Job Description And Resume Examples

Why Should We Hire You? 19 Best Example Answers

Why should we hire you?

“Why should we hire you?” is an interview question that requires an answer that must convince the interviewer that you are a perfect match for the job position.

If you are in a job search and you want to attend an interview, you should know your unique selling proposition and be ready to answer this question.

What is it that confirms you can perform on the job better than other applicants?

You should identify it and use it as a priced weapon in pulling down any doubt from the minds of your interviewers that you are the right person for the job

To be able to answer the “why should we hire you?” question effectively, you will need to do some homework on the employer and the job description they provided in order to match your skills, education, personal qualities, and experience with their specific requirements.

Familiarity with the job description, as well as with the company culture is essential.

You may possibly not possess as much skills, experience or qualifications as the other candidates, but things like energy and passion might set you apart from the others.

Portraying yourself as a motivated, energetic, and confident person ready to assist the company achieve their aim will boost your chances at the interview.

Now, here are nineteen examples – our best answers – to the why should I hire you question that you will likely be asked at a job interview:

Example 1 : I have the experience and the attitude to excel in this production assistant position. I have been on television production for almost two years now — including two summers interning at The Ellen Show, where I had good exposures to various aspects of TV production.

I worked so hard and performed excellently in the first summer that they had to invite me back the second summer, and assigned me more responsibilities.

I have been working part-time for a production company during my senior year at UC San Diego, where I have served as an assistant.

I’m used to getting things done — and with all happiness. That’s because I’m fond of working in the television industry, and I am always eager to learn and acquire experience along the line.

Example 2 : Because I have the relevant experience you are looking for – 3 years in taxation. I have exceptional knowledge of taxation, and I deliver what I promise.

Example 3 : You should hire me for several reasons. If your company hires me I would make efforts to effectuate a perfect work output in an immense way. My hard work will yield great results that could effect the growth of the company.

Example 4 : When I read the job posting I noticed that you specifically mentioned you were in need of someone with proven experience in project management.

As you can see in my resume , I have over 10 years of experience as a project manager; and what I believe really sets me apart from others and will make me a valuable addition to your team is my ability to combine that with skills I learnt from people.

I really value lasting relationships and actively seek to build them with developers, vendors, and senior managers alike.

Example 5 : I believe that I am a great match for this role. I’m bringing more than 12 years of experience managing over 100 employees, and providing high-quality training, in addition to a degree in management. These helped me to improve staff productivity by 30% and reduce employee turnover for my last employer.

I have no doubt whatsoever that I will achieve even higher targets for your organization, and would be a great addition to your team.

Example 6 : Well, the skills and experience that this job requires is something that I completely possess.

I am confident that I will bring much more value to your team than you have ever had, and I will shine as a project manager in your company.

It is not just about the successful projects and top companies that I have been a part of, but also the skills I have developed over the years, which have helped me build effective network with senior managers and clients.

I have passion for the job and I’m highly motivated to perform my best.

Example 7 : The reason you should employ me is because I have the right skill set, the experience, as well as the knowledgeable to produce good, adequate, clear, and concise work.

I have been proven to have a good track record of outstanding performance, including multiple awards and achievements.

I’m sure working with the team, we will be able to expand the operations of this company and take it to a greater level; and this is the reason why you should hire me.

Example 8 : I believe my expertise and experience will be a great contribution to the institution’s reform process on the provision of nursing care.

As a result of my dedication to the nursing profession, I will make sure that I provide high-quality nursing care with all diligence.

With the plans in my mind, I really would love to be part of the effort in making your facility the center of quality nursing care.

Example 9 : You should definitely hire me. I have been proven to be successful throughout my education, and this position requires someone who is capable of solving problems quickly and adding value to the job, which best describes me.

I believe my skills and abilities are a perfect match with the requirements for this job; and my passion towards my work and industry will certainly be of great value to achieving success in it.

So, I’m confident I’ll be the best candidate for this position.

Example 10 : I believe I bring success with me to any company I work for. And as highlighted in my resume, all the companies where I worked previously have prospered with my contributions.

I think it is good to have such a worker in your team who can bring the progress the company is looking for.

Example 11 : Throughout my career, I have consistently strived to become the very best in whatever I’m involved with. The accomplishments I have achieved in my prior positions are the result of possessing the qualities you are looking for in an employee.

Example 12 : I am not just a Linux administrator but a programmer, and I know multiple languages like Go, Python, Ruby, and more, which is what the company needs to achieve its goals.

Example 13 : Because I have the required skills, and also as a fresher, the energy that I have when coupled with experience can create the best of performances.

Example 14 : You should hire me because I have broad knowledge and experience in software design, and with my exceptional teaching skills, I will provide quality training to new staff, which will reduce external training programs and cost to the company.

Example 15 : I am a diligent person and social with all kinds of people. As a fast learner who is always curious of new challenges, I will easily overcome the challenges expected on the job with little or no supervisor.

Example 16 : I am naturally a hard working person with experience – who will always render 100 percent service. I would be a great value to your company.

Example 17 : I have what it takes to work with proficient mind. I will bring positive changes to this company just as I do anywhere I go. With my experience and skills I would help the company to grow.

Example 18 : My success in the field is confirmed by my improving of revenue by 150 percent in just a few months with my last employer, Godson LTD. As a team leader I have worked and succeeded on several projects backed by my ability to learn and adapt to new situations. These are the reasons why I’m fit for this work.

Example 19 : I’m always ready to learn new things, and I also have the capacity to abide by the rules guiding the operations of the company while moving ahead with necessary plans. Just give me a chance to prove my competence and you will see what I can do.

The above example answers to the question: “why should we hire you?” show you how to emphasize your strengths for the interviewer to see the value you will be bringing to their organization if hired.

However, do not lie simply because you are desperate for a job. All you need to do is to highlight your strengths, skills, experience, and competence while answering the question.

Remember that you are selling yourself tying to convince your interviewers that you are the best candidate to hire and no one else.

So, make sure to explain why you think you should get the job. Your story should be concise and natural; and don’t make the mistake of comparing yourself to other interviewees. Good luck!

Did you find our answers to the common interview question, “why should we hire you?”, useful? Please leave a comment in the box below. You can also share other answers that worked for you at an interview


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10 Best Answers to “Why Should We Hire You?” Interview Question

why you should hire me essay examples

During a job interview, you know some common interview questions will pop up no matter the position you’re applying for or the field you’re working in.

One of these inquiries revolves around why you’d be a candidate for the job, and giving your best answer during the interview process is paramount, or the perfect opportunity may escape you. The interviewer may outright ask you why they should hire you, why you are a good match, or be a bit sneaky about it with something like “what sets you apart from other candidates?” or “what can you bring to the table?”. So far, your job search has consisted of buttoning up your resume and applying to the job posting, but now, interview preparation is key to showing you’re the ideal candidate and best fit for the company.

Today, we’re discussing the ten best answers to “why should we hire you?”, tips to prepare the ideal answer, and the mistakes job seekers should avoid in their responses.

Top 10 Best Example Answers When a Hiring Manager Asks “Why Should We Hire You?”

To help you learn from the examples we’ll showcase in this section, approach each one with the intended goal so you understand the message you’re conveying with each type of response. Qualified candidates that do thorough company research and review the job description closely before practicing the examples below can make the most of a great opportunity.

Answer Example #1: Show you did your homework and reference qualifications from the job description

The goal here is to demonstrate how well you researched the company or business requirements before the interview, then tie your findings with impressive results you achieved in similar settings.

Say you’re applying for a position in sales or marketing management; your answer should be along the lines of:

“Based on my research, I know you need people with strong leadership, communication, and time management skills as you’re quickly expanding in the industry. I believe I can deliver what you’re looking for thanks to my experience managing sales teams and motivating them to fulfill and even go beyond our quarterly goals, which also brought me great pride.”

Other examples may include specific technical skills , your leadership experience, construction project management experience, or the introduction of new products.

Answer Example #2: Highlight your years of work experience from your current and previous job

The goal here is to give the interviewer an idea about how experienced you are to assure them you’re the best person for the role. Your answer has a more profound effect the longer your years of experience. Don’t forget to mention some of your significant achievements as a subtle indication that you can do the same for their company.

Say you’re applying for a position in accounting or finance management; here’s what your answer should look like:

“I believe my extensive experience in the field can be a valuable asset for this company. I was directly responsible for teams of over a dozen employees for seven years, so I’ve developed team-building and analytical skills. I developed innovative financing strategies that got me awarded manager of the year three times. If you hire me, I’ll spare no effort to bring these abilities to your organization and improve them for better gain.”

Answer Example #3: Prove you’ve been listening to the interviewer

Interviewers love it when you’re paying attention to what they’re saying and often like to check that this is the case by giving you information that you could use in your answers throughout the interview. Sometimes they’ll even ask specific questions that they’ve already asked just to see if you’ve picked up on it.

Here, the goal is to show you’re sharp and prove you’ve been listening closely to the interviewer. Here, your response should be similar to the following:

“Well, you mentioned earlier that you’re trying a new hiring approach to focus on recruiting younger talents. I believe I can provide a fresh outlook to the position, especially since I’m also passionate about keeping up with modern strategies. I like to always stay up to date and help my teammates get on board with current directions as quickly as possible while incorporating guidance from senior calibers.”

Answer Example #4: Establish your eagerness to evolve

Another thing that any interviewer would be glad to hear is how you look forward to improvement and how dedicated you can be to prove yourself and learning new roles. When you show determination for development, you’re telling the company you won’t just settle for your current skill level but rather constantly work on achieving better results.

Remember, the goal here is to establish your eagerness for more knowledge and show you deserve to be where you are, even if you’re new to the game. Here’s what your answer should entail:

“I’m always looking for ways to establish and improve my skills, so working for a renowned company such as this one is a tremendous opportunity for me to do both. You’ll provide me with a platform where I can show how well I can work, and I’ll contribute my full potential to the growth and success of this organization”.

how to answer why should we hire you

Answer Example #5: Express confidence

Confidence is an attractive trait to demonstrate when getting into something new, such as meeting new people or applying for a new job. Providing a confident answer doesn’t just give the interviewer the impression that you know what you’re doing but vouches for your leadership, communication, and persuasion skills.

It’s important to note that you don’t want to be overconfident to avoid coming across as smug — that’s a huge no-no. You should simply stick to the facts about why you are the best candidate and the right person for the job. More importantly, you should keep your tone proactive and your voice clear as you say something along the lines of:

“I believe I possess all the necessary experience and skills you’ve mentioned you need for this position. I’m positive that I’m one of the best candidates you’ve interviewed, and I aspire to be the best worker if hired. Multiple previous bosses have praised my people skills and self-motivation, so you can rest assured I’ll meet your expectations and aim to exceed them. My past projects gave me a lot of experience related to the position, but I’m also a fast learner who loves overcoming challenges. I’m determined, resourceful, and analytical, which are all qualities I’m sure will benefit this great brand.”

Answer Example #6: Appeal to the deadline culture

Deadlines will likely be a crucial part of the position you’re applying for, so interviewers tend to respond well to candidates addressing the concept.

Meeting a deadline could be the difference between the success or failure of a project. It could make the difference between receiving all your agreed-upon earnings or losing a chunk of it, especially in the home building and construction sector.

Moreover, meeting or failing to meet deadlines heavily affects the company’s reputation and how much business it attracts.

For all this, telling the interviewer how committed you are to getting the job done in time can give you an edge. Here’s an example of this:

“I’ve experienced first-hand the time-demanding nature of the job, so I know how important it is for you to find employees who understand what’s at stake. Over my five years of work in sales and marketing, I’ve sharpened my organizational and time-planning skills to always be ahead of schedule. I’ve also developed valuable analytical and communication skills to be able to overcome unexpected setbacks. It’s always been my priority to deliver effective and timely results, so I’d like the opportunity to use my approach to benefit this company.”

Answer Example #7: Stand out from the crowd

Presenting unique aspects of your skills helps show the interviewer that you have something extra to offer the company and can add more value to the job than others. So, don’t be shy about highlighting qualities or skills that you think will help you stand out from other candidates.

You could take additional courses in your free time, speak more languages than required or approach projects with a newly emerging technique. Let’s take a look at a way to portray this:

“I always aim to bring something extra and different to my work, which I believe to be crucial for an established company looking to expand like this one. In addition to my 3-year experience in marketing, I’ve completed two university-grade courses on digital marketing and dabbled in web design to get better insight into the creative side of the job . You’ve mentioned you needed someone fluent in English and Spanish; I’m also fluent in French.”

Answer Example #8: Speak with passion

Sometimes letting your passion for the job and company shine through is the best way to make a memorable impression on the interviewer, especially if you’re short on years of experience.

The critical thing to remember here is not to sell yourself short . You can express your admiration for the company and your eagerness to join it and mention that you’d be an asset.

Remember, you don’t want to sound desperate , so watch the steadiness of your tone and keep your voice clear. Let’s have a look at an example:

“Honestly, I’ve always aimed to work for the best in the business, so I’ve been following this company closely as I admire the quality of work you do here and the level of professionalism. I believe you could benefit from my punctuality, determination, and quick thinking. I’m also a driven and fast learner, so I have no doubt I can make up for my relatively short time in the field.”

Answer Example #9: Get the interviewer to engage and discuss the needs of the company

In this approach, your goal is to establish a positive connection with the interviewer from the beginning of your answer. You want them to feel that you’re not just reciting a few phrases you practiced, but you’re responding with genuine wit, gratitude, and curiosity.

This approach also gives you a chance to get a clearer idea of the type of skills and qualities the interviewer is looking for. It establishes you as a candidate who got what the position demands by confirmation of the interviewer. Here’s an example:

“That’s an excellent question! I’m, of course, still learning about the company while you already know what sort of employee you want to work for you, which gives you a bit of a lead. Based on what I’ve understood so far, you need someone who can quickly and effectively resolve distribution and supply issues and deal directly with partners. Would you say that’s accurate?”

We’ll assume the interviewer says ‘Yes’. Hence, you continue: “Well, in that case, I believe to be the perfect match since I was responsible for managing my company’s external affairs and successfully expanded its supply chain by applying a series of modern strategies.”

Answer Example #10: Keep it general

Last but not least, you can always opt for the general approach, which can give an advantage depending on the position you’re applying for. Here’s one way you can put this to words:

“I believe I’m the right fit for the job because I possess all the skills and qualifications you require. Thanks to my solid background and work in previous projects, I’m confident, but I have certain analytical and people skills that’ll prove beneficial in tackling any task you throw at me. I’m a strong team player and a self-motivated one-person unit, and I’m a fast learner and always eager to improve.

Tips to Improve Your Answer to “Why Should We Hire You?”

  • Respond with clarity and confidence that you’re a great fit
  • Never undermine your lack of experience
  • Always show what you feel makes you unique
  • Incorporate examples from previous jobs and how they relate to the key qualifications
  • Don’t be afraid to discuss soft skills that are also important
  • Try to be specific about the job requirements

What Not to Say or Do When Answering “Why Should We Hire You?”

  • Never attempt to memorize the sample answers word by word. Make notes to get the general gist and build from there so you sound as genuine as possible.
  • Don’t stray from the point when answering a tough question
  • Learn the difference between sounding confident and cocky
  • It’s not enough to say you’re a hard worker; discuss the unique perspective you have
  • Incorporate things that aren’t already on your resume or related to your background

More Ways to Answer Why Should We Hire You, and What Can You Bring to Our Company?

1: I believe I am the best candidate for this role because I possess the required skills, experience, and knowledge to excel in this position. Furthermore, I am passionate about this field and motivated to contribute to the success of your organization. For example, in my previous job, I consistently exceeded my sales targets and received positive feedback from my clients and colleagues. 2: You should hire me because I am a dedicated, hardworking individual eager to learn and grow within your organization. Additionally, I have a proven track record of delivering results and working collaboratively with others. For instance, in my last job, I was able to streamline our customer service process, resulting in a 20% reduction in customer complaints.

You should hire me because I have the qualifications, experience, and attitude to contribute to your company. I am a quick learner, adaptable, and possess excellent communication and problem-solving skills. Furthermore, I am passionate about this field and eager to contribute to your team's success. For example, I implemented a new marketing strategy in my previous job that increased our customer engagement by 30%.

Although I may not have direct experience in this field, I am a fast learner and possess transferable skills that make me an ideal candidate for this role. For example, I have excellent communication skills, am a team player, and am eager to learn and grow within your organization. Additionally, I have taken relevant courses and completed internships to understand the industry better.

I am applying for this job because I am passionate about this field and eager to contribute my skills and experience to your organization. Furthermore, I believe this role aligns with my career goals, and I am excited about the opportunity to learn and grow within your company. As an example, I have always been interested in the technology industry, and this position would allow me to work with cutting-edge technology and positively impact your business.

I can bring unique skills, experience, and knowledge to your company. For instance, I have a strong work ethic, excellent communication skills, and the ability to work collaboratively with others. Additionally, I have experience in project management, data analysis, and customer service, which would be valuable assets to your organization. I am committed to positively impacting your business and contributing to your team's success.

My biggest strength is adapting to new situations and learning quickly. I am unafraid to take on new challenges and enjoy learning new skills. Additionally, I am a strong communicator and work well with others, which allows me to collaborate effectively with colleagues and clients. For example, I quickly adapted to a new project management tool in my previous job and trained my team on its use, improving efficiency and productivity.

Summary of How To Answer “Why Should We Hire You?” in a Job Interview

There you have it, the ten best answers to “Why should we hire you?”. There’s no one right way to respond to this question and others, such as “ What areas need improvement? ” The next time you’re asked this somewhat challenging question, try one of these strategies. If nothing else, you can leave a lasting impression on how positively you answered the question. That alone can make you stand out.

Remember that most companies expect their new hires to be experienced at critical requirements but not all of them and that past experience, high-quality work, and the completion of successful projects are very important. As you can tell, it depends not only on the industry you work in and the position you’re applying for but also on the approach you’re most comfortable trying.

No matter, remember always to stay confident and articulate. Keep your tone steady, your voice clear, and your eyes on the interviewer.

why you should hire me essay examples

About Mark Matyanowski

As the founder of MatchBuilt, with over 18 years of recruiting and coaching experience and 8+ years in executive roles at a leading Fortune 100 company, I am deeply committed to guiding professionals in their career paths.

Our team at MatchBuilt offers expert support in enhancing resumes, optimizing LinkedIn profiles, and preparing for interviews. Our blog, drawing on our rich experience and industry insights, is a valuable resource for job seekers.

We take pride in successfully guiding job candidates to top-tier company roles while empowering individuals to achieve their career ambitions, irrespective of their background or educational level.

How To Answer Why Should We Hire You? – [15 Sample Answers Included]

Mike Simpson 0 Comments

why should we hire you

By Mike Simpson

Updated 6/21/2022.

Few questions make a job seeker feel like they’ve been put on the spot quite like, “Why should we hire you?” No matter how skilled you are or how qualified for the job you happen to be, it feels like one of the dastardliest questions around.

Even strong candidates may doubt what they bring to the table. Plus, it feels incredibly tough to come up with a good response if you don’t like to brag.

Luckily, by checking out our tips and some why should we hire you answers, you can get a better grip on this question. Are you ready to take a look? Great! Here’s what you need to know.

How To Answer “Why Should We Hire You/Why Should I Hire You?”

Before we dive into the why should we hire you answers, it’s important to have a basic understanding of what this question – and others like it, including “Why are you a great match for this role?” – is all about. Mainly, the hiring manager wants to see why you feel you’re a great match, “see” being the operative word.

Every company or organization has a certain type of person in mind when it comes to the position they are interviewing for. This person will usually need to have one, two, or even more specific qualities that the organization believes in or emphasizes.

Overall, 42 percent of job applicants don’t meet the skill requirements for a job. Since the hiring manager is looking for someone who brings the stuff they need to the table, they’re hoping you’ll show them exactly why you’re a stellar match, and they will normally select the person who best exemplifies the specific qualities they’re after.

This job interview question is the perfect opportunity for you to pitch yourself to your potential employer and reinforce the idea that you are the perfect candidate! How do you show them that? By using examples, of course.

What kind of example should you use? Usually, you want to showcase one that matches a specific job duty or skill you saw in the job description/job ad. When you do that, you know for a fact you’re speaking to the hiring manager’s needs. So, reference what you saw in the vacancy announcement specifically to show the alignment.

Top 5 Tips for Answering Why Should We Hire You?

1. stay achievement-oriented.

Simply listing capabilities is rarely enough if you want to impress with your “why should we hire you” answer. Instead, you want to be achievement-oriented. Discuss accomplishments that showcase the best of what you have to offer. Also, quantify the details to make your responses extra impactful.

2. Feature Hard AND Soft Skills

When you create your answer, you don’t want to focus solely on the technical capabilities listed in the job ad. Instead, make sure to bring some soft skills into the mix, too.

If there aren’t any features in the job description, go with classics like communication, leadership, and teamwork. By including those in the achievements you discuss (alongside some hard skills), you’ll look like a stronger candidate.

3. Show Culture Alignment

Hiring managers aren’t just looking for specific skills; they want candidates that will mesh with the company culture. Make sure to show you’re a fit by bringing in aspects of the company’s mission and values into your answer. That makes the connection ridiculously clear, making you seem like a strong fit.

4. Express Excitement for a Specific Duty

One simple way to make your answer stand out is to express excitement for a specific duty (or two) listed in the job ad. If you can show that you’re passionate about a core responsibility, it’ll make you a more appealing candidate.

5. Embrace “I” Statements

While a job interview isn’t all about you, your answer to this question generally should be, at least in one key way. You need to use “I” statements in your answer. Saying “we” muddies the water, making it unclear whether it was you or other colleagues that accomplished certain goals or possessed specific skills. By using “I” instead, you remove those doubts, making it easier to show why YOU are a great match for this role.

Just remember, this is just one question the hiring manager could ask you in your interview! That’s why we created an amazing free cheat sheet that will give you word-for-word answers for some of the toughest interview questions you are going to face in your upcoming interview.

Click below to get your free PDF now:

Get Our Job Interview Questions & Answers Cheat Sheet!

FREE BONUS PDF CHEAT SHEET: Get our " Job Interview Questions & Answers PDF Cheat Sheet " that gives you " word-word sample answers to the most common job interview questions you'll face at your next interview .


Top 15 Why Should We Hire You Answers

Okay, now is the moment you’ve been waiting for: our fantastic why should we hire you sample answers.

But before we dig in, a quick word about these answers. While these why should we hire you examples can give you a solid idea of how to approach the question, they are for inspiration only.

Why are they only inspiration? Because they aren’t targeted to the job you’re trying to land, that’s why.

When you interview a job, you need to use the Tailoring Method to speak to that exact hiring manager’s needs. When you do that, your answers are even more impactful, increasing the odds that the hiring manager will see you as a strong match.

Plus, 47 percent of hiring managers wouldn’t offer a candidate a job if they seemed to have little knowledge about the company. By tailoring your answers, you show you’ve gone the extra mile.

So, spend some time getting to know the Tailoring Method. Then, use that to customize your answers the right way, increasing the odds that your response genuinely stands out.

With that out of the way, let’s dive into how to answer why should we hire you by looking at some stellar examples.

Sample Answer 1 – Entry-Level IT

In the job ad, I noticed that finding a candidate with a Bachelor’s degree in software development, strong Java skills, and entry-level mobile app development skills is a top priority. Along with graduating with honors, during my time in school, I was tasked with designing a mobile app to demonstrate my skills. I chose to create a Java-based application that helps students refine their programming skills. After the project’s completion, I decided to launch the app. Not only is it now listed on Google Play, but it’s been downloaded more than 5,000 times and has a 4.8 rating. Plus, I’ve used feedback to make improvements, giving me experience with application updates and maintenance. I believe that my education and experience make me a strong fit for the role, and I look forward to not just applying my skills at a company like yours but continuing to grow in my next position.

Sample Answer 2 – Entry-Level Office Administration

Between the job description and what we’ve discussed thus far, it’s clear that communication skills are essential for this role. During my time in school, I’ve had the opportunity to hone my writing skills. Along with report writing and business communications, I’ve also taken coursework in technical writing specifically, which I believe manufacturing companies may find valuable. Additionally, along with taking a public speaking class in college, I also joined Toastmasters. That allowed me to boost my presentation skills, increasing my confidence when speaking in front of large groups. Together, those experiences allowed me to acquire and improve a wide range of communication skills. I look forward to using them as I take the next step in my career.

Sample Answer 3 – Entry-Level Sales

According to the job description, finding someone comfortable with cold-calling seems to be essential. While I don’t have prior outbound sales experience specifically, my time working in retail customer service has given me valuable capabilities that seem like an excellent match. Along with speaking with and assisting customers I hadn’t met previously, upselling was a core part of the job. Not only was I comfortable with upselling, but I consistently exceeded expectations, outpacing other employees by an average of 45 percent. That experience aligns with cold-calling in many ways, and I believe that makes me an exceptional fit for the role.

Sample Answer 4 – Entry-Level Healthcare

Based on the job ad and what I’ve learned about the company, you’re looking for a team-oriented candidate who can thrive in a fast-paced environment while providing exceptional patient care. As a recent nursing graduate, I’m familiar with working under pressure, as that was a necessity while I was earning my degree and completing my internship. Additionally, I’m incredibly motivated to not just assist patients to the utmost of my ability but also support my colleagues. By working closely together, we elevate the patient experience and ensure nothing falls through the cracks. Plus, it creates opportunities for me to learn from more experienced coworkers, ensuring I can continue to exceed expectations.

Sample Answer 5 – Entry-Level Manufacturing

You discussed in the job posting that you’re looking for a diligent, reliable candidate for the role who is willing and able to learn quickly on the job. During high school, my attendance was immaculate, exceeding 99 percent across all four years. Additionally, I was diligent about handling my classwork, ensuring everything was completed on time and to the desired standard. When it comes to my willingness to learn, the idea of being able to launch a career with this role is incredibly motivating. I can envision growing in the position and honing my skills as I, hopefully, move up in the company. Between my dedication and desire to find a company that can become my long-term employer, I feel I’m an excellent fit for the job.

Sample Answer 6 – Mid-Level Marketing (Individual Contributor)

The job description stated that you’re looking for a candidate with at least three years of marketing experience, emphasizing the need for social media marketing skills. I’ve held my current position for the past four years, working with clients in a range of industries to refine their social media marketing strategies. On average, conversation rates for my accounts rose by 62 percent, and customer acquisition costs declined by 48 percent. With my track record and experience, I believe that I’d be an asset to any team, including in the role you’re trying to fill.

Sample Answer 7 – Mid-Level Accounting (Individual Contributor)

You’ve mentioned that finding an accounting professional with experience in accounts receivable is your top priority. Along with being a CPA, I have six years of accounts receivable experience. Additionally, I’m familiar with auditing processes, as well as account reconciliation, deposit management, general ledger procedures, and report creation. Due to my strong knowledge base, I believe I’m an excellent candidate for this role.

Sample Answer 8– Mid-Level Human Resources (Individual Contributor)

From what I’ve learned about your company and the role, you’re not just looking for a human resources team member; you’re specifically in need of a skilled recruiter. Along with my degree in human resources, I have four years of experience in the recruitment space.
During that time, I updated job descriptions, wrote vacancy announcements, and interviewed for dozens of openings each year. While the average time-to-hire at my last company was 36 days, my average came out to 27 days. Additionally, the retention rate for positions I filled exceeded company norms, sitting at 96 percent, and the selected employees – on a performance scale of 1 to 5, with three being “meets expectations” – scored an average of 4.75. Since finding high-quality matches is a company priority, I believe my expertise and track record make me an exceptional candidate for the role.

Sample Answer 9 – Mid-Level Cybersecurity (Individual Contributor)

Based on what you’ve shared during the interview and what I learned from the job ad, you’re looking for a cybersecurity professional who can help your company stay ahead of emerging threats. Along with my degree, I’ve worked diligently to further my education. I currently hold two cybersecurity certifications – the CISSP and CEH – giving me a stronger foundation. Additionally, I’m dedicated to monitoring emerging trends and learning about new solutions. Along with trade publications and following thought leaders, I spend much of my off-time researching new threats and learning about mitigation processes. That way, I can provide exceptional value to my employer, increasing the odds that the company will stay safe against the newest risks.

Sample Answer 10 – Entry-Level Finance Management

According to information I found on the company website, it appears that facilitating additional growth is a main goal for the organization. I feel that I have the right skills to help the company achieve that objective. Along with data analysis experience, predictive analysis and forecasting are two of my strengths. This makes me incredibly well-equipped when it comes to making sound investment recommendations that can spur growth. Couple that with the risk mitigation skills I discussed on my resume, and I believe that I’m highly suited to the role.

Sample Answer 11 – Entry-Level Sales Management

I understand that finding someone with a proven track record and experience guiding others toward success is a must based on what you’ve listed in the job description. In my previous role, I recommended process changes that allowed our team to exceed sales goals by 15 percent, making us the top performers in the company. Additionally, I personally seized opportunities to coach and guide entry-level hires as part of the mentorship program. As a result, I’ve had the chance to hone my leadership skills, including adapting my approach to meet the needs of each incoming employee. I think my cumulative experience makes me well-equipped for a management role such as this one and an excellent fit for your hiring goals.

Sample Answer 12 – Entry-Level Human Resources Management

When I reviewed the job posting, it seemed that finding a well-rounded candidate was your main goal. I believe that makes me an exceptional fit for the position. Along with seven years of recruiting experience, I’ve also spent five years in benefits administration. I also redesigned my last employer’s onboarding process, boosting first-year retention by 72 percent, and overhauled the performance management approach, resulting in an overall productivity increase of 28 percent. On the education front, I’ve completed a Master’s degree in Human Resources, giving me a solid foundation in many critical areas. Additionally, I earned my SHRM-CP last year and recently secured my SPHR certification. Taken together, I believe this makes me an excellent fit for the job.

Sample Answer 13 – Entry-Level Technology Management

I believe that my resume showcases the technical capabilities you’re after, based on what I saw in the vacancy announcement. As a result, I want to focus my response on the traits and soft skills that I believe make me a strong match.
Working as a manager means setting down your individual contributor hat and focusing on team development, delegation, and cumulative success. While I haven’t worked in management specifically, leading large, cross-departmental projects is one of my current duties.
Along with overseeing substantial budgets, task delegation and timeline management were core responsibilities. I also focused on promoting solid communication and effective collaboration, all while coordinating the activities of a number of professionals and coaching them toward success.
Based on that experience, I believe I’m a strong candidate for the technology manager role and would quickly become an asset at any company.

Sample Answer 14 – Upper Management

I know that finding a candidate with strategic vision is a top priority based for this leadership position. During my career, I’ve had the pleasure of working with a wide variety of teams and overseeing many cross-departmental initiatives. That experience has given me a unique perspective, allowing me to gather more insights about how various teams interconnect and how they stand apart. Additionally, it’s taught me how to guide a broader range of professionals, allowing me to address their concerns and secure their buy-in efficiently. As a result, I’ve become skilled at accounting for the big picture, making me an excellent fit for the role.

Sample Answer 15 – Executive Leadership Team

You explained earlier that your company is concerned that its current technology is holding the organization back. I believe that’s an issue I can address.
In my past positions, I’ve overseen comprehensive technology audits designed specifically to identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies. Once the information was gathered, I was able to outline a technical vision, identifying improvement opportunities with the strongest ROIs.
Since facilitating growth is the goal, I believe my experience would serve the company well, making me an excellent fit for the role.

Putting It All Together

Ultimately, the why should we hire you sample answers above should give you some solid ideas about approaching that interview question. Use the information above to your advantage. That way, you’ll be able to craft a fantastic answer whenever the need arises.

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Co-Founder and CEO of Mike is a job interview and career expert and the head writer at

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Co-Founder and CEO of Mike is a job interview and career expert and the head writer at His advice and insights have been shared and featured by publications such as Forbes , Entrepreneur , CNBC and more as well as educational institutions such as the University of Michigan , Penn State , Northeastern and others. Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page .

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why you should hire me essay examples

Career Sidekick

Interview Questions

Comprehensive Interview Guide: 60+ Professions Explored in Detail

12 Best Answers to “Why Should We Hire You?”

By Biron Clark

Published: November 16, 2023

More and more employers are asking, “why should we hire you?” or, “why should you be hired for this role?” And it can be an intimidating question if you’re not ready for it! Don’t worry – in this article, I’m going to walk you through exactly how to answer… with word-for-word answer samples, steps to follow, mistakes to avoid, and more.

Let’s get started…

Why Employers Ask “Why Should I Hire You?”

There are a couple of reasons why an employer may ask you to explain why you should be hired for their role.

First, they want to see how confident you are in your abilities. If you don’t think you’d perform well in their job and succeed in the role, why should they? So the first step to answering this interview question is to show confidence in the interview and don’t panic when they ask this question.

The next reason employers ask, “Why should we hire you?” is to make sure you’ve done your research and understand the job.  If you didn’t even look at their job description before applying, they’re not very likely to want to hire you. Employers want a job seeker who’s looking for specific things in their next job and being careful in their job search. No exceptions. This is also why employers ask why you applied for their job. They want to know if you researched their job or just applied randomly.

The last reason that hiring managers ask, “Why should I hire you?” is they want to know what sets you apart , what makes you qualified for this job, and why you’ll perform well in this role. So this is your chance to brag a bit and sell them on yourself! What are the things that make you qualified for this role? And if possible, what do you have that other candidates might not?

Watch: How to Answer “Why Should We Hire You?”

Key steps to answering “why should we hire you”.

When the hiring manager asks, “Why should you be hired for this role?” you can break your job interview answer down into four steps, which will help you give an effective response. I’ll explain each step in more detail below, too, and then we’ll look at a couple of the best answer samples, too, so keep reading until the end.

The steps to answer why you should be hired for the role:

  • Remain calm and confident, and never say, “I don’t know.”
  • Show the employer that you’ve researched the job and understand what their role involves
  • Explain why you’re a great fit for this position and its specific job requirements
  • Show them why you’re excited about this type of work and will be motivated and enthusiastic in the role

I’ll explain each piece of the answer below.

1. Show confidence

This should be self-explanatory, but you need to seem confident and show that you believe in your own abilities in the role first and foremost. You don’t have to act like you’re perfect at every task they mention in their job description. But you need to show, through your body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice, that you’re reasonably confident that you have the basic skills needed and that you could learn whatever you’re missing once hired.

2. Show you’ve researched the job and know what it involves

Next, you can’t answer “Why should we hire you for this role?” if you don’t know what the company wants/needs in that role. The fastest and easiest way to know what the hiring manager needs is to look at the job description. What’s mentioned near the top, or most often on the page? If something is the first bullet point you can bet it’s pretty damn important most likely.

3. Demonstrate why you are a great fit for this job (in terms of hard skills and experience)

Now you know what the hiring manager wants and needs in a candidate because you studied the job description. Next, you need to point out the pieces of your background that are best aligned with their needs and the tasks you’ll be performing in this job. It’s okay if you’re not the perfect fit – they liked something on your resume or they wouldn’t have invited you to have a job interview. So when they say, “Tell me why we should hire you?”… give an answer that highlights the pieces in your background that are most relevant to them.

Your job when answering is to convince them that you’ll be able to succeed in this role and start contributing quickly to the team’s work.

4. Show them you’re interested in this type of work

There’s a difference between being able to do something and wanting to do it. That’s why showing interest is important – to eliminate any doubt of whether you’d want to do this type of work. If you don’t convince them you’re enthusiastic about the work, they’re going to worry that you’ll lack motivation, get bored, quit soon after starting, etc. And these are all big fears hiring managers have, which can cost you the job offer.

Bonus answer tip: Be as specific as possible

Let’s say you’re going to talk about leadership. Don’t just say, “Yes, I led people in my last job. Leadership won’t be a problem for me if I’m hired.” Instead, paint a clearer picture by getting into some details. Tell them how many people you led, what topics you guided them on, how long you’ve been in leadership , and what you learned as a leader. And then show them that you’re interested in leadership and that you enjoy it as well!

For example, you could say:

“Yes, I’ve led people for the past three years. I started with two direct reports and then hired an additional three people to grow my team to five in total. I did their performance reviews, training, and more, and it’s an area I enjoy a lot and am targeting in my next position. That’s one reason I applied for this job ; I saw this Manager role has the opportunity to build and grow a team.”

This is one of my favorite job interview tips in general. The more specific you can be when telling a story, the more you’ll show you’re a fit for this position. That doesn’t mean you should answer every question with a story. If they simply ask, “how many years have you worked with X?” then the hiring manager wants a very basic answer, like, “Five and a half years.” But when an interview question does ask for a story, this is how to respond effectively. I’ve got more example answers coming up next, so don’t worry if you’re still not 100% sure what to say when you answer this question.

“Why Should We Hire You?” Sample Answers

Next, let’s look at some sample answers so you can see what the steps above would actually sound like in a job interview.

Sample answer #1 to “Why should we hire you?”

“I read the job description before applying and it seems like self-management is mentioned a lot. That’s one of my strengths and something I’ve been working a lot to develop and improve recently. In my last job, my boss only checked in with me once a week. Other than that, his approach was to let me manage my work entirely. On top of that, I’ve been doing the exact type of work that your role involves – in-person sales – for two years. That’s why you should hire me for this role… because not only do I have the technical experience, but I thrive in an environment where I’m trusted to manage my own work. As a side note, in my own time, I’ve been doing a lot of reading on the subject of productivity and self-management, so it’s something I’m personally passionate about as well. I’ve looked up new productivity strategies and read a few books on goal setting, and I’m excited to put that knowledge to use.”

That little “side note” in the answer above is an extra piece you can add to stand out further. It’s an extra bit of story that shows you’re personally interested/passionate about a topic, or at least committed to studying and learning it. The interviewer will remember you for that comment. It’s how you make your answer stand out from all the other answers that the interviewer has heard when they ask, “why should you be hired for this role?” If the hiring manager talks to 10 or 15 people for a position, the answers will sort of blend together when they go to review each interview and make a decision. So this is a huge factor in getting hired.

Just be ready for follow-up questions when you use the “distinguisher” strategy to answer why they should hire you.  Don’t get nervous… it’s a good sign when they ask questions. You caught their interest and they want to know more because you gave them a really unique answer. So the hiring manager or recruiter may ask an additional interview question or two to learn more! But this is why you need to only say things that are true and that you’re comfortable talking more about.

Sample answer #2 to “Why should we hire you?”

“Based on the job description, it sounds like you need an experienced Data Analyst who can replace the person you’ve lost and organize some of the new processes and data that your department is receiving, too. In my last job, I was the first Data Analyst hired into the department and set up our entire data analysis process from scratch. We ended up using our internal data to save 22% on advertising costs the following year. So I think this role has a lot of similarities to what I’ve done in the past. That’s why you should hire me for the position. As a side note, I’m a bit of an organization geek, and love creating SOPs and documents for my work. So when I saw there’s a need for that in this role, too, I knew I should apply!”

In that example answer above, you can see most of the time is spent directly answering the question of why they should hire you. But you’re also including a specific example of your past accomplishments, which is great. And you’re wrapping up the answer by sharing a detail to show how passionate you are about this type of work.

Any time you can point out specific skills and experience mentioned in the job posting, and share why that interests you, you’ll “wow” the interviewer!  Why? Because this shows them you’ve done your research and really thought about what you want in your next job. Those are both things that many job seekers aren’t doing enough of. Hiring managers don’t just want someone who is a fit for the job. They want someone motivated and interested. Always. Before I wrap up the article, I’ll share one more example answer. This time, I’ll leave it as a template that you can fill in for yourself.

Best example answer formula for “Why should we hire you?” (template)

“My impression based on the job description is that you need someone who can do <key responsibility of the job>. In my last role, I did <similar task or accomplishment you’ve done in the past>, so I’m confident I will be able to step into this role and begin contributing quickly for you. As a side note, I’m also personally very <interested/passionate> about <topic related to the job you’ll be doing>, so I’d be very excited for the opportunity to step into this role.”

If you follow the steps above and organize your answer like the interview answer examples we looked at, you’ll have a great answer for “why should we hire you.” This is how you can make sure you sound confident when you explain why they should hire you in the interview.

“Why Should We Hire You?” Example Answers for Different Occupations

“You should hire me because I’m passionate about writing clean, reliable, scalable code. Having studied computer science, I’ve since built up a wealth of work experience in full-stack development. I’m certified in the use of Ruby, Ruby on Rails and associated languages and frameworks like HTML, CSS and Javascript. I can support and contribute to all corners of your dev team, from setting up a Rails environment to managing databases, systems integration and administration, and designing and building cutting-edge web apps, platforms and services.”

This works because: From this answer, it’s clear that you have a strong technical background that covers all aspects of tech administration and app development. Your confidence shines through, and it’s clear you have relevant certifications along with practical skills.

 Real Estate Agent:

“I’d be a valued asset to your team because of my advanced knowledge of the real estate market, market trends, and the local real estate business. Having completed a 12-month internship at <company name>, I had the opportunity to develop strong negotiation and closing skills. I have what it takes to build trust and long-term relationships with clients, as I’m discerning, perceptive, and skilled in appealing to clients’ needs and wishes. I’m also very visually oriented and, having completed a 6-month course in interior design, I can be of great help in staging and presenting houses for ‘open house’ days.”

This works because: This answer conveys a sense of eagerness and potential to the interviewer. It’s clear that the importance of client relationships and people skills is understood, along with the ability to ‘close the deal.’ Yet, there’s also a cherry on top added, as you offer your ‘staging’ skill that goes beyond the job description while still remaining relevant.

“I’d be a strong addition to your team because I’m reliable, technically skilled and empathic. I’d bring leading certifications and more than 8 years of 10h/day patient-care experience to the role. I’ve worked alongside both top and intern doctors at one of the busiest hospitals in the area, building up confident, actionable knowledge of patient care through a wide range of scenarios. I’m skilled at putting patients and their loved ones at ease, even in trying circumstances. With my extensive knowledge of patient assessment, monitoring and administration procedures, medications, ailments and anatomy, I can provide effective, dependable support to your doctors and nursing team.”

This works because: This answer inspires confidence because it sounds confident. It’s clear that you are ready to take on a range of important responsibilities in a stressful, busy setting. The focus on reliability is noted as this, along with empathy and technical skills, is a highly valued quality in a nurse. 

Digital Marketing:

“You should hire me because I’m proactive, trend-conscious and goal-oriented, and I have an impressive portfolio of measurable successes through all aspects of the online marketing process. From market analysis, strategy and campaign planning to multimedia content creation, I’ve spearheaded, executed and optimized winning campaigns through a range of digital platforms. I think outside the box, always leveraging the best of cutting-edge tools and solutions to maximize the reach of my work. I’m also a team player, able to delegate, support and motivate, but ready to act on instruction and feedback as needed.”

This works because: This answer describes a balanced, knowledgeable professional with strong references related to all steps in the marketing process. Besides the track record of success and experience using online marketing tools, it’s noted that you respond well to feedback, an essential quality for a marketer.

Personal Trainer:

“I think I’d be a great addition to your team because of my people skills, physique and impressive sports and academic background. After achieving my BSc in movement science, anatomy and sports nutrition, I played professional rugby for four years, working one on one with some of the best personal trainers in the country. It’s those trainers that inspired me to apply for this role. I believe my professional sports experience, and my vast working knowledge of anatomy, exercise, nutrition and dietetics make me well suited to individualized program development and transformative training and support.”

This works because: This answer mentions your impressive academic accolades, as well as your background in professional sports, both of which are a big plus. What makes this answer stand out, however, is when you mention that you have strong role models in the world of personal training. It’s plain to see that you have what it takes to practice physical movement as a career and deliver personalized training solutions for diverse clients.

Flight Attendant:

“You should hire me because of my professionalism under pressure, my attention to detail and my passion for customer service. I speak light conversational Arabic and French, along with fluent native English. I have a passion for diverse customs and people, who I know how to greet and interact with respectfully. I have both customer service and emergency medical training and, having worked in a hotel FOH, I’m a strong team player. I’m passionate about putting customers at ease and pampering them, no matter how pressurized things are ‘behind the scenes.’” 

This works because: This answer highlights your impressive language skills and cultural knowledge, which are useful in a post that involves culturally diverse communication and etiquette. The answer also indicates how well you understand the pressures and responsibilities of the flight attendant role, as you’ve mentioned teamwork, emergencies, customer service and stress, all of which are relevant.

“You should hire me because, having worked three years as a full-time retail assistant, I’ve won numerous national incentives for both sales and customer service. I’m accustomed to mall life and long hours on my feet, and I work well in a close team setting, getting on well with diverse people and teams. I have a strong work ethic through all aspects of retail work, from stock-take and merchandising to customer service, sales and breaking targets. I’m a competitive seller, always working to beat my targets, though my customers would tell you I’m respectful, friendly, helpful and never pushy.”

This works because: This answer works because retail work is not for everyone and can involve long hours standing in a stressful, competitive team environment, however, it’s clear that you have experience in a similar role and understand the pressures of long hours, teamwork and meeting targets. This answer also shows that you are dedicated to making targets, but doing so in a way that won’t make customers uncomfortable.

Customer Service:

“ I’d be a profitable addition to your team because of my discernment, tact and dedication to quality customer service. Having worked in food and beverage, front of house, and retail environments, I’ve seen all aspects of customer service both behind the scenes and in person. I know the value of confident product and process knowledge, as well as strong listening and conflict management skills. I’m empathic and good at tapping into a client’s wishes and wants. I’m a people person and a perfectionist, able to make high quality, meticulous customer service look easy.”

This works because: This answer is impressive because it shows that you know the value of product and process knowledge, and nothing is more off-putting to a customer than an assistant who’s unable to answer questions confidently. What sets your answer apart is your statement about making great service look easy, this says a lot about how you work and it’s definitely intriguing to me as an interviewer.

Answering “Why Should We Hire You?” With No Experience

If you haven’t held a previous job and don’t have a track record of delivering high quality work, you can still create an impressive answer to set you apart from other candidates. If you’re an entry-level job candidate, answer “Why should we hire you?” by talking about the following:

  • Highlighting academic experience you have (if you have no work experience, then your academic experience is your work experience)
  • Talking about hard skills and soft skills that you obtained through studying, internships, etc.
  • Showing that you’ve put effort and time into researching the company and role, and that you understand their needs better than other candidates.

That last point is especially important if you want to have a successful job search as an entry-level candidate. Some parts of the interview process are pure effort. They don’t require any key qualifications, past experience, etc. Showing that you’ve researched the team and read the job description carefully is one of those ways to stand out from other candidates in any interview process. Another way you can stand out is by showing strong communication skills. So practice your answer at home!

Example answer to “Why should we hire you?” (no experience)

“While I just graduated and don’t have any corporate project management experience, I was successful in leading numerous team projects in my final year of university. Three teams from three separate classes decided I would be the best person to lead and delegate tasks, so I took that leadership position for each project. We were able to deliver high-quality work on all projects and earned a perfect grade in each. For two of the projects, we also delivered a presentation to our class. This helped me build confidence and public speaking skills, which I believe will benefit me in my professional career.”

Mistakes to Avoid When Answering “Why Should We Hire You for This Position?”

To conclude the article, here are the top mistakes to avoid if you want to pass the interview when you hear this question.

Answer mistake 1: Saying, “I don’t know, you decide who to hire.”

The interviewer knows it’s their decision, but they’re looking for confidence in this answer, and they’re looking for evidence you’ve studied the job and have real reasons for applying (other than just needing employment). Saying, “I don’t know,” does none of this and will likely cause you to fail the interview .

Answer mistake 2: Giving a sarcastic answer to this question.

The most effective answers to this question will be direct and serious. Avoid jokes and sarcasm when responding. When a recruiter or hiring manager asks this question in a job interview, they are looking to learn meaningful info about your background and why you want this job. Anything but a serious, direct response to, “why should we hire you for this position?” is a mistake, in my opinion.

Answer mistake 3: Naming too many reasons that you should be hired for the role.

Sometimes less is more when answering open-ended interview questions like this. If you try to name 10 different reasons you believe they should hire you, it will just make your answer scattered and make all of your arguments less convincing. So be narrow and targeted in your answer. Think about the job description and pick one or two qualifications that make you the BEST candidate for the role. That’s how to make sure your interview answer stands out and gets remembered when you’re competing with many other candidates in the interview.

Questions to ask yourself:

  • What have you done that’s most similar to this job?
  • What’s going to be the best proof that you can come in and succeed in this position, so that they have no concerns about hiring you?

That’s what to share when the interviewer asks why they should hire you for the role.

Answer mistake 4: Telling a lie in your answer

You may be tempted to tell a lie in your answer. There’s pressure to show them you’re the best fit for the role, and maybe you haven’t met every requirement yet in your career. I strongly recommend not lying, though. Lies often lead to more lies  and can cause you to become more nervous in the job interview as it goes on. The fact is, if they invited you to the interview, then they liked your resume and qualifications.  Most candidates don’t have every qualification, so you just need to sell the experience you do have. Research their job posting, give detailed examples, and show the interviewer that you’re confident that your qualifications are enough to succeed in their role. If you show this, plus a show positive attitude, enthusiasm , and interest in learning more after being hired, you’ll be one of the top candidates and get more job offers consistently… even without the perfect resume. Plus, you never know what any individual employer or hiring manager is looking for in the interview. Maybe they’re looking for someone with less experience who they can train and develop in their career. That happens quite often, so I recommend you never lie on your resume or in a job interview.

Conclusion: Why Should You Be Hired for the Role?

If you stay calm and confident, study the job description and show you understand their role, and then point out exactly how your past work and learning have prepared you to step into their job and succeed, you’ll have a great answer to, “why should we hire you?” Remember to share details in your answer as another way to set yourself apart from competing candidates. For example, don’t just say, “I’ve led people in the past.” Say, “I’ve been leading people for three years with teams of up to 10 people.”

And finally, practice your response at home before your interview. Nothing comes out perfect the first time you say it, so you’ll usually perform better and feel more confident if you practice. You can rehearse in the mirror or by recording yourself talking into your smartphone voice recorder app (every modern phone has one), and then playing it back to hear how you sound. That’s my preferred method for practicing interview answers.

Biron Clark

About the Author

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This is a very helpful article. I will put this in mind the next time I go to a job interview.

Great article! I have had an interview last week and recruiter asked me the same question but i was actually confused in what to answer exactly as it was my first interview. After reading your article, now i understood how to answer this question properly and also knew what is the intention behind asking this question by recruiter.Thanks for the tips shared by you.

Great article! I have had an interview last week and recruiter asked me the same question but i was actually confused in what to answer exactly as it was my first interview. After reading your article now i understood how to answer this question properly and also knew what the intention behind asking this question by recruiter. Thanks a lot for sharing!

Hi Biron! I just came across your videos and have to say I really like the easy and simple way you break things down. Sometimes I think we can over think things, especially when your job hunting (what do they want to hear, what should I say, what shouldn’t I say etc etc). Really appreciate these videos and will be recommending them for sure!

Thanks again for sharing your knowledge!

Thanks for the kind words, means a lot! I’ll try to create more videos soon. My original goal was to do 10 and then see if enough people are watching for me to do more.

If there’s a specific question you’d want to see covered, let me know. I’m trying to keep it to common questions that everyone can relate to, but questions that can be tricky or uncomfortable for a lot of job seekers.

Anyway, thanks for watching and sending the feedback!

I just had a interview. Wish I saw this first. They didn’t ask this exact question, they actually made it harder and said: Why should we hire you over all of the other candidates for this position. Or something like that. It seemed odd because I don’t know who else they’ve spoken with and I don’t know if I’m the best person to hire. But your article introduced a pretty cool idea to me, the fact that I might not need to be the most qualified candidate if i can show i’m better prepared and more eager to perform well in this job. Showing interest instead of just ability, distinguishing myself so i stand out, and other tips are going to help me next time I bet. Looking forward to another attempt. Or if this company calls back I can use some of this info but it’s been 5 days so who knows.

Thanks for this video Biron. I do admit this question is a bit intimidating. Some interviewers ask it nicely but others ask very directly and it’s not always the most comfortable situation when you don’t know what to say. I still don’t think I’m going to love the feeling when I sit down and they ask pretty much right away why should they hire me for this position. But these tips did a lot to help me get to a point where at least my actual answer will be adequate and well rehearsed. Maybe that’ll squash the nervousness too.

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You have an interview scheduled, but wait for a second. Do you have an answer to the most expected question, ‘why should we hire you?’

Interviewers will inevitably ask you this question irrespective of the position you are interviewing for. They want to gauge your response to determine if you are a good fit for the company.

While listing out the skills and unique qualities in your response, you need to be careful not to go overboard or sound like you are boasting. A clever response can give you an edge over other candidates and land you your dream job.

Read on to know more about how to answer why should we hire you question in an interview, along with the following topics related to it:

  • Why do employers ask why should we hire you?
  • What are some ways to ask why should we hire you interview question?
  • How to answer why should we hire you question?
  • Why should we hire you example answers
  • How to answer why should we hire you with no experience
  • Why should we hire you answer for freshers
  • Tips for giving the best response to why should we hire you
  • Common mistakes while answering why should we hire you interview questions

Why Do Employers Ask Why Should We Hire You?

Employers often ask why should we hire you question to know what distinguishes you from other candidates. They also want to test you with a challenging question to see how you would react to them.

Why should we hire you interview question checks the confidence level of the candidates. Most of the time, the question can baffle the candidates as they might not know how to answer without sounding overly arrogant or meek.

With this question, the interviewers want to know how you could be an asset to the organization, what sets you apart from other candidates, and what your strengths are in terms of the job description.

Also Read: How to answer why do you want to work here in an interview?

Ways to Ask Why Should We Hire You?

There can be different ways in which the interviewers can ask why should we hire you. These are mentioned below:

  • Why are you a great match for this role?
  • Why do you want this job and why should we hire you?
  • What sets you apart fromy do you feel we should choose to hire you over other candidates?
  • Explain why your background and experience would be a good fit for this job.
  • What makes you a good candidate for this position?
  • Why do you think you are qualified for this position?
  • Why you are an ideal candidate for this position?
Also Read: How to impress the interviewers while answering why are you a good fit for this job?

How to Answer Why Should We Hire You Question?

Answering why should we hire you requires some work. Simply listing your skills won’t help much. You need to plan and prepare an answer that convinces the interviewer and hiring managers.

Given below are some steps that you should take if you want to come up with an effective answer to why should we hire you:

Go Through the Job Description

Studying the job description can be highly beneficial if you want to understand what the hiring managers are looking for in a candidate. Pay special attention to the key sections in the job description, such as experience, education, and requirements.

Going through the job description will help you locate the skills and knowledge required for the job you are applying for. You can use those skills, qualities, and knowledge while framing your response. It will also help in crafting the answers to other questions like tell me about yourself, how would you describe yourself, and what motivates you.

Learn About the Company

Researching the company can give you an edge over other candidates. If you understand the company goals, values, and vision, it will become easier for you to provide a convincing answer to why should we hire you.

Through your answer, you can tell them how you can add value to the company and help them achieve their overall goals. Companies always look for candidates who resonate with their mission and can take it to higher levels of success.

Recognize Your Skills

Possessing the right skills is crucial to impress the hiring managers. Refer to the job description to identify if you have the required skills.

Once you recognize your selling points, you can use them to answer the question why should we hire you. Remember that your skills will help you excel in the job and hence, speak of what you truly possess.

Also Read: What are the top skills that must be put on a resume?

Quantify Your Accomplishments

Simply listing your skills will not impress the interviewers. You must tell them how your skills helped you accomplish specific targets. For example, you can tell them how you increased the territory sales by 12% within two years and generated a revenue of 3 million in your previous job.

Quantifying your experience will suggest that you have a proven ability to utilize your skills efficiently Interviewers would like to have you on their team as you can be a safe bet for the company.

Create Bullet Points

Remember that you cannot give vague or general answers to why should we hire you. It is your chance to get selected, and your response should reflect that you have carefully considered answering every question.

You can jot down all the bullet points about your skills, experience, education, awards, etc., and frame an impressive answer for the question.

Practice Your Response

Once you are ready with your response, you must practice it in front of people. It can be your family, friends, or anyone who can offer you constructive feedback on improving your response or demeanor while answering.

You must ensure that you do not sound robotic or someone who is reciting a poem after memorizing it word to word. Practice until you sound natural, fluent, and confident. Your tailor-made response should flow like dripping honey.

Why Should We Hire You Sample Answers

Given below are some sample answers to the question of why should we hire you. You can use them as a guide to frame your response:

Example 1: For Administrative Assistant

Based on the job description, your organization is searching for an administrative assistant with both strong technical abilities and interpersonal skills, and I think my experience of working as an office assistant previously will align with the responsibilities that I would be shouldering. I have reduced office supply costs to 25% by reorganizing the supply closet. I am a good communicator with experience making phone calls, giving presentations in person, and exchanging emails. I'm also proficient in various pertinent software packages, such as spreadsheet applications and content management systems. If given a chance, I would like to contribute my broad range of skills to your organization.

Example 2: For Sales Manager

I am happy you asked this question. You mentioned before that this role requires strong leadership abilities. In my five years as a sales manager, I have successfully led teams of more than 15 people, and have been awarded manager of the year for my creative approaches to motivating colleagues to reach and exceed quarterly deadlines. I will apply my leadership skills and tactics to this post if hired.

Example 3: For Special Education Teacher

In the job description, you stated that you are seeking a special education teacher with a tonne of patience and compassion. For the past three years, I've worked as a special educator in an NGO with dyslexic children, where I have honed my skills to be incredibly patient while still helping my students make academic progress. I have tailor-made lesson plans per the children's needs that focus on cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains. My experience in teaching the English language to children between the ages of 6 and 15 has taught me how to interact positively with students of all ages and skill levels.

Example 4: For Kitchen Manager

I am particularly suited to thrive in this kitchen manager role due to my expertise in effectively controlling inventory input and designing efficient, simplified schedules. I am aware that you are looking for a candidate that is well organized and has a keen eye for detail. In my prior position, I effectively managed 15 employees' schedules and reduced food waste to 20%. I am eager to contribute my organizing abilities to your restaurant.

Example 5: For Social Worker

Because of my shown capacity to counsel and provide support to people who are socially excluded, you should consider me for this role. I realize you are looking for someone who is self-driven and empathetic. My commitment to helping people in need in my community keeps me inspired and driven to perform at my best. In addition, I can bring leadership experience to your team, having trained over 20 new hires to become familiar with day-to-day tasks and to feel comfortable in their new roles.

Example 6: For Marketing Manager

I successfully oversaw a team of 12 in our marketing department after spending more than five years in the same role with another company. I was in charge of approving and managing budgets and creating innovative campaigns. In fact, in one of the campaigns, I was in charge of increasing target audience awareness by 14%. I'm keen to utilize my leadership and creative skills for this role.

Also Read: What are the top marketing manager interview questions in 2022?

Answering Why Should We Hire You With No Experience

If you do not have any previous work experience and are wondering how to answer why should we hire you question, fret not; you can still create an impressive answer that will impress the interviewers.

You can talk about your academic experience in the absence of any work experience. However, try to highlight your relevant education to the job. This will convey the interviewers that you have the knowledge for the job and, given a chance, you will be able to bring that into practice.

Your response should contain information about the internships that you have done in your college time. Your internship will be your professional experience during the interview, and it will suggest that you have some real-world experience in doing a job.

You must also convey to the interviewers that you have done your research about the company and how the overall goals of the company align with your aspirations. Even though you do not have professional experience, you should be able to convince the interviewer that you are the most suitable person for the job due to your knowledge, internship experience, and skills.

As a fresher, you must go through the job description thoroughly to understand the job role and what the company is looking for in its ideal candidate. This will help you frame your answers in a better way and stand out from the crowd when you will execute them using effective communication.

Why Should We Hire You Answer for Freshers

If you are a fresher, you can draw out experience from internships or college events in which you volunteered. Given below are some responses that might inspire you to draft your own:

Example 1: For Software Engineer

I am a strong fit for this role because of my technical expertise and, in particular, because of my proficiency in updating and maintaining websites. My most recent volunteering experience in the college coder’s club required me to take care of our department's website. I had to do this by updating the student and teacher profiles and posting details about future activities. I studied JavaScript and Swift coding in my spare time and redesigned our webpage using my coding knowledge, for which the college dean praised me for taking the initiative. I want to contribute my coding talents and my zeal for learning new technologies to this role.

Example 2: For Digital Marketer

With my recent bachelor's degree in media communication, I can introduce cutting-edge email marketing techniques to your business. I gained the ability to write persuasive marketing copy during my internship as an email marketer for a digital software start-up. I was able to help out with an email campaign that increased interaction by 10%. I am convinced I would be a great addition to your digital marketing team based on my expertise and the knowledge I acquired in college about developing and promoting effective messaging in both traditional and digital contexts.

Example 3: For Nurse

Since you are looking for an applicant who can handle pressure and succeed in a fast-paced environment while delivering first-rate patient care, I believe I possess the mentioned qualities. As a recent nursing graduate who had to work under time constraints to complete my internship and acquire my degree, I am accustomed to handling pressure. In addition, I'm truly driven to help my colleagues and patients to the best of my capacity.

Example 4: For Graphic Designer

By going through the job description, I could understand that you are looking for someone highly creative and possesses technical skills. I can create original designs as I have a solid grasp of themes, typography, and color schemes. Additionally, I’m proficient in using designing applications like Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign. As part of college coursework, I created original artworks for inter-college contests and have won awards too. Because I have the necessary skills, potential, and desire to learn, I think I should be hired.

Example 5 For Project Manager

Though I just completed my graduation and don’t have any corporate project management experience, I successfully managed multiple team projects in my last year of university. I took the role of project leader for various projects after three different teams concluded that I would be the best person to lead and assign duties. In every project, we produced top-notch work and received an ‘A’ grade. As a result, my confidence and public speaking abilities have improved, which I think will help me in my professional career.

Also Read: What kind of questions are asked in a project manager interview?

Tips for Giving the Best Response to Why Should We Hire You

Given below are some tips that you can consider while answering why should we hire you:

Express How You Add Value

For every skill that you mentioned, you must convey how you utilized it in a circumstance to get desired results. Ensure to mention any achievement, volunteer activity, or previous professional experience that suits the job you are applying for. After all, you must convey that you are an excellent fit for the company.

Tell a Story

Use your qualifications to tell a story about how you used them in your previous job. Going through the job description can be extremely helpful in understanding what the employer is looking for, and then you can tell them how you fulfill that need.

Keep Your Response Short

Pick one or two of the most relevant skills from the job description and use them in your answer. You must keep in mind that your response should not be over two minutes long. You do not want to bore the interviewers by bragging endlessly about yourself.

Add Your Hard and Soft Skills

Skills are an essential factor that can decide your suitability for the job. While answering, ensure that you elaborate on both hard and soft skills for the job.

For example, if you are interviewing for an executive assistant job, you can elaborate upon how you used MS office knowledge to make the most of your time. It will convey that you have the technical skills required to be an executive assistant and time management abilities as well.

Also Read: What are the necessary soft skills to put on the resume?

Convey Excitement

Another important but lesser focussed aspect during an interview is your energy level. You wouldn’t want to come off as a person who is least interested in the job.

While answering the questions, you must sound confident and enthusiastic so that the interviewers can perceive you as a candidate who is passionate about responsibilities.

Common Mistakes Answering Why Should We Hire You

While giving why should we hire you answer, you also need to avoid common mistakes that candidates generally make. These are mentioned below:

Memorizing the Answer

Do not present your answer in a memorized manner. While practicing, be flexible to change your response if required and present it coherently.

Being Arrogant

While stating your skills, achievements, and education, do not sound arrogant. Try to be humble and respectful in expressing how much you have accomplished and what you can offer to the company.

Exaggerating Your Achievements

You might have accomplished a lot in your life, but you don't need to state it all in your interview. Think of the job description and one or two essential qualities or achievements that make you the most suitable person for the job.

Giving a Long Answer

You wouldn’t want to bore the interviewers by giving a long, never-ending answer to why should we hire you. Keep your response short, to the point, and relevant.

Key Takeaways

Interviewers ask why should we hire you to understand what makes you different from others. If you are preparing an answer to this question, keep the points mentioned below in mind:

  • Answering why should we hire you would help the interviewers understand how you can benefit the company , and an impressive response can take you to the next selection stage.
  • Go through the job description to understand the skills, experience, and qualifications required for the job you want.
  • Ensure to quantify your skills and experience as it suggests that you can adequately use your abilities.
  • Focussing on both hard and soft skills will be an added advantage while responding to why should we hire you question.
  • Keeping your response brief to about a maximum of two minutes and pertinent to the questions will keep the interviewers interested in listening to you.
  • Rehearsing in front of people and seeking feedback can help to improve your confidence level and increase your chances of selection in the interview.

Visit Hiration's Career Activator Platform for round-the-clock chat support if you need assistance crafting a tailored response to the interview question why should we hire you.

You may also get in touch with us via email at [email protected] .

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why you should hire me essay examples

How to Answer “Why Should We Hire You?” (With 15+ Examples)

Are you about to embark on a job interview and dreading the moment when an employer asks,  “Why should we hire you?”  

Don’t worry — many people feel anxious about this question, and it can be intimidating to provide a strong and concise answer that stands out from other candidates. 

However, a well-crafted response can help you put your best foot forward and show potential employers why they should choose you. 

According to experts, here are ways to answer this common interview question, along with examples, so you can confidently state why employers should bring you on board.

Kateri Waltermyer

Kateri Waltermyer

Executive resume writer | Career Coach and Founder, Hire This Mom

No matter what job you’re interviewing for, certain skills will help you make a great impression and stand out from the rest of the candidates. 

No one knows this more than management consultants, who start new projects every few months and have had years to practice and master the skills of quickly conveying their value, asking the right questions, and hitting the ground running.

Do your research ahead of time and know the company’s culture, values, and goals

Taking the time to do your research before interviewing for a new job can be a great way to stand out as a candidate by showing that you’re interested and engaged. 

Additionally, being informed about the company’s culture, values, and goals will help you determine if the job is the right fit for you.

Doing your homework ahead of time will impress prospective employers and give you a better understanding of what to expect in the role and day-to-day work activities.

If possible, having an informational interview with a current employee is the best place to start. If that’s not possible, you can look into recent news, press releases, publications, annual plans, and even the company’s social media pages.

Prepare questions that show you’re knowledgeable about the company and the role

Asking questions in an interview can be a great way to demonstrate your interest in the company and enthusiasm for the role you’re applying to. 

Now that you’ve done your research and have knowledge about the company, I suggest compiling a list of thoughtful and informed questions about the company’s history, goals, or recent achievements.

Additionally, asking questions about specific requirements of the role not already outlined in the job description is a great way to show that you understand what will be required from you if given the position.

In any case,  it’s important to make a separate list of questions tailored to each person you will meet with.  If you know the names of your interviewers ahead of time, it’s also completely acceptable to review their LinkedIn profiles before the meeting. 

Doing so will go a long way in demonstrating your  dependability  and genuine interest  in joining their team.

Talk about your skills and experience and how you can help the company

When preparing for an interview, I take time to think about exactly how my skills and experiences can help the company reach its goals. I like to refresh myself on specific tasks or projects I’ve accomplished in my career and practice articulating how they helped the company or client succeed.

For example, if interviewing for a program management role, I might explain how my experience setting up governance structures helped to turn around a challenging project and meet an aggressive deadline. 

This approach in an interview gives me confidence that I’m bringing valuable skills and helps the interviewer understand how I would help resolve similar challenges in their organization.

Be confident but not arrogant

Remember that they want to get to know you as a person and a professional. Confidence is key when interviewing for a job, but remember that interviews are also designed to get to know the person behind the resume. 

It’s ok to share some small personal details, especially if you can relate to the interviewer on something you have in common, like a favorite sports team or alma mater.

Show humility and respect for yourself by speaking to your strengths and acknowledging your development areas while expressing a strong commitment to growth. 

This way, you’ll demonstrate that you’re confident without appearing overly arrogant. This attitude can make a strong impression on you as someone who is self-aware and internally motivated.

Related: Arrogance vs Confidence – What Are the Key Differences?

Create a dialogue during the interview

When interviewing for a job, it’s important to remember that you are there as an  equal  partner in the conversation —you’re not just there to answer questions. 

A quick way to interview for jobs powerfully and help you come across as more confident is to change the dynamic to make it more of a  two-way  conversation. 

Pretend you are meeting this person at a party: you would ask about them and ensure you’re as inquisitive as they are. Push yourself to be curious about the interviewer. 

Asking  thoughtful  questions can help you better understand what the role entails, what it’s like to work on the team, and how well your background might fit the job. 

Ask your questions in a way that helps create a dialogue with the interviewer, and then tie their answer back to your experience and how you can help them. 

Don’t be afraid to drive the conversation, especially if you’re interviewing for leadership roles

Imagine that you already have the job and you’re starting tomorrow. What would you want or need to know to ensure you’re doing a good job? 

Asking questions like this gives the hiring manager a sense that you are invested in the company’s success and understand what needs to happen to make their goals a reality. It’s also a clear indication that you would make an excellent leader.

Related: Top 7 Leading Traits of Good Leaders

No one can deny that interviews can be intimidating, but if you go in prepared with research and questions, as well as a  genuine  curiosity to learn more about the interviewer, the company, and the role, you’ll automatically feel more comfortable and confident.

Olivia Smith

Olivia Smith

Master Certified Professional Coach (MCPC) | Transformation Expert and Founder, Write a New Story

Know and be who you are

The first step in the employment journey starts within you. It’s an inside-out job! 

If you are seeking a serious employment opportunity where you will benefit your employer, maximize your strengths and talents, grow within the company, and find personal fulfillment, then you must be confident in who you are and know what types of positions for which you are naturally best suited.

A great way to better understand “ who you are ” is to take a behavioral assessment such as the DISC Assessment from a certified professional who can debrief you on your results. 

This assessment gives you an  up close  and  personal  window into your world, both how you behave naturally and in a work setting. Once you have a solid understanding of the assessment information, use it to apply for positions that are a good fit with who you naturally are. 

Seeking positions with which you are a  natural  fit is a good recipe for long-term success and personal fulfillment.

Openly and confidently discuss your strengths and how they fit with the job

Now that you are more in tune with “who you are,” both naturally and in a work environment, you can openly and confidently discuss your strengths and how they fit with the job requirements for which you are interviewing. 

In your interview, give specific examples of how these strengths will benefit the company and others with whom you will work. Also, give past examples of how you have used these strengths to accomplish the goals you have been given. 

Related: How to Best Answer “What Are Your Strengths?” in a Job Interview

It can also be powerful to discuss past positions that were not as good a fit and why, and what you learned from those experiences that make you a better judge for the job you seek.

Describe how you would go above and beyond

Once you have discussed how your strengths match the job requirements, ask the employer what top three qualities they are looking for in their new hire. Once they answer, describe how you would go above and beyond to demonstrate each of those qualities if hired. 

Give examples of how you have exhibited those qualities in your personal and/or professional life. 

Employers are looking for problem solvers. Explain to them how your strengths position you to be able to turn obstacles at work into opportunities. Let them know that when you see a problem, you will focus on solutions and not the problem!

A candidate who demonstrates confidence in who they are, articulates their strengths, how they benefit the company, and how they will exceed the employer’s expectations set them apart.

An employer doesn’t want to fill a position with anyone but the  right  person. Don’t wait for the employer to ask, “ Why should we hire you over everyone else? ” As the interview is winding down, make the statement:  “ I’d like to tell you why you should hire me over all the other candidates. ” 

Have your closing statement prepared. Be bold, be brief. The last time I used this tactic at the close of an interview for a very competitive position, I was hired. I didn’t wait to be asked.

Bruce Hurwitz, Ph.D.

Bruce A. Hurwitz, Ph.D.

President,  Hurwitz Strategic Staffing, Ltd.

Answer with: “Because you don’t want me working for your competition”

There are two types of questions in any job interview:  the expected  and  the unexpected . 

The “expected” all relate to the job description. Candidates know they will be asked to confirm their qualifications and to provide examples of what they have done in the past vis-à-vis the job requirements. 

It’s the “unexpected” that is the problem. Every interviewer has their own favorite questions. Some are “ gotcha ,” and some are just a surprise. All come out of the left field. 

For example, when I am interviewing candidates for positions with my executive recruiting clients (employers), among other things, I ask:

  • “What do you care about?”
  • “What are you curious about?”  

The idea is simply to get to know the candidate as a person.

When I am working with a career counseling client, I will ask the standard questions: 

  • “What do you know about us?”  Meaning the company.
  • “Why did you apply for the position?”
  • “What is your greatest weakness, and how do you overcome it?” 
  • “What was your greatest failure, and what did you learn from it?”

I’ll also ask about strengths and successes. These are all standard. Usually, some are asked, but not always.

When a career counseling client or candidate with an employer-client has been interviewed, they usually contact me so we can review the questions and their answers. 

Some have come out of the left field, and the client/candidate “blew” the interview at that point. They are usually silly questions. 

One candidate was entirely thrown off track when he was asked,  “What was the last movie you saw?”  He couldn’t remember and, for whatever reason, could not concentrate, which cost him the job.

Another time, it was actually the first time a client told me he was asked,  “Why should we hire you?”  After we spoke, I thought about it and was surprised that it had not been asked previously.

When I asked him how he responded, he said, “ Because you don’t want me working for your competition. ” I don’t know why, but I thought that was an awful answer at the time. I was wrong; he was right. Because of that answer, he got the job offer. 

I honestly don’t remember why my initial reaction was negative, but today, I think it was brilliant, and that is what I advise my career counseling clients to reply to when asked. I also tell them to make sure to smile when they say it.

Colin Smith, CPA/ABV

Colin Smith

Entrepreneur | Freelance Accounting Consultant | Career Coach, CPA Exam Maven

Demonstrate how you can add value and fit within their organization

While there’s no way to prepare for every possible question a hiring manager could ask you, one that you’re likely to encounter is “ Why should we hire you? ” or some variation. 

To answer this question successfully, consider why you were called for a job interview in the first place. The interviewer has your CV in hand and already knows about your educational qualifications, skill sets, job experience, and a sense of your background. 

What they  don’t know  is what sets you apart from the other applicants, your mindset and approach to work, and what you can bring to the table. 

The ultimate objective is to demonstrate how you can add value and fit within their organization. You’ll want to demonstrate your ability to meet the technical aspects of the role while also appealing to the company’s culture and work ethic. 

Try to take cues from the interviewer and your knowledge of the company to gauge what types of things they might value the most out of the role. 

To illustrate how this might look, let’s examine how you might answer this question in a few different circumstances.

Highlight technical and people-management expertise gained from previous jobs

Example 1:  Let’s say the role you’re interviewing for is a managerial position and requires a high level of technical skill and industry knowledge. In that case, you’ll want to highlight your previous experience working with similar companies and your people-management skills. 

The deeper your experience, the more profound the effect will be on the interviewer.  Mention a couple of significant achievements to indicate that you can do the same for this company.

Let’s look at how you can craft a response that highlights both your technical and people-management skills:

“Throughout my 15 years with Big Time Accounting firms, I regularly managed and led 5-10 person project teams to tackle complex accounting projects with SaaS industry clients. 

I’m well versed in the unique issues that software companies face, along with the challenges that come with managing a team toward various projects and competing priorities. 

To highlight this, I’ve been recognized by my peers as the ‘work-life balance manager of the year’ for two out of the past three years.”  

Appeal to the culture of meeting deadlines

Example 2:  Meeting deadlines are integral for those working in project-based roles, so interviewers are likely to respond favorably if you can address this point. 

Hiring managers also know that meeting or missing a deadline can be the difference between keeping and losing clients or facing stiff penalties. It also affects a company’s reputation and the ability to attract new clients.

Demonstrating how committed you are to meeting deadlines and giving some insight into your project management style can give you an edge over other candidates.

Let’s have a look at how your response might look if you want to highlight your project management skills and ability to meet deadlines:

“I have 15 years of experience leading teams on project-based work and how to manage competing deadlines. 

I’ve found the keys to successfully meeting deadlines while maintaining quality are identifying and communicating potential issues and roadblocks as they arise and well before they become a problem. 

Also, clearly defining roles and responsibilities amongst the team and client helps to keep everyone on the same page and working together towards a common goal. 

However, not everything goes to plan, and things do happen. I’m flexible enough and comfortable with rolling up my sleeves to prioritize getting projects over the finish line should it ever get to that point.”

Lucia Kanter St. Amour

Lucia Kanter St. Amour

Employment Attorney | VP, UN Women USA | Author, “ For the Forces of Good: The Superpower of Everyday Negotiation “

Show them you are discerning and learn to negotiate

What many job candidates don’t recognize is that the interview itself is a type of negotiation. You are interviewing the organization just as much as the organization is interviewing you. 

Are you feeling desperate for this job? They don’t know that. One aspect of a negotiated agreement that people want is to feel that the deal was a “hard one.” No one says that out loud (and may not consciously think it), but it’s true. 

The inevitable “ Why should we hire you? ” question usually pops up early in the interview so that they can get you talking. Flip the script. You can leverage this question strategically to make yourself stand out from other candidates. 

Here’s a response that a lot of people do not even consider, much less articulate:

“I don’t know yet that you should hire me or that I should accept an offer. It’s wise for both of us to make sure this is a good fit. 

Although I’ve done what research I can on my own, I need more information about [for example: workplace culture, upward mobility, management style, hybrid scheduling, benefits, continuing education opportunities, how assignments are made, the diversity of the workplace, who I’ll be working with, etc.]. 

So, I’m hoping to explore those questions and have an opportunity to speak with some other people within the organization, too.” 

Then stop. Don’t fill the silence. It’s their turn to steer the conversation— and even how they do that is more information for you to observe and think about.

The interviewer will not be expecting this answer. They expect you to try to dazzle them with how great you are. But “how great you are”  can’t  exist in a vacuum. 

A job involves working with other people. You can even say that if you want, with a little bit of a chuckle: 

“Look, I feel like I’m supposed to answer that by telling you how great I am, but that would be short-sighted and a little narcissistic. I don’t know yet if you should hire me…[continue with the answer above].” 

You are showing them you are discerning , and you will immediately command respect and interest. You will distinguish yourself from the other candidates at that moment.

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  • Difficult Situations? – Measure your skills in handling conflicts.
  • Empower and Delegate – See how well you manage and lead.

Bonus pro tip:  If you do get an offer, negotiate it. We need to normalize negotiating a compensation package (often framed as “ salary negotiation .” But salary is just one aspect of compensation, especially for more women who are 4x less likely to negotiate an offer. 

When they present you with the offer, here are some steps: 

  • Say, “ thank you! ”  Show your appreciation and excitement that they chose you.
  • Ask,  “Can you walk me through how you calculated/came up with your offer?”  Understand the factors, standards, and metrics that went into it. That will help you prepare a counteroffer.
  • Ask,  “When do you need an answer?”  Don’t respond immediately. Tell them again how pleased you are about the offer and that you will thoughtfully consider it, and then set a time right then and there for your follow-up. 

Then, use that time to jump for joy and call your BFF (obviously!) and for additional research to prepare your counteroffer (using their metrics and maybe something you think they left out). 

Again, this is normal and expected! And then, it will be your turn to be ready to answer the question, “ How did you come up with that counteroffer? ” So be prepared to justify it. 

Super Julie Braun

Super Julie Braun

Founder & CEO,  Super Purposes™

Talk about your experience, progression, and how perfect you are for the job

Remember, this is a conversation, not an interrogation. We suggest three easy steps to answer the “ Why should we hire you? “

  • Talk about your previous experience.  Keep it appropriate for the job you are interviewing for, focusing on the skills you read in the job description. 
  • Then talk about today in a few sentences.  You show your progression and why you are where you are.
  • Finish strong with the future and how you would be perfect for the job at this stage , placing you in the position. You can also add a little  personal  flair so that the interviewer sees you professionally and personally as a dynamic candidate.

Tip:  Interviewers want to hire a potential colleague. The idea is to make an impact on your interviewer immediately. Your job at the interview is to get them thinking about you as a new colleague as soon as possible to land the job offer. 

  • Example of step 1:  If you are interviewing for a sales position, use your experience as a DoorDash delivery person.

“In the past, I was a 5-star DoorDasher. I made $60,000 in yearly revenue, which included tips.”

  • Example of step 2:  

“Because I did so well as a DoorDasher, the corporate office promoted me to work with the UX (User Experience) Team. I took my best practices, which turned into training materials and blogs, and helped the DevOps team improve their processes.

I still deliver food, but now I meet with the group each week and share how my experience can help improve the whole company.” 

  • Example of step 3:  

“Now, I’m here hoping to apply my skills, knowledge, and experience to help your company sell more products and services as the Senior Marketing & Sales Specialist. I’m also a forever dad to my dog Jack who has one eye and like to play the guitar on the weekends.”

Darren Shafae

Darren Shafae

Founder,  ResumeBlaze

Provide specific examples of how you went above and beyond in your current or past roles

Before you answer this question, it is essential to research the organization and position you are applying for. This will help you tailor your response to demonstrate how your qualifications, experience, and skills align with the open role.

Provide a few concrete examples that show why you are the ideal candidate for this job. Focus on what makes you unique and stand out from other applicants.

You can also highlight some of your accomplishments that showcase why you are the best fit for this position. If you have experience in the same field or industry as the organization, explain how that experience has prepared you for this role. Or you can discuss your future goals and ambitions and how they tie into the company’s mission.

Surface-level responses like “ I am a hard worker ” and “ I am very motivated ” don’t typically land. Instead, provide specific examples of how you went above and beyond in your current or past roles that demonstrate these qualities. 

Try:  “In my previous role, I was able to increase customer satisfaction by 8% within the first quarter and received recognition from senior leadership for it.” 

Results-oriented  statements like this paint a clearer picture of your capabilities and help the interviewer understand why you should be hired.

Above all, give yourself credit. The interviewer wants to know why you think you are the best candidate and why they should choose you over other applicants. 

Showing confidence in your abilities is an important part of selling yourself as the right fit for the job — as long as it is backed up by tangible evidence of your previous experience and success.

Related: How to Sell Yourself in an Interview

Brian Fenerty

Brian Fenerty

People Operations and Talent Acquisition | Career Coach,  Life’s Work Coach

Respond with: “You should not hire me unless…”

I like to answer this in a way that will be remembered and shows that I am as  interested  in making a good choice as the employer. As I am a very values-focused leader who leans on my strengths, I may answer with:

“You should not hire me unless you think my values align with your company values and culture and you think there is room for me to build on my strengths and success in this role to grow here as a leader and as a person.”

The format is simple, follow  “You should not hire me unless…”  with what is most important to you and the employer. 

In this way, you will absolutely stand out from the crowd, and you are letting them know you are thinking about the next role you take and evaluating them as well.  

The question is meant to put you on your back foot and in a position where you seek the interviewer’s approval—you are too smart for that!

Zoë Morris

President,  Frank Recruitment Group

There are probably two reliable ways to handle this question:

Talk about your skillset confidently

If you know you’ve got the skills for the role, speak to that confidently. Show that you’ve understood what the position entails and a clear sense of how you would apply yourself to it. 

Communicating to the recruiter that you can visualize yourself in the role will help them feel confident in you as a leading candidate. Don’t hesitate to draw on your own relevant experience here as well.

Talk about your willingness to learn

If the position you’re applying for is entirely new to you, or you don’t have the exact skills or experience listed in the job description, talk about your preparedness to learn and grow as you progress. 

Express that it’s a role you want to take on and that you’d be excited to meet the challenge.  Genuine emotion can have a great impact when it comes to interviews.

Nick Singh

CEO,  DataLemur | Author, “ Ace the Data Science Interview “

Connect the past to the future

A great answer to “ why should we hire you ” is all about connecting your past to your future. You want the hiring manager to think you were born for the job. 

To demonstrate this, you should logically show how your past employment, education, and skills have led toward one singular future: working for  this  company in this role. 

By showing that your future will be working a job just like the one you’re interviewing for, the hiring manager perceives a sense of inevitability, that it’s clearly logical for you to work here, and that your entire body of work was leading to this moment. 

Sprinkle in job keywords when talking about your past

A tactical way to create this sense of inevitability is to see the keywords from the job description. Sprinkle those phrases and keywords into stories about your past. 

For example, if a Data Analyst job mentioned they need expertise with Excel and SQL and they were looking for someone with past healthcare experience, you’d make sure to mention: 

  • How in your past work you used Excel
  • How in the past have you had healthcare domain experience
  • How in the past you already learned SQL

This will make the hiring manager understand it’s only logical that in the future, you’ll work with Excel + SQL in the healthcare domain, a.k.a the exact job at hand! 

Sylwia Śmietanko

Sylwia Śmietanko

HR Specialist and Recruiter,  Passport-Photo Online

Use precise numbers and statistics 

Mentioning specific data in your answer can be very powerful in demonstrating your skills and achievements. Using precise numbers and statistics can help to give the employer a clear idea of the impact you have had in your previous roles and how you can bring similar results to their company.

When mentioning data in your answer, it’s essential to be as specific as possible. Instead of saying, “ I increased sales, ” say, “ I increased sales by 15%. ” This gives the employer a clear understanding of the magnitude of your achievement.

In addition to using specific numbers, you can also mention other types of data, such as:

  • Timeframes:   “I was able to increase sales by 15% in just six months.”
  • Dollar amounts:    “I was able to generate $500,000 in new business within the first year.”
  • Percentages:   “I was able to reduce customer complaints by 50%.”
  • Other metrics:   “I was able to increase website traffic by 30% in just three months.”

It’s also important to note that when mentioning data, it’s essential to ensure it is  accurate  and  verifiable . If the data is uncertain or cannot be confirmed, it’s best not to mention it.


“I am a quick learner and a creative problem-solver, and I have a proven track record of delivering results. In my previous role, I was responsible for developing new business opportunities, and I was able to increase revenue by 20% in just one year. 

I am confident that my skills and experience make me a strong fit for this position and that I can bring similar results to your company.”

Andrew Lokenauth

Andrew Lokenauth

Founder,  Fluent in Finance

Share your relevant accomplishments and how they can benefit the company

Highlighting specific examples of your achievements and how they can contribute to the company’s success can help to demonstrate your value as a candidate. 

For example:

“I have a proven track record of success in project management, having completed several large-scale projects on time and under budget. I am confident that my experience in project management can benefit your company in terms of cost savings, increased efficiency, and improved project outcomes.”

Emphasize your potential value to the company

Explain how you can bring value to the company and how your skills and experience will help it achieve its goals. 

“I am confident that my skills and experience in business development can help your company achieve its goals. My experience identifying and closing new business opportunities will be an asset to your sales team and drive your company’s growth.”

Highlight your unique qualifications

What sets you apart from other candidates? This could be a specific skill, a unique accomplishment, or an industry award. 

For example: 

“I am particularly excited about the opportunity to work with your company because of my experience in developing innovative mobile apps. 

I led the development of a mobile app that received over 1 million downloads and the best app of the year award from my previous company. I am confident that my skills and experience will bring value to your company’s mobile app development team.”

Tailor your answer to the specific company and position

Research the company and the job description, and highlight how your skills and experience align with their needs. 

For example:  

“I am excited about the opportunity to work with your company because my experience in digital marketing and data analysis aligns perfectly with the responsibilities outlined in the job description. 

I am confident that my skills and experience can contribute to the growth and success of your marketing team.”

Show enthusiasm and passion for the job and company

Express your excitement and enthusiasm for the opportunity to work with the company, and demonstrate your understanding of the company’s mission and values. 

Related: Why Is Passion Important for Success in Life?

“I have been following your company for years, and I am impressed by your commitment to sustainability and innovation. I am excited about working with a company that shares my values and passion for making a positive impact in the world.”

Share your passion for the field and how it motivates you

Expressing your passion for the field can help to demonstrate your commitment and enthusiasm for the role and the company. 

“I am passionate about the field of human resources, and I am excited about the opportunity to work with your company as an HR professional. 

I am motivated to help your company create a positive and productive work environment for employees, and I am confident that my passion for the field can benefit your company in terms of employee satisfaction and retention.”

Show your willingness to learn and grow

Demonstrating your willingness to learn and grow can help show that you are a proactive and adaptable candidate committed to personal and professional development. 

“I am excited about the opportunity to work with your company as a marketing intern. I am a fast learner and eager to learn new skills and take on new challenges. 

I am confident that my willingness to learn and grow can benefit your company in terms of my potential for professional development and my ability to adapt to changing industry trends.”

AJ Silberman-Moffitt

AJ Silberman-Moffitt

Senior Editor,  Tandem

You’re looking for a new job. You’ve posted your resume on various sites and updated your LinkedIn profile. You’ve had some companies reach out to you, and then, suddenly, it happens. You get invited to an interview. But interviewing for a new job can be scary. 

First, you need to dress appropriately and make a good first impression. Then you start to worry that you won’t know what you will say. You even think about the questions they might ask when you are there. 

One question looms over you like a black cloud because you know it will be asked. You wonder how you should answer, “ Why should we hire you? “

Explain your experience

If you already have experience in the field, this can be a significant benefit to a company. The more you already know, the less they will need to train you. 

But even if your experience isn’t exact, you should still mention it. Try to highlight how you can use your experience in this new position.

Tell them why you would be a good employee

When possible, employers don’t want to hire people who just “phone it in.” They want people who are passionate about their careers and want to help improve the company; what better way to illustrate to them that you are this person than by telling them why you would make a good employee?

Related: What Are You Passionate About?

Discuss similarities in past positions

Though the job you are after now might be something you haven’t done before, that doesn’t mean that it’s something you can’t do. 

If you can find ways in which the job requirements align with other positions you have held, you’ll instill some faith in the interviewer that you can accomplish whatever you set out to do.

Tell them the truth about yourself and what you are looking for

Above all else, honesty really is the best policy, and this is especially true in interviews. Don’t say that you have experience doing something if you don’t, and don’t say that you want to do something that you know will make you unhappy. 

Instead, tell them the truth about yourself and what you are looking for. Ultimately, if you lie in an interview, any lies might be uncovered after you are hired.

Though there are many ways you can answer, there are also ways that should be  avoided , including:

  • Telling them your life story
  • Not giving enough details and making them assume things
  • Only telling them the basics or failing to explain what makes you unique

Going on an interview can be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. If you prepare yourself with answers to common interview questions like this one, you’ll be ahead of the curve. And when you are ahead of the curve, you might get where you are going faster than you thought you could.

Joshua Rich

Joshua Rich

CEO and Founder,  Bullseye Locations

The question “ why should we hire you? ” is quite direct in its nature and is more often not foreseen as it should be. Here’s a gist of what the candidates I tend to want to employ say in response to this. 

Elaborate on your latest professional role

In my opinion, one’s first response should always be to keep in mind their current circumstances—nothing from too far down memory lane and nothing aspirational that has not yet materialized. All of that comes a little later. 

Before that, elaborate on your latest professional role. And make it a point to prominently convey how you believe your previous experience and skills can be translated into the position you have applied for. 

Let them have a sneak peek into your professional and even personal past

Try to tie this information up with the values you have espoused since the recent past and how you see them carrying you and the company into the future. This is where you let them have a sneak peek into your professional and even personal past. 

What informs the person you are today? And why does that make you the right person for the role you are considering? 

For example, if you are considering applying to a Psychologist’s position, you could say you have been through challenging times in your life or sought professional help yourself. 

This portrays the notion that you have played your part in ridding the world of mental health from the stigma that it has to contend with. This suggests that you will be a  non-judgemental  and  effective  therapist yourself. 

Comment on how your personal values can contribute to the company

You do not want to miss out on the short and long-term future with respect to the company and yourself. Do your due diligence and see what values the company embodies and its broad mission. Then, comment on how your personal values can contribute to realizing those goals. 

Related: How to Answer “What Are Your Values?” in an Interview

Jeff Mains

CEO,  Champion Leadership Group LLC

Focus on how your skills fit the job, not how much better you than other applicants

While the question may appear generic, it somehow remains an absolute favorite among recruiters because your answer indicates much about your personality and skills. Always have a few responses prepared in case the question arises. 

Sell yourself without coming across as arrogant or timid.  Hiring managers, in my experience, select candidates they like and trust. So try to maintain a personable and likable demeanor throughout the interview. 

However, it is difficult to market yourself without meaning to sound arrogant or cocky. The best strategy I have discovered for this instance is to focus on showcasing how your skills can fit the job, not how much better you are than other applicants. 

Even the best hiring manager may mirror your attitude if you arrive either too nervous or too confident, triggering a negative feedback loop. 

So instead, try to focus on the interviewers and use this as an opportunity to show that you can be trusted and then share your skills with them. Demonstrate to the recruiter that you possess what it takes to succeed in the role and that you will fit in well with the company culture.

Sean Stevens

Sean Stevens

Director, Immerse Education

Provide as much detail as you can

So, you want to have a conversation about leadership. Be more specific than “ Yes, I led people in my previous position ” or “ If I am hired, I will not pose a leadership challenge. ” 

Instead, provide more specifics to help the reader visualize the scene. Include details such as: 

  • The number of individuals you were responsible for
  • The kind of advice you gave
  • Your tenure as a leader
  • The lessons you’ve learned along the way

Also, demonstrate your enthusiasm for leadership and your desire to assume such responsibilities. 

So, one might say:

“Certainly, I have been in a leadership role for three years. I had two reports at first, and then I added three more to bring the total to five. I was in charge of their performance assessments, training, and more. 

HR is a fascinating field, and I hope to work in it again in the future. One of the main draws for me in this position was the possibility of contributing to the development of a team in the manager position.”

I consider this to be one of the most valuable pieces of advice I’ve ever received on the job interview process. In your narrative, it will be easier to show that you are right for the job if you can give  specific  examples.

Lori Taylor

Lori Taylor

Founder and CEO, The Produce Moms

Always be truthful

This advice applies to all interview questions, including “ Tell us more about yourself, ” “ What are your strengths and weaknesses? ” and any other questions the interviewer may ask. 

Related: How to Answer “Tell Me About Yourself” in an Interview

You don’t want to pitch yourself as someone you aren’t . You might land the job if you lie about your experience, credentials, or skills, but the experience will be  unpleasant  for both you and the employer.

Convey your commitment and passion

It is essential to achieve a successful career in the workplace. According to the US Department of Labor, employers search for individuals who exhibit excitement in addition to abilities, experience, and training. 

Therefore, be sure to demonstrate commitment and excitement for the organization or the position when responding to this interview question.

Frequently Asked Questions 

What if i’m nervous about the interview.

It’s perfectly normal to be nervous in an interview, especially when faced with a tough question like “ Why should we hire you? ” Here are some tips to help you stay calm and focused:

– Practice your answer in advance and be prepared to tailor it to the job and company at hand. – Take a deep breath and remind yourself that you have prepared for this question. – Make eye contact with the interviewer and try to convey confidence with your body language. – Don’t be afraid to pause and collect your thoughts before answering – it’s better to take a moment to collect yourself than to rush your answer.

Remember that a job interview is a two-way conversation. It’s important to be yourself and ask questions showing interest in the company and the job.

How can I use body language and tone of voice to improve my response?

Nonverbal cues can help convey confidence and enthusiasm: – Maintain eye contact with your interviewer – Use hand gestures to emphasize important points – Sit up straight and adopt an open posture

Control your tone of voice: – Speak clearly and at a moderate pace – Use a friendly and enthusiastic tone to convey your passion for the role – Avoid sounding monotone or overly rehearsed

What if I don’t get the job?

If you don’t get the job, don’t take it personally. There are many reasons why an applicant isn’t selected, and it’s not always because of your skills or experience.

Take the opportunity to reflect on the interview and consider what you could have done differently or done better. Use the feedback (if it was given) to prepare for future interviews.

Remember that every interview is a learning experience and that each interview brings you one step closer to the perfect job. Keep a positive attitude and keep working on your skills and experience, and you’ll soon find the right job.

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Why Should We Hire You? - Professional Answers for 2024

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“Why should we hire you?” is one of the most common, yet hardest, interview questions to answer.

It’s so open-ended, that you might not know where to start.

Should you go over your resume and explain how your work experience makes you a great fit for the role? Or should you talk about how you possess certain skills that make you stand out from other candidates?

No worries, we're here to help! 

In this article, we’re going to go over everything you need to know to answer this complicated job interview question efficiently.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

Why Do Interviewers Ask This Interview Question?

  • How to Answer “Why Should We Hire You?”
  • 79 Sample Answers for Different Professions and Levels of Experience

Let’s dive in.

When the interviewer asks, “Why should we hire you?” they want to measure exactly how qualified you are for the job and what makes you a good fit for the company.

There are a few alternative ways you might hear an interviewer ask the same question, such as:

  • Why are you the best candidate for this job? 
  • What makes you a good candidate for this position?
  • Why are you a good fit for this position?
  • Why should we hire you over other applicants?
  • Why do you think this position is a good fit for you?
  • Can you describe why you’re the ideal candidate for this position?
  • Why should we hire you for this position?

They’re basically asking for a short elevator pitch that will help you sell yourself as a professional.

Now, if you’re good at thinking on your feet and can present yourself as a worthwhile candidate, you’ll likely ace this question.

But if you don’t meet the interviewer’s expectations, your entire job interview might go down the drain.

So, your answer should cover:

  • Your work experience and achievements. You can talk about a specific accomplishment at a previous, relevant position and show the interviewer how you can achieve similar results for them.
  • Your most relevant skills and qualifications. Prove that you’ve got all the skills the company is looking for in a candidate by mentioning your abilities and qualifications that match the job advertisement’s requirements.
  • Your passion and motivation. Highlight how well you would fit into their company by talking about how much you love working in your field or industry.
  • Your determination for growth. Mention how the job aligns with your career goals and how you see yourself contributing to the company and growing in the field.

Want a comprehensive guide to job interview questions? Check out our article on 35 of the most common interview questions and how to answer them!

How to Never Answer “Why Should We Hire You?”

Before we tell you how to answer this interview question, let’s talk about what you should avoid when the interviewer asks, “Why should we hire you?”

There are a few angles you should never take when answering this interview question, such as:

  • Money. Even if the salary is your main motivation, you still shouldn’t mention it during the job interview. No company will hire you just because you want a steady income.
  • Perks. Like the previous example, saying that you’re in it for the perks that come with the position is not a good enough reason why the company should hire you over other candidates.
  • General interest. Don’t be generic when answering this question. Giving some vague explanation as to why you got into the industry (e.g.: “my parents chose this major for me and I just went along with it, so now I’m looking for jobs in the field”) won’t go far.
  • Too much information. You need to be brief with your answer, so taking five whole minutes to give the interviewer your life story is a no-go.
  • Arrogance. Don’t answer by saying they would be lucky to have you or how the other candidates could never match up. You’re going to come off as arrogant, not confident.
  • Lying. Don’t embellish your skills, experience, or achievements. The employer will eventually find out the truth, and there will be consequences.
  • Desperation. “Because I really need it” is never a good answer. While the interviewer might feel bad for you, they’re not going to hire you just because of that.
  • Poor self-esteem. Saying, “I’m not sure; I don’t deserve the job more than any other candidate,” might seem honest to you, but it looks bad to an interviewer. You’re supposed to convince them you’re worth hiring, not impress them with your modesty or admit to your weaknesses .
  • No prepared answer. Not being able to answer this question is as good as answering it badly. You should always be ready to tell the interviewer how you can contribute to their company and what sets you apart from other candidates, so practice in advance.
  • Memorized answer. Your answer will be more impactful if it sounds natural instead of something you learned by heart. So, practice your pitch beforehand instead of trying to memorize a prepared answer.

Want a comprehensive list of things you shouldn’t do during your job interview? Read our article about the biggest interview mistakes for more.

9 Tips to Help You Answer “Why Should We Hire You?” During a Job Interview

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s talk about tips you should apply when answering this interview question.

There are nine main tricks to getting this job interview question right, starting with: 

#1. Analyze the Job Ad

Start by carefully reading the job ad you’ve applied to.

The job ad can give you valuable insights into the role's exact responsibilities, the required qualifications, and the company's expectations for their candidates.

Take the time to identify the keywords , in terms of skills, experiences, and qualities the employer is looking for in an ideal candidate. Then, use that information to tailor your answer during your job interview and highlight how your background aligns with their needs.

By understanding the job, you can show the interviewer how suitable you are for the role when you answer this question.

The job ad is also super useful for tailoring your resume . Learn how with our detailed guide!

#2. Research the Company

Beyond the job ad, researching the company you’re applying to is just as important for explaining why they should hire you.

The more you understand the employer, the better. Learn as much as you can about the organization - its mission, values, culture, recent achievements, and future goals.

Start by exploring their website and social media presence. Then, look for any articles and other publicly available information.

You can then tailor your response to show that you align with their needs and values.

For example, if the employer is known for their sustainability initiatives, you can mention how you find that inspiring and how you’re an environmentally conscious individual who shares the same values outside of work.

Moreover, showing the interviewer that you’re familiar with the company's culture and values says that you've taken the time to research them, and employers love a well-prepared candidate.

#3. Match Your Skills and Experience

The first thing you should do when answering “Why should we hire you?” is to highlight any skills and professional experience that are relevant to the position you’re applying for. 

You don’t want to talk about skills that the employer isn’t interested in.

For example, if you’re applying for a job as an accountant, you should talk more about how great you are at numbers and staying organized, not about your amazing leadership skills .

To make your answer all the more credible, make sure to always back up everything you say with specific examples.

“You should hire me because I’m a great accountant. I’ve been doing this for years now.”

“I’ve got the skills you’re looking for. I'm well-versed in QuickBooks, SAP, and Oracle Financials, and I've got a solid grip on GAAP principles. I’m sure I can handle the work accurately and efficiently, so I’ll be a great fit for your team.”

See the difference?

#4. Mention Your Achievements

Show the interviewer how your past achievements tie in with the job you’re applying for.

Just be sure to provide concrete data. Quantifying your professional achievements is a powerful way to reinforce why you’re the right candidate for the job.

Here’s an example:

“I’m really good at advertising. Trust me, I am, I’m amazing.”

“Because I’m very good at pay-per-click advertising! At my last job, I managed to improve return on ad spend by 12% within 3 months of taking over the account.”

Hiring managers want tangible examples that demonstrate your skills and the impact you made. If you can tell them exactly what you did for your previous employer, they’re more likely to believe you can do that for them, too.

Just be sure to focus on your more recent and relevant achievements. Your greatest accomplishment shouldn’t be something you did ten years ago during your time as a server if you’re applying for a job as a software engineer.

#5. Highlight What Makes You Unique

When answering "Why should we hire you?" it's important to highlight what makes you stand out as a candidate.

Think about your greatest strengths , unique experiences, or qualities that separate you from others.

Do you have an unusual skillset or background that could bring a fresh perspective? Maybe you overcame a significant challenge and developed valuable traits like resilience or problem-solving skills .

Identifying what makes you stand out lets you come up with a memorable answer to this question, and you can show the interviewer why hiring you over other candidates is the right choice.

Just be sure to tie your unique attributes back to the role's requirements. Explain how your distinct qualities can directly contribute to the company's success and your impact on their work.

#6. Convey Your Cultural Fit

Another thing the interviewer wants to know is if you’ll be a good fit for their team and how their company approaches work.

So, depending on the company, you might need to be an independent self-starter or someone who can work well with others. Just make sure to incorporate the right impression into your answer.

For example, teamwork skills and adaptability come in handy for practically every position out there.

No matter your profession, you’ll likely need to work alongside others and adapt to different people and situations, so these are two skills that employers are always on the lookout for . 

So whether you’re applying for a job as a QA engineer or a waitress, the interviewer will want to know how well you’d fit into their team.

Let’s look at an example:

“I always end up doing everything when I’m part of a team, so I’d rather just work alone and spare myself.”

“I’m a great team player, and I really feel like that’s one skill that really sets me apart from other project managers. Whatever team I might be managing, I end up making fast friends. I’m also very effective at getting my teammates to be at their A-game without having to push them or be too micro-managing.”

#7. Explain How You Can Help Them

At the end of the day, the point behind every role is to help an organization achieve a certain goal.

If you’re applying for a job in marketing, for example, your goal might be to generate leads. If you’re in customer support, it’s to provide excellent service to the company’s customers. 

So, another way to answer, “Why should we hire you?” is by explaining how, exactly, you can help the company achieve such a goal through your experience and skills.

Let’s say that you’re applying for a role as an event planner at a small company. From reading the job description, you know they’re looking for someone to organize events in their area and get the company’s name out there.

So, you have a clear understanding of what the company’s goal in hiring you is. They want to find someone who can: 

  • Organize events successfully
  • Promote those events
  • Improve the company's brand awareness

With that in mind, you can explain exactly how you’ll be able to fulfill the company's goals.

“I’m good at planning parties, and I have the experience you need.”

“Because I have a lot of experience using event management to promote small startups such as your company! In my last role, I held a brainstorming event with the CEO and came up with over 30 different event ideas, out of which we executed around 10. Most of the events turned out to be quite successful, driving over 50 participants each on average.”

#8. Show Your Dedication and Enthusiasm

Enthusiasm is a critical component of workplace success.

According to the US Department of Labor , it’s exactly what employees seek from prospective candidates beyond skills, experience, and training.

As per this study, some employers would rather train an enthusiastic but inexperienced candidate than someone who is qualified but has a negative attitude.

So, when answering this job interview question, make sure to show dedication and enthusiasm for the company or the role you’re applying for.

“Honestly, I’d rather be playing the games than making them, but I have over five years of experience in the industry, so I know how to handle the job.”

“I know I don’t have an extensive work history, but what I lack in experience I make up for in enthusiasm and dedication. I’ve been into video games since I can remember and have always wanted to get into UI design! Other than my B.A. in Computer Science, I’ve also spent a big chunk of last year practicing. I even created 3 mock UI designs for some of my favorite games. I believe that under the right mentorship, I can apply the programming skills I’ve acquired during my studies and internships to meet the responsibilities of the role and more.”

Some hobbies and interests can also show your passion for the field you’re applying to or even back up your skills. Learn how to add them to your resume with our dedicated article!

#9. Be Honest

This final tip applies to practically every interview question you’re going to hear.

At the end of the day, you don’t want to sell yourself as someone you’re not. 

If you lie about your experience, credentials, or skills, you might get the job, but the experience will end up very unpleasant for both you and the employer.

Whatever you lied about will come up, and things will get awkward. You might lose your professional reputation and, at worst, your job.

So instead of risking going back to square one with your job hunt and a bad story about how you got fired , just be honest from the start.

Honesty and integrity are great qualities that should be part of your work ethic, and they’re something that employers value, too.

Towards the end of your interview, you might want to ask some questions of your own. Check out our article on questions to ask an interviewer for ideas!

“Why Should We Hire You?” Sample Answers

Do you need inspiration to explain why the interviewer should hire you? We’ve got your back.

We’ve made a list of over 79 sample answers for different professions and levels of experience.

Sales and Customer Service Sample Answers

#1. sales associate sample answer.

“Well, I have proven sales experience and a strong customer service background. In my previous role, I consistently exceeded my sales targets by at least 15% each quarter through personalized customer interactions and diligent follow-ups. I thrive in team settings and am passionate about delivering exceptional shopping experiences, which makes me a great fit for your team.

Read a full sales associate resume example here.

#2. Account Manager Sample Answer

“Because I have extensive experience with client relationship management and a proven track record of boosting client retention rates. At my previous job, I led a team that increased customer satisfaction scores by over 20% through strategic partnerships and effective communication. I'm also skilled in using CRM software like Salesforce and HubSpot, which I understand are central to your operations.”

#3. Software Support Specialist Sample Answer

"I have a strong background in technical support, where I've successfully managed software troubleshooting and resolution for over 500 users. In my last position, I was recognized for reducing ticket resolution times by 30% while maintaining high customer satisfaction ratings. I’ve also developed comprehensive user manuals that decreased recurring user queries by 25%, so I’m definitely committed to improving support processes and user experience."

#4. Customer Service Representative Sample Answer

"I'm really focused on advancing my career in customer service because I love helping people solve their problems. At my current job, I’ve been involved in projects that improved customer feedback mechanisms, which actually increased our service ratings by 15%."

Read a full customer service resume example here.

#5. Cashier Sample Answer

"I have extensive experience as a cashier, and I’ve handled transactions quickly and accurately in a high-volume retail environment. At my previous job, I was praised for my ability to manage long lines and keep customers happy. I also played a key role in reducing checkout times by implementing a new queuing system, which helped increase the store’s overall efficiency."

Read a full cashier resume example here.

#6. Retail Manager Sample Answer

"I’m well-suited for this retail manager role because I have strong experience with inventory management and staff training. At my last job, I implemented a new inventory system that reduced waste by 15% and improved stock turnover rates. I also developed a training program that boosted our team’s sales performance by over 20%. Understanding your store’s focus on efficiency and customer satisfaction, I'm confident I can contribute effectively to your goals."

Read a full retail manager resume example here.

#7. Barista Sample Answer

"I’m passionate about coffee, and I see this job as a perfect opportunity to grow my skills, especially when it comes to crafting specialty beverages. At my previous cafe, I helped introduce several new drinks that became customer favorites and increased our repeat visits. I’m eager to bring my creativity and enthusiasm to your team and grow with a business that values quality and innovation when it comes to coffee."

Read a full barista resume example here.

#8. Server Sample Answer

"I thrive in fast-paced settings, which is why I’ve consistently worked as a server in busy restaurants. At my last job, I managed multiple tables with a positive attitude, which kept customers happy during rush hour. I also led a team initiative to streamline order-taking processes and managed to reduce our wait times. I’m excited about the opportunity to bring my energy and track record to your dynamic team."

Read a full server resume example here.

#9. Waiter Sample Answer

"Even though I haven’t been a waiter for long, I’m a fast learner and really eager to make sure every customer has a great experience. At my first job at a local café, I quickly got the hang of things, handling orders smoothly and keeping diners happy. I’m excited about the opportunity to work at your family diner and contribute to the welcoming atmosphere you’re known for."

Read a full waiter resume example here.

#10. Front Desk Agent Sample Answer

"I absolutely love the tourism industry, and there's something special about making visitors feel welcome and informed. I was a seasonal worker at a beautiful resort last summer, and I had the chance to meet people from all over the world and help them discover what makes our area unique. I'm thrilled to bring my passion for hospitality and my enthusiasm for travel to your team, and to give guests the best experience during their stay."

#11. Housekeeper Sample Answer

"I’ve been a professional housekeeper for over three years, mostly in hotel settings where high standards are the norm. I’m praised for my thoroughness and efficiency, and I’ve regularly received compliments from guests on the cleanliness of their rooms. I really enjoy making sure every corner of a space is spotless and welcoming.”

#12. Line Cook Sample Answer

"I’m passionate about cooking and eager to expand my skills in a dynamic kitchen environment. At my previous job as a line cook, I refined my grilling techniques and contributed ideas that were included in our seasonal menus. I’m excited about the opportunity to bring my culinary creativity to your kitchen team and I can help you deliver outstanding dishes that align with your restaurant’s reputation for excellence."

#13. Restaurant Manager Sample Answer

"I’m well-prepared for the role of restaurant manager and I’ve already mastered a lot of the skills you’re looking for. At my current job, I manage scheduling and payroll for a staff of 20, and I've implemented new inventory practices that cut our costs by 10%. I’m also experienced with the POS systems I noticed you use here. I’m excited about the chance to use my skills to contribute to your team and enhance the dining experience for your guests."

#14. Bar Manager Sample Answer

"I’ve always thrived in lively environments, which is why I love being a bar manager. Over the past five years, I’ve developed a knack for creating a welcoming atmosphere that keeps customers coming back. I’ve also been responsible for coordinating events and specials that boosted our weekday sales by about 30%. I'm really looking forward to bringing my passion for socializing and my experience in bar management to your team."

Read a full bar manager resume example here.

Administrative and HR Sample Answers

#15. receptionist sample answer.

"I thrive in roles that allow me to support others and keep things organized. In my previous job, I was often praised for my ability to multitask while maintaining a friendly attitude. I see the receptionist position as a great way to refine my skills and contribute to making your office a welcoming and productive environment for both your staff and visitors."

Read a full receptionist resume example here.

#16. Recruiter Sample Answer

"I genuinely love the recruitment field because it allows me to connect people with opportunities that can change their lives. In my current role, I've helped match over a hundred candidates with roles that suit their skills and career goals, which has been incredibly rewarding. I’m particularly excited about the chance to bring my passion and experience to your team and help build a strong workforce that drives your company's success."

Read a full recruiter resume example here.

#17. Human Resources Specialist Sample Answer

"I'm really passionate about HR because it gives me the opportunity to contribute directly to the workplace culture and growth of a company. In my current role, I've been instrumental in implementing new employee engagement programs that have increased staff retention by 20%. So, I’m excited about the opportunity to bring my dedication and innovative ideas to your team and help nurture and develop talent that aligns with your company’s long-term goals."

Read a full human resources resume example here.

#18. Office Manager Sample Answer

"I have a strong background in office management and I’ve coordinated operations for a busy legal firm for over four years. I’m known for my ability to keep everything running smoothly, whether that’s managing schedules, handling vendor relations, or ensuring compliance with office protocols. My previous role involved reducing overhead costs by 15% through efficient resource management. Now, I’m looking forward to bringing my organizational skills and proactive approach to your team."

Read a full office manager resume example here.

#19. Secretary Sample Answer

"I've been working as a secretary for over four years now, primarily in high-pressure office environments where multitasking and efficiency are key. I'm known for my meticulous attention to detail and my ability to manage complex schedules and administrative tasks seamlessly. In my last role, I supported a team of 10 executives and helped coordinate everything from daily meetings to international travel arrangements."

#20. Executive Assistant Sample Answer

"I think I’m a great fit for the Executive Assistant position because it aligns perfectly with my career goals and my experience with high-level support. In my current role, I’ve managed complex calendars, coordinated international meetings, and led project logistics that contributed to the streamlined success of the executive team. I thrive in an environment that challenges me and needs me to anticipate the needs of others so I can support them best."

Read a full executive assistant resume example here.

#21. Administrative Assistant Sample Answer

"I’m a great match for this Administrative Assistant role because I've developed a strong set of skills that perfectly suit the demands of a busy office. In my previous job, I managed all front-office activities, including handling sensitive documents and coordinating internal and external communications. I'm also proficient with various office software, including Microsoft Suite and Google Workspace, which ensures I can keep things running smoothly."

Read a full administrative assistant resume example here.

#22. Data Entry Clerk Sample Answer

"I've always had a knack for handling large amounts of data with accuracy and speed, which is why I'm drawn to data entry. In my previous position, I was responsible for updating customer records for over 10,000 clients and I ensured the highest level of accuracy. I'm good at making sure that information is correct and easily accessible, which helps the whole team perform better. I’ve also got really fast typing skills that I’m sure will make me feel right at home in your company."

Read a full data entry resume example here.

Finance Sample Answers

#23. accountant sample answer.

"I think I’ll thrive as an accountant on your team because I'm good at bringing order and clarity when it comes to financial systems. In my current role, I've been instrumental in streamlining accounting processes, which improved our reporting time by 20% and enhanced accuracy. I can apply my skills in GAAP and financial analysis to contribute to your financial team and help make things more efficient."

Read a full accountant resume example here.

#24. Financial Analyst Sample Answer

"You should hire me because the Financial Analyst role aligns perfectly with my career aspirations and I’ve got the skills and experience to thrive here. In my current position, I've been responsible for managing investment portfolios and developing forecast models that have consistently outperformed market benchmarks. I have a proactive approach and analytical skills that let me provide valuable insights that can drive business decisions."

Read a full financial analyst resume example here.

#25. Bank Teller Sample Answer

“I think I'd be a great fit for the Bank Teller position given my experience in customer service and cash handling. In my last job, I was known for nailing the details in transaction processing and handling tricky customer questions smoothly, which really helped boost our customer satisfaction. I'm already familiar with the banking software you guys use here, so I'm confident I can hit the ground running. I’m really looking forward to using my skills and upbeat attitude to help maintain the excellent service reputation of your bank.”

Read a full bank teller resume example here.

#26. Banker Sample Answer

"I truly love banking because it gives me a chance to work directly with clients and help them achieve their financial goals. Right now, I’m looking after more than 200 clients, giving them personalized financial advice that really fits their needs. What drives me every day is my passion for financial planning and making sure my clients are happy."

Read a full banker resume example here.

Business Sample Answers

#27. business analyst sample answer.

"I've always been driven by my curiosity, so I like analyzing data and transforming it into insights that can really drive business success. In my last role, I worked on a project that helped streamline operational processes and it resulted in a 15% increase in efficiency. I love digging into the numbers to find areas for improvement, and I'm really excited about the chance to bring my analytical skills and enthusiasm for problem-solving to your team."

Read a full business analyst resume example here.

#28. Business Development Manager Sample Answer

"I absolutely love the thrill of forging new business relationships and finding win-win opportunities. In my current role, I've successfully expanded our market reach by partnering with key industry players, and that resulted in a 25% increase in overall revenue. I’m big on strategic growth and innovation in business development, and that’s something I'm eager to bring to your team. I'm excited about the potential to collaborate and drive your company's expansion."

Read a full business development manager resume example here.

#29. Project Manager Sample Answer

"I think I'd be a great match for the project manager role because I've handled similar projects in the media before, keeping everything on schedule and within budget. I'm good at bringing teams together and making sure everyone's on the same page. I’m excited about the chance to do the same here and really make a difference in your projects."

Read a full project manager resume example here.

Marketing and Advertising Sample Answers

#30. marketing executive sample answer.

"I’m sure I’d be a great fit here and I have the skills and experience to make a difference.  In my current role, I spearheaded a multi-channel campaign that increased our market share by 20% within a year. I thrive on challenges and I’m always looking for ways to make a real impact. Joining your team would be a fantastic opportunity for me to leverage my experience in a vibrant and forward-thinking environment."

Read a full marketing executive resume example here.

#31. Marketing Manager Sample Answer

“I think my extensive experience in the field is the main reason I’m a perfect match for this role! I have held this exact same position at another, slightly smaller, organization for over eight years, where I successfully managed a team of twelve employees in our marketing department. Over the first 2 years of working at the company, I completely overhauled our marketing strategy, putting more emphasis on PPC advertising. This ended up paying off big-time and resulting in a company-wide revenue increase of over 52% over the coming years.”

Read a full marketing manager resume example here.

#32. Social Media Marketing Manager Sample Answer

“I am confident I have the right skills - communication and marketing, respectively - to help you grow your business and get your company to stand out from the competition. I helped my previous company increase its social media engagement by 24% by implementing a new content strategy. I’m sure I can bring that same innovative and entrepreneurial spirit to your company now.”

#33. Content Marketer Sample Answer

"I believe I’m a great fit for this content marketing role because my experience aligns closely with the skills you need. At my previous job, I managed the content calendar for our company’s blog and social media platforms, growing our audience by over 50% in one year. I’m skilled in SEO, social media analytics, and creating engaging content that resonates with target audiences. I’m really looking forward to bringing my digital marketing expertise and creative ideas to your team."

#34. SEO Specialist Sample Answer

"I have a strong background in SEO, with over four years of experience driving successful campaigns in various industries. At my last job, I increased organic traffic by 120% within a year by optimizing content and refining backlink strategies. I'm praised for my analytical skills and my ability to adapt strategies based on data insights. I’m really looking forward to bringing my expertise in SEO and passion for digital marketing to your team and helping boost your website's visibility and engagement."

Read a full digital marketing resume here.

#35. PPC Specialist Sample Answer

"I’m a good fit for the PPC Specialist role because I love the field. PPC advertising lets me use a creative and analytical approach to directly impact a company's visibility and sales. In my current role, I’ve managed budgets of over $300,000, mostly for optimizing ad spending to increase the ROI by 35%. I'm excited about the opportunity to bring my expertise in crafting targeted campaigns and my enthusiasm for data-driven results to your team so I can contribute to your digital marketing efforts."

IT and Software Development Sample Answers

#36. it specialist sample answer.

"I'm well-prepared for this IT Specialist position because I have a solid background in managing and troubleshooting network systems. At my previous job, I was responsible for maintaining the IT infrastructure for a mid-sized company, where I significantly improved system reliability by implementing proactive maintenance schedules. I’m also skilled in cybersecurity measures, which I understand is a priority for your organization. I’m excited to bring my technical expertise and problem-solving skills to your team and help maintain a secure and efficient IT environment."

Read a full IT resume example here.

#37. Software Engineer Sample Answer

"I've been a software engineer for over five years now, focusing mainly on developing scalable web applications. At my last job, I led a project that revamped our e-commerce platform, which improved load times by over 50%, enhanced user experience, and significantly boosted customer satisfaction and sales. I enjoy the challenge of solving complex problems and writing clean, efficient code. Now, I’m looking forward to bringing my technical skills and proactive approach to your development team."

Read a full software engineer resume example here.

#38. Cyber Security Sample Answer

"Because I hold certifications in CISSP and CompTIA Security+, I've got a firm grasp on both the theory and practical sides of cyber security. My experience extends to cloud security and network defense, which matches exactly what you're looking for in this role."

#39. Web Developer Sample Answer

“I believe that my experience with tech, specifically in the web design space, makes me the best match. I was responsible for maintaining and updating our company website at my previous job. So, I kept employee profiles updated and continuously posted information about upcoming events. I truly enjoyed what I was doing, which is what drew me to apply for this position next. I would love to bring the coding and design skills I learned there to this new and more challenging role.”

Read a full web developer resume example here.

#40. Computer Scientist Sample Answer

"I’m a great fit for this Computer Scientist role because my background and skills align closely with the innovative projects you’re known for. During my graduate studies and subsequent work experience, I specialized in machine learning and data analysis and developed algorithms that improved data processing speeds by 30%. I'm also proficient in Python and Java, which I read are essential for the job."

Read a full computer scientist resume example here.

#41. Data Scientist Sample Answer

"I absolutely love diving deep into data and uncovering insights that can really transform a business strategy. At my previous job, I developed predictive models that helped the company reduce churn by 20% by identifying key customer behaviors. I’m also skilled in using advanced analytical tools like R and Python."

Read a full data scientist resume example here.

#42. Data Analyst Sample Answer

"Well, the Data Analyst position aligns perfectly with my career goals and skills. I was instrumental in analyzing customer data to help tailor marketing strategies at my previous job. We even increased campaign effectiveness by 25%. I’m proficient with SQL and Python, and I have strong analytical skills, so I can effectively interpret data and provide solutions to whatever problems you have."

Read a full data analyst resume example here.

#43. DevOps Engineer Sample Answer

"You should hire me because I have the background you’re looking for. For example, at my previous job, I played a big role in migrating our legacy systems to the cloud, which improved our deployment times by 40% and significantly enhanced system reliability. My experience with automation tools like Jenkins and Kubernetes was also crucial in streamlining our operations."

Read a full DevOps engineer resume example here.

#44. AI Engineer Sample Answer

"For starters, I’ve always been fascinated by the power of artificial intelligence to solve real-world problems and improve people's lives. I also have useful experience that can help me adapt to your team. Like in my last role, I contributed to a project that developed an AI system for healthcare diagnostics, which increased the accuracy of patient assessments by over 30%."

Read a full AI engineer resume example here.

#45. Java Developer Sample Answer

"I'm a great fit for the Java Developer position because I have extensive experience with Java-based applications. Last year, I spearheaded the development of a high-traffic e-commerce platform using Java and Spring Boot, which enhanced transaction processing times and improved the overall system’s stability. Generally, I’m also proficient with the entire Java ecosystem and agile methodologies."

Read a full Java developer resume example here.

Health and Medicine Sample Answers

#46. nurse sample answer.

"I've been working as a registered nurse for over six years, primarily in fast-paced emergency departments. I'm really dedicated to providing compassionate and efficient care to patients. In my last role, I was commended for my ability to handle critical situations with calmness and professionalism, which can be crucial in a stressful environment like an ER."

Read a full nurse resume example here.

#47. Medical Assistant Sample Answer

“I believe that my resume and cover letter offer enough information about my professional experience as a medical assistant. So, I’d like to mention how passionate I am about my profession and how important I think that is for any successful employee in the medical field. Helping people and saving lives has always felt like my calling, and that allows me to do my job with dedication and patience.”

Read a full medical assistant resume example here.

#48. Dental Assistant Sample Answer

"I'm a great fit for the position because of my experience in dental care. Over the past three years, I've supported dentists with various procedures, from routine cleanings to more complex restorative work. I'm well-versed in preparing and organizing dental instruments, maintaining hygiene standards, and ensuring patient comfort throughout their visit."

#49. Dentist Sample Answer

"I’m passionate about dentistry because it allows me to combine my love for science with my desire to help people directly. In my previous practice, I provided comprehensive dental care and implemented a community outreach program that educated local schools on oral health. I'm eager to bring my clinical skills and commitment to patient education to your team and help to expand our impact on community health while maintaining high standards of dental care."

Read a full dentist resume example here.

#50. Pharmacist Sample Answer

"I think I'm well-suited for the position because of my extensive background in clinical pharmacy. Over the past five years, I've managed medication therapy for patients with chronic diseases. I'm also skilled in conducting health and wellness screenings, which has been really instrumental in building patient trust and loyalty."

Read a full pharmacist resume example here.

Creative Sample Answers

#51. graphic designer sample answer.

"I've always been passionate about design and how it can influence people's perceptions and experiences. At my last job, I led the redesign of our company’s branding, which refreshed our image and significantly increased customer engagement across our digital platforms. I love the challenge of creating visuals that communicate effectively and resonate with audiences."

Read a full graphic designer resume example here.

#52. UI/UX Designer Sample Answer

"I absolutely love diving into user experience design because it’s all about solving real problems and making things easier and more enjoyable for people. I recently led the overhaul of the user interface for a popular mobile app, which led to a 40% increase in user retention. I also thrive on feedback and iterative design to create the best possible user experience, so I think I’m a great candidate for the job."

#53. Product Designer Sample Answer

"Sure! I have extensive experience in bringing innovative products from concept to market, so product design is something I’m very familiar with. One of the last things I did at my previous job was lead the design of a new line of ergonomic office furniture that won industry awards and saw a sales increase of 30% year over year. Now, I’m excited about the chance to use my skills and creativity to contribute to your team and help drive successful product launches."

#54. Creative Director Sample Answer

"Well, I’ve been leading creative teams for over a decade. My focus is on crafting compelling branding and advertising campaigns that resonate with diverse audiences. I thrive on inspiring my team to explore innovative concepts and push the boundaries of traditional design, and from what I read, that’s exactly what you’re looking for."

#55. Game Designer Sample Answer

"You should hire me for the Game Designer position because I'm experienced and passionate about creating immersive gaming experiences that captivate players. Most recently, I developed a multiplayer strategy game that won critical acclaim and built a dedicated fanbase. I tend to closely analyze player feedback to refine game mechanics and enhance our engagement, and I can do that for your projects."

Read a full game designer resume example here.

#56. Animator Sample Answer

"I've always been passionate about bringing stories to life through animation. At my last job, I worked on a variety of projects, including animated shorts and advertisements. I was able to push the boundaries of traditional animation techniques to create engaging and memorable content, so that was super fun. I’m excited about the opportunity to collaborate with a talented team that shares my dedication to innovation and quality."

Read a full animator resume example here.

#57. Illustrator Sample Answer

"I’ve been working as an illustrator for over five years. My focus has been on creating visually meaningful artwork for books, magazines, and digital media. My style adapts well to different themes and audiences, and I’ve had the privilege of seeing my work published in several notable publications. I pride myself on my ability to translate complex ideas into engaging visual narratives. So, I think I can bring my artistic skills and creative insights to your team and produce captivating illustrations that resonate with your viewers."

Read a full illustrator resume example here.

#58. Photographer Sample Answer

"I've always been passionate about capturing moments that tell a story, and that's what has driven my career as a photographer. Whether it's shooting weddings, corporate events, or outdoor landscapes, I strive to bring a unique perspective that resonates with people. I’m confident I can bring my artistic eye and technical skills to your projects and enhance the visual storytelling that your brand is known for."

Read a full photographer resume example here.

#59. Actor Sample Answer

"I think I’m right for this role because it taps directly into my strengths and experience as an actor. I've spent the past few years honing my skills in a variety of stage and film productions, where I've been praised for my ability to bring complex characters to life. I'm particularly skilled at dramatic roles, but I also have a knack for comedy, which I understand is important for this project. I'm eager to bring my versatility and passion to your production and contribute to creating something truly memorable."

Read a full actor resume example here.

#60. Writer Sample Answer

"I’ve been writing professionally for over five years, specializing in feature articles for lifestyle magazines. My work has won awards and has helped increase readership by engaging a broader audience, mostly through compelling narratives and thorough research. I love telling stories that resonate with people and inspire them to think differently. I’m sure my passion for storytelling and my writing skills can help me create impactful content as part of your team."

Read a full writer resume here.

#61. Editor Sample Answer

"Because the position aligns perfectly with my passion for language and literature. I’m good at refining content and enhancing its readability, so I've been managing the editing processes for a major online magazine. I significantly improved content quality and consistency across various sections there. I have strong attention to detail and a dedication to maintaining the voice of the writers without compromising clarity."

Read a full editor resume example here.

Education Sample Answers

#62. professor sample answer.

"I'm deeply passionate about advancing knowledge in my field and mentoring the next generation of scholars. Over the last decade, I've published extensively in peer-reviewed journals and have been actively involved in leading research projects that explore innovative concepts in environmental science. What excites me most about this professorship is the opportunity to collaborate with your department's talented faculty and engage with students whose energy and curiosity can drive further exploration and discovery. I’m eager to contribute to and grow with your academic community."

Read a full academic CV example here.

#63. Teacher Sample Answer

"The teaching position perfectly aligns with my skills and experience. I’ve spent the last two years teaching high school math, where I've helped improve students' test scores and developed digital tools to enhance learning engagement. I'm skilled in curriculum design and classroom management, which are crucial for creating an effective learning environment."

Read a full teacher resume example here.

#64. Tutor Sample Answer

"I’m a great candidate because I've always had a passion for education and particularly enjoy working with children to help unlock their potential. Over the past three years, I've tutored students in a variety of subjects and seen many of them improve their grades significantly. What I love most is creating engaging lessons that make learning fun and accessible."

#65. Recent Graduate Sample Answer

“As a recent college graduate, I know that what I'm lacking is career experience. However, I used my time at university to develop a lot of the required skills for this job. For example, after interning in four different organizations and managing a full course load while also working at the university's admissions office, I learned how to multitask and prioritize responsibilities. From what I understand, this is a fast-paced environment, so the ability to manage my time, effectively prioritize tasks, and work with self-discipline are going to be the keys to success.”

Read a full recent graduate resume example here.

#66. College Student Sample Answer

"I'm a great fit for this role because my college coursework and extracurricular activities have prepared me well. I've taken courses in management and business communication, and I'm an active member of our campus debate club. I’d say I’ve sharpened my organizational and collaboration skills, so I’m well-suited for a dynamic work environment. I'm excited about the opportunity to apply what I've learned in a real-world setting and contribute to your team."

Read a full college freshman resume example here.

#67. High School Student Sample Answer

"I think I'd be a great fit for this position because I love working with people and I'm always up for a challenge. In school, I'm involved in various clubs and sports, which has helped me develop strong teamwork skills. I'm really energetic, which comes in handy for keeping up in fast-paced environments. I'm also excited to bring my enthusiasm and outgoing personality to your business and make a positive impact!"

Read a full high school resume example here.

Other Sample Answers

#68. architect sample answer.

"I believe I'm a great match for this position because my expertise is directly in line with the kind of projects your firm handles. I have extensive experience with sustainable design, and I’ve led the development of several eco-friendly buildings that reduced energy use by over 30%. I’m also proficient with BIM software and I’m committed to innovative, environmentally-conscious design."

Read a full architect resume example here.

#69. Electrical Engineer Resume Sample Answer

"Well, my background aligns closely with the skills you're after. Until recently, I specialized in designing and implementing robust power distribution systems for industrial plants. I improved system efficiency by more than 15% there, and I’m also experienced with the latest CAD software and electrical simulation tools."

Read a full electrical engineer resume example here.

#70. Interior Designer Sample Answer

"Sure! Well, I have a deep passion for interior design and I’m backed by over five years of experience transforming spaces with different styles and budgets. At my last job, I led a project that won the 'Best Residential Interior' award for its innovative use of space and materials. So, I’m confident I can make a significant contribution to your company."

Read a full interior designer resume example here.

#71. Construction Project Manager Sample Answer

"I'm well-prepared for the because I've managed numerous large-scale projects over the past eight years and always ensured that they were completed on time and within budget. I'm adept at coordinating between different teams and I leverage technology to streamline processes. For example, in my last job, I oversaw the construction of a commercial complex, which involved coordinating with over 40 subcontractors and ensuring compliance with all safety regulations."

Read a full construction project manager resume example here.

#72. Operations Manager Sample Answer

“From what I understand based on what I've read about the company and what we've discussed so far, you're looking for an operations manager to oversee operational activities at every level of the organization and to ensure higher efficiency and employee performance. Well, I believe I have the right skills to make that happen for you. To give you an example, in my previous role as a District Operations Manager, I oversaw more than 100 employees, ensuring consistency across policies, procedures, and the sorts in the assigned territory.”

Read a full operations manager resume example here.

#73. Event Planner Sample Answer

"I absolutely love bringing people together and creating memorable experiences, which is why event planning has always been my passion. I've organized a wide range of events, from corporate retreats to large-scale festivals, and I always focus on creating a unique and engaging atmosphere. I'm thrilled about the possibility of bringing my creativity and eye for detail to your team, especially because I admire how your company innovates when it comes to themed events and their execution."

Read a full event planner resume example here.

#74. Warehouse Worker Sample Answer

"I think I’m the right person for the job because I’m experienced at working in logistics and inventory management. In my last job, I was responsible for streamlining the packing process, which helped reduce order fulfillment times by about 15%. I’m also familiar with the latest warehouse management systems and have a forklift certification."

Read a full warehouse worker resume example here.

#75. Welder Sample Answer

"I've always had a passion for metalwork and precision crafting, which is why I pursued a career in welding. I love the challenge of creating strong, durable welds that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing. At my previous jobs, I've worked on everything from small custom projects to large-scale industrial constructions, so I’m confident I’ve got the skills you’re looking for."

Read a full welder resume example here.

#76. Real Estate Agent Sample Answer

"I'm the right fit for this role because I have a strong track record of closing deals efficiently and satisfying both buyers and sellers. In the last real estate company I worked at, I successfully managed over 30 property listings at a time and I consistently exceeded monthly sales targets by about 20%. I'm also well-versed in the latest real estate software and market analysis tools, and I’m eager to bring my expertise to your team."

Read a full real estate agent resume example here.

#77. Flight Attendant Sample Answer

"I've been working as a flight attendant for over five years and I thrive in environments where I can use my strong interpersonal skills while being prepared for any emergency. In my current role, I've been praised for my ability to provide excellent customer service. I always make sure passengers feel comfortable and secure during flights. I've also led the safety demonstrations and effectively managed in-flight emergencies whenever they arose."

Read a full flight attendant resume example here.

#78. Paralegal Sample Answer

"I'm really keen on advancing my career in the legal field, and this paralegal position is a great fit for my career goals. I've been involved in extensive legal research and document preparation, which have been crucial for supporting case strategies at my current firm. I'm excited about the opportunity to bring my meticulous attention to detail and strong organizational skills to your team and help streamline processes and help manage your cases."

Read a full paralegal resume example here.

#79. Social Worker Sample Answer

"I’ve dedicated my career to social work because I’m passionate about supporting individuals and communities through challenges. At my previous job, I managed caseloads involving families in crisis and consistently helped them access the resources they needed to improve their lives. I’m particularly proud of a program I initiated that increased community engagement by 40%."

Read a full social worker resume example here.

Key Takeaways

And that’s a wrap!

Now you know everything you need to answer, “Why should we hire you?” during a job interview.

Before we go, let’s just recap some of the key points we covered:

  • Start by learning everything you can about the job and the company before your interview. The more information you have, the better you can tailor your answer.
  • Make sure your answer mentions your skills, experience, passion, or determination for growth within the industry. Interviewers want motivated candidates as much as qualified ones.
  • Explain to the interviewer how you can help their company and fit in with their team. How well you fit into the company culture is as important as your skills and qualifications.
  • Highlight what makes you stand out from other candidates, whether it’s a unique experience you had or how one of your hobbies makes you familiar with the company’s products and services.

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How to Answer: “Why Should We Hire You?” (+12 Examples)

  • Noel Rojo , 
  • Updated October 19, 2023 10 min read

The amount of people who freeze when asked the job interview question “Why should we hire you? ” is too damn high! 

For no reason too. 

Sure, the question is a bit tricky, but with the right approach you should be able to breeze through it. All while impressing your recruiter. 

In short, when an interviewer asks the question "Why should we hire you? ", they want to know why you, of all the candidates, are the right fit for the job, their company and their overall bottom line. In other words — are you the one?  

We’ll go over this question in detail and offer you tips and answer examples that will help you formulate the perfect response. 

Table of Contents

Click on a section to skip

Best general answer to “Why should we hire you?”

12 sample answers according to your job position/experience.

  • How to answer the question “Why shouldn't we hire you?”

Similar job interview questions

Other common job interview questions.

There is a simple 6 step formula that career coaches recommend when answering the interview question “ Why should we hire you ?”.

Step 1: Study the job listing. Understanding the ins and outs of the job at hand is a great way to put together a response that aligns with the company’s demands. Ensuring both you and the employer are on the same page. 

Step 2: Make it about them. Yes, your answer should be about how you are the right candidate for the job . However, it should be answered in a way that fulfills your potential employer’s needs . In other words, give them what they want.  

Step 3: Start the answer with a brief statement. A good way to do this is by stating you understand what they're searching for in an employee (skills, experience, and character).

Step 4: Voice your experienc e.  Although you have listed your experience on a resume . We advise you to pick 2 to 3 things that stand out to you from the job listing and restate how your experience can fulfill those requirements. 

Step 5: Present your benefits .  Don’t just state the skills you possess (features). Instead, talk about how your noteworthy skills , experience and personality traits can bring improvements into the job, team, or company (benefits). 

Step 6: Be humble. Fight the need to over embellish your accomplishments. Sure, you might have the proper technical skills for the job , but you also need to show them your soft skills, for example answering this answer with tact. 

Best general answer (example)

In the end, a general answer following the statement, experience, benefit formula should be something along these lines:

“I am well aware of the importance (company name) places on (skills, experience or values). I have (x amount) of experience in this field and the credentials (education, certificates, courses) to back it up. I believe (company name) would benefit from hiring me as I’m reliable, flexible and am able to adapt even under stressful situations.”

Or, another way to answer this question:

A good general response can take you a long way.

However, when replying to any interview question it’s always wise to tailor your response to the job at hand.  

This is especially true if you're conducting your interview online, as recruiter’s tend to have back-to-back interviews and therefore limited time. (Quick virtual interview tip :  In order to avoid speaking over the recruiter due to internet delays, try to pause for a second or two when responding online).  

Basically, the more you show you understand the job, the company, and its work culture. The higher the chances of you coming ahead of your competition. 

Here are a few answer examples from different job positions and experience levels that can help you formulate an impressive response.  

Best answer for a customer service job #1 (example)

“I know the value you place in providing excellent customer service in this company. I have over 3 years of experience providing exceptional customer service and various certifications on how to treat the customer, in fact I had over 95% customer approval in my previous job. I  believe my approach can benefit the company’s bottom line, as a happy customer is more likely to return.” 

Best answer for a customer service job #2 (example)

“I’m a people person. It doesn't matter if I have to talk with a customer through the phone or work together with a colleague towards a common goal, communication has always been one of my strong suits. So much so that in my previous job I was able to teach these skills to my peers and we were able to improve our customer approval rate by 25% in less than 3 months. With those numbers I would be a great asset to your company.”  

Best answer for a fresher #1 (example)

“From what I understand the role requires someone who’s a good team player. I had an internship where I worked for 2 years with different teams and diverse people from various walks of life. I believe I would be a great candidate for this role, as my experience would allow me to get into the job with minimal training and supervision.”

Best answer for a fresher #2 (example)

“Wow, where do I start? I have always wanted to work in such a great company. I have been preparing for years for this opportunity; with school, internships, and also part time jobs. I understand that I’m a fresher, but I can guarantee you that I'm that right candidate for the job and as you can see from my resume I have the dedication to pursue what I set my mind into. If you hire me I  will apply the same dedication to this job.” 

Best answer for a teacher #1 (example)

“I went over and read the school’s mission and I have to say it fits perfectly with my vision as a teacher. I believe that as a certified teacher with 4 years of experience I will be able to contribute immensely to this mission as I’m someone who has the track record of going above and beyond. I think you should hire me as I am someone with the ability to create a perfect learning environment with your mission in mind.” 

Best answer for a teacher #2 (example)

“I saw in the job listing that the school is searching for a candidate who can adapt to constant change. I have been teaching for years and I have always been resourceful and kept up with the changes of the modern world. In fact, I wouldn’t consider myself a traditional teacher. However, it is because of my unconventional ways that students take a liking of me. I’m positive your students will appreciate you hiring me.” 

Best answer for a nursing job #1 (example)

“If i’m being honest, I have all  the skills and experience that you’re searching for in a nurse.. Apart from having years of experience and the technical skills, I am also a very motivated person and always go beyond what's expected for the job. Lastly, I have always taken pride in my professional and amicable relationships with my colleagues. I’m pretty confident that I am the best candidate for this position.” 

Best answer for a nursing job #2 (example)

“Great question, I have always been someone who commits fully to the job and the overall idea of  nursing. Since I was young, I knew I wanted to be a nurse and now 5 years later I still think it is the best decision I have ever made. For me, being a nurse is more than a paycheck, I get tremendous satisfaction in providing my patients with excellent care. I think you should hire me because I sincerely believe I’m the best candidate for this job.”

Best answer for a fresh graduate #1 (example)

“As soon as I read the job description I knew I was the right person for the job . That is because even though I'm a fresh graduate, my volunteering and internship work has allowed me to gain the skills and experience you’re looking for. I am sure that I will be a great contributor to the company and I can assure you that you will not regret hiring me. ”

Best answer for a fresh graduate #2 (example)

“It has always been a dream of mine to work in this company and when I saw you hiring for an entry level position I knew I had to apply. The truth is that I’m very passionate about what you do and as you can see in my resume my skills and goals align with what you’re searching for. At this moment I am rather fresh, but that doesn't mean I haven't put in the work. I am a very passionate and motivated person and I believe I am the right candidate for this job.”  

Best answer for accountant #1 (example)

“Keeping up with the changes in technology is a must for an accountant . I have always been passionate when it comes to learning new programs. Apart from knowing the basic accounting softwares, I have also taken the time to learn Python, as I think it will open up more possibilities for me in the future. If you hire me, know that I will always be up to date with the  latest accounting trends.”

Best answer for accountant #2 (example)

“I know your company is searching for someone with great attention to detail. I believe I am your candidate as I possess years of experience with the accounting softwares you use. Knowing the ins and outs of these programs will allow me to limit the amount of errors that slip by. On the other hand, I understand accidents happen and if they do I am able to quickly limit the damage they can cause. I believe I am the most capable candidate for this job and you will not regret hiring me.”

How to answer the question “Why shouldn't we hire you?”

Sometimes recruiters like to throw oddball questions you don't find in your average job interview guide like, “ Why shouldn't we hire you? ” or “ What is your biggest weakness ?”.  

Usually, such questions are asked in order to gauge your limits, strengths and weaknesses, and to observe how you handle yourself in stressful situations. 

Hence, why a good way to answer these question is to:

  • Keep your cool . 
  • Collect your thoughts . Now’s a good time to take a sip of water (Reason to always  say yes when they offer you water). 
  • Reverse the question . Pull out your reverse UNO card and flip that weakness into a strength.  
  • Be honest . Even Superman has a weakness. If you’re to show one, show a weakness you overcame. 
  • Don’t be too negative . Negativity is not the best of traits and is definitely not good as a first impression. 

With that said, here's an answer example if the company you're applying for values creativity and self guidance: 

“If you’re looking for someone who should perform each task with management supervision, then i’m not the one you should hire. As I tend to work better when tasks are given with an end goal and I have a bit of leeway to complete it. With that said, I have a good track record of meeting deadlines.”

The question “ Why should we hire you ?” comes in many variations, but with similar intentions. Such as:

  • Why do you want to work here? 
  • Why are you fit for the position? 
  • Why do you want to work for us? 
  • What will you bring to the position? 
  • Why are you the right candidate
  • Why should we take the risk in hiring you? 

Christy's word of advice

“Because I’m the best!”  probably won’t cut it 😉 A better way would be to briefly reiterate why you’re a great fit by summarizing what they’re looking for vs. what you bring to the table:  “As well as over a decade of experience as a fine dining chef, I believe my resume and our interview today demonstrate my passion for creating and serving incredible food, leading teams to success, and putting restaurants on the culinary map. As a customer, I’ve had excellent experiences in your restaurant and fully believe in what you do. I’d be thrilled to be part of your growth and continued success!” .

Christy Morgan, Resident HR Expert

" Where do you see yourself in 5 years? "

“ Where do you see yourself in 5 years ?” is a question asked by recruiters in order to gauge if a potential employee has the ability to commit long-term, especially to a job, project, or company. A good general answer to this interview question is:

“Within 5 years, I see myself in a position that continues to challenge me and that provides me opportunities to grow my skill-set.” 

"What are you passionate about?" 

When answering the question “ What are you passionate abou t?” it’s important to be as specific and honest as you can. R ecruiters ask this question in order to see what you’re truly into and how you think. Also, how you answer this question might also affect where you get placed in the company, so embellishing could backfire.  

"Why did you leave your past job?"

In regards to the question “ Why did you leave your past job ?” What you don't say is just as important as what you do say. Here are the do’s and don'ts:

  • Answer truthfully 
  • Reframe question back to job prospect
  • Show right amount of details
  • Slander your past employer
  • Overdo It with details 
  • Lie about why you left

If you really want to come prepared for the interview, here is an article that teaches you how to answer 100+ common job interview questions . Or simply watch the video guide below.

That’s all, good luck in your interview! 

A documentary photographer and writer. Noel has worked for International publications like Deutsche Welle in Germany to News Deeply in New York. He also co-founded the global multimedia project Women Who Stay and collaborated as a journalist fellow with the University of Southern California. He went from traveling around the world to sitting on a couch thanks to the pandemic, but he got a nice job working for Kickresume thanks to that, so he won't complain.

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  • Interview Questions & Answers

Why Should We Hire You? Best Answer Examples

Why Should We Hire You? Best Answer Examples

To answer “Why should we hire you”, you need to understand what exactly interviewers are looking for or what skills you should mention. Second, you need to talk about your experience and skills without bragging (but you still need to be confident). Third, you need to pick the right angle without making any bad assumptions about other candidates.

But there are a few tricks to help you answer this question in an informative and elegant way. Which is why we’re here.

After reading this article, you’ll know:

  • Why interviewers ask “why should we hire you” in the first place
  • Different variations of the “why should we hire you” question to watch out for
  • 9 different strategies for telling them why they should hire you (including ones for people with no experience, career changers, and managerial positions)
  • Common mistakes to avoid in your answer

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Why Interviewers Ask “Why Should We Hire You”

  • They want to check if you’re confident.
  • They want to hear you speak about your achievements.
  • They want to know what you think your key skill is.
  • They want to hear how you’ll fit in the company.

Yes, one question to try and uncover all of that!

Three key details they’ll look for in your answer:

  • Examples of how your past experience and skills can translate into success for them.
  • Hints that you’ll fit in with the company culture.
  • Proof that you did the research and know a lot about the company.

Even though the question might sound ambiguous, at the end of the day, it’s one of the most straightforward questions they can ask you.

It all boils down to “Please tell us why this business decision (hiring you) is good for our company.”

But you’ll come across different variations of this question, such as:

  • Explain why your background and experience would be a good fit for this job
  • Why are you the best person for this job
  • Why are you a good fit for this job
  • What makes you the best candidate for this position
  • Why should we hire you over other candidates
  • Why are you the ideal candidate for this position

And here’s how to create the perfect answer.

How to Answer “Why Should We Hire You”

How to Answer Why Should We Hire You

  • Focus on your relevant experience and skills (the “general” approach)
  • Highlight your passion and willingness to learn (the “enthusiasm” approach)
  • Emphasize how the position aligns with your skills and aspirations (the “perfect match” approach)
  • Showcase your unique skills no one else has (the “one in a million” approach)
  • Refer to something about the company you learned during your research (the “listener” approach)
  • Mention your quantifiable achievements (the “numbers” approach)
  • Highlight that you’re very likely to stay with the company for a long time (the “long-term vision” approach)
  • Offer to provide innovative ideas (the “fresh perspective” approach)
  • Say how your network will help the company and the team (the “network” approach)

Below, you’ll see how to use each with examples.

Focus on your relevant experience and skills

When answering the “why should we hire you” question, focus on your experience and skills and how they will translate into success for the prospective company. The idea is to take all you’ve done in your career, condense it into 2-3 key accomplishments and skills, and present them in an appealing way.

Because this is the first thing that naturally comes to mind, we call it the “general” approach.

Why it works: It’s safe, universal, and hard to mess up.

Why it might not work: It might turn out too generic or plain boring. In addition, a lot of candidates simply don’t know how to talk about their work accomplishments. Instead, they focus on their previous job duties (but each position’s duties are well-known).

Example answer (position: Content Writer)

Interviewer: Why are you a good fit for this job?

Candidate: Well, I have over 7 years of experience in content writing, so I’ve had time to hone my creative and SEO skills. I know I’d be able to use these at Zent8 to take your content to the next level. I also have experience overcoming several challenges related to traffic and conversion. For example, I was able to increase my current company’s traffic by 31% in the last quarter alone. On top of that, I’m ready to grow in my position. I’d love to get involved in onboarding and training new employees!

Highlight your passion and willingness to learn

This one is particularly useful if you don’t have much work experience.

The idea here is to show your enthusiasm for the company (and the industry) and convey the message that even though you lack experience, you will quickly learn and catch up because of how passionate you are about what they do.

Be specific here; mention shared values and explain why a particular cause is important to you.

Why it works: A lot of companies like to hire for attitude and coachability because hard skills can be taught. If you show that you have enthusiasm and are willing to work, it’ll tell them you’re ready to put in extra effort and progress quickly.

Why it might not work: For some companies, nothing beats experience.

Example answer (position: Teacher)

Interviewer: Why are you the ideal candidate for this position?

Candidate: I’m a strong believer in meaningful work. That’s why I’d love to work in the education industry – I feel it would allow me to make a difference and do something useful. I’m enthusiastic about joining your institution because I admire your student development programs, especially Student Equity and Inclusion, and accountability, collaboration, and inclusion are the values I too uphold in my personal and professional life. Empowering and educating young people ensures a better future for our nation and I’d love to be a part of the initiative.

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Emphasize how the position aligns with your skills and aspirations

This can also be called the “I-did-my-homework” approach. Here you’re focusing on the job ad.

One by one, you’ll cover all the key requirements from the job ad and support them with evidence to prove that you have what it takes to solve their specific problems.

Check out the job ads and look for:

  • Key information such as the size of their company, the industry, the type of clients
  • Key duties for a position
  • Key accomplishments they want to see from a person in this position, if mentioned
  • All the things from your experience so far that overlap with job requirements
  • Transferable skills that might be useful for the position

Why it works: Focusing on the job ad should be the first task on your list both when creating a resume and when preparing for the interview. That’s the only way to tailor your approach, connect the dots, and prove you’re the right person for the job.

Why it might not work: It might be difficult to check all the boxes from the job ad if you don’t have experience or if you’re switching careers.

✅ Pro tip: Pair the “perfect match” with the “enthusiasm” approach to demonstrate that you not only check all the boxes and have the necessary skills, but you’re also passionate about the cause. It’s proven that people do better when they actually love what they do and consider their work meaningful. Hiring managers love to see this.

Example answer (position: Business Development Representative)

Interviewer: Why should we hire you?

Candidate: It felt like the job description was written for me specifically. I have experience selling to both enterprises and emerging companies and I can handle longer sales cycles. Additionally, your job ad says you’re looking for someone who can take over the Sales team, and I’m managing a full-cycle-sales outbound team. Finally, in the job ad you stated you’re looking for a person with a strong personal brand. I’m pretty active on LinkedIn, and thanks to my account, I was recognized as an industry expert and I advised 20+ early-stage companies on how to grow their business using cold outbound. Judging by the listed requirements, I think I’d be able to solve your problems and deliver awesome results in a short period of time.

Showcase your unique skills no one else has

This approach might work if you’re feeling bold!

Tell recruiters what it is that you have that nobody else has. This can be a skill, something from your past experience that you can connect to the prospective role, your network, and similar.

For example, if you’re applying for a PR manager position, you can emphasize your media connections. They’ll make your job easier and make the prospective employer more successful (because they’ll have someone who’s already in the appropriate circles).

Or, if you’re switching careers from customer service to sales, your past experience in CS will help you immensely because you already know what clients (and potential customers) need and want, your communication skills are superb, etc… You get the drill.

Why it works: This approach exudes confidence, which is an attractive trait to display. Recruiters will see that you’re competent for the role, and that you have outstanding persuasion and communication skills.

Why it might not work: It’s really easy to slip into bragging. Plus, if you don’t have actual achievements to back up your claims, things can backfire real quick.

✅ Pro tip: This approach is especially useful for positions which require a bit of persuasion and boldness (sales, advertising, law, public relations, top executives, and similar).

Example answer (position: Nurse)

Interviewer: Why should we hire you over other candidates?

Candidate: You would love having me on your team because I thrive in high-pressure situations. I treated over 50,000 patients in ICU, ER, and casualty departments during my long career. But I don’t shy away from additional work, so you can count on me to help with administration, paperwork, and counseling and training others. Overall, you’d get a well-rounded professional with a special focus on emergency care, which is really important, considering how many hospitals are understaffed in the ED.

Refer to something about the company you learned during your research

Humans want to be understood. They also need their problems solved.

If you mention something specific you learned about the position (or a company) during the interview or the research phase, it will show them that you understand what they’re going through.

And perhaps the company/team struggled with something recently and you happen to have skills that fill this gap. That’s where the problem solving comes in.

Low traffic? High employee churn? Unprofitable quarter? A bit of digging through Reddit, Google Search Console, Ahrefs, or Glassdoor can tell you a lot. Double down on potential problems you identify and offer solutions. You’ll get bonus points for active listening and superb research skills, not to mention proactiveness.

Why it works: For the most part, companies want to know what you can do for them . If you come forward, outline their problems and propose solutions, they’ll see you have the expertise and the proactiveness.

Why it might not work: If you’re a junior or if you lack relevant experience, it might be hard to spot the problems and create an action plan. Presenting something as a problem, when in reality it is not, will certainly raise suspicions about your skills.

✅ Pro tip: This is probably the least robotic of all the options because there’s no framework on how to phrase your answer. Each time, each struggle will be specific and you will have different ways to help. Got 60 seconds to spare? If so, check this out:

Example answer (position: Marketing Specialist)

Candidate: You mentioned struggling with traffic and paid ads so I took the liberty to check out your performance on Ahrefs. Based on what I saw, I have several ideas on how to make this work. I’d probably start by restructuring the pillar pages. And then I’d work extensively on TOFU materials to raise brand awareness, which will in turn solve the paid ads issue. I’d be happy to share the details with you and I’m convinced that we could see dramatic improvements in numbers within the course of several months. I’m result-oriented and I strongly believe in actionable plans. And considering that you have some very specific pain points that need to be addressed, it seems like I’m the right person to get this done.

Mention your quantifiable achievements

Time to get sharp! No need for persuasion and dilly-dallying. Use the “numbers” approach to let hard data talk for you.

Refer to your specific, quantifiable achievements from past jobs – your past results are great indicators of your future performance.

This is an effective “long story short, I’ll make you guys money” kind of answer.

Why it works: Numbers are the best way to prove your claims on why you’d be the best fit for the role. No bargaining with them.

Why it might not work: It will work. However, candidates tend to avoid it. It might take some time to extract the numbers across different platforms; in addition, some people think that their jobs can’t be quantified or that they haven’t accomplished anything. But accomplishments can be listed for any kind of job, and you’ll learn how to do it a few lines below.

✅ Pro tip: If you need help coming up with quantifiable achievements, check out Achievements and Accomplishments for a Resume: Examples + How to List Them . The article is focused on listing them on a resume, but it also includes a few strategies you can use to think of accomplishments you can bring up during the interview, too.

Example answer (position: Administrative Assistant)

Interviewer: Why should I hire you?

Candidate: I’m efficient. For example, in my current position, I’m maintaining a scheduling system for 9 conference rooms. Additionally, I answer around 80 phone calls per day and successfully manage correspondence of all senior team members. Last quarter, I introduced and tested a new internal task management system which increased office productivity by 39%. Overall, I’m results-oriented and always looking for new ways to improve our metrics.

Highlight that you’re very likely to stay with the company for a long time

Make sure to emphasize that this position offers the exact kind of career development (in terms of skills, as well as the “corporate ladder” progression) that you always hoped for.

You don’t want to make it too much about yourself and what you expect to get, but you do want to plant two main ideas inside their heads:

  • That you’re likely to stick around for a long time.
  • That you’ll keep expanding your skills so your value as an employee will grow over time.

Why it works: This approach provides a sense of security to both candidates and companies.

Why it might not work: This might be a thin answer, as life can get unpredictable and no one can guarantee you’ll indeed stay in a company for a long time. Plus, companies rarely hire someone based on this assumption alone.

✅ Pro tip: For best results, combine this approach with some of the others we covered in this article. In the current climate, employees are looking for people that will stay around, so mentioning that you’re looking for stability can be a big plus (this is especially important for positions with high turnover, such as sales and customer service).

Example answer (position: HR generalist)

Interviewer: What makes you the best candidate for this position?

Candidate: As someone who just broke into HR, finding the right company to settle at is difficult. It’s important to me that I share the same vision and values as the company and that I can start contributing from day 1, while still having the room to grow in my career. In that sense, your company seems like a perfect match. I’d love to help you build and retain your Operations team, and, in turn, all the experts from the company can help me expand my skills. And the more I learn, the more I’ll be able to contribute to the team and the company. I believe this can be the start of a fruitful collaboration for both of us.

Offer to provide innovative ideas

This approach is especially useful for career changers looking to break into a new industry.

Your fresh pair of eyes will easily spot bottlenecks or problems in processes, and generally the way the company and teams function.

Perhaps some responsibilities will be new for you, but your past experiences might provide fresh solutions they haven’t thought of before. Not to mention the universally essential transferable skills you’ll bring to the table.

Why it works: Sometimes, teams can get so caught up in the everyday hustle that they simply need a breath of fresh air and perspective you can bring to the table.

Why it might not work: You need to either be switching jobs or have a special go-the-extra-mile mindset for this approach to work. Unless you’ve put in some extra effort into expanding your skills and knowledge beyond your duties so far, you won’t really have any valuable insights and fresh perspectives to provide.

Example answer (position: Customer Service Representative transitioning to a Sales Associate role)

Interviewer: Why should we hire you over the others waiting to be interviewed?

Candidate: I might not have years of experience in sales, but I believe my customer service experience is the perfect background for a Sales Associate position in your company. I’m people-oriented with superb communication skills and I know how to predict people’s reactions. In addition, I know how customers think and I’m capable of finding solutions to their problems quickly. So with my experience so far, I’ll bring a breath of fresh air to your Sales team, I can suggest certain changes to the procedures, and provide a fresh perspective which might be useful.

Say how your network will help the company and the team

This one is invaluable for managerial or executive positions.

If the people you know are your strongest asset, don’t shy away from it. It might mean you’d be able to bring valuable employees to the company and form an awesome team; or generally connect the right people and widen the scope of their possibilities in the future.

But networking is also valuable for sales roles, content creators, and similar. Think about it: people are more open to accept collaborations or free interviews when they know you. Selling and buying from people you know is also more reliable.

Why it works: Right people can connect you with right opportunities and you can return the favor. And networking is easier than ever with LinkedIn and a bunch of forums that work in your favor.

Why it doesn’t work: Some people are introverted and find it challenging to make connections naturally and with ease. Yet, they’re very skilled and capable professionals. So if you’re on the introverted side, use a different approach.

Example answer (position: Senior UX/UI Designer)

Candidate: Because you don’t have a design team yet, hiring new people and getting the team up to speed can take longer than you expect. But I’ve worked with a number of outstanding freelance designers who are looking for new opportunities and are ready to settle with the right company. So hiring me also means hiring a great team of several additional people that can elevate your visuals asap. Plus, we already worked together so the onboarding time will be minimized.

“Why should we hire you” answers — popular opinion vs. expert advice

We get it, you’re all tired of the robotic-sounding advice from corporate outlets. You want to hear what fellow job-seekers have to say. But be careful, well-meaning advice you’ll find across forums and discussion boards might not really be in line with the current hiring best practices. Let’s dissect some widely-shared forum insights and confront them with reality.

Amanda on Quora pitched this as a good answer to “why should we hire you:” I believe I would be a strong asset to your team because of my proven ability to adapt quickly to new environments and my track record of delivering results. In my previous role, I was responsible for spearheading several successful projects that significantly improved efficiency and productivity within the team. My strong problem-solving skills … allowed me to collaborate seamlessly with cross-functional teams and achieve goals.

Career expert comments: While not horrible, this reply lacks substance. “Proven ability,” “track record of delivering results,” or “achieving goals” — all that sounds super vague. As a hiring manager, I would immediately dig deeper. What were those results? What proves that track record? Several projects? How many? Why do you believe they were successful? If you have the numbers to back it up, such an answer might work. If not, you’re treading on a very thin ice. — Pamela Skillings , Career Coach, Hiring Consultant

In that same thread, Zain suggests another answer: I am a quick learner and I am always looking for ways to improve and grow. I am eager to take on new challenges and I am confident that I can make a positive impact in this role.

Career expert comments: You say “I” every seven words. They ask you why they should hire you, because they want to know what’s in it for THEM. Besides, as always, back up your claims with evidence. If you’re a quick learner, tell me what skills you learned recently. If you’re eager to take on new challenges, give me an example of a time when you showed initiative. Hiring managers love candidates who *show* not *tell*.

Zain, though, concludes his post with a very valid point: The most important thing is to tailor your response to the specific job and company you are applying for, highlighting why you are the best fit for the role and how you can contribute to the organization’s success.

Career expert comments: Agreed 100%. Never use canned, generic responses, always think about why they even opened this recruitment and what challenges they need this new hire to help with. Then, tell them *exactly* how your skills fill that gap. — Michael Tomaszewski , Certified Professional Resume Writer, Career Advice Editor

Heading to reddit now and here’s one of the most-ever upvoted replies in a thread about how to answer “why should we hire you?” This position requires me to do these things. I can do these things. I actually like to do these things. And I’m a pleasant guy to be around.

Career expert comments: Don’t go word for word (shocking!), but, in truth, that’s exactly what you should say. Just have the proof handy when they ask you for it. If you can do things the job ad says you need to do, great! Prove it. If you can do those things particularly well, even better! Prove it. If you genuinely enjoy doing those things, say that — and then explain why you’re enthusiastic about the job. There. Hired.

Let’s give another subreddit a go, on a slightly less humorous note this time.

Here’s what u/subsetsum says : For questions like this, by the time it’s asked, I’ve already gotten the potential employer to describe their pain points — the reason they are looking to fill the position. It’s all a sales job. Listen to the customer and hear their problem. Maybe they need something they aren’t even aware of. Then you summarize that and explain that you can make the problem go away.

Career expert comments: Here. We. Go. Again. On point. “Why should we hire you?” literally means: “tell me you have what it takes to aid our business performance.” If you’re a solution to their real-life issue, your whole answer should resolve around that. Bonus points if you can actively listen to what they tell you about their business during the interview. If you prove your skills go beyond the job description, they won’t want to miss out on hiring you. — Pamela Skillings , Career Coach, Hiring Consultant

See other articles on how to tackle popular interview questions:

  • “Why Did You Leave Your Last Job?” Top Reasons, Examples, How to Answer
  • What Is Your Greatest Weakness? (Sample Answers + Tips)
  • How to Answer: “Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?” (+ Examples)
  • 40+ Smart Questions to Ask at the End of Any Job Interview
  • What Are Your Strengths (and Weaknesses): Example Answers + Bonus Tips
  • How Do You Handle and Resolve Conflict? Sample Answers + How-to

Got an upcoming video interview? Give this a read: Video Interviewing Tips & Tricks

And if you’re interested in interviewing for specific positions, see:

  • Sales Interview Questions and Answers
  • Customer Service Interview Questions and Answers
  • Customer Service Manager Interview Questions and Answers

How Not to Answer “Why Should We Hire You”

Now that we covered things you should do, let’s go through the things you most certainly shouldn’t .

Don’t get overly cocky and arrogant

Interpreting the “Why should we hire you” question in a wrong way might lead you astray and make you sound cocky and arrogant.

There is nothing wrong with knowing your worth, but present it in an objective way.

Instead of saying “I’m the best salesperson you can hire, trust me”, say something like “In the past year, I’ve closed 3 deals with the biggest clients so far, securing more than $5M in revenue”.

Amaze them with results, not empty promises.

Don’t be too modest and underselling yourself

On the other hand, you don’t want to be too modest and miss out on a chance to sell yourself.

Now is your time to shine – avoid phrases such as “I don’t know,” “I guess,” “I’m not sure,” or “I think.” Focus on your achievements, skills, and experience, and let the facts work in your favor.

Always show up prepared

Not preparing an answer in advance will leave you confused as to what it is that they want to hear. Then you’ll become uncomfortable and start rambling, and in the end you won’t answer the question at all.

Or, you’ll create a mental note, assume you’ll remember what you wanted to talk about, and then blank out once you actually get the question.

Having read this article, you’ll know what interviewers are looking for with this question.

Now, just take a few minutes to decide on your approach, prepare a framework for your answer, and practice – you will 100% avoid this mistake.

Use the Answer Builder to quickly outline your answer in a few bullet points you can remember. Pay special attention to the quality of information, language you used, and pace of speech.

Why Should We Hire You - Big Interview Answer Builder Feedback

Don’t be desperate

Show them that you would like to get the job, but don’t make it look like your life depends on it. Hiring is a mutual decision and both parties bring something to the table – the company needs you as much as you need the company.

Display healthy confidence that shows you’re also evaluating them. If you need help, here are 5 important things to consider before accepting a job offer .

Be specific

Like in your answers to any interview question.

List particular reasons for why you’re a great fit for the position, list specific skills that will help you achieve specific results, mention specific goals you have in mind for the position, and bring up specific details and pain points of the company you can solve with several specific steps.

Remember, you’re a practical and goal-oriented person, and everyone wants such people on their team. 😉

  • “Why should we hire you” = “Please tell us why hiring you is a good business decision for our company.”
  • Depending on the direction you want to take, you can choose between several approaches when crafting your answer (all 9 of them are listed above!).
  • Each of these will focus on a particular thing, but they will also contain a few your achievements, enthusiasm, skills, etc.
  • You don’t want to come across as too arrogant, too modest, or generic.
  • It’s best to anticipate this question and prepare in advance so that you don’t ramble on and avoid giving a clear answer.
  • Don’t worry – as uncomfortable as it may seem, this question becomes easy to answer with practice.

Now you have what it takes to create the perfect answer – we’re sure you can use at least a few of those approaches today. Good luck!


Need a hand? There are 2 ways we can help you:

1. Learn how to be confident in an interview without sounding arrogant. 2. Prepare for interviews with our versatile practice tool .

How to answer “why should we hire you?” when you have no experience?

Focus on your strengths and transferable skills. Discuss how your education, eagerness to learn, adaptability, and enthusiasm make you a valuable asset. Highlight relevant volunteer work, courses, or internships that demonstrate your commitment to acquiring knowledge and contributing to the company.

What to say when they ask “what can you bring to the company?”

Mention your unique qualities, qualifications, and experiences that align with the job requirements. Explain how, for instance, your problem-solving abilities, innovative thinking, and interpersonal skills will contribute positively to the company culture and help achieve its goals. Showcase your ability to adapt and grow in the position.

What skills should I focus on when discussing why they should hire me?

Identify the critical skills listed in the job description and emphasize your proficiency in them. Focus on both technical and soft skills, such as communication, teamwork, time management, leadership, and problem-solving. Frame these skills in the context of past achievements and how they will benefit the company.

What if they ask about “top 3 reasons you’re qualified for the job?”

Concisely highlight your most relevant skills, experiences, and personal attributes. Consider including specialized training or certification, years of work experience in the industry, or achievements relevant to the job. Balance your unique qualifications with a genuine passion and motivation for the role.

How to figure out if I’d be a good candidate?

Review the job description thoroughly to understand the required qualifications, skills, and company culture. Assess your own skills, experience, and motivation for the role. If your background aligns with the requirements and you can genuinely envision yourself as a valuable contributor, you can consider yourself a good candidate.

why you should hire me essay examples

Maja Stojanovic

Turn interviews into offers

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How to perfect your “Why should we hire you?” answer

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Why ask, “Why should I hire you?”

The 6 components of a perfect answer, sample answers to “why should we hire you”, tying it all together.

Job interviews can be nerve-wracking. And why shouldn’t they be? Whether you’re looking for your next pay raise or you’ve spent the last few months unemployed, the interview process can certainly feel high-stakes.

We’re told since childhood that first impressions matter , and this is one of the biggest first impressions of them all. Over half of interviewers make their decision within the first 5 to 15 minutes of an interview, so it’s important to knock it out of the park.

But, if you’re well-prepared, you’ll have less to worry about. You’re a rockstar, and you know it — you just have to show it.

The whole point of an interview is to find out why an employer should hire you and why you should work for them. That’s why one of the most common interview questions is, “Why should we hire you?”

On the surface, this seems like an intimidating question. But let’s try reframing it: this is the best possible question you could hope for. Why? Because if you have a great answer, it sets you up perfectly for the rest of your interview. It gives you a chance to state clearly what you’re made of and why you really are the best fit for the role.

Responding to this question is something of a balancing act. You want to self-promote and show your competence without seeming arrogant and highlight your skills without bragging. And most importantly, you want to honor your authentic self and your skill set. 

Let’s dive a bit deeper, shall we? Here are some interview tips for the perfect “Why should we hire you?” answer.

There's more to the “Why should we hire you” interview question than meets the eye. Sure, it may seem simple at first: of course they want to know why they should hire you! That’s why they booked this interview.

But, more than that, they’re on the lookout for other types of information. They want to know that you:

  • Are prepared for the interview. Your answer should show them you’ve read the job description, studied the organization, and know what skills are required for the role. You should also have those skills already, proving you can hit the ground running from day one. 
  • Understand the job requirements. You won’t know the tiny details of a job until you’re hired to do it. But you should have a general understanding of what’s required to succeed in that position.
  • Know how your skills and personality fit the job. You should demonstrate a deep understanding of your skills and why they make you the best fit. And, even if you don’t have all the necessary experience, you should show how your personality will match the company culture . Your dedication to your own self-betterment will also prove to them you’re interested in growing in this position. 
  • Aren’t overqualified . Employers are afraid that if you’re overqualified for a role, you’ll be bored at work and leave quickly. It’s important for you to explain why you’re interested in such a job, especially if it’s entry-level.

If you can tick these boxes for an interviewer, it could seal the deal for you. It shows that you’re focused on the company and have the skills for the job, making you a no-brainer for the role.

Other versions of the question

Sometimes, your interviewer will be less than direct in their approach. They’ll find another way to phrase the question and get the necessary information. Here are some alternate “Why should we hire you” examples: 

  • Why would you be a good fit for this position?
  • Why do you think you’re the best person for the job?
  • What makes you unique?
  • How do your background and work experience make you a good fit for the role?
  • Tell me about yourself .

No matter how they ask the question, your approach is the same. Your interviewer’s main takeaway should be that you’re prepared, competent, and self-aware .


It’s your time to shine

Remember, this question is your chance to make your sales pitch and show why you’re the best candidate. Assuming they read your resume and cover letter , they already understand what certifications and skills you offer. Now’s your chance to tell a good story about those skills to drive the point home.

As you prepare for your interview, ask yourself: “Why should a company hire me?” Create a bullet-point list of every reason you can think of. Write down your success stories from your previous jobs, technical skills, communication skills, and exemplary personality traits.

Everything about you can help you reach your career aspirations . Talking yourself up can be difficult. It’s too easy to linger on past mistakes or why you’re not worthy of a job. If you’re struggling to feel confident , BetterUp can help .

Our coaches can provide you with an outside perspective on your work history and help you identify skills you didn’t know you had. And, if you’re truly not ready for your dream job, we can help you make a plan and set goals to get there.

So what makes a perfect answer? Here are the essential components you should include.

1. Focus on your achievements

It’s one thing to list your skills; it’s another to prove you have them. Employers want people who can deliver, so highlight your track record of bringing the goods. Emphasize your best moments in “Tell me about a time when…” or situational interview questions .

2. Talk about hard and soft skills

Hard technical skills are important for most roles. But, more often than not, there’s more to a job than simply performing tasks. You’ll have to work with people, solve problems, and make decisions — all of which require soft skills like communication and being a fast learner. They can set you apart from other candidates with similar technical abilities.

3. Highlight culture alignment

Employers aren’t just looking for the right worker; they’re looking for the right person. Companies often have tight-knit teams with members who have worked together for years. They want to know you’ll be a good match and connect well with your new colleagues. Be sure to demonstrate how you form relationships and build rapport in a workplace.

4. Show how your skills fit the job

Don’t assume the recruiter immediately sees how your skills fit the role. Paint a picture for them — especially if you’re from a different field or industry. Make sure to highlight your skills transfer to this new role.


5. Show your excitement

It’s tempting to remain stoic in the name of professionalism. But let’s be real: you applied for the job for a reason. Highlight specific tasks and responsibilities that set this role apart from others you’ve applied to. Talk about why this position gets your motor revving. This shows you’re passionate about the work and care to do high-quality work.

6. Use “I” statements

Hiring managers want to know your exact involvement in your previous team’s achievements. Avoid saying things like “We achieved our goal of X.” Instead, highlight your specific contributions.

Were you the team leader? Did you write all of the marketing material? Did you help keep a project within budget? Giving credit to your colleagues is nice, but don’t sell yourself short in the process.

What does a good answer to this question look like? Here are three example answers to this job interview question and why they work.

Example 1: project manager at a software company

“I think I’m the right person for this job because, through my previous work as a computer engineer, I learned to speak the language of software developers. I’ve collaborated closely with developers to design hardware that worked well with their operating system. Our product went on to sell millions of units. 

I think this collaborative approach is what you need in project management. I know how to work with people with expertise different than mine and can bring out the best in their work to build a successful product.”

Why it works: This response highlights one of your previous contributions to your team’s success. You also tied this example to the role’s needs, showing that you understand the new job’s requirements. Your example also illustrates your ability to collaborate — a key soft skill for this job.

Example 2: grant writer at an environmental research company

“I think I’m perfect for this job because I have completed a master’s degree in environmental policy and years of experience as a climate journalist. I’m a strong writer and know how to communicate complicated research to audiences outside of the field.

I once wrote a feature for a local news website about how trees can cool our city. It became one of our best-performing stories that week. 

Communicating complex ideas in clear language is important because many grant evaluators aren’t subject matter experts. They want to know what their money is funding, and I can help them connect the dots.”

Why it works: Here, your response draws attention to your technical abilities (writing), transferable skills from your last job (climate journalism), and expertise (master’s degree in a related field).

You also back up your claims with an example story, showing that you have past experience with the relevant subject matter. In the second part of your answer, you tie it all together by explaining why these skills will be helpful in the role.


Example 3: administrative assistant at a seniors’ hospital

“Based on what I know about your organization, your patients, and what we’ve discussed so far, it seems like you need someone great with people, understands what families need, and knows how to handle sensitive information. 

As a previous volunteer at a local nursing home, I often worked with families to learn more about their grandparents to make their stay more comfortable. Once, a family told me they appreciated how much effort I put into learning about their grandma’s needs.”

Why it works: This response demonstrates that you’ve done your homework. You know the hospital deals primarily with older adults, so you highlight your experience with this type of patient and setting.

You also offer an example that shows your interpersonal skills with patients’ families because you’ll be booking appointments for them and interacting with them daily in your new job.

Crafting the perfect “why should we hire you?” answer takes work. It requires a lot more than simply listing your key qualifications. You’ll have to release your inner student and study the job posting, learn about the company, and understand your own skills and competencies.


Once you’ve done that, it all comes down to your presentation. Don’t be afraid to talk yourself up. As the job seeker, it’s on you to paint a picture for your employer; help them see why you’re the best choice for the role. Pull it all together into a well-organized and thoughtful answer, and they'd be wrong not to give you a job offer.

Understand Yourself Better:

Big 5 Personality Test

Maggie Wooll, MBA

Maggie Wooll is a researcher, author, and speaker focused on the evolving future of work. Formerly the lead researcher at the Deloitte Center for the Edge, she holds a Bachelor of Science in Education from Princeton University and an MBA from the University of Virginia Darden School of Business. Maggie is passionate about creating better work and greater opportunities for all.

Why do you want to work here? Here’s how to answer (or not)

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25 Best Answers to ‘Why Should We Hire You’ Interview Question

In a job interview, this question allows you to showcase your abilities and experience. If you want to make a good impression on the hiring manager, you need to focus your answer on the company.

Think about it this way: why are you the best choice for the company? What is it getting if it decides to hire you instead of the other (also qualified) candidates? It’s your chance to highlight your strengths and show that you’re a great fit for that job. In this post, you’ll find great answers to the “Why should we hire you?” interview question.

5 Tips for Your Answer

• Be objective and answer with confidence. • If you have real-life examples, use them. • Highlight how your skills and experience fit the job requirements. • Show what makes you unique and valuable. • Be specific.

5 Mistakes to Avoid

• Don’t try to memorize your answer. Make it as natural as possible. • Don’t just repeat what’s already in your resume. • Avoid too short and generic answers. • Avoid talking too much. • Avoid sounding arrogant.

Best Example Answers to “Why Should We Hire You” Interview Question

1. Example Answer: You mentioned that your organization needs someone familiar with managing complex projects which involve many employees and contractors. I’ve been managing large-scale projects for the last seven years at ABCD Corporation and I thoroughly enjoy it. My projects have an average of a 91% customer satisfaction rate. My latest four projects were among the top 10 most profitable projects delivered by the company in the last two years. And they were all completed on schedule.

Key Takeaways: It shows the candidate is a good match for the job requirements and is passionate about it. It conveys their achievements and ability to deliver results for the company and its customers.

2. Example Answer: I know this is a fast-growing company with many young talented people. You mentioned that you need someone with good communication skills and leadership experience. When I worked at ABCD Corporation, I managed teams of eight to 12 people, most of them with no more than two years of professional experience. I have motivated them to meet or surpass all quarterly sales goals for the last four years and found tremendous satisfaction in seeing them thrive.

Key Takeaways: It shows that the candidate researched the company beforehand. The candidate also shows they’ve gotten excellent results working with similar teams before.

3. Example Answer: My skills and experience are a great match for the job requirements, as you can see from my resume. I worked for five years as an executive assistant to Mr. John Doe, the Financial Manager of ABCD Corporation. During this time, I learned all about the finance department, which I understand will be relevant for this job. Also, I am fluent in Spanish and Portuguese, which allow me to communicate with the company’s offices and customers in Latin America.

Key Takeaways: It makes it clear that the candidate is a good fit for the job. It also shows confidence. It uses a former experience to give the candidate an edge. It adds a bonus (speaking Spanish and Portuguese) and shows why this can be significant.

4. Example Answer: I studied your company’s blog, and I noticed that its style and voice are similar to mine, as you can see from my sample articles. I have written extensively about technology and cloud solutions, so I have the technical background to produce quality posts and get more traffic to your company’s website. All my content is SEO-friendly.

At my previous job, my articles helped increase the company’s organic website traffic by 150% in the first six months. I get really excited about helping grow websites, and I would love to do that here.

Key Takeaways: It shows the candidate took the time to do his/her homework and thinks that they are a match with the corporate culture. It also shows that their experience is relevant to the company and that they can add value right from the beginning.

5. Example Answer: I have extensive experience designing and developing websites. As a freelancer, I have built more than 30 websites for small and mid-sized companies. Last year, I was hired by a major IT company, as you can see from my resume. I was the lead developer responsible for revamping its website. The new user-friendly and mobile-friendly interface almost doubled user clicks and page views. Consequently, customer purchases also increased by 22%. That’s why I know I can increase the traffic and prospects to your company’s website as well.

Key Takeaways: The candidate highlights some of their experience, skills, and notable achievements that show they are the best candidate for the job.

6. Example Answer: You mentioned earlier that your company’s focus is to invest in its younger workers. I am so glad because this is something that I am passionate about too. My work is not only about recruiting but also about helping the company grow and keep its talent. In my previous job as an HR Coordinator, I developed training courses to get new hires acquainted and involved in the company faster. I also created a mentoring program that encouraged them to plan their careers with the guidance of their more experienced colleagues.

Key Takeaways: It shows that the candidate paid attention to what the interviewer said and shows enthusiasm. The candidate mentions strategies they have used before and the positive results they achieved.

7. Example Answer: The job description says that your company is expanding its business to China. That’s why I was so excited to apply for this job. My family is originally from China. After I graduated, I decided to move to Beijing. I lived there for three years, working as a junior engineer. Then I returned to the US and continued my career here. I would love this opportunity to be part of a team that will work with your Chinese customers. I believe my work experience in China and my deep understanding of the culture will be valuable for this new endeavor.

Key Takeaways: It shows the candidate’s enthusiasm for this job and that they have directly related cultural experience that would be helpful to the role. Because they chose to move to China and work there, they have demonstrated their commitment to working in an environment related to China.

8. Example Answer: I am thrilled to be considered for this job teaching Spanish in such a respected school. I would love to work with such a diverse group of students. I am passionate about helping them learn a second language and understand different cultures.

In my previous job, I used to plan annual day trips, taking the students to places where they could experience Latin culture. I also invited native Spanish speakers as guests to be interviewed by the students. If you give me this opportunity, I will bring my ideas and my enthusiasm and do my very best to give the students a remarkable experience learning Spanish.

Key Takeaways: The candidate shows their admiration for the employer and their excitement about working there. They also show their creativity, which is something that might set them apart from the others.

9. Example Answer: My resume shows that I have the experience and skills that make me a great fit for this job. I also value relationships with customers, so I do my best to sell them the right products that will solve their problems. I am proficient in negotiating deals and closing sales. That’s why, in my previous job, I was the top sales representative for three consecutive years.

If I am fortunate enough to receive a job offer from you, it would be such a pleasure to bring my determination and experience to help your company increase sales and get more clients.

Key Takeaways:  This answer shows confidence. The candidate highlights their strong experience. This answer also mentions their accomplishments and what they bring to the company.

10. Example Answer: As an IT Specialist, I have a diverse background. I’ve worked with operating systems, networking, system security, and application servers. Technology is a passion of mine, so I am always studying the latest trends in my free time. Having such a diverse experience allowed me to be one of the most requested specialists for critical problem-solving assignments in my previous job. I would be really excited about bringing my technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and interpersonal skills to this job.

Key Takeaways: It shows that this candidate is a generalist. This might give them an advantage, depending on the job position. It also mentions a relevant accomplishment.

11. Example Answer: I have four years of experience working with social media management and content marketing. I am also an expert copywriter. I intensely enjoy communicating with people, and I bring this passion to every campaign I write. In my previous job, I created several social media and e-mail marketing campaigns. Those campaigns increased the traffic to the company’s website by 42%. Those campaigns also brought 8K more followers to the company’s Instagram account and 7K more followers to its Facebook account.

Key Takeaways: It shows the candidate’s relevant skills, experience, and passion for the job. It also mentions relevant achievements.

12. Example Answer: I am a determined and driven professional. Throughout my career, I received several awards for exceeding my individual sales goals. I’ve been working as a Sales Manager for the last three years. I manage a team of five sales representatives who work with medium-sized companies in our territory. We’ve exceeded all our quarterly sales goals to date. I am ready to embrace a new challenge, and think your company’s Sales Manager position is a great fit with my background.

Key Takeaways: It shows the candidate’s experience and impressive achievements. It also shows confidence.

13. Example Answer: I am passionate about French literature. I was very excited when I saw the job opening for a translator. It said your publishing company intends to translate contemporary French novels into English. That was the focus of my dissertation. I have dual citizenship, French and American. When it comes to translations, I specialized in maintaining meaning and being faithful to the flow and rhythm of the original texts. I am also fluent in German and Spanish.

Key Takeaways: It shows the candidate’s enthusiasm about the opportunity and their expertise. It has an extra – the two other languages they speak.

14. Example Answer: Thank you for asking that question. I am a detail-oriented professional who lives to embrace new challenges. I’ve worked as a financial analyst for the last 15 years. When I worked for XYZ Corporation, I was responsible for financial planning, reporting, analysis, and forecasting. I collaborated closely with the company’s CEO and other C-level executives in analyzing the organization’s finances. I also implemented an investment strategy that increased revenue by 8% on average annually. I am confident that I am the best candidate for this position.

Key Takeaways: It shows the candidate’s confidence, skills, and experience. It also shows the high level of responsibility that his/her previous job demanded and their achievement, which could set them apart from the other candidates.

15. Example Answer: My resume shows that I have the skills and the experience that the job requires, but I want you to know that I am an extremely dedicated and devoted professional. I am hungry to learn and excel at work and thrive on figuring out how to overcome challenges. If you give me this opportunity, I will certainly do my best to exceed all my goals. I will also focus on making the customers completely satisfied with the services they get from me.

Key Takeaways: It shows confidence. The candidate talks about some of their characteristics to emphasize that he/she can handle this job.

16. Example Answer: I greatly appreciate the opportunity to be interviewed for this job. Working for ABCD Corporation has always been a dream for me. Even though I am fresh out of college, I am very motivated, and I am a fast learner. During my internship at XYZ, I worked with some of your company’s software applications. One of my duties was to install and set them up for the assistants. I loved helping them and solving their problems. That’s why I look forward to having a chance to work in your company’s customer support team.

Key Takeaways: The candidate admits they don’t have much experience. But they show enthusiasm for working there. They also highlight a previous experience that is relevant for this job.

17. Example Answer: This is such a fantastic opportunity that you probably have many good candidates for this job. What sets me apart from them is my work ethic and integrity. I am transparent in all that I do. I try my utmost to get the best deal for my customers and the company.

I believe that a happy customer will bring more customers because people recommend businesses that they trust. So, I work hard to gain my customers’ trust without compromising the company’s sales goals. That’s what I consider a job well done: when both my customer and my employer are happy.

Key Takeaways: In a scenario where the candidate may have skills and experiences similar to the others, this answer highlighted aspects that can set them apart from the rest.

18. Example Answer: I am a Certified Marketing Management Professional with proven experience and results, as you can see from my resume. Before this interview, I checked your company’s current social media and web presence, and I am confident I can help you get to the next level. I can develop campaigns to increase the overall number of followers and their engagement on social media. That includes platforms that your company has no presence in yet.

Well-planned and well-executed campaigns will increase your brand awareness and the number of online prospects considerably. I would love to make that happen for you.

Key Takeaways: The candidate doesn’t describe experience or skills, but they show that they can be helpful for the company. It also shows that they researched the company’s social media before the interview.

19. Example Answer: In the job description, you mentioned that you’re looking for a WordPress expert with experience in site optimization. I checked your company’s main website, and its load time needs to be reduced. You can see from my resume that this is one of my specialties. In my previous job, I wrote a customized responsive theme for the company’s WordPress website. I also optimized images and content. I was able to get the average page load time to less than 5 seconds. Such work would bring a considerable benefit to your website’s performance.

Key Takeaways: It shows the candidate took the initiative to research the company’s website beforehand. It also shows that the candidate has achieved great results in the past and can do it again for the new company.

20. Example Answer: I love working as an Event Manager. It is a job where I can use my strengths. I have excellent people and organization skills. I am also a planner by nature. I thrive at coordinating people, and I excel at crisis management. I am both independent and a team player. I have experience managing volunteers, thanks to the time I worked at the ABCD non-profit organization. I intend to bring my experience and talent to take your company’s events to the next level.

Key Takeaways: It shows the candidate’s enthusiasm about the job. It also shows their skills and experience. It finishes with what they expect to do for the company.

21. Example Answer: I understand that you need a social worker with experience in counseling children, teenagers and also handling family conflicts. When I worked at the ABCD non-profit organization, I was the team leader responsible for mediating between family members to resolve conflicts and establish healthy relationships.

I also trained and assisted my team in handling suspected cases of child neglect and abuse. We were responsible for counseling the families and helping them get the assistance they needed. I find immense satisfaction in helping to improve people’s lives and hope you’ll give me the chance.

Key Takeaways: It shows that the candidate has a previous experience that is similar to what the company is looking for.

22. Example Answer: I’ve worked as a personal trainer for the last eight years. I was working at ABCD Fitness when a destructive hurricane struck and they had to close for repairs. Then I decided to start a YouTube channel to give lessons for people that work from home or are in a different town. It was a success and currently has more than 20K followers. Even though I enjoy doing that, I miss in-person contact with people. I am very energetic and optimistic. I love connecting with every client. I believe that many of my local YouTube followers will come to your gym for classes with me.

Key Takeaways: It shows the candidate’s diverse experience and how they handled a setback well. It also shows their enthusiasm for this job and how they can be beneficial to the company.

23. Example Answer: I have strong oral and written communication skills. I can work independently as well as in a team. I am organized and self-motivated. You mentioned that the new receptionist should have familiarity with legal documents and litigation.

If you look at my resume, you will see that I worked for five years at AB & CD Associates. There I developed my ability to deal with stressful situations and also to multitask well. I also learned a lot about the specifics of working in a law firm. It is an environment I thoroughly enjoy and hope to continue to work in.

Key Takeaways: It emphasizes the candidate’s relevant strengths and previous experience.

24. Example Answer: You can see from my resume that I have all the academic requirements for this internship. I am a creative and motivated marketing student. I have experience with several popular software programs, including Photoshop, Hootsuite, ActiveCampaign, and of course the Microsoft Office Suite. I have created content and managed accounts on the most popular social media platforms, such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Tik Tok, and YouTube. I am a fast learner, and I will do my absolute best if you give me this chance. I will come to work every day ready to work hard and will be very grateful for the opportunity.

Key Takeaways: The candidate is a student and doesn’t have much experience, so they emphasize the skills that can help them get the internship.

25. Example Answer: Based on the job description and what we’ve talked about, I know that I am the right candidate for this job. I have worked as a training manager for more than ten years. I have focused on identifying skill gaps and developing training courses according to the company’s needs and strategy.

I understand that your company has an urgent need for online courses. I’ve been working on that for the last four years. I know I can plan, develop, and deliver the high-quality online training courses that your company needs to help your employees thrive.

Key Takeaways: It shows confidence. The candidate shows how they can be helpful to the company because of their previous experience.

It is not that hard to answer the “Why should we hire you” interview question. Keep in mind that your answer needs to set you apart from the other candidates and show that you’re the best fit for that job. If you don’t have much experience, highlight the strengths you have that are relevant. If you do have the experience, don’t be shy about it. And go get that job!

  • – Your best job interview coach since 2011

Why should we hire you? Learn how to answer one of the most dreaded interview questions

At least a few people will apply for every decent job offer . They are your competitors in an interview. Will the employer hire You, or one of them at the end of the day? Obviously, everything you say and do in a meeting with the employer has at least some impact on the outcome of the job interviews. But some hiring managers and recruiters (mostly inexperienced managers) use a more direct approach to find out whether they should hire you, or somebody else: they directly ask you why they should.

In this article we will check good sample answers to this question – for a variety of positions, and we will also analyze the question in detail.

Sample answers for various positions (from call center to management)

Managerial position

  • You should hire me, because I posses a rare ability to uncover and develop the strengths of other people. Management is my passion, and I just love to help the others to achieve their goals, to enjoy their job, and to mutually help the company grow.

* Check also: Interview questions for managers .

Marketing position

  • I know how to touch the hearts and minds of the prospects, and how to turn them to customers. I really enjoy  marketing, and I can’t wait to design some successful campaigns for your clients. ( * Check also Marketing Specialist interview questions )

Sales position

  • I really like the product of your company, that is the first reason why you should hire me. You can sell something well only when you truly like the product. Secondly, I am really passionate about selling, and enjoy pitching the customers. I know how to deal with different personalities, and I have guts to go and talk to anyone.

* Check also: Sales interview questions .

Entry level jobs

  • I am aware that I have no experience.  But I am willing to learn , motivated to work hard, and I will do my best every day to help you to achieve your goals. ( * Check also Why should we hire you wit no experience?

Customer service

  • I love to talk with the others and to help them. Communication makes me happy, not only in my job. I will do my best to create a smile on the faces of your customers, so they can come back and make another purchase . * Check Customer service – Why should we hire you for 7 sample answers to this question.

People working on the phone (call center, telemarketing and similar positions)

  • I like to talk on the phone, and negative responses never discourage me.  I have an ability to swallow virtually everything, and I believe this ability is crucial if one wants to be good at this job. * You can have a look at more sample answers for call center here: Why should we hire you – retail interview ,

Special Tip : “Why should we hire you?” is just one of the dozens of difficult questions you may dace in your job interview. If you want to streamline your interview preparation , get access to up to 10 premium answers to basically every difficult question you may face while trying to get the job, have a look at our Interview Success Package . In three hours from now, you can be ready to impress the hiring managers, outclass the other job candidates, and get the job of your choice. Thank you for checking it out!

A lady answers why should we hire you question in her restaurant interview. We can see a cup of coffee on the table, and people in the background.

HR positions

  • I can see the good, and the bad in people. I work professionally and never let my emotions to get the better of me , and influence my decisions in work.

* Check also: HR Generalist interview questions

Programmers and coders

  • My computer is my best friend. If I work on the project, I am able to focus on my tasks and nothing will distract me. I give interesting insights on every project, and I work hard to keep my coding skills up to date. I try to learn something new every day. ( * Check IT and programming interview questions to learn how to answer all other questions you will face…)
  • My job is my mission. I believe that teachers shape the future, by shaping their students. Therefore I approach my job responsibly,  and I try my best to be a good role model for the students.

* Check also: Teaching interview questions .

Administrative workers and office managers

  • I am organized and I keep a good track of everything. I can work quickly and do not mind routine tasks. In fact, I prefer routine jobs I am always positive in work, and help to create a good atmosphere in the office. These are the main reasons why you should hire me.

* Check also Administrative Assistant interview questions .

Special Tip: Download the sample answers in a one page long PDF , and practice your own interview answer anytime later:

why you should hire me essay examples

Deeper analysis of the question: What do the interviewers want to hear from you?

  • They want to hear that you could help their company prosper , and they want to hear that you actually care about their business and success .
  • They desire to know your motivation to work hard .
  • They try to understand the value you can bring to their team.

Now wait a second. Shouldn’t the interviewers figure it out on their own? Aren’t they paid for their ability to recognize your potential, your motivation, and your weaknesses?

They are paid for that ability, but they will still often ask the question, from one of the following reasons:

  • To see that you can assess your own skills and strengths realistically, which helps them to determine your level of self confidence, and other important things.
  • They simply use the question because everyone else does the same thing. (Not all recruiters are skilled, or professional. Especially in small companies that do not run their own HR department, you can talk to people who just downloaded the list of common interview questions and ask the candidates this question without really knowing why they do so , and what they want to hear from a good candidate for the job.)
  • They use it as your last chance to tell them the reason for hiring you, because they could not identify the reason on their own.

What you should NOT answer

Many job seekers use general interview answers–which is indeed a bad strategy. Maybe you have also used one of the following answers in your past interviews:

Why should we hire you?

Because I am the best candidate for this job . How can you tell without meeting other applicants? Because I want this job so badly . Your concerns and desires don’t interest the interviewers… I meet the requirements for the job . Too general. You need to list the exact requirements you meet. I have no idea. If you have no idea why it makes sense to hire you, how can we figure it out?

Job candidates sit next to each other, waiting for the screening interview to begin.

Guide on composing a great answer

You need to come up with a specific reason. Do not make the same mistake as many people do. Try to tell them what they want to hear . You can use the following guide to compose your perfect answer:

  • Write down all abilities and skills that matter for the job . (You can find them on the job description, or you can figure it out on your own, considering the duties and responsibilities.)
  • Think whether you posses at least some of those skills.
  • Use them for your interview answer, and add some motivation and enthusiasm to the mix.

Note: Do not forget that your answer should correspond with your interview presence . If you looked bored, yawned, and employer did not see any enthusiasm in your eyes, they would not trust your claims of motivation and enthusiasm.

Conclusion, next steps

Anyone can use our samples, but you should always add a little twist, mentioning one of the following:

  • Relevant experience
  • Special skills relevant for the job
  • Relevant education
  • Positive feelings and thoughts when it comes to the working environment, vision and goals of your new employer.

You should be able to answer “Why should we hire you?” now. But what about “Why shouldn’t we hire you?” and many other, tricky interview questions, such as “Tell us one thing about yourself you wouldn’t want us to know?”, or “Tell us about an obstacle you overcame?”

You will find premium answers to all 100+ questions in our Interview Success Package . Check out the product page for some excellent answers, get rid of interview headaches , and never look back…

Matthew Chulaw, Your personal job interview coach

May also interest you:

  • Pharmacist interview – Why should we hire you? 7 sample answers.
  • Police officer – Why should we hire you?
  • Why should we hire you as an accountant?
  • Recent Posts

Matthew Chulaw


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4 Better Ways to Answer “Why Should We Hire You?”

three empty blue chairs, one yellow empty chair, and another blue chair empty in a row against a blue wall on a blue floor

If there were some sort of Job Search Grammys, “Why should we hire you?” would have my vote for “Most Brazen Interview Question .” I don’t even like asking it in a mock interview, so I don’t know how hiring managers stomach it in a real one. And while it’s super tempting to return the sass with, “Well why should I work here?” I’d recommend… not doing that.

The good news is, “Why should we hire you?” is actually a really great opportunity to sum up why you’d be an awesome choice.

So why do interviewers ask this question?

A couple reasons, actually. Hiring managers might want to get your perspective on why you’re a good match for the job. Obviously, they’re trying to decipher that for themselves during the interview, but it’s also helpful for employers to see it from your angle.

Alternatively, maybe they can already see that you could do the job, but they’d like to know what you think might set you apart from all the other qualified people who applied. In other words, what makes you special?

4 strategies for answering “Why should we hire you?”

This is your chance to make your pitch and tell the interviewer anything they might have missed about why you’re a great candidate—how your skills would help the organization, for example, or how you’d add to the company’s culture. Be ready to use all the research you’ve done on the company and insights from the job description , as well as anything you’ve gleaned from prior interviews, because we’re trying to pull together a tailored pitch here.

You can use one of these four possible strategies to frame your answer:

1. The “intersection” strategy

For this method, you’ll want to find the crossover between what’s in it for the hiring manager and what’s in it for you if you’re hired. Basically, you should get across that they’ll get an enthusiastic employee who has the exact right skill set for the position and that you’ll get to—and therefore be motivated to—do something meaningful, build your skills, and/or work toward the next step of your career.

The key here is to not forget that second part: talking about yourself. Some people make the mistake of only listing the benefits for the employer. Going into what’s in it for you shows why you’ll be driven and motivated—traits all interviewers are looking for.

For example, you might say:

During my time as a communications assistant for the American studies department at State University, I’ve gradually taken on more and more responsibility. I wrote my first faculty research feature a year ago and since then have written several more. I manage our two student workers and have begun a video series in the same vein. I’ve also become the go-to person for departmental events promotion. I’m eager to take the next step in my communications career and work with a larger department that reaches a larger and more diverse student population. Your job description says you’re looking for someone who will actively engage with student groups with ties to the world languages department and expand the kinds of media the communications team works with. I’ve taken initiative and found success in both those areas and would be excited to use this experience to guide similar work for your department.

2. The “company deep dive” strategy

Some interviewers will spell it out and others won’t, but you should know that the full question is always, “Why should we hire you over everyone else ?” If you feel you’ve already covered your skills and experience multiple times, perhaps a better approach for you is to show your dedication to the company itself.

For “the company deep dive,” share your comprehensive knowledge of the business and an understanding for how you might add to the organization. Of course, it requires a good bit of company research (here’s a great guide to get you started ) to be able to talk about the company’s uniqueness, history, and future and your own personal investment in the business and its mission. Connecting yourself to the company in this way shows your excitement for the position, portrays you as an insider who might be easier to train than other candidates, and demonstrates how you prepare for and handle something you’re invested in.

For instance:

Aside from having five years of full-cycle recruiting experience at a smaller gaming company, I’ve been a huge fan of Triple-A Gaming for a long time and have followed your recruitment efforts closely to learn from the best. I know your retention perks, the immense effort that goes into designing the shields given out at the annual staff awards, and that hundreds of pounds of M&Ms are provided each year in giant dispensers in the break room. I’m already familiar with conferences and career fairs the recruiting team attends. And I’m more knowledgeable about your IP than even my current company’s—though to be fair, that’s probably true of many gamers. In my experience, candidates really respond when they can sense a recruiter is genuinely passionate about their work, company, and team. I have that and I can help find others who have it too.

3. The “solve your problem” strategy

Often organizations hire new people because they have a problem that needs to be solved. You can get straight to the point with your answer to this question by outlining—ideally in detail—how you can offer immediate relief for a particular pain point.

Don’t spend all your time talking about the past. Instead, focus your efforts on the future and explain how you can make the interviewer’s life easier by addressing their most pressing issue. This shows you’re a forward-thinking team player who’s ready to hit the ground running.

So you might say:

I know it’s been an exciting time for General Tech—growing so much and acquiring several startups—but I also know from experience that it can be challenging for the sales team to understand how the new products fit in with the existing ones. It’s always easier to sell the product you know, so the newer stuff can get shortchanged, which can have company-wide ramifications. I have over a decade of experience as a sales trainer, but more importantly, most of those years were working with sales teams that were in the exact same boat Gen Tech is in now. Growth is wonderful, but only if the rest of the company can keep up. I’m confident I can make sure your sales team is confident and enthusiastic about selling new products by implementing an ongoing sales training curriculum that incorporates new products in a way that emphasizes where they sit in a product lineup.

4. The “bonus feature” strategy

You have all the qualifications. You can do the job. But you also have a trick up your sleeve. A “bonus feature.” Something that maybe isn’t strictly required or even listed in the job description, but would undeniably come in handy on the job.

Maybe you’re applying for a corporate job, but years ago your first summer job as a teen was in this company’s retail department, giving you a unique perspective. Or perhaps you’re applying for a marketing role at a medical device company and your neuroscience minor means you have a deep understanding of the problems the org is looking to solve. Any extra experience or skill you have that could be relevant for the job may be worth mentioning here in case the interviewer hasn’t put it together yet.

For example:

As an executive assistant, I’ve managed schedules and booked travel. I’ve been responsible for monitoring multiple email accounts and handling expense reports. I’ve made sure everything was where it was supposed to be and found it if it wasn’t. No task is too big or too small. I’ve done it all. And actually, I’ve even done all these things in a different language. In my last role I frequently made calls and made arrangements in Spanish for international engagements. You mentioned that you have a trip coming up to Barcelona and travel to Spain often, so I’m sure my Spanish fluency would be an additional asset in this role.

What not to do when answering “Why should we hire you?”

  • Don’t just cover the basics. You could say, “Your job needs someone with sales experience and I have that,” but every applicant the hiring manager interviews likely has sales experience. Ideally, your response should be about something most other candidates won’t have.
  • Don’t assume they’ll make the connections. Don’t spend the entire time talking about your skills and experiences and neglect to mention how it all connects back to the organization and role. Spell it out for them as if the title of the Scripps National Spelling Bee depended on it (and then be grateful you can answer this interview question rather than spell “gesellschaft” or “bougainvillea” on live television!)
  • Don’t tell your entire life story. It’s hard to know when you’ve sufficiently answered the question, but trust your interviewer to ask follow-up questions if they want to learn more. Resist the urge to cover every reason under the sun for why you should be hired and keep your answer under two minutes.

Next time you’re confronted with “Why should we hire you?”—and it can feel like a confrontation—give one of these strategies a whirl. If nothing else, you’ll be memorable for how polished and unruffled you were. That alone might make you special.

why you should hire me essay examples

How to answer the interview question: Why should we hire you?

“So, why should we hire you?” It’s one of the most commonly asked questions in interviews across the globe. It’s an important question and can make or break a recruiter’s impression of you.

Despite knowing that this question is likely to be asked, you might find yourself struggling to come up with the right kind of answer. This guide is here to help with that.

Below, we’ll look at how to prepare for and answer this question effectively while also providing some example answers. By the end, you’ll have a much clearer and deeper understanding of not only how to answer “Why should we hire you?” but why this question is so significant in any interview. 

Understanding the question 

Before we look at some “Why should we hire you?” examples, it’s worth taking a moment to think about this question. Why is it common in many interviews? Why do many interviewers always include this question, or something similar, when speaking with job-seekers?  

Why employers ask this question 

There are several key reasons why an employer might ask “Why should we hire you?” 

  • Assessing your fit for the role:  The most obvious reason why hirers ask why they should hire you is because they genuinely want to know what makes you the best person for the job. It’s not necessarily a trick question, nor is it designed to catch you out. The hirer wants to find out what you believe makes you special or different from other job seekers, and why they should employ you over other job seekers on their list. 
  • Evaluating your enthusiasm for the company: When thinking about how to answer "Why should we hire you?" it's also worth noting that employers use this question to see how enthusiastic you are about joining the team. If you give a bland or generic answer, it could give the impression that you’re not particularly excited by that role and company. But if you can demonstrate genuine enthusiasm in your response and eagerness to prove yourself, that can help you score big points with recruiters. 
  • Gauging your problem-solving skills:  Another major reason the “Why should we hire you?” question comes up so often is that it gives hirers an idea of how well you think on your feet and deal with challenges. Often, they want to see how you react under pressure, and this question is perfect for helping you think outside the box. If you’re able to provide a strong response, it’s a great sign that you’re a dependable problem-solver and quick thinker. 

Identifying what interviewers want to hear 

So, by now we know why interviewers like asking this question, but what is it that they’re hoping to hear? Well, that’ll vary from company to company and hirer to hirer. But, in general, interviewers will want to find out the following: 

  • Your unique selling points:  The "Why should we hire you for this position?" best answer will usually focus on what sets you apart from job seekers. Interviewers will want to hear about what makes you different, and what special skills or unique elements you can bring to both the job and the company in order to succeed. 
  • A demonstration of your value:  Typically, interviewers will also be hoping to see some kind of demonstration of the value that you can bring to the company. They’ll want to hear about how you plan to not just fill the job in question but excel at it, giving the company a real return on their decision to hire you, rather than someone else. For example, you could talk about how your past experiences have shaped your skill set, making you the ideal fit for the role. 
  • How well your skills fit the role:  This question is also an opportunity to explain why your background and experience make you the perfect fit for the role at hand. Interviewers will be hoping to hear about how your skills and past experiences put you in the right position to meet the role’s requirements and the company’s needs. It’s a chance to sell yourself and explain why you should be the company’s number one choice. 

Preparing your answer 

When it comes to how to answer "Why should we hire you?" there’s certainly room for improvisation. On the day of the interview, you can alter your answer to suit the mood and pattern of the interview up to that point.  

However, it’s still a very good idea to prepare your answer ahead of time so you have some key talking points to refer to when the moment comes. You don’t necessarily need to learn a whole speech off-by-heart, but it’s smart to have an answer ready before you get into that interview room. Not only will this help you answer confidently, but it can also ease those pre-interview nerves. 

Research the company and role 

The first step of preparing your "Why do you believe you are suitable for this role?" best answer is to research the company and role you’re applying for. The more you know about it, the more information you’ll have to prepare an appropriate and relevant answer that actually makes sense and meets the interviewer’s expectations.  

Company philosophy and culture

For example, you might be applying for a management role at a new company. By researching the company’s philosophy and approach to work, you might discover they have a specific kind of culture, like an innovative culture, with lots of focus on creativity and bold ideas. You can then factor that into your answer, explaining how you’re not afraid to think out of the box and push boundaries. 

Understand the job description

You should also take time to read the job description thoroughly for the role you’re applying for, learning as much as you can about the role in question. What kind of duties does it involve? What skills are required? You’ll be able to use all of that information later on to formulate an answer which is highly relevant to the role at hand. 

Assess your skills and experience 

As well as taking some time to learn all about the company and job you’re applying for, it’s also wise to carry out some introspection, considering your own key skill s and experiences. Think back through your career so far. Or, if you’re young and new to the workforce , look back through your academic life and find key moments or experiences you can draw from. 

Try to focus on skills and experiences that are relevant to the role at hand. If you’re applying for a management role, for instance, interviewers may want to hear a lot about your people skills, leadership abilities, and stories from your past that demonstrate your abilities of organisation and problem-solving. 

Think back to the job requirements you researched in the previous step. Try to go through the list of needed skills and abilities and think of examples in your own career to demonstrate those skills. You don’t need a story for every single item on the list but try to focus on the top skills and think of ways you can prove that you have them. 

Develop a unique selling proposition (USP) 

USP stands for unique selling point/proposition. It’s the one factor or element that makes a product or business stand out from all the rest. So, when companies are trying to seal a deal or market a product, they usually focus their marketing on that one particular factor to make people choose their product over all the other options. 

The same logic applies to selling yourself in interviews. You won’t be the only person applying for a role. There are other job seekers who may have similar skills and experiences. So, in order to get ahead of the competition, you need to tell interviewers what makes you special. In other words, you need to sell them on your USP. 

Try to focus on what you believe sets you apart from everyone else. Maybe you have an incredible level of drive and determination to succeed. Perhaps you’ve got a huge amount of relevant experience. Maybe you’re an exceptional communicator or leader. Whatever your USP is, be sure to bring it into your answer and make it memorable so that the interviewer knows exactly what it is that makes you special. 

“Why should we hire you?” is just one of many questions you might be asked in your interview. Learn about others here: Top 10 most-asked interview questions (and how to answer them) - SEEK Career Advice . 

Crafting your answer 

With the preparation and research out of the way, you can move on to actually crafting the framework of the answer you hope to give in the interview. Think back to the information you’ve learned and focus on the following three aspects to create an answer that will help you make the best possible impression on your prospective employer. 

Be specific and relevant 

As mentioned earliern, relevancy is key when it comes to thinking about "Why employers should hire me" or considering your "Why do you believe you are suitable for this role?" best answer. There’s no sense in wasting time talking about the skills or experiences that have no bearing or relevance to the job you’re applying for. 

Let’s continue with the management example - if you’re applying for a management position , hirers are primarily going to want to hear about skills  that make you a good manager. They’ll want to know about your leadership, organisation, and communication qualities. They’ll probably be less interested in things like your numeracy skills or experiences of working in totally different jobs. 

So, when crafting your answer, try to craft an answer that is tailored to both the company and the role you’re applying for. Refer to the job description as needed to find the key skills and most relevant points to talk about. 

Show enthusiasm and interest 

Prospective employers will love to see signs that you’re passionate, enthusiastic, and truly interested in their company. That’s why, in the previous section, we talked about how important it is to research the company you’re applying to work with, finding out about their culture, philosophy, history, and other aspects. 

You can then take everything that you’ve learned and use it in your answer. For example, if you find that the company has a big focus on environmentalism, you can share your enthusiasm for sustainable initiatives. Or, if you learn more about the company’s past successes, you can explain how you’re eager to play your part to uphold the brand’s high standards. 

It’s also wise to show your passion and interest in the industry in general. Explain how your career choices and skills have led you into the industry, why it matters to you, and how you hope to influence it in your own ways. 

Keep it concise 

When crafting your “Why should we hire you?” answers, it’s easy to wind up writing a long speech. You might have lots of different points you want to cover, many key skills you want to sell, and lots of stories and experiences to share with the interviewer. However, an answer that is too long or wordy could simply overwhelm the recruiter and leave them unsure of what aspects of your answer to focus on. 

It’s much more effective to keep your answer clear and concise. Cover the main points, but try not to ramble, and cut out any long stories or excessive details that aren’t really necessary. Ultimately, you want your answer to deliver a message about who you are and why the company should hire you, so avoid rambling on about anything that doesn’t support that message. 

Find more helpful preparation tips in our Practice Interview Builder – SEEK . 

Common mistakes to avoid 

When tpreparing your “Why should we hire you for this position?” best answer, there are some common mistakes that you might want to avoid. In this section, we’ll highlight some of the key pitfalls that you’ll want to try to avoid in your answer. 

Being too generic 

This is a common mistake that people make when they simply look for a “Why should we hire you?” best answer sample online and copy it without adjusting or enhancing it to suit the role they’re applying for. It’s really easy to make generic, blanket statements about “being a team player” or “being a good problem-solver” without actually backing them up. 

But, in order to make a real impact on your interviewer, you’ll need to provide more than a copy-and-paste answer. Cut out the clichés and generic statements and focus on actual skills and experiences from your working life to tell your story. And remember to tailor your answer to suit the role you’re applying for, with details that are relevant to the company and job description. 

Neglecting to mention accomplishments 

Remember, when it comes to how to answer, “Why should we hire you?” you really need to focus on selling yourself. That means highlighting and showcasing all of your proudest moments and most relevant skills and accomplishments so far. A common mistake that many people make is to actually overlook certain relevant accomplishments or fail to mention them. 

The interview is your opportunity to impress your prospective employer, so try to ensure you’ve told them abour what you’ve achieved in other roles that would be relevant or important in the job you’re interviewing for right now. Share your biggest accomplishments with data, insgights and stories to explain why those achievements are so special. 

Focusing solely on yourself 

This is another mistake that’s easy to make. After all, if you hear someone ask, “Why should we hire you?” it’s natural to focus on yourself in the answer, talking about the skills, abilities, and unique benefits you can bring to the table. However, you also need to link all of that to the actual company and role you’re applying for. 

Remember, the interviewer wants to know not only what makes you special but why you’re a good fit for the company. So, in your answer, feel free to mention your skills and achievements, but tie that together with how you hope to use those skills to help the company, contributing to their success and fulfilling the role to the best of your abilities. 

Practising your answer 

It’s always a good idea to do a little practise before an interview. You can rehearse on your own or ask a friend or family member to test you. This should help you to feel more confident going into the interview and more prepared to deliver your “Why we should hire you?” answer when the moment arrives. 

Rehearse your response 

Be sure to rehearse your response with the help of family or friends. Ask them to give you some questions or cues and then deliver your answer. Repeat the process several times to make it easier for you to remember. Most importantly, ask for feedback at the end to see if there’s anything you can work on or any part of the answer that you forgot to mention. 

Be prepared for follow-up questions 

You should also practice for any potential follow-ups that might come after the “Why employers should hire me?” question. Usually, interviewers might follow up by asking to learn more about something you mentioned in your answer, like a key skill or an experience from the past. They might ask you to elaborate or explain why that makes you the best job seeker for the role. 

Write down some potential follow-up questions that an interviewer might ask. Again, friends and family members or even trusted colleagues can help out with this, especially those who have experience of running interviews themselves. Then, work through what you might say if those questions come up. 

Take a look through our interview practice guide to learn more: How to prepare for your interview: The ultimate guide - SEEK Career Advice . 

Delivering your answer 

On the day of the interview, this is the moment to take all of your preparation and put it into action! If you’re prepared properly, it should pay off with an answer that is powerful, impactful, and effective. However, simply reciting your answer off-by-heart may not be enough to impress an interviewer. The delivery needs to be clear and confident, and you may have to adapt along the way. 

Stay confident and authentic 

Confidence isn’t always easy in an interview situation, as you may feel nervous or worried. However, having a confident manner is one of the best ways to make a great first impression. First it’s helpful to take a deep breath and try to stay calm when you walk into the interview room. Then,  try to keep eye contact with the interviewer as you speak, sit up straight with good posture, and speak with clarity and conviction. 

Adapt to the interviewer’s reaction 

It’s also important to pay close attention to your interviewer as you answer their questions. Listen closely to what they’ve asked up to that point and which skills or aspects of your character they seem most interested in. You can then adjust or tailor your answer accordingly to suit the situation. 

Similarly, if it seems like your answer is a bit too rambling, or you’re beginning to lose your interviewer’s attention, make sure to adapt. Cut out some of the longer sections and try to make your answer snappier and more impactful to regain their attention. 

Example questions & answers 

Next, let’s take a look at some of the other questions an interviewer might ask, either before “Why should we hire you?” or as a form of follow-up. 

How does your background and experience prepare you for this role? 

For a question like this, you want to focus purely on your past experiences that are most relevant to the role in question. Think about moments in your career up to that point and roles you’ve had in the past that have given you valuable skills that will help you in the position you’re currently applying for.  

A why should we hire you best answer sample for this question could be: “I’ve spent over 10 years working for various marketing agencies in a range of roles, from junior positions all the way up to team leader. This experience has given me a thorough understanding of how marketing agencies work and the diverse skills needed to help them succeed.” 

What can you bring to this role?  

Here, you’ll want to focus primarily on your unique selling proposition and most valuable, relevant skills. It also helps to show enthusiasm, so you could say something like “My recent experience leading a team of 30 has helped me strengthen my leadership and managerial skills, which I feel would be of great use in bringing out the best in the people I work with.” 

How do you believe you can add value to our organisation?  

For this question, interviewers will want to know how you feel your skills and experiences will help the company itself. Talk about a key skill, and then explain how it will benefit the company, like “I believe my leadership experience will help me provide a significant boost to the firm’s productivity. I’ve led a team of over 30, where I’ve empowered everyone to achieve a big milestone of launching our company wide app, which now has over 3million downloads.  

Why are you a good fit for this role?  

Again, with a question like this, it’s important not to make the mistake of focusing purely on your skills. Instead, you need to tie them into the role, explaining how and why they make you the right person for the job. Think back to the job description and the list of relevant skills, explaining how your experiences and abilities match perfectly with the role.  

For instance, a graduate applying for an accounting job could try this why do you believe you are suitable for this role best answer: “I think my accounting qualifications, coupled with my organised, attentive nature makes me the ideal fit for this accountancy position.” 

Why are you the ideal person for this position?  

This is another common twist on the “Why should we hire you?” formula. With a question like this, the interviewer essentially wants to know what it is about you that makes you better than other people applying for the same job. It’s your chance to sell yourself, focusing on your most relevant skills, impressive accomplishments, or key features that set you apart. 

Here’s an example why should we hire you for this position best answer: “I believe I have all the necessary skills and experiences to succeed here, and I’m also very determined to prove myself with at one of Australia’s leading companies. I can bring the passion, motivation, and energy to not only fill this role, but excel in it.” 

How will your skills and experience benefit our team? 

The word “team” is the key part of this question. Here, an interviewer will want to hear all about what you can bring to their existing team. They’ll likely already have people with all the relevant skills and experiences, but they want to know how you can improve the vibe, make the workplace a better place to be, inspire others, and provide leadership or organisation. 

An example of this might be, “I believe my strong communication and team-oriented approach should help me settle in with the team and bring out the best in my colleagues. I also have history in conflict resolution, and I like to keep my colleagues happy and on the same page so we can all work well together.” 

Find out more answers to common interview questions here: Common interview questions and how to answer them - SEEK Career Advice . 

A well-prepared answer to “Why should we hire you?” is important to help you succeed in your next interview. It can make a great first impression, clearly explaining what you have to offer and why a company should choose you over everyone else. Keep these tips in mind and take the time to craft a smart, impactful answer, giving yourself the best chances of getting the job you want. 

How long should my answer be?  

In general, it’s best to avoid long, rambling answers, but you may still have quite a lot to say. Try to keep it concise, while covering all the main points. Your answer should take about two minutes to say. 

What if I don't have much experience in the field?  

In that case, focus on other aspects that make you a good job seeker, in spite of your lack of experience, such as your key skills and your motivation to succeed and impress. 

How can I showcase my soft skills in the answer?  

Having a confident approach, keeping eye contact, and speaking clearly are all effective ways to convey key soft skills like communication and confidence. 

Should I focus more on my past achievements or future potential?  

It depends on your level of experience and the role in question. Some jobs demand high levels of experience, so it’s important to focus on that, but other companies will be more forward-thinking. Adjust your answer based on the role and company culture. 

What if the interviewer doesn't ask this question directly?  

They may ask a variation of it, like “What can you bring to the company?” or “What makes you the best person for the job?” If no variation is asked, you may still be able to squeeze parts of your answer into other answers. 

How do I address gaps in my work history or skill set?  

Try to turn negatives into positives. If you don’t have much experience, you can say that it simply makes you even more motivated to show what you can do. Or, if you feel a certain skill is lacking, you can talk about how you’re eager to learn and grow with the company in the future. 

Is it appropriate to discuss salary expectations in this answer?  

For a question like this, salary expectations don’t really need to come into play. The focus should be purely on your skills and how they relate to the role you’re applying for. You can ask about the salary later on. 

How can I remain confident if I'm nervous during the interview?  

A good way to build up confidence is to prepare your answer ahead of time and practise it repeatedly.  

What if I'm overqualified for the position?  

In that case, the interviewer may want to hear more about your motivations. They already know you’ve got the skills, but they’ll want to know why you’re applying for the role and how eager you are to have it. 

How should I approach the question?  

In general, the main approach is to focus on what it is that makes you special and better than other prospective job seekers. It’s a question for selling yourself to the interviewer. 

How can I effectively research a company's culture and values before the interview? 

The internet is usually the best resource. You can find out a lot about a company on their official website or by looking at testimonials and reviews from current or former employees. 

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Personal interviews play an important role in the hiring process as they allow managers to gain a better understanding of your personality and expertise. By preparing for questions ahead of time, you can ensure that you stand out from your competitors and give the best impression possible.

Some common questions that you may be asked include “ why should we hire you ” or “ why should you be hired for this role? ” While these questions may seem difficult to answer, with some preparation, you can easily craft an answer that will impress the interviewer. When answering these types of questions, be sure to focus on your unique skills and experience that make you the best candidate for the job. Additionally, try to avoid using general phrases like “I’m a people person” or “I work hard.” Instead, focus on specific examples that illustrate your personality and strengths. By preparing for personal interviews in advance, you can increase your chances of impressing the hiring manager and getting the job you want.

Why is the question, “Why should we hire you?” asked during interviews?

The personal interview round is usually the last stage of the hiring process. By this point, the employer has already seen your resume and is familiar with your education and work experience. However, they still need to learn more about you as a person to decide if you’re the best candidate for the job. In many cases, equally qualified candidates can differ significantly in terms of their personality, values, and fit with the company culture. As a result, a personal interview is an essential tool for employers to use to make the best hiring decision. Candidates who can effectively sell themselves and demonstrate their fit with the company are more likely to be successful in this round.

Questions such as these are asked to know:

  • what distinguishes the job seeker from their competitors
  • if your exceptional skills and expertise will benefit the organization
  • and produce positive outcomes
  • if you work hard to fit in with the team and the culture.
  • if you will meet the deadline in the shortest amount of time possible.
  • if you are always learning and growing as a professional.
  • if you accept criticism and feedback positively and learn from your mistakes

why you should hire me essay examples

How to Answer “Why should we hire you?”

When preparing for an interview, it is essential to have a strong answer to the question, “Why should we hire you?” This is your opportunity to sell yourself and make a lasting impression on the interviewer. There are a few key elements that your answer should include.

  • Your qualifications and skills. You should state three to four significant reasons why you are qualified for the position and list the skills that make you stand apart.
  • Your exceptional qualities and strengths. Make a point of emphasizing your most exceptional qualities and strengths relevant to the position.
  • Your achievements and accomplishments. You can talk about your accomplishments at your previous organizations and how you can achieve similar results for them. Give specific examples of how you would benefit the company.
  • Your enthusiasm and excitement . Finally, express your excitement for the opportunity and explain what you hope to accomplish in the role.

By following these guidelines, you will be able to craft an answer that will set you apart from the competition and increase your chances of landing the job.

Experience Specific to the Industry

Holding experience in the same industry in which you are interviewing shows that you are committed to that field. It is also impressive because it demonstrates that you have the relevant skills and knowledge for the job. The hiring manager will be impressed by your commitment to the industry and will see you as a valuable asset to the company. If you have held multiple positions within the industry, be sure to highlight your progression and how you have gained additional skills and knowledge over the years. Your experience is what makes you a unique candidate and sets you apart from other applicants, so be sure to emphasize it during your interview.

Experience Specific to Handling Responsibilities

Extend on your experience handling responsibilities that are not typically part of your job description. Explain how you handled those functions and how well you performed. It is critical to highlight something that will set you apart from the competition. For example, most candidates for the position of a software engineer are likely to be proficient in programming and coding. To differentiate yourself, you can discuss your project management skills and experience in addition to the prerequisites.

why you should hire me essay examples

Technical Skills

Being able to use technical skills is always a necessary component in any job. However, other skills are just as important in any role. For example, interpersonal skills are essential in any customer-facing role. This is because it allows you to build rapport with customers and earn their trust. As a result, they are more likely to do business with you. Similarly, teamwork is another important skill that employers value. This is because it shows that you can work well with others and are a team player. Therefore, when asked “why should we hire you,” be sure to highlight both your technical skills and your soft skills. Doing so will show that you are a well-rounded candidate who is capable of meeting the demands of the job.

Soft Skills

In the corporate world, it’s not just about what you know, it’s also about how you work with other people. That’s why soft skills are so important. They can help you get along with diverse teams, resolve conflicts and showcase your managerial abilities.

For instance, let’s say you’re working on a team project and there are some disagreements among team members. If you have strong conflict resolution skills, you’ll be able to navigate the situation and get everyone back on track. Or, maybe you’re up for a promotion and your boss is looking for someone with leadership potential. If you can talk about a time when you successfully managed a team, you’ll be in a much better position to get the job.

In today’s competitive job market, employers are looking for employees who have more than just technical skills. They want workers who will be a positive force in the workplace and who can work well with others. If you’ve got strong soft skills, you’ll be well on your way to success in the corporate world.

Main Accomplishments

Provide information about the major projects or clients you managed in your previous job or internship. Discuss what you consider to be your most significant professional achievements. It could be anything from developing new processes that yielded excellent results to successfully handling a workplace crisis. You can even discuss awards, accolades, or client appreciation for excellent performance at your workplace.

Educational Background and Certifications

When it comes to job interviews, it can be difficult to know what to say when you’re asked about your experience. If you’re a fresher with no work experience, you may feel like you have nothing to offer. However, there are still plenty of things that you can talk about that will show off your skills and qualifications. For example, you can discuss your education and any relevant certifications or training you have received. You can also talk about any projects you worked on in college and what you learned from them. By highlighting your skills and abilities, you can show potential employers that you have the potential to be a great asset to their team.

why you should hire me essay examples

Steps of Preparing Your “Why Should I Hire You” Answer

When you draft your answer to the common job interview questions in an interview, it is crucial to brainstorm and develop clear insights and arguments for your candidature.

  • Consider what skills or points will help you stand out. Include any potential points that may pique your interviewer’s interest.
  • Then, write a detailed script that covers all of the pertinent topics while emphasizing your skills, experience, and expertise. Be thorough with your responses so you don’t stumble when asked a follow-up question.
  • Another important aspect of preparation is to practice and participate in a mock interview. It will assist you in determining where you are lacking and where you need to improve. Continue giving mock interviews to help you gain confidence and overcome issues such as nervousness and a lack of self-awareness.

Why should we hire you? Sample Answers for Freshers

Let us look at 10 different ways to answer, “Why should we hire you?”

Possible Answer 1

“As I have just started my career in data science, I don’t have many practical achievements to talk about. This gives me the liberty to explore my potential by giving my best to this organization. I am confident that I can make significant contributions to the team and help achieve the company’s goals.

I have always been dedicated to my academics and data science projects, and I always complete them well in time. In college, I was appreciated for my dedication and hard work. I am confident that I can bring the same level of dedication and commitment to this organization. I am also willing to learn new things and explore my potential. I believe that I have the skills and abilities to be a successful data scientist.

I am excited to start my career in data science, and I am confident that I will be a valuable asset to this organization. I am looking forward to working with you and contributing to the success of the company. Thank you for your time and consideration.”

Possible Answer 2

“As a fresher, I bring a lot to the table in terms of skill and ability. I am very flexible and adaptive to learning new things, which means I will be able to contribute something capable to the growth of the company. My last project in Operations taught me how to be a team player. Additionally, I always play by the rulebooks and follow company guidelines, so you can be confident that I will always be acting in the best interest of the business. All of these factors combined to make me confident that I will be a valuable asset to your team.”

Possible Answer 3

“Out of all the subjects I studied in college, computer science was always my favorite. That’s why I took on projects involving building mobile applications. I know this knowledge will help me form a foundation and build more knowledge. I am reliable and hard-working, with a thorough understanding of all processes. I’m also good at maintaining relationships with people. My career aspirations are to be a full-stack developer, and I am confident I will achieve this dream with your company. You can count on my loyalty and dedication, knowing that I will never cross a line. I will be honored to join your team and help contribute to its success.”

Possible Answer 4

“I have always been skilled at communication. In college, I was an excellent orator and made a lot of friends. Even though I don’t have work experience in the field of digital marketing, I am confident that I can learn quickly and become an asset to any company. I am hard-working and a quick learner, so I am confident that I can easily adapt to any situation. I also have a good understanding of processes, so I am confident that I can perform well as a digital marketing executive. Overall, I believe that my skills and abilities make me well-suited for the position of digital marketing executive.”

Possible Answer 5

“I have always been passionate about graphic design and have been using various tools like Adobe, Corel Draw, Paint, etc. up to an advanced level. I am excited to be a part of this field and hope to utilize my skills and experience to contribute to the organization. I have taken this job out of deep passion and interest in this field. Although I don’t have much experience to demonstrate my skill, I have done a couple of freelance projects for digital marketing agencies while in college. I believe that my passion and skills will help me excel in this field.”

Possible Answer 6

“Throughout my academic and professional career, I have consistently been praised as a fast learner who possesses good grasping skills. My ability to quickly learn new concepts and put them into practice has allowed me to excel in many different roles. For example, during my internship, I was often tasked with quickly learning new software applications and then training other employees on how to use them. Thanks to my strong work ethic and punctuality, I was able to complete all of my training assignments on time or ahead of schedule. In addition, my long-standing interest in computer science has helped me to develop strong computational skills. Consequently, I am confident that I would be able to make significant contributions to your company if given the opportunity.”

Possible Answer 7

I could be essaying the role of a content strategist for the very first time, but I must add that I make for an avid reader, and I will be synergizing analytic and logic skills and creatively embodying them in order to create a compelling digital campaign. Considering I have little experience in the field I come with the ability to absorbing your company values with greater ease. I promise to emerge as a team player who will be working at upskilling my skill-set in order to enhance my performance from time to time.

Possible Answer 8

I am keen on profiling the role of a digital marketing personnel. Though I have little experience in the field, I have taken the liberty to create an interesting portfolio for you to have a look and get a better understanding of my skill set. Be rest-assured that I have compelling communication skills to comprehend the nuances of your esteemed clients ideas and create something that they like and also add value to the same.

Possible Answer 9

Switching my profile from the non-tech space to the tech space, will prove to be a career leap. But I am very ready to take challenges in my strinde, and addapt to a an advancing and progressive environment in the tech space. I will emerge as a promising professional, as I will work towards enhancing my skill set and bring more value to the organization.

Possible Answer 10

I am a new age professional, who would like to play by the rulebook, and also synergise my expertise with constant learning from the practical environment. This will make me a better professional and a good team-pleayer. I hope to emerge as a value addition to your esteemed organization as I am equipped with the ability to diving business to the organizaton.

These are some genuine responses to the much-feared question, “Why should we hire you?” that, when given, can leave a lasting impression.

Why should I hire you? Answers from the Top Candidates

Real-world examples of how their skills and experience can contribute to your company’s success.

Nitin Ahire said: 

“I should be hired for this role because of my relevant skills, experience, and passion for the industry. I’ve researched the company and can add value to its growth. My positive attitude, work ethics, and long-term goals align with the job requirements, making me a committed and valuable asset to the company.”

Akarsh Kavuttan said:  

“You should hire me because I’m a creative and innovative thinker who enjoys exploring new ideas and finding creative solutions to complex problems. I believe that this kind of approach can help your organization in making a real impact in their field making me the perfect fit!”

Shailesh Khedekar said:

“You should hire me because I’m a team player who is always willing to collaborate with others, contribute my strengths and ideas, to support my colleagues in achieving our goals. I strongly believe that effective teamwork is essential to success in any project or organization.“

Nitin Manchanda said:

“Because I believe that effective communication is a key ingredient in any successful organization. I’m a strong communicator who can listen actively, express my ideas clearly and persuasively, and work collaboratively to ensure that everyone is on the same page.”

  Hiten Sangani said:

“You should hire me because I have a proven ability to lead teams and drive results, through my experience in project management and my natural ability to motivate others. I’m committed to creating a positive work environment and am always looking for ways to help my team grow and succeed.”  

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  1. Why Should We Hire You? 19 Best Example Answers

    Example 2: Because I have the relevant experience you are looking for - 3 years in taxation. I have exceptional. knowledge of taxation, and I deliver what I promise. Example 3: You should hire me for several reasons. If your company hires me I would make efforts to effectuate a perfect work output in an immense way.

  2. 10 Best Answers to "Why Should We Hire You?" Interview Question

    Answer Example #6: Appeal to the deadline culture. Answer Example #7: Stand out from the crowd. Answer Example #8: Speak with passion. Answer Example #9: Get the interviewer to engage and discuss the needs of the company. Answer Example #10: Keep it general. Tips to Improve Your Answer to "Why Should We Hire You?".

  3. How To Answer Why Should We Hire You?

    4. Express Excitement for a Specific Duty. One simple way to make your answer stand out is to express excitement for a specific duty (or two) listed in the job ad. If you can show that you're passionate about a core responsibility, it'll make you a more appealing candidate. 5. Embrace "I" Statements.

  4. Interview Q&A: "Why Should We Hire You?" (4 Sample Answers)

    4. You should hire me for my drive. "As I recently graduated with a bachelor's in communications, I can bring modern email marketing practices to your company. My internship as an email marketer for a digital software start-up equipped me with the experience of creating impactful content in a fast-paced environment.

  5. 12 Best Answers to "Why Should We Hire You?"

    Show them why you're excited about this type of work and will be motivated and enthusiastic in the role. I'll explain each piece of the answer below. 1. Show confidence. This should be self-explanatory, but you need to seem confident and show that you believe in your own abilities in the role first and foremost.

  6. 10+ Best Answers to Why Should We Hire You? (with Examples)

    Because I have the necessary skills, potential, and desire to learn, I think I should be hired. Example 5 For Project Manager. Though I just completed my graduation and don't have any corporate project management experience, I successfully managed multiple team projects in my last year of university.

  7. How to Answer "Why Should We Hire You?" (With 15+ Examples)

    The idea is to make an impact on your interviewer immediately. Your job at the interview is to get them thinking about you as a new colleague as soon as possible to land the job offer. Example of step 1: If you are interviewing for a sales position, use your experience as a DoorDash delivery person.

  8. Why Should We Hire You?

    The job ad is also super useful for tailoring your resume. Learn how with our detailed guide! #2. Research the Company. Beyond the job ad, researching the company you're applying to is just as important for explaining why they should hire you. The more you understand the employer, the better.

  9. Why Should We Hire You? (+12 Sample Answers)

    Step 2: Make it about them. Yes, your answer should be about how you are the right candidate for the job. However, it should be answered in a way that fulfills your potential employer's needs. In other words, give them what they want. Step 3: Start the answer with a brief statement.

  10. How to answer the interview question 'Why should we hire you ...

    Example of the most impressive answers. 1.) "You mentioned that you're looking for someone who can manage up to five people, and who has a solid understanding of social media marketing. I've ...

  11. "Why Should We Hire You?" Sample Answers For Job Interviews

    Why Interviewers Ask "Why Should We Hire You". They want to check if you're confident. They want to hear you speak about your achievements. They want to know what you think your key skill is. They want to hear how you'll fit in the company. Yes, one question to try and uncover all of that!

  12. 10 Ways to Answer 'Why Should We Hire You?' (With Examples)

    Phone Interview Questions to Prepare For. 1. The 'I Am a Problem Solver' Answer. "The best answer to 'Why should we hire you?' should first address the employer's primary concerns," says Gena ...

  13. Why Should We Hire You?': How to Answer in an Interview

    Follow these steps to tell an employer why they should hire you: 1. Review the job description. The first step in coming up with a great answer to this question is reviewing the job description and fully understanding what the company is looking for in a candidate. Your response should explain why you, as a candidate, best meet those requirements.

  14. How to perfect your "Why should we hire you?" answer

    Don't assume the recruiter immediately sees how your skills fit the role. Paint a picture for them — especially if you're from a different field or industry. Make sure to highlight your skills transfer to this new role. 5. Show your excitement. It's tempting to remain stoic in the name of professionalism.

  15. Why hire me? Examples to answer the question "Why should we hire you

    Here are some example answers to give you some inspiration: 1. Matching skills and qualifications to the job description. This example shows how you can use the job description and company research to address the requirements of the role, backed up with a sprinkle of achievements in your recent employment: Example.

  16. 9 Ways to Answer "Why Should We Hire You?"

    1. Demonstrate your knowledge of the company and its needs. If you want to impress hiring managers, you need to be able to demonstrate knowledge about the company you're applying to. Answers like " you're hiring a sales associate and I have extensive sales experience " won't be convincing.

  17. "Why Should We Hire You?"

    A: I would say you should hire me because I am willing to work on weekends and holidays. I love to communicate and work with people so I always show a joyful, friendly attitude. Besides work attitude, I can also speak good Chinese, which is very important because this Walmart store is located in China Town.

  18. 25 Best Answers to 'Why Should We Hire You' Interview Question

    interview question. 5 Tips for Your Answer • Be objective and answer with confidence. • If you have real-life examples, use them. • Highlight how your skills and experience fit the job requirements. • Show what makes you unique and valuable. • Be specific. 5 Mistakes to Avoid • Don't try to memorize your answer.

  19. Why Should We Hire You? Interview Questions

    Sample answers for various positions (from call center to management) Managerial position. You should hire me, because I posses a rare ability to uncover and develop the strengths of other people. Management is my passion, and I just love to help the others to achieve their goals, to enjoy their job, and to mutually help the company grow.

  20. 4 Better Ways to Answer "Why Should We Hire You?"

    3. The "solve your problem" strategy. Often organizations hire new people because they have a problem that needs to be solved. You can get straight to the point with your answer to this question by outlining—ideally in detail—how you can offer immediate relief for a particular pain point.

  21. How to answer the interview question: Why should we hire you?

    There are several key reasons why an employer might ask "Why should we hire you?" Assessing your fit for the role: The most obvious reason why hirers ask why they should hire you is because they genuinely want to know what makes you the best person for the job. It's not necessarily a trick question, nor is it designed to catch you out.

  22. Why Should We Hire You?' 10 Sample Answers to Outshine Others

    Why should we hire you? Sample Answers for Freshers. Let us look at 10 different ways to answer, "Why should we hire you?" Possible Answer 1 "As I have just started my career in data science, I don't have many practical achievements to talk about. This gives me the liberty to explore my potential by giving my best to this organization.

  23. Why Should You Hire Me? Free Essay Example

    Because all I know is that, the position I am working is as a Dental assistant/receptionist and the main motive that I am hired for. I tend to be organized which makes me closer to the requirement of the position; I am punctual at time which shows that I would be finishing the work given on time or before time.