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10 Ideas For Inspiring Your Writing with Music

by Ellen Buikema

creative writing to music

“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” – Plato

Music, the art of sound through the use of rhythm, harmonies, and melodies, is food for the soul—divine, effective, mathematical – the science of sound. Its language is universal.

A tuneful writing exercise

Music has the ability to spark our imaginations. Here’s how to channel that muse into inspiration for your writing. Turn on a tune that you love and listen carefully.

  • Where does the music take you?
  • What memory does the music send you to?
  • How does the music make you feel?
  • Now use that song to envision a character or setting.
  • Then take a few minutes and write what the song inspired in you.

Music to get us motivated

For those weeks full of Mondays when nothing is going right, turn on a get-moving playlist to drag yourself to your writing space.

I’m a fan of “Happy” by Pharrell Williams. This song always brings a smile to my face and makes me feel peppier. One writer and filmmaker recommends “In One Ear” by Cage the Elephant, a very high energy, edgy sound. Here are 52 motivational songs to get you pumped.

Score your novel

Many writers choose music based on the mood of the scene they’re developing. While listening to Wagner’s “Ride of the Valkyries,” conjure writing scenes of slicing through the waves via tall ships or helicopters soaring through clouds on the way to battle. I’ve tried this but it doesn’t work for me. I always hear Elmer Fudd singing, “Kill the wabbit …” when I listen to this piece of the opera Die Walküre . I guess I watched too many Warner Brothers Cartoons growing up.

For romance, light classical music works well. “Iris” by the Goo Goo Dolls, used in the movie City of Angels , is a fine example. Here are 24 lovely examples in a one hour set to help with the mood.

Soundtracks swell as they maneuver your protagonist through a crime scene. Check out this crime thriller background music .

Australian science fiction author A.C. Flory uses music that fits the mood of what she’s writing. Every once in a while she shares the music she’s found that fits the mood of the piece perfectly. Here’s a recent example .

Music can transport you just about anywhere. I can remember slow dancing (okay, it was that eighth grade hug-and-waddle) to “Knights in White Satin” by the Moody Blues. If I need to return to the emotions of that time all I have to do is hear the tune and it all comes flying back to me. Not that I really want to revisit adolescence and all that teen angst.   Ew . But if I need to make my way there, music is a fast ride back.

Songs from long ago or far away

If your setting is in a foreign land, music from that nation will help you get a feel for your characters and scenes. Let’s say that you are writing a scene that takes place in the American Southwest. An easy way to travel there is to listen to Native American music , deep and hauntingly calm.

If your setting is Spain, the Spanish guitar may lend inspiration. I chose Andrés Segovia for an example as I have seen him in concert and he was marvelous.

For scenes in the Australian outback listen to the drone of the didgeridoo . Lewis Burns, an ambassador of the Aboriginal Tradition, uses circular breathing for continuous sound. I can’t imagine how difficult this is to do.

Should we write while listening to music?

Neuroscientist will answer a resounding “No.” According to these scientists when we try to multitask, like write while listening to a song, or texting a friend and listening to a family member, our brain burns glucose at a faster rate and releases cortisol because our brain tries to give equal attention to all the incoming stimuli. They posit that writing while listening to music induces stress. That said, this does not seem to be the case.

Classical music played at a low volume may increase concentration. Low level ambient sound may improve creativity.

A friend grew up near an opera house in New York City. She did her homework while listening to the loud music emanating from the stage and orchestra pit. She prefers to write while listening to classical music set at a high volume. Experiences differ.

Music with or without lyrics

Instrumentals like jazz and classical can allow the world to slip away. Music with lyrics seems to be the problem child as songs with lyrics cause some writers distraction. There is always the possibility of the lyrics finding their way into dialogue.

An odd music related aside

According to one study published in 2012, people who ate at low-lit restaurants where soft music was played consumed 18% less food than those who ate in other restaurants. Not so good for the restaurant, but I wonder if writing in a low-lit writing cave while listening to soft sounds will cause less snacking.

Whatever you decide, the music you play while writing must inspire you and your book.

Do you listen to music while you write? Which comes first, the tune or the tale? How does music affect your work?  Do you use music local to the story to help you get in the mood for writing those scenes?

* * * * * *

About Ellen

creative writing to music

Author, speaker, and former teacher, Ellen L. Buikema has written non-fiction for parents and a series of chapter books for children with stories encouraging the development of empathy—sprinkling humor wherever possible. Her Works In Progress are,  The Hobo Code , YA historical fiction and Crystal Memories , YA fantasy.

Find her at  http://ellenbuikema.com  or on  Amazon .

Top Image by S. Hermann & F. Richter from Pixabay

23 comments on “10 Ideas For Inspiring Your Writing with Music”

Interesting post, and some good ideas. I listen to classical radio all day, and I'd find it hard to write in silence - or distracted by the sounds of the neighbourhood.

I am right there with you regarding neighborhood noise. That can really be jarring. When we lived in Mazatlan we were exposed to the blaring of various radios from open-air taxis and live bands traveling along the beach all afternoon and much of the night. Impossible music to write to, at least for me.

I can only write in two kinds of noise - absolute silence, to the tune of noise-canceling headphones, or the cacophony of a bar or coffeeshop. Bar noise is the best, because I worked in bars in college and I'm used to reading and studying in that environment. But that at-home peaceful quiet of an empty house is pretty awesome too. 🙂

Silence is blissful! I keep threatening to buy some noise-canceling headphones.

You make a good point regarding working in an enviroment that you are used to. That makes a lot of sense.

Like Jenny, I'm an absolute silence writer, too. Even on the most beautiful summer day, I can't write outdoors for long, as the damn cars and birds and flies are too distracting. (Cue eyeroll.) BUT, Ellen, you've inspired me to make a writing playlist that I can use to get the gears turning, and turn off when necessary.

Ooh! Send us your playlist when you have one.

I've tried writing outdoors but fall prey to the "Look! There's a squirrel" syndrome. I'm easily distracted.

I used to have a one-hour playlist. Mostly mood music, but a few with lyrics. It became so familiar I didn't "hear" it anymore, but it was part of the writing. Then, more recently when I was writing Remaking Morgan, which revolved around a classical pianist, I asked Alexa to play classical piano. What I discovered was the dog came in to listen, and I've been playing classical music in my office ever since. She seems to enjoy it.

So your playlist became white noise for you. Interesting! Do you keep the classical music at a low level while writing?

How wonderful that your pup enjoys the music, too.

Not exactly white noise, because the moods were still there. I keep the volume moderate--background. After all, dogs have excellent hearing! 🙂

I became a believer in the power of music to influence the content of writing when teaching English class to sophomores in high school. On a day when the minds of my students were rushing to summer vacation, I played three pieces of classical music (unfamiliar to most of them). Two of those pieces--Ravel's "Bolero" and Offenbach's "Gaite Parisienne" had pens pushing on paper! And my students finding they had something to say.

How awesome is that!

I know a fourth grade teacher who dims the lights, turns on a long stream of tiny orange lights, and plays spooky music during writing time just before Halloween. She calls it Spooky Writing. The students love it and write some interesting stories.

Did you use Ravel's "Bolero" before or after Blake Edwards' movie '10' ?

Ellen, this is a good one! In my case i like quiet while I'm actually writing, but I have developed a lengthy (over 6 hours) playlist of oldies -- Doors, Stones, Beachboys, and, yes, the Monkees' underrated "I'm Not Your Stepping Stone" -- that I listen to while I'm editing. So it depends on what stage the WIP is at. Thanks for a cool essay!

Thank you, James!

I love the Monkees and have endured lots of teasing because of it, at which I smile. My taste in music is eclectic.

I find it interesting that you listen to different tunes depending upon the writing stage.

Hi, Ellen. Yes, when I'm actually putting new words on paper I can't use the playlist (I agree with the neuroscientists you mention in the essay), but it seems to help when I'm revising. Maybe I can edit longer, waiting for "one more song." And I've taken my share of teasing for Monkees music, too. Great to find another fan!

I wrote 52 short stories in 52 weeks with music from Youtube.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAcj8me7wGI&t=7974s This is OCB Study and Relax Music (mostly piano).

This is lovely, Cheryl. Thank you for sharing.

Yes, I find I do more of my best work with music playing. Somehow it helps me focus, rather than causing a multi-task issue in my experience. I also use music to fit the approximate decade of my fiction and that really helps. I know some writers say it's better not to listen to songs with lyrics, but that doesn't bother me at all. There is something settling about music for me, and keeps me focused and in the chair. Without music in the background, I pop up out of the chair more often for all sorts of distractions like snacks, drinks, small chores that suddenly need attention etc. So I was happy to see this article. Music might not be good for everyone's concentration, but it is the best thing for me. Thanks for posting it.

We are all so different. You have to use what works best for you.

A good friend listens to punk rock when he is writing a rant. I like to listen to music with lyrics when I'm painting, but not while writing.

I'm happy that you've enjoyed the post!

Thank you, Ellen, I have a music score in my ALBINO WOMAN Story. Right now, I'm immersed in listening to poetry readings on You Tube. I intend to write a unique poem between each section of TOXIC TIMES.

Hi Elizabeth! I remember your Albino Woman story from critique group. You are so good with dark and gritty. I look forward to reading your next works.

I listen to music while I write. It serves several purposes: if I'm actually paying attention to the song, it may inspire a scene, it drowns out other noises in the background, and as part of TRT, it provides a neutral noise to drown out tinnitus.

Glad you've brought up the use of background noise to drown out tinnitus. Excellent point. Thank you Denise!

I suppose I am different to most here. I like listening to music, softly, in the background whilst I am writing. It does not affect me but it does infect me, the cadence, style and lyrics play with what I am writing. If I listen to "the cowboy Junkies" (just an example) the tale becomes more folksey, clever, homegrown. "KIng Crimson" and it grows esoteric and fulfilling, the poetry of Pete Sinfield, pumping up my lyricism. The huge crescendos bring words unused for years from me, only to be forgotten again when written, at times Bach and Tchaikovsky illicit similar verbose literacy. Yet the truly best for me (all will have their own choices) to encourage what I wish to write are Mike Oldfield and Tangerine Dream.

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Writing Beginner

Writing Music: 100 Best Songs to Spark Your Creativity

I always listen to something when I write — music, podcasts, or YouTube videos.

I’ve explored various soundscapes, from the ambient noise of coffee shops to curated playlists, and I even created a rain sounds video on my YouTube channel, specifically designed to envelop writers in the comforting embrace of nature’s melodies.

From all of this research and testing, here is the best writing music for your every artistic mood.

The Power of Writing Music

Typewriter surrounded by colorful floating images of music -- Writing Music

Table of Contents

Why does music hold such power over our creative faculties?

From the rhythmic patter of rain to the soul-stirring swell of an orchestra, each note and nuance can usher us into a state of flow, where words pour out effortlessly. In this guide, I’ll share 100 songs that have been my allies in writing.

These aren’t just any songs; they are melodies that resonate with the rhythm of thought, emotion, and expression.

Each category below is a collection of tunes that have stood by me, helping weave narratives out of the silence.

Classical Calm

Classical music provides a serene backdrop for writers.

Its timeless melodies can transport you to a world of quiet contemplation, where creativity flows unimpeded.

  • Claude Debussy – Clair de Lune . The gentle ebbs and flows of this piece mimic the natural rhythm of thought, making it perfect for reflective writing sessions. Its ethereal quality can help ideas float freely in your mind.
  • Ludwig van Beethoven – Moonlight Sonata . This sonata’s deep melancholy provides a powerful backdrop for introspection and profound creativity. The emotional depth of the music can help unlock hidden layers in your writing.
  • Johann Sebastian Bach – Goldberg Variations . Bach’s variations offer a structured yet creative environment that can boost focus and inspiration. Each variation explores a different facet of the theme, much like exploring various angles in a story.
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Eine kleine Nachtmusik . Mozart’s serenade is lively and uplifting, perfect for when you need a mood booster during long writing sessions. Its familiarity and charm can make the writing process feel more joyful.
  • Erik Satie – Gymnopédies . The slow pace and simplicity of the Gymnopédies provide a minimalist backdrop that can help clear your mind, making room for creativity and focus.
  • Antonio Vivaldi – The Four Seasons . Vivaldi’s concertos are vivid and full of life, each portraying a different season. This variety can inspire dynamic writing, offering a range of emotions to draw from.
  • Frédéric Chopin – Nocturnes . Chopin’s Nocturnes are soulful and expressive, ideal for writing that delves into deep emotions or complex character studies. Their lyrical quality can help smooth out the writing process.
  • Ludovico Einaudi – Nuvole Bianche . Einaudi’s contemporary classical piece is soothing and cinematic, perfect for writing scenes that require a touch of emotion or a sense of journey.
  • Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky – Swan Lake . The dramatic and beautiful themes from Swan Lake can inspire grand narratives and add a touch of elegance to your writing environment.
  • Philip Glass – Glassworks . Glass’s minimalist compositions offer a repetitive and hypnotic backdrop, facilitating a deep focus that’s ideal for getting lost in the world of your writing.

Jazz Journeys

Jazz, with its blend of spontaneity and structure, can invigorate your writing process.

Its ability to convey emotion through improvisation makes it a dynamic companion for creative exploration.

  • Miles Davis – So What . The cool, laid-back vibes of this track encourage a relaxed writing pace, making it ideal for brainstorming sessions or fleshing out ideas.
  • John Coltrane – Giant Steps . Coltrane’s fast pace and complex chord changes can energize your writing, especially when working through challenging sections or looking for dynamic, rhythmic inspiration.
  • Dave Brubeck – Take Five . Its unusual time signature and catchy melody make “Take Five” a refreshing break from the ordinary, perfect for writers seeking a novel approach or a fresh perspective.
  • Charles Mingus – Goodbye Pork Pie Hat . This soulful, melancholic piece can provide a deep, emotional undercurrent for writing that explores complex themes or character emotions.
  • Duke Ellington – In a Sentimental Mood . The smooth, romantic tones of this classic can enhance writing scenes that require a touch of intimacy or reflection.
  • Bill Evans – Waltz for Debby . Evans’ lyrical piano playing offers a gentle, wistful backdrop, ideal for crafting detailed narratives or developing character backstories.
  • Thelonious Monk – Round Midnight . Monk’s intricate melodies and harmonies present a thoughtful, introspective mood, suitable for late-night writing sessions or when delving into more serious topics.
  • Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong – Summertime . The warm, expressive vocals in this rendition of “Summertime” can add a sense of nostalgia and depth to your writing, perfect for setting a scene or developing atmosphere.
  • Herbie Hancock – Cantaloupe Island . With its funky groove and catchy riff, “Cantaloupe Island” introduces an upbeat, creative energy that can help spur innovative ideas.
  • Wynton Marsalis – Feeling of Jazz . Marsalis’ smooth and sophisticated track encapsulates the essence of jazz, providing a cool, composed backdrop for crafting narratives. It’s perfect for when you need to maintain a steady, focused approach to your writing, offering a balance between relaxation and concentration.

Ambient Atmospheres

Ambient music, with its emphasis on tone and atmosphere over traditional musical structure, can be incredibly effective in creating a focused, meditative writing environment.

These tracks are designed to blend into the background, providing a calming, non-intrusive backdrop.

  • Brian Eno – Music for Airports . Eno’s pioneering ambient album is designed to induce calm and space for reflection, making it ideal for writing that requires deep concentration and a serene mindset.
  • Aphex Twin – Rhubarb . This track’s repetitive, soft melodies create a soothing environment that can help minimize distractions, allowing for a deeper immersion into your writing.
  • Stars of the Lid – And Their Refinement Of The Decline . The slow-moving, drone-like soundscapes of this album are perfect for writers needing to maintain focus over long periods. It’s like a musical form of white noise, enhancing productivity without demanding attention.
  • Max Richter – On the Nature of Daylight . Richter’s piece combines strings and piano to evoke a sense of emotional depth and introspection, aiding in writing that explores complex emotions or character developments.
  • Ólafur Arnalds – re:member . Arnalds blends classical and electronic elements to create music that feels both timeless and modern, offering a backdrop that can inspire innovative thinking and new ideas.
  • Sigur Rós – Ágætis byrjun . The ethereal sound of Sigur Rós can transport you to otherworldly places, perfect for writing fantasy, sci-fi, or any work that ventures beyond the ordinary.
  • Nils Frahm – Says . Frahm’s minimalist electronic compositions offer a tranquil, yet emotionally charged environment for writing, especially effective for crafting narratives that require a delicate touch.
  • The Album Leaf – In a Safe Place . The blend of ambient electronics and live instruments creates a warm, inviting atmosphere that’s conducive to creative writing and brainstorming.
  • Carbon Based Lifeforms – Hydroponic Garden . This album’s ambient, downtempo tracks are great for setting a calm, yet subtly energized environment for writing, especially useful for generating ideas and fleshing out concepts.
  • Eluvium – Life Through Bombardment . The lush, cinematic soundscapes of Eluvium are ideal for writers looking to create a deeply immersive setting, providing a sonic world that mirrors the depth and complexity of their narratives.

If you’re looking for more a rain sounds aesthetic, here is a video I created for writers (like me and you):

Epic Soundtracks

Epic soundtracks from movies, TV shows, and video games are masterful at evoking emotions and creating expansive soundscapes that can dramatically elevate your writing sessions.

Writing music like these compositions often carry a narrative weight, making them perfect companions for writing your own stories.

  • Hans Zimmer – Time (Inception) . Zimmer’s powerful compositions are known for their ability to convey deep emotional resonance and epic scope, making “Time” a perfect piece for writing scenes that require a sense of grandeur or emotional depth.
  • Ramin Djawadi – Main Theme (Game of Thrones) . The iconic theme from “Game of Thrones” is imbued with a sense of adventure and intrigue, ideal for writing fantasy or any story that involves complex political machinations and epic battles.
  • John Williams – Hedwig’s Theme (Harry Potter) . The magical quality of “Hedwig’s Theme” can inspire wonder and whimsy, perfect for writing children’s literature, fantasy, or any work that aims to capture the imagination.
  • Howard Shore – The Fellowship Theme (The Lord of the Rings) . Shore’s sweeping score for “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy is rich with themes of heroism, adventure, and the struggle between good and evil, offering a lush backdrop for writing epic narratives.
  • Ennio Morricone – The Ecstasy of Gold (The Good, the Bad and the Ugly) . Morricone’s compositions blend the majestic with the intimate, providing a dynamic range of emotions to draw from when writing stories that traverse a broad emotional spectrum.
  • Yoko Shimomura – Dearly Beloved (Kingdom Hearts) . This gentle, melancholic piece from the Kingdom Hearts series is great for writing sessions that delve into themes of friendship, loss, or the bittersweet nature of adventure.
  • Bear McCreary – Theme from Battlestar Galactica . McCreary’s work combines traditional orchestral elements with electronic sounds and ethnic instruments, creating a unique, compelling backdrop that’s especially fitting.
  • Michael Giacchino – Married Life (Up) . Giacchino’s touching composition for the movie “Up” captures a wide range of emotions in just a few minutes, from the joys of love to the pains of loss, making it a versatile background for writing deeply emotional or reflective pieces.
  • Nobuo Uematsu – To Zanarkand (Final Fantasy X) . Uematsu’s compositions have a unique ability to evoke a sense of nostalgia and longing, perfect for writing that aims to explore complex emotions or intricate backstories.
  • Jeremy Soule – Skyrim (The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim) . The epic and immersive score of Skyrim invites writers into a world of adventure and exploration, ideal for crafting narratives set in vast, open worlds full of potential stories and characters.

Lyrical Landscapes

Sometimes, the right lyrics can spark an idea or emotion that brings your writing to life.

These songs, spanning various genres, are chosen for their poetic lyrics and compelling storytelling, offering inspiration for your own narratives.

  • Bob Dylan – Tangled Up in Blue . Dylan’s storytelling prowess is unmatched, and this song’s intricate narrative and emotional depth can inspire similar richness and complexity in your writing.
  • Leonard Cohen – Hallelujah . Cohen’s lyrical genius in “Hallelujah” combines spiritual longing with human frailty, offering a profound backdrop for writing that explores deep themes of love, loss, and redemption.
  • Joni Mitchell – A Case of You . Mitchell’s vivid lyrics and emotive delivery in “A Case of You” paint a detailed picture of love and memory, providing a rich source of inspiration for character development and emotional narrative arcs.
  • The Beatles – Eleanor Rigby . The poignant storytelling and social commentary in “Eleanor Rigby” offer a great example of how to weave narrative and message into your writing, encouraging exploration of themes like loneliness and societal neglect.
  • Tracy Chapman – Fast Car . Chapman’s storytelling in “Fast Car” captures the essence of hope and despair, making it a powerful muse for writing about dreams, escape, and the realities of life.
  • Sufjan Stevens – Chicago . Stevens combines personal narrative with a sweeping scope in “Chicago,” inspiring writers to explore their own stories within larger themes and settings.
  • Radiohead – Fake Plastic Trees . The melancholy and critique embedded in the lyrics of “Fake Plastic Trees” can inspire writing that delves into themes of authenticity, consumerism, and environmental concern.
  • Fleetwood Mac – Landslide . The introspective and contemplative nature of “Landslide,” combined with its beautiful melody, offers a soothing yet emotionally stirring background for writing about change, growth, and self-reflection.
  • David Bowie – Space Oddity . Bowie’s narrative of Major Tom’s journey into space provides a unique storytelling perspective, encouraging writers to explore themes of isolation, ambition, and the unknown.
  • Adele – Someone Like You . Adele’s powerful vocal delivery and the emotional depth of “Someone Like You” can inspire writing that seeks to capture the raw essence of heartbreak and the quest for closure.

Folk Reflections

Folk music offers a raw, authentic backdrop for writing that seeks to explore human experiences and emotions.

These songs are chosen for their ability to connect with listeners on a personal level.

  • Simon & Garfunkel – The Sound of Silence . The haunting melodies and poignant lyrics of this classic folk song can inspire introspective writing, exploring themes of alienation, existential dread, and the search for meaning.
  • Nick Drake – Pink Moon . Drake’s delicate fingerpicking and soft, melancholic voice in “Pink Moon” create an intimate atmosphere, perfect for writing that focuses on personal journey and introspection.
  • Joan Baez – Diamonds and Rust . Baez’s reflective and bittersweet recounting of a past love offers a masterclass in narrative lyricism, inspiring writers to explore the depths of their own past relationships and the emotions they evoke.
  • Bob Marley – Redemption Song . This acoustic anthem of freedom and emancipation from Bob Marley can encourage writers to explore themes of liberation, resilience, and the human spirit’s unyielding desire for redemption.
  • Joni Mitchell – Big Yellow Taxi . Mitchell’s witty and critical take on environmental and social issues set against a catchy, upbeat melody can inspire writers to tackle contemporary issues with a blend of humor and seriousness.
  • Iron & Wine – Flightless Bird, American Mouth . The intricate lyrics and soft, acoustic melody create a dreamlike quality that’s ideal for writing that delves into themes of love, loss, and longing.
  • Fleet Foxes – White Winter Hymnal . The harmonic vocals and the cyclical, narrative nature of the song provide a lush, wintry backdrop for writing, perfect for stories that weave together themes of memory, time, and change.
  • Bon Iver – Holocene . The ethereal sound and introspective lyrics of “Holocene” invite writers to explore their place in the world, reflecting on moments of personal significance and the beauty of the natural world.
  • The Lumineers – Ophelia . With its catchy melody and soulful lyrics, “Ophelia” is a vibrant source of inspiration for writing about love, wanderlust, and the pursuit of passion against the odds.
  • Glen Hansard & Marketa Irglova – Falling Slowly . This duet, with its beautiful blend of voices and emotional depth, can inspire writing that captures the essence of human connection, vulnerability, and the power of a shared moment.

Electronic Explorations

Electronic music, with its vast array of sounds and textures, offers an expansive landscape for creative exploration.

From ambient to techno, electronic writing music can stimulate a wide range of emotions and settings, making it a versatile companion for any writing session.

  • Daft Punk – Digital Love . This track’s upbeat tempo and nostalgic feel can inspire writing that explores themes of love, longing, and the joy of connection in the digital age.
  • Moby – Porcelain . The melancholic yet soothing tones of “Porcelain” offer a backdrop for writing that delves into introspection, solitude, and the complex layers of the human psyche.
  • Massive Attack – Teardrop . With its haunting vocals and trip-hop beats, “Teardrop” is perfect for crafting stories that explore the darker, more mysterious aspects of life and emotion.
  • Portishead – Roads . The somber mood and slow build of “Roads” create an atmospheric setting for writing that examines themes of despair, longing, and the search for redemption.
  • Boards of Canada – Roygbiv . The warm, analog sounds of Boards of Canada can inspire writing that captures nostalgia, childhood memories, and the subtle beauty of everyday moments.
  • Autechre – Nil . For writing that pushes boundaries or explores abstract concepts, the complex, textural soundscapes of Autechre offer a challenging yet rewarding backdrop.
  • Kraftwerk – Computer Love . Kraftwerk’s pioneering electronic sound, combined with themes of technology and emotion, can inspire writers to explore the intersection of human experience and the digital world.
  • Aphex Twin – Avril 14th . This gentle, piano-driven piece by Aphex Twin provides a serene and contemplative atmosphere, ideal for writing that seeks to capture moments of clarity, simplicity, and poignant beauty.
  • Tycho – Awake . Tycho’s blend of ambient melodies and upbeat rhythms offers an uplifting backdrop for writing, especially effective for crafting scenes that evoke a sense of hope, renewal, and forward movement.
  • The Chemical Brothers – Wide Open . With its dynamic build and emotive vocals, “Wide Open” is ideal for writing that explores transformation, the feeling of being on the cusp of change, or the exhilaration of discovering something new about oneself or the world.

Soulful Serenades

Soul music can bring a profound depth of feeling to your writing.

The soul genre is rich with themes of love, pain, joy, and resilience, making it a perfect writing music muse for stories that aim to touch the heart and stir the spirit.

  • Aretha Franklin – I Say a Little Prayer . Franklin’s powerful rendition of this classic provides a vibrant backdrop for writing that explores themes of hope, devotion, and the strength found in love.
  • Otis Redding – (Sittin’ On) The Dock of the Bay . The laid-back, reflective nature of this song is perfect for writing that captures moments of contemplation, the beauty of stillness, and the bittersweetness of reminiscing.
  • Sam Cooke – A Change Is Gonna Come . Cooke’s anthem of hope and resilience can inspire writing that tackles social issues, personal growth, and the universal longing for freedom and equality.
  • Marvin Gaye – What’s Going On . With its poignant social commentary and smooth, soulful melody, “What’s Going On” is a powerful muse for writing that seeks to explore and question the complexities of the modern world.
  • Bill Withers – Lean on Me . The message of support and unity in “Lean on Me” can inspire narratives that delve into the power of community, friendship, and the human capacity for compassion.
  • Al Green – Let’s Stay Together . Green’s smooth, romantic vocals can inspire writing that explores the nuances of love, commitment, and the joy found in shared moments.
  • Etta James – At Last . James’ soul-stirring vocals and the timeless quality of “At Last” make it an ideal backdrop for writing that captures the essence of finding love or fulfillment after a long journey.
  • Stevie Wonder – Superstition . The funky, upbeat sound of “Superstition” can inspire writing that’s infused with energy, explores themes of fate and belief, or simply needs a rhythmic, lively atmosphere.
  • Ray Charles – Georgia on My Mind . Charles’ heartfelt tribute to Georgia can inspire writing that explores themes of home, longing, and the deep emotional connections we have to places and memories.
  • Amy Winehouse – Back to Black . Winehouse’s emotional depth and retro soul style can inspire writing that delves into themes of love, loss, and the complexities of the human experience.

Reggae Rhythms

Reggae music, with its laid-back beats and positive vibes, provides a unique atmosphere that can significantly enhance the writing process.

Its rhythmic patterns and distinctive sound not only offer a refreshing break from the silence but also infuse your writing session with a sense of relaxation and creative flow.

  • Bob Marley & The Wailers – No Woman, No Cry . Bob Marley’s soothing voice and the song’s comforting rhythm make it a perfect choice for writing sessions that require warmth and empathy. Its message of hope and resilience can inspire narratives that resonate deeply with readers.
  • Peter Tosh – Legalize It . Tosh’s anthem for marijuana legalization is not only a call for social change but also a song that can inspire writers to explore themes of activism, freedom, and the fight against oppression in their work.
  • Jimmy Cliff – The Harder They Come . This track’s message of perseverance in the face of adversity offers a motivational backdrop for writing, especially for stories that feature characters overcoming challenges or fighting for their dreams.
  • Toots and the Maytals – Pressure Drop . The upbeat tempo and hopeful lyrics of “Pressure Drop” provide an excellent environment for writing music that encourages a sense of impending change or catharsis within narrative arcs.
  • Gregory Isaacs – Night Nurse . Isaacs’ smooth voice and the song’s relaxed groove offer a soothing background for writing sessions, particularly when crafting scenes that require a tender touch or a healing moment.
  • Burning Spear – Marcus Garvey . The powerful and inspiring lyrics dedicated to the Jamaican national hero, Marcus Garvey, encourage writers to delve into historical narratives, explore themes of leadership, and the impact of influential figures in society.
  • Steel Pulse – Handsworth Revolution . With its roots in the Handsworth riots, this song can inspire writers to tackle complex social issues, reflecting on the causes and effects of civil unrest and the community’s resilience.
  • Black Uhuru – Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner . This track’s reggae beat and engaging storytelling elements make it a compelling choice for writing music that explores themes of unexpected encounters, societal norms, and breaking barriers.
  • Alpha Blondy – Jerusalem . The song’s plea for peace and unity in Jerusalem can inspire writing that explores themes of conflict, hope, and the quest for harmony in a divided world.
  • UB40 – Red Red Wine . UB40’s version of this classic song brings a light, enjoyable atmosphere to the writing session, perfect for when you need to loosen up and let the words flow with ease.

Blues Beats

Blues music offers a powerful source of inspiration for writers.

Characterized by its melancholic melodies and often reflective lyrics, this type of writing music can help unlock deep emotions and foster an environment ripe for creative storytelling.

This genre’s expressive power lies in its ability to convey the complexities of the human condition.

  • B.B. King – The Thrill Is Gone . King’s iconic guitar licks and soulful vocals on “The Thrill Is Gone” provide a poignant backdrop for writing about loss, heartbreak, and the journey to recovery. Its bluesy essence captures the bittersweet nature of moving on.
  • Muddy Waters – Mannish Boy . The deep, gritty voice of Muddy Waters combined with the song’s powerful riff offers inspiration for writing strong, defiant characters or narratives that embody the spirit of resilience and rebirth.
  • Etta James – I’d Rather Go Blind . The emotional intensity of “I’d Rather Go Blind” can inspire writers to explore the depths of love, betrayal, and the complexities of human relationships, making it perfect writing music for scenes charged with emotional turmoil.
  • John Lee Hooker – Boom Boom . Hooker’s foot-tapping rhythm and bluesy vibe in “Boom Boom” provide a lively atmosphere that can energize writing sessions, perfect for crafting scenes with dynamic, compelling action or dialogue.
  • Howlin’ Wolf – Smokestack Lightnin’ . The haunting harmonica and raw vocal power of “Smokestack Lightnin'” create an atmospheric setting for writing, especially suitable for stories that delve into darker themes or explore the human psyche.
  • Robert Johnson – Cross Road Blues . Johnson’s tale of desperation and deal-making at the crossroads offers fertile ground for writing music that inspires stories of choices, consequences, and the eternal search for redemption.
  • Stevie Ray Vaughan – Texas Flood . The virtuosic guitar work and emotional delivery of “Texas Flood” are ideal for writing music that evokes a sense of longing, intensity, and the raw edge of passion.
  • Buddy Guy – Damn Right, I’ve Got the Blues . With its expressive guitar solos and heartfelt lyrics, “Damn Right, I’ve Got the Blues” can encourage writers to tap into their own emotions, exploring themes of despair, endurance, and the catharsis of expressing one’s truth.
  • Janis Joplin – Me and Bobby McGee . Joplin’s raspy voice and the song’s narrative of freedom and loss make it a compelling choice for writing music that explores themes of adventure, companionship, and the sacrifices we make for the ones we love.
  • Gary Clark Jr. – Bright Lights . The modern blues sound of “Bright Lights,” with its gritty lyrics about city life, can inspire writers to explore contemporary themes, setting their narratives against the backdrop of urban landscapes and the dreams and struggles found within.

Best AI Song Generators for Writing Music

Believe it or not, you can actually now generate your own writing music to your exact specifications.

You can use this to inspire your writing or create a cool soundtrack for your stories.

Try these generators:

  • Suno – This is my current favorite!

Final Thoughts: Best Writing Music

Now you have a writing playlist for every mood.

For even more inspiration for your writing, check out some of our other great guides below.

Read This Next:

  • 150 Best Fantasy Writing Prompts to Spark Your Creativity
  • 200 Ideas for a Country Song (Cool, Creative, Unique)
  • How To Write Country Music (21 Steps to Writing a Hit)
  • 200+ Superhero Ideas for Storytellers (Massive List)
  • Share full article


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Nine Teaching Ideas for Using Music to Inspire Student Writing

creative writing to music

By Natalie Proulx

  • May 10, 2018

Some of the greatest written works of our time have been inspired by music. Walt Whitman conceived of and wrote “Leaves of Grass” while listening to opera . Alice Walker, Langston Hughes, Ntozake Shange and Ralph Ellison were all moved by spirituals, jazz and blues . And Lin-Manuel Miranda’s rap musical “Hamilton” was born of his love of hip-hop . These writers understood what many educational researchers know — that music opens up pathways to creative thinking, sharpens our ability to listen and helps us weave together disparate ideas .

In this teaching resource, we suggest nine exercises to use music to inspire student writing — from creating annotated playlists and critical reviews to music-inspired poetry and personal narratives. Each idea pulls from Times reporting, Opinion pieces and multimedia on music to give students a place to start. The activities are categorized according to three genres: creative and narrative writing; informative and explanatory writing; and persuasive and argumentative writing.

How do you use music in your classroom? Let us know in the comments.

Creative and Narrative Writing

Exercise #1: Write a story or poem inspired by music.

One way you might let your students be inspired by music is to have them describe in words what they hear, a method Jean-Michel Basquiat employed in his poetry and paintings.

In “ Bowie, Bach and Bebop: How Music Powered Basquiat ,” Ekow Eshun writes:

In 1979, at 19, the artist Jean-Michel Basquiat moved into an abandoned apartment on East 12th Street in Manhattan with his girlfriend at the time, Alexis Adler. The home, a sixth-floor walk-up, was run-down and sparsely furnished. Basquiat, broke and unable to afford canvases, painted with abandon on the walls and floor, even on Ms. Adler’s clothes. The one item that remained undisturbed was Ms. Adler’s stereo, which had pride of place on a shelf scavenged from the street. “The main thing for us was having big speakers and a blasting stereo. That was the only furniture I purchased myself,” said Ms. Adler, who still lives in the apartment. When Basquiat was around, she recalled, “music was playing all the time.” On Thursday, the exhibition “Basquiat: Boom for Real” opened at the Barbican Center in London. The show focuses on the artist’s relationship to music, text, film and television. But it is jazz — the musical style that made up the bulk of Basquiat’s huge record collection — that looms largest as a source of personal inspiration to him and as a subject matter.

Invite your students to read the article and then listen to the Times-curated Spotify playlist “ The eclectic taste of Jean-Michel Basquiat ” as they view his art and read his poetry . Discuss what they notice about the musical influence in Basquiat’s work. How do the content, colors, textures and shapes in his paintings resemble the sounds they hear? How are these reflected in the words, phrases, mood and rhythm of his poems?

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20 Creative Songwriting and Composing Prompts Courtesy of ‘Every Song Ever’

Nick Millevoi

songwriting prompt on paper

+ Improve your songwriting with Soundfly! Explore our range of courses on  emotional chord progressions ,  basic songwriting technique ,  songwriting for producers , and many more. Subscribe for unlimited access  here .

Ben Ratliff’s Every Song Ever: Twenty Ways to Listen in an Age of Musical Plenty is my favorite book I’ve read in the past year. In each chapter, Ratliff details a new way to approach listening based on a specific aesthetic characteristic complete with song lists. He goes into ways of listening based on various musical, philosophical, and practical concepts and suggests listeners consider elements of musical performance like speed, repetition, dynamics, improvisation , etc.

It’s an incredible exercise in active, engaged listening practice. At the end of each chapter, Ratliff curates excellent playlists that had me listening to tons of new sounds, as well as considering familiar sounds in new ways. That exercise alone has inevitably made me a better music fan. But how could we use the same type of approach to become better songwriters and more creative composers ?

Since reading Every Song Ever , I’ve started creating lists of writing prompts for my students. These tiny writing challenges offer different approaches to composing new material and can help get you out of a creative block or make your practice time a bit more fun! Best of all, they can apply to any level of musicianship.

These prompts are simply a bunch of jumping-off points. This is in no way a comprehensive list, and you’ll probably find plenty more ideas to explore once you dig in. If any of these aren’t working for you, just move on to another one that does. I’ve also listed examples of songs that make use of a handful of these compositional tactics to get you started.

Are you ready? Here’s what to do.

  • Print this page.
  • Cut out each creative prompt, and put them all in a giant jar.
  • Next time you practice or brainstorm, pick one or several prompts from the jar and play!
  • Try to finish the entire idea and not stop halfway through.

creative writing to music

Some examples:

The Carter Family —  “Wildwood Flower”  and Television —  “Friction”

creative writing to music

The Velvet Underground —  “Heroin”


A contrafact is a new melody composed over another song’s chords. Johnny Smith’s “Walk Don’t Run” is a contrafact of the jazz standard  “Softly, as in a Morning Sunrise.”


The Boredoms —  “Acid Police”


Seu Jorge —  “Life on Mars”


The Stooges —  “Search and Destroy”


Ocrilim —  “Annwn Part I”


David Bowie —  “Ashes to Ashes”

+ Work 1:1 with a Soundfly Mentor with  the Headliner’s Club , our month-long personalized learning program, and develop a plan to achieve your goals with the help of a professional musician, engineer, educator, or music industry veteran!  What would you like to improve?


An Albatross —  “We Are the Lazer Vikings”


Yes —  “Close to the Edge”


(If you want some great examples of this, head to Ian Gordon’s exploratory “What Happens When You Mess with the Keys of Iconic Movie Theme Songs” for a laugh.)


I could keep going, but 20 prompts seems like a good place to stop. And I don’t want to hog all the ideas, so here’s your challenge: Share this article, or print it out just for yourself. Come up with 10 prompts of your own, and put them all in a jar and select one or a couple at random next time you sit down to rehearse with your instrument or write a new song. 

And hey, if you’re feeling confident, post some of these songwriting and composing challenges, or the resulting pieces you create, in the comments below!

One last thing. I always like to remind my students that you don’t have to like everything you write. But, I strongly encourage you to finish writing it and meet your goal. Then you can decide if you like it or not.

You might come around, or you might find a way to make something more interesting. If not, you can always just write something else .

Get 1:1 coaching on your songwriting from a seasoned pro.

Soundfly’s  community of mentors  can help you set the right goals, pave the right path toward success, and stick to schedules and routines that you develop together, so you improve every step of the way.  Tell us what you’re working on , and we’ll find the right mentor for you! 

Com Truise: Mid-Fi Synthwave Slow-Motion Funk

Nick Millevoi is a Philadelphia-based guitarist and composer whose music draws upon the influences of avant garde jazz, modern classical, and rock and roll to create a personal sound. He currently leads Desertion Trio/Quartet, whose debut album, Desertion, was released in May 2016 on ShhPuma/Clean Feed. Nick is a member of Chris Forsyth & the Solar Motel Band, Archer Spade, and Hollenberg/Millevoi Quartet, which specializes in the music of John Zorn. His music has been released on labels such as Tzadik, New Atlantis, and The Flenser. (Photo by Ryan Collerd.)

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The Best Music for Writing: 26 Playlists for Inspiration & Focus

  • February 21, 2024
  • 12 min read

Table of Contents:

Why music helps you write, 26 best music playlists to listen to while you write, writing music for every mood: english lyrics, 1. morning rhythms, 2. shoegaze classics, 3. have a great day, 4. chill + atmospheric, 5. melantronic, writing music in a foreign language, 6. french indie pop, 7. japanese city pop, 8. soweto beat/township jive, 9. bhangra bangers, 10.  spanish tapas bar, 11.  korean indie/chill/r&b, musical choices without lyrics:, 12.  japanese lofi hiphop, 13.  classical music for reading, 14. minimalism, 15. instrumental pop covers, 16. composer weekly: ryuichi sakamoto, 17.  relaxing spanish guitar, 18.  ludovico einaudi complete playlist, instrumental scores from games and movies, 19.  soundtracks for studying, 20.  minecraft soundtrack, 21.  studio ghibli summer night piano collection with nature sounds, electronic music, 22.  brain food, 23.  yoga electronica.

  • 24.   Mother Earth's Plantasia

25.  Women of Electronic

26.  coding concentration by spotify, finding your optimal sound, experiment with different genres, create playlists based on projects, ambient noise vs. music, potential downsides of music, it can be distracting for some:, lyrics can be distracting:, changing songs interrupts flow:, other auditory background.

Music can be a writer’s best friend or their worst enemy. The right tunes keep you focused and motivated as the words flow effortlessly onto the page. But choose the wrong playlist, and you might find yourself tapping your feet instead of typing away.

That’s why finding the optimal soundscape for your writing sessions is important. With the perfect mix of songs, you can transport yourself into a flow state, cranking out page after page on even the toughest assignments. The wrong sounds, however, can shatter your concentration or sap your creativity.

This guide will explore the best music for writing across genres and contexts. You’ll discover upbeat tracks to energize your efforts, ambient mixes to enhance your focus, and playlists tailored specifically for creative writing. Read on to find your perfect background audio, guaranteed to inspire great work.

Music can be a powerful ally in writing and enhancing creativity. The right tunes can help improve focus and block out distractions. They can put you in the optimal mindset for flow and imagination.

When seeking inspiration strikes, music has an incredible ability to spark creative thinking and new ideas. Many writers can attest that a familiar playlist can trigger your muse, unlock writer’s block, or help words and thoughts flow freely.

The noise-blocking and distraction-minimizing effects of music can also give a useful boost to concentration. Getting in the zone for writing becomes easier when music cuts down external sounds and chatter. The predictability of rhythms and melodies helpfully directs mental focus.

Music also has a profound impact on mood and mindset. Choosing playlists that evoke energy, positivity, or relaxation sets the stage for productive writing sessions. Upbeat tracks promote motivation, while calmer songs lower stress. Getting in the right headspace with a tailored soundtrack helps writing come easier.

Here is our expertly crafted selection of 26 writing music playlists and songs. These playlists are especially favored by the wordsmiths at Ghost Writing Founder , who understand the power of the perfect backdrop to writing sessions.

Whether you’re seeking inspiration to kickstart your writing journey , here are some collections of writing music playlists that you can listen to.

Begin your day with a gentle nudge into the writing flow. This playlist offers an eclectic mix, from funk to soul to jazz, designed to uplift your spirits without fading into the background.

Originally dubbed “dream pop” upon its emergence in the UK during the 1980s, shoegaze music features ethereal vocals, distorted guitars, and a distinctive aura of distortion. It’s a brooding yet oddly uplifting genre, perfect for those reflective writing sessions.

As the title suggests, this playlist brims with cheerful melodies guaranteed to brighten your mood. Featuring tracks from Fleetwood Mac, Elton John, Steely Dan, Blondie, and Stevie Wonder, it’s a surefire way to inject some energy into your writing routine.

This playlist is tailor-made if melancholy melodies and rainy-day ambiance resonate with your creative spirit. Immerse yourself in haunting tunes that evoke a sense of introspection and calm.

Described by Spotify as “beautiful electronic music for melancholy moments,” this playlist strikes a delicate balance between sadness and rhythm. Expect soul-stirring tracks from artists like Thom Yorke, Caribou, and Aphex Twin, perfect for those reflective writing sessions.

Professional book writing service providers sometimes like to write music while listening to some good foreign language music. The tunes offer intrigue, keeping one motivated without the distraction of lyrics.

Below are writing music playlists liked by the team from around the world:

This writing music playlist embodies dreamy, mellow French indie pop. It leans heavily on electronic music and vibrant beats, evoking a “low-key Paris” vibe rather than the frenzy of club-hopping.

During the late 1970s and 1980s, Japan embraced “City Pop,” influenced by Western music. With jazz, soft rock, and funk elements, it’s reminiscent of yacht rock—a perfect choice for those seeking peppy tunes.

Soweto, a vibrant township in South Africa, resonates with musical energy. This playlist highlights mbaqanga music, a rhythmic style with deep Zulu roots originating in the early 1960s. Its upbeat tempo ignites energetic bursts of writing.

For enthusiasts of upbeat music, Bhangra is the epitome of delight. Originating in the British Punjabi community, it blends traditional Indian folk melodies with hip-hop influences and infectious percussion.

This playlist promises a surge of vitality, featuring traditional flamenco and Spanish folk tunes with a quick tempo. It infuses the writing space with vitality, ideal for those seeking energy.

Hop on a 54-hour musical odyssey through Korean R&B, pop, ballads, and lo-fi melodies. This extensive mix offers a spectrum of emotions, from uplifting anthems to soulful ballads, perfect for any writing journey.

Explore these eclectic playlists and let the global melodies inspire your creativity.

For those who find lyrics distracting, there are many musical choices to maintain focus. Consider classical pieces, hip-hop beats, instrumental renditions of favorite songs, and contemporary composers to enhance productivity.

This playlist, a personal favorite for writing sessions, offers lyric-less, Asian-inspired hip-hop beats. It balances chill vibes and upbeat rhythms as the backdrop for about 50% of writing sessions.

A 2.5-hour compilation featuring selections from Mozart, Chopin, Debussy, and other classical masters. If it’s suitable for reading, it’s also conducive to writing.

Minimalist compositions, characterized by repetitive patterns or steady drones, are ideal for fostering concentration. This mix showcases works by iconic minimalist composers like Philip Glass, Michael Nyman, and John Adams.

Perfect for top-40 radio and pop classics fans who seek to maintain focus. From basic guitar covers to full orchestral renditions, it offers a variety of instrumental interpretations.

Explore the instrumental music of Japanese musician Ryuichi Sakamoto, renowned for his movie soundtracks and piano compositions. This playlist offers a 30-track introduction to his sparse, dark, and contemplative works.

Experience the expressive power of the Spanish guitar, characterized by its rich emotion, quick riffs, and rhythmic cadence. Let its zest infuse your typing sessions.

You can also listen to the solo releases of Italian pianist and composer Ludovico Einaudi, renowned for his film and television scores. Explore his diverse works, including the seven-part “Seven Days Walking” series.

For those seeking instrumental scores from games and movies, the world of music offers a range of options to enhance focus and productivity.

From Downton Abbey’s grandeur to Braveheart’s adventure, this playlist encompasses a wide range of movie soundtracks, including Ratatouille and Sherlock. Despite the diverse cinematic themes, the music strikes a harmonious balance between epic and subdued, providing an ideal ambiance for concentration.

Renowned as the bestselling video game of all time, Minecraft captivates players with its enchanting music. The soundtrack exudes an understated yet uplifting vibe, subtly infusing happiness and motivation into your writing space.

Hop into the serene world of Studio Ghibli with this 7-hour YouTube collection featuring gentle piano performances intertwined with soothing nature sounds like chirping crickets. Indulge in soft and tranquil melodies to create a serene writing atmosphere.

When you enter the world of electronic music, you’ll find all sorts of styles, from electronica to house, techno to drum and bass, each with its own feel. While some folks love jamming to rave tunes, others prefer playlists that are lively but not too wild. Here are a few tracks to boost your writing sessions:

Engross yourself in subtle, hypnotic electronic melodies to enhance focus and relaxation. With no distracting lyrics, this playlist is ideal for those easily pulled away from their creative flow.

Featuring downtempo and deep house tracks, this playlist provides the perfect energy balance without inducing a desire to dance. Its repetitive beats offer a steady rhythm to anchor your writing endeavors.

24.   Mother Earth’s Plantasia

A cult classic electronic album by Mort Garson, “Plantasia” was initially released in 1976, resurfacing to wider acclaim in 2019. Crafted as “warm Earth music” to aid plant growth, its sweet, hopeful, and spacey tunes, infused with Moog synthesizers, evoke a sense of fantasy and wonder.

Highlighting innovative women in electronic writing music, this playlist offers diverse styles and voices. From Yaeji’s quiet, mellow vocals over house beats to Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith’s intricate synthesizer compositions and Charlotte De Witte’s dark and stripped-back techno, each artist brings a unique perspective to the electronic landscape.

This playlist offers more than 100 instrumental tracks that are ideal for keeping you concentrated on your tasks. With genres ranging from classical melodies to electronic rhythms, there’s a diverse selection to help you stay in the zone.

Everyone has different preferences regarding finding the right auditory backdrop for writing, especially when embarking on becoming a novelist . Here are some tips for discovering your optimal sound:

Try out various musical genres to see which ones work best for you. Some writers do their best work with classical or instrumental music playing in the background.

Others find upbeat pop, rock, or dance music more motivating. Don’t limit yourself to one genre—explore various types of writing music to find which styles get your creative juices flowing.

You may want to make different playlists depending on the type of writing project you’re working on. For academic or technical writing, mellow acoustic or classical music may help you focus without distraction.

For creative writing like poetry or fiction, instrumental movie soundtracks or ambient electronica could help spark ideas. Tailor your playlists to fit the tone and nature of your writing.

You don’t necessarily need a musical soundtrack to write. For some, ambient background noise like the hum of a coffee shop, rainstorm sounds, or crackling fireplace audio can provide a soothing atmosphere without pulling focus like lyrical music might. Experiment with different natural noise soundscapes to see if they help your writing productivity more than music.

The key is trying out different auditory backdrops to discover what puts you in the optimal headspace for writing without distracting you from the task. Be open to finding new music, sounds, or playlists that boost your creativity and focus. With experimentation, you’ll find the right sonic environment tailored specifically to your writing needs.

While writing music can be a great tool for enhancing focus and creativity while writing, it has some potential downsides to be aware of.

Individual responsiveness to music is highly personal. For every writer who thrives with a harmonious background, there’s another who may find it overstimulating. Just as some writers deepen their skills by read classic books in silence, you might discover that a quiet environment helps you concentrate better. It’s crucial to experiment and determine if music is a helpful tool or a hindrance to your process.

Songs with lyrics, especially in a language you understand, can pull your focus towards listening to the words instead of writing your own. Instrumental music is often a better choice for writing sessions.

Having new songs constantly start-up can disrupt your concentration and pull you out of the writing flow state. Consider playlists that blend songs without gaps or extended mixes that play for 30-60 minutes without interruptions.

Nature sounds, and white noise has also become popular options for writers seeking ambient background audio. The sounds of birds chirping, rain falling, or waves crashing can promote relaxation while blocking distracting noises.

Many people also enjoy the background chatter and clatter of a coffee shop or cafe. The indistinct voices and sounds of espresso machines and dishes create a soothing backdrop, emulating the buzz of creativity and productivity. Cafe ambiance playlists aim to mimic this energetic yet unintrusive environment.

Binaural beats are a more unconventional option. Each ear’s tracks play slightly different frequencies to encourage specific mental states.

For example, beta-wave binaural beats from 14-30 Hz may boost energy and focus, while theta waves from 4-8 Hz induce calmness and creativity. However, research on binaural beats’ effects remains limited.

Any repetitious, low-key background noise could pave the way for engaging writing sessions. We see this in practice daily at our Seo blog writing agency , where various sounds accompany our writers on their creative journeys. Experiment to determine which auditory environments optimize your concentration and inspiration. Let your productivity and preferences guide you towards your ideal soundscape.

It’s worth experimenting to find your optimal soundscapes to write to. Remember that lyrics can sometimes be distracting, and pay attention to how your productivity is affected. While music works for many, reduce the volume or avoid it if it seems counterproductive.

Listening to music while writing can greatly boost creativity, focus, and productivity for many people. Throughout this article, we’ve explored different genres and playlists that can inspire focused writing sessions and soothe nerves or spark new ideas. With this guide and multiple playlist options, we hope you can now increase your productivity while crafting a book .

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