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A Brief Guide to Better School Board Presentations

September 1, 2003 • Joey Campbell, Senior Editor • Bookmark +

Face it, as a transportation manager, some things are just out of your hands. Budgets, school bus procurement, community concerns, school boundaries, major discipline issues, grants, audits and major policy decisions are among the many issues that require the attention of school district administration, or in some cases, the school board. Though the prospect may seem intimidating, making a presentation before a school board can play a vital part in the successful operation of a transportation department.

School board members are elected to represent their constituents in matters affecting the running of a school district. They are sensitive to safety, financial issues and public opinion, and they appreciate hearing from important district departments, including transportation. More importantly, they are human beings, and they want to see the best for students.

A school board presentation usually occurs for one of two reasons. You can be summoned to make a presentation if the board takes an interest in a particular issue. Or, you can voluntarily schedule a meeting to help gain support for something of your choice. In either case, it’s important to be informative, honest and relaxed. The following six steps, with input from several industry professionals, will help you prepare for and then deliver a successful school board presentation.

1. Scout the terrain The first step to a successful presentation is to learn as much as possible about the people on the board, dynamics of board meetings, related protocols of board business and a general layout of how the system works. A simple but wholly critical action, for example, is to find out where and when meetings are held and how they are scheduled. David Pace, director of transportation services for Virginia Beach (Va.) City Public Schools, says that the chairman of the school board and the district superintendent might meet the first or third Tuesday of every month to decide the agenda for school board meetings. Finding out exactly when, he says, is critical when trying to schedule a presentation or have the board agree to give you time.

Another simple, but highly recommended action is to attend a school board meeting or two in advance of your presentation. Observe the format by which issues are addressed and take notes of how board members react to specific topics. Pay attention to the length of the meeting and the time allotted for each subject discussed. Also scout out the way the boardroom is set up and what resources are available to aid in a presentation. Later, when you rehearse your presentation, you will be able to visualize the physical setup of the meeting.

If at all possible, learn the school board’s key goals, objectives or even its mission statement. To give yourself the best chance of impressing a school board, says Claudia Sherrill, director of transportation for Elk Grove (Calif.) Unified School District, you’ll want to adapt your own project goals to meet those of the school board’s mission statement. “A key to a successful presentation is having sensitivity to the larger picture of the board’s goals and means, and making sure that you are in line with both,’ she adds.

2. Introduce and acquaint Once you have researched who and what you are dealing with, the next move is to introduce yourself to each member of the board and any other important people involved in the process. Building a solid rapport with school board members may not pay immediate dividends, but as your relationship with them grows, so do your chances of having issues important to you heard and addressed. Additionally, as you get to know board members, your ability to cater to their personalities only improves. “Know the personality of the board and the tone of the subject and play to that,” says Fred Murphy, assistant superintendent for Polk County Public Schools in Bartow, Fla. “If they are not light-hearted, then donÕt attempt humor.”

There may be other people who are important to meet and work with. For example, if you are making a presentation on the seat belt issue, which is a hot topic with parents, you would want to work with the PTA, says Lenny Bernstein, director of transportation for North Rockland Central Schools in Garnersville, N.Y. Other people with expertise from which you could possibly benefit include vendors, special-needs educators, politicians, industry associations and school administrators. Even a board secretary can help immensely by telling you what equipment is available and how to use it. Knowing the right people will help you become acquainted with the school board presentation process and make you look better in the eyes of the board itself.

3. Build momentum After you have acclimated yourself to the system and started a working relationship with the important players, you should attempt to inform the board of what you plan to discuss and bring positive attention to the issue. School boards are usually under a lot of pressure from the public, the media, district administration and area politicians. They may be wary of your position and will welcome brochures, flyers or write-ups to prime them for your presentation. According to Michael Dallessandro, transportation supervisor for Lake Shore (N.Y.) Central School District, school boards prefer not to be “blindsided” by touchy public interest and student safety issues. “They need a topic title and rough idea on the purpose of the presentation,” he says.

However, if your presentation is a topic of public concern, you might want it to be covered by the media. If your district has a public relations department, send them information to be distributed through the proper channels. Another option is to create your own press release and send it to local news stations, newspapers, reporters and other media outlets.

Also make sure to tell supporters of your cause the date and time of your presentation, since board meetings are open to the public. If your presentation asks the board to reward the accomplishments of your driver staff, for instance, make sure you ask drivers to attend the meeting. Their presence will provide moral support for you and evidence to the board that someone is behind your idea. Inviting staff members has an added benefit as well, says Sherrill. “If questions are asked and I can’t answer them, I can call on a staff person to assist,” she says.

4. Prepare, prepare, prepare As is true with just about anything you do in life, preparation will make a huge difference in the ultimate success of your presentation. School boards want to hear thorough, professional points of view, without inaccuracies, sloppy mistakes and gaps in logic. The following suggestions, offered by transportation managers with experience in making school board presentations, serve as tips to preparing for a school board meeting:

5. Make it happen When the time comes to present, don’t get too excited. Keep in mind that the school board members have a lot in common with you. After all, they, too, are interested in the safest possible transportation of students between home and school. It may also give you comfort to recognize that you are the expert on your given topic. If they were as well-versed in transportation issues as you are, then they probably wouldn’t be hearing from you. “Board members are many times members of the community who do not have your level of expertise,” says Jim Minihan, supervisor of transportation for Lakeland Central School District in Mohegan Lake, N.Y. “It is important to speak clearly and in layman’s terms. The board relies on your information to make informed decisions for the district.”

When making your presentation, choose the format that will best allow you to get your point across and utilize all statistics and visual aids. “Microsoft PowerPoint is the only way today,” says Dallessandro. “PowerPoint provides the ability to produce high quality presentations with imported pictures, charts, graphs and streaming video. It keeps people’s attention longer than changing overhead transparencies or reading from dry erase boards or flip charts.” Make sure that the meeting room will be able to accommodate whatever resources or equipment you settle on.

Remember to smile and be pleasant. Always tell the truth and not what you think the board wants to hear. If you don’t have the answer to one of their questions, do not try to bluff your way through. Instead, if you are unsure of anything, let them know that you will need to check and then get back to them. Bernstein offers another tidbit of advice, “Never argue.” You are there to persuade, not to antagonize.

6. Follow up When the presentation is complete, your work is not finished. First and foremost, plan to stay at the meeting until it’s over, even if there are presenters after you. It’s important that you make yourself available to answer the questions of school board members. It might be prudent to send some type of memo to board members a few days later, too. “Many times school boards suffer from overload after a late meeting, and your presentation could be forgotten,” says Bernstein. “A follow up is always good.”

Sherrill recommends another very thorough method of following up a presentation. “I take notes from the questions and comments of the board members,” she says. “I respond to their questions within 24 to 48 hours after the presentation.” Sherrill says that she also occasionally singles out board members who were exceptionally supportive and sends them follow-up e-mails or letters discussing specific points.

Finally, it’s never inappropriate to show your gratitude by writing thank-you notes to the members of a school board. After all, your presentation takes valuable time out of their lives, too.

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13 Tips on How To Nail a Presentation To the Board of Directors

Martina Bretous

Published: January 13, 2021

In college, I always made it a point to listen intently to presentations. I knew how stressful and nerve-racking it was to present in a room of peers and authority figures.

board of directors listens to man's presentation

I would nod feverishly to let presenters know I was invested in their presentation. And they knew it too. They often zeroed in on me as I became their focus point and silent motivator. The fixation felt awkward at times, but that felt like one of my small contributions to society. That, and an endless supply of cat videos.

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Back then, the stakes were relatively low. But when you’re tasked with putting together a presentation to a board of directors, the pressure’s on.

But with a few tricks in your arsenal, you won’t need a sympathetic audience member to gauge how well you’re doing.

Let’s walk through some tips to prepare for your presentation and review some things to avoid.

How To Make a Presentation To the Board

  • Know your audience.
  • Plan ahead.
  • Structure your presentation.
  • Keep it concise.
  • Set up early.
  • Incorporate visuals into your presentation.
  • Focus on results.
  • Send materials beforehand.
  • Build confidence with your power outfit.
  • Rehearse your script.
  • Don't fall into the PowerPoint Trap.
  • Read the room.
  • Include time for questions.

1. Know your audience.

Knowing your listeners is as important as the content of your presentation. When you understand their priorities, you can put together a presentation that speaks directly to them.

If you don't know the board well, do some research and get answers to these questions:

What does the board care about?

This will help you see from what lens they look at things. For instance, a board keen on community impact may not be drawn to a presentation focused on return on investment (ROI).

There are a few ways to find this out. You can start by looking into each board member’s professional background. If most members have a finance background, for instance, you’ll want to make sure you cover any financials as it relates to your presentation. This could be cost, expected ROI, or operating margins.

You can also get some insight into what the board cares about by looking back at your interactions with its members. Think about the conversations you’ve had: What comes up most often? Is it company culture, profit, philanthropy, innovation, or something else?

What are their main concerns?

A board of directors is responsible for making decisions that will ensure the growth and sustainability of a company. So naturally, they will be looking out for anything that may impede that process.

Common concerns a board may have are:

  • Costs: How much time and money will it require?
  • Timeline: How long will this project take and is that timeline feasible?
  • Risks: How risky is your proposal and what is the risk-to-return ratio?

You may find that each board member has a different focus, which means your presentation should be well-rounded to tackle these issues.

Once you know this answer, you can subtly handle each concern throughout your presentation. Getting those answers will help you create a presentation that not only interests your audience but also aligns with their goals. This, in turn, will bring you much closer to accomplishing the plans laid out in your presentation.

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2. Plan ahead.

The next step in delivering a great presentation is making a plan. This means figuring out the focus of your presentation, what you’ll cover, and what you’ll leave out.

A presentation should follow the structure of any good movie, with a beginning, middle, and an end. Here’s an example outline for a presentation where the head of the marketing team is proposing course offerings as a new lead generation channel.

Presentation outline example

The middle is the meat and potatoes of your presentation. You'll likely spend time providing data, contextualizing it, and explaining your approach.

Your ending should bring together your key points and leave your audience with actionable steps. Because what good is providing the information if you have no plan for what to do moving forward?

3. Structure your presentation based on the board’s process.

Not every board of directors operates in the same way. Sure, there are standard guidelines for every meeting. However, the approach may vary for presentations.

Some may operate more like a town hall, pausing periodically to discuss the points as they come up. In this case, leave room after each section of your presentation to discuss what was covered.

Others may follow the more standard approach: presentation followed by a discussion. Studies show that humans remember best the beginning and end of what they read, hear, and see. What’s in the middle tends to get lost. With that in mind, consider sharing your most pertinent information toward the beginning and end of your presentation.

4. Keep it concise.

One thing board members aren’t known for is open availability. That said, you want to make the most of your time with them. How do you do that? Stick to the scope of the presentation.

While it’s great to incorporate storytelling, avoid getting sidetracked and wasting time. Be clear and keep it simple.

If you’re showing data, only share one highlight per data graph. There are several reasons for this:

  • Data itself doesn’t tell a story. You, as the presenter, do. As such, you have to explain what it means and why it matters. Let’s say lead generation at your company has plateaued in the past year across all channels. That’s all the data says. But during your research, you realize it’s due to a shift in how your audience is consuming information. Your role is to present the data and explain the "why" behind the plateau along with a solution.
  • You want to prevent information overload. Share the piece of data that best supports your points and has the most impact. For instance, if a new lead generation channel is the focus of your presentation, diving into the specifics of another channel may not be worth your time. Tools like Diligent Boards can help ensure directors receive a complete yet concise view of information directly pertinent to them, so you’re not overwhelming them with unnecessary details.

If you leave it to your audience to make sense of the data, they might reach a conclusion that doesn’t align with your message.

5. Set up early.

There’s nothing more awkward than silence during a technical difficulty.

Everyone’s looking at you while you’re figuring out why technology has forsaken you. The more time the issue takes to resolve, the more panicked you get. We’ve all been there.

To avoid this, set up early and do a run-through before your scheduled presentation time. It’ll give you time to get familiar with the space and any technology you’ll need to run during your presentation.

6. Incorporate visuals into your presentation.

When choosing between words and media, pick the latter.

Visuals help us make sense of information at a much quicker pace than words do. We’re also better at remembering what we see versus what we hear by 55% – it’s called pictorial superiority .

It’s also beneficial to keep your visuals simple. If you have too much going on, your audience will be confused. But if it’s too bare, it will take too many visuals to paint the picture. So, pull your most significant data and use data visualization tools to design intuitive graphics.

7. Focus on results.

A board of directors typically focuses on big-picture decisions that will have a long-term impact on the company.

In this vein, every piece of your presentation should get you closer to answering these questions:

  • " Why does this matter? "
  • " What is the long-term impact? "
  • " How does this bring the company closer to its goals? "
  • " Any potential roadblocks? How will you address them? "

Incorporating these answers into your presentation will set you up for a smoother Q&A session.

8. Send materials beforehand.

Depending on what you’ll be covering in your presentation, it may be helpful to send the board materials to review in advance. This should only be supplemental information that would be too time-consuming or distracting to cover in a presentation, like reports and demos. This way, the focus during the presentation will be on the "why" and not the "how."

The one material you don’t want to send is your presentation, as you want to be the one to contextualize it. Otherwise, the board might form an opinion based on limited information.

A week before the meeting is a good rule of thumb, leaving room for you to respond to initial comments or feedback.

Think of this process as an advantage. You get insight into what the board members may bring up during the meeting and more context to prep. Secondly, it ensures everyone is on the same page ahead of the meeting. That way, you can dive straight into key points during your presentation without covering minute details.

9. Build confidence with your power outfit.

Building confidence is one of the less concrete tips on the list to implement. But the good news is, there are research-backed techniques you can use to achieve it. One of them is right within your reach: clothing.

Many of us can relate to the feeling of trying on clothes in a fitting room and feeling like a million bucks. It tends to put us in a better mood and shift our perspective.

Well, turns out there’s a reason for this. In 2012, two researchers coined the term " enclothed cognition " to refer to the impact clothes can have on the psyche. They found that the clothes we wear can shift our perspective.

In that spirit, put on your best blazer or suit the day of your presentation. That outfit may be just the boost you need.

10. Rehearse your script.

During a presentation with a board of directors, you want to avoid the Michael Scott approach at all costs.

Instead, go the exact opposite route: practice. Practice is the cure to presentation jitters and the formula for seamless delivery. The more familiar you become with your content, the better the presentation will be.

If it’s been a while since your last presentation, start by practicing in the mirror. You’ll immediately notice any mannerisms that may be distracting to your audience. Recording yourself also works great.

Then, practice in front of an audience. And, unfortunately, your dog won’t cut it for this one. Practice with family or friends who can give you feedback on how to improve.

And remember: You’re the only one who knows your speech and presentation. So, if you mess up or forget to mention something, you’re likely the only one who noticed.

11. Don’t fall into the PowerPoint trap.

You’ll likely use a tool like PowerPoint to guide you during your presentation. Yet, it’s important that you don’t overly depend on it.

For instance, packing your slides with heavy text or bullet points is a surefire way to lose your audience. In fact, 40% of respondents in a 2018 study by Prezi said it caused disengagement and made it harder to retain information.

So, stick to one key point on each slide. It’s easier for your audience to remember and prevents information overload.

12. Read the room.

Even if you follow every tip listed above, you might hit a point in your presentation where there’s a disconnect between you and your audience. You might notice confused looks or a shift in body language. If that happens, that’s your cue to pivot.

If your audience seems confused, dive in a little bit deeper on your point. If you sense disagreement, tackle those concerns head-on.

Let’s say you’re proposing a new initiative for the company, and you sense some pushback on the timeline.

You can address it by saying something along the lines of, " You may have some concern regarding the timeline and whether it’s feasible given our current projects. While the timeline may seem tight, we have factored in X, Y, and Z, and, given our past initiatives, we believe this timeline will account for A, B, and C ."

A response like this can mitigate the situation while still keeping you on track.

13. Include time for questions.

As a foodie, dinner for me isn’t complete without a good piece of chocolate. Whether it’s a KitKat or a chocolate cake, having chocolate after dinner feels like the perfect ending. Q&A sessions are kind of like that. It’s the audience’s chance to ask questions and discuss the presentation.

Be ready for questions regarding the data and solutions you presented. The length of the Q&A session will vary depending on the length of your presentation, the size of the board, and other factors.

Additionally, it’s your opportunity to address any looming concerns and re-emphasize your key points. Not sure what to do if you don’t have an answer to something? Here are a few responses:

  • "That’s a great question. I don’t have an answer for you at the moment, but I will follow up over email by end of day."
  • "I don’t have much experience in that X [topic/department/]. However, I will reach out to X and get back to you within a week."
  • "We haven’t explored that yet, but what I can tell you is …"
  • "That’s a great point we hadn’t considered before. My team and I will reconvene and strategize on the best way to approach this."

When the stakes are so high, a presentation to the board can seem daunting. By incorporating these tips into your strategy, you can remove the stress and focus instead on your delivery.

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Communicate Effectively with Your School Board

by MiddleWeb · Published 04/18/2018 · Updated 11/14/2019

By Barbara Blackburn, Robert Blackburn, and Ron Williamson

Communication is central to your role as an advocate. If you can’t communicate effectively, your message will never be heard. Of particular importance is the ability of school and teacher leaders to communicate with the school board to advocate for an issue.

Nine Principles of Effective Communication

Conciseness and consistency matter Open with your key point Match to your agenda Make it coherent Understand your audience Name your objective/desired action Courtesy rules Ask questions Tell a story

► Conciseness and consistency matter

It’s important to have a concise message. Oftentimes your listeners are busy, and they do not have a tremendous amount of time to give you. If you take too much time, they will either move on or tune out. Additionally, be consistent in your message. If you send unclear messages that are not consistent, you will confuse your audience.

► Open with your key point

We live in a busy world and your audience will be busy. Start your verbal or written message with your key point. When you are advocating an issue, begin with the most important thing you have to say. This way, if your listener does interrupt you, you will still have communicated your main point.

► Match to your agenda

Next, be sure your message matches your agenda. You may be thinking this is common sense, but you might be surprised how often this does not occur. For example, we heard one principal discuss safety. Her goal was to convince the Superintendent and Cabinet to improve lighting in the parking lot and around the exterior of the building. She created a one page fact sheet, but she never stated that as her goal. Instead, she simply shared information about the importance of school safety without focusing on her agenda. The decision-makers were left with information, but without a clear idea of what the principal wanted.

► Make it coherent

Similarly, you want to have a coherent message. If you stray off topic, you will lose your audience. Unfortunately, it’s too easy to do this. A lack of focus can undermine your advocacy efforts.

► Understand your audience

As you craft your message, you’ll want to understand your audience. As you interact with different stakeholders, you will find that each person has different needs, goals, and prior experiences related to your agenda. Once you discover where they are coming from, you can tailor your message to them, and your chances of being effective are improved.

presentation school board

► Name your objective/desired action

As you are delivering your message, be sure to ask for help with your objective, or ask for a specific action. If we only present material, the stakeholder is left with information but no idea what they’re being asked to do. That’s nice, but what do you want them to do with that information? Notice in the example below that the teachers were very clear on the action they wanted the school board t o take.

► Courtesy rules

As you communicate with stakeholders and influencers, courtesy should be at the forefront. We don’t always see courtesy used in the advocacy process, but if you want to accomplish your goals, you will make more progress if you are considerate. This includes our words, but also our non-verbal communication.

presentation school board

► Ask questions

Another important concept is to ask questions while you are delivering your message. People are more responsive when you talk with them, not at them. Part of effectively asking questions is listening. You should listen just as much as you talk. Asking questions is one way to have a conversation, rather than simply stating information. The use of open-ended inquiry questions promotes dialogue.

► Tell a story

Finally, as you are sharing information, tell a story that supports your ideas. Stories are personal, and people remember stories longer than they remember facts. If possible, you want to tell a first-hand account of a story, something that you experienced. However, secondhand stories can also be effective. Perhaps you can explain a personal experience someone else shared with you, such as how this issue will impact a child in your school. The point is stories are effective, particularly if they tug at the heartstrings.

A Board Presentation That Delivers

Let’s look at a sample presentation for a school board by a district-wide teacher leadership team advocating to school board to provide early release time for collaboration and planning (given 5 minutes on the agenda).

presentation school board

As you know, in our continued efforts to improve student achievement, we have recently focused on increasing our use of evidence-based teaching strategies, identified by John Hattie.

Although we are making progress, we find that teachers need concentrated time to work together. We are asking that, for the next school year, the district consider building four early release days into the calendars. Students would be dismissed after lunch, which would allow teachers to have 2-3 hours of collaboration.

Based on a survey of teachers and interviews with school administrators, we have identified three specific tasks that would occur during the early-release planning time. These are listed in your handout (specific examples provided by teachers in presentation). Each school has also used surveys, focus groups, and interviews to gather parents’ perspectives on the plan.

As you can see from the survey results, 73% of parents support the early release time as long as they are given ample notice of the dates and that we communicate how teachers are working together to improve student learning.

The biggest concern of parents is the need for a plan in case a parent cannot pick their child up early. The principals agreed they would use teacher assistants and other personnel to provide supervision and activities during the time if parents are unable to pick up their children.

We ask that you consider our request. Thank you for your time.

Specific Tips for Communicating with Your School Board

In addition to effective communication, there are specific strategies to communicate with your school board.

♦  Identify a parent or community spokesperson to help deliver your message to the board.

♦  Frame the importance of your issue in your opening statement. Link it to board goals and how students will be successful once they leave your school.

presentation school board

♦  Share examples of your work to illustrate the impact. It can be very helpful to highlight the effect of greater rigor on one or more students.

♦  Give recognition to the individuals who have contributed to your success. It is a time for you to be modest and allow others to be recognized.

♦  Conclude your presentation by aligning your vision with the board’s vision for the district.

When communicating with your school board to advocate for an issue, it’s important to clearly frame your message. You’ll also want to use a variety of strategies during the presentation, such as asking other stakeholders to participate in the presentation.


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RULER is a systemic approach to social and emotional learning (SEL) developed at Yale Univ Read More

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Learn More About The Presentation Experience

The Presentation School strives to embody each of the values of LOVE, LEARN and LEAD by cultivating a school culture that is welcoming and accessible to families of all backgrounds and authentically reflects the wide range of experiences of our local community. In doing so we commit to exploring, better understanding and acting upon elements that affect our community, including promoting Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

Mission Statement

The presentation school, an independent school, challenges its students to be active learners reaching their individual potentials with an integrated curriculum and small class size. .

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Migrants tried to board school buses in Southern California, officials say

by RAY LEWIS | Crisis in the Classroom


JAMUL, Calif. (CITC) — A California school district said Wednesday it contacted Border Patrol after multiple individuals tried to board its buses.

The Jamul-Dulzura Union School District, which covers parts of San Diego County, wrote in a letter to families that people on two occasions recently tried to stop or board the buses.

“First I want to say thank you to our bus drivers for keeping our students safe and to the parents who helped to ensure the bus was not boarded,” Superintendent Liz Bystedt said. “I am thankful to our community for keeping their eyes open and being a part of the solution."

The district will continue working with law enforcement, Bysted wrote, noting it has also been in contact with the San Diego County Sheriff’s Office and California Highway Patrol.

Additional “protocols” are in place, and the district’s transportation director followed the buses the following day to make sure everybody got home safely, according to the superintendent.

“JDUSD is committed to keeping our students, families, and staff safe at all times,” Bysted said.

The San Diego Sheriff's Office said Thursday that after investigating, it determined no crime was committed because nobody attempted to "forcefully" stop or enter the buses.

"It is not uncommon for community volunteers and charitable organizations to provide resources in these parts of the county, some of which operate vehicles similar to school buses," the office noted.

The San Diego Sheriff's Office also said it would provide extra patrol for the two routes both Thursday and Friday to ensure student safety.

San Diego County Supervisor Jim Desmond wrote on social media Wednesday that the people trying to board the buses were immigrants living in the country illegally.

“Today, two illegal immigrants attempted to board a school bus meant for transporting children. This is what happens when you have open borders,” he posted on X. “Over 250,000 illegal immigrants have entered San Diego in the past year, and this is just one more example of the chaos we're facing. Thousands continue to pour in every single day.”

Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., suggested the Biden administration is to blame for the incident.

“Under Biden-Harris, the border is not secure and now East County school children are at risk,” he wrote on X. “Enforce the law. Secure the border. Let our children get to school safely.”

The White House has pointed to President Joe Biden’s executive orders limiting immigration at the southern border when defending the administration’s record.

Have questions, concerns or tips? Send them to Ray at [email protected] .

State Board of Education slated to vote next week on policy permitting high school NIL

Northern Nash improved to 2-0 with a road win at Fike on August 29, 2024 (Photo: Evan Moesta/HighSchoolOT)

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The University of Chicago The Law School

Kirkland & ellis corporate lab clinic—significant achievements for 2023-24.

Founded in 2009, the Kirkland & Ellis Corporate Lab (the “Lab”) provides students with “real-world” experience and context to prepare them to become well-rounded attorneys with sound knowledge and judgment.

Lab students undertake a wide variety of assignments from the legal and business teams of significant publicly traded and privately held corporations, many of which are household names. Through this work and through classroom instruction, students in the Lab acquire the necessary legal and interpersonal skills and knowledge to excel in their future legal practice.

During the 2023-2024 academic year, Lab students successfully completed in excess of 100 projects for more than thirty largely publicly traded companies across a wide range of legal disciplines—e.g., contract drafting and corporate transactions, labor and employment, intellectual property and copyright, artificial intelligence, litigation risk assessment, and legal research. Specific examples include the following:

Contract Drafting and Corporate Transactions

  • Drafting of template agreements on behalf of a global consulting firm;
  • Revision of standard license agreements to address AI concerns for multinational software development company;
  • Preparation of a cease-and-desist letter for a sports agency;
  • Preparation of risk factor section of 10-K for a global specialty retailer’s 10-K;
  • Detailed analysis of master terms and conditions for a national retailer, and resulting revision of same;
  • Preparation of data and retention policy for an investment advisory firm;
  • Preparation of code of conduct and code of ethics for financial services firm re compliance with recent Canadian labor legislation;
  • Presentation to leadership team of global consulting firm re the European Union’s Whistleblower Directive;
  • Board presentation to a multinational computer and information technology company addressing the European Union’s Digital Operational Resilience Act;
  • Presentation to the Board of a national logistics company addressing director duties; and
  • Presentation to an international specialty retailer addressing the legal consequences of implementing session replay technology and detailing modifications to privacy policy and popup banners to ensure compliance.

Labor and Employment

  • Preparation of employment agreements and stock option and stock grant terms for multiple Booth New Venture clients;
  • Revision of employee manual for global telecom company; and
  • Presentation to the legal department of a national logistics company detailing OSHA violations and factors informing calculation of fines.

Intellectual Property and Copyright

  • Memorandum assessing the current and potential future states of IP protection afforded to AI-generated work product;
  • Guidance memoranda to several startup companies on the difference between copyrights, trademarks and trade secrets, and which categories of protectability their IP portfolios fall under; and
  • FAQ and quick reference guide on the NCAA’s name, image and likeness rules for a sports agency to distribute to its clients.

Litigation Risk Assessment

  • Review of commercial contracts and related communications for multiple publicly traded companies to address likely litigation success.

Artificial Intelligence

  • Preparation of draft generative AI legal terms for subsidiary of a global consulting firm; and
  • Presentation to the legal department of a global telecom company re ethical issues in popular, open-source datasets used for training AI models.

Legal Research

  • Research memorandum for a multinational computer and information technology company exploring copyright of algorithm terms;
  • Research memorandum for knowledge management team of global law firm re “assignment by operation of law” provision in reverse triangular mergers across multiple states;
  • Research memorandum for a global consulting firm addressing the enforceability of contingent fee agreements under laws of various states;
  • Research memorandum for a multinational food company re compliance with food and drug laws in the United States and the European Union;
  • Memorandum to a multinational IT services provider discussing key contract terms related to generative AI;
  • Memorandum to a multinational financial services provider researching data and document retention, which resulted in a drafted outline of corporate policy;
  • Research memorandum to global telecom company re SEC swap rules Memorandum to a global leader in business and financial information comparing SEC swap rules;
  • Research memorandum for a national sporting goods retailer regarding compliance with ESG regulations;
  • Research memorandum for a global footwear and apparel retailer re compliance with the Central America-Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement;
  • Research memorandum for medical device company re compliance with advertising regulations in the United States, United Kingdom, and Spain;
  • Memoranda to multiple clients discussing data privacy laws in the European Union, Asia-Pacific, and Latin America;
  • Memorandum to a multinational technology corporation addressing current and proposed legislation in the United States and multiple foreign jurisdictions re launch and disposal of satellites;
  • Research memorandum for multinational healthcare and consumer goods manufacturer assessing the risk of omni-channel distribution of professional products that reach consumers;
  • Research memorandum for a global professional services company exploring the implications of the Regional Internet Registries’ promulgated guidelines on IP addresses; and
  • Research memorandum for an energy infrastructure startup exploring the regulatory landscape of Texas’s energy regulation.

Included in the Lab’s client roster are the following:

  • Academy Sports + Outdoors
  • A.T. Kearney
  • Base Power Company
  • Jones Lang LaSalle
  • Kirkland & Ellis
  • Koch Industries
  • Kraft Heinz
  • The Motley Fool
  • NSi Insurance Group
  • Owens Corning
  • Schneider National
  • Ulta Beauty
  • Unison Risk Advisors
  • Vayner Sports
  • Victoria’s Secret
  • WEC Energy Group

The Lab also worked with more than twenty entrepreneurs on an individual basis and through an ongoing collaboration with the Booth School’s New Venture Challenge and Social New Venture Challenge. Specific assignments included the following:

  • Instruction to Booth students on options for entity formation, stock grants and options, and required organizational documents; and
  • Preparation of employment agreements, non-disclosure agreements, founders’ agreements, and other documents for launching a startup business.

Beyond the essential clinic training, the Lab hosts an ongoing speaker series throughout the year that brings to campus experienced practitioners, business leaders, and other esteemed guests to discuss topical business and legal issues, substantive areas of law, and other topics of interest to the speakers and students. Recent speakers have included senior executives from Amazon, Coinbase, Google, IBM, the Illinois Gaming Board, Meijer Microsoft, Victoria’s Secret, WTW and partners from Kirkland & Ellis, Cleary Gottlieb, Dechert, Morgan Lewis, and Sidley.

Other enrichment activities include our cross-border negotiation training exercises with the law schools of Tel Aviv University and Reichman University.

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Black Trifold Presentation Board 36" x 48 Display Exhibition Board Lightweight and Portable with Smooth Surface Great for presentations (Pack of 2) - by Emraw

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Black Trifold Presentation Board 36" x 48 Display Exhibition Board Lightweight and Portable with Smooth Surface Great for presentations (Pack of 2) - by Emraw

  • ✓ The Emraw 36" X 48" Black Tri-Fold Corrugated Presentation Board is an extremely useful product for the purpose of school projects and business presentations. The tri-fold corrugated presentation board comes extremely handy in schools, colleges, as well as offices.
  • ✓ SPECS: Our tri-fold presentation board is of the appropriate size of 36" X 48", which makes the product highly useful and convenient for the users.
  • ✓ QUALITY: The tri-fold presentation board dry erase board small is of the premium quality thereby completely satisfying all of the users at its best without giving any one of them even a single chance of complaining. In an addition to this, the presentation boards are extremely durable in nature which is the reason as to why the product has a long life.
  • ✓ DESIGN: These tri-fold presentation boards are designed by the manufacturers in such as way that they become extremely suitable for the intended purpose of use.
  • ✓ USES: The dry erase board is just perfect to be used in the schools, colleges and offices.

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REVIEW- Trifold Presentation Board- Self Standing & Sturdy!

✅ Nakazono Family

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Customer Review: VISION BOARD

presentation school board

Product Description

Emraw Black Tri-Fold Corrugated Presentation Board The Problem: You need to prepare a project for your school where you are in urgent need of a presentation board. But unfortunately, you do not have one with you. This becomes a very problematic situation for you. You have a presentation board with you but the size is not the perfect one for use. Thus, it is not a very suitable one for the intended purpose. In an addition to this, the quality of the board is not so good which is the main reason as to why you are hesitating to use the same. Our Solution: Our tri-fold presentation board is just the perfect thing you require at the time for the purpose of preparing your school project. Now, when you have one with you, you would not face any kinds of problems at the time of making the school project. Our presentation board tri fold is of the appropriate size of 36" X 48" which makes the product suitable for use. Most importantly the quality of the board is just perfect so that it can be used without any kinds of hesitations. Perfect Size The size of the presentation board is 36" X 48" which is more than perfect to necessarily meet the needs and demands of the users. Portable and Lightweight The presentation board is quite a rigid one. Though the board is rigid, it is lightweight as well as portable. Being available in Black color, gives the board an elegant look. Set-up is Easy The presentation board comes with pre scored panels fold for an instant set-up. The instant and easy set-up makes the product even more convenient for the users. Smooth Surface The surface of the tri-fold corrugated presentation board is very smooth. Multipurpose Use The tri-fold corrugated presentation is readily used for school projects, business presentations in offices and a lot of other places as well.

Product information

Technical details.

Manufacturer ‎Emraw
Brand ‎Emraw
Item Weight ‎2.79 pounds
Product Dimensions ‎0.5 x 24 x 36 inches
Item model number ‎1157
Number of Items ‎2
Manufacturer Part Number ‎1157

Additional Information

Customer Reviews
4.3 out of 5 stars
Best Sellers Rank #89,473 in Office Products ( )
#122 in
Date First Available April 10, 2019

Warranty & Support Return Policy: You can return many items you have purchased within 30 days following delivery of the item to you. Our Voluntary 30-Day Return Guarantee does not affect your legal right of withdrawal in any way. You can find out more about the exceptions and conditions .

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  • 5 star 4 star 3 star 2 star 1 star 1 star 70% 11% 8% 3% 8% 8%

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To calculate the overall star rating and percentage breakdown by star, we don’t use a simple average. Instead, our system considers things like how recent a review is and if the reviewer bought the item on Amazon. It also analyzed reviews to verify trustworthiness.

Customers say

Customers like the performance of the board. For example, they mention it works well as a back drop for physics experiments. That said, opinions are mixed on the quality.

AI-generated from the text of customer reviews

Customers are satisfied with the performance of the product. They mention that it works well as a back drop for physics experiments. However, some customers report that the edges of the board came damaged from shipping.

"...I’m finding it works very well ." Read more

"This product works very well as a back drop for physics experiments I demonstrate in person, remote and as a backdrop for Vedic recording my physics..." Read more

" Worked great and stood up well with many photos on it (used as a photo collage board for an event)." Read more

"...Have not used them yet. Looks like they will work fine for the project ." Read more

Customers are mixed about the quality of the office product. Some mention it's a quality item, very sturdy, and stands up well with many photos on it. While others say that it arrived damaged, with a hole in it. Some customers also mention that the edges of the board came damaged from shipping, and the board was cracked and bent.

"...Arrived in a well packed box, very good quality, sturdy and stable.Would definitely purchase again." Read more

"This board was received damaged and basically unusable." Read more

" Product good , but two small (1/3-inch) holes got punched in it during transit despite being an outer box." Read more

"The board was cracked and bent ." Read more

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  17. Migrants tried to board school buses in Southern California, officials say

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  25. Black Trifold Presentation Board 36" x 48 Display Exhibition Board

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  26. Home

    Our school district is a welcoming, high-performing, and thriving district with approximately 2130 amazing, unique, and special students who attend one of our three elementary schools, middle school, high school, or regional non-traditional high school.