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108 Social Issues Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Social issues are complex and multifaceted problems that affect individuals, communities, and societies as a whole. These issues can range from poverty and inequality to discrimination and environmental degradation. Writing an essay on a social issue can be a daunting task, but it can also be a rewarding experience that allows you to explore and analyze important topics that impact the world around you.

To help you get started, here are 108 social issues essay topic ideas and examples that you can use as inspiration for your next writing assignment:

  • The impact of social media on mental health
  • Income inequality and its effects on society
  • Police brutality and the Black Lives Matter movement
  • The rise of fake news and its impact on democracy
  • Gender inequality in the workplace
  • Climate change and its effects on vulnerable communities
  • The opioid crisis and its impact on communities
  • The criminal justice system and racial disparities
  • Homelessness and poverty in America
  • The refugee crisis and global migration patterns
  • LGBTQ+ rights and discrimination
  • The rise of nationalism and its impact on global politics
  • Gun control and mass shootings in America
  • Environmental racism and its effects on marginalized communities
  • The impact of globalization on developing countries
  • Mental health stigma and access to treatment
  • Cyberbullying and online harassment
  • The #MeToo movement and sexual harassment in the workplace
  • Access to healthcare and the rising cost of medical care
  • The impact of technology on social relationships
  • Food insecurity and hunger in America
  • The effects of gentrification on low-income communities
  • Disability rights and accessibility
  • The criminalization of poverty and homelessness
  • Human trafficking and modern-day slavery
  • The impact of colonialism on indigenous communities
  • The rise of authoritarianism and threats to democracy
  • The education achievement gap and disparities in schools
  • Mental health challenges facing college students
  • The impact of social isolation on mental health
  • The influence of religion on social norms and values
  • The effects of gentrification on cultural identity
  • The impact of social media on political discourse
  • The role of activism in social change
  • Access to clean water and sanitation in developing countries
  • The impact of social media on body image and self-esteem
  • The effects of income inequality on public health
  • The criminalization of drug addiction and mental illness
  • The impact of climate change on indigenous communities

These are just a few examples of social issues that you can explore in your essay. Remember to choose a topic that you are passionate about and that you feel strongly about. Researching and writing about social issues can be a powerful way to raise awareness and advocate for change in the world. Good luck with your essay!

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Sat / act prep online guides and tips, 113 perfect persuasive essay topics for any assignment.

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Do you need to write a persuasive essay but aren’t sure what topic to focus on? Were you thrilled when your teacher said you could write about whatever you wanted but are now overwhelmed by the possibilities? We’re here to help!

Read on for a list of 113 top-notch persuasive essay topics, organized into ten categories. To help get you started, we also discuss what a persuasive essay is, how to choose a great topic, and what tips to keep in mind as you write your persuasive essay.

What Is a Persuasive Essay?

In a persuasive essay, you attempt to convince readers to agree with your point of view on an argument. For example, an essay analyzing changes in Italian art during the Renaissance wouldn’t be a persuasive essay, because there’s no argument, but an essay where you argue that Italian art reached its peak during the Renaissance would be a persuasive essay because you’re trying to get your audience to agree with your viewpoint.

Persuasive and argumentative essays both try to convince readers to agree with the author, but the two essay types have key differences. Argumentative essays show a more balanced view of the issue and discuss both sides. Persuasive essays focus more heavily on the side the author agrees with. They also often include more of the author’s opinion than argumentative essays, which tend to use only facts and data to support their argument.

All persuasive essays have the following:

  • Introduction: Introduces the topic, explains why it’s important, and ends with the thesis.
  • Thesis: A sentence that sums up what the essay be discussing and what your stance on the issue is.
  • Reasons you believe your side of the argument: Why do you support the side you do? Typically each main point will have its own body paragraph.
  • Evidence supporting your argument: Facts or examples to back up your main points. Even though your opinion is allowed in persuasive essays more than most other essays, having concrete examples will make a stronger argument than relying on your opinion alone.
  • Conclusion: Restatement of thesis, summary of main points, and a recap of why the issue is important.

What Makes a Good Persuasive Essay Topic?

Theoretically, you could write a persuasive essay about any subject under the sun, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you should. Certain topics are easier to write a strong persuasive essay on, and below are tips to follow when deciding what you should write about.

It’s a Topic You Care About

Obviously, it’s possible to write an essay about a topic you find completely boring. You’ve probably done it! However, if possible, it’s always better to choose a topic that you care about and are interested in. When this is the case, you’ll find doing the research more enjoyable, writing the essay easier, and your writing will likely be better because you’ll be more passionate about and informed on the topic.

You Have Enough Evidence to Support Your Argument

Just being passionate about a subject isn’t enough to make it a good persuasive essay topic, though. You need to make sure your argument is complex enough to have at least two potential sides to root for, and you need to be able to back up your side with evidence and examples. Even though persuasive essays allow your opinion to feature more than many other essays, you still need concrete evidence to back up your claims, or you’ll end up with a weak essay.

For example, you may passionately believe that mint chocolate chip ice cream is the best ice cream flavor (I agree!), but could you really write an entire essay on this? What would be your reasons for believing mint chocolate chip is the best (besides the fact that it’s delicious)? How would you support your belief? Have enough studies been done on preferred ice cream flavors to support an entire essay? When choosing a persuasive essay idea, you want to find the right balance between something you care about (so you can write well on it) and something the rest of the world cares about (so you can reference evidence to strengthen your position).

It’s a Manageable Topic

Bigger isn’t always better, especially with essay topics. While it may seem like a great idea to choose a huge, complex topic to write about, you’ll likely struggle to sift through all the information and different sides of the issue and winnow them down to one streamlined essay. For example, choosing to write an essay about how WWII impacted American life more than WWI wouldn’t be a great idea because you’d need to analyze all the impacts of both the wars in numerous areas of American life. It’d be a huge undertaking. A better idea would be to choose one impact on American life the wars had (such as changes in female employment) and focus on that. Doing so will make researching and writing your persuasive essay much more feasible.


List of 113 Good Persuasive Essay Topics

Below are over 100 persuasive essay ideas, organized into ten categories. When you find an idea that piques your interest, you’ll choose one side of it to argue for in your essay. For example, if you choose the topic, “should fracking be legal?” you’d decide whether you believe fracking should be legal or illegal, then you’d write an essay arguing all the reasons why your audience should agree with you.


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  • Does making abortion illegal make women more or less safe?
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  • Should the minimum voting age be raised/lowered/kept the same?
  • Should Puerto Rico be granted statehood?
  • Should the United States build a border wall with Mexico?
  • Who should be the next person printed on American banknotes?
  • Should the United States’ military budget be reduced?
  • Did China’s one child policy have overall positive or negative impacts on the country?
  • Should DREAMers be granted US citizenship?
  • Is national security more important than individual privacy?
  • What responsibility does the government have to help homeless people?
  • Should the electoral college be abolished?
  • Should the US increase or decrease the number of refugees it allows in each year?
  • Should privately-run prisons be abolished?
  • Who was the most/least effective US president?
  • Will Brexit end up helping or harming the UK?


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  • Is the Keto diet a safe and effective way to lose weight?
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  • Should public schools require all students who attend to be vaccinated?
  • Is eating genetically modified food safe?
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  • What’s the best way to lower the teen pregnancy rate?
  • Should recreational marijuana be legalized nationwide?
  • Should birth control pills be available without a prescription?
  • Should pregnant women be forbidden from buying cigarettes and alcohol?
  • Why has anxiety increased in adolescents?
  • Are low-carb or low-fat diets more effective for weight loss?
  • What caused the destruction of the USS Maine?
  • Was King Arthur a mythical legend or actual Dark Ages king?
  • Was the US justified in dropping atomic bombs during WWII?
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  • Was disagreement over slavery the primary cause of the US Civil War?
  • What has caused the numerous disappearances in the Bermuda triangle?
  • Should nuclear power be banned?
  • Is scientific testing on animals necessary?
  • Do zoos help or harm animals?
  • Should scientists be allowed to clone humans?
  • Should animals in circuses be banned?
  • Should fracking be legal?
  • Should people be allowed to keep exotic animals as pets?
  • What’s the best way to reduce illegal poaching in Africa?
  • What is the best way to reduce the impact of global warming?
  • Should euthanasia be legalized?
  • Is there legitimate evidence of extraterrestrial life?
  • Should people be banned from owning aggressive dog breeds?
  • Should the United States devote more money towards space exploration?
  • Should the government subsidize renewable forms of energy?
  • Is solar energy worth the cost?
  • Should stem cells be used in medicine?
  • Is it right for the US to leave the Paris Climate Agreement?
  • Should athletes who fail a drug test receive a lifetime ban from the sport?
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  • Should the NFL do more to prevent concussions in players?
  • Do PE classes help students stay in shape?
  • Should horse racing be banned?
  • Should cheerleading be considered a sport?
  • Should children younger than 18 be allowed to play tackle football?
  • Are the costs of hosting an Olympic Games worth it?
  • Can online schools be as effective as traditional schools?
  • Do violent video games encourage players to be violent in real life?
  • Should facial recognition technology be banned?
  • Does excessive social media use lead to depression/anxiety?
  • Has the rise of translation technology made knowing multiple languages obsolete?
  • Was Steve Jobs a visionary or just a great marketer?
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  • Will technology end up increasing or decreasing inequality worldwide?


Tips for Writing a Strong Persuasive Essay

After you’ve chosen the perfect topic for your persuasive essay, your work isn’t over. Follow the three tips below to create a top-notch essay.

Do Your Research

Your argument will fall apart if you don’t fully understand the issue you’re discussing or you overlook an important piece of it. Readers won’t be convinced by someone who doesn’t know the subject, and you likely won’t persuade any of them to begin supporting your viewpoint. Before you begin writing a single word of your essay, research your topic thoroughly. Study different sources, learn about the different sides of the argument, ask anyone who’s an expert on the topic what their opinion is, etc. You might be tempted to start writing right away, but by doing your research, you’ll make the writing process much easier when the time comes.

Make Your Thesis Perfect

Your thesis is the most important sentence in your persuasive essay. Just by reading that single sentence, your audience should know exactly what topic you’ll be discussing and where you stand on the issue. You want your thesis to be crystal clear and to accurately set up the rest of your essay. Asking classmates or your teacher to look it over before you begin writing the rest of your essay can be a big help if you’re not entirely confident in your thesis.

Consider the Other Side

You’ll spend most of your essay focusing on your side of the argument since that’s what you want readers to come away believing. However, don’t think that means you can ignore other sides of the issue. In your essay, be sure to discuss the other side’s argument, as well as why you believe this view is weak or untrue. Researching all the different viewpoints and including them in your essay will increase the quality of your writing by making your essay more complete and nuanced.

Summary: Persuasive Essay Ideas

Good persuasive essay topics can be difficult to come up with, but in this guide we’ve created a list of 113 excellent essay topics for you to browse. The best persuasive essay ideas will be those that you are interested in, have enough evidence to support your argument, and aren’t too complicated to be summarized in an essay.

After you’ve chosen your essay topic, keep these three tips in mind when you begin writing:

  • Do your research
  • Make your thesis perfect
  • Consider the other side

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Christine graduated from Michigan State University with degrees in Environmental Biology and Geography and received her Master's from Duke University. In high school she scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT and was named a National Merit Finalist. She has taught English and biology in several countries.

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Essay On Social Issues

500 words essay on social issues.

Social Issues is an undesirable state which opposes society or a certain part of society. It refers to an unwanted situation that frequently results in problems and continues to harm society . Social issues can cause a lot of problems that can be beyond the control of just one person. Through an essay on social issues, we will learn why they are harmful and what types of social issues we face.

Essay On Social Issues

Drawbacks of Social Issues

Social issues have a lot of drawbacks that harms our society. They are situations that have an adverse and damaging result on our society. They arise when the public leaves nature or society from an ideal situation.

If you look closely, you will realize that almost all types of social issues have common origins. In the sense that they all are interconnected somehow. Meaning to say, if one solves the other one is also most likely to resolve.

Social issues have a massive lousy effect on our society and ultimately, it affects all of us. In order to solve some social issues, we need a common approach. No society is free from social issues, almost every one of them has some social issue or the other.

For instance, in India, you will find a lot of social issues which the country is facing. It ranges from the caste system to child labour and gender inequality to religious conflicts. Thus, we are going through a critical time where we all must come together to free our society from undesirable social evils.

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Major Social Issues

There are a lot of social issues we are facing right now, some more prominent than the others. First of all, poverty is a worldwide issue. It gives birth to a lot of other social issues which we must try to get away with at the earliest.

Further, countries like India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and more are facing the issue of the caste system since times unknown. It results in a lot of caste violence and inequality which takes the lives of many on a daily basis.

Moreover, child labour is another major social issue that damages the lives of young children. Similarly, illiteracy also ruins the lives of many by destroying their chances of a bright future.

In developing countries mostly, child marriage still exists and is responsible for ruining many lives. Similarly, dowry is a very serious and common social issue that almost all classes of people partake in.

Another prominent social issue is gender inequality which takes away many opportunities from deserving people. Domestic violence especially against women is a serious social issue we must all fight against.

Other social issues include starvation, child sex abuse, religious conflicts, child trafficking, terrorism , overpopulation, untouchability, communalism and many more. It is high time we end these social issues.

Conclusion of the Essay on Social Issues

A society can successfully end social issues if they become adamant. These social issues act as a barrier to the progress of society. Thus, we must all come together to fight against them and put them to an end for the greater good.

FAQ on Essay on Social Issues

Question 1: What is the meaning of social problem?

Answer 1: A social problem refers to any condition or behaviour which has a negative impact on a large number of people. It is normally recognized as a condition or behaviour that needs to be addressed.

Question 2: What are the effects of social issues?

Answer 2: Social issues affect our society adversely. Most importantly, it disturbs the harmony of society and gives rise to hostility and suspicion. Moreover, it creates large-scale social dissatisfaction, suffering and misery.

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Essay Samples on Social Issues

Almost every college student these days gets to work with various social issue essays that may range from domestic violence and bullying to workplace conflicts and issues like college debts. Therefore, choosing an issue, you can explore a broad range of subjects as long as there is a problem and more than one opinion involved. Another important aspect that must be explored is determining your essay type. If you are dealing with debates, providing clear and respectful replies is essential. If you feel confused and do not know how to deal with a particular social issue or need more ideas, consider checking free social issues essay examples that will provide inspiration and help to learn more about essay structure. See how each quote has been used, focus on the thesis statement part in the introduction, and don’t forget to explore various formatting conventions. As you write, always seek statistical information or use surveys that deal with your subject. When you structure your social issues essay paragraphs, do not start with citations at the start of every paragraph but provide a basic introduction or use a topic sentence instead. It will help to make your essay content more accurate and reliable.

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The question of whether abortion should be illegal is a contentious and morally charged issue that revolves around conflicting beliefs about the value of life, women's rights, and societal well-being. In this argumentative essay, we will explore the reasons why some argue that abortion should...

Roe vs. Wade and the Abortion Debate

The landmark Supreme Court case of Roe v. Wade in 1973 marked a pivotal moment in the ongoing abortion debate, shaping the legal landscape surrounding reproductive rights in the United States. This essay examines the Roe v. Wade decision, delving into its historical context, ethical...

Research about Abortion: The Complex Landscape

The topic of abortion is one that elicits passionate debates and encompasses a myriad of ethical, medical, social, and legal dimensions. In this research essay, we will delve into the multifaceted nature of abortion, exploring its historical context, ethical considerations, medical practices, legal frameworks, and...

Reasons Why Abortion Should Be Legalized: A Comprehensive Exploration

The debate over whether abortion should be legalized is a complex and contentious issue, raising ethical, medical, and societal considerations. In this essay, we will delve into the compelling reasons why abortion should be legalized, focusing on the importance of women's autonomy, safeguarding public health,...

Reasons Abortion Should Be Legal

The question of whether abortion should be legal is a deeply divisive and complex issue, intertwining ethical, medical, and societal factors. In this essay, we will delve into the compelling reasons why abortion should be legal, focusing on the ethical importance of women's autonomy, public...

Persuasive Writing: The Imperative of Legal Abortion

The topic of legal abortion has been a point of intense contention, evoking impassioned debates on ethics, women's rights, and the role of government in personal decisions. In this essay, we will explore the compelling reasons why legal abortion is not only a necessity but...

Negative Effects of Illegal Immigration

Illegal immigration has long been a contentious issue with far-reaching implications for societies. This essay delves into the negative effects of illegal immigration, exploring its social, economic, and political consequences. By analyzing these impacts, we can better understand the complexities associated with illegal immigration and...

  • Illegal Immigration
  • Immigration

Navigating the Contours of Music Censorship

Music, an expressive medium that transcends boundaries and cultures, has the power to shape emotions, spark conversations, and challenge societal norms. In the realm of creativity, however, the concept of music censorship introduces a discordant note. The discourse around music censorship echoes the clash between...

Navigating the Complex Issue of Abortion: Ethics, Rights, and Choices

The issue of abortion has long been a subject of profound ethical, legal, and social debate, spanning cultural, religious, and philosophical landscapes. With divergent perspectives and deeply held beliefs, this complex issue encompasses questions about the sanctity of life, individual autonomy, medical ethics, and the...

NATO, the Cold War, and Civil Rights: Struggles and Achievements

NATO, the Cold War, and civil rights are three interconnected threads that defined the latter half of the 20th century. This essay delves into the complex interplay between these forces, exploring how the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) influenced the global landscape during the Cold...

  • Civil Rights

Is Abortion Morally Wrong? Unpacking Moral Perspectives

The moral status of abortion has long been a contentious and complex issue, eliciting impassioned debates that touch on ethics, religion, philosophy, and individual beliefs. The question of whether abortion is morally wrong stands at the heart of these discussions, prompting diverse viewpoints and thought-provoking...

In Defense of Abortion: Exploring the Argument for Reproductive Rights

The essay presents a comprehensive argument in favor of abortion, focusing on reproductive rights, women's autonomy, and the complexities of individual circumstances. Introduction The topic of abortion is one of the most debated and controversial issues in society. This essay seeks to present a strong...

For Abortion: An Argumentative Analysis

The issue of abortion has been a subject of intense controversy and debate for decades, with individuals and societies holding contrasting viewpoints on its moral, ethical, and legal implications. This argumentative essay aims to explore the various perspectives surrounding abortion, delving into the arguments both...

Exploring the Anti-Abortion Perspective: Values and Ethics

Introduction The topic of abortion has long been a contentious and deeply divisive issue, sparking intense debates worldwide. This essay delves into the anti-abortion perspective, also known as the pro-life stance, which emphasizes the sanctity of human life from conception and opposes the practice of...

Exploring Abortion Solutions: A Comprehensive Examination

Introduction The complex issue of abortion prompts a search for practical and ethical solutions that balance women's rights, societal values, and the well-being of all involved. This essay delves into a range of abortion solutions, exploring approaches that address the diverse challenges surrounding this contentious...

Empowering Choice and Advancing Women's Health

The topic of abortion remains a subject of impassioned discourse, with diverse viewpoints rooted in ethics, religion, personal beliefs, and women's rights. In this persuasive essay, we will explore the critical arguments in favor of legalizing abortion, focusing on how it empowers women's agency, protects...

Disadvantages of Abortion: Navigating Ethical and Emotional Challenges

Introduction The topic of abortion is a contentious and emotionally charged subject that sparks debates around the world. While discussions about abortion often focus on individual rights, women's health, and legal considerations, it's crucial to also explore the disadvantages associated with this complex decision. This...

Censorship of Art and Artists: The Complex Discourse

The intersection of creativity and expression often finds itself entangled in a contentious debate: the censorship of art and artists. This complex issue has sparked discussions across societies and cultures, raising questions about freedom of speech, cultural preservation, and the power dynamics between creators and...

Causes of Illegal Immigration: Unveiling Complex Factors

Illegal immigration is a multifaceted issue driven by a combination of economic, social, political, and personal factors. This essay explores the causes of illegal immigration, shedding light on the complex circumstances that lead individuals to leave their home countries and seek better opportunities abroad. By...

Arguments Against Abortion: The Ethical and Moral Debate

The topic of abortion has long been a subject of passionate debate, with opinions ranging from staunch support to vehement opposition. This essay will delve into the arguments against abortion, exploring the ethical, moral, and religious perspectives that contribute to this contentious issue. The Sanctity...

Anti-Abortion Argument: Protecting Life and Ethical Considerations

Introduction The debate over abortion is characterized by deeply held beliefs and passionate arguments from both sides. This essay delves into the anti-abortion argument, also known as the pro-life stance, which asserts that the fetus has a right to life and should be protected from...

An Analysis of the "Do You Agree with Abortion?" Debate

The topic of abortion has long been a subject of impassioned debate, with strong opinions on both sides. This essay delves into the ethical considerations surrounding the "Do You Agree with Abortion?" question, exploring the diverse perspectives and arguments that shape this contentious issue. Pro-Choice...

Agreeing with Abortion: Upholding Reproductive Rights and Autonomy

Introduction The topic of abortion is marked by passionate debates, with various perspectives and viewpoints coming to the forefront. This essay explores the arguments in favor of abortion, specifically focusing on the principles of reproductive rights, bodily autonomy, and the importance of providing individuals with...

Agree with Abortion: Exploring the Rationale and Ethical Perspectives

This essay has explored the rationale behind agreeing with abortion, shedding light on the ethical and contextual factors that contribute to this perspective. While the topic of abortion remains contentious, understanding the arguments of those who support it is essential for engaging in informed and...

Agree to Abortion: Exploring a Pro-Choice Perspective

Introduction The topic of abortion has been a subject of intense debate, sparking impassioned arguments from both proponents and opponents. This essay delves into the reasons and arguments for agreeing with the practice of abortion, focusing on women's autonomy, reproductive rights, and the complex circumstances...

Against Illegal Immigration: Examining Concerns and Perspectives

Illegal immigration is a complex and contentious issue that elicits a range of opinions and viewpoints. This essay explores arguments against illegal immigration, focusing on the concerns raised by critics and the perspectives that contribute to the opposition. By examining these viewpoints, we can gain...

Against Abortion: Examining the Argument for Protecting Fetal Life

The essay presents a comprehensive argument against abortion, focusing on fetal rights, ethical considerations, and alternatives to abortion. Introduction The debate surrounding abortion is one that elicits strong emotions and differing viewpoints. This essay delves into the argument against abortion, also known as the pro-life...

Against Abortion: Examining Ethical Concerns

Introduction The issue of abortion has long been a subject of intense debate, with passionate arguments on both sides. This essay delves into the arguments against abortion, focusing on ethical concerns and moral perspectives that drive opposition to this practice. By analyzing the sanctity of...

Against Abortion: Examining Ethical and Moral Considerations

Introduction The topic of abortion is inherently complex and evokes strong emotions from various perspectives. This essay delves into the arguments against abortion, focusing on ethical and moral considerations that underlie the opposition to this practice. It acknowledges the nuanced nature of this issue and...

Against Abortion Persuasive Arguments: Voicing Opposition

Introduction The topic of abortion is one that evokes strong emotions and polarizing opinions. In this persuasive essay, we will delve into the reasons why one might take a stance against abortion. By exploring the sanctity of life, the potential for alternatives, and the potential...

Advantages of Abortion: Exploring Benefits and Complexities

Introduction The topic of abortion is one of the most contentious issues in society, sparking debates and discussions on ethics, morality, and women's rights. While the debate often focuses on the disadvantages and challenges associated with abortion, it's important to also consider the potential advantages...

Advantages and Disadvantages of Abortion: Weighing the Pros and Cons

Introduction The topic of abortion is a complex and sensitive issue that elicits strong opinions from individuals across the globe. While the debate often centers around the ethical, moral, and legal aspects of abortion, it's important to consider both the advantages and disadvantages associated with...

About Abortion: Exploring a Complex Topic

Introduction Abortion is a complex and contentious topic that elicits strong emotions and differing viewpoints. It revolves around the termination of a pregnancy, raising significant ethical, legal, and societal questions. This essay provides an overview of abortion, exploring its history, methods, legal status, and the...

Abortion: Navigating the Ethical and Personal Choice

The topic of abortion is an ethical and emotional minefield that sparks passionate debates on both sides. The central issue revolves around a woman's right to choose and the moral status of the unborn fetus. This short argumentative essay will delve into the key points...

Abortion: Navigating Complex Choices in 1000 Words

Introduction The topic of abortion is both intricate and polarizing, encompassing a multitude of moral, ethical, legal, and personal considerations. This essay will explore the various dimensions of abortion, ranging from its historical context to the current debates surrounding it. While no concise essay can...

Abortion: Arguments For and Against

The topic of abortion is one that elicits strong opinions and impassioned debates. While some individuals firmly believe in a woman's right to choose, others advocate for the sanctity of unborn life. This essay will examine the arguments both for and against abortion, highlighting the...

Abortion: An Examination of Yes and No Arguments

Introduction The debate over abortion has polarized societies, sparking impassioned arguments from both proponents and opponents. This essay delves into the arguments for and against abortion, exploring the complexities and ethical considerations that underlie the "yes" and "no" perspectives on this divisive issue. Proponents of...

Abortion: An Argumentative Examination of a Complex Issue

The topic of abortion is a contentious and deeply divisive subject that elicits strong emotions and stirs heated debates. At the heart of this issue lies the clash between the right to bodily autonomy and the sanctity of life. This essay seeks to provide an...

Abortion: A Complex and Controversial Issue in 500 Words

Abortion, the termination of a pregnancy, is a deeply divisive topic that elicits strong emotions and diverse perspectives. The controversy surrounding abortion arises from the collision of moral, ethical, religious, and societal values, making it one of the most complex issues in contemporary discourse. The...

Abortion Should Not Be Banned

Introduction The topic of abortion is one of deep ethical, moral, and societal significance. The question of whether abortions should be banned is a highly debated issue, with differing perspectives on both sides. This essay argues that abortion should not be banned, highlighting the importance...

Abortion Should Be Legal: An Argumentative Perspective

Introduction The legalization of abortion is a deeply polarizing issue that sparks debates encompassing ethics, human rights, women's autonomy, and societal well-being. This essay presents a comprehensive argument in favor of legalizing abortion, addressing both the practical and moral considerations surrounding this complex topic. Historical...

Abortion Should Be Legal: A Persuasive Argument

Introduction The topic of abortion has long been a subject of heated debate, sparking conversations about ethics, women's rights, and societal values. This persuasive essay aims to present a compelling case for the legalization of abortion, highlighting the importance of respecting women's autonomy, safeguarding their...

Abortion Should Be Allowed: Ensuring Women's Autonomy and Health

Introduction The question of whether abortion should be allowed is a complex and highly debated topic that revolves around women's rights, medical ethics, and societal values. This essay argues in favor of allowing abortion, highlighting the importance of women's autonomy over their bodies, protecting their...

Abortion Rights: Complexities of an Argumentative Landscape

Introduction The debate over abortion rights remains one of the most contentious and emotionally charged issues in modern society. The clash of ideologies and moral beliefs has led to a multifaceted discussion that touches upon ethical, legal, religious, and personal considerations. The focus of this...

Abortion Rights: Balancing Autonomy and Ethics

Introduction Abortion rights, the subject of ongoing debates, involve the intersection of women's autonomy, medical ethics, and societal values. This essay explores the complexities surrounding abortion rights, delving into the historical, legal, ethical, and social dimensions that shape this contentious issue. Historical Evolution The history...

Abortion Legalization: Examining the Complex Issue

The legalization of abortion is a topic that evokes strong emotions and opinions from individuals on all sides of the debate. This essay delves into the multifaceted discussions surrounding the legalization of abortion, exploring the arguments presented by proponents and opponents and the broader implications...

Abortion Laws and Reproductive Rights: Argumentative Debate

The issue of abortion laws has been a hotly debated topic that touches on ethical, moral, and legal considerations. This argumentative essay explores the opposing viewpoints surrounding abortion laws and the broader implications for reproductive rights and women's autonomy. Proponents of Restrictive Abortion Laws Advocates...

Abortion Information: Exploring the Complexities and Perspectives

Abortion is a deeply contentious and multifaceted topic that touches upon matters of ethics, human rights, public health, and personal beliefs. This informative essay aims to provide a comprehensive overview of abortion, shedding light on its historical context, legal landscape, medical procedures, and the various...

Abortion Facts for an Argument

Abortion is a complex and emotionally charged topic that elicits strong opinions from individuals across society. When constructing an argumentative essay on abortion, it is essential to base your points on accurate and well-researched facts. Here are several key abortion facts that can serve as...

Abortion Disagree: Ethical Concerns and Alternative Perspective

Introduction The topic of abortion is a highly contentious and morally complex issue that evokes deeply-held beliefs and diverse perspectives. This "Abortion Disagree" essay aims to present arguments against abortion by exploring the ethical concerns and alternative viewpoints held by those who do not agree...

Abortion as a Social Issue: Navigating Perspectives and Impacts

Introduction Abortion is a multifaceted social issue that intertwines ethics, women's rights, religion, public health, and societal values. This essay delves into the complexities surrounding abortion as a social issue, exploring its historical context, the diverse viewpoints it elicits, and the broader implications for individuals...

Abortion and the Moral Debate: Is It Murder?

The topic of abortion sparks intense moral and ethical debates, with one of the central questions being whether abortion can be equated with murder. This essay aims to delve into the complexities of this debate, examining the perspectives of both pro-life advocates who contend that...

Abortion and Euthanasia: Ethical and Moral Dilemmas

Introduction The ethical debates surrounding abortion and euthanasia are among the most contentious and complex issues in contemporary society. Both topics touch on deeply personal and profound matters related to life, death, autonomy, and the value of human existence. This essay delves into the ethical...

  • Ethical Dilemma

Abortion Analysis: Exploring Complex Factors and Perspectives

Introduction The topic of abortion is a deeply complex and emotionally charged issue that spans medical, ethical, legal, and social domains. This essay undertakes a comprehensive abortion analysis, delving into the various factors, perspectives, and considerations that contribute to the ongoing debate surrounding this sensitive...

Abortion Advantages: Empowering Reproductive Autonomy

Introduction The topic of abortion is deeply nuanced, encompassing a range of perspectives and considerations. This essay explores the advantages of abortion, emphasizing the importance of reproductive autonomy, individual well-being, and the empowerment of women in making decisions about their bodies and futures. Reproductive Autonomy...

Abortion Advantages and Disadvantages: Weighing the Complexities

Introduction The topic of abortion is fraught with ethical, social, and personal considerations, making it a subject of ongoing debate and reflection. This essay delves into the advantages and disadvantages of abortion, shedding light on the complex factors that individuals and societies must grapple with...

A Thoughtful Speech about Abortion: Exploring Diverse Perspectives

Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, and fellow citizens, today we gather to delve into one of the most complex and emotionally charged topics of our time: abortion. The issue of abortion is marked by strong convictions and divergent viewpoints, and as we engage in this...

The World We Live in Today: a Complex Landscape

The world we live in today is marked by a dynamic interplay of advancements, challenges, and rapid changes that shape our daily lives and the course of history. From technological innovations to social transformations, this essay navigates the multifaceted aspects of the contemporary world, examining...

  • Globalization

The Role of Media in Advancing Gender Equality

The role of media in promoting gender equality is a topic that underscores the power of storytelling, representation, and influence in shaping societal perceptions. Advocates assert that media can challenge stereotypes, amplify women's voices, and catalyze social change. On the other hand, critics point to...

  • Gender Equality

The Issue of Artificial Intelligence and Intrusion of Privacy

In an era driven by technological advancements, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a powerful tool with far-reaching implications. While AI offers numerous benefits, including improved efficiency and enhanced decision-making, it also raises concerns about the intrusion of privacy. This essay delves into the complex...

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Internet Privacy

The Effects of Moving to Another Country

Moving to another country is a transformative experience that brings about a range of effects on individuals and their lives. Whether driven by opportunities for work, education, or personal growth, the decision to relocate to a different country entails both exciting prospects and challenges. In...

Perceptions of Disobedience in the Eyes of Anyone: Exploring the Concept

Disobedience, a fundamental aspect of human behavior, has been viewed through various lenses across cultures and eras. It encompasses a range of actions that defy authority, rules, or norms. As Oskar Wilde said, "Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is man's...

  • Civil Disobedience

Martin Luther King's Birmingham Jail Letter: A Timeless Call for Justice

Martin Luther King Jr.'s "Letter from Birmingham Jail" is a poignant and influential piece of writing that captures the essence of the civil rights movement in the United States. Composed during King's incarceration in April 1963, the letter addresses the criticism he faced from fellow...

  • Letter From Birmingham Jail
  • Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King Jr. vs. Malcolm X: A Comparative Analysis

The Civil Rights Movement in the United States was marked by the leadership and contributions of two iconic figures: Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X. While both men had a shared goal of achieving racial equality and justice, they pursued different approaches and philosophies....

Is Healthcare a Basic Human Right: Exploring the Complex Issue

Access to healthcare is a fundamental concern that touches upon the well-being and dignity of individuals. The question of whether healthcare is a basic human right is a topic of ongoing debate and has significant implications for society. In this essay, we will explore arguments...

  • Health Care

How to Stop Stereotyping in Society: The Importance of Collective Efforts

Stereotyping is a deeply entrenched practice that not only hinders individual growth but also perpetuates systemic biases and discrimination. Overcoming the grip of stereotypes is a vital step towards forging a society that is truly inclusive, just, and equal. In addition to exploring methods to...

  • Stereotypes

Benefits of Living in the City: an Overview of the Opportunities and Experiences

Choosing a place to call home is a significant decision that impacts various aspects of our lives. For many, the allure of city living is undeniable, offering a vibrant and dynamic lifestyle that appeals to individuals of all ages. This essay explores the benefits of...

  • Urbanization

Analysis of How Immigration Affects the Economy

Immigration is a topic that has captured the attention of governments, economists, and citizens around the world. The question of how immigration affects the economy is a complex and multi-dimensional one, with both positive and negative implications. This essay explores the various ways in which...

  • Immigration in America

Against Euthanasia: An Argumentative Examination of Ethical and Practical Concerns

The debate over euthanasia, the act of intentionally ending a person's life to relieve suffering, has sparked intense discussions worldwide. While proponents argue for the right to die with dignity and avoid prolonged suffering, opponents raise ethical and practical concerns that warrant careful consideration. In...

  • Assisted Suicide

"The New Jim Crow" Book Review: Mass Incarceration and Racial Injustice

Michelle Alexander's groundbreaking book, "The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness," is a searing critique of the American criminal justice system's discriminatory impact on Black communities. This book review essay delves into the key themes of the book, including the concept...

  • Mass Incarceration

The Issue of Social Media and Freedom of Speech

Social media platforms have become a powerful tool for self-expression, information sharing, and public discourse. However, the relationship between social media and freedom of speech is complex. Therefore this essay raises important questions about the boundaries of online expression, censorship, and the responsibilities of platform...

  • Freedom of Speech
  • Social Media

The Importance of Freedom of Speech: Upholding Democracy and Fostering Progress

Why freedom of speech is important? In a world where ideas shape societies and opinions guide actions, the concept of freedom of speech holds immense significance. It serves as a cornerstone of democratic societies, fostering open discourse, promoting diverse viewpoints, and ultimately contributing to societal...

  • Freedom of Expression

Should Roe v. Wade Be Overturned: Exploring the Abortion Debate

Should Roe v. Wade be overturned? The legal and moral complexities surrounding the Roe v. Wade decision have ignited a fervent debate that continues to shape the sociopolitical landscape. This essay delves into the heart of this contentious issue, exploring the arguments on both sides...

Poverty is the Mother of Crime: Understanding the Claim

The relationship between poverty and crime has long been a topic of debate and analysis. This essay explores the assertion that poverty is the mother of crime, delving into the complex interplay between socioeconomic conditions and criminal behavior. While it's important to recognize the multifaceted...

  • Criminal Behavior

Best topics on Social Issues

1. LGBTQ Rights: Navigating Equality and Inclusivity

2. LGBTQ Rights: An Argumentative Landscape

3. LGBTQ Discrimination: Overcoming Prejudice and Fostering Inclusion

4. Racism in the Justice System: Unveiling Disparities

5. How to Help the Homeless in Your Community

6. Feminism in the 21st Century: Empowerment and Progress

7. Why Should We Legalize Abortion: Empowering Women’s Choice and Safety

8. Why Should Abortions Be Made Legal: Advancing Women’s Rights

9. Why I Agree: Abortion from a Supportive Perspective

10. Why Abortion Should Not Be Banned: Preserving Choice

11. The Power of Censorship: Safeguarding Societal Values

12. The Importance of Censorship: The Vital Balancing Act

13. The Evolution and Controversy of Abortion Laws

14. The Controversy Surrounding Abortion Rights

15. The Case for Legal Abortion: Balancing Women’s Rights and Health

  • Black Lives Matter
  • Gender Inequality
  • Pornography

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839 Social Issues Essay Topics, Lists, & Good Ideas

  • Icon Calendar 18 January 2024
  • Icon Page 7051 words
  • Icon Clock 32 min read

Social issues essay topics mean contemporary matters that affect society at large. They encompass many subjects, including poverty, racial and gender inequality, LGBTQ+ rights, immigration, climate change, and gun control. These topics offer an in-depth exploration of societal constructs, systems, and beliefs that shape the human world, encouraging critical thinking and fostering empathy toward diverse perspectives. Moreover, discussing hot issues allows people to identify societal imbalances and injustices while proposing solutions for a better and inclusive future. Thus, social issues essay topics can foster personal growth, broaden horizons, and serve as a platform to initiate dialogue and action on pressing problems or challenges in the global community.

Best Social Issues Essay Topics

  • Racial Profiling and Its Impact on Modern Society
  • Addressing Gender Inequality in the Workplace
  • Implications of Cyberbullying in the Digital Age
  • The Effect of Mass Media on Body Image
  • Balancing Privacy Rights and National Security in Surveillance
  • Modern-Day Human Trafficking: A Hidden Crime
  • Climate Change: Examining Environmental Racism
  • Immigration Policies: Social and Economic Impacts
  • Cultural Appropriation in Fashion and Entertainment
  • Violence in Video Games: Correlation to Real-World Aggression
  • Youth Unemployment: A Rising Social Issue
  • Religious Freedom vs. Societal Safety: The Thin Line
  • Universal Basic Income: Solution for Poverty?
  • Decriminalizing Drugs: The Portuguese Model
  • Impacts of Technological Advancements on the Job Market
  • Examining the Glass Ceiling Phenomenon
  • Body Shaming: A Social Media Issue
  • Exploring Mental Health Stigma in Society
  • Consumerism and Its Effect on Climate Change
  • Evaluating LGBTQ+ Rights Across Different Cultures
  • Dissecting the Prison Industrial Complex in the US
  • Effects of Single-Parenting on Child Development
  • Social Implications of Genetically Modified Organisms
  • Income Inequality: Impacts on Health and Longevity
  • Discrimination in the Housing Market: A Hidden Problem

Easy Social Issues Essay Topics

  • Economic Consequences of Child Labor
  • Substance Abuse: A Social or Medical Issue?
  • Ageism and Its Impact on Employment Opportunities
  • Cybersecurity Threats: A Growing Social Concern
  • The Digital Divide: Rural vs. Urban Internet Access
  • Child Obesity: The Role of School Meals
  • Modern Slavery: A Global Issue Hidden in Plain Sight
  • Understanding the Roots of Homelessness in Developed Countries
  • Food Insecurity in First-World Nations: Causes and Consequences
  • Influence of Social Media on Political Polarization
  • Effects of Fast Fashion on Third-World Workers
  • Assisted Suicide: Ethical Dilemma or Human Right?
  • Transgender Rights in Sports: A Critical Examination
  • Terrorism and Its Impact on Social Cohesion
  • Stereotypes and their Influence on Criminal Justice
  • Understanding Social Exclusion in Public Schools
  • Internet Censorship: Freedom of Speech vs. National Security
  • Affordable Housing Crisis and Its Social Implications
  • GMOs: A Solution for World Hunger or an Ecological Disaster?
  • Social and Economic Impacts of Automation on Manufacturing Jobs
  • Cultural Relativism: Understanding Human Rights Across Different Societies
  • Privacy Issues Arising From Facial Recognition Technology
  • Parental Rights vs. Child Protection in Medical Decisions
  • Disability Discrimination in Employment: A Silent Crisis

839 Social Issues Essay Topics, Lists, & Good Ideas

Interesting Social Issues Essay Topics

  • Social Impacts of Modernization on Indigenous Communities
  • Stigmatization of Sex Work: Society’s View and Legal Status
  • Animal Rights: Ethical Concerns Surrounding Factory Farming
  • Influence of Television on Children’s Behavioral Development
  • Political Corruption: Effects on Social Trust and Development
  • Internet Addiction: A 21st Century Mental Health Issue
  • Food Deserts: Addressing Urban Nutritional Inequality
  • Ethical Dilemmas in Biomedical Engineering and Cloning
  • Social Consequences of Aging Populations in Developed Countries
  • Regulating Big Tech: Balancing Innovation and Privacy
  • Analyzing Sexism in the Advertising Industry
  • Impacts of Remote Work on Social Interaction and Mental Health
  • Capital Punishment: A Justified Measure or a Human Rights Violation?
  • Global Water Crisis: Social and Health Impacts
  • Adoption Laws: Discrimination Against Single and LGBTQ+ Parents
  • Refugees and Asylum Seekers: A Humanitarian or Security Issue?
  • Waste Management: Social and Environmental Implications
  • The Role of Education in Preventing Youth Crime
  • Social Implications of Autonomous Vehicles on Traffic and Employment
  • Cultural Impacts of Westernization in Non-Western Countries
  • Animal Assisted Therapy: Evaluating Benefits and Ethical Concerns
  • Euthanasia: Medical, Legal, and Ethical Perspectives

Social Issues Research Topics

  • Misinformation Spread: Impacts on Democracy and Public Health
  • Child Soldiers: An Unresolved Global Crisis
  • Identity Theft: The Growing Concern in Digital Age
  • Pandemic and Its Impact on Mental Health
  • Reality TV: Influence on Perception of Body Image and Relationships
  • Genetic Engineering: Balancing Potential Benefits and Ethical Concerns
  • Deconstructing Toxic Masculinity: A Psychological Perspective
  • Roles of Non-Governmental Organizations in Social Change
  • Media’s Influence on Perception of Police Brutality
  • Importance of Financial Literacy in Youth Empowerment
  • Addressing Period Poverty: The Hidden Barrier to Education
  • Sports and Nationalism: The Social Impact of International Competitions
  • Intersectionality in Feminism: Need for Inclusion in Activism
  • Childhood Vaccinations: Public Health Necessity or Parental Choice?
  • Social Media Influencers: Impacts on Youth and Consumer Behavior
  • Obesity Epidemic: Fast Food Industry’s Responsibility
  • Parenting Styles and Their Effect on Child’s Mental Health
  • Impacts of Microfinance on Poverty Alleviation
  • Cyberstalking: The Hidden Dangers of the Internet
  • Juvenile Delinquency: Factors and Prevention Strategies
  • Examining the Ethical Implications of Human Cloning
  • The Changing Dynamics of Family Structure in Modern Society
  • Online Education: Impacts on Accessibility and Quality of Learning

Social Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Analyzing the Impact of Cyberbullying on Teen Mental Health
  • Evaluating Measures for Reducing Plastic Waste in Urban Areas
  • Addressing Racial Profiling Within Law Enforcement Agencies
  • The Role of Affordable Housing in Mitigating Homelessness
  • Necessity for Implementing Universal Basic Income
  • Exploring the Efficacy of Gun Control Legislation
  • Harnessing Technology for Elderly Care: An Imperative Approach
  • Balancing Freedom of Speech With Hate Speech Regulations
  • Prioritizing LGBTQ+ Rights in Contemporary Societies
  • Reforming Education Systems to Promote Equality
  • Human Trafficking: A Global Challenge Requiring Immediate Action
  • The Growing Threat of Food Insecurity in Developed Nations
  • Combatting Domestic Violence: Effectiveness of Current Legal Measures
  • The Stigma Around Mental Health and Its Societal Impact
  • Mandatory Vaccinations: A Necessary Evil or a Personal Choice?
  • Unveiling Hidden Poverty in Affluent Societies
  • Addressing Racial Disparities in Health Care Delivery
  • Gender Pay Gap: A Persistent Social Issue
  • Bridging the Digital Divide: Strategies and Solutions
  • Potential Dangers of Unregulated AI Technologies
  • Climate Change Denial: An Analysis of Its Sociopolitical Impact
  • Child Labor in Developing Countries: Causes and Solutions
  • Public Health Challenges of Obesity in Children
  • Socioeconomic Impacts of Drug Addiction

Persuasive Speech Topics on Social Issues

  • Restorative Justice as a Solution to Overcrowded Prisons
  • Empowering Women Through Microfinance in Developing Countries
  • Environmental Racism: An Underexplored Aspect of Social Inequality
  • Suicide Rates Among Veterans: A Hidden Crisis
  • Implementing Sustainable Practices in Urban Development
  • The Effect of Advertising on Consumerism and Waste Generation
  • Systemic Bias in the Workplace: A Closer Look
  • Income Inequality: Examining the Effects on Social Mobility
  • Substance Abuse Prevention Programs in Schools
  • The Consequences of Child Neglect on Future Generations
  • Addressing Stigmatization of HIV/AIDS Patients
  • Ethical Issues Surrounding Assisted Suicide Legislation
  • The Role of Social Structures in Perpetuating Poverty
  • Evaluating the Impact of Religious Discrimination on Society
  • The Influence of Socioeconomic Status on Academic Achievement
  • Advocacy for Animal Rights in Modern Industrial Farming
  • Transgender Rights: Overcoming Legal and Social Barriers
  • The Effect of Climate Change on Global Poverty
  • Exploring Ethical Issues in Genetic Engineering
  • Refugees and Asylum Seekers: A Challenge for Global Cooperation
  • Accessibility Challenges in Public Transportation for Disabled Individuals
  • Overcoming Barriers to Mental Health Services for Marginalized Communities
  • Addressing Child Malnutrition in Low-Income Countries

Social Issues Essay Topics on Abortion

  • Historical Perspectives on Abortion Laws Globally
  • Ethical Dilemmas: The Clash Between Personal Beliefs and Abortion
  • Abortion Stigma: Understanding Its Roots and Effects
  • Abortion and Religion: A Complex Intersection
  • Public Policies Impacting Abortion Rights: A Comparative Analysis
  • Emotional Consequences Experienced Post-Abortion
  • Legal Implications of Restrictive Abortion Laws
  • Safeguarding Women’s Health: The Role of Safe Abortion Services
  • Evaluating the Economic Factors That Influence Abortion Decisions
  • Exploring Medical Advancements in Abortion Procedures
  • Adolescents and Abortion: Addressing the Legal and Social Implications
  • Diverse Perspectives on Abortion: A Multicultural Examination
  • Understanding the Relationship Between Abortion and Mental Health
  • The Battle Between Pro-Life and Pro-Choice: An Ongoing Debate
  • Sex Education’s Influence on Abortion Rates
  • Roles of Feminism in the Fight for Abortion Rights
  • Medical Ethics and Abortion: A Critical Examination
  • Abortion’s Societal Impact: A Quantitative Study
  • Dissecting the Stance of Various Political Parties on Abortion
  • Access to Abortion Services: Disparity in Urban and Rural Areas

Social Issues Essay Topics on Animal Rights & Animal Welfare

  • Unveiling the Truth: Animal Testing in Cosmetic Industries
  • Captivity vs. Conservation: The Dilemma of Zoos
  • From Farm to Plate: The Reality of Factory Farming
  • Whales in Danger: Consequences of Commercial Whaling
  • Shedding Light on Fur Trade: Ethical Concerns and Alternatives
  • Animal Rights in Fashion: Examining the Use of Leather
  • Exploring Ethical Dimensions: Use of Animals in Medical Research
  • Wild At Heart: The Controversy Surrounding Trophy Hunting
  • Lessons from Wildlife: The Impact of Habitat Destruction
  • Outlawing Animal Cruelty: Legislation Across Different Countries
  • Paws in Pain: The Distressing World of Puppy Mills
  • Silent Sufferers: Effects of Climate Change on Animals
  • Revealing the Dark Side: Illegal Animal Trade and Smuggling
  • Spotlight on Animal Welfare: Importance of Veterinary Care
  • Fins at Risk: Shark Finning and Its Ecological Consequences
  • The Stolen Freedom: Circuses and Animal Entertainment Industry
  • Livestock’s Long Journey: Animal Welfare in Transport
  • Animal Rights vs. Religious Customs: A Delicate Balance
  • Raising Awareness: The Role of Media in Animal Rights
  • Laying Bare: The Deplorable Conditions of Animal Shelters
  • Elephant Tusk Trade: A Dire Threat to Biodiversity

Consumption & Development Social Issues Topics

  • Inequities in Global Resource Distribution: The Ethical Dilemma
  • Technological Progress: Is It a Boon or a Bane for Sustainable Consumption?
  • The Dark Side of Fast Fashion: Exploitation and Waste
  • Climate Change: Impact on Global Food Security and Consumption
  • E-Waste Management: Solutions for a Growing Global Concern
  • Plastic Pollution: Analyzing Current Measures and Future Alternatives
  • Economic Growth versus Environmental Conservation: Can They Coexist?
  • Unchecked Tourism: Deciphering Its Impact on Natural Resources
  • Overpopulation and Consumption: The Unsustainable Global Footprint
  • Modern Agriculture’s Roles in Overconsumption and Soil Degradation
  • Fast Food Culture: A Critical Look at Health and Environment
  • Socioeconomic Disparities: How Do They Influence Consumption Patterns?
  • The Rise of Electric Vehicles: Assessing Environmental Impact and Sustainability
  • Impacts of Consumerism on Mental Health: Unmasking the Materialistic Culture
  • Consumption in the Digital Age: E-Commerce and Its Environmental Consequences
  • Urban Sprawl: Analyzing Its Effects on Natural Resources and Wildlife
  • Influences of Advertising on Consumer Behavior: A Critical Analysis
  • Access to Clean Water: A Global Crisis of Consumption and Pollution
  • Global Supply Chains: Assessing Labor Exploitation and Sustainability
  • The Role of Government Policies in Controlling Resource Overconsumption

Social Issues Topics on Cultural Appropriation & Stereotyping

  • Identifying the Line Between Cultural Appreciation and Cultural Appropriation
  • Stereotypes and Their Impact on Multicultural Relationships
  • Consequences of Racial Stereotypes in Media Representation
  • Commercialization and Exploitation of Indigenous Artifacts: Is It Cultural Appropriation?
  • Stereotyping in Advertising: A Social Issue Worth Investigating
  • Cultural Appropriation in the Fashion Industry: A Matter of Concern?
  • Dissecting the Influence of Stereotypes on Academic Achievement
  • Roles of Stereotyping in Gender Bias and Discrimination
  • Music Genres: The Unseen Consequences of Cultural Appropriation
  • Stereotypes in Children’s Books: Effects on Young Minds
  • Influence of Cultural Appropriation on Traditional Cuisine and Recipes
  • Roles of Stereotyping in Perpetuating Social Inequalities
  • Cultural Appropriation in Yoga and Mindfulness Practices: Is It Problematic?
  • Examination of Racial Stereotypes in Sports and Athletics
  • Analyzing the Consequences of Cultural Appropriation in Hair and Beauty Trends
  • Impact of Stereotyping on Mental Health and Self-Esteem
  • Cultural Appropriation in Hollywood: Does It Harm or Help Cultural Understanding?
  • Stereotypes in Video Games: Reflection of Society or Cause of Bias?
  • Ethics of Cultural Appropriation in Literature and Fiction
  • Stereotyping in Job Interviews: Its Effect on Employment Opportunities
  • Linguistic Stereotypes and Their Consequences on Communication

Social Issues Topics on Cultural Property

  • Protection of Indigenous Artifacts: Upholding Cultural Integrity
  • Ethics of Art Repatriation: Addressing Historical Injustices
  • National Museums’ Roles in Preserving Cultural Property
  • Legislation Governing Cultural Heritage: An International Perspective
  • Exploitation of Cultural Resources: Implications for Native Communities
  • Antiquities Trade and Cultural Property: A Critical Analysis
  • Cultural Patrimony: The Need for Enhanced International Cooperation
  • Digitization of Cultural Property: Challenges and Opportunities
  • Illicit Traffic of Cultural Goods: A Global Concern
  • Respecting Intangible Heritage: Measures for Cultural Safeguarding
  • Modern Architecture as Cultural Property: Preservation Challenges
  • Safeguarding Underwater Heritage: Issues in Maritime Archaeology
  • War Effects on Cultural Heritage: A Case Study
  • Postcolonial Dynamics in Cultural Property Ownership
  • Religious Institutions and the Preservation of Cultural Property
  • Consequences of Tourism on Cultural Sites and Artifacts
  • Climate Change Impact on Cultural Heritage Sites
  • Archaeological Excavations: Ethical Considerations in Cultural Property Handling
  • Historical Sites and Urban Development: A Balancing Act
  • Sacred Objects Repatriation: Ethical Dilemmas

Current Social Issues Topics in America

  • Unequal Access to Healthcare: A Crisis in American Communities
  • Evaluating the Implications of Police Reform Movements
  • Climate Change and Its Effect on US Coastal Cities
  • Dissecting the Racial Disparities in American Public Education
  • Homelessness Crisis: Solutions and Strategies for American Urban Areas
  • Obesity Epidemic: America’s Unseen Public Health Dilemma
  • Addressing the Wage Gap: Women’s Fight for Economic Equality
  • The Struggle for LGBTQ+ Rights and Recognition in America
  • Cybersecurity Threats: The Invisible War on American Infrastructure
  • Investigating the Opioid Epidemic: Its Socioeconomic Ramifications
  • The Future of Immigration Policy and Its Impact on American Society
  • Free Speech vs. Hate Speech: Striking a Balance in the Digital Age
  • Childhood Obesity: A Growing Issue in American Society
  • Veterans’ Struggles: The Unaddressed Trauma and Its Consequences
  • Gun Control and Second Amendment Rights: A Polarizing Debate
  • The Role of Technology in Exacerbating Income Inequality
  • Confronting Racism in American Sports: A Silent Scourge
  • Democracy and Disinformation: The Threat of Fake News
  • Youth Suicide Rates: The Silent Epidemic in American Schools
  • Implications of Artificial Intelligence on the American Job Market
  • Challenges Facing Indigenous Peoples: Reservations, Rights, and Resources

Social Issues Essay Topics on Disability & Accessibility

  • The Role of Universal Design in Fostering Inclusivity
  • Exploring the Physical Barriers That Hinder Accessibility
  • The Effect of Societal Attitudes on Disability Acceptance
  • Modern Technology’s Impacts on Accessibility for the Disabled
  • Employment Opportunities and Disability: A Global Perspective
  • Understanding Disability Representation in Media
  • Disability Rights Movements: Their Evolution and Impact
  • Societal Implications of Disability Stereotypes
  • Investigating the Intersectionality of Disability and Race
  • Disabilities and Education: Tackling Systemic Challenges
  • Mental Health and Its Relation to Disability
  • Accessibility in Public Transportation: An Unsolved Problem
  • Sports Participation and Its Significance for Disabled Individuals
  • Chronic Illness: Unseen Disabilities and Societal Perception
  • Inadequacies in Health Care Services for People With Disabilities
  • The Influence of Disability on Social Identity
  • Assessing the Current State of Assistive Technology
  • Cultural Perspectives on Disability: A Comparative Study
  • Barriers to Effective Disability Legislation: Overcoming Challenges
  • Disability Advocacy: Celebrating Prominent Figures and Their Contributions

Social Issues Topics on Discrimination & Prejudice

  • Unraveling the Causes and Consequences of Religious Discrimination in Contemporary Society
  • Ageism in the Workplace: An Overlooked Issue in the Modern Professional Environment
  • Investigating Homophobia: The Role of Media in Shaping Attitudes Toward the LGBTQ+ Community
  • Ethnic Prejudice in Education: Analysis of Its Impact on Minority Students’ Performance
  • Stereotypes in Advertising: Their Influence on Consumer Perception and Bias
  • Discrimination Against Immigrants: Exploring Its Socioeconomic Consequences
  • Intersectionality: The Complex Overlay of Gender, Race, and Class Discrimination
  • Roles of Legislation in Reducing Workplace Discrimination: A Comparative Study
  • Body Shaming: Prevalence and Impact on Mental Health in Adolescents
  • Cyberbullying and Online Hate Speech: The New Frontier of Discrimination
  • Colorism: A Forgotten Aspect of Racial Discrimination in Society
  • Disparity in Criminal Sentencing: Examining Racial Bias in the Justice System
  • Prejudice Toward Mental Health: Evaluating Society’s Misunderstandings and Fear
  • Parental Discrimination: The Unseen Prejudice Against Single Fathers in Society
  • Obesity Stigma: The Social and Psychological Impacts of Weight Discrimination
  • Ableism in Popular Media: Effects on Perception of Disabled Individuals
  • Wealth Inequality: The Role of Discrimination in the Widening Socioeconomic Gap
  • Transgender Rights: Unpacking Discrimination in Public Policy and Healthcare
  • Xenophobia and Its Influence on Nationalistic Politics
  • Linguistic Discrimination: The Unaddressed Bias Against Accents and Dialects
  • Socioeconomic Discrimination: Implications for Access to Quality Education

Social Issues Topics About Education & Access to Education

  • Exploring the Digital Divide: Impact on Rural Students’ Access to Education
  • Gender Bias in Educational Resources: A Global Perspective
  • Implications of Socioeconomic Status on Educational Attainment
  • Understanding Disability-Inclusive Policies in Modern Education Systems
  • Effectiveness of Online Learning for Underserved Communities
  • Analyzing Racial Disparities in Standardized Testing
  • Mitigating the Influence of Poverty on Student Performance
  • Unraveling the Impact of Cultural Differences in Bilingual Education
  • Diversity in School Curricula: The Need for Greater Representation
  • Cyberbullying: Its Effect on Student Mental Health and Academic Performance
  • Improving Immigrant Student Assimilation Through Culturally Sensitive Teaching Methods
  • College Affordability: The Rising Student Debt Crisis
  • School-to-Prison Pipeline: Effects of Zero Tolerance Policies
  • Inequalities in Education: Comparing Urban and Rural Schools
  • Reducing High School Dropout Rates: Successful Intervention Strategies
  • Reforming Educational Policies for LGBTQ+ Students
  • Evaluating Mental Health Support in Schools
  • Public vs. Private Education: Impact on Student Success
  • The Role of Technology in Modernizing Classroom Infrastructure
  • Promoting Female Participation in STEM Fields

Environmental Social Issues Topics

  • Consequences of Deforestation on Global Biodiversity
  • Climate Change: Its Impact on Polar Ice Caps
  • Analyzing Plastic Waste: Threats and Alternatives
  • Overpopulation: Evaluating Its Effect on Natural Resources
  • Water Scarcity: A Deep Dive Into Its Global Impact
  • Impacts of Urbanization on Natural Habitats
  • The Significance of Green Architecture in Reducing Carbon Footprint
  • Industrial Pollution: Evaluating Its Effect on Air Quality
  • The Importance of Sustainable Agriculture in Maintaining Soil Health
  • Coral Reefs: Threats and Conservation Strategies
  • Ocean Acidification: The Invisible Climate Threat
  • Endangered Species: Exploring the Role of Poaching
  • Genetic Modification in Agriculture: Boon or Bane for Biodiversity
  • E-Waste Management: A New Global Challenge
  • Pollution Control: Scrutinizing the Efficacy of International Laws
  • Landfill Dilemmas: Exploring the Potential of Waste-to-Energy Technologies
  • Invasive Species: Assessing Their Impact on Native Ecosystems
  • Food Waste: A Hidden Contributor to Greenhouse Gas Emissions
  • Renewable Energy: A Possible Solution to Fossil Fuel Dependence
  • Hydropower Projects: Weighing Environmental Costs Against Energy Benefits
  • Sustainable Tourism: Balancing Economic Growth and Environmental Preservation

Feminism Social Issues Topics

  • Evolution of Feminism in the 21st Century: A Historical Perspective
  • Unveiling the Multidimensional Impact of Cyberfeminism
  • Feminist Literary Criticism: An Examination of Its Influence on Modern Literature
  • Intersectionality: A Pivotal Factor in Feminism
  • Dissecting the Representation of Women in the Media
  • Glass Ceiling Phenomenon: A Feminist Analysis
  • Analysis of Feminism’s Role in Promoting Equal Educational Opportunities
  • Unpacking the Implications of Feminist Legal Theory
  • Unveiling Men’s Roles in the Feminist Movement: A Contemporary Perspective
  • Analysis of Body Positivity: A Feminist Perspective
  • Understanding the Intersection of Feminism and Environmental Justice
  • Exploring the Gender Pay Gap Through the Lens of Feminism
  • Queer Theory and Feminism: An Unfolding Narrative
  • Ecofeminism: An Analysis of Its Relevance in the Modern World
  • Transnational Feminism: Exploring Its Impact on Global Gender Equality
  • Impacts of Feminist Economics on the Global Financial System
  • Dissecting the Influence of Feminist Activism on Social Change
  • Gender Stereotypes: Feminism’s Response to Societal Norms
  • Exploring the Role of Feminism in Promoting Reproductive Rights
  • Comparative Analysis of Feminist Movements Across the Globe

Social Issues Essay Topics About Gender Identity & Transgender

  • Understanding the Struggles of Transgender Teens in Public Schools
  • Intersectionality in the Transgender Community: Race, Class, and Gender
  • Gender Dysphoria: Psychological Perspectives and Treatment Approaches
  • Public Restroom Access: A Crucial Issue for Transgender Individuals
  • Fostering Safe Spaces: Inclusion of Transgender People in Sports
  • Media Representation: Portrayal of Transgender Characters in Film and Television
  • Debunking Myths: Unraveling Misconceptions About Non-Binary Identities
  • Transgender Rights: Analyzing Global Legal Landscapes
  • Queer Theory and Its Influence on Transgender Studies
  • Gender Affirmation Surgeries: Accessibility and Ethical Dilemmas
  • Workplace Discrimination: Challenges Faced by Transgender Employees
  • Religious Perspectives: Understanding Transgender Acceptance in Different Faiths
  • Bias in Healthcare: Addressing Transgender Medical Discrimination
  • Parental Support: Influence on Transgender Youth Mental Health
  • Evolution of Language: The Importance of Pronouns in Transgender Identities
  • Activism’s Role in Advancing Transgender Equality and Justice
  • Fashion Industry: Promoting or Hindering Transgender Inclusivity?
  • Racial Disparities: Exploring Transgender Experiences Within Minority Groups
  • Military Service: Transgender Inclusion and Barriers
  • Legislation Impact: Tracing Changes in Transgender Rights Over Time
  • Education Reform: Incorporating Gender Identity Into School Curriculum

Social Issues Topics About Gun Control & Second Amendment

  • Influences of Media Portrayals on Gun Control Attitudes
  • Evaluating the Effectiveness of Current Gun Control Measures
  • The Second Amendment: A Historical Perspective
  • School Shootings and Proposed Gun Control Solutions
  • Rights of Individuals vs. Societal Safety: A Critical Analysis
  • Roles of Firearms in Domestic Violence Cases
  • Arguments for Stricter Gun Control Laws in the United States
  • Mental Health Considerations in Gun Control Discussions
  • Diverse Opinions on Gun Control: A Comparative Study
  • Gun Control Policies: A Comparative Analysis Between States
  • Perspectives on Concealed Carry Laws Across America
  • Examining the Link Between Gun Ownership and Crime Rates
  • Impacts of Gun Control on Suicide Rates
  • Gun Shows and the Loophole in Gun Control Laws
  • Stand-Your-Ground Laws: An Examination of Gun Rights
  • Gun Control Debate: Rural vs. Urban Perspectives
  • Racial Disparities in Gun Control Enforcement
  • Influence of Political Parties on Gun Control Legislation
  • Constitutional Interpretations of the Second Amendment
  • Gun Control Laws and Their Effect on Hunting Culture

Social Issues Topics About Healthcare & Access to Healthcare

  • Exploring the Implications of Mental Health Stigma in Healthcare Access
  • Impacts of Socioeconomic Status on Quality of Medical Care
  • Evaluating the Role of Education in Preventive Healthcare
  • Assessing Challenges Faced by the Homeless in Obtaining Essential Medical Services
  • Childhood Obesity: Tracing the Societal and Systemic Contributors
  • Unpacking the Barriers to Healthcare in Rural Communities
  • Telemedicine: Assessing its Effect on Health Equity
  • Roles of Health Insurance in Shaping Healthcare Accessibility
  • Gender Disparities in Healthcare: A Critical Examination
  • Health Literacy: Its Influence on Patient-Care Provider Interactions
  • Analyzing the Intersectionality of Race, Gender, and Healthcare Access
  • Effects of Pandemics on Healthcare Inequality
  • Transgender Health: Overcoming Challenges in Access and Understanding
  • The Influence of Immigrant Status on Healthcare Access
  • Comparing Global Health Systems: Lessons for Improved Access
  • Food Insecurity and Its Link to Chronic Health Conditions
  • Reproductive Rights: A Deep Dive Into Accessibility and Quality of Care
  • Tackling Ageism in Health Services: A Study on Elderly Care
  • Health Disparities Among Indigenous Populations: Causes and Solutions
  • Holistic Healthcare: How Accessibility to Alternative Medicine Matters
  • Substance Abuse Treatment: A Study on Access and Stigma

Health-Related Social Issues Essay Topics

  • Stigma Attached to Mental Health Disorders in Society
  • Obesity Epidemic: Societal Factors and Solutions
  • Impacts of Socioeconomic Status on Nutritional Choices
  • Alcoholism and Its Societal Consequences
  • Social Implications of Ageing Population Dynamics
  • Vaccination Hesitancy: A Public Health Crisis
  • Intersection of Racism and Health Inequalities
  • Domestic Violence: Hidden Health Crisis in Homes
  • Effects of Urbanization on Public Health
  • Bullying and Its Influence on Adolescent Mental Health
  • Climate Change: Potential Impact on Global Health
  • Exploring Substance Abuse Within Marginalized Communities
  • Roles of Education in Promoting Sexual Health
  • Chronic Illness and Social Isolation: A Silent Dilemma
  • Investigating the Link Between Poverty and Disease Prevalence
  • Health Insurance: The Great Divide in Medical Access
  • Gender Disparities in Health: Biological or Societal?
  • Exploring the Correlation Between Illiteracy and Poor Health
  • HIV/AIDS Stigmatization: A Barrier to Effective Treatment
  • Roles of Government Policies in Obesity Prevention

Social Issues Essay Topics About Homelessness & Housing Insecurity

  • Addressing the Root Causes of Housing Instability: Poverty and Inequality
  • The Intersection of Race and Homelessness in Society
  • Promoting Social Inclusion for the Homeless Community
  • Innovative Approaches to Sheltering the Unhoused
  • Breaking the Cycle of Homelessness: Rehabilitation Programs
  • Supporting Homeless Veterans: Ensuring Their Well-Being
  • Substance Abuse and Its Impact on Homelessness
  • Rethinking Urban Development to Address Housing Insecurity
  • The Role of Education in Preventing Homelessness
  • Legal Rights and Protections for Individuals Experiencing Homelessness
  • The Link Between Homelessness and Food Scarcity
  • LGBTQ+ Youth Homelessness: Upholding and Supporting Vulnerable Communities
  • Improving Healthcare Access to Reduce Homelessness
  • Overcoming Housing Challenges in Rural Areas
  • Gentrification and Its Effects on Housing Instability
  • Safe Spaces for Homeless Families With Children
  • Homelessness and the Aging Population: Ensuring Support and Dignity
  • Natural Disasters and Their Impact on Housing Insecurity
  • Challenging Stereotypes: Changing Perceptions of Homelessness
  • Collaborative Solutions to Homelessness: Public-Private Partnerships
  • Housing First Approach: A Pathway to Stability

Social Issues Topics About Human Trafficking & Modern Slavery

  • Unveiling the Dark Reality: Exploring the Causes and Consequences of Human Trafficking
  • International Cooperation: Strengthening Efforts to Combat Modern Slavery
  • Gender, Race, and Class: The Intersectionality of Human Trafficking
  • Shaping Public Opinion: Media’s Influence on Raising Awareness about Human Trafficking
  • Linkages Between Global Migration and Human Trafficking
  • Preventing Human Trafficking: The Vital Role of Education
  • Strengthening Legal Frameworks and Policies against Human Trafficking
  • Corporate Social Responsibility: Addressing Human Trafficking in Supply Chains
  • Healing and Recovery: Understanding the Psychological Impact on Human Trafficking Survivors
  • Complex Nexus: Exploring the Connection Between Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation
  • Unmasking the Hidden Reality: Investigating Human Trafficking and Forced Labor
  • Grassroots Movements for Change: The Role of NGOs in Combating Human Trafficking
  • Breaking the Cycle of Exploitation: Human Trafficking and Child Labor
  • Bridging the Gap: Human Trafficking and Human Rights
  • Emerging Challenges and Opportunities: Technology’s Impact on Human Trafficking
  • A Harsh Reality of Modern Warfare: Human Trafficking in Conflict Zones
  • Identifying and Prosecuting Human Traffickers: Law Enforcement’s Crucial Role
  • Addressing the Root Causes: Exploring the Role of Demand in Human Trafficking
  • Protecting Vulnerable Populations: Human Trafficking and Labor Migration
  • An Alarming Nexus: Human Trafficking and Organ Trafficking

Humanity Social Issues Topics

  • Gender Inequality: Challenging Societal Norms
  • Combating Racism and Promoting Equality in Society
  • Mental Health Stigma: Breaking the Silence
  • Human Rights Violations and the Importance of Advocacy
  • Overcoming Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation
  • Economic Disparities: Addressing Wealth Inequality
  • The Power of Empathy in Fostering Social Change
  • Access to Healthcare: Bridging the Gap
  • Eradicating Child Labor: A Pathway to a Better Future
  • Challenges of Immigration and Refugee Integration
  • Promoting Ethical Practices in the Business World
  • Social Media and Its Impact on Human Connection
  • Tackling Food Insecurity: A Humanitarian Imperative
  • Promoting Cultural Diversity in a Globalized World
  • Addressing Human Trafficking: Protecting the Vulnerable
  • Disability Rights and Inclusion: Building an Accessible Society
  • The Role of NGOs in Addressing Humanitarian Crises
  • Challenging Ageism: Valuing the Wisdom of the Elderly
  • Ending Domestic Violence: Empowering Survivors
  • Fighting Corruption: Preserving Societal Integrity
  • Overcoming Religious Intolerance: Promoting Interfaith Dialogue

Illiteracy Social Issues Topics

  • Overcoming Educational Disadvantages: Illiteracy and Poverty
  • Digital Divide: Overcoming Barriers to Illiteracy
  • Empowering Women through Literacy Education
  • Illiteracy and Its Effect on Health and Access to Healthcare
  • Education for All: Tackling Illiteracy Challenges
  • Harnessing Technology to Combat the Illiteracy Crisis
  • The Role of Parental Involvement in Reducing Illiteracy
  • Social Exclusion and Illiteracy: A Vicious Cycle
  • Bridging the Gap: Accessible Education in Rural Areas
  • Early Childhood Literacy Programs: Building a Strong Foundation
  • Illiteracy and Environmental Sustainability: Raising Awareness
  • Media Literacy: Breaking Illiteracy Barriers to Information
  • Empowering Refugees through Literacy Education
  • Addressing Illiteracy in the Aging Population
  • Illiteracy and Crime: Disrupting the Connection
  • Indigenous Communities and Literacy: Empowering Cultural Heritage
  • Innovative Approaches to Adult Literacy Programs
  • Illiteracy’s Role in Perpetuating Gender Inequality
  • Language Access in Adult Literacy Initiatives
  • Overcoming Stigma: Transforming Perceptions of Illiteracy

LGBT Social Issues Topics & Ideas

  • Intersectionality: Exploring the Experiences of LGBTQ+ People of Color
  • Religion and Homosexuality: Bridging the Gap
  • LGBTQ+ Representation in Media: Significance and Challenges
  • Conversion Therapy: Harmful Effects on LGBTQ+ Individuals
  • Aging and Healthcare Access for LGBTQ+ Individuals
  • Workplace Equality: Upholding LGBTQ+ Rights
  • Parental Acceptance and Support for LGBTQ+ Youth
  • Education and LGBTQ+ Inclusion: Fostering Acceptance
  • Homosexuality and the Criminal Justice System: Challenges and Progress
  • Protecting and Empowering LGBTQ+ Refugees
  • LGBTQ+ Activism: Historical Milestones and Future Directions
  • Bisexuality: Challenging Stereotypes and Biphobia
  • Non-Binary Identity: Embracing Gender Non-Conformity
  • LGBTQ+ Representation in Politics and Leadership
  • Transgender Healthcare: Addressing Barriers and Disparities
  • LGBTQ+ Families: Diverse Dynamics and Parenting
  • Homelessness and Housing Discrimination Among LGBTQ+ Individuals
  • LGBTQ+ Pride Parades: Celebration, Solidarity, and Resistance
  • Isolation and Support for LGBTQ+ Elders
  • Asexuality: Beyond the Binary Norms and Misconceptions
  • Combating LGBTQ+ Hate Crimes: Strengthening Legislation and Awareness

Social Issues Essay Topics on Mental Health & Mental Illness

  • Addressing Mental Health Disparities Among Marginalized Populations
  • Understanding the Relationship Between Trauma and Psychiatric Conditions
  • Promoting Mental Health Support in Educational Institutions
  • Examining the Role of Genetics in Mental Health Disorders
  • Integrating Mental Health Care into Primary Healthcare Systems
  • Challenging Gender Stereotypes and Societal Expectations Surrounding Mental Health
  • The Influence of Socioeconomic Factors on Mental Well-Being Outcomes
  • Advocating for Mental Health Education in Academic Settings
  • Exploring the Link Between Substance Abuse and Psychiatric Disorders
  • The Role of Art Therapy in Enhancing Mental Health
  • Investigating the Connection Between Mental Health and Homelessness
  • Supporting Children and Adolescents Coping With Mental Health Challenges
  • Breaking the Cycle: Mental Health in the Criminal Justice System
  • Addressing Mental Health Stigma Within the LGBTQ+ Community
  • The Impact of Nutrition on Mental Well-Being
  • Exploring the Effects of Climate Change on Psychological Health
  • Promoting Mental Health in Rural Communities
  • Examining the Intersectionality of Mental Health and Disability
  • The Relationship Between Exercise and Emotional Wellness
  • Supporting Veterans Dealing With Psychological Challenges

Social Issues Topics About Migration & Immigration

  • Enhancing Access to Healthcare for Undocumented Individuals
  • Effects of Immigration Policies on Family Unity
  • Assessing the Link Between Immigration and Crime Rates
  • The Economic Contribution of Immigrant Entrepreneurs
  • Balancing National Security and Humanitarian Responsibility in Migration Policies
  • Examining the Impact of Migration on Cultural Diversity and Identity
  • The Role of Social Services in Assisting Migrants
  • Implications of Climate Change on Migration Patterns
  • Promoting International Cooperation in Managing Migration Flows
  • Explaining the Effects of Immigration on Wage Disparities
  • Addressing the Integration Challenges Faced by Immigrant Women
  • Assessing the Economic Impact of Deportation Policies
  • Media’s Influence on Public Perception of Immigration
  • The Role of Education in Immigrant Integration and Empowerment
  • Securing Borders and Enforcing Immigration Laws
  • Analyzing the Impact of Brain Drain on Developing Nations
  • Non-Governmental Organizations’ Assistance to Migrants
  • Rights and Responsibilities of Immigrants in Host Countries
  • The Impact of Immigration on Social Welfare Systems
  • Language Acquisition and Immigrant Integration
  • Exploring the Effects of Migration on Housing Markets

Peace and War Social Issues Topics

  • Healing the Wounds: Restorative Justice in Post-War Communities
  • Education as a Catalyst for Peaceful Coexistence
  • Media’s Roles in Influencing Public Perception of Conflict and Harmony
  • Safeguarding Human Rights in Times of Armed Strife
  • Environmental Degradation: Implications for Peaceful Societies
  • Ethics of Intervention: Balancing Sovereignty and Responsibility
  • Economic Disparity: A Driver of Conflict
  • Addressing the Underlying Causes of Strife: Social, Economic, and Political Factors
  • Empowering Women for Lasting Peace: Achieving Gender Equality
  • Religion’s Influence on Peaceful Coexistence: Bridging Divides or Exacerbating Tensions?
  • Cyber Warfare: Emerging Battlegrounds and the Imperative for Digital Harmony
  • Curbing Arms Trade: Mitigating Weapons Proliferation for Global Security
  • Refugee Crises: Humanitarian Responses and the Quest for Peace
  • Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs): Mediating Conflict and Fostering Reconciliation
  • Nationalism’s Roles in International Relations: Building Bridges or Deepening Divisions?
  • Nuclear Disarmament: The Urgency of Global Collaboration
  • Ensuring Accountability for War Crimes: Pursuing Justice for Victims
  • Promoting Peace through Education: Instilling a Culture of Nonviolence
  • Complexities of Peacekeeping: Triumphs, Trials, and Lessons Learned
  • Art and Literature: Conveying Messages of Peace and Facilitating Healing

Social Issues Essay Topics on Police & Criminal Justice

  • Community Impacts of Mass Incarceration: Reevaluating Strategies
  • Balancing Rehabilitation and Punishment in Criminal Justice Systems
  • Juvenile Justice: Empowering Youth Through Rehabilitation
  • Examining the Consequences of Privatizing Prisons
  • Safeguarding Civil Liberties: Evaluating Police Militarization
  • Disrupting the School-to-Prison Pipeline: Fostering Equal Opportunities
  • Achieving Gender Equality in the Criminal Justice System
  • Bridging the Gap: Mental Health Support in the Criminal Justice System
  • The Ethics of Capital Punishment: Alternatives and Reflections
  • Enhancing Public Safety: Police Training and De-Escalation Tactics
  • Restorative Justice: Healing Communities, Reducing Recidivism
  • Promoting Equity: Reforming Bail Systems
  • Rethinking Drug Policies: Consequences and Alternative Approaches
  • Collaboration and Trust: Strengthening Community Policing
  • Combating Cybercrime: Law Enforcement’s Evolving Role
  • Preserving Innocence: Addressing Wrongful Convictions
  • Addressing Sentencing Disparities: Pursuing Fairness
  • Transparency and Accountability: Police Internal Affairs
  • Successful Reintegration: Rehabilitation Programs for Offenders
  • Balancing Privacy and Security: The Impact of Technology in Policing
  • Combating Hate Crimes: Bias Awareness and Law Enforcement

Pornography Social Issues Topics

  • Addiction to Sexual Material: Understanding and Treating the Issue
  • Feminist Perspectives on Obscene Material and Objectification
  • Pornography and Its Influence on Adolescent Development
  • The Economic Implications of the Adult Entertainment Industry
  • Representations of Gender in Erotic Media and Their Impact
  • Media Literacy and Critical Thinking: Analyzing Sexual Content
  • The Connection Between Adult Material and Violence Against Women
  • Addressing Consent and Boundaries in Explicit Productions
  • Sexualized Media and Body Image Issues: Unrealistic Standards
  • Education’s Roles in Preventing Harmful Sexual Content Consumption
  • The Intersection of Pornography and Technology: Challenges and Solutions
  • Cultivating Healthy Sexual Expression in the Age of Explicit Material
  • The Erosion of Intimacy in Long-Term Relationships: Pornography’s Role
  • The Impact of Sexual Material on Youth Sexual Education
  • Addressing the Demand for Exploitative Content: Legal and Social Approaches
  • Media Responsibility: Portrayal of Sexuality Beyond Obscenity
  • Pornography and Sexual Violence: Unraveling the Connection
  • Rehabilitation and Support for Individuals Affected by the Adult Entertainment Industry
  • The Role of Social Media in the Accessibility and Consumption of Sexual Content
  • Educating about Consent: Empowering Individuals to Make Informed Choices

Social Issues Essay Topics About Poverty & Income Inequality

  • Addressing Poverty and Reducing Income Disparities
  • Implementing Effective Policies for Economic Equality
  • Ensuring Equal Opportunities for Economic Advancement
  • Bridging the Wealth Gap: Strategies for Equity
  • Alleviating Poverty Through Sustainable Development
  • Tackling Income Inequality: Fair Wealth Distribution
  • Empowering Marginalized Communities in Overcoming Poverty
  • Reducing Income Disparity: A Holistic Approach
  • Combating Poverty Through Education and Skill Development
  • Promoting Social Mobility to Address Income Inequality
  • Breaking the Cycle of Poverty: Empowering Future Generations
  • Strengthening Social Safety Nets for the Impoverished
  • Increasing Wages: A Step Toward Reducing Income Inequality
  • Raising Awareness About Poverty and Wealth Disparities
  • Encouraging Corporate Responsibility to Address Poverty
  • Advocating Affordable Housing for Poverty Alleviation
  • Empowering Women to Overcome Income Disparities
  • Promoting Financial Inclusion to Reduce Poverty
  • Addressing Income Inequality in Developing Nations
  • Overcoming Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Wealth and Poverty
  • Enhancing Healthcare Access for Vulnerable Populations

Racism Social Issues Topics

  • Uniting Communities: Building Bridges to Eradicate Racial Prejudice
  • Addressing Implicit Bias: Challenging Stereotypes and Racial Profiling
  • Racial Injustice Within the Criminal Justice System: Reforming Policies and Practices
  • Equality in the Workplace: Fostering Diversity and Inclusion
  • Eradicating Hate Speech: Promoting Respectful Communication
  • Racism in Healthcare: Ensuring Equitable Access and Quality Treatment
  • Environmental Racism: Protecting Marginalized Communities From Toxic Exposure
  • The Role of Education in Combating Racism: Promoting Cultural Understanding
  • Racism and Mental Health: Addressing the Psychological Impacts
  • Promoting Racial Justice in Immigration Policies
  • Racial Disparities in Wealth and Economic Opportunities: Bridging the Gap
  • Segregation in Residential Areas: Promoting Integration and Equality
  • Challenging Colorism: Overcoming Prejudice Based on Skin Tone
  • The Intersectionality of Racism and Sexism: Empowering Women of Color
  • Racial Profiling and Policing: Ensuring Fair and Just Law Enforcement
  • Inequality in Voting Rights: Safeguarding Democracy for All
  • Racism and Sports: Promoting Inclusivity and Fair Play
  • Historical Reparations for Racial Injustices: Acknowledging Past Wrongs
  • Addressing Racism in the Digital Sphere: Countering Online Hate
  • Racism in Immigration Policies: Promoting Fairness and Compassion

Social Issues Essay Topics Related to Social Media

  • Analyzing the Effectiveness of Social Media in Facilitating Social Movements
  • Shaping Public Opinion and Perception: The Role of Social Media
  • Recognizing and Managing the Consequences of Social Media Addiction
  • Empowering Marginalized Communities Through Online Activism
  • Unmasking Misinformation: Combating Fake News on Social Media
  • Exploring Social Media’s Impact on Interpersonal Connections
  • Transforming Education: Leveraging Social Media for Learning
  • Enhancing Cybersecurity on Digital Platforms: Safeguarding Users
  • Social Media and Online Activism: A Comparative Study
  • Ethics and Data Collection on Social Media: An Analytical Perspective
  • Bridging Political Polarization through Social Media Engagement
  • Analyzing the Influence of Social Media on Youth Culture and Identity
  • Mobilizing Communities for Change: Social Media and Civic Engagement
  • Fostering Inclusivity: Promoting Diversity on Digital Platforms
  • The Dark Side of the Internet: Cyberstalking and Online Harassment
  • Navigating Social Media Algorithms: Challenges and Strategies
  • Balancing Freedom of Expression and Hate Speech on Digital Platforms
  • Global Perspectives on Digital Activism: The Power of Social Media
  • Social Media’s Influence on Political Campaigns and Elections
  • Environmental Activism in the Digital Age: Leveraging Social Media
  • Promoting Online Safety and Digital Citizenship on Social Platforms

Justice Essay Topics on Human Rights Issues

  • Privacy in the Digital Age: Balancing Security and Individual Rights
  • Criminal Justice Reform: Addressing Systemic Injustices
  • Promoting LGBTQ+ Rights: Striving for Inclusion and Acceptance
  • Eradicating Child Labor: Protecting the Future Generation
  • Climate Change and Human Rights: Mitigating Environmental Injustices
  • Disability Rights: Promoting Inclusivity and Accessibility
  • Indigenous Peoples’ Rights: Recognizing and Preserving Cultural Heritage
  • Freedom of Speech: Navigating the Boundaries of Expression
  • Refugees and Asylum Seekers: Ensuring Protection and Support
  • The Right to Healthcare: Overcoming Barriers to Access
  • LGBTQ+ Adoption Rights: Fostering Loving Families
  • Racial Profiling: Combating Discrimination in Law Enforcement
  • Workers’ Rights: Empowering Labor in the Global Economy
  • Right to Religious Freedom: Respecting Diverse Beliefs
  • Genital Mutilation: Eliminating Harmful Traditional Practices
  • Social Media and Human Rights: Navigating the Online Landscape
  • The Right to Adequate Housing: Addressing Homelessness
  • Children’s Rights in Armed Conflict: Protecting Innocence
  • The Right to Water: Combating Water Scarcity and Inequality
  • Combatting Hate Crimes: Promoting Tolerance and Unity

Social Justice Essay Topics

  • Environmental Injustice: A Call for Sustainability
  • Eradicating Hunger: Addressing Food Insecurity
  • Affordable Housing: Combating Homelessness
  • Access to Quality Healthcare: A Social Justice Imperative
  • Reforming Prisons: Reducing Mass Incarceration
  • Comprehensive Immigration Reform: Upholding Migrant Rights
  • Combating Islamophobia: Promoting Religious Tolerance
  • Ending Exploitation of Child Labor: Ensuring Access to Education
  • Breaking Mental Health Stigma: Expanding Support Services
  • Respect for the Elderly: Combating Ageism
  • Safeguarding Online Spaces: Combating Cyberbullying
  • Equal Pay for Fair Work: Closing the Gender Wage Gap
  • Native American Rights: Preserving Indigenous Cultures
  • Combating Human Trafficking: Ensuring Justice for All
  • Access to Clean Water: Addressing Underserved Communities’ Needs
  • Animal Rights: Advocating Ethical Treatment
  • Protecting Religious Minority Rights: Eliminating Discrimination
  • Prisoners’ Rights: Rehabilitation and Reintegration
  • Accessible Transportation: Empowering People With Disabilities
  • Ensuring Voting Rights: Expanding Electoral Participation
  • LGBTQ+ Housing Equality: Eliminating Discrimination

Social Issues Essay Topics on Science

  • Socioeconomic Disparities in Access to Healthcare and Breakthroughs
  • Effects of Artificial Intelligence on Job Market Dynamics
  • Gender Equality in Science: Overcoming Stereotypes and Biases
  • Combating Misinformation in Scientific Research
  • Contributions of Science to Sustainable Development Goals
  • Balancing Public Interest and Corporate Influence in Science and Politics
  • Challenges of Science Communication in the Digital Era
  • Promoting Science Education and Equity in Underprivileged Communities
  • Advancements in Renewable Energy Sources
  • Technological Innovations and Social Inequality
  • Addressing Food Insecurity Through Agricultural Science
  • Ensuring Ethical Standards in Clinical Trials and Human Experimentation
  • Accessibility in Science: Inclusive Solutions for Persons With Disabilities
  • Science and Social Justice: Examining Biases in Research and Outcomes
  • Roles of Science in Public Health Crises, such as Pandemics
  • Influence of Corporate Funding on Scientific Research
  • Ethical Considerations in Animal Testing for Scientific Research
  • Science and Cultural Diversity: Recognizing Indigenous Knowledge Systems
  • Breakthroughs in Mental Health Treatment and Reducing Stigma
  • Ethics of Human Enhancement Technologies

Social Issues Topics About Substance Abuse & Addiction

  • Combating Human Trafficking: Addressing a Global Crisis
  • Overcoming Substance Dependency: The Path to Recovery
  • Breaking the Cycle: Ending Child Abuse
  • Addressing the Root Causes of Substance Abuse
  • Empowering Survivors: Supporting Victims of Abuse
  • Domestic Violence in LGBTQ+ Relationships
  • The Role of Education in Preventing Substance Abuse
  • Exploring the Link Between Childhood Trauma and Addiction
  • The Economic Burden of Substance Abuse on Society
  • Challenging Gender Stereotypes in the Context of Abuse
  • Effective Intervention Strategies for Combatting Substance Abuse
  • Elder Abuse: Protecting the Vulnerable in Society
  • Addiction as a Disease: Shifting Perspectives and Approaches
  • Raising Awareness: The Importance of Public Campaigns against Abuse
  • Overcoming Stigma: Supporting Individuals in Recovery
  • Media Influence on Substance Abuse and Violence
  • Healing through Art: The Therapeutic Potential for Survivors
  • Preventing Substance Abuse in Teenagers: A Holistic Approach
  • Breaking the Silence: Encouraging Reporting of Abuse Cases
  • Substance Abuse in the Workplace: Impacts and Solutions
  • Digital Abuse: Navigating the Dark Side of Social Media
  • Tackling Substance Abuse in Prisons: Rehabilitation vs. Punishment

Technology & Privacy Social Issues Topics

  • Digital Surveillance: Protecting Individual Privacy in the Digital Age
  • Ethical Implications of Facial Recognition Technology in Public Spaces
  • Cyberbullying: Addressing Online Harassment and Protecting Users
  • The Impact of Social Media on Privacy and Personal Relationships
  • Artificial Intelligence: Balancing Innovation and Privacy Concerns
  • Data Breaches and Cybersecurity: Safeguarding Personal Information
  • The Right to Be Forgotten: Ensuring Digital Privacy and Data Erasure
  • Online Privacy Policies: Transparency and User Consent
  • Privacy vs. National Security: Striking a Balance in the Digital Era
  • Digital Divide: Bridging the Gap in Access to Technology and Privacy Protection
  • Online Harassment: Combating Threats and Protecting Users’ Safety
  • Internet Service Providers: Preserving Net Neutrality and User Privacy
  • Algorithmic Bias: Examining the Ethical Implications of Automated Systems
  • Government Surveillance: Protecting Civil Liberties in the Digital World
  • Internet of Things: Privacy Challenges and Security Risks
  • Online Identity Theft: Preventing Fraud and Identity Misuse
  • Location Tracking: Privacy Implications and Personal Safety
  • Privacy in Health Tech: Balancing Benefits and Confidentiality
  • Children’s Online Privacy: Safeguarding Vulnerable Users
  • Privacy and Biometric Data: Ethics and Consent in Digital Identification

War & Violence Social Issues Essay Topics

  • Psychological Effects of War on Veterans and Their Families
  • Promoting Peace Education to Prevent Violence
  • Rebuilding Societies After Civil Wars: Challenges and Opportunities
  • Nonviolent Resistance Movements: Lessons From History
  • War Crimes and International Criminal Justice
  • The Arms Trade and its Influence on Global Conflicts
  • Ethical Considerations of Drone Warfare
  • Exploring the Link Between Poverty and Violence
  • Peacekeeping Operations: Successes and Failures
  • Protecting Children’s Rights in Times of War
  • Resolving Ethnic and Religious Conflicts Through Dialogue
  • Preventing Radicalization and Extremism in Post-War Societies
  • Diplomacy’s Roles in Conflict Resolution
  • Media Censorship in War Zones: Implications for Democracy
  • Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Former Child Soldiers
  • Environmental Devastation Caused by Warfare
  • Addressing Domestic Violence During and After Armed Conflicts
  • NGO Contributions to Peace and Reconciliation Efforts
  • Exploring the Link between Economic Inequality and Violent Conflict
  • Ethical Dilemmas Surrounding Torture in War
  • Disrupting Education Systems in Times of War

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persuasive essay about social issue or concern

Social Issue Essay Topics for a Great Paper

Social Issue Essay Topics - How to Write a Sociology Paper

Sociology is, without a doubt, a fascinating subject, especially if you're lucky enough to get a progressive-thinking professor. You learn about the world and people and debate on various topics and issues. It can get pretty exciting, but sometimes, this joy is dulled by the assignment to write an essay. It's one thing to answer in class. Your thoughts flow calmly, and it is easier to express yourself when you're looking your interlocutor in the eyes.

On the other hand, with a written essay, you have more time to prepare and build your arguments. You can't take back the words you say out loud, but you can throw away the words you write. When you receive a task to write an essay that concerns a social issue, you are given an opportunity to open an exciting discourse. You also get a nice chance to dig more into research! There are a lot of sociology topics to write about. We are here to help you pick one and give you some basic tips on how to write a good social issues essay.

Writing an Essay on Social Issues

There are a few main things you need to know before you even start picking social issues essay topics.

First of all, your essay is supposed to address a certain social, psychological, or anthropological issue. As an object of research, it needs to be thoroughly investigated and analyzed, which requires you to be patient and inquisitive. You must gather as much information as possible; otherwise, you risk not understanding your social issue essay topic and failing.

What are social issues in general? Usually, these are unwanted situations in social life that affect a significant number of people. Speaking of common social problems, these may be antisocial behavior, murder, domestic abuse, drugs spreading, alcoholism, child labor, and others. We guess there are certain problems you've heard about a lot and on which you have your unshakable opinion. So why not reflect your point of view on one of the most interesting sociological topics persuasively in your academic assignment? Such an essay will help you practice both writing skills and your persuasive potential. Also, you have a great chance to speculate on a problem and changes that everyone may witness today.

You are not just describing one of the contemporary social issues; research and even a dissection are what you need to do as well. Don't be afraid to challenge your professor's thoughts or established sociological theories. Also, you need to make a few mistakes first in order for the progress to occur, and everything has to be questioned for the answers to appear.

Use everything you know to show your understanding of the world, and bring out good old philosophical theories. When you write a social issue essay, it is important to show your personal view of the problem. On top of that, if you propose a solution you think could improve the situation you're writing about, it will be a huge plus. Don't be afraid to speak up: your reason for writing is the wish to change something. Otherwise, you probably wouldn't have been a sociology student.

The structure of the social issue essay is virtually the same as that of any essay. You state your thesis in the introduction. Then elaborate on it in the main body by bringing arguments and evidence to the light. And then, wrap it up nicely in the conclusion with a pretentious final sentence. The difference, though, is that in the social issue essay, you have to elaborate more on the real-life occurrences of the problems you're talking about. Be sure to include statistics, quotes from experts, and your own opinion to show you are the person who is living in the society in which these issues are happening.

Don't worry about originality. This kind of essay requires you to bring in as many sources as you can. Quote without fear! You are building a picture of a social problem, and you need to bring up every possible side of the story. Think of it like this: you are composing a paper that will be enough for someone to understand the problem on which you spent hours reading different sources. You need to break the issue down and build it all up again to make it more accessible to the general public.

It would play in your favor if you decided to compare the issue and its characteristics in your country to the same thing in other countries. How is it similar or different? How do people deal with it? Do other nations deal with the problem better than yours? Explore and analyze to make a thought-provocative compare and contrast essay!

When choosing your social problems topic, remember that it's always better to write about something you're already more or less familiar with. If you're lucky enough to be given a choice, analyze all the offered social issues topics, eliminate everything you're not interested in, take the one which has the most material to social issue research, and roll with it!

Tips on choosing the topic for a social essay

There are a couple of crucial aspects you need to take into account while selecting the topic for your sociology project.

  • Choose sociology essay topics that are easy to investigate as not to get stuck with the theme from the very beginning. But make sure it can be discussed at school or college. Check it with your teacher or professor.
  • Try to write about something that is primarily interesting for you or your audience rather than about something controversial or relevant.
  • In contrast to the previous tip, try to avoid sociology research topics that make you too passionate. This is used to let you be objective regarding the question you are investigating.

Tips on writing the text of an essay

  • To be as persuasive as possible, find enough evidence and proof on the question.
  • Find relevant examples that would be the support to your point of view.
  • Make sure the right language is used to express your opinion. Keep in mind who your audience is and make your writing language easily comprehensible for them.
  • Before handing in your work, make sure it is mistakes-free and has a proper structure. Re-read it several times to make sure your reader won't be distracted by some logical inconsistencies or minor spelling mistakes.
  • Remember about the originality. If you use words of other people, show it by quoting. Check the work through plagiarism detecting software before submitting your paper.

List of Social Issues Essay Topics

Now that the basic tips on writing a good social issues essay are all laid out, it is time for a social issues list. We've gathered interesting essay topics about various issues in society and put them into subcategories.

Religion and Science

  • What is social justice according to the "Catechism of the Catholic Church"?
  • The role of religion in the social change in the United States.
  • The importance of freedom of religion.
  • Homosexuality and the Bible: two views.
  • How should businesses respond to a more religious workplace?
  • A study of Galileo, Darwin, and Hawking: The interplay of science, reason, and religion.
  • Reflections on the sexual abuse scandals among Catholic bishops and priests in the United States.
  • Not so faultless science: pitfalls of Darwin's theory.
  • Sexuality and the Bible.
  • The religious life of American teenagers.

Human and Civil Rights

  • Why do Caucasian Americans are treated a lot better than foreigners with American citizenship?
  • Miranda Warning is outdated and needs revising.
  • The concept of human rights and their violation in different sections of the population.
  • The effect of terrorism on democracy and civil liberty.
  • Should the death penalty be prohibited?
  • The ways in which forced house eviction is a major violation of human rights.
  • How a corporate policy can affect workers' mental health.
  • Is justice still real in our country?
  • Is the surveillance a necessity or a violation of civil rights?
  • How and why are women's human rights violated and put aside?
  • The police - the force of help or privileged abusers?
  • Modern labor rights.
  • "Stop-and-frisk" as the major violation of civil and human rights.
  • The correlation between social media and depression.

Discrimination and Prejudice

  • The problem of discrimination - do the existing policies adequately protect people?
  • Ableism as a normalized form of discrimination.
  • What makes some men treat women as inferior?
  • Workplace discrimination in our society.
  • Different working and studying conditions for men and women in third world countries.
  • Racial prejudice in housing and employment cases.
  • White privilege as the bane of POC existence.
  • Gender identity and high-school bathrooms.
  • The reverse discrimination - myth or reality?
  • Skinheads and neo-nazis as the manifestation of racist upbringing.
  • Proof that people aren't born with discriminative traits - it is the impact of society.
  • Effects that discrimination and prejudice have on our mental health.
  • Is total equality a plausible future or a utopian dream?
  • Polyamory and free love study: revealing the differences.

Economic Issues

  • The dynamics between the wealthy and poor individuals of every society.
  • Is society to blame for POC poverty?
  • The discourse of New Consumerism.
  • The connection between illegal immigration and the economy of the US.
  • Unemployment as the direct consequence of economic recession.
  • Is globalization a good evolutionary phenomenon, or does it have downsides?
  • The linkage between economic development and global warming
  • The ever-growing population of homeless mothers.
  • Can the smart governing resolve the problem of homelessness, or is it up to communities?
  • Economic issues of developing countries and their connection to the US economy.
  • Capitalism as a destructive force.
  • Fundraisers - real charities or money laundering?
  • An impact of bullying in anxiety development in teenagers.
  • Educational system - should it be flexible to accommodate the changing of times, or is it wiser to maintain the "old-times" standards?
  • Child abuse as one of the most pressing issues of modern society.
  • Child labor - it's not only a distant problem of developing countries, but it is also happening near us.
  • The destructive system of high-school hierarchy: a discourse of "nerds" and "jocks."
  • Mandatory uniforms as the means to wipe out children's identity.
  • The irresponsibility of the majority of foster houses and the flaws of child services.
  • The problems of racial justice in kindergartens.
  • The mistreatment of autistic children in elementary school.
  • Lack of SexEd in high-schools as the reason for the high teen pregnancy index.
  • How children lose respect for themselves because of social media.
  • The vaccine controversy: should the immunization be mandatory?
  • The impact of television on infant child development.
  • Genetic predispositions of personality disorders in young adults.
  • Gun control - the issue solution of which is long overdue.
  • The correlation between child abuse and adult crime level.
  • Violent movies aren't the problem - unstable people are.
  • Police brutality as a form of oppression.
  • The phenomenon of the victims of domestic violence being unable to leave their abuser.
  • Ex-cons rehabilitation - cases of success and failure.
  • The correlation between cruel content on social media and suicide.
  • Cases of workplace violence as a consequence of overworking.
  • Why women being wary of blind dating is a justified occurrence.
  • Dating violence among college students.
  • High-school shootings as manifestations of child maltreatment.
  • Background and reasons of employee riots.
  • Illiteracy as the principle of hate crimes.
  • Peace and War - can one exist without another?
  • The psychological impact of war on children.
  • A world in peace - is it real, or is it just a fantasy?
  • Political nature of the majority of modern wars.
  • Disarmament - vulnerability or pacifism?
  • Genocide is still a problem that should not be ignored.
  • War crimes: it's all about perception.
  • Pacifism - a weakness or a philosophy?
  • War coverage on TV as the reason for increasing mental hostility.
  • Informational war as the eternal partner of warfare.
  • The policies of countries that maintain neutrality at wartime.
  • Ethics of war - is such a surreal concept even appropriate?
  • Peace education - why is it rarer than shooting classes?

Migration and Immigration

  • Black emigration movement.
  • Latin American immigrants and their rights in the US.
  • Green card - a privilege or a necessity?
  • Low-rate employment of immigrants - stereotyping human lives.
  • The discourse of immigrant discrimination.
  • Forced migration - whose fault is it?
  • Deportation as an inhumane act of US dominance.
  • Better life or condemnation - what immigrating foreigners should expect.
  • The correlation between immigrant unemployment and racism towards foreigners.
  • The statistics of people moving to other countries because of presented opportunities and out of necessity.
  • Palestinian refugees - how they should be treated by the by State Migration Services and how things really are.
  • Illegal immigration - whats, whys, and whos.
  • The flaws of US immigration policies.

Addiction and Substance Abuse

  • 12-step programs - why they should be mandatory even for minor offenders.
  • Drug abuse and its impact as a major social issue.
  • Societal impact on teenage smoking.
  • The significance of Tobacco control laws.
  • Drunk driving as the bane of modern existence.
  • Drug abuse during pregnancy - people are to blame, or is it an educational system's fault?
  • Gambling addiction as an artificially developed issue.
  • Heroin as the world's dominating drug.
  • The correlation between globalization and the rise in substance abuse rates.
  • Why do college students start smoking?
  • Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) as one of the dozens needed organizations.
  • Marijuana - medicine for some, the road to the grave for others.
  • The rates of teenagers addicted to amphetamines as a sign of our society's disintegration.

Food and Eating Disorders

  • The correlation between social media and the development of eating disorders.
  • How food is displayed by marketers from the point of those suffering from anorexia.
  • The sociology of food: the relation between your diet and your identity.
  • Is it just fast food - or is it a social breakdown on a plate?
  • The videos and ads as the motivational structure of the FD.

Writing a social issue essay can be an excellent practice for your analyzing and researching skills. It takes a lot of time and effort, so don't put it off for too long. We know what might happen when you procrastinate - sleepless nights, headache, and, eventually, a failed class! You wouldn't want to see that outcome, would you?

That's why, along with the list of social problems, we'd like to propose an excellent solution - our professional social issue essay writing service. Our expert paper constructors will do all the digging and building. You won't have to worry about a thing because we exist to help you out. Leave this piece of philosophical writing to us.

Do not worry about making your first order from us. We can send you a sample of a part of a paper for free before you order the full version of your sociology essay. Thus, you will be able to make an informed decision before paying money as a component of an essay will let you estimate the quality of our work. And be sure that once you get a piece of paper from Wise Essays, you won't hesitate to order the entire paper!

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persuasive essay about social issue or concern

Persuasive Essay Topics: Top 150 Choices

persuasive essay about social issue or concern

Did you know that the word 'persuade' is derived from the Latin word 'persuadere,' which means 'to make someone agree or believe through argument or reasoning'? It's a fascinating linguistic connection to the art of writing a persuasive essay, a skill that has the potential to shape opinions, spark discussions, and even drive change.

In this article, our persuasive essay writer will delve into a carefully curated selection of 150 essay topics that are designed to ignite debate, stimulate critical thinking, and empower you to make a compelling case for your viewpoint. Whether you're a student looking for a captivating, persuasive essay idea for your next assignment or an advocate seeking to raise awareness about critical issues, our list offers a diverse range of ideas that can serve as a powerful catalyst for meaningful discourse and positive transformation.

A Comprehensive List of Persuasive Essay Topics

In this comprehensive list, our paper writing service experts have compiled an extensive range of persuasive essay topics to suit various interests and academic levels. Whether you're a college student seeking to engage in complex debates, a high school student eager to make a compelling case, or an advocate looking to address critical issues, we've got you covered. Our topics span across diverse categories such as education, history, society, health, and more. This article is your one-stop resource for finding the perfect topic that aligns with your passion and purpose, ensuring your persuasive essays stand out.

Good Persuasive Essay Topics

In our pursuit of engaging and impactful essay subjects, let's begin by delving into ten distinctive topics that transcend the commonplace. These choices not only provide fresh perspectives but also present an opportunity to learn how to research a topic effectively.

  • Contemplating the Art of Mindful Consumption : Discuss the ethical implications of our consumer choices and how conscious shopping can transform our world.
  • Digital Privacy in the Age of Big Data: Analyze the trade-offs between personal privacy and data collection in our increasingly interconnected world.
  • The Future of Work: Universal Basic Income: Delve into the concept of universal basic income and its potential to address economic inequality and job displacement in the age of automation.
  • Cryptocurrency Adoption and Its Impact on Traditional Banking: Examine how the rise of cryptocurrencies is reshaping the financial landscape and challenging traditional banking systems.
  • Sustainable Fashion: Balancing Style and Environmental Responsibility: Discuss the fashion industry's ecological footprint and the importance of sustainable clothing practices.
  • Decoding Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Explore the transformative potential of AI in revolutionizing healthcare and its implications for medical professionals and patients.
  • The Power of Solar Roadways: Investigate the concept of solar roadways as an innovative solution for both energy generation and sustainable infrastructure.
  • The Intersection of Virtual Reality and Education: Analyze the benefits and challenges of integrating virtual reality technology into the classroom for enhanced learning experiences.
  • Reimagining Urban Planning: The 15-Minute City Concept: Delve into the urban planning movement that aims to create more sustainable and livable cities by emphasizing short commutes and community-centric design.
  • The Impact of Eco-Anxiety on Mental Health: Discuss the psychological effects of climate change-related anxiety and ways to address and mitigate its impact on individuals and society.

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Hopefully this guide will help you discover good topics for a persuasive speech or essay and write a top-notch paper. Looking for more advice or professional help?

Persuasive Essay Topics for College

When it comes to persuasive essay topics for students, the expectation is high. College-level writing demands critical thinking, compelling arguments, and well-researched positions. Here are ten thought-provoking topics tailored for the academic environment:

  • The Ethics of Cloning and Genetic Engineering in Higher Education: Explore the moral and scientific considerations of cloning and genetic engineering research conducted in university settings.
  • Quantum Computing and Its Implications for Computer Science Education: Delve into the potential of quantum computing and its influence on computer science programs in colleges and universities.
  • Deconstructing the Prison-Industrial Complex: A Call for Education Reform: Discuss how higher education institutions can play a role in addressing the social and economic issues related to mass incarceration.
  • Space Exploration and University Research: Analyze the contributions of universities to space exploration and their potential impact on future interstellar exploration.
  • The Intersection of Art and Artificial Intelligence: Examine the collaboration between artists and AI technology in creating innovative and thought-provoking works of art.
  • The Philosophy of Time Travel: Academic Approaches and Paradoxes: Explore the theoretical aspects of time travel from a philosophical and scientific perspective.
  • Biodiversity Conservation in University Campuses: Discuss the role of colleges in preserving local biodiversity and creating sustainable environments within their campuses.
  • The Influence of Virtual Reality on Archaeological Studies: Investigate how VR technology is transforming archaeological research and preservation efforts.
  • The Philosophy of Mind in the Age of Brain-Computer Interfaces: Explore the ethical and philosophical implications of brain-computer interface technology in academic and research settings.
  • Transhumanism and the Future of Human Enhancement: Discuss the ethical, social, and philosophical aspects of transhumanism within the context of higher education.

Persuasive Essay Topics High School

High school students often engage with a wide range of issues and concerns. Here are some essay topics tailored to their interests and age groups:

  • Promoting Financial Literacy in High Schools: Discuss the importance of including comprehensive financial literacy education in high school curriculums to equip students with essential life skills.
  • Social Media's Impact on Teen Mental Health: Explore the influence of social media on the mental well-being of high school students and advocate for responsible usage.
  • The Need for Racial and Cultural Diversity in High School Reading Lists: Analyze the benefits of incorporating more diverse voices and perspectives in the required reading list.
  • Youth Activism and Its Impact on Social Change: Highlight the role of young activists in shaping social and political movements, both historically and in the present.
  • The Effects of Violent Video Games on Adolescent Behavior: Discuss the potential impact of violent video games on high school students and the debate over-regulation.
  • Promoting Healthy Eating Habits in Schools: Advocate for better nutritional standards in high school cafeterias to combat childhood obesity and encourage healthy eating.
  • Cyberbullying Prevention and High School Policies: Examine the issue of cyberbullying and the role of high schools in preventing and addressing this problem.
  • The Pros and Cons of School Uniforms: Debate the advantages and disadvantages of implementing school uniforms in high schools.
  • Youth Voting Rights and Civic Engagement: Discuss the benefits of lowering the voting age to 16 and increasing youth participation in elections.
  • Climate Change Education in High Schools: Explore the need for comprehensive climate change education in high schools to prepare the next generation for environmental challenges.

Persuasive Essay Topics on Education

Education is a dynamic and crucial field that constantly evolves. Here are ten topics related to education:

  • The Impact of Inclusive Education on Student Development: Explore the advantages of inclusive classrooms where students with diverse abilities learn together.
  • The Role of Teachers in Fostering Critical Thinking: Discuss how educators can nurture critical thinking skills in students, preparing them for a rapidly changing world.
  • Standardized Testing: Is it a True Measure of Student Ability? Debate the effectiveness and limitations of standardized testing in assessing student knowledge and readiness.
  • Digital Learning Tools in the Classroom: Analyze the benefits and challenges of integrating digital technology into the education system.
  • The Importance of Arts Education in Schools: Advocate for the inclusion of arts education as a fundamental part of the curriculum, promoting creativity and well-rounded development.
  • Homeschooling vs. Traditional Schooling: A Comparative Analysis: Examine the pros and cons of homeschooling in contrast to traditional classroom education.
  • The Role of Education in Combating Cyberbullying: Discuss how schools can address the issue of cyberbullying and promote safe online behavior.
  • The Necessity of Physical Education: Encouraging Active Lifestyles: Explore the importance of physical education in high schools and its contribution to students' health.
  • The Impact of Early Childhood Education on Future Success: Discuss the long-term benefits of quality early childhood education programs.
  • Environmental Education: Preparing Students for a Sustainable Future: Advocate for the inclusion of environmental education in school curriculums to raise awareness about sustainability and ecological responsibility.

persuasive essay topics

Persuasive Essay Topics on Society

The topics that follow provide distinctive viewpoints on society, offering a novel vantage point from which to delve into the complexities of human culture, behavior, and interpersonal dynamics.

  • The Influence of Culinary Culture on Society: Delve into how culinary traditions, food choices, and dining habits shape our cultural identity and social interactions.
  • Understanding Society Through Foreign Language Semiotics: Examine how symbols and signs in everyday life convey meaning, reflect societal values, and influence communication.
  • The Role of Festivals and Celebrations in Building Community: Explore how communal celebrations and festivals foster a sense of togetherness and unity within societies.
  • The Art of Storytelling: Oral Traditions and Their Impact on Culture: Analyze the significance of oral storytelling traditions in preserving cultural heritage and passing down knowledge from generation to generation.
  • Collective Memory and Historical Narratives: Discuss how societies construct and maintain collective memories and the impact of these narratives on their sense of identity and unity.
  • Urban Planning and the Psychology of Space: Examine the psychological effects of urban environments, architectural design, and city planning on the well-being and behavior of residents.
  • The Societal Significance of Public Transportation: Explore how public transportation systems shape social interactions, reduce environmental impact, and influence urban development.
  • Fashion as a Mirror of Society: Discuss how clothing, styles, and fashion trends reflect cultural values, historical influences, and societal changes.
  • The Rituals of Everyday Life: Examining Mundane Practices: Analyze the significance of daily rituals and mundane practices in creating a sense of order and meaning in society.
  • Digital Subcultures and Online Communities: Investigate how online communities and subcultures have emerged as significant facets of modern society, influencing the way people connect, share interests, and form identities.

Persuasive Essay Topics on History

When considering how to write persuasive essay on history, these topics will provide you with a platform to delve into the past, draw valuable lessons, and make compelling arguments about the significance of historical events, figures, and movements in our world today.

  • The Significance of Historical Preservation: Discuss the importance of preserving historical sites and artifacts for future generations.
  • The Impact of World War II on Global Politics: Analyze how World War II redefined international relations and its lasting effects on the world.
  • The Legacy of the Civil Rights Movement: Explore the achievements and ongoing challenges related to the civil rights movement in the United States.
  • The Role of Ancient History in Modern Society: Discuss the relevance of studying ancient civilizations and their impact on contemporary culture and politics.
  • The Cultural Significance of the Renaissance Period: Analyze the contributions of the Renaissance era to art, science, and human thought.
  • The Causes and Consequences of the Industrial Revolution: Examine the factors that led to the Industrial Revolution and its effects on society.
  • The Impact of Colonialism on Indigenous Peoples: Discuss the long-term consequences of European colonialism on indigenous populations and their cultures.
  • The Lessons of the Cold War: Analyze the Cold War's influence on geopolitics and diplomacy and what lessons can be drawn from it for current international relations.
  • The Role of Historical Truth in Reconciliation: Discuss the importance of acknowledging historical injustices in the process of reconciliation and healing.
  • The Influence of Historical Figures on Modern Political Thought: Explore how historical figures have shaped contemporary political ideologies and movements.

Persuasive Essay Topics About Social Issues

Social issues encompass a wide range of concerns that affect individuals and communities. Here are topics related to social issues:

  • Addressing Homelessness in Urban Areas: Discuss strategies to combat homelessness and support those in need in cities and urban environments.
  • The Impact of Bullying in Schools: Analyze the consequences of bullying and explore ways to create a safer and more inclusive school environment.
  • Youth Substance Abuse and Prevention: Advocate for effective prevention programs and support for young people struggling with substance abuse.
  • Racial Profiling and Police Violence: Discuss racial profiling and excessive use of force by law enforcement and advocate for reforms.
  • Access to Affordable Healthcare: Explore the challenges and solutions for providing affordable and accessible healthcare for all.
  • Gender and LGBTQ+ Rights: Advocate for gender equality and the rights of the LGBTQ+ community, including issues like marriage equality and transgender rights.
  • Combating Human Trafficking: Discuss the global issue of human trafficking and propose solutions to combat it effectively.
  • Mental Health Stigma and Awareness: Explore the stigma surrounding mental health and ways to promote awareness and destigmatization.
  • The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health: Analyze the relationship between social media use and mental health concerns, such as anxiety and depression.
  • Environmental Justice and Access to Clean Water: Advocate for equitable access to clean water and address environmental disparities in vulnerable communities.

Crime and Legal Persuasive Essay Topics

Issues related to crime and the legal system are often the subject of intense debate. These topics provide a platform for students to examine complex issues in criminal justice, law, and ethics while presenting well-researched arguments and potential solutions.

  • The Efficacy of Restorative Justice Programs: Explore the effectiveness of restorative justice as an alternative to traditional punitive measures in the criminal justice system.
  • Sentencing Reform and the Need for Second Chances: Advocate for reevaluating sentencing guidelines and promoting rehabilitation over lengthy prison sentences.
  • Cybersecurity and Digital Privacy Laws: Examine the importance of legal measures to protect digital privacy and combat cybercrimes.
  • Capital Punishment: Abolition or Reform? Analyze the arguments for and against the death penalty and consider potential reforms.
  • Criminal Profiling and Ethical Considerations: Explore the use of criminal profiling in law enforcement and the ethical questions it raises.
  • Hate Crimes Legislation and Protection: Advocate for stronger hate crime laws and measures to protect vulnerable communities.
  • Juvenile Justice Reform: Discuss the need for improvements in the juvenile justice system, including alternatives to incarceration for young offenders.
  • Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform: Discuss the practice of civil asset forfeiture and advocate for reforms to address potential abuses and protect property rights.
  • Mandatory Minimum Sentences: A Review and Reform: Analyze the impact of mandatory minimum sentencing laws and propose potential reforms for a more equitable criminal justice system.
  • The Role of Mental Health Courts: Explore the benefits and challenges of mental health courts as an alternative approach to addressing criminal cases involving individuals with mental illnesses.

Health Persuasive Essay Topics

These health-related essay topics encompass a wide range of issues, from public health policies to individual health and well-being, providing opportunities for students to explore critical topics and propose meaningful solutions.

  • Universal Healthcare: A Right or a Privilege? Debate the merits of universal healthcare and its implications for society and the economy.
  • The Obesity Epidemic and Public Health: Discuss strategies to combat obesity, promote healthy lifestyles, and reduce the associated health risks.
  • Vaccination Mandates and Public Health: Analyze the controversy surrounding vaccination mandates and their impact on public health.
  • Digital Wellness in the Age of Screens : Examine the impact of constant screen exposure on physical and mental health.
  • The Role of Nutrition Education in Schools: Advocate for the inclusion of comprehensive nutrition education in the school curriculum to combat childhood obesity and promote healthy eating habits.
  • The Opioid Crisis and Addiction Treatment: Explore strategies for addressing the opioid epidemic and improving access to addiction treatment.
  • Reproductive Health and Women's Rights: Discuss the importance of women's reproductive health rights and access to healthcare services.
  • Healthcare Disparities in Underserved Communities: Analyze the disparities in healthcare access and outcomes in underserved and marginalized communities and propose solutions.
  • Telemedicine and the Future of Healthcare: Examine the growth of telemedicine and its potential to improve healthcare access, especially in rural areas.
  • The Impact of Aging Populations on Healthcare Systems: Discuss the challenges and innovations needed to address the healthcare needs of an increasingly aging population.

Women's and Gender Persuasive Essay Topics

Gender and women's issues are essential topics for discussion and advocacy, inviting students to address crucial matters related to gender and work toward a more equitable and inclusive society.

persuasive essay topics

  • Equal Pay for Equal Work: Advocate for closing the gender pay gap and ensuring equal pay for women in the workplace.
  • Women in Leadership: Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Discuss the barriers women face in reaching leadership positions and strategies to promote gender equality in leadership roles.
  • Reproductive Rights and Access to Healthcare: Explore the importance of women's reproductive rights and access to comprehensive healthcare services, including contraception and family planning.
  • Violence Against Women: Prevention and Support: Discuss the prevalence of violence against women, including domestic violence and sexual assault, and propose strategies for prevention and support for survivors.
  • Women in STEM Fields: Encouraging Gender Diversity: Analyze the challenges women face in STEM careers and advocate for increased gender diversity in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
  • Gender Stereotypes and Their Impact: Examine the influence of gender stereotypes on society and discuss strategies to challenge and overcome these biases.
  • The Representation of Women in Media: Discuss the portrayal of women in the media and the need for more diverse and empowering representations.
  • Intersectionality and Women's Rights: Explore how race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and other factors intersect with gender, affecting women's experiences and rights.
  • Child Marriage and Gender-Based Violence: Advocate for ending child marriage and addressing gender-based violence against girls and young women.
  • The Role of Men in Feminism: Discuss the importance of male allies in the feminist movement and how they can support gender equality.

Ethics Persuasive Essay Topics

Ethical issues are at the core of many important debates and decisions in society. Here are some interesting suggestions from our online essay writer that explore various ethical dilemmas:

  • Ethics of Artificial Intelligence and Automation: Discuss the ethical considerations surrounding AI, automation and their impact on the workforce and decision-making.
  • Bioethical Dilemmas: Genetic Engineering and Designer Babies: Analyze the ethical concerns raised by genetic engineering and the creation of designer babies.
  • Ethics in Animal Testing and Research: Debate the ethical considerations of using animals for scientific experiments and research.
  • Euthanasia and the Right to Die with Dignity: Discuss the ethical aspects of euthanasia and whether individuals have the right to make end-of-life decisions.
  • Environmental Ethics and Conservation: Explore the ethical principles underpinning environmental conservation and sustainability efforts.
  • Ethical Implications of Privacy in the Digital Age: Analyze the ethical dilemmas related to data privacy, surveillance, and digital information sharing.
  • Ethics in Journalism and Media Integrity: Discuss the ethical responsibilities of journalists and media outlets in reporting news and information accurately.
  • Ethical Considerations in Healthcare Resource Allocation: Explore the ethical challenges healthcare professionals face when allocating limited resources, such as during a public health crisis.
  • Ethical Implications of Cloning and Stem Cell Research: Examine the ethical concerns and potential benefits of cloning and stem cell research.
  • Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethical Business Practices: Advocate for ethical standards and social responsibility in business practices, including issues related to sustainability and fair labor practices.

Science Persuasive Essay Topics

These science-related topics allow college students to engage in discussions about the role of science in addressing critical global issues and how scientific knowledge can shape our understanding of the world and improve our lives.

  • Climate Change and Urgent Action: Advocate for the importance of addressing climate change and the role of scientific research in finding solutions.
  • Space Exploration: The Quest for Knowledge and Discovery: Discuss the value of space exploration and the knowledge gained from missions to the cosmos.
  • Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and Food Security: Explore the benefits and risks of GMOs in agriculture and their role in food security.
  • The Role of Science in Addressing Public Health Crises: Analyze the significance of science in responding to public health crises, such as pandemics and infectious diseases.
  • The Untapped Potential of Mycorrhizal Fungi in Enhancing Sustainable Agriculture : Explore the largely uncharted territory of harnessing mycorrhizal fungi to improve soil health, nutrient absorption, and crop yields.
  • The Importance of STEM Education: Advocate for the promotion of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education in schools to prepare future generations for scientific and technological challenges.
  • Artificial Intelligence and its Ethical Implications: Explore the ethical concerns related to AI technology, such as decision-making algorithms and machine learning.
  • The Impact of Scientific Discoveries on Medical Ethics: Discuss how scientific advances, such as gene editing and organ transplantation, influence medical ethics and healthcare decision-making.
  • Biodiversity Conservation and Ecosystem Health: Analyze the role of science in preserving biodiversity and maintaining the health of ecosystems.
  • The Role of Scientific Skepticism in Critical Thinking: Advocate for the importance of scientific skepticism in evaluating claims, combating pseudoscience, and fostering critical thinking.

Persuasive Essay Topics on AI Impact

These essay topics on AI impact suggested by our dissertation service writers provide students with an opportunity to critically examine the various ways AI is reshaping our world, considering both the benefits and challenges it presents.

  • AI in Literature and Creative Writing: A New Era of Storytelling: Explore the use of AI in generating creative content, such as poems, stories, and novels, and its potential impact on the literary world.
  • AI in Archaeology and Historical Preservation: Discuss how AI technologies are aiding in archaeological discoveries, historical research, and the preservation of cultural heritage.
  • AI and the Future of Personal Relationships: From Virtual Companions to AI Love: Examine the ethical and emotional implications of AI-powered virtual companions and their potential influence on human relationships.
  • AI in the Workplace: Job Automation and the Future of Employment: Analyze the impact of AI on the workforce, considering job displacement and the need for new skill sets.
  • AI and Privacy Concerns: Balancing Innovation with Data Protection: Debate the ethical and privacy considerations related to AI technologies and data collection.
  • AI and Mental Health: Chatbots and Supportive Technologies: Explore the use of AI in providing mental health support, including chatbots and virtual therapists.
  • AI and Criminal Justice: Predictive Policing and Bias Mitigation: Analyze the role of AI in criminal justice, including predictive policing and efforts to address bias.
  • AI in Art and Creativity: Tools, Innovations, and Copyright: Discuss the impact of AI in creative fields, raising questions about copyright and the definition of art.
  • AI in Environmental Conservation: Enhancing Conservation Efforts: Explore how AI technologies are used to monitor and protect endangered species and natural ecosystems.
  • AI and Accessibility: Empowering Individuals with Disabilities: Advocate for the use of AI to improve accessibility and inclusivity for individuals with disabilities.

Persuasive Essay Topics on Racism

These persuasive writing prompts on racism provide opportunities to engage in important discussions and advocate for social justice, equity, and change. They encourage college students to address the multifaceted issues related to racism and contribute to the ongoing fight against discrimination.

  • The Impact of Systemic Racism on Communities of Color: Discuss the pervasive effects of systemic racism on individuals and communities, including disparities in education, healthcare, and criminal justice.
  • Racial Profiling and Police Violence: Analyze the issues of racial profiling and the use of force by law enforcement, as well as strategies for reform.
  • Hate Crimes and Discrimination: Explore the prevalence of hate crimes based on race, religion, or ethnicity and advocate for measures to combat discrimination.
  • The Importance of Diverse Representation in Media: Discuss the need for more diverse and accurate portrayals of racial and ethnic minorities in film, television, and advertising.
  • Affirmative Action: Balancing Equal Opportunity and Meritocracy: Debate the role of affirmative action policies in addressing historical injustices and promoting diversity in education and employment.
  • Race and Education: Addressing the School-to-Prison Pipeline: Examine the disproportionate impact of disciplinary policies on students of color and the need to dismantle the school-to-prison pipeline.
  • The Role of Allyship in Combating Racism: Discuss the importance of allyship in supporting marginalized communities and dismantling racist systems.
  • Racial Health Disparities: A Call for Equity in Healthcare: Analyze the disparities in healthcare access and outcomes among racial and ethnic groups and advocate for equitable healthcare solutions.
  • Microaggressions and Unconscious Bias: Explore the impact of microaggressions and unconscious bias on marginalized communities and strategies for raising awareness.
  • Reparations for Historical Injustices: Debate the need for reparations to address the historical injustices inflicted on communities of color, particularly the descendants of enslaved individuals.

Unique Persuasive Essay Ideas

These persuasive essay ideas offer opportunities to explore unconventional and fascinating topics, encouraging critical thinking and in-depth examination of issues that may not be as widely discussed but are nonetheless thought-provoking.

  • The Ethics of Space Colonization: Explore the ethical considerations and responsibilities of humanity as we venture into space and potentially colonize other planets.
  • The Impact of Digital Immortality: Discuss the ethical and existential questions raised by advancements in digital technology that allow individuals to preserve their personalities and memories beyond their lifetimes.
  • The Necessity of Emotional Education: Advocate for the inclusion of emotional intelligence and empathy education in schools to promote healthy relationships and emotional well-being.
  • The Role of Psychedelics in Mental Health Treatment: Examine the potential therapeutic benefits of psychedelics, such as psilocybin, in the treatment of mental health disorders.
  • The Art and Science of Laughter: Explore the physiological and psychological benefits of laughter and its potential as a form of therapy.
  • The Future of Sustainable Fashion: Discuss innovations in sustainable fashion, including circular fashion, eco-friendly textiles, and ethical fashion practices.
  • The Impact of Silence on Mental Health: Examine the importance of silence and solitude in maintaining mental well-being in a noisy and interconnected world.
  • The Philosophy of Time Travel: Paradoxes and Possibilities: Delve into the philosophical questions and paradoxes related to time travel and its feasibility.
  • Human Augmentation and Cyborg Ethics: Explore the ethical considerations surrounding human augmentation technologies and the blurring of boundaries between humans and machines.
  • The Art of Procrastination: Creativity and Productivity: Discuss the potential benefits of procrastination in fostering creativity and innovation.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, this article has presented a diverse array of persuasive essay topics, spanning from pressing social issues to the ethical implications of AI and beyond. It highlights the importance of engaging in critical discourse, fostering empathy, and advocating for positive change in our ever-evolving world.

At the same time, if you find yourself seeking assistance with your academic endeavors, remember that we can help you with your homework, ensuring you stay on top of your studies and coursework. Whether it's tackling complex essays or asking for support like ' do my homework ,' our resources are here to aid you on your academic journey.

What if Your Essay Could Change Minds and Transform Ideas?

Explore the endless possibilities of interesting persuasive essay topics that elevate your writing and inspire change.

Daniel Parker

Daniel Parker

is a seasoned educational writer focusing on scholarship guidance, research papers, and various forms of academic essays including reflective and narrative essays. His expertise also extends to detailed case studies. A scholar with a background in English Literature and Education, Daniel’s work on EssayPro blog aims to support students in achieving academic excellence and securing scholarships. His hobbies include reading classic literature and participating in academic forums.

persuasive essay about social issue or concern

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

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15 Persuasive Essay Topics About Controversial Issues

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Controversial issues can be a great way to get your students engaged, and they also make perfect persuasive essay topics.

Whether your goal is to explore the controversial issue itself or to teach the mechanics of persuasive writing, controversial issues and persuasive essays go hand in hand.

In order to write a good persuasive essay, you need to feel passionately about an argument. Having a good prompt and a good issue let’s you do that.

The flip side is that to show you really understand a controversial issue, you have to make an argument about it. A persuasive essay is the perfect summative assessment to see whether a student really understands the issue and can articulate their opinion.

Below, I’ll share a list of 15 persuasive essay topics and writing prompts that you can use with your class. If you scroll down to the bottom, I’ll also wrap up with some other methods and resources that can help you teach these controversial issues and how to write argumentative essays.

List of Persuasive Essay Topics and Writing Prompts

So, without further ado, here’s a list of questions that would make great writing prompts for a persuasive essay.

Should the Government Ban or Regulate Indecency on Television?

This is a controversial issue as old as the airwaves. As long as there’s been radio and television, there have been arguments about what is acceptable and what is obscene.

If you’re studying constitutional law or taking AP U.S. Government, you’re probably familiar with George Carlin and his famous “ Seven Dirty Words ” bit. But for the average student, this persuasive writing topic is still relevant.

Think about the music you hear on the radio. What is bleeped out? Why do we have “dirty” and “clean” versions of hit songs? Why are some television shows allowed to curse, be violent, and have nudity, while others don’t?

You could definitely take this broader topic and make it more specific and timely by relating it to a current hit song or television show that your students are in to.

But however you phrase it, whether or not the government should regulate indecency on television is a great persuasive essay topic.

Should Voters Be Required to Show Identification?

For the last few years, this has been an increasingly hot topic as individual states have moved to implement various forms of voter ID laws. On the face of it, this sounds reasonable, but underneath the surface there are arguments about voter suppression and exclusion.

Is voter fraud a problem that needs to be dealt with? An answer to this question should likely depend on some research about the extent to which people are impersonating voters to enter the voting booth.

What kind of ID should be required? Different types of ID have different requirements to obtain them, and so this choice matters to.

Finally, how do you deal with the potential for discriminatory exclusion? Some people – the elderly, the young, low income – are more likely to not have ID, and for some people it can be a financial burden to secure the documentation necessary to get an ID.

Here’s a great, short NY Times Op-Doc video about the issue, which leans more to the “against” side of voter ID laws .

This ongoing policy debate about Voter ID laws makes for a great argumentative essay topic.

Should Race Be a Factor in Admissions to Universities?

Affirmative action has been a controversial issue for decades. Initially, the debate was over whether or not strict racial quotas were an appropriate way to make up for centuries of discrimination and segregation.

These early forms of affirmative action were struck down by the Supreme Court in Regents of the University of California vs Bakke , but other forms of affirmative action survived. Bakke affirmed that universities could use race as one factor in their admissions, and universities have been trying to strike the proper balance since.

A few years ago, the U.S. Supreme Court weighed in again – in Fisher v. University of Texas – and upheld more holistic processes designed to ensure diversity. But in the aftermath of Fisher , a group of students have brought a case against Harvard that is likely destined to find itself at the Supreme Court soon.

Which begs the original question – is it appropriate for a University to use race as a factor in admissions in order to guarantee diversity of its student body?

Should the Government Limit the Amount of Money Spent on Political Campaigns?

The influence of money in politics is another issue that has been fought out in the Supreme Court over the last 50 years. Money in politics is nothing new, and there are plenty examples of its corrupting influence in the early history of the United States.

But since the 1970’s, the federal government has struggled to strike a proper balance between regulation and free speech. Early campaign finance laws sought to restrict spending, and that was ultimately overturned. More recently, McCain-Feingold (aka BCRA) tried to funnel campaign spending into committees that have strict disclosure and contribution regulations.

Much of that came to an end with Citizens United , and since 2010 there has been a renewed surge of “dark” money in politics. So there’s really two parts to this question – a) should there be restrictions on how much money people can contribute and/or spend and b) does the public have a right to know who is contributing money to whom?

One way or another, the question of campaign finance is a great persuasive essay topic.

Should the Government Publicly Finance Campaigns?

Related to the previous question, you might also use this question as an argumentative essay prompt – should the government avoid the influence of money altogether by publicly funding campaigns?

There are some examples to look at. In 1974, the federal government set up a Presidential Election Campaign Fund, and candidates can use it to get matching dollar amounts if they agree to certain restrictions. But since Citizens United , the program has largely fallen out of favor.

New Jersey is one of several states with a public funding option for gubernatorial campaigns, and Arizona and Maine have more comprehensive systems offering public funding for state legislative elections. But these laws have also been challenged in court, and part of Arizona’s public financing law was struck down by the Supreme Court in 2011.

A simple version of this persuasive essay topic would focus on whether or not the government should publicly finance campaigns, while a more complex version might touch on how the government could do it in a way that withstood judicial scrutiny.

Should the United States Intervene When Foreign Dictators Use Chemical Weapons on Their Own People?

This is a more narrow version of the general question – should the United States intervene in foreign countries or mind its own business?

In some historical cases – like World War II and the Holocaust – it seems pretty obvious that intervention is a good idea. But in the present moment, it’s a little harder to identify that dividing line.

There have been a number of recent cases along these lines – Syria, Iraq, Bosnia & Herzegovina. Students will likely have a huge range of opinions on the issue, with some being fiercely isolationist and others advocating intervention on the slightest chance of abuse.

This is one of my favorite persuasive essay topics because it links up so directly with a theme that I talk a lot about in class – conflict. Read more about teaching with themes here.

Should the Federal Government Raise the Minimum Wage to $15 per hour?

The federal minimum wage is $7.25, and it’s been there since 2009. With the Fight for $15 movement is gaining steam around the country, this would make a great persuasive writing topic.

What once seemed kind of crazy is slowly becoming more realistic. First, some progressive cities took the lead, like Seattle. Now, some states are following suit – including New Jersey and Illinois.

Of course, there’s still plenty of pushback against this idea and a national minimum wage hike doesn’t seem to be in the cards in the near future. But a student could certainly take a side and stake out an argument – and maybe even send it to their legislature.

This is another one of the persuasive essay topics that relates directly back to a major theme in social studies – this time the theme of economics, and whether or not the economy is fair. Read more here about essential questions related to economics.

Should Congress Require Annual Standardized Tests in Schools?

Here’s another essay topic that’s particularly relevant for students. Every student knows the pain of testing – in fact just this morning, I spent several hours proctoring the New Jersey Student Learning Assessment (NJSLA).

Testing has been around a long time, but the frequency of it increased – and was required nationwide – after the 2001 reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (aka “No Child Left Behind”). Congress took another look at the issue with the next reauthorization – the Every Student Succeeds Act – but they ended up leaving the testing mandate alone.

So what do your students think? Ask them and have them write an argumentative essay about it.

You could also put a twist on this question by focusing on the use of tests as an exit requirement. There’s no federal mandate for this, but some states do require students to pass a standardized test to graduate. For older students, this surely a topic about which they’ll have an opinion.

Should the United States Grant Asylum to Refugees?

This is another age old question that has taken on new relevance. From the beginning of its history, the United States took in people who could be considered refugees. Historically, the greatest test of this question may be the Holocaust, and early on the United States failed that test.

You can watch this PBS Frontline episode, Forever Prison , to learn about the plight of Haitian refugees to the United States in the 1990’s. More recently, there are refugees looking to come to the United States from the Middle East and from Latin America. If your students spend any time watching the news, they’ve surely heard something about this.

This topic could revolve around what people are fleeing from. Should we only accept refugees from religious persecution and human rights abuses? What about crime or poverty? Or natural disasters?

It’s a complex question that gets to the heart of the immigration policy debate – and makes a perfect argumentative essay prompt.

Should the Government Have Access to Encrypted Devices and Communications Platforms?

The topic of government surveillance pops up in the news from time to time. Under Bush, there was the warrantless wire-tapping, the use of phone metadata, and the FBI snooping on e-mails.

More recently, this question focuses on access to encrypted communication platforms – like WhatsApp. To your students, these are probably just convenient ways to chat with each other. But to people with security concerns, they’re also a way to make sure that no one is listening in on their conversations.

There could be some good reasons for that. There could also be some bad reasons. Apparently terrorist groups like ISIS have used these encrypted communication platforms to plan attacks, which begs the question – should the government have some kind of backdoor to get in?

Some students will shrug this off and think it’s no big deal, while others will probably react with quite a bit of concern.

Should the Federal Government Permit or Ban the Death Penalty?

This is a good argumentative essay topic to use in conjunction with the Bill of Rights. The Eighth Amendment says no cruel unusual punishment – which should mean no death penalty, right?

Of course, there’s a historical angle to this. The death penalty was widely accepted in 1789, so you can make an argument that the Eighth Amendment doesn’t forbid it.

But there’s also the angle of justice and equity. In the 1970’s, through a series of court cases, the death penalty was deemed arbitrary and capricious – because it tended to be used more against certain offenders (i.e. African Americans).

This led to some reforms, and some states have continued to use the death penalty. Texas is leading the way on that front. Other states, however, have banned it, while others have put a moratorium on executions because of concerns over the method of execution.

Should Hate Speech Be Protected by the First Amendment?

This is another great writing prompt to use with the Bill of Rights, and it’s one that’s sure to elicit strong reaction from your students.

Supreme Court caselaw has held that speech – even hate speech – is protected by the First Amendment. A pivotal case in this vein was Brandenburg v. Ohio . In that case, the Court decided that speech could only be limited if it created an imminent danger, not because it was hateful.

Another way to frame the question is to focus on social media platforms. Recently, Facebook, Twitter, and other companies have come under fire for allowing White Supremacists to share various forms of hate speech on their platforms. One could then make a connection to any number of violent incidents throughout the country (or the world).

So if the government can’t regulate hate speech because of the First Amendment, does a platform like Facebook have an obligation to do so? Great topic for a persuasive essay.

Should the Government Send a Manned Mission to Mars?

I love space, so this question really appeals to me. Fifty years ago, people might have thought JFK was crazy when he planned to send a man to the moon. I’m sure there were plenty of heated debates about that.

Today’s frontier is a bit further away, but is it any more crazy? Sure, there are some technological leaps that need to be taken before it’s possible. But in the early 1960’s, putting a man on the moon may have seemed crazy, too.

But it’s an important question for the space program. What’s next? Back to the moon, on to Mars, or something else? Or should we just hang out on Earth for a while and try to fix what we’ve got here?

Maybe it’s the science fiction fan in me, but I just think this is a great topic to think about. I’d love to see what students would write about this in an argumentative essay.

Should the Federal Government Have to Balance the Budget?

This is a question that should come with a heavy dose of economics and economic policy. But it’s one worth asking. It could also be a good vehicle for teaching some of these concepts that might otherwise seem boring and wonky.

You could also connect this back to history. When you teach about the early years of the nation and Alexander Hamilton’s role as the Secretary of the Treasury, there’s undoubtedly something that comes up about the National Debt. Instead of talking about that in historical isolation, you can connect that today and think about the current federal budget.

This is also back in the news this week, with moderate Democrats (i.e. the Blue Dog Coalition backing a concept that has traditionally been more closely associated with Republicans. Perhaps it’s a blip on the national scene and the topic will fade away, but if it’s in the headlines why not use it as a persuasive essay topic?

Should the Voting Age be Lowered to 16?

We’ll end with this one because it has a direct impact on students. Should teenagers be allowed to vote?

A few years ago, this might have sounded crazy. But over the last few years there have been several municipalities that lowered their voting age to 16. At the federal level, Rep. Ayanna Pressley introduced an amendment to a bill on federal election reform that would have lowered the age for participation in Congressional and Presidential elections.

There’s also a historical angle to this question. Once upon a time – not all that long ago – you couldn’t vote at 18. To today’s students it may seem like a fait accompli , but the 26th Amendment that lowered the voting age was less than fifty years ago. At the founding of the country, some states required voters to be as old as 25.

So let students wrestle with this writing prompt in an argumentative essay and put together an argument for (or against) lowering the voting age.

Other Methods and Resources for Teaching Controversial Issues and Persuasive Essays

A big piece of teaching how to write a persuasive essay is the topic, but – especially with controversial issues – it also helps to teach some background about the topics.

One place you can look for resources for these questions is C-SPAN’s Classrooms Deliberations . These are in depth lessons on current policy debates that come scaffolded with C-SPAN videos and other resources. Some of these questions are featured in these Deliberations lessons, and this can be a great place to find the factual resources your students need to write good arguments.

Two other methods that you could think about using with these controversial issues are Take a Stand and A/B Writing . With the Take a Stand activity, students arrange themselves on a continuum based on how they feel about a question. With A/B writing, students choose a statement to agree with and write down their reason for choosing it. Either method is a great way to get students to start thinking about a topic that’s going to turn into a persuasive essay.

Finally, a lot of these issues are things that are debates that are playing out in the country right now. If you follow the news, you’re bound to hear about many of these issues on a weekly basis. Better yet, if you teach current events on a regular basis in your class, you can have your students relate what they’ve learned in the news to these essays. Here are some resources on how to use CNN10 to teach current events in your class .

Which Issue Have You Used From These Persuasive Essay Topics?

Have you used one of these topics in your class? How did you students respond?

Do you have another controversial issue that you’ve used as a topic for a persuasive essay? What was it?

Drop a line in the comment below and share with our readers.

1 comments on “15 Persuasive Essay Topics About Controversial Issues”

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  • Anna H. Smith
  • November 27, 2020

I really appreciate this website. I have learned some inciteful writing information. I feel strongly that I can go forward with the information that I have gained from this post. Great persuasive controversial essays you have shared. Thanks very much.

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A List of 470 Powerful Social Issues Essay Topics

In modern societies, people do everything to live peacefully. Still, tensions often arise. We call them social issues when they start negatively impacting a specific group of people. Poverty, discrimination, and addiction are examples of such problems. We need to confront them to ensure equal treatment for everyone.

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Our professional custom writing team created this article to help you write a social issues essay. This comprehensive social issues topics list covers various current problems in America and in the world. Choose among 450 social topics, and get down to writing!

  • 🔝 Top 10 Topics

✅ How to Write About Social Issues

  • 🌐 Social Media Issues Topics
  • đŸ„ Health-Related Issues
  • 🌳 Environmental Issues
  • đŸ”« War & Violence
  • 🚓 Police & Criminal Justice
  • đŸ‘šđŸ‘© Gender-Related Issues
  • 🧔🏿 Racism Topics
  • ✈ Migration & Refugees
  • ⚖ Human Rights Topics
  • đŸ—œ Social Issues in America

🔝 Top 10 Social Issues Topics

  • Types of prisoner rights violations.
  • Can vaccinations be mandatory?
  • What makes overpopulation a threat?
  • Online education as a cause of obesity.
  • The economic effect of rising sea levels.
  • The effects of Gender Pay Gap on economy.
  • Ways to stop racial discrimination in schools.
  • Can increase of employment help reduce poverty?
  • Women empowerment and social development.
  • Can mobile clinics make healthcare more accessible?

Writing on topics related to social issues involves thorough research. It also requires sympathy and tact. Following this guide will help you not to step on anybody’s toes.

  • Research papers call for an in-depth analysis. Make sure to reference several sources to back up your claims.
  • Essays revolve around your opinion. Here, good arguments are crucial.
  • Pick the topic . It can be either contemporary or historical. It’s better to choose something you’re interested in. If nothing comes to mind right away, use a writing topic generator .
  • Do research . Consult encyclopedias, find books on the topic. It will help you formulate ideas and outline the first draft.
  • Consider your audience . How much do they know about your subject? How invested are they? Understanding your readers will help you be more considerate.
  • Even if you have strong feelings about your subject, keep your tone neutral. Make sure not to condemn those who hold opposite views.
  • Highlight what you personally think is right. Remember that you can’t control how other people will react.
  • Be frank. Ask yourself: who am I? How do my experiences fit into my topic? Your honest answers will add unique insights to your paper.
  • Double-check your paper. Does everything you wrote logically flow? Does your argumentative structure make sense? Does it support your thesis? If possible, let your assignment sit for a day. You can edit it later with a fresh perspective.

These are the basics you need if you want to write about social issues. Now you can start your research! The first step is to pick one of the excellent topics about social problems from the list below.

🌐 Social Issues Essay Topics Related to Social Media

  • Security issues of social media .
  • Should Instagram be age-restricted?
  • Social networks’ impact on friendships.
  • Disadvantages of being an influencer .
  • Is there freedom of speech in social media?
  • Should social media ban fake information?
  • How harmful is social media dependency?
  • Should employers check employees’ accounts?
  • Online ethics and business Facebook accounts.
  • The effect of the cancel culture on mental health.
  • Cyberbullying: victim and abuser in the online environment.
  • Should children be allowed to have social media accounts?
  • Your opinion on memorial pages on social networks for the deceased.
  • Ways to stay safe on the internet.

Cyber abuse.

  • How should social media websites deal with hate speech?
  • Is removing abusive content censorship?
  • Explore the correlation between social media and mental disorders.
  • Does Instagram change the way we perceive our lives?
  • Is modern society forcing us to participate in social networking?
  • What is identity theft ?
  • Personal isolation and technology in communication.
  • The risks of microtransactions in online gaming .
  • How does your digital presence influence your real life?
  • Why do some people become dependent on social media ?
  • Are online networks promoting stalking?
  • Discuss the digital divide in Washington.
  • Is Twitter’s cancel culture doing more harm than good?
  • How do marginalized groups benefit from social media?
  • How important is data safety?
  • Are people on social media more aggressive than in real life?
  • Does the internet shorten our attention span ?
  • Ways in which social media impacts your interactions with other people.
  • Marketing, social media, and you: how do influencers impact your buying behavior?
  • Explore the effect of the internet on students’ lives.
  • Is Reddit right to allow outrageous content under the principle of free speech?
  • Politics and Twitter: the consequences of Donald Trump’s tweets .
  • Does banning online networks from the workplace increase productivity?
  • What basic ethical principles go overboard on the Internet ?
  • In how far do social media trends reflect on the general public?
  • Social media and youth: does it make puberty harder?
  • The influence of social media platforms on democracy.
  • What would happen if we could rate everyone online? (Think Community ’s episode “App Development and Condiments”)
  • Does Instagram inspire a healthy lifestyle?
  • Why are likes so important?
  • Debate the effects of speaking out in online communities.
  • Are Facebook’s profile picture frames a good way of showing support?
  • Debate social media policies and code of conduct.
  • Is YouTube spreading propaganda?
  • Did you ever do something because you’ve read about it on the internet?
  • Are Twitter hashtags skewing the political discourse?
  • Examine the gendered experiences of people on the internet.
  • How do you make yourself heard on social media?
  • Evaluate the usefulness of Facebook’s Safety Check feature.
  • Discuss the pros and cons of TikTok challenges.
  • How does participating in Instagram challenges for social justice help?

đŸ„ Health-Related Social Issues Topics to Write About

Our health largely depends on the social security system. With access to good healthcare services, we are less likely to develop preventable diseases. Unfortunately, issues are common in the health sector. These interesting essay writing prompts will help you explore social problems related to health:

  • Are employers not paying enough attention to their employees’ mental health ?
  • What should a person do if they can’t afford medical treatment?
  • Why do some countries have higher obesity rates than others?
  • Should abortion be legal or illegal?
  • Debate whether a ban on tobacco advertising would help decrease smoking.
  • What makes Americans start doing drugs ?
  • Compare projects that help people overcome their addictions.
  • What is the worst substance to be addicted to?
  • Who should care for the elders ?
  • Should hospices be free?
  • Examine why HIV in seniors remains widely unrecognized.
  • Should we change the drinking age limit?
  • Whose health is mostly affected by pollution ?
  • Should parents avoid vaccinating their children?
  • What does it mean to die with dignity?
  • Should women get extra vacation days at work because of their periods?
  • Explore the origins of the pro-life movement .
  • Should non-smokers receive additional break time?
  • Ways to make navigating easier for visually impaired people .
  • Discuss stigma against mentally challenged individuals.
  • The benefits of over-the-counter contraception.
  • Must women who breastfeed in public cover themselves up?
  • Psychoactive drugs in the treatment of psychological diseases.
  • Disabilities and stigmatization: how does being disabled affect one’s social status?
  • Does gender play an important role in one’s health?
  • What health issues are affecting African Americans and Hispanics?
  • Expectations and motherhood: being a childfree woman in a kid-centered society.
  • How does being malnourished affect a child’s psyche in the long run?
  • Investigate suicide rates in Pakistan.
  • Discuss the social acceptance of autism spectrum disorders.
  • Sociology and psychological diseases: the relationship between circumstance and mental health.
  • Write about fad diets and their impact.
  • How does the society you live in discriminate against older adults?
  • Why is access to quality healthcare unevenly distributed?
  • Who should decide when to stop life-prolonging treatments?
  • Is homeopathic treatment for children acceptable?
  • Describe why going to psychotherapy is widely stigmatized.
  • What are the social determinants of health?
  • Why is access to healthcare in rural areas so scarce?
  • Is the propagation of mindfulness and self-care on social media improving our health?

Smoking is.

  • Examine the connection between poverty and health problems.
  • Where does our society’s general obsession with weight come from?
  • Do cultural norms promote drinking alcohol to an unhealthy extent?
  • Is coffee a drug?
  • How does the depiction of drug use in the media influence the youth?

🌳 Environmental Social Issues Essay Topics

Environmentalism is not just about saving nature. A damaged environment has adverse effects on humanity and its future. Changing weather and frequent natural disasters affect millions of people. Many are forced to flee their homes. Essays on this subject can cover activism or sustainability.

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  • Is Extinction Rebellion’s form of protest too radical?
  • What to avoid when traveling in the age of climate change.
  • How can we ensure global access to drinking water ?
  • The impact of bottled water on the environment.
  • Water conservation methods in sub-Saharan Africa.
  • The influence of tourism on cultural heritage sites.
  • How does society need to change in the future to slow down climate change?
  • What caused the rise in climate activism in recent years?
  • Innovation vs. tradition: getting traditional farmers to implement new sustainable technology.
  • Describe the importance of waste reduction for our ecosystems.
  • How can we use our natural resources responsibly?
  • Discuss what a sustainable diet is like.
  • The role of packaging in marketing, food safety, and environment.
  • Why do people deny human-made climate change ?
  • Why should sociologists study the environment?
  • What made us reliant on single-use plastic products?
  • Discuss green infrastructure in water management.
  • Debate how Greenpeace influences political decision making.
  • In your opinion, what’s the best environmental organization to donate to?
  • How successful is PETA in helping animals?
  • Should mandatory volunteer work substitute compulsory military service?
  • Urban gardening as a means to ensure food security .
  • The effect of self-driving electric vehicles on urban environments.
  • Compare types of sustainable futuristic cities in literature.
  • How does global warming impact indigenous peoples in South America?
  • What effects does a deteriorating environment have on labor conditions?
  • Explain what Oxfam does.
  • How does globalization impact sustainable agriculture?
  • What are the most significant achievements of environmental activists in recent years?
  • What makes politicians hesitant to take action against climate change ?
  • Investigate what happened to the population of Isle de Jean Charles.
  • Climate refugees: examine the disasters that cause people to flee their homes.
  • What are the unintentional consequences of climate-related relocation projects?
  • Explore the connection between nature and religion.
  • Ecology and economics: ways to find a balance.
  • Communities and health: how the way we handle the environment impacts the spread of disease.
  • Investigate methods for responsible consumption.
  • Why is sustainable development important for societies?

World Health Organization.

  • Contrast the methods of various environmentalist movements.
  • The world’s overpopulation: causes and effects.
  • Why can it be difficult to convince older generations to take action against climate change ?
  • What are the best things everyone can do to protect the environment ?
  • The role of zoos in wildlife endangerment.
  • How do changing weather patterns impact our homes?
  • What caused the increase in natural disasters over the last decade?

đŸ”« Social Issues Topics: War & Violence

Scientists still debate if violence is a part of human nature. Wars and terrorist attacks are disastrous events that traumatize millions of people. Still, it’s crucial not to forget about more subtle forms of violence. These include emotional neglect, bullying, and brutality in medical care.

  • What are the main reasons for nations to wage war?
  • Mental disorders and vulnerability to homicidal death.
  • The restoration of Germany after the Second World War.
  • Domestic violence in 20th century Canada.
  • Describe the most common types of violence against teenagers.
  • How does a country’s political situation impact domestic violence?
  • Do splatter movies promote violent behavior ?
  • Should girls dress modestly to avoid being abused?
  • What is the use of war monuments?
  • The issue of girl education in India.
  • How does war influence the development of children?
  • Analyze the accuracy of the events depicted in Sam Mendes’ film 1917 .
  • Everything Quiet on the Western Front and the youth’s attitude towards fighting.
  • The treatment of veterans in your community.
  • Why do people join the army?
  • Connection between school bullying and problems in adult life.
  • What are the most common reasons for murder ?
  • How can a family move on after their child has been kidnapped?
  • Why are veterans more likely to commit suicide than average citizens?
  • Is human trafficking modern-day slavery?
  • Investigate how citizens of Cape Town deal with the high crime rate in their city.
  • What events can lead to an increase in crime?
  • Explain the socio-economic aftermaths of the Afghanistan war.
  • Examine the success of Columbia’s DESEPAZ program.
  • What is the origin of domestic violence?
  • Do schools in your country work effectively to discourage abusive behavior towards girls?
  • Why do men tend not to report domestic violence?
  • How does emotional neglect impact children?
  • What are the best ways to prevent street violence?
  • Is there a connection between the strictness of gun laws and homicide rates ?
  • Why do women hesitate to report rape cases?
  • Rape and sexual harassment in the military.
  • An overview of Japanese mafia culture.
  • The connection between education and violence.
  • Who profits from war?
  • Are the US military expenses justified?
  • What does the “guns vs. butter” model describe?
  • Give examples of cultural norms justifying violence.
  • In how far has globalization impacted violent behavior ?
  • What triggers aggression against healthcare workers?
  • Ways to manage verbal abuse in social care.
  • Examine the Chinese phenomenon of Yi Nao.
  • Investigate the recent decriminalization of domestic abuse in Russia.
  • What was the impact of the #metoo movement ?
  • Bullying and sexual harassment at workplace.

🚓 Police & Criminal Justice Topics to Write About

Everyone should feel safe in their community. That’s what a country’s criminal justice system is for. But humans can make mistakes and be biased. Not everyone feels protected by the current system. What can we do to change that? Explore this question in one of the following creative topics:

  • What does the phrase “ defund the police ” mean?
  • What makes you feel safe in your community?
  • Describe the social standing of police officers in your country.
  • Examine if there’s evidence of structural racism in the police.
  • Is it possible to achieve true equality ?
  • Are all professions in criminal justice equally prestigious?
  • Discuss the concept of juvenile crimes.
  • Debate castration as a punishment for sexual offenders.
  • The influence of the internet on human trafficking .
  • What could the police be substituted with?
  • How does racial profiling work?
  • Should people who abuse drugs go to jail?
  • How do people become homeless in big cities?
  • Discuss the legitimization of prostitution.
  • What causes governments to oppose gay marriage ?
  • The safest ways to deescalate riots.
  • What are the best methods to discourage people from committing crimes ?
  • Define civil disobedience and its goals.
  • Victimology and traditional justice system alternatives.
  • What makes white-collar crimes more socially acceptable than others?
  • Reintroducing prisoners to society: obstacles and consequences.
  • Would society profit from the abolition of prisons?
  • What are the advantages of community services ?

Montesquieu quote.

  • How does crime differ in various social classes?
  • Justice for women: the legacy of Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
  • How do prejudices influence criminal justice mechanics?
  • Human services issues from the point of income inequality.
  • Why was the Hong Kong national security law installed?
  • How did legalizing all drugs affect Portuguese society?
  • What are the prominent civil rights issues in your country?
  • The Captain of Köpenick : the psychological effect of uniforms.
  • Why was racial segregation widely accepted in America?
  • How do witness protection programs work?
  • The right to privacy vs. safety: a case for surveillance cameras.
  • How can one save their reputation after committing a crime?
  • Compare the four deviance theories in sociology .
  • To what extent can biology explain criminal behavior ?
  • Do police officers need guns?
  • Should law enforcers need to request permission before using firearms ?
  • How did dismantling the police department in Camden, NJ impact crime?
  • Explore the connection between militarization and police violence.
  • What does the principle of qualified immunity entail?
  • Debate the use of body cameras by police officers .
  • Police violence and subterfuge.
  • What are the social benefits of jury duty?

đŸ‘šđŸ‘© Gender-Related Social Issues Essay Topics

Even today, a lot of people are systematically disadvantaged because of their gender. This problem manifests itself not only in the infamous gender pay gap. For example, in the US, transgender people are banned from serving in the army. And in some countries, women are still denied fundamental rights. If you want to get to the heart of contemporary controversial issues, this section is for you.

  • Why is the number of women in positions of power still low?
  • Are quotas the only way to guarantee equal hiring processes?
  • Pros and cons of unisex bathrooms.
  • Why are matriarchal societies rare?
  • Describe how the patriarchy holds back women.
  • Conflicting theories: gay marriage and feminism.
  • Does feminism need to be radical?
  • How does gendered marketing affect child development ?
  • Should insurance companies pay for sex reassignment therapy?
  • Reasons why some people have problems with they/them pronouns.
  • What does it mean to be non-binary?
  • Investigate the treatment of women in Saudi Arabian society.
  • What makes a profession traditionally female?
  • Should women be more encouraged to join the military?
  • Why is it more challenging for men to get full custody?
  • Find historical examples of women who made a change in their society.
  • Should professors be required to include more women authors in their reading material?
  • Examine the treatment of the transgender community in healthcare.
  • Is gender a purely social construct?
  • What can a woman do to become more empowered ?
  • Can a patriarchal society ever achieve true gender equality ?
  • Are Disney princesses good role models?
  • Examine the representation of gender variety in popular TV shows.
  • Gender identity: promotion of equality for sexual orientation.
  • Discuss the connection between gender-biased language and oppression.
  • Why are sexist marketing practices still legal?
  • Should girls capitalize on their attractive looks?
  • Define the term “gender blindness.”
  • Do school uniforms promote gender inequality?
  • Bibiana Steinhaus: a female referee.
  • Discuss how the battle of the sexes impacted society.
  • Should men be entitled to more extended paternity leave ?
  • Can religion ensure equality?
  • How do stereotypes against women decrease their chances of getting hired?
  • Why do millions of women still have to choose between having a family or a career?
  • Explain the gender dynamics in development.
  • Should men and women play and compete in mixed sports teams?
  • What do beauty pageants teach girls?
  • Debate the importance of LGBT studies.
  • What causes gender dysphoria?
  • Do blockbuster films have the responsibility to advocate for equality?
  • Does society need gender roles to function properly?
  • What makes same-sex marriage a controversial topic in many countries?
  • Examine adoption laws for gay couples.
  • Compare gender-based violence in the UK vs. Iran.

🧔🏿 Social Topics for Essays on Racism

Slavery is abolished everywhere in the world. Still, it didn’t put an end to racism. There’s a lot of racial bias fueled by insecurity and ignorance. Because of this, ethnic minorities rarely enjoy equal opportunities. An essay on racism can raise awareness of the problem by shedding light on racial injustice.

  • How has racism changed over the past hundred years?
  • Queer of color: history and theory.
  • Who were the Khmer Rouge ?
  • Trace the development of anti-discrimination laws in your country.
  • What caused populist groups to gain popularity in recent years?
  • Did Donald Trump’s presidency increase racism towards Latin Americans?
  • What socio-economic issues do African American families face?
  • Is there a connection between racism and social progress?
  • Would there be no racism without colonialism?
  • Discuss subtle forms of everyday racism.
  • Should women in teaching positions be allowed to wear hijabs ?
  • Nelson Mandela and the fight against apartheid .
  • What makes people scared of minorities?
  • Who benefits from structural racism?
  • Find out how racism manifests itself in your native language.
  • Compare the types of social segmentation.
  • Is the use of the n-word in hip hop empowering?
  • How did imperialism impact Okonkwo’s life in Things Fall Apart ?
  • In which areas of life are black Americans institutionally disadvantaged?
  • Is it appropriate for white people to wear hoop earrings?
  • The best ways to educate children about race.
  • How does cultural appropriation become harmful?
  • Racial prejudice in the movie industry.

Mahatma Gandhi quote.

  • Your position on companies renaming well-known brands to avoid claims of racism.
  • Discuss the problem of racism at institutional and interactional levels.
  • Will racism ever end?
  • Is “All lives matter” a racist statement?
  • How does environmental racism affect the living conditions of minorities?
  • Investigate the historical persecution of the Romani people.
  • What makes people racist nowadays?
  • The internet’s contribution to alleviating racism.
  • Cultivation of racism in the American society.
  • How much of a problem is reverse discrimination?
  • Trace the history of lynching and mob violence against blacks in the American South.
  • Who was Leo Frank?
  • How does discrimination differ in rich vs. developing countries?
  • Racism as a barrier to educational opportunities.
  • Does social media help fight racist bias?
  • How to responsibly handle classic movies and literature with racial prejudices.
  • What constitutes a healthy national identity?
  • How does modern television portray minorities?
  • Does your country’s healthcare system disadvantage minorities?
  • Investigate what happens to the Rohingya people in Malaysia.
  • Is antisemitism still a problem in your country?
  • Does nationalism always lead to racism?

✈ Social Awareness Topics on Migration & Refugees

Migration can have a beneficial effect on a host country’s economy. For instance, migrants can provide vital additional workforce. But an overflow of newcomers can also lead to problems. Most notably, it affects a nations’ cultural and social landscapes. “How should we deal with refugees?” is one of the most challenging political questions today.

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  • How has migration changed over the past 20 years?
  • Mexican immigration as a political controversy.
  • Why do migrants from the Middle East face more prejudice than those from Central Europe?
  • Describe the types of events that can cause major forced displacement .
  • How should governments plan for migration?
  • Why do many people in Europe have a negative attitude towards refugees?
  • Why are foreign workers important to every nation’s economy?
  • Effective ways to integrate displaced people.
  • Critique Arizona’s new immigration laws.
  • Have refugee camps ever been a solution to the problem?
  • What drives people to immigrate illegally ?
  • Should the US’ sanctuary cities be dissolved?
  • Describe the notion of ecological migration.
  • Should Europe take in more refugees?
  • Compare resettlement models in Canada vs. Australia.
  • What’s the difference between expats and migrants?
  • What factors make illegal immigration undesirable?
  • Has the public perception of migrants changed over the past years?
  • How important is it that immigrants speak their host country’s language?
  • What does social integration ideally consist of?
  • Discuss Chinese settlement patterns in America.
  • The advantages of dropping visa restrictions.
  • How did 9/11 affect the public’s perception of the global movement?
  • Is it morally right to marry someone just for their passport?
  • Do illegal immigrants negatively impact their host country’s society?
  • Does migration cause destabilization?
  • What does the claim “no one is illegal” advocate?
  • How does the American green card lottery work?
  • Should a child born in a foreign country automatically receive citizenship?
  • American society wouldn’t exist without immigration. Why is it still so hostile towards foreigners?
  • Explore the link between global movement and the spread of diseases.
  • Should the government use taxpayer money to upskill refugees ?
  • Immigrants in Toronto: social and economic challenges.
  • Can expats from a distinct cultural background ever integrate into a country that doesn’t share their norms?
  • Discuss the importance of diversity to society.
  • Is there a connection between immigration rates and crime?
  • Should expats be eligible for welfare programs ?
  • Where’s the line between cultural appropriation and integration?
  • Can binational relationships work?
  • How do you become a stateless person?
  • What rights do asylum seekers have in your country?
  • Is immigration from developing countries a threat to wealthier nations?
  • Explore moral panics associated with other ethnicities.
  • What makes Europe attractive to expats?
  • Describe the common prejudices refugees have to face in Australia.

⚖ Social Justice Essay Topics on Human Rights

You probably agree that every human deserves access to fundamental rights. Unfortunately, these are continually under threat. And it doesn’t always happen far away from you. Women, the LGBT community, and many others fight for their rights every single day.

  • Are limitations of human rights during crises justified?
  • Should we strive to achieve the same rights globally?
  • Is male circumcision shortly after birth a violation of human rights?
  • How do you prevent low-income families from sending their children to work?
  • Capital punishment vs. the right to live.
  • Can dictatorships ensure human rights ?

Martin Luther King Jr. quote.

  • Is using sensitive language incriminating our freedom of speech?
  • Describe the achievements of Amnesty International.
  • Should Europe stop business interactions with countries that violate human rights ?
  • Examine effective ways to combat food shortages in the Global South.
  • How can governments secure freedom of speech ?
  • Should access to the internet be included as a fundamental human right?
  • Are restrictive laws concerning hijabs violating religious freedom?
  • Charlie Hebdo and its Muhammad cartoons: did they go too far?
  • When does satire become harmful?
  • Examine how human rights are treated in the pornography industry.
  • Why are LGBT people around the world not granted the same rights as everyone else?
  • Balancing labor conditions and demand: human rights in the economy.
  • Who protects stateless persons?
  • What has changed since the first declaration of human rights?
  • How was slavery justified back in the day?
  • Why do women in many countries still not have the same rights as men?
  • The Handmaid’s Tale : how is the society in Gilead structured?
  • Discuss how vital the rights to freedom of thought and expression are.
  • To which rights should prisoners have access to?
  • Debate the fairness of the utilitarian approach.
  • How do NGOs help to ensure human rights in Somalia?
  • Human rights and the Bible : how does the church get away with violations?
  • Define different perspectives on what constitutes freedom .
  • What are the most significant human rights issues today?
  • Ethics and the media: exploiting personal tragedies for attention.
  • Prisoners are humans, too: rights violations in Guantanamo.
  • Is combating climate change a human rights issue?
  • Are cruel traditions such as honor killings justified if they are socially accepted?
  • How successful is the European Commission of Human Rights?
  • Is the death penalty a justified measure nowadays?
  • Should pets have the same rights as humans?
  • Define the difference between civil and human rights.
  • If there’s gay pride, why shouldn’t there be straight pride?
  • Unequal privilege: legal, religious, and social factors.
  • What would happen if education were free and accessible to everyone?
  • State terrorism vs. critical terrorism.
  • Did globalization make us freer?
  • Is the wellbeing of the majority more important than the wellbeing of a minority?
  • When, if ever, should men and women have different rights?

đŸ—œ Current Social Issues Topics in America

With its variety of races and cultures, America faces many social issues. Its deeply divided political parties add more fuel to the fire. African American rights and police brutality are some of the most pressing issues in the US today.

  • Consequences of fortifying the American-Mexican border wall.
  • Should illegal immigrants always be deported when found?
  • Is the democratic system in the US in need of reform?
  • What are the social causes of obesity in the USA?
  • Negative side effects of the war on drugs .
  • How important is bipartisan cooperation?
  • What difference does it make if Russia meddled in the 2016 elections?
  • Police brutality: reasons and countermeasures.
  • Discuss the importance of reducing medical costs.
  • Racism and the police: is it an institutional problem?
  • What are the strictest cultural taboos in American society?
  • Are there enough women in American leadership positions?
  • Is sexism a significant problem in the States?
  • Describe the consequences of voter fraud.
  • Should schools teach students to be more patriotic ?
  • Discuss prescription drug abuse in America.
  • College student debt: is it a fair price to pay for a good education?
  • Will police presence in schools help curb violence?
  • What drugs should be legalized vs. remain illegal?
  • Debate the quality of political education in your state.
  • Is fake news a severe problem?
  • Financial literacy as a compulsory subject in high school.
  • How do you destigmatize taboo topics in society?
  • Why do conversations about periods make people feel uncomfortable?
  • Social causes of eating disorders in adults.
  • Discuss how various religions can live together peacefully.
  • Describe the NIMBY phenomenon.
  • What are the benefits and limitations of needle exchange programs?
  • Find reasons why peaceful protests turn into violent riots.
  • Are students in the US nowadays under too much stress ?
  • What are the harmful effects of urban sprawl ?
  • Can your vote make a difference?
  • Do American schools need to offer better sex education classes?
  • What makes people believe the Earth is flat?
  • Why do conspiracy theories spread so quickly nowadays?
  • Traffic in California: reasons to invest in public transport.
  • Are charter schools better than public schools?
  • Compare the most prominent social movements currently active in America.
  • The legacy of Occupy Wall Street.
  • Describe the pros and cons of the Green New Deal.
  • How successful is special education in the US?
  • What causes gentrification in American cities?
  • Is immigration a strain on the American job market?
  • Tackle the problem of prison overcrowding.
  • Investigate the effects of ableism in the States.

That’s all we’ve got for you. We hope this article was helpful. Good luck with your essay writing!

You might also be interested in:

  • 512 Research Topics on HumSS (Humanities & Social Sciences)
  • 147 Social Studies Topics for Your Research Project
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  • 193 Interesting Proposal Essay Topics and Ideas
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  • 165 Bullying Research Topics: Qualitative & Quantitative 

🔍 References

  • Lifestyles & Social Issues: Encyclopedia Britannica
  • Controversial/Contemporary Issues: How to Write a Research Paper: Campbell University
  • 3 Insights Into Writing about Social Issues: Jane Friedman
  • Key Issues: eSafety Commissioner
  • Top 10 Most Common Health Issues: University of Rochester Medical Center
  • Top 10 Most Important Environmental Issues: Iberdrola.com
  • War: Social Problems: University of Minnesota
  • Violence: a Global Public Health Problem: WHO
  • What Are the Biggest Problems Women Face Today?: Politico Magazine
  • Issues: National Center for Transgender Equality
  • List of Issues about Racism: The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
  • Potential implications of Increasing Significance of Migration: EU
  • The Biggest Issues Facing Migrants Today — and What We Can Do to Solve Them: World Economic Forum
  • How Americans See Major National Issues: Pew Research Center
  • Social Issues and Human Rights: United Nations Environment
  • Crime & Criminal Justice: Brookings
  • Social Problems: Oxford Academic Press
  • Criminal Justice: ProPublica
  • Structural Racism in America: Urban Institute
  • Racism and Health: American Public Health Association
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Cooll! Thanks for the information 🙂

this is epic

This is so informative… Thanx for it

Home / Essay Samples / Social Issues

Social Issues Essay Examples

A social issues essay is important because it tries to address existing problems in society. These could be problems that prevent its individuals from living happy lives, from performing well, from feeling safe or content (financially, socially, psychologically, spiritually), that are hindering society’s evolution as a whole. Interestingly, people become aware of many of these problems or imperfections by comparing different societies – this is often able to illustrate that things can be much better than expected. A social issues paper normally describes the problem by using supporting evidence/ statistics, tends to evaluate ongoing measures to address it, but may also reflect on alternate solutions or more radical measures. Check out the essays in this category for a deeper insight.

White Privilege: a Historical and Contemporary Analysis

White privilege is a concept that has gained significant attention in recent years as societies grapple with issues of systemic racism and inequality. This essay delves into the multifaceted nature of white privilege, tracing its historical roots and examining its persistence in contemporary society. It...

What is Poverty: Causes, Effects, and Solutions

Poverty is a complex and pervasive social issue that has plagued societies throughout history. It is a multifaceted phenomenon that transcends mere economic insufficiency, encompassing a lack of access to resources and opportunities necessary for a decent standard of living. In this essay, we will...

Pro Death Penalty: a Rational Examination

The death penalty, or capital punishment, has long been a topic of debate and controversy. While many argue against it, this essay seeks to provide a balanced examination of the arguments in favor of the death penalty. Proponents of capital punishment assert that it serves...

Ending World Hunger: a Comprehensive Approach

World hunger remains one of humanity's most pressing challenges, with millions of people suffering from malnutrition and starvation. This essay explores a multifaceted approach to ending world hunger, emphasizing the importance of addressing the root causes, promoting sustainable agriculture, and fostering international cooperation. While eradicating...

How Freedom of Speech Affects Other Individual Rights

Freedom of speech, often considered the cornerstone of democratic societies, has been a subject of enduring debate and discussion. This essay delves into the multifaceted realm of freedom of speech, offering an argumentative perspective on its intricate interplay with other individual rights. In a world...

Social Worker: Qualities, Opportunities, and Challenges

Social workers play a vital role in society by assisting individuals and communities in need, advocating for social justice, and promoting well-being. Their work encompasses a wide range of fields, from child welfare to mental health to substance abuse. In this essay, we will explore...

Martin Luther King Jr.: a Legacy of Civil Rights and Social Justice

Martin Luther King Jr. is an iconic figure in American history, celebrated for his tireless efforts in advancing civil rights and social justice. His life and work continue to inspire and resonate with people around the world. This essay delves into the remarkable journey of...

The Impact of Social Issues on Social Work

Social work is a profession deeply intertwined with addressing and mitigating the impact of social issues on individuals, families, and communities. This essay explores the intricate relationship between social issues and the practice of social work, examining how these challenges influence the role of social...

Food Insecurity in Underdeveloped Countries: a Global Crisis

Food insecurity, the lack of reliable access to sufficient and nutritious food, remains a pressing and deeply entrenched issue, particularly in underdeveloped countries. This essay delves into the complex factors contributing to food insecurity, its devastating consequences on individuals and communities, and the imperative need...

Bullying: Protecting Victims and Addressing Bullies

Bullying is a pervasive and harmful social issue that affects individuals of all ages, backgrounds, and demographics. In this argumentative essay, we will examine the critical importance of protecting bullying victims and implementing appropriate punishments for bullies. By addressing both sides of this complex problem,...

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  • Animal Rights
  • Human Rights
  • Immigration
  • Overpopulation
  • Poverty Problem
  • Social Movements
  • Women's Rights
  • Domestic Violence
  • Capital Punishment
  • Gay Marriage
  • Animal Testing
  • Cruelty to Animals
  • Death Penalty
  • Gender Inequality
  • Freedom of Speech
  • Discrimination
  • Civil Rights
  • Affirmative Action
  • Public Shaming
  • Illegal Immigration
  • Moving to America
  • Homelessness
  • Black Lives Matter
  • Martin Luther King
  • White Privilege
  • Letter From Birmingham Jail
  • Social Isolation
  • Civil Disobedience
  • Cyber Bullying
  • Gender Equality
  • Globalization
  • Social Protection Programs
  • School Shooting
  • Violence in Video Games
  • Women Suffrage Movement
  • Racial Discrimination
  • Immigration to America
  • Violence Against Women
  • World Hunger
  • Controversial Issue
  • Cultural Conflict
  • Lewis Blackman
  • Media Influence
  • Nobel Prize
  • Premarital Sex
  • Prohibition
  • Social Problems
  • Social Responsibility
  • Transphobia
  • Urbanization
  • Urbanization in China

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Brief Overview of Persuasive Essay

A persuasive essay persuades the reader or audience to take a particular stance on an issue. It is used to present an opinion on any subject, and it typically takes the form of an academic essay. It includes evidence and facts supporting its arguments.

The writer must use facts and reliable sources to back up his or her claims.

It is also important that the essay should be well-structured. It should have clear arguments and a logical flow from one point to another.

Learn more about crafting perfect persuasive essays with the help of our detailed guide.

Persuasive Essay Examples About Social Media

Are you a student unsure how to write persuasive essays successfully? Well, never fear! 

We've got examples of some amazing persuasive essays about social media that will surely give you inspiration. Letñ€™s take a look at a short persuasive essay example: 

Check these FREE downloadable samples of persuasive essays! 

Persuasive essay about social media on students

Persuasive essay about social media addiction

Persuasive Essay about Social Media Platforms are Danger to Our Privacy

Persuasive essay about social media beneficial or harmful

Persuasive essay about social media privacy

Persuasive essay on social media is bad for students

Examples of Argumentative Essay about Social Media

To help get your creative juices flowing, look at these example argumentative essays about social media below!

Argumentative essay about social media advantages and disadvantages

Argumentative essay about social media addiction

For more examples of persuasive essays, check out our blog on persuasive essay examples .

How Can You Write a Persuasive Essay About Social Media?      

A persuasive essay about social media can be an interesting and challenging task.

Understanding what makes a persuasive essay unique and how to craft arguments that effectively communicate your point of view is important. 

These are a few steps you should follow before writing an effective persuasive essay on social media.

Step 1: Decide Your Stance

First, you must decide on your stance regarding the issue at hand. Are you for or against the use of social media? Are you in support of social media?

After you decide your stance, move on to the research process.

Step 2: Conduct Due Research

Once you have established your position, you must research the topic and develop an argument that supports your stance. 

Make sure to include facts, statistics, and examples to back up your points.

Step 3: Outline Your Essay

Create a structured persuasive essay outline before delving into detailed writing. This roadmap will help organize your thoughts, ensuring a logical flow of arguments. Outline your introduction, key points, counterarguments, and conclusion.

Step 4: Craft Your Introduction 

The introduction should provide context, state the thesis statement , and grab the reader's attention. It precedes deciding your stance and initiates the overall writing process.

Read this free PDF to learn more about crafting essays on social media!

Persuasive essay about social media introduction

Step 5: Write the Body

Organize your arguments logically in the body of the essay. Each paragraph should focus on a specific point, supported by research and addressing counterarguments. This follows the introduction and precedes maintaining a persuasive tone.

Step 6: Address All Counterarguments

It is important to anticipate potential counterarguments from those who oppose your stance. 

Take time to address these points directly and provide evidence for why your opinion is more valid.

Step 7: Maintain a Persuasive Tone

To maintain your audience's attention, it is important to write in a confident and persuasive tone throughout the essay. 

Use strong language that will make readers take notice of your words. 

Check out this video on persuasive writing tones and styles.

Step 8: Conclude Your Essay

Finally, end your essay with a memorable conclusion that will leave your audience with something to think about. 

With these important steps taken into account, you can create an effective persuasive essay about social media!

Step 9: Revise and Edit

After completing your initial draft, take time to revise and edit your essay. Ensure clarity, coherence, and the effective flow of arguments. This step follows the conclusion of your essay and precedes the final check for overall effectiveness.

Persuasive Essay About Social Media Writing Tips

Here are some additional writing tips to refine your persuasive essay on social media.

  • Highlight Numbers: Use facts and numbers to show how important social media is.
  • Tell Stories: Share real stories to help people connect with the impact of social media.
  • Use Pictures: Add charts or pictures to make your essay more interesting and easy to understand.
  • Answer Questions: Think about what people might disagree with and explain why your ideas are better.
  • Talk About What's Right: Explain why it's important to use social media in a good and fair way.

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Social Media Persuasive Essay Topics

Take a look at these creative and enticing persuasive essay topics. Choose from one of them or get inspiration from these topics.

  • Should social media platforms be held accountable for cyberbullying?
  • Should age restrictions be stricter for social media access to protect younger users from its negative effects?
  • Should social media companies be mandated to prioritize user privacy over targeted advertising?
  • Should schools integrate mandatory education on the pitfalls of social media for students?
  • Should governments regulate the amount of time users spend on social media to prevent addiction?
  • Should social media influencers face stricter guidelines for promoting unrealistic body standards?
  • Should there be more transparency about how algorithms on social media platforms amplify divisive content?
  • Should employers be allowed to consider an applicant's social media profiles during the hiring process?
  • Should there be penalties for social networking sites that propagate false information?
  • Should there be a limit on the amount of personal data social media platforms can collect from users?

Check out some more interesting persuasive essay topics to get inspiration for your next essay.

Wrapping up, 

Learning how to write persuasive essays about social media matters in today's digital world is crucial whether you are a high school student or a college student. These examples guide us in exploring both the good and bad sides of social media's impact. 

We hope this persuasive blog on social media has given you a few new ideas to consider when persuading your audience.

But if you are struggling with your essay assignment do not hesitate to seek professional help. At CollegeEssay.org , our writing experts can help you get started on any type of essay. 

With our professional persuasive essay writing service , you can be confident that your paper will be written in utmost detail.

So don't wait any longer! Just ask us ' write my essay ' today and let us help you make the most of your writing experience!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some good persuasive essay topics.

Good persuasive essay topics can include topics related to social media, such as 

  • whether or not it should be regulated more heavily,
  • the impact of social media on society, 
  • how social media has changed our daily lives.

How do you write an introduction for social media essay?

You should start by briefly explaining what the essay will cover and why it is important. 

You should also provide brief background information about the topic and what caused you to choose it for your essay.

What is a good title for a social media essay?

A good title for a social media essay could be "The Impact of Social Media on Society" or "Social Media: Regulation and Responsibility." 

These titles indicate the content that will be discussed in the essay while still being interesting and thought-provoking.

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Persuasive Essay About Social Media

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persuasive essay about social issue or concern

Social Impact Guide

The Biggest 15 Social Issues We Are Facing Today

No matter where we live, what communities we belong to or what we care about, we are affected by social issues. It’s the price of living in a society, and while challenges like poverty, climate change and discrimination can feel overwhelming, we have the power to take action. The first step is understanding what issues we’re up against. In this article, we’ll explore 15 of the biggest social issues facing the world today.

#1. The global housing crisis

Shelter is a human right, but hundreds of millions of people lack adequate, affordable housing. According to the World Bank, the housing crisis is global, and it could impact as many as 1.6 billion people by 2025. That number will only grow with time. By 2030, the world needs to build 96,000 new affordable homes per day to meet the needs of 3 billion people. What’s driving the global housing crisis? According to Albert Saiz in a paper for the MIT Center for Real Estate, economic factors like rising costs and income inequality are prevalent. Addressing these issues now is critical to protecting people in the future.

#2. Gender inequality

Societies have been working to improve gender inequality for centuries, but we still have a long way to go. Globally, women still make less money than men, have poorer health outcomes, have fewer opportunities and endure more gender–based violence. According to 2023 data, the global gender gap won’t close until 2154 . Even the most gender-equal country, which is Iceland , still has social issues to address. Some of the issues are recognized – women are still being subjected to physical and sexual violence – while there are gaps in data related to things like unpaid care, domestic work, gender and the environment, and so on.

#3. Climate crisis

The climate crisis is one of today’s most urgent social issues. Earth.org outlines a list of major climate events in 2023 , including severe droughts, wildfires, higher ocean surface temperatures and storms. That same year, the IPCC released a summary of its previous five reports, showing how human activity is causing severe damage to the planet, and, if trends continue, parts of the earth will become unlivable in just a few decades. The world can fight the climate crisis, but we have to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and turn to renewable energy sources.

#4. Overconsumption

Greenhouse gas emissions are a primary driver of climate change, but overconsumption is hurting the planet, too. Unfathomable amounts of food, clothing, plastic and other things are thrown into landfills and the ocean every day. However, it’s not a problem for everyone. According to research, just 20% of the world’s population is responsible for consuming 80% of the globe’s natural resources. The richest 500 million people release half of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. To break it down even further, if every person in the world consumed resources at the rate as people in Canada and the United States did, we would need at least five earths .

#5. Global hunger

Global food insecurity is a serious problem. According to data, about 735 million people endured chronic hunger in 2022, and with issues like climate change, the lingering effects of the pandemic and conflict, it will be very challenging to end hunger by 2030. Children typically suffer the most. When kids don’t get enough to eat, they become more vulnerable to diseases like measles, malaria and diarrhea. According to the World Food Programme, “hotspots” for hunger include Burkina Faso, Mali, South Sudan and Palestine.

#6. Threats to LGBTQ+ rights

At the same time as LGBTQ+ rights have expanded, certain countries have pushed back. In the summer of 2023, the first Ugandan was charged with “aggravated homosexuality,” a crime punishable by death. In its 2023 review, the Electronic Frontier Foundation also found an increase in anti-LGBTQ sentiment , including more laws that restrict privacy and freedom of expression, and censorship of LGBTQ+ websites. Even in places like the United States, which is seen by many as a haven for the LGBTQ+ community, legislative threats are on the rise .

#7. Reproductive justice

Reproductive justice, which includes things like abortion access and maternal health, is a social issue affecting every corner of the world. According to the Center for Reproductive Rights, most countries are expanding abortion rights, while just four – the United States, Poland, Nicaragua, and El Salvador – rolled back abortion rights . Globally, about 40% of women live in places with “restrictive” abortion laws. Related social issues include menstrual health, prenatal and maternal health, access to contraception and so on.

#8. Educational disparities

When people get a good education, they’re more likely to have higher incomes, better health, healthier children and other benefits. On a larger scale, education also helps countries achieve overall wealth and health. There’s been significant progress on closing the gender gap in education. According to a blog on the World Bank, boys and girls complete primary school at almost an equal rate . However, around 130 million girls are still being denied an education. Wealth also plays a role in educational disparities. In the United States, one study found that wealth affects a student’s chances of finishing college. On a global scale, wealth also impacts where a family lives and what school options are available, as well as tutoring opportunities, whether a student needs a job and much more.

#9. Health and healthcare

Health and the ability (or inability) to access good healthcare are major social issues. Unfortunately, healthcare systems around the world are struggling. COVID-19 continues to be a problem, but hospitals are also facing staff shortages and competition . Not everyone is affected equally. According to the World Health Organization, refugees and migrants experience worse health outcomes due to language barriers, cultural differences, discrimination and legal restrictions on what services they can access.

#10. Income inequality

Global income inequality fluctuates, but according to a 2023 Oxfam study , the world’s richest 1% took almost ⅔ of all the new wealth created since 2020. That gave them almost twice the amount of money held by the bottom 99%. Income inequality can cause serious problems , such as lower economic growth, worse social cohesion and political polarization. There are also ethical consequences to income inequality, which human rights and social justice advocates often discuss. Can society ever be truly good or free when only a handful of people hold all the wealth?

#11. Global unemployment (and underemployment)

High unemployment rates – and low-paying jobs – drive income inequality and poverty. In a 2023 report, the International Labour Organization found that the world is still experiencing slow employment growth . There was a slight recovery in 2021, but as the economy slows again, people are forced to take jobs that pay less, provide fewer hours and/or offer poor working conditions. South Africa, which is the most industrialized economy in Africa, also has one of the highest unemployment rates. According to Reuters, reasons include structural issues related to the shadows of colonialism and apartheid. To fight issues like poverty and gender inequality, countries need to address unemployment and low-paying jobs.

#12. Increased migration

People move all the time, but issues like war and climate change force people to leave their homes. Sometimes, they move within the borders of one country, but other times, they’re forced to take long, dangerous journeys to countries they’ve never visited. According to the Migration Policy Institute, “humanitarian migration” increased in 2023, while policies could impact elections in 2024. The social issues related to migration, such as the rights of migrants, affordable housing, health services and more, will all be relevant for the foreseeable future.

#13. Artificial intelligence

The presence of artificial intelligence has exploded in recent years, but the technology has several issues. Ethics is just one of them. According to a guide on UMA Libraries, AI has problems with gender and racial bias, plagiarism, generating fake news and supporting scams. It also takes a lot of energy to train and run AI programs, so as the use of AI increases, so will its carbon footprint . As the technology continues to develop, new regulations, legislation and guidelines will need to be created, as well.

#14. Debt bondage

Rates of labor trafficking have been increasing over the years. According to research, about ⅕ of those in forced labor trafficking are in debt bondage . Debt bondage is a very common type of trafficking where a person is forced to work off a loan. However, because the debt is often so high and they are paid so little, it’s impossible to escape the situation. Perpetrators also often have no intention of freeing the people they’re exploiting; debt bondage can even pass on to children. While bonded labor is technically illegal in some places, like India, it persists , especially in rural areas. Because trafficking is an illicit practice, it’s very difficult to get accurate numbers, but it’s most likely worse than what’s reported.

#15. Threats to journalism

By providing vital information to the public, journalists are essential to freedom of speech, freedom of expression, democracy and the protection of other human rights. In recent years, journalism has been under threat. According to the 2023 World Press Freedom Index , the environment for journalism was “bad” in seven out of 10 countries, while it was “satisfactory” in just three out of 10 countries. The reasons include a surge in fake news and propaganda. Journalists also face threats to their lives. UNESCO found that in 2023, there was a near doubling of deaths of journalists working in conflict zones. As conflicts in Ukraine, Palestine and other countries continue, the safety of journalism will remain a social issue.

115 Global Issues Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best global issues topic ideas & essay examples, ✍ global issues essay topics for college, 📌 good essay topics on global issues, 💡 interesting topics to write about global issues, ❓ global issues questions.

  • Water Scarcity as a Global Issue: Causes and Solutions Common causes of water scarcity include overpopulation e in regions that have limited water resources, global warming, destruction of water catchment areas by human activities, and pollution of water sources.
  • Tuberculosis as a Global Health Issue Over the years, the bacteria strain that causes tuberculosis has developed a lot of resistance mainly as a result of a lack of compliance to treatment on the part of the patient.
  • Gender Inequality as a Global Issue This essay will examine some of the causes that affect the gap in the treatment of men and women, and its ramifications, particularly regarding developing countries.
  • Homelessness as a Global Social Issue In the US, homelessness is on the increase because of economic melt- down and foreclosures. Moreover, differences in perception of homelessness by liberal and conservative on homeless have increased homelessness in the US.
  • Reflection on Global Issues: Globalization of the Environment The global conflicts, managing the post-pandemic world, and the need to navigate the social injustices to ensure equality for all are among the most pressing ones.
  • The Great Global Warming Swindle: Different Views on the Issue According to the film, the main aim of the scientific organizations is to get funding for the research of this problem and attract additional attention to global warming, while in reality, the climate is changing […]
  • Anthropology in Solving Global Social Issues Artists were moving in the same direction, which excluded the possibility to understand and assess other examples of the art of other nations.
  • Project Cost Management: Global Issues and Challenges The information revealed by the author is likely to be beneficial for those individuals who are occupied in various fields but provide cost management services in the framework of the global construction industry.
  • Global Health Issue in the “Mother Teresa” Movie The movie is devoted to her immense donation to the universal HIV/AIDS struggle in India, but along with the help to HIV infected people, she made the greatest ever contribution to the matters of peace […]
  • Global Issues: Addressing an Aging Population An important issue that is currently facing the world community is aging due to the increasing number of older people. Migration leaves the countries in which people are moving with a significant number of older […]
  • Global Health Issue of Malaria It can be explained due to the higher density of the population in those areas and the low socioeconomic status of most people.
  • Global Health Issues Affecting International Community The HIV and tuberculosis pandemics have caused and will continue to present considerable challenges to emerging nations’ public health care systems, especially in the hardest-hit nations.
  • Global Inequality Issues in Modern Society It was evident during the times of colonization when foreign entities tried to impose their sociopolitical and economic institutions on the developing nations.
  • Global Issues, Climate Justice, and Human Overpopulation On the one hand, globalization has many positive aspects: the mutual enrichment of the world community, the exchange of best practices, and the availability of goods.
  • Sustainability as an Urgent Global Issue Therefore, this shows the importance of integrating technology with other multidisciplinary teams to achieve quick and sustainable designs that can help in solving the urgent global issue.
  • Global Issues, Common Good, and Individualism In such a case, the cohesion and commitment of each individual to shared goals and interests seem to solve the mentioned problems.
  • Global Issues: Politics, Economics, and Culture by R.Payne The next chapter 14 reveals the issue of cultural homogenization and hybridization due to globalization. From the perspective of the biblical worldview, it largely determines the principles of the world.
  • Global Ecological Issues of Covid-19 Pandemic The reduction in carbon dioxide emissions is due to the removal of cars on the streets, which account for about 23% of total CO2 emissions.
  • Environmental and Global Health Issues: Measles Measles is among the most contagious disease in the world and is highly frequent and densely distributed in poor developing nations of Africa and Asia.
  • Solving Global Issues May Not Be as Easy as It Seems The main point of the essay is to demonstrate how the inaction of those with power and money in the face of human suffering is purely immoral.
  • Global Health Issue: The Coronavirus Disease Families have suffered unparalleled grief, anxiety, and distress from the increasing fatality, massive job losses, lockdowns, and movement restrictions to curb the spread of the virus.
  • WHO and Its Impact on Global Health Issues The issues which are the center of attention of the World Health Organization are: Women’s Health Health In Africa Eradication of communicable diseases Dr Margaret Chan, the Director-General of World Health Organization said;”I want my […]
  • Examination of a Global Population Issue of Russia The country is one of the richest in the world. The country also has the largest forest cover in the world, and the largest fresh water lake.
  • Global Health Concerns Overview Title Report 1. Japan nuke risks are minimal The World Health Organization has sent alerts to global health experts to travel to Japan to prevent health hazards caused by radiation. WHO reported the health risks arising from the incident is very low and the current radiation level has no great risk on public health. In […]
  • Global Issues Action Plan in the U.S. While drawbacks are the possibility of losing power that other states can use to influence the United States and the lack of protection from emerging military organizations and countries, such as China and Iran, that […]
  • Global Health Issue Analysis: HIV – A Relatively New Disease Rapid detection and treatment are crucial to limit the spread of HIV and limit the patient’s effects. As the frequency and intensity of symptoms vary from person to person, testing is the only clear way […]
  • Race as a Global Issue in the 1920s The main intention of prohibiting immigrants from entering the country was to block the Germans whom the Americans saw as a threat to their country.
  • Global Digital Divide as a Social Issue That is, if societies around the globe are able to bridge the gap between those who have and those who do not in relation to information technology, then the development problems would be minimized at […]
  • Global Issue: WWF on Bio-Refineries NGO’s and private communities provide most of the funds, along with the government, for the development of these integrated bio-refineries. Integrated bio-refineries come with the promise of a better lifestyle and enhanced working conditions for […]
  • Global Warming Issues Review and Environmental Sustainability Whether it is the melt down of Arctic ice, the damage of the Ozone layer, extra pollution in developing countries; all sums up to one thing in common and that is global warming.
  • Modern Global Issues: Drinking Water Shortage The situation is closely linked with the lack of water, and the offered technology to cope with this problem. This is the only way to use naturally filtered and sprang water.
  • How Has Globalization Impacted on Issues of Human Rights? William Adler closely examines the disrupted lives of the three women who occupy an assembly-line job as the job and its company moves from New Jersey to rural Mississippi and to Matamoros, Mexico, across the […]
  • Malnutrition in Children as a Global Health Issue The peculiarity of this initiative is not to support children and control their feeding processes but prevent pediatric malnutrition even before a child is born.
  • Adolescent Pregnancy as a Global Issue The wider the information system is, the more effective methods of solving problems related to the health of pregnant teens are.
  • The Doha Round Effectiveness in Solving Global Issues Except for the Dispute Settlement Understanding actions, the attendees of the conference agreed that the outcome of all negotiations was to be done as a single undertaking.
  • Cultural Competence in Action: Solutions to Global Health Issues In this paper, the analysis of several case studies about cultural competence will be discussed to clarify how to achieve positive results and reduce the wasting of resources. In the second case, certain attention is […]
  • Polar Transformations as a Global Warming Issue Changes in vegetation due to global warming will be varying as the regions are covered with three main vegetation types: polar desert, boreal forest, and the tundra.
  • Project Cost Management’s Global Issues and Challenges The results suggest the lack of identity for the profession on the global scale due to the lack of consensus regarding the common descriptor, the scarcity of common standards, terminology, and bodies of knowledge, and […]
  • Natural Disasters and Global Social Issues The hurricane led to a major shift in the social arrangement of the populations in the worst affected areas. This led to a significant loss of jobs in the affected areas.
  • Childhood Obesity in Developing Countries – A Global Health Issue Childhood Obesity and the Globe As mentioned earlier, according to the data of WHO, the number of obese children in the world today is more than 42 million, and the vast majority of them are […]
  • Differing Views on Global Warming Issues It is crucial to bring on board the views of those who view global warming as a myth that need not to be addressed.
  • Ethics-Related Global Workplace Issues Child labor also exposes the children to activities that are illegal. Forced labor is a form of slavery and should not be practiced anywhere in the world.
  • Examination of a Global Population Issue Economic Issues The economy of South Africa is one of the fastest developing economies in the world. Being the only African country which is a member of the G-20, this country has been seen to […]
  • Global Population Issues and Population in the UAE The natural resources will face exhaustion due to the great pressure of the population. Consequently, the governments of these countries will be forced to take measures to drive the fertility rates up to cover up […]
  • Global Issues for Global Citizens: An Introduction to Key Development Challenges
  • Are Gender Rights and Gender Discrimination Global Issues
  • Global Issues Regarding the Container Shipping
  • Analysis of the Global Issues in Business
  • Global Issues, Local Solutions: Rethinking Wealth and Health
  • Climate Change and Pollution Are Serious Global Issues
  • Compounded Global Issues: Terrorism, Nuclear Proliferation, and Climate Change
  • Global Issues: Obesity, Inactivity, and Water-Crisis
  • Environment-Related Global Issues: Global and Regional Conventions
  • How Global Issues Are Resolved With the Scopes of Many Disciplines
  • Explaining the Global Issues of Environment and Health
  • Global Crimes Cause Global Issues That Affect the National
  • The Alarming and Troublesome Global Warming Issue
  • Analyzing How Global Issues Affect Tourism
  • The Link Between Global Issues and Change in Human Resource Management
  • The Relations Between the Global Issues and Institutions
  • Global Issues Surrounding the Millennium Development Goals
  • Analyzing Human Trafficking as a Global Issue
  • Global Warming: An Issue That Is Man-Made?
  • Immigration and Migration Described as the Global Issues
  • Analyzing Global Issues That Effect Everyone
  • Environmental Issues: Chevron’s Contribution to Global Warming
  • Global Issues We Are Facing Today
  • Cigarette Smoking Relation to Global Issues of the Future
  • Six Global Issues Associated With E-Commerce
  • Global Issues: The Link Between Water Shortage and Child Mortality
  • Analysis of the Innovation and Global Issues in Social Sciences
  • The Relationships Between Internet, Computers, and Global Issues
  • Global Issues Within the First Civilizations
  • Legal and Global Issues Focused On Treating Undocumented Immigrants
  • Analysis of the Poor News Coverage and Public Opinion on Global Issues
  • Depicting Social and Global Issues and Trends in Adult Education
  • The Global Issues Depicted in “Home”, a Documentary by Yann Arthus-Bertrand
  • Teaching for Sustainable Development Through Ethical Global Issues Pedagogy
  • Terrorism and the Military: Global Issues of Today
  • The Concept, Content, and Nature of Contemporary Global Issues
  • The Gay Marriage Debate: Contemporary Global Issues
  • The Analysis of the Global Issues and Threats of Nuclear Weapons
  • Overview of the Significant Global Issues of Nowadays
  • The Part of the U.S. and India in Global Issues On Women
  • Are Gender Rights and Gender Discrimination Global Issues?
  • What Are the Global Issues in Business?
  • Are Climate Change and Pollution Serious Global Issues?
  • Are Terrorism and Nuclear Proliferation Global Issues?
  • What Is the Role of Third World Countries in Global Environmental Issues?
  • How Are Global Issues Solved With the Help of Many Disciplines?
  • What Are the Social and Global Issues and Trends in Adult Education?
  • What Institutions Can Solve Global Issues?
  • What Are the Global Issues of Immigration and Migration?
  • Do Global Issues Have Local Solutions?
  • How Global Is the Issue of Obesity?
  • What Are the Global Issues Related to Container Transportation?
  • Is Child Mortality a Global Issue?
  • What Are the Global Issues Associated With the Millennium Development Goals?
  • What Were the Global Issues of the First Civilizations?
  • What Global Issues Is Humanity Currently Facing?
  • What Are the Global Issues Related to Human Resource Management?
  • What Does Smoking Have to Do With Global Issues of the Future?
  • How Do Global Issues Affect Individual States?
  • What Is Public Opinion About Global Issues?
  • What Are the Concepts, Meaning and Nature of Modern Global Issues?
  • Gay Marriage: Is It a Modern Global Issue?
  • What Are the US and India Global Issues Affecting Women?
  • Global Issues: How to Fight Addiction to Video Games?
  • What Are the Global Health Issues?
  • Is Organized Crime a Global Issue in the World?
  • How Can National Governments Solve the Global Issue of Climate Change?
  • What Are Starbucks Global Issues?
  • Why Is Global Cooperation Important to Address the Global Issues of Postharvest Losses?
  • Is It Possible to Solve the Global Issue of PTSD?
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2024, February 26). 115 Global Issues Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/global-issues-essay-topics/

"115 Global Issues Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 26 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/global-issues-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '115 Global Issues Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 26 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "115 Global Issues Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 26, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/global-issues-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "115 Global Issues Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 26, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/global-issues-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "115 Global Issues Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 26, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/global-issues-essay-topics/.

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    Find high quality essays on 'Social Issues' especially written for school, college and university students. These essays will also guide you to learn about the different kinds of social issues that affect society, its causes and remedial measures. ... The concern of a social issue may be objective or subjective. A social issue arises due to ...

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  18. 8.7: Tips for Writing Academic Persuasive Essays

    This very detailed table can be simplified. Most academic persuasive essays include the following basic elements: Introduction that explains why the situation is important and presents your argument (aka the claim or thesis). Support/Body. Reasons the thesis is correct or at least reasonable.

  19. Persuasive Essays About Social Media

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    Step 4: Craft Your Introduction. The introduction should provide context, state the thesis statement, and grab the reader's attention. It precedes deciding your stance and initiates the overall writing process. Read this free PDF to learn more about crafting essays on social media!

  21. The Biggest 15 Social Issues We Are Facing Today

    In this article, we'll explore 15 of the biggest social issues facing the world today. #1. The global housing crisis. Shelter is a human right, but hundreds of millions of people lack adequate, affordable housing. According to the World Bank, the housing crisis is global, and it could impact as many as 1.6 billion people by 2025.

  22. 115 Global Issues Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    The global conflicts, managing the post-pandemic world, and the need to navigate the social injustices to ensure equality for all are among the most pressing ones. Homelessness as a Global Social Issue. In the US, homelessness is on the increase because of economic melt- down and foreclosures.

  23. How to Write a Formal Persuasive Email to a Community Leader to Address

    Clearly state the purpose of the email and briefly summarize the social concern you want to address. Use a persuasive tone to captivate the reader's interest from the beginning. Subsection 2.3: Presenting the Issue and Its Impact. In the next few paragraphs, provide a detailed explanation of the social concern.