14 Reasons Why You Need a Business Plan

Female entrepreneur holding a pen and pointing to multiple sticky notes on the wall. Presenting the many ways having a business plan will benefit you as a business owner.

10 min. read

Updated May 10, 2024

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There’s no question that starting and running a business is hard work. But it’s also incredibly rewarding. And, one of the most important things you can do to increase your chances of success is to have a business plan.

A business plan is a foundational document that is essential for any company, no matter the size or age. From attracting potential investors to keeping your business on track—a business plan helps you achieve important milestones and grow in the right direction.

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A business plan isn’t just a document you put together once when starting your business. It’s a living, breathing guide for existing businesses – one that business owners should revisit and update regularly.

Unfortunately, writing a business plan is often a daunting task for potential entrepreneurs. So, do you really need a business plan? Is it really worth the investment of time and resources? Can’t you just wing it and skip the whole planning process?

Good questions. Here’s every reason why you need a business plan.

  • 1. Business planning is proven to help you grow 30 percent faster

Writing a business plan isn’t about producing a document that accurately predicts the future of your company. The  process  of writing your plan is what’s important. Writing your plan and reviewing it regularly gives you a better window into what you need to do to achieve your goals and succeed. 

You don’t have to just take our word for it. Studies have  proven that companies that plan  and review their results regularly grow 30 percent faster. Beyond faster growth, research also shows that companies that plan actually perform better. They’re less likely to become one of those woeful failure statistics, or experience  cash flow crises  that threaten to close them down. 

  • 2. Planning is a necessary part of the fundraising process

One of the top reasons to have a business plan is to make it easier to raise money for your business. Without a business plan, it’s difficult to know how much money you need to raise, how you will spend the money once you raise it, and what your budget should be.

Investors want to know that you have a solid plan in place – that your business is headed in the right direction and that there is long-term potential in your venture. 

A business plan shows that your business is serious and that there are clearly defined steps on how it aims to become successful. It also demonstrates that you have the necessary competence to make that vision a reality. 

Investors, partners, and creditors will want to see detailed financial forecasts for your business that shows how you plan to grow and how you plan on spending their money. 

  • 3. Having a business plan minimizes your risk

When you’re just starting out, there’s so much you don’t know—about your customers, your competition, and even about operations. 

As a business owner, you signed up for some of that uncertainty when you started your business, but there’s a lot you can  do to reduce your risk . Creating and reviewing your business plan regularly is a great way to uncover your weak spots—the flaws, gaps, and assumptions you’ve made—and develop contingency plans. 

Your business plan will also help you define budgets and revenue goals. And, if you’re not meeting your goals, you can quickly adjust spending plans and create more realistic budgets to keep your business healthy.

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  • 4. Crafts a roadmap to achieve important milestones

A business plan is like a roadmap for your business. It helps you set, track and reach business milestones. 

For your plan to function in this way, your business plan should first outline your company’s short- and long-term goals. You can then fill in the specific steps necessary to reach those goals. This ensures that you measure your progress (or lack thereof) and make necessary adjustments along the way to stay on track while avoiding costly detours.

In fact, one of the top reasons why new businesses fail is due to bad business planning. Combine this with inflexibility and you have a recipe for disaster.

And planning is not just for startups. Established businesses benefit greatly from revisiting their business plan. It keeps them on track, even when the global market rapidly shifts as we’ve seen in recent years.

  • 5. A plan helps you figure out if your idea can become a business

To turn your idea into reality, you need to accurately assess the feasibility of your business idea.

You need to verify:

  • If there is a market for your product or service
  • Who your target audience is
  • How you will gain an edge over the current competition
  • If your business can run profitably

A business plan forces you to take a step back and look at your business objectively, which makes it far easier to make tough decisions down the road. Additionally, a business plan helps you to identify risks and opportunities early on, providing you with the necessary time to come up with strategies to address them properly.

Finally, a business plan helps you work through the nuts and bolts of how your business will work financially and if it can become sustainable over time.

6. You’ll make big spending decisions with confidence

As your business grows, you’ll have to figure out when to hire new employees, when to expand to a new location, or whether you can afford a major purchase. 

These are always major spending decisions, and if you’re regularly reviewing the forecasts you mapped out in your business plan, you’re going to have better information to use to make your decisions.

7. You’re more likely to catch critical cash flow challenges early

The other side of those major spending decisions is understanding and monitoring your business’s cash flow. Your  cash flow statement  is one of the three key financial statements you’ll put together for your business plan. (The other two are your  balance sheet  and your  income statement  (P&L). 

Reviewing your cash flow statement regularly as part of your regular business plan review will help you see potential cash flow challenges earlier so you can take action to avoid a cash crisis where you can’t pay your bills. 

  • 8. Position your brand against the competition

Competitors are one of the factors that you need to take into account when starting a business. Luckily, competitive research is an integral part of writing a business plan. It encourages you to ask questions like:

  • What is your competition doing well? What are they doing poorly?
  • What can you do to set yourself apart?
  • What can you learn from them?
  • How can you make your business stand out?
  • What key business areas can you outcompete?
  • How can you identify your target market?

Finding answers to these questions helps you solidify a strategic market position and identify ways to differentiate yourself. It also proves to potential investors that you’ve done your homework and understand how to compete. 

  • 9. Determines financial needs and revenue models

A vital part of starting a business is understanding what your expenses will be and how you will generate revenue to cover those expenses. Creating a business plan helps you do just that while also defining ongoing financial needs to keep in mind. 

Without a business model, it’s difficult to know whether your business idea will generate revenue. By detailing how you plan to make money, you can effectively assess the viability and scalability of your business. 

Understanding this early on can help you avoid unnecessary risks and start with the confidence that your business is set up to succeed.

  • 10. Helps you think through your marketing strategy

A business plan is a great way to document your marketing plan. This will ensure that all of your marketing activities are aligned with your overall goals. After all, a business can’t grow without customers and you’ll need a strategy for acquiring those customers. 

Your business plan should include information about your target market, your marketing strategy, and your marketing budget. Detail things like how you plan to attract and retain customers, acquire new leads, how the digital marketing funnel will work, etc. 

Having a documented marketing plan will help you to automate business operations, stay on track and ensure that you’re making the most of your marketing dollars.

  • 11. Clarifies your vision and ensures everyone is on the same page

In order to create a successful business, you need a clear vision and a plan for how you’re going to achieve it. This is all detailed with your mission statement, which defines the purpose of your business, and your personnel plan, which outlines the roles and responsibilities of current and future employees. Together, they establish the long-term vision you have in mind and who will need to be involved to get there. 

Additionally, your business plan is a great tool for getting your team in sync. Through consistent plan reviews, you can easily get everyone in your company on the same page and direct your workforce toward tasks that truly move the needle.

  • 12. Future-proof your business

A business plan helps you to evaluate your current situation and make realistic projections for the future.

This is an essential step in growing your business, and it’s one that’s often overlooked. When you have a business plan in place, it’s easier to identify opportunities and make informed decisions based on data.

Therefore, it requires you to outline goals, strategies, and tactics to help the organization stay focused on what’s important.

By regularly revisiting your business plan, especially when the global market changes, you’ll be better equipped to handle whatever challenges come your way, and pivot faster.

You’ll also be in a better position to seize opportunities as they arise.

Further Reading: 5 fundamental principles of business planning

  • 13. Tracks your progress and measures success

An often overlooked purpose of a business plan is as a tool to define success metrics. A key part of writing your plan involves pulling together a viable financial plan. This includes financial statements such as your profit and loss, cash flow, balance sheet, and sales forecast.

By housing these financial metrics within your business plan, you suddenly have an easy way to relate your strategy to actual performance. You can track progress, measure results, and follow up on how the company is progressing. Without a plan, it’s almost impossible to gauge whether you’re on track or not.  

Additionally, by evaluating your successes and failures, you learn what works and what doesn’t and you can make necessary changes to your plan. In short, having a business plan gives you a framework for measuring your success. It also helps with building up a “lessons learned” knowledge database to avoid costly mistakes in the future.

  • 14. Your business plan is an asset if you ever want to sell

Down the road, you might decide that you want to sell your business or position yourself for acquisition. Having a solid business plan is going to help you make the case for a higher valuation. Your business is likely to be worth more to a buyer if it’s easy for them to understand your business model, your target market, and your overall potential to grow and scale. 

advantages of implementing a business plan

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  • Writing your business plan

By taking the time to create a business plan, you ensure that your business is heading in the right direction and that you have a roadmap to get there. We hope that this post has shown you just how important and valuable a business plan can be. While it may still seem daunting, the benefits far outweigh the time investment and learning curve for writing one. 

Luckily, you can write a plan in as little as 30 minutes. And there are plenty of excellent planning tools and business plan templates out there if you’re looking for more step-by-step guidance. Whatever it takes, write your plan and you’ll quickly see how useful it can be.

Content Author: Tim Berry

Tim Berry is the founder and chairman of Palo Alto Software , a co-founder of Borland International, and a recognized expert in business planning. He has an MBA from Stanford and degrees with honors from the University of Oregon and the University of Notre Dame. Today, Tim dedicates most of his time to blogging, teaching and evangelizing for business planning.

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Table of Contents

  • 6. You’ll make big spending decisions with confidence
  • 7. You’re more likely to catch critical cash flow challenges early

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advantages of implementing a business plan

Do you REALLY need a business plan?

The top three questions that I get asked most frequently as a professional business plan writer will probably not surprise you:

  • What is the purpose of a business plan – why is it really required?
  • How is it going to benefit my business if I write a business plan?
  • Is a business plan really that important – how can I actually use it?

Keep reading to get my take on what the most essential advantages of preparing a business plan are—and why you may (not) need to prepare one.

Business Plan Purpose and Importance

The importance, purpose and benefit of a business plan is in that it enables you to validate a business idea, secure funding, set strategic goals – and then take organized action on those goals by making decisions, managing resources, risk and change, while effectively communicating with stakeholders.

Let’s take a closer look at how each of the important business planning benefits can catapult your business forward:

1. Validate Your Business Idea

The process of writing your business plan will force you to ask the difficult questions about the major components of your business, including:

  • External: industry, target market of prospective customers, competitive landscape
  • Internal: business model, unique selling proposition, operations, marketing, finance

Business planning connects the dots to draw a big picture of the entire business.

And imagine how much time and money you would save if working through a business plan revealed that your business idea is untenable. You would be surprised how often that happens – an idea that once sounded so very promising may easily fall apart after you actually write down all the facts, details and numbers.

While you may be tempted to jump directly into start-up mode, writing a business plan is an essential first step to check the feasibility of a business before investing too much time and money into it. Business plans help to confirm that the idea you are so passionate and convinced about is solid from business point of view.

Take the time to do the necessary research and work through a proper business plan. The more you know, the higher the likelihood that your business will succeed.

2. Set and Track Goals

Successful businesses are dynamic and continuously evolve. And so are good business plans that allow you to:

  • Priorities: Regularly set goals, targets (e.g., sales revenues reached), milestones (e.g. number of employees hired), performance indicators and metrics for short, mid and long term
  • Accountability: Track your progress toward goals and benchmarks
  • Course-correction: make changes to your business as you learn more about your market and what works and what does not
  • Mission: Refer to a clear set of values to help steer your business through any times of trouble

Essentially, business plan is a blueprint and an important strategic tool that keeps you focused, motivated and accountable to keep your business on track. When used properly and consulted regularly, it can help you measure and manage what you are working so hard to create – your long-term vision.

As humans, we work better when we have clear goals we can work towards. The everyday business hustle makes it challenging to keep an eye on the strategic priorities. The business planning process serves as a useful reminder.

3. Take Action

A business plan is also a plan of action . At its core, your plan identifies where you are now, where you want your business to go, and how you will get there.

Planning out exactly how you are going to turn your vision into a successful business is perhaps the most important step between an idea and reality. Success comes not only from having a vision but working towards that vision in a systematic and organized way.

A good business plan clearly outlines specific steps necessary to turn the business objectives into reality. Think of it as a roadmap to success. The strategy and tactics need to be in alignment to make sure that your day-to-day activities lead to the achievement of your business goals.

4. Manage Resources

A business plan also provides insight on how resources required for achieving your business goals will be structured and allocated according to their strategic priority. For example:

Large Spending Decisions

  • Assets: When and in what amount will the business commit resources to buy/lease new assets, such as computers or vehicles.
  • Human Resources: Objectives for hiring new employees, including not only their pay but how they will help the business grow and flourish.
  • Business Space: Information on costs of renting/buying space for offices, retail, manufacturing or other operations, for example when expanding to a new location.

Cash Flow It is essential that a business carefully plans and manages cash flows to ensure that there are optimal levels of cash in the bank at all times and avoid situations where the business could run out of cash and could not afford to pay its bills.

Revenues v. Expenses In addition, your business plan will compare your revenue forecasts to the budgeted costs to make sure that your financials are healthy and the business is set up for success.

5. Make Decisions

Whether you are starting a small business or expanding an existing one, a business plan is an important tool to help guide your decisions:

Sound decisions Gathering information for the business plan boosts your knowledge across many important areas of the business:

  • Industry, market, customers and competitors
  • Financial projections (e.g., revenue, expenses, assets, cash flow)
  • Operations, technology and logistics
  • Human resources (management and staff)
  • Creating value for your customer through products and services

Decision-making skills The business planning process involves thorough research and critical thinking about many intertwined and complex business issues. As a result, it solidifies the decision-making skills of the business owner and builds a solid foundation for strategic planning , prioritization and sound decision making in your business. The more you understand, the better your decisions will be.

Planning Thorough planning allows you to determine the answer to some of the most critical business decisions ahead of time , prepare for anticipate problems before they arise, and ensure that any tactical solutions are in line with the overall strategy and goals.

If you do not take time to plan, you risk becoming overwhelmed by countless options and conflicting directions because you are not unclear about the mission , vision and strategy for your business.

6. Manage Risk

Some level of uncertainty is inherent in every business, but there is a lot you can do to reduce and manage the risk, starting with a business plan to uncover your weak spots.

You will need to take a realistic and pragmatic look at the hard facts and identify:

  • Major risks , challenges and obstacles that you can expect on the way – so you can prepare to deal with them.
  • Weaknesses in your business idea, business model and strategy – so you can fix them.
  • Critical mistakes before they arise – so you can avoid them.

Essentially, the business plan is your safety net . Naturally, business plan cannot entirely eliminate risk, but it can significantly reduce it and prepare you for any challenges you may encounter.

7. Communicate Internally

Attract talent For a business to succeed, attracting talented workers and partners is of vital importance.

A business plan can be used as a communication tool to attract the right talent at all levels, from skilled staff to executive management, to work for your business by explaining the direction and growth potential of the business in a presentable format.

Align performance Sharing your business plan with all team members helps to ensure that everyone is on the same page when it comes to the long-term vision and strategy.

You need their buy-in from the beginning, because aligning your team with your priorities will increase the efficiency of your business as everyone is working towards a common goal .

If everyone on your team understands that their piece of work matters and how it fits into the big picture, they are more invested in achieving the objectives of the business.

It also makes it easier to track and communicate on your progress.

Share and explain business objectives with your management team, employees and new hires. Make selected portions of your business plan part of your new employee training.

8. Communicate Externally

Alliances If you are interested in partnerships or joint ventures, you may share selected sections of your plan with the potential business partners in order to develop new alliances.

Suppliers A business plan can play a part in attracting reliable suppliers and getting approved for business credit from suppliers. Suppliers who feel confident that your business will succeed (e.g., sales projections) will be much more likely to extend credit.

In addition, suppliers may want to ensure their products are being represented in the right way .

Professional Services Having a business plan in place allows you to easily share relevant sections with those you rely on to support the organization, including attorneys, accountants, and other professional consultants as needed, to make sure that everyone is on the same page.

Advisors Share the plan with experts and professionals who are in a position to give you valuable advice.

Landlord Some landlords and property managers require businesses to submit a business plan to be considered for a lease to prove that your business will have sufficient cash flows to pay the rent.

Customers The business plan may also function as a prospectus for potential customers, especially when it comes to large corporate accounts and exclusive customer relationships.

9. Secure Funding

If you intend to seek outside financing for your business, you are likely going to need a business plan.

Whether you are seeking debt financing (e.g. loan or credit line) from a lender (e.g., bank or financial institution) or equity capital financing from investors (e.g., venture or angel capital), a business plan can make the difference between whether or not – and how much – someone decides to invest.

Investors and financiers are always looking at the risk of default and the earning potential based on facts and figures. Understandably, anyone who is interested in supporting your business will want to check that you know what you are doing, that their money is in good hands, and that the venture is viable in the long run.

Business plans tend to be the most effective ways of proving that. A presentation may pique their interest , but they will most probably request a well-written document they can study in detail before they will be prepared to make any financial commitment.

That is why a business plan can often be the single most important document you can present to potential investors/financiers that will provide the structure and confidence that they need to make decisions about funding and supporting your company.

Be prepared to have your business plan scrutinized . Investors and financiers will conduct extensive checks and analyses to be certain that what is written in your business plan faithful representation of the truth.

10. Grow and Change

It is a very common misconception that a business plan is a static document that a new business prepares once in the start-up phase and then happily forgets about.

But businesses are not static. And neither are business plans. The business plan for any business will change over time as the company evolves and expands .

In the growth phase, an updated business plan is particularly useful for:

Raising additional capital for expansion

  • Seeking financing for new assets , such as equipment or property
  • Securing financing to support steady cash flows (e.g., seasonality, market downturns, timing of sale/purchase invoices)
  • Forecasting to allocate resources according to strategic priority and operational needs
  • Valuation (e.g., mergers & acquisitions, tax issues, transactions related to divorce, inheritance, estate planning)

Keeping the business plan updated gives established businesses better chance of getting the money they need to grow or even keep operating.

Business plan is also an excellent tool for planning an exit as it would include the strategy and timelines for a transfer to new ownership or dissolution of the company.

Also, if you ever make the decision to sell your business or position yourself for a merger or an acquisition , a strong business plan in hand is going to help you to maximize the business valuation.

Valuation is the process of establishing the worth of a business by a valuation expert who will draw on professional experience as well as a business plan that will outline what you have, what it’s worth now and how much will it likely produce in the future.

Your business is likely to be worth more to a buyer if they clearly understand your business model, your market, your assets and your overall potential to grow and scale .

Related Questions

Business plan purpose: what is the purpose of a business plan.

The purpose of a business plan is to articulate a strategy for starting a new business or growing an existing one by identifying where the business is going and how it will get there to test the viability of a business idea and maximize the chances of securing funding and achieving business goals and success.

Business Plan Benefits: What are the benefits of a business plan?

A business plan benefits businesses by serving as a strategic tool outlining the steps and resources required to achieve goals and make business ideas succeed, as well as a communication tool allowing businesses to articulate their strategy to stakeholders that support the business.

Business Plan Importance: Why is business plan important?

The importance of a business plan lies in it being a roadmap that guides the decisions of a business on the road to success, providing clarity on all aspects of its operations. This blueprint outlines the goals of the business and what exactly is needed to achieve them through effective management.

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15 Reasons Why You Need a Business Plan in 2024

Posted august 5, 2024 by noah parsons.

An illustration of an open notebook and pen surrounded by large question marks, all set against a peach-colored background. The image suggests contemplation and inquiry, aligning with the theme of understanding the importance of a business plan.

Imagine you’re going on a road trip. You know your final destination, but you haven’t figured out how to get there. 

While it might be fun to start driving and figure things out as you go, your trip will likely take longer than expected and end up costing more. But, if you take the time to look at a map and chart the best way to get to your destination—you’ll arrive on time and on budget. 

Planning for your business isn’t much different, which is why a business plan is so important to your continued success.

What is the purpose of a business plan? 

The primary purpose of a business plan is to help you figure out where you want to go with your business and how you will get there. Writing a business plan helps you set your direction and determine a winning strategy. A solid business plan will set your business up for success and help you build an unbeatable company.

If you start off without a plan, you may go down some interesting detours, but you’re unlikely to grow quickly or stick to your budget.

15 reasons why you need a business plan

“Creating a road map for my business is all well and good, but do I really need a business plan? I’d rather just get started.”

If you’re still thinking like this and decide to skip writing a business plan, you’re making a big mistake and setting yourself up to fail. Even if your business survives, without a plan, you’ll miss valuable growth opportunities and never truly be in control.

Still not convinced? Here are the critical reasons why a business plan is important for small businesses. 

advantages of implementing a business plan

1. You’re more likely to start

Documenting your business idea makes it more official. It takes rough ideas and turns them into the making of a real business. 

According to a study by the Harvard Business Review , entrepreneurs who write formal plans are 16% more likely to achieve viability than those who don’t.

Even if it’s just notes about your potential business, writing things down will make you more likely to proceed with your business. Without a plan, you can’t prove to yourself, partners, mentors, or investors that you’re serious about starting.

advantages of implementing a business plan

2. Reduce potential risks

Writing a business plan takes some of the risk out of starting a business. It helps you think through every facet of your business to determine if it can truly be viable. 

  • Does your solution fit the market? Are your startup or operational costs manageable?
  • Will your proposed business model actually generate sales?
  • What sort of milestones would you need to hit to achieve profitability?

Your business plan can answer these startup questions .

For those already running a business, writing a plan can help you better manage ongoing risk. 

  • Should you bring on a new employee?
  • What does cash flow look like for your next month, quarter, or even year?
  • Will you meet your milestones or do you need to change your focus?

Keep your plan up to date, review it regularly and you can easily answer these growth questions and mitigate risk.

3. Test a new business idea and prove it’s viable

When you have a new business idea, it helps to spend time thinking through all the details. 

A business plan will help you think about your:

  • Target market
  • How much money you’ll need to launch
  • How your idea will actually work before you spend any real money

A business plan will also help you easily share your idea with other people to get input and feedback before you get started. 

There’s no need to create a detailed business plan either. 

Instead, I recommend using a one-page business plan to quickly test your ideas and determine if you have a viable business. 

4. Understand your market and build a marketing plan

No matter how good your idea is, you have to figure out who your ideal customers are and how you will get the word out to them. 

That’s where a marketing plan comes in. It can be an indispensable tool to figure out how you get your first customers as well as your thousandth customer. It can start as a simple bulleted list of potential marketing channels that expands in detail as you need it.

5. Build a better budget and a financial forecast

Without a business plan, it’s impossible to know how much money it will cost to start and run a business. You don’t just need money for your initial purchases; you need enough cash in the bank to maintain your cash runway and keep your business afloat while you get fully up and running.

When you plan, you’ll need to create your expense budget , set sales goals, and identify how much cash is needed to keep your doors open, purchase inventory, and more. 

The beauty of incorporating forecasts into your business plan is that you don’t need exact numbers to start. You can work with general assumptions and compare against competitive benchmarks to set a baseline for your business. 

As you operate and collect financial data, you can revisit your business plan and update your forecasts to generate a more accurate picture of your business’s future.

6. Attract investors and get funding

Sharing your business idea with investors requires a business plan. 

Investors may never actually ask for your full business plan, but they will certainly ask you questions that you’ll only be able to answer if you’ve taken the time to write a plan. 

At the very least, they’ll want to see your financial forecasts, so you should be prepared for this. If you pitch your business to investors, having a business plan makes it much easier to translate the right information into a pitch deck. 

In short, you’ll have all of the right information ready and available to show why your business is worth investing in.

7. Plan for different scenarios

Things rarely actually go to plan. The world is always changing, customer tastes change, and new competitors arrive. 

Having a plan allows you to experiment with different scenarios to see how changes to your business will impact your forecasts, budgets, profitability, and cash flow.

Without a business plan, you’ll be reacting blindly with no way to track if your decisions are making a real impact.

8. Attract employees

Especially if you’re a young startup company, attracting employees can be hard. Without a proven track record, why should someone take a risk to work for you? 

Having a business plan can help solve that problem. Your plan can help prospective employees understand your business strategy and growth plans so that they can feel confident joining your team. It’s also incredibly useful in determining when and if it’s feasible for you to hire more employees . 

9. Get your team on the same page

A great business strategy can only be successful if your team understands it. By documenting your strategy with a business plan, you can easily get everyone on the same page and working towards the same goals. 

It’s even better if you regularly review your plan with members of your team. Have everyone revisit your core strategy, analyze it, and explore how it impacts individual and team goals .

10. Manage your business better 

A business plan is all about setting goals for your company — both financial goals and milestones you hope to accomplish. 

When you use your business plan to manage your business, you’ll see which parts of your strategy are working and which aren’t. 

For example, you may have invested in new marketing efforts to sell one of your products, but that strategy just isn’t working out. With a business plan in hand, you’ll be able to see what’s going to plan and where you need to adjust your strategy, pivoting to new opportunities that will drive profitability.

Regular business plan reviews , ideally monthly, will help you build a strong, resilient business.

11. Effectively navigate a crisis

Having a business plan not only helps you create a roadmap for your business but also helps you navigate unforeseen events. Large-scale economic downturns, supply shortages, payment delays, cash flow problems, and any number of other issues are bound to pop up. But by leveraging your business plan, you can be prepared to face each crisis head-on.

A plan helps you assess your current situation, determine how the crisis will alter your plan, and explore what it will take to recover. 

With a little planning, you can even prepare your business for future downturns with this same process. Having the right plan and processes in place will make crisis planning easier and, ideally, recession-proof your business .

12. You’ll be ready to sell

You might decide to sell your business or position yourself for acquisition down the road. Having a solid business plan helps make the case for a higher valuation. 

Your business is likely worth more to a buyer if it’s easy for them to understand your business model, your target market, and your overall potential to grow and scale. 

Remember, if you were buying a business , you’d likely want to see their business plan and any previous documentation. So, the more organized and professional your plan is, the easier it will be for a buyer to say yes.

13. It’s easier than you think

You may be procrastinating in writing a business plan because it sounds like a lot of work. The truth is that planning is much less complicated than you think. 

Start small by writing a simple business plan you can complete in about half an hour. With the emergence of AI business plan generators , getting stuck with a blank page is a thing of the past. Just be sure that you don’t just let AI write your plan for you and keep yourself involved in the planning process.

From there, refine your plan until your idea is solid. At that point, you can invest more time in a more detailed business plan. Just start with the basics and expand from there.

14. You’ll sleep better at night

When you have a plan for your business, you have peace of mind. You know that you’ve invested the time to figure out a business model that works, and you’ve considered different financial scenarios so you can handle the unexpected. 

Plus, you have a management tool to run your business better than your competitors. 

15. Research shows that business plans work

A Journal of Management Studies study found that businesses that take the time to plan grow 30% faster than those that don’t. 

Our own 2021 small business research study found that 58% of small business owners who have or are working on a plan feel confident in their business, even amidst a crisis. 

A study in Small Business Economics found that entrepreneurs who write business plans for their ideas are 152% more likely to actually start their businesses.

There’s plenty of additional research linking business planning with success, so it’s a proven fact that you won’t waste time when you write your plan.

Why is a business plan important? Because it sets you up for success

There are plenty of reasons to write a business plan, but they all relate to one thing—increasing the likelihood of success for you and your business. 

Taking the time to plan is an investment in yourself and your business that will pay dividends, whether you’re starting a new business or taking your existing business to the next level. 

If you’ve been putting off writing a business plan, now is the time to do it. Start by downloading one of the many free business plan templates out there, or for additional guidance, invest in an online business plan builder .

No matter what business planning tool you choose, just deciding to write a business plan will set you up to build, run, and grow your business. So, don’t wait—start planning today.

What is a business plan?

A business plan is a structured document that outlines the goals, strategies, target market, and financial forecasts of a business. It serves as a roadmap for the business, detailing the steps necessary to achieve success.

Why is planning necessary?

Business planning is essential because it helps businesses set clear goals, allocate resources efficiently, identify potential challenges, and develop strategies to overcome them. It also provides a framework for decision-making and helps attract investors by demonstrating the viability of the business.

What happens if a business doesn’t plan?

Without planning, a business may lack direction and clarity, leading to inefficient use of resources, missed opportunities, and an inability to respond effectively to market changes. This can result in financial difficulties, operational challenges, and ultimately, business failure.

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Noah Parsons

Noah Parsons

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6 Reasons You Really Need to Write A Business Plan

Published: October 14, 2020

Starting a busine ss can be a daunting task, especially if you’re starting from square one.

marketer writing a business plan

It’s easy to feel stuck in the whirlwind of things you’ll need to do, like registering your company, building a team, advertising, the list goes on. Not to mention, a business idea with no foundation can make the process seem incredibly intimidating.

Thankfully, business plans are an antidote for the new business woes that many entrepreneurs feel. Some may shy away from the idea, as they are lengthy documents that require a significant amount of attention and care.

However, there’s a reason why those who take the time to write out a business plan are 16% more likely to be successful than those who don’t. In other words, business plans work.

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What is a business plan, and why does it matter?

In brief, a business plan is a roadmap to success. It's a blueprint for entrepreneurs to follow that helps them outline, understand, and cohesively achieve their goals.

Writing a business plan involves defining critical aspects of your business, like brand messaging, conducting market research, and creating pricing strategies — all before starting the company.

A business plan can also increase your confidence. You’ll get a holistic view of your idea and understand whether it's worth pursuing.

So, why not take the time to create a blueprint that will make your job easier? Let’s take a look at six reasons why you should write a business plan before doing anything else.

Six Reasons You Really Need To Write a Business Plan

  • Legitimize your business idea.
  • Give your business a foundation for success.
  • Obtain funding and investments.
  • Hire the right people.
  • Communicate your needs.
  • It makes it easier to sell your business.

1. Legitimize your business idea.

Pursuing business ideas that stem from passions you’ve had for years can be exciting, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a sound venture.

One of the first things a business plan requires you to do is research your target market. You’ll gain a nuanced understanding of industry trends and what your competitors have done, or not, to succeed. You may find that the idea you have when you start is not likely to be successful.

That may feel disheartening, but you can always modify your original idea to better fit market needs. The more you understand about the industry, your future competitors, and your prospective customers, the greater the likelihood of success. If you identify issues early on, you can develop strategies to deal with them rather than troubleshooting as they happen.

It’s better to know sooner rather than later if your business will be successful before investing time and money.

2. Give your business a foundation for success.

Let's say you’re looking to start a clean beauty company. There are thousands of directions you can go in, so just saying, “I’m starting a clean beauty company!” isn’t enough.

You need to know what specific products you want to make, and why you’re deciding to create them. The Pricing and Product Line style="color: #33475b;"> section of a business plan requires you to identify these elements, making it easier to plan for other components of your business strategy.

You’ll also use your initial market research to outline financial projections, goals, objectives, and operational needs. Identifying these factors ahead of time creates a strong foundation, as you’ll be making critical business decisions early on.

You can refer back to the goals you’ve set within your business plan to track your progress over time and prioritize areas that need extra attention.

All in all, every section of your business plan requires you to go in-depth into your future business strategy before even acting on any of those plans. Having a plan at the ready gives your business a solid foundation for growth.

When you start your company, and your product reaches the market, you’ll spend less time troubleshooting and more time focusing on your target audiences and generating revenue.

3. Obtain funding and investments.

Every new business needs capital to get off the ground. Although it would be nice, banks won’t finance loans just because you request one. They want to know what the money is for, where it’s going, and if you’ll eventually be able to pay it back.

If you want investors to be part of your financing plan, they’ll have questions about your business’ pricing strategies and revenue models. Investors can also back out if they feel like their money isn’t put to fair use. They’ll want something to refer back to track your progress over time and understand if you’re meeting the goals you told them you’d meet. They want to know if their investment was worthwhile.

The Financial Considerations section of a business plan will prompt you to estimate costs ahead of time and establish revenue objectives before applying for loans or speaking to investors.

You’ll secure and finalize your strategy in advance to avoid showing up unprepared for meetings with potential investors.

4. Hire the right people.

After you’ve completed your business plan and you have a clear view of your strategies, goals, and financial needs, there may be milestones you need to meet that require skills you don’t yet have. You may need to hire new people to fill in the gaps.

Having a strategic plan to share with prospective partners and employees can prove that they aren’t signing on to a sinking ship.

If your plans are summarized and feasible, they’ll understand why you want them on your team, and why they should agree to work with you.

5. Communicate your needs.

If you don’t understand how your business will run, it’ll be hard to communicate your business’s legitimacy to all involved parties.

Your plan will give you a well-rounded view of how your business will work, and make it easier for you to communicate this to others.

You may have already secured financing from banks and made deals with investors, but a business’ needs are always changing. While your business grows, you’ll likely need more financial support, more partners, or just expand your services and product offers. Using your business plan as a measure of how you’ve met your goals can make it easier to bring people onto your team at all stages of the process.

6. It makes it easier to sell your business.

A buyer won’t want to purchase a business that will run into the ground after signing the papers. They want a successful, established company.

A business plan that details milestones you can prove you’ve already met can be used to show prospective buyers how you’ve generated success within your market. You can use your accomplishments to negotiate higher price points aligned with your business’ value.

A Business Plan Is Essential

Ultimately, having a business plan can increase your confidence in your new venture. You’ll understand what your business needs to succeed, and outline the tactics you’ll use to achieve those goals.

Some people have a lifetime goal of turning their passions into successful business ventures, and a well-crafted business plan can make those dreams come true.

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12 Reasons You Need a Business Plan In the new book "Write Your Own Business Plan," business expert Eric Butow breaks down how a solid business plan can save your startup during those tough early days.

By Dan Bova Sep 19, 2023

Running a business can be unpredictable, which is why having a solid business plan as a foundation is vital to surviving and thriving in the early days of your startup. Eric Butow, CEO of online marketing ROI improvement firm Butow Communications Group, has teamed up with Entrepreneur Media to write the second edition of our best-selling book Write Your Business Plan , providing you with a roadmap for success.

In the following excerpt, Butow explains how a well-thought-out plan can power your startup and help your vision come to life.

Business plans could be considered cheap insurance. Just as many people don't buy fire insurance on their homes and rely on good fortune to protect their investments, many successful business owners do not rely on written business plans but trust their own instincts. However, your business plan is more than insurance. It reflects your ideas, intuitions, instincts, and insights about your business and its future—and provides the cheap insurance of testing them out before you are committed to a course of action. There are so many reasons to create a business plan, and chances are that more than one of the following will apply to your business.

1. A plan helps you set specific objectives for managers.

Good management requires setting specific objectives and then tracking and following up. As your business grows, you want to organize, plan, and communicate your business priorities better to your team and to you. Writing a plan gets everything clear in your head before you talk about it with your team.

2. You can share your strategy, priorities, and plans with your spouse or partner.

People in your personal life intersect with your business life, so shouldn't they know what's supposed to be happening?

advantages of implementing a business plan

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3. Use the plan to explain your displacement.

A short definition of displacement is, "Whatever you do is something else you don't do." Your plan will explain why you're doing what you've decided to do in your business.

4. A plan helps you figure out whether or not to rent or buy new space.

Do your growth prospects and plans justify taking on an increased fixed cost of new space?

5. You can explain your strategy for hiring new people.

How will new people help your business grow and prosper? What exactly are they going to do?

6. A plan helps you decide whether or not to bring on new assets.

How many new assets do you need, and will you buy or lease them? Use your business plan to help decide what's going to happen in the long term and how long important purchases, such as computer equipment, will last in your plan.

7. Share your plan with your team.

Explain the business objectives in your plan with your leadership team, employees, and new hires. What's more, make selected portions of your plan part of your new employee training.

8. Share parts of your plan with new allies to bring them aboard.

Use your plan to set targets for new alliances with complementary businesses and also disclose selected portions of your plan with those businesses as you negotiate an alliance.

9. Use your plan when you deal with professionals.

Share selected parts of your plan with your attorneys and accountants, as well as consultants if necessary.

Write Your Own Business Plan is available now at Entrepreneur Bookstore | Barnes & Noble | Amazon

10. Have all the information in your plan when you're ready to sell.

Sell your business when it's time to put it on the market so you can help buyers understand what you have, what it's worth, and why they want it.

11. A plan helps you set the valuation of the business.

Valuation means how much your business is worth, and it applies to formal transactions related to divorce, inheritance, estate planning, and tax issues. Usually, that takes a business plan as well as a professional with experience. The plan tells the valuation expert what your business is doing, when it's doing (or will do) certain things, why those things are being done, how much that work will cost, and the benefits that work will produce.

12. You can use information in the plan when you need cash.

Seek investment for a business no matter what stage of growth the business finds itself in. Investors need to see a business plan before they decide whether or not to invest. They'll expect the plan to cover all the main points.

To dig deeper, buy Write Your Own Business Plan and get 1 month of free access to business planning software Liveplan Premium.

Entrepreneur Staff

VP of Special Projects

Dan Bova is the VP of Special Projects at Entrepreneur.com. He previously worked at Jimmy Kimmel Live, Maxim, and Spy magazine. His latest books for kids  include  This Day in History , Car and Driver's Trivia Zone ,  Road & Track Crew's Big & Fast Cars , The Big Little Book of Awesome Stuff , and  Wendell the Werewolf . 

Read his humor column This Should Be Fun  if you want to feel better about yourself.

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The importance of a business plan

advantages of implementing a business plan

Business plans are like road maps: it’s possible to travel without one, but that will only increase the odds of getting lost along the way.

Owners with a business plan see growth 30% faster than those without one, and 71% of the fast-growing companies have business plans . Before we get into the thick of it, let’s define and go over what a business plan actually is.

What is a business plan?

A business plan is a 15-20 page document that outlines how you will achieve your business objectives and includes information about your product, marketing strategies, and finances. You should create one when you’re starting a new business and keep updating it as your business grows.

Rather than putting yourself in a position where you may have to stop and ask for directions or even circle back and start over, small business owners often use business plans to help guide them. That’s because they help them see the bigger picture, plan ahead, make important decisions, and improve the overall likelihood of success. ‍

Why is a business plan important?

A well-written business plan is an important tool because it gives entrepreneurs and small business owners, as well as their employees, the ability to lay out their goals and track their progress as their business begins to grow. Business planning should be the first thing done when starting a new business. Business plans are also important for attracting investors so they can determine if your business is on the right path and worth putting money into.

Business plans typically include detailed information that can help improve your business’s chances of success, like:

  • A market analysis : gathering information about factors and conditions that affect your industry
  • Competitive analysis : evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors
  • Customer segmentation : divide your customers into different groups based on specific characteristics to improve your marketing
  • Marketing: using your research to advertise your business
  • Logistics and operations plans : planning and executing the most efficient production process
  • Cash flow projection : being prepared for how much money is going into and out of your business
  • An overall path to long-term growth

What is the purpose of a business plan?

A business plan is like a map for small business owners, showing them where to go and how to get there. Its main purposes are to help you avoid risks, keep everyone on the same page, plan finances, check if your business idea is good, make operations smoother, and adapt to changes. It's a way for small business owners to plan, communicate, and stay on track toward their goals.

10 reasons why you need a business plan

I know what you’re thinking: “Do I really need a business plan? It sounds like a lot of work, plus I heard they’re outdated and I like figuring things out as I go...”.

The answer is: yes, you really do need a business plan! As entrepreneur Kevin J. Donaldson said, “Going into business without a business plan is like going on a mountain trek without a map or GPS support—you’ll eventually get lost and starve! Though it may sound tedious and time-consuming, business plans are critical to starting your business and setting yourself up for success.

To outline the importance of business plans and make the process sound less daunting, here are 10 reasons why you need one for your small business.

1. To help you with critical decisions

The primary importance of a business plan is that they help you make better decisions. Entrepreneurship is often an endless exercise in decision making and crisis management. Sitting down and considering all the ramifications of any given decision is a luxury that small businesses can’t always afford. That’s where a business plan comes in.

Building a business plan allows you to determine the answer to some of the most critical business decisions ahead of time.

Creating a robust business plan is a forcing function—you have to sit down and think about major components of your business before you get started, like your marketing strategy and what products you’ll sell. You answer many tough questions before they arise. And thinking deeply about your core strategies can also help you understand how those decisions will impact your broader strategy.

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2. To iron out the kinks

Putting together a business plan requires entrepreneurs to ask themselves a lot of hard questions and take the time to come up with well-researched and insightful answers. Even if the document itself were to disappear as soon as it’s completed, the practice of writing it helps to articulate your vision in realistic terms and better determine if there are any gaps in your strategy.

3. To avoid the big mistakes

Only about half of small businesses are still around to celebrate their fifth birthday . While there are many reasons why small businesses fail, many of the most common are purposefully addressed in business plans.

According to data from CB Insights , some of the most common reasons businesses fail include:

  • No market need : No one wants what you’re selling.
  • Lack of capital : Cash flow issues or businesses simply run out of money.
  • Inadequate team : This underscores the importance of hiring the right people to help you run your business.
  • Stiff competition : It’s tough to generate a steady profit when you have a lot of competitors in your space.
  • Pricing : Some entrepreneurs price their products or services too high or too low—both scenarios can be a recipe for disaster.

The exercise of creating a business plan can help you avoid these major mistakes. Whether it’s cash flow forecasts or a product-market fit analysis , every piece of a business plan can help spot some of those potentially critical mistakes before they arise. For example, don’t be afraid to scrap an idea you really loved if it turns out there’s no market need. Be honest with yourself!

Get a jumpstart on your business plan by creating your own cash flow projection .

4. To prove the viability of the business

Many businesses are created out of passion, and while passion can be a great motivator, it’s not a great proof point.

Planning out exactly how you’re going to turn that vision into a successful business is perhaps the most important step between concept and reality. Business plans can help you confirm that your grand idea makes sound business sense.

A graphic showing you a “Business Plan Outline.” There are four sections on the left side: Executive Summary at the top, Company Description below it, followed by Market Analysis, and lastly Organization and Management. There was four sections on the right side. At the top: “Service or Product Line.” Below that, “Marketing and Sales.” Below that, “Funding Request.” And lastly: “Financial Projections.” At the very bottom below the left and right columns is a section that says “Appendix.

A critical component of your business plan is the market research section. Market research can offer deep insight into your customers, your competitors, and your chosen industry. Not only can it enlighten entrepreneurs who are starting up a new business, but it can also better inform existing businesses on activities like marketing, advertising, and releasing new products or services.

Want to prove there’s a market gap? Here’s how you can get started with market research.

5. To set better objectives and benchmarks

Without a business plan, objectives often become arbitrary, without much rhyme or reason behind them. Having a business plan can help make those benchmarks more intentional and consequential. They can also help keep you accountable to your long-term vision and strategy, and gain insights into how your strategy is (or isn’t) coming together over time.

6. To communicate objectives and benchmarks

Whether you’re managing a team of 100 or a team of two, you can’t always be there to make every decision yourself. Think of the business plan like a substitute teacher, ready to answer questions any time there’s an absence. Let your staff know that when in doubt, they can always consult the business plan to understand the next steps in the event that they can’t get an answer from you directly.

Sharing your business plan with team members also helps ensure that all members are aligned with what you’re doing, why, and share the same understanding of long-term objectives.

7. To provide a guide for service providers

Small businesses typically employ contractors , freelancers, and other professionals to help them with tasks like accounting , marketing, legal assistance, and as consultants. Having a business plan in place allows you to easily share relevant sections with those you rely on to support the organization, while ensuring everyone is on the same page.

8. To secure financing

Did you know you’re 2.5x more likely to get funded if you have a business plan?If you’re planning on pitching to venture capitalists, borrowing from a bank, or are considering selling your company in the future, you’re likely going to need a business plan. After all, anyone that’s interested in putting money into your company is going to want to know it’s in good hands and that it’s viable in the long run. Business plans are the most effective ways of proving that and are typically a requirement for anyone seeking outside financing.

Learn what you need to get a small business loan.

9. To better understand the broader landscape

No business is an island, and while you might have a strong handle on everything happening under your own roof, it’s equally important to understand the market terrain as well. Writing a business plan can go a long way in helping you better understand your competition and the market you’re operating in more broadly, illuminate consumer trends and preferences, potential disruptions and other insights that aren’t always plainly visible.

10. To reduce risk

Entrepreneurship is a risky business, but that risk becomes significantly more manageable once tested against a well-crafted business plan. Drawing up revenue and expense projections, devising logistics and operational plans, and understanding the market and competitive landscape can all help reduce the risk factor from an inherently precarious way to make a living. Having a business plan allows you to leave less up to chance, make better decisions, and enjoy the clearest possible view of the future of your company.

Business plan FAQs

How does having a business plan help small business owners make better decisions.

Having a business plan supports small business owners in making smarter decisions by providing a structured framework to assess all parts of their businesses. It helps you foresee potential challenges, identify opportunities, and set clear objectives. Business plans help you make decisions across the board, including market strategies, financial management, resource allocation, and growth planning.

What industry-specific issues can business plans help tackle?

Business plans can address industry-specific challenges like regulatory compliance, technological advancements, market trends, and competitive landscape. For instance, in highly regulated industries like healthcare or finance, a comprehensive business plan can outline compliance measures and risk management strategies.

How can small business owners use their business plans to pitch investors or apply for loans?

In addition to attracting investors and securing financing, small business owners can leverage their business plans during pitches or loan applications by focusing on key elements that resonate with potential stakeholders. This includes highlighting market analysis, competitive advantages, revenue projections, and scalability plans. Presenting a well-researched and data-driven business plan demonstrates credibility and makes investors or lenders feel confident about your business’s potential health and growth.

Understanding the importance of a business plan

Now that you have a solid grasp on the “why” behind business plans, you can confidently move forward with creating your own.

Remember that a business plan will grow and evolve along with your business, so it’s an important part of your whole journey—not just the beginning.

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Now that you’ve read up on the purpose of a business plan, check out our guide to help you get started.

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What Is a Business Plan?

Understanding business plans, how to write a business plan, common elements of a business plan, the bottom line, business plan: what it is, what's included, and how to write one.

Adam Hayes, Ph.D., CFA, is a financial writer with 15+ years Wall Street experience as a derivatives trader. Besides his extensive derivative trading expertise, Adam is an expert in economics and behavioral finance. Adam received his master's in economics from The New School for Social Research and his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in sociology. He is a CFA charterholder as well as holding FINRA Series 7, 55 & 63 licenses. He currently researches and teaches economic sociology and the social studies of finance at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

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A business plan is a document that outlines a company's goals and the strategies to achieve them. It's valuable for both startups and established companies. For startups, a well-crafted business plan is crucial for attracting potential lenders and investors. Established businesses use business plans to stay on track and aligned with their growth objectives. This article will explain the key components of an effective business plan and guidance on how to write one.

Key Takeaways

  • A business plan is a document detailing a company's business activities and strategies for achieving its goals.
  • Startup companies use business plans to launch their venture and to attract outside investors.
  • For established companies, a business plan helps keep the executive team focused on short- and long-term objectives.
  • There's no single required format for a business plan, but certain key elements are essential for most companies.

Investopedia / Ryan Oakley

Any new business should have a business plan in place before beginning operations. Banks and venture capital firms often want to see a business plan before considering making a loan or providing capital to new businesses.

Even if a company doesn't need additional funding, having a business plan helps it stay focused on its goals. Research from the University of Oregon shows that businesses with a plan are significantly more likely to secure funding than those without one. Moreover, companies with a business plan grow 30% faster than those that don't plan. According to a Harvard Business Review article, entrepreneurs who write formal plans are 16% more likely to achieve viability than those who don't.

A business plan should ideally be reviewed and updated periodically to reflect achieved goals or changes in direction. An established business moving in a new direction might even create an entirely new plan.

There are numerous benefits to creating (and sticking to) a well-conceived business plan. It allows for careful consideration of ideas before significant investment, highlights potential obstacles to success, and provides a tool for seeking objective feedback from trusted outsiders. A business plan may also help ensure that a company’s executive team remains aligned on strategic action items and priorities.

While business plans vary widely, even among competitors in the same industry, they often share basic elements detailed below.

A well-crafted business plan is essential for attracting investors and guiding a company's strategic growth. It should address market needs and investor requirements and provide clear financial projections.

While there are any number of templates that you can use to write a business plan, it's best to try to avoid producing a generic-looking one. Let your plan reflect the unique personality of your business.

Many business plans use some combination of the sections below, with varying levels of detail, depending on the company.

The length of a business plan can vary greatly from business to business. Regardless, gathering the basic information into a 15- to 25-page document is best. Any additional crucial elements, such as patent applications, can be referenced in the main document and included as appendices.

Common elements in many business plans include:

  • Executive summary : This section introduces the company and includes its mission statement along with relevant information about the company's leadership, employees, operations, and locations.
  • Products and services : Describe the products and services the company offers or plans to introduce. Include details on pricing, product lifespan, and unique consumer benefits. Mention production and manufacturing processes, relevant patents , proprietary technology , and research and development (R&D) information.
  • Market analysis : Explain the current state of the industry and the competition. Detail where the company fits in, the types of customers it plans to target, and how it plans to capture market share from competitors.
  • Marketing strategy : Outline the company's plans to attract and retain customers, including anticipated advertising and marketing campaigns. Describe the distribution channels that will be used to deliver products or services to consumers.
  • Financial plans and projections : Established businesses should include financial statements, balance sheets, and other relevant financial information. New businesses should provide financial targets and estimates for the first few years. This section may also include any funding requests.

Investors want to see a clear exit strategy, expected returns, and a timeline for cashing out. It's likely a good idea to provide five-year profitability forecasts and realistic financial estimates.

2 Types of Business Plans

Business plans can vary in format, often categorized into traditional and lean startup plans. According to the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) , the traditional business plan is the more common of the two.

  • Traditional business plans : These are detailed and lengthy, requiring more effort to create but offering comprehensive information that can be persuasive to potential investors.
  • Lean startup business plans : These are concise, sometimes just one page, and focus on key elements. While they save time, companies should be ready to provide additional details if requested by investors or lenders.

Why Do Business Plans Fail?

A business plan isn't a surefire recipe for success. The plan may have been unrealistic in its assumptions and projections. Markets and the economy might change in ways that couldn't have been foreseen. A competitor might introduce a revolutionary new product or service. All this calls for building flexibility into your plan, so you can pivot to a new course if needed.

How Often Should a Business Plan Be Updated?

How frequently a business plan needs to be revised will depend on its nature. Updating your business plan is crucial due to changes in external factors (market trends, competition, and regulations) and internal developments (like employee growth and new products). While a well-established business might want to review its plan once a year and make changes if necessary, a new or fast-growing business in a fiercely competitive market might want to revise it more often, such as quarterly.

What Does a Lean Startup Business Plan Include?

The lean startup business plan is ideal for quickly explaining a business, especially for new companies that don't have much information yet. Key sections may include a value proposition , major activities and advantages, resources (staff, intellectual property, and capital), partnerships, customer segments, and revenue sources.

A well-crafted business plan is crucial for any company, whether it's a startup looking for investment or an established business wanting to stay on course. It outlines goals and strategies, boosting a company's chances of securing funding and achieving growth.

As your business and the market change, update your business plan regularly. This keeps it relevant and aligned with your current goals and conditions. Think of your business plan as a living document that evolves with your company, not something carved in stone.

University of Oregon Department of Economics. " Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Business Planning Using Palo Alto's Business Plan Pro ." Eason Ding & Tim Hursey.

Bplans. " Do You Need a Business Plan? Scientific Research Says Yes ."

Harvard Business Review. " Research: Writing a Business Plan Makes Your Startup More Likely to Succeed ."

Harvard Business Review. " How to Write a Winning Business Plan ."

U.S. Small Business Administration. " Write Your Business Plan ."

SCORE. " When and Why Should You Review Your Business Plan? "

advantages of implementing a business plan

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The importance of business plan: 5 key reasons.

The Importance of Business Plan: 5 Key Reasons

A key part of any business is its business plan. They can help define the goals of your business and help it reach success. A good business plan can also help you develop an adequate marketing strategy. There are a number of reasons all business owners need business plans, keep reading to learn more!

Here’s What We’ll Cover:

What Is a Business Plan?

5 reasons you need a well-written business plan, how do i make a business plan, key takeaways.

A business plan contains detailed information that can help determine its success. Some of this information can include the following:

  • Market analysis
  • Cash flow projection
  • Competitive analysis
  • Financial statements and financial projections
  • An operating plan

A solid business plan is a good way to attract potential investors. It can also help you display to business partners that you have a successful business growing. In a competitive landscape, a formal business plan is your key to success.

advantages of implementing a business plan

Check out all of the biggest reasons you need a good business plan below.

1. To Secure Funding

Whether you’re seeking funding from a venture capitalist or a bank, you’ll need a business plan. Business plans are the foundation of a business. They tell the parties that you’re seeking funding from whether or not you’re worth investing in. If you need any sort of outside financing, you’ll need a good business plan to secure it.

2. Set and Communicate Goals

A business plan gives you a tangible way of reviewing your business goals. Business plans revolve around the present and the future. When you establish your goals and put them in writing, you’re more likely to reach them. A strong business plan includes these goals, and allows you to communicate them to investors and employees alike.

3. Prove Viability in the Market

While many businesses are born from passion, not many will last without an effective business plan. While a business concept may seem sound, things may change once the specifics are written down. Often, people who attempt to start a business without a plan will fail. This is because they don’t take into account all of the planning and funds needed to get a business off of the ground.

Market research is a large part of the business planning process. It lets you review your potential customers, as well as the competition, in your field. By understanding both you can set price points for products or services. Sometimes, it may not make sense to start a business based on the existing competition. Other times, market research can guide you to effective marketing strategies that others lack. To have a successful business, it has to be viable. A business plan will help you determine that.

4. They Help Owners Avoid Failure

Far too often, small businesses fail. Many times, this is due to the lack of a strong business plan. There are many reasons that small businesses fail, most of which can be avoided by developing a business plan. Some of them are listed below, which can be avoided by having a business plan:

  • The market doesn’t need the business’s product or service
  • The business didn’t take into account the amount of capital needed
  • The market is oversaturated
  • The prices set by the business are too high, pushing potential customers away

Any good business plan includes information to help business owners avoid these issues.

advantages of implementing a business plan

5. Business Plans Reduce Risk

Related to the last reason, business plans help reduce risk. A well-thought-out business plan helps reduce risky decisions. They help business owners make informed decisions based on the research they conduct. Any business owner can tell you that the most important part of their job is making critical decisions. A business plan that factors in all possible situations helps make those decisions.

Luckily, there are plenty of tools available to help you create a business plan. A simple search can lead you to helpful tools, like a business plan template . These are helpful, as they let you fill in the information as you go. Many of them provide basic instructions on how to create the business plan, as well.

If you plan on starting a business, you’ll need a business plan. They’re good for a vast number of things. Business plans help owners make informed decisions, as well as set goals and secure funding. Don’t put off putting together your business plan!

If you’re in the planning stages of your business, be sure to check out our resource hub . We have plenty of valuable resources and articles for you when you’re just getting started. Check it out today!


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The Importance Of Business Planning: A Beginner’s Guide


by Mike Vestil  

Business planning is the process of determining the goals and objectives of a business and developing a roadmap to achieve them.

It involves the analysis of current and future market conditions, operational capabilities, financial resources, and other factors that impact business success.

Effective business planning helps entrepreneurs and organizations navigate the complexities of the market and make strategic decisions that increase profitability and longevity.

Whether you are starting a new business or looking to expand an existing one, a well-crafted business plan is critical to your success.

In this article, we will explore the key components of business planning and provide insights on how to create a plan that meets your specific needs.

Introduction To Business Planning

What is business planning.

A business plan can be described as a document that outlines and describes the goals of a business and the strategies that will be employed to achieve these goals.

It typically includes detailed information about the company, such as the products, services, and customers that it intends to target, as well as an analysis of the market and the competition.

A business plan also describes the financial projections and resources needed to achieve these goals, such as the amount of money that will be invested, the sales projections, and the operational costs.

The purpose of a business plan is to provide a roadmap for the business owner and all stakeholders, including investors, employees, and management teams.

The importance of a business plan cannot be overstated as it serves as a guide to identify and address potential challenges that a business owner may encounter along the way.

Starting and running a business can be a daunting task, but having a well-crafted business plan can help alleviate some of the stress associated with the unknowns of business ownership.

A business plan helps to define and communicate the vision of the business, which can be invaluable to gaining traction with potential investors or partners who can assist in the growth and development of the company.

It also serves as a tool for measuring success as it provides specific goals and objectives that can be compared to actual results.

In conclusion, a well-written business plan is essential to the overall success of a business.

It provides a clear road map of what the business hopes to achieve and how it intends to do so. It serves as a guide for all stakeholders and helps to communicate the vision of the business to potential investors, employees, and partners.

Ultimately, a business plan helps to mitigate potential risks and set the business up for success.

Importance Of Business Planning

Business planning is an essential activity that every organization must engage in irrespective of its nature or size. It helps organizations in setting goals, staying focused, and measuring progress.

There are several reasons why business planning is of great importance, such as guiding decision-making, allocating resources, and identifying potential risks and opportunities.

First and foremost, business planning helps organizations in setting realistic goals and determining the best strategies to achieve them. It provides a roadmap for the future that enables executives and managers to make informed decisions based on available data and market trends.

Additionally, business planning is a critical tool for allocating resources and ensuring that they are used efficiently.

By analyzing financial data and identifying areas of potential wastage, organizations can reduce costs and increase profitability.

Furthermore, business planning is an effective means of identifying potential risks and opportunities that an organization may face.

By conducting a thorough analysis of internal and external factors that may impact the business, organizations can develop contingency plans to mitigate risks and capitalize on opportunities.

Another essential aspect of business planning is that it enables organizations to monitor and measure their progress.

Through the use of key performance indicators (KPIs), organizations can track their performance against set objectives and make adjustments where necessary.

This helps to ensure that the organization is on track towards achieving its goals and that everyone within the organization is working towards the same objectives.

Moreover, business planning is a critical tool for securing external funding. Investors and lenders are more likely to invest in organizations that have a well-defined strategy and a clear understanding of their market and industry.

In conclusion, business planning is a critical activity for any organization that wants to thrive in a competitive marketplace.

It provides a framework for decision-making, resource allocation, risk management, and measuring progress. Without a solid business plan, organizations are likely to struggle to achieve their goals, make efficient use of their resources, and identify potential risks and opportunities.

Therefore, it is crucial for organizations to invest time and resources into developing a comprehensive and realistic business plan that reflects their unique strengths, weaknesses, and objectives.

Purpose Of Business Planning

Business planning is a critical aspect of establishing a successful business. The purpose of business planning is to outline the objectives, strategies, and steps necessary to achieve those objectives.

This process involves creating a roadmap for the future of the business, identifying potential obstacles and opportunities, and developing tactics to overcome or leverage them.

Business planning is essential for potential investors, as it provides an overview of the company’s goals and how they plan to achieve them. It also allows for more effective decision-making, as it provides a framework for assessing whether or not certain decisions align with the company’s overall goals.

Similarly, business planning is critical for internal stakeholders, as it helps to establish a shared vision and objective for the company, as well as the roadmap for achieving it.

Ultimately, business planning is a vital tool for any business owner or entrepreneur looking to establish a thriving enterprise in today’s complex and competitive market.

Key Elements Of Business Planning

Executive summary.

The executive summary is a critical component of any business plan, providing a concise yet comprehensive summary of the key elements of the plan.

It should provide a clear and compelling overview of the business, highlighting its unique value proposition, target market, competitive advantages, and key strategies for success.

Key financial projections should also be included, providing investors and other stakeholders with a clear understanding of the anticipated risks and rewards associated with the venture.

The executive summary should be written in a clear and concise manner, using language that is both easy to understand and engaging to the reader.

It should be designed to capture the attention of potential investors, lenders, or other stakeholders, providing them with a clear understanding of the business and its potential for success.

Market Analysis Of Business Planning

The Market Analysis section of a business plan is a crucial component that provides a thorough analysis of the target market, industry trends, competition, and customer base.

This subsection should focus on the target market’s size, demographics, and psychographics, including their purchasing habits, preferences, and behaviors.

The assessment of industry trends involves investigating the direction of the market, identifying opportunities, and assessing the impact of external factors such as economic conditions and government regulations.

The section on competition analysis must provide a detailed analysis of direct and indirect competitors, including their strengths, weaknesses, and market share.

This information can be obtained through the use of surveys, online research, and networking. The subsection should also assess the customer base, including market segmentation, potential growth, and loyalty.

Moreover, the subsection should include a SWOT analysis that examines the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the company.

The analysis should focus on the potential challenges faced by the company as well as the opportunities that can be leveraged to achieve success.

This analysis provides an insight into the company’s competitive position and helps identify areas where the company can improve.

Overall, the Market Analysis section is critical for any business plan as it provides a well-rounded understanding of the target market, industry trends, and competitive landscape.

The information provided in this section can be used to develop a sound business strategy and make informed decisions that drive the company’s success.

Company Description Of A Business Plan

The Company Description subsection of a business plan provides an overview of the company and its history, current status, and future prospects.

It should detail what the company does, what sets it apart from competitors, and how it intends to achieve success. A well-crafted company description should also communicate the company’s core values, mission statement, and vision for the future.

It is important to include any relevant company history and milestones as well as any notable achievements, partnerships, or industry awards.

Additionally, a clear explanation of the management team’s experience and qualifications, including their education, certifications, and industry experience, is essential to demonstrate the company’s capacity to succeed.

Furthermore, the products or services offered by the company and how they meet the needs and desires of customers should also be emphasized.

Overall, a concise and compelling company description sets the foundation for the rest of the business plan and conveys a sense of confidence and expertise to potential investors and stakeholders.

Organization And Management

The Organization and Management subsection is crucial in any business plan as it highlights the structure, roles, and responsibilities of the key personnel who will be at the helm of the organization.

The success of any business is largely dependent on the capabilities of the people managing it.

Therefore, it is essential to outline the experience and expertise of each member of the management team. This subsection should also provide clear information on the ownership structure of the organization, including the distribution of shares or ownership percentages.

It is important to highlight any legal or regulatory requirements that the management needs to fulfill to operate the business effectively.

Additionally, the subsection should explain the key operational and administrative functions, as well as any external professional services that will be necessary to ensure the smooth running of the business.

Service Or Product Line

Service or Product Line is a crucial section of a business plan that outlines the products or services a company intends to offer.

This section must describe the key attributes of the product or service, including its unique features, the target market, and what sets it apart from competitors.

Additionally, this section must touch on the production process and costs, as well as the pricing strategy the company will use to ensure that the product or service is profitable.

A successful business plan must ensure that its offerings add value to the target market and adapt accordingly by conducting market research, understanding the competition, and leveraging innovation to create new and improved products.

Marketing And Sales Of A Business Plan

The Marketing and Sales subsection of a business planning document is designed to outline the strategies that will be used to promote and sell a company’s product or service.

This section should include a market analysis and an explanation of how the company plans to differentiate itself from competitors. The marketing plan should identify target customers, their needs, and the benefits that the product or service will provide.

The sales plan should identify the distribution channels that will be used, as well as the pricing model and the sales team structure.

Additionally, this section should identify any marketing and sales metrics that will be used to measure success, such as conversion rates and lead generation.

It is crucial for companies to have a comprehensive marketing and sales plan in place to ensure that they are able to effectively reach their target audience and drive revenue growth.

Funding Request Of A Business Plan

The Funding Request subsection of a business plan is where the entrepreneur explains their financial needs to potential investors or lenders. This section starts with the amount of money required and how it will be utilized, such as for inventory, facilities, or equipment.

The business owner must provide an accurate estimate of the total costs involved, including monthly expenses and projected revenues.

It is also essential to explain how the funding request will affect the company’s financial position and how it will help achieve the specified goals.

Sometimes, entrepreneurs may need to explain their willingness to give up a portion of their company’s ownership to secure financing.

The funding request should be provided with detailed financial statements and projections to support the proposal.

Moreover, entrepreneurs should also specify the repayment schedule and interest rates if they are looking for loans.

The objective is to persuade potential investors or lenders that the proposed investment is feasible, and the revenue from the company is likely to provide a satisfactory return on investment within an acceptable time frame.

A well-written and researched funding request inspires confidence in potential investors or lenders and increases the entrepreneur’s chance of securing the necessary funds.

Importance Of Financial Projections In Business Plan

The subsection Financial Projections is a crucial aspect of any business plan. It entails forecasting the financial outcomes of the proposed business operations.

Financial projections encompass several critical elements, including income statements, cash flow statements, and balance sheets.

Accurately projecting financial outcomes is vital for securing funding from investors and financial institutions.

Furthermore, it is a critical tool for managing resources, making critical financial decisions, and monitoring day-to-day financial activities.

When preparing financial projections, it is essential to consider various factors that might influence the outcomes, such as market trends, competition, industry regulations, and other economic indicators.

One critical element that should not be overlooked is setting realistic goals and timelines for achieving the forecasted outcomes.

Additionally, it is essential to prepare alternative scenarios to gauge the impact of unforeseen events on the business’s financial health.

Overall, the Financial Projection subsection provides insights into the potential financial performance of the business and enables entrepreneurs to develop a well-informed roadmap for success.

Appendix Section In A Business Plan

The Appendix section is an optional section that can be included in a business plan. This section provides space to include any additional information that investors or lenders may find useful in evaluating the business plan.

The Appendix can be used to include resumes of key personnel, product or service brochures, legal documents, and any other relevant information that supports the business plan.

It is important to remember that the Appendix should not be used to include information that should be in other sections, but rather to include supplementary information that adds value to the overall plan.

Steps In Business Planning

Step 1: research and analysis.

A crucial step in creating a successful business plan is conducting thorough research and analysis. This step involves collecting and analyzing relevant data from various sources, such as industry reports, customer surveys, and competitor analysis.

The purpose of this research is to gain a deep understanding of the market, identify potential customers, and evaluate market trends and changes.

Analyzing the data collected enables entrepreneurs to identify opportunities and potential threats that their business may face.

Additionally, this step involves evaluating the resources required to establish and run the business, including understanding the costs associated with acquiring and retaining customers, product development, and distribution.

One of the essential factors to consider during the research and analysis stage is the target market. It is important to identify the audience who would be interested in the product or service offered by the business.

Identifying the target market helps entrepreneurs to evaluate the size of the market, the preferences of their potential customers, and the most effective marketing strategies.

Moreover, research provides entrepreneurs with an understanding of customer spending habits and the overall demand for the product.

This knowledge enables entrepreneurs to tailor their business plan to meet the needs of the target market and increase the likelihood of success.

Another critical aspect of the research and analysis stage is evaluating the competition. An analysis of the existing businesses in the industry helps entrepreneurs identify potential rivals.

It also provides insights into the strengths and weaknesses of competitors, their marketing strategies, and the types of products or services they offer.

This information empowers entrepreneurs to develop unique value propositions and competitive advantages that will differentiate their business from others in the market.In summary, research and analysis are the foundation of a successful business plan.

It provides entrepreneurs with a clear understanding of the market, target audience, and competition.

This information enables entrepreneurs to create a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps required to establish and run a profitable business.

Conducting thorough research and analysis is essential to increase the chances of success and minimize the risks associated with starting a new business.

Step 2: Develop A Strategic Plan

The second step in the business planning process is to develop a strategic plan. This is a critical step that involves identifying goals and objectives for the company, as well as the strategies and tactics that will be used to achieve them.

A strategic plan should include a detailed analysis of the company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This information can be obtained through market research, customer surveys, and other methods.

Once this analysis is complete, the company can begin to develop a plan for achieving its goals. This should include a detailed description of the company’s products or services, its target market, and its competitors.

It should also include a plan for marketing and sales, as well as financial projections for the next few years.

An important component of the strategic plan is the identification of key performance indicators (KPIs) that will be used to measure the success of the plan.

These KPIs should be specific and measurable, and should be reviewed regularly to ensure that the plan is on track.

The strategic plan should also consider the company’s resources, including its human capital, financial resources, and technological infrastructure. It should identify any gaps in these resources and make recommendations for how they can be filled.

Ultimately, the strategic plan should be a living document that is reviewed and updated regularly. As the company grows and changes, the plan should be adjusted accordingly to ensure that it remains relevant and effective.

Step 3: Create A Business Plan

Step 4: implement the plan.

The actual implementation of a business plan involves executing each step of the strategy. The effectiveness of the plan heavily relies on the satisfaction of the plan’s objectives, the use of realistic timelines, and the deployment of adequate resources.

The business’ management will need to generate functional plans to ensure that resources are allocated optimally. Timelines must also be established for every step of the process to monitor progress and adjust the plan if necessary.

Good communication with all stakeholders is essential to successful implementation. The plan must be communicated to all employees, contractors, and vendors.

The resources, including personnel and funding, must be aligned with the plan. Efficient coordination is necessary to ensure that everyone is working towards the same end goal.

Performance measurement is crucial, as adjustment to the plan may be necessary to achieve the intended outcomes.

Technology and software may also be necessary in executing specific strategies, which should be included in the plan.

Addressing challenges and roadblocks along the way may also require flexible thinking and adapting the plan accordingly.

Therefore, the process of implementing a business plan involves evaluating the plan’s success and adaption of the plan to current business operations.

By successfully implementing the plan, the business can achieve its desired outcome and ultimately achieve its end goal.

Step 5: Monitor And Review

After implementing a business plan, monitoring and reviewing are crucial steps to ensure success. This stage is vital because it allows a business owner to determine if their strategies are working effectively or if changes need to be made.

It is an opportunity to observe the strengths and weaknesses of a business, discover any financial or operational problems, and measure progress toward established goals.

Monitoring includes tracking financial performance, sales figures, production levels, and customer satisfaction rates.

Reviewing involves analyzing the data gathered from monitoring activities and implementing changes to improve the business.

Monitoring and reviewing also help with business planning, providing entrepreneurs with a basis for decision-making.

Ongoing tracking and analysis can identify potential areas of growth, new opportunities, and potential risks.

Keeping current with industry trends, competitive analysis, and customer feedback can be included in the monitoring and review process.

By identifying and addressing challenges, a business can stay ahead of the competition and improve operations, products, and services.

Regular reviews act as a preventative measure for changes in the market or industry. Real-time optimization can be applied to marketing campaigns, cost structures, sales techniques, and more.

By consistently monitoring and reviewing, a business owner can take immediate corrective action instead of waiting until it’s too late.

Additionally, reviewing allows for continual improvement by providing insight into potential opportunities for growth and increased profitability.

A monitoring and review system should be established as part of the overall plan. This should include setting benchmarks and metrics, as well as scheduling regular reviews of progress toward established goals.

Once the system is in place, the focus should shift towards utilizing data gathered from monitoring and review activities.

This data should be analyzed, identifying areas that require changes and taking action to implement those changes.

In conclusion, monitoring and reviewing are important elements to ensure the continued success of a business.

Through monitoring and reviewing activities, entrepreneurs can gain a better understanding of their business operations and optimize accordingly.

By utilizing data and implementing changes, businesses can ensure long-term profitability and sustainable growth.

Types Of Business Plans

Startup business plan.

A startup business plan is an essential document that outlines the road map for a new business venture.

It is a comprehensive document that typically includes an executive summary, market analysis, company description, product or service offerings, marketing and sales strategies, financials, and a timeline.

The purpose of the business plan is to help entrepreneurs map out their goals and objectives, identify potential roadblocks, and develop strategies to overcome them.

By creating a startup business plan, entrepreneurs can gain a better understanding of their customers, competitors, and market trends.

In addition, they can use the plan to secure funding from investors or financial institutions, to communicate their vision to potential employees, and to develop a clear and concise strategy for scaling the business.

A well-crafted startup business plan is a crucial component of launching a successful new business venture.

Internal Business Plan

The Internal Business Plan is a critical component of the overall business plan. It outlines the internal strategies and tactics that a company will use to achieve its objectives.

This plan is developed by the management team and guides the day-to-day operations of the company. The Internal Business Plan addresses the company’s marketing, operations, financial, and human resources objectives.

A key part of the plan is developing a clear understanding of the company’s competitive advantage and how it will use this advantage to successfully compete within the marketplace.

The Internal Business Plan is also used to assess the company’s progress toward its goals and to make adjustments to the plan as needed.

This plan is different from the Strategic Business Plan which addresses the direction and overall vision of the company, while the Internal Business Plan is focused on the day-to-day operations.

A successful Internal Business Plan is critical to any start-up business as it provides a roadmap for the company to follow and helps create a culture of accountability and focus on achieving the company’s objectives.

Strategic Business Plan

A strategic business plan is a vital component of any successful business. It outlines a company’s overall direction, goals, and objectives over the long term.

A strategic business plan is not just a document, but rather a roadmap that guides a company’s decision-making processes.

It involves conducting a thorough analysis of a company’s market, competition, resources, and capabilities to create a unique value proposition.

The strategic business plan enables a company to position itself in the market and differentiate itself from competitors. The plan should also outline specific actions that need to be taken to achieve the desired objectives.

The strategic business plan typically includes the mission statement, which defines the company’s purpose, values, and culture.

It should also identify the target market and customer segments, as well as the channels and strategies used to reach them.

The plan should also analyze the competitive landscape, identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) to the business.

One of the critical components of a strategic business plan is setting clear and measurable goals and objectives over the long term.

These should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). The goals and objectives should align with the company’s mission statement and vision, and support the overall strategy.

The strategic plan should also outline the tactics and actions that will be taken to achieve these goals, as well as the timeline and resources required.

Another important element of a strategic business plan is the financial plan. This should include a detailed budget, sales forecast, cost of goods sold, cash flow projection, and profit and loss statement.

The financial plan should also consider contingencies and risk management strategies.

A well-executed strategic business plan can significantly benefit a company’s growth and success.

It provides a clear roadmap for decision-making, enabling a company to make informed and strategic choices.

It also helps to align all stakeholders around a common vision and direction, which can improve employee engagement and motivation.

Finally, a strategic business plan enhances a company’s credibility and reputation, which can attract investors, customers, and partners.

Operations Business Plan

The Operations Business Plan is a crucial component of any business plan, as it details the necessary steps to achieve operational efficiency and success.

This subsection focuses on the day-to-day running of the business, outlining the processes and procedures that will be followed, including production, logistics, inventory management, customer service, and more.

A well-crafted Operations Business Plan should provide clear guidance on how the company will meet its goals, reduce costs, and optimize processes.

One of the key elements of an Operations Business Plan is the production plan, which outlines the processes and resources needed to manufacture products or deliver services to customers.

This plan should include production schedules, quality control measures, and contingency plans in case of unexpected delays or problems.

Additionally, inventory management is crucial to ensure that the business has the appropriate amount of goods on hand, minimizing waste and avoiding shortages.

Another important aspect of an Operations Business Plan is logistics, covering the transport of goods and services from the company to the customers.

Logistics might include shipping, delivery, or other transportation-related activities that can affect the efficiency and effectiveness of the business.

Customer service is also a critical component, ensuring that customers feel valued and satisfied with their interactions with the company.

Efficient operation requires effective management, and an Operations Business Plan should outline the organizational structure of the company, including roles and responsibilities of staff members.

Clear communication and collaboration among team members are essential to ensuring that the business runs smoothly and effectively.

Overall, a well-conceived Operations Business Plan is a fundamental component of an effective business plan.

By addressing the day-to-day operations and processes needed for a business to function, this plan helps ensure that the company can operate effectively, minimize waste, and achieve its goals.

Feasibility Business Plan

One of the most critical components of a successful business launch is creating a feasibility business plan.

This type of plan focuses on determining whether a business idea is practical and worth pursuing.

At its core, a feasibility plan looks at the market demand for a product or service, analyzes the competition, examines potential revenue streams, and evaluates the resources required to bring the idea to fruition.

The plan should also outline the risks and challenges associated with the business, as well as any legal and regulatory considerations that may impact its viability.

During the feasibility analysis, entrepreneurs should identify their target audience and understand their behavior and needs.

This analysis is crucial in determining the market demand for the product or service. At the same time, businesses must determine how they will differentiate themselves from the competition.

It’s important to analyze your competition’s strengths and weaknesses, identify opportunities, and determine how to leverage them to create a competitive advantage.

Another critical aspect of the feasibility analysis is identifying potential revenue streams. Businesses need to consider the various ways they can generate income and determine which ones are the most viable.

They should also consider potential expenses, such as marketing and advertising, rent, utilities, and employee salaries.

Once revenue and expenses have been identified, businesses can create financial projections to determine their profitability and whether their business idea is economically sound.

Resource allocation is another essential consideration in a feasibility business plan. Entrepreneurs need to determine what resources they will require to launch and sustain their business.

This includes financial resources, such as startup capital and ongoing funding, as well as human resources, such as employees and contractors.

Businesses must also consider the resources required for production, such as equipment, raw materials, and supplies.

Finally, it’s essential to identify and understand the risks and challenges associated with launching and running a business.

This includes legal and regulatory concerns, such as permits and licenses, as well as other challenges, such as technological advancements or changes in the market.

By identifying and evaluating these risks, businesses can create contingency plans and ensure they have the resources and expertise needed to overcome potential obstacles.

In conclusion, creating a feasibility business plan is an essential first step in launching a successful business.

It provides a comprehensive overview of the business idea, evaluating its potential and risks, and determines whether it is a sound investment.

By conducting a thorough analysis of the market demand, competition, potential revenue streams, resource allocation, and risk and challenges, entrepreneurs can make an informed decision and pursue their business idea with a greater level of confidence and success.

Growth Business Plan

Growth Business Plan is a vital component for businesses that have survived their initial stages and are looking to scale up their operations.

This type of plan focuses on strategies that can be implemented to facilitate growth and increased profitability.

One of the primary concerns of a Growth Business Plan is identifying new areas for expansion, such as new products, markets, or services.

It also involves assessing current operations to determine how they can be optimized and scaled efficiently.

The first step to creating a Growth Business Plan is conducting a market analysis to gain a comprehensive understanding of industry trends, consumer demands, and emerging opportunities.

This involves collecting and analyzing data from various sources such as industry reports, competitor analysis, and consumer feedback.

The goal is to identify untapped markets, potential partnerships, and new revenue streams that can be leveraged to facilitate growth.

The second step is to assess the existing organizational structure to determine if changes need to be made to support growth.

This includes hiring additional staff, expanding the physical infrastructure, or investing in new technology.

A comprehensive growth strategy must also address potential risks and challenges that may arise during the scaling process, such as changes in consumer behavior, supply chain disruptions, or regulatory changes.

Another critical aspect of a Growth Business Plan is financial planning. This involves conducting a financial analysis of the company’s operations to identify areas where cost savings can be realized and new revenue streams can be generated.

The plan must also include a detailed financial forecast that outlines revenue projections, cash flow forecasts, and budgets for capital expenditures.

Ultimately, a successful Growth Business Plan must articulate a clear and comprehensive strategy that establishes a roadmap for scaling up operations while maintaining profitability.

The plan must be flexible enough to adapt to changes in the market, consumer behavior, or the regulatory environment while also being prudent in managing risks associated with growth.

Clear communication of the plan to all the stakeholders of the business is necessary for flawless execution of the expansion efforts.

Exit Business Plan

One important aspect of business planning that is often overlooked is the Exit Business Plan. This subsection of a business plan outlines the steps that the company will take in the event that it needs to close down or be sold.

This can be an important consideration for investors and stakeholders, as it can help them understand the potential risks and rewards associated with their investment.

The Exit Business Plan should include a thorough analysis of the company’s financials, including any outstanding debts or liabilities, as well as projections for future revenue and expenses.

It should also outline the company’s strategy for selling its assets or winding down its operations, including any legal or regulatory considerations that may come into play.

Another important aspect of the Exit Business Plan is succession planning. This involves identifying key personnel who will be responsible for ensuring a smooth transition in the event of an exit, and outlining their roles and responsibilities.

It may also involve identifying potential buyers or partners who could take over the company, and developing a strategy for negotiating a sale or merger.

Ultimately, the purpose of the Exit Business Plan is to minimize risk and maximize value for all stakeholders involved.

By planning for the possibility of an exit from the outset, companies can be better prepared to handle unforeseen circumstances and minimize the potential impact on their investors and employees.

Summary Of Business Planning

Business planning is an essential component of any successful enterprise. It serves as a roadmap for achieving business objectives, providing a framework for decision-making, and establishing accountability.

Through the process of business planning, a company can identify its strengths and weaknesses, capitalize on opportunities, and mitigate risks.

When developing a business plan, it is essential to consider a variety of factors, such as market trends, competitive analysis, financial projections, and growth strategies.

Although it can be challenging to predict the future, a comprehensive business plan can help a company navigate the uncertainties of the marketplace, establish credibility with stakeholders, and secure funding.

The process of creating a business plan can also reveal gaps in knowledge or resources, providing an opportunity for further research or collaboration.

As businesses continue to evolve and adapt to changing market conditions, a robust business plan can serve as a foundation for future growth and success.

Future Outlook Of Business Planning

The future of business planning is promising and exciting. As technology continues to advance, businesses are able to gather more data and better understand their customers, which can inform their strategic planning.

With the increasing use of artificial intelligence and machine learning, businesses can gather insights faster and with greater accuracy. This allows for more precise forecasting and strategic decision-making.

Another relevant trend is the growing popularity of sustainability-focused business planning. Many companies are recognizing the importance of sustainability, given the impact of climate change and the increasing demand for sustainable products and services.

This approach to planning involves looking beyond short-term profits and considering the long-term impact of a business’s actions on the environment and society.

Moreover, the trend toward remote work and decentralized teams is changing how businesses approach planning. Virtual collaboration tools, such as video conferencing and online project management platforms, have made it easier for teams to work effectively from anywhere in the world.

This allows businesses to tap into talent pools globally, which can lead to more diverse and innovative ideas.

Finally, the future of business planning involves adapting to the changing needs of customers, who are increasingly looking for personalized and convenient experiences. Businesses that can offer this are likely to thrive, while those that fail to adapt may fall behind.

This means incorporating customer feedback into planning and investing in technologies, such as chatbots and personalization engines, that can help businesses provide more targeted and relevant experiences to their customers.

Implementing Recommendations

After conducting a thorough examination of Business Planning, it is clear that several recommendations must be made to ensure successful implementation of a business plan.

Firstly, businesses must ensure that every employee is included in the planning process. All departments within the company must have clear communication channels, as collaboration is essential to the success of the plan.

Secondly, businesses should regularly collect and analyze data relevant to their operations. This data can be used to improve and adjust plans as necessary.

Thirdly, businesses must regularly review their business plans and make necessary alterations to keep their plan relevant and up-to-date.

Finally, businesses should always have contingency plans in place. This will help them prepare for unexpected circumstances and better navigate potential risks.

In conclusion, businesses must remain flexible and adaptable in their planning to achieve success, and implementation of the above recommendations will enable them to do so.

Business Planning: FAQs

1. what is business planning.

Business Planning is the process of creating a roadmap for a business’s future. It comprises various steps, including identifying company objectives, conducting a market analysis, determining financial projections, and outlining strategies to achieve goals.

2. Who Needs A Business Plan?

Business planning is essential for any business, irrespective of its size, stage of operations, or industry. Entrepreneurs, startups, and established businesses that want to scale their operations and increase their profitability require a comprehensive and well-structured business plan.

3. Why Is Business Planning Important?

It ensures that a business has a clear direction and vision, helps identify potential opportunities, mitigates challenges, and reduces risks. Furthermore, it plays a crucial role in securing financing, attracting investors, and keeping the organization focused and accountable for its actions.

4. What Should My Business Plan Include?

A comprehensive business plan should include an executive summary, company overview, market analysis, products and services description, marketing and sales strategy, financial projections, organization structure, and operational plan.

5. How Often Should I Update My Business Plan?

Business plans aren’t static documents and should be updated regularly to reflect changes in the market, business evolution, and goals. A business plan should be reviewed annually and updated as needed to ensure that it remains effective and relevant.

6. Can I Write My Own Business Plan?

Yes, although it may be challenging to develop a comprehensive and effective business plan without prior experience. However, there are several resources and tools available, including templates, guides, software, or seeking the services of a business consultant.

advantages of implementing a business plan

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About the author 

Mike Vestil

Mike Vestil is the author of the Lazy Man's Guide To Living The Good Life. He also has a YouTube channel with over 700,000 subscribers where he talks about personal development and personal finance.

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Strategic planning in Miro

Table of Contents

How to make a business plan

How to make a good business plan: step-by-step guide.

A business plan is a strategic roadmap used to navigate the challenging journey of entrepreneurship. It's the foundation upon which you build a successful business.

A well-crafted business plan can help you define your vision, clarify your goals, and identify potential problems before they arise.

But where do you start? How do you create a business plan that sets you up for success?

This article will explore the step-by-step process of creating a comprehensive business plan.

What is a business plan?

A business plan is a formal document that outlines a business's objectives, strategies, and operational procedures. It typically includes the following information about a company:

Products or services

Target market


Marketing and sales strategies

Financial plan

Management team

A business plan serves as a roadmap for a company's success and provides a blueprint for its growth and development. It helps entrepreneurs and business owners organize their ideas, evaluate the feasibility, and identify potential challenges and opportunities.

As well as serving as a guide for business owners, a business plan can attract investors and secure funding. It demonstrates the company's understanding of the market, its ability to generate revenue and profits, and its strategy for managing risks and achieving success.

Business plan vs. business model canvas

A business plan may seem similar to a business model canvas, but each document serves a different purpose.

A business model canvas is a high-level overview that helps entrepreneurs and business owners quickly test and iterate their ideas. It is often a one-page document that briefly outlines the following:

Key partnerships

Key activities

Key propositions

Customer relationships

Customer segments

Key resources

Cost structure

Revenue streams

On the other hand, a Business Plan Template provides a more in-depth analysis of a company's strategy and operations. It is typically a lengthy document and requires significant time and effort to develop.

A business model shouldn’t replace a business plan, and vice versa. Business owners should lay the foundations and visually capture the most important information with a Business Model Canvas Template . Because this is a fast and efficient way to communicate a business idea, a business model canvas is a good starting point before developing a more comprehensive business plan.

A business plan can aim to secure funding from investors or lenders, while a business model canvas communicates a business idea to potential customers or partners.

Why is a business plan important?

A business plan is crucial for any entrepreneur or business owner wanting to increase their chances of success.

Here are some of the many benefits of having a thorough business plan.

Helps to define the business goals and objectives

A business plan encourages you to think critically about your goals and objectives. Doing so lets you clearly understand what you want to achieve and how you plan to get there.

A well-defined set of goals, objectives, and key results also provides a sense of direction and purpose, which helps keep business owners focused and motivated.

Guides decision-making

A business plan requires you to consider different scenarios and potential problems that may arise in your business. This awareness allows you to devise strategies to deal with these issues and avoid pitfalls.

With a clear plan, entrepreneurs can make informed decisions aligning with their overall business goals and objectives. This helps reduce the risk of making costly mistakes and ensures they make decisions with long-term success in mind.

Attracts investors and secures funding

Investors and lenders often require a business plan before considering investing in your business. A document that outlines the company's goals, objectives, and financial forecasts can help instill confidence in potential investors and lenders.

A well-written business plan demonstrates that you have thoroughly thought through your business idea and have a solid plan for success.

Identifies potential challenges and risks

A business plan requires entrepreneurs to consider potential challenges and risks that could impact their business. For example:

Is there enough demand for my product or service?

Will I have enough capital to start my business?

Is the market oversaturated with too many competitors?

What will happen if my marketing strategy is ineffective?

By identifying these potential challenges, entrepreneurs can develop strategies to mitigate risks and overcome challenges. This can reduce the likelihood of costly mistakes and ensure the business is well-positioned to take on any challenges.

Provides a basis for measuring success

A business plan serves as a framework for measuring success by providing clear goals and financial projections . Entrepreneurs can regularly refer to the original business plan as a benchmark to measure progress. By comparing the current business position to initial forecasts, business owners can answer questions such as:

Are we where we want to be at this point?

Did we achieve our goals?

If not, why not, and what do we need to do?

After assessing whether the business is meeting its objectives or falling short, business owners can adjust their strategies as needed.

How to make a business plan step by step

The steps below will guide you through the process of creating a business plan and what key components you need to include.

1. Create an executive summary

Start with a brief overview of your entire plan. The executive summary should cover your business plan's main points and key takeaways.

Keep your executive summary concise and clear with the Executive Summary Template . The simple design helps readers understand the crux of your business plan without reading the entire document.

2. Write your company description

Provide a detailed explanation of your company. Include information on what your company does, the mission statement, and your vision for the future.

Provide additional background information on the history of your company, the founders, and any notable achievements or milestones.

3. Conduct a market analysis

Conduct an in-depth analysis of your industry, competitors, and target market. This is best done with a SWOT analysis to identify your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Next, identify your target market's needs, demographics, and behaviors.

Use the Competitive Analysis Template to brainstorm answers to simple questions like:

What does the current market look like?

Who are your competitors?

What are they offering?

What will give you a competitive advantage?

Who is your target market?

What are they looking for and why?

How will your product or service satisfy a need?

These questions should give you valuable insights into the current market and where your business stands.

4. Describe your products and services

Provide detailed information about your products and services. This includes pricing information, product features, and any unique selling points.

Use the Product/Market Fit Template to explain how your products meet the needs of your target market. Describe what sets them apart from the competition.

5. Design a marketing and sales strategy

Outline how you plan to promote and sell your products. Your marketing strategy and sales strategy should include information about your:

Pricing strategy

Advertising and promotional tactics

Sales channels

The Go to Market Strategy Template is a great way to visually map how you plan to launch your product or service in a new or existing market.

6. Determine budget and financial projections

Document detailed information on your business’ finances. Describe the current financial position of the company and how you expect the finances to play out.

Some details to include in this section are:

Startup costs

Revenue projections

Profit and loss statement

Funding you have received or plan to receive

Strategy for raising funds

7. Set the organization and management structure

Define how your company is structured and who will be responsible for each aspect of the business. Use the Business Organizational Chart Template to visually map the company’s teams, roles, and hierarchy.

As well as the organization and management structure, discuss the legal structure of your business. Clarify whether your business is a corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship, or LLC.

8. Make an action plan

At this point in your business plan, you’ve described what you’re aiming for. But how are you going to get there? The Action Plan Template describes the following steps to move your business plan forward. Outline the next steps you plan to take to bring your business plan to fruition.

Types of business plans

Several types of business plans cater to different purposes and stages of a company's lifecycle. Here are some of the most common types of business plans.

Startup business plan

A startup business plan is typically an entrepreneur's first business plan. This document helps entrepreneurs articulate their business idea when starting a new business.

Not sure how to make a business plan for a startup? It’s pretty similar to a regular business plan, except the primary purpose of a startup business plan is to convince investors to provide funding for the business. A startup business plan also outlines the potential target market, product/service offering, marketing plan, and financial projections.

Strategic business plan

A strategic business plan is a long-term plan that outlines a company's overall strategy, objectives, and tactics. This type of strategic plan focuses on the big picture and helps business owners set goals and priorities and measure progress.

The primary purpose of a strategic business plan is to provide direction and guidance to the company's management team and stakeholders. The plan typically covers a period of three to five years.

Operational business plan

An operational business plan is a detailed document that outlines the day-to-day operations of a business. It focuses on the specific activities and processes required to run the business, such as:

Organizational structure

Staffing plan

Production plan

Quality control

Inventory management

Supply chain

The primary purpose of an operational business plan is to ensure that the business runs efficiently and effectively. It helps business owners manage their resources, track their performance, and identify areas for improvement.

Growth-business plan

A growth-business plan is a strategic plan that outlines how a company plans to expand its business. It helps business owners identify new market opportunities and increase revenue and profitability. The primary purpose of a growth-business plan is to provide a roadmap for the company's expansion and growth.

The 3 Horizons of Growth Template is a great tool to identify new areas of growth. This framework categorizes growth opportunities into three categories: Horizon 1 (core business), Horizon 2 (emerging business), and Horizon 3 (potential business).

One-page business plan

A one-page business plan is a condensed version of a full business plan that focuses on the most critical aspects of a business. It’s a great tool for entrepreneurs who want to quickly communicate their business idea to potential investors, partners, or employees.

A one-page business plan typically includes sections such as business concept, value proposition, revenue streams, and cost structure.

Best practices for how to make a good business plan

Here are some additional tips for creating a business plan:

Use a template

A template can help you organize your thoughts and effectively communicate your business ideas and strategies. Starting with a template can also save you time and effort when formatting your plan.

Miro’s extensive library of customizable templates includes all the necessary sections for a comprehensive business plan. With our templates, you can confidently present your business plans to stakeholders and investors.

Be practical

Avoid overestimating revenue projections or underestimating expenses. Your business plan should be grounded in practical realities like your budget, resources, and capabilities.

Be specific

Provide as much detail as possible in your business plan. A specific plan is easier to execute because it provides clear guidance on what needs to be done and how. Without specific details, your plan may be too broad or vague, making it difficult to know where to start or how to measure success.

Be thorough with your research

Conduct thorough research to fully understand the market, your competitors, and your target audience . By conducting thorough research, you can identify potential risks and challenges your business may face and develop strategies to mitigate them.

Get input from others

It can be easy to become overly focused on your vision and ideas, leading to tunnel vision and a lack of objectivity. By seeking input from others, you can identify potential opportunities you may have overlooked.

Review and revise regularly

A business plan is a living document. You should update it regularly to reflect market, industry, and business changes. Set aside time for regular reviews and revisions to ensure your plan remains relevant and effective.

Create a winning business plan to chart your path to success

Starting or growing a business can be challenging, but it doesn't have to be. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting, a well-written business plan can make or break your business’ success.

The purpose of a business plan is more than just to secure funding and attract investors. It also serves as a roadmap for achieving your business goals and realizing your vision. With the right mindset, tools, and strategies, you can develop a visually appealing, persuasive business plan.

Ready to make an effective business plan that works for you? Check out our library of ready-made strategy and planning templates and chart your path to success.

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Plans and pricing.

Importance of Business Plan to an Entrepreneur: Guide to Implement

Importance of Business Plan to an Entrepreneur – A business plan is an essential road map that entrepreneurs use to navigate the difficult process of starting and expanding a profitable firm. It performs as a strategic instrument for outlining the goals. Also, serve as a financial prediction of a company.

Importance of a Business Plan to an Entrepreneurs

A strong business plan’s importance cannot be overstated since it provides entrepreneurs with a comprehensive framework for making decisions, attracting investors , securing funding, and navigating the dynamic business world. This article will cover the significance of a business plan. Also, offer practical guidance on how entrepreneurs can utilize it to advance their ventures. Let’s discuss what are the importance of a business plan to an entrepreneur.

A Business Plan Provides a Roadmap for a Business

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Helps Entrepreneurs to Define Their Objectives

Defined objectives in a business plan help entrepreneurs think critically, establish purpose, and guide decision-making. By setting SMART objectives, entrepreneurs can track performance, evaluate strategies, and make necessary adjustments to achieve desired outcomes. For example, an e-commerce business can increase online sales by 50% within a year, allowing regular monitoring, analysis, and adjustments to achieve its target.

Importance of Entrepreneurs to Identifying Their Target Market

Entrepreneurs may focus on the appropriate audience, avoid one-size-fits-all techniques, and customize their products, services, and marketing strategies to their consumers’ needs by determining their target market. This aids in comprehending the competitive landscape, spotting gaps, and creating distinctive value propositions that appeal to the target market.

Helps Entrepreneurs to Assesses Competition

A business plan helps entrepreneurs identify their key competitors by conducting research and gathering information about their products or services, pricing strategies, target market, marketing tactics, distribution channels, and customer reviews. This helps entrepreneurs understand their unique selling points and position themselves in the market. Entrepreneurs can compare their strengths and weaknesses to those of their competitors, identifying areas for differentiation. They also analyze market demand and customer preferences to identify gaps or underserved segments, tailoring their products or services to cater to these needs. A business plan guides entrepreneurs in positioning themselves against their competition, developing a unique value proposition that resonates with the target market. This roadmap helps entrepreneurs stay agile and adapt their strategies accordingly.

Importance to Evaluate Feasibility

Read – Benefits of Being an Entrepreneur

Importance of Entrepreneurs to Attract Investors

Helps entrepreneurs to secures their funding.

A business plan is essential for assisting entrepreneurs in obtaining finance for their projects. It acts as a roadmap that details the company’s potential, financial estimates, and growth plans. Entrepreneurs should write a succinct executive summary, thorough business description, market and competitive analysis, financial projections, funding requirements, marketing and sales strategy, management team, risk assessment, and mitigation, and supporting documents to obtain funding through a business plan.

Business Plan Guides Entrepreneurs to Resource Allocation

A business plan serves as a valuable tool that guides entrepreneurs in allocating their resources effectively. It provides a clear roadmap for resource allocation by outlining the key areas of the business that require attention and investment.

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Importance to Facilitate Decision-Making

To effectively use a business plan for decision-making, entrepreneurs should define goals and objectives, gather relevant information, evaluate alternatives, consider financial implications, analyze risks and mitigation strategies, seek input from experts, regularly review and update the plan, and trust intuition and vision. This balances analytical thinking with an entrepreneurial instinct, ensuring long-term sustainability and informed decisions.

Identifies Risks and Mitigation Strategies

To identify risks and develop mitigation strategies in a business plan, conduct a comprehensive risk assessment, analyze the impact and likelihood of risks, and develop specific strategies. Allocate resources, including financial, personnel, and time, to support the implementation of these strategies. Regularly monitor and update the business plan, seeking external expertise or consulting with industry professionals to gain insights. Communicate the identified risks and mitigation strategies clearly to stakeholders, including investors, lenders, and partners, to demonstrate professionalism and confidence in the business.

Importance of Entrepreneurs to Assists in Team Building

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Business Plan Supports Marketing and Sales Efforts

Guides product or service development.

A business plan is essential for directing entrepreneurs as they create their goods or services. It offers a methodical way to determine consumer demands, specify product characteristics, and create a schedule for product development.

Importance of Entrepreneurs to Manage Finances Effectively

A business plan holds great importance for entrepreneurs when it comes to managing finances effectively. It offers a thorough foundation for comprehending the financial facets of the firm and aids business owners in making defensible choices to maximize financial resources.

Business Plan Measures Progress and Success

Establish Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that are in line with the goals of the business’s plan to successfully measure the growth and success of entrepreneurs. Regularly track and monitor KPIs to assess progress and make informed decisions. Conduct periodic reviews to evaluate progress against the plan, identify areas for adjustments or course corrections, and celebrate milestones and successes. Continuously update and evolve the business plan to reflect evolving goals, strategies, and market conditions.

Business Plan Importance to Enhance Credibility

To enhance entrepreneurs’ credibility, a well-presented business plan should present a professional image, conduct thorough market research, highlight the unique selling proposition, provide detailed financial projections, incorporate risk analysis and mitigation strategies, seek third-party validation, and regularly update and refine the plan. This shows credibility and commitment to continuous improvement, demonstrating the business’s ability to adapt and thrive in the ever-changing landscape.

Business Plan Provides a Basis for Partnerships

Read – Imitative Entrepreneurship

Importance of Entrepreneurs to Do Business Expansion

Guides entrepreneurs to succession planning.

A business plan is of significant importance when it comes to guiding entrepreneurs in succession planning, which involves preparing for the future transition of leadership and ownership within a business.

Importance to Increases Self-Awareness

Entrepreneurs should consider their objectives and values, perform a SWOT analysis, create reasonable company goals, ask for criticism and mentoring, constantly evaluate their success, and change to improve their self-awareness. By identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, entrepreneurs can create a clear vision and align their business plans with their values. By seeking feedback and mentoring, entrepreneurs can develop a stronger self-awareness and improve their business strategies.

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A solid business plan is crucial for entrepreneurs to navigate the complex commercial world, guiding their companies toward expansion, profitability, and long-term success. It should be evaluated and revised regularly to reflect company demands, serving as a compass for entrepreneurs.

FAQ about the Importance of Business Plans to Entrepreneurs

Why is a business plan important, when is the best time to write a business plan, what is a business plan’s main objective.

A business plan’s main objective is to outline an organization’s goals, strategies, and financial predictions. It helps business owners communicate their vision, pinpoint their target market, assess the profitability of their endeavor, entice investors, and allocate their resources effectively. It serves as a compass for monitoring growth and making adjustments as needed.

What are the Typical Challenges of Writing a Business Plan?

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  • Oct 24, 2020

The Top 5 Benefits of Having a Business Plan

Whether you’re starting a small business or exploring ways to expand an existing business, a Business Plan is an important tool to help guide your decisions. An effective Business Plan is a roadmap to success, providing clarity on all aspects of your business, from marketing and finance, through to operations, products, services, people and how you will be better than your competitors.

advantages of implementing a business plan

The purpose of a business plan is to help articulate a strategy for starting or changing your business. It defines how you will achieve your most important business objectives. A good Business Plan should help you to sleep at night if you are a business owner.

For existing businesses, a business plan should be updated annually as a way to guide growth and navigate expansion into new markets. Your plan should include explicit objectives for hiring new employees, what structure you will have, what products and services your business will provide, how you will promote them and how you will finance business operations.

If you are considering starting a business, a Business Plan can help you to check the viability of a business before investing too much time or money in it. It also provides insight on steps to be taken, resources required for achieving your business goals and a timeline of anticipated results.

The Benefits of Having a Business Plan:​

1. Increased Clarity

A business plan can bring clarity to the decision-making process regarding key aspects of the business such as capital investments, leases, resourcing, etc. You can't do everything. A good Business Plan will help you identify business critical priorities and milestones to focus on.

2. Creation of a Marketing Roadmap

Marketing is an important aspect of a business plan. It helps to define your target market(s), target customers and how you will promote and place your product / service to these markets / customers.

3. Support for Funding

Whether you’re seeking credit from a bank or capital from investors, a business plan that answers questions about profitability and revenue generation is often required.

4. Helps to Secure Talent

For a business to succeed, attracting talented workers and partners is vital. Part of a business plan’s purpose is to help bring in the right talent, at the right time. Staff want to understand the vision, how the business will achieve its goals, and how they can contribute to this in their own roles.

5. Provides Structure

A business plan provides structure and defines business management objectives. It becomes a reference tool to keep the business on track with sales targets and operational milestones. When used properly and consulted regularly, it can help measure and manage your priority areas of focus.

Download your Business Plan template for $49.99 + GST here.

Many people engage us as business coaches to take a weekly / fortnightly step-by-step approach to the development of their own Business Plans, with the added benefit of our expertise and guidance throughout the process. In this way, you learn the essential aspects of running a successful business, while crafting your very own business plan over 8-12 weeks.

If you would like more information about how to create an effective Business Plan for your business, with our guidance, then please don't hesitate to contact Business Agility. We are business coaches who are former CEOs and MDs. We know what it takes to be successful in business.

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How To Implement Your Business Plan Objectives

Breaking down your business goals into actionable steps is key for success

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What Is a Business Plan Objective?

Be specific and define clear objectives, break down objectives into tasks.

  • Assign Responsibilities/Allocate Resources

Be Mindful of Risks and Create Contingencies

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A business plan is an important tool to help business owners map their path to success. In addition, business plans may be used when applying for loans or seeking outside investment. But a business plan isn’t worth it if you leave it gathering dust. To make a business plan effective, you have to implement your business plan objectives.

Whether you’re a new business owner or a veteran returning for a refresher, here’s a closer look at common strategies to implement on your business plan objectives.

Key Takeaways

  • A business plan objective is a specific goal for your business.
  • Making achievable and specific tasks is helpful for successful implementations.
  • Track your results and stay prepared to update your business plan if necessary.

A business plan objective is a specific goal you hope to reach with your business. This may be a number of customers, revenue, or profit goal, among others. There are no right or wrong business objectives, in theory, but it’s important to take the time to pick the best goals for your unique business if you’re going through the work to create business plan objectives.

The SMART framework is a popular way to frame goals, and it can be helpful for creating objectives, too. To qualify, an objective must meet these criteria:

  • Specific : A general goal like “add more customers” could leave you floundering. Pick a specific number of customers. Every objective should have a clear finish line.
  • Measurable : Identify objectives you can measure. For example, you can’t necessarily measure something like “customer loyalty,” but you can measure repeat customers, sales and revenue per customer, and other data points related to loyalty.
  • Attainable : You might dream of turning your startup into a $1-million-per-year business. However, that may not be attainable in your first few years. What’s attainable varies widely by the business but in general, you’ll want to find the middle ground between unrealistic and underachieving.
  • Relevant : Perhaps part of your business growth strategy involves social media. While it may be fun to see your accounts grow, that may not necessarily be relevant to your revenue and profits. Keep goals focused on what’s most important to achieve, which may not include vanity numbers that are more about ego than results.
  • Time-bound : Each objective should have a deadline. If you give yourself unlimited time to get something done, you may never get around to it. With a set due date, you’re giving yourself a little pressure and motivation to hit that goal as planned.

SMART goals are just one method of choosing business plan objectives. You can work to create any objectives you’d like that make the most sense for what you’re trying to achieve.

Even if you don’t follow the SMART goals framework, it’s still wise to be specific and clear when choosing your goals and objectives. Vague and loosely defined goals often set business owners up for failure. Specific and clear business objectives give you and your team, if you have one, a common mission to work toward.

Breaking each objective into smaller tasks can prevent teams from getting overwhelmed and even help you get a clearer picture of what you need to do to prevail. Smaller goals also help you see faster and more frequent successes, which is a good way to stay motivated. An added benefit is an opportunity to foresee any needed resources or roadblocks, such as a need for an outside consultant or a government-issued permit.

Assign Responsibilities and Allocate Resources

Entrepreneurs with “superhero syndrome” think they can do everything themselves and often get burned out in pursuing business goals. Rather than do it all yourself, even if you have the capability, it’s often wise to delegate to others . Employees, freelancers, contractors, and business partners are part of the team. When you can count on others and best utilize their time and skills, you take a wise step to reach your objectives.

Create Milestones and Monitor Progress

Just as it’s a good idea to set smaller goals along the way, it’s also wise to create key milestone moments and monitor progress. You may learn along the way that a certain process can be improved. When a process works well, try to capture and double down on that success. When you stumble or discover inefficiencies, you could have an opportunity.

Monitoring progress helps you know what’s working and what isn’t, so you can adjust goals or methods if necessary.

Not all things go according to plan. If you miss the mark, you could join one of the millions of failed business owners. Stay mindful of risks and if it may be time to pull the plug rather than sink in more money.

Also, you may find successes outside of what you expected. Even the biggest companies pivot to a related product or service when their first idea fizzles. Remember that there’s a lot you can’t control in the business world, so not all business failures should be considered personal failures. Instead, look at them as learning opportunities to draw on in the future.

The Bottom Line

A business plan without clear objectives is at risk of being ineffective. Identify what your objectives are, break them down into small steps, delegate responsibilities, and be comfortable with pivoting when needed and dealing with risk. Taking the proper steps to create realistic objectives isn’t a guarantee that you’ll meet your goals, but it provides the framework to set you up for success.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What goes in the objectives section of a business plan.

There is no set template you must follow for a business plan. Business plans can range from a one-page summary to a lengthy, detailed document. If a business plan includes an objectives section, it should include clear and specific goals that help define success for the business.

What is the difference between a goal and an objective in a business plan?

The terms “goal'' and “objective” can be used interchangeably in a business plan. Some businesses may consider objectives as smaller tasks that help reach goals. Regardless of the terminology, goals and objectives are both good for your business’s long-term success.

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Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. “ Setting Goals and Developing Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound Objectives ,” Pages 1-2.

Chris Drucker. “ Virtual Freedom Companion Workbook ,” Page 3.

Chamber of Commerce. “ 10 Hugely Successful Companies That Reinvented Their Business .”

Small Business Administration. “ Write Your Business Plan .”

advantages of implementing a business plan

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What are the advantages of business plans?

Whether you’re set to refresh your business or explore new ways to grow, make sure you first understand the advantages of a business plan.

It’s the key to several ‘end goals’, as well as supporting financial planning or offering clarity. That also includes all aspects of your business strategy, from marketing and finance to operations, products, services, and people - or even gain a competitive advantage.

In this piece, we’ll take a look at what a business plan could bring to your operations, what to expect, and how Time Finance can help you take the next step. 

Our finance solutions can alleviate some of the issues that arise from poor cash flow by injecting working capital back into your business, providing cash flow financing around your key investments or aiding growth.

To find out more, get in touch with our dedicated team today.

What is a business plan?

At a glance.

In a nutshell, a business plan is a document that plots out a company's goals and how it intends to achieve them. For both start-ups and well-established businesses, these plans can be used to evidence your ideas, helping to win over investment, funding - or simply give other people on your team a better understanding over a set timeframe.

Writing a business plan can also be useful for staying on track and not losing sight of your goals, as well as laying out objectives for:

  • Overall structure
  • New employees
  • New or ongoing products and services
  • Promotion 

And much more.

What’s the purpose of a business plan?

When it comes to expanding into new markets, product launches, or general growth plans, a business plan can help you map its viability - especially when used as part of a wider business strategy . This is crucial when providing insights into your next steps, resources, timescales, and whether a financial solution could move things along.

Ed Rimmer, CEO of Time Finance, said: “For existing businesses, providing forecasts and business plans are typically a very key part of securing finance - for example, an invoice finance facility . 

“It helps us understand future growth plans, obstacles or opportunities..”

Time Finance has many years of experience structuring and securing invoice and asset-based solutions , as well as business loans for several different clients, helping them achieve their goals. 

Our flexible solutions not only meet your needs now, but can also scale to meet demand over time, so your business and services can develop naturally.

The advantages of a business plan 

Businesses should update their business plans annually to guide growth, through explicit objectives for hiring new employees, establishing a structure, supplying products and services, and marketing activities. 

With this, you’re more likely to enjoy the benefits outlined in the following sections.

Help with funding

Whether you’re seeking alternative business finance to help support cash flow or want to explore asset-based lending, which uses your existing assets to help secure vital funds, a business plan is essential. 

It can paint a better picture for your finance broker or advisor while answering questions about profitability and revenue generation. This helps us tailor a better solution to suit you.

Structuring support

A business plan provides structure and defines business management objectives. Usually, a plan can become a useful ‘guide stick’ when it comes to keeping things on track, helping you set realistic targets and milestones over the 12 months. 

As your business grows and changes, regular consultations can also help you manage and measure your priorities - suggesting new areas of focus where required. 

Clear and concise planning

A business plan can bring clarity to the decision-making process regarding key aspects of the business - like investments, resourcing, and more. 

When it comes to identifying critical business milestones, a business plan makes it easier to spot what needs changing. This is especially useful for continual or seasonal forecasting .  

Bringing in new people

Businesses are nothing without their people. 

One of the main benefits of business plans is that they can help ‘define’ benefits and help you better understand how new personnel can help you secure long-term goals. 

As such, these are all key to bringing in new people who understand your vision.

To ensure the right talent is brought on board at the right time, a business plan plays an important role.

Support marketing efforts

A business plan can help consolidate a marketing roadmap, which defines your target markets, ideal customers, and how you will promote your offering.

From here, you know exactly what - and who - you are investing in, helping you better place and promote your business. 

Why should you choose Time Finance?

By implementing these best practices, businesses can harness the advantages of business plans, helping them make informed decisions for growth, plot milestones more accurately and protect their cash flow over time.

While a business plan is not always needed for our experts, it can help us get a better understanding of what you need. It can also give us a more thorough picture of which finance solutions will work best for your end goals, so it's certainly worth spending some time on.

But no matter what industry your business operates in, Time Finance has an impressive range of products to help you navigate changing markets, tap into new avenues, or get the most out of your existing assets. 

This includes invoice finance options and asset finance solutions - which have all helped our clients achieve their goals.

To find out more about how Time Finance can support you and your business with leading financial solutions, get in touch .

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Home » Pros and Cons » 14 Pros and Cons of a Business Plan

14 Pros and Cons of a Business Plan

Should you create a business plan? Most people will say that you should have at least some sort of outline that helps you guide your business. Yet sometimes an opportunity is so great that you’ve just got to jump right in and grab it before it disappears. If you want funding or growth to be sustainable, however, there is a good chance that you’ll need to create a business plan of some sort in order to find success. Here are some of the pros and cons of a business plan to consider as you go about the process of creating and then running your business.

What Are the Pros of a Business Plan?

A business plan is a guide that you can use to make money. By understanding what your business is about and how it is likely to perform, you’ll be able to see how each result receive can impact your bottom line. With comprehensive plans in place, you’ll be prepared to take action no matter what happens over the course of any given day. Here are some more benefits to think about.

1. It gives you a glimpse of the future. A business plan helps you to forecast an idea to see if it has the potential to be successful. There’s no reason to proceed with the implementation of an idea if it is just going to cost you money, but that’s what you do if you go all-in without thinking about things. Even if the future seems uncertain, you’ll still get a glimpse of where your business should be.

2. You’ll know how to allocate your resources. How much inventory should you be holding right now? What kind of budget should you have? Some resources that your business needs to have are going to be scare. When you can see what your potential financial future is going to be, you can make adjustments to your journey so that you can avoid the obstacles that get in your way on the path toward success.

3. It is necessary to have a business plan for credit. In order for a financial institution to give you a line of credit, you’ll need to present them with your business plan. This plan gives the financial institution a chance to see how organized you happen to be so they can more accurately gauge their lending risks. Most institutions won’t even give you an appointment to discuss financing unless you have a formal business plan created and operational.

4. A business plan puts everyone onto the same page. When you’re working with multiple people, then you’re going to have multiple viewpoints as to what will bring about the most success. That’s not to say that the opinions of others are unimportant. If there isn’t any structure involved with a business, then people with a differing opinion tend to go rogue and just do their own thing. By making sure that everyone is on the same page with a business plan, you can funnel those creative energies into ideas that bring your company a greater chance of success.

5. It allows others to know that you’re taking this business seriously. It’s one thing to float an idea out to the internet to see if there is the potential of a business being formed from it. Creating a business plan for that idea means you’re taking the idea more seriously. It shows others that you have confidence in its value and that you’re willing to back it up. You are able to communicate your intentions more effectively, explain the value of your idea, and show how its growth can help others.

6. It’s an easy way to identify core demographics. No matter what business idea you have, you’re going to need customers in order for it to succeed. Whether you’re in the service industry or you’re selling products online, you’ll need to identify who your core prospects are going to be. Once that identification takes place, you can then clone those prospects in other demographics to continue a growth curve. Without plans in place that allow you to identify these people, you’re just guessing at who will want to do business with you and that’s about as reliable as throwing darts at a dartboard while blindfolded.

7. There is a marketing element included with a good business plan. This allows you to know how you’ll be able to reach future markets with your current products or services. You’ll also be able to hone your value proposition, giving your brand a more effective presence in each demographic.

What Are the Cons of a Business Plan?

A business plan takes time to create. Depending on the size of your business, it could be a time investment that takes away from your initial profits. Short-term losses might happen when you’re working on a plan, but the goal is to great long-term gains. For businesses operating on a shoestring budget, one short-term loss may be enough to cause that business to shut their doors. Here are some of the other disadvantages that should be considered.

1. A business plan can turn out to be inaccurate. It is important to involve the “right” people in the business planning process. These are the people who are going to be influencing the long-term vision of your business. Many small business owners feel like they can avoid this negative by just creating the business plan on their own, but that requires expertise in multiple fields for it to be successful. A broad range of opinions and input is usually necessary for the best possible business plan because otherwise the blind spots of inaccuracy can lead to many unintended consequences.

2. Too much time can be spent on analysis. Maybe you’ve heard the expression “paralysis by analysis.” It cute and catchy, but it also accurately describes the struggle that many have in the creation of a business plan. Focus on the essentials of your business and how it will grow. Sure – you’ll need to buy toilet paper for the bathroom and you’ll want a cleaning service twice per week, but is that more important than knowing how you can reach potential customers? Of course not.

3. There is often a lack of accountability. Because one person is generally responsible for the creation of a business plan, it is difficult to hold that person accountable to the process. The plans become their view of the company and the success they’d like to see. It also means the business plan gets created on their timetable instead of what is best for the business and since there isn’t anyone else involved, it can be difficult to hold their feet to the fire to get the job done.

4. A great business plan requires great implementation practices. Many businesses create a plan that just sits somewhere on a shelf or on a drive somewhere because it was made for one specific purpose: funding. When a solid business plan has assigned specific responsibilities to specific job positions and creates the foundation for information gathering and metric creation, it should become an integral part of the company. Unfortunately poor implementation has ruined many great business plans over the years.

5. It restricts the freedom you once had. Business plans dictate what you should do and how you should do it. A vibrant business sometimes needs its most creative people to have the freedom to develop innovative new ideas. Instead the average plan tends to create an environment where the executives of the company dictate the goals and the mission of everyone. The people who are on the front lines are often not given the chance to influence the implementation of the business plan, which ultimately puts a company at a disadvantage.

6. It creates an environment of false certainty. It is important to remember that a business plan is nothing more than a forecast based on plans and facts that are present today. We live in a changing world where nothing is 100% certain. If there is too much certainty in the business plan that has been created, then it can make a business be unable to adapt to the changes that the world is placing on it. Or worse – it can cause a business to miss an exciting new opportunity because they are so tunnel-visioned on what must be done to meet one specific goal.

7. There are no guarantees. Even with all of the best research, the best workers, and a comprehensive business plan all working on your behalf, failure is more likely to happen than success. In the next 5 years, 95 out of 100 companies that start-up today will be out of business and many of them will have created comprehensive business plans.

The pros and cons of a business plan show that it may be an essential component of good business, but a comprehensive plan may not be necessary in all circumstances. The goal of a business plan should be clear: to analyze the present so a best guess at future results can be obtained. You’re plotting out a journey for that company. If you can also plan for detours, then you’ll be able to increase your chances to experience success.

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What is an implementation plan? 6 steps to create one

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An implementation plan—also known as a strategic plan—outlines the steps your team should take when accomplishing a shared goal or objective. This plan combines strategy, process, and action and will include all parts of the project from scope to budget and beyond. In this guide, we’ll discuss what an implementation plan is and how to create one.

Projects require planning to be successful. Would you build a house without a blueprint? Probably not, because nailing pieces of wood together without a plan could lead to disaster. The same concept is true in the corporate world. An implementation plan functions as the blueprint for any shared objective. Your plan should include everything from the project strategy, to the budget, to the list of people working on the project. 

In this guide, we’ll discuss what an implementation plan is and how to create one. These steps can help you and your team prepare for projects both big and small.

What is the purpose of an implementation plan?

The purpose of an implementation plan is to ensure that your team can answer the who, what, when, how, and why of a project before moving into the execution phase. In simple terms, it's the action plan that turns your strategy into specific tasks.

What is an implementation plan?

A good way to know whether your implementation plan is effective is to hand it to someone outside of your team and see if they can understand the project in its entirety. Your implementation plan should leave no questions unanswered.

How to create an implementation plan in 6 steps

If you want your implementation plan to be comprehensive and beneficial to your project team, you’ll need to follow specific steps and include the right components. Use the following steps when creating your plan to reduce the risk of gaps in your strategy.

How to develop an implementation plan

1. Define goals

The first step in the implementation process is defining your goals . Determine what you hope to accomplish when your project is complete, like whether you hope to win over a new marketing client or revamp your internal content strategy. Starting with your project objectives in mind can help flesh out your project plan. 

Tips to consider:

Ask questions: When defining your goals, you and your team may want to ask questions about your project such as, “What are we trying to achieve with this project? What deliverables do we hope to produce? Who are the stakeholders we plan to share our project deliverables with?”

Brainstorm risk scenarios: Although you’ll perform a more in-depth risk assessment later on in your implementation plan, brainstorming potential risk scenarios early on gives you a more realistic idea of what you’re able to achieve. 

2. Conduct research

Once you have a broad idea of the project goals you want to achieve, you can hone in on these goals by conducting research such as interviews, surveys, focus groups, or observations. Your research should come from key experts in your field. These experts may be team members or external stakeholders. Your research outcomes should include a list of what your project timeline, budget, and personnel may look like.

Collaborate using shared tools: Collaboration is easier when you have the right communication tools in place to do so. Use a team collaboration tool to share your project goals and get feedback from others, regardless of their location. 

3. Map out risks

You brainstormed risk scenarios in step one of your implementation strategy, and in step three, you’ll map out all the potential risks you may face in your project. Risks can include anything from paid time off and holidays to budget constraints and loss of personnel. 

A great way to map out your risks is by using a risk register. This tool will help you prioritize project risks and prepare for them accordingly. You can also conduct a SWOT analysis , which will identify any weaknesses or threats affecting your project. 

Be flexible and proactive: Mapping out risks is more than just a preparation strategy. If you identify preventable risks during this stage of the implementation plan, you can take action to prevent those risks. This may mean adjusting your initial project goals. 

4. Schedule milestones

Scheduling your project milestones is an important step in the planning process because these checkpoints help you track your progress during execution. Milestones serve as metrics—they are a way to measure how far you’ve come in your project and how far you have left to go. 

To visualize project milestones and keep your entire team on track, use a Gantt chart . With a Gantt chart, you can visually lay out your implementation schedule and show how long you think each task will take.

Add wiggle room: Things don’t always go as planned, even if you do everything in your power to a schedule. By adding wiggle room to your schedule, you can ensure your project stays on track instead of keeping tight milestones and failing to meet them.

Clarify dependencies: Dependencies are tasks that rely on the completion of other tasks. Clarifying your dependencies makes it easier to keep the project on track and hit your milestones.

5. Assign responsibilities and tasks

Every action plan must include a list of responsibilities with team members assigned to each one. By assigning responsibilities, you can assess the performance of each team member and monitor progress more closely. Using a RACI chart can be an effective project management tool for clarifying roles and responsibilities. 

Assigning responsibilities is different from assigning individual tasks. One team member may be responsible for overseeing the project review, while you may assign three other team members to handle the delivery and communication of the project to various teams for review. When you assign responsibilities and tasks, be sure to make your expectations clear. 

Communication is key: When you assign roles, responsibilities, or tasks, it’s best to communicate why you’re choosing one team member over another. Instead of letting team members question why they have specific roles, you can use this step in the planning process as an opportunity to highlight team member strengths.

Track responsibilities in a shared tool: Having a shared tool, like project management software, can give team members clarity on who's doing what and by when.

6. Allocate resources

Resource allocation is one of the best ways to reduce risk. If you can plan out what resources you need for your project and ensure those resources will be available, you’ll avoid the risk of running out of resources mid-project. If you notice that you don’t have enough resources in this step of the implementation process, you can adjust your project accordingly before it kicks off. 

Resources may include money, personnel, software, equipment, and other physical or technical materials. Time can also be a resource because the team members you need to complete the project may be working on other projects.

Tips to consider: Ask yourself the following questions when identifying available resources for your project: 

What is the project’s priority level? 

Who is available to work on this project? 

What budget or tools are available? 

What additional resources do we need? 

Who needs to approve the resource allocation plan?

Following these steps as you create your implementation plan will increase the likelihood of hitting your project goals. Having a checklist of the items to include in your implementation plan can also lead to successful implementation. 

What to include in an implementation plan

Knowing how to create your implementation plan is crucial, but you also need to know what to include in your plan. This checklist includes the six most important items you’ll want to consider if you want to move forward with a successful project. 

Implementation plan checklist

1. Objectives

You’ll outline your project objectives in step one of the implementation process. Set your goals and decide what metrics your team will use to measure to monitor progress. By clearly identifying your project objectives, you and your team can measure progress and performance as you move forward.

2. Scope statement

You’ll set the scope of your project in step two when conducting research. Your project scope statement should outline the boundaries you’ve set for your project and broadly define what goals, deadlines, and project outcomes you’ll be working toward. Defining your project scope in the implementation plan can help prevent scope creep when you’re farther along in the project.

3. Outline of deliverables

Deliverables are the tangible goals of your project. Outlining the deliverables you hope to create can serve as a resource when managing time frames, delegating tasks, and allocating resources. 

4. Task due dates

Although the project timeline may change as your project progresses, it’s important to clarify your expected due dates during implementation planning. When you estimate task due dates, you can schedule milestones around these due dates and plan for project completion. You will commonly see Gantt charts used for strategic planning and implementation planning. This is because Gantt charts display information in a follows a linear path, similar to a timeline. 

5. Risk assessment

You’ll conduct your risk assessment in step three of the implementation process. Whether you use a   risk register , SWOT analysis , or contingency plan to identify risks , be sure to include these documents in your plan. That way, others involved in the project can look through your findings and potentially help you prevent these risks. 

6. Team member roles and responsibilities

You assigned roles and responsibilities to team members in step five of your plan, and keeping a detailed record of what these are can hold everyone accountable. Whether you use a RACI chart or another tool to clarify team member roles, there should be a place in your plan for everyone to refer to in case questions arise. 

Your implementation plan will likely be unique to the project you're working on, so it may include other components not listed above. However, you can use the six items above as your guide so you know your plan is comprehensive.

Many aspects of project implementation overlap with strategic planning. As a project manager , working on the project implementation plan while you are also working on the strategic plan can help minimize the total time spent on planning.

Another way to save time during the planning process is to house all of your plans in a work management platform. When your project team is ready to start the implementation process, everything is in one convenient place.

Benefits of having an implementation plan

There are many benefits to implementation planning, with the top benefit being an increased chance of project success. Implementing a project plan creates a roadmap for executing your project so you can prevent issues from occurring. 

Other benefits to having an implementation plan include:

Improved communication between team members and key stakeholders

Better organization and management of resources

Increased accountability for everyone involved in the project

More structured project timeline and daily workflow

Easier collaboration between team members

Going straight into the execution phase without an implementation plan may feel like walking on stage to give a speech without knowing what you’re going to say. Preparation is key for top-notch performance. 

Simplify implementation planning

Knowing the steps for implementation planning is the foundation of project management. A well-planned project leads to a successful project.

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Strategic Planning

The art of formulating business strategies, implementing them, and evaluating their impact based on organizational objectives

What is Strategic Planning?

Strategic planning is the art of creating specific business strategies, implementing them, and evaluating the results of executing the plan, in regard to a company’s overall long-term goals or desires. It is a concept that focuses on integrating various departments (such as accounting and finance, marketing, and human resources) within a company to accomplish its strategic goals. The term strategic planning is essentially synonymous with strategic management.

Strategic Planning - Image of a team conducting a strategy planning session

The concept of strategic planning originally became popular in the 1950s and 1960s, and enjoyed favor in the corporate world up until the 1980s, when it somewhat fell out of favor. However, enthusiasm for strategic business planning was revived in the 1990s and strategic planning remains relevant in modern business.

CFI’s Course on Corporate & Business Strategy is an elective course for the FMVA Program.

Strategic Planning Process

The strategic planning process requires considerable thought and planning on the part of a company’s upper-level management. Before settling on a plan of action and then determining how to strategically implement it, executives may consider many possible options. In the end, a company’s management will, hopefully, settle on a strategy that is most likely to produce positive results (usually defined as improving the company’s bottom line) and that can be executed in a cost-efficient manner with a high likelihood of success, while avoiding undue financial risk.

The development and execution of strategic planning are typically viewed as consisting of being performed in three critical steps:

1. Strategy Formulation

In the process of formulating a strategy, a company will first assess its current situation by performing an internal and external audit. The purpose of this is to help identify the organization’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as opportunities and threats ( SWOT Analysis ). As a result of the analysis, managers decide on which plans or markets they should focus on or abandon, how to best allocate the company’s resources, and whether to take actions such as expanding operations through a joint venture or merger.

Business strategies have long-term effects on organizational success. Only upper management executives are usually authorized to assign the resources necessary for their implementation.

2. Strategy Implementation

After a strategy is formulated, the company needs to establish specific targets or goals related to putting the strategy into action, and allocate resources for the strategy’s execution. The success of the implementation stage is often determined by how good a job upper management does in regard to clearly communicating the chosen strategy throughout the company and getting all of its employees to “buy into” the desire to put the strategy into action.

Effective strategy implementation involves developing a solid structure, or framework, for implementing the strategy, maximizing the utilization of relevant resources, and redirecting marketing efforts in line with the strategy’s goals and objectives.

3. Strategy Evaluation

Any savvy business person knows that success today does not guarantee success tomorrow. As such, it is important for managers to evaluate the performance of a chosen strategy after the implementation phase.

Strategy evaluation involves three crucial activities: reviewing the internal and external factors affecting the implementation of the strategy, measuring performance, and taking corrective steps to make the strategy more effective. For example, after implementing a strategy to improve customer service, a company may discover that it needs to adopt a new customer relationship management (CRM) software program in order to attain the desired improvements in customer relations.

All three steps in strategic planning occur within three hierarchical levels: upper management, middle management, and operational levels. Thus, it is imperative to foster communication and interaction among employees and managers at all levels, so as to help the firm to operate as a more functional and effective team.

Benefits of Strategic Planning

The volatility of the business environment causes many firms to adopt reactive strategies rather than proactive ones. However, reactive strategies are typically only viable for the short-term, even though they may require spending a significant amount of resources and time to execute. Strategic planning helps firms prepare proactively and address issues with a more long-term view. They enable a company to initiate influence instead of just responding to situations.

Among the primary benefits derived from strategic planning are the following:

1. Helps formulate better strategies using a logical, systematic approach

This is often the most important benefit. Some studies show that the strategic planning process itself makes a significant contribution to improving a company’s overall performance, regardless of the success of a specific strategy.

2. Enhanced communication between employers and employees

Communication is crucial to the success of the strategic planning process. It is initiated through participation and dialogue among the managers and employees, which shows their commitment to achieving organizational goals.

Strategic planning also helps managers and employees show commitment to the organization’s goals. This is because they know what the company is doing and the reasons behind it. Strategic planning makes organizational goals and objectives real, and employees can more readily understand the relationship between their performance, the company’s success, and compensation. As a result, both employees and managers tend to become more innovative and creative, which fosters further growth of the company.

3. Empowers individuals working in the organization

The increased dialogue and communication across all stages of the process strengthens employees’ sense of effectiveness and importance in the company’s overall success. For this reason, it is important for companies to decentralize the strategic planning process by involving lower-level managers and employees throughout the organization. A good example is that of the Walt Disney Co., which dissolved its separate strategic planning department, in favor of assigning the planning roles to individual Disney business divisions.

An increasing number of companies use strategic planning to formulate and implement effective decisions. While planning requires a significant amount of time, effort, and money, a well-thought-out strategic plan efficiently fosters company growth, goal achievement, and employee satisfaction.

Additional Resources

Thank you for reading CFI’s guide to Strategic Planning. To keep learning and advancing your career, the additional CFI resources below will be useful:

  • Broad Factors Analysis
  • Scalability
  • Systems Thinking
  • See all management & strategy resources
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5 advantages of technology in your business strategy

How adding technology as a core business strategy can take your company to the next level

By the team at Slack February 24th, 2023

As long as technology has been evolving, companies have been trying to keep up. But it was the Covid-19 pandemic that forced businesses of all sizes across all industries to shift to remote operations virtually overnight. Many employees are still working remotely, and quite a few plan to keep it that way.

According to a May 2021 Gallup poll , 52% of the entire labor force works remotely, with numbers higher than 80% in many industries. A stunning 35% of all workers want to stay remote long-term, rising to more than 50% in several fields.

When the pandemic hit, everyone was forced to scramble, doing the best they could with whatever technology they already had or could swiftly implement. This caused a fundamental shift in how we work, and companies have had to take a hard look at their business strategies. Business and technology are now inextricably linked, so it only makes sense to implement technology as a core part of a successful business strategy.

Teammates sitting on the clockhands of an alarm clock

What is technology as a business strategy?

Technology as a business strategy refers to the concept of implementing technology in all levels of your business plan. Rather than putting technology in its own silo under the direction of the company’s chief technical officer (CTO) or chief information officer (CIO), it becomes a core component in all aspects of business operations.

Depending on the nature of your company, technology as a business strategy can generally be split into three core categories:

  • Protection . Cyber hacks have become a common threat against companies of all sizes. Implementing technology as a core business strategy helps you direct resources toward security upgrades and training, as well as disaster planning and recovery. It allows you to develop security strategies for employees at all levels, across every department.
  • Enhancement . With a largely remote workforce and a user base that became accustomed to shopping online during the pandemic, technology is more important than ever. Technology as a business strategy lets you plan for key rollouts that improve the experience for both employees and customers.
  • Innovation . Unfortunately, even companies that have implemented tech tools for cybersecurity and enhanced operations are not taking advantage of in-house innovation. Carving out innovation periods every week, month or quarter lets your tech professionals both tinker with your existing tools and examine new options to provide the most-comprehensive solutions for your business.

Who’s doing it and why?

As you might expect, tech companies are leading the way in exploring the advantages of technology within their own business models. For example, at Slack, we are continually iterating on our IT and business technology tools.

Even as we strive to give our employees and customers the best possible experiences, we look at ways to improve how we scale, evolve with our users, and expand our areas of operational focus. To meet emerging needs, an internal tool called Slack on Slack helps us quickly build new bots, apps and other solutions within the platform.

But technology as a business strategy isn’t limited solely to tech companies. Whether you’re in manufacturing or customer service, technology is likely already part of your business. Implementing it as a core business strategy builds on what you’re already doing to streamline operations, add flexibility and rapidly adapt to changing circumstances (like a pandemic suddenly shutting down the globe).

5 advantages to putting technology in your business strategy

Adding technology to your business strategy can pay off for your company in a big way. Here are five major advantages of adopting technology as a business strategy.

1. Choose targeted technology solutions

The rapid evolution of technology has led to a seemingly endless number of products and solutions on the market. In a siloed company that walls off the IT department, team members have to make decisions based on relatively limited information. And each decision may solve only a single problem.

When you implement technology as a business strategy, you can make technology choices from a broader perspective. You know what you are trying to do, you have data to drive your decisions and you can look for solutions that meet multiple needs all at once. With time to iterate, you can also take advantage of the advanced capabilities of a platform like Slack, building customized solutions rather than grabbing yet another product to solve a specific issue.

2. Boost organizational productivity

You probably already know that technology can help drive productivity by providing you with data on sales figures, ROI and other crucial information. But did you know that technology can also help increase productivity at the individual level ? From bots that automatically send reminders about overdue tasks to apps that offer visual data on a project’s progress, implementing technology across all parts of your organization can help everyone perform their best.

3. Enhance collaboration

This is especially important with so many people working remotely. Platforms such as Slack and Zoom help everyone move forward in the same direction and ensure important tasks don’t get overlooked.

But technology as a business strategy also helps with customer collaboration. Consumers grew more comfortable with online shopping during the pandemic. Now is a great time to start using tools to more closely mirror the in-person shopping experience. From product videos to bots that serve as shopping assistants to real-time collaboration between designers and customers, technology can help your online shoppers feel important.

4. Set long-term goals and objectives

A solid business plan should include a series of short-, medium- and long-term goals, along with a road map for achieving them. But your technology plans may be more ad hoc right now, picking and choosing solutions when problems arise. Adding technology as a business strategy lets you scale your technology along with your business, anticipating needs and implementing strategies ahead of time.

5. Improve security

Today’s cyber attackers are more sophisticated than ever, and an old-fashioned security posture that relies solely on firewalls and antivirus software is no longer sufficient. Making technology a core part of your business strategy adds cybersecurity tools and training throughout your organization. Frontline workers and the C-suite alike are all informed about emerging threats and receive both the tools and the ongoing training they need to counter those threats.

Final thoughts

The pandemic accelerated everything from online grocery shopping to telemedicine in ways we could never have imagined. With customers now shopping online and a great deal of the workforce planning to continue working remotely, now is the time to prioritize technology throughout your organization. Rather than a siloed IT department, consider implementing technology as a core business strategy that runs throughout your organization.

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The Importance of Setting Ambitious Goals for Business Growth

Pushing yourself and your team beyond comfort is essential for growth and evolution..

As a strategic coach with over a decade of experience working with numerous companies, leaders, and CEOs on business growth challenges, I've seen firsthand the transformative power of setting ambitious goals. While avoiding unrealistic expectations is crucial, aiming slightly beyond comfort zones fosters personal and professional growth and evolution. Here are essential steps to effectively set and achieve ambitious goals :

1. Get clear on your purpose.

Understanding the why behind your goals is fundamental. Your purpose should be a driving force that keeps you and your team motivated and focused. The energy and commitment toward achieving ambitious goals naturally increase when everyone is aligned with a common mission. This clarity fuels motivation and ensures your goals are impactful and meaningful.

2. Identify specific areas of change.

Before setting your goals, take a step back and assess the areas within your organization that require change or improvement. These could include increasing market share, enhancing customer satisfaction, or improving operational efficiency. Identifying these areas will help you focus your efforts and resources on what truly matters, laying the groundwork for practical goal setting.

3. Articulate 3-5 specific objectives.

Once you've identified the critical areas for change, translate them into specific objectives. These should be clear, concise, and actionable. For example, if you aim to improve customer satisfaction, an objective might be to "enhance customer service response times." Clear objectives provide a roadmap and direction, making tracking progress and maintaining focus easier.

4. Create 3 to 5 key results under each objective.

To ensure your objectives are not just theoretical, break them down into measurable key results. Each objective should have three to five key results that indicate progress. For example, to enhance customer service response times, key results could include "reduce average response time to customer inquiries by 50 percent" or "achieve a 90 percent customer satisfaction rate with support interactions." These key results offer concrete milestones that demonstrate tangible progress.

5. Set your targets to be 'doable but not easy.'

Ambitious goals should be challenging yet achievable. Setting targets that are too easy can lead to complacency, while impossible goals can demoralize your team. Striking the right balance is crucial. Aim for targets that push your team to stretch their abilities and think creatively while still within the realm of possibility. This balance ensures sustained motivation and effort.

6. Aim for 80 to 90 percent completion.

When setting your goals, aim for a completion rate of 80 to 90 percent. This approach builds in a slight stretch, encouraging continuous improvement and innovation. Significant growth and learning occur in the push to achieve that final 10 to 20 percent. This mindset also helps build resilience and adaptability, which are essential for long-term success.

7. Create an implementation plan.

A well-structured implementation plan is crucial to turning goals into reality. Map out a week-by-week schedule detailing the specific tasks and commitments required to achieve each key result. This plan should include deadlines, responsible parties, and checkpoints to review progress. A detailed implementation plan ensures accountability and keeps the team on track, facilitating steady progress toward your goals.

By following these steps, you can set ambitious goals that drive significant growth and development. Remember, real progress happens in the discomfort and stretching beyond your comfort zone. You and your team can achieve remarkable outcomes with clarity, focus, and a well-structured plan.

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18 Advantages and Disadvantages of Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is a process that involves defining an organization’s goals, developing strategies to achieve those goals, and allocating resources to implement those strategies. 

It is a comprehensive and systematic approach that helps organizations achieve competitive advantage and adapt to changing environments.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Strategic Planning

  • Redaction Team
  • September 28, 2023
  • Business Planning , Entrepreneurship

Advantages of Strategic Planning

  • Clear Direction : Strategic planning provides a clear sense of direction for an organization, helping leaders and employees understand where the organization is headed and what it aims to achieve.
  • Alignment : It aligns the efforts of employees and departments toward common goals, fostering a shared vision and purpose within the organization.
  • Prioritization : Strategic planning helps organizations prioritize initiatives and allocate resources effectively to focus on high-impact activities.
  • Adaptability : While it sets long-term objectives, strategic plans are often flexible and adaptable, allowing organizations to adjust to changing circumstances and seize opportunities.
  • Resource Management : It assists in the efficient allocation of resources, including finances, time, and personnel, to support the organization's strategic goals.
  • Performance Measurement : Strategic plans often include key performance indicators (KPIs) that enable organizations to track progress and assess the success of their strategies.
  • Enhanced Decision-Making : Having a strategic plan in place can guide decision-making processes and reduce uncertainty by providing a framework for evaluating options.
  • Communication : It facilitates effective communication both internally and externally, ensuring that stakeholders, employees, and partners are aware of the organization's objectives.

Disadvantages of Strategic Planning

  • Time-Consuming : The strategic planning process can be time-consuming, requiring significant input from leaders and employees, which can divert resources from day-to-day operations.
  • Costly : Developing and implementing a strategic plan can be expensive, especially when consultants or specialized software are involved.
  • Rigidity : Overly rigid strategic plans can hinder an organization's ability to respond quickly to unexpected challenges or opportunities.
  • Resistance to Change : Employees may resist changes that are part of the strategic plan, leading to internal conflicts and morale issues.
  • Complexity : Strategic planning can become overly complex, making it difficult for employees at all levels of the organization to understand and execute.
  • Uncertainty : The future is inherently uncertain, and strategic plans may not always account for unforeseen events or market shifts.
  • Limited Focus : In some cases, strategic planning may lead to a narrow focus on achieving specific goals, potentially overlooking broader organizational or societal responsibilities.
  • Implementation Challenges : Developing a strategic plan is only the first step; ensuring successful implementation can be challenging, and many strategies fail due to poor execution.
  • Lack of Accountability : Without clear accountability and monitoring mechanisms, strategic plans may not be effectively executed, leading to unmet goals.
  • Overemphasis on Process : Some organizations become overly focused on the process of strategic planning rather than the outcomes, leading to bureaucratic and time-consuming procedures.

One of the main advantages of strategic planning is that it helps organizations set clear goals and objectives. By having a well-defined strategic plan, organizations can align their resources and efforts towards a common purpose. This clarity of purpose allows employees to understand their roles and responsibilities, which leads to increased motivation and productivity.

Strategic planning also helps organizations identify and leverage their strengths. By conducting a thorough analysis of the internal environment, organizations can identify their core competencies and unique capabilities. This information can then be used to develop strategies that capitalize on these strengths and give the organization a competitive advantage.

Another advantage of strategic planning is that it helps organizations anticipate and adapt to changes in the external environment. By conducting a thorough analysis of the market, industry trends, and competition, organizations can identify potential threats, opportunities, and even areas for growth, such as expanding account manager jobs . This early identification allows organizations to proactively respond to changes and stay ahead of the competition.

Strategic planning also provides a framework for resource allocation. By setting priorities and making informed decisions about resource allocation, organizations can use their limited resources effectively. This ensures that resources are allocated to the most important and strategic initiatives, maximizing the organization’s impact and return on investment.

In addition, strategic planning helps organizations align their internal processes and functions. By involving different stakeholders and departments in the planning process, organizations can create a shared understanding and commitment to the strategic goals. This alignment improves coordination and collaboration, leading to increased efficiency and effectiveness.

Furthermore, strategic planning provides a basis for evaluating performance and progress. By setting clear goals and key performance indicators, organizations can track their progress and make necessary adjustments along the way. This monitoring and evaluation process allows organizations to learn from their experiences and continuously improve their performance.

Despite its many advantages, strategic planning also has some drawbacks that organizations should be aware of. One of the main disadvantages is the complexity of the process. Strategic planning requires a significant amount of time, effort, and expertise. It involves analyzing large amounts of data, conducting market research, and engaging stakeholders. This complexity can make the planning process challenging and resource-intensive for organizations.

Another disadvantage of strategic planning is the resistance to change it may encounter. Implementing a strategic plan often involves making significant changes to the organization’s structure, processes, and culture. This can create resistance among employees who may be reluctant to change and may fear the unknown. Overcoming this resistance requires effective change management strategies and strong leadership.

Moreover, strategic planning may not always guarantee success. While a good strategic plan provides a roadmap for the organization’s future, its implementation is not always straightforward. External factors, such as changes in the market or unexpected competition, can affect the business and its ability to achieve its strategic goals. Internal factors, such as lack of resources or poor execution, can also hinder the successful implementation of the plan.

Lastly, strategic planning can sometimes overlook the importance of human resources. While strategic plans focus on organizational strategies and objectives, they may not pay enough attention to the people who will execute those strategies. It is essential for organizations to consider the capabilities, skills, and motivation of their employees when developing and implementing strategic plans.

Conclusion of Advantages and Disadvantages of Strategic Management Planning

In conclusion, strategic planning has both advantages and disadvantages for organizations. It helps set clear goals, leverage strengths, adapt to changes, allocate resources effectively, and align internal processes. However, it is a complex process that requires time, effort, and expertise. It may face resistance to change and does not guarantee success. Therefore, organizations should carefully consider these factors when deciding to engage in strategic planning.

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The Top Benefit of Business Continuity Plan: Ensuring Resilience in Uncertain Times

September 11, 2024

What is Business Continuity Planning?

Definition and importance.

Business continuity planning is a holistic approach to ensuring the continuation of critical business functions in the event of a natural disaster, such as a natural disaster or a cyberattack.

Business continuity planning ensures the continuation of business operations, including critical business functions and essential processes. Effective planning and collaboration are crucial for enhancing the benefits of business continuity and efforts within organizations.

Benefits of a Business Continuity Plan

Reduce operational downtime and boost brand trust.

A well-structured business continuity plan helps businesses withstand unexpected events and maintain normal operations.

It ensures that businesses can recover rapidly from disruptions, minimizing downtime and financial losses.

A strong business continuity plan demonstrates a company’s ability to maintain operations and recover rapidly, boosting brand trust and reputation.

Creating a Business Continuity Plan

Key components and tips.

A comprehensive business continuity plan should include a business impact analysis, risk assessments, and a crisis management plan.

It’s essential to identify critical business functions and develop recovery strategies, to maintain operations during disruptions.

Risk Assessment and Mitigation Strategies

A comprehensive business continuity plan requires a thorough risk assessment and mitigation strategy to identify potential threats and minimize their impact on business operations. This involves several critical steps:

By following these steps, businesses can develop a comprehensive business continuity plan that effectively addresses potential risks and ensures the continuation of business operations during disruptions.

Business Continuity Management (BCM)

Benefits and best practices.

Business continuity and risk management is the process a company uses to identify risks and avoid or reduce their impact.BCM makes a company more resilient in a crisis.

Training and Awareness Programs

A solid business continuity plan requires training and awareness programs to ensure that all employees understand their roles and responsibilities in the event of a disaster or disruption. This involves several key components:

Importance of Business Continuity

For small businesses and the supply chain.

Supply chain disruptions can be crippling, and a BCP can be critical aspects help sustain inventory levels.A business impact analysis can reveal risks to key vendors’ ability to make and deliver goods in a crisis.

Business Continuity Planning for IT and Natural Disasters

Ensuring it system availability and resilience.

Natural disasters, such as hurricanes and floods, can have a significant impact on business operations. A robust business continuity plan can help ensure IT system availability and resilience during natural disasters.

Implementing a Business Continuity Plan

Putting the plan into action.

Implementing a business continuity plan can have key benefits that help companies gain a competitive edge and maintain corporate governance regulations.

Regular Testing and Plan Updates

By conducting regular tests and updates, businesses can ensure that their business continuity plan remains robust and capable of addressing potential data breaches and disruptions effectively.

Crisis Communication Plans

A comprehensive business continuity plan requires a full crisis management team communication plan to ensure that stakeholders are informed and updated during a disaster or disruption. This involves several key components:

By developing and implementing a crisis communication plan, businesses can ensure that their stakeholders are well-informed and supported during disruptions, contributing to the overall resilience of the business owner and organization.

Crisis Management and Leadership

A robust crisis management plan enables organizations to respond quickly and effectively to emergencies, reducing the risk of reputational damage and financial loss. It also helps to maintain stakeholder confidence and ensures that critical business functions continue to operate during a crisis.

Key elements of a crisis management plan include:

By incorporating crisis management and leadership into a comprehensive business continuity plan, organizations can ensure that they are well-prepared to respond to emergencies and maintain business continuity.

Regulatory Compliance and Legal Considerations

A solid business continuity plan should include a regulatory compliance and legal considerations section that outlines the organization’s approach to meeting regulatory requirements and avoiding potential penalties.

Financial Impact and Cost-Benefit Analysis

By conducting a financial impact and cost-benefit analysis, organizations can make informed decisions about their business continuity planning efforts and ensure that they are allocating resources effectively.

Chris Ekai is a Risk Management expert with over 10 years of experience in the field. He has a Master’s(MSc) degree in Risk Management from University of Portsmouth and is a CPA and Finance professional. He currently works as a Content Manager at Risk Publishing, writing about Enterprise Risk Management, Business Continuity Management and Project Management.

Reach out to understand more about Enterprise Risk Management, Project Management and Business Continuity.

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Inside Trump's and Harris' starkly different visions for the economy

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If the economic visions of President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump were starkly divergent, the contrast between Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris is nearly blinding.

Since Harris replaced Biden as the Democratic nominee, she has unveiled a wish list of proposals that go further than Biden’s in aiding low- and middle-income Americans by making housing more affordable , reducing the cost of child care, cracking down on price gouging and lowering prescription drug costs, among others.

“She’s doubling down on efforts to support lower- and middle-class families and small businesses and pay for it with tax increases on the wealthy and corporations,” said Mark Zandi, chief economist of Moody’s Analytics.

Trump’s and Harris’ blueprints for the economy are expected to be spotlighted in their first and possibly only debate Tuesday evening, hosted by ABC News.

A divided Congress could stonewall many of Harris' proposals, economists say, though some ideas on housing and child care could be approved.  

Some of Harris’ stances seem to defy perceptions by nearly half of likely voters that she’s “too liberal,” according to a New York Times-Siena poll. She has shown a willingness to tack to the center by dropping her support for a fracking ban and favoring a lower capital gains tax rate than Biden for very wealthy Americans.

What does Kamala Harris support? What about Donald Trump?

On the biggest economic issues facing the nation - trade, immigration and taxes – Harris’ policies largely mirror Biden’s and their effects on economic growth, jobs and inflation would be similar, according to analyses by Moody’s, Goldman Sachs and the Penn-Wharton Budget Model.

Trump, meanwhile, is also doubling down on his first-term agenda.

He aims to extend and expand his  2017 tax cuts for virtually all Americans, crack down harder on illegal immigration  while deporting millions of foreign-born residents,  impose fresh tariffs on U.S. imports , and roll back much of  Biden’s plan to create a clean energy future.

Harris would extend some of the Trump tax cuts − but not for wealthy individuals and corporations – raise taxes even higher for the richest Americans, impose more targeted tariffs on Chinese imports and toughen immigration curbs but not nearly as sweepingly as Trump.

Predictions for the 2025 economy?

“The economy under Trump would grow more slowly and will suffer higher inflation and interest rates,” Zandi said.

In a Trump presidency, “the hit to growth from tariffs and tighter immigration policy would outweigh” the positive effects of tax cuts, Goldman Sachs wrote in a report in early September.

More: Harris says Trump tariffs will cost Americans $4k/year. Some economists are skeptical.

Harris’ new spending and middle-class tax reductions would “slightly more than offset lower investment due to higher corporate tax rates ,” Goldman said. But in a split government, any effects likely would be small.

Trump’s plan would spark a recession by mid-2025, Moody’s said. The economy would grow an average 1.3% annually during his four-year term versus 2.1% (in line with average gains before the pandemic) under Harris.

Under a Trump administration, inflation would rise from 3% this year to 3.5% in 2025, compared to 2.4% under Harris, the Moody’s analysis shows. At the end of a Trump tenure the U.S. would have 3.1 million fewer jobs than under Harris and a 4.5% unemployment rate, a half percentage point higher.

Goldman Sachs predicted a less dramatic impact from a Trump term, with the economy growing a half percentage point slower next year and inflation about four-tenths of a percentage point higher.

The estimates are based on assumptions by both Moody’s and Goldman that a Harris administration would probably work with a Democratic-majority House and Republican Senate, reversing the current party set-up. By contrast, Trump probably would be swept in with a Republican House and Senate, according to election models.

Polls, meanwhile, continue to show Americans view Trump as a better steward for the U.S. economy. About 45% trust him on the economy and inflation, compared to about 37% who trust Harris, according to an ABC News/Ipsos poll in late August. But the gap between the public's views of the Republican and Democratic nominees on this key issue has narrowed since Harris replaced Biden as the nominee in late July.

A look at how their plans could affect the economy.

Trump’s plan

In his first term, Trump slapped tariffs on a tenth of U.S. imports, chiefly steel, washing machines and solar panels , as well as many goods from China. Long term, the $80 billion in tariffs are projected to cut the nation’s gross domestic product, or output, by 0.21% and reduce employment by 166,000 jobs, according to a study by the Tax Foundation.

Trump would go much further this time. He has proposed a 10% tariff on all U.S. imports  and a 60% levy on Chinese shipments in a bid to prod manufacturers to move production to the U.S.

Harris’ plan

Harris' campaign didn't immediately respond to a message seeking comment on her economic policies. But a campaign spokesperson told the New York Times last month she would enact "targeted and strategic tariffs" to support workers and strengthen the economy.

Biden similarly has used narrowly tailored tariffs to help U.S. companies compete with Chinese rivals that are subsidized by the government, including a 100% levy on Chinese electric vehicles and solar panels.

Harris' tariffs would have little effect on the nation's economy, Zandi says.

But Trump’s 10% levy would boost annual inflation by nearly three-quarters of a percentage point next year and a half point in 2026 as businesses pass their increased costs to consumers, the Moody’s estimate shows.

In her Democratic convention speech, Harris said Trump's higher fees would cost middle-income families an additional $4,000 a year. The Peterson Institute for International Economics estimated the added costs at $2,600.

In the end, Goldman figures new Trump tariffs likely would be more measured, focusing on Chinese imports and vehicles from Mexico and the European Union. That likely would boost inflation by half a percentage point, Goldman estimates.

Yet instead of narrowing the U.S. trade gap, the levies likely would strengthen the U.S. dollar by reducing imports and sparking higher inflation that pushes up interest rates, Moody's says. That would make the nation's exports more expensive overseas, widen the trade deficit and hurt American manufacturers. Other countries almost certainly would retaliate with their own tariffs, further dampening U.S. exports.

On the positive side, the stronger dollar would partly offset the added cost of the tariffs for U.S. consumers by making imports less costly, Goldman notes.

Overall, the economy would suffer and there would be 2.1 million fewer U.S. jobs by 2028, Moody's says.

Trump and a Republican Congress would extend his 2017 Tax Cut and Jobs Act for households at all income levels and for corporations. The lower rates are set to expire next year.

Trump also has said he wants to reduce the corporate tax rate from 21% to 15% for companies that make their products in the U.S. The 2017 tax legislation lowered the rate from 35%. And he has advocated ending taxes for Social Security earnings and tips.

Extending the tax breaks would add $5.2 trillion to deficits over the next decade, according to the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget.

Harris would extend the lower personal income tax rates only for  individuals earning less than $400,000  a year, trimming the deficit and curtailing inflation, Zandi says.

Like Biden, Harris separately wants to raise the corporate tax rate from 21% to 28%. But she also aims to hit the wealthiest households with a 25% minimum tax. And she would increase the capital gains tax rate for people earning more than $1 million a year from 20% to 28%, softening Biden’s plan to hike it to the top income tax rate of 39.6%.

She also has embraced Trump’s proposal to end taxes on tips.

Lower corporate taxes rates tend to juice investment and economic growth. But the bang for the buck would be limited, Moody's says, because the nation is already near full employment, signaled by a robust economy in which everyone who wants to work and can work is employed. Further tax cuts would drive inflation higher.

As a result, the Fed would leave interest rates  higher for longer, increasing corporate borrowing costs and partly offsetting the benefits of lower taxes.

Still, the lower taxes for individuals and companies should lift spending and generate about 450,000 more jobs than Harris' plan, Moody's says.

But while extending the 2017 tax cuts are likely, Goldman doesn’t expect any of Trump’s new proposals, such as exempting Social Security income, to pass even a Republican Congress. And Moody’s figures Harris’ proposed tax hikes on the wealthy wouldn’t be approved by a split Congress.


Trump vows to deport millions of immigrants who lack permanent legal status. He also would reinstate programs that forced asylum seekers to wait in Mexico while their cases are resolved or quickly return to that country.

The Biden-Harris administration has been criticized by Republicans for a surge in illegal immigration that has created a  crisis at the southern border .

Harris' plan

Harris has touted the current border policies, including an executive action signed in June by Biden that beefed up enforcement, as working and has been talking tougher about pursuing criminals who enter the U.S. without legal permission.

“I was attorney general of a border state," she said at a rally in Glendale, Arizona, in August, according to Roll Call. "I went after the transnational gangs, the drug cartels and the human traffickers...I prosecuted them in case after case and I won, so I know what I’m talking about.”

At the same time, she said she wants to provide migrants an earned pathway to citizenship.

For the longer term, Harris is seeking funding from Congress for more border patrol agents, immigration judges and asylum officers to handle higher volumes of undocumented immigrants and asylum seekers.

Trump’s policies would reduce net immigration to the U.S. from about 3.3 million last year to about 750,000 annually, assuming a Republican-majority Congress, Goldman estimates. Harris’ plan, the firm says, likely would double that figure. Net immigration averaged about 1 million a year before the COVID-19 health crisis.

Immigrants, both legal and those lacking proper authorization, have helped alleviate severe labor shortages, slowing wage growth and inflation.

Trump's proposed crackdown and deportations would undo the gains, especially in industries such as agriculture, construction, restaurants, hotels and retail, Moody’s says.

The smaller labor force, Moody's says, would dampen economic growth and stoke inflation again as wages rise and companies rely on fewer workers to churn out products and services.

The Fed, in turn, which is set to start lowering interest rates in mid-September now that inflation has eased, could be forced to raise rates again or wait longer before cutting rates.

The Inflation Reduction Act

Trump likely would seek to roll back grants and subsidies promoting green energy in the Inflation Reduction Act, Moody's and Goldman say.

While it would save $369 billion, the cost is to be funded by stricter tax enforcement by the Internal Revenue Service.

Such a move would cut economic growth by a half percentage point and wipe out 450,000 jobs in 2026, Moody's estimates. Goldman says there's little support even among Republicans for a wholesale repeal of the clean energy policies.

Social service policies

Harris has unveiled a litany of proposals to help low- and middle-income consumers. Among them, she would:

  • Crack down on food and grocery companies that charge excessive prices during an emergency and landlords who collude to raise rents.
  • Continue Biden’s push to increase the child tax credit to $3,600 per child under 6 and $3,000 for older children. She has also proposed a $6,000 credit for babies in their birth year.
  • Provide $25,000 in downpayment assistance to first-time homebuyers, more than the $10,000 proposed by Biden.
  • Create a $40 billion fund to help developers build more affordable rental units for low-income people, double the amount Biden floated.
  • Expand a monthly $35 cap on insulin and $2,000 yearly limit on out-of-pocket spending from seniors to all Americans.
  • Provide a $50,000 tax deduction for small business start-ups, up from the current $5,000.

Such programs would be offset by higher taxes on the wealthy and companies, and so wouldn't add to the deficit, Zandi says.

Most, though, have little chance of being approved by a divided Congress, Moody's and Goldman say. A $25,000 payment for home buyers could come with a big downside because it would juice home sales and drive up prices, Zandi says.

But some type of increase in the child tax credit is likely even in a divided Congress, the economists say. And Moody’s expects more funding for low-income housing.

Contributing: Reuters

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Maximizing Productivity: Implementing A 9/80 Schedule In The Workplace


The 9/80 schedule is a popular alternative work schedule that many companies are implementing in order to increase employee productivity and work-life balance. This schedule allows employees to work 80 hours in a 9-day period, giving them every other Friday off. By working longer hours Monday through Thursday, employees are able to enjoy a three-day weekend every other week. With a longer workday, employees can get more work done in a single shift, potentially reducing the need for overtime or extra hours during the week. This can lead to greater efficiency, as employees have more uninterrupted time to focus on their tasks without the distractions of regular office hours.

Benefits Of Implementing 9/80 Schedule

Importance Of The 9/80 Schedule

1. Increased Productivity: By working longer hours for nine days straight, employees can have a longer weekend every other week. This extended break allows them to recharge and come back to work with renewed energy and focus, leading to increased productivity and efficiency.

2. Improved Work-Life Balance: The 9/80 schedule offers employees more flexibility in managing their personal lives. Having a three-day weekend every other week allows them to schedule appointments, run errands, spend time with family and friends, or simply relax and unwind without taking time off from work.

3. Commute And Cost Savings: Working one less day every two weeks means employees can save on commuting costs and reduce their carbon footprint. They also have the option to schedule appointments or activities during their day off, avoiding peak hours and potential rush-hour traffic.

4. Employee Satisfaction: Offering alternative work schedules like the 9/80 schedule can boost employee morale and job satisfaction. By providing flexibility and work-life balance, companies can attract and retain top talent, improve employee engagement, and create a positive work culture.

5. Potential Challenges: While the 9/80 schedule has many benefits, it may not be suitable for all industries or roles. Some jobs require strict adherence to regular business hours or have client-facing responsibilities that may not align with the compressed workweek schedule. Managers and employees need to communicate effectively and ensure that work tasks and deadlines are met, even with the adjusted schedule.

6. Implementation And Guidelines: Companies that choose to adopt the 9/80 schedule should establish clear guidelines and policies to ensure smooth implementation. This may include setting core hours for meetings and collaboration, outlining procedures for requesting time off or schedule changes, and providing training for managers and employees on how to make the most of the compressed workweek schedule.

How To Successfully Transition To A 9/80 Schedule?

1. Plan Ahead: Before implementing a 9/80 schedule, it is important to plan ahead and consider the potential impact on employees, clients, and daily operations. Conduct a thorough analysis to determine if a 9/80 schedule is a good fit for your organization and establish clear goals and objectives for the transition.

2. Communicate Effectively: Communication is key when transitioning to a 9/80 schedule. Make sure to communicate the reasons behind the change, the benefits for employees, and the expected outcomes. Address any concerns or questions that employees may have and be transparent throughout the process.

3. Provide Training And Support: Transitioning to a 9/80 schedule may require adjustments in workflow, communication, and collaboration. Provide training and support to help employees adapt to the new schedule and ensure that they have the tools and resources they need to be successful.

4. Set Clear Expectations: Clearly define the expectations for employees working on a 9/80 schedule, including work hours, availability, deadlines, and communication protocols. Establish guidelines for requesting time off and managing workload to prevent any disruptions in productivity.

5. Monitor Progress And Feedback: Keep track of how employees are adjusting to the 9/80 schedule and gather feedback on a regular basis. Monitor productivity levels, employee satisfaction, and any challenges that may arise. Use this feedback to make improvements and address any issues promptly.

6. Evaluate And Adapt: Continuously evaluate the effectiveness of the 9/80 schedule and be prepared to make adjustments as needed. Consider feedback from employees, managers, and other stakeholders and make changes to optimize the schedule for the organization's needs.

Importance Of The 9/80 Schedule

Benefits Of Implementing A 9/80 Schedule

1. Improved Work-Life Balance: One of the most significant advantages of a 9/80 schedule is the opportunity it provides for employees to enjoy a better work-life balance. By working longer hours for nine days, employees can benefit from a three-day weekend every other week, providing them with additional time to recharge, relax, and focus on personal activities and interests. This extended break can lead to reduced stress levels and increased job satisfaction among employees.

2. Increased Productivity: Contrary to what one might expect, implementing a 9/80 schedule can actually boost productivity in the workplace. With longer hours worked during the nine-day period, employees can complete tasks more efficiently and have fewer distractions, leading to enhanced focus and productivity. The extra day off also allows employees to return to work feeling refreshed and rejuvenated, which can further contribute to higher levels of productivity.

3. Enhanced Employee Morale And Engagement: A 9/80 schedule can have a positive impact on employee morale and engagement. By offering employees more flexibility in their work schedule and additional time off, employers demonstrate that they value work-life balance and prioritize the well-being of their workforce. This can lead to increased job satisfaction, higher morale, and improved employee engagement, ultimately resulting in a more motivated and committed workforce.

4. Attraction And Retention Of Top Talent: By offering alternative work schedules, such as a 9/80 schedule, employers can differentiate themselves and attract high-caliber candidates who prioritize work-life balance and flexibility. Furthermore, the enhanced work-life balance and other benefits associated with a 9/80 schedule can contribute to higher employee retention rates, as employees are more likely to stay with a company that values their well-being and offers meaningful perks.

In conclusion, the 9/80 schedule offers a flexible and innovative approach to work scheduling that can benefit both employees and employers. By improving work-life balance, enhancing productivity, and reducing environmental impact, this schedule has the potential to transform the traditional workweek. As the global workforce continues to evolve, the 9/80 schedule represents a forward-thinking solution for organizations looking to promote employee well-being and operational efficiency.


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    It's essential to train employees on the plan and conduct regular exercises and tests. A business continuity plan should be reviewed and updated annually at a minimum. Implementing a business continuity plan can have key benefits that help companies gain a competitive edge and maintain corporate governance regulations.

  26. Our Insights

    Explore our extensive collection of expert analyses, and let our curated content guide you through the latest industry trends and innovations.

  27. Kamala Harris' and Donald Trump's policies on the economy, compared

    Trump's plan. In his first term ... increasing corporate borrowing costs and partly offsetting the benefits of lower taxes. ... Provide a $50,000 tax deduction for small business start-ups, up ...

  28. Maximizing Productivity: Implementing A 9/80 Schedule In The Workplace

    Benefits Of Implementing A 9/80 Schedule. 1. Improved Work-Life Balance: One of the most significant advantages of a 9/80 schedule is the opportunity it provides for employees to enjoy a better work-life balance. By working longer hours for nine days, employees can benefit from a three-day weekend every other week, providing them with additional time to recharge, relax, and focus on personal ...

  29. Impact of the Love of Christ on You

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  30. Beyond Disaster Recovery: Strategic Business Continuity with ServiceNow

    Business Continuity Management (BCM) is essential for keeping a business running smoothly, even when unexpected problems arise. Whether it's a cyberattack, a natural disaster, or a system failure, BCM helps organizations prepare and respond effectively.It involves identifying risks, planning how to handle them, and ensuring that key business operations can continue without major interruptions.