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Necessity is the Mother of Invention Essay for Students

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Necessity is the mother of invention, a well-known proverb that implies that when you are left with no other option but to complete a certain task or live through a certain situation, you can do so by any means.

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The proverb, “ necessity is the mother of invention,” is used commonly as what it states holds in real life. It implies that you do it by hook or crook when it is necessary to accomplish a task.

Long and Short Essay on Necessity is the Mother of Invention in English

Some Necessity is the Mother of Invention essays of varying lengths to give you further insight into the proverb and help you with the topic in your classroom, exam, etc. You can choose any essay on Necessity is the Mother of Invention according to your need:

Necessity is the Mother of Invention

Necessity is the Mother of Invention Essay – 1 (200 words)

“Necessity is the mother of invention” means that each of our necessities, whether big or small, pushes us to make an effort and work hard to fulfill them. All the discoveries and inventions by humans were made as he felt the Necessity to use them. Man’s Necessity and desire to make the earth a better place is the driving force behind all the inventions.

Necessity is the Mother of Invention – Detailed Explanation

Here is a look at how it works:

  • Necessity forces people to get into action.
  • People try to achieve something wholeheartedly only when it is truly necessary.
  • Necessity instills a passion for achieving one’s goals. Any work that is done passionately is bound to have a positive outcome.

The proverb holds in the real world. Right from the age of the early man until today, we can see several examples that prove this proverb right.

Necessity indeed compels the man to use his power and accomplish the tasks he might have felt impossible at some point. This also shows how humans can achieve almost anything if they work hard and are determined to attain it. All they require is a push.

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Necessity is the Mother of Invention Essay – 2 (300 words)

“Necessity is the mother of invention” implies that when something is essential for survival, the human mind finds some way or the other to attain it. This means that Necessity is the main force behind every new invention and discovery.

Origin of the Proverb – Necessity is the Mother of Invention

This proverb has been in use for centuries. It is said that the original author of this old proverb could not be ascertained, and thus it is attributed to the famous Greek philosopher Plato. However, the idea behind it had been in use in many Latin and English works before this proverb came into being.

The Latin version of this proverb, “Mater atrium necessitas,” surfaced in the book Vulgaria by author William Horma back in 1519. A similar saying, “Need to teach him wit,” appeared in English in the same year. “Necessitie, the inventor of all goodness” was another similar phase in Roger Ascham’s work in 1545.

The proverb, “Necessity is the mother of invention,” used in the present day, appeared in Richard Franck’s work in 1658.

Explanation by Example

An apt example of this old proverb would be that of the early man. A human necessity led the early man to find food, build shelter, and prepare tools to protect him from wild animals. He accomplished all these tasks without prior knowledge about how they were to be done. Had all these things not been necessary for his survival, he would have never tried inventing them.

“Necessity is the mother of invention” is true to its word. This shows that no matter how difficult the process is, if a man must achieve something, he will do it by any means.

Necessity is the Mother of Invention Essay – 3 (500 words)


The proverb ‘Necessity is the Mother of Invention’ is not technical; it simply means that the requirement or need for a particular thing drives a person to create or invent something that satisfies that particular need.

The major and notable inventions have resulted from critical necessities in a human’s life; once the Necessity is satisfied, people achieve a state of happiness; they will live in harmony, thereby making the world a happy and better place to live in. Even though this proverb’s original author is unknown, this famous quote is in use at most places right from the school.

This is a very famous proverb people have heard for years. Necessity means needs, and human beings work hard to fulfill their needs. That’s the basic meaning of ‘necessity is the mother of invention.’ Since civilization started, Necessity has kept driving humans to invent innovative and useful things. It simply ignites the passion in a person to work for self-living or invent new things which are beneficial for self and others. Necessity also motivates people to get into action; human beings struggle hard to achieve something only when they need something. E.g., for survival, people need money, and to earn money, they need to work and ultimately search for (invent) an appropriate job for themselves. People find a way to achieve the same when a particular need becomes necessary for survival.

According to history, in the primitive age, human beings had no clothes to guard their body against heat and cold, no home to live in, no food for their appetite, etc. This dire need for protection and survival compelled them to invent fire to prepare food, trees bark to cover their bodies and leaves, etc., to build a hut-like home. Further, they kept on improving and inventing new and better things.

The world knows; that when Thomas Edison felt the Necessity of light, he invented the bulb in 1879, and thus, the entire world lit up. Several other inventions such as transport systems, television, the radio, mobile phones, and many more show the brilliance of the respective owners and inventors. They have also made our lives comfortable and complete.

In the medical world, too, Necessity has revolutionized the industry, and several types of medicines, surgical equipment, and methods to operate those have been invented. These inventions cure critical diseases and save people’s lives in various cases. Organ transplantation is one such invention that has proven to be a medical boon for many who have been struggling to live.

Technology has been advancing fast, and various modern weapons, such as nuclear bombs, atom bombs, etc., are also inventions. But these weapons may ultimately destroy mankind and the entire world. Thus, an invention must be such that it doesn’t destroy people and relationships; instead helps self and others.

Necessity is the Mother of Invention Essay – 4 (600 words)

‘Necessity is the mother of Invention’ is a world-famous proverb a child also knows about. The quotation is not technical; it’s simple and uncomplicated to explain its meaning with certain interpretations, which makes the proverb highly impactful.

The proverb ‘Necessity is the mother of invention implies that when we are in dire need of something and if we cannot be happy or survive without that particular thing, then we find means and ways to satisfy that need which may result in something called invention. If someone is hungry, then food is cooked to satisfy the hunger. So hunger is the Necessity, and food is the invention. Several other examples explain the meaning of this famous proverb. Most of the popular and beneficial things of the world are the result of Necessity that made the inventors restless and compelled them to invent the product. Some of such greatest inventions are the bulb, the radio, television, motor, mobile, the airplane, and many more.

Invention and Necessity are co-related, and until they want to become necessities, a person won’t get into action. Anything and everything we use in our day-to-day life results from a need or Necessity and a human’s desire to fulfill that need. This signifies that even luxury items such as air conditioners, cars, etc., have been invented to satisfy specific needs.

Necessity also makes us hard-working and ingenious. If we look at history, especially in the primitive age when there was nothing for mankind to survive; people invented clothes, food, and shelter, and thus civilization started.

Some inventions make our life comfortable and worth living, such as electricity. Imagine a life without light, thanks to Thomas Edison, whose desire to remove darkness from his surrounding gave us light and benefitted the entire world.

But some inventions are destructive such as guns, bombs, weapons, etc. Even though these weapons have also been ted out of the Necessity for self-protection or protecting the nation, these are dangerous, and there is always a fear of getting harmed in some or other ways. Self-need mustn’t become the reason for others’ destruction.

Necessity and Inventions are positively inter-related as necessity forces or drive people to action. Human beings, to survive, need money, which compels them to find a job that will give them a salary in the form of money, and the money can be further utilized to satisfy all types of needs for food, clothing, shelter, etc.

Not only does Necessity compel invent means of survival, but it a people to work smarter to get a promotion and better position in their profession. A desire or will to succeed in professional life inspires people to do better than others, and thus they invent new means and methods to win the competition.

Necessity must be seen as an opportunity to do better and achieve success in life, and no destructive inventions should be undertaken to harm others. The proverb has been taught to people since their childhood in a positive aspect, and the meaning of the proverb must remain so and not negative.

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Necessity Is the Mother Of Invention Essay | Essay on Necessity Is the Mother Of Invention for Students and Children

February 14, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on Necessity Is the Mother Of Invention : Necessity is the mother of invention is an ancient proverb, most probably authored by Plato, the Greek philosopher. The saying means that humans create or invent things only when they feel a necessity for them. Since ancient times, humans have made timeless inventions that have to the modernization and improvement of society. All these inventions were made out of need.

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Long and Short Essay on Necessity Is the Mother Of Invention Essay for Students and Kids in English

In this article, we have provided an extended essay, a brief essay, along with ten lines on the topic, to help children write this essay for their examinations.

Long Essay on Necessity Is the Mother Of Invention Essay 500 Words

Given below is an extended essay on Necessity Is the Mother Of Invention Essay composed of 500 words and a short essay comprising 100-150 words, on the topic, in English. Necessity Is the Mother Of Invention Essay is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

In psychology, need is said to be the driving factor for all men. Ned influences our actions, emotions and motivations. Without needs, man would be a neutral creature.

Necessity is the mother of invention is a proverb that impresses in us the fact that man only discovers something that he needs. The tremendous urge in man to lead better lives drives him to make inventions. The cycle has been going on since the Stone Age.

Man is never satisfied with what he has. He always aspires to have more. This urge in men is not necessarily greed; it can merely be the ambition to go higher and achieve better things. Man feels the need for certain things, and he feels that his path to greatness is being obstructed due to the absence of a particular item. This need urges him to invent new things and discover more fabulous tools. Thus, the invention is driven by necessity and is a product of man’s ever-increasing desires.

In ancient times, man used to live in caves and hunt animals for survival. They barely wore any clothes and ate raw meat. Gradually, they realized that life was getting too uncomfortable in the bone-cracking temperatures. They were scared of freezing to death. This overwhelming need for survival led man to invent fire. They noticed that by building a fire, they could stay warm and comfortable. They understood the value of cooked food and used light to roast the fruits of their hunt.

With time, the man felt the need to have something that would reduce their labour and make their lives easier. The first machine was built out of the necessity to overcome their difficult work. The man realized that the wheel made transportation easy. Slowly, they began building tools and instruments that helped them do their jobs more efficiently.

The invention of houses also rests on need. The man felt the need to live together as a civilization. They found it easier to live in cities which had more facilities. Inventing ways to build houses, streets and roads arose out of man’s need for security. He understood that living in caves was unsafe for him and his family. To protect himself from violent attacks, man built civilization.

We can take an example, and we will see how necessity and need to drive man to invent new and better things. Modern-day technology is wholly based on necessity. The man felt it was challenging to communicate with people over long distances. Hence he invented the telephone. Be it information technology or the internet, and every invention happened out of need.

Man can rarely compromise on his needs. He only represses those desires which are harmful or unacceptable to others. Man channelizes his overpowering urges to benefit society. Each invention has caused humanity to progress and prosper. We must understand the tremendous motivation necessity creates and acknowledge our efforts for making life so much better for us.

Short Essay on Necessity Is the Mother Of Invention Essay 100-150 Words

Necessity Is the Mother Of Invention Essay is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Man has always used his necessities as his drive to make something new. Men are ambitious creatures, and they discover and conquer new areas to earn better lives for themselves and others.

We must realize that men do not create things because they want to. They build them because they need to. Even if we consider the most basic needs, that is, hunger, sex and shelter, we will see that we invented food and houses because we wanted to fulfil our needs.

Abraham Maslow has shown in his Need Hierarchy how men always work towards satisfying his needs. Thus, necessity is the driving force behind every invention.

Essay About Necessity is the mother of invention

10 Lines on Necessity Is the Mother Of Invention Essay in English

  • Needs drive men to create new things as satisfying desires is a key to survival.
  • The need has influenced man’s productivity since the very beginning of life on earth.
  • The need to breed and create offspring has influenced men to search for partners and have relationships with them.
  • However, particular inventions like guns and bombs are destructive. But they are also created out of necessities.
  • Germany and Britain created tanks and submarines during the First and the Second World Wars.
  • The United States of America created the dangerous atom bomb during the Second World War. All these weapons were invented out of fear of other countries.
  • Wars have made countries invent potent weapons to guarantee self-survival and defense.
  • Thus, every invention ever made is a product of overwhelming urges.
  • Man aspires to reach great heights, and his driving force is his necessities.
  • We must understand how dependent we are on our desires and how they help us create a better and more progressive world.

Necessity Is the Mother Of Invention

FAQ’s on Necessity Is the Mother Of Invention Essay

Question 1. Why were weapons created?

Answer: Weapons were created by different countries during wars, to protect themselves against their enemies.

Question 2. What was the need behind creating the internet?

Answer: Man’s tremendous urge to attain things easily and his thirst for knowledge made him invent the internet. He can now get access to everything with a simple click.

Question 3. What is an invention?

Answer: Invention ideally refers to the discovery of something new and unique, which will help us to progress.

Question 4. Can fire be called an invention?

Answer: Fire can be considered as an invention. It arose out of a need for survival and helped in creating a better society.

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Essay On Necessity Is The Mother Of Invention

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It is strongly believed that at the time of necessity, the creative and imaginative human mind thinks faster. It has been rightly said that necessity is the mother of invention. There is much truth in this saying. The history of human progress is the history of man’s effort to reach new goals. In early times, to satisfy hunger man took up the hunting of animals. Gradually, his desire to consume cooked food led him to discover fire.

The necessity of protecting the body from the surrounding heat and cold led man to cover his body with fur and slowly with cloths made from wool or cotton. His need for shelter led him build huts and houses. Similarly, the need of travelling quickly from one place to another resulted in the invention of wheels and later other means of fast transport systems.

Man’s journey up to the present stage has been a voyage in the search of satisfying his various desires, needs and wants. As soon as one’s need is fulfilled, it gives birth to another need. Today, in this age of scientific rivalry, deadly weapons are being manufactured due to necessity. The fear of the enemy has forced various countries to invent such destructive weapons. Our desire to do something new to meet our ever-increasing needs has been the cause of astonishing expansion in various fields. Even the crow’s necessity of water forced it to find out the way to quench its thirst.

More effective, advanced and innovative , methods and technologies are developed in the field of health and medicine. Efforts are made to invent newer medicine, surgical instruments, machines, etc. to cure deadly diseases. In our day-to-day life, we can recognize the truth of the above saying, ‘necessity is the mother of invention’ when we find newer and more helpful ways of doing different things easily, making our lives comfortable.

As new needs needs arise, fresh methods are developed to meet them. New concepts are created to find solutions to different problems. Necessity makes us brave, enthusiastic and keen enough to fulfil our needs. Thus, necessity can be said as a blessing in disguise.

Almost nothing is impossible for man in the world. He can achieve anything he wants provided he puts in hard work and genuine efforts. Constant efforts and determination to taste sweet fruits in future is the necessity of a man. Where there is any necessity, there is invention and research, in order to fulfil that necessity. All our inventions and discoveries are the direct result of our needs.

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Necessity is the Mother of Invention | Meaning & Expansion | Essay

June 11, 2020 by Study Mentor Leave a Comment

Table of Contents

Essay on necessity is the mother of invention – 1


The necessity is the mother of invention means difficult situations inspire an ingenious solution. In the French language, it’s said as La nécessité est mère DE l’invention. In Hindi, we say, “Aavshyakta hee aavishkaar kee jananee hai.” The author of this proverb is unknown. It is commonly attributed to Plato to Benjamin Jowett’s popular idiomatic 1871 translation of Plato’s Republic, wherein Book. In 369BC, his translation reads: “The true creator is a necessity” Who is the mother of our Inventions.” Jowett’s translation is noted for injecting the kind of flowery language popular among his Victorian-era Audience In 1519, the Headmaster of Winchester and Eton, William Harmon, Used the Latin phrase Mater atrium necessitas (“The Mother of the invention is a necessity”). In the history of human beings since early ages, which includes various inventions from inventing fire or the achievement of reaching the moon.

Origin of Invention

 At an early age, People required a necessary thing that is essential for survival, such as stone tools for hunting, fire, clothes, food, and house. The invention of the fire is a necessity that produces light in the darkness, which is very helpful to humans to find any wild animals and also see in the lights. The invention of fire is beneficial for securing their places at night. After the invention of the fire, people started cooking food by using the fire they invented for safety and to see at night. After that, People start making tools by using stone, which helps them in their hunting, which changes their hunting style not only that they can begin to get more food to compare to those days without tools. 

Inventions that are good for humans

Today every invention has its advantages and disadvantages in our life. Apart from the invention, we talk about the origin of the invention, which is essential for human life. Same today the invention had reduced the effort of humans, for example:

  • The invention of the rail engine which was inspired by the formulae of steam and used to carry hundreds of people at the time with less time compare to steamboats. Mostly the rail engine transportation methods would have been possible if early breakthrough of rail engines. The external combustion allowed for exponential improvement in transportation, agriculture, and manufacturing and also powered the rise of superpowers in the world.   
  • The invention of the Printing press was used to print books, but before people used to write a book with ink, which cannot be a scale for a long time. The printing press improved on already existing presses through the use of a mold that allowed for the production of lead alloy type pieces. The printing press not only made books cheap for the lower classes, but it assisted in sparking the age of enlightenment and facilitated the spread of new and often controversial ideas.
  • The invention of the phone which people have conversations with between two people who are far from each other earlier before this they used to send letters to each other, but it takes more time. The telephone and its wireless successors went on the significant advancements in worldwide communication. The ability to call rapidly across great distance made an indelible impact on government, trade, banking, industry, warfare, and news media.

The inventions that are harmful to human

On the side, the inventions are beneficial for humans who made their life and reduce their effort and time. Several inventions are for the betterment of human beings, and some are very harmful and dangerous to humans. Some of the harmful inventions for human beings include:-

  • The invention of chemical acids for which we are making atomic and Nuclear bombs.
  • The Invention of Drugs and alcohol are affected by people by damaging their body from inside 
  • The Invention of Guns. Pistols, Rifle, and missiles which made to kill people with effectively and in large numbers
  • In some of the inventions that increase the pollution levels ion the environment day by day. The Increasing number of manufacturing and factories and industries and people are attracted to live in developed cities, and countries become the main reason for unemployment, Child labor, Poverty, and many other problems.

Necessity is the mother of invention WHY?

The necessity is the mother of invention because every invention on this planet is made when it’s essential for human lives. The Guns are built to win the fights against the rival groups and the rebels. Still, after all the war is over the people start to buy these guns to make them feel secure from the rivals and wild animals, but today, everyone can see the weapons from Policeman to Gangster every one use it. 

The same way all the right people became bad and got addicted to bad habits. The primary and famous inventions have been the result of necessities in human life. Once the need gets satisfied, people will live in harmony. From the beginning of civilization started necessity has been driving humans to invent, innovate or create new things. For survival, people need food. They went hunting, and they search for the tools for hunting appropriate food for themselves. When a particular necessity becomes essential for survival, people find one or the other to achieve the same result. Necessity motivates people to find new inventions for overcoming the specific need so that next time they do it in relaxed and comfortable.


The technology has been advancing day by day at a very high speed, and various types of weapons such as Nuclear bombs, atom bombs, etc.are developing day by day. Several destructive weapons are made which can destroy humanity. But In medical, the necessity has changed the industry, and various kinds of surgical equipment, medicines, and methods to work on those have been invented. These inventions not only cure critical diseases but also save people’s lives in various cases. There are various other inventions such as transport systems, television, the radio, mobile phones, and many that have not only changed our lives but also made our lives comfortable and reduced our efforts.

Essay on necessity is the mother of invention – 2

There are many meaningful and moral sayings and proverbs in English language that teach us a lesson, moral, or a value that we remember for all our lives. We learn something valuable from these proverbs, and this knowledge becomes helpful to us. One such proverb is the popular saying, ‘Necessity is the mother of invention’  

According to the Oxford Dictionary, the proverb ‘Necessity is the mother of invention’ simply means that,  ‘when the need for something becomes imperative, one is forced to find ways of getting or achieving it.’  

What this proverb means is that it is the necessity for something that drives us to make efforts to achieve those things. It is the necessity for that thing that compels humans to find a solution and to invent so that necessity can be fulfilled.  

It is the basic nature of a human being to make sure that she survives. During primitive times, all our actions were driven towards survival. Survival, for humans, is the ultimate goal. For this survival, there are various things and conditions which are necessary.

These things might not be readily available. A solution to the unfavourable condition that exists might not be in front of one’s eyes. These solutions may not be direct.

So, to find a solution to the problem of necessity that exists, a human is forced to think, to ponder, to experiment, to innovate. Ultimately, when minds work together, a solution will come forward. Such solution is called as an invention.  

Therefore, it is the necessity to solve a particular unfavourable condition that drives a human being to find solution, or in other words, to invent. These inventions enable the human beings to survive and prosper. These inventions are therefore important for the development and the betterment of the human species.

Through these inventions, human beings can also benefit their environment. This can only occur if human beings use their inventions wisely and not become too greedy. Inventions should be used only to the extent which is necessary.  

A human mind is complex. It has the ability to think and ponder. This ability is what makes us different from all the other species of animals, birds, insects, etc. According to the learned philosopher Karl Marx , human beings are the Species Being. Species Being are different from other animals.

Both a human and an animal belonging to another species want to survive. But, the animal will only look for ways to survive that are on front of it. It will not try to perceive its environment, to find solutions that are not direct, that are innovative.

In other words, animals belong to other species do not have the ability to think and innovate. They only work according to systems that are engraved in them. On the other hand, human beings are different. When they see a necessity, a problem or an unfavourable situation they will perceive their surroundings, they will think, they will innovate and experiment until they find a solution.

Therefore, it is the basic desire of a human being to reach her full potential. This potential can only be reached if a human being is allowed to think, to innovate and to invent. If a human being is not given this opportunity, naturally, she will not be able to innovate and will only become a machine that works according to what others want.

The basic desire of human beings, that is, to reach their full potential will not be fulfilled. Therefore, they will be alienated. Thus, according to Karl Marx, innovation, invention, necessity, and reaching one’s full potential are all related concepts and thus one affects the other. 

So a conclusion can be drawn. Human beings want to survive. There are certain necessities that need to be fulfilled to enable the human beings to survive. To fulfil these necessities, human beings will naturally try to find a solution through innovation and thinking.

This will ultimately lead to the finding of the solution or invention. Inventions will ultimately lead to development and prosperity of the human beings. Thus, all these processes are interrelated and dependent on each other. Necessity can be said to be the mother of invention and innovation.  

This is also advantageous to human beings. Necessity encourages progress and thus benefits human beings. Let’s take the example of Britain. Britain is an island in Europe. But, it is cut off from Europe because of the sea. Britain therefore needed to trade with other countries with food and other necessities.

It has sea surrounding it, so, to facilitate trade, Britain started developing its maritime industry. With a strong maritime industry and navy, Britain could afford to explore and travel in the sea more. Thus, it managed to gain the power of the sea.

This was a major factor that allowed Britain to become a major power and dominate over countries that were twice its size. There, a simple necessity of Britain led to its prosperity. 

In primitive society, it is necessity that facilitated invention and forced primitive humans to think. Primitive humans needed to shield themselves from harsh weather, so they innovated and perceived their surroundings for solutions. This ultimately resulted in the invention of clothes form the skin of the animals they hunted.

Primitive humans needed to hunt to eat and survive. It was difficult to fight ferocious animals with bare hands. Therefore to ease hunting, primitive humans invented weapons and tools. Later, to take care of their food, they innovated and invented settled farming.

Humans needed to travel, and all of it could not be by foot. There is, after all, a limit to human strength. Humans observed animals and invented the use of animals as the  means of transportation . They observed nature, and later invented wheel.

The invention of wheel itself later led to many other inventions and innovations. Present day motor vehicles could not be possible without the invention of wheels. In primitive times, human needed shelter to shield themselves, have a place to rest and protection from unfavourable weather.

This resulted in humans using materials to build primitive houses. These primitive houses and tents were innovated over time, and present day houses came into being. Thus, it is necessity that results in invention, prosperity and innovation. 

With these inventions, a new moral took birth. Humans realized that ‘where there is a will, there is a way’. This enabled human beings to strive for development and not give up in the face of loss or failure. This had made possible the development of the whole human race. 

Necessity also forces human beings to engage in activities. Without this compulsion, human beings would become complacent. They would not think about innovating and developing. They would become lazy and weak. Development would not take place and human race would become stagnant.

This is quite dangerous. Stagnancy can ultimately result in adverse effects and is never good. Change should be the only thing that’ is permanent. Human beings should always move forward. 

Over the centuries, what is a ‘necessity’ for a human being has also changed. In primitive period, human beings had simple necessities, like food, shelter, clothing, etc. This is different now. Including these simple needs, with time, humans have move complex necessities too.

For example, schools. To survive, human beings need knowledge. To spread and share this knowledge, human beings needed a system, a structure. This ultimately resulted in the invention of schools. Another example is the invention of the very organisation of the state itself.

With the growth of population and to survive human beings needed protection. They needed rules, and to protect these rules, they needed an entity. This ultimately resulted in the invention of law and government. 

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Necessity is the Mother of Invention Essay

It has been rightly said that necessity is the mother of inventions, most of the inventions and discoveries owe their successful operation to necessity. Unless there is want we can not struggle to attain our goal.

The need for quick travel resulted in the inventions of fast means of transport, making the world short. At the time of necessity, the human mind, which is creative and imaginative, thinks in a very quick manner.

The proverbial crow’s necessity of water forced it to find out the way to quench its thirst. In political life, it is again the necessity which leads us to think of new forms of governments – whether socialistic or otherwise in the pattern.

As new need arise, fresh methods are devised to meet them. New plans are hatched to find a solution to different problems. What is impossible in the world? Man can achieve anything. He wants to be provided he puts in hard labour and sincere efforts.

Where there is a will there is a way. Constant efforts do bear fruit. Where there is any necessity, there is some invention, Some research, in order to meet necessity. All our inventions and discoveries are the direct result of our pressing needs.

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Necessity is the mother of invention

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Necessity is the mother of invention is a proverb. A proverb   is a short, common saying or phrase that gives advice or shares a universal truth. Often, a proverb is so familiar that a speaker will only quote half of it, relying on the listener to supply the ending of the proverb himself. We will look at the meaning of the phrase necessity is the mother of invention , where it came from and some examples of its use in sentences.

Necessity is the mother of invention means when put in a difficult situation, one is likely to be inspired to create a novel or ingenious solution. Plato is often credited with this phrase, however, the proverb necessity is the mother of invention was well known before the phrase appeared in translations of his works. More likely, the translator was responding to the meaning of Plato’s ideas rather than a literal translation of his words. The oldest known use in English of this phrase is found in the work Vulagria , a book of aphorisms written by William Horman in 1519: “Mater artium necessitas.” The oldest known use of the English form, necessity is the mother of invention , is found in Northern Memoirs, calculated for the meridian of Scotland , originally published by Richard Franck in 1658: “Art imitates Nature, and Necessity is the Mother of Invention.”

Examples Necessity is the mother of invention, and a good Google search can sometimes yield the answers. ( The Wayne Independent ) The adage, necessity is the mother of invention, can aptly be used to describe how city’s small vendors and small-scale traders are swiftly getting accustomed to plastic money and e-wallets. ( The Times of India ) If necessity is the mother of invention then surely being cash starved can give a new dimension to the understanding of money laundering. (The Sangai Express)

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essay necessity is the mother of invention

Necessity is the Mother of Invention | Essay

Necessity is the mother of invention | a short essay, introduction to the proverb.

‘Necessity is the mother of invention’ is a very old proverb. Let us first trace the origin of this proverb. Actually in his book ‘ Republic ’, Plato (the Greek philosopher) wrote;

Our need will be the real creator.

It actually means that humans invent things when they need them. In other words, all the inventions throughout history were made due to necessity.

Justification of the Proverb with Examples

No doubt, all the inventions in the world occurred out of sheer necessity by men. For example, when the human population grew, crimes increased. It became a necessity for humans to control the growing number of crimes to maintain peace and harmony in societies. Ultimately, this led to the new invention of laws and institutions of law enforcement i.e. Police, Courts, etc.

Likewise, with the industrial revolutions, it became necessary to invent some ways with the help of which raw materials could be transported from fields to industries. Similarly, it was a necessity to invent ways to quickly transport finished goods to markets. Ultimately, humans have invented roads and railway systems.

More Examples

Similarly, after the industrial revolution, vehicles were invented to travel to far off places in less time. When it came to crossing the rivers, etc, it was necessary to build bridges for vehicles. Thus, the necessity led to the invention of the bridge.

We can discuss many more examples to justify this proverb. But, it would take much time and space. You can yourself think and enlist multiple examples if need be.

Bottom Line

In short, all the inventions throughout history were actually the result of necessity. Plato was simply very right when he said, “Necessity is the mother of invention”. As did in the past, humans will keep inventing things when they would need them for survival or as luxury.

Also Read: You drown not by falling into a river, but by staying submerged in it.

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Essay on necessity is the mother of invention

Essay on necessity is the mother of invention 3 Models

Essay on necessity is the mother of invention, We have all heard this saying “ Necessity is the mother of invention ” but what does this saying mean?

Below we will provide you with a detailed essay on this saying because of its importance. We will take into account that it suits all educational levels, so that the largest number of students can learn from it. This saying is spread in many countries because it is the reason for the invention of many important things that people use a lot these days.

Essay on necessity is the mother o invention

When a person needs anything, he looks around to find what helps him, but if he does not find what he wants, he begins to think to invent what suits him.

This is the meaning of this saying, that all the inventions around us appeared as a result of necessity. Humans did not start inventing for fun or without compelling reasons. People do not find the idea of ​​a new invention until after they face a certain difficulty in some aspect of their lives.

Human life before modern inventions

When man lived a life of movement and traveled in search of food, he wanted to settle in one place. Because of his desire to settle, he discovered agriculture by observing the cultivation and the way it grows. When he planted plants with his own hands, he found it difficult to grow and pick them, so he gradually invented agricultural equipment.

He invented in the beginning some equipment made of stones and has a hand of wood, and these equipment evolved until they reached what has been invented today.

The ancient man slept in the open and in dark caves, and when he needed light to illuminate the cave and cook food, he used his mind and discovered how to light a fire. Indeed, he managed to light the cave and cook food for the first time.

He did not stop there, but he continued to develop his use of fire until he poured in to invent ovens and stoves, which are found in every home these days. He did not stop there but invented self-ignition and other technologies.

Human life after modern inventions

As for the invention of the car, it began when a person wanted to move from one place to another easily and quickly.

At first humans traveled on foot and then started using pets such as donkeys, horses, and camels. But with time a simple wooden cart was made and pulled by an animal such as a donkey and a horse.

This vehicle has provided humans with a greater amount of carry-on baggage and a greater number of passengers.

But with time, various cars were invented in order for people to travel to farther places and in a better way.

As for electricity, people got bored of lighting their homes with fire and lighting small wicks or candles. Hence the need for a method that is safer and easier to use.

Hence, scientists began the multiple attempts, which eventually resulted in the discovery of electricity and the manufacture of lamps.

The human condition has changed from one condition to another after the invention of the lamp. As cities developed and roads were lit, people spread and lived in various areas.

There are inventions used in wars like all kinds of weapons. The weapon that consisted of a sharp blade and a wooden hand was invented by ancient man. The purpose of this weapon was to defend itself against predators and hunt food.

But over time, people began to fight each other because of greed. With the passage of time, simple quarrels turned into deadly wars in which people kill each other using advanced weapons.

At the end of this interesting topic, we learned about the importance of inventions that transformed human lives. But we have learned that inventions are of two types, some of which are beneficial to humanity and some that are harmful.

That is why we must distinguish between good and bad invention, and we must keep away from everything that destroys the earth and harms others.

We must care and develop all the inventions that benefit humans and help them develop their lives and live in a better condition and health.

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Necessity is the Mother of Invention Essay

“Necessity is the mother of invention”, a well known proverb, implies that when you are left with no other option but to complete a certain task or live through a certain situation you manage to do so by any means.

The proverb, “necessity is the mother of invention” is used commonly as what it states holds true in real life. It implies that when it is really necessary to accomplish a task you actually end up doing it by hook or crook.

Long and Short Essay on Necessity is the Mother of Invention in English

Here are some Necessity is the Mother of Invention essays of varying lengths to give you further insight into the proverb and help you with the topic in your classroom, exam, etc. You can choose any essay on Necessity is the Mother of Invention according to your need:

Necessity is the Mother of Invention Essay – 1 (200 words)

“Necessity is the mother of invention” means that, each of our necessities, whether big or small, push us to make an effort and work hard to fulfil them. All the discoveries and inventions by the humans were made as he felt the necessity to use them. Man’s necessity and desire to make earth a better place is the driving force behind all the inventions.

Necessity is the Mother of Invention – Detailed Explanation

Here is a look at how it works:

  • Necessity forces people to get into action.
  • People try to achieve something wholeheartedly only when it is truly necessary for them.
  • Necessity instils passion for achieving one’s goals. Any work that is done passionately is bound to have positive outcome.

The proverb holds true in the real world. Right from the age of the early man until today we can see several examples that prove this proverb right.

It is true that necessity compels the man to use his power and accomplish the tasks he might have felt impossible at some point in time. This also shows how the human beings are capable of achieving just about anything if they work hard and are determined to attain it. All they require is a push.

Necessity is the Mother of Invention Essay – 2 (300 words)

“Necessity is the mother of invention” implies that when something is essential for the survival, the human mind finds some way or the other to attain it. This means that necessity is the main force behind every new invention and discovery.

Origin of the Proverb – Necessity is the Mother of Invention

This proverb has been in use from centuries. It is said that the original author of this old proverb could not be ascertained and thus it is attributed to the famous Greek philosopher, Plato. The idea behind it had however been in use in many of the Latin and English works much before this proverb came into being.

The Latin version of this proverb, “Mater atrium necessitas”, surfaced in the book titled, Vulgaria by author William Horma back in 1519. A similar saying, “Need taught him wit”, appeared in English in the same year. “Necessitie, the inuentour of all goodnesse”, was another similar phase that came out in Roger Ascham’s work in 1545.

The proverb, “Necessity is the mother of invention” as it is used in the present day appeared in Richard Franck’s work in the year 1658.

Explanation by Example

An apt example of this old proverb would be that of the early man. It was human necessity that led the early man to find food, build shelter and prepare tools to protect him from the wild animals. He accomplished all these tasks without any prior knowledge about the way these were to be done. Had all these things not been necessary for his survival, he would have never tried inventing any of these.

“Necessity is the mother of invention” is true to its word. This shows that no matter how difficult the process is if it is necessary for the man to achieve something he will do it by any means.

Necessity is the Mother of Invention Essay – 3 (500 words)


The meaning of the proverb ‘Necessity is the Mother of Invention’ is not technical; it simply means that requirement or need for a particular thing drives person to create or invent something which satisfies that particular need.

The major and notable inventions have been the result of critical necessities in a human’s life; once the necessity gets satisfied, people achieve a state of happiness; they will live in harmony and thereby making the world a happy and better place to live in. Even though, the original author of this proverb is not known, but this famous quote is in use at most of the places right from the school.

This is a very famous proverb, people have been hearing since years. Necessity means needs and human beings work hard to fulfil their needs. That’s the basic meaning of ‘necessity is the mother of invention’. Since the civilisation started, necessity has kept on driving human beings to invent innovative and useful things. It simply ignites the passion in a person to work for self living or invent new things which are beneficial for self and others. Necessity also motivates people to get into action; human beings struggle hard to achieve something only when they need something. For e.g. for survival, people need money and to earn money, they need to work and ultimately they search (invent) an appropriate job for themselves. When a particular need becomes the necessity for survival, people finds a way to achieve the same.

According to history, in the primitive age human beings had no clothes to guard their body against heat and cold, no home to live in, no food for their appetite, etc. This dire need for protection and survival compelled them to invent fire to prepare food, trees bark to cover their body and leaves, etc to build a hut like home for themselves. Further they kept on improving and inventing new and better things.

The world knows; when Thomas Edison felt the necessity of light, he invented bulb in 1879 and thus the entire world got lit up. There are several other inventions such as transport system, television, radio, mobile phones and many more that not only show the brilliance of the respective owners and inventors, but has also made our lives comfortable and complete.

In the medical world too, necessity has revolutionised the industry and several types of medicines, surgical equipment and methods to operate those have been invented. These inventions not only cure critical diseases but also save people’s life in various cases. Organ transplantation is one such invention which has proven to be a medical boon for many who had been struggling to live.

Technology is been advancing at a fast pace and various types of modern weapons such as nuclear bomb, atom bomb, etc are also types of invention. But these are destructive weapons which may destroy the mankind and entire world ultimately. Thus, it is important an invention is such which doesn’t destroy people and the relationships; instead helps self and others.

Necessity is the Mother of Invention Essay – 4 (600 words)

‘Necessity is the mother of Invention’ is a world famous proverb which a child also knows about. The quotation is not technical; instead it’s very simple and uncomplicated to explain its meaning with certain interpretations which makes the proverb highly impactful.

The proverb ‘Necessity is the mother of invention’ implies that when we are in a dire need of  something and if we cannot be happy or survive without that particular thing, then we find means and ways to satisfy that need which may result into something called invention. If someone is hungry; then in order to satisfy the hunger, food is cooked. So hunger is the necessity and food is the invention. There are several other examples which explain the meaning of this famous proverb. In fact, most of the popular and beneficial things of the world are the result of necessity that made the inventors restless and compelled them to invent the product. Some of such greatest inventions are bulb, radio, television, motor, mobile, aeroplane and many more.

Invention and necessity are co-related and until wants become necessities a person won’t get into action. Anything and everything that we use in our day to day life is the result of need or necessity and human’s desire to fulfil that need. This signifies that even luxury items such as air conditioners, cars, etc have been invented to satisfy specific needs.

Necessity also makes us hard working and ingenuous. If we look at history, especially the primitive age when there was nothing for the mankind to survive; people invented clothes, food, shelter and thus the civilisation started.

Some inventions make our life not only comfortable but also worth living such as electricity. Imagine a life without light; thanks to Thomas Edison, whose desire to remove darkness from his surrounding gave us light and benefitted the entire world.

But some inventions are destructive such guns, bombs, weapons, etc. Even though, these weapons have also been invented out of the necessity for self protection or for protecting the nation; but these are dangerous and there is always a fear to get harmed in some or other ways. It is important that self need doesn’t become the reason of other’s destruction.

Necessity and Inventions are positively inter-related as necessity forces or drives people to action. Human beings, in order to survive need money, which compels them to find a job which will give them salary in the form of money and the money can be further utilised to satisfy all types of need for food, clothing, shelter, etc.

Not only does necessity compels people to invent means of survival but it also drives people to work smarter in order to get promotion and better position in their profession. A desire or will to achieve success in professional life inspire people to do better than others and thus they invent new means and methods to win the competition.

Necessity must be seen as an opportunity to do better and achieve success in life and no destructive inventions should be undertaken to harm others. The proverb has been taught to people since their childhood in positive aspect and the meaning of the proverb must remain so and not in the negative manner.

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Essay on Necessity is the Mother of Invention

“Necessity is the mother of invention” is the English proverb written by an unknown author in 1519. It contains the real fact of human living and experiences through the journey of life. Without need, the invention would not be possible and without invention, life would not be so easy and comfortable as it is in the current time. History of human beings since starting includes unlimited inventions in different forms whether it was the creation of fire or the achievement of walking to the moon. Necessity has always inspired humans to invent something for better living. Without invention, we cannot even imagine our world.

Sample Essay on Necessity is the Mother of Invention for Students

Essay 1 (400 words).


The need for something which does not exist in the world encourages people to find the way and solutions for getting these things and this kind of human effort is called an invention. That’s why someone has introduced this phrase that “necessity is the mother of invention“. From time to time people have invented new inventions as per they needed and created a history of inventions.

It is the 21 st century when technology is so advanced and modified that now we can say that nothing is impossible but at the time of beginning of humankind no one expected that someday people will be able to fly in the sky and can talk to someone face to face situated at distance of thousands of miles using technology of video conference.

Initial Inventions

Initially, people were required to invent basic things that were the most necessities of them like tools of stone, fire, clothes, food, house and most importantly alphabets for expressing something to others. By rubbing two stones they produced fire to get rid of darkness, and this was the first great achievement by a human on land after making of stone tools that were made for their safety and other security purposes.

After producing fire, they started cooking meat on fire as their tasty food. When they felt cold or hot, they were inspired to make the house of wood and grasses. The journey of inventions started which is still not ended and going on. Lack of satisfaction is the major quality of human nature and this led to the feeling of necessity and result comes in the forms of new inventions by a human.

Inventions that are good for human:

Almost every invention has importance and advantages in human life. Apart from inventions about that we have talked above, many inventions have proved to be as milestones, these are:

  • The invention of the telephone for conversation between two people situated at a very far distance.
  • The invention of the printing machine required for printing something on paper by using ink.
  • Inventions of a railway engine, inspired by the formula of steam and used for carrying hundreds of people from one place to another in one time.
  • Inventions of glider, which fulfils the dream of several people, who wanted to fly in the sky.
  • The invention of the rocket that becomes the medium for people to take the first step on other planets.

Inventions that are bad for human:

On one side, most of the inventions are for the betterment of humankind and on the other side, some inventions are too hazardous and dangerous for humankind that they have never expected before inventing like:

  • The invention of chemical acids by which atomic and nuclear bombs are created.
  • Production of drugs and alcohol which affects many people by damaging their body from inside.
  • Inventions of gun, pistol, rifle, and missiles.
  • Inventions lead the increment in the environmental issue of pollution due to day by day increased number of manufacturing factories and industries, and population which is attracted to the developed cities or countries and overcrowding become the reason for unemployment, child labor, poverty, and many other problems.


Necessity has always been the cause of new inventions and encourages people to invent and discover the new innovations or inventions. Without expecting something, we will not do the effort for getting that thing and by creating new inventions we fulfill our needs. Desires of humans never end and thus inventions of new things will also be never ended till the end of this earth.

Essay 2 (600 words)

“Necessity is the mother of invention”, is the English proverb written by the unknown author in 1591. It is used by various people in their books with different wording and different language but having the same meaning that necessity compels people to invent new things.

Origin of inventions:

Since the beginning, people are creating and inventing some creations and inventions for fulfilling the basic requirements of them. When people were afraid of darkness they created to fire when they felt hungry started to cook food on fire, when they felt hot or cold started to make a house for shelter, the idea of agriculture led them to build plow and hoe, etc. To reach somewhere faster from one place to another by the way of land, people brought the idea of using wheels and by the way of water, they invented boats. These were the primary inventions for fulfilling the basic needs of people.

Later on, technological inventions were created which have changed the condition of the entire world completely. The invention of the electric bulb was one of the major creations by human beings which led many more creations in the future like gravitational force, the idea of steam behind the making of railway engine and creation of the telephone was some of the biggest achievements by people. Achievement in the technology of photography was the continuous efforts of various people and later this technology became the source for new inventions like television and cinematography.

The idea of going somewhere by air was a matter of laugh at that time but the famous scientists “The Wright Brothers” made it possible by making glider for flying in the sky. Thus in order to fulfill the needs or expectations, people have invented something new and exciting always and made our life full of convenience and smoothness.

Effects and impacts of inventions:

Though each and every invention were created and invented for the betterment of human life and this proved almost in all cases either in the case of face to face conversation between people, who are sitting at a far distance or to reach somewhere in less time covering the distance of thousands of miles. Thus overall there is a positive effect of inventions on our lives but some inventions led people to become lazy and more expected due to the increased number of appliances and machined that helps us in doing our daily routine works.

In spite of above all, many social issues have been raised due to new inventions and technologies. Each technology contains some bad effects too, if not used in a proper way like:

  • Pollution: Biggest loss of nature in terms of pollution, due to the increased number of factories, industries, fuel operated vehicles, steamed engines, etc.
  • The increased population at a developed place: people get attracted by those places where new technologies and techniques are operated like in Metro cities.
  • Child Labour: Advanced technology and an increased number of working places require more man force and that led people to start their professional careers as labor at a very low age.
  • Chemical attack: Invention of hazardous chemicals led to the invention of atomic bombs like nuclear and hydrogen bombs which can destroy the major part of the world in a few seconds.
  • Increased crime, offense, and violence: Invention of guns, pistol, rifles and other weapons become the reason for increased crime and violence in the whole world.
  • Inventions of drugs, alcohol has affected millions of people especially the youth who sometimes forced to do the dangerous crime.

Invention happens to fulfill the need of people in some manner to make them comfortable and to provide them a kind of security in life. Without necessity, inventions are not possible. The use of inventions should be in the right manner so that it can be beneficial for all and does not affect people negatively.

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Necessity Is the Mother Of Invention

By Pagan Kennedy

  • Nov. 30, 2003

Striding down a hallway at M.I.T., Amy Smith has a bucket in one hand and a length of string in the other. The brain behind such creations as the phase-change incubator, she is on her way to the Charles River to retrieve some dirty water for her next class. As she lopes along, Smith describes the ordeals of testing water in remote villages. Her words spurt out. She's a woman on fast-forward, and she does not so much talk as download information.

We reach the massive front doors of M.I.T.'s main building, and she pushes out into the crisp air and roar of traffic. Without interrupting her disquisition on water-testing, she perches sidesaddle on a banister. Elegantly poised, she slides down the handrail, still talking.

She lands on the sidewalk with a practiced leap. ''You slide faster in the winter,'' she says, ''when you've got a wool coat on.''

If you're an inventor and you ride the banister below the pillared entrance of a university, there's a good chance of coming off as way too cute, like Robin Williams playing an inventor in a Disney movie. But Smith can get away with this kind of flourish. She is, after all, one of the brightest minds in a movement that sets out to prove that the best technology can be cheap and simple. The banister is a perfect example: it requires less energy than the stairs, and it's free.

In a culture that hails mobile phones and plasma-screen televisions as the great innovations of our time, Smith is gloriously out of step. She designs medical devices and labor-saving machines for people who live at the far end of dirt roads in Africa. Her inventions cost anywhere from a few hundred dollars to a few pennies. ''You can't understand how important a grain mill is,'' she says, ''until you've spent three hours pounding grain and gotten a cup and a half of flour.'' It is this kind of understanding -- of tedium, of tired muscles, of hunger pangs -- that Smith brings to her work.

An hour later, in Smith's ''D-lab'' class, students gather around a huge, black-topped slab of a table. It's the first semester of design lab, and these undergrads are learning about the politics of delivering technology to poor nations, how to speak a little Creole and the nitty-gritty of mechanical engineering; during the midsemester break, they will travel to Haiti, Brazil or India. There, they will act as consultants in remote villages, helping locals solve technical problems. Oh, yes, and the students will also test village drinking water for dangerous bacteria.

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  • Essay on the “Necessity is the Mother of Invention” for LAT and USAT


  • September 28, 2022
  • Law Admission Test

This is a famous saying that Necessity is the Mother of Invention. It is quite true because behind every invention there is a dire need. Here you will find an Essay on Necessity is the Mother of Invention for LAT and USAT examinations. We have arranged it in both Urdu and English Languages .

Essay on the “Necessity is the Mother of Invention” (English Version)

Before going deep into this essay let’s first analyze human nature.

Human Nature

It is human nature that until he faces a problem or problem, he does not pay attention to its solution and does not think of a solution. But when a problem comes in front of him, he tries to remove the problem and eventually removes it. That is why it is said that every invention happens when a need arises.

Accommodation arrangement

In the early times, man lived a life of terror. During the day, he used to live hunting and at night he would hide in a mountain cave or a tree hole. He always felt threatened by the beasts. He suffered from the cold of the night and the scorching sun of the day. Wind and rain tormented him separately. Finally, he initially built a grass hut to protect himself from the sun and rain. It was a small invention that developed into magnificent palaces, skyscrapers, and mountain forts.

Means of Transportation

When a man found it difficult to travel to distant places, he adapted donkeys, horses, and camels for riding, but the desire to reach his destination quickly did not diminish, so he invented rail motors and airplanes, and now he Invented such planes whose speed is faster than sound.

Means of Messaging

The need for messaging initially led to the discovery of messengers and then the creation of the Post Office. Today, electric wire, wireless, radio, and television all fulfill this need and we don’t know what will happen in the future. The invention of the clock

In the early times, men had less work and more time. After hunting, he did not know what to do, but when he took up city life and engaged in farming, many cultural institutions came into existence. At this time, the time is less and the work is more, so he needed a clock to divide the time. Finally, invent the clocks that tell the time from the machine.

Pleasure work and Combustion

The lack of hunting and the increase in the population attracted him to farming. The feeling of cold made clothing, hunger, pleasure, work, and combustion first called for food and made it salty. Even invented Pulau Kormah, Farni, and hundreds of such dishes.


The need for entertainment led to the invention of sports like Kabaddi, and Ankh Macholi, even now we fulfill this hobby with football, hockey, and cricket. He pleases his heart with theater and cinema.

Cinema and Filmography

As man becomes civilized, his needs also increase and the system of society becomes complex. One need creates another need. For example, in the beginning, one scientist started showing pictures with H-Lantern (Magic Lantern), others thought it should be animated.

The film was made under this need. Then there was a need to have a camera that could take moving pictures. Then a machine had to be made to move the film at a certain speed. Then there was a need for a building in which to show the film. When a crowd sits in this building, the air becomes poisoned by breathing, so fans were needed to expel the air. Therefore, one need reproduces another need.

Inventions: a continuous process

Invention continues in perfect condition both in peace and war. Measures to cure diseases and end human suffering are thought of, but in a state of war, weapons of war are invented, measures of attack and defense are forgotten and man is bent on destroying his fellow species. The mask of civilization is removed from his face and the terrible form of brutality is visible.

Essay on the “Necessity is the Mother of Invention” (Urdu Version)

ضرورت ایجاد کی ماں ہے

چھُولے   نہ  بندگی  کہیں  دامن خدا  کا

معراج ارتقائے  بشر  دیکھتا  ہوں میں

انسانی فطرت

انسان کی فطرت ہے کہ جب تک اسے کوئی مسئلہ یا دشواری پیش نہ آۓ وہ اس کے حل کی طرف توجہ نہیں دیتا اور نہ ہی اس کے سلجھانے کی تدبیر سوچتا ہے ۔ مگر جب اس کے سامنے کوئی دشواری آتی ہے تو وہ اس تکلیف کو دور کرنے کی کوشش کرتا ہے اور آخرحتیٰ الامکان اسے دور کر لیتا ہے ۔ اس لیے کہا جاتا ہے کہ ہر ایجاد اس وقت ہوتی ہے جب کوئی ضرورت پیش آتی ہے۔

رہائش کا بندوبست

ابتدائی زمانے میں انسان وحشت کی زندگی بسر کرتا تھا۔ دن سیر و شکار میں بسر کرتا اور رات کو کسی پہاڑ کی غار یا درخت کی کھو میں چھپ جاتا۔ اسے ہر وقت درندوں سے خطرہ محسوس ہوتا تھا۔ رات کی سردی اور دن کی چلچلاتی دھوپ سے اسے تکلیف ہوتی تھی۔ آندھی اور بارش اسے الگ ستاتی ۔

آخر کار اس نے شروع شروع میں دھوپ اور بارش سے بچنے کے لیے گھاس پھوس کی جھونپڑی بنالیں۔ یہ ایک چھوٹی سی ایجادتھی جو ترقی کر کے عالی شان محلات فلک بوس عمارات اور کوہ پیکر قلعوں کی شکل اختیار کر گئی۔

ذرائع آمد ورفت

جب انسان کو دور دراز مقامات تک سفر کرنے میں تکلیف ہوئی تو اس نے سواری کے لیے گدھوں ، گھوڑوں اور اونٹوں کو سدھایا مگر منزل پر جلد پہنچنے کی خواہش میں کوئی کمی نہ آئی تو ریل موٹر یں اور ہوائی جہازایجاد کر لیے اور اب اس نے ایسے طیارے ایجاد کر لیے جن کی رفتار آواز سے بھی تیز ہے۔

پیغام رسانی

پیغام رسانی کی ضرورت نے شروع میں قاصد دریافت کیے پھر محکمہ ڈاک وجود میں آیا۔ آج تار برقی، لاسلکی ، ریڈیو اور ٹیلی ویژن سب اسی ضرورت کو پورا کرتے ہیں اور آئندہ نہ جانے کیا کچھ ہو جاۓ گا ۔

گھڑی کی ایجاد

ابتدائی زمانے میں انسان کے پاس کام کم اور وقت زیادہ تھا۔ شکار کے بعد وہ نہ جانتا تھا کہ کیا کرے مگر جب اس نے مدنی زندگی اختیار کی اور کاشت کاری میں مشغول ہوا تو متعدد تمدنی ادارے وجود میں آئے ۔ اس وقت کم اور کام زیادہ ہو گیا ہے تو اسے تقسیم اوقات کے لیے گھڑی کی ضرورت پیش آئی اول دھوپ گھڑی ایجاد ہوئی پھر ریت اور پانی کی گھٹریاں بنا ئیں ۔ آخر کار مشین سے وقت بتانے والی گھٹریاں ایجاد کر لیں ۔

لذت کام و دہن

شکار کی کمی اور مردم شماری کے اضافے نے اسے کاشت کاری کی طرف متوجہ کیا۔ سردی کے احساس نے لباس بنوایا ، بھوک اور لذت کام و دہن نے اول اشیائے خوردنی کو بلوایا اور نمکین بنوایا۔ یہاں تک کہ پلاؤ قورمہ، فرنی اور اس قبیل کے سینکڑوں کھانے ایجاد کیے۔

تفریح کی ضرورت نے اول کبڈی ، آنکھ مچولی جیسے کھیل ایجاد کراۓ یہاں تک کہ اب ہم اس شوق کو فٹ بال، ہاکی اور کرکٹ سے پورا کرتے ہیں ۔ تھیٹر اور سینما سے اپنا دل خوش کر تے ہیں۔

سینما اور فلم بینی

جوں جوں انسان مہذب ہوتا جا تا ہے اس کی ضروریات بھی بڑھتی جاتی ہیں اور معاشرے کا نظام پیچیدہ ہوتا جا تا ہے۔ ایک ضرورت دوسری ضرورت کو پیدا کرتی ہے ۔ مثلا شروع میں ایک سائنسدان نے ایچ لینٹرن ( جادو کی لالٹین) سے تصویر یں دکھانا شروع کیں دوسرے نے سوچا اسے متحرک بنانا چاہیے۔

اس ضرورت کے تحت فلم بنائی گئی ۔ پھر ایسی ضرورت پیدا ہوگئی کہ ایسا کیمرہ ہونا چاہیے جو متحرک تصویر یں لےسکے ۔ پھر ایسی مشین بنانی پڑی جو فلمکو ایک خاص رفتار سے حرکت دے۔ پھر ایسی عمارت کی ضرورت پڑی جس میں فلم دکھائی جائے ۔ اس عمارت میں ایک مجمع بیٹھتا ہے تو سانس سے ہوا مسموم ہو جاتی ہے لہذا ایسے پنکھوں کی ضرورت ہوئی جو ہوا کو با ہر خارج کرے۔ غرض ایک ضرورت دوسری ضرورت کی تولید کرتی ہے۔

ایجادات: ایک مسلسل عمل

ایجاد کامل حالت امن اور جنگ دونوں میں جاری رہتا ہے پہلی صورت میں عیش و آرام اور زندگی کے لیے راحت بخش چیز میں ایجاد ہوتی ہیں ۔ بیماریوں کے علاج اور انسانی مصائب کا خاتمہ کرنے کی تدابیر سوچی جاتی ہیں مگر حالت جنگ میں جنگی آلات ایجاد ہوتے ہیں حملے اور دفاع کی تدابیر سو ہی جاتی ہیں اور انسان اپنے ہم نوع کو تباہ و برباد کرنے پر تل جاتا ہے۔ اس کے چہرے سے تہذیب کی نقاب ہٹ جاتی ہے اور وحشت و بربریت کی خوفناک شکل نظر آنے لگتی ہے۔

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Necessity is the Mother of Invention Essay

Essay on necessity is the mother of invention for students.

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“Necessity is the mother of invention”, a well known proverb, implies that when you are left with no other option but to complete a certain task or live through a certain situation you manage to do so by any means.

The proverb, “necessity is the mother of invention” is used commonly as what it states holds true in real life. It implies that when it is really necessary to accomplish a task you actually end up doing it by hook or crook.

Long and Short Essay on Necessity is the Mother of Invention in English

Here are some Necessity is the Mother of Invention essays of varying lengths to give you further insight into the proverb and help you with the topic in your classroom, exam, etc. You can choose any essay on Necessity is the Mother of Invention according to your need:

Necessity is the Mother of Invention Essay – 1 (200 words)

“Necessity is the mother of invention” means that, each of our necessities, whether big or small, push us to make an effort and work hard to fulfil them. All the discoveries and inventions by the humans were made as he felt the necessity to use them. Man’s necessity and desire to make earth a better place is the driving force behind all the inventions.

Necessity is the Mother of Invention – Detailed Explanation

Here is a look at how it works:

  • Necessity forces people to get into action.
  • People try to achieve something wholeheartedly only when it is truly necessary for them.
  • Necessity instils passion for achieving one’s goals. Any work that is done passionately is bound to have positive outcome.

The proverb holds true in the real world. Right from the age of the early man until today we can see several examples that prove this proverb right.

It is true that necessity compels the man to use his power and accomplish the tasks he might have felt impossible at some point in time. This also shows how the human beings are capable of achieving just about anything if they work hard and are determined to attain it. All they require is a push.

Necessity is the Mother of Invention Essay – 2 (300 words)

“Necessity is the mother of invention” implies that when something is essential for the survival, the human mind finds some way or the other to attain it. This means that necessity is the main force behind every new invention and discovery.

Origin of the Proverb – Necessity is the Mother of Invention

This proverb has been in use from centuries. It is said that the original author of this old proverb could not be ascertained and thus it is attributed to the famous Greek philosopher, Plato. The idea behind it had however been in use in many of the Latin and English works much before this proverb came into being.

The Latin version of this proverb, “Mater atrium necessitas”, surfaced in the book titled, Vulgaria by author William Horma back in 1519. A similar saying, “Need taught him wit”, appeared in English in the same year. “Necessitie, the inuentour of all goodnesse”, was another similar phase that came out in Roger Ascham’s work in 1545.

The proverb, “Necessity is the mother of invention” as it is used in the present day appeared in Richard Franck’s work in the year 1658.

Explanation by Example

An apt example of this old proverb would be that of the early man. It was human necessity that led the early man to find food, build shelter and prepare tools to protect him from the wild animals. He accomplished all these tasks without any prior knowledge about the way these were to be done. Had all these things not been necessary for his survival, he would have never tried inventing any of these.

“Necessity is the mother of invention” is true to its word. This shows that no matter how difficult the process is if it is necessary for the man to achieve something he will do it by any means.

Necessity is the Mother of Invention Essay – 3 (500 words)


The meaning of the proverb ‘Necessity is the Mother of Invention’ is not technical; it simply means that requirement or need for a particular thing drives person to create or invent something which satisfies that particular need.

The major and notable inventions have been the result of critical necessities in a human’s life; once the necessity gets satisfied, people achieve a state of happiness; they will live in harmony and thereby making the world a happy and better place to live in. Even though, the original author of this proverb is not known, but this famous quote is in use at most of the places right from the school.

This is a very famous proverb, people have been hearing since years. Necessity means needs and human beings work hard to fulfil their needs. That’s the basic meaning of ‘necessity is the mother of invention’. Since the civilisation started, necessity has kept on driving human beings to invent innovative and useful things. It simply ignites the passion in a person to work for self living or invent new things which are beneficial for self and others. Necessity also motivates people to get into action; human beings struggle hard to achieve something only when they need something. For e.g. for survival, people need money and to earn money, they need to work and ultimately they search (invent) an appropriate job for themselves. When a particular need becomes the necessity for survival, people finds a way to achieve the same.

According to history, in the primitive age human beings had no clothes to guard their body against heat and cold, no home to live in, no food for their appetite, etc. This dire need for protection and survival compelled them to invent fire to prepare food, trees bark to cover their body and leaves, etc to build a hut like home for themselves. Further they kept on improving and inventing new and better things.

The world knows; when Thomas Edison felt the necessity of light, he invented bulb in 1879 and thus the entire world got lit up. There are several other inventions such as transport system, television, radio, mobile phones and many more that not only show the brilliance of the respective owners and inventors, but has also made our lives comfortable and complete.

In the medical world too, necessity has revolutionised the industry and several types of medicines, surgical equipment and methods to operate those have been invented. These inventions not only cure critical diseases but also save people’s life in various cases. Organ transplantation is one such invention which has proven to be a medical boon for many who had been struggling to live.

Technology is been advancing at a fast pace and various types of modern weapons such as nuclear bomb, atom bomb, etc are also types of invention. But these are destructive weapons which may destroy the mankind and entire world ultimately. Thus, it is important an invention is such which doesn’t destroy people and the relationships; instead helps self and others.

Necessity is the Mother of Invention Essay – 4 (600 words)

‘Necessity is the mother of Invention’ is a world famous proverb which a child also knows about. The quotation is not technical; instead it’s very simple and uncomplicated to explain its meaning with certain interpretations which makes the proverb highly impactful.

The proverb ‘Necessity is the mother of invention’ implies that when we are in a dire need of  something and if we cannot be happy or survive without that particular thing, then we find means and ways to satisfy that need which may result into something called invention. If someone is hungry; then in order to satisfy the hunger, food is cooked. So hunger is the necessity and food is the invention. There are several other examples which explain the meaning of this famous proverb. In fact, most of the popular and beneficial things of the world are the result of necessity that made the inventors restless and compelled them to invent the product. Some of such greatest inventions are bulb, radio, television, motor, mobile, aeroplane and many more.

Invention and necessity are co-related and until wants become necessities a person won’t get into action. Anything and everything that we use in our day to day life is the result of need or necessity and human’s desire to fulfil that need. This signifies that even luxury items such as air conditioners, cars, etc have been invented to satisfy specific needs.

Necessity also makes us hard working and ingenuous. If we look at history, especially the primitive age when there was nothing for the mankind to survive; people invented clothes, food, shelter and thus the civilisation started.

Some inventions make our life not only comfortable but also worth living such as electricity. Imagine a life without light; thanks to Thomas Edison, whose desire to remove darkness from his surrounding gave us light and benefitted the entire world.

But some inventions are destructive such guns, bombs, weapons, etc. Even though, these weapons have also been invented out of the necessity for self protection or for protecting the nation; but these are dangerous and there is always a fear to get harmed in some or other ways. It is important that self need doesn’t become the reason of other’s destruction.

Necessity and Inventions are positively inter-related as necessity forces or drives people to action. Human beings, in order to survive need money, which compels them to find a job which will give them salary in the form of money and the money can be further utilised to satisfy all types of need for food, clothing, shelter, etc.

Not only does necessity compels people to invent means of survival but it also drives people to work smarter in order to get promotion and better position in their profession. A desire or will to achieve success in professional life inspire people to do better than others and thus they invent new means and methods to win the competition.

Necessity must be seen as an opportunity to do better and achieve success in life and no destructive inventions should be undertaken to harm others. The proverb has been taught to people since their childhood in positive aspect and the meaning of the proverb must remain so and not in the negative manner.

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From the Magazine

When necessity is the mother of invention.

Constrained by geography and a lack of fossil fuel resources, the French outpost of Reunion has long been a test bed for European innovation, with solar power and energy storage being no exception, notes Marion Lafuma of Reuniwatt, a cloud and solar energy yield monitoring specialist.

essay necessity is the mother of invention

There has been significant investment in PV on Reunion since the early 2010s.

Photo: Reuniwatt

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    Essay on necessity is the mother of invention - 1 Introduction: The necessity is the mother of invention means difficult situations inspire an ingenious solution. In the French language, it's said as La nécessité est mère DE l'invention. In Hindi, we say, "Aavshyakta hee aavishkaar kee jananee hai." The author of this proverb is ...

  8. Necessity is the Mother of Invention Essay

    Necessity is the Mother of Invention Essay. It has been rightly said that necessity is the mother of inventions, most of the inventions and discoveries owe their successful operation to necessity. Unless there is want we can not struggle to attain our goal. The history of human progress in all walks of life is the history of man's endeavour ...

  9. Necessity is the mother of invention

    The adage, necessity is the mother of invention, can aptly be used to describe how city's small vendors and small-scale traders are swiftly getting accustomed to plastic money and e-wallets. (The Times of India) If necessity is the mother of invention then surely being cash starved can give a new dimension to the understanding of money ...

  10. Necessity is the Mother of Invention

    Bottom Line. In short, all the inventions throughout history were actually the result of necessity. Plato was simply very right when he said, "Necessity is the mother of invention". As did in the past, humans will keep inventing things when they would need them for survival or as luxury.

  11. Necessity is The Mother of Invention: Impact of Visual Technology

    The essay on 'Necessity is the Mother of Invention' explores how human ingenuity and creativity are often sparked by the urgent need to address challenges... read full [Essay Sample] for free ... 'Necessity is the mother of invention' change was inevitable in all the social, economic, and political contexts. Consequently, the first technology ...

  12. Essay on necessity is the mother of invention 3 Models

    Essay on necessity is the mother o invention. When a person needs anything, he looks around to find what helps him, but if he does not find what he wants, he begins to think to invent what suits him. This is the meaning of this saying, that all the inventions around us appeared as a result of necessity. Humans did not start inventing for fun or ...

  13. Necessity is the Mother of Invention Essay

    Necessity is the Mother of Invention Essay - 2 (300 words) "Necessity is the mother of invention" implies that when something is essential for the survival, the human mind finds some way or the other to attain it. This means that necessity is the main force behind every new invention and discovery. Origin of the Proverb - Necessity is ...

  14. Is Necessity The Mother of Invention?

    The Oxford English Dictionary attributes the first printed usage of the proverb ' Necessity is the mother of invention ' to Richard Franck in his tome Northern Memoirs, first published in 1694: "Art imitates nature, and necessity is the mother of invention; science also invites to study and practicks, but theory gives the prospect, and ...

  15. Essay on Necessity is the Mother of Invention

    Essay 2 (600 words) Introduction: "Necessity is the mother of invention", is the English proverb written by the unknown author in 1591. It is used by various people in their books with different wording and different language but having the same meaning that necessity compels people to invent new things. Origin of inventions:

  16. 'Necessity is the Mother of Invention'

    The Latin version, "Mater artium necessitas" meaning "necessity is the mother of invention" appeared in 1519 in a book titled "Vulgaria" authored by William Horma. In the same year, in 1519, a similar phrase "Need taught him wit," appeared in English language as well. Thereafter, another similar phrase "Necessitie, the ...

  17. Necessity Is the Mother Of Invention

    Necessity Is the Mother Of Invention. Share full article. By Pagan Kennedy. Nov. 30, 2003. Striding down a hallway at M.I.T., Amy Smith has a bucket in one hand and a length of string in the other ...

  18. Necessity is the mother of invention

    "Necessity is the mother of invention" (Plato, 427-347BC) and so raised the need of a treadmill. "The treadmill is an exercise device that is designed for walking or running in place. (They are the) most popular piece of exercise equipment these days and (are) very commonly used in both fitness centers and homes.

  19. Essay on the "Necessity is the Mother of Invention" for LAT and USAT

    This is a famous saying that Necessity is the Mother of Invention. It is quite true because behind every invention there is a dire need. Here you will find an Essay on Necessity is the Mother of Invention for LAT and USAT examinations. We have arranged it in both Urdu and English Languages. Table of Contents HIDE.

  20. Justin Robey

    168 likes, 3 comments - robeytech on August 16, 2024: "They say "necessity is the mother of invention," but in this case desperation was the father.".

  21. Necessity Is the Mother of Invention: Escalating Costs ...

    Necessity Is the Mother of Invention: Escalating Costs Accelerate Animal Protein Innovation . 20 March 2023 3:46 RaboResearch. Christine McCracken . Senior Analyst - Animal Protein . The US animal protein sector is facing persistent cost pressure, raising the need for effective risk management strategies and increased efficiency.

  22. Necessity is the Mother of Invention Essay

    Necessity is the Mother of Invention Essay - 4 (600 words) Introduction 'Necessity is the mother of Invention' is a world famous proverb which a child also knows about. The quotation is not technical; instead it's very simple and uncomplicated to explain its meaning with certain interpretations which makes the proverb highly impactful.

  23. When necessity is the mother of invention

    When necessity is the mother of invention. Constrained by geography and a lack of fossil fuel resources, the French outpost of Reunion has long been a test bed for European innovation, ...