How to Start a Property Maintenance Business

If you're a property maintenance expert looking to take the next leap, you might want to start a business of your own. We've put together this detailed guide to walk you through the process from start to finish.

Start a Property Maintenance Business — Checklist Download

Use our free checklist in PDF format as a guide to starting your property maintenance business.

The property maintenance industry is booming. In 2024, the U.S. property management market is worth an estimated $81.52 billion. Forecasts suggest that the industry will grow by 3.94% per year by 2029 to become a $98.88 billion market. Maintenance and repairs account for a substantial proportion of property management services.

Considering the demand for property maintenance services, you may be wondering how to get your own business up and running within the industry. Read through the steps below to discover how to establish a successful property maintenance business.

Property Maintenance Business Plan — Free Template

Use our free template in Microsoft Word format to generate a property maintenance business plan.

How to Start a Property Maintenance Business:

If you're passionate about property maintenance and looking to turn your trade into a profitable business, you may want to branch out as a solopreneur or even a company with employees. Here's how to do just that.

  • Decide whether starting a property maintenance business is for you.

Familiarize yourself with the industry, if needed.

Residential and nonresidential properties need a range of upkeep services to function optimally. These include interior and exterior cleaning, groundskeeping, painting, carpentry, locksmith services, drywall repair, as well as HVAC, electrical, and plumbing work, and much more.

Evaluate your training and experience.

Training requirements depend on the types of services you'll offer and whether you'll conduct these yourself. Cleaning and groundskeeping, for example, do not require the completion of formal training. However, you'll need formal training to render HVAC, electrical, and plumbing services.

Those who lack the requisite educational requirements may need to hold off on starting a property maintenance business until they have received formal preparation. Alternatively, it may be possible to delegate these tasks to suitably qualified individuals.

Consider the risks and challenges.

Property maintenance often requires intense physical labor as well as exposure to potentially harmful environmental conditions . Both of these will render you and/or your employees vulnerable to a host of short-term and sustained bodily injuries, or worse.

In addition, you may need to conduct after-hours work . This is particularly important during the initial stages of establishing a property maintenance business; it gives companies a competitive edge. This may even be necessary if the demand for property maintenance shrinks, as was the case during the recession.

If you're willing to face these challenges, then a property management business could be the right fit for you.

  • Define the scope of your business.

Think about your interests and expertise.

By now, you should have a good sense of what you're qualified to do and where your passions lie. Use these insights to inform the type(s) of services you'll be offering.

Consider whether you'd like to work alone or in a team.

Perhaps you don't have the skills or capacity needed to perform the range of property maintenance services you'd like to conduct. If this is the case, consider whether you'd be opening to hiring one or more employees.

  • Choose a business name.

Consider your offerings.

Foregrounding your services will help convey information about your business, which could attract clients. Start by jotting down all the ideas that spring to mind when you think about your offerings.

Try using synonyms, where possible — particularly if you don't want your business's name to be too on the nose. Online resources such as can help with this.

If you get stuck, use NameSnack to find thousands of property maintenance business name ideas.

Discard ill-fitting names.

Among other things, your business's name should be easy to spell and pronounce, and congruent with your desired brand identity. Go ahead and weed out any ideas that don't fit these criteria.

See what your target market thinks of the remaining names.

Potential clients should be able to give you a sense of which names are informative and, brandable. They'll also be able to indicate which options are easy to spell and pronounce.

Create and share an online poll via social media to reach potential clients.

If you intend to offer residential property maintenance services, you should consider targeting home improvement groups.

Check trademark availability.

Once you have a sense of which name is a crowd favorite, you should check for existing trademarks . If there are none, consider filing a trademark application of your own.

Secure a domain name.

Visit the website of an ICANN-accredited provider such as Namecheap to check if your preferred domain name is available. If it is, proceed to register it.

  • Form your property maintenance business.

Formulate a business plan.

Your business plan should outline the core objectives of your company, as well as measurable steps you will take to achieve these aims. The document will serve as both a roadmap and a tool to hold you accountable to yourself. It could also help you to articulate your ideas to others and to secure financial backing.

Your business plan should contain the following:

  • Executive summary.
  • Company overview.
  • Market analysis.
  • Marketing strategy.
  • Financial summary.
  • Future goals.

We've created a free property maintenance business plan template to help. You'll find it near the start of this page.

Choose a legal structure.

Property maintenance businesses can be structured in various ways. Key options include sole proprietorships, partnerships, corporations, and limited liability corporations (LLCs).

Given the litigious nature of the industry, it may be worth forming an LLC or a corporation. These options ensure limited to no personal liability. Unsurprisingly, many U.S. property maintenance companies have opted for one of these structures.

Obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN).

Some businesses are not required to have an Employer Identification Number (EIN). However, if you decide to operate as a corporation or partnership, or if you intend to hire employees, then an EIN is mandatory.

Having an EIN is a sign of legitimacy in the industry. It often makes it easier to open a business bank account and to secure financing. You'll also be able to use your EIN in lieu of your Social Security number when conducting business, which could prevent identity theft.

Open a business bank account.

A business bank account will allow you to easily distinguish between personal and professional finances. It'll also be a sign of professionalism when dealing with clients and vendors.

For some, a business bank account is more than just a nice-to-have. The IRS requires that all incorporated businesses have a dedicated business bank account.

Purchase insurance.

Property maintenance businesses are susceptible to a range of risks. These include theft, accusations of negligence, and even accidental bodily harm to others. Thus, many business owners purchase general liability insurance, professional liability insurance, and commercial property insurance, at the very least. State regulations may require you to have workers' compensation coverage, even if you aren't an employer.

Obtain your licenses and permits.

Licensing requirements are contingent upon a number of factors. Typically, these include the region in which you intend to work, as well as the types of property maintenance activities that you will conduct.

View our list of the most salient, state-specific licensing information .

You'll notice that many states offer a minor work exemption — the ability to render services without a license if you don't exceed a specified dollar amount. Remember to inquire about this.

Note that the table doesn't account for local requirements. You should check in with your county clerk's office to obtain information about these.

For more detailed licensing information at the state level, be sure to contact your state's department of business regulation.

  • Outline your funding requirements.

Calculate vehicle and related expenses.

Regardless of whether you're a sole proprietor or aiming to employ others, you'll likely need a vehicle to travel between work sites. This might mean using your own vehicle or leasing one, to begin with. Either way, you must be able to cover all associated costs.

Consider location-related costs.

Smaller businesses may be able to use a spare room, garage, or shed to store their supplies. Alternatively, you may wish to lease a warehouse with adequate storage space. While you don't need to sign any agreements just yet, it's important to have an idea of the applicable costs, if any, before attempting to secure funding for your business.

Determine the cost of supplies.

Regardless of which specific property maintenance services you intend to offer, you'll need a range of tools and equipment. We've rounded up some of the common ones for you.

Consider the nature of your work, as well as the guidelines prescribed by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) , when deciding what you'll need.

  • Obtain funding.
  • Ask family and friends.

Having formed your business and outlined your finding requirements, you'll need to get some cash. Consider asking loved ones, who might be personally invested in your success and thus, willing to back you financially. Loans from family and friends often present flexible payment terms as well as little to no interest.

  • Try crowdfunding.

You'll be able to reach many potential investors by harnessing your friends' and family's networks.

Perhaps offer free maintenance services to donors who make sizable contributions to your campaign.

  • Search for angel investors.

In addition to financing, they'll be able to offer you guidance on establishing a successful business within the industry. Though this avenue presents an opportunity for flexible terms, you may need to relinquish some control of your business.

Apply for a loan.

Small Business Administration (SBA) loans are federally-backed lending options that include longer repayment periods, capped interest rates, and smaller down payments. However, they can be difficult to qualify for.

Another option is to apply for a conventional bank loan , which should be processed fairly quickly. Note, however, that the repayment terms tend to be shorter and you'll likely need to provide collateral.

  • Use a business credit card.

Business credit cards are fairly easy to obtain, and many providers offer a 0% annual percentage rate (APR) plus no annual fees during the first year. However, business credit cards can turn out to be costly in the long haul.

  • Select and set up your location.

Find the perfect location.

At this point, you'll have decided whether to establish a base station at home or if you'd prefer to lease a warehouse. If you choose to do the latter, consider enlisting the services of a real estate agent. Ultimately, your chosen space should have ample storage for your equipment and supplies, as well as sufficient parking space (for yourself and your employees, if applicable).

Purchase your equipment and tools.

Having obtained funding, you can go ahead and purchase the supplies you'll need to get started.

You don't have to purchase the most expensive supplies, but be sure to weigh the initial cost of each item against its projected lifespan when deciding what to buy.

Search for bundled deals, particularly for power tools and common supplies (screws, nuts, bolts, etc.).

Be sure to review shipping-related restrictions when shopping online. Items such as hacksaws may not be eligible for delivery.

Clients who require specialized materials may be billed separately for these. However, you should discuss payment-related expectations before commencing each project.

Observe all pertinent storage regulations.

The OSHA has promulgated many regulations that apply to the stowing of certain maintenance and construction-related supplies. These are outlined in 29 CFR Part 1910 and in 29 CFR Part 1926 . Be sure to review them along with local guidelines to ascertain how they may dictate the layout of your space.

Remain guided by safety considerations.

You should always be mindful of safety, even in the absence of industry-specific regulations. For example, even nonhazardous materials should be stored in a manner that prevents toppling, rolling, and the obstruction of spaces where people may walk. If you intend to store your supplies at home, be sure that the garage, shed, or room from which you work remains locked when it isn't in use.

Keep your space well-organized.

Supplies should be stored intuitively from the outset. Consider creating labels and maintaining an updated inventory management system to promote easy access to your gear. Not only will this spare time, but you'll have a good idea of when to replenish your items.

  • Hire staff, if needed.

Determine how many employees you need.

Having thought about the services you'd like to offer, you should have a good idea of how many staff members you'll need, and the functions they ought to perform.

Revisit your business plan if you need a refresher, but don't feel pressured to stay bound to your initial intentions. It's completely normal for these to change over time.

Advertise your vacancies.

You'll want to attract as many suitably qualified candidates as possible to ensure that you find the best fit for each position.

Consider posting your advert(s) on free job boards and across all of your social media platforms.

It could be useful to use an applicant tracking system if you end up receiving a large volume of interest.

Review candidates' resumes.

Once applications have closed, you'll need to review candidates' resumes and other supporting documentation to narrow your pool of applicants.

Many applicant tracking systems include a resume parsing tool that can help you do just this. Go ahead and use it if you're dealing with a large group of candidates.

Remember to ensure that shortlisted candidates comply with the requisite state and local licensing requirements.

Schedule interviews.

Having identified the top candidates, you can go ahead and arrange interview times with each of them.

Appoint the best candidate(s).

Once you've worked through each of the applicants' resumes and met with them, you should have sufficient information to extend job offers.

  • Market your business.

Create and display your logo strategically.

In most instances, your logo will be the first point of contact between your business and prospective clients. Kick-off your marketing process by creating a visually interesting logo that encapsulates the purpose of your business. It should be displayed on all marketing materials including bumper stickers, uniforms, leaflets, etc.

If you need a hand, consider writing down (and possibly even sketching) your initial ideas and then taking these to a professional.

Create some leaflets.

Be sure to note the range of services that you offer, as well as important contact details. You could also include a few before and after photos of your best work.

Distribute your leaflets.

Be sure to focus on the neighborhood in which you'll be working. With permission, you could also leave these at local hardware and furniture stores.

  • Build and maintain an updated website.

At this point, you should create a website that contains detailed information about your offerings. Also include contact information, as well as links to your social media accounts. As work comes in, you'll be able to include a photo gallery of completed projects.

Harness social media.

Both Facebook and Instagram are great platforms for sharing visual content, which you'll want to do. These also offer opportunities for direct engagement with prospective and existing clients.

Remember to include a link to your business's website wherever possible.

Forge strategic partnerships.

Perhaps your neighborhood supermarket or restaurant is in need of maintenance. Consider offering your services in exchange for advertising.

Use local SEO.

Many searches have local intent. That is, searches are often made with the aim of yielding location-specific information. In your case, clients are going to want to know about nearby property maintenance businesses — and you'll want to pop up in their search results.

Start by registering for Google My Business.

Next, create a Yelp Business Page.

Urge clients to post reviews of your work.

Continue to study and implement other techniques.

It might help to enlist the services of an experienced professional.

Take stock of your supplies.

Before you start tackling projects, you'll want to make sure that you've purchased everything you need. Property maintenance software can help you do just this.

If your preferred solution lacks the appropriate features, perhaps opt for dedicated inventory management software. There are free and paid options.

Prepare your schedule.

As maintenance requests roll in, you'll want to keep track of these.

Be sure to do the same for your employees, if applicable.

Try using scheduling software if a standard, online calendar doesn't suffice.

Shop for job-specific supplies.

Highly specific projects might require specialized supplies. Be sure to purchase these in anticipation of upcoming projects once they've been scheduled.

Review directions to worksites ahead of time.

This is something you'll want to do as a matter of course, particularly when you aren't familiar with the area you'll be working in. However, it's especially important when you're starting out and wanting to form a great reputation for your business.

Gather all the pertinent tools before seeing your first clients.

Finally, you'll want to round up all the supplies you'll need for your first week of operations. This should help avoid a last-minute scramble while also ensuring that you don't forget important supplies.

Tips from Property Maintenance Business Owners:



"Part of the time it is listening to what they want and then asking the right questions or repeating it back so everyone is on the same page. Consider taking notes instead of just thinking [that you remember] which picture goes where, which towel bar goes where, etc. If you have to constantly ask the client over and over about things that does not look good.Having just about everything in the trailer is important also."

"Tools are all organized by trades; even though it means I have doubles (and triples) of a lot of things. Life's just a lot easier when you can grab the right toolbag & just go. Discovering that you forgot a tool, once you're there, can cost more than you're making on these little jobs."

"I'm learning that when you develop your business in whatever way, it is a full on steep learning curve until things settle down and then you wonder what all the fuss was about."

State-Specific Licensing Information:


Salient Licensing Information


Need to be licensed for swimming pool projects worth more than $5,000, residential projects worth more than $10,000, as well as commercial and industrial projects worth more than $50,000.


(residential/commercial projects up to $10,000). (commercial work/residential remodel services worth less than 25% of the structure's value). (can do residential work that costs more than 25% of the structure's value). (allows use of up to 3 specified trades).


None for projects worth less than $1,000 unless a permit is required. There are for residential and commercial work, plus dual licenses that allow residential and commercial work.


None for residential projects worth less than $2,000. Home Improvement Specialty License, Residential Remodelers License, Residential Builders License. Restricted (only projects up to $750,000) and Unrestricted (no limit).


None for projects under $500. Otherwise, you will likely need at least one license that falls within the or categories.




Those who intend to make any permanent alterations to residential property must register as Home Improvement Contractors.


No trade license. Need a (for revenue purposes) in order to bid on jobs worth $50,000 or more.


No specific Handyman license, but the scope of work is restricted. Otherwise, licenses typically fall under : (lets you work throughout the state) and (limits holders to a specific jurisdiction). You can pick which type to apply for.


Four types of contractor licenses for projects exceeding $2,500: (selected one-and-two-family residences); (family residences + light commercial buildings/structures); (all general contracting duties; max. $500,000 projects); (all general contracting duties; unlimited dollar amount).


None for jobs under $1,000 that don't require permits. Otherwise, there are two pertinent licensing classifications: and


None. However, those who engage in construction jobs worth $2,000 or more must register with the Idaho Contractors Board.






None. However, construction contractors who earn $2,000 or more per year must be registered with the Iowa Division of Labor.






for most projects worth $75,000 or more. for most projects worth $50,000 or more. those working on home improvement contracts valued between $7,500.01 and $75,000 must register with the Louisiana State Licensing Board for Contractors.




if performing common alterations. No other state-issued licenses for general contract work.


if performing common alterations. Common licenses: (limited to a specified trade); (can supervise construction, etc. on max. two-family units + accessories); (can supervise construction, etc. on any type of building under 35,000 cubic ft.).


Applicable to projects worth $600 or more: (e.g., carpentry, tiling, insulation work), (construction on residential residential + commercial structures).


For those with an annual income of $15,000 or more: (can work on existing structures); (can work on existing structures + build new ones).


License not needed for smaller projects. Noteworthy licenses: (required for jobs over $10,000) and (required for projects over $50,000, although rules differ when work is related to fire protection systems).




None, but construction contractors who have employees have to register with the Department of Labor and Industry.




Can conduct many projects worth $1,000 or less without a license. Two pertinent licensing classifications: (includes 36 options) and (for remodeling and construction that requires the use of 2+ unrelated building trades).

New Hampshire


New Jersey

You'll need a if you offer clients financing. All Home Repair Contractors must register with the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs.

New Mexico

Classifications include, inter alia, and There are many more. Submit a for further information.

New York


North Carolina

Generally, you'll only need to obtain a license to work on projects worth more than $30,000. Pertinent classifications: (designated trades/activities); (residential construction and demolition work + other selected activities); (can perform construction and demolition work).

North Dakota

Generally, you only need a license for projects that cost more than $4,000. (max. $100,000 per job); (max. $300,000 per job); (max. $500,000 per job); (over $500,000 per job).






You'll need a contractor license for . There are


None, but Home Improvement Contractors who earn between $5,000 and $50,000,000 per year must register with the Office of Attorney General.

Rhode Island

None, but you must register with the Contractors’ Registration and Licensing Board if you perform home improvement projects valued at over $500 each.

South Carolina

You'll need a license to conduct residential projects worth over $200 and commercial projects worth over $5,000. Pertinent categories: (residential work that necessitates the use of specialized trades or crafts); (residential projects between $200 and $5,000); (selected residential, commercial, and industrial work); (selected residential, commercial, and industrial work).

South Dakota



You'll need a for projects worth $25,000 or more. . All licenses are assigned a .




No license needed for projects up to $3,000. License classifications: (residential and commercial work of a limited scope); (any type of structure); (industrial settings).




You'll need a license for projects worth over $1,000. Three license classifications: (no maximum dollar amount); (max. $120,000 per project; max. total of $750,000 per year); (max. $10,000 per project; max. total of $150,000 per year). You'll need to choose your specialty for each.


None, but you must register with the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries.

West Virginia

No license needed for projects that cost $2,500 or less (must count work by others). Otherwise, you'll likely need a . .


No universal General Contractor's license. You may need .



Note that those who hold a particular license in one state may be eligible for the equivalent license in another state without having to pass an examination. This is called licensure by reciprocity. Be sure to inquire about existing reciprocity agreements if you hold a license that was not awarded by the state in which you intend to work.

As highlighted, the aforementioned table does not present an exhaustive account of state-level licensing requirements. Moreover, it does not account for local regulations. To learn more about all the applicable licensing and permitting requirements, be sure to contact your state's department of business regulation, as well as your county clerk's office. For peace of mind, you may even want to consult an attorney.

Common Supplies for Property Maintenance:


Price Range



Carpenter pencils

$0.51-$5.43 ea.

Black permanent markers

$1.84-$5.16 (2 pk.)





Work light


Spirit level


Heavy-duty scissors


Heavy-duty scraper set


Hex key set


Screwdriver set (incl. Torx and flat head screwdrivers)


Wrench set


Ratchet and socket set


Multipurpose plier set


Utility knife


Rip hammer


Corded drill


Cordless drill


Hacksaw (10+ in.)


Circular saw


Reciprocating saw


Detail sander




50 ft. extension cord


Power strip


3-step folding step stool


8 ft. step ladder


GPS navigation device


Property Maintenance Logos

What is a property maintenance company?

Property maintenance companies work to preserve and improve the condition of residential and/or nonresidential premises, including buildings and the grounds on which they are situated. Some companies cover all aspects of property maintenance , while others specialize in one or more services.

How do I start my own property maintenance business?

  • Get ready to open.

What does property maintenance include?

  • Interior and exterior cleaning.
  • Groundskeeping.
  • Locksmith services.
  • Drywall repair.
  • Window replacement.
  • Roof repair.
  • Concrete patching.
  • Pest control.
  • HVAC services.
  • Electrical work.
  • Plumbing activities.

How much does it cost to start a property maintenance business?

Startup costs depend on factors like equipment and licensing needs, as well as business formation, banking, and insurance requirements. Some suggest that handymen can start a one-person business for $1,000 or less. However, many will likely pay between $2,000 and $4,000. Those who lease commercial premises and vehicles, and who hire staff, need significantly more funding; likely $15,000 or more.

How much do property maintenance companies make per year?

It depends on the type of business. Self-employed handymen, for example, tend to earn between $16.34 and $58.72 per hour , which roughly equates to between $34,00 and $123,00 per year. Businesses that offer more specialized services, and those who hire employees, likely have a much greater earning potential.

How can I fund my property maintenance business?

  • Apply for an SBA loan.
  • Apply for a conventional bank loan.

How can I market my property maintenance business?

  • Design a logo and display it prominently on promotional materials.
  • Create and disseminate leaflets.
  • Harness social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram.
  • Offer your services to established companies in exchange for free advertising.
  • Register for Google My Business and Yelp.
  • Ask clients to post reviews of your services once you get started.

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Property Maintenance and Renovation Business Plan [Sample Template]

By: Author Tony Martins Ajaero

Home » Business Plans » Real Estate Sector

Are you about starting a property maintenance & renovation business? If YES, here’s a complete sample property maintenance & renovation business plan template & feasibility report you can use for FREE to raise money. Okay, so we have considered all the requirements for starting a property maintenance & renovation business.

We also took it further by analyzing and drafting a sample property maintenance & renovation marketing plan template backed up by actionable guerrilla marketing ideas for property maintenance & renovation businesses. So let’s proceed to the business planning section.

Why Start a Property Maintenance & Renovation Business?

As a property manager, your core business responsibility is to maintain and renovate building facilities and to liaise with landlords, tenants and in some cases various contractors. For you to effectively conduct your business, you are expected to have a full grasp of the law when it comes to landlord and tenant relationships.

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As a property manager, it is your responsibility to create efficient and effective protocols that will make you relate well with your clients (landlords, tenants and contractors).

For example, you are going to be responsible for the full and proper screening or testing of an applicant’s credit, criminal history, rental history and ability to pay his or her rent when due. If you can get that aspect of your job/business right, you will surely enjoy your business.

Interestingly, the minimum educational requirement for anyone that wants to start his or her own property management cum property maintenance and renovation business is a High School Diploma and hands on the job experience.

It is one of the many businesses that an individual can start with from his or her home and basically with just a business card. Since property management business is all about managing property/properties on behalf of your clients, then you may not need a huge financial base to be able to launch the business except you just want to start pretty big.

The truth is that it is one thing to have a fantastic idea cum business plan, it is entirely another thing for the business plan to translate to money (profits) that is why it is important to assemble a team of experts to work with if you want to be successful with your property maintenance and renovation company.

You can hardly run this type of business alone especially if you want to operate a standard property maintenance and renovation business as against running a one man show.

Below is a sample property maintenance and renovation company business plan template that will help you successfully launch your own business;

A Sample Property Maintenance and Renovation Company Business Plan Template

1. industry overview.

Property maintenance and renovation or better still property management business which is a subset of the real estate industry is perhaps one of the easiest and affordable real estate businesses to start; it is basically about lease contracting or accepting rent using legal documents approved for the area in which the property is located.

In a nutshell, property management companies are responsible for taking care of and managing buildings and other real estate properties for individuals (landlords) or for groups of owners.

In the united states, states such as Texas, New York and Colorado make it mandatory for property management companies to be licensed real estate brokers if they are going to be involved in collecting rent, listing properties for rent or helping negotiate leases and doing inspections as required by their business.

Although a property manager may be a licensed real estate salesperson but generally they must be working under a licensed real estate broker. A few states such as Idaho, Maine and Vermont do not require property managers to have real estate licenses.

Other states such as Montana, Oregon and South Carolina, allow property managers to work under a property management license rather than a broker’s license. Washington State requires property managers to have a State Real Estate License if they do not own the property.

Landlords who manage their own property are not required by the law to have a real estate license in many states; however, they must at least have a business license to rent out their own home. It is only landlords who do not live close to the rental property that may be required by local government to hire the services of a property maintenance and renovation company.

As a property manager, your core business responsibility is to liaise with landlords, tenants and in some cases various contractors; and for you to effectively conduct your business, you are expected to have a full grasp of the law when it comes to landlord and tenant relationship.

Property maintenance and renovation companies are also involved in mitigation and remediation regarding any maintenance issues, generally within a budget, with prior or conveyed consent via a Limited Power of Attorney legally agreed to by the property owner.

In fact, there are numerous aspects of the profession and some of them include helping clients in managing the accounts and finances of the real estate properties and participating in or initiating litigation with tenants, contractors and insurance agencies.

No doubt, if an aspiring entrepreneur who intends starting his or her own property maintenance and renovation business has the right connections, networks, managerial skills, and takes delight in managing real estate for clients, then he or she is going to find the property maintenance and renovation business very rewarding and lucrative.

2. Executive Summary

Crystal Property Maintenance & Renovation Company is a licensed property management company that will be based in Palm Beach – Florida but will operate in all states in the United States of America.

We are in the business of property maintenance and renovation to be able to help our clients meet their needs and achieve their goals with little or no stress on their part because our role is to take the stress off them and deliver to them what they want.

We have been able to build a robust list of landlords and property owners in the whole of the United States and we look forward to helping a larger percentage of them manage their properties in any part of the United States of America.

Crystal Property Maintenance & Renovation Company will ensure that every property that is kept within our care are properly managed in terms of maintenance and renovation because we are in business to deliver excellent services to both landlords and tenants.

We have been able to acquire all the relevant training and certifications in the field of property maintenance and renovation (management) so as to enable us perform excellently.

Crystal Property Maintenance & Renovation Company will strive to minimize the risk of litigation and damage to rental units and also, we have perfected strategies to maximize profit by simply slashing vacancy rates, repair and maintenance costs of all properties under our care.

Much more than renting our properties out to tenants, we intend to build a loyal customer base and part of the plans that we have put in place to achieve this is to offer incentives to law abiding tenants under our care. Part of what we intend doing is to offer lower rent for tenants who agree to enter long term lease agreements with us and also to create a system where points will be awarded to loyal tenants.

As a property maintenance and renovation company, we are going to abide by the Fair Housing Act, which means not singling out one particular demographic group when sourcing for tenants for our properties. We will leverage on all available means to advertise our vacant properties and will not restrict our properties to any group of tenants but to anyone who is qualified and can afford the rent.

Crystal Property Maintenance & Renovation Company will be owned majorly the Mr. Pearson Wilberforce and his immediate family members. Pearson Wilberforce is a property guru that has worked with top Real Estate Companies in the United States of America for many years prior to starting his own business. He has a degree in estate management from University of Florida.

3. Our Products and Services

Crystal Property Maintenance & Renovation Company is set to run a standard and profitable property maintenance and renovation business within the scope of the real estate industry in the United States of America. Our intention of starting a property maintenance and renovation business is to make profit from the industry and we will do all that is permitted by the law in the United States of America to achieve our aim and ambition.

Our business offerings are listed below;

  • Collecting rent
  • Managing facilities, maintenance and renovation services
  • Managing security
  • Managing trash and recycling collection
  • Property accounting
  • Legally representing property owners
  • Finding and screening tenancy applicants
  • Coordinating repair contractors
  • Residential property management
  • Nonresidential property management
  • Land management
  • Real estate brokerage
  • Construction
  • Property Management Consultancy and Advisory Services

4. Our Mission and Vision Statement

  • Our Vision is to become the preferred choice for landlords and tenants when it comes to property rentals, property maintenance and renovation in the whole of the United States of America.
  • We are a company that is established with the aim of helping tenants (people and businesses) get the properties of their choice and to help property owners (landlords and group owners of properties et al) effectively manage (maintain and renovate) and maximize their properties in the United States of America.

Our Business Structure

Our company’s structure is not entirely different from what is obtainable in the real estate industry, as a matter of priority, we have decided to create a structure that will allow for easy growth for all our employees and also, we have created platforms that will enable us attract some of the best hands in the industry.

We will ensure that we hire people that are qualified, honest, customer centric and are ready to work to help us build a prosperous business that will benefit all the stakeholders (the owners, workforce and customers). As a matter of fact, profit-sharing arrangement will be made available to all our senior management staff and it will be based on their performance for a period of ten years or more.

Crystal Property Maintenance & Renovation Company is fully aware of the modus operandi in the real estate industry, hence adequate provision and competitive packages has been prepared for independent sales agents and contractors. Our marketing department will be responsible for managing this aspect of our business structure.

In view of that, we have decided to hire qualified and competent hands to occupy the following positions;

  • Chief Executive Officer

Project Manager

  • Company’s Lawyer/Secretary

Admin and HR Manager

  • Head of Construction and Renovation
  • Head of Assets Management
  • Head of Acquisition and Disposition
  • Business Developer/Sales and Marketing
  • Front Desk Officer

5. Job Roles and Responsibilities

Chief Executive Officer – CEO (President):

  • Increases management’s effectiveness by recruiting, selecting, orienting, training, coaching, counseling and disciplining managers; communicating values, strategies and objectives; assigning accountabilities; planning, monitoring and appraising job results; developing incentives; developing a climate for offering information and opinions; providing educational opportunities
  • Creating, communicating and implementing the organization’s vision, mission and overall direction – i.e. leading the development and implementation of the overall organization’s strategy
  • Responsible for fixing prices and signing business deals
  • Responsible for providing direction for the business
  • Responsible for signing checks and documents on behalf of the company
  • Evaluates the success of the organization
  • Reports to the board
  • Responsible for the planning, management and coordinating all projects on behalf of the company
  • Supervise projects
  • Ensures compliance during project executions
  • Providing advice on the management of projects
  • Responsible for carrying out risk assessment
  • Using IT systems and software to keep track of people and progress of ongoing projects
  • Responsible for overseeing the accounting, costing and billing of every project
  • Represent the organization’s interest at various stakeholders’ meetings
  • Ensures that project desired result is achieved, the most efficient resources are utilized and different interests involved are satisfied

Company’s Lawyer/Secretary/Legal Counsel

  • Responsible for drawing up contracts and other legal documents for the company
  • Consult and handle all corporate legal processes (e.g. intellectual property, mergers & acquisitions, financial/securities offerings, compliance issues, transactions, agreements, lawsuits and patents et al)
  • Develop company policy and position on legal issues
  • Research, anticipate and guard company against legal risks
  • Represent company in legal proceedings (administrative boards, court trials et al)
  • Play a part in business deals negotiation and take minutes of meetings
  • Responsible for analyzing legal documents on behalf of the company
  • Prepares annual reports for the company
  • Responsible for overseeing the smooth running of HR and administrative tasks for the organization
  • Maintains office supplies by checking stocks; placing and expediting orders; evaluating new products
  • Ensures operation of equipment by completing preventive maintenance requirements; calling for repairs.
  • Updates job knowledge by participating in educational opportunities; reading professional publications; maintaining personal networks; participating in professional organizations
  • Enhances department and organization reputation by accepting ownership for accomplishing new and different requests; exploring opportunities to add value to job accomplishments
  • Defining job positions for recruitment and managing interviewing process
  • Carrying out staff induction for new team members
  • Responsible for training, evaluation and assessment of employees
  • Responsible for arranging travel, meetings and appointments
  • Oversees the smooth running of the daily office activities

Head, Acquisitions and Dispositions

  • Manages overall acquisitions and dispositions
  • Identifies and analyzes acquisition opportunities; negotiates acquisitions
  • Responsible for identifying opportunities to acquire properties, possibly within a designated geographic region
  • Assists in the sourcing and acquisition of property for development; conducts market research; contacts brokers and owners about property acquisition opportunities; assists in negotiations with sellers and other parties.
  • Identifies and analyzes disposition opportunities; negotiates dispositions
  • Responsible for identifying opportunities to dispose of properties, possibly within a designated geographic region.
  • Assists in the disposition of property; conducts market research to determine the value of properties; contacts brokers and potential buyers; assists in structuring sales transactions and negotiations with buyers

Head of Asset Management

  • Oversees the company’s portfolio of real estate assets (which are owned and managed) through acquisitions, dispositions, and day‐to‐day operations, including management of revenue and expense items; works to maximize the portfolio’s performance
  • Provides strategic oversight of existing and potential real estate assets within a designated geographic area
  • Manages business plans and budgets for properties
  • Reviews the condition and maintenance of assigned properties; manages their bookkeeping and cash flow accounting; handles rent reconciliation; prepares property financial reports and annual budget forecasts

Head of Renovations/Construction

  • Establishes and enforces company’s engineering and construction standards
  • Ensures that construction work meets or exceeds standards within a designated geographic area
  • Enforces and construction standards; ensures that construction work meets or exceeds standards within cost estimates; monitors quality of work in progress; supervises regional construction heads
  • Ensures that construction work in a particular product line, such as office building, meets or exceeds standards within cost estimates; provides technical input on the feasibility of proposed projects; monitors quality of construction work
  • Provides overall direction on assigned construction projects; reviews and makes recommendations on planning and design of projects; negotiates contracts or participates in contract negotiations; monitors day‐to‐day progress and activities on project construction sites.

Business Developer

  • Identify, prioritize and reach out to new partners and business opportunities
  • Identifies development opportunities; follows up on development leads and contacts; participates in the structuring and financing of projects; assures the completion of development projects
  • Responsible for supervising implementation, advocate for the customer’s needs and communicates with clients
  • Finds and qualifies land for development based on company’s land requirements; maintains a land search database; initiates discussions with property owners about the possible sale of property
  • Develop, execute and evaluate new plans for expanding increase sales
  • Document all customer contact and information
  • Represent the company in strategic meetings
  • Help increase sales and growth for the company

Sales and Marketing Officer

  • Lists the property for rent/lease to the public
  • Markets space; finds tenants; participates in lease negotiations
  • Provides property owners with a real property condition disclosure (if required by law) and other necessary forms
  • Prepares necessary papers describing the property for advertising, pamphlets, open houses, etc.
  • Holds an open house to show the property.
  • Serves as a contact available to answer any questions about the property and schedule showing appointments
  • Ensures that tenants are pre-screened and financially qualified to rent/lease the property
  • Negotiates price on behalf of the property owners (Our Clients)
  • Acts as a fiduciary for the landlord, which may include preparing a standard real estate rental contract
  • Lease contracting or accepting rent using legal documents approved for the area in which the property is located
  • Responsible for the full and proper screening or testing of an applicant’s credit, criminal history, rental history and ability to pay his or her rent when due
  • Responsible for preparing financial reports, budgets and financial statements for the organization
  • Provides managers with financial analyses, development budgets and accounting reports; analyzes financial feasibility for the most complex proposed projects; conducts market research to forecast trends and business conditions
  • Responsible for financial forecasting and risks analysis
  • Performs cash management, general ledger accounting and financial reporting for one or more properties
  • Responsible for developing and managing financial systems and policies
  • Responsible for administering payrolls
  • Ensuring compliance with taxation legislation
  • Handles all financial transactions for the company
  • Serves as internal auditor for the company

Front Desk/Customer’s Service Officer

  • Receives Visitors/clients on behalf of the organization
  • Receives parcels/documents for the company
  • Handles enquiries via e-mail and phone calls for the organization
  • Distributes mails in the organization
  • Ensures that all contacts with clients (e-mail, walk-In center, SMS or phone) provides the client with a personalized customer service experience of the highest level
  • Through interaction with clients on the phone, uses every opportunity to build client’s interest in the company’s products and services
  • Manages administrative duties assigned by the line manager in an effective and timely manner
  • Consistently stays abreast of any new information on the company’s properties that are put up for sale, promotional campaigns etc. to ensure accurate and helpful information is supplied to clients when they make enquiries
  • Handles any other duties as assigned by the line manager

6. SWOT Analysis

The fact that property maintenance and renovation business is a very rewarding business does not mean that there are no challenges in the industry. Starting a property maintenance and renovation business in the United States of America comes with its own challenges, you would have to abide by the law and also compete with loads of other entrepreneurs in the real estate business value chain who also are interested in making a living and building a business in the United States.

In order to compete favorably in the real estate industry as a property maintenance and renovation company, we have been able to hire the services of tested and trusted business and HR consultants to help conduct critical SWOT analysis for us.

We intend maximizing our strengths, explore all opportunities we will come across, properly manage our weakness and confront our threats. Here is a summary from the result of the SWOT analysis that was conducted on behalf of Crystal Property Maintenance & Renovation Company;

Some of our strengths that we will be bringing to the table in the real estate industry is our robust relations with properties investment moguls in the whole of the United States of America. Our access to funding and also, we have a team of experts who have cut their teeth in the industry. Our commission structure and relationship with freelance real estate agents in Palm Beach – Florida and other state in the US will also count in our advantage.

As a newbie in the property maintenance and renovation (property management industry)/real estate industry, we might have some challenges competing with big time property management companies and other property maintenance and renovation companies that have been in the industry for many years; that perhaps is part of our weakness.

  • Opportunities:

The opportunities in the real estate industry especially as a property maintenance and renovation company in the United States of America is massive and we are ready to take advantage of any opportunity that comes our way.

Some of the threats that we are likely to face as a property maintenance and renovation company are unfavorable government policies and global economic downturn; global economic downturn usually affect spending power and the real estate industry is known to encounter decline in sales and profits during this period. There is hardly anything we could do as regards these threats other than to be optimistic that things will continue to work for our good.


  • Market Trends

The market trends as it involves the property management (maintenance and renovation) business is indeed dynamic and at the same time pretty much easier for a newbie to come in and still make money from the industry. All that is needed for any property management company to do well in the industry is to have good managerial skills and healthy relationship with landlords (property owners).

Some of the factors that count positively in this line of business are trust, honesty and relationship management and any property maintenance and renovation company that has this will indeed do pretty well in the industry. Landlords and property owners ensure that they put their properties under the care of someone they can trust.

One thing is certain for every property maintenance and renovation company; if they are hardworking, creative and proactive, they will always generate enough income to meet all their overhead and operational cost, keep their business going without struggle and make reasonable profits from all business deals that they are involved in.

8. Our Target Market

Our target market as a property maintenance and renovation company cuts across people of different class and people from all walks of life. We are coming into the industry with a business concept that will enable us work with highly-placed people in the country and at the same with lowly placed people who are only interested in putting a roof under their head at an affordable fee that won’t be so much of a stress to raise.

Although finding tenants is relatively easy, but the truth is that finding qualified and law abiding tenants can be somewhat challenging. It is important to note that the target market for those who are into property maintenance and renovation business goes beyond those who make use of the internet (Craigslist to search for properties; some of them only rely on the print media (local daily or weekly newspaper both in English and in Spanish for the Spanish community in the US), some on word of mouth adverts and others on street to street search. The bottom line is that the market trend for property maintenance and renovation business is indeed a dynamic one.

In other words, our target market is the whole of the United States of America, and below is a list of the people and organizations that we have plans to do business with;

  • Families who are interested in renting/leasing or acquiring a property
  • Corporate organizations who are interested in renting/leasing or acquiring their own property/properties
  • Land owners and landlords who are interested in renting/leasing out their properties
  • Corporate organizations (real estate agencies, property development companies et al) who are interested in renting/leasing out their properties
  • Foreign investors who are interested in owning properties or leasing properties in the United States of America
  • Managers of public facilities

Our competitive advantage

Crystal Property Maintenance & Renovation Company might be a new entrant into the real estate industry in the United States of America, but the management staff and board members are considered gurus. They are people who are core professionals and licensed property managers in the United States property market. These are part of what will count as a competitive advantage for us.

Another competitive advantage that we are bringing to the industry is the commission model (our commission structure). We know that freelance (licensed) brokers and contractors would work for the highest bidder which is why we designed a commission structure that will be a win – win for all parties involved in any deal undertaken by us.

Lastly, our employees will be well taken care of and their welfare package will be among the best within our category (startup property maintenance and renovation companies) in the industry meaning that they will be more than willing to build the business with us and help deliver our set goals and achieve all our aims and objectives. We will also give good working conditions and commissions to freelance sales agents that we will recruit from time to time.


  • Sources of Income

Crystal Property Maintenance & Renovation Company is established with the aim of maximizing profits in the real estate industry via managing houses / properties, renovating and maintenance.  Although we are a property maintenance and renovation company but part of our workforce are also licensed real estate agents hence we intend generating additional income from diverse means in the real estate agency.

We have successfully built a vibrant real estate network that covers the whole of the United States of America so as to help us build a profitable business. Below are the sources we intend exploring to generate income for Crystal Property Maintenance & Renovation Company;

  • Managing facilities maintenance and renovation services

10. Sales Forecast

The fact that the property market is indeed a booming market means that investors are always going to be attracted to the industry. No doubt it is difficult to see multi-millionaires who don’t have interest in investing in properties; real estate investment is one business portfolio that is common to all multi – millionaires in the world.

In essence, the more people acquire properties, the higher the chances that property management companies will secure business deals. Also, as long as tenants are always in search of accommodation, there will always be business for property management companies.

We have perfected our sales and marketing strategies and we are quite optimistic that we will meet or even surpass our set target of generating enough income/profits from the first month of operation and grow the business beyond Palm Beach – Florida to other states in the United States of America within record time.

We have been able to critically examine the real estate market and we have analyzed our chances in the industry and we have been able to come up with the following sales forecast. The sales projections are based on information gathered on the field and some workable assumptions as well;

  • Rent/lease a minimum of 30 housing units to clients (flats, duplexes, studio apartments et al) within the first 6 months of operation
  • Rent/lease a minimum of 20 office facilities to clients within the first 6 months of operation
  • Manage a minimum of 20 properties for clients within the first 6 months of operation
  • Sell a minimum of 20 hectares of land within the first 12 months of operation
  • Provide advisory and consultancy services for a minimum of 10 clients per month
  • Handle a minimum of 20 building makeover projects within the first 12 months of operation

N.B:  Please note that we could not put a specific amount to the projection because the prices and commissions vary for different properties and for different clients. Part of our business strategy is to work within the budget of our clients to deliver quality property/properties hence it will be difficult to project what we are likely going to make from such deals.

But the bottom line is that we are definitely going to make reasonable profit from any business deal that we execute since we work based on commissions. The property management market is structured in such a way that property managers will always make profit from any deal they handle as long as they conduct due diligence before signing the deal.

  • Marketing Strategy and Sales Strategy

We are mindful of the fact that there is stiff competition in the real estate market in the United States of America; hence we have been able to hire some of the best business developers to handle our sales and marketing.

Our sales and marketing team will be recruited based on their vast experience in the industry and they will be trained on a regular basis so as to be well equipped to meet their targets and the overall goal of the organization. The training is not restricted to only our full – time employees but also all our freelance brokers that are scattered all over the United States of America.

Our goal is to become one of the top 5 leading property maintenance and renovation company in the United States of America which is why we have mapped out strategies that will help us take advantage of the available market and grow to become a major force to reckon with in the industry.

Crystal Property Maintenance & Renovation Company is set to make use of the following marketing and sales strategies;

  • Introduce our business by sending introductory letters alongside our brochure to stakeholders in the real estate industry and also property owners and potential clients through the United States of America
  • Promptness in bidding for acquiring homes/properties that are put up for sale
  • Advertise our business in real estate magazines and websites
  • List our business on yellow pages (local directories)
  • Attend real estate related expos, seminars and business fairs
  • Create different packages for different categories of clients in order to successfully sell our homes/properties to them
  • Leverage on the internet (social media platforms) and our official website to promote our business
  • Places highly visible “For Sale” sign on any property that we put up for sale
  • Encourage word of mouth marketing especially when we have a home for sale

11. Publicity and Advertising Strategy

We have been able to work with our consultants to help us map out publicity and advertising strategies that will help us work our way into the hearts of our target market. We are set to take the real estate industry by storm which is why we have made provisions for effective publicity and advertisement of our company.

Below are the platforms we intend to leverage on to promote and advertise our property maintenance and renovation business;

  • Place adverts on both print and electronic media platforms
  • Place our flexi banners with our company’s logo and contacts in every property we put up for lease or rent or sale
  • Sponsor relevant TV shows so as to communicate our brand and what we do
  • Maximize our company’s website to promote our business
  • Leverage on the internet and social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook ,Twitter, LinkedIn,  Badoo, Google+  and other platforms (real estate online forums) to promote our business and list our properties for sale and for lease
  • Install our billboards in strategic locations
  • Distribute our fliers and handbills in targeted areas from time to time
  • Attend landlord and residence association meetings with the aim of networking and introducing our business
  • Ensure that all our workers wear our branded shirts and all our vehicles are well branded with our company’s logo et al.

12. Our Pricing Strategy

Part of our business strategy is to ensure that we work within the budget of our clients to deliver excellent properties to them. The real estate industry is based on commissions and properties are valued by professionals based on the area the facility is located, the type of facility and other factors.

Since we are not directly in control of the pricing system in the real estate industry, we can only abide by what is obtainable when it comes to pricing structure. Part of what we intend doing that will help us cut cost is to reduce to the barest minimum all maintenance cost by renting/leasing any property under our care to responsible tenants who won’t cause damage to our facility.

  • Payment Options

At Crystal Property Maintenance & Renovation Company our payment policy is all inclusive because we are quite aware that different people prefer different payment options as it suits them, but at the same time we will not accept payment by cash because of the volume of cash that will be involved in most of our transactions. Real estate deals usually involve huge amounts of money.

Here are the payment options that we will make available to our clients;

  • Payment via bank transfer
  • Payment via credit cards/Point of Sale Machines (POS Machines)
  • Payment via online bank transfer
  • Payment via check
  • Payment via mobile money transfer
  • Payment via bank draft

In view of the above, we have chosen banking platforms that will help us achieve our plans without any itches and we will also pay our freelance sales agents (real estate brokers) with same platforms. Any agent who intends paying with cash will be directed to deposit the money into our corporate account and then present their payment tellers to us.

13. Startup Expenditure (Budget)

Starting a property maintenance and renovation business is indeed capital intensive hence an entrepreneur would have to pool cash together or welcome investors to partner with you. Although the capital needed to set up an office structure for such business might not be expensive, but the running capital of the business is always the real deal. You would need huge capital base to be able to maintain and renovate properties.

Here are the areas we intend spending our start – up capital on;

  • The total fee for incorporating the Business in the United States of America- $750
  • The budget for permits and license – $2,000
  • The cost for hiring business consultant – $2,500
  • The cost for the purchase of computer software (Accounting Software, Payroll Software, CRM Software, Microsoft Office, QuickBooks Pro, drug interaction software, Physician Desk Reference software) – $7,000
  • The budget for insurance (general liability, workers’ compensation and property casualty) coverage at a total premium – $5,400
  • Cost for payment of rent for a suitable office facility with enough space in Palm Beach – Florida for 12 months at $1.76 per square feet in the total amount of – $105,600
  • Cost for office remodeling (construction of racks and shelves) – $20,000
  • The Cost for equipping the office (computers, printers, fax machines, furniture, telephones, filing cabins, safety gadgets and electronics et al) – $15,000
  • Other start-up expenses including stationery ( $500 ) and phone and utility deposits ( $2,500 )
  • Operational cost for the first 3 months (salaries of employees, payments of bills et al) – $100,000
  • The Cost of Launching our official Website – $600
  • Additional Expenditure (Business cards, Signage, Adverts and Promotions et al) – $5,000

Going by the report from our research and feasibility studies, we will need about $500,000 to set up a standard property maintenance and renovation company in Palm Beach – Florida. Please note that the cost for payment of employees is part of the total budget.

Generating Funds/Startup Capital for Crystal Property Maintenance & Renovation Company

Crystal Property Maintenance & Renovation Company is a private business that is solely owned and financed by Pearson Wilberforce and his immediate family members. They do not intend to welcome any external business partners for the first 3 years which is why he has decided to restrict the sourcing of the startup capital to 3 major sources.

These are the areas we intend generating our startup capital;

  • Generate part of the startup capital from personal savings
  • Source for soft loans from family members and friends
  • Apply for loan from my Bank

N.B:  We have been able to generate about $200,000 ( Personal savings $150,000 and soft loan from family members $50,000 ) and we are at the final stages of obtaining a loan facility of $300,000 from our bank. All the papers and document have been signed and submitted, the loan has been approved and any moment from now our account will be credited with the amount.

14. Sustainability and Expansion Strategy

The future of a business lies in the number of loyal customers that they have, the capacity and competence of the employees, their investment strategy and the business structure. If all of these factors are missing from a business (company), then it won’t be too long before the business close shop.

One of our major goals of starting Crystal Property Maintenance & Renovation Company is to build a business that will survive off its own cash flow without the need for injecting finance from external sources once the business is officially running.

We know that one of the ways of gaining approval and winning customers over is to maintain and renovate properties a little bit cheaper than what is obtainable in the market and we are well prepared to survive on lower profit margin for a while.

Crystal Property Maintenance & Renovation Company will make sure that the right foundation, structures and processes are put in place to ensure that our staff welfare are well taken of. Our company’s corporate culture is designed to drive our business to greater heights and training and re – training of our workforce is at the top burner. As a matter of fact, profit-sharing arrangement will be made available to all our management staff and it will be based on their performance for a period of three years or more.

Check List/Milestone

  • Business Name Availability Check: Completed
  • Business Incorporation: Completed
  • Opening of Corporate Bank Accounts various banks in the United States: Completed
  • Opening Online Payment Platforms: Completed
  • Application and Obtaining Tax Payer’s ID: In Progress
  • Application for business license and permit: Completed
  • Purchase of All forms of Insurance for the Business: Completed
  • Renting of Office Facility in Palm Beach, Florida: Completed
  • Conducting Feasibility Studies: Completed
  • Generating capital from the CEO/President and Business Partners: Completed
  • Application for Loan from our Bankers: In Progress
  • Writing of Business Plan: Completed
  • Drafting of Employee’s Handbook: Completed
  • Drafting of Contract Documents and other relevant Legal Documents: In Progress
  • Design of The Company’s Logo: Completed
  • Graphic Designs and Printing of Marketing/Promotional Materials: Completed
  • Recruitment of employees: In Progress
  • Purchase of the needed furniture, office equipment, electronic appliances and facility facelift: In progress
  • Creating Official Website for the Company: In Progress
  • Creating Awareness for the business (Business PR): In Progress
  • Health and Safety and Fire Safety Arrangement: In Progress
  • Establishing business relationship with key players in the industry (networking and membership of relevant real estate bodies): In Progress

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building maintenance business plan pdf

Feeling at a loss for how to create your ultimate facility maintenance plan? In this guide we will take you through the steps for how you can improve your productivity and maintenance schedule with an effective facility maintenance plan.

With building and facility maintenance software you gain more options while reducing your admin time. Even for experienced facility managers, creating an efficient maintenance plan can be a struggle. With so many aspects to balance from technicians to safety plans, you need a fool-proof system in place for your maintenance program. For the best facility management plan in your business, here are the top factors you need to know.

Table of Contents

Facility Management Template – Key Takeaways

  • Facility preventive maintenance involves pre-emptive actions to prevent defects or costly breakdowns, ensuring optimal asset and equipment performance.
  • A maintenance checklist helps reduce the chance of unplanned breakdowns, creates accountability among technicians, and promotes consistent, accurate reporting.
  • Key aspects to consider when creating a checklist include technician numbers and training, exterior and interior building maintenance, landscaping, lighting, electrical, plumbing, HVAC, and safety and fire protection.
  • Facility maintenance checklists are crucial for ensuring smooth operations, consistent work, and meeting service level agreements.
  • FieldInsight, an all-in-one field service software, helps manage checklists, customer details, asset history, technician timesheets, and safety documentation, making preventive maintenance easier and more efficient.

What is Facility Preventive Maintenance?

Facility preventive maintenance is all about pre-emptive actions to stop the occurrence of defects or costly breakdowns. For facility maintenance , a preventive maintenance plan can help major unplanned downtime and ensure that your assets and equipment are performing at their peak. While there are many different types of maintenance plans, preventive maintenance , unlike predictive or corrective maintenance, relies on a set schedule and checklists to regularly upkeep equipment and assets.

A great preventive maintenance plan will also help balance your business. Regular preventive maintenance will help to balance your work schedule and provide more stability for your technicians. With regular maintenance, you will ensure that your schedule isn’t constantly interrupted by emergency breakdowns because you have already pre-emptively repaired them. It is also a great way to fill in space in between busy seasons when you might have little to no work. Preventive maintenance work is a great way to balance your work schedule and provide a steady and reliable income year round.

building maintenance business plan pdf

The Main Benefits Of Using A Maintenance Checklist

One of the best things about having a facility management preventive maintenance plan, is that you won’t get caught off guard again. With a preventive maintenance program, you will significantly reduce the chance of unplanned breakdowns occurring . With a maintenance checklist you reduce the chance that your technicians will miss any steps in their service. This creates accountability in your team and allows work to be completed more efficiently.

Do you have accurate reporting in your business? If you don’t have a checklist in place for your technicians to use, you may find that your reporting isn’t accurate. If your technicians aren’t following the same steps for every service, your reporting will not be an accurate measure of your asset’s performance. Having a preventive maintenance checklist will create consistency in your work.

What you should include in the checklist

While every maintenance checklist will be different, there are a few key steps you need to take into consideration when creating your perfect preventive checklist. Your field service management checklist will include factors to help you achieve your business goals, whether this is to boost efficiency, cut costs or create higher accountability.

A general facility maintenance checklist can look something like this:

  • Has the warranty details been checked?
  • Clean drains
  • Inspect for flashings or eaves that have come loose
  • Check any previous repaired areas
  • Check for corrosion on roof
  • Inspect outdoor HVAC units for corrosion
  • Note any other observations

To create your checklist you will need to consider these key points:

Technician Numbers & Training

For your building maintenance costs , you will need to know how many technicians you will need on the job. For smoothly flowing operations, you will need to do some research into how many technicians will be required on the jobsite and what resources they might need. This will be an important factor to include in your checklist preparation. When talking about your technicians, you will also need to consider the level of skill your team has. Will they need further training or do you already have the in-house skills?

Exterior of Building

You will need to include the outside of your building as well as the interior for your facility maintenance to be complete. To create your checklist for your facility, you will need to include:

  • Check roofing condition
  • Inspect windows
  • Remove debris from gutters and around building
  • Check for leaks
  • (If applicable) Spray for pests and rodents

building maintenance business plan pdf

Lawns or Landscaping

For some facilities, you will have to consider the maintenance of lawns, gardens and landscaping as well as the actual building. Typical maintenance checklists for this will include:

  • Weekly – mow lawn
  • Remove weeds and dead plants
  • Seasonally- Prune plants
  • Inspect sprinkler system for leaks or corrosion
  • Fertilize gardens

Lights will be a common occurrence in most facility maintenance checklists. For regular inspections you can include tasks such as:

  • Check all light switches working
  • Replace globes
  • Inspect transformers
  • Remove excess dust or debris from lights
  • Check gaskets are sealed and seated

Electrical tasks are important when creating your checklist as it can be difficult to repair damages and you will end up with costly repair fees if left unchecked. It is important to have the right technicians on the job that have been trained in electrical procedures. Some key items to add to your maintenance checklist can include:

  • Check for frayed or loose wires
  • Add lubricant to necessary units
  • Check for fire hazards around electrical equipment
  • Test outlets
  • If necessary replace any fuses
  • Clean exhaust fans

Like in any building, plumbing needs to be maintained, because let’s face it, no one wants to deal with busted taps or a leaking toilet. For your checklist, consider:

  • (If necessary) Shut off water for any repairs
  • Inspect drains for blockages
  • Check both hot and cold taps are functioning
  • Inspect ejection pumps are working (replace as needed)
  • Check condenser fan, lubricate as needed

Most HVAC units will require a separate checklist of their own. You will find that your HVAC units will have warranty agreements and recommendations from the manufacturer for their regular upkeep. To create your HVAC checklist, you will need to consider points like:

  • Lubricate pump bearings
  • Check drain pans working
  • Replace air filters
  • Listen for vibrations or rattling
  • Clean ducts
  • Ensure all fixings tightened
  • Check thermostat is operational
  • Remove mineral build up
  • Clean debris and dust from around unit

building maintenance business plan pdf

General Safety & Fire Protection

Safety and fire protection is vital to check regularly as it can save lives when operating. Some important steps to track in your checklist include:

  • Replace smoke alarm batteries
  • Clean respirators
  • Ensure fire exits are clear
  • Restock first-aid kits
  • Check safety signs easily visible
  • Check expiry on protection equipment (fire extinguishers)

Your Preventive Maintenance Checklist

Facility maintenance checklists are vital to keeping a smoothly running schedule in your business and ensuring that you have consistency in your work. For your preventive maintenance checklist you need to do the research behind what is needed of you for your facility SLAs (Service Level Agreements). Keeping track of your facility and building maintenance checklists can be hard, especially if you don’t have the right system in place.

With FieldInsight you gain an all-in-one field service software. It is easy to keep track of checklists, customer details, asset history, technician timesheets and safety documentation with FieldInsight. For your ultimate maintenance software solution , FieldInsight makes preventative maintenance easy. When you have the right software solution in place, you gain more visibility over your workflow and maintenance activities.

To learn more about how you can improve your facility maintenance for your company, book a demo today.

What You Should Do Now

  • Book a Demo . You’ll be in touch with an automation expert who has worked in this space for over 5 years, and knows the optimal workflow to address your needs.
  • If you’d like access to free articles about managing HVAC workflows, go to our blog .
  • If you know someone who’d enjoy reading this page, share it with them via email, Linkedin, Twitter, or Facebook.

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How To Start A Maintenance Business

How To Start A Maintenance Business

If you’re thinking about starting your own maintenance or handyman business, you’re on the right track. Maintenance businesses are always in high demand, and with a little hard work and some planning, you can make your business a success. Here are a few tips to help get you started. First, be sure to target your market carefully. Identify who needs your services and figure out how to reach them. You’ll also need to have a strong branding strategy in place so that potential customers know what sets you apart from the competition. And finally, don’t forget to invest in good marketing materials that highlight your services and attract attention. With these tips in mind, you’re ready to start building your own successful maintenance business!

Learn property maintenance industry

The market for property upkeep is exploding. In 2012, the outsourced services industry was worth $143.1 billion in the United States, according to Statista. The market was predicted to rise to a $176.5 billion market in 2017 and would continue growing until at least 2022, according to forecasts at the time.

The housekeeping industry encompasses a wide range of employment. Residential maintenance work is one of the most significant revenue-generating tasks in the field. The average cost to maintain a home in 2018 was $3,067 per year. Portland, OR, and Fort Lauderdale, FL had the highest and lowest expenditures, respectively.

Non-residential property maintenance services are also in high demand. In 2012, these goods made up 55% of the overall industry income. Residential property maintenance income has most likely exceeded this figure, but nonresidential services continue to propel the market forward.

If you’re starting a business that provides property maintenance services, there are a few things you need to know about the industry. This includes understanding the different types of services that are commonly provided, the equipment and tools that are typically used, and the target market for this type of business.

When it comes to providing property maintenance services, there are two main types of businesses: those that focus on residential properties and those that focus on commercial properties. There are also businesses that provide both types of services.

The most common type of property maintenance service is lawn care. This can involve anything from mowing the lawn to trimming hedges and trees. Other common services include power washing, painting, and repairs.

To provide these services, businesses will need to invest in some basic equipment, such as lawnmowers, trimmers, and power washers. They may also need to purchase insurance to protect themselves from liability.

The target market for a property maintenance business is typically homeowners or businesses. Homeowners are often looking for someone to help them with yard work or minor repairs around the house. Businesses, on the other hand, may need someone to maintain their landscaping or handle any repair needs they have.

Choose the scope of your business

To get started in the maintenance business, you’ll first need to decide on the scope of your services. Will you be providing general maintenance and repairs, or will you specialize in a particular area like HVAC or electrical work? Consider your skill set and experience when making this decision.

Once you’ve decided on the scope of your business, you’ll need to create a business plan. This will help you map out the steps you’ll need to take to get your business up and running. Be sure to include information on your target market, pricing, and how you’ll promote your services.

Create a home maintenance business plan

If you’re thinking of starting your own home maintenance business, then you’ll need to create a solid business plan. This document will outline your business goals, strategies, and how you plan on achieving them. It’s important to have a detailed property maintenance business plan when starting any new business, as it will help keep you on track and ensure that your business is successful.

When creating your home maintenance business plan, there are a few key points to keep in mind:

1. Define your business goals and objectives. What do you want to achieve with your business? What are your long-term and short-term goals? Having a clear understanding of your goals will help you create a more focused and effective business plan.

2. Research your industry and target market. It’s important to have a good understanding of the home maintenance industry and who your target market is. This information will help you create marketing strategies that are more likely to be successful.

3. Create a detailed marketing plan. Once you know who your target market is, you can start creating a marketing plan that will reach them. Be sure to include both online and offline marketing techniques in your plan.

4. Develop a pricing strategy. Knowing how much to charge for your services is crucial to your success. Be sure to research your competition and develop a pricing strategy that will allow you to be competitive while still making a profit.

5. Create a financial plan. In order to make your home maintenance business successful, you’ll need to have a solid financial plan in place. This plan should include your start-up costs, operating expenses, and how you plan on generating revenue.

Calculate the necessary costs for your property maintenance business

In order to calculate the necessary costs for your property maintenance business, you will first need to determine how much money you will need to start and operate your business. To do this, you will need to consider the following factors:

  • The cost of your equipment
  • The cost of your supplies
  • The cost of your labor
  • The cost of your overhead

After you have considered all of these factors, you will then be able to determine how much money you will need to start and operate your business. Once you have this information, you can then begin to create a business plan and budget for your new venture.

If you need help getting started, there are many resources available to assist you. The Small Business Administration (SBA) is a great place to start. They offer counseling, training, and financing assistance to small businesses. In addition, your local chamber of commerce or economic development organization can also provide you with information and resources. Finally, don’t forget to speak with your accountant or financial advisor to get their input on how to start and operate your new business. With their help, you will be well on your way to success!

Register process for your maintenance business

First, you will need to decide on the business structure of your company. You can choose to be a sole proprietor, partnership, or corporation. Each type of business has its own advantages and disadvantages. Once you have chosen the business structure, you will need to obtain the necessary licenses and permits from the government. You will also need to open a business bank account and get insurance for your company.

Next, you will need to create a business plan. This document will outline your company’s goals, strategies, and how you plan on achieving them. The business plan should also include a marketing strategy. This is how you will let potential customers know about your company and what services you offer.

Once you have everything in place, you can start marketing your company and looking for customers. You can use various marketing channels such as online advertising, print ads, or even word-of-mouth.

It is important to always provide excellent customer service. This will ensure that your customers are happy and will continue to use your services. If you provide good value for their money, they will also be more likely to refer you to their friends and family.

Building a successful maintenance business takes time and effort. However, if you are organized and have a good business plan, it is definitely achievable. Just make sure to always put your customers first and deliver quality services.

Get the necessary permits and licenses

A property maintenance company requires a business license, as well as any additional permits and licenses that may be required by the state or local municipality. The business owner should check with their state’s Department of Business Regulation to determine what is required. In addition, the company will need insurance coverage for its employees and any vehicles used in the course of business. Finally, the company will need to have a solid business plan in place detailing how it plans to generate revenue and profit. With these key components in place, a property maintenance company can be up and running quickly and efficiently.

Employer identification number

You will need to obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the IRS in order to hire staff for your company.

You can apply for an EIN online, by mail, or by fax.

Open a business bank account

Opening a business bank account is a key step in starting any business, but it’s especially important for businesses that will be dealing with large amounts of cash, such as maintenance businesses. A business bank account can help you track your expenses and income, which is essential for tax purposes. It can also help you build business credit and establish a relationship with a financial institution that can provide funding for your business in the future. You’ll need to provide your business name, address, contact information, and tax identification number when you open the account. Sole proprietorships and partnerships can use their personal Social Security number as a tax ID.

While choosing a bank account for your own business, you should also decide how you will accept payments. You can use field complete property maintenance software for accepting your payments on site. This will save you time and money as you don’t have to go to the bank to deposit checks.

How to fund your own property maintenance business

You will need some start-up capital to get your property maintenance business off the ground. You can either save up the money yourself or apply for a loan from a bank. The amount of money you will need will depend on the size and scope of your business.

To start a small property maintenance business, you will need around $5,000. This will cover the cost of tools, equipment, and marketing. If you are starting a larger business, you will need more money to cover the costs of hiring staff and renting office space.

Purchasing your first piece of equipment

If you’re starting a maintenance business, there are some key pieces of equipment you’ll need to get started.

First, you’ll need a truck or van to transport your equipment and supplies. You’ll also need ladders, tools, and other equipment necessary for the type of maintenance work you’ll be doing.

Insurance for your property maintenance business

Another important consideration when starting a maintenance business is insurance. You’ll need to make sure you have the right insurance in place to protect your business from any potential risks.

You should speak with an insurance agent to determine the type of coverage you need for your business.

Getting the word out about your property maintenance business

Once you have your equipment and insurance in place, you’ll need to start marketing your business. There are a number of ways to market a property maintenance business, including online and offline methods.

Some offline marketing methods include distributing flyers and door hangers in neighborhoods where you’d like to work. You can also offer discounts or special promotions to attract new customers.

Choose a brand name

Your brand is how your customers will perceive you, so it’s important to choose a name that reflects the image you want to project.

You’ll also need to make sure the name you choose is available as a domain name (for your website) and as a business name with your state’s Secretary of State office.

Make the website

While you can start taking customers without a website, it’s important to have one as soon as possible so you can start building your brand online.

You can create a simple website yourself using a platform like WordPress, or you can hire a web designer to create something more sophisticated.

Hire staff for your property maintenance company

A successful property maintenance business consists of a team of professionals who can provide quality services to customers. When hiring staff , be sure to look for individuals who have experience in the field and who are knowledgeable about the latest trends in maintenance.

It’s also important to find employees who are reliable and trustworthy, as they will be working in people’s homes and businesses.

Perform background checks on all potential employees and make sure to verify references.

It’s also a good idea to have new hires sign a contract that outlines your expectations for their job performance.

Determine how many employees you need

The number of employees you need will depend on the size and scope of your business. A small business may only need two or three employees, while a larger operation may need ten or more.

Be sure to consider how much work you can realistically handle and how much you can afford to pay in wages.

Offer employee benefits

In order to attract and retain good employees, it’s important to offer competitive wages and benefits. Some benefits you may want to offer include health insurance paid vacation, and 401(k) plans.

If you can’t afford to offer all of these benefits, try to at least offer some type of health insurance plan. This will help you attract and retain quality employees.

Develop systems and procedures

In order to run a successful property maintenance business, you’ll need to develop systems and procedures for how things are done. This will help ensure that your employees are providing quality services and that work is being completed in a timely manner.

Some things you’ll need to develop procedures for include scheduling appointments, handling customer inquiries, and performing maintenance tasks.

Get a skilled manager for your projects

A skilled project manager is essential for any size property maintenance business. He or she will be responsible for coordinating the work of the staff, ensuring that projects are completed on time and within budget, and keeping customers updated on the status of their projects. He should also have a strong understanding of how to market the business and generate new leads.

Advertise your vacancies

There are a few key ways to get the word out about your maintenance business and to hire the best staff. Start by advertising your vacancies online and in local newspapers or job boards. You can also post flyers in public places or hand out business cards to people you meet. Make sure to list all of the requirements for the position and what the ideal candidate would be like.

Another great way to find qualified candidates is to ask for referrals from people you know and trust. If someone you know has a background in maintenance or running a business, they may be able to recommend someone who would be perfect for the job. You can also look for candidates through online job postings and websites like Indeed or LinkedIn. Once you’ve found a few candidates, take the time to interview them and see if they’re a good fit for your company.

By taking the time to hire the right staff, you’ll be setting your maintenance business up for success.

Market your business

Starting a maintenance business can be a great way to become your own boss and earn a good income. However, as with any business, there is a lot of work involved in getting started. The first step is to market your business. You will need to create a brand that potential customers can trust and feel confident using. This can be done by creating a strong online presence and developing marketing materials that highlight the benefits of your services.

In addition to marketing, you will also need to develop a business plan. This should include an overview of your business goals, how you intend to achieve them, and what expenses you anticipate incurring along the way. Maintenance businesses require significant start-up costs, so it is important to have a clear understanding of your financial needs before getting started.

Once you have a plan in place, the next step is to find customers. This can be done by networking with other businesses in your industry, or by advertising your services online or in local publications. You may also want to offer discounts or special promotions to attract new customers.

By taking the time to develop a strong business foundation, you will be well on your way to success as a maintenance business owner.

Use local SEO

As a maintenance business, one of the best ways to market your services is through local SEO. This involves optimizing your website and online content for relevant keywords related to your business. For example, if you are a plumbing company in Los Angeles, you would want to optimize your site for keywords such as “plumbing Los Angeles” or “Los Angeles plumbing.” By doing this, you will make it easier for potential customers to find you when they search for these terms online.

In addition to optimizing your website, you should also create profiles on popular directories and review sites. This will give you another platform to promote your business and attract new customers. Be sure to include accurate contact information and customer reviews on these profiles to give potential customers the most accurate picture of your business.

By taking advantage of local SEO, you can significantly increase your chances of success as a maintenance business.

Develop a social media presence

In today’s digital world, it is essential for businesses to have a strong social media presence. This is especially true for maintenance businesses, as potential customers are likely to search for these services online. As such, you should create profiles on popular social media sites and regularly post content that showcases your business. You should also make it easy for customers to contact you by including your contact information on your social media profiles.

In addition to creating a social media presence, you should also consider creating a blog. This can be a great way to share information about your business and attract new customers. Be sure to include keyword-rich content that is relevant to your business, as this will help you attract more visitors from search engines.

By taking advantage of social media and blogging, you can reach a wider audience of potential customers and significantly grow your maintenance business.

Consider using field service management software

There are a number of software programs available that can help you manage your property maintenance business. These programs can be used to schedule appointments, track invoices, and keep track of customer information.

By using field service management software, you can free up your time to focus on other aspects of running your business.

Create a free Field Complete account for on-site estimates, invoicing, dispatching, and payments. Automate your business with GPS-powered scheduling, automatic customer notifications, and online payments.

Get started today and see how Field Complete can help you grow your business!

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building maintenance business plan pdf

building maintenance business plan pdf

How to Create a Building Maintenance Plan

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What Is a Building Maintenance Plan?

A building maintenance plan is a way to prioritize goals, maintain assets, schedule work, and monitor progress. A well-executed plan guarantees fewer emergencies, less disruption, and more straightforward repairs across working environments. It also means fewer occupant complaints and happier employees with better control over their workday.

For all this to happen, your building maintenance services team needs to shift its emphasis from reactive maintenance to preventive maintenance.

Reactive Building Maintenance vs. Preventive Building Maintenance

Reactive maintenance (rm).

Reactive Maintenance addresses problems after they happen. RM falls into two broad categories: corrective maintenance and emergency maintenance.

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  • Corrective Maintenance: Corrective maintenance is fixing something that has already broken, like changing the battery of a malfunctioning thermostat or replacing worn-out rubber washers on a dripping faucet.

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  • Emergency Maintenance : Emergency maintenance is the most urgent and costly type of reactive maintenance. Some examples are gas leaks, backed-up sewer lines, no heat in winter, or any maintenance issue that puts people at risk.

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Preventive Maintenance (PM)

Preventive maintenance involves a plan to perform maintenance on building assets that are still working. It is cost-effective and prevents unplanned failures of critical assets, such as broken elevators, water coolers, and overhead lighting. For example, replacing a dirty AC filter with staff labor is considerably less expensive than replacing the entire AC unit when it breaks down because your maintenance team did not regularly replace the filters.

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Preventive maintenance is a type of planned maintenance . For example, think about janitorial and cleaning services like disinfecting surfaces and cleaning bathrooms. Or weekly landscaping and general facilities maintenance like indoor window washing and deep cleaning carpets in trafficked areas. Or monthly maintenance, like checking fire alarms, cleaning gutters, scheduling pest control services, and using commercial cleaning services to clean vents and wash outside windows.

Preventive maintenance also allows building managers to monitor energy efficiency and management, negotiate better pricing on non-emergency maintenance, such as janitorial services, and keep a good eye on general building upkeep.

Balancing Reactive Maintenance vs. Preventive Maintenance

The goal of building maintenance is to achieve an optimal balance between RM and PM. Preventive maintenance seeks to reduce the frequency and cost associated with reactive repairs by regularly completing low-cost tasks that don’t take much time. For example, $10 repairs on leaky toilets can save you a boatload of money on your next water bill. Unfortunately, maintenance departments often perform costly and time-consuming repairs because building owners have not followed a preventive maintenance plan.

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4 Simple Steps to Creating a Preventive Building Maintenance Plan

1. inventory your building’s assets.

You need to decide what equipment to include in your preventive maintenance program. A thorough walkthrough and review of your building’s floor plans will help you log all necessary assets and areas. In addition to common areas, don’t forget to log what you don’t see: electrical systems and HVAC systems, including air conditioning and ventilation, outside drainage, etc.

Record the following data for each building asset:

  • Make and model
  • Serial number
  • Specifications and capabilities
  • Unit number
  • Primary users

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2. Establish Priorities and Maintenance Frequency

One way to determine PM priorities is to conduct a criticality analysis . For building maintenance, the following questions will help get you started:

  • What is the expected ROI of the equipment?
  • Which inexpensive equipment can follow a run-to-failure model?
  • What equipment is causing the most disruptions to your department?

By prioritizing the equipment that takes up most of your maintenance team’s time, you can reduce the most time-consuming tasks and find more time for PM work.

Maintenance Frequency

To determine the frequency of your PMs, refer to manufacturer guidelines, speak with experienced maintenance technicians, and review historical maintenance data.

When you need to service equipment after a certain number of hours, such as emergency generators, maintenance software like MaintainX is a game-changer. It will allow you to review past maintenance records to determine the hours an asset has been operating.

“Facility managers can no longer have a reactive maintenance posture . . . . They need to transition to what the industry calls moving from reactive to a ‘planned and preventive’ maintenance posture.” Forbes

3. Create a Work Order System

A work order system is at the core of any modern maintenance schedule because all maintenance activities require a work order. The following work order process is how a proactive maintenance department would use work order software to organize its maintenance tasks.

Basic Work Order Process for Building Maintenance Plans

  • Create Work Orders for All Tasks: To make the right decisions and avoid missed opportunities, create work orders for every task, from routine maintenance to inspections. Of course, you want to gather all the information you can. With historical data at your fingertips, you can easily make maintenance repair vs. replacement decisions and identify cost-saving opportunities.
  • Prioritize: Consider how much time a maintenance task will take, where it fits with other priorities, and any operational considerations that could impact scheduling. For example, the maintenance activity may require a planned power outage or special equipment like a boom lift.
  • Automate Work Orders for Recurring PMs: You can enter PM frequencies of different PM tasks right into your CMMS . The app will generate a perpetual calendar and automatically issue work orders to technicians on their cell phones and mobile devices the day before each scheduled job. Remember to add maintenance certifications, regulations, and inspections to the list.

building maintenance business plan pdf

  • Include SOPS and Additional PM Procedures on Work Orders: Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) templates help save time and reduce human error by providing a standardized way to follow procedures. You also can automatically include additional preventive maintenance procedures for each piece of equipment on work orders, along with instructions, manuals, and illustrations to help execute the task.
  • Review then Repair: Building maintenance workers often want to review equipment and work order history in their CMMS before starting maintenance. This historical information helps technicians diagnose the issue, know where to start, and decide whether to repair or replace it. In addition, once a technician begins the maintenance activity, a mobile CMMS will allow them to check parts availability quickly.

Also, be sure that your maintenance supervisors and team members have the necessary maintenance training to handle the variety of tasks and the range of work orders, from reactive to preventive maintenance.

  • Document and Close: When maintenance work is complete, the technician records the completion time. The technician can then upload photos of the repairs and close out the work order. A CMMS with real-time monitoring allows facility managers to monitor all open, in progress, and closed work orders with just one click.

Pro Tip: Frequently communicate with your staff and encourage them to keep one another informed. MaintainX is the only maintenance software in the marketplace that includes instant messaging and group chat functionality.

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4. Monitor Progress and Adjust Accordingly

The best way to ensure you achieve your goals is to use a Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) to create work orders and checklists, track maintenance progress, and provide data reports on key performance indicators (KPIs).

Your most useful KPIs will be:

Planned Maintenance Percentage (PMP)

PMP compares the number of planned maintenance tasks to the total number of completed tasks. PMP will help you identify opportunities to minimize reactive maintenance to optimize your planned and unplanned work ratio.

To calculate your PMP, divide your total hours spent on planned maintenance activities by your total number of hours spent on all maintenance activities within a given period. Then, multiply the number by 100 to get your PMP percentage.

PMP = (Total Hours of Planned Maintenance / Total Hours of ALL Maintenance) * 100

Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF)

MTBF is the average time between asset breakdowns. You don’t want to do too much or not enough PM. If an asset experiences continual failures, you may need to increase the frequency of PM tasks. Assets that have never experienced a breakdown may still operate without failures.

To calculate MTBF, divide the total uptime of a repairable asset by the number of failures of that asset within a given period to arrive at an hourly measurement.

MTBF = Total Uptime of Repairable Asset / Number of Failures of Asset within Given Time Period

Use a CMMS to Automate Your Building Maintenance Plan

MaintainX is a user-friendly app designed to simplify building systems maintenance. It has all the features you need to streamline your PM efforts and is as easy to use as Facebook.

Caroline Eisner

Caroline Eisner is a writer and editor with experience across the profit and nonprofit sectors, government, education, and financial organizations. She has held leadership positions in K16 institutions and has led large-scale digital projects, interactive websites, and a business writing consultancy.

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Maintenance Business Plans

Aquarium services business plan.

EcoAquatics will manage saltwater aquariums for its clients. We will help every step of the way, from setting up the aquarium, to cleaning it, maintaining it, and feeding the fish.

Construction Repair Business Plan

HodgePodge Sealcoating Company repairs, fills, and reseals residential asphalt paved surfaces.

Electronics Repair Business Plan

Abbey Electronic Services offers repair of electric and electronic, commercial and household, appliances and audio/visual equipment, both with or without warranty coverage.

Electronics Repair Shop Business Plan

Tucson Electronics specializes in the repair and service of home entertainment electronic equipment.

Handyman Maintenance Business Plan

HandyMan Stan is a start-up organization offering Duluth, Minnesota residents a complete handyman service.

Hardwood Floor Refinisher Business Plan

Wooderful Floors is a newly formed Pennsylvania-based L.L.C. that offers customers environmentally-sound wood floor refinishing options.

Lawn and Garden Services Business Plan

Fescue & Sons Yard Care is a new residential yard care service targeting rural, middle-class residents with large yards. Red Fescue, one of the owners, is also the primary employee.

Locksmith Business Plan

South Kelleton Keys and Locksmith is a startup business offering retail sales of locks and security devices, onsite lock installation and repair services, and duplicate and replacement key cutting.

Plumbing Business Plan

Water Tubes is a plumbing contractor company focusing on installation of plumbing systems in new residential constructions, both custom homes and tract development projects.

HVAC Business Plan

ClimateTech HVAC Solutions is dedicated to revolutionizing the HVAC industry by providing advanced, energy-efficient heating, ventilation, and air conditioning services to both residential and commercial clients.

Maintain your business as easily as you maintain machinery, home infrastructure, or whatever else you specialize in. Start today by downloading one of our maintenance sample business plans.

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  • SafetyCulture
  • Building Maintenance

Building Maintenance Checklists

||Plantilla de mantenimiento de edificios|bu

Office Building Maintenance Checklist

  • Eliminate paperwork with digital checklists
  • Generate reports from completed checklists
  • Free to use for up to 10 users

An office building maintenance checklist is used when scheduling inspections of the workplace’s interior and exterior condition. Common building maintenance checklist items include:

  • Check lighting system and fixtures
  • Inspect all electrical equipment
  • Check inventory and restock first aid kits
  • Inspect the condition of HVAC systems
  • Ensure all water connections and drainage works properly
  • Check building interior and exterior for signs of deterioration or damage

Building Maintenance Checklist Template

What is Building Maintenance?

Building maintenance is an anticipatory procedure performed by facility maintenance teams to regularly look after the roofing, HVAC, lighting, electrical, exterior and interior, and plumbing of buildings. This procedure aims to keep them in good working condition for the facility and occupants. This should be regularly conducted since upkeep problems left unchecked can turn into added operational costs, avoidable health and safety violations, and lose good business due to bad reputation. The staff assigned to maintain the building are tasked to perform cleaning, inspection, repair, restore, and other maintenance activities. These personnel have the option to carry out routine, preventive, or corrective building maintenance.

What is a Building Maintenance Checklist?

A building maintenance checklist helps facility managers and maintenance supervisors oversee the upkeep of a facility to make sure that it is safe and that daily operations are running smoothly. Take advantage of mobile-ready building maintenance checklists to never miss another maintenance check, proactively resolve detected issues, and maintain facility management standards.

What is Checked Using a Building Preventive Maintenance Checklist?

The following are the 7 main sections of a building preventive maintenance checklist used for regularly inspecting buildings:

Building Interior

Building exterior.

You can also view or download the detailed building maintenance checklist in PDF if you like.

What to Include in Your Building Maintenance Checklist?

The elements of a building maintenance checklist normally consist of very specific areas of a property that needs regular assessment to be kept in their best condition. When creating your own checklist, you can use other existing templates as a guide, and work from there to tailor it according to your distinct needs.

Here are some of the most common questions you can put in your building maintenance checklist:

A well-maintained building should regularly be inspected for its safety and for the availability of safety materials inside. This helps ensure that common building-related hazards are prevented and avoided. Some of the questions you can add in your checklist include:

  • Are all first aid kits checked for inventory and restocked as needed?
  • Is the availability of eyewash bottles and stations checked?
  • Are safety signs and equipment labels in good condition?
  • Are respirators inspected and cleaned?
  • Are fall protection harnesses and kits inspected?

Methodical checks and random inspections of the building’s interior are necessary for maintaining the property. This enables building owners to proactively address any potential issues, which in turn, maximizes the span of the building’s serviceability. For your checklist, ask questions along the lines of:

  • Do floors, ceilings, and walls show no evidence of deterioration?
  • Are faucets, toilets, and showers operational and in good working condition?
  • Are fire alarm systems tested and working?
  • Are all doors in proper operation and exits not obstructed?
  • Is there no evidence of insect infestation?

Aside from the building’s interior, it is an ideal practice to also regularly check its exterior. This provides an opportunity to keep your facility in good operating condition and maintain its value. Building exterior questions can be like:

  • Are paint and walls in good condition?
  • Are all railings in good condition?
  • Do gutters have adequate anchoring and are tightened if necessary?
  • Are driveway and parking areas in good condition?
  • Is the sidewalk in good condition?

Cost-effective Solution for Upkeep Problems

Building maintenance managers often experience difficulty in controlling overall operational costs and day-to-day performance, recordkeeping, and data analysis of building maintenance reports. SafetyCulture (formerly iAuditor) , the world’s most powerful mobile inspection app, can be a cost-effective maintenance management system to help you easily identify upkeep problems, extend asset lifespan, and prevent critical systems failure.

  • Include photos on your report for the day. Preview sample report.
  • Urgent repairs can be assigned on the spot and receive the status of the tasks you delegate.
  • Never miss another scheduled maintenance check and get notified if inspections are about to begin.
  • Easily track all inspections completed and not completed by accessing one platform
  • Use for free with small teams. Unlimited reports and storage for premium accounts.

Featured Building Maintenance Checklists

School building maintenance checklist.

A school building maintenance checklist is used to assess the overall condition of the specific parts of a school building such as its envelope/structure and fitout, electrical, fire, mechanical, and hydraulic services, flooring, and roof. This school building maintenance checklist is used by a UK-based education and skills support services business as a part of auditing their school’s audit management program (AMP).

Building Preventive Maintenance Checklist

A building preventive maintenance checklist is used to perform preventive maintenance on any type of building and preserve is roofing, lighting, HVAC systems, and plumbing. This preventive maintenance checklist for buildings contains long-term items such as the inspection of electrical systems by a licensed electrician every 3 to 5 years, among others. Assign corrective actions to resolve other issues by delegating to the appropriate personnel and setting the severity and due date.

Commercial Building Maintenance Checklist

A commercial building maintenance checklist aims to help facility managers ensure their occupants that the roofing, HVAC, plumbing, lighting, and electrical systems function properly and remain safe for routine use, especially after severe storms. Easily view the history of completed preventive maintenance checks to identify the common failed items, address upkeep problems, and determine the inspection frequency. SafetyCulture templates are 100% customizable to suit your business needs.

Building Maintenance Schedule Checklist

A building maintenance schedule checklist is used by technicians to properly document all detected issues during weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or ad-hoc checks. Easily record building exterior and interior, electrical equipment, plumbing, roof, and other site issues with this checklist. Just tap the “+” button to efficiently enumerate and describe all the issues you find and take photos to be included in the building maintenance reports.

Building Maintenance Checklist Template

A building maintenance checklist template is used to advise property owners on the preventative maintenance measures to take on their properties. This comprehensive template is made up of more than 60 inspection items which can be easily customized using the SafetyCulture drag-and-drop template editor to fit your business needs. Use this checklist to conduct an exterior inspection of the building, covering areas such as roofs and roofing elements, exterior wall material and finishes, and fenestration, an interior inspection, mechanical and electrical checks, and the attic.

Facility Maintenance Checklist

This facility maintenance checklist can be used by maintenance supervisors to extensively assess a building’s structural condition and the performance of its assets and systems. Easily make wise business decisions upon identifying extremely worn or damaged assets or when a system is nearing the end of its expected life cycle. You can also use this checklist to verify compliance with relevant building codes such as the International Building Code (IBC), International Residential Code (IRC), and International Existing Building Code (IEBC).

Jona Tarlengco

Jona Tarlengco

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A comprehensive guide to building maintenance management.

Updated: Jul 17, 2023

In our daily lives, we all desire safety and comfort within the spaces we inhabit, be it at work, at home, or during leisure activities. However, the importance of building maintenance management often goes unnoticed until an issue arises. This article aims to shed light on the significance of building maintenance management by providing an insightful overview.

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By understanding the principles and practices of building maintenance, we can proactively ensure the well-being and functionality of the spaces we occupy, preventing potential problems before they occur. Let’s delve into the world of building maintenance management and discover its essential role in maintaining safe and comfortable environments.

What Is Building Maintenance Management? 

Building maintenance management involves planning and coordinating activities to keep buildings in good shape. It includes inspections, repairs, utilizing CMMS software, and managing physical assets. A good maintenance program minimizes disruptions and maximizes the lifespan of building components. It also monitors systems like HVAC, electrical, and plumbing and addresses issues promptly. Effective maintenance creates a safe, comfortable, and sustainable environment, preserving the building’s value over time.

Areas of Building Maintenance

When it comes to building maintenance, there are several key areas that require attention: 

Electrical Systems

The electrical system of a building comprises various components such as lighting, safety systems, electrical equipment, and power distribution. Conducting regular maintenance on these systems is vital to ensure well-lit spaces, proper installation of electrical equipment, and the prevention of safety hazards associated with electrical malfunctions.

In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, electrical maintenance has gained even more significance, particularly for older buildings. These structures often require upgrades to their electrical infrastructure to support the installation and operation of modern equipment and technology. By addressing electrical maintenance needs, building owners and managers can ensure the efficient and safe functioning of their electrical systems while adapting to the demands of advancing technology.

Plumbing Systems

Plumbing maintenance extends far beyond bathroom fixtures such as sinks and toilets. Building maintenance management professionals bear the responsibility of upkeeping an extensive array of systems. In addition to the common fixtures found in bathrooms, this includes essential elements such as heating systems for water, storm pipes, roof water runoff systems, and fire suppression sprinkler systems.

Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC)

HVAC systems play a crucial role in creating a safe and comfortable environment for building occupants. These systems go beyond controlling air temperature and are responsible for managing air quality, air circulation, dust filtration, and relative humidity. HVAC maintenance involves not only servicing the air handling units, but also ensuring the building structure is airtight and has adequate ventilation.

Additionally, maintenance extends to the energy source used for heating and cooling the building, ensuring efficient and sustainable operation. Proper HVAC maintenance is essential for maintaining a conducive indoor environment and optimizing energy efficiency in buildings.

Water and Wastewater Treatment

In building maintenance management, the upkeep of water and wastewater treatment systems is a critical responsibility which can also be achieved through building maintenance software. Maintenance teams are tasked with ensuring a dependable supply of safe and clean water for various purposes, including cleaning and drinking.

Equally important is the maintenance of wastewater and sewage systems to guarantee the proper disposal of human waste, chemical runoff, and other potentially harmful substances. By maintaining these systems, building maintenance professionals ensure the safety and sanitation of the building’s water supply and contribute to a healthy and sustainable environment.

Energy Management

Effective energy management is a crucial element of building maintenance management, particularly in older structures. By implementing proper energy management practices, building maintenance teams can enhance occupant comfort, promote healthier living conditions, and reduce energy expenses.

To achieve this, teams must diligently inspect and monitor key areas such as roofs, insulation, doors, and windows, identifying any potential sources of heat or cold loss. By addressing these issues, building maintenance professionals can optimize energy efficiency, resulting in improved building performance and a more sustainable environment.

The foundation of appealing and functional spaces is shaped by a variety of crucial components within the interior building structures. These elements, such as walls, floors, ceilings, and stairwells, collectively contribute to the overall allure and structural integrity of the space.

To ensure the longevity and impeccable condition of these areas, diligent maintenance practices must be carried out. 

These maintenance tasks encompass a broad spectrum of responsibilities, including cleaning of common areas, prompt and regular removal of accumulated trash, careful repainting of walls to restore their pristine appearance, proficient drywall repairs to rectify any imperfections, skillful refinishing of flooring to maintain its allure, and the expert replacement of worn-out carpets.

By diligently addressing these maintenance needs, the interior building structures not only retain their structural integrity, but also radiate an ambiance of cleanliness, sophistication, and utmost functionality, contributing to the overall satisfaction and comfort of occupants.

Ensuring the upkeep of building exteriors holds significant importance for building owners as it sets the initial impression for residents or visitors. Building maintenance includes various exterior structures, including the foundation, roof, walls, doors, and windows, which require regular attention to preserve their functionality and appearance.

In addition to the building’s physical structure, building maintenance managers also oversee the maintenance of the surrounding grounds. This entails tasks such as lawn care, maintenance of parking lots or structures, drainage management, pest control, and landscaping. By maintaining these exterior elements, building owners create a welcoming and well-maintained environment that enhances the overall appeal and functionality of the property.

Putting Knowledge into Action

Building maintenance management is an essential aspect of any facilities manager’s job. Proper plumbing and interior maintenance can save you time, money, and headaches in the long run. By staying on top of routine repairs and inspections, you can keep your building running smoothly and avoid costly emergencies.

With the tips and strategies provided in this guide, you are well-equipped to tackle all aspects of building maintenance management. So go ahead, put this knowledge into action, and keep your buildings in tip-top shape!

Lindsey Walker is the marketing manager for NEXGEN Asset Management. She excels at business development, project management, and asset management. Her passion for writing allows her to share her knowledge on asset management, geographic information systems (GIS), software implementation, training curriculum development, and similar topics.

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Maintenance plan template: Maximum effectiveness and time savings in one document

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Let us help you to make the maintenance process more efficient and less stressful. In our article, you will learn why it is so important to have a maintenance plan template and checklists and how you can benefit from them.

Keep the overview: Download your free maintenance plans, logs and checklists now! Get access to an extensive selection of Excel and Word templates to cover all important maintenance topics.

Maintenance plan template: Origin and definition

Unfortunately, company managers, facility managers and owners often find that neglected building maintenance leads to the deterioration of their property over time.

Machinery, building infrastructure and technical equipment represent long-term investments that are often associated with considerable acquisition costs.

Regular preventive maintenance and timely repairs protect your employees, your investment and create safe and welcoming buildings.

The maintenance plan helps you to coordinate the regular maintenance and servicing of technical systems, devices or buildings.

A maintenance plan shows in a document which work orders the maintenance team should complete in a certain time. This describes who takes on which tasks and when.

The maintenance plan template is used by companies and professionals in the field of technology and  facility management .

The plan serves as a work order, schedule and checklist for the main maintenance players, such as electrical engineers, facility management teams, building technicians or janitors.

Maintenance and service plans are important tools for timely and efficient maintenance. They are usually provided in the form of a calendar, PDF or Excel spreadsheet. Take a look at our diverse selection of maintenance plan templates for Word and Excel at the end of the article!

In addition, digital solutions such as facility management software or asset management software are particularly attractive.

  • Facility Management Software: Optimum control of buildings and facilities
  • CMMS: Manage maintenance requirements efficiently
  • CAFM: Sustainable building management through intelligent planning

9 Advantages of a maintenance plan template

building maintenance business plan pdf

Templates for maintenance plans offer a number of advantages. We have listed the 9 most important ones for you.

1. Time saving

By using a ready-made maintenance plan template, you can save valuable time by not having to create a new plan from scratch on every occasion. You can simply use the existing template and customize it.

2. Structured organization

A maintenance plan template helps you to organize all important information in a structured way. You can clearly display relevant data such as defect status, responsibilities, maintenance lists and deadlines.

3. Consistency and standardization

A template ensures that maintenance plans are uniform and standardized. This ensures that all maintenance is carried out to the same high standards.

building maintenance business plan pdf

4. Overview and tracking

With a maintenance plan template, you can keep track of all upcoming maintenance work. You can track which tasks have already been completed and which are still outstanding.

5. Compliance with regulations and laws

By using a maintenance plan template, you can ensure that you comply with all legal and official regulations with regard to regular maintenance. You can analyze important aspects such as compliance and operator responsibility into the template.

6. Effective use of resources

By having a detailed maintenance plan in advance, you can use resources such as manpower, materials and equipment more efficiently. This increases productivity and minimizes unnecessary downtime.

7. Extended service life of systems

Maintenance plans are part of the operational maintenance and servicing strategy. Maintenance and preventive maintenance allow potential problems to be identified and rectified in good time.

8. Cost savings

Timely maintenance and servicing can prevent expensive repairs and downtime. A maintenance plan template helps you to keep track of costs and save money in the long term.

9. Safety in the workplace

Regular inspections and maintenance measures minimize the risk of accidents or damage and thus create a safer working environment for everyone involved.

The key components of an effective maintenance plan

building maintenance business plan pdf

A professional maintenance plan contains precise information about upcoming maintenance tasks. This information includes:

  • Identification of the systems, objects or machines to be checked.
  • Names of the specialists responsible for maintenance.
  • Date of maintenance and time interval for recurring maintenance .
  • Type and purpose of the measures, such as inspections, monthly maintenance or replacement of defective parts.
  • List of required spare parts, materials and tools.
  • Determination of the priority level, whether it is a preventive measure, an urgent repair or a critical condition.

building maintenance business plan pdf

To ensure that your maintenance plan contains all the important information, we offer you three free maintenance plan templates.

Our basic maintenance plan template is available for a compact calendar view of all measures:

➡️Click here to get the free Maintenance plan Excel template! 🔗 

For a detailed insight into the maintenance plans for each device, we recommend our template with separate calendars per system and maintenance report:

➡️Click here to get a free Maintenance plan Excel per Asset! 🔗

➡️Click here to get a free Maintenance report Excel template! 🔗 

Read on to get our maintenance checklists and maintenance logs!

Our free checklists and maintenance logs

Our comprehensive checklists and detailed maintenance logs guide technicians through every step of the process. They ensure comprehensive control of all types of buildings and their specific devices.

Download our free maintenance logs and checklists now.

➡️Click here to download Inspection checklist in PDF now!🔗

Use of digital tools for optimal organization of the maintenance plan

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As a rule, the complexity of maintenance management increases with the size of the company. In such cases, a digital maintenance planner offers considerable advantages compared to a maintenance planner for Excel.

Software enables the customization of templates, the marking of attachments and the automatic planning of tasks. A maintenance planner in Excel can become confusing over time.

With Wowflow, you can add multiple data sheets, checklists and images without compromising clarity.

Even if you have good checklists and templates, you still have to fill out the documents, carry them, bring them to the office and then scan them.

This process may be acceptable for a few inspections per year, but it becomes increasingly complex as responsibility increases.

Wowflow digitizes your inspection forms: Eliminate the hassle of paperwork in just three simple steps.

Follow these three simple steps to optimize your maintenance management:

1. Create a maintenance checklist

a. Customize as desired.

b. Define different checklists for different measures.

building maintenance business plan pdf

2. Create a maintenance task with a predefined checklist:

a. Your maintenance team has all the information in the mobile app.

b. Your team uses the checklist to carry out the maintenance task.

c. And best of all: any additional images or comments are automatically saved in the maintenance task.

building maintenance business plan pdf

3. Generate automated maintenance reports in PDF format:

a. Once the task is complete, you can create professional PDF reports at the touch of a button.

b. Do you need a signature as official proof? We take care of it.

c. Save your reports in Wowflow with advanced filters or upload them to your ERP / CAFM tool.

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No more mountains of files. Structure your workflows with Wowflow.

Try Wowflow now for free!

Conclusion: Maximum effectiveness and time savings with a well-structured, customizable maintenance plan template

Maintenance plan templates can be used to standardize and optimize the entire maintenance process, from planning to documentation.

All details relevant to maintenance, such as device data, persons responsible, intervals and checklists, can be recorded in the template.

At the same time, companies can adapt the template to their specific requirements. Different machine parks or building types can be mapped with their own checklists and protocols.

The templates thus ensure transparency and process stability in day-to-day maintenance. However, creating and updating them manually can be time-consuming. This is where digital tools such as the Wowflow maintenance plan software offer great added value.

How do I create a maintenance plan?

To create a maintenance plan, you must first identify the objects/machines to be maintained, define the maintenance intervals and assign responsible persons.

You can fill in our professional templates, create your own maintenance plans or use a digital solution such as Wowflow.

What does a maintenance plan include?

A maintenance plan includes important information about machines in the company, such as name, location, time of purchase and use. Also included are details of the last and next maintenance, time intervals and contact details of the responsible service person.

Detailed information on the planned maintenance work and inspection points resulting from the design and functions of the appliances is particularly important.

What is a maintenance log template?

A maintenance log template is a document that documents the maintenance work that has actually been carried out. It contains the data of completed maintenance work and is used for complete documentation of past maintenance work.

Wowflow ensures a high level of transparency. Your information can be retrieved at any time for control purposes. Discover all the benefits with our free demo!

What is the difference between a maintenance plan and a maintenance log?

The maintenance plan defines the content and timing of future maintenance work. The maintenance log documents in detail the maintenance measures that have already been carried out.

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The Only Building Maintenance Checklist You’ll Ever Need [+ download]

Dana Dunford

Deferred maintenance is the death of any property management or real estate investment business. Buildings that aren’t maintained properly lead to costly repairs, lost rental income from frustrated tenants and vacancy, and a general decline in asset value.

While building maintenance takes a lot of time and effort, a good building maintenance checklist is worth its weight in gold. This is particularly true for remote real estate investors who need to keep a close eye on their properties from a distance.

Today we are going to give you the only building maintenance checklist you’ll ever need, one that you can download, save as a template, and continue adding to as you build your portfolio.

building maintenance business plan pdf

What Does Building Maintenance Really Mean?

Building maintenance helps you to find and fix problems before they occur. Also called planned or routine maintenance, maintaining a building can help increase property value by taking care of the asset and tenants who are paying the rent.

For multifamily buildings in particular, deferred maintenance can lead to vacancy, which eats into your cash flow, cash on cash return , and ultimately your asset value.

Instead of reacting to repair requests, utilizing a building maintenance checklist enforces preventive building care with a pre-set inspection schedule based on factors including time of year, type of tenants, and manufacturer’s guidelines.

How to Create a Good Building Maintenance Program

There are four general steps to creating a good building maintenance program:

Inspection and routine checks can occur daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually. The purpose of each inspection is to ensure that equipment is operating at peak efficiency for as long as possible.

Detection of an unanticipated issue while performing routine maintenance, such as an HVAC air compressor ready to go bad in the middle of summer.

Correction to remedy the detected issue before it becomes worse and causes a total breakdown of the equipment.

Prevention is improved each time an inspection is done, with reports from previous inspections and maintenance acting as a guideline for scheduling maintenance and preventing future equipment malfunctions.

Building maintenance 101 for real estate investors and property managers

Benefits of Having a Building Maintenance Program

Although the costs of building maintenance appear on the P&L (income statement) as an expense item, savvy real estate investors understand that having a good building maintenance program also helps to grow the bottom line.

There are seven key benefits to having a regular building maintenance program:

  • Equipment downtime is decreased.
  • Repairs are also decreased with preventive maintenance.
  • Tenants and customers have a better experience, helping to keep rent revenues up and property vacancy low.
  • Property management staff can be more productive when they’re not constantly reacting to problems.
  • A building maintenance checklist also leads to more efficient use of staff hours and keeps overtime expenses low.
  • Building safety is improved for tenants, occupants, staff, and the general public, helping to reduce ownership liability.
  • The extended life expectancy of mechanical systems reduces CapEx charges by eliminating the need for early replacement.

How to Create a Building Maintenance Checklist

A good building maintenance checklist should include the following items to ensure that asset values are being maintained and the health and safety of the building occupants and general public aren’t put at risk.

  • Safety signs such as emergency exit and parking lot signs are in good condition and easily seen.
  • Smoke detectors and carbon monoxide systems are functioning properly and batteries are fully charged/replaced regularly.
  • Fire alarm and suppression systems are maintained to receive routine approval by the local fire inspector.
  • First aid kits in public areas are fully stocked, including eye wash bottles, respirators, and disinfectants.
  • Check all interior and exterior lighting for proper installation and function, including common areas and parking lot lighting.
  • Clean light fixtures of dust and debris and confirm that they light the intended areas.
  • Consider replacing parking lot lights as a group to reduce the expense of one-off bulb replacement and lighting repairs. (Or purchase multiples to receive bulk discounts.)
  • Investigate incentives and credits offered by the local electric utility for converting to energy-efficient lighting.
  • Verify that the hardware and cabling for exterior lighting is intact, such as ground-level signage and parking lot light poles.
  • Heating and air conditioning systems should be inspected twice a year before summer and winter begin.
  • Test the operation of interior and exterior units, including all safety controls.
  • Clean or replace air filters as necessary depending on the level of use, usually monthly or quarterly.
  • Check refrigerant levels and oil levels.
  • Verify the condensate drain pan is draining as designed.
  • Check piping and insulation, inspect air compression lines, and check for leaks around tubing and fittings.
  • Clean the air intake and ductwork when needed, securing loose guard screens or panels, and checking flexible duct connectors.
  • Inspect exhaust fans, condenser motor bearings, and all electrical connections and hardware.
  • Plumbing systems should be inspected according to a regular schedule, such as before periods of heavy summer use or preventive maintenance prior to the start of winter.
  • Inspect the interior and exterior water pipes for leaks that could contribute to excess water use and structural building damage.
  • Test water heaters and boilers, along with backflow prevention systems on both residential and commercial property.
  • Lubricate bearings on circulation pumps, then check the system by running control tests.
  • Check the condition of paint, flooring, and light fixtures for wear and tear that could create safety hazards such as slipping or tripping.
  • Examine plumbing lines for evidence of leaks that could lead to mold growth, water damage, or pest infestation.
  • Verify toilets, sinks, showers, and bathtubs are in good condition and operating properly.
  • Test interior fire alarm and smoke detector systems, replacing batteries as needed.
  • Inspect electrical outlets and light switches for missing or damaged receptacle covers.
  • Test timers and photocells and controls to ensure they are functioning correctly.
  • Check door locks and window closures for proper operation, and ensure that exits are not partially blocked or obstructed.
  • Walk the exterior of the property and look for safety hazards such as exposed electrical wire or standing water caused by improper drainage or water leaks.
  • Check the condition of paint and walls, look for broken windows or doors, and examine the condition of stair railings and fencing.
  • Remove weeds and debris from around the building and foundation, and remove tree branches that appear ready to fall.
  • Examine the condition of sidewalks, driveways, and the parking lot, including storm drains and removal of any broken glass or accumulated trash.
  • Inspect the roof, clean drains and gutters and verify they are securely anchored, and test downspouts by flushing them with water.

Building Maintenance Checklist Template

Property managers and building owners can download free building maintenance checklist templates then customize each checklist template with items specific to a building or location.

Here is a free building maintenance checklist template for you to use in your real estate business.

Building Maintenance: Additional resources

Aside from the above comprehensive maintenance checklist, you may find the following resources useful.

  • 10 Ways to Maintain your Rental during the Spring Season
  • Winter Rental Maintenance Checklist
  • 8 Rental Maintenance Tips for the Autumn Season
  • 7 Summer Rental Maintenance Tips

Equipment and Systems :

  • HVAC Maintenance Guide
  • Plumbing Maintenance Guide
  • Electrical Maintenance Guide

Additional Resources :

  • Top 5 Ways To Avoid Tenant Maintenance Lawsuits
  • Rental Maintenance & Repair - Who is Responsible?
  • How to Prepare for the Rental Turnover

Closing Thoughts

A good building maintenance checklist will act as a guide to increase property value, keep rental income and cash flow strong, and help ensure the health and safety of a building’s occupants and the general public.

By detecting, correcting, and preventing minor problems, property owners and managers have more time to focus on improving the performance of investment real estate.

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    Services. HandyMan Stan offers the community of Duluth the finest home repair and maintenance for home owners and property managers. All services start at just $30 per hour plus parts. HandyMan Stan will give every customer at least one hour of work at their property.

  3. Property Maintenance and Renovation Business Plan [Sample Template]

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  4. Cleaning, Repairs & Maintenance Business Plans

    Electronics Repair Shop Business Plan. Handyman Maintenance Business Plan. Hardwood Floor Refinisher Business Plan. Lawn and Garden Services Business Plan. Locksmith Business Plan. Plumbing Business Plan. HVAC Business Plan. It's only a matter of time before something breaks, needs a bit of upkeep, or even just some tidying up. This means ...

  5. Building Maintenance Business Plan

    Download this Building Maintenance Business Plan Design in Word, Google Docs Format. Easily Editable, Printable, Downloadable. Introducing our Building Maintenance Business Plan Template: an essential tool for aspiring entrepreneurs and building maintenance service providers. This comprehensive template provides a structured framework to ...

  6. Property Maintenance Business Plan Template

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  7. PDF Fixit

    Financial Highlights. Fixit is a provider of building maintenance and handyman services. The company will be based in Jacksonville, Florida, whence it will extend a portfolio of specialized services to property owners, both residential and commercial. The focus will initially be on clientele in Florida with a.

  8. Facility Maintenance Plan Template (Free To Download)

    Facility Management Template - Key Takeaways. Facility preventive maintenance involves pre-emptive actions to prevent defects or costly breakdowns, ensuring optimal asset and equipment performance. A maintenance checklist helps reduce the chance of unplanned breakdowns, creates accountability among technicians, and promotes consistent ...

  9. How To Start A Maintenance Business

    5. Create a financial plan. In order to make your home maintenance business successful, you'll need to have a solid financial plan in place. This plan should include your start-up costs, operating expenses, and how you plan on generating revenue.

  10. How to Create a Building Maintenance Plan

    4 Simple Steps to Creating a Preventive Building Maintenance Plan. 1. Inventory Your Building's Assets. You need to decide what equipment to include in your preventive maintenance program. A thorough walkthrough and review of your building's floor plans will help you log all necessary assets and areas. In addition to common areas, don't ...

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    HVAC Business Plan. ClimateTech HVAC Solutions is dedicated to revolutionizing the HVAC industry by providing advanced, energy-efficient heating, ventilation, and air conditioning services to both residential and commercial clients. Maintain your business as easily as you maintain machinery, home infrastructure, or whatever else you specialize ...

  12. Free Building Maintenance Checklists

    Free to use for up to 10 users. Start using template View template in library. An office building maintenance checklist is used when scheduling inspections of the workplace's interior and exterior condition. Common building maintenance checklist items include: Check lighting system and fixtures. Inspect all electrical equipment.

  13. A Comprehensive Guide to Building Maintenance Management

    It includes inspections, repairs, utilizing CMMS software, and managing physical assets. A good maintenance program minimizes disruptions and maximizes the lifespan of building components. It also monitors systems like HVAC, electrical, and plumbing and addresses issues promptly. Effective maintenance creates a safe, comfortable, and ...

  14. Download maintenance plan template Excel & Word

    The maintenance plan template is used by companies and professionals in the field of technology and facility management. The plan serves as a work order, schedule and checklist for the main maintenance players, such as electrical engineers, facility management teams, building technicians or janitors. Maintenance and service plans are important ...

  15. Cleaning, Maintenance & Repair Business Plans

    Choosing a Maintenance or Repair Business Plan. This category itself has 18+ business plan templates for various cleaning and maintenance businesses. With many similar business types and templates, you may not find the most suitable one through manual scrolling. Here are the steps to consider while choosing the most suitable business plan template.

  16. PDF Maintenance Plan Document FINAL Draft

    The Maintenance Plan (MP) document has separate fillable sections for the Maintenance Plan Summary and the Maintenance Schedules and Checklists. Definitions of Emergency, Vacancy Refurbishment, Preventive Maintenance, Programmed Maintenance, Requested Maintenance. How the Housing Authority (HA) responds to an emergency call and how the Staff ...

  17. Building Maintenance Checklist You'll Ever Need

    Clean window glass, tracks, and all hardware. Check the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors (monthly). Replace the HVAC air filters (monthly). Inspect the property for signs of rodent or pest damage. Check the building for visible signs of leaks or water damage. Test the fire alarm (monthly).

  18. 51+ SAMPLE Maintenance Plans in PDF

    1Know the nature and other specifications of the maintenance plan that you need to create. 2Collect a number of maintenance plan templates and select one that can best present the content that you would like to share to your stakeholders in an organized and well-formatted manner. 3Create a title page and an introduction page that can let people ...

  19. The Only Building Maintenance Checklist You'll Ever Need

    Property managers and building owners can download free building maintenance checklist templates then customize each checklist template with items specific to a building or location. Here is a free building maintenance checklist template for you to use in your real estate business. Building Maintenance: Additional resources

  20. The Comprehensive Guide to Building Maintenance Checklists

    Check for cracks or damage to the foundation and walls. Landscaping maintenance (trimming, pruning, weeding). Inspection of parking areas and walkways for cracks or potholes. 2. Interior Maintenance: HVAC system inspection and filter replacement. Plumbing system checks for leaks, clogs, or water pressure issues.