How to Write a Film Business Plan in 2024 (+ Examples)

Discover how to create an effective film or movie production business plan for 2024, ensuring your project stands out in the competitive cinema industry.


8 minute read

Film business plan

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Short answer

What is a film business plan?

A film business plan outlines the financial, operational, and marketing strategies of a film project.

It serves as a blueprint for production and a tool to attract investors, detailing budget, target audience, distribution, and potential returns.

You must rule the business field, otherwise your film fades into obscurity

Why do some films soar while others sink into the abyss of forgotten dreams? Is it just the whims of fate, or is there a missing piece in the puzzle that dictates this divide? The truth hits harder than one might expect: neglecting a solid film business plan can silently torpedo even the most promising projects.

In the fiercely competitive realm of cinema, overlooking the strategic underpinnings of film production doesn’t just risk obscurity-it nearly guarantees it.

This blog post unfolds the blueprint to wielding a film business plan as your most potent weapon, ensuring your cinematic vision doesn’t just flicker in the dark but blazes brightly for the world to see.

How to make an effective film business plan?

An effective film business plan is more than just paperwork; it's the roadmap to your project's success.

It blends vision with reality, guiding you and convincing others of your film's potential.

Here’s what makes it work:

Set clear targets

Before diving into the numbers and marketing strategies, you need to define what success looks like for your film.

This foundation will guide every decision you make moving forward.

Specify film goals: Are you aiming for festival acclaim, box office success, or critical recognition? Define this early on.

Establish benchmarks: What milestones must you hit during production and post-production to stay on track?

Measure success: Decide how you'll evaluate the success of your film, whether through audience reach, revenue, or awards.

Craft your budget

A well-thought-out budget is critical to securing funding and managing your resources efficiently.

It reflects the cost of turning your vision into reality and demonstrates financial acumen to potential investors.

Detail expense allocation: Break down your budget into categories like pre-production, production, post-production, marketing, and distribution.

Forecast production costs: Estimate the costs associated with each phase, including cast and crew salaries, location fees, set design, and equipment rental.

Secure financial backups: Plan for unexpected expenses by setting aside a contingency fund. This proactive approach reassures investors that you’re prepared for unforeseen challenges.

Analyze the market

Understanding the marketplace and where your film fits within it is crucial for positioning and eventually selling your film.

Pinpoint target demographics: Who is your film for? Identifying your audience informs your marketing strategy and distribution plan.

Study market competitors: Analyze films similar to yours that have succeeded or failed. What can you learn from them?

Track industry trends: Stay updated on shifts within the film industry, from emerging genres to changes in consumer behavior and distribution platforms.

Plan distribution

A distribution strategy outlines how you’ll bring your film to your audience, making it a critical component of your business plan.

Select distribution channels: Will your film be released in theaters, streamed online, or both? Each platform offers different advantages and challenges.

Schedule release phases: Timing can impact your film’s success. Plan your release around film festivals, awards seasons, or other strategic dates.

Project revenue streams: Estimate how much revenue your film will generate from each distribution channel. This projection helps in setting realistic financial goals and appealing to investors.

8 key components every film business plan needs

Crafting a film business plan is like drawing a map for your project's journey to success.

Here are the essential components you need to include to thrive in the competitive landscape:

Executive summary : Start with a bang! Your summary should hook readers by succinctly presenting the film's concept, its unique selling points, and why it's bound for success.

Financial projections: Show me the money. Include detailed forecasts covering production costs, marketing expenses, and potential revenue. Use clear, digestible figures.

Market analysis: Know your battlefield. Dive deep into the film industry's current landscape, identifying trends, opportunities, and potential challenges.

Target audience: Who's watching? Define your primary viewers by demographics, interests, and viewing habits, tailoring your film to meet their expectations.

Production timeline: What's the plan? Provide a clear timeline for pre-production, shooting, post-production, and release, ensuring a roadmap to follow.

Team bios: Who's behind the magic? Highlight the experience, achievements, and roles of key team members. The team bio slide demonstrates why they're right for the project.

Risk management: Prepare for the unexpected. Identify potential risks, from budget overruns to delays, and how you plan to mitigate them, ensuring you're ready for anything.

Marketing and distribution plan: Get the word out. Outline your strategy for promoting your film, incorporating marketing plan templates to enhance your approach. From social media campaigns to film festivals, detail how you plan to distribute it.

7 film business plan examples for winning partners and investors

These seven examples focus on showcasing the project's distinctive features, proving market appeal, and highlighting past achievements.

They also offer thorough financial forecasts, detailed strategies for distribution, present marketing tactics, and stress the team's dedication and expertise.

1) Documentary proposal

Outline your vision for a gripping documentary that connects deeply with viewers and investors.

Market focus: Targets audiences interested in real-world issues, educational content, and social change. The proposal underscores the documentary's relevance and potential impact on society.

Operational model: Highlights on-location filming, expert interviews, and archival footage. It emphasizes storytelling technique and narrative structure.

Financial projections: Outlines funding needs for research, travel, and post-production editing. It details potential funding sources like grants, crowdfunding, and sponsorships.

2) TV series pitch deck

Present your TV series’ unique world and characters in a way that grabs attention and excites networks.

Market focus: Aim at specific demographics craving serialized storytelling. It showcases the series' unique selling proposition and potential for audience engagement.

Operational model: Describes the production setup, episode scheduling, and potential for multiple seasons. It emphasizes character development and plot arcs.

Financial projections: Project revenue from advertising, syndication, and streaming platforms. It calculates production costs per episode and potential ROI.

3) Movie pitch deck

Showcase your movie's potential with a visually striking pitch that highlights its blockbuster appeal.

Market focus: Targets movie-goers looking for specific genres or themes. The pitch deck captures the film's appeal and its fit in the current cinematic landscape.

Operational model: Details the filming timeline, post-production process, and key creative talents involved. It highlights cinematography, special effects, and soundtrack.

Financial projections: Estimates box office earnings, streaming rights sales, and ancillary revenues. It includes budget requirements for production and marketing.

4) Film production proposal

Detail the step-by-step journey of bringing your film from concept to screen, ensuring clarity and confidence.

Market focus: Caters to investors and stakeholders with an interest in backing profitable film projects. It outlines the film's market potential and target audience.

Operational model: Outlines pre-production planning, shooting schedule, and post-production workflow. It stresses efficiency, innovation, and quality control.

Financial projections: Details budget allocation, expected funding sources, and return on investment timelines. It emphasizes cost control and revenue maximization strategies.

5) Film sponsorship proposal

Demonstrate how partnering with your film offers sponsors a unique opportunity to engage with their target audience.

Market focus: Target brands and businesses looking to align with the film's theme or audience for promotional benefits. It illustrates demographic alignment and marketing opportunities.

Operational model: Describes promotional activities, branded content integration, and sponsor visibility throughout the film and its marketing materials.

Financial projections: Details sponsorship tiers, benefits for each level, and expected contribution towards the film's budget. It underlines the mutual value exchange.

6) Comedy show proposal

Pitch your comedy show as the next big hit, emphasizing its humor, format, and audience appeal.

Market focus: Aim at viewers seeking entertainment, humor, and relief from everyday stresses. It underscores the show's comedic style and potential fan base.

Operational model: Highlights the format, frequency of episodes, and comedic talent involved. It details the production setup for live performances or studio recordings.

Financial projections: Project revenue from ticket sales, streaming platforms, and merchandise. It outlines budget requirements for talent, production, and marketing.

7) Short film proposal

Concisely convey your short film's narrative, style, and impact to capture the interest of festivals and financiers.

Market focus: Targets film enthusiasts, festivals, and digital platforms looking for innovative, concise storytelling. It details the short film’s thematic uniqueness and appeal.

Operational model: Describes the compact production schedule, creative process, and distribution strategy for film festivals and online viewing.

Financial projections: Estimates production costs, potential prize winnings, and revenue from online distribution. It includes funding strategies such as crowdfunding or grants.

How can you design a film business plan?

A film business plan is akin to a movie trailer, designed to showcase and persuade.

It outlines the project's path, from concept to distribution, emphasizing its unique aspects and potential success.

This plan details marketing strategies, financials, and audience engagement, serving as a blueprint for navigating the film industry and highlighting the project's viability and impact.

8 film business plan design tips:

1. Embrace scrollytelling

Scrollytelling , or scroll-based storytelling, brings your proposal to life, turning static information into an interactive journey.

This approach keeps readers hooked, transforming your business plan into an engaging story.

Here's a great example of scrollytelling in action:

Business plan scrollytelling example

2. Incorporate interactivity and multimedia

Move beyond traditional documents by including interactive elements like teaser trailers, character explorations, or virtual set tours.

These features not only spotlight your film's unique aspects but also maintain investor interest.

3. Use data visualization

Display market analysis, audience demographics, and financial forecasts with clear visuals.

Convert intricate data into straightforward graphs, charts, and infographics, making your strategy visually enticing and easy to understand.

Here's a great example of a data visualization slide:

Data visualization slide example

4. Personalize your deck

Use tools that allow customization, such as integrating the viewer's name or tailoring content to specific investor queries.

Personal touches can create a deeper connection and show thorough attention to detail.

Here's an example of a personalized proposal slide:

how to make a good personalized proposal deck

5. Use cohesive branding

Ensure your business plan mirrors your film's branding through consistent colors, fonts, and imagery.

This not only improves aesthetic appeal but also immerses your audience in the world you're building.

Here's an example of a branded deck:

Branded deck example

6. Design for all devices

In today's mobile-first world, your proposal needs to look great on any device.

Responsive design ensures that your proposal adapts to different screen sizes, providing a seamless experience whether it's viewed on a desktop, tablet, or smartphone.

Here's what a responsive deck looks like:

Responsive deck example

7. Highlight key information

Strategically present your business plan to emphasize crucial data.

Use content placement and highlights to direct focus to important details, allowing your key points to shine without overwhelming your audience.

8. Add interactive elements

Incorporate interactive elements like clickable tabs , expandable sections , or embedded ROI calculators that prospects can adjust to see the potential return on their investment.

These features not only make your proposal more engaging but also allow readers to explore your product in a way that's hands-on and make its benefits more tangible.

Here's what a static deck looks versus an interactive one:

Static PPT example

Interactive film business plan templates

Drafting a film business plan is complex, requiring knowledge of your project, storytelling, and financial planning.

Interactive film proposal templates offer a structured start, saving you from design headaches and blank page woes. With customizable options, easily incorporate your film’s unique flair and specifics.

Explore our curated selection to kickstart your film business plan.

how to make a business plan for film

I am a Marketing Specialist at Storydoc, I research, analyze and write on our core topics of business presentations, sales, and fundraising. I love talking to clients about their successes and failures so I can get a rounded understanding of their world.

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Short Film Business Plan - Featured Image - StudioBinder

How to Write a 4-Part Film Business Plan That Gets You Funding

ou’ve got an awesome concept for a short film.  Congratulations!  Now you need a short film business plan.

Perhaps your idea just came to you out of the blue, perhaps you’ve developed it with my systematic process. Either way, you want to know what the first step towards turning your idea into an actual movie is.

Well, it’s not one step. It’s four.

There’s No Such Thing as a “Short Film Business Plan”

Don’t plan the oscar party yet, what are the pieces of a film production business plan.

  • A Film Synopsis for Your Target Market

The Roadmap and Compass of your Film Production

  • Funding your Short Film
  • Film Distribution
  • The Short Film Business Plan

 4-Part Film Business Plan That Gets You Funding

But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t prepare one!

The term “Business Plan” comes out of the corporate world. It refers to a document that is prepared before a business launches.

Short Film Business Plan - Boromir - StudioBinder

Short Film Business Plan - Boromir - StudioBinder

  • The document describes what the business will do, how it will do it, how much money it needs, and how it expects to recoup that money. Business plans are shown to investors to help them determine whether or not to invest in a company. They are also useful guides for new employees to understand the company’s mission and purpose. Your short films ideas generally won’t make money. That’s not typically their purpose. But that doesn’t mean that the content of a short film business plan isn’t an important part of how to make a short film! It can:
  • Clarify your purpose, define your process and articulate your film’s potential.
  • Inspire donors, supporters or high-value collaborators to join the project.
  • Communicate your film’s purpose to your cast and crew, to make sure you’re all working towards a common goal.
  • Define the film’s marketing angle, to inspire festivals to screen it or to inspire audiences to check it out.

Most importantly, defining your plan will give you the framework and focus to make sure you keep yourself on-track.


We’re all dreamers in this business - how can we be anything else? But as tempting as the dreams of success and creative freedom may be, we’ve got to remember to take the first steps first.

A few years ago, I wrote a short film and got very excited about casting it.

There was a perfect role in the film for an old legend - an actor in his 80s or 90s. Perhaps an Oscar winner, someone who was once a luminary in Hollywood, but who’s probably not very busy anymore.

I spent my time thinking of great actors. The ones who starred in the classic films that I loved as a kid. I looked up which of them might still be alive and willing to work for a day.

It was thrilling to imagine directing these men… but did I ever make that film?

You see, I skipped a vital step. I never really worked through the “film business plan” - the part of development where a producer figures out how and why the film will attract funding, and how and where it will reach its audience.

So what’s the first step? Let’s take a look at the big picture first.

Your plan should consist  of these four pieces:

Short Film Business Plan - 4 Keys - StudioBinder

Short Film Business Plan - 4 Keys - StudioBinder

Before we dive into these sections individually, there’s something important we need to understand that will tie them all together.

All of the pieces of your short film’s business plan connect in some way to your target market.


Your target market is the audience (or audiences) that are most likely to seek out and enjoy your film.

A film about bullying might target high-school-age YouTubers (a demographic group, defined by age).

On the other hand, a film that takes place on a spaceship as it approaches an alien planet might target the sci-fi market (not a demographic group, but an interest group).

While a film about a gay Jewish boxer might have several simultaneous target markets.

  • Jewish (a religious group)
  • LGBT (a cause-oriented group, but also a group defined by lifestyle and social structure)
  • Sports (an interest group)

In that last case, it’s helpful to know which is the dominant audience for the film. Is it more of a Jewish film? More of an LGBT-themed film? More of a sports film?

It’s also useful to understand where and how the markets intersect. There are many active Jewish LGBT organizations - not nearly as many Jewish/sports organizations.

If you’ve selected one your short film ideas with your target market in mind, this step will be easy.

If not, you’ve got to answer the following question:

What audience group is most likely to show interest in this film?

Once you know who you’re making your movie for, you can develop a specific strategy for crafting a film for them. And here’s the magical secret of this process:

The money and resources for your film will come from a subset of your target market.

Short Film Business Plan - Monopoly - StudioBinder

This individual is key to many a short film business plan.

Once you know your target market, you can get specific about the elements of your short film business plan:

  • What film are you making (for your target market)? What short film ideas appeal to them?
  • How much money do you need (to pay for the elements that your target market will expect)?
  • Where (from within your target market) will you raise funds or gather resources?
  • How will you release your film (so your target market can see it)?


If you’re making a film with a particular social or political cause, you might want your film to reach an audience that isn’t a natural fit.

Let’s say one of your film ideas would shed light on the plight of the  Yazidi  people who are facing severe persecution in parts of the Middle East. That’s essentially your logline.

The Yazidi already know this story - they aren’t your target audience.

But the people who you’re trying to influence, perhaps middle-class American voters, might not have a natural interest in the story. So how can you interest them in your film?

The answer can be hard to do, but it’s pretty straightforward:

Define your film for your target market.

This hypothetical film’s logline is “a film to shed light on the plight of the Yazidi people”. The logline could also be “a harrowing tale of survival in an exotic and faraway land”.

One description is very specific to people who know and care about the Yazidi situation. The other might appeal to a much broader audience.

If your intended audience doesn't match your subject matter, you need to make sure that you can frame the film in a way that appeals to them.

If you don’t, your film will never reach the people it was made for.

Now we can get into the details of your short film business plan.

A Film Synopsis for Your Target Market 

Whether you’re working off of a written screenplay, or you have yet to commission a screenwriter, you already know the story of your film. Before you can get into the details of your short film business plan, you need to lay out the story, as you expect it to be told, for others.

There are lots of definitions and “rules” when it comes to writing a feature film synopsis, especially if you plan to use it to pitch or promote your film.

But since we’re creating a short film business plan, you might be reassured to remember that there are no rules here.

That said, the purpose of this business plan may help guide you in terms of  short film ideas to work on.

  • The business plan is your personal tool to help keep you focused as you shepherd this short film from development through its release.
  • Your synopsis should be focused. Tell the skeleton of the story. Don’t go into detail.
  • It’s your communications tool, to help describe the project to potential supporters and collaborators.
  • Keep the synopsis short. A 3-5 sentence paragraph might suffice. A logline might be better

Make sure your logline is written with your target market in mind.

Remember: The money and resources for your film will come from a subset of your target market.

You want people in your target market to respond, “wow, it’s like this short film is being made just for me!”

Short Film Business Plan - Audience - StudioBinder

Appealing to the egotism of others: also key to a short film business plan.

In some cases, a synopsis or logline is enough of a description of the project to give people a clear sense of what you’re trying to accomplish.


Sometimes, it may be worthwhile to write a paragraph or two describing the strategy behind the film production.

This is especially true if there are elements in the logline of the that might make people skeptical of your ability to pull it off.

When I began to raise money for “ The Pirate Captain Toledano ”, the first and obvious question that everyone asked was “how will you shoot this film? It’s set on a pirate ship!”

It was important to preempt that question by explaining that I had already negotiated for not one, but two tall ships where the film could be shot.

how to make a business plan for film

Remember this from my  first article ?

If your film is set in a hard-to-secure location or features elements that are typically expensive or hard to find, write a paragraph or two explaining how you plan to tackle those challenges.

If you don’t tell people what you need, they won’t know how to help you. And if you don’t tell them when you need it, they won’t help you soon enough.

That’s why you need to prepare a preliminary production schedule and a rough budget for your short film project.

At this stage, your production schedule and budget are very speculative. You might not even have a script yet!

That's alright.


You’ve got to put some dates down on a calendar, and some figures down in a spreadsheet. They’ll shift and change, of course, but this starting point will anchor you as the project develops.

For your preliminary schedule, you should look at two factors:

  • When will production happen?
  • How long will production last?

For the first, consider how long it will take you to raise money, assemble a team and line up all the bits and pieces before production can get started.

If you’re a veteran producer, you’ve done all of this before, and can probably estimate the timetable pretty well. If you’re relatively new, consider this guide  to the pre-production process.

It’s written with feature films in mind, so you should be able to take each of those stages and shorten it quite a bit for how to make a short film.

Look at the calendar and pick a reasonable shoot date. It can be vague, too - “we’re aiming to shoot the film in December”.

Just make sure to give yourself enough time to get everything ready!

Don't worry too much if it takes a little longer to raise money. You usually have a lot of flexibility with the shoot date until you start booking locations, cast, crew and equipment.

The exception, of course, is seasonal. If your short film ideas require you to shoot in a snowy field in North Dakota, you can’t push production to July.


The second factor you should look at is the duration of production. If you have a script, you may want to do a preliminary script breakdown and use that to generate a stripboard and schedule.

Software like StudioBinder, Gorilla, and MovieMagic can streamline that process.

But at this early stage, a paper napkin schedule may suffice for your script breakdown.

Other articles on StudioBinder can offer you guidance on  screenplay scheduling . We even have a video on the subject that you may find helpful. 

Starring none other than yours truly!

Even if you don’t have a screenplay yet, you should still have a sense of whether your film can be shot in a day or if it requires a full week.

Again, this can shift and change as your project evolves. You need some starting definitions of your plan and your needs so you can communicate them.

Armed with a preliminary schedule, you can then pull together a rough  film budget for the project.


This budget won’t be detailed. That’s okay. In fact, it might be just a budget top sheet.

All you need to know now is the ballpark cost of your project so that you know how much money you need to raise, or how much support you need to inspire.

If you’ve selected your short film concept carefully, you probably have a sense already of how much it’ll cost to pull off. At the very least, you have a sense of how much money you’ll be able to raise for it.

If that’s the case, you might find yourself ‘backing-into’ the film budget. Starting with a bottom-line figure, and massaging the numbers to make them fit that bottom-line.

If you're an experienced producer, you may not need as much detail in your preliminary budget. Your experience will guide you for how much your major budget categories will cost.

But if you’re still new to this, I advise you to take the extra time to budget in more detail.

You only need the top-sheet for your short film business plan. However, the more you familiarize yourself with the details of your budget, the more control you’ll have over it.

Once again, an understanding of your target market will help you here.

If there are certain personalities that your target market responds to, consider setting aside money to hire them.

Are there certain details in the production that your target market would expect to see? Account for them.

Does your target market only read a specific newspaper on Tuesdays? Make sure you’ve budgeted for a full-page ad in the Tuesday edition.

Short Film Business Plan - Newspaper - StudioBinder

I say, have you heard about this short film?

Funding your short film: which tree to shake.

You’ve described your film, set a target shoot date, and prepared a preliminary schedule and a film budget. Now you have a valuable piece of information: How much money you need to pull this off!

There are several ways that filmmakers commonly raise money for short films. Pick a method (or a combination of methods) that works for you, and take a page to describe how you’ll go about it.

Will you run a crowdfunding campaign? Solicit direct contributions from friends and family? Try to get an “investor”? Fund the film yourself?

Whatever fundraising method you choose, go into detail on your strategy. Crowdfunding, in particular, requires rigorous preparation.

An important piece of this process is connecting your fundraising strategy to your target market.

So, who do you know in your target market? What organizations will you connect with? Who in your target market is most likely not just to enjoy the film, but to contribute to its success?

Are there people in your target market who are also in the film industry? Might they be potential collaborators on your short film?

Figure out your strategy, and boil it down to a page.

Film Distribution: A Plan for Connecting Your Film to its Audience

The final piece of your short film business plan is your release strategy. How will you bring your film to the attention of your target market?

Most filmmakers make their shorts without much thought for distribution. As a result, most short films are barely seen by anyone.

People who might consider supporting or joining your short film are more likely to do so if they feel that the project has a strong chance of actually connecting with its audience.

Once again, understanding your target market is critical here. Where do they see short films? Festivals? YouTube? In-flight movies?

Short Film Business Plan - Airplane - StudioBinder

In-flight movies might not be the best idea for your short film business plan, as it is not the 

Wherever they consume this type of media, you’ve got to figure out what it takes to get your film there.

In most cases, your rollout strategy will consist of several steps or stages. For example:

You might want your film available for purchase on Amazon Streaming (through  Amazon Video Direct ).

Maybe you've discovered that your target market seeks out films like yours only if they’ve been covered in certain newspapers, magazines, or blogs.

Look at those publications, and you might find that they only cover short films that appear at certain film festivals.

You now have a film distribution strategy. Start with certain festivals. Combine it with a PR push to specific publications. Finish with a rollout to Amazon Streaming.

Maybe you’re creating a proof-of-concept or a calling card film. Then, your target market is agents, managers, producers and other decision-makers in the industry.

Your choice of festival submissions, screening venues, and the final online platform would be quite different in this case.

Whether you define your release strategy in an outline, a paragraph or two, or a flow chart, make sure you put it down on the page so it can be communicated.

The Short Film Business Plan: Your Communication Tool

Ultimately, your short film business plan is a communications tool, so make sure it says what you want it to say.

Keep it honest. Don’t put down budget numbers that you don’t believe (even if you think they might impress someone!)

Don’t describe the film in a way you can’t relate to (even if you think that’s what your audience will want to hear).

Add graphics, charts, whatever you need in order to communicate what you need to communicate.

In the end, it’s possible no one will see your business plan. It could be just a tool for you, a method of framing up the entire filmmaking process in your mind.

Even if no one else sees this document, it will be of tremendous value in helping you stay on track.

If you put something like this together for your next short film, please let me know how it goes! If you’re still looking for more short film ideas, check out the  first post  in my short film series.

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Film Business Plan Template

Written by Dave Lavinsky

Film Business Plan

Film Business Plan

Over the past 20+ years, we have helped over 1,000 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans to start and grow their film companies.

In this article, you will learn some background information on why business planning is important. Then, you will learn how to write a film business plan step-by-step so you can create your plan today.

Download our Ultimate Business Plan Template here >

What is a Film Business Plan?

A business plan provides a snapshot of your film business as it stands today, and lays out your growth plan for the next five years. It explains your business goals and your strategies for reaching them. It also includes market research to support your plans.

Why You Need a Business Plan for a Film Company

If you’re looking to start a film business or grow your existing film company, you need a business plan. A business plan will help you raise funding, if needed, and plan out the growth of your film business to improve your chances of success. Your film business plan is a living document that should be updated annually as your company grows and changes.

Sources of Funding for Film Businesses

With regard to funding, the main sources of funding for a film business are personal savings, credit cards, bank loans, and angel investors. When it comes to bank loans, banks will want to review your business plan and gain confidence that you will be able to repay your loan and interest. To acquire this confidence, the loan officer will not only want to ensure that your financials are reasonable, but they will also want to see a professional plan. Such a plan will give them the confidence that you can successfully and professionally operate a business. Personal savings and bank loans are the most common funding paths for film companies.

Finish Your Business Plan Today!

How to write a business plan for a film business.

If you want to start a film business or expand your current one, you need a business plan. The guide below details the necessary information for how to write each essential component of your film business plan.

Executive Summary

Your executive summary provides an introduction to your business plan, but it is normally the last section you write because it provides a summary of each key section of your plan.

The goal of your executive summary is to quickly engage the reader. Explain to them the kind of film business you are running and the status. For example, are you a startup, do you have a film business that you would like to grow, or are you operating a chain of film businesses?

Next, provide an overview of each of the subsequent sections of your plan.

  • Give a brief overview of the film industry.
  • Discuss the type of film business you are operating.
  • Detail your direct competitors. Give an overview of your target customers.
  • Provide a snapshot of your marketing strategy. Identify the key members of your team.
  • Offer an overview of your financial plan.

Company Overview

In your company overview, you will detail the type of film business you are operating.

For example, you might specialize in one of the following types of film businesses:

  • Independent Film Production Company:  Smaller, “indie” film companies are outside the mainstream movie-making industry and have a unique artistic or creative vision.
  • Documentary Film Production Company: Single-subject or category film companies are dedicated to creating non-fiction films that explore real-world topics, issues, or stories.
  • Short Film Production Company: Short film companies showcase the storytelling skills of their artists and experiment with concise narratives.

In addition to explaining the type of film business you will operate, the company overview needs to provide background on the business.

Include answers to questions such as:

  • When and why did you start the business?
  • What milestones have you achieved to date? Milestones could include the number of customers served, the number of awards won by the films, or reaching a certain amount of revenue generated, etc.
  • Your legal business structure. Are you incorporated as an S-Corp? An LLC? A sole proprietorship? Explain your legal structure here.

Industry Analysis

In your industry or market analysis, you need to provide an overview of the film industry.

While this may seem unnecessary, it serves multiple purposes.

First, researching the film industry educates you. It helps you understand the market in which you are operating.

Secondly, market research can improve your marketing strategy, particularly if your analysis identifies market trends.

The third reason is to prove to readers that you are an expert in your industry. By conducting the research and presenting it in your plan, you achieve just that.

The following questions should be answered in the industry analysis section of your film business plan:

  • How big is the film industry (in dollars)?
  • Is the market declining or increasing?
  • Who are the key competitors in the market?
  • Who are the key suppliers in the market?
  • What trends are affecting the industry?
  • What is the industry’s growth forecast over the next 5 – 10 years?
  • What is the relevant market size? That is, how big is the potential target market for your film business? You can extrapolate such a figure by assessing the size of the market in the entire country and then applying that figure to your local population.

Customer Analysis

The customer analysis section of your film business plan must detail the customers you serve and/or expect to serve.

The following are examples of customer segments: individuals, schools, government entities, and corporations.

As you can imagine, the customer segment(s) you choose will have a great impact on the type of film business you operate. Clearly, individuals would respond to different marketing promotions than corporations, for example.

Try to break out your target customers in terms of their demographic and psychographic profiles. With regard to demographics, including a discussion of the ages, genders, locations, and income levels of the potential customers you seek to serve.

Psychographic profiles explain the wants and needs of your target customers. The more you can recognize and define these needs, the better you will do in attracting and retaining your customers.

With Growthink’s Ultimate Business Plan Template you can finish your plan in just 8 hours or less!

Competitive Analysis

Your competitive analysis should identify the indirect and direct competitors your business faces and then focus on the latter.

Direct competitors are other film businesses.

Indirect competitors are other options that customers have to purchase from that aren’t directly competing with your product or service. This includes large-scale movie film productions, and movies made for digital audiences only. You need to mention such competition, as well.

For each direct competitor, provide an overview of their business and document their strengths and weaknesses. Unless you once worked at your competitors’ businesses, it will be impossible to know everything about them. But you should be able to find out key things about them such as

  • What types of customers do they serve?
  • What type of film business are they?
  • What is their pricing for their audience (premium, low, etc.)?
  • What are they good at?
  • What are their weaknesses?

With regards to the last two questions, think about your answers from the customers’ perspective. And don’t be afraid to ask your competitors’ customers what they like most and least about them.

The final part of your competitive analysis section is to document your areas of competitive advantage. For example:

  • Will you provide options for digital audiences?
  • Will you offer services that your competition doesn’t?
  • Will you provide better customer service?
  • Will you offer better pricing?

Think about ways you will outperform your competition and document them in this section of your plan.

Marketing Plan

Traditionally, a marketing plan includes the four P’s: Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. For a film business plan, your marketing strategy should include the following:

Product : In the product section, you should reiterate the type of film company that you documented in your company overview. Then, detail the specific products or services you will be offering. For example, will you provide subject-specific film production, cameo digital film production, or foreign language films?

Price : Document the prices you will offer and how they compare to your competitors. Essentially in the product and price sub-sections of your plan, you are presenting the services you offer and their prices.

Place : Place refers to the site of your film company. Document where your company is situated and mention how the site will impact your success. For example, is your film business located in a busy creative art district, a business district, or a standalone building? Discuss how your site might be the ideal location for your film production and the customers you serve.

Promotions : The final part of your film marketing plan is where you will document how you will drive potential customers to your location(s). The following are some promotional methods you might consider:

  • Advertise in local papers, radio stations and/or magazines
  • Reach out to websites
  • Distribute flyers in local art shops
  • Engage in email marketing
  • Advertise on social media platforms
  • Improve the SEO (search engine optimization) on your website for targeted keywords

Operations Plan

While the earlier sections of your business plan explained your goals, your operations plan describes how you will meet them. Your operations plan should have two distinct sections, as follows.

Everyday short-term processes include all of the tasks involved in running your film business, including answering calls, planning and creating filming schedules, paying salaries, etc.

Long-term goals are the milestones you hope to achieve. These could include the dates when you expect to premiere your first film, or when you hope to reach $X in revenue. It could also be when you expect to expand your film business to include major production films.

Management Team

To demonstrate your film business’ potential to succeed, a strong management team is essential. Highlight your key players’ backgrounds, emphasizing those skills and experiences that prove their ability to grow a company.

Ideally, you and/or your team members have direct experience in managing film businesses. If so, highlight this experience and expertise. But, also highlight any experience that you think will help your business succeed.

If your team is lacking, consider assembling an advisory board. An advisory board would include 2 to 8 individuals who would act as mentors to your business. They would help answer questions and provide strategic guidance. If needed, look for advisory board members with experience in managing a film business or successfully running a small indie film company.

Financial Plan

Your financial plan should include your 5-year financial statement broken out both monthly or quarterly for the first year and then annually. Your financial statements include your income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statements.

Income Statement

An income statement is more commonly called a Profit and Loss statement or P&L. It shows your revenue and then subtracts your costs to show whether you turned a profit or not.

In developing your income statement, you need to devise assumptions. For example, will you produce your first film in less than a year, or will you produce a large-scale film in 5 years? And will sales grow by 2% or 10% per year? As you can imagine, your choice of assumptions will greatly impact the financial forecasts for your business. As much as possible, conduct research to try to root your assumptions in reality.

Balance Sheets

Balance sheets show your assets and liabilities. While balance sheets can include much information, try to simplify them to the key items you need to know about. For instance, if you spend $50,000 on building out your film business, this will not give you immediate profits. Rather it is an asset that will hopefully help you generate profits for years to come. Likewise, if a lender writes you a check for $50,000, you don’t need to pay it back immediately. Rather, that is a liability you will pay back over time.

Cash Flow Statement

Your cash flow statement will help determine how much money you need to start or grow your business, and ensure you never run out of money. What most entrepreneurs and business owners don’t realize is that you can turn a profit but run out of money and go bankrupt.

When creating your Income Statement and Balance Sheets be sure to include several of the key costs needed in starting or growing a film business:

  • Cost of filming equipment
  • Payroll or salaries paid to actors and staff
  • Business insurance
  • Other start-up expenses (if you’re a new business) like legal expenses, permits, computer software, and equipment

Attach your full financial projections in the appendix of your plan along with any supporting documents that make your plan more compelling. For example, you might include your movie set location lease or a list of props your business owns.

  Summary Writing a business plan for your film business is a worthwhile endeavor. If you follow the template above, by the time you are done, you will truly be an expert. You will understand the film industry, your competition, and your customers. You will develop a marketing strategy and will understand what it takes to launch and grow a successful film business.

Film Business Plan FAQs

What is the easiest way to complete my film business plan.

Growthink's Ultimate Business Plan Template allows you to quickly and easily write your film business plan.

How Do You Start a Film Business?

Starting a Film business is easy with these 14 steps:

  • Choose the Name for Your Film Business
  • Create Your Film Business Plan
  • Choose the Legal Structure for Your Film Business
  • Secure Startup Funding for Your Film Business (If Needed)
  • Secure a Location for Your Business
  • Register Your Film Business with the IRS
  • Open a Business Bank Account
  • Get a Business Credit Card
  • Get the Required Business Licenses and Permits
  • Get Business Insurance for Your Film Business
  • Buy or Lease the Right Film Business Equipment
  • Develop Your Film Business Marketing Materials
  • Purchase and Setup the Software Needed to Run Your Film Business
  • Open for Business

Where Can I Download a Free Business Plan Template PDF?

Click here to download the pdf version of our basic business plan template.

Our free business plan template pdf allows you to see the key sections to complete in your plan and the key questions that each must answer. The business plan pdf will definitely get you started in the right direction.

We do offer a premium version of our business plan template. Click here to learn more about it. The premium version includes numerous features allowing you to quickly and easily create a professional business plan. Its most touted feature is its financial projections template which allows you to simply enter your estimated sales and growth rates, and it automatically calculates your complete five-year financial projections including income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. Here’s the link to our Ultimate Business Plan Template.

  OR, Let Us Develop Your Plan For You Since 1999, Growthink has developed business plans for thousands of companies who have gone on to achieve tremendous success.

Click here to hire someone to write a business plan for you from Growthink’s team.

Other Helpful Business Plan Articles & Templates

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How to Create a Film Business Plan (Part 1)

I’ve been raising money for films for almost 25 years now and am always asked about what goes into a film business plan, or worse, am asked to write one for a fellow filmmaker. So here’s the skinny on how to write your own film business plan. It’s a general overview, not intended to be a step-by-step guide. But it should get you started.

“Can I just download a film business plan template and fill it in with my film’s information? “

Yes. There are a number of places online where you can purchase a film business plan template, download it, and fill in your own information. My own Indie Film Business Plan Template, of course, is one I can recommend which is very comprehensive, and available for purchase on this very site (what a coincidence!) .

“Can I have someone write my film business plan for me?”

Yes. There are lots of folks with great experience in writing film business plans on the internet you can pay to write you one, but just a heads up: a lot of them are uber-professionals whose rates may be out of the typical independent filmmaker’s budget range. For the most part, what you’re paying for is years of their expertise. Some are simply AWESOME, ( is one such place.) but just like any profession, there are some who really don’t know what they’re doing, so watch out. Also, attorney John Cones has some great info here on Surview Entertainment.

“What are the sections I need to write into my film business plan? “

Every film business plan should at least contain the following sections, in whatever order you prefer:

A Pro-looking title page which, optionally, includes a logo or graphic of your film or film company. At the bottom of the business plan you should list your “Forward Looking Statements” disclaimer, which is something like this, but consult with a lawyer – don’t just copy and paste this text.

Any statements in this business plan that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties; actual results may differ from the forward-looking statements. Sentences or phrases that use such words as “believes,” “anticipates,” “plans,” “may,” “hopes,” “can,” “will,” “expects,” “is designed to,” “with the intent,” “potential” and others indicate forward-looking statements, but their absence does not mean that a statement is not forward-looking. The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly release the results of any revisions to these forward-looking statements that may be made to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.

Table of Contents

The next section you should have in your film business plan is a solid, easy-to-read Table of Contents. That table of contents basically gives the reader a page-by-page listing of everything in your film business plan. And not only that, but it shows that you have the ability to organize a massive document into sections that make sense. I know it sounds a bit silly, but the Table of Contents, if properly written, is one of your business plan’s most impressive features, because it’s one of the first thing the potential investor or vendor sees, and can convey a wide swath of what your film business plan is all about in a single glance.

A good film business plan has got to impress people on a technical, informational level, but has to leave them with a “gut feeling” that you know what you’re doing. That gut feeling is sort of like “Well, if this guy can put together this comprehensive of a film business plan, he’s probably a professional who’s organized and meticulous.” Don’t quote me on that, but you get the idea, as ridiculous as it sounds.

Overview Section

After the Table of Contents, your film business plan has got to have a solid Overview Section, also known as the Executive Summary. This is a section where, basically, you give a little blurb about all the major sections in the business plan that are to come. You don’t want to be super-verbose here in describing each section, but you do want to convey enough information about the sections ahead to, again, show your organizational professionalism, by showing the reader/potential investor that you’re able to “feed” them “bite sized” chunks of the information they need without overwhelming them, and enticing them to read further.

It’s a well-known fact that copywriters, who make a living off of crafting words and sentences into material which attracts people to buying products, know that breaking things into “bite sized” chunks is a valuable skill to have. Take, for example, how many times you yourself have been enticed into reading someone’s blog, about a topic you really have no interest in, but which you felt compelled to read, simply because the title was something like “10 Ways To Make Your Script Better.” Then you look at the blog briefly, see that it’s broken into little, easy-to-read chunks, and then  you decide to read it. It’s all about getting people to keep reading the material.

Your Film’s Objectives Section

The next section in your film business plan should be your Objectives section, which details what you plan to do with the film, or what you plan to do with the film company, using the film. Be very specific here. You want to list your specific, measurable, tangible goals that you want to achieve by making and selling this film. “Make millions of dollars” is not what you want to write. “Gross $14 million in domestic and foreign revenue, both theatrically and through ancillary markets by Q4 2015″ is more specific. Naturally, you don’t want to use too many difficult, oblique business terms if you’re going to be asking for investment from folks who don’t understand them. Then again, if you’re targeting people who appreciate that kind of language, go for it.

About The Filmmakers Section

The next section you want to include in your film business plan is a section about your team of filmmakers or your company. Include bios of your major players, including the film’s director, lead producers, and any name cinematographer or art director or special effects creator, or whomever you feel would help your cause. Listing every friend and extra you’re planning to cast in your film here is probably not the best idea. Keep this short, and put your best people here. The people you want to list are the ones with the most experience, the most respectable “pedigree,” and/or the biggest names. You might not have anybody you feel is worth putting here, but do your best. Include photos and bios of these people.

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Crafting Your Film Business Plan: Essential Steps for Success

Film Business Plan Guide

Developing a film business plan is a filmmaker’s strategic tool for attracting investment and bringing a cinematic vision to life. Focused on the core of your concerns, this article directly addresses how to design a film business plan that persuades investors, balances the budget, and plots the path to profitability. Expect clear instructions, crucial financial details, and actionable marketing tactics. Begin your filmmaking endeavor confidently, knowing your business plan has a solid foundation investors can trust.

  • A well-crafted film business plan is vital for mapping your production and financial strategy, detailing every aspect, including your target audience and budget, and attracting investment.
  • Your executive summary should be impactful and convincing, showcasing your film’s narrative, USP, market potential, and a clear outline of your marketing and distribution plans.
  • A thoughtful marketing strategy leveraging social media, strategic partnerships, and film festivals can boost your film’s reach, appeal to your target audience, and significantly enhance revenue potential.

The Essence of a Film Business Plan

A film business plan unlocks your film project’s potential by outlining your vision, strategy, and financial projections, thus laying a foundation for success. Addressing your target audience , establishing a realistic budget, and attracting potential investors pave the way for a successful filmmaking journey. Think of it as your roadmap to achieving your filmmaking goals and bringing your vision to life.

In a film business plan, you’ll find:

  • An income statement which reveals profit or loss
  • A balance sheet that shows assets and liabilities
  • A cash flow statement that helps plan for financial needs.

These statements are vital for showcasing the film’s production and economic viability to potential investors and stakeholders. The success of your film project hinges on a well-crafted financial plan. Your film business plan’s secret weapon is the operations plan . It’s the blueprint for your film production's day-to-day operations and long-term vision. This plan ensures that every goal in your business plan is met and exceeded, from pre-production to post-production. Its primary purpose is to coordinate all aspects of film production and guarantee the systematic conquest of your strategic goals.

Crafting the Executive Summary

The executive summary allows you to highlight the exciting potential of the film project and captivate potential investors. It’s your time to shine and present the film’s production in the best light possible.

Crafting a compelling executive summary involves the following:

  • Providing a riveting description of your film’s story, genre, and target audience
  • Highlighting your film’s unique selling points and market potential
  • Outlining your innovative marketing and distribution strategy .

Additionally, provide a snapshot of your film’s budget, financial projections, and investment opportunities to make your executive summary impactful and irresistible to potential investors.

Defining Your Film Project

The Essence of a Film Business Plan

Defining your film project in the business plan involves presenting the film’s unique selling points, story, themes, genre, style, and notable talent to distinguish it from the competition. This will help you raise money and secure the funding for your film project.

The fantastic selling points of your film project include:

  • Exceptional features that set the film apart
  • Outstanding talent, such as well-known actors, directors, or crew members
  • Transferable tax credits or other financial incentives can make your film project more attractive to investors.

A captivating synopsis showcases the film’s narrative, characters, and plot, providing readers with a clear understanding of its essence and drawing them in. This will help you present a compelling case for investment strategies supporting your film project.

Analyzing the Market

Identifying the target market is paramount to creating a focused and cohesive business plan where all sections are interconnected and aimed at effectively reaching the audience. Filmmakers can unleash the power of their film by considering factors such as:

  • the film’s genre
  • subject matter
  • tapping into specific demographic characteristics like age, gender, and ethnicity

By understanding the dominant audience and potential interest or demographic groups relevant to the film’s content, they can genuinely connect with their audience.

By understanding the market dynamics, you can uncover the geographic appeal of a film and its potential success in different markets. Analyzing similar films’ performances can help you articulate the films' marketability in various regions, setting the stage for blockbuster success. Film comps (comparable films) are a powerful tool for estimating sales projections and gaining insights into how similar films have performed in the market. By carefully selecting the right comps based on the following:

  • budget range
  • potential audiences
  • distribution aspects

You can make informed predictions about the performance of your current project.

Developing a Marketing Strategy

A marketing plan is critical to building a solid audience base for the film and driving significant revenue. Here are some strategies to consider:

  • Leverage the power of social media
  • Use targeted advertising
  • Form strategic partnerships
  • Identify the target audience and preferences

By implementing these strategies, you can maximize the impact of your film’s marketing strategy .

Determine the proper marketing channels and promotional events to elevate your film to new heights.

Social Media Campaigns

TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram are the most effective social media platforms for promoting a film. Get ready to make an impact! Captivate your audience with compelling teasers and trailers, captivating visuals, intriguing captions, and compelling storytelling. Don’t forget to incorporate behind-the-scenes footage, interviews with the cast and crew, and exclusive sneak peeks to generate excitement. Make your film campaign stand out by engaging with your audience through comment responses, contests, and calls to action that link to ticket sales or social media profiles.

Partnerships and Collaborations

In the film industry, production companies play a crucial role in forming strategic partnerships and collaborations, enabling the amalgamation of talented individuals to create exceptional content. By working together, they can amplify the visibility and impact of a film, leading to more tremendous success. You can build mutually beneficial relationships by approaching partnerships positively and cooperatively.

Securing partnerships requires the following steps:

  • Effective identification of potential partners
  • Pitching the film project to them
  • Negotiating terms that reflect the collaboration’s value
  • Executing the agreed-upon partnerships.

Film Festival Submissions

Submitting a film to a festival offers many benefits, including:

  • Gaining exposure
  • Networking with industry professionals
  • Reaching a global audience
  • Gaining recognition and credibility
  • Improving filmmaking skills
  • Winning awards
  • Potentially securing distribution deals

Don’t miss out on the valuable connections and discussions that could arise from this experience.

Create a captivating one-sheet and trailer, then complete the necessary forms with all the details.

  • Keep the screening status updated and seek advice from festival programmers.
  • Don’t forget to find a compelling story behind your film and consider submitting it to smaller festivals.
  • Success hinges on understanding the festival’s requirements.

Production Planning: From Pre-Production to Post-Production

Film Post-Production Meeting

To create a winning film business plan, include a detailed breakdown of the production timeline, milestones, key deliverables, and an overview of the resources and personnel needed at each process stage in the production plan section. Creating a preliminary schedule is a prerequisite to ensure efficient resource planning and timing. It provides a rough estimate of the shooting duration, whether a day or an entire week and sets the foundation for a successful film project.

Showcasing Your Management Team

Spotlighting the critical players on the team, such as the film’s producer(s), director, notable cast members, and other crucial personnel like the cinematographer and editor, is essential. Highlighting their relevant education, professional background, film festival selections, awards, distribution deals, achievements such as staying under budget, finishing ahead of schedule, increasing viewership, and industry-specific expertise and leadership can make the management team stand out and shine.

Financial Projections and Budgeting

The budget should accurately reflect the cost of the project, not your desired cost. This will help in the realistic planning and execution of the project. When creating revenue projections, you should consider:

  • Market analyses
  • The potential for international distribution deals
  • Ancillary markets like DVD and VOD
  • Comparables with similar films.

Avoid the common mistake of equating box office success with massive returns for investors and understand specific factors that affect distributor prices, such as star power and regional appeal.

Budget Breakdown

Creating a comprehensive film budget that covers all essential costs for a successful production is within your reach. Here are the key areas to consider:

  • Pre-production expenses
  • Production expenses
  • Post-production expenses
  • Marketing expenses
  • Distribution expenses

Let’s make it happen.

The average cost of pre-production for an independent film is typically less than $2 million, so with the proper planning and strategy, you can keep your costs under control and make your independent film a reality.

Revenue Projections

Calculating revenue projections for a film involves analyzing the performance of similar films and conducting comprehensive market research to gauge demand. The primary sources of income for a film that should be included in revenue projections are:

  • Television rights
  • Video-on-demand
  • Streaming services
  • Box office sales
  • Distribution deals
  • Merchandise
  • Product placements

Prepare to tap into your film’s revenue potential.

ROI Expectations

Calculating ROI in the film industry involves evaluating a film project's financial gains or losses in relation to the resources invested. A remarkable ROI for a film project usually falls within 20% to 125%. To project the ROI for your film, it’s essential to consider factors such as the film’s budget, target audience, and marketing and distribution strategies.

Carefully analyzing these factors allows for more accurate projections and paves the way for success.

Attracting Potential Investors

Attracting Potential Investors for a Movie

In crafting a compelling film business plan, it is necessary to include:

  • Different levels of investment
  • The minimum investment amount
  • Expected return on investment
  • Additional perks or benefits for investors

This will help attract potential investors and make your plan stand out.

A financing plan is crucial in a film business plan as it outlines the financing methods and investor risk-mitigating strategies, providing potential investors with a clear understanding of their funding options and risk management.

Navigating Film Distribution Options

A distribution plan is crucial, as most shwithms gain minimal visibility without propemoreing. Let’s make sure your film gets the attention it deserves. Self-distribution is your chance to take charge and explore non-traditional DIY distribution options.

This includes terrific avenues like Foreign, VOD, Home Video, Theatrical self-releasing, and Non-Theatrical platforms. You’ve got the power to make it happen.

In summary, crafting a comprehensive film business plan is a critical step in the filmmaking process. It serves as a roadmap, guiding you from the initial idea to the final product, helping you stay on track with your vision, and attracting potential investors. It forces you to be clear about your film’s unique selling points, target audience, and marketing strategy. It helps you make informed decisions about the production plan, budget, and distribution strategy. With a well-crafted film business plan, you’re setting the stage for a successful filmmaking journey. So, let’s get started and turn your filmmaking dreams into reality!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do i start my own film company.

To start your own film company, you must incorporate or become an LLC, create a business plan, find a script you want to produce, and seek essential funding and mentorship. Find your company's niche and appoint a strong leadership team. Good luck with your exciting venture!

What is an LLC for film production?

An LLC for film production is an important step that can help protect the personal assets of investors and filmmakers by placing the liability of the output into a single legal entity. It's a valuable tool for mitigating risk and providing a sense of security.

How to write a film business plan?

To write a film business plan, include sections such as Executive Summary, Market Analysis, Financial Projections, and more to provide a comprehensive overview of the project and its potential. Good luck with your plan!

What is a film business plan, and why is it important?

A film business plan is essential because it serves as a roadmap for the filmmaking process, helps attract potential investors, and guides informed decisions about production, budget, and distribution. It outlines the film's vision, strategy, and financial projections.

What should be included in the executive summary of a film business plan?

Make sure to include a compelling description of your film's story, unique selling points, market potential, marketing strategy, distribution plan, and financial projections in the executive summary to captivate potential investors and stakeholders. This will help them grasp the essence of your film business plan quickly.

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Write a business plan for your film.

So, you want to make a movie? Before going into any production, it's wise to create a business plan no matter the scale of your project. What is a film business plan, and how do you make one? In today's blog, I'll be answering those questions as I get into the nitty-gritty of how to write a business plan for your film and explain why it's necessary.

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how to make a business plan for film

What is a film business plan?

A film business plan outlines what your movie is, who wants to see it, how you'll make your movie, how much it will cost, where the money will come from, how you'll distribute it, and what kind of profit you stand to see from it. This document shows investors that you've given thought to the business side of things. You want to demonstrate to investors that there's a path to make back their investment and imbue them with confidence that you won't spend their money without a plan to recoup it.

Who is this movie for?

When you're writing your business plan, you want to keep in mind who the audience for this project is. These are your "customers." Is this a feminist piece? Then maybe you'll go to feminist organizations in search of funding. You want to write your business plan to reflect that. You want your target audience to read the description and think, "This is for me! I understand exactly what this movie is!" A solid target audience makes marketing the film that much easier.

Key sections of a film business plan

There are no hard and fast rules about what a film business plan should include, but here are some important sections that will help communicate the project to potential investors.

3-5 Sentence Summary or Logline

Try to describe your film in an attention-grabbing, exciting way that is as brief as possible. You want to be able to communicate quickly and clearly what this project is. Make sure that you've crafted this description to speak directly to your target audience.

Speculative Shooting Schedule

This schedule will likely change, but it's good to show that you've given thought to and planned out when production will begin and how long it will take.

Your budget is preliminary and might not be very detailed, but include as much information as possible based on what you know now. It would help if you estimated how much your project would cost so that you'll know how much funding you'll need to raise. Break it down by all the different facets of production. Equipment costs, talent salaries, city permit fees; when it comes to areas of cost, they can seem endless when making a film! That's why you want to be specific and plan accordingly. Think of all the costs and attribute an estimated amount to them.

It can be wise to include a brief section about any pertinent questions someone might have about the project. For example, if your film is set in a castle, someone might wonder how you'll find a castle in which to film. Say your aunt happens to own a castle and will let you film there for free, then that's something you'd want to let potential investors know now.


Back to your target audience, are there film festivals dedicated to that audience? Does your target audience watch a lot of streaming service content, or are they watching things on YouTube? Do your research to narrow down where your film could reach the most people and have the most success. That might mean coming up with a list of film festivals your film would be perfect for or looking into licensing it to a platform like ShortsTV . You want to have some sort of plan for the life of your film. You don't want to create something that nobody gets to see!

Remember, your film business plan is a tool to help you communicate your project to others. You want it to be an honest representation of facts you believe about your film production. You want your budgeting numbers to be estimates that you believe in. You want your description of your film to get to the heart of things and allow someone to understand what it's about immediately. While business plans are often used to secure investors, they can also just be for you to understand your production's business aspects better. No matter who it's for or how you do it, be sure to keep it honest, clear, and as informative as possible!

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Film Business Plan

Why do you need a business plan for your indie film? Filmmakers are supposed to be renegades and free-spirited. Who wants to be tied down outlining a tedious document when you can just grab a camera and shoot your own film. No investors, no pitch meetings, and a barebone idea for a script.

how to make a business plan for film

A film business plan is for a very specific group of filmmakers. Those who take their craft and careers seriously. At some point, you have to move on from creating short films and next to nothing features that never get any attention. You have that one script that you feel in your heart that can be the one that launches your career. The one you can not pull off by favors. The one that needs funding.

how to make a business plan for film

After spending years as a professional Line Producer (the nerd who does the film budget and manages the film) on numerous SAG signatories ranging from $75k, $150k, $300k, and $2 million and everything in between, I started getting really serious about how films actually get funded. The majority of the time the executive producer or film producer would just hire me once the film was financed. I didn’t have to pitch or find investors. But like most filmmakers, I wanted to produce my own film projects. Films that resonate with me. So I started digging. Reading every single book on the business of filmmaking, taking courses, consulting with more experienced film industry professionals, attending the film markets like AFM, NATPE, and Cannes. I’ve must have read over 100 business plans from every single business industry you can think of. Talking shop with other filmmakers who successfully funded their films. Then things started to unravel. I started deciphering those hidden clues on those indie films that actually got financed.

My approach to creating a film business plan package for my filmmaker clients is totally unique. It includes a professional business plan, pitch deck , movie poster , and a preliminary film budget . Let me walk you through my process.

how to make a business plan for film

It all starts with the screenplay . A well-crafted script leaves clues. Sometimes the filmmaker is so attached to the script that it’s hard for them to have a birdseye view. I have a gift of reading a screenplay and literally playing the movie in my head. Page by page. Frame by frame. I start playing with casting, cinematography, marketing campaigns, poster ideas, etc. A kickass script reveals who your audience is, what marketing angles you should consider, and how you can make your characters, story, and theme part of your pitching strategy. I start asking myself which distribution companies would be a perfect fit for this film? What budget range is it really in? What possible monetary funnels could the film have? Who is the ideal investor? I start connecting the dots and lay out all those elements into the business plan.

Then I start creating a pitch deck, which is a combination of a lookbook and a mini business plan. It has a lot of eye candy and enough business information to grab someone’s attention. The whole purpose of a pitch deck is to make a potential investor ask for the business plan. That is its sole purpose. To get them excited!

how to make a business plan for film

Then I move on to breaking down the script into a shooting schedule which will determine the film budget . After working on over 15 indie films, music videos, commercials, and short films I have a solid idea of what each budget range can and should accomplish. Now if your film project is over $2 million I have a different approach, one that focuses on development funds.

how to make a business plan for film

On top of the film business plan package, I include consultation. I’ll help you navigate your next steps. From pitching, setting up meetings, to finding producer partners, distribution, etc. I’ll never leave you in the dark. I’ll encourage you to hit those milestones!

how to make a business plan for film

If you’re excited about taking the next step in your filmmaking career and want to inquire about my film business plan package take a moment to fill out this questionnaire so I can get an overview of your film and your goals. That way we can set up a time to talk shop!

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Video Production Business Plan

Start your own video production business plan

Michael's Video Service

Executive summary executive summary is a brief introduction to your business plan. it describes your business, the problem that it solves, your target market, and financial highlights.">.

Michael’s Video Service uses the latest technology to provide video production services. This means that the services provided achieve a level of quality previously reserved for only the most expensive video production companies. 

Michael’s Video Service is a new company and as such, we will need to meet market acceptance. To that end, the company is working to determine trends in the industry, the needs of the customer, and how best to address the needs of the customer.   

Our services are geared for several markets, including television stations, companies, high schools, and families. We will initially target high schools with whom we can establish strategic alliances that will enable us to establish long term relationships with them. In our first year of operation, we believe we can capture 15 to 25% of the market, which translates into $100,000 – $130,000 in sales.

We believe that we can earn $149,000 in our first year, rising to $175,000 and $191,000 in our second and third years, respectively. Our market strategy will be to advertise and capitalize on the services that our competitors do not offer.

There are several companies with whom we will be competing. We have a competitive advantage, however, because our equipment is more aligned with the video production industry trends requiring digital technology, as opposed to analog devices.  

The company is seeking a loan in the amount of $300,000 which will be used to purchase the equipment and start-up expenses. The company’s revenue projections for the first three years are $149,000, $175,000, and $191,000, respectively. Michael’s Video Service expects to achieve profitability early on. 

Video production business plan, executive summary chart image

Company Summary company overview ) is an overview of the most important points about your company—your history, management team, location, mission statement and legal structure.">

Legal Business Description

Michael’s Video Service was founded in May 1996 by Mr. Michael Morrison. Michael’s Video Service is a Limited Liability Company (LLC) with principal offices located in Denton, Ohio. 

2.1 Mission

Our mission is to become the leading freelance and video production company in state, utilizing the latest technology to shift market share from competitors to Michael’s Video Service. 

Video production business plan, company summary chart image

Michael’s Video Service is in business to cover events and special occasions on a freelance basis. What we will be providing is an alternative solution for video companies or out of town television stations. Instead of them sending a crew or taking time out of their busy schedules, they can hire us to do the filming for them. This gives them the opportunity to focus on their core competencies. 

We will attend any and every event that we will have to cover for our customer. Using our experience, we will find a strategic location from which we will film. Once the filming is complete, we will then deliver the tape to the customer.

Michael’s Video Service will contract video services to its target markets. Services are not only limited to the Denton, we are able to travel around the country. Our main goal is to contract our services to anyone who may need an event video taped.

3.1 Service Description

The operation begins with the customer contacting Michael’s Video Service with the intent of using our services. All the details of the event are gathered and all the relevant information pertaining the specific requirements, as well as the delivery of the tape. Thereafter, we attend the event and proceed to do the filming. Once the filming is completed, the next step is to deliver the tape to the customer.

3.2 Technology

Analog is the old technology and digital is the new. Analog communication systems involve the amplitude modulation of a radio signal. In other words, they transmit and receive information through a continuous flow of electromagnetic signals. An inherent weakness of the technology is that analog signals weaken over distances and require additional equipment to boost them as they travel.

Digital cameras are the future of television broadcasting as well as the future of consumer camcorders. The FCC has mandated that all television stations must transmit a digital signal to the homes of its viewers by 2002.

In keeping up with the trends in the industry, we plan to purchase the latest digital equipment on the market. We plan to use the following equipment:

  • DLC Qualcomm 500
  • Sanyo 2000 video equipment
  • Sanyo 2000 wireless equipment

Strategy and Implementation Summary

We plan to initially market our products and services as an alternative solution for television networks and video companies.  These markets were selected because of their size, trends in technology, our experience with video production, our industry contacts, and an overall belief that they are most appropriate to initially target.

We aim to rapidly develop alliances with the major high schools to enable us to gain credibility as the best video production company. Our market strategy will be to advertise and capitalize on the products and services that our competitors do not have. 

4.1 Market Analysis Summary

We expect to compete as a freelance video production company in the broadcasting industry. Companies in the industry are involved in the creation and delivery of various types of programming to consumers. Much of that programming is recorded on film, tape, or disk, so that it can be seen or heard repeatedly by both new audiences and those that are familiar with it. Many of the events that are broadcast live are likely to be recorded, with some or all of such events to be rebroadcast at future times.

Within this national market, Michael’s Video Service will initially focus on supplying its services to the high school market market. We intend to be the only freelance video company in the city and state to offer our services to companies of any size. Our goal is to be on the freelance list for all the major television networks for news and sports coverage in the southeast region of the United States.

4.1.1 Market Segmentation

Our customer is defined as any individual or organization that has need for one of the services we provide. Our target customers are as follows.

4.1.2 Competition and Buying Patterns

Customers are expected to use our services based on traditional factors:

  • Performance
  • Flexibility

Video production business plan, strategy and implementation chart image

4.1.3 Distribution Strategy

Pro Tip:

4.1.4 Service Business Analysis

The major companies that compete in the market are:

  • Synergy Productions
  • Local Television Stations
  • Video Production, Inc.
  • Gene’s Video Productions
  • Denton Video Service
  • VIP Productions

All of our competitors specialize in one aspect of video production. We are a diversified company and we believe that there will be no down period for us. We are not seasonal based, our services are offered throughout the year. With our diversity, we will be able to attract the larger organizations that like to entrust one company to handle all of their affairs. Possible Barriers to Entry

Michael’s Video Service will benefit from several significant barriers to entry which include:

  • Strategic Alliances
  • Experience in the field

4.1.5 Strategic Alliances

The company plans to form strategic alliances with clients who require a freelancer to cover various events for them. Michael’s Video Service will also develop strategic alliances with video production companies and work with them as a sub-contractor. 

4.1.6 Value Proposition

By using Michael’s Video Service to cover various events for them, companies will be able to save time. They can then use this time saved to focus on their core competencies and the things that they do best. We are in business to provide a service that is second to none. As such, we guarantee that our customers will receive first class service and a final product that is well worth the money invested. To that end, we guarantee a full refund in the event that a customer is not satisfied. At Michael’s Video Service, we take pride in our work and it is our aim to be the best at what we do. We will conduct our business in a professional manner from our methods and character to our standards and ethics.

4.2 Sales Forecast

The following table and chart show our planned sales.

4.2.1 Channels

Sales, Distribution, and Marketing Channels

In marketing our products and services, we will rely on a combination of the following channels:

  • Direct approach
  • Yellow pages
  • Radio and television
  • Word of mouth
  • Trade shows

Alliances with video companies that have industry credibility, presence, and distribution are key to our strategy. In monitoring our services and market position, we will rely on feedback from customers with whom we have relationships. This will be done through direct sales. The message associated with our products and services is high quality for less money. Our promotional plan is diverse and will include a range of marketing communications.

4.2.2 Pricing Strategy

We plan to set our pricing based on market value. Our actual price will be based on whether our services are required on a daily or an hourly basis. It is anticipated that we will charge $300 per hour and $1,000 per day. For out of town travel, additional charges will be added for expenses.

Video production business plan, strategy and implementation chart image

Management Summary management summary will include information about who's on your team and why they're the right people for the job, as well as your future hiring plans.">

The company’s management philosophy will be based on responsibility and mutual respect. Michael Video Services will maintain an environment and structure that will encourage productivity and respect for customers and fellow employees. Additionally, the environment will encourage employees to have fun by allowing creative independence and providing challenges that are realistic and rewarding.

Michael’s Video Service’s management team is highly experienced and qualified. The management team is lead by Mr. Michael Morisson.

Financial Plan investor-ready personnel plan .">

We are requesting a loan of $300,000. The funds will be used to purchase video equipment and to cover initial operating expenses. 

Payback Strategy

Our repayment for this loan will come from cash in excess of profits, paid monthly. The increase in profits generated by business from television stations will provide funds to repay the loan in 10 years.

6.1 Important Assumptions

The table below highlights some assumptions that are key to the success of the company.

6.2 Break-even Analysis

For our Break-even Analysis, we assume running costs of approximately $9,000 per month, which includes gas, phone, and an estimation of other running costs. Variable costs mostly include video tapes. The chart and table below show our break-even point.

Video production business plan, financial plan chart image

6.3 Projected Profit and Loss

The table below provides the projected income statements for Michael’s Video Service. The company is basing its revenue projections on anticipated sales of services, initially to the television networks and video companies, then to other markets such as high school events and weddings.

Video production business plan, financial plan chart image

6.4 Financial Risks and Contingencies

The company recognizes that it is subject to both market and industry risks. We believe our risks are as follows, and we are addressing each as indicated. We face all the risks associated with being a start-up company. We feel that we can overcome these with our experience in the industry and by quickly establishing desired relationships. The economy in south Ohio is based on the oil and gas industry, which is very unstable. Having seen the oil bust in the 1980’s and its effects on the economy, we have diversified our efforts and will be going after markets that will not be affected by fluctuations in the oil and gas industry.

6.5 Projected Cash Flow

The following chart and table present the cash flow assumptions for the company.

Video production business plan, financial plan chart image

6.6 Projected Balance Sheet

Projected balance sheets are provided below.

6.7 Business Ratios

The following table presents important business ratios from the motion picture production industry, as determined by the Standard Industry Classification (SIC) Index code 7812, Motion Picture and Video Production.

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#1 Film Business Plan Template

Film Business Plan Template

  • Movie Investor Package
  • Film Business Plan Template

Our Feature Film Business Plan template has been evolving for over 20 years and successfully used by hundreds of filmmakers around the world to raise their film financing. We have consistently worked with filmmakers and investors and updated our template after every film investor interaction to add all the best practices we come across. After every meeting, we adjust our Film Business Plan based directly on film investor feedback. Our Film Plan allows you to present your film business case using only the VERY BEST of the best information accumulated by film investors, filmmakers and industry trades, and all their years in the film industry.

Film Business Plan Template

Our Film Business Plan Template is professionally formatted and includes all the key business plan sections, with dozens of real-world examples in each. Our business plan was created by film investors and top industry producers, with the specific goal of helping filmmakers find film investors and secure funding. The movie business plan template is fully customizable to suit most any indie film project.

  • Professional Presentation - The template is key to finding and attracting financing, as it walks you through the nuts and bolts of your project so you present the investment opportunity in the best light possible, without compromising your creativity.
  • Business Plan Outline - Includes all key sections of a professional Business Plan, including Company, Project, Industry, Marketing, Distribution, Investment and Financial Opportunity.
  • Real World Examples - Examples from other successful business plans are included in every key section of the film business plan template.
  • Return on Investment (ROI) - make your compelling case for why a potential investor should invest in your film
  • Streaming & Acquisition Deals - we constantly scour the industry's leading resources for release patterns, streaming deals, festival acquisitions and track all the information we can find.

This easy-to-use Film Business Plan Template is included all of our Film Financing Packages and Bundles , along with our Film Proposals and Financing Manual, Film Projections Templates, Indie Film Pitch Deck, Latest Industry Statistics and much more. All of our products are available for immediate download and come with a 60-day full 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE!

NEW! Documentary Business Plan & Documentary Pitch Deck

FilmProposals is thrilled to offer help to documentary producers looking for investors, by enhancing our Film Fundraising toolkits to address the specific needs of documentarians. The highlight is a unique Documentary Business Plan Template included in all of our Film Financing Toolkits and Bundles . Much of the Documentary Business Plan is just like that of our narrative Film Business Plan Template, however, we've also done some major custom work to specifically highlight why documentaries are a great investment and how to best showcase your documentary to investors:

Documentary Business Plan Template

  • Documentary Business Plan Template - this new template is completely redone to focus only on documentary films. Recent successes, emerging documentary trends, streaming and studio deals, distribution patterns, audience statistics, revenue generated for sample films and much more. When did Docs become profitable and start selling for $5M or $10M at festivals? We lay it all out for you...
  • Documentary Pitch Deck - while our pitch deck template can be used for any type of film, you will use your business plan research to ensure the deck showcases your documentary as a worthy investment opportunity
  • Financial Projections/ Comparable Films - our custom database and custom financial projections flow seamlessly for both documentaries and narrative films

The new Documentary Business Plan Template is included in ALL of our Film Financing Toolkits and Bundles , so you can purchase any of them and be well on your way to funding any part of your documentary with private investments.

Film Business Plan Template Screenshots

The film plan template is consistently updated (including 2024). Screenshots may be dated, but our Film Business Plan template is not.

Film Business Plan Template Screenshots

Feature Film Business Plan Template

The film business plan template is a step-by-step guide so you understand your film as a business proposition to film investors. We walk you through the nuts and bolts of your project, and the business side of the film industry, so you present the investment opportunity in the best light possible, without compromising your creativity. We have done all the heavy lifting and all you need is to focus on your film, target audience and marketing/distribution plan.

Film Business Plan Sections

Examples from other successful business plans are included in every key section of the film business plan template.

Executive Summary

You write this section last. It is the one page overview of everything that follows. Just wait until you see your plan all put together and you get to read through how good your investment opportunity sounds out loud, with proven industry statistics, real world examples and well-crafted language. This is always the highlight for every filmmaker - when they get to say, "Wow! I would totally invest in this film and here's why..."

The Company

This is where you discuss the type of company you've set up and why, highlight all the successes of your management team and producers, describe what you're all about and highlight the competitive advantages your team has over any others.

The Project

This is where you get to tell your story, describe your project, use your log-line, compare briefly to other films, development highlights to date, talent attached and more.

The Industry

This is where your business plan gets good! Filmproposals has fine-tuned this section with dozens of known film investors. We highlight all the latest industry trends and awards using references to elite sources, describe how the film industry works, use the latest box office, festival, streaming info and other film industry statistics and describe the overview of the movie industry simply and clearly. This section is updated multiple times per year so it always has the most current information available.

Marketing Plan

Here is where you want to discuss your specific target markets and audience: who are they, how many, their demographics, how you will target them, what are their past habits, etc. We provide a few examples, but leave you plenty of room to get creative with your marketing strategy. Read More: Film Marketing Plan & Distribution Plan Expert Advice

The Investment Opportunity

Ahhh...this is where we really shine! First, we put all the mandatory disclaimers (film investment is inherently risky....) and then we talk about all the ways you have mitigated these risks! You add on exactly how your investment opportunity is structured (Distribution Waterfall, Recoupment Schedule options are included in our Financing Manual) and how you plan to pay your investors back. You then use all the included full explanations and detailed notes and charts for every line item, to explain how you arrived at all your calculations.

Distribution Plan

Here we emphasize how crucial the distribution strategy is to any type of film. We walk through film festivals, theatrical release, digital release (streaming and VOD), TV, other ancillary markets and why independent films have more opportunities and advantages than ever before. You just pick and choose which sections are right for your project and customize them based on your distribution strategy

Confidentiality Notice

Basic legal info to protect you, your project and any potential investors.

You then add on any other relevant documentation, such as your budget (template included in our Film Financing Packages), official agreements, letters of intent and more. Not ready to buy the full template? Try our How to Write a Film Business Plan Free Course.

Film Business Plan

As it turned out, the business plan WAS the hardest thing I've ever done, but with the tools in the package, it made it much less stressful and the more I got into it, I thought to myself - YES!!! - thank god someone knows what they're doing...

Film Business Plan

Melissa, I was extremely hesitant in purchasing even your lowest priced package. It all sounded to good to be true. I spent 2 months last year writing a business plan from scratch for a different medium. So I just couldn't imagine getting anything worth while for the prices you were offering. But I have an investor that requested a detailed plan with financial projections within 2 weeks, so I pulled the trigger on your Gold + Financials Filmmaker Bundle .

It was the best money I've ever spent! Can't even begin to tell you what a difference it makes. So concise and on point. Makes putting the plan together so fluid and easy. Not having to worry about what to cover, only how to best state it for my film project. Amazing. Thank you so much. Worth every dollar! - Michael

How a Script Turns Into Film Financing

A Business Plan is a tool that helps you turn your film ideas or scripts into an investment opportunity. Saying “I have a script about XYZ and need $100 to make my film” is exactly like saying “I made this pasta dish and need $100 to open my restaurant”

Being a great chef and being a great restaurant manager are two entirely different skillsets. Can one person be both? Of course. Can you have a successful restaurant without both? No. Would you give someone money to open a restaurant because they made you a great dinner? (We hope not!)

A great chef alone is not enough to get investors. You must have a plan for how you are going build, run and maintain the restaurant. Physical build, marketing, branding, ordering, making menus, publicity, systems, hiring staff and on and on. These are the things that will cost money, and hence they are the investment.

A script is not an investment vehicle. A script may attach top level talent, but film investors don't look for scripts - they look for investment opportunities that will provide them a potential profit on the money they invest (ROI - return on investment). A completed script does not require any money. If you want to sell your script and be done, option it to a studio. If you are looking for film financing, because you want to make your own film, then you want to focus on your business, which is film production.

If any of these sound like you, now is the time to put together your Film Business Plan:

  • I have a great script and am looking for film investors
  • Where do I find film investors?
  • You are searching online for "film investor database" or "film investors seeking scripts" or "investors for filmmakers," or worse, posting on social media for the same

The FASTEST Way to Write Your Film Business Plan

We've been helping filmmakers raise their film financing for over 20 years. One way we do this is by providing a variety of ways for filmmakers to write their Film Business Plans. The different ways have a wide range in terms of budget, time and level of expertise backing. By working directly with filmmakers, we've learned some love the business and money side of the industry, and others, not so much. This is why we've crafted different approaches based on a time/value/skillset formula to suit every type of filmmaker.

Fastest Business Plan With The Most Industry Expertise

If you want to impress your investors in the most professional way, our Platinum Plus Financing Package is for you. You'll be bringing in the combined expertise of Nash Info Services (the movie data gurus behind and FilmProposals, as well as entertainment attorneys and prior successful filmmakers. You will also have your plan done in less than two weeks. NIS will be running your 20 Comparable Films (much more impressive than 10 films, since you get to choose from 20,000+ films), while FilmProposals has done all the heavy lifting in our Film Business Plan Template - the industry (including the latest streaming & festival deals, award winners and industry stats), the market, and the financial (how the film business works and how a movie earns money) section.

You simply write up your management bios, your target audience and your distribution plan. There is also the option outsource your Marketing Plan, with our Business Plan Sections - Done For You , but we have already given you the roadmap on exactly how to approach your Marketing and Distribution Plans using an analytical and proven approach. You'll have a Film Investor Agreement, a real PPM (private placement memorandum), most of the legal docs that prove you're ready to maintain your Chain of Title and a Pitch Deck template. This is our most impressive package, we have seen it work time and again, and is best for those with a high end, professional mindset targeting the same with their investors.

Fastest Business Plan With Some Industry Expertise

You can scale the Platinum Plus back to our Gold Toolkit + Financials Bundle - you get a lot of the above. Key differences are 10 Comparable Films, chosen from our scaled down database of 400+ indie films, no PPM and the Legal Pack (Chain of Title) is an optional add-on. You'll still have the Business Plan Template, Film Investor Agreement and Pitch Deck Template. This package has helped dozens of filmmakers secure investors over the years and is a solid option for those with a lighter budget. A higher time investment on your end, a bit less expertise behind you, but a lower financial investment.

DIY Business Plan With Some Industry Expertise

The Gold Toolkit is best for those who want to really dive in to the film business and do the heavy lifting themselves. You still get a ton of Filmproposals expertise and templates, but you'll get into the nitty gritty of financial projections, comparable films, marketing plan, distribution plan and finding film investors. Just like our other bundles and toolkits, filmmakers have raised millions of dollars of film funding with this package.

FREE Sample Business Plan Template

Our actual Business Plan Template in Microsoft Word is always up to date (this sample is older), fully editable and contains far more detail and text than this short excerpt. You can either share the template below or subscribe to our FREE Business Plan Course and have it delivered to your inbox .

Click to download the FREE Movie Business Plan Sample .

FREE Movie Business Plan Sample

These film business plan tips will help you to attract investors and present the offer that gets their attention. The research process inherent to preparing a business plan forces you to look at the financing of other films and refine your precise film investor offer. This process will lead you straight to finding and securing the right investors for your movie.

Whether you use a film business plan, private placement memorandum, film investor agreement or other fundraising vehicle, the thought process required to complete your film business plan is invaluable and will help you stand out from the crowd and pitch your project in a way that compels investors to want a piece of your investment opportunity!

FREE Course - How to Write a Film Business Plan

How to Write a Film Business Plan is the Number 1 goal of most of our filmmakers, so we wrote a FREE How to Write a Movie Business Plan online course. Writing a business plan can be overwhelming to some, and while our FilmProposals Business Plan Bundles & Toolkits will save you hundreds of hours with prewritten text and templates and speed up your learning curve by showing you how to complete complicated financial projections, there is still a lot of information to process. We designed this Film Business Plan Course to be sent once per week to break the process of writing your business plan into manageable pieces, and to keep you accountable and focused. In case you can't see the sign up form, try here .

How to Write a Film Business Plan

Top of Film Business Plan Template

Crafting a Film Distribution Plan

Your Film Distribution Plan just may be the way to unlock the secret pathway to the big screen for your indie film. Dive into our comprehensive guide on crafting a compelling distribution strategy to woo audiences and critics alike! Our definitive exploration of indie film distribution, where we unveil the strategies that will help independent filmmakers navigate the complex terrain of getting their work in front of eager audiences. Learn all about: Crafting the Ultimate Film Distribution Plan .

Film Distribution Plan

Top of Film Business Plan

  • Indie Film Return on Investment

Discover the secrets behind skyrocketing yours while unraveling the blend of creative storytelling and strategic financial planning. Dive in to learn how to balance artistic passion with profitable entrepreneurship in the world of indie film. Embarking on the journey of independent filmmaking is a challenge in and of itself, but the path to profitability requires an astute blend of creativity and business acumen. The quest for a substantial Return on Investment (ROI) is not merely a financial ambition; it's a necessary strategy to sustain your passion and continue producing impactful stories. More Info: Indie Film Return on Investment

Indie Film Return on Investment

Top of Film Business Plan Tips

How to use a Film Investor Agreement

What does the deal actually look like between you and your investors? Who is getting paid first, when and how much? What does profit participation look like? How do you ensure nothing is standing between you and an interested film investor?

One way is by using a Film Investor Agreement .

Film Investor Agreement

Tips on Film Marketing Plan & Distribution Plan

Your Film Marketing Plan & Distribution Plans are the hardest parts of your business plan to complete. FilmProposals has done all the heavy lifting for you for your financial projections, covering the industry, using top tier research and statistics and discussing all the latest release trends and acquisitions. However, Film Marketing and Distribution Plans are unique to every film and this is where a producer has to focus their efforts to be successful. When you have these mapped out, investors and distributors will know you have a solid deal on the table. Luckily, we've helped so many successful filmmakers over the years, and now offer our expert formula for reaching your audience, winning film festivals and getting distribution .

Film Marketing Plan & Distribution Plan

Why Start a Film Production Company

Filmmakers gain a huge advantage when they start a film production company . This process allows them to pursue equity-based crowdfunding for larger sums across a wider base of investors than just typical donation-based crowdfunding. It also helps to protect your film, management team, opens additional financing opportunities and makes your projects far more appealing to film investors. You will, of course, need to secure legal counsel to pursue this path, however, here is a high level overview of some of your options.

Why to Start a Film Production Company

Independent Film Companies and How They Got Started

For any indie filmmaker, independent film companies are greatly important. More often than not, these are the only movie companies indie filmmakers have the potential to work with. But the origin stories of your favorite indie movie company in the film industry may surprise you and will definitely enlighten you and provide inspiration as you embark on starting your own independent film company .

Independent Film Companies

Advanced Business Plan Tips

We are going to assume the finer details of your project are worked out, you already have a killer script and dive straight into the lesser-known secrets of business plan writing. Here we look at a few of the common pitfalls, some practical advice on how to avoid them and put you in the stakeholder’s shoes with some hypothetical pitches. Learn more: Advanced Business Plan Tips

Practical Tips for Writing Your Film Business Plan

  • Film Business Plan VOD Projections

The new world of VOD and being able to target your market directly is fantastic news for producers, especially those who could or did not follow the traditional distributor model. However, unlike the traditional theater/distributor model, these opportunities are much more difficult for projections and business plans. Use our outline of the different VOD business models, costs and calculations associated with each, as well as which statistics and case studies you want to use in your business plans. More Info: Film Business Plan VOD Projections

Film Business Plan VOD Projections

Where To Get Film Industry Statistics

One of the keys to any business plan is to look at historical and projected industry trends. Do you know how well filmed entertainment is doing now and how or if it is projected to grow? Which segments and countries have the most promise? Streaming and VOD trends? Which markets and audiences are succeeding and which are trending down? You can't possibly talk to investors unless YOU know your industry cold. Learn more: Film Industry Statistics

Film Industry Statistics

The business plan info really opened my eyes to how a lot of this business is so dependent on a sound business plan... and that creativity does not have to be compromised. -- More Testimonials

Film Business Plan

... I'm now sending out my completed business plan/film proposal document to potential investors and the one comment I'm getting back almost immediately is that it's so well laid out and professional. Believe me, first impressions really do count. --

More Film Business Plan Tips

  • Sundance: Why the Aggressive Indie-Film Market Reflects Real Promise for the Future
  • Independent Film Market Rebounds at Sundance Film Festival
  • Indie Film Lives, Thrives, Blossoms & Blooms !!

Attract Investors with Your Plan

  • Film Marketing Plan & Distribution Plan Expert Advice
  • Film Distribution Plan
  • Professional Film Financial Projections
  • Use a Film Investor Agreement
  • Advanced Film Business Plan Tips
  • About Independent Film Companies
  • Start a Film Production Company
  • Film Industry Statistics
  • FREE How to Write a Film Business Plan Course

Film Business Plan Tips

While our FilmProposals Bundles & Toolkits will save you hundreds of hours with prewritten text and templates and speed up your learning curve by showing you how to complete complicated financial projections, there is still a lot of information to process. We designed this FREE Film Business Plan Course to be sent once per week to break the process of writing your business plan into manageable pieces, and to keep you accountable and focused. In case you can't see the sign up form, try here .

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Coming Through the Rye

Just want to thank you for your materials and help over the past year. I could not have raised the $1.5 million or made this film without the materials you provided. The bargain of my career! - James Sadwith, Producer, Writer, Director, Coming Through the Rye

Inside Sportfishing

Finished my deck on Friday. Got it into a few potential investor’s hands over the weekend, and by Monday had 3 out of the 10 available memberships spoken for at $160K each. The revenue projections and film comparable services by NASH, along with the business plan and pitch deck templates were instrumental in presenting the project in such a way that financially minded potential investors could understand the movie business, the market and how my project could possibly give them a substantial ROI. Melissa was amazing throughout the entire process. Always there to answer any questions. Couldn’t have done it without you guys. Can’t thank you enough. Best money I’ve ever spent. - Michael F, Executive Producer, Inside Sportfishing ( Gold + Financials Bundle )

FilmProposals Tools and Templates

  • Film Financing Bundles
  • Film Financial Projections Template
  • Documentary Business Plan Template
  • Film Financing and Investor Manual
  • Film Investor Agreement Outline
  • Film Investor Tip Sheet
  • Filmmaker Legal Pack
  • Indie Film Database
  • FREE Business Plan E-Course

FilmProposals Business Plan Templates

How To Create A Movie Marketing Plan (The Ultimate Guide)

  • Week 01 – Movie Target Audience
  • Week 02 – Your Movie Website
  • Week 03 – Attract Your Audience
  • Week 04 – Always Track Everything
  • Week 05 – Movie Marketing Refined

Week 06 – Movie Site SEO

  • Week 07 – Create Relevant Content
  • Week 08 – Build More Buzz
  • Week 09 – Leverage Social Networks
  • Week 10 – Launch Your Film
  • Week 11 – Leverage Email Marketing
  • Week 12 – Grow Your Community!

Popular Questions

This 12-week movie marketing plan will help you sketch how to promote your film. The method includes tips on identifying your audience, places to promote your movie, and strategies for working with film distributors.

While there are no guarantees in this or any business, having a plan for how your film will reach the market is better than relying on hope.

Unless your film becomes the next film festival sensation, most film distributors have limited time and advertising dollars they can put into your movie.

So, if you can identify a specific audience that wants to see your film, you can create a marketing plan that you can budget and control, independent of any distribution deal. And this gives you leverage in deal negotiation.

The first step in your movie marketing process involves setting realistic goals for your project . Knowing your goals will motivate you to keep promoting your film when you don’t want to.

And having this clarity will help you decide what promotional and distribution opportunities are worth pursuing or ignoring.

To start the marketing process, take a moment to answer the following questions:

  • Who is your general target audience ?
  • How many views or units must you sell to break even?
  • What do you hope to accomplish over the next 12 weeks?

Answering these questions will help you define the sales goals for your film. Once you know your goals, you can create a film marketing plan with a timeline and budget.

You’ll also have the clarity to evaluate distribution offers and only focus on the deals in line with your goals.

Week 01 – Movie Target Audience

There is a saying in movie marketing that “everybody is nobody, and niches will make riches.”

You don’t have a studio-level marketing muscle to reach the masses. But you also don’t have the burden of recouping a studio film budget .

Targeting a particular audience is more affordable and allows for grassroots tactics.

If you made a movie about purple pinecones, your audience would be people interested in pinecones. (I’m unsure if this audience exists, but it might be worth the research.)

Or if you made a film about a small-town football team, you would be marketing towards sports fans. Or if you made a film about skateboarding, there is an audience.

Is there an audience that already exists for your film? Where does your audience hang out online? What are their interests? Where do they typically watch movies? Do they still read magazines available on the newsstands?

  • Make a list of 5 ideal movie fan categories for your title
  • Figure out why these fans should watch  your  movie
  • Think about what makes your film different than other films

Once you have identified your target audience, you can create an audience profile, including their age, income level, and how they differ from the wider audience.

Week 02 – Your Movie Website

Because many video-on-demand services are available online, a large part of movie marketing is Internet marketing.

One of the easiest things you can do is create a website for your film that includes behind-the-scenes photos and videos, a detailed synopsis, artwork, and a trailer.

There are many ways to make a film website. The easiest is to use a drag-and-drop website builder like LeadPages that automatically creates an online presence.

A second way is to leverage the power of WordPress. And if you have the budget, you can always hire a developer who can code HTML.

The two things you need for every website are hosting and a domain name. A domain name is the web address users will type to find your movie website.

A hosting service provides space on its servers for your actual website. Usually, when you buy hosting, the hosting company will offer an easy way to secure a domain name.

The following resources may help you build your movie website. Remember that these are affiliate partners, which means we receive compensation to promote. For this reason, we recommend you research these companies before choosing any provider.

  • If you decide to use WordPress or hire a developer, you’ll need some hosting. We promote WpEngine as an affiliate and use it for this site.
  • It would be best if you secured your domain name separately. We use GoDaddy to buy domain names.
  • In the next step, you’ll discover the benefits of growing an email list. We recommend using our affiliate, Aweber, for your email marketing if you want a head start on the process. The company has been around for a long time. And the customer service is excellent.

Regardless of your method, the first draft of your movie website will not be perfect. And this is okay. You can continuously improve it later. The most important thing you need to focus on is adding content to your website. Without content, people are unlikely to find or return to your movie website or remember your film.

Week 03 – Attract Your Audience

When marketing your independent film, one of your most important goals (aside from actually making the movie) is identifying and building your audience. Doing this is valuable for your current film and future projects .

One of the most sustainable ways to build an audience is through email marketing. Email allows you always to have a running count of your subscribers. And unlike social media, because you own your list, you’ll be able to communicate directly with your audience whenever you want.

Your audience is your business. Without an audience, you have no business!

  • Discover where your fans congregate , both online and offline
  • Create a list of popular publications that cater to your fans
  • Make a list of influencers and other filmmakers who reach your audience

The basics of email marketing are pretty straightforward. Just be authentic. Share good stuff. And always lead with the intention that everyone on your email list is a friend. Over time, you will find ways to share value between your film projects . Check out our affiliate, Aweber, for your email marketing.

Week 04 – Always Track Everything

In movie marketing, it is widespread for everybody involved in a project to present a gazillion ideas on best marketing practices. But the truth is, the only good marketing idea is the one that works. And the only way you know if your strategy is working is when you test it.

You will need to set up tracking tools to understand user behavior. While there are a gazillion tracking tools, one of the most essential is Google Analytics. At the very least, GA (as we marketers call it) will show how many people visit your site, what pages they go to, and where these visits originated.

It’s important to note that internet traffic is meaningless if you don’t know what to do with it. And because your site visitors are busy and distracted, you need to make it as easy as possible for them to join your email list. One simple tactic is to add a LeadPages pop-up, or you could create an entire landing page for this purpose.

  • Add Google Analytics to your website to track visitor activity
  • Modify your website to get people to subscribe to your email list
  • Consider adding a pop-up through our affiliate partner, LeadPages

As mentioned earlier, the main objective of your marketing is to build an audience through email. If your website visitors are willing to give you their email, they are interested in your work. In exchange, your job is to share value continually so you can build a lifelong fan.

Week 05 – Movie Marketing Refined

Have you ever noticed when a big studio releases a movie , they sometimes first push it as an action flick? Then later, the advertisements shift to a love story. Why does this happen? It happens because movie marketers continually test the film to find out what works and does not. You will want to do the same.

The goal for your movie marketing is to be remarkable. You want audiences to remember and like the film so much that they tell their friends and family about it.

You also want to do whatever you can to profit from the film. So if some aspect of your movie resonates with your audience, you will want to highlight this in your trailer, email newsletters, and other promotional material.

  • Refine movie messaging based on audience feedback
  • Create your hook and refine it to emphasize your unique story
  • Get your movie in front of influencers  in your target market

Usually, the audience, not the filmmaker, reveals the film’s most exciting and memorable aspects. It would help if you were open to change.

Since you do not have a multi-gazillion-dollar movie marketing budget like the big Hollywood studios, you must focus on creating and sharing great content. Your content could be videos, social posts, podcasts, or articles. In internet marketing, this strategy is called “content marketing.”

Once you have great content, your next step involves optimizing your content for search. This is called search engine optimization (SEO), and there are many strategies to rank your content in search. Since many of these strategies are beyond the scope of this article, one thing you can focus on right now is keyword research.

For the purple pinecones example, you would write an article about finding pinecones. You would optimize the article for people who search “how to find pinecones.”

They may click on your paper and visit your blog. At the end of your writing, you might include a clickable call to action like this: “If you liked this article, check out my new movie Attack Of The Purple Pinecones.”

The reader then clicks your link and subscribes to your email list.

This article is an example of how SEO works if it’s not already apparent. Maybe you were interested in finding ways to market a movie. So you searched or followed a link from another website or a social media share. And here you are. This article is content.

  • Conduct keyword research relevant to your audience
  • Implement your movie website with SEO friendly framework
  • Define your content strategy based on keyword research

While it took me a long time to write this article, I only wrote it once. As long as I continually revise and update, this “content” will continue attracting visitors free of charge.

Many visitors will join our filmmaker newsletter . And some will invest in our film distribution training. All of this is made possible by creating content.

Week 07 – Create Relevant Content

In addition to your website, setting up a YouTube channel and frequently posting videos can be a great promotional strategy. This is because Google owns YouTube, making it the second-largest search engine on Earth.

Your video content could include clips from your film, behind-the-scenes videos, and interviews with the cast and crew.

Regarding promoting videos on YouTube, one tool worth researching is our affiliate partner TubeBuddy. The app helps you optimize your YouTube videos so they potentially get more views.

The basic version of TubeBuddy is free, and the premium version offers some additional features that may be worth exploring.

  • Outline a content strategy based on movie/story/genre-specific keywords
  • Work out a timeline for how frequently you will deliver the content
  • Optimize your YouTube video content for search, and share the videos

Once you get into the flow of creating content, you’ll quickly figure out what types of content get the most engagement and generate the most traffic. Your main goal is to create a bunch of original content so that you can publish quickly and keep things fresh.

Week 08 – Build More Buzz

Here is the thing. Let’s say you are making a zombie movie and decide to conduct an internet search for zombies. You will very quickly find thousands of websites devoted to zombie movies. Unless you have all the time in the world, contacting the owner of each blog or website will be impossible.

To make things easier, list the sites on the first three pages of Google. Once you have that list, do the same thing on YouTube. Then see if you can contact the content creators. If there is no direct email address, try posting a comment on their work and see if they respond to you.

  • Build a database of the top 50 publications in your niche
  • See if the content creators are responsive and open to cross-promotion
  • This is also an excellent time to publish and distribute a press release

Once you contact the content creator, ensure you present your film in a way that complements the content creator’s niche. With this strategy, finding cross-promotional opportunities should be straightforward.

Week 09 – Leverage Social Networks

Many filmmakers are careless when it comes to social media. They post on multiple platforms, yelling: “I HAVE A MOVIE. PLEASE (potentially) WASTE 2 HOURS OF YOUR TIME AND WATCH IT!”

While you know your movie is way better than most other crap, a crop-dusting type of social media will not help you.

Your goal is to have a social media strategy encouraging word of mouth. And one way to do this is to cross-post the content you’re already creating. Posting content can help drive traffic to your website and increase your email subscribers.

  • Engage with potential users via social networking channels
  • Implement a guest posting strategy on several blogs
  • Upload videos and create a description with a clear call to action

When you post content, many people will respond with comments. This is an excellent opportunity to get into a conversation with your viewers. And because you are an accessible and authentic film producer , many of these people may become fans of your work for life.

Week 10 – Launch Your Film

The next step is to get your film into the marketplace. To do this, you may consider partnering with a film distribution company. While there are many distributors to choose from, you will want to focus on companies specializing in your type of film.

Most film distributors will follow a release strategy, including getting your film into domestic and international territories. Your movie may be made available in theaters, on television, and many video-on-demand platforms.

  • Divide our launch strategy into several tiers and milestones
  • Send copies of your movie to popular review websites
  • Ask your film distributor, “what else can be done?”

Assuming you end up working with a great film distributor, you can collaborate on maximizing the film’s exposure. While your distributor will work to get your movie the best placement in each outlet, you’ll be able to reach out to your audience with news of each release.

Week 11 – Leverage Email Marketing

At this point in the process, you’ve attracted people to your movie website, built your email list, and shared the news of your film’s release. Your ongoing goal is to keep your audience engaged and interested in your movie.

Many email providers also employ a sequential email autoresponder. This feature lets you set periods between follow-up emails. This gives subscribers time to digest the information you send before getting another update. You can use an autoresponder to pre-load a dozen email newsletters.

Sending a newsletter is a great way to keep your audience engaged. While this will include an update on your film, it should also include other points of value related to the topic of your movie. By sharing this information, you’ll keep your audience interested for the long term.

  • Write a half-dozen targeted emails and send them at pre-determined intervals.
  • Reach out to other filmmakers and ask if they would promote your film
  • Ask your current audience to share your movie with their friends

Over time email engagement may go down. When this happens, it’s always good to send emails asking questions. This allows you to interact with your audience and get feedback on your film. You could ask your audience what their favorite part of the film was. This will allow you to gather more information about them and your movie.


How to get film distribution.

Discover how to attract and effectively negotiate with sales agents and distributors for your film. This course equips you with the skills and strategies to navigate the complex world of film distribution to sell your movie.

Week 12 – Grow Your Community!

These words should echo in your filmmaking mind:

“My audience is my business. Without an audience, I have no business.” 

Regarding film distribution, having access to your audience gives you the power to say no to crappy deals. Because your audience is quantifiable and accessible, it also gives you leverage when talking with film investors.

Your audience is your business, not just for your current project but all future titles. And just as importantly, all of your fans become part of your film career, with a vested interest in seeing you succeed.

  • Establish a community for your fans
  • Focus on creating long-term community
  • Get fans into a database that you control

So there you have it. This is a broad overview of a 12-week movie marketing plan you can implement for your next title. I’ve also offered some recommendations on how to use each tactic.

Just remember that marketing is not magic. You must be willing to test and retest different promotions until you find one that works.

If you know someone seeking film distribution, you might also want to check out the sell your movie system. I hope this guide has been valuable to you. Be sure to share it with a filmmaker who could benefit. And good luck with marketing your next movie!

The article provides a comprehensive 12-week movie marketing plan for independent filmmakers. It covers topics like identifying target audiences, creating a movie website, leveraging email marketing, and using social media effectively.

The plan also emphasizes the importance of tracking metrics, refining marketing strategies based on audience feedback, and optimizing for search engines. The ultimate goal is to build a community around your film, giving you leverage in distribution deals and future projects.

Popular questions about movie marketing.

What is the first step in creating a movie marketing plan?

The first step is setting realistic goals for your project to guide your promotional and distribution efforts.

How can you identify your movie’s target audience?

You can identify your target audience by considering their interests, age, and income level, and by figuring out where they hang out online.

Why is having a movie website important for marketing?

A movie website serves as a centralized place for all information about your film, including trailers, behind-the-scenes content, and artwork.

What are some platforms to build a movie website?

You can use drag-and-drop website builders like LeadPages or content management systems like WordPress.

How can email marketing benefit your movie?

Email marketing allows you to communicate directly with your audience, keeping them engaged and interested in your film.

What tracking tools are essential for movie marketing?

Google Analytics is essential for understanding user behavior and tracking the effectiveness of your marketing strategies.

How can you refine your movie marketing over time?

You can refine your marketing by continually testing different promotional materials and messaging based on audience feedback.

What is content marketing in the context of movie promotion?

Content marketing involves creating and sharing valuable content like videos, articles, and social posts to attract and engage your target audience.

How can SEO help in movie marketing?

SEO helps in optimizing your content for search engines, making it easier for your target audience to find your movie online.

What is the importance of keyword research in movie marketing?

Keyword research helps you understand what terms your target audience is searching for, allowing you to optimize your content accordingly.

How can YouTube be used for movie marketing?

YouTube can be used to post clips from your film, behind-the-scenes videos, and interviews to engage your audience.

What are some ways to build buzz for your movie?

You can build buzz by reaching out to publications and content creators in your niche for cross-promotion.

How can social media be effectively used for movie marketing?

Social media should be used strategically to encourage word-of-mouth and drive traffic to your website and increase email subscribers.

What should you consider when choosing a film distributor?

Choose a distributor that specializes in your type of film and has a strategy for domestic and international releases.

How can email autoresponders be used in movie marketing?

Email autoresponders can be used to send a sequence of emails at predetermined intervals to keep your audience engaged.

What is the role of community in movie marketing?

Having a community gives you leverage in deal negotiations and creates a long-term audience for your future projects.

How can you leverage influencers in movie marketing?

You can get your movie in front of influencers in your target market to amplify your reach.

What are some alternative platforms to consider for movie distribution?

Besides traditional film distributors, consider video-on-demand platforms for a broader reach.

How can you make your movie website more interactive?

Adding content regularly and enabling features like email subscription can make your website more interactive and engaging.

Why is testing and retesting important in movie marketing?

Testing allows you to understand what strategies are effective and helps you refine your marketing efforts for better results.

Here’s a glossary for the article with key movie marketing terms and their definitions:

Movie Marketing Plan : A structured approach to promoting a film, covering various strategies and timelines.

Distribution Deal : An agreement with a company to distribute a film to various platforms or locations.

Target Audience : The specific group of people the film aims to attract.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) : The practice of optimizing online content to rank higher in search engine results.

Content Marketing : Creating and sharing valuable content to attract a target audience.

Email Marketing : Using email to engage with an audience, often for promotional purposes.

Social Media Strategy : A plan for how to use social media platforms to reach and engage an audience.

Google Analytics : A tool for tracking website traffic and user behavior.

LeadPages : A drag-and-drop website builder mentioned as a tool for creating a movie website.

WordPress : A popular content management system for building websites.

Domain Name : The web address where users can find your site.

Hosting Service : A service that provides space on its servers for your website.

WpEngine : A hosting service recommended in the article.

GoDaddy : A company where you can purchase domain names.

Aweber : An email marketing service recommended in the article.

TubeBuddy : A tool for optimizing YouTube videos.

Influencers : Individuals with a significant following who can impact their audience’s buying decisions.

Press Release : An official statement issued to the media to provide information or make an announcement.

Autoresponder : A feature in email marketing services that allows for automated, scheduled emails.

Community : A group of engaged fans or followers who are interested in your film and related projects .

Metrics : Quantifiable measures used to track the effectiveness of marketing strategies.

Cross-Promotion : Collaborative marketing by multiple parties where each promotes the other’s product or service.

Milestones : Specific goals or achievements in a marketing plan.

Grassroots Tactics : Marketing strategies that start from the ground up, often relying on community engagement rather than large budgets.

  • A) Creating a movie website
  • B) Leveraging social networks
  • C) Setting realistic goals for the project
  • D) Email marketing
  • C) Google Analytics
  • B) Search Engine Optimization
  • B) Attracting your audience
  • D) Autoresponder

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ARTICLE BY Jason Brubaker

How To Get Funding For Your Movie This Year

Warning: “creating a sizzle reel” is hurting your career, producing a movie just got easier....

You're seconds away from the essential training, support, and accountability you need so you can professionally develop, fund, and produce your movie.

Copyright © 2024 - Brubaker Unlimited LLC

The six steps of film pre-production

how to make a business plan for film

Follow this step-by-step guide to learn the modern process of pre-production and planning a film in Milanote, a free tool used by top creatives.

Pre-production is an essential step to planning any film project. It includes all the planning that happens before cameras start rolling, from brainstorming a concept, exploring the look of your film, storyboarding scenes and scouting locations. If you're a director, cinematographer, producer, or in charge of the sets, pre-production is an integral step in ensuring your crew understands the scope of the project ahead. Before you start your next short film, music video or documentary, thorough pre-production will set your film up for success.

In this guide you'll learn the 6 essential steps of film pre-production...

  • 1. Project plan Set up a place to plan your project
  • 2. Brainstorming Transform an initial idea into something big
  • 3. Moodboard Organize inspiration & references
  • 4. Storyboard Visualize the key parts of your film
  • 5. Shot list Plan each shot you need
  • 6. Call sheet Organize your crew & talent

1. Project plan

Traditionally, a project plan might be scattered across various emails, to-do lists, spreadsheets, and documents, making it hard to keep track of everything. A central project plan combines these artifacts into one easy-to-access place. It will evolve over the lifespan of your project but usually includes:

  • Inspiration and moodboards
  • Storyboards
  • Time and location of the shoot
  • Workflow checklist
  • Gear checklist

Film Mega Guide Step1 1

Create a new board for your film project plan

Create a new board

Drag a board out from the toolbar. Give it a name, then double click to open it.

Choose the Pre-production Plan template

Choose a template 

Each new board gives you the options to start with a beautiful template.

2. Brainstorming

Every film begins life as a fleeting idea—just a spark. It's at this stage you need to harness your creative energy and turn that idea into something real. And brainstorming is the perfect technique for the job.

Brainstorming is a classic creative technique that helps you create lots of ideas in minutes. You can use it to explore the topic for your film, dream up new characters, locations, or even the visual style you're after. It’s best thought of as a way to light up our imagination. As ancient philosopher Plutarch said, “The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.”

film ideas brainstorm step07

First, open the Ideas board

You’ll find the board for brainstorming on your Pre-production Plan board. Double click the Ideas board to open it and start brainstorming.

how to make a business plan for film

Double click the Ideas board to open it.

Start with the central idea for your film

What's the idea or concept for your film? This is your starting point. It might be just a rough idea at the moment or a topic that you want to explore, but this process will help you see how far you can take it. Add a note that describes the film in 1 to 2 sentences to get started.

how to make a business plan for film

Add a note to describe the concept of your film.

Drag a note card onto your board

Start typing then use the formatting tools in the left hand toolbar.

Your initial idea doesn't need to be something groundbreaking, you'll transform it over time. As Steven Spielberg says "All good ideas start out as bad ideas, that's why it takes so long."

Add as many ideas as you can

Now it's time to get creative. Invite your team and start adding any ideas that relate to your initial concept. Think about the characters, their relationships, the locations you could use, visual styles, and the topic's history. Explore every thread until you fill the board.

Don't worry about evaluating your ideas yet, that will come later. Setting a timer for 5 minutes is a great way to create a sense of urgency and prevent people from judging their thoughts.

how to make a business plan for film

Invite others to add their ideas.

Invite editors to your board

Open the "Editors" menu from the title bar of your board. Add email addresses of the people you'd like to collaborate with—they'll receive an invitation via email.

Add a note for each idea.

Add inspiring imagery, motion & sound

Sometimes it's easier to communicate an idea with an image or video, especially if it's a mood or style you're trying to express. Gather reference imagery, videos and sound and add them into the mix. These can become the foundation for a moodboard as your film project evolves.

how to make a business plan for film

Use the built-in image library.

Use the built-in image library

Search over 500,000 beautiful photos powered by Unsplash then drag images straight onto your board.

Drag images from your computer onto the board.

Upload a image or document  

Click the "Upload file" button or just drag a file onto your board. You can add images, logos, documents, videos, audio and much more.

Finally, organize your ideas into themes

Once you've explored every idea, the next step is to make connections. This is where you see the magic of brainstorming!

Start by grouping similar ideas to uncover patterns in your thinking. Add a title to each group so it's easy to scan. You might find your ideas fall into groups like characters, costumes, locations or aesthetics but there are no rules about how you do it.

how to make a business plan for film

You're done brainstorming

Now that your brainstorming session is complete, you have a strong foundation for your film! Remember, just as creativity and inspiration is constantly evolving, so are ideas. Come back and add to the brainstorm when inspiration strikes, or refer to it as you start your script.

3. Moodboard

During brainstorming, you imagined the different parts of your film. It's time to start exploring some visual directions with a moodboard. Moodboards can help you visualize any aspect of your film. You might want to focus on how the lighting or color could look. Or they could be centered around the set designs or costumes you want to use. You can create a moodboard for each of these separately or mix them all into one board. There are no strict rules.

Your moodboard will also be a fantastic reference for your team—from the director to the costume designer—it helps everyone visualize the end result.

Film moodboard guide step10

First, open the Moodboard

You’ll find the board to make your moodboard on the Pre-production Plan board. Double click on the Moodboard to open it and start adding your inspiration.

how to make a business plan for film

Double click the  Moodboard to open it.

Collect existing material

Start by adding any existing material you have—this could include stills from previous shoots, client references or images you've saved as inspiration. These might not make it into the final moodboard, but they're still a great place to start.

how to make a business plan for film

Drag files from your computer.

Upload a file or document  

Add inspiring imagery.

The imagery you bring into your moodboard helps you express your film's look and feel. Images can define things like tone, cropping, lighting and color.

You can start by saving visual references from around the web. There are lots of fantastic sites where you can find great visual inspiration for free, like  Shotdeck ,  Instagram , or  Pinterest . Don't worry about organizing the images just yet, that step will come later.

how to make a business plan for film

Install the  Milanote Web Clipper

Save images from other websites straight to your board.

Save content from the web

Roll over an image (or highlight text), click Save, then choose the destination in Milanote. Return to your board and find the content in the "Unsorted" column on the right.

Transform your board from messy to organized

Once you have all your inspiration in one place, the next step is to arrange your ideas to create the perfect layout. Start by exploring composition and introducing hierarchy. Place a key element to anchor your board, and change the size and position of the remaining elements to indicate their importance and relationships to one another.

how to make a business plan for film

Resize your images to add hierarchy.

Resize images

Drag the corner of an image to resize it. Double-click the corner to return it to its original size.

Crop images.

Crop images

Double-click an image and press edit to crop or rotate it.

You’ve finished the moodboard!

Now that your moodboard is complete, you have a powerful visual reference for your film. Remember, you can create multiple moodboards to explore different directions at any time.

Next, we'll create a storyboard to map out the key parts of your film.

4. Storyboard

Storyboards are a powerful way to visually organize the composition, action and look of a film before you start bringing it to life. As director, producer and screenwriter Martin Scorsese said, “The storyboard is the way to visualize the entire movie in advance.”

Many people devote their entire careers to storyboarding as it combines disciplines and techniques such as illustration, writing and production. Traditionally, a storyboard would be created with analog sketches, but with a modern digital tool you can use photography, animation, color and notes to highlight key characters, scenes and objects.

Storyboards aren't just for understanding scenes; they can also be used for a variety of other reasons including:

  • Visual Planning: Organize the order of a story and flow before filming.
  • Pacing and Timing: Control the narrative's speed.
  • Visual Composition: Experiment with shots and angles.
  • Pre-visualization: Preview complex scenes or effects.
  • Resource Planning: Plan props, sets, and wardrobes more efficiently.
  • Collaboration: Align efforts so the crew is working toward the same goal.
  • Presentations: Convey ideas to clients, investors, and the director.
  • Problem Solving: Identify and address any issues before filming starts.
  • Continuity: Maintain uniformity in style and design throughout the film.

Film storyboard guide step08

First, open the storyboard

You’ll find the empty Storyboard on the Pre-Production Plan board. Double click the Storyboard to open it and start adding the mapping out the key scenes.

how to make a business plan for film

Double click the  Storyboard to open it.

Map out the key scenes

When creating a storyboard, it’s crucial to know what story you’re telling. They're a great way to break up the script or narrative into pieces to understand what you’re trying to achieve when filming.

how to make a business plan for film

Add a column for each frame.

Drag a column onto your board

Name it, then drag any relevant notes or images into your column

Add images or sketches

Now it’s time to begin visualizing each scene. Some storyboard artists might begin sketching with a pen and paper first, but you can use reference photography, illustrations, screenshots, location shoots, and even motion to communicate each scene.

how to make a business plan for film

Upload images for each frame.

Describe what happens in each frame

While each frame is a static image, try to communicate how it's going to look and feel as a moving sequence. Describe the style, mood, and behavior of characters. Consider how the camera will move through the shot and how you'll transition from scene to scene. Add details about the sound to help your team imagine the emotion and drama you're trying to capture.

how to make a business plan for film

Add a note to describe each frame.

Start typing then use the formatting tools in the left-hand toolbar.

Share it with your team

When you're ready, invite your team to review your storyboard and share their feedback. This is the perfect moment to see how others interpret your vision for the story. It's also a great opportunity to make any final tweaks while in pre-production. Adjust the order of your frames or edit the content based on everyone's feedback.

how to make a business plan for film

Share the storyboard with your team.

Start a comment thread.

Start a comment thread

Drag out a comment from the toolbar on the left and place it on your board. Other editors can reply to your comment.

Mention teammates to get their attention.

Mention teammates to get their attention

Type '@' in any text field to mention someone who has access to your board. They'll receive a notification and be able to respond to your comment.

Your storyboard is done!

Now that your storyboard is complete, you have a clear vision for your film! Let's move on and create a shot list to plan the scenes you'll shoot during production.

5. Shot list

Coordinating a shoot can be stressful and costly, especially if that critical shot is missed on the day. But a clearly defined shot list will make sure nothing slips through the cracks.

A shot list is a simple checklist of each shot (or scene) you need to capture on the day of a shoot. It usually contains a list of specific shots, some visual references and extra details like camera angles or lighting set-up so you don't forget a thing.

Film shot list guide step05

First, open the shot list board

You’ll find the board to make your shot list on the Film plan board. Double click on the Shot List to open it and get started.

how to make a business plan for film

Double click the  Shot List board to open it.

List the things you're shooting

Start by listing the main scenes you'll be filming. Adding reference images or sketches will make your shot list easier to scan—even if they're just rough photos you've taken on your phone. It will also help your crew visualize the type of shots you're planning to capture.

how to make a business plan for film

Upload images to your board.

List the individual shots you need

This is the heart of the shot list. It's where you list each individual shot you require. Some details to include are: camera angle, location, position of the camera, and shot size (how big or small the subject is in the frame).

how to make a business plan for film

Create a new to-do list for each of the specific shots.

Drag a to-do list onto your board

Start typing then press "Enter" to create a new item. Add a title to your to-do list using the left hand toolbar.

Add a simple gear list

What equipment will you need to shoot these scenes? Imagine being half way through filming when you realize the spare battery pack is still in the studio. Adding a simple gear list will ensure you have everything you need on the day. It's a lifesaver!

Use the Film Production Equipment List template if you have lots of gear to keep track of.

how to make a business plan for film

Add a note to list your equipment

Reference it on the day

Traditionally, you'd print out your shot list to refer to on the day, but digital shot lists can be accessed on phones or laptops. This way, you can check off each shot or adjust it as you need.

how to make a business plan for film

Download the  Milanote mobile app

You’ve finished the shot list!

Now that your shot list is complete, you have a clear plan for the scenes you need to capture during the shoot.

Next, we'll create a call sheet to schedule your team…

6. Call sheet

You may have witnessed a disorganized shoot before—the actors were late, the crew forgot the lighting or the set wasn't ready. One vital document was missing—the call sheet.

The call sheet is a simple, but incredibly useful tool for organizing your shoot. It outlines everything your talent and crew need to know before the day of the shoot. Crucial elements like the location, contact details, the schedule, and most importantly the arrival time.

film call sheet step05

First, open the Call Sheet board

You’ll find the board to make your call sheet on the Pre-production Plan board. Double click on the Call Sheet to open it and start laying out a plan for the day of the shoot.

how to make a business plan for film

Double click the  Call Sheet  board to open it.

Add the location and background information

Add background information about the shoot for your talent and crew. Next, add the location of the shoot and any details that will help people arrive safely and on time. Explain where the parking options are, nearby public transport and any details about to get into the building.

how to make a business plan for film

Add a note to describe the project.

Embed a Google map to show the location.

Drag a link card onto your board

Copy the share link from Google Maps, paste it into the link card in Milanote and press Enter.

List your talent & crew

Who's involved in your shoot? List your talent and crew along with their contact details. This will save you hunting around for phone numbers when plans inevitably change on the day. Next, add any specific arrival times so each person knows exactly when they're expected.

how to make a business plan for film

Add a note for the details of your crew.

Drag a note card into your board

Outline the schedule.

Probably the most important part is the schedule—specifically the general crew call time. The general crew call time is when everyone needs to arrive on location. Under this, add the key events for the day so everyone can clearly see what's on and when. Don't forget lunch!

how to make a business plan for film

Add a note to describe each activity on the schedule.

Drag a note card into your column

Refine & share with your team.

Once you have everything you need, it's time to organize your call sheet so it's easy to scan. Then share it with your team so everyone can start preparing for the shoot.

how to make a business plan for film

Create a column for each part of your call sheet.

Name it, then drag any relevant notes or images into your column.

Publish and share the call sheet with your team.

Add a welcome message to your board.

Write a welcome message under the "Publish & share" menu. This will display the first time someone views your board.

You're all done!

Hopefully, this guide has helped you become more organized during the pre-production stage. If you're just starting a new shoot, use the Film Pre-production Plan template below to get set up in minutes.

Plan your next film

Get all 6 film pre-productions templates FREE in our filmmakers pack.

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Filmmaking Lifestyle

Film Production Company Business Plan: The Complete Guide

how to make a business plan for film

The process of film production is a long and arduous one. It starts with the writing stage, where screenplays are written by a writer or multiple writers.

The screenplay typically has at least three acts that have to be edited for pacing and story development purposes. Once the script is finished, it’s time for pre-production!

There’s a lot of misconception about what film production really entails. This article will clear up some of the misconceptions and give you an idea of what it is like on set, as well as how to break into the industry.


What is a film production company business plan.

A film production company business plan is a document that can help you to get investors and loans from banks, but it’s also useful for you to see if your idea is viable. It helps you determine if it’s worth investing money, time, and effort.

Film production company business plans are documents that should be created before starting the business.

They will help you gain investors so you can start your film production company and make money out of your films.

A business plan should have all the necessary information about your film company , including the mission statement, executive summary, market analysis, funding request, financial projections, and management team.

Starting a film production company is an exciting venture that blends creative storytelling with the thrill of entrepreneurship.

Crafting a solid business plan is our roadmap to success, ensuring we navigate the complex landscape of the film industry with confidence.

We’ll jump into the essentials of a film production company business plan, from financial projections to marketing strategies.

Stick with us to learn how to lay the groundwork for a thriving production company that’s ready to take on Hollywood.

how to make a business plan for film

Executive Summary

When embarking on the exhilarating journey of starting a film production company, the executive summary stands as a pivotal introduction to the business plan.

It provides a snapshot of the company’s vision and objectives, ensuring that potential investors or partners grasp the core of what we’re building.

In our executive summary, we’ll outline the major points that distinguish our company, such as our unique storytelling capabilities and innovative distribution strategies.

We hone in on our competitive advantage – a blend of seasoned industry professionals and fresh talent that pushes the envelope of what’s possible in film.

We’ll also touch upon our foundational goals:

  • Captivate a diverse audience with groundbreaking narratives,
  • Create a slate of projects that showcase profitability and creative ingenuity,
  • Establish a brand synonymous with quality entertainment.

Financial plans are succinctly summarized to demonstrate the strategic allocation of resources and the anticipated financial trajectory.

Here, investors will find confidence in our capability to manage budgets effectively and produce high-return projects.

Marketing strategies are briefly yet powerfully presented, showcasing how we plan to penetrate the market and gain substantial traction.

We outline our approach to leveraging social media , partnerships, and film festivals to amplify our presence and stake our claim in a crowded industry.

Each element of our executive summary is designed to pique interest and invite deeper exploration into our full business plan.

Through it, we lay the foundation for a dialogue with stakeholders that could translate into lasting support for our creative endeavours.

Company Overview

In the heart of our business plan lies the comprehensive Company Overview section, a detailed portrait of who we are and what we stand for.

As seasoned filmmakers at Filmmaking Lifestyle, we take pride in our ability to tell gripping stories through the lens of our cameras.

We offer a range of filmmaking services, but here’s a snapshot of our core offerings:

  • Narrative Film Production – Our signature offering includes developing and producing feature films that resonate with audiences globally.
  • Commercial Video Production – We craft compelling marketing videos that help brands tell their stories and engage with their target demographic.
  • Innovative Content Creation – With the digital space evolving rapidly, we stay ahead of trends producing content that stands out in crowded platforms.

Our mission goes beyond the visual aesthetics; it’s about weaving narratives that leave a lasting impact.

how to make a business plan for film

Each project is an opportunity for us to push the envelope in creative storytelling.

At the core of our operation, we strive to achieve a convergence of artistic vision and commercial viability.

Anchored by a team of dedicated professionals, we bring diverse perspectives and skills to every production.

This synergy creates a fertile ground for innovative filmmaking.

Our work ethic revolves around a relentless pursuit of excellence and a commitment to staying on top of the latest industry advancements.

Focused on scaling our film production capabilities, we’re actively exploring emerging technologies and distribution channels to enhance our impact in the industry.

We’re all about staying ahead of the curve, making sure our films are not just seen, but remembered and revered.

With a portfolio that spans various genres and styles, our flexibility allows us to tailor our approach to each unique project.

Collaboration is key – by joining forces with talented writers, directors, and producers, we amplify our ability to craft unforgettable cinematic experiences.

Investing in our growth, we’ve equipped ourselves with state-of-the-art equipment and editing suites, ensuring professionalism and efficiency in our production workflow.

how to make a business plan for film

Convergence of art and technology is critical in our approach and is reflected in every piece of content we produce.

eventually, our Company Overview is not just an introduction to who we are; it’s an open invitation to jump deeper into the possibilities and potent potential of partnering with Filmmaking Lifestyle.

We’re here to bring visions to life and curate a portfolio of work that speaks volumes of our passion for filmmaking.

Vision And Mission

how to make a business plan for film

Matt Crawford

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Iam having a movie by the name from the streets to the world

how to make a business plan for film

Best of luck, Kelvin!

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Matt .. would you have template of the Biz Plan .. and are you Fine with sharing the same? – AMAAN

Here’s an idea for a template:

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Writing a Film Business Plan: What Should I Include?

Picture of calculator, glasses, and papers

Film business plans. Whether you’ve learned how to make one in film school or not, it’s likely that it’s an essential aspect of your production that you could be overlooking at your own risk.

Those involved in making movies tend to be creative folk and view spending hours pouring over figures on a spreadsheet as anathema to the craft. Even some of the pros dread this unavoidable task… and don’t think that you’re not “pro” enough to get away without doing one.

Even if you’re operating on a micro-budget , it’s still a good idea to get to grips with the best practices of compiling a solid film business plan. It’ll help keep you right on path, it’s good practice for your future career, and it might just help you see the bigger picture and drive you to finish the project.

Today, we’re going to take the sting out of the tail by offering some guidance on how to get started.

You’ll also be pleased to hear that it’s nowhere near as arduous a task as it may seem, which brings us onto our first business plan tip:

However You Start, Make Sure You Start

As is often experienced in screenwriting , putting pen to paper in the first place is usually the hard part. Once you get going, you find your brain kicking into high gear (sometimes to the extent that it’s hard to stop typing!)

The same is true of film business plans. Initially, you might feel like the proverbial rabbit in headlights with no idea how you can possibly account for what you might be spending in the future. However, by starting with the very basic and known figures you do have, you’ll slowly begin to break the back of the spreadsheet and the rest should follow naturally.

And remember, you can always go back and revise things, so don’t be afraid to start jotting down random numbers with the intent to refine them at a later date.

Consider Your Audience

Not the movie’s audience; we’re talking about the people who are most interested in your film business plan.

Screen Shot 2016-01-21 at 11.45.07 AM

Don’t make the classic mistake of assuming investors and potential production collaborators want to see every dime and nickel accounted for, because they really don’t.

What they want you to answer as concisely (and accurately) as possible is this: H ow are you going to sell the movie, and what will be the return on investment?

And that’s it. Everything else is secondary.

Of course, you’ll probably want to keep a more detailed plan for your own reference and that can be produced if requested, but strip out extraneous details that won’t be of interest to an investor (they don’t want to know the hourly rates of every show runner working on set; they just want to know how much it’ll all cost.)

There are a few more sub-sets of this question that you’ll probably tackle along the way, including:

  • How are you spending the cash?
  • Why is this film sellable right now?
  • What is your sales/marketing strategy?
  • What share of the proceeds will you receive?
  • What share of the proceeds will investors get?
  • Are there any perks to investing in this film?

Thinking about these questions will get you ready to pitch your movie efficiently at the drop of a hat, and will help shape your business plan as you put it together. There are a number of other questions over on the Raindance website which you can expect investors to ask, so do check those out.

Calculator and pen

And on the topic of how to go about answering a potential investor’s concerns…

What Should I Include?

The following is by no means exhaustive (and not all of it may be necessary for your particular business plan), but here’s the meat and potatoes that most filmmakers use to convey their pitch:

Outline: A very brief summary of the screenplay — ideally just your logline — and some key figures regarding financial requirements. Bullet points regarding your previous work (or any notable team members) may be of benefit but only if they really are selling points, otherwise, brevity is preferred.

Shooting Schedule: A detailed plan outlining every expected cost behind each scene of the screenplay, including any props needed, cost of travel to locations, and compensation to crew members. A highly important part of the business plan which you may want to work on with the rest of the team, this will be the foundation of an accurate budget projection.

Production Budget: The shooting schedule total, plus the overall production expenditure of the movie.

Marketing Plan: The movie’s target demographics, how you’re going to get it in front of them, and how much that advertizing will cost, as well as conversion rates between how many people you’re expecting to reach and how many of those will go see the movie/buy the DVD.

Distribution Plan: The costs, profits, and expected reach of physical media sales (and the same for online streaming.) If you have details regarding the profits you’re hoping to make from rights sales, this is the place to add them.

Revenue/Profit Projections: Based on extensive market research (rather than guesswork or comparing your film to something similar that was released back in 1992), here you’ll get the chance to really hook the investor by outlaying expected profits and how much of those they’ll receive.

Letters of Intent: A hugely valued part of the business plan which can really pull an investor. Don’t just stop at crew members; letters of intent from other investors really inspire confidence, and don’t forget to also hit up relevant insurance companies covering the production.

31-365 (Year 8) Accounts

You’ll want to close the package off with your executive summary— one or two pages delving more extensively into why the screenplay is a winner, the talent working on the movie and why the investor would be a fool to miss out (although not in those words, obviously!)

In Conclusion…

Rather than seeing your film business plan as an unavoidable headache, instead see it for what it is, i.e the tool you need to attract funding. Sounds a lot more alluring that way, doesn’t it?

Stay focused and get your film business plan nailed down as a matter of priority. The sooner you do, the sooner you can focus on the task at hand: getting to work on your big idea.

Best of luck!

[su_note]Learn more about the Film School at the New York Film Academy by clicking here .[/su_note]


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  2. FREE 11+ Sample Film Business Plan Templates in MS Word

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  3. FREE 11+ Sample Film Business Plan Templates in MS Word

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  4. FREE 11+ Sample Film Business Plan Templates in MS Word

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  5. How to Write a 4-Part Film Business Plan That Gets You Funding

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  6. Film Business Plan Template in Pages, Word, Google Docs, PDF

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    Let's go through the content of each section in more detail! 1. The executive summary. The first section of your cinema's business plan is the executive summary which provides, as its name suggests, an enticing summary of your plan which should hook the reader and make them want to know more about your business.

  20. Film Business Plan

    No investors, no pitch meetings, and a barebone idea for a script. A film business plan is for a very specific group of filmmakers. Those who take their craft and careers seriously. At some point, you have to move on from creating short films and next to nothing features that never get any attention. You have that one script that you feel in ...

  21. Movie Investor Package

    Finished my deck on Friday. Got it into a few potential investor's hands over the weekend, and by Monday had 3 out of the 10 available memberships spoken for at $160K each.The revenue projections and film comparable services by NASH, along with the business plan and pitch deck templates were instrumental in presenting the project in such a way that financially minded potential investors ...

  22. Video Production Business Plan Example

    4.1.5 Strategic Alliances. The company plans to form strategic alliances with clients who require a freelancer to cover various events for them. Michael's Video Service will also develop strategic alliances with video production companies and work with them as a sub-contractor.

  23. Write Your Film Business Plan

    The film business plan template is a step-by-step guide so you understand your film as a business proposition to film investors. We walk you through the nuts and bolts of your project, and the business side of the film industry, so you present the investment opportunity in the best light possible, without compromising your creativity.

  24. How To Create A Movie Marketing Plan (The Ultimate Guide)

    Week 02 - Your Movie Website. Week 03 - Attract Your Audience. Week 04 - Always Track Everything. Week 05 - Movie Marketing Refined. Week 06 - Movie Site SEO. Week 07 - Create Relevant Content. Week 08 - Build More Buzz. Week 09 - Leverage Social Networks. Week 10 - Launch Your Film.

  25. How to Plan a Film: The six essential steps of film pre-production

    Project planSet up a place to plan your project. 2. BrainstormingTransform an initial idea into something big. 3. MoodboardOrganize inspiration & references. 4. StoryboardVisualize the key parts of your film. 5. Shot listPlan each shot you need.

  26. Lessons For Production Companies From A First-Time Film Producer

    Interestingly, my biggest takeaway from the filmmaking process has been to let the authenticity of the narrative shine through naturally; that becomes the secret ingredient. Collaborate with the ...

  27. Skylight Film and Video Production: Business Plan Overview

    CONTENT CREATION BUSINESS PLAN 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY One art that demands a lot of talents is film making. This is done to ensure that only the best is produced. A one-stop shop for conventional film and video production, Skylight Film and Video Production Company is fully furnished with the most recent equipment available. Our film and video production studio will be situated in the center of ...

  28. Film Production Company Business Plan: The Complete Guide

    Film Production Company Business Plan: The Complete Guide. Matt Crawford 4. The process of film production is a long and arduous one. It starts with the writing stage, where screenplays are written by a writer or multiple writers. The screenplay typically has at least three acts that have to be edited for pacing and story development purposes.

  29. Welcome to the Purdue Online Writing Lab

    Mission. The Purdue On-Campus Writing Lab and Purdue Online Writing Lab assist clients in their development as writers—no matter what their skill level—with on-campus consultations, online participation, and community engagement. The Purdue Writing Lab serves the Purdue, West Lafayette, campus and coordinates with local literacy initiatives.

  30. Writing a Film Business Plan: What Should I Include?

    A highly important part of the business plan which you may want to work on with the rest of the team, this will be the foundation of an accurate budget projection. Production Budget: The shooting schedule total, plus the overall production expenditure of the movie. Marketing Plan: The movie's target demographics, how you're going to get it ...