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Supreme Court launches essay competition

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15 July 2024

Lady Simler

The solicitors, barristers, and judges of the future have been given the opportunity to shine in the UK Supreme Court's essay competition, which launched today (Monday 15th July).

The essay competition, which marks the Court's 15th anniversary, is open to all students at UK universities and other higher education providers, as well as pupil barrister and trainee solicitors.

Lady Simler, Justice of the Supreme Court, who is lending her judging talents to the essay competition, said: "This is a wonderful opportunity for people at the start of their legal careers to help us reflect on the Supreme Court's role and our work so far, and to look ahead to the future".

"The prize includes a tour of the Supreme Court, after which I will sit down with the winner, and we can discuss everything from their essay, to their studies and what they want to achieve in the future!".

"I am really looking forward to reading the entries. Being relatively new to the Court myself, it will be very interesting to look back over the Court's history, before we start the journey into our next 15 years".

Entrants are asked to answer the question, "As the Supreme Court approaches its 15th anniversary, what reflections would you offer on its role and achievements?" and have until Monday 30th September to enter.

Full details on how to enter can be found on the Supreme Court website .

This competition is one of many events and activities planned this year to celebrate the Court's 15th anniversary since it was established in 2009.

Entries to the Supreme Court Art Competition are also open for 15-18 years olds with an artistic flair and who want the opportunity to have their work displayed in an exhibition set to launch in November - Art Competition - The Supreme Court .

Notes to editors

To keep up to date with the Court's news and events, follow the UK Supreme Court on social media .

The Supreme Court is the highest appeal court across the UK for civil cases and for criminal cases in England and Wales, and Northern Ireland. The Court was opened by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, in October 2009.

The UK Supreme Court is open to the public every weekday from 9am-5pm and is located next to Parliament Square Gardens, London.

Lady Ingrid Simler became a Justice of the Supreme Court on 14 November 2023. Find out more about the Justices and their journeys to the Supreme Court on the Court's Biographies webpage .

Text reading "LAW STUDENT WRITING COMPETITION" next to a statue of lady justice

  • Law Student Writing Competition

Each year, PMC challenges law students to examine an issue impacting Pennsylvania's judiciary and write an essay supporting their arguments and/or proposed solutions.

2024 Competition

Sponsored by faegre drinker biddle & reath llp.

Topic: According to recent polling, The U.S. Supreme Court is facing unprecedented skepticism.  Public approval of and trust in The Supreme Court has reached historic lows.  What can be done to restore trust in the Court and confidence that its decisions are apolitical.  How will its recently announced ethics code affect the situation?

Award:  $3,000

Eligible Participants: 2L and 3L students at any Pennsylvania Law School, as well as Rutgers Camden & Newark

Format: 2,000 to 2,300 word argumentative essay

Judges: Members of PMC's Board of Advisors

Deadline: March 22, 2024

Submissions and Questions:  [email protected] .

Past Winners

2024 - Randy R. Goldson, Temple University Beasley School of Law School '24

2023 - Anthony Jessel, University of Pittsburgh School of Law '23

2022 - Constance Hope Long, Rutgers Law School '22

2021 - Apratim Vidyarthi, University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School '22

2020 - Jessica Rizzo, University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School '21

2019 - Zane Podsobinski, Duquesne University School of Law '19

2017 - Christina Gallagher, Penn State Law '17

Education & Community Initiatives

  • Civics Education Program
  • Continuing Legal & Judicial Education
  • PMC in the Community™: Shares, Watches & Listens
  • The Media, The Courts & Counsel™

2022 Essay and Video Contest Prompt

The 2022 is now closed to entries. check back for information about the 2023 contest.

The Federal Judges Association and the Federal Bar Association invite students to consider the question: “In light of the First Amendment, what type of social media posts should schools be allowed to punish as cyberbullying?” Your essay submission or video submission should:

  • State your proposed rule;
  • Present your best argument in support of the rule;
  • Discuss whether it matters where the speech is sent or received; and,
  • Cite relevant sources, statutes, cases and/or historical events that support your position.

Should Schools Discipline Off Campus Student Speech?

“Speech” includes seeking, receiving and sending information and ideas through any media. “Cyberbullying” is harm inflicted by speech through the use of computers, cell phones, or other electronic devices. “Stalking” involves repeated and persistent unwanted communications and contacts such as telephone calls, letters or e-mails, among other conduct. The First Amendment provides, in part, “Congress shall make no law …abridging the freedom of speech.”

The First Amendment does not prevent a school district from disciplining a student for giving a speech using obscene language at a school event. See Bethel School District No. 403 v. Fraser , 478 U.S. 675 (1986). School districts can control the content of a school newspaper. See Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier, 484 U.S. 260 (1988) . Conversely, the government cannot compel a student to make a political pledge that the student disagrees with such as the Pledge of Allegiance. See West Virginia Board of Education v. Barnette , 319 U.S. 624, 627-29 (1943).

In Tinker v. Des Moines Independent , 393 U.S. 503 (1969), students planned to wear black armbands at school as a silent protest against the Vietnam War. The principal warned students that they would be suspended if they wore the armbands to school because the protest might cause a disruption in the learning environment. Despite the warning, some students wore the armbands and were suspended.  The case ultimately went to the Supreme Court which held that neither students nor teachers “shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate.” Further, school officials could not prohibit in class or out of class speech without a reasonable likelihood that the speech ”…materially disrupts classwork or involves substantial disorder or invasion of the rights of others.” The dissent noted that school officials, acting on a legitimate interest in school order, should have broad authority to maintain a productive learning environment.

In Mahanoy Area School District v B.L. , a student who failed to make the varsity cheerleading squad posted two images on Snapchat expressing her frustration with the school. She was off-campus when she posted the images but the school punished the student for the posts. The case went to the U.S. Supreme Court which held that schools normally cannot punish a student for off campus speech criticizing a school’s rules. However, cyberbullying or other forms of negative speech directed at an individual student may be different… “bullying and severe harassment are serious (and age-old) problems, but these concepts are not easy to define with the precision required for a regulation of speech.”

Historical Milestones

1791 : First Amendment ratified

1973 : First handheld mobile phone demonstrated by John F. Mitchell.

1977 : Home computers marketed

1981 : First portable computer developed

1992 : First text message sent from computer to cell phone reading “Merry Christmas”

1997 : First social media site, SixDegrees, allows users to upload profiles and contacts

2003 : Myspace founded and ushers in modern era of social media

2006 : Passing of Megan Meier; later led to first cyberbullying criminal indictment

2007 : Ordinance passed in Dardenne Prairie, Missouri, prohibiting harassment utilizing electronic medium (Municipal Code §201.030)

2008 : H.B. 6123 introduced to amend Chapter 41, Title 18, U.S. Code with respect to cyberbullying

2010 : Instagram launches as a photo-sharing platform

  • Bethel School District No. 403 v. Fraser , 478 U.S. 675 (1986)
  • Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier , 484 U.S. 260 (1988)
  • Mahanoy Area School District v B.L . , 594, U.S. (2021)
  • Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District , 393 U.S. 503 (1969)
  • West Virginia Board of Education v.Barnette , 319 U.S. 624, 627-29 (1943)
  • Alison V. King, Constitutionality of Cyberbullying Laws: Keeping the Online Playground Safe for Both Teens and Free Speech , 63 Vanderbilt L.R. 845, 884 (2019). https://scholarship.law.vanderbilt.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1425&context=vlr   Accessed November 4, 2021.
  • Carrie Specter, Can schools punish a student for a social media post? Stanford scholars discuss an imminent Supreme Court ruling ,  Stanford News, June 9, 2021.  https://news.stanford.edu/2021/06/09/can-schools-punish-student-social-media-post/ Accessed October 27, 2021.
  • Kisa Hagen, Supreme Court Sides With Cheerleader in First Amendment Social Media Case , U.S. News & World Report, June 23, 2021. https://www.usnews.com/news/national-news/articles/2021-06-23/supreme-court-sides-with-cheerleader-in-first-amendment-social-media-case   Accessed October 27, 2021.
  • Andrew Chung, Cheerleader prevails at U.S. Supreme Court in free speech case , Reuters, June 23, 2021. https://www.reuters.com/legal/litigation/us-supreme-court-hands-victory-cheerleader-free-speech-case-2021-06-23/   Accessed October 27, 2021.
  • UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence Against Children, Bullying and Cyberbullying, https://violenceagainstchildren.un.org/content/bullying-and-cyberbullying-0   Accessed November 5, 2021.
  • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, https://www.stopbullying.gov/resources/laws/federal   Accessed October 27, 2021.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Preventing Bullying , https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/youthviolence/bullyingresearch/fastfact.html   Accessed October 27, 2021.
  • Rebecca Roman, When Free Speech Isn’t Free: The Rising Costs of Hosting Controversial Speakers at Public Universities , 2020 University of Chicago Legal Forum 451, 475 (2020). https://chicagounbound.uchicago.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1677&context=uclf
  • PBS WHYY, “Why Do Kids Bully? | Spot on Science , “ https://kera.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/why-do-kids-bully-video/wviz-spot-on-science/ (video and transcript)
  • Benjamin A. Holden, Tinker Meets the Cyberbully: A Federal Circuit Conflict Round-up and Proposed New Standard for Off-Campus Speech , 28 Fordham Intell. Prop. Media & Ent. L.J. 233 (2018).  https://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1690&context=iplj
  • John O. Hayward, Anti-Cyber Bullying Statutes: Threat to Student Free Speech , 59 Clev. St. L. Rev. 85 (2011). https://engagedscholarship.csuohio.edu/clevstlrev/vol59/iss1/5
  • Megan Meier Cyberbullying Act, H.R. 6123, 110 th Cong. (2008). https://www.congress.gov/bill/110th-congress/house-bill/6123?s=1&r=42   Accessed November 5, 2021.
  • Ordinance 1228, The Offenses of Harassment and Cyber-Harassment within the City of Darden Prairie, Missouri, November 21, 2007. https://cms9files.revize.com/dardenne//Permits-Applications-Forms/General/Cyber%20Harassment%20Ord.pdf   Accessed November 5, 2021.

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The student writing competition.

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The UK Supreme Court writing competition is a great way for those with a keen interest in law and the UK justice system to get involved and put their skills of persuasion to the test.

Students in year 12 or 13 in England and Wales, S5 or S6 in Scotland and Year 13 or 14 in Northern Ireland are eligible to apply for this fantastic opportunity and the chance to meet a Supreme Court Justice.

Picture shows last year’s winner Evie Mollitt when she visited the library

Applications for the 2020 competition have been marked by our judicial assistants and the winners have been selected.

  • Alice Mumford
  • Yana Imykshenova
  • Beatrice Munro

We received a whopping 84 entries this year and our judicial assistants were extremely impressed with the quality of the essays from students across the United Kingdom. Well done to all who entered.

If you are interested in applying for the 2021 writing competition, please keep up to date with the Supreme Court website for information.

If you have any questions, please email [email protected] .

Useful documents

  • Student writing competition information pack (PDF)
  • Student writing competition entry form (DOC)

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North Carolina, Wisconsin and Texas students win top honors in NCSC’s 2022 Civics Education Essay Contest

Molly Justice National Center for State Courts 757.259.1564

North Carolina, Wisconsin and Texas students win top honors in NCSC’s 2022 Civics Education Essay Contest

Williamsburg, Va. (April 28, 2022) – Students from North Carolina, Wisconsin and Texas took top honors in the National Center for State Courts’ (NCSC) 2022 Civics Education Essay Contest.

In explaining which amendment in the U.S. Constitution has had the most impact in people’s lives, an overwhelming number of students cited the First Amendment – with the 13th Amendment as a popular choice among younger contestants.

“NCSC’s Civics Education Essay Contest is designed to encourage students to really think about the importance of our system of government and the framework on which it was founded,” said NCSC President Mary C. McQueen.

Students from 49 states, the District of Columbia, and 19 countries participated in this year’s contest. Essays were judged on creativity, accuracy, length and grammar. The nine winners will receive cash prizes totaling $3,000.

Essays were judged by a team of NCSC staff and a finalist panel including NCSC Board Chair and Rhode Island Chief Justice Paul A. Suttell and Mason Farr of the Ohio Supreme Court’s Civic Education Section and recipient of the 2021 Sandra Day O’Connor Award for the Advancement of Civics Education.

The 2022 winners include:

High school (grades 9-12)

  • First place: Santana Spearman, Providence Day School, Charlotte, North Carolina
  • Second place: Sumayyah Abuelmaatti, Rancho Bernardo High School, San Diego, California
  • Third place: Eshal Warsi, Cypress Woods High School, Cypress, Texas

Middle school (grades 6-8)

  • First place: Kelsey Raddemann, Pilgrim Park Middle School, Brookfield, Wisconsin
  • Second place: Anoushka Pandey, Bryn Mawr School, Baltimore, Maryland
  • Third place: Myra Gupta, Alfred C. MacKinnon Middle School, Wharton, New Jersey

Elementary school (grades 3-5)

  • First place: Sabina Perez, St. Mary’s Elementary School, Fredericksburg, Texas
  • Second place: Isha Gupta, Daves Creek Elementary School, Cumming, Georgia
  • Third place: Rio Duncan, Trinity Episcopal School, West Lake Hill, Texas

For the past nine years, NCSC has framed its essay contest question around the American Bar Association’s Law Day theme, which in 2022 is “ Toward a More Perfect Union: The Constitution in Times of Change. ”

The National Center for State Courts, headquartered in Williamsburg, Va., is a nonprofit court organization dedicated to improving the administration of justice by providing leadership and service to the state courts. Founded in 1971 by the Conference of Chief Justices and Chief Justice of the United States Warren E. Burger, NCSC provides education, training, technology, management, and research services to the nation’s state courts.

Read the winning entries here .

CNN values your feedback

The supreme court has ignited new fears about how it may handle election disputes.

Passing storm clouds are seen over the U.S. Supreme Court on July 30, 2024 in Washington, DC.

The recent US Supreme Court decision changing voter registration rules in Arizona has voting rights advocates anxious about how the justices will approach emergency election appeals in the runup to the November election.

Not only was the Arizona ruling a missed opportunity for the justices to explain when they will engage in election and voting cases, experts say it has also heightened concern that the court is unevenly applying a murky legal principle intended to reduce chaos rather than add to it.

The “Purcell principle,” rooted in a 2006 Supreme Court decision, warns federal courts to avoid making last minute changes to the status quo of voting rules before an election.

Passing storm clouds are seen over the U.S. Supreme Court on July 30, 2024 in Washington, DC.

Related article Supreme Court’s ‘shadow docket’ returns with a vengeance

But 18 years later,what counts as “status quo” and “last-minute” stillremains up for debate. That lack of clarity – and what critics see as an inconsistent application of the doctrine – could be a critical factor in this year’s election.

The Arizona ruling “iscreating additional uncertainty around a principle that already had very few concrete parameters,” said Sophia Lin Lakin, director of the ACLU’s Voting Rights Project. “It’s hard to understand exactly what the court is doing when it comes to Purcell and that creates a lot of anxiety that the rule could be applied in a way that’s inconsistent and tips the scales one way or the other.”

Rather than clarifying Purcell in its order in the Arizona citizenship voting registration case, critics say the justices managed to muddy the water by avoiding it altogether .

“If the entire purpose of Purcell is to reduce the risk of voter confusion, how does that come within a country mile of the difference-splitting result that we saw in the Arizona case?” asked Steve Vladeck, a CNN Supreme Court analyst and professor at Georgetown University Law Center.

As in past years, the Supreme Court is almost certain to be asked to take up a series of down-to-the-wire election-year lawsuits ahead of the November election. Some of those cases are already percolating in lower courts , and some are likely to appear without much warning.

In the first such case this election season, a divided Supreme Court on Thursday allowed one part of a Republican-backed voter registration law in Arizona to take effect: New registrations for voters using a state form must now include proof of citizenship. The court’s liberal wing, along with conservative Justice Amy Coney Barrett, would have kept all of the proof-of-citizenship requirements on hold.

The U.S. Supreme Court Building stands on June 14, 2024 in Washington, DC.

Related article Supreme Court blocks some of Arizona proof-of-citizenship requirements for November election

But an undefined majority of the court a blocked another law that would have barred voters who previously did not document their citizenship from casting a ballot for president this year or voting by mail. Three conservatives – Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito and Neil Gorsuch – balked at that outcome, saying they would have allowed all the new regulations to take effect.

The unusual vote split meant that either Chief Justice John Roberts or Justice Brett Kavanaugh – or both – allowed part of the Arizona law to go forward but not all of it. It’s not clear why at least one of them split the difference.

Though it has sometimes cited Purcell, even in brief election-case orders, the high court didn’t do so last week. It’s common for the justices to say little when resolving emergency cases – but some saw the silence as especially puzzling in the Arizona matter, given how much attention was paid to Purcell as the dispute made its way through the lower courts.

There has to be some flexibility in the doctrine because some changes to election rules can take longer to implement than others, said Chad Ennis, vice president of the conservative Honest Elections Project. Imposing a set time period for when Purcell applies, he said, wouldn’t work.

But, he said, a little more certainty about when the rule applies, and when it doesn’t, wouldn’t hurt.

“It’s something we need, but it needs some fleshing out,” Ennis said. “I’d like a little more clarity on when Purcell applies going into the election.”

Avoiding election chaos, or not

As lower courts thrashed out the Arizona case, Republicans argued that Purcell shouldn’t apply at all. The proof-of-citizenship changes at issue were initiated by the state legislature. Purcell, they argued, is about keeping courts – not state lawmakers – from making late-in-the-game election rule changes.

But Democrats said it was Republicans’ legal appeals that were risking last-minute “chaos and confusion” in county election offices. After all, a district court’s original decision blocking Arizona’s law was issued in late 2023 – more than a year from the election.

The Supreme Court last invoked the Purcell principle in May in a case dealing with Louisiana’s new congressional map – a map that created a second majority-Black district and benefits Democrats. Perhaps sensing an expansion of Purcell, the court’s three liberals dissented, with Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson writing that it was premature for the Supreme Court to intervene at all. That decision was handed down nearly six months out from the state’s congressional primary.

In 2022, the court relied on Purcell in another redistricting suit – this time in Alabama. A 5-4 majority allowed a congressional map drawn by state Republicans to remain in place, even though a lower court said the map likely violated the Voting Rights Act by diluting the political power of Black voters. The court ruled in that matter in February 2022, about four months before that state’s primary (though early voting began in late March).

“When an election is close at hand, the rules of the road must be clear and settled,” Kavanaugh wrote at the time. “Late judicial tinkering with election laws can lead to disruption and to unanticipated and unfair consequences for candidates, political parties, and voters, among others.”

The Supreme Court eventually tossed out the map months later, but not until after voters had used it for the 2022 midterm. With a second Black-majority district in the state, Democrats now have a pickup opportunity in November .

“The problem is, these cases are always in an emergency posture, so you’re always dealing with short fuses,” said Derek Muller, a professor and elections expert at the Notre Dame Law School. “But the court just seems not interested in adding more details about its basis for granting or denying.” 


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supreme court essay competition 2022

Virtual Supreme Court 2022

Ages: High School

Types: Submission, Performance

Scope: National


Registration for this competition has ended.

Josh Blackman [email protected]


The Harlan Institute and Ashbrook announce the Eleventh Annual Virtual Supreme Court Competition. This competition offers teams of two high school students the opportunity to research cutting-edge constitutional law, write persuasive appellate briefs, argue against other students through video chats, and try to persuade a panel of esteemed attorneys during oral argument that their side is correct. This year the competition focuses on Students for Fair Admission v. University of North Carolina.

Using historical materials related to the Fourteenth Amendment, and the precedents of the United States Supreme Court, teams of two high-school students will write an appellate brief, and present oral arguments, addressing this question: Is race conscious affirmative action consistent with Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution? Petitioners will argue that the Fourteenth Amendment prohibits state universities from using race conscious affirmative action. Respondents will argue that the Second Amendment does not prohibit state universities from using race conscious affirmative action.

Website: https://harlaninstitute.org/virtual-supreme-court/

Managing Organization: The Harlan Institute

Contact: Josh Blackman [email protected]

Eligibility: All High School students in the US are eligible.

Registration Opens: October 3, 2022

Registration Closes: December 18, 2022

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supreme court essay competition 2022

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supreme court essay competition 2022


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supreme court essay competition 2022

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7th edition of the Pranita Mehta Memorial Essay Writing Competition

  • Post published: December 29, 2022
  • Post category: Events
  • Reading time: 9 mins read

Table of Contents

About pranita mehta memorial article writing competition, eligibility criteria, submission guidelines, important dates.

CLS was founded in 2014 with the primary objective of providing a platform to foster discussions and debate on issues of corporate law and related topics, inculcate an interest in the subject and allow students to gain a practitioner’s perspective. This is facilitated by inviting our eminent alumni to deliver lectures on developments and emerging trends in the realm of corporate law and related areas. We also hold our flagship event, the Essay Competition, which provides a platform for students from Universities of Law all across the country to contribute to the corporate law academia, and to forward the discourse on the subject matter. 

The Essay Competition is annually organized by CLS in memory of the Late. Ms. Pranita Mehta, an extremely talented student of NLUJ was accorded several laurels for her academic endeavors. She was among the first ones to get recruited from the Batch 2017 by one of India’s top law firms. The Essay Competition attracts participation from hundreds of law students from premier law schools across India and offers prizes worth Rs. 50,000/- to the winners. In the previous years, we have associated with leading law firms such as L&L Offices, J. Sagar Associates, Khaitan & Co., and so on – the Partners of such firms have judged the Essay Competition. The Competition aims to foster stimulating and innovative discussions on contemporary developments in the corporate law sphere through academic research and writing.

All students pursuing undergraduate (three/five year) or post-graduate law degrees from any law school/university/college recognized by the Bar Council of India are eligible to participate in the Competition.

The winners will be awarded the following exciting prize money:

  • First Prize: Rs. 25,000/-
  • Second Prize: Rs. 15,000/-
  • Third Prize: Rs. 10,000/-
  • Publication with JCLG: The winning essay will also be published in the well-reputed Journal on Corporate Law and Governance [“JCLG”].
  • Internship with IndusLaw: Top three winners of the Competition will also get the opportunity to intern with IndusLaw.
  • Merit Certificates: Top ten submissions will also be given merit certificates.
  • Opportunity for public equity shareholders to acquire shares after CIRP- a measure for protection or an instance of myopia?
  • FTX: the Lehman Brothers of 2022- a lesson for the Indian crypto regime?
  • Fractional Share Investing in India: A Step in the Right Direction?
  • Supreme Court on Motive as a Precondition for Insider Trading.
  • ESG regulations- Is Corporate India really doing its part?
  • Digital Personal Data Protection Bill, 2022: Examining the Legislative Attempt To Protect Personal Data In India?
  • The submission shall be made only in MS Word format (.doc/.docx). PDF form shall not be accepted.
  • Font and Size of Main Text and Footnote: Times New Roman, 12 Points for the main text, and Times New Roman, 10 Points for footnotes.
  • Size and Alignment: A4 Size with 1 Inch Margin; all text except headings should be justified.
  • Footnoting: The participant has to adopt a uniform style of citation throughout the document.
  • Spacing: Submission should be 1.5-spaced (except footnotes which may be single-spaced).
  • Word Limit: Word limit of the submission is 2500 – 3500 words (excluding abstract and footnotes). The abstract should not be more than 300 words.
  • Plagiarism: Any submission that is found to be plagiarized beyond 25% shall be disqualified from the competition.
  • Anonymity: The participant shall not include his/her name in the submission’s text in any form.
  • Co-Authorship: Co-authorship, up to two people, is allowed.
  • Any previously published entry would not be permitted.
  • Copyright of the submission shall remain with CLS.
  • In case of any conflicts, CLS shall be the final authority on the guidelines.
  • In case a participant is submitting an assignment/project, which has been submitted to their university’s Turnitin repository, CLS requires the participants to submit the associated Turnitin report via email indicating that the plagiarism percentage is less than 25%.
  • No registration fee is required to participate in the competition.

Registration: Interested students must register with CLS by December 31, 2022 [11:59 PM] in order to confirm their interest in participation. Click here to register.

Submission: Participants must submit their essays by January 26, 2023 [11:59 PM]. Click here to submit your article.

In case of any queries, CLS may be reached at [email protected] or at +91-99712 50775 (Nishant Sharma) and +91-9760514464 (Anurag Singh).

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NLSIU | 26th Annual H.M. Seervai Essay Competition in Constitutional Law, 2022

Reported by Nidhi Agarwal

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National Law School of India University, Bangalore invites entries for the 26 th Annual H.M. Seervai Essay Competition in Constitutional Law. Participants in this pan-India essay competition stand a chance to win the prestigious H.M. Seervai Gold Medal from NLSIU.

About the Competition:

In 1997, Senior Advocate Navroz Seervai instituted a Gold Medal in the name of the distinguished jurist, the late H.M. Seervai, for the best original essay written on the themes specified in Indian Constitutional Law. Over the years, this essay writing competition has become a prestigious event for law students all over India. The significant rise every year in the number of contributions from the student community shows their mark of respect and tribute to one of the greatest legal luminaries of our country, Hormasji Maneckji Seervai.

In 2021, the gold medal was awarded to Aachman Shekar, NALSAR University of Law for his essay on ‘The 50% Reservation Ceiling: Protecting or Hindering Equality?’  Read the winning essay here .

Topic for 2022:

How should the Supreme Court of India reshape the law of arrest and bail?


Students currently enrolled in an LL.B. / B.A., LL.B. / BBA, LL.B./B.Com., LL.B. regular mode programme in any recognised Law School / College / University in India may make a submission.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Each entry should be an original, unpublished, single-authored essay in English.
  • Every essay must clear anti-plagiarism checks.
  • Entries should be formatted in Times New Roman, size 12 font, double-spaced on an A4 sheet, & carefully referenced using the  OSCOLA citation style.
  • Word limit: 7,000-10,000 words (inclusive of footnotes).

Submission Deadline extended to:  Midnight, August 28, 2022.

To submit your essay, click  here .

The University reserves the right to conduct interviews with selected candidates.

For any queries, please write to  [email protected]

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15th Anniversary Essay Competition

15th Anniversary Essay Competition

The Supreme Court of the United Kingdom is pleased to launch an essay competition to mark the Court's 15th anniversary. We invite registered university students, aspiring lawyers, pupils and trainees with UK-based firms or chambers to submit essays considering the following question:

"As the Supreme Court approaches its 15th anniversary, what reflections would you offer on its role and achievements?"

Lady Simler, Justice of the Supreme Court, will select the winning entry. First prize will win a meeting with Lady Simler, a tour of the Court, and a UK Supreme Court coffee table book.

To enter, email your essay of no longer than 1500 words to [email protected] , citing 'Essay Competition' in the subject line. The competition closes on 30 September 2024.

We look forward to reading your papers!

Terms and conditions

  • The competition is open to all students in any discipline registered with a UK university or other higher education institution, together with all pupil barristers, trainee advocates (or "devils"), trainee solicitors, and apprentices with firms of solicitors, barristers' chambers (or equivalent) or other employers of legal professionals established in the UK, except employees of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom and members of their families. Entries will also be accepted from aspiring lawyers who are actively seeking pupillage, a training contract or other qualifying work experience.
  • Submissions should be no longer than 1500 words, including footnotes and references. Essays that exceed this word limit will not be considered.
  • Deadline for submissions is 23.59 on Monday, 30 September 2024 . Essays must be submitted by email to [email protected] in Microsoft Word format, citing 'Essay Competition' in the subject line.
  • When submitting your essay, please include your name, address, contact telephone number and details of the educational institution, barristers' chambers or firm of solicitors that you belong to in the covering email. Please do not include this or any other identifying information in the essay itself.
  • The essay must be the sole creation and original work of the entrant. Any form of plagiarism will result in automatic disqualification.
  • Alongside your submission, please complete and return the Declaration . Submissions made without the Declaration will not be considered.
  • Only one entry per person will be allowed.
  • The essay must not have been submitted to any other essay competition.
  • Essays will be judged anonymously, and the winner will be selected by Lady Simler, Justice of the Supreme Court.
  • The winner will be selected in December 2024 and will be notified no later than January 2025.
  • First prize will win a meeting with Lady Simler, a tour of the Court, and a UK Supreme Court coffee table book, and a certificate signed by Lady Simler.
  • Runners up whose essays were shortlisted in the top 5 will receive a coffee table book and a certificate signed by Lady Simler.
  • We will inform all entrants of whether they have been successful or unsuccessful. We do not otherwise have capacity to provide feedback on individual entries.
  • For any questions, please contact [email protected]

Latah County Human Rights Task Force

Strengthening the bonds of community to embrace diversity and reject bigotry..

Latah County Human Rights Task Force

Art and Essay Contest

Each year a topic concerning human rights is chosen with grade-specific contest parameters.  The information below is provided for the 2023-24 contest.



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    First prize will win a meeting with Lady Simler, a tour of the Court, and a UK Supreme Court coffee table book. To enter, email your essay of no longer than 1500 words to [email protected], citing 'Essay Competition' in the subject line. The competition closes on 30 September 2024. We look forward to reading your papers! Terms and ...

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