challenges and subverts these biases through characters like Atticus, who stands up for justice and equality despite societal pressures.

How to recognize bias? Look for different types of bias:

  • Social Bias: Race, gender, class, sexual orientation – are characters judged based on these?
  • Historical Bias: Does the story reflect the era’s views? Consider the author’s background.
  • Narrative Bias: Who’s telling the story? Does their perspective influence what’s shown?

Unmask Bias with Detective Work:

  • Loaded language: Do words favor one side?
  • Missing voices: Whose stories are absent?
  • Unequal representation: Who gets the spotlight?

By questioning bias, you gain a deeper understanding of the story’s message and its historical context. This detective work helps you challenge biases in stories and, ultimately, in the real world.

Final Thoughts

Delving into short stories for critical thinking has been a rewarding adventure.

Pre-reading activities, active reading techniques, and post-reading analysis become tools to sharpen our critical thinking skills, unlocking deeper layers of meaning within literary works. By examining diverse perspectives , dissecting themes, and identifying biases , we unravel the intricacies of a story. Additionally, we cultivate a more sharper mindset applicable to various aspects of life. This process encourages a continuous quest for understanding, enriching both our appreciation for literature and our broader understanding of the world.

Embracing the challenge of interpretation and the nuances of narratives leads us on a rewarding exploration. This journey enhances our analytical skills and deepens our engagement not only with literature but also with the world around us.

Critical Thinking, Reading, and Writing: A Brief Guide to Argument by Sylvan Barnet and Hugo Bedau

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Success Stories: Real-Life Examples of People Who Changed Their Habits

Success Stories: Real-Life Examples of People Who Changed Their Habits


Changing habits can be a challenging but rewarding journey. Adapting new behaviors can positively impact our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. In this post, we will explore the success stories of individuals who have made significant changes in their habits, resulting in transformative experiences.

From adopting healthier lifestyles to breaking out of toxic routines, these stories show that changing old habits can lead to meaningful results. Whether it’s overcoming addictions or unlearning harmful patterns, these individuals have shown us that change is possible with determination and commitment.

We will discuss the various stages of their journeys, from recognizing the need for change to adopting new habits and finally experiencing the benefits. These real-life success stories will serve as a source of inspiration for anyone who might be struggling to make significant changes in their lives.

So, let’s dive in and explore the stories of these remarkable individuals who have transformed their lives through changing their habits.

Success Story 1

Jane Doe was a typical high school student who struggled with her weight. Her unhealthy eating habits and lack of exercise ended up affecting her studies and social life. She developed low self-esteem and struggled with depression and anxiety.

Jane spent most of her time eating junk food or fast food, watching TV, and scrolling through social media. She had no energy or motivation to do anything productive, and it affected her personal and academic life.

Making Changes

One day, Jane realized that she needed to make a change. She started slowly by cutting back on junk food and fast food and replacing it with healthier options. She also started to exercise regularly, starting with walks around her neighborhood and building up to more intense workouts at the gym.

After a few months of sticking to her new routine, Jane felt a significant change in her mood, energy levels, and overall health. She lost weight, gained confidence, and even started doing better in her studies. Her mental health also improved, and she was no longer struggling with anxiety or depression.

“I never thought that changing my habits could make such a big difference in my life. Now, I feel happier, healthier, and more confident than ever. I’m grateful for the changes I’ve made, and I know that anyone can do it too.”

Jane’s success story is a testament to the power of making small changes in our daily lives. By focusing on healthier habits, we can transform our physical and mental well-being. It’s never too late to make a change - start today and see the difference it can make in your life.

Success Story 2

Brief background information about the individual.

Sarah had always struggled with her weight and tried various diets to lose weight. However, due to her busy work schedule, she often found herself reaching for unhealthy snacks to give her a quick energy boost.

Discuss the old habits and how they affected their life

Sarah’s unhealthy eating habits began to take a toll on her health. She became lethargic, struggling to keep up with her daily tasks. Her self-esteem took a hit as she struggled to fit into her clothes.

Describe the process of making changes

Sarah knew something had to change, so she began to research healthy eating habits and started meal planning every week. She also began incorporating physical activity into her lifestyle by joining a local gym.

Highlight the benefits of the new habits and how they transformed their life

Sarah’s new habits were tough to adapt to at first, but she was determined to stick with it. In just a few weeks, she began to notice a difference in her energy levels and overall health. She lost weight and felt more confident in her body. Her new lifestyle also helped her to establish a more positive mindset, which spilled over into other areas of her life. Now, Sarah is happier, healthier, and more aware of her overall well-being.

“Changing my eating habits and incorporating exercise into my life has been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. It’s not always easy, but the benefits are worth it.” - Sarah

Success Story 3

Mary was a busy mother of two who had struggled with her weight and poor eating habits for years. She had tried numerous diets and weight loss programs, but always fell back into her old habits. She was tired of feeling sluggish and unhappy with her body, but didn’t know how to make lasting changes.

Mary’s old habits included consuming large amounts of processed foods, sugary drinks, and fast food. She rarely exercised and spent most of her day sitting at a desk. Her weight continued to climb, and she felt unhappy with her appearance and lack of energy.

One day, Mary decided she needed to make a change. She started small by incorporating more fruits and vegetables into her diet and replaced sugary drinks with water. She began going for daily walks during her lunch break and started gradually increasing her activity levels. As she felt more confident in her ability to make positive changes, she continued to add new healthy habits, such as meal prepping and joining a local gym.

Over time, Mary lost a significant amount of weight and felt more energized than ever before. She enjoyed the taste of fresh fruits and vegetables and no longer craved unhealthy snacks. She discovered a love for running and was able to complete her first 5k race. Mary also noticed positive changes in her mood and mental health, and felt more confident in herself and her abilities.

“Changing my habits wasn’t easy, but it was worth it. I feel like a whole new person and I’m excited to see where this journey takes me. I never thought I would be able to say that I enjoy going to the gym and eating healthy food, but now I can’t imagine going back to my old ways.” - Mary

Mary’s success story is a testament to the power of making small, sustainable changes. By starting with simple adjustments, she was able to build momentum and create lasting habits that transformed her life.

In conclusion, the success stories shared in this post demonstrate the transformative power of changing habits. Each individual had their own unique challenges, but all were able to make meaningful changes in their lives that resulted in a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling lifestyle.

We hope that these stories have inspired you to examine your own habits and consider making changes that can lead to similar benefits. Remember, changing habits is not always easy, but it is possible with commitment and consistency. Don’t be afraid to seek out resources, such as books, apps, or support groups, that can help you along the way.

As Gandhi said, “Your habits become your values, your values become your destiny.” By making small changes to our habits, we can create a better future for ourselves and those around us. So take action today and get started on the path to a better you!

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Recommended Autism Resources for Developing Critical Thinking Skills

Autism Resources and Success Stories

June 28, 2009, Updated Feb. 27, 2024, by The Critical Thinking Co. Staff

The neurobiological disorder known as autism is part of a group of disorders known as autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Treatment and educational needs are often very similar for these conditions, even though there are subtle differences and degrees of severity among the disorders. Autism affects a person's ability to communicate and relate to others. It is also associated with rigid routines and repetitive behaviors, such as obsessively arranging objects or following very specific routines. Symptoms can range from very mild to quite severe.

The general term “autism” is often used either specifically to refer to Autistic Disorder (AD) or more generally to refer to ASD. Another term that is often used synonymously with ASD is Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDD). This term is simply the diagnostic category heading under which five specific diagnoses are listed. The different diagnostic terms that fall under the broad meaning of PDD / ASD, include:

• Autistic Disorder (AD) • Asperger’s Disorder • Rett’s Disorder • Childhood Disintegrative Disorder • Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS)

Autism disorders can usually be diagnosed by age 3; parents are usually the first to notice unusual behaviors in their child or a failure to reach appropriate developmental milestones.

If a child is diagnosed with autism, early intervention is critical. Although parents may have concerns about labeling a toddler “autistic,” the earlier the diagnosis is made, the earlier interventions can begin. There are no effective means to prevent autism, no completely effective treatments, and no known cure. Research indicates that early intervention, in an appropriate educational setting, for at least two years of preschool, can result in significant improvements for many young children with autism disorders. Effective programs focus on developing communication, social, and cognitive skills.

While products from The Critical Thinking Co.™ weren’t initially developed with autistic children in mind, over our 50-year history producing award-winning books and software, we’ve discovered (thanks to our customers) there are several titles parents with autistic children and teachers of autistic students find to be essential resources.

Many of our books and software programs can help children and adults living with autism. The Mind Benders® series presents challenging deductive reasoning activities for autistic children and adults. Building Thinking Skills® provides a comprehensive mix of visual-spatial and verbal skill development, highly recommended for teaching children and adults with autism. Math and Reading Detective® books and software can help children in grades 3 through 8, fine-tune reading comprehension and critical thinking skills in the content areas. Memory Challenge® software is an excellent tool for developing and testing visual memory skills.--> Visual Perceptual Skill Building® develops recognition of letters, words, numbers, and similar/dissimilar objects. It also improves sequencing and visual memory skills. Hands-On Thinking Skills uses manipulatives and helps non-verbal children increase their skills.

Here's what some of our customers have said regarding the use of our products with autistic children.

Carrie, a proud parent from Pennsylvania, said, "My son (10) is on the autism spectrum. He has a brilliant mind for facts and figures, but always struggled with his thought process.  Mind Benders® and  Building Thinking Skills® have given him solid direction in organizing his thoughts and following logical patterns. The progress my son has made in barely one year is incredible. No therapy or modification has come close to having such an impact in the 6 years since his diagnosis. There are no words to express how thankful we are for The Critical Thinking Co.™ ."

"My daughter, age 14, has PDD/Autism. Also, she has an accompanying non-verbal learning disorder (this doesn't mean she doesn't talk; it means that she has trouble interpreting body language and other non-verbal information). Something she has always struggled with has been visual problem solving. We have been using The Critical Thinking Co.™ materials since she was small, as they were the only materials that broke down tasks into small enough chunks for her. As she has grown older, we have also been using the software, most recently the Building Thinking Skills® software. The  Mind Benders® software also presented many challenging visual-puzzle activities, and we have used all of the  Math and Reading Detective® software to help her fine-tune her critical thinking skills in the content areas. When she was 12, I purchased [other] software… but The Critical Thinking Co.™ activities were more varied to hold her interest, and much more reasonably priced. The materials haven't 'cured' my daughter, of course, but they have helped her stick with practicing her skills even when it is difficult. She 'asks' to play the second Building Thinking Skills® software nearly every day. Thank you!" said parent Sandy from Maryland.

Polly Brophy from the LA Unified School District said, “I’m a special education teacher. I was surprised when my supervisor recommended I use The Critical Thinking Co.™ products for children below grade level. She said your books aren’t just for the gifted, and she was so right. Reading Detective® is wonderful for building verbal reasoning skills. One of my autistic students said the other day after finishing a lesson in Reading Detective® , ‘I can’t believe I can do this. I’m so proud!’ At first it wasn’t easy for them. Then they learned how to eliminate the wrong answers. Now some of them have gone up two whole grade levels. I wouldn’t have believed it was possible.”

“I am a very experienced teacher and cognitive trainer. One of my students was in the Special Education program for years; after working with the   Building Thinking Skills® books he returned to grade level in seven months,” said Claudette Anderson, of Prescription for Success Learning Center in Parker, Colorado. “I have worked with various brands of thinking skills materials, but The Critical Thinking Co.™ has the best on the market."

“ The Critical Thinking Co.™ … is a breath of fresh air in a special needs market that too often finds publishers focused on isolated skills rather developing students’ flexible thinking ability,” said John Alexander, executive director of Chartwell School for language learning disabilities, Seaside, California.

Whether your child with autism is 18 months old, or 18 years old, he or she will still benefit from therapy. Early intervention is always helpful, but you're not too late to make a difference in life of your child.

As with all students, but especially autistic children, we highly recommend finding out what the student’s strengths and interests are and emphasize them in your lessons to increase engagement and retention. This simple approach approach builds confidence and nurtures a love of learning.

Helpful Resources:

  • Autism Society of America
  • Top Ten Facts About Autism
  • Symptoms of Autism
  • Before You Let an Autism Diagnosis Drive You Crazy
  • Autism Speaks
  • Libraries and Programs Designed for Autistic Patrons

critical thinking success stories

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5 Stories You Should Tell Others About Your Success at Work

Success statements show others how you’ve added value.

Matthew Royse

Matthew Royse

Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Are you tweaking your career pitch, so you are ready for opportunities at work when they arise?

Have you developed your success statements?

Can you concisely demonstrate your contributions to the company?

Matthew Royse

Written by Matthew Royse

11x Top Writer on Medium | 1M+ Views on Medium | Knowledge Enthusiast | Corporate Man by Day, Entrepreneur by Night | matthewroyse.com

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  20. Success Stories: Real-Life Examples of People Who Changed Their Habits

    Mary's success story is a testament to the power of making small, sustainable changes. By starting with simple adjustments, she was able to build momentum and create lasting habits that transformed her life. Conclusion. In conclusion, the success stories shared in this post demonstrate the transformative power of changing habits.

  21. Recommended Autism Resources for Developing Critical Thinking Skills

    Building Thinking Skills® provides a comprehensive mix of visual-spatial and verbal skill development, highly recommended for teaching children and adults with autism. Math and Reading Detective® books and software can help children in grades 3 through 8, fine-tune reading comprehension and critical thinking skills in the content areas.

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