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CSS Past Papers – Download Past Papers of CSS In PDF

Being new to the CSS (Central Superior Services) exam, you might be wondering about the CSS paper pattern difficulty level or length, or you may be thinking about the paper scheme that is asked in the question paper through the examiner’s point of view. For all these reasons, past papers of CSS would assist you to grab an outstanding command on the compulsory and optional subjects. Aspirants do need CSS past papers throughout the entire preparation. These past paper would give you a mock experience before you appear in the actual exam. Thus, you would be more confident towards the CSS exam and its preparation, and there would be fewer chances of failure.

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Below you will find groups of all compulsory and optional subjects of CSS examinations from 2016 to 2024 with free PDF, Just click on the subject’s name, and it will provide you with the CSS past papers 2016 to 2024 PDF format. Let’s get into it.

CSS Compulsory Subjects Past Papers

English essay, english precis and composition, general science & ability, current affairs, pakistan affairs, islamic studies, comparative study of major religions, css optional subjects past papers, accountancy & auditing, computer science, political science, international relations, applied mathematics, pure mathematics, group – iii, business administration, public administration, governance & public policies, town planning & urban management, history of pakistan & india, islamic history & culture, british history, european history, history of usa, gender studies, environmental sciences, agriculture & forestry, english literature, urdu literature, constitutional law, international law, muslim law & jurisprudence, mercantile law, criminology, group – vii, journalism & mass communication, anthropology.

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Also, The CSSAspirants.Pk is a dedicated website for all those students who want to appear in the FPSC (Federal Public Service Commission) competitive examination. Indeed, we know all that you need for the CSS exams and its preparation. So we have covered all the needs of CSS Aspirants and provide CSS Notes, CSS Date Sheet , CSS Syllabus , and CSS Books .

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Css solved past papers.

CSS | MPT |  Syllabus | Past Papers | Solved Papers | Preparation | Books | Notes | MCQs

Solved Past Papers of Central Superior Services (CSS) Competitive Examinations.

CSS-2019 General Science & Ability (Mathematics Section) — Q.6(a)  | Q.6(b)  | Q.6(c)  | Q.7(a)

CSS-2016 General Science & Ability (Mathematics Section) — Q.10(a) | Q.10(b) | Q.11(a) | Q.11(b) | Q.12(a) | Q.12(b)

CSS-2017 Essay Paper

  • Are Modern Wars Not Holy?
  • More and More Military Engagements by the United Nations: Is the World Moving towards Peace?

CSS-2017 Pakistan Affairs

  • Pakistan’s national culture reflects unity in diversity. Elaborate.
  • CPEC is a flagship project of One Belt One Road (OBOR) and a regional game changer. Explain.
  • Explore the significance of Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) for Pakistan.
  • How general elections in 2002, 2008 and 2013 strengthened democracy in Pakistan.

CSS-2017 Current Affairs

  • Highlight the role of National Action Plan in stabilization of internal security of Pakistan. Critically analyze its outcomes.
  • What measures do you suggest to improve the security conditions of Baluchistan in respect to China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, and the role of regional power to sabotage it.
  • Critically analyze the US-Russia relations in context of ISIS and its impact on the security situation of Middle East.
  • The impact of burgeoning US-India strategic partnership over the security situation of the region and Indian ocean region.

CSS-2016 Essay Paper

  • Crisis of Good Governance in Pakistan: Need for Reform and Institution Building
  • The Creation of New Provinces in Pakistan: Implications for an Integrated Country
  • World as Global Village: Learning to Live Together

CSS-2016 Pakistan Affairs

  • Give an account of the life and services of Shah Waliullah. How did he save the Indian Muslims from political annihilation and religious degeneration?
  • Jinnah in his presidential address to the annual session of All India Muslim League in March 1940 said; “the problem in India is not of inter-communal nature, but manifestly of an international one, and it must be treated as such.” Write a note on the Two Nation Theory and the Lahore Resolution of 1940 in the light of this statement.
  • Write a note on the post 9/11 foreign policy of Pakistan. What do you foresee for Pakistan in regional and global politics in the near future?
  • Discuss the Kashmir problem in its entirety; throwing light on its background and prospects of possible solutions to this core issue between India and Pakistan.
  • Write a note on the Afghan War since 1979 and its impacts on Pakistan. How far the emergence of the non-state actors and non-traditional security threats in Pakistan can be attributed to the decades-long warfare in Afghanistan?

CSS-2016 Current Affairs

  • Discuss the prospects and challenges to the construction of ‘China Pakistan Economic Corridor’. How will CPEC become a game changer in the region?
  • Discuss in detail the efficacy of Counter Terrorism Measures adopted by the Government, especially with reference to National Action Plan.
  • Discuss the possibilities of progress under the recently agreed rubric of comprehensive dialogue between Pakistan and India. In your opinion what are the major constraints at present.
  • How do you see the recent development in the Middle East, particularly with reference of deteriorating relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran? What role, if any, Pakistan could play in reducing the tensions between the two Muslim countries?
  • Examine the emerging strategic competition between US and China and its impact on global order.

CSS Précis Writing

  • Précis CSS 2017
  • Précis CSS 2016
  • Précis CSS 2015
  • Précis CSS 2014
  • Précis CSS 2013
  • Précis CSS 2012
  • Précis CSS 2011
  • Précis CSS 2010

CSS ENGLISH (Précis and Composition) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

  • CSS Reading Comprehension 2017
  • CSS Reading Comprehension 2016
  • CSS Reading Comprehension 2015
  • CSS Reading Comprehension 2014
  • CSS Reading Comprehension 2013
  • CSS Reading Comprehension 2012
  • CSS Reading Comprehension 2011
  • CSS Reading Comprehension 2010

CSS ENGLISH (Précis and Composition) Write a comprehensive note (250 – 300 words) on:

  • Actions speak louder than words
  • Girls are more intelligent than Boys
  • Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched
  • First deserve then desire
  • Child is the Father of Man
  • Love is Beautiful but Baleful god


  • How To Write An Essay For Css Exam

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How to Write an Essay for CSS Exam


Written By Haider Ali       Aug 10, 2021

92% of candidates appearing in the CSS examinations, fail the English Essay section. Jarring isn’t it?

If you are planning on taking the dreaded written test soon, then this is a must read post for you. There is an extensive to-do list when it comes to writing an English essay that will get you into that top 8% in this section, and indeed all the strategies cannot be covered in just one short blog post.

What we can do however, to aid you in your journey, is to give you 5 crucial tips that you absolutely MUST follow, as starting guidelines on how to write an essay for CSS English exams.

How to select a topic for the CSS English Essay?

As with any piece of writing, topic selection is perhaps the most crucial aspect, especially if you have a limited amount of time (which you will), to complete a lengthy and well structured essay (which you will have to).

CSS essay topics can broadly fall into one of two categories:

  • Argumentative Essays (Expository Essays)
  • Issue Based Essays

Argumentative essays usually involve an open-ended prompt. You may be given an idea, a proverbial phrase or a quote from a famous personality, and be asked to analyse and assess its applicability.

Examples of argumentative CSS essays include “Gender Equality is a Myth”, “Beware the barrenness of life!” and “Every Cloud has a Silver Lining”, among many others.

Issue based CSS essays tend to focus on important events in the world today, and in that sense are more specific than the former. You may be asked to pen your thoughts on issues of national or global significance, and to suggest possible remedies for the problems at hand.

Examples of issue based essays in the CSS exams include, “Water Crisis and National Unity”, “Feminism is Not Really a Third World Issue” and “Is Colonial Legacy Impeding Pakistan’s Progress?” to name a few.

Your selection of topic could potentially determine from the very start, whether or not your essay will receive a passing grade. Needless to say, one must devise a strategy for doing so.

Our first tip, to help you write a CSS essay, is to know yourself! Sounds simple enough, but candidates often struggle in trying to assess their own strengths and weaknesses. In general keep the following questions in mind, when you’re deciding on which way to go:

For argumentative essays:

  • Do I have a wide breadth of knowledge on the topic? Need examples from different contexts.
  • Am I confident I interpreted the central idea, or meaning of the topic, correctly?
  • Have I practiced enough argumentative essays to appeal to the examiner’s literary/creative tastes?

For issue-based essays:

  • Do I have depth of knowledge on the topic? Need several specific examples for the issue at hand.
  • Do I need/want more room to write creatively, as opposed to such a narrow topic?
  • Do I have information from my studies for other CSS subjects that I can include here?

The Importance of Making a Detailed Outline

We can’t stress this enough, and yes we know you’ve already heard it, but we’re going to say it too: Don’t disregard the outline.

A detailed CSS essay outline consists of 5 or more sections, presented in the form of questions, along with sufficient pointers to build an argument to answer each of the questions. If you have this outline sketched out before your essay, with enough detail that an experienced examiner can get the gist of your arguments by just going through it, you significantly increase your chances of passing.

Oftentimes, with the sheer number of applicants, examiners are overburdened, and will probably not bother with a close reading of your actual essay, if your outline does not interest them, or is unclear. This means, that whether you pass or fail, literally hangs on the effort you put into structuring and writing your outline.

How to Start Your CSS English Essay: The Hook!

Needless to say, the introduction is the second most important structural element, after the outline. You will be rewarded for concisely summarizing your arguments, and laying out the logical flow of the essay here.

Our focus however, is on one particular aspect of the introduction; the “hook” so to speak. As you may have figured out by now, much about how to write a CSS English essay, centers on catching and maintaining the examiner’s attention. For this purpose, the opening line or paragraph of your essay must be impactful, and compel the reader to read on.

Though there are no hard and fast rules, there are 2 strategies for the hook, that we can suggest, based on the experience of successful candidates and our own seasoned CSS teaching faculty:

Start with a hypothetical or anecdotal statement that seeks to transport the reader to a context of your choosing.

  • Practicing descriptive writing can help a lot in this regard. Learn how to create vivid images in the mind of the reader.
  • The opening narration of documentaries can serve as a good example of what an anecdote might look like.
  • Example: “A lone forager cowers under the shade of a Banyan tree as the lightning cracks; trembling from fear, shaking from the cold, she looks out into the cold, desolate plains that stretch into an unforgivingly dark night. She hopes for respite, where there is none to be found...”

Alternatively, depending on your topic, your hook can also employ the use of some jarring statistics or any fact that has some shock value.

  • Remembering specific facts and figures that do not align with the general perceptions of people is useful.
  • Contrasting two seemingly contradictory facts is also a good technique.
  • Examples could include illiteracy statistics, budgetary allocations for particular government sectors, development goals/investment contrasted with actual outcome.

How to Conclude Your CSS English Essay

Your conclusion is also worth spending that extra bit of time on, not just so your essay leaves a lasting impression on the examiner. In fact, as was the case with the introduction and outline, it is quite possible that an examiner will actually read this part while skimming through your CSS essay.

However, unlike the previous two elements, the focus here is not on capturing attention, but on reiterating the logical structure of your arguments, and their links to your given examples. You must clearly delineate how they fit into your arguments and are sufficient to prove your points. That is the entire purpose of the conclusion; to make sure the examiner is convinced that your arguments make sense, and bring together everything of importance that has been discussed in the essay.

Examples for Your Arguments: A Must Have!

Without real world examples, your essay will be doomed to failure. Any claims you make, that are unsubstantiated by evidence, will be disregarded altogether. So think of examples as the stamp of authority on any argument you make.

The ones you can use, generally center around individuals, companies or countries, and can either be from the past, or more contemporary contexts. As long as the chosen example fits well into the argument, there should be no problem.

However, given the diversity of topics that you could encounter in the CSS English exam, it is crucial to know where to find such examples. Although there are potentially unlimited resources for this, a few good places to start are:

  • World History on YouTube.
  • Ted-Ed on Youtube.
  • Local and international news channels .
  • Local newspapers .
  • Official government, media and research institute, accounts on Twitter .

Last but not least, Nearpeer’s English Essay Courses .

CSS English Essay Writing Tips: 

English Essay CSS Syllabus:

Before start your English essay preparation, you first download the CSS English essay syllabus . It is a roadmap for the essay preparation. All Candidates that are appearing in the CSS exam must throughly study the syllabus.

English Essay CSS Past Papers:

Practice makes man perfect. While preparing the essay for the CSS exam you must evaluate yourselves by attempting the CSS English essay past papers . These past papers play very important role to let you know what topics are most commonly asked in the past papers. 

CSS Essay Solved:

Nearpeer is offering a course of CSS solved English past papers so that students can get good grades in their CSS English essay exam. 

The Answers You Need

Do i need to give headings in the css english essay.

No, you do not have to give headings or subheadings in the body of your essay. However, they should be included in the outline, and your essay should follow the structure you have laid out there.

Do I have to make the outline before starting the essay?

Yes. It is absolutely crucial that you make an outline, for reasons we have already discussed above.

Do the words in the outline count towards the word limit?

Yes. The entirety of your essay, outline included, is considered in the overall word count.

Do examiners check the CSS Essay outline?

Absolutely! In fact, in most cases, the outline, introduction and conclusion are the parts of your essay that the examiner will spend 80% of their time on. If your outline isn’t up to the mark, the rest of your essay will most likely not be checked.

Should we write a counter argument as well?

Yes. Part of making a convincing argument is addressing the counter-arguments or points of view that diverge from it. You should ideally dedicate at least 1 to 2 paragraphs on explaining and then logically refuting a counter-argument.

What should be the length of the CSS English essay?

Your essay, outline included, should ideally be between 2500-3000 words.

Does the quality of writing matter in the essay, or just the format?

Both are essential for you to pass your CSS English essay component. The format is one of the first things an examiner looks at. If there are formatting issues, your essay might, again, not be read at all.

However, if you get the format right, but your writing is poor in terms of logical coherence, legibility or language, you will still receive a low score. Focus on both!

Further Guidance

We hope this article gave you sufficient insight into how to begin writing an essay for the CSS exams. However, this is by no means all that you need to know. There is far more nuance to this particular test, and often months of practice and discussion are required to be well-equipped for it, so please do inquire further.

We wish you well on your journey to becoming a CSP officer; if you find yourself a little lost though, feel free to reach out to our round the clock free CSS counselling team at Neapeer.org !

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CSS English Essay Paper 2022 | FPSC CSS Past Papers 2022

Preparation With Sir Tauqeer

Here, you will have CSS English Essay Paper 2022 conducted by FPSC. You can get all FPSC CSS Past Papers 2022 from CSSMCQs.com.

CSS English Essay Paper 2022 FPSC CSS Past Papers 2022

CSS Essay Paper 2022

1. An analysis of the concept of globalization of markets. 2. Digital democracy: social media and political participation. 3. Global trade and trade policies of China. 4. “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” 5. Global politics and international relations. 6. The controversial issues of feminism in contemporary women’s rights movements 7. World food systems: the economics of agriculture. 8. Is there such a thing as ethical consumerism? 9. Human development and economic sustainability. 10. How is terrorism and its perception shaped by the Mass Media?

View and download | FPSC CSS PAST PAPERS OF CSS 2022

CSS (Compulsory) 2022 Papers: ➤  CSS Essay Paper 2022 ➤ C SS English (Precis & Composition) Paper 2022 ➤  CSS Pakistan Affairs Paper 2022 ➤  CSS Current Affairs Paper 2022 ➤  CSS General Science and Ability Paper 2022 ➤  CSS Islamic Studies Paper 2022

Consider linking to these articles:

CSS Past Papers MCQss with answers pdf 2021 General Science and Ability Quiz Past Paper MCQs ENGLISH GRAMMAR MCQs Pakistan Affairs CSS Past Papers 2021 | FPSC CSS Past Papers CSS English Precis And Composition Paper 2021 Solved MCQs Quiz Current Affairs Guess Paper For CSS 2022 By CSS MCQs Today’s Assistant C&W department Past Paper MCQs How many members’ support out of 342 is required for a successful no-confidence motion in the lower house of the parliament? CSS 2018 Solved English Precis & Composition Paper MCQs Quiz Pakistan Affairs 2009 CSS MCQs Past Paper Quiz

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Important Essays for CSS 2020 Examination by Sir Ghafoor Tahir

Important Essays for CSS 2020 Examination by Sir Ghafoor Tahir

Important Essays for CSS 2020 Examination

by Sir Ghafoor Tahir (Senior Most Mentor for CSS English Essays)

1. Global Warming : The Clock is Ticking!

2. Water Scarcity in Pakistan -A Bigger Threat Than Terrorism.

3. More Depravity is the Root Cause of Poverty.

4. Socio-Economic Challenges Faced by Pakistan.

5. Education Makes a People Easy to Lead , But Difficult to Drive, Easy to Govern, But Impossible to Enslave.

6. Foreign Aid – Is It a Blessing or a Curse? 7. Promotion of Tax Culture in Pakistan : Perspective, Prospects and Challenges.

8. Pluralistic Vision of Islam

9. The U.N.O has failed to measure up to the demands of its charter.

10. I disapprove what you say, but I will defend to death your right to say.

11. Gender equality is myth.

12. Democracy is a Culture rather Than a Process.

13. The Time We live in is the Winter of the World.

14. The Purification of Politics is an Iridescent Dream.

15. Without Independent Truth-Finding Commission, Accountability is Unachievable.

16. The Suffering Soul in the Scientific Age of Artificial Intelligence .

Important English Essays for CSS Exams

in CSS 2019 Exams , One Essay of Sir Ghafoor Tahir has appeared with same wordings in CSS exams .

for any Guidance please contact Ghafoor Tahir: English Mentor for CSS, PMS, Allama Iqbal Town Lahore PH: 0333-4185044

Check our collection of english essays specially for css.

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Shahzad Faisal Malik is the administrator of CSSTimes.pk and is responsible for managing the content, design, and overall direction of the blog. He has a strong background in Competitive Exams and is passionate and sharing information with others. Shahzad Faisal Malik has worked as a Graphic Designer/Content Creator at CSSTimes in the past. In his free time, Shahzad Faisal Malik enjoys watching Cricket, writing blogs for different websites and is always on the lookout for new and interesting content to share with the readers of this website. As the website administrator, Shahzad Faisal Malik is dedicated to providing high-quality content and fostering a welcoming and engaging community for readers. He looks forward to connecting with readers and hearing their thoughts and feedback on the website.

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  • CSS Essay Special Exam 2023 Paper


  • October 12, 2023
  • CSS Past Papers 2023

Here you will find the CSS Essay past paper. This exam is a special exam held in 2023. This is called special competitive exam held by FPSC. Find below the past paper of Essay of CSS special exam 2023.

CSS Past Paper of Essay 2023

The following essay topics were given in the paper of special CSS exam 2023:

1. “It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be”.

2. Developing countries must be able to reap the benefits of international trade.

3. Artificial intelligence has overpowered its bounds.

4. No legacy is so rich as honesty.

5. Social media has destroyed real life communication.

6. Globalization: The end of austerity.

7. Children must be taught how to thin, not what to think.

8. Pakistani women have the same chances as men.

9. Unipolar, bipolar or multipolar: new direction of the world.

10. So, surely with hardship comes ease.

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50 Years CSS English Essay Past Papers 1971 to 2021 Book online Download or Cash on Delivery all Over Pakistan. This is the latest and updated edition for CSS Compulsory Subject English Essay, and published by The CSS Point and its author Agha Zuhaib Khan has tried to provide maximum and up to date information for the subject to help students in their competitive examination. Get Latest Edition on your home address as Cash on Delivery, order now online or Call/WhatsApp us on 03336042057 – 0726540141.


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  1. CSS Essay Past Papers

    Writing an essay is a crucial component of the C.S.S. Competitive Examination. Syllabi for C.S.S. Competitive Examination 2016 & Onwards in its Scheme of CSS Competitive Examination provides the following instructions relating to the Essay Paper: "Candidates will be required to write one or more Essay in English.

  2. CSS Essay Past Papers From 2016 to 2021 {Solved}

    English Essay CSS Past Papers. On this page, we have listed all CSS past papers of English essay from the year 2016 to 2021 in PDF format. To download the PDF just click on each year css essay past paper and it will be downloaded. Essay Past Paper 2016. Essay Past Paper 2017.

  3. CSS Essay Past Papers

    CSS Essay Past Papers from Year 2000 to 2024 Latest and Updated. The compilation of CSS (Central Superior Services) past papers for the compulsory subject of Essay, spanning from 2000 to 2024, is a crucial resource for aspirants aiming to conquer the CSS examination conducted by the Federal Public Service Commission (FPSC) of Pakistan.

  4. 50 Years CSS English Essay Past Papers 1973 to 2023

    Each year's CSS English Essay Past Paper is a treasure trove of potential essay topics, writing styles, and critical thinking exercises. As you delve into the progression of essay questions over five decades, you'll be able to identify recurring themes, contemporary issues, and evolving evaluation criteria. 50 Years CSS English Essay Past ...

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  6. CSS English Essay Paper 2021

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  7. CSS Past Papers

    Below you will find groups of all compulsory and optional subjects of CSS examinations from 2016 to 2024 with free PDF, Just click on the subject's name, and it will provide you with the CSS past papers 2016 to 2024 PDF format. Let's get into it. CSS Compulsory Subjects Past Papers. English Essay; English Precis and Composition

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    The English Essay paper of CSS was held on 29-02-2024. See the CSS English Essays and Topics here. English Essay Paper for CSS 2024. 1. Hope: the greatest driving force. 2. CPEC and "Indo-Middle East - Europe", new war fronts. 3. The power of propaganda and Muslim World.

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    Preparing for the essay paper in the CSS exam requires a broad understanding of various topics and the ability to articulate your thoughts clearly and coherently. Here is a detailed list of major topics and themes you should focus on for essay preparation: 1. Current Affairs.

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    The impact of burgeoning US-India strategic partnership over the security situation of the region and Indian ocean region. CSS-2016 Essay Paper. Crisis of Good Governance in Pakistan: Need for Reform and Institution Building. The Creation of New Provinces in Pakistan: Implications for an Integrated Country.

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  12. How to Write an Essay for CSS Exam

    English Essay CSS Syllabus: Before start your English essay preparation, you first download the CSS English essay syllabus. It is a roadmap for the essay preparation. All Candidates that are appearing in the CSS exam must throughly study the syllabus. English Essay CSS Past Papers: Practice makes man perfect.

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    CSS 2024 Solved Essay | BRICS and Pakistan: Prospects of Recovery Maryam Aqsa, a Sir Syed Kazim Ali student, has attempted the CSS 2024 Solved... CPF. July 24, 2024. CSS, CSS Solved Essays. 4034 Views. Being a Minority is a Fate No One wants.

  15. CSS Essays

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  16. Download 50 Years CSS English Essay Past Papers 1971 to 2021

    50 Years CSS English Essay Past Papers 1971 to 2021 Book online Download or Cash on Delivery all Over Pakistan. This is the latest and updated edition for CSS Compulsory Subject English Essay, and published by The CSS Point and its author Agha Zuhaib Khan has tried to provide maximum and up to date information for the subject to help students ...

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  19. Pakistan's Largest Competitive Community

    Qualifying for the CSS and PMS English essay and precis papers requires hard work and dedication, but with whom defines the fate of an aspirant. Sir Syed Kazim Ali was the mentor who did not help me give my ideas a relevant motion but also helped me qualify for the CSS and PMS examinations. Dr Aimeen Mehmood, CSS & PMS Qualifier ...

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  21. CSS Essay Special Exam 2023 Paper

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  22. 50 Years CSS English Essay Past Papers 1971 to 2021

    Call/SMS 03336042057 - 0726540141. 50 Years CSS English Essay Past Papers 1971 to 2021 Book online Download or Cash on Delivery all Over Pakistan. This is the latest and updated edition for CSS Compulsory Subject English Essay, and published by The CSS Point and its author Agha Zuhaib Khan has tried to provide maximum and up to date ...