Mother-Child Relationship – Psychology Essay

In the article, Butler and Shalit-Nager conducted a study to establish the gender patterns as far as the relationship between the child and the mother is concerned. They aimed at ascertaining the claim that girls tend to show interpersonal concern to their mothers when compared to boys.

In the article, they adopted the previous findings claiming that boys differ from girls as regards the relationship with mothers in the sense that they are inactive when it comes to expressing and promoting their mother’s welfare (Butler, & Shalit-Naggar, 2008).

Bowen’s theory is effectively employed in discussing family relations, and it could be used in explaining the relationship between the mother and the child, irrespective of the gender. According to Bowen, the relationship between the mother and children in family interactions could be comprehended in terms of the emotional unit and system thinking is the only valid model of explaining the actions of members. Additionally, this form of interaction is complex in the sense that the parent is strongly attached psychologically to the child.

In this regard, a child might feel detached from the parent, but this is just an emotion and not a reality. Therefore, the mother has the capability of affecting the thoughts, feelings, and actions of the child to the extent that she appears as if she lives under the same emotional skin with either the daughter or the son.

The theory suggests that the mother will try as much as possible to solicit attention, endorsement, and backing from the son or the daughter while the child on the other will do everything possible to respond positively to the parent’s prospects and needs.

The scholars employed one of the most effective methods in the field of psychology referred to as the projective method, which is known to collect accurate information that plays a role in understanding the human interactions and interrelations. Through the method, the nature and the context of the mother-child relationship are easily understood since children are given the opportunity to explain their views through narration.

The researcher could simply compare the child’s narratives and the sensitive maternal concern that could establish whether the relationship is strong. The work is relevant to the field of psychology since it suggests the stories of children could be employed effectively in understanding their views towards their mothers.

Many studies hypothesize that girls are likely to be responsive and concerned with the aspirations of their mothers, but boys never care about what happens to their mothers at a tender age since they do not like them. In the study, the two researchers established that children explain the nature of the relationship existing between them and their mothers, but girls tend to express concern as opposed to boys.

The research findings do not suggest something new in the field, but they simply clarify some of the contentious issues that many psychologists are yet to find answers. The findings propose that girls are close to their mothers, mainly because they help them in fulfilling their future maternal responsibilities. On the other hand, their findings never confirmed the claim that mothers show more love for daughters than boys.

The only thing that brings daughters close to their mothers is the fact that they share similar features and responsibilities in society. The conclusions of the study have practical implications for the field of personality since counselors and other experts specializing in family therapy would employ the model successfully in resolving issues. They will be aware that mothers are never caring to girls alone, but instead, they are concerned with the welfares of their children, irrespective of gender.

Unlike the first study, the second one does not link the relationship between daughters and their mothers to the failures or successes in life. Researchers in the first study established a strong correlation between the relationship of daughters and their fathers and the outcome of future behavior. In terms of credibility, the second study could be applied across cultures meaning that the method applied is parsimonious, something that the first article lacked.

The sample used in the first study was insufficient and could not measure what it intended to do, but the second study had various subsets that validate its findings. The findings of the first article established that the father plays a critical role in the life of the daughter, but the second study never established any strong correlation.

An article by Byrd-Craven, Auer, Granger, and Massey suggested that the relationship between the father and the daughter could be understood through the application of the motivational theory as suggested by Skinner, but this study makes to embrace the Bowen’s theory that suggests the understanding of family relations through thinking.

Based on this, the first study would easily suffer from a credibility test just as any motivational theories and studies, but this article is considered strong because of using family systems theory advanced by Bowen. Without credibility, a study is likely to invite criticism leading to inaccurate judgment and conclusions.

Butler, R., & Shalit-Naggar, R. (2008). Gender and Patterns of Concerned Responsiveness in Representations of the Mother – Daughter and Mother – Son Relationship. Child Development, 79 (4), 836-851.

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IvyPanda. (2020, March 30). Mother-Child Relationship - Psychology.

"Mother-Child Relationship - Psychology." IvyPanda , 30 Mar. 2020,

IvyPanda . (2020) 'Mother-Child Relationship - Psychology'. 30 March.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Mother-Child Relationship - Psychology." March 30, 2020.

1. IvyPanda . "Mother-Child Relationship - Psychology." March 30, 2020.


IvyPanda . "Mother-Child Relationship - Psychology." March 30, 2020.

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Why Mothers Matter: The Indispensable Role of Moms in Child Development

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From the moment a child is born, their world revolves around their mother. She is their first teacher, their first friend, and their first love. The bond between a mother and her child is like nothing else in the world. It’s a relationship that shapes the course of a child’s life, impacting everything from their physical health to their emotional well-being, cognitive abilities, and social skills .

In this blog post, we’ll explore the indispensable role of mothers in child development — a topic that holds great importance not just for parents and families, but also for educators, healthcare professionals, policymakers, and society as a whole.

So, whether you’re a mother seeking validation for your tireless efforts, a father wanting to appreciate the mother of your children more, or simply someone interested in child psychology, this post is for you. Let’s delve into the world of mothers and their irreplaceable impact on child development.

In This Article

The Biological Role of Mothers

Emotional development, cognitive development, social development, the modern mother’s role, actionable tips for mothers.

The connection between a mother and her child begins long before the child is born. From the moment of conception, a unique biological bond is formed that lays the foundation for the child’s future health and development.

A. The Biological Connection

During pregnancy, a mother provides not just physical nourishment, but also a secure environment for the baby to grow. This biological connection extends beyond birth through breastfeeding, where mothers provide their infants with essential nutrients, antibodies, and hormones that contribute to healthy growth and immune system development.

B. Maternal Health and Child Development

The health of a mother can significantly impact the development of her child. For instance, maternal nutrition during pregnancy is crucial for the baby’s brain development and can influence cognitive abilities later in life. Similarly, a mother’s mental health , particularly stress levels and emotional state, can also affect the child’s development. Studies have shown that prolonged exposure to high-stress environments during pregnancy can potentially impact a child’s development, including their ability to manage stress in adulthood.

However, it’s important to note that while a mother’s health plays a significant role in a child’s development, it’s just one piece of a complex puzzle. Other factors such as genetics, environmental influences, and postnatal care also contribute to how a child develops. In the next sections, we’ll take a closer look at how mothers influence their children’s emotional, cognitive, and social development.

One of the most profound ways mothers influence their children is through emotional development. From the earliest stages of life, a child looks to their mother for comfort, guidance, and understanding. This relationship plays a significant role in shaping a child’s emotional growth.

A. The Role of Mothers in Emotional Development

Mothers are often the primary caregivers, providing the first model of emotional behavior for their children. Through their reactions, expressions, and interactions, mothers teach their children how to identify, understand, and manage their emotions. When a child experiences distress, a mother’s comforting presence can help them feel safe and understood, fostering their ability to regulate their own emotions over time.

Additionally, the quality of the mother-child relationship can impact a child’s future emotional health. A secure attachment with the mother has been linked to higher self-esteem, better relationship skills, and lower risk of anxiety and depression later in life.

B. Real-Life Examples

Consider a simple scenario where a toddler falls and scrapes their knee. A mother’s response to this situation – offering comfort, validating the child’s pain, and helping them calm down – teaches the child that it’s okay to express pain and seek comfort. Over time, these experiences accumulate, helping the child learn to navigate their emotions effectively.

In another example, consider a teenager facing peer pressure. If they have grown up with a mother who has consistently provided emotional support, they are more likely to possess the emotional resilience and self-confidence to withstand such pressures.

Cognitive development refers to the growth of a child’s ability to think, learn, reason, and problem-solve. Mothers play an essential role in nurturing these skills from a child’s earliest days.

Here are some studies that highlight the influence of mothers on cognitive development:

  • Mothers’ and fathers’ sensitivity and children’s cognitive development in low-income, rural families: This study examines the effects of maternal and paternal caregiving on children’s cognitive development. It suggests that the caregiving practices of mothers and fathers can have spillover effects on their children’s cognitive growth. Source
  • The effect of postpartum depression on child cognitive development and behavior: A review and critical analysis of the literature: This review suggests that postpartum depression (PPD) may impact a child’s cognitive development, reinforcing the importance of a mother’s mental health on her child’s development. Source
  • The cognitive development of 5-year-old children of postnatally depressed mothers: This research indicates that the mother-child relationship may modify any earlier effects on child cognitive development, highlighting the importance of maternal mental health and the quality of the mother-child relationship. Source
  • The influence of mothers’ and fathers’ sensitivity in the first year of life on children’s cognitive outcomes at 18 and 36 months: This study indicates that parental sensitivity can positively impact children’s language and cognitive development. Source
  • Infants’ persistence and mothers’ teaching as predictors of toddlers’ cognitive development: This study explores how maternal teaching can contribute to cognitive development in early childhood . Source

These studies collectively suggest that mothers play a significant role in their children’s cognitive development, emphasizing the importance of their mental health, caregiving practices, and the quality of their relationship with their children.

Social development is a crucial aspect of a child’s overall growth, encompassing their ability to interact, communicate, empathize, and form relationships with others. Mothers play a pivotal role in shaping these skills from the child’s infancy.

A. Mothers’ Influence on Social Skills and Behaviors

Mothers contribute significantly to their children’s social development in various ways. They are often the first ones to teach children about communication, both verbal and non-verbal. By responding to a baby’s coos and smiles, a mother encourages the child to express themselves and interact with the world around them.

As children grow older, mothers help them understand complex emotions, teaching them how to express these feelings appropriately. They also guide children in developing empathy by encouraging them to consider other people’s feelings.

Additionally, through their own behavior, mothers model essential social skills like sharing, cooperation, and respect. For example, when a mother shares a toy with a toddler and encourages the toddler to do the same with their peers, she is teaching the child about sharing and fairness.

B. Long-Term Impacts of a Mother’s Influence

The social skills that children learn from their mothers can have lasting impacts on their social development. Children who are taught empathy, kindness, and effective communication tend to have better relationships with their peers as they grow older.

Moreover, children who observe their mothers handling conflicts calmly and respectfully may learn to do the same in their interactions, contributing to healthier relationships in adulthood.

Here are some research studies that highlight the role of mothers in their children’s social development:

  • Maternal sensitivity and social support predict child’s social competence: This study suggests that maternal sensitivity and social support can predict a child’s social competence, emphasizing the role of mothers in shaping their children’s social behaviors . Source
  • Mother-child and father-child play interaction: The importance of parental playfulness as a moderator of the links between parental behavior and child negativity: This study indicates that playful interactions between mothers and their children can contribute to the development of positive social behaviors in children. Source
  • The impact of woman abuse on children’s social development: Research and theoretical perspectives: While this study focuses on the negative effects of woman abuse, it also underscores the influence of mothers on children’s social development, both positive and negative. Source
  • The Syracuse University Family Development Research Program: Long-Range Impact of an Early Intervention with Low-Income Children and Their Families: This research highlights how consistent contact and guidance from mothers can significantly impact a child’s social development. Source
  • In the mix, yet on the margins: The place of families in urban neighborhood and child development research: This study underscores the role of mothers in fostering social competence in their children, particularly in challenging environments. Source
  • Emotion regulation as a scientific construct: Methodological challenges and directions for child development research: This research establishes a link between mother-child interaction and the development of emotion regulation—a key social skill—in children. Source

These studies collectively highlight the critical role mothers play in shaping their children’s social skills and behaviors.

The role of mothers has significantly evolved over time, influenced by societal changes, advancements in technology, shifts in family structures, and evolving views on parenting.

A. Evolution of the Mother’s Role

Historically, mothers were primarily responsible for nurturing and caring for their children. However, over time, this role has greatly expanded. Today’s mothers often juggle multiple roles – they are not only caregivers but also breadwinners, educators, coaches, and more.

With the rise of dual-income households, many mothers now balance work and family responsibilities. Additionally, the increasing recognition of early childhood education’s importance has led mothers to play a more active role in their children’s cognitive and academic development.

Furthermore, societal shifts towards gender equality have led to a redistribution of parenting responsibilities, with fathers becoming more involved in child-rearing. This has allowed mothers to pursue personal interests and careers, redefining motherhood beyond traditional caregiving roles.

B. Current Societal Expectations and Pressures

Despite these positive shifts, modern mothers face unique challenges and pressures. Society often expects mothers to excel in all their roles – to be perfect parents, successful professionals, and fulfill their personal aspirations, often without adequate support or resources.

Mothers may face societal judgment for their parenting choices, such as decisions about work, childcare, or discipline strategies. They are often expected to instinctively know how to care for their children and may face criticism if they seek help or advice.

Moreover, the constant exposure to idealized images of motherhood on social media can exacerbate feelings of inadequacy and pressure. Mothers may feel compelled to compare themselves to these unrealistic standards, leading to stress and guilt.

Here are several research studies that explore the evolution of a mother’s role over time:

  • Mothers of the new generation: This study explores how the role of mothers evolved in Germany during the early 20th century, including shifts towards advocating for mothers’ rights and changes in Western ideas of motherhood. Source
  • The long-term evolution of the family structure of teenage and older mothers: This study examines the changing roles and experiences of teenage and older mothers over time, suggesting shifts in societal norms and expectations. Source
  • How Moroccan mothers and fathers view child development and their role in their children’s education: This research provides insight into how mothers’ roles in their children’s education have evolved in Morocco, highlighting cultural shifts and changes in parental involvement. Source
  • Mothers’ involvement in caring for their premature infants: an historical overview: This study traces the evolution of mothers’ roles in caring for premature infants, from the development of the incubator to present times, emphasizing the growing recognition of mothers’ critical role in early mother-infant relationships. Source

These studies collectively highlight how the role of mothers has evolved over time, shaped by societal, cultural, and technological changes .

Navigating motherhood can be a challenging yet rewarding journey. Here are some practical tips to support your child’s development and manage the complexities of modern motherhood:

Practical Advice for Supporting Child Development

  • Create a Nurturing Environment : Provide a safe, loving, and stimulating environment for your child. Encourage exploration, creativity, and learning through play.
  • Be Present and Engaged : Quality time is essential. Be present during interactions with your child, whether you’re playing, reading a book, or simply talking about their day.
  • Promote Open Communication : Foster an environment where your child feels comfortable expressing their thoughts and emotions. This will enhance their emotional intelligence and strengthen your bond.
  • Encourage Independence : Allow your child to do tasks on their own, like dressing up or tidying their toys. This helps build their confidence and self-reliance.
  • Model Positive Behavior : Children learn by imitation, so model the behaviors and attitudes you want them to adopt, such as empathy, kindness, and patience.

Encouragement and Reassurance for Mothers

  • Embrace Your Unique Journey : There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to motherhood. Each family is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Trust your instincts and don’t be swayed by comparison.
  • Ask for Help When Needed : It’s okay to seek help. Whether it’s from your partner, family, friends, or professionals, don’t hesitate to ask for support when you need it.
  • Take Care of Yourself : Remember that self-care isn’t selfish. Taking time to rest and recharge can make you a better parent. You can’t pour from an empty cup.
  • Celebrate Small Wins : Motherhood is filled with small but significant victories. Celebrate them. Every step your child takes towards growth is a testament to your hard work.
  • Be Kind to Yourself : You’re doing the best you can, and that’s enough. Don’t beat yourself up over mistakes or imperfections. Motherhood is a learning process, and every day is a new opportunity to grow alongside your child.

Remember, while motherhood can be challenging, it’s also one of the most enriching experiences. You’re doing an amazing job, and you’re the perfect mother for your child.

Throughout this discussion, we’ve explored the multifaceted role of mothers in child development, underscoring their crucial influence on their children’s cognitive, emotional, and social growth. Mothers guide their children’s early learning experiences, shape their emotional understanding, and help them develop essential social skills and behaviors.

In the modern world, the role of mothers has evolved significantly, encompassing not just caregiving but also professional responsibilities, educational involvement, and personal pursuits. However, this expansion of roles comes with unique societal expectations and pressures that modern mothers must navigate.

Despite these challenges, there are practical strategies that mothers can employ to support their children’s development effectively. These include creating a nurturing environment, promoting open communication, encouraging independence, and modeling positive behaviors. It’s also essential for mothers to embrace their unique parenting journey, seek help when needed, prioritize self-care, and celebrate small victories.

Once you have mastered such elements of parenting, you might even like to earn a degree in child psychology to delve deeper into things like children’s mental and emotional development. But before you check out child psychology jobs , make sure it is the right path for you.

In closing, while the journey of motherhood may be filled with challenges and pressures, it’s important to remember the significant impact mothers have on their children’s development. Mothers play an irreplaceable role in shaping the next generation, and their efforts deserve recognition, support, and celebration. To all mothers out there, remember that you’re doing an incredible job, and every step you take contributes to your child’s journey towards becoming a well-rounded individual.

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The Bond Between Mother and Child and Its Psychological Significance

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