The Java Tutorials have been written for JDK 8. Examples and practices described in this page don't take advantage of improvements introduced in later releases and might use technology no longer available. See Java Language Changes for a summary of updated language features in Java SE 9 and subsequent releases. See JDK Release Notes for information about new features, enhancements, and removed or deprecated options for all JDK releases.

Assignment, Arithmetic, and Unary Operators

The simple assignment operator.

One of the most common operators that you'll encounter is the simple assignment operator " = ". You saw this operator in the Bicycle class; it assigns the value on its right to the operand on its left:

This operator can also be used on objects to assign object references , as discussed in Creating Objects .

The Arithmetic Operators

The Java programming language provides operators that perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. There's a good chance you'll recognize them by their counterparts in basic mathematics. The only symbol that might look new to you is " % ", which divides one operand by another and returns the remainder as its result.

The following program, ArithmeticDemo , tests the arithmetic operators.

This program prints the following:

You can also combine the arithmetic operators with the simple assignment operator to create compound assignments . For example, x+=1; and x=x+1; both increment the value of x by 1.

The + operator can also be used for concatenating (joining) two strings together, as shown in the following ConcatDemo program:

By the end of this program, the variable thirdString contains "This is a concatenated string.", which gets printed to standard output.

The Unary Operators

The unary operators require only one operand; they perform various operations such as incrementing/decrementing a value by one, negating an expression, or inverting the value of a boolean.

The following program, UnaryDemo , tests the unary operators:

The increment/decrement operators can be applied before (prefix) or after (postfix) the operand. The code result++; and ++result; will both end in result being incremented by one. The only difference is that the prefix version ( ++result ) evaluates to the incremented value, whereas the postfix version ( result++ ) evaluates to the original value. If you are just performing a simple increment/decrement, it doesn't really matter which version you choose. But if you use this operator in part of a larger expression, the one that you choose may make a significant difference.

The following program, PrePostDemo , illustrates the prefix/postfix unary increment operator:

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Java - Compound Boolean Logical Assignment Operators

What are compound boolean logical assignment operators.

There are three compound Boolean logical assignment operators.

The operand1 must be a boolean variable and op may be &, |, or ^.

Java does not have any operators like &&= and ||=.

Compound Boolean Logical Assignment Operators are used in the form

The above form is equivalent to writing

The following table lists the compound logical assignment operators and their equivalents.

For &= operator, if both operands evaluate to true, &= returns true. Otherwise, it returns false.

For != operator, if either operand evaluates to true, != returns true. Otherwise, it returns false.

For ^= operator, if both operands evaluate to different values, that is, one of the operands is true but not both, ^= returns true. Otherwise, it returns false.

java compound assignment operators boolean

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  • 1.1 Preface
  • 1.2 Why Programming? Why Java?
  • 1.3 Variables and Data Types
  • 1.4 Expressions and Assignment Statements
  • 1.5 Compound Assignment Operators
  • 1.6 Casting and Ranges of Variables
  • 1.7 Java Development Environments (optional)
  • 1.8 Unit 1 Summary
  • 1.9 Unit 1 Mixed Up Code Practice
  • 1.10 Unit 1 Coding Practice
  • 1.11 Multiple Choice Exercises
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  • 1.4. Expressions and Assignment Statements" data-toggle="tooltip">
  • 1.6. Casting and Ranges of Variables' data-toggle="tooltip" >

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1.5. Compound Assignment Operators ¶

Compound assignment operators are shortcuts that do a math operation and assignment in one step. For example, x += 1 adds 1 to x and assigns the sum to x. It is the same as x = x + 1 . This pattern is possible with any operator put in front of the = sign, as seen below.

The most common shortcut operator ++ , the plus-plus or increment operator, is used to add 1 to the current value; x++ is the same as x += 1 and the same as x = x + 1 . It is a shortcut that is used a lot in loops. If you’ve heard of the programming language C++, the ++ in C++ is an inside joke that C has been incremented or improved to create C++. The -- decrement operator is used to subtract 1 from the current value: y-- is the same as y = y - 1 . These are the only two double operators; this shortcut pattern does not exist with other operators. Run the following code to see these shortcut operators in action!

coding exercise

Run the code below to see what the ++ and shorcut operators do. Use the Codelens to trace through the code and observe how the variable values change. Try creating more compound assignment statements with shortcut operators and guess what they would print out before running the code.


1-5-2: What are the values of x, y, and z after the following code executes?

  • x = -1, y = 1, z = 4
  • This code subtracts one from x, adds one to y, and then sets z to to the value in z plus the current value of y.
  • x = -1, y = 2, z = 3
  • x = -1, y = 2, z = 2
  • x = -1, y = 2, z = 4

1-5-3: What are the values of x, y, and z after the following code executes?

  • x = 6, y = 2.5, z = 2
  • This code sets x to z * 2 (4), y to y divided by 2 (5 / 2 = 2) and z = to z + 1 (2 + 1 = 3).
  • x = 4, y = 2.5, z = 2
  • x = 6, y = 2, z = 3
  • x = 4, y = 2.5, z = 3
  • x = 4, y = 2, z = 3

1.5.1. Code Tracing Challenge and Operators Maze ¶

Code Tracing is a technique used to simulate by hand a dry run through the code or pseudocode as if you are the computer executing the code. Tracing can be used for debugging or proving that your program runs correctly or for figuring out what the code actually does.

Trace tables can be used to track the values of variables as they change throughout a program. To trace through code, write down a variable in each column or row in a table and keep track of its value throughout the program. Some trace tables also keep track of the output and the line number you are currently tracing.

For example, given the following code:

The corresponding trace table looks like this:

Alternatively, we can show a compressed trace by listing the sequence of values assigned to each variable as the program executes. You might want to cross off the previous value when you assign a new value to a variable. The last value listed is the variable’s final value.

Compressed Trace

Use paper and pencil to trace through the following program to determine the values of the variables at the end. Be careful, % is the remainder operator, not division.

The final value for x is

The final value for y is

The final value for z is

1.5.2. Prefix versus Postfix Operator ¶

What do you think is printed when the following code is executed? Try to guess the output before running the code. You might be surprised at the result. Click on CodeLens to step through the execution. Notice that the second println prints the original value 7 even though the memory location for variable count is updated to the value 8.

The code System.out.println(count++) adds one to the variable after the value is printed. Try changing the code to ++count and run it again. This will result in one being added to the variable before its value is printed. When the ++ operator is placed before the variable, it is called prefix increment. When it is placed after, it is called postfix increment.

  • System.out.println(score++);
  • Print the value 5, then assign score the value 6.
  • System.out.println(score--);
  • Print the value 5, then assign score the value 4.
  • System.out.println(++score);
  • Assign score the value 6, then print the value 6.
  • System.out.println(--score);
  • Assign score the value 4, then print the value 4.

When you are new to programming, it is advisable to avoid mixing unary operators ++ and -- with assignment or print statements. Try to perform the increment or decrement operation on a separate line of code from assignment or printing.

For example, instead of writing x=y++; or System.out.println(z--); the code below makes it clear that the increment of y happens after the assignment to x , and that the value of z is printed before it is decremented.

  • System.out.println(score); score++;
  • System.out.println(score); score--;
  • score++; System.out.println(score);
  • score--; System.out.println(score);

1.5.3. Summary ¶

Compound assignment operators (+=, -=, *=, /=, %=) can be used in place of the assignment operator.

The increment operator (++) and decrement operator (–) are used to add 1 or subtract 1 from the stored value of a variable. The new value is assigned to the variable.

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Java Assignment Operators with Examples

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  • Java Ternary Operator with Examples
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Operators constitute the basic building block of any programming language. Java too provides many types of operators which can be used according to the need to perform various calculations and functions, be it logical, arithmetic, relational, etc. They are classified based on the functionality they provide.

Types of Operators: 

  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Unary Operators
  • Assignment Operator
  • Relational Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Ternary Operator
  • Bitwise Operators
  • Shift Operators

This article explains all that one needs to know regarding Assignment Operators. 

Assignment Operators

These operators are used to assign values to a variable. The left side operand of the assignment operator is a variable, and the right side operand of the assignment operator is a value. The value on the right side must be of the same data type of the operand on the left side. Otherwise, the compiler will raise an error. This means that the assignment operators have right to left associativity, i.e., the value given on the right-hand side of the operator is assigned to the variable on the left. Therefore, the right-hand side value must be declared before using it or should be a constant. The general format of the assignment operator is, 

Types of Assignment Operators in Java

The Assignment Operator is generally of two types. They are:

1. Simple Assignment Operator: The Simple Assignment Operator is used with the “=” sign where the left side consists of the operand and the right side consists of a value. The value of the right side must be of the same data type that has been defined on the left side.

2. Compound Assignment Operator: The Compound Operator is used where +,-,*, and / is used along with the = operator.

Let’s look at each of the assignment operators and how they operate: 

1. (=) operator: 

This is the most straightforward assignment operator, which is used to assign the value on the right to the variable on the left. This is the basic definition of an assignment operator and how it functions. 



2. (+=) operator: 

This operator is a compound of ‘+’ and ‘=’ operators. It operates by adding the current value of the variable on the left to the value on the right and then assigning the result to the operand on the left. 

Note: The compound assignment operator in Java performs implicit type casting. Let’s consider a scenario where x is an int variable with a value of 5. int x = 5; If you want to add the double value 4.5 to the integer variable x and print its value, there are two methods to achieve this: Method 1: x = x + 4.5 Method 2: x += 4.5 As per the previous example, you might think both of them are equal. But in reality, Method 1 will throw a runtime error stating the “i ncompatible types: possible lossy conversion from double to int “, Method 2 will run without any error and prints 9 as output.

Reason for the Above Calculation

Method 1 will result in a runtime error stating “incompatible types: possible lossy conversion from double to int.” The reason is that the addition of an int and a double results in a double value. Assigning this double value back to the int variable x requires an explicit type casting because it may result in a loss of precision. Without the explicit cast, the compiler throws an error. Method 2 will run without any error and print the value 9 as output. The compound assignment operator += performs an implicit type conversion, also known as an automatic narrowing primitive conversion from double to int . It is equivalent to x = (int) (x + 4.5) , where the result of the addition is explicitly cast to an int . The fractional part of the double value is truncated, and the resulting int value is assigned back to x . It is advisable to use Method 2 ( x += 4.5 ) to avoid runtime errors and to obtain the desired output.

Same automatic narrowing primitive conversion is applicable for other compound assignment operators as well, including -= , *= , /= , and %= .

3. (-=) operator: 

This operator is a compound of ‘-‘ and ‘=’ operators. It operates by subtracting the variable’s value on the right from the current value of the variable on the left and then assigning the result to the operand on the left. 

4. (*=) operator:

 This operator is a compound of ‘*’ and ‘=’ operators. It operates by multiplying the current value of the variable on the left to the value on the right and then assigning the result to the operand on the left. 

5. (/=) operator: 

This operator is a compound of ‘/’ and ‘=’ operators. It operates by dividing the current value of the variable on the left by the value on the right and then assigning the quotient to the operand on the left. 

6. (%=) operator: 

This operator is a compound of ‘%’ and ‘=’ operators. It operates by dividing the current value of the variable on the left by the value on the right and then assigning the remainder to the operand on the left. 

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Java Programming tutorials

Java provides many types of operators to perform a variety of calculations and functions, such as logical , arithmetic , relational , and others. With so many operators to choose from, it helps to group them based on the type of functionality they provide. This programming tutorial will focus on Java’s numerous a ssignment operators.

Before we begin, however, you may want to bookmark our other tutorials on Java operators, which include:

  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Comparison Operators
  • Conditional Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Bitwise and Shift Operators

Assignment Operators in Java

As the name conveys, assignment operators are used to assign values to a variable using the following syntax:

The left side operand of the assignment operator must be a variable, whereas the right side operand of the assignment operator may be a literal value or another variable. Moreover, the value or variable on the right side must be of the same data type of the operand on the left side. Otherwise, the compiler will raise an error. Assignment operators have a right to left associativity in that the value given on the right-hand side of the operator is assigned to the variable on the left. Therefore, the right-hand side variable must be declared before assignment.

You can learn more about variables in our programming tutorial: Working with Java Variables .

Types of Assignment Operators in Java

Java assignment operators are classified into two types: simple and compound .

The Simple assignment operator is the equals ( = ) sign, which is the most straightforward of the bunch. It simply assigns the value or variable on the right to the variable on the left.

Compound operators are comprised of both an arithmetic, bitwise, or shift operator in addition to the equals ( = ) sign.

Equals Operator (=) Java Example

First, let’s learn to use the one-and-only simple assignment operator – the Equals ( = ) operator – with the help of a Java program. It includes two assignments: a literal value to num1 and the num1 variable to num2 , after which both are printed to the console to show that the values have been assigned to the numbers:

The += Operator Java Example

A compound of the + and = operators, the += adds the current value of the variable on the left to the value on the right before assigning the result to the operand on the left. Here is some sample code to demonstrate how to use the += operator in Java:

The -= Operator Java Example

Made up of the – and = operators, the -= first subtracts the variable’s value on the right from the current value of the variable on the left before assigning the result to the operand on the left. We can see it at work below in the following code example showing how to decrement in Java using the -= operator:

The *= Operator Java Example

This Java operator is comprised of the * and = operators. It operates by multiplying the current value of the variable on the left to the value on the right and then assigning the result to the operand on the left. Here’s a program that shows the *= operator in action:

The /= Operator Java Example

A combination of the / and = operators, the /= Operator divides the current value of the variable on the left by the value on the right and then assigns the quotient to the operand on the left. Here is some example code showing how to use the  /= operator in Java:

%= Operator Java Example

The %= operator includes both the % and = operators. As seen in the program below, it divides the current value of the variable on the left by the value on the right and then assigns the remainder to the operand on the left:

Compound Bitwise and Shift Operators in Java

The Bitwise and Shift Operators that we just recently covered can also be utilized in compound form as seen in the list below:

  • &= – Compound bitwise Assignment operator.
  • ^= – Compound bitwise ^ assignment operator.
  • >>= – Compound right shift assignment operator.
  • >>>= – Compound right shift filled 0 assignment operator.
  • <<= – Compound left shift assignment operator.

The following program demonstrates the working of all the Compound Bitwise and Shift Operators :

Final Thoughts on Java Assignment Operators

This programming tutorial presented an overview of Java’s simple and compound assignment Operators. An essential building block to any programming language, developers would be unable to store any data in their programs without them. Though not quite as indispensable as the equals operator, compound operators are great time savers, allowing you to perform arithmetic and bitwise operations and assignment in a single line of code.

Read more Java programming tutorials and guides to software development .

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Using Compound Assignment Operator in a Java Program


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  • Else-If Statement
  • Nested If Statement
  • Nested If-Else Statement
  • Switch Statement
  • Do-While Loop
  • Break Statement
  • Continue Statement
  • Labelled Break Statement
  • Labelled Continue Statement
  • Arithmetic Operator
  • Increment Operator
  • Decrement Operator
  • Compound Assignment Operators
  • Relational Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Conditional Operator
  • instanceof operator
  • Character Wrapper Class
  • Boolean Wrapper Class
  • Byte Wrapper Class
  • Short Wrapper Class
  • Integer Wrapper Class
  • Long Wrapper Class
  • Float Wrapper Class
  • Double Wrapper Class
  • Autoboxing and Unboxing
  • Widening and Narrowing
  • What is Exception?
  • Checked Exception
  • Unchecked Exception
  • Exception Propagation
  • Try-Catch block
  • Multiple Catch Blocks
  • Finally block
  • Throw Keyword
  • Throws Keyword
  • User Defined Exception


+= operator

  • Add operation.
  • Assignment of the result of add operation.
  • Understanding += operator with a code -
  • Statement i+=2 is equal to i=i+2 , hence 2 will be added to the value of i, which gives us 4.
  • Finally, the result of addition, 4 is assigned back to i, updating its original value from 2 to 4.
  • A special case scenario for all the compound assigned operators
  • All compound assignment operators perform implicit casting.
  • Casting the char value ( smaller data type ) to an int value( larger data type ), so it could be added to an int value, 2.
  • Finally, the result of performing the addition resulted in an int value, which was casted to a char value before it could be assigned to a char variable, ch .

Example with += operator

-= operator.

  • Subtraction operation.
  • Assignment of the result of subtract operation.
  • Statement i-=2 is equal to i=i-2 , hence 2 will be subtracted from the value of i, which gives us 0.
  • Finally, the result of subtraction i.e. 0 is assigned back to i, updating its value to 0.

Example with -= operator

*= operator.

  • Multiplication operation.
  • Assignment of the result of multiplication operation.
  • Statement i*=2 is equal to i=i*2 , hence 2 will be multiplied with the value of i, which gives us 4.
  • Finally, the result of multiplication, 4 is assigned back to i, updating its value to 4.

Example with *= operator

/= operator.

  • Division operation.
  • Assignment of the result of division operation.
  • Statement i/=2 is equal to i=i/2 , hence 4 will be divided by the value of i, which gives us 2.
  • Finally, the result of division i.e. 2 is assigned back to i, updating its value from 4 to 2.

Example with /= operator

%= operator.

  • Modulus operation, which finds the remainder of a division operation.
  • Assignment of the result of modulus operation.
  • Statement i%=2 is equal to i=i%2 , hence 4 will be divided by the value of i and its remainder gives us 0.
  • Finally, the result of this modulus operation i.e. 0 is assigned back to i, updating its value from 4 to 0.

Example with %= operator

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  • Java Compound Boolean Logical Assignment Operators

In Java, compound boolean logical assignment operators are shorthand notations that combine a boolean logical operation with assignment. These operators are used to perform an operation (logical AND, OR, XOR) between the current value of a variable and another value, and then assign the result back to the variable. These operators provide a concise way to update boolean variables based on their current values.

Here are the compound boolean logical assignment operators in Java:

Compound Logical AND Assignment ( &= ):

  • Performs a logical AND between the current value of a variable and another value, and assigns the result back to the variable.

Compound Logical OR Assignment ( |= ):

  • Performs a logical OR between the current value of a variable and another value, and assigns the result back to the variable.

Compound Logical XOR Assignment ( ^= ):

  • Performs a logical XOR between the current value of a variable and another value, and assigns the result back to the variable.


In-Place Modification:

  • Compound boolean logical assignment operators modify the value of the variable in-place, combining the logical operation with the assignment.


  • These operators provide a more concise way of expressing common boolean logic patterns where the current value of a variable needs to be combined with another value.

Equivalent Long Form:

  • Each compound boolean logical assignment operator has an equivalent long form using the regular boolean logical operator and assignment.

Updating Flags:

  • Compound boolean logical assignment operators are commonly used to update boolean flags based on certain conditions or operations.

State Modification:

  • These operators are useful for modifying the state of a boolean variable based on specific criteria without the need for additional if statements.

Toggle State:

  • XOR assignment ( ^= ) is often used to toggle the state of a boolean variable.

Compound boolean logical assignment operators are a convenient way to update boolean variables based on logical operations, providing a concise and readable syntax for common scenarios. They are particularly useful when you want to express boolean logic in a more compact form.

  • Java Logical Short-Circuit AND Operator (&&)
  • Java Logical AND Operator (&)
  • Java Logical Short-Circuit OR Operator (||)
  • Java Logical OR Operator (|)
  • Java Logical XOR Operator (^)
  • Java Ternary Operator (? :)
  • Java Operator Precedence
  • Java List of Bitwise Operators
  • Java Bitwise AND (&)


  1. COMP1010 Boolean Operators & Compound Expressions

    java compound assignment operators boolean

  2. Compound Boolean Expressions (Java)

    java compound assignment operators boolean

  3. Boolean Operators in Java

    java compound assignment operators boolean

  4. Last Minute Java Boolean Logical Operators and Priority Tutorial

    java compound assignment operators boolean

  5. Java Lesson 12

    java compound assignment operators boolean

  6. Java operators with examples

    java compound assignment operators boolean



  2. #20. Assignment Operators in Java

  3. Java Basics- Data types Assignment compound assignment

  4. C++ Basics: Operators

  5. Compound Assignment Operators in C language

  6. Core


  1. Compound assignment operators in Java

    Compound-assignment operators provide a shorter syntax for assigning the result of an arithmetic or bitwise operator. They perform the operation on the two operands before assigning the result to the first operand. The following are all possible assignment operator in java: 1. += (compound addition assignment operator) 2.

  2. Shortcut "or-assignment" (|=) operator in Java

    The |= is a compound assignment operator (JLS 15.26.2) for the boolean logical operator | (JLS 15.22.2); not to be confused with the conditional-or || . There are also &= and ^= corresponding to the compound assignment version of the boolean logical & and ^ respectively. In other words, for boolean b1, b2, these two are equivalent:

  3. Java Compound Operators

    Compound Assignment Operators. An assignment operator is a binary operator that assigns the result of the right-hand side to the variable on the left-hand side. The simplest is the "=" assignment operator: int x = 5; This statement declares a new variable x, assigns x the value of 5 and returns 5. Compound Assignment Operators are a shorter ...

  4. Compound Assignment Operators in Java (With Examples)

    Compound assignment operators in Java are shorthand notations that combine an arithmetic or bitwise operation with an assignment. They allow you to perform an operation on a variable's value and then assign the result back to the same variable in a single step.

  5. Assignment, Arithmetic, and Unary Operators (The Java™ Tutorials

    You can also combine the arithmetic operators with the simple assignment operator to create compound assignments. For example, x+=1; and x=x+1; both increment the value of x by 1. The + operator can also be used for concatenating (joining) two strings together, as shown in the following ConcatDemo program:

  6. Java

    There are three compound Boolean logical assignment operators. The operand1 must be a boolean variable and op may be &, |, or ^. Java does not have any operators like &&= and ||=. Compound Boolean Logical Assignment Operators are used in the form. operand1 op= operand2. The above form is equivalent to writing. operand1 = operand1 op operand2.

  7. 1.5. Compound Assignment Operators

    1.5. Compound Assignment Operators ¶. Compound assignment operators are shortcuts that do a math operation and assignment in one step. For example, x += 1 adds 1 to x and assigns the sum to x. It is the same as x = x + 1. This pattern is possible with any operator put in front of the = sign, as seen below. + shortcuts. - shortcuts.

  8. PDF Compound assignment operators

    The Java language specification says that: The compound assignment E1 op= E2 is equivalent to [i.e. is syntactic sugar for] E1 = (T) ((E1) op (E2)) where T is the type of E1, except that E1 is evaluated only once. We note two important points: The expression is cast to the type of E1 before the assignment is made (the cast is in red above)

  9. Java Compound Assignment Operators (Arithmetic Examples)

    Following is an example of using the concatenation operator: String nickname = "tough guy"; String message = "Hey there, " + nickname + "!"; The nickname string is effectively placed in the middle of a sentence. This code acts somewhat like a form letter in that you provide a sentence and then plug a name into it. Assignment operators.

  10. Java Assignment Operators with Examples

    Note: The compound assignment operator in Java performs implicit type casting. Let's consider a scenario where x is an int variable with a value of 5. int x = 5; If you want to add the double value 4.5 to the integer variable x and print its value, there are two methods to achieve this: Method 1: x = x + 4.5. Method 2: x += 4.5.

  11. Java Assignment Operators

    Java assignment operators are classified into two types: simple and compound. The Simple assignment operator is the equals ( =) sign, which is the most straightforward of the bunch. It simply assigns the value or variable on the right to the variable on the left. Compound operators are comprised of both an arithmetic, bitwise, or shift operator ...

  12. Compound Assignment Operator in Java

    The compound assignment operator is the combination of more than one operator. It includes an assignment operator and arithmetic operator or bitwise operator. The specified operation is performed between the right operand and the left operand and the resultant assigned to the left operand. Generally, these operators are used to assign results ...

  13. Java

    In all the compound assignment operators, the expression on the right side of = is always calculated first and then the compound assignment operator will start its functioning. Hence in the last code, statement i+=2*2; is equal to i=i+ (2*2), which results in i=i+4, and finally it returns 6 to i. All compound assignment operators perform ...

  14. Java Operators

    The simple assignment operator (=) is a straightforward but important operator in Java. Actually, we've used it many times in previous examples. It assigns the value on its right to the operand on its left: int seven = 7; 9.2. Compound Assignments

  15. Why doesn't Java have compound assignment versions of the conditional

    A comment was made that if &&= and ||= were implemented, then it would be the only operators that do not evaluate the right hand side first. I believe this notion that a compound assignment operator evaluates the right hand side first is a mistake. From 15.26.2 Compound Assignment Operators:. A compound assignment expression of the form E1 op= E2 is equivalent to E1 = (T)((E1) op (E2)), where ...

  16. Assignment Operators

    In Java programming, assignment operators help you set or change the value of a variable. These operators combine assignments with other operations. Basic assignment Here's a simple example: int length = 20; int z = 5; Compound assignment operator There are operators that perform an operation and then assign the result back. Skip to main ...

  17. Java Compound Boolean Logical Assignment Operators

    In Java, compound boolean logical assignment operators are shorthand notations that combine a boolean logical operation with assignment. These operators are used to perform an operation (logical AND, OR, XOR) between the current value of a variable and another value, and then assign the result back to the variable.

  18. compound assignment operator in java

    In Java, you can replace a += b with a = a + b.And that is very important.. Hence your expression is equivalent to. a = a + (a = a + b) + c. Note that this will be evaluated as a = Term1 + Term2 + Term3 and in the order left to right.. Term1 is 2.. Term2 is the only tricky one. It is 5 (and has the side-effect of increasing a to 5 but that gets clobbered by the eventual assignment).

  19. Compound assignment operator. Compound assignment operator

    In Java, the compound assignment operators are the same as in C++ and are used in the same way. For example, the following code in Java is equivalent to the C++ code shown earlier: int x = 5;

  20. java

    1. There are many operators in Java. But 'Compound comparison operator' is not one of them. You should read Java basics from a good book like 'Head first Java'. To answer this particular question, b1 |= b2 is compound assignment. = assigns the the result of b1|b2 to LHS operand i.e b1. Since it is clear now that it is an assignment operator not ...

  21. java

    Java is designed to be a language that is easy to learn, read and understand. Adding operators that are designed to do "clever" things in a concise way is liable to make the language harder to learn, and harder to read ... for the average programmer. And, if the operator is only really useful in a tiny number of use-cases, that makes the ...