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IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

Ielts essay sample 36 - the threat of nuclear weapons maintains world peace, ielts writing task 2/ ielts essay:, the threat of nuclear weapons maintains world peace. nuclear power provides cheap and clean energy. the benefits of nuclear technology far outweigh the disadvantages..

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IELTS Essay: Nuclear Weapons

by Dave | EBooks | 0 Comment

IELTS Essay: Nuclear Weapons

This is an IELTS sample answer essay on the topic of nuclear weapons.

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Here is the IELTS topic:

Some Believe that nuclear weapons benefit the world at large.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Here is a preview of the essay – I took an interesting approach with the ideas in this one:

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IELTS Task 2 Question Types: Advantages and Disadvantages

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IELTS Essay Band 7: Nuclear Threats and Benefits

The threat of nuclear weapons maintains world peace. Nuclear power provides cheap and clean energy.

The benefits of nuclear technology far outweigh the disadvantages.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Task Achievement

The essay provides a balanced view on the benefits and disadvantages of nuclear technology, which is commendable. However, the essay could benefit from more specific examples and evidence to support the claims. The ideas presented could also be further developed, and the connections between the points could be made clearer. Overall, the essay demonstrates a good understanding of the topic, but there is room for improvement in terms of depth and clarity.

  • Provide more specific examples and evidence to support the claims.
  • Explore more about the potential of nuclear technology in other fields.
  • Discuss more about the potential solutions to the hazards posed by nuclear technology.
  • Provide more clear connections between the points.
  • Explain more about how the benefits of nuclear technology outweigh its disadvantages.

Grammatical Range and Accuracy

You have demonstrated a good understanding of grammatical range and accuracy in your essay. Your use of a variety of sentence structures, including complex sentences, is commendable. However, there were a few grammatical errors, including a spelling mistake and a missing article. These errors did not significantly impede the readability or meaning of your essay, but they should be addressed in future essays. I suggest that you proofread your essays carefully to catch and correct these errors.

  • Use a wider variety of sentence structures to demonstrate your grammatical range.
  • Proofread your essay to catch and correct spelling errors.
  • Ensure that you use articles correctly in your sentences.

Coherence and Cohesion

You have written a well-structured essay with a clear argument and good use of evidence. Your ideas are organized logically and your paragraphing is well managed. However, there is room for improvement in your topic sentences and in the clarity of your conclusion. Keep practicing and refining your writing skills.

  • The introduction could be improved by providing a brief overview of the points that will be discussed in the essay.
  • The body paragraphs could be improved by having a clearer topic sentence at the start of each one.
  • The conclusion could be improved by summarizing the main points of the essay more clearly.

Lexical Resource

You have demonstrated a strong command of vocabulary in your essay. Your word choice is precise and you have used a wide range of vocabulary to express your ideas. However, there was one spelling error and one inappropriate word choice. Please pay attention to these details in your future writing. Overall, your lexical resource is impressive.

  • Replace 'Empire of Japan' with 'Japan'.
  • Correct the spelling of 'beneefited' to 'benefited'.
  • Try to use more complex and less common words to further enhance your vocabulary range.
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Nuclear Power Essays

by Edgars (Basel, CH)

nuclear weapons ielts essay

Hi Edgard,

I have reviewed your essay, and I have some comments about the organization. First, you wrote many examples in the introduction which made it very long intro. Second, do not include your opinion in the body paragraph as you did at third paragraph.

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Apr 29, 2016

Very well mannered
Jul 16, 2018

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Nuclear Technology

by Long (hong kong )

The threat of nuclear weapons maintains world peace but nuclear power provides cheap and clean energy. The benefits of nuclear technology far outweigh the disadvantages. To what extent do you agree or disagree? the innovation of unclear technology has brought human being into a new world. some people believe its advantages over the disadvantages. however, i have different view on it. doubtlessly, the advances of nuclear technology benefit people in many ways. the invention of nuclear generator provides thousand times electricity than the traditional one does. also, instead of burning fossil fuel, it emits no carbon dioxide to the surroundings, which is recognised as the only solution to solve global warming and continuously supplies adequate power. besides, nuclear weapons are powerful defences to against terrorist activities. although the nuclear energy generation can eases the energy crisis all over the world, it is highly hazardous not only to nearby citizens but also nations. last year, the tsunami destroyed nuclear plant in Japan and caused massive reactant leakage. this accident contaminated nearby water region, even countries over the pacific ocean are affected. countless kinds of species are mutated, which the harmful consequences are still unknown. the incident poses serious threat to all organisms. furthermore, countries are competing to hold as much nuclear weapons as possible. they claim that such weapons are simply for security purpose. however, the total amount of nuclear weapons is more than enough to destroy the entire world several times. in my opinion, it is questionable that maintaining national peace by such scary weapons. on a whole, nuclear technology is beneficial to mankind especially on energy issue. meanwhile, it also poses life-threatening hazards to all species. i doubt about the worthiness of risking people's lives to obtain temporary merits. Please comment on my benefits of nuclear power essay

I proofread IELTS essay. For those interested kindly comment here :)
May 11, 2018

When starting a paragraph start with a capital letter and not small, for instance you started "the innovation" instead of "The innovation" "doubtless" instead of "Doubtless".

Jul 04, 2019

Are the benefits of nuclear technology far outweigh the disadvantages! I think that is a seriouse question.So ,We need to think carefully and invistage both the benefits and disadvantages of nuclear power in oder to give an accurate helpful answer here.

First of all .Nuclear teachnology could be a great result of the dedicated scienticfic efforts in that domain .Specially when it is used in peaceful ways .If we use it in gnerating electricity .Or ,for example to run factories and lighten organisation .

However ,It can be a double edged weapon .Clearly ,the results of Heroshima and Nagasaki Catastroph are still evident until our days .It affected the shape of all people that lived in those areas in a specific way .In addition to, the distortions of the human genes .

Even If ,some people said that it decreases the carbon dioxide print .I would rather look at the mass desctruction such nuclear wars can bring to our world .No wonder it may destroy our planet in no time .
I'm not against the nuclear technology at all .On the contorary ,I'm for its peaceful uses that can bring peace ,welfare and prosperity for humanity .It may oneday be able to cure wicked dideases like cancer or diabetes .who knows !neveretheless ,I think that disadvantages of nuclear would far outweigh its benefits as long as we dont have guarantees about its use .In conclusion Peace and safety of humnaity and the planet earth comes first .

Benefits of Nuclear Technology Essay

by Raj (kolkata)

The threat of nuclear weapons maintains world peace and nuclear power provides cheap and clean energy. The benefits of nuclear technology far outweigh the disadvantages. To what extent do you agree or disagree? As being the prominent and one of the most powerful technique, Administrative bodies of across the globe utilizes nuclear technology for its own benefits. Although, nuclear weapons are one of the most integral parts of maintaining world’s peace, however policy makers debate whether the advantages of nuclear technology surpass the disadvantages. Mainly, because of its benefits such as public protection and cheap energy sources, clears the air why advantages of using nuclear technology way outweigh the disadvantages. Nuclear technology presents a vital role for public protection since it has the direct correlation with the safety with citizens all over the world. To clarify this, many strong and powerful countries like USA, Russia, India and China have nuclear weapons made from nuclear technology and utilize this whenever a very dangerous and harmful war happens between countries to save its own people. For example, in 1965, in China-India war, India utilized nuclear atom against China to shield its people. It can be also used for producing various energies, which plays beneficial role for human’s life. It helps to generate cheap and clean energy. For example, in the year of 1998, Russia manufactured cold water refinement energy, which helps to clean and cold water to its citizens with very low-cost money. Although disadvantage such as explosion with the misuse of nuclear technology, however its use as public protection and useful source for energy surpassing all of its disadvantages. In future, Governments from all across the world should need to utilize more nuclear technology in a correct way to explore more benefits for human beings with keeping in mind, that any misuse must be avoided.

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Nuclear Power Essay

by Supreet (Canada)

The threat of nuclear weapons maintains world peace but nuclear power provides cheap and clean energy. The benefits of nuclear technology far outweigh the disadvantages. To what extent do you agree or disagree? It is believed that nuclear armaments make the world a safe place and the nuclear energy is inexpensive and environment friendly source of energy. I strongly believe that merits of nuclear technology are much more than its demerits. In this essay, firstly we will discuss about how nuclear energy sources are more useful and environmentalist and secondly, we will discuss how production of nuclear energy emits hazardous waste. To begin with, one of the main advantages is that nuclear energy is a clean energy as it does not release any harmful gases into the atmosphere. To discuss this point, nuclear energy reduces the emission of green house gases rather than fossil fuels which will further decrease risk of the global warming and thus, creates a pollution free environment. For example, In India, many new nuclear projects have been launched in last month. Secondly, nuclear technology plays a vital role for public protection. To elucidate it further, some countries like USA, Russia have nuclear arsenals made from nuclear technology which will help them to protect their own countries citizens whenever there is a war. For instance, in 1965, in China-India war, India utilized nuclear atom against China to shield its people. As a result, nuclear energy can bring a lot of benefits to people globally. On the other hand, generating nuclear power does not emit harmful greenhouse gases in the air however, it does create hazardous waste. To elaborate it further, the waste produced by nuclear energy stays for thousands of years and hence, accumulation of hazardous nuclear waste can lead many problems to the environment. An example here would be, in India the government is taking measures to remove all the dangerous waste generated by nuclear energy. To conclude, nuclear technology is more beneficial to mankind. Although, its manufacturing can lead to many environmental problems. Thus, we should always consider its advantages and disadvantages before taking any step.

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Essay 414 – The threat of nuclear weapons maintains world peace

Gt writing task 2 / essay sample # 414.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

The threat of nuclear weapons maintains world peace. Nuclear power also provides cheap and clean energy. Thus, the benefits of nuclear technology far outweigh the disadvantages.

Do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer:

The issue of nuclear technology, including nuclear weapons and nuclear power, has long been a subject of intense debate. Some opine that the threat of nuclear weapons is necessary to maintain global peace, and also emphasise the cheap and clean energy provided by nuclear power. In this essay, I will disagree with this opinion, and present the perspective asserting that the disadvantages of nuclear technology outweigh the benefits.

One of the primary concerns regarding nuclear technology is the potential for catastrophic accidents and the long-lasting environmental consequences they can entail. The 1986 Chernobyl disaster in the Soviet Union and the 2011 Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan serve as grim reminders of the devastating effects of nuclear incidents. These accidents not only caused immediate loss of life and widespread health issues but also resulted in the contamination of vast areas, rendering them uninhabitable for generations. The inherent risks associated with nuclear power pose a significant threat to human safety and the environment, making it imperative to reconsider the widespread adoption of this technology.

Moreover, the disposal of nuclear waste presents a significant challenge that must be addressed. Radioactive waste generated by nuclear power plants remains hazardous for thousands of years, requiring safe and secure storage facilities. However, no foolproof long-term solution for the disposal of nuclear waste has been developed yet. The potential environmental and health hazards associated with nuclear waste demand careful consideration and call into question the sustainability of relying on nuclear power as a long-term energy solution.

Finally, the proliferation of nuclear weapons is a grave concern. The possession and stockpiling of nuclear weapons by various nations have led to heightened global tensions and increased the risk of nuclear conflict. The destructive power of these weapons poses an existential threat to humanity and undermines the very notion of global peace.

Therefore, while nuclear technology may offer certain benefits, such as cheap energy and deterrence, the potential risks and drawbacks associated with it far outweigh these advantages. The environmental hazards, challenges in waste disposal, and the risk of nuclear proliferation pose significant concerns that cannot be ignored.

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The threat of nuclear weapons maintains world peace. Nuclear power provides cheap and clean energy. The benefits of nuclear technology far outweigh the disadvantages. Do you agree or disagree?

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Fully explain your ideas

To get an excellent score in the IELTS Task 2 writing section, one of the easiest and most effective tips is structuring your writing in the most solid format. A great argument essay structure may be divided to four paragraphs, in which comprises of four sentences (excluding the conclusion paragraph, which comprises of three sentences).

For we to consider an essay structure a great one, it should be looking like this:

  • Paragraph 1 - Introduction
  • Sentence 1 - Background statement
  • Sentence 2 - Detailed background statement
  • Sentence 3 - Thesis
  • Sentence 4 - Outline sentence
  • Paragraph 2 - First supporting paragraph
  • Sentence 1 - Topic sentence
  • Sentence 2 - Example
  • Sentence 3 - Discussion
  • Sentence 4 - Conclusion
  • Paragraph 3 - Second supporting paragraph
  • Paragraph 4 - Conclusion
  • Sentence 1 - Summary
  • Sentence 2 - Restatement of thesis
  • Sentence 3 - Prediction or recommendation

Our recommended essay structure above comprises of fifteen (15) sentences, which will make your essay approximately 250 to 275 words.

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  • Mutually assured destruction
  • Greenhouse gases
  • Cost-effective
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  • Radioactive waste disposal
  • Catastrophic accidents
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The Threat of Nuclear Weapons Maintains World Peace: Writing Task 2

The threat of nuclear weapons maintains world peace. Nuclear power provides cheap and clean energy. The benefits of nuclear technology far outweigh the disadvantages. Do you agree or disagree?

Sample 1 The Threat of Nuclear Weapons Maintains World Peace

It has been argued that addressing the nations about the usage of nuclear weapons assists a lot in creating harmony in the world. Although using nuclear energy does not create pollution and is inexpensive in nature, its advantages outweigh its disadvantages. I agree with it and the going to explain it in further paragraphs.

First off, the usage of nuclear weapons is the only way to create harmony in the whole world. To elaborate, when a nation threatens any other nations about their plan to destroy them by using it. The weak nations oppose the decision made by the affluent nations. The only option left is to reconcile with the powerful country. Therefore, world peace is established as the nations are aware of the repercussion of this action. To exemplify it, the whole globe witnessed the destruction of humanity after World War First and World War II. Even after so many years, some pieces of land could not be turned into fertile land. So the threat to use explosive energy sources is beneficial to create world peace.

Furthermore, the use of nuclear energy improves the quality of life in many more ways than people realise. It uses radioactive materials, which have a variety of important uses in electricity generation, medicine, industry, agriculture, and our homes. An inexpensive and clean source is better than using other alternative sources such as Petrol and diesel, which have more carbon emissions. Only one disadvantage cannot be proven. It has more demerits as it is difficult to establish a nuclear plant because of any leakage, which can have devastating effects on this planet. However, its advantages cannot be ignored.

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To conclude, it is apparent that the threat to use toxic weapons, which have the power to ruin the whole world, can create peace in the world and bring it a cheaper source of energy as well as create less pollution as compared with other conventional fuels, makes it more useful than harmful.

Sample 2 The Threat of Nuclear Weapons Maintains World Peace

The debate on the use of nuclear power has persisted for many years. Although it has numerous advantages attached to it, we simply cannot write off its disadvantages. I strongly agree that the benefits it carries are huge than its drawbacks which will be discussed in this essay.

The arguments that the people table against nuclear weapons are mostly based on the threat it present to the world. These powerful weapons can wipe off an entire city in minutes if they are destructive hands. The most accurate example would be the two cities of Japan, namely Hiroshima and Nagasaki, destroyed during the second world war. Moreover, these power plants may collapse if prone to natural disasters like earthquakes and Tsunamis. It eventually not only leads to the death of thousands of people by their radio hazards, but it might also leave negative impacts on future generations.

Nevertheless, the merits that nuclear weapons bring are crucial to the world. The fact is that the world cannot be entirely dependent on intermittent power sources like wind and solar. Having said that. The primary advantages that nuclear technology possesses include zero carbon emission, reliability and healthier. It is the cheapest source of energy which serves clean power needs. A single nuclear power plant can provide the energy required to run a whole city.

It is more reliable as it provides constant baseload power. It is worth mentioning here that it is way healthier when we compare it with its alternatives, coal and natural gas.

Therefore, I would like to conclude that despite some demerits of nuclear weapons and power, their advantages are enumerable. They should, however, be used with safety and precautions.

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The Threat of Nuclear Weapons Maintains World Peace but Nuclear Power Provides Cheap and Clean Energy- IELTS Writing Task 2

Janice Thompson

Updated On Jan 14, 2022


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Sample essay.

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The threat of nuclear weapons maintains world peace. Nuclear power provides cheap and clean energy. The benefits of nuclear technology far out-weight the disadvantages. Do you agree or disagree?

Opinion essay


Sentences 1&2 – Paraphrase the topic with the use of synonyms. Create a base understanding for the reader, something to expand on in the essay.

Sentence 3 – State that the essay will understand how nuclear weapons maintain world peace, and how nuclear power provides clean energy.

Body Paragraphs

Paragraph 1 – Understanding the uses of nuclear weapons – how it helps deter wars and conflicts.

Paragraph 2 – Elaborate on how nuclear power helps power our homes and offices, and how it will fill the surging demand of energy as the world adopts to electronic vehicles and such kinds.

Paragraph 3 – Mention that nuclear disasters pose a grave threat to the world as whole, and how dangerous they can be. Use an example here to put things in perspective. But also point out that humans are careful around such dangerous technology, and also well prepared in the event of a disaster.

Restate your views.

With the world evolving newer technology to eradicate dependency on exhaustible resources like petrol, coal and diesel, nuclear energy is being developed quite vigorously. It can be correctly said that this advancement was done in order to facilitate weapons of mass destruction. But nuclear energy emerged as an unlikely solution to another looming problem. I agree with this notion, and this essay will further elaborate on how vital nuclear energy is.

Since the time when a nuclear weapon annihilated Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II, nuclear technology has duly blossomed into a peaceful solution, in two senses. First, nuclear weapons are now seen as an “offensive defense,” which means that it acts as a war deterrent, as the cascading effects of an atomic blowout remain devastating.

On top of this, nuclear energy is already powering our homes, factories, and, soon, our lives. Nuclear power plants are being installed throughout the world as this technology is coming out as a complete winner. Additionally, as the world switches towards an all-electric age, humans are destined to be power-hungry, energy-wise. In such a scenario, nuclear energy gives us a dependable solution to this impending question.

It is true that this technology has inimical consequences – both in terms of weaponry and technology. For instance, the Chernobyl disaster sent shockwaves and radioactive particles that harmed almost the entire Europe. But, humans are more intelligent and sharper than ever. Moreover, we possess even more readiness to deal swiftly with a disaster, should it occur.

Hence, nuclear energy has dooming consequences, but the positives are propitiously advantageous.

  • Eradicate 

Meaning – put an end to. Example – Polio vaccines have completely eradicated the deadly disease.

  • Exhaustible 

Meaning – use up (resources or reserves) completely. Example – The world is running out of exhaustible resources.

  • Annihilated 

Meaning – destroy utterly; obliterate. Example – The tsunami annihilated the entire coastline.

  • Deterrent  

Meaning – a thing that discourages or is intended to discourage someone from doing something. Example – Installation of security cameras acts as a major crime deterrent.

  • Cascading 

Meaning – arrange (a number of devices or objects) in a series or sequence. Example – One after another, the dominoes fell in a cascading effect.

  • Impending  

Meaning – (of an event regarded as threatening or significant) about to happen. Example – Bruno Mars’ tour of India is an impending event.

  • Inimical  

Meaning – tending to obstruct or harm. Example – His decisions have inimical effects on the company.

  • Readiness  

Meaning – the state of being fully prepared for something. Example – Our healthcare structure is showing signs of readiness should the pandemic strengthen again.

  • Swiftly  

Meaning – quickly Example – The firefighters arrived at the scene swiftly.

  • Propitiously 

Meaning – giving or indicating a good chance of success; favourable. Example – Avi has a propitiously successful chance of getting into an Ivy league college.

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Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

Soon after graduating with a Master’s in Literature from Southern Arkansas University, she joined an institute as an English language trainer. She has had innumerous student interactions and has produced a couple of research papers on English language teaching. She soon found that non-native speakers struggled to meet the English language requirements set by foreign universities. It was when she decided to jump ship into IELTS training. From then on, she has been mentoring IELTS aspirants. She joined IELTSMaterial about a year ago, and her contributions have been exceptional. Her essay ideas and vocabulary have taken many students to a band 9.

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I have been writing consistently at least 2 essays a week for the past 3 and a half years. Much as I enjoy writing, I love showing my work to the world. And I don’t just write for the sake of Writing. I, instead, write strictly TIMED essays you will most likely expect in the IELTS. Bare in mind that the TIMER is your true friend, and this makes time abundance your foe. Always time yourself 1 hour for a FULL test or 20 minutes for Task 1 and 40 minutes for Task 2. Remember to tackle the question(s) without any pre-reading since this element of surprise of having a random question thrown right into your face is what IELTS Writing is all about. These under-exam-condition essays, no matter how shitty they turn out to be, are indicative of your TRUE level of English, of what you could reasonably do in a real test, and also a foundation on which you can build up and keep refining your skills. And finally, you can take advice from me as someone who has, countless times, pulled off an 8.0 in Writing. Have fun reading and stay hungry for knowledge. Ngoc.

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Nuclear Weapons

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Some believe that nuclear weapons benefit the world at large.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is believed that the weaponization of nuclear energies would, by and large, exert positive impacts on the world. From my perspective, though history is rife with deadly mass devastations caused by the abuse of nuclear weapons as a means for destructive ends, the adoption of nuclear arms only in extreme cases for defense, coupled with the proper exploitation of the underlying technology, would greatly benefit the world. 

Detractors of nuclear-energy-based weapons ground their arguments on multiple catastrophic events in the past. Throughout history, nuclear weapons, such as nuclear bombs and nuclear firearms detonated from military airplanes, have mostly been associated with millions of lives lost, devastating destruction to the attacked countries’ infrastructure, and even potential bodily deformations for generations. Examples of nuclear-weapon-caused catastrophes abound, but the most salient one was none other than the bombing of Nagasaki, Japan in World War II. The result of this event shocked the world with outrageous numbers of human casualties and infrastructure wreckage. Events of such magnitude set countries back decades economically, leaving behind anguished suffering and resentment. 

The above justification is valid, however, the enormous potential of the underlying technology behind nuclear weapons has largely been overlooked, which could revolutionize the global energy scene with proper regulation. Many longitudinal scientific studies in the field of quantum physics have conclusively pointed out the overwhelming amount of energy that could be produced if a nuclear generator, such as an arc reactor, was successfully fabricated. The energy generated from such an operation could provide a nearly limitless supply of energy to not only power all industries but also provide mankind with sustainable sources, reducing the reliance on fossil fuels. This technology, though currently in development, has enormous potential. Moreover, only by relegating the weaponization of nuclear technologies to defense purposes in extreme cases should the safety of our society be safeguarded. Unless the destructive nature of this type of weapon is carefully scrutinized, the prospect of world wars and future instabilities will be of concern. 

In conclusion, despite historical evidence related to mass destruction and human loss, I concede that the potential of nuclear weapons, given the ethical exploitation of its technology and regulation, would contribute to benefiting the world as a whole. Governments should work in tandem to carry out research to capitalize on the potential of nuclear energy.

Essay Breakdown


[1] It is believed that the weaponization of nuclear energies would, by and large, exert positive impacts on the world. [2] From my perspective, though history is rife with deadly mass devastations caused by the abuse of nuclear weapons as a means for destructive ends, the adoption of nuclear arms only in extreme cases for defense, coupled with the proper exploitation of the underlying technology, would greatly benefit the world. 

1. Paraphrase the topic, and introduce the belief that the weaponisation of nuclear energy would have mostly positive impacts on the world

2. A clear opinion stating my perspective that the use of nuclear weapons for defense and proper exploitation of the underlying technology would benefit the world

Paragraph 1

[1] Detractors of nuclear-energy-based weapons ground their arguments on multiple catastrophic events in the past. [2] Throughout history, nuclear weapons, such as nuclear bombs and nuclear firearms detonated from military airplanes, have mostly been associated with millions of lives lost, devastating destruction to the attacked countries’ infrastructure, and even potential bodily deformations for generations. [3] Examples of nuclear-weapon-caused catastrophes abound, but the most salient one was none other than the bombing of Nagasaki, Japan in World War II. [4] The result of this event shocked the world with outrageous numbers of human casualties and infrastructure wreckage. [5] Events of such magnitude set countries back decades economically, leaving behind anguished suffering and resentment. 

1. A topic sentence introducing the arguments against nuclear weapons

2. Develop a topic sentence by stating the catastrophes associated with nuclear weapons

3. Provide an example of the bombing of Nagasaki 

4. Develop the example by describing the impact of the event that shocked the world

5. Keep developing and providing the results of such destructions

Paragraph 2

[1] The above justification is valid, however, the enormous potential of the underlying technology behind nuclear weapons has largely been overlooked, which could revolutionize the global energy scene with proper regulation. [2] Many longitudinal scientific studies in the field of quantum physics have conclusively pointed out the overwhelming amount of energy that could be produced if a nuclear generator, such as an arc reactor, was successfully fabricated. [3] The energy generated from such an operation could provide a nearly limitless supply of energy to not only power all industries but also provide mankind with sustainable sources, reducing the reliance on fossil fuels. [4] This technology, though currently in development, has enormous potential. [5] Moreover, only by relegating the weaponization of nuclear technologies to defense purposes in extreme cases should the safety of our society be safeguarded. [6] Unless the destructive nature of this type of weapon is carefully scrutinized, the prospect of world wars and future instabilities will be of concern. 

1. A topic sentence showing the main idea – acknowledging the validity of the above justification, but also pointing out the potential of the technology behind nuclear weapons

2. Explain the topic sentence by providing examples from scientific studies in quantum physics

3. Develop the idea as to the potential of nuclear energy

4. Conclusion on the potential of the underlying technology

5. Introduce another supporting idea, suggesting that the weaponisation of nuclear technologies should be limited to defense purposes in extreme cases only

6. A warning that without careful scrutiny, there is a concern about future wars and instabilities

[1] In conclusion, despite historical evidence related to mass destruction and human loss, I concede that the potential of nuclear weapons, given the ethical exploitation of its technology and regulation, would contribute to benefiting the world as a whole. [2] Governments should work in tandem to carry out research to capitalize on the potential of nuclear energy.

1. Restate my opinion

2. Extend the viewpoint by stating a final thought

It is believed that the weaponization of nuclear energies would, by and large, exert positive impacts on the world. From my perspective, though history is rife with deadly mass devastations caused by the abuse of nuclear weapons as a means for destructive ends, the adoption of nuclear arms only in extreme cases for defense, coupled with the proper exploitation of the underlying technology , would greatly benefit the world. 

Detractors of nuclear-energy-based weapons ground their arguments on multiple catastrophic events in the past. Throughout history, nuclear weapons , such as nuclear bombs and nuclear firearms detonated from military airplanes, have mostly been associated with millions of lives lost , devastating destruction to the attacked countries’ infrastructure, and even potential bodily deformations for generations. Examples of nuclear-weapon-caused catastrophes abound, but the most salient one was none other than the bombing of Nagasaki, Japan in World War II. The result of this event shocked the world with outrageous numbers of human casualties and infrastructure wreckage . Events of such magnitude set countries back decades economically, leaving behind anguished suffering and resentment . 

The above justification is valid, however, the enormous potential of the underlying technology behind nuclear weapons has largely been overlooked, which could revolutionize the global energy scene with proper regulation . Many longitudinal scientific studies in the field of quantum physics have conclusively pointed out the overwhelming amount of energy that could be produced if a nuclear generator, such as an arc reactor , was successfully fabricated. The energy generated from such an operation could provide a nearly limitless supply of energy to not only power all industries but also provide mankind with sustainable sources, reducing the reliance on fossil fuels . This technology, though currently in development, has enormous potential. Moreover, only by relegating the weaponization of nuclear technologies to defense purposes in extreme cases should the safety of our society be safeguarded. Unless the destructive nature of this type of weapon is carefully scrutinized , the prospect of world wars and future instabilities will be of concern. 

  • weaponisation of nuclear energies : the process of developing and using nuclear energy for military purposes. 
  • deadly mass devastations : large-scale destruction resulting in many deaths. 
  • abuse of nuclear weapons : using nuclear weapons in a harmful or destructive way.
  • adoption of nuclear arms : the process of obtaining and using nuclear weapons. 
  • underlying technology : the basic principles and methods used in a particular field or activity. 
  • detractors : people who criticize or oppose something. 
  • nuclear-energy-based weapons : weapons that use nuclear energy as their source of power. catastrophic events: extremely serious and harmful events. 
  • nuclear weapons : weapons that use nuclear reactions to release energy. 
  • millions of lives lost : a large number of deaths. 
  • devastating destruction : severe damage to an area or community. 
  • bodily deformations : physical abnormalities or disfigurements. 
  • salient one : the most notable or important one. 
  • outrageous numbers : extremely large numbers. 
  • infrastructure wreckage : severe damage to the basic structures and systems of a country or community. 
  • set countries back : caused a country to regress or fall behind in development. 
  • anguished suffering : intense emotional distress. 
  • resentment: bitterness or anger towards someone or something. 
  • enormous potential : extremely large or great potential. 
  • underlying technology behind nuclear weapons : the basic principles and methods used in the development of nuclear weapons. 
  • revolutionize the global energy scene : greatly change and improve the global energy industry. 
  • proper regulation : appropriate and effective control or management. 
  • longitudinal scientific studies : research conducted over a long period of time. 
  • quantum physics : a branch of physics that deals with the behavior of matter and energy at the atomic and subatomic levels. 
  • overwhelming amount of energy : a very large quantity of energy. 
  • nuclear generator : a device that generates electricity using nuclear energy. 
  • arc reactor : a type of nuclear generator that uses a strong magnetic field to contain plasma in order to produce energy. 
  • limitless supply of energy : an unlimited or almost unlimited amount of energy. 
  • power all industries : provide energy for all types of businesses or manufacturing. sustainable sources: sources of energy that can be replenished or used without running out. 
  • reducing the reliance on fossil fuels : decreasing the dependence on non-renewable energy sources. 
  • ethical exploitation : using a technology in a morally responsible and acceptable way. relegating: assign or restrict to a particular role or place. 
  • scrutinize d: closely examined or investigated. 
  • prospect of world wars : the possibility of future global conflicts. 
  • future instabilities : potential future difficulties or disruptions. 
  • work in tandem : work together closely and effectively. 
  • carry out research : conduct research or investigations. 
  • capitalize on the potential : take advantage of the potential.

Grammar Gems: 


“The enormous potential of the underlying technology behind nuclear weapons has largely been overlooked, which could revolutionize the global energy scene with proper regulation. Many longitudinal scientific studies in the field of quantum physics have conclusively pointed out the overwhelming amount of energy that could be produced if a nuclear generator, such as an arc reactor, was successfully fabricated.”

This sentence uses complex grammar, specifically the use of the subjunctive mood “if a nuclear generator, such as an arc reactor, was successfully fabricated.” This type of clause is used to express conditions that are uncertain, hypothetical, or not yet realized. 

Further reading about this topic can be found here:

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