More Americans Than Ever Plan To Work Out in 2021, and At-Home Fitness Is Helping the Cause

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After months of uncertainty, people are ready to change something they do have control over: their health and well-being. In a survey from FYT , a personal training service, the majority of the 600 participants planned on kicking their workouts into high gear in the new year. According to the data, 3 in 4 Americans intended to exercise more in 2021 than they did in 2020. And in order to stick to those workouts, 78 percent of survey participants said they planned on exercising at home.

  • Alicia Ferguson , certified yoga practitioner and creative wellness entrepreneur
  • Amanda Kloots , trainer and founder of AK! Fitness
  • Ash Wilking , certified personal trainer and Tonal strength coach
  • Beth Gold , boxing instructor with Rumble
  • Billie Robyn , fitness and nutrition coach
  • Charlee Atkins , fitness trainer and founder of Le Sweat
  • Charlotte "Floss" Brolsma , physical therapist, sports physiotherapist, pilates instructor, and founder of Form PT .
  • Chloe de Winter , physiotherapist, master Pilates instructor, and founder of Go Chlo Pilates
  • Chloe Kernaghan , co-founder of Sky Ting Yoga in New York City
  • Jes Woods , New York City-based Nike running coach
  • Katia Pryce , co-founder and CEO of DanceBody .
  • Krissy Jones , co-founder of Sky Ting Yoga in New York City.
  • Michelle Sim , trainer and creator of Move with Mich
  • Paris Alexandra , wellness artist, yoga and creative mindfulness facilitator
  • Val Verdier , Val Verdier is a yoga instructor at Modo Yoga in New York City.

In 2020, we found people developed a new appreciation for at-home workouts . Over the past 9 months, the daily views of "home workouts" on YouTube increased by 515 percent—and Well+Good's fitness videos have had 350 percent more views this year than last. Aside from YouTube videos, many studios you know and love worked hard to launch online platforms that allow loyal fans to get in the same great workout from home. That includes Hot Pilates , 305 Fitness , BK Yoga Club , and more.


No matter how you like to sweat, we have you covered. Here are some of the best at-home workout videos to try.

Get your sweat on with the best at-home workout videos

1. if you're into pilates.

Pilates workout for beginners:

25-minute full-body Pilates workout:

30-minute full-body Pilates workout:

2. If you're into boxing

10-minute beginner boxing workout:

Advanced boxing workout:

20-minute HIIT boxing workout:

3. If you're into yoga

Yoga for beginners:

Twisting yoga flow to stretch and unwind:

20-minute yoga for strength:

4. If you're into HIIT

15-minute low impact HIIT:

25-minute bodyweight HIIT:

30-minute HIIT workout with weights:

5. If you're into dance

Beginner dance cardio:

Advanced dance cardio:

18-minute dance cardio party

6. If you're into running

15-minute runner's treadmill HIIT workout:

Speed interval treadmill workout:

15-minute runner's hill workout:

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The 10 Best At-Home Workout Routines: The Ultimate Guide for Training Without a Gym

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Reviewed By: Matt Myers, CPT, PN-1, FMS, CCC

Wonder Woman vacuuming at home

So you want to start working out, but you don’t want to leave the house?

No problem!

Our online coaches specialize in helping people get fit from home.

If you’re in a hurry, sign up for our free weekly newsletter and we’ll send you PDFs of our “Work Out at Home” guides!

Download our Free Home Workout Guides!

Let’s go over the 10 Best At-Home Workouts so you can start training today: no gym or equipment required!

  • A note on warming up and cooling down
  • Home Workout #1: Beginner Bodyweight (Start Here)

Home Workout #2: Beginner Bodyweight Level 2

Home workout #3: advanced bodyweight, home workout #4: the star wars workout, home workout #5: parkour (for beginners), home workout #6: the 20-min hotel routine, home workout #7: attack of the angry birds, home workout #8: high-intensity interval training, home workout #9: train like batman, home workout #10: the plp progression, bonus no-equipment workout: the playground circuit.

  • Can home workouts build muscle or help with weight loss?
  • How to build your own at-home workout

Let’s jump right in!

At Home Warm-ups and stretching routines

A LEGO and his dog

No matter which at-home workout you pick, I want you to start with one important thing:

I cover why you should always warm up in an article found right here. It doesn’t have to be much, though. Give it about five minutes to get your muscles active and your heart rate up, and practice some easier variations of the movements you are about to do in your workout routine.

For example, if your workout includes squats and push-ups, you could do a couple of minutes of generalized movement to get the blood pumping, like marching in place, arm and leg swings, etc., and then follow that up with some assisted squats and countertop push-ups.

This will help you do exercises properly and help prevent injury.

Here is NF Senior Coach Staci (you might know her incredible story ) showing you many beginner options you can use to warm up as well:

If you’re curious, here’s my personal (advanced) warm-up:

Advanced Warm-up Routine:

  • Jump rope: 2-3 minutes
  • Jumping jacks: 25 reps
  • Bodyweight squats: 20 reps
  • Lunges: 5 reps each leg.
  • Hip extensions: 10 reps each side
  • Hip rotations: 5 each leg
  • Forward leg swings: 10 each leg
  • Side leg swings: 10 each leg
  • Push-ups: 10-20 reps
  • Spider-man steps: 10 reps

Our goal isn’t to tire you out, instead we want to warm you up.

That’s step one.

Completing your chosen at-home workout would be step two.

Below, you’ll find 10 sequences you can follow along with!

Home Workout #1: Beginner Bodyweight

This at-home routine, as we lay out in our Beginner Bodyweight Workout article, is as follows:

2 circuits of:

  • 10 Assisted Bodyweight Squats.
  • 10 Elevated or Knee Push-ups.
  • 10 Dumbbell rows (use a milk jug or other weight).
  • 15-30 Second Knee Planks
  • 10 Bodyweight Good Mornings
  • 20 Walking Jacks

We also turned it into a fun infographic with superheroes, because that’s how we roll:

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The above is what we call “ circuit training ,” with the objective being to run through the workout sequence once, and then again.

Note: Not a milk drinker?

If you don’t have milk in the house for the rows, find something of roughly the same weight with a good handle.

Also, if you want to download this Beginner Bodyweight Workout as a worksheet, you can do so when you sign up in the box below:

  • Complete this workout at home, no equipment required
  • Avoid the common mistakes everybody makes when doing bodyweight exercises
  • Learn how to finally get your first pull-up

It’ll help you track your progress as you begin your training.

Our original bodyweight workout from 2009 is a great step up from the beginner bodyweight workout when you’re ready for more of a challenge. It has roughly the same structure but with some more challenging variations of the exercises.

3 circuits of:

  • Bodyweight squats : 20 reps
  • Push-ups : 10 reps
  • Walking lunges: 10 each leg
  • Dumbbell rows (using a gallon milk jug or another weight): 10 each arm.
  • Plank : 15 seconds
  • Jumping Jacks : 30 reps

This infographic will show you the 6 exercises needed to complete our Beginner Bodyweight Workout.

You can progress the workout by adding a 4th round, increasing the reps of any individual exercise, or making an exercise harder by doing a more challenging variation (for example, decline push-ups instead of regular push-ups).

If the two at-home workouts above are too easy for you, move on to our Advanced Bodyweight Workout .

The Advanced Bodyweight Workout:

  • One-legged squats – 10 each side [warning: super-difficult, only attempt if you’re in good enough shape]
  • Walking lunges: 20 reps (10 each leg)
  • Jump step-ups: 20 reps (10 each leg)
  • Pull-ups: 10 reps [or inverted bodyweight rows ]
  • Dips (between bar stools): 10 reps
  • Chin-ups: 10 reps [or inverted bodyweight rows with underhand grip]
  • Push-ups: 10 reps
  • Plank: 30 seconds

Not familiar with these moves? Check out the 21 Best Advanced Bodyweight Exercises for a full breakdown.

I warn you, the above sequence will hurt
 in a good way. You should be proud if you can get through this three times.

Do you want to get as strong as possible so this workout ain’t no thang?

Sign up in the box below to grab our guide, Strength Training 101: Everything You Need to Know . It’ll teach you all of these advanced bodyweight exercises!

  • Everything you need to know about getting strong.
  • Workout routines for bodyweight AND weight training.
  • How to find the right gym and train properly in one.

Ackbar dressed as a rapper

Do you have access to a hallway that you can commandeer for a bit?

Then you can do our Star Wars Workout !

It’s designed to be done in a very small space, like your home’s hallway…or an escape pod.

The “Padawan” Level of this workout is:

  • 30-second knee or feet front plank (3 Sets)
  • 10 assisted squats or squats (3 Sets)
  • 10 doorway rows (3 Sets)
  • A 60-second Farmer-carry (Farmer’s Walk) dumbbells (or milk jugs) (2 sets)
  • March in place for 3 minutes of intervals (6 sets of 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off)
  • 8 elevated or knee push-ups (4 sets)
  • 60-second Doorway Leans (2 sets)

If you want to advance to the Jedi Knight or Master Levels, check out The Star Wars Workout, which will also offer you a full description of each move.

Have you ever wanted to try parkour but always felt intimidated or worried you would hurt yourself? Well, have no fear—we have just the workout for you.

Like any other type of training, parkour can and SHOULD be progressed slowly over time.

Starting off with advanced jumps and tricks if you don’t yet know how to land safely, or how to absorb impact into a roll is just setting yourself up for disaster.

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Check out our Definitive Guide to Parkour for Beginners to learn more about the origins of parkour and various exercise progressions. Ready to give it a try for yourself? Our very own Coach Matt (pictured above) has put together training templates and free videos explaining how to progress each of the movements when you sign up for our free guides here.

Is there anyway to work out in this hotel room?

Sometimes, you just plain find yourself stuck in a hotel room. Maybe you can find the hotel gym, but I bet it’s terrible! It probably has 2 machines, a broken treadmill, and no free weights.

Instead, how about a 20-minute workout you can do in the room itself?! Utilize the furniture to its full potential.

Hotel Workout Level 1:

  • Incline push-ups : 15 reps (feet on floor, hands on edge of bed or desk)
  • One-arm luggage rows : 10 reps (each arm, use your suitcase as your weight)
  • Reverse crunches : 10 reps

Hotel Workout Level 2:

  • Overhead Squats : 25 reps
  • Push-Ups : 20 reps
  • Inverted Rows using the desk in your hotel room: 10 reps
  • Reverse Crunches : 15 reps

Set the alarm clock to 15 minutes from now and see how many circuits you can do!

Check out our full post on hotel circuits if you want Level 3 !

Little Cute Birds in a row

The Angry Birds Workout is designed to be done when you have 5 or 10 minutes to kill.

Sort of like playing Angry Birds…

Here’s how The Angry Birds Workout Plan works: it’s deceptively simple – only four major movements.

  • Bodyweight squats
  • Pull-ups (or inverted rows )

If you don’t have time to run through the whole sequence, no problem!

Depending on how much time you have during the day, you can do your whole workout at once, or break up your training into four different sessions throughout the day (with each session being ONE of the exercises).

Here’s a sample day for your No-Equipment Workout:

  • Wake up, do 40 jumping jacks to warm up, and then do bodyweight squats.
  • At lunch, you grab your suitcase (if you’re at work, milk jug if you’re at home) and do inverted rows.
  • After work, you do 20 arm circles in each direction and then do your push-ups.
  • After dinner, you do your planks while watching TV.

You could even split it up over two days if needed, but the goal would be to do the whole sequence at once.

The main Angry Birds Workout article describes in detail Levels 1-6, but here’s Level 3 for you:

  • Bodyweight squats : 50 reps
  • Push-ups : 50 reps
  • Pull-ups : 10 reps
  • Planks : 3-minute hold

Once you’ve done the complete routine, you have my permission to whip out your phone and play the actual game!

A LEGO Wizard

You don’t have to head to the gym to do High-Intensity Interval Training . You can do a complete routine right in your own home!

HIIT is just following a specific regimen where you vary your speeds and intensity throughout a shorter run, swim, bike, or row.

Unless you have a giant backyard, running at home might be tough.

But you know what doesn’t require a lot of room?

To complete a burpee:

  • Start standing up, then squat down and kick your legs out.
  • Do a push-up , bring your legs back in, and explode up into a jump.
  • For a HIIT workout, try to do 20 repetitions, then rest for two minutes.
  • Repeat until you hate yourself.

Tip: Having trouble reaching all the way to the floor? Elevate your hands on a steady surface, like the edge of a sturdy bench. You won’t have to reach as low in your squat, and you may be able to control your push-ups better!

Check out our full guide on How to Start Interval Training for some more ideas on HIIT workouts.

You can also check out our post “ The 20-Min HIIT Workout for Home ” for another living-room-friendly interval routine!

Lego minifigures standing in rows. In first row - Batman, The Jo

We love the Caped Crusader here at Nerd Fitness, so naturally we have The Batman Bodyweight Workout for you to try!

Bonus points if you somehow do this no-equipment workout in a cave, as that’s how Bruce Wayne would roll. [1]

This workout is separated into two days for you.

Here’s a video for the first day:

Batman No-Equipment Workout Day 1:

  • Rolling squat tuck-up jumps: 5 reps
  • Side-to-side push-ups: 5 reps
  • Modified headstand push-ups: 5 reps
  • Jump pull-up with tuck / Pull-up with Tuck-up: 5 reps
  • Handstands against wall: 8 seconds

Here’s a video for the second day:

Batman No-Equipment Workout Day 2:

  • ‘180 Degree’ jump turns: 5 reps
  • Tuck front lever hold: 8 seconds
  • Tuck back lever hold: 8 seconds
  • Low frog hold: 8 seconds

This is a relatively advanced workout already, but if you want to progress to the next level, check out the main Batman Bodyweight Workout for tips on how to do just that.

At Nerd Fitness we encourage everyone to get to their first pull-up!

The PLP is a progressive program in which you complete one additional rep of three exercises – Pull-Ups , Lunges, and Push-Ups – every day, for two months.

NOTE: This is NOT a beginner program, and should not be attempted unless you have been training consistently and can do multiple repetitions of pull-ups and push-ups with great form.

Like this perfect push-up:

And this perfect pull-up:

Here’s how the PLP Progression works:

  • Pull-ups: 10 reps
  • Lunges: 10 reps (each leg)
  • Pull-ups: 11 reps
  • Push-ups: 11 reps
  • Lunges: 11 reps (each leg)
  • Pull-ups: 12 reps
  • Push-ups: 12 reps
  • Lunges: 12 reps (each leg)

How long do you keep doing this?

As originally envisioned by Chad Waterbury, the PLP Workout lasts 60 days. [3]

Yeah…by the end of it, you’ll be doing more than 50 pull-ups.

There are two versions:

  • If you can do 10 straight pull-ups: Start day 1 with 10 reps of each.
  • If you cannot do 10 straight pull-ups: Start day 1 with 1 rep of each.

Complete your required reps each day in as many sets as you need, whenever you need to. The goal is to do it in as few sets as possible, but enough to complete each rep with proper form.

We’d like to throw our hat in the ring and introduce a third (dare we say, better?) version of this workout.

The Nerd Fitness PLP Workout

Here’s the thing, for most people pull-ups will be much harder than push-ups, which will be much harder than lunges.

Also, you may need more rest time in between workouts than continually adding reps and working out every day.

Here’s our updated version of this program:

  • 20 lunges (each leg)
  • 15 push-ups
  • 10 pull-ups

Perform the workout 3 times per week, with a rest day in between.

Each successive week, add 5 reps to the lunges, 3 reps to the push-ups, and 1 rep to the pull-ups. So your week 2 would be 25 lunges, 18 push-ups, and 11 pull-ups. Week 3 would be 30 lunges, 21 push-ups, and 12 pull-ups, etc.

Rinse and repeat until you complete 8 weeks of the program!

If at any time, a movement feels way too easy, add an additional 5 reps to it and continue counting up from there.

Want to learn more? Check out my results on the PLP Workout .

Do you have a nearby playground? Why not work out there?! If you have kids, you can do it together. Or let them ignore you.

I’ll give you a Level One workout, and a Level Two. Check out The 20-Minute Playground Workout for some Level Three exercises.

Playground Workout Level One:

  • Alternating step-ups: 20 reps (10 each leg)
  • Elevated push-ups: 10 reps
  • Swing rows: 10 reps
  • Assisted lunges: 8 reps each leg
  • Bent leg reverse crunches: 10 reps

Playground Workout Level Two:

  • Bench jumps: 10 reps
  • Lower incline push-ups: 10 reps
  • Body rows: 10 reps
  • Lunges: 8 reps each leg
  • Straight leg reverse crunches: 10 reps

After you’ve gone through a complete set three times, go down the slide!

Can Home Workouts Build Muscle or Help With Weight Loss?

A LEGO penguin

Throughout our Online Coaching Program , we get two common questions for those wanting to train at home:

  • Can working out at home help me build muscle?
  • Can working out at home help me lose weight?

The answer to both of these: yep !

Let’s tackle them one by one.

#1) Can working out at home help me build muscle?

You can 100% build muscle mass at home.

Just ask our friend Jimmy here:

Jimmy before and after he did bodyweight training

Read more on how Jimmy turned into Spider-Man from home!

The trick is to follow a progressive overload strategy, as Coach Jim outlines in this video:

With progressive overload, we want to make our workouts more and more challenging, thus putting additional strain on our muscles.

So to build muscle with home workouts, focus on:

  • Increasing your repetitions.
  • Going close to failure (i.e. exercise is challenging enough you could only do 1-3 more reps)
  • Performing more difficult variations (knee push-ups to push-ups).
  • Increasing your time under tension (by going slower).

That will help you build strength and muscle from your casa.

#2) Can working out at home help me lose weight?

You can totally train at home for a successful weight loss strategy.

Again, we have a great example with one of our Online Coaching Clients , Sarah the Supermom:

This picture shows Sarah's transformation

The trick here is to couple your home workouts with adjustments to your nutrition.

We’re big believers that you can’t outrun your fork, so any successful weight loss plan will include a focus on building a healthy plate.

That will look something like this:

A plate that that contains a portion of protein, healthy carb, veggies/fruit, and unsweetened drink.

If you want some help adjusting your nutrition, I’ve got two great resources for you:

  • The Nerd Fitness Guide to Healthy Eating . This massive resource will help you slowly adjust your nutrition, without forcing you to give up the food you love (yes, you can still eat pizza here and there). No more diets, instead we’ll work on building habits together.
  • The Nerd Fitness TDEE Calculator . This article will help you understand your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) and how to use that information to kick-start your fat loss progress.

How to Build Your Own At-Home Workout

You can workout in a home just like this!

We just reviewed 10 workouts you can do at home (plus one you can do in a park ).

You don’t have to stick to these though!

I have two resources to help you design your own no-equipment workout:

  • The 42 Best Bodyweight Exercises : This guide will teach you how to perform the best bodyweight exercises – no equipment required! Check it out if you are unfamiliar with any of the movements referenced in today’s guide.
  • How To Build Your Own Workout Routine : Once you’re comfortable with a handful of bodyweight exercises, use this guide to pull them all together into a full-body workout!

That should get you going on building a workout you can do in the comfort of your own home.

Want more? Alright, eager beaver, I got you.

We built TWO options for people just like you:

1) If you want step-by-step guidance, a custom workout program that levels up as you get stronger, and a coach to keep you accountable, check out our killer 1-on-1 coaching program :

Your NF Coach can help you lose weight and get healthy!

2) Join the Rebellion! We need good people like you in our community, the Nerd Fitness Rebellion.

Sign up in the box below to enlist and get our guide, Strength Training 101: Everything You Need to Know . It’ll help you start incorporating these bodyweight moves into your training.

For the Rebellion!

PS: If you were going to buy one piece of equipment to utilize in your home, a kettlebell would offer you a lot of versatility:

Photo Sources: Home Sweet Home 2 , good dog , The minifigures of this series are really beautiful , it’s a rap , my friend:) , Ekaterina Minaeva ©, Hotel Room , af8images ©, Tithi Luadthong ©, Vintage House Bicycle ,

  • You probably don’t want to actually do this workout in a cave. Hitting your head on a stalactite wouldn’t be fun.
  • Check out Chad’s great post here .

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The 24 Best YouTube Workout Channels to Help You Meet Your Fitness Goals at Home

You don’t need a ton of space to get your heart rate up.

woman doing yoga exercise at home

YouTube has a treasure trove of free videos online—many of which require little to no equipment (though there are tons that will put your weights to use, too)—that will satisfy beginners looking to have fun while keeping their heart rates up, or intermediates determined to get Jennifer Lopez's abs or BeyoncĂ©'s stamina .

From aerobics with Jane Fonda, to apartment-friendly, low-impact exercises that work the whole body, to 30-minute videos that tone targeted areas like the booty, to hardcore HIIT workouts—not to mention options for seniors and pregnant women—these YouTube workout channels will provide you with a full regimen to get you up and moving in your living room. So grab a pre-workout snack , move your coffee table out of the way, pull out your favorite sports bra and yoga pants , and get started.

Who knows? After a few sessions, you might even start to crave the rush of lively instruction, the high-energy music , and the burn that comes with staying active. Let's give it a shot in 3...2...1!

Do you sometimes miss those OG fitness workout videos from the '80s? BeFit offers several options on YouTube that'll satisfy that nostalgic workout itch. You might want to start with this one, starring the one and only Jane Fonda leading a 10-minute aerobic cardio exercise.

For those looking for a more structured fitness regimen, try Chloe Ting's workouts. The fitness influencer has more than 16 million followers and offers short, to-the-point workout challenges (most under 20 minutes), that target specific areas of the body, as well as recipes that'll complement your fitness goals.

Zumba Class

Join the ladies of Zumba Class as you dance your morning away. Fair warning, the instructor tends to set a fast pace and stick to it for the whole video, but the music will certainly accomplish the goal of getting your body up and moving to the beat.

Walk at Home by Leslie Sansone

A great way to get some daily exercise in without breaking too much of a sweat is a brisk walk. That's where Leslie Sansone and her fun group of instructors come in. But don't let the seemingly old-school style of her YouTube videos fool you. The ultra-popular workout channel has almost 3 million subscribers who keep up with the easy-to-follow fitness walking regimen that's perfect for beginners and seniors.

MadFit channel shows you how to get in full-body workouts without disturbing the neighbors. Bonus: Most of the workouts require no equipment.

Yoga with Adriene

Tune in to Adriene's variety of YouTube workouts if you find yourself missing your weekly yoga sesh, or just want to squeeze in an early-morning or late-night practice at home. The popular instructor offers everything from yoga for beginners , where she teaches the basic foundational poses, to hour-long power flow classes .

Body Project

Kick-starting a fitness routine doesn't have to involve a gym membership or buying a ton of equipment. Body Project offers a YouTube library full of free classes that any beginner can easily feel comfortable trying at home. One commenter notes, "The best part about this video is seeing people who look like me."


Get that dance on as fitness instructor Rachael Okesola guides you through fun moves synced to the rhythm of mood-lifting Afrobeats songs. No equipment (or expertise in dancing) is needed to follow along.

Casey Ho is the fitness instructor behind the popular Blogilates YouTube channel, where you can find videos that will help you tone every part of the body, from lower abs to arms and the booty. Ho started her YouTube fitness videos more than 10 years ago and has since amassed more than 5 million fans who follow along with her popular series, like the 21 Day Tone Challenge or the #100AbChallenge .

Orangetheory Fitness

Known for in-person fitness studios, Orangetheory also has a YouTube channel where it provides a no-frills workout video every day that shows you how to do all the exercises in proper form. The workouts usually range from 30-50 minutes and are a great way to stick to a daily regimen.

The Fitness Marshall

Why suffer through a boring workout when you can dance to Britney Spears, Ariana Grande, Demi Lovato, Lady Gaga, and more? With choreography led by Caleb Marshall, the fun YouTube channel has even created an easy January challenge series to guide you through a month of moving your body to the beat.

Pamela Reif

If you prefer workouts that get right to it without talking instructors, try Pamela Reif's channel. She combines upbeat pop music layered over a video of her demonstrating the moves. She offers something for every level of fitness, and occasionally she even has special guests, like Jason Derulo , join her.

Evolve Functional Fitness

Getting in a full hour of fitness can be hard to do at home on your own. The Evolve Functional Fitness channel has a library of 25-, 45-, and 65-minute, no-equipment workouts that focus on building your strength, agility, and core. The trainers also provide tutorials on how to properly do common exercises like the forearm plank, lunge, burpee, mountain climber, and more.

Fitness Blender

Daniel and Kelli are the husband-and-wife team behind the Fitness Blender channel. With more than 6 million subscribers and an enormous library of more than 500 videos, there's something for everyone. Try one of their hardcore HIIT cardio routines to get the heart rate up or a 10-minute lower body Pilates session for a quick workout snack.

Cirque du Soleil

The famous circus brand is not playing around with its 13-part fitness video series that targets different parts of the body, ranging from abs to arms to back workouts. Bonus: The instructors demonstrating the moves are actual Cirque du Soleil artists.

Stick to your fitness goals with the help of HASfit's Coach Kozak and Coach Claudia, who lead the videos. Try their "Workouts by Body Part" collection for targeted toning, or their series designed specifically for seniors or those with limited mobility.

Roberta's Fitness

Join the virtual Roberta as she guides you through targeted, specific workouts that are simple and easy to learn. Some videos like this one are short and focus on specific moves, including jumping jacks, planks, or donkey kicks, while others provide a longer, 30-minute full-body workout.

If strength building is your fitness goal, this channel provides videos with various levels of intensity to help you out. From workouts you can easily do at home to Arnold Schwarzenegger-level exercises best done with gym equipment, take advantage of the free trainers and tips on how to take a body-sculpting regimen to the next level.

Sabah Kadri

Fancy yourself a Bollywood dancer? Follow along with Sabah Kadri, who has taught Bollywood fitness for more than 6 years. She combines fun songs with various workouts like high-intensity challenges, traditional folk dancing, and more.

Nourish Move Love

Looking for low-impact workouts where you can still feel the burn and lose weight? Follow along with fitness lover Lindsey Bomgren and her barre workout series on YouTube. Bomgren also has a great 30-minute exercise video she created for pregnant moms , as well as a free prenatal workout plan .

Headshot of Monica Chon

Monica Chon is the former editorial fellow at Oprah Daily, previously  

Headshot of Jane Burnett

Jane Burnett is an Assistant Editor at Oprah Daily, where she writes a variety of lifestyle content for the editorial team. She's a journalist with a pop culture sweet tooth—when she isn't catching up on celebrity news, she's usually listening to a podcast! Jane was previously an on-air reporter in local news, and worked at Thrive Global, Ladders News, and Reuters. She also interned at CNBC through the Emma Bowen Foundation, and is a member of the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ). 

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Above head chest stretch

Above head chest stretch

Air bike crunches

Air bike crunches

Air squat

  • Hip Flexors

Alternate heel touches

Alternate heel touches

Alternating leg raises

Alternating leg raises

Arm circles stretch

Arm circles stretch

Arm crossover stretch

Arm crossover stretch

Back slaps wrap around stretch

Back slaps wrap around stretch

Bent leg kickbacks

Bent leg kickbacks


Cat cow pose

Childs pose

Childs pose

Chin tuck

Diamond push-ups

Double pigeon pose

Double pigeon pose

Dumbbell Arnold press

Dumbbell Arnold press

Dumbbell bench press

Dumbbell bench press

Dumbbell bent-over rows

Dumbbell bent-over rows

Dumbbell bicep curls

Dumbbell bicep curls

Dumbbell burpees

Dumbbell burpees

Dumbbell cuban press

Dumbbell cuban press

Dumbbell curtsy lunges

Dumbbell curtsy lunges

  • Inner Thighs

Dumbbell deadlifts

Dumbbell deadlifts

Dumbbell fly

Dumbbell fly

Dumbbell front raises

Dumbbell front raises

Dumbbell goblet squats

Dumbbell goblet squats

Dumbbell incline shrug

Dumbbell incline shrug

Dumbbell lateral raises

Dumbbell lateral raises

Dumbbell shoulder press

Dumbbell shoulder press

Dumbbell shoulder shrug

Dumbbell shoulder shrug

Dumbbell supermans

Dumbbell supermans

Floor hyperextensions

Floor hyperextensions

Forward lunges

Forward lunges

Four limbed staff pose

Four limbed staff pose

Frog pose

Glute bridges

Half frog pose

Half frog pose

Happy baby pose

Happy baby pose

Hawaiian squats

Hawaiian squats

Heel touch side kick squat

Heel touch side kick squat

Jump squats

Jump squats

Kettlebell Arnold press

Kettlebell Arnold press

Kettlebell bent-over rows

Kettlebell bent-over rows

Kettlebell chest press

Kettlebell chest press

Kettlebell deadlifts

Kettlebell deadlifts

Kettlebell goblet squats

Kettlebell goblet squats

Kettlebell one arm clean and jerk

Kettlebell one arm clean and jerk

Kettlebell one arm snatch

Kettlebell one arm snatch

Kettlebell one-legged deadlifts

Kettlebell one-legged deadlifts

Kettlebell pistol squats

Kettlebell pistol squats

Kettlebell renegade row

Kettlebell renegade row

Kettlebell shoulder press

Kettlebell shoulder press

Kettlebell split snatch

Kettlebell split snatch

Kettlebell swings

Kettlebell swings

Kettlebell windmills

Kettlebell windmills

Lying knee to chest stretch

Lying knee to chest stretch

Mountain climbers

Mountain climbers

Neck extension stretch

Neck extension stretch

Oblique crunches

Oblique crunches

One leg calf raises

One leg calf raises

Pelvic tilts

Pelvic tilts

Plank arm lifts

Plank arm lifts


Rear Pull-ups

Reverse lunges

Reverse lunges

Seated piriformis stretch

Seated piriformis stretch


Sphinx pose

Split squats

Split squats

Sumo squats

Sumo squats


Supine spinal twist pose

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Tricep dips

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Does the Five-Minute Japanese Towel Exercise Work?

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FG Trade Latin / Getty Images

TikTok user Tia Bagha posted a video that went viral in 2020 promising flat abs using the Japanese towel exercise. Bagha demonstrated that you can finally achieve the six-pack you've always wanted by lying on the floor with a rolled-up towel placed underneath your lower back for five minutes per day for 10 days.

It's smart to be skeptical when someone tells you about a new quick fix for a toned core, like a hack for achieving a "flat stomach" by simply lying down. A toned stomach takes a lot of hard work, and you still may not have defined abs after doing the Japanese towel exercise.

Is it time that you traded crunches for the five-minute Japanese towel exercise? Here's what you should know about whether this TikTok trend helps strengthen your core muscles.

What Is the Five-Minute Japanese Towel Exercise?

All it takes to complete the exercise is a towel, a yoga mat, and five minutes. Here's how to complete the five-minute Japanese towel exercise, as Bagha demonstrated in her video:

  • Lay on the floor with a rolled-up towel placed underneath your lower back.
  • Extend your arms and legs away from your body.
  • Point your toes inward until they touch, and touch your pinky fingers together so your palms face the floor.
  • Relax and lay there for five minutes.

Repeat this process once per day for 10 days, and you will be on your way to toned abs . At least, that's what Bagha claimed. The video received millions of likes and thousands of comments after sharing the seemingly no-effort exercise on TikTok. Among the attention surrounding Bagha's video were some criticisms—specifically from Cassey Ho , a fitness influencer and creator of a YouTube channel called Blogilates.

"Latest trend that needs squashing? Laying on a towel to get abs in 10 days," Ho wrote in an Instagram post , showing her demonstrating the exercise to prove that it's not a miracle hack for toned abs.

Ho shared that Japanese healthcare provider Toshiki Fukutsudzi invented the method. Fukutsudzi initially presented the stretch to ease lower back pain and align your spine, according to Ho.

Does It Work?

Towels may deserve a spot in your core workouts , but not in a viral TikTok hack way. The five-minute Japanese towel exercise isn't necessarily bad for you. It's just not going to whip you into shape as some claim it does.

"While the towel trick might benefit body alignment, I'm sorry to say it wouldn't do much for weight loss," Mallory Creveling, ACE CPT , a personal trainer, told Health . "There's just no quick trick for that."

Using a towel can help enhance your post-workout stretching routine, as Fukutsudzi initially shared. This exercise helps you deepen stretches if you struggle with flexibility . Increased flexibility can help you perform many other core exercises.

"A towel can be a really good tool for increasing core strength," said Creveling. "You can use it for moves like a body saw, knee tucks, and pike-ups."

Are Toned Abs Possible?

Fukutsudzi claimed the move could help you lose weight by correcting the placement of the pelvis. Ho explained that the supposed benefit isn't necessarily true.

"If all you had to do was lay down to get abs, we would all have six-packs by taking naps," explained Ho. Ho added that you'll have to put in a lot of work on the yoga mat if you truly desire toned abs.

There's also a genetic component to six-pack abs. Research has shown that several factors influence fat distribution , including genetics and sex hormones. All bodies are essentially different.

The abdominal muscles are made up of sheets of connective tissue that stabilize the core . This tissue crosses horizontally over the muscles and looks like packs of muscle. Low body fat puts these packs on display, giving some people the appearance of six-pack abs.

Each person has a unique number of these sheets. No amount of core exercises will help you grow more sheets or change their shape, size, or length.

Women tend to have more body fat than men, and men tend to have more muscle than women. Fat cells produce the hormone estrogen , which is essential for supporting the menstrual cycle.

A Quick Review

Toned abs are going to take a little bit of work, as much as you might love to lay on the floor for a few minutes a day instead of sweating at the gym. The Japanese towel exercise might not help you get defined abs, but it might relieve lower back pain. This exercise may also increase flexibility, which can help you perform core exercises.

Just keep in mind that a six-pack largely depends on fat distribution, genetics, and sex hormones. Some people may not be able to achieve defined abs, no matter the number of core exercises they do.

American Council on Exercise. The impact of flexibility training on performance .

Camilleri G, Kiani AK, Herbst KL, et al. Genetics of fat deposition .  Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci . 2021;25(1 Suppl):14-22. doi:10.26355/eurrev_202112_27329

Gatt A, Agarwal S, Zito PM. Anatomy, fascia layers . In:  StatPearls . StatPearls Publishing; 2024.

Gould DJ, Shauly O, Qureshi AA, et al. Defining "ideal abs" through a crowdsourcing-based assessment .  Aesthet Surg J . 2020;40(4):NP167-NP173. doi:10.1093/asj/sjz344

Office on Women's Health. Weight loss and women .

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Niceday Recumbent Exercise Bike, Recumbent Bike for Home, Recumbent Stationary Bike 400LBS Weight Capacity, Magnetic Recumbent Bike with Smart APP, LCD Monitor, Heart Rate Handle

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Niceday Recumbent Exercise Bike, Recumbent Bike for Home, Recumbent Stationary Bike 400LBS Weight Capacity, Magnetic Recumbent Bike with Smart APP, LCD Monitor, Heart Rate Handle

Delivery & support.

Brand Niceday
Special Feature Padded Seat, Personalized Training Program, App Connectivity, Adjustable Resistance Level, Adjustable Seat
Color Brown+Orange
Power Source Battery Powered
Recommended Uses For Product Cardio training, Rehab treatment, Stay active
Item Weight 99 Pounds
Material Alloy Steel
Resistance Mechanism Magnetic
Product Dimensions 50"D x 23"W x 45"H
Maximum Weight Recommendation 400 Pounds

About this item

  • Excellent Customer Service: Niceday is designed for long-term durability; We are committed to providing our customers with an excellent product and service; If you have any questions, we will try our best to help you
  • Ideal for Physical Therapy: Niceday recumbent exercise bike greatly reduces the burden on the back and puts less pressure on the joints; Aim to help knee and lower back arthritis patients work their mobility and recover from replacement surgery
  • 16-Level Progressive Resistance: Niceday Recumbent Bike offers 16 levels of progressive resistance, suitable for the diverse exercise needs of the whole family; The mechanical knob allows precise control of resistance changes, ensuring seamless transitions between intensity levels; Ideal for gentle physical therapy and relaxing cardio exercise
  • 15LBS Quiet Flywheel: The precisely engineered 15LBS flywheel combined with the magnetic control system, ensures smooth and quiet operation; No disturbance to family and neighbors, fostering a harmonious home fitness
  • 400LBS Weight Capacity: Robust & heavy-duty frame for longer service life, excellent stability and safety; Maximum weight capacity is up to 400 LBS; Meet the exercise needs of the entire family
  • Ergonomic Seat & Backrest: Bid farewell to hip discomfort. Embrace comfort with ergonomic high-density soft sponge cushion and breathable mesh backrest; 8 seat position is easy to adjust, providing ample leg room for user height up to 6'7"
  • Smart Data Interaction: LED digital monitor effectively tracks exercise data; Integrated iPad holder added exercise fun; Connecting with the Kinomap & Z-WIFT app via Bluetooth takes your workouts to the next level
  • Say Goodbye to Complex: 90% pre-assembled, instruction and tools included, installation is a breeze; Integrated transport wheels and wireless cable are designed for daily mobility and storage, suitable for home gym

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Niceday is a manufacturing brand focusing on Mid and High-End home fitness equipment. We pursue the ultimate in quality and experience.

We sincerely hope our products bring real happiness to our customers and enhance their life.

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We have more than 30 years of experience in supplying famous American brands, our technology and competency coexist, and we have a sound R&D, production, and inspection team.

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We are more concerned about the user's family health, and all of our products are made of brand-new materials with tasteless and harmless.

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We truly welcome people who love fitness all over the world to join the Niceday family and gratefully appreciate all users who select Niceday.

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Product Description

recumbent exercise bike

400LBS Weight Capacity

Robust heavy-duty frame with 400 LBS weight capacity, delivering excellent stability and safety.

High-end recumbent exercise bike

8 Seat Positions

The 8-level seat positions allow effortless adjustment to provide ample leg room for users heights up to 6'7.

recumbent bike for adults

Ergonomic Backrest

The ergonomic backrest fits the human lumbar spine curve, providing maximum comfort during workouts.

recumbent stationary bike for home

Sturdy Support

The breathable backrest combines durability and stability, establishing a secure exercise environment.

recombinant exercise bike

90% Pre-assembled

Instructions and tools are included, making installation a breeze for home exercisers.

low-impact recumbent bike

Transportation Wheels

The versatile wheels enable easy mobility, greatly enhancing storage convenience.

recumbent bike for home

Product information

Technical details.

Brand ‎Niceday
Special Feature ‎Padded Seat, Personalized Training Program, App Connectivity, Adjustable Resistance Level, Adjustable Seat
Color ‎Brown+Orange
Power Source ‎Battery Powered
Recommended Uses For Product ‎Cardio training, Rehab treatment, Stay active
Item Weight ‎99 Pounds
Material ‎Alloy Steel
Resistance Mechanism ‎Magnetic
Product Dimensions ‎50"D x 23"W x 45"H
Maximum Weight Recommendation ‎400 Pounds
Handle Material ‎Foam-covered
Maximum Height ‎79 Inches
Minimum Height ‎57 Inches
Number of Resistance Levels ‎16
Drive System ‎Belt
Item Package Dimensions L x W x H ‎52 x 25 x 12 inches
Package Weight ‎45.36 Kilograms
Item Dimensions LxWxH ‎50 x 23 x 45 inches
Brand Name ‎Niceday
Manufacturer ‎Niceday
Part Number ‎RC88
Included Components ‎Manual

Additional Information

Customer Reviews
4.4 out of 5 stars
Best Sellers Rank #10,109 in Sports & Outdoors ( )
#14 in
Date First Available April 30, 2022

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Customer Review: Very smooth ride


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Super comfy, great workout, easy to use.

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Recumbent Bike Installation Video

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Niceday Indoor Recumbent Exercise Bike for Home Gym

Niceday Fitness

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Niceday Recumbent Exercise Bike RC88 Installation Video

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Fits me at 5'4" and my husband at 6'3"!

✅ Ty's Reviews

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Excellent Exercise Bike That Works really Good

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Customer Review of the Niceday Recumbent Bike

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Customers say

Customers like the quality, ease of assembly, comfort, noise and performance of the stationary bicycle. They mention that it's well built, sturdy and gives the impression it will last. They appreciate the detailed instructions and the assembly video. They also like the value, and screen size. However, some customers dislike the readability.

AI-generated from the text of customer reviews

Customers are satisfied with the quality of the stationary bicycle. They mention it's a very well constructed machine, solid, and well designed. Some say it'll be an excellent choice of recumbent bike.

"...the bike is very stable. We have it in a room with carpet and the bike is stable - it moves very little and riders feel secure-..." Read more

"...The seat provides plenty of stability whether or not you hang onto the handlebar...." Read more

"...This is my first experience with a recumbent. I found it to be very solid , smooth, and quiet...." Read more

"...The digital monitor is very basic but the shelf holds my Kindle Fire securely . The seat is rather hard...." Read more

Customers find the assembly of the stationary bicycle to be easy. They appreciate the clear instructions and tools provided. Some mention that the readout panel is simple.

"...PROS:- the fit and finish were very good. Easy to put together - everything fit and instructions were the best I have seen in a while-..." Read more

"This bike is smooth, quiet and easy to set up . It’s very quiet so I can watch tv and hear every word...." Read more

"...Here are my impressions: Assembly directions are detailed and very accurate...." Read more

"... Assembly was easy following the company's instruction video. Bike is smooth and quiet. I'm using it to rehab a fractured ankle and torn ligaments...." Read more

Customers like the comfort of the bicycle. They mention that it has a very comfortable seat and mesh backrest. They also say that it rides smoothly and is quiet.

"...- The seat and back rest is Ok . Not truly a con but nothing exceptional here.- the resistance tops out at a easier moderate...." Read more

"This bike is smooth , quiet and easy to set up. It’s very quiet so I can watch tv and hear every word...." Read more

"...I found it to be very solid, smooth , and quiet. The tension range seems more than adequate for a good workout. I'm 5'11"/ 150 lbs...." Read more

"...Assembly was easy following the company's instruction video. Bike is smooth and quiet. I'm using it to rehab a fractured ankle and torn ligaments...." Read more

Customers like the performance of the bicycle. They say it works well for them, and the basic functionality is good. They like the heart rate monitor and feedback functions. Some say the instructions are perfect. Overall, most are happy with the performance and durability of the product.

"... Works well for me and my wife without making individual adjustments-..." Read more

"...There are plenty of free exercise videos on YouTube that show how to incorporate your bike into a challenging workout...." Read more

"...I did connect with Kimomap without any issues. That seems to work pretty well but with a small delay in getting data from the bike to the kinomap..." Read more

"...It's helping significantly to increase strength and flexibility . The digital monitor is very basic but the shelf holds my Kindle Fire securely...." Read more

Customers like the value of the bicycle. They say it's well worth the money, has good quality, and is quiet. Some customers also mention that it'll be worth the wait.

"...I bought this bike for daily exercise so it was a good price for an entry level bike . I like it and it also has a drink holder and an ipad holder." Read more

" Wonderful exercise bike . Took a bit for us to put together but not too difficult. The bike is quiet and works well for our needs." Read more

"...A good buy for the money , but don't expect any post-purchase support from the seller." Read more

"...I highly recommend it, especially considering the attractive price ." Read more

Customers find the noise level of the stationary bicycle to be super quiet. They also appreciate the simple operation and lack of bells and whistles.

"...the bike is really really very quiet and smooth- the bike is very stable...." Read more

"This bike is smooth, quiet and easy to set up. It’s very quiet so I can watch tv and hear every word...." Read more

"...You can't adjust the angle of the seat back. The bike is very quiet in use . It's easy to watch TV or listen to your phone or tablet while riding...." Read more

"...I found it to be very solid, smooth, and quiet . The tension range seems more than adequate for a good workout. I'm 5'11"/ 150 lbs...." Read more

Customers like the screen size of the stationary bicycle. For example, they mention it's easy to adjust, and fits each of them very well. The seat easily adjusts for height, and the ergonomics are fantastic. Some appreciate the compact size and quiet operation.

"...the seat is easy to adjust to accommodate multiple riders- My wife is 5’2” and I am 6’0” and we are both very comfortable riding-..." Read more

"...The seat position is easily adjusted to the distance you need from the pedals for healthy body mechanics...." Read more

"the bike is quiet and the movement is smooth and does not take up a lot of room however progress panel is small and not lit well and at times I am..." Read more

"...I like the adjustable seat and that it sits up a little higher than some others...." Read more

Customers find the screen of the stationary bicycle hard to read. They say the readouts are hard to see and need a backlight. Some customers also mention that the control panel is hard to use.

"...CONS:- the LCD display is dark - hard to read unless room is well lit. Kinda don’t use the display much because of this.-..." Read more

"...I am not a fan of the display , it is too dark...." Read more

"...All power comes from batteries and the display is LCD so you will need a portable light to allow you to monitor what is going on unless you have..." Read more

"...I'm very satisfied. My only issue is minor. The screen is black and white and boring...." Read more

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A black and white photo of Alain Delon driving a convertible sports car in sunglasses, looking at the camera with one hand on the steering wheel and the other on the gearshift.

Alain Delon, Smoldering French Film Star, Dies at 88

The CĂ©sar-winning actor was an international favorite in the 1960s and ’70s, often sought after by the era’s great auteurs.

Alain Delon in California in 1964 during the filming of the movie “Once a Thief.” Credit... Wayne Miller/Magnum Photos

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By Anita Gates

  • Aug. 18, 2024

Alain Delon, the intense and intensely handsome French actor who, working with some of Europe’s most revered 20th-century directors, played cold Corsican gangsters as convincingly as hot Italian lovers, died on Sunday. He was 88.

He died at his home in Douchy-Montcorbon, France, according to a statement his family gave to the French news service Agence France-Presse.

Hours later, President Emmanuel Macron honored him in a post on social media, saying, “Wistful, popular, secretive, he was more than a star: a French monument.”

During his heyday, the 1960s and ’70s, Mr. Delon was a first-tier international star, highly paid and often sought after by the era’s great auteurs.

When he burst on the scene in the gangster genre, as a sad-eyed, saintly young sibling in “Rocco and His Brothers” (1960), Luchino Visconti was in the director’s chair. Two years later, when Mr. Delon played a sexy stock trader, it was in Michelangelo Antonioni ’s “L’Eclisse” (“Eclipse”).

And “Le Samouraï” (1967), released in the United States as “The Godson,” and the jewelry-heist flick “Le Cercle Rouge” (1970), in which Mr. Delon was a sinister, mustachioed ex-con, were both directed by Jean-Pierre Melville, patron saint of the French New Wave.

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An old pantry staple is made new again as many online creators are sharing videos of themselves mixing baking soda into water for its presumed health benefits.

“I think it’s becoming more popular because of the social media aspect of it,” said Dr. Christie Youssef, a family medicine practitioner with Kaiser Permanente in Fair Oaks, Virginia.

But just how healthy is this concoction and why are so many people doing it?

“What people are doing is drinking baking soda in an effort to reduce the acidity in the muscles — the working muscles,” Youssef explained. “This leads to less muscle fatigue, improved performance 
 especially with heavy exercise.”

She said the thinking here is simple: some claim that sodium bicarbonate, the compound that makes up the baking soda, could help raise the pH level in the blood, improving performance during exercise like cycling, running or weightlifting.

While Youssef said the alkaline properties of baking soda could give credence to this theory, there’s little-to-no documented scientific evidence that this is the case.

And yet, people are doing it. It has a name too.

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“This new ‘soda loading’ is kind of the new thing we’re seeing,” Youssef said.

She said baking soda also has other, more well-known health benefits. Its higher pH balance makes it an ingredient in antacids and can help with heartburn and acid reflux.

But there are risks on the flip side of that.

“You do not want to make your stomach too alkaline,” Youssef warned. “The stomach acid that’s used for protection and digestion will not have the same function, and you run the risk of having abdominal discomfort, nausea, vomiting, in some cases, diarrhea.”

Youssef said the main worry here is that the digestive and physiological issues that come with ingesting too much baking soda could outweigh the potential benefits for some.

She also said consuming too much baking soda “will make you need to urinate more.”

When this happens, you could be expelling valuable electrolytes, potassium and water from your body, which could lead to severe dehydration, headaches or nausea.

“Use it with caution, use it in moderation. And just remember that, in the big picture, exercise, diet, lifestyle modification — those are the best ways of staying fit and healthy,” Youssef said.

If you do decide to give this trend a try, she said there’s little scientific information out there when it comes to a recommended dosage of baking soda to consume. Typically, she said those who are trying to treat acid reflux and heartburn are told to take 3 teaspoons a day.

So, for this trend, Youssef said, “Anywhere from 2-3 teaspoons a day is safe. No more than 5 teaspoons a day.”

“But, there’s no magic shortcut to becoming fit, no ultimate substitute, other than changing your lifestyle and staying active to reach your goals,” she added.

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Russia Just Showed Off the Only Nuclear-Tipped Air-to-Air Missile in Existence

mig31 foxhound nuclear

  • Russia held a public exercise involving a nuclear-capable R-33 air-to-air missile.
  • Nuclear armed air-to-air missiles were produced during the Cold War, but fell out of favor as missiles became more accurate.
  • The display of the aging missiles was likely posturing to remind the rest of the world that Russia is still a major military power.

“Non-Strategic Nuclear Weapons”

mig31 foxhound nuclear

The missile was featured in a video posted to the Russian Defense Ministry’s Telegram account. The first half of the video features a Iskander-M short range ballistic missile —a dual capable nuclear and conventional missile system. The second half of the video shows MiG-31 “Foxhound” interceptors carrying a blurred out payload on the center of the fuselage. The Ministry of Defense describes it as such:

During the exercise, the Aerospace Forces aviation units practiced equipping aviation weapons with special training ammunition and conducted air patrols in designated areas.

The training event is described as a “non-strategic nuclear forces exercise”—non-strategic nuclear weapons are weapons of a low explosive yield designed for use on the battlefield, or otherwise outside of an all-out nuclear war scenario. In the Russian military, nuclear weapons are described using the euphemism “ spetsyalnava, ” or special. “Special training ammunition” is a reference to a nuclear weapon.

The video is unusual in that the R-33S missiles are clearly displayed. The video shows a MiG-31 pilot inspecting his landing gear, with the missile partially visible in the background. In the next shot, four MiG-31 fighters, each armed with four blurred out missiles, take off from an unspecified airfield. Despite the blurring, the identity of the missiles is obvious—the R-33S is the only remaining air-to-air missile in the world armed with a nuclear warhead , and the MiG-31 is the only plane in the world that can carry it.

russia mig31

The R-33S, also known in Russia as Izedeliye 520 (roughly “Item 520”), was developed by the Vympel Design Bureau. The NATO code name for the missile is AA-9 “Amos.” The missile is a derivative of the R-33—a conventionally armed air-to-air missile. The R-33 is 13 feet, 7 inches long, 15 inches wide, weighs more than half a ton, and carries a 104 pound high explosive warhead. The R-33S is dimensionally the same, but features a nuclear warhead and a redesigned wing configuration to account for the heavier warhead. It has a maximum range of 87 miles.

“Amos” was designed to complement the MiG-31 in its role as a long range interceptor. The MiG-31 was designed to defend Soviet airspace from aircraft such as the SR-71 Blackbird strategic reconnaissance aircraft, and the B-52 Stratofortress bomber, and the B-1B Lancer bomber. It was also, coupled with the MiG’s Zaslon radar system—designed to engage low-flying nuclear-tipped cruise missiles. Each MiG-31 can carry up to four R-33 missiles, and presumably the same number of R-33S missiles.

Nuclear Airspace Defender

usa, military , air force interceptorfighter plane convair f 102 'delta dagger' in flight195960

Nuclear-tipped air-to-air missiles were once fielded by both the United States and the Soviet Union . In the United States, Convair F-102 “Delta Dagger” interceptors assigned to protect North American airspace from Soviet bombers carried AIM-26 Falcon nuclear-tipped air-to-air missiles. The AIM-26 carried a W54 nuclear warhead with a yield of 250 tons, which ensured that a near miss would still destroy the target.

In a nuclear war, F-102 fighters would seek out and destroy Soviet nuclear bombers flying over the North Pole to attack targets in North America. Under such dire circumstances, every missile counted—especially when shooting down one hostile bomber could destroy multiple nuclear bombs before they were dropped on American cities.

Nuclear air-to-air missiles fell out of favor as missiles became more accurate. Nuclear-tipped missiles were also only usable under one circumstance—nuclear war—and their use in conventional war could tip the conflict into a nuclear one. They were also expensive, and the added effort of securing, storing, and maintaining nuclear warheads was an unnecessary added headache.

39th, paris air show on june 15th, 1991 in le bourget, france

The last R-33S missile rolled off the assembly lines in 1995, and the missile has rarely (if ever) been seen since. It is largely a relic of the Cold War , and no replacement has ever been fielded—at least, not one with a nuclear warhead. The question is why the Russian Aerospace Forces would choose to literally roll them out on a trailer, for all the world to see, 29 years later.

The most obvious reason is a demonstration of Russian power (no matter how useful that power ultimately is). Russia’s armed forces have not only taken a beating in terms of lost men and material, but in terms of reputation as well. Weakened and distracted by the Ukraine War, Russia’s ability to hold onto its territory would be in serious doubt if the rest of the world were to suddenly declare war on it like it did to Ukraine .

One of the few untouched forces in the Russian military is the nuclear arsenal. Russia leaned heavily on its nuclear arsenal in the 1990s and 2000s to guarantee its territorial defense—even as the rest of the country was militarily, politically, and economically weak. Russia’s nuclear weapons have not been deployed to Ukraine and, unlike the rest of the Russian armed forces, still have a near-mythical allure of strength.

It’s really not clear why Russia has trotted out its R-33S stockpile now. It could signal that Russia reserves the right to engage Ukraine’s new fleet of F-16 fighters with nuclear air-to-air missiles—the exercise partially took place in the Southern Military District bordering Ukraine. Russia warned that providing its enemy with modern fighters would be a “red line” that should not be crossed. Still, brandishing nukes and using them are two different things, and Russia still appears to be unwilling to cross the nuclear threshold.

Russia’s brandishing of nuclear-tipped air-to-air missiles in relative peacetime is a weird flex. But the country’s conventional forces are weakening every day, and its three day war—now in its third year—is an ongoing humiliation. The weaker Russia gets, the more the world will likely see of Russia’s nuclear arsenal, including old nuclear-tipped air-to-air missiles.

Headshot of Kyle Mizokami

Kyle Mizokami is a writer on defense and security issues and has been at Popular Mechanics since 2015. If it involves explosions or projectiles, he's generally in favor of it. Kyle’s articles have appeared at The Daily Beast, U.S. Naval Institute News, The Diplomat, Foreign Policy, Combat Aircraft Monthly, VICE News , and others. He lives in San Francisco.

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