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Americanism Essay Contest local winners

why i am proud to be an american essay contest winners

Ivy Gutierrez and Nova Benford, students at Grass Lake Elementary School District 36 in Antioch, were the winners of the local Americanism Essay contest sponsored by the Waukegan American Legion Auxiliary.

Both students are seventh graders and classmates in Danielle Boliaux’s social studies class at Grass Lake. The subject of their essays was “Why I am Proud to be an American.”

Ivy Gutierrez won first place and Nova Benford won second place.

Mary Ann Petruska, Americanism Chair, presented checks issued from the Waukegan American Legion Auxiliary Unit 281 to the students.

As the first-place winner, Ivy’s essay will be forwarded to the next contest level, which is the district level of the essay competition of the American Legion Auxiliary.

For more information about the American Legion Auxiliary and its activities, contact Mary Klinefelter, at (708) 288-5854.

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On June 14, 1885, Bernard J. Cigrand, a 19-year-old teacher at Stony Hill School placed a 10-inch, 38 star flag on his desk.  He asked his students to write an essay in reflection of what this flag meant to them.  The National Flag Day Foundation aims to keep this patriotic tradition alive.

why i am proud to be an american essay contest winners

Be Inspired!! 2024 Winning Essays

"what does the american flag mean to me", grades 4-5:    1st - neel sood            2nd - lila smith, grades 6-7: 1st - ryan spang   2nd - jayce karmasin, grades 8-12:     1st - morgan belger       2nd - kristina raevsky.


2023 Essay Contest Winners

Grades 4 and 5

First Place Winner: Oliver Grogan, Oconomowoc, WI

Second Place Winner: Kirra Robbins, Reno, NV

Grades 6 and 7

First Place Winner: Benjamin Wu, University Place, WA

Second Place Winner: Benjamin Hallett, Grafton, WI

Grades 8-12

First Place Winner: Vania Munjar, Atlanta, GA

Second Place Winner: Zakary Miller, Fredonia, WI

2023 Winning Essays

First place - grades 4 & 5 oliver grogan, oconomowoc, wi.

The American flag is a very patriotic symbol.  To me, it is more than that though.  It represents the blood, sweat, and tears of all the men and women who willingly laid down their lives for our nation and our freedom.  To me, the flag represents freedom, justice, and hope.  I am proud to say that I am an American and that our nation truly represents freedom and equality.  I know that here I can go to sleep knowing that I am safe.  I think it's incredible that we started off with a flag and country with only thirteen colonies and thirteen stars.  And now we have grown to be a country with fifty states and fifty stars.  It's truly amazing to look back and see all of the progress we have made! That is what the American flag means to me! I am extremely proud to be an American!

Second Place - Grades 4 & 5 Kirra Robbins, Reno, NV

What does the U.S. flag mean to me? To me, our flag is more than just an ordinary flag, our flag is much more.  From the red and white stripes, to the stars, to the flag's thirteen folds, it shows we are free.  It is a symbol of independence, liberty, and freedom.  It is a symbol of the soldiers that sacrificed their life to protect this country and our flag.  The flag reminds us of all the blood, sweat, and tears shed to make this country the free country it is today.  I hope whenever someone sees the U.S. flag they are reminded of all this.  This is what the United States of America flag means to me. 

First Place - Grades 6 & 7 Benjamin Wu, University Place, WA

Every time my family drives on highway I-5, our eyes are drawn to an enormous flag, dancing in the wind, proudly on display from a local business.  On holidays, my neighborhood is adorned with many smaller flags, forming a sea of stars and stripes.  The American flag is truly the People's flag, symbolizing the people's value of liberty, valor, and hope.

When Betsy Ross was asked to design the first US flag in 1777, it showed that a free country was formed.  With time passing by, it has become a beacon of freedom and liberties for people around the world.  They come under this flag because our land is free, just, and full of opportunities.  The flag also stands for valor.  Valor of soldiers, fighting in bloody wars for our country, to protect its honor and to protect us from harm.  The flag also symbolizes hope.  Hope is ingrained into the creation of our flag.  When the flag was born, war was raging, and only the hope that led to our perseverance saved our country.  So in dark times, we can look towards the flag, and feel the hope it represents.

Because of all the great values the flag stands for, we fondly make it a part of our daily lives; as students, every school day morning, we salute to the flag with the pledge of allegiance: "...One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." It is why I'm so proud to be an American.

Second Place - Grades 6 & 7 Benjamin Hallett, Grafton, WI

The American flag is a symbol of freedom.  It has flown through many battles in our country's history.  When I see our majestic flag billowing in the wind, I remember the soldiers who have given everything to protect us, our country, and our precious freedom.  As the flag ripples and casts its shadow over us, it shows that we are always safe behind our brave men and women in all branches of the military.  The flag is a symbol of our powerful country and that under God, our country will thrive.  Our flag encourages us to keep going, whether it's flying over a farm or a battlefield, we keep persevering for our beloved country.  The bold colors of crisp red, deep blue, and pure white shows the boldness of our country. It reminds me of the bravery of my family, my father, grandfathers, and great grandfathers who have served for our great country.  I will never forget the day when we were at Mount Rushmore in South Dakota and they invited the veterans up. My dad went up and they selected him to fold the flag that night.  I was so proud.  We have made it our tradition to get a new flag and put it up every Memorial Day. Our flag symbolizes the bravery and selflessness many have shown for our country.  The tough decisions and split second choices have all led to what our country is today. The flag is a reminder of how much I love my country.

First Place - Grades 8-12 Vania Munjar, Atlanta, GA

The American flag is one of the most recognizable symbols in the world.  Its colors and design are instantly recognizable, and it has become a symbol of freedom and opportunity.  The flag is more than just a piece of cloth; it represents the values and ideals of a nation.  To me, the American flag represents the freedom and opportunity that this country offers.

As an immigrant, India is a country which has limited opportunity and freedom.  The American flag represents the promise of a better life.  It is a symbol of motivation for me to work hard, achieve success, and make a positive impact on the world.  The flag also represents the unity and diversity of the American people, reminding immigrants that they are a part of a larger community that values their contributions and welcomes them with open arms.  I know that America has always been a melting pot of cultures, and the flag represents the diversity of the people who call America home.  It symbolizes the unity of people from all walks of life, who come together to form a nation that is greater than the sum of its parts.

For many, the American flag is a symbol of freedom.  The red stripes on the flag represent the bloodshed of those who have fought for our freedom, while the white stripes symbolize the purity and innocence of the nation.  The blue field with the stars represents the unity of the 50 states and the hope for a brighter future.  The flag is a reminder that freedom is not free, and that it requires sacrifice and hard work.

The American Dream is a concept that is familiar to people all over the world, and the American flag represents the hope and opportunity that this dream provides.  For me and my family the American flag is a symbol of the chance to achieve success, to live a better life, and to make a difference in the world.  Furthermore, the American flag is a reminder that anything is possible in America.  This country has given me the opportunity to be a part of a community that values education, innovation, and hard work.  It has given me the chance to pursue my dreams and to make a positive impact on the world.

In conclusion, the American flag is much more than just a piece of cloth; it is a symbol of the values and ideals that this country represents. It is a reminder of the sacrifices that have been made to protect our freedom and of the opportunities that America provides to those who are willing to work hard and pursue their dreams.  The flag is a symbol of unity, diversity, and hope, and it serves as a reminder that we are all in this together.

Second Place - Grades 8-12 Zakary Miller, Fredonia, WI

What does the American flag mean to me? Ever since my dad fought the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan I've always asked my country to look after him.  I've always asked that our flag would stand high with pride over his head.  Every time to go to a flag burning we show pride and honor for discharging the flags of our fathers.  We try to pull out any of them that aren't ripped, faded, or in any sad condition.  The flag should be taken care of like it's the most precious thing in your life.  We save the flags with 40 stars to restore the originality of our country during the Second World War.

I never thought I would see one of us come from another country in a box with our flag over him.  But that's just how life works.  Our flag means many things like tour loyalty, pride in the country, and even showing respect to those who died for this country, our flag, and our people.  To this day I have shown hope in our flag.  I still fly an American flag either in my room, outside, or in my dad's personal Military garage.  I will never stop giving hope in our country, I will never stop giving hope until our flag is overthrown by another which I believe will never happen.

I'm writing this essay for the countless lives lost over the years, overseas, or even on our soil.  I'm writing this because it's the best way to show how much you mean about our flag.  Writing about what you love most is one of the best ways to show kindness, love, and loyalty to a friend or our flag. What I love most about the proudly earned American flag are the colors that make it pop out from any other country of the 50 stars showing how much land we've managed to salvage just to give our people home and freedom.

Until the time comes our flag will always be standing strong and tall with the might of a thousand suns or the hope in our people to make America better and to soon add more to our precious flag.  But what does the American flag mean to me... it means I know I can go outside and have a smile on my face, it means I can have a well-earned reward for something I do, it means I can look in the sky, and see that our flag is still there flying with all its glory.



Olivia Schmitz – Fredonia, Wisconsin – 4th Grade – 1st Place

This is what the flag means to me. The flag means war, hard work, perseverance, and how people gave their lives for the flag, which represents how much they love the United States of America. The flag means peace, love, and joy. America will always stand united and always fight for what is right in the world, never what is wrong. The flag means to love the place you live and to honor the ones who fought for it. It means everybody everywhere will always be welcomed and get the same treatment as everybody else; it will not matter if your skin is black or if it’s white. What matters most is how you are on the inside and flag will show you that. The flag will guide you through hard times. That’s what the flag means to me.

Desiree Jaicynth Wilson Lao – Reno, Nevada – 5th Grade – 2nd Place

The American Flag was made possible by many wonderful people that have lived before us. The flag was made to bring freedom, liberty, and justice to our country. People may just take a first glance at the flag and not think deeply about what millions of soldiers had suffered through just to fight for the future’s freedom and their family’s freedom. When I take a look, I can feel the pride and freedom run through my veins. “United we Stand, divided we fall,” Lincoln once said. That’s how I feel when I see the flag. It makes me feel proud of my country. If our flag wasn’t here, I may not be standing here this very second. All in all, I am proud and free because of our Flag.

Madi Eckhart – Neenah, Wisconsin – 8th Grade – 1st Place

To me, as to many others, the American flag symbolizes our country’s perseverance and overcomings; the war we fought, the freedom we gained, and the impediments yet to arise. Our flag displays the rightful freedom of our country. It is a sign of refuge for those seeking it. It is a sign of respect for all those who fought for our country and died a hero in doing so. It is a sign of power in our strong leadership, non despotic; the bond that the states share as they work together to run this country. It is a sign of home for many. The American flag is symbolic of our country, of our strifes and overcomings, of our leadership, of our heroes, and of our past. The American flag brings the country together, unites fifty states as one, guides our nation through thick and thin, and carries our country through it all. The flag will forever be the trademark of our country. The first American flag was created by Betsy Ross in 1777. It started off with thirteen stripes and a circle of thirteen patriotic stars in the top left corner. This symbolized the thirteen colonies that made up our country, and the flag has since developed with the country. Today, the flag proudly waves fifty stars, one for every state that constructs the United States. However, these people, this land, was not always a country. It was first under the rule of Great Britain, a powerful country wishing nothing from the 13 colonies but their tax money. War broke out among the colonists and Great Britain in 1775, which led to the making of a new country: The United States of America. The rise of one country left the defeat of another in its wake. Our flag carries the story of a journey to independence in its stripes and flags as it elegantly waves over our victory to this day. Our flag waves proudly today in remembrance of all those who fought for our country. There have been countless wars our country has fought in with much trauma endured, either to defend our own country or protect another. Many have served in the war, and many died in doing so. The American flag waves today to venerate the losses that we carry with us as a country, to honor and lament those who died proudly serving our country, and display their bravery throughout the nation. The American flag means a lot of things to me. It showcases the trials and triumphs our country has walked through together. It stands for a land many are proud to call home. The flag waves to display the bravery of men and women who fought to defend and guard our country. The American flag also tells a story. One of how the United States of American came to be. Of the difficult war we fought for independence, fighting sagaciously, earning our right of freedom. This is what the American flag means to me.

Taylor Browning – Hammond, Wisconsin – 8th Grade – 2nd Place

I s the American Flag just some piece of fabric with red and white stripes, an undersized blue box, and white stars? In contrast, is the flag something that represents freedom and justice in our country? Everyone has a different opinion on what the American flag truly represents for them, but most can agree with the statement that the flag shows the true meaning of being American. Being American does not just mean that you were born in the country and have all the rights that you are given in the Bill of Rights and Constitution. The true representation of being American is the American Flag and how it shows the history all Americans went through. The hard-fought battles of all United States soldiers and the eloquent speeches given by founding fathers, abolitionists, and activists. The American flag not only shows the great times in history that pathed our way, but the pain we had to feel. The exceptional gut-wrenching pain we had to feel after the 9/11 attacks and the attack on Pearl Harbor. Each attack left every American looking for an emblem to bring us back hope. The American flag is the symbol that brought hope during times of pain and times of change in history. The American Flag shows us not only how to be a true Americans, but how America was built. One quote said by Harry S. Truman states, “America was not built on fear. American was built on courage, on imagination, and an unbeatable determination to do the job at hand.” By this quote, the American flag shows us how to have the courage to fight for our freedom and have the determination to get the job done and done well. The flag shows us to imagine the great times that are coming in America and how we can keep America safe for everyone. Courage, Imagination, and unbeatable determination are truly some of the best ways to be a great American. This piece of fabric for some is something that just hangs to show our country as a whole, but to me, it is the true American symbol of life. It shows me how to be a civilized American and how I should help make out country a better place. The American flag is not a political party emblem. It is also not something that should be burned at the hand of somebody who claims they love America. Being a true American is using your courage to fight, your imagination to hope, and unstoppable determination to get the job done to represent the flag. Being a true American is looking at the history the flag shows us and understanding that we have been given this freedom and we cannot take it for granted, because some countries are struggling right now. So I leave you with the thought that, is the American flag just some red and white stripes, an undersized blue box, and white stars that show us justice and freedom?

Nolan Wood – Fredonia, Wisconsin – 7th Grade – 1st Place

The flag is a symbol of freedom. When I stand up for the Pledge of Allegiance every morning and put my hand over my heart. I am thanking all of the brave people who got drafted into the war, unknowing of what would happen overseas. They fought for our people, they fought for our rights, our land, and most of all, our Freedom. Our Freedom is like no one elses. Our Freedom is like nothing any one else will ever have or know. Our Freedom is because of that flag. Because it is still waving through the air. Because of the brave soldiers who fought for this. They saved our flag, they saved our Freedom. That flag with the 50 stars and 13 stripes doesn’t just represent the land of the free, but it represents everything that has ever happened here. It represents the good. It also represents the bad. It represents the brave colonists who came here not knowing what terrors this country might bring. Those brave colonists didn’t care, they built their land, they fought against the people who tried to take all away from them. They had one thought in mind when they fought against the ruthless British army. They were thinking of Freedom. They were thinking of a country that is free. They didn’t know how it would turn out, but they had one sight and they saw it through. In conclusion, the flag means what we have been through, the freedom, and the tremendous loss.

Jersey Borsheim – West Bend, Wisconsin – 6th Grade – 2nd Place

Did you know that there have been 27 different variations of the American flag? The red in the flag represents valor, the white represents innocence, and the blue represents perseverance. Flag Day is a day that honors the American Flag. Here is what that flag means to me. The American Flag means a lot to me. First, it represents freedom. The flag represent the war that American soldiers sacrificed and risked their lives to win, just to give us freedom. Second, when I look at the American Flag, it shows how hard people fought to be who they want, and what they want. In the Pledge of Allegiance, it does say, “With liberty and justice for all.” Another thing I see when I look at the flag is honor. When I look at the flag, I see brave people who made this country what it is. Lastly, I see people living happily together. The Pledge of Allegiance does mention that our amazing country is indivisible. Historical figures fought to make our country that way. The people who fought in the military have served and risked their lives to bring us this world, and meant for everyone to live happily. All in all, the American flag means very much to me. The American Flag that Betsy Ross made on July 14, 1777, is not just a piece of cloth, it is something that represents freedom, honor, and indivisibility. That is what the American Flag means to me.


1st Place: High School

Hannah Lango

I have noticed that lately some people don’t respect the American flag; they say the pledge of allegiance or sing the national anthem without standing and putting their hand over their heart. This bothers me because our flag deserves reverence and respect.  It is a tangible symbol of how our nation was founded, what it is today, and what it will be tomorrow.

To me, the history of America is written on those white stars and crimson stripes.  When I see our flag, I can almost see our founding fathers in a heated discussion over the unjust taxes England is levying on them.  I see Patrick Henry slam his clenched first down on a table as he makes a passionate and eloquent plea for liberty. I see Paul Revere, William Dawes, and Samuel Prescott leaping onto their horses and riding like wildfire to warn their fellow Americans of the approaching British navy. I see Thomas Jefferson presenting the Declaration of Independence to the Continental Congress and John Hancock leaning over the document, quill in hand, as he boldly signs it in his flamboyant penmanship. I see the hush that falls over the colonies as they realize they just picked a fight with the strongest nation on earth. I see the battles that ensued, fought by brave patriots and led by the great General Washington.  And I see the final battle at Yorktown, where Washington trapped the British against the Chesapeake Bay and decisively ended the war, securing independence for the fledgling United States of America.  

It was almost unbelievable. There was no way on earth our untrained militia could have beaten mighty England, but we did.  And the courage, spirit, and sense of justice that drove those early patriots to fight for a better tomorrow is woven into the very fabric of our American flag-red for bravery. White for purity. Blue for justice. 

The flag is the history of America.

Our flag also represents America as it is today-the greatest nation ever in the history of mankind. The country where freedom rings. The country known for upholding justice, defending the oppressed, and fighting tyranny. The land that is respected by the world because of her prosperity and strength. The place where everyone, no matter what your religion or color, has equal opportunity to live the American dream.

The country I am proud to call “home.”

The future of the United States is also symbolized by the flag. You see, the story of America is still being written today-by us. It’s up to us to carry the torch of excellence passed down from the Americans before us. 

During the War of 1812, Francis Scott Key penned the famous words, “O say, does that star spangled banner yet wave o’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?” Despite having been written several hundred years ago, that same question is still relevant today. Obviously, the flag is indeed waving over our nation, but is it flying over a free and brave nation? Twenty years from now, will our flag still symbolize the greatest nation on earth? We must do all we can to ensure that it does. Each and every American has the responsibility to maintain our country’s reputation so that our flag will remain the emblem of power and greatness that it has been every since 1776.

So, in short, our flag represents the past, present, and future of the United States of America. I respect it and love it because it is the symbol of the country I respect and love. It is an honor to live under the American flag, and I hope that someday, at least in part, I can repay my wonderful country for the freedoms and opportunities I have because of it.

2nd place: High School

Jada Straight-Rochwite

What does the American flag mean to me? What does the American flag mean to everyone in the United States? The American Flag has represented freedom, courage, valor, perseverance, justice, innocence, purity and bravery since 1777, but to many of us, it represents much more. 

The American Flag represents my Grandpa who fought in Vietnam; in the Navy, my cousins who enlisted in the Army, and my uncles and aunts who are army veterans.  It represents the time that they spent away from home, the injuries that they sustained, and the children who never got to see their parents again. It represents the letters that I sent to my brother as he was overseas in the Army and the time I spent away from him.  It represents the tears that I shed as he came walking up the stairs of my house to embrace me in a tight hug that lasted for minutes, the day he came back home.

The American Flag also represents law enforcement, first responders, fire serves, ems, and all of the other professions that keep us safe.  The similarity between all of the professions I listed are that they all represent, courage, valor, perseverance, justice, innocence, purity and bravery; the same as the American flag represents.

To me the American flag is a symbol of Pride. When the first steps on the moon were taken, there was an American flag placed next to the footprints, representing the pride that we have for our Country. Olympians will wrap the flag around them as they receive the Gold medal because they have pride for the country they are competing for. All emergency response stations have an American flag flying high outside their station because they are proud to be serving their community in the great United States.

When a hero falls, such as a police officer or a firefighter, the American flag is flown at half-staff to honor the fallen heroes that lost their lives serving our communities in our great Country. As a daughter of a firefighter and as a firefighter myself, I pray that the need of the American flag flown at half-staff isn’t ever needed again, but then again, I don’t think there is a greater honor than to have the American Flag be flown in honor of us if tragedy were to strike. 

The American flag reminds me of the history that I wasn’t there for,  but have learned about throughout the years. It reminds me of the 22 Veterans every day that commit suicide because of what they have been through before, during and after they served our great Country. I’m reminded of the hardships that people have gone through in our Country. It reminds me of the kindness we should have for each other, as we may have differences, but we are all still Americans.

In conclusion, the American flag means a lot more to me than the red, white, and blue and the 50 stars. When I look at the American flag, I feel bravery, courage, happiness that I have that freedom because of our amazing heroes, pain because of the heroes we lost, and most of all; pride.

Through wars and in times of peace, the sight of the American flag has given assurances that democracy lives. No other symbol captures the power and glory of our nation like the American flag. 

1st Place: Grades 6-8

Chase White

When you look at the American flag, what do you think of? Maybe you think of the people who fought for it, or the people in the country today.  The American flag can make you feel many different ways, and that’s something I love about it. Some people don’t think about what it means, but there are many things that it represents. 

First, the American flag means that people had to sacrifice their lives to save other people.  The people who died deserve to be honored, and they are honored every day by Americans.  Next, it means that the people who live in the United States are all united as one nation that together can do anything.  Americans pledge their allegiance which means they are going to respect the flag and the other people that live under it.  Lastly, the people who survived those wars must think about the people who were serving with them all the time.  I believe that when those veterans look at the flag they know that veterans who died were honored to serve with them.  The American flag is the thing that unites us, shows our respect for veterans, and shows our allegiance to the United States, which is why it is very important. 

The thoughts that you have when you look at the American flag are not right or wrong; it is just how you interpret it.  The American flag can represent different things for different people, and that’s what makes it special. 

2nd Place: Grades 6-8

Leanna Weinhold

The American flag is a symbol of accomplishment, bravery, freedom, and equality. Our flag means this and more, not being a mere piece of cloth.  These thirteen stripes portray the first colonies; the stars represent our nation’s fifty states.  The vibrant colors of these pieces have even more meaning. Red symbolizes strength and valor. White symbolizes purity, innocence, peace, and beauty. Blue symbolizes perseverance, justice, prosperity, and freedom.  This flag symbolizes our country.

Imagine it’s July 20, 1969 and you are sitting in your living room watching Neil Armstrong taking his first step on the moon. You are witnessing with your own eyes the first man to ever walk on the moon.  This moment will never be forgotten, filled with awe and wonder.  The American flag was flown into space and placed on the moon’s surface.  Our flag made it to the moon, and we accomplished the unimaginable. 

The American flag inspired our valiant soldiers to fight for our freedom, liberty, and democracy. We Americans have a duty to honor the lives sacrificed. We should appreciate and show gratitude to the people that dedicated themselves to our country.

I am blessed to be born an American and feel so much pride for my nation. I am truly privileged to have so many opportunities in his country that God has blessed.

“When we honor our flag we honor what we stand for as a nation: freedom, equality, justice, and hope.” Ronald Reagan said it well.  Let us show the honor due. 

1st Place: Grades 4-5

Will Benedict

The American Flag is more than just cloth, it’s freedom, opportunity, and freedom of the press.  I’m thankful for all the soldiers that died.  They will be remembered forever and loved because God has a special place for them. Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines gave their lives for America’s freedom.

We all have equal opportunity whether we are white, black, rich, or poor. People from all over the world want to come to America to experience the freedom and love it provides.  In other places, people don’t experience the same freedom we do.  When I see the flag, it represented being able to follow my own chosen path.

It’s an honor and a privilege to be a citizen of this country. Living in America isn’t like living in any other country. Every day, good people give their best to make our country better.  My pride in our country makes me want to continue that legacy. I love our flag and always will. It is a physical reminder of what opportunity we have, our religious freedom, and a representation of the battles my family won defending her.

2nd Place: Grades 4-5

Adrian Qerimi

What the American flag means to me is… that our country fought for us many times.  The army gave us freedom, protection, and a great place to live.  When I see the flag it reminds me of doing the Pledge of Allegiance at school.  It also reminds me of when we unite just like the United States.  During the Fourth of July my family and I go to the neighbors and watch the fireworks. When I watch the fireworks I think of bursting bombs just like the ones in war.  My great-grandpa was in the Korean War and he told many stories about it.  The American flag relates to that because he helped the army build huge bridges! I have many ideas about the flag. Hopefully, you have amazing reasons about the flag too. In my opinion the American flag is special in it’s own way. 


The National Flag Day Foundation wishes to thank each of the nearly 250 students who submitted essays for the2020 contest. The response was greater than ever, with entries received from all over the United States. All of the essays were well done, making selection of only two per category difficult. The students expressed very thought-provoking reflections on the personal significance of the American Flag. All contestants are to be applauded for their outstanding effort. Special thanks to all of the contestants and our panel of judges.

First Place - Grades 3-5

Kira Cunningham Milwaukee, WI

First Place - Grades 6-8

Eva Duran Port Washington, WI

First Place - Grades 9-12

Jena Lakhani Richmond, TX

Second Place - Grades 3-5

Ethan Krueger Grafton, WI

Second Place - Grades 6-8

Delsie Duvall Sparks, NV

‘I Speak for Democracy’: Read Akron girl’s prize-winning essay that captivated the nation in 1950s

why i am proud to be an american essay contest winners

As a 15-year-old junior at Buchtel High School in 1953, Elizabeth Evans won first prize in the Voice of Democracy” contest from among more than 1 million entries. The Akron girl recited her essay “I Speak for Democracy” on network television and visited President Dwight D. Eisenhower at the White House. Here are her words:


By elizabeth evans.

I am an American.

Listen to my words, Fascist, Communist.

Listen well, for my country is a strong country, 

and my message is a strong message.

I am an American, and I speak for democracy.

My ancestors have left their blood on the green at Lexington and the snow at Valley Forge,

On the walls of Fort Sumter and the fields at Gettysburg,

On the waters of the River Marne

and in the shadows of the Argonne Forest, 

on the beachheads of Salerno and Normandy

and the sands of Okinawa,

on the bare bleak hills called 

Pork Chop and Old Baldy

and Heartbreak Ridge.

A million and more of my countrymen have died for freedom.

My country is their eternal monument.

They live on in the laughter of a small boy

as he watches a circus clown’s antics

and in the sweet, delicious coldness

of the first bite of peppermint ice cream

on the Fourth of July;

In the little tenseness of a baseball crowd

As the umpire calls “Batter up!”

and in the high school band’s rendition of

“The Stars and Stripes Forever”

in the Memorial Day parade;

in the clear, sharp ring of a school bell

on a Fall morning,

and in the triumph of a 6-year-old

as he reads aloud for the first time.

They live on in the eyes of an Ohio farmer

surveying his acres of corn and potatoes and pasture

and in the brilliant gold of hundreds of acres of wheat

stretching across the flat miles of Kansas.

In the milling of cattle in the stockyards of Chicago,

the precision of an assembly line

in an automobile factory in Detroit,

and the perpetual red glow of the nocturnal skylines

of Pittsburgh and Birmingham and Gary.

They live on in the voice of a young Jewish boy

Saying the sacred words from the Torah:

“Hear O Israel; 

the Lord our God,

the Lord is One.

Thou shalt love the Lord thy God

With all thy heart

and with all thy soul

and with all thy might.”

And in the voice of a Catholic girl praying:

“Hail, Mary, full of grace,

the Lord is with Thee …”

And in the voice of a Protestant boy singing:

“A mighty Fortress is our God,

a Bulwark never falling …”

An American named Carl Sandburg wrote these words:

“I know a Jew fishcrier down on Maxwell Street

With a voice like a north wind blowing over corn stubble in January.

He dangles a herring before prospective customers

Evincing a joy

Identical with that of Pavlova dancing.

His face is that of a man terribly glad to be selling fish.

Terribly glad that God made fish,

And customers to whom he may call his wares

From a pushcart.”

There is a voice in the soul of every human being

That cries out to be free.

America has answered that voice.

America has offered freedom and opportunity

Such as no land before her has ever known,

To a Jew fishcrier down on Maxwell Street

With the face of a man terribly glad to be selling fish.

She has given him the right

to own his pushcart,

to sell his herring on Maxwell Street.

She has given him an education for his children,

And a tremendous faith

in the nation that has made these things his.

Multiply that fishcrier by 160,000,000 —

160,000,000 mechanics and farmers

and housewives and coal miners

and truck drivers and chemists

and lawyers and plumbers and priests —

all glad to be what they are,

terribly glad

to be free to work and eat and sleep and speak

and love and pray and live

as they desire,

as they believe!

And those 160,000,000 Americans — 

Those 160,000,000 free Americans —

Have more roast beef and mashed potatoes, 

The yield of American labor and land;

more automobiles and telephones;

more safety razors and bathtubs;

more Orlon sweaters and aureomycin,

the fruits of American initiative and enterprise,

more public schools and life insurance policies,

the symbols of American security and faith in the future; 

more laughter and song

than any other people on earth!

This is my answer, Fascist, Communist!

Show me a country greater than our country,

Show me a people more energetic, creative, progressive - - 

bigger-hearted and happier than our people.

Not until then will I consider your way of life.

For I am an American,

And I speak for democracy.

More: Local history: People loved Akron girl’s ‘I Speak for Democracy’ essay, but she wasn’t so sure

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Nine brilliant student essays on honoring your roots.

Read winning essays from our fall 2019 student writing contest.


For the fall 2019 student writing contest, we invited students to read the YES! article “ Native and European—How Do I Honor All Parts of Myself? ” by Kayla DeVault. Like the author, students reflected on their heritage and how connected they felt to different parts of their identities. Students then wrote about their heritage, family stories, how they honor their identities, and more.

The Winners

From the hundreds of essays written, these nine were chosen as winners. Be sure to read the author’s response to the essay winners, literary gems and clever titles that caught our eye, and even more essays on identity in our Gallery of Voices.

Middle School Winner: Susanna Audi

High School Winner: Keon Tindle

High School Winner: Cherry Guo

University Winner: Madison Greene

Powerful Voice: Mariela Alschuler

Powerful Voice: Reese Martin

Powerful Voice: Mia De Haan

Powerful Voice: Laura Delgado

Powerful Voice: Rowan Burba

From the Author, Kayla DeVault: Response to All Student Writers and Essay Winners

Gallery of voices: more essays on identity, literary gems, titles we loved, middle school winner.

Susanna Audi

Ethical Culture Fieldston School, Bronx, N.Y.

Susanna Audi


Saudades. No word in the English language sums up the meaning of this Portuguese term: a deep feeling of longing that makes your heart ache and pound like a drum inside your chest. I feel saudades for Brazil, its unique culture, and my Brazilian family. When I’m in my second home, Bahia, Brazil, I’m a butterfly emerging from its cocoon—colorful, radiant, and ready to explore the world. I see coconut trees waving at the turquoise waves that are clear as glass. I smell the familiar scent of burning incense. I hear the rhythm of samba on hand-beaten drums, and I feel my grandma’s delicate fingers rub my back as I savor the mouth-watering taste of freshly made doce de leite .  Although I’m here for only two precious weeks a year, I feel a magnetic connection to my father’s homeland, my heart’s home.

My grandfather or vovô , Evandro, was born in Brazil to a family who had immigrated from Lebanon and was struggling to make ends meet. His parents couldn’t afford to send him to college, so he remained at home and sold encyclopedias door-to-door. My vovô eventually started a small motorcycle parts company that grew so much that he was able to send my father to the U.S. at age sixteen. My father worked hard in school, overcoming language barriers and homesickness. Even though he has lived in America for most of his life, he has always cherished his Brazilian roots. 

I’ve been raised with my father’s native language, foods, and customs. At home, I bake Brazilian snacks, such as the traditional cheese bread, pão de queijo , which is crunchy on the outside but soft and chewy on the inside. My family indulges in the same sweet treats that my father would sneak from the cupboard as a child. Two relaxing customs we share are listening to Brazilian music while we eat breakfast on weekends and having conversations in Portuguese during meals. These parts of my upbringing bring diversity and flavor to my identity. 

Living in the U.S. makes me feel isolated from my Brazilian family and even more distant from Brazilian culture. It’s hard to maintain both American and Brazilian lifestyles since they are so different. In Brazil, there are no strangers; we treat everybody like family, regardless if that person works at the local shoe store or the diner. We embrace each other with loving hugs and exchange kisses on the cheeks whenever we meet. In the U.S., people prefer to shake hands. Another difference is that I never come out of Starbucks in New York with a new friend. How could I when most people sit with their eyes glued to their laptop screens? Life seems so rushed. To me, Brazilians are all about friendships, family, and enjoying life. They are much more relaxed, compared to the stressed and materialistic average American. 

As Kayla DeVault says in her YES! article “Native and European—How Do I Honor All Parts of Myself,” “It doesn’t matter how many pieces make up my whole: rather, it’s my relationship with those pieces that matters—and that I must maintain.”  I often ask myself if I can be both American and Brazilian. Do I have to choose one culture over the other? I realize that I shouldn’t think of them as two different cultures; instead, I should think of them as two important, coexisting parts of my identity. Indeed, I feel very lucky for the full and flavorful life I have as a Brazilian American. 

Susanna Audi is an eighth-grader who lives in the suburbs of New York. Susanna loves painting with watercolors, cooking Brazilian snacks, and playing the cello. On weekends, she enjoys babysitting and plays several sports including lacrosse, soccer, and basketball. Susanna would love to start her own creative design business someday. 

High School Winner

Keon Tindle

Kirkwood High School, Kirkwood, Mo.

Keon Tindle

Walking Through the Forest of Culture

What are my roots? To most people, my roots only go as far as the eye can see. In a world where categorization and prejudice run rampant, the constant reminder is that I am Black. My past is a living juxtaposition: my father’s father is a descendant of the enslaved and oppressed and his wife’s forefathers held the whips and tightened the chains. Luckily for me, racial hatred turned to love. A passion that burned brighter than any cross, a love purer than any poison. This is the past I know so well. From the slave ship to the heart of Saint Louis, my roots aren’t very long, but they are deeply entrenched in Amerikkkan history.

This country was made off of the backs of my brothers and sisters, many of whom have gone unrecognized in the grand scheme of things. From a young age, White children are told stories of heroes—explorers, politicians, freedom fighters, and settlers whose sweat and determination tamed the animalistic lands of America. They’re given hope and power through their past because when they look in the mirror they see these heroes. But what about me? My stories are conveniently left out of the textbooks; I have never been the son of a king or a powerful African leader, just expensive cargo to be bought and sold to the highest bidder. It seems we, as a people, never truly left the ship.

Even now, we’re chained to the whitewashed image of Black history. I can never truly experience the Black tradition because there are multiple perspectives. The truth is clouded and lost due to the lack of documentation and pervasive amount of fabrication. How am I supposed to connect to my heritage? America tells me to celebrate the strength of my ancestors, the strength of the slaves, to praise something they helped create. The Afrocentrics tell me to become one with the motherland, celebrate the culture I was pulled away from. However, native Africans make it clear I’ll never truly belong.

Even the honorable Elijah Muhammad tells me to keep my chin pointed to the clouds, to distrust the creation of Yakub, and to take my place among the rest of Allah’s children. Most people don’t have the luxury of “identifying with all of the pieces of [themselves],” as Kayla DeVault says in the YES! article “Native and European—How Do I Honor All Parts of Myself?” 

They’re forced to do research and to formulate their own ideas of who they are rather than follow the traditions of an elder. For some, their past works as a guide. A walk through life that has been refined over generations. Others, however, are forced to struggle through the dark maze of life. Hands dragging across the walls in an attempt to not lose their way. As a result, their minds create stories and artwork from every cut and scratch of the barriers’ surface. Gaining direction from the irrelevant, finding patterns in the illogical. 

So what are my roots? My roots are my branches, not where I come from but where this life will take me. The only constant is my outstretched arms pointed towards the light. A life based on the hope that my branches will sprout leaves that will fall and litter the path for the next generation.

Keon Tindle is unapologetically Black and embraces his African American background. Keon is an esports competitor, musician, and producer, and especially enjoys the craft of pairing history with hip-hop music. He is always ecstatic to dabble in new creative outlets and hopes to pursue a career in neuroscience research.

Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, Alexandria, Va.

Cherry Guo

Tying the Knot

The kitchen smells like onions and raw meat, neither unpleasant nor pleasant. Nainai’s house slippers slap against our kitchen floor as she bustles around, preparing fillings for zongzi: red bean paste, cooked peanuts, and marinated pork. I clap my pudgy hands together, delighted by the festivities. 

Nainai methodically folds the bamboo leaves into cones, fills them up with rice, and binds the zongzi together with string that she breaks between her teeth. I try to follow suit, but when I try to tie the zongzi together, half the rice spills out. Tired from my lack of progress, I abandon Nainai for my parents, who are setting up the mahjong table. 

After raising me to the age of ten, my grandparents returned to China. They dropped back into their lives like they had never left, like they hadn’t shaped my entire upbringing. Under their influence, my first language was not English, but Chinese. 

At school, my friends cajoled me into saying Chinese words for them and I did so reluctantly, the out-of-place syllables tasting strange on my palate. At home, I slowly stopped speaking Chinese, embarrassed by the way my tongue mangled English words when I spoke to classmates. One particular memory continually plagues me. “It’s Civil War, silly. Why do you pronounce “L” with an ‘R’?” Civil. Civil. Civil.

At dinner, my dad asked us to speak Chinese. I refused, defiantly asking my brother in English to pass the green beans. I began constructing false narratives around my silence. Why would I use my speech to celebrate a culture of foot binding and feudalism? In truth, I was afraid. I was afraid that when I opened my mouth to ask for the potatoes, I wouldn’t be able to conjure up the right words. I was afraid I would sound like a foreigner in my own home. If I refused to speak, I could pretend that my silence was a choice.

In Kayla DeVault’s YES! article “Native and European – How Do I Honor All Parts of Myself?” she insists that “Simply saying “I am this” isn’t enough. To truly honor my heritage, I found I must understand and participate in it.” And for the first time, I wonder if my silence has stolen my cultural identity. 

I decide to take it back.

Unlike DeVault, I have no means of travel. Instead, my reclamation starts with collecting phrases: a string of words from my dad when he speaks to Nainai over the phone, seven characters from two Chinese classmates walking down the hall, another couple of words from my younger sister’s Chinese cartoons. 

The summer before my senior year marks the eighth year of my grandparents’ return to China. Once again, I am in the kitchen, this time surrounded by my parents and siblings. The bamboo leaves and pot of rice sit in front of me. We all stand, looking at each other expectantly. No one knows how to make zongzi. We crowd around the iPad, consulting Google. Together, we learn how to shape the leaves and pack the rice down. 

The gap in knowledge bothers me. Does it still count as honoring a family tradition when I follow the directions given by a nameless pair of hands on YouTube rather than hearing Nainai’s voice in my mind? 

Instead of breaking the string with my teeth like Nainai had shown me, I use scissors to cut the string—like I had done with my ties to Chinese language and culture all those years ago. And now, I’m left with the severed string that I must hurriedly tie around the bamboo leaf before the rice falls out of my zongzi.

Cherry Guo is a senior at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology in Alexandria, Virginia. Cherry rows for her school’s crew team and plays the viola in her school orchestra. She spends what little free time she has eating pretzel crisps and listening to podcasts about philosophy.

University Winner

Madison Greene

Kent State University, Kent, Ohio

Madison Greene

Carrying the Torch

I have been called a pizza bagel–the combination of a Catholic Italian and an Ashkenazi Jew. Over time, I have discovered the difficulty of discretely identifying the ratio of pizza to bagel. It is even more arduous when the pizza and the bagel have theologies that inherently contradict each other. Therefore, in a society that emphasizes fine lines and exact distinctions, my identity itself becomes a contradiction.  

In the winter, my family tops our Christmas tree with the Star of David. I’ve recited the Lord’s Prayer; I’ve prayed in Hebrew. I attended preschool at a church, and my brother was a preschooler in a synagogue. Every week at Sunday morning mass, my maternal family donates money to the collection basket during the offertory. My paternal family has donated authentic Holocaust photographs to a local Jewish heritage museum. Growing up, none of this was contradictory; in fact, it all seemed complementary. My Jewish and Catholic identities did not cancel each other out but rather merged together.

However, the compatibility of my Catholic-Jewish identities was in upheaval when I decided to become acquainted with the Jewish community on campus. While attending Hillel events, I felt insecure because I did not share many of the experiences and knowledge of other Jewish students. Despite this insecurity, I continued to participate — until a good friend of mine told me that I was not Jewish enough because of my Catholic mother. She also said that families like mine were responsible for the faltering of Jewish culture. I wanted my identity to be validated. Instead, it was rejected. I withdrew and avoided not only my Jewish identity but also my identity as a whole.

I soon realized that this friend and I look at my situation using different filters. My Catholic-Jewish identities have evolved into a codependent relationship, and I am entitled to unapologetically embrace and explore both aspects of my identity. I realized that even without my friend’s validation of my identity, I still exist just the same. Any discredit of my Catholic-Jewish identities does not eliminate my blended nature. So, after a few months of avoiding my Jewish identity, I chose to embrace my roots; I resumed participating in the Jewish community on campus, and I have not stopped since.

Kayla DeVault’s YES! article “Native and European – How Do I Honor All Parts of Myself?” describes the obligation to one’s ancestral chain. The best way to fulfill this duty is to fully dedicate oneself to understanding the traditions that accompany those cultural origins. In this generation, my mother’s Catholic-Italian maiden name has no men to carry it on to the next generation. It is difficult to trace my last name past the mid-1900s because my Jewish ancestors shortened our surname to make it sound less Semitic, to be less vulnerable to persecution. Given the progressive fading of my family’s surnames, how do I continue the legacies of both family lines?

On behalf of my ancestors and for the sake of the generations still to come, I feel obligated to blend and simultaneously honor my Jewish and Catholic heritage to ensure that both prevail. 

Now I know that whether I am sitting next to my Jewish father at my young cousin’s baptism, or whether I am sitting at the Passover Seder table with my mother’s Catholic parents, it is up to me to keep both flames of my ancestry burning bright. The least I can do is hold each family’s candle in my hands. Imagine the tremendous blaze I could create if I brought the flames of my two families together.

Madison Greene is a Communication Studies major at Kent State University. Madison is also pursuing a minor in Digital Media Production. She is currently the president of her sorority.

Powerful Voice Winner

Mariela Alschuler

why i am proud to be an american essay contest winners

Behind My Skin

My roots go deeper than the ground I stand on. My family is from all over the world with extended branches that reach over whole countries and vast oceans.

Though I am from these branches, sometimes I never see them. My Dominican roots are obvious when I go to my abuela’s house for holidays. My family dances to Spanish music. I fill my plate with platanos fritos and my favorite rice and beans. I feel like a Dominican American girl. Maybe it’s the food. Maybe it’s the music. Or maybe it’s just the way that my whole family—aunts, uncles, grandparents, and cousins— laugh and talk and banter in my grandparents’ small, beautiful apartment.

Even though I am blood to this family, I stick out like a sore thumb. I stick out for my broken Spanish, my light skin, my soft, high-pitched voice and how I do my hair. I feel like I don’t belong to my beautiful, colorful family, a disordered array of painted jars on a shelf.

If my Dominican family is like a disorganized and vibrant shelf of colors, then my European family is a neat and sparse one with just a hint of color. For Christmas in New York, there are dozens of us crammed in the small apartment. For Thanksgiving in Massachusetts, there are rarely more than twelve people in the grandiose, pristine house that looks like something out of House Beautiful . I adore my grandparent’s house. It is expansive and neatly painted white. After growing up in a small house on a school campus and visiting my other grandparents’ small apartment in New York, I thought that their house was the greatest thing in the world. I would race up the stairs, then slide down the banister. I would sip Grandma’s “fancy” gingerbread tea, loving the feeling of sophistication. There, I could forget about the struggles of my Dominican family. I was the granddaughter of a wealthy, Jewish, Massachusetts couple rather than the granddaughter of a working-class second-generation Dominican abuela and abuelo from the Bronx.  

I don’t fit in with my European family either. My dark skin and my wild hair don’t belong in this tidy family. In Massachusetts, the branches of my Dominican family, no matter how strong and extensive, are invisible. The same way my European roots are lost when I am in New York.

So what am I? For years I have asked myself this question. Wondering why I couldn’t have a simple garden of a family rather than the jungle that I easily get lost in. As Kayla DeVault says in her YES! article “Native and European—How can I honor all parts of myself?,” “Simply saying ‘I am this’ isn’t enough.” And it isn’t. My race, color, and ethnicity do not make up who I am. I am still a daughter. A sister. A cousin. A friend. My mixed identity does not make me less whole, less human. I may have lightly tanned skin and my lips may not form Spanish words neatly, but behind my skin is bright color and music. There is warm gingerbread tea and golden platanos fritos. There is Spanish singing from my abuelo’s speaker and “young people” songs that play from my headphones. There is a little, cozy apartment and a large, exquisite house. Behind my skin is more than what you can see. Behind my skin is what makes me me. 

Mariela Alschuler is a seventh-grader at Ethical Culture Fieldston School and lives in the Bronx, New York. When she’s not in school, Mariela likes to read, write, do gymnastics, watch Netflix, and spend time with her friends and family. She hopes to be a doctor and writer when she grows up.

Reese Martin

University Liggett School, Grosse Point Woods, Mich.

Reese Martin

A True Irishman?

Similar to Kayla Devault in her YES! article “Native and European-How Do I Honor All Parts of Myself,” I hold holistic pride in my cultural identity. As a descendant of Irish immigrants, my childhood was filled with Irish folk music, laughter, and all things green. I remember being a toddler, sitting on my Popo’s lap wearing a shiny green, slightly obnoxious, beaded shamrock necklace. There, in the living room, I was surrounded by shamrocks hanging on the walls and decorations spread throughout, courtesy of my grandmother who always went overboard. My father and his siblings were Irish fanatics, as well. My aunt, whom I loved spending time with as a child, was notorious for wild face painting, ear-splitting music, and crazy outfits on St. Patrick’s Day. The holiday typically started in Detroit’s historic Corktown for the annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade with the promise of authentic Irish corned beef and soda bread at the Baile Corcaigh Irish Restaurant following the festivities. Charlie Taylor, a local Irish musician, belted folk songs from Baile Corcaigh’s makeshift stage. It was one of the few days a year my father and his large family came together. Although my aunt and grandparents have passed, our family’s Irish pride is eternal.

There was, however, one peculiar thing about our Irish heritage— none of my family looked classic Irish. My father and his five siblings have nearly black eyes and fairly dark skin, not the typical Irish traits of blue eyes and light skin. DeVault wrote, “When I was older, the questions came, which made me question myself.” I fell into a similar predicament, questioning my heritage. It truly came as a shock when a couple of my paternal aunts and several cousins took DNA tests through 23andMe and AncestryDNA. The results revealed the largest percentage of our ethnicity was Lebanese and Middle Eastern, not Irish.

It felt like a punch to the gut. I was clueless on how to move forward. According to the numbers, we possessed an insignificant amount of Irish blood. How was it possible to be wrong about such a huge part of my identity? Not only was I confused about my culture and history, but I also experienced a great deal of shame—not of my newfound Middle Eastern heritage, but the lack of Irish DNA, which I had previously held so close and felt so proud of. It felt as though I was betraying the memory of my late grandparents and aunt.

Even amidst my confusion, I found this new heritage intriguing; I was excited to explore all that my newly found Lebanese culture had to offer: unique foods, unfamiliar traditions, and new geography. In addition to the familiar boiled and mashed potatoes, my family now eats hummus and shawarma. I also know more about the basic facts, history, and government of Lebanon. One thing dampens my enthusiasm, however. I wonder how I can fully develop a love for my newly discovered culture without being too deliberate and appearing to be insensitive to cultural appropriation.

It is here, in the depths of uncertainty and intrigue, I relate most to DeVault’s question, “How do I honor all parts of myself?” Although my Irish ancestry may not be as authentic as I once believed, I still feel a strong connection to the Irish culture. I’ve found that to truly honor all pieces of my identity, I must be willing to accept every aspect of my ancestry. I don’t need to reject Lebanese ethnicity, nor disregard the Irish memories of my childhood. I am allowed to be everything all at once. At the end of the day, with both Irish culture and Lebanese heritage, I am still simply and perfectly me.

Reese Martin is a junior at University Liggett School in Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan. Reese plays hockey and soccer, swims competitively and is a violinist in her school orchestra. She enjoys volunteering, especially peer tutoring and reading with young children.

Rowan Burba

why i am proud to be an american essay contest winners

Saluting Shadows

On the floor, a murdered woman lays bloody and dead. Two young boys stare in horror at their dead mother. At only 10 years old, my great-grandfather experienced unfathomable suffering. A generation later, my grandfather and two great-uncles grew up under an abusive roof. My great-uncle Joe, the youngest of three boys, endured the worst of the abuse. Joe’s scarred brain altered during the sexual and emotional abuse his father subjected him to. From the time he was 18 months old, trusted adults of Joe’s community violated him throughout his childhood. These traumas spiraled into a century of silence, the silence I am determined to break. 

My father’s lineage is littered with trauma. Our family doesn’t openly share its past. We constantly masquerade as “normal” so we can fit in, but the alienation we experience is understandable. In Kayla DeVault’s YES! article “Native and European—How Do I Honor All Parts of Myself?” she explains her numerous identities, which include Shawnee, Anishinaabe, Eastern European, Scottish, and Irish. Although I don’t have her rich ethnic ancestry, I question my roots just as she does. I have limited photos of my deceased relatives. There are only two prominent ones: my paternal grandmother as a child with her siblings and my maternal grandmother’s obituary photo. These frosted images hide the truth of my family’s history. They’re not perfect 4″ x 6″ moments frozen in time. They’re shadowed memories of a deeply disturbed past.

For 17 years, my family was clueless about our past family trauma. Two months ago, my great-aunt explained Joe’s story to me. Joe developed Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) as a result of his abuse. By the age of 18, his brain contained 95 alters (fragments of his identity that broke off and developed into true individuals), causing Joe to appear as the “weird one,” the one who my family dismissed, the outcast of my dad’s childhood. My dad only learned one year ago, long after Joe died, about Joe’s DID. My family’s adamancy to hold secrets outweighed accepting and helping Joe. The shadows around these secrets quickly dispersed. 

The silence and shame from a mother’s death a century ago still have a chokehold on my family today. My family appears a disaster to outsiders.  My mom’s side is so religious they would never fathom a conversation about these harsh realities. In addition to Joe, my dad’s side has uncles who struggle with codependency and trauma from past abuses. Joe’s brother coped by latching onto another “normal” family, and my grandfather coped by never talking about issues. My parents married soon after my maternal grandmother and three of her four siblings died within a few weeks of each other. Despite years of therapy, my parents divorced when I was 11 years old. I grew up surrounded by dysfunction without recognizing it. 

How do I honor my roots? I work to break the silence and stigmas of abuse and mental health. I’ve participated in therapy for about five years and have been on medicine for about two. I must reprogram my brain’s attachment to codependent tendencies and eliminate the silence within me. I’m working through my intrusive thoughts and diving into my family’s past and disrupting harmful old patterns. I’m stepping away from the shadows of my ancestors and into the light, ensuring that future generations grow up with knowledge of our past history of abuse and mental illness. Knowledge that allows us to explore the shadows without living in them. Knowledge that there’s more in life outside of the frames.

Rowan Burba, a junior at Kirkwood High School in Missouri, loves to participate as a witness in Mock Trial competitions, build and paint sets for the KHS theatre department, play viola in her school orchestra, and do crafts with kids. She is involved in politics and wants to help change the world for the better.

Mia De Haan

Estrella Mountain Community College, Avondale, Ariz.

Mia de Haan

What Being a Part of the LGBTQ+ Community Means to Me

Being queer is that one thing about me I am most proud of, yet also most scared of. Knowing that I am putting my life at risk for the simplest thing, like being gay, is horrifying.

Let’s talk about my first crush. Her name was Laurel, and she was always in front of me when we lined up after recess in first grade. I remember wishing that girls could marry girls because she had the prettiest long, blonde hair. I left these thoughts in the back of my head until middle school. I couldn’t stop staring at a certain girl all day long. That one girl who I would have sleepovers with every weekend and slow dance with at school dances—but only as friends. She changed my life. She was the first person to tell me that I was accepted and had no reason to be afraid. 

Being part of the LGBTQ+ community isn’t all rainbows and Pride parades. It is watching your family turn away from you in disgust but never show it on their faces. It’s opening Twitter and learning that it’s still illegal to be gay in 71+ countries. It’s astonishing that we had to wait until 2015 for the U.S. Supreme Court to make it legal to marry in all 50 states.  

My identity is happiness yet pain, so much pain. I hated myself for years, shoved myself back into a closet and dated my best friend for two years because maybe if I brought a boy home my family would wish me “Happy Birthday” again or send me Christmas presents like they do for my brother and sister.

When I began to explore my identity again, I asked myself, “Am I safe?” “Will I still be loved?” I was horrified. I am horrified. Legally, I am safe, but I am not safe physically. I can still be beaten up on the streets for holding a girl’s hand. Protesters at Pride festivals are still allowed to shout profanities at us and tell us that we are going to burn in hell—and the cops protect them. I am not safe mentally because I still allow the words of people and homophobes in the media and on my street get inside of my head and convince me that I am a criminal. 

When I read Kayla DeVault’s YES! article “Native and European—How Do I Honor All Parts of Myself?” I could feel how proud DeVault is to be Shawnee and Irish. While we do not share the same identity, I could tell that we are the same because we both would do anything for our cultures and want to show our pride to the rest of the world.

I honor my LGBTQ+ identity by going to Pride festivals and events. I also participate in an LGBTQ+ church and club, where, for years, was the only place I could be myself without the fear of being outed or harmed. Whenever I hear people being ignorant towards my community, I try to stay calm and have a conversation about why our community is great and valid and that we are not doing anything wrong. 

I don’t know if the world will ever change, but I do know that I will never change my identity just because the world is uncomfortable with who I am. I have never been one to take risks; the idea of making a fool of myself scares me. But I took one because I thought someone might listen to my gay sob story. I never expected it to be heard. If you have your own gay sob story, I will listen, and so will many others, even if you don’t realize it yet.  

Amelia (Mia) De Haan was born and raised in Phoenix, Arizona. Mia has devoted her entire life to art, specifically theatre and dance. While she has struggled to figure out what she wants to do for the rest of her life, she does know that she wants to inspire people and be a voice for the people of the LGBTQ+ community who still feel that no one is listening. Mia dreams of moving to New York with her cat Loki and continuing to find a way to inspire people.

Laura Delgado

Spring Hill College, Mobile, Ala.

Lauren Delgado

I moved to the United States when I was eight years old because my father knew Venezuela was becoming more corrupt. He wanted to give his family a better life. My sense of self and belonging was wiped clean when I moved to the United States, a country that identified me and continues to label me as an “alien.” On U.S Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) documents, I am Alien Number xxx-xxx-xxx.  I will not let that alien number define who I am: a proud Venezuelan and American woman.

In her YES! article “Native and European—How Do I Honor All Parts of Myself?” author Kayla DeVault says that “to truly honor [her] heritage, [she] found [she] must understand and participate in it.” This is why during Christmas I help my mom make hallacas (a traditional Venezuelan dish made out of cornmeal, stuffed with beef, pork, chicken, raisins, capers, and olives, wrapped in a banana leaf that is boiled to perfection), pan de jamón (a Christmas bread filled with ham, cheese, raisins, and olives—the perfect sweet and salty combination, if you ask me), and ensalada de gallina (a chicken, potatoes, and green apple salad seasoned with mayonnaise, salt, and pepper). While the gaitas (traditional Venezuelan folk music) is playing, we set up the Christmas tree and, under it, the nativity scene. The smell of Venezuelan food engulfs our small apartment. Every time I leave the house, the smell of food sticks to me like glue, and I love it.

We go to our fellow Venezuelan friend’s house to dance, eat, and laugh like we were back in Venezuela. We play bingo and gamble quarters as we talk over each other.  My favorite thing is how we poke fun at each other, our way of showing our love. There is nothing better than being surrounded by my Venezuelan family and friends and feeling like I belong.

My ancestors are Spanish settlers, West African slaves, and Indigenous Venezuelans. To my peers, I am a Latina woman who can speak Spanish and comes from a country they have never heard of. To my family, I am a strong and smart Venezuelan woman who is succeeding in this country she calls home. 

I was immediately an outcast as a young newcomer to this country. I was the new, exotic girl in class who did not speak a word of English; all of that led to bullying. Growing up in a country that did not want me was—and still is—hard. People often ask me why I would ever want to identify as American. My answer to their question is simple: This is my home. I knew that the chances of us going back to Venezuela were slim to none so I decided to make this country my home. At first, I fought it. My whole life was back in Venezuela. Eventually, I made lifelong friends, had my first kiss and my first heartbreak. I went to all of the homecoming and prom dances and made memories with my best friends to last me a lifetime. Yes, I was born in Venezuela and the pride of being a Venezuelan woman will never be replaced, but my whole life is in the United States and I would never trade that for the world. 

I am Venezuelan and I am American. I am an immigrant and I am Latina. The United States government will always know me as Alien Number xxx-xxx-xxx, but they will not know that my heritage is rich and beautiful and that I am a proud Venezuelan and a proud American woman.

Laura Delgado is a Junior at Spring Hill College in Mobile, Alabama, majoring in Graphic Design and minoring in Hispanic Studies. Laura and her family migrated to the United States from Venezuela in 2007 to escape the Chavez regime. She is a DACA recipient and a first-generation college student who has a passion for graphic design and hopes to one day open her own interior design company.

why i am proud to be an american essay contest winners

Dear every human who wrote in this contest or thought about writing,

I want to start by addressing all of you. 

I think stepping out of your comfort zone and writing your truth—even if you think you aren’t a writer— is a brave thing to do. 

I want you to understand that not being selected does not mean your story isn’t valid or that your identity wasn’t “enough.” Remember, you’re always enough. You’re enough to God, to Allah, to your Higher Power, to the Flying Spaghetti Monster in the sky, to your parents, and to your ancestors who endured long enough for you to come into existence. 

As I read through the various essays, I saw a common thread of food . Whether it’s the pierogi sales at churches in Pittsburgh, the neverias around Phoenix, or the soul food joints in Birmingham, the history of our ancestors’ movements have left their impressions in our cuisine. 

Another theme I found in several essays was a “uniformed diaspora.” Some of you talked about not being able to fully trace your lineage, having your history stolen by some method of political racism, and even grappling with finding that your genetics are not all you thought they were. As a Native person, I know all too well that we had much taken from us. I know that the conquerors wrote our history, so ours is recorded with bias, racism, and flippancy. 

And now to the essay winners:

To Susanna: Obrigada for your story. I encourage you to keep exploring your identity and how it informs your existence today on Lenape, Rockaway, and Canarsie traditional lands (New York City). Your imagery reflects saudades well. I think there is an intriguing and untapped story embedded in your father’s experience from Lebanon, and I encourage you to explore how that merges with your Brazilian identity.

When I read that passage about Starbucks, I thought about how the average young American seems to be private in public, but public in private—meaning this culture and its technology isolates us (private) when we are around other people (public), yet so many of us share most about ourselves on social media (public) where we can pick and choose if we want to engage with someone (private). By the way, I, too, played lacrosse… Did you know it has Indigenous roots?

To Cherry: 非常感谢你!  Don’t listen to the American stereotypes of who you are, as hard as that can be. You sadly may always hear them, but hearing is not the same as listening. People undermine the things they don’t understand because the things they don’t understand scare them. While it is not your job to feel you have to educate them, you do have the freedom to choose how you navigate those spaces.

I understand how it may feel inauthentic to learn how to make traditional foods like zongzi from a YouTube video. For me, I have had to learn beading and other crafts because I was too ashamed to learn them when I had the elders still in my life. I  tell young folk to know their elders now while they can. Furthermore, please speak every language no matter how imperfect because it’s a gift. Also, I’ll eat your zongzi any day, even if all the rice falls out!

To Keon: The imagery and symbols of slavery you use, powerfully describe a revisionist history that further blocks access to what would be a culturally-rich ancestry. 

I remember standing on the shores of Ouidah, Benin, from where the majority of slaves left, looking through La Porte du Non Retour (The Door of No Return) memorial, and hearing a local say, “Our relatives, they left these shores for the ships and then… we never heard from them again.” And so we come to realize our stories are known only so far as they have been carried. 

I see hope in the way you have embraced your roots as your branches to move forward. I believe that, in looking towards your branches, you have actually found your roots. You are a product of all the stories, told and untold, remembered and forgotten. I encourage you to keep writing and exploring how your seemingly contradicting and somewhat unknown roots shaped your ancestors and shape their product: you. Don’t hold back. 

To Madison: Grazie and תודה. First of all, pizza bagels are delicious… just saying… talk about the best of both worlds! You write about the challenge of fitting into your communities, and I can certainly see how religious differences can become contentious. 

I am sorry that you had a negative Hillel experience. In the end, we can’t let the persecutors steal our ancestral identities from us because that allows them to win. Cultures are fluid, not rigid and defined as peers might bully us into thinking. It’s rotten when people label us with things like “pizza bagel,” but if you boldly embrace it, you can turn it on its head. So I encourage you to be the smartest, wittiest, and most deliciously confident pizza bagel out there, writing your experience for all to read!

To Laura: Gracias , you write with a motif of sorts, one that conflates your identity to a number and the label of “alien.” For people in the United States to be dismissive of immigrants and judgmental of their cultures and languages is for the same people to forget their own origins, their own stories, and their own roles (as benefactors or as victims) in this age-old system of oppression for gain. It is also rather ironic that we call people “aliens;” unless they are from an Indigenous nation. Are not nearly all Americans “aliens” to some degree?

You write about being bullied as the new, exotic girl in school and I have also experienced that as my family moved around a bit growing up; however, I have also had the privilege to speak English.

It’s sad that these experiences are still so proliferate, and so I think it is vital that people like you share their experiences. Perhaps your background can inform how you think about spaces as an interior designer. 

To Mariela: Gracias and תודה for the story you shared. You write about a complex existence that is a mix of poor and wealthy, white and brown, warm and cool. Learning to navigate these contrasting sides of your family will help you work with different kinds of people in your future.

I can understand your point about feeling out of place by your skin color. Lighter skin is largely considered a privilege in society, yet for those of us with non-white heritages, it can make us feel like we don’t belong amongst our own family. We have to walk a fine line where we acknowledge we may be treated better than our relatives in some circumstances but we have to sit with the feeling of not being “brown enough” other times. I encourage you to keep exploring your branches and sharing your feelings with your relatives about these topics. Perhaps one day you can use your deep understanding of human relations to inform your bedside manner as a doctor!

To Mia: Thank you for your brave piece, despite your fears. Your emotional recollection about the first girl you loved is very touching and powerful. 

I am sorry that you don’t feel as though you are treated the same by your family on account of your identity and that you have to take extra steps to be accepted, but I believe your continuing to be your authentic self is the only way to prove you mean what you mean.

I hope the utmost safety and acceptance for you. I also thank you for seeing and relating to my pride that I have for myself, and I encourage you to consider creative outlets— maybe even podcast hosting—to uplift your story and the stories of others, spread awareness, and facilitate change.

To Reese: Go raibh maith agat . That’s how you thank a singular person in Irish, if you didn’t know already. I enjoyed your piece because, of course, we have an Irish connection that I understand.

I find it pretty interesting that you came back with a lot of Lebanese results in your family tests. Understand those tests only represent the inherited genes, so if both of your parents were a quarter Irish but three-quarters Lebanese, for example, you would get half of each of their genes. You might get half Lebanese from both and you would appear full Lebanese—or any other variation. My point is those tests aren’t exact reports.

I am excited you have found new aspects of your heritage and I hope you will continue to explore—as best you can—what your ancestral history is. And, by the way, I, too, play hockey and the violin—fine choices!

To Rowan: Many families put up a facade, and it’s only the brave ones, like you, addressing the trauma head-on who will be able to break the cycle that causes intergenerational trauma. 

When we explore the parts of our identity, many of us may find how much trauma —including historic policy, racism, and displacement—has impacted our ancestors, perhaps centuries upon centuries ago. Learning about my family history and about religious factors has revealed stories of abuse and secrets that have been hushed wildly, even within my immediate family. Photos can be sad when we know the stories behind them and even when we never knew the person; they’re still a part of us and we can honor them by remembering them. I think you choosing to write about your Uncle Joe and the effects of trauma in your family— especially as you process and heal yourself—will be a tremendous resource both internally and for others. Thank you for sharing and I hope you find happiness in those frames.

Again, thank you all for your essays. It is exciting to see the youth writing. I am grateful for my piece to have been chosen for this contest and, I hope I’ve encouraged readers to consider every part that makes up their whole and how it has informed their life experiences.

Kayla DeVault

“ In seventh grade, I went to an affinity group meeting. And all I remember was being called a bad Asian again and again. I was called a bad Asian because I couldn’t use chopsticks. I was called a bad Asian because I didn’t know what bubble tea or K-pop was. Time and again, I was called a bad Asian because I didn’t know the things I was expected to know, and I didn’t do the things that I was expected to do. That meeting made me truly question my identity. “ . —Sebastian Cynn, Ethical Culture Fieldston Middle School, Bronx, N.Y. Click here to read the entire essay.

“It’s difficult being Dominican but born and raised in New York. I’m supposed to speak fluent Spanish. I’m supposed to listen to their music 24/7, and I’m supposed to follow their traditions. I’m supposed to eat their main foods. I’m unique and it’s not only me. Yes, I may not speak Spanish. Yes, I may not listen to their kind of music, but I don’t think that defines who I am as a Dominican. I don’t think I should be discriminated for not being the same as most Dominicans. Nobody should be discriminated against for being different from the rest because sometimes different is good. “ —Mia Guerrero, KIPP Washington Heights Middle School, New York, N.Y. Click here to read the entire essay.

When I hang out with some of my older friend groups, which are mainly white, straight kids, I don’t mention that I’m Asian or Gay, but as soon as I’m with my friends, I talk about my identifiers a lot. A lot of them are part of the LGBTQ+ community, and 11 out of 14 of them are a person of color. With my grandparents, I am quieter, a good Asian grandchild who is smart, gets good grades, is respectful. And I don’t act “Gay.” … Why do I have to act differently with different people? Why do I only feel comfortable with all of my identities at school?

—Gillian Okimoto, Ethical Culture Fieldston Middle School, Bronx, N.Y. Click here to read the entire essay .

“ Torah, Shema, yarmulke, all important elements of Jewish identity—except for mine. All these symbols assume the existence of a single God, but that doesn’t resonate with me. Religion is a meaningful part of my family’s identity. After all, wanting to freely practice their religion was what brought my great-grandparents to America from Eastern Europe. Being very interested in science, I could never wrap my head around the concept of God. Can I be Jewish while not believing in God? “ —Joey Ravikoff, Ethical Culture Fieldston Middle School, Bronx, N.Y. Click here to read the entire essay.

“ Yes, I am transgender, but I am also a son, a friend, an aspiring writer, and a dog trainer. I love riding horses. I’ve had the same volunteer job since sixth grade. I love music and trips to the art museum. I know who I am and whether other people choose to see me for those things is out of my control.  Holidays with my family feels like I’m suffocating in a costume. I’ve come out twice in my life. First, as a lesbian in middle school. Second, as a transgender man freshman year. I’ve gotten good at the classic sit-down. With hands folded neatly in front of me, composure quiet and well-kept, although I’m always terrified. “ —Sebastian Davies-Sigmund, Kirkwood High School, Kirkwood, Mo. Click here to read the entire essay.

“ No longer do I wish to be stared at when civil rights and slavery are discussed. In every Socratic seminar, I shudder as expectant white faces turn to mine. My brown skin does not make me the ambassador for Black people everywhere. Please do not expect me to be the racism police anymore. Do not base the African American experience upon my few words. Do not try to be relatable when mentioning Hannukah is in a few days. Telling me you tell your White friends not to say the N-word doesn’t do anything for me. “ —Genevieve Francois, Kirkwood High School, Kirkwood, Mo. Click here to read the entire essay.

“ I often walk into the kitchen greeted by my mother sitting on her usual stool and the rich smells of culture—the spicy smell of India, the hearty smell of cooked beans, or the sizzling of burgers on the grill. Despite these great smells, I find myself often yearning for something like my friends have; one distinct culture with its food, people, music, and traditions. I don’t have a one-click culture. That can be freeing, but also intimidating . People who know me see me as a fraction: ¼ black, ¾ white, but I am not a fraction. I am human, just human. “ —Amaela Bruce, New Tech Academy at Wayne High School, Fort Wayne, Ind. Click here to read the entire essay.

“‘We just don’t want you to go to hell. ‘ I am not an atheist. I am not agnostic. I have no religion nor do I stand strong in any one belief. My answer to the mystery of life is simple: I don’t know. But I live in a world full of people who think they do.  There will be a day when that capital G does not control my conversations. There will be a day when I can speak of my beliefs, or lack thereof, without judgment, without the odd stare, and without contempt. The day will come when a life without religion is just another life. That is the day I wait for. That day will be Good. “ —Amara Lueker, New Tech Academy at Wayne High School, Fort Wayne, Ind. Click here to read the entire essay.

“¡Correle!” yell the people around him. He runs to the grass, ducks down and starts to wait. He’s nervous. You can smell the saltiness of sweat. He looks up and hears the chopping of helicopter blades. You can see the beam of light falling and weaving through the grass field … out of a group of thirteen, only four were left hidden. He and the others crossed and met up with people they knew to take them from their own land down south to the opportunity within grasp up north. That was my father many years ago. I’ve only asked for that story once, and now it’s committed to memory. “ —Luz Zamora, Woodburn Academy of Art Science & Technology, Woodburn, Ore. Click here to read the entire essay.

“ How do I identify myself? What do I connect to? What’s important to you? Here’s the answer: I don’t. Don’t have a strong connection. Don’t know the traditions. Don’t even know the languages. I eat some of the food and kinda sorta hafta** the major holidays but thinking about it I don’t know anything important. I think that the strongest connection to my family is my name, Mei Li (Chinese for “beautiful” Ana (a variation on my mother’s very American middle name: Anne) Babuca (my father’s Mexican last name). “ —Mei Li Ana Babuca, Chief Sealth International High School, Seattle, Wash. Click here to read the entire essay.

“ My whole life I have felt like I don’t belong in the Mexican category. I mean yeah, I’m fully Mexican but, I’ve always felt like I wasn’t. Why is that you ask? Well, I feel that way because I don’t know Spanish. Yes, that’s the reason. It may not sound like a big deal, but, for me, I’ve always felt disconnected from my race. I felt shameful. I felt like it was an obligation to know what is supposed to be my mother tongue. My whole family doesn’t really know fluent Spanish and that has always bothered me growing up. “ —Yazmin Perez, Wichita North High School, Wichita, Kan Click here to read the entire essay.

“ I believe differently from DeVault, who believes it’s important to connect and participate with your heritage. I believe that our personal pasts have more to do with who we are as people than any national identity ever could. Sure, our heritage is important, but it doesn’t do nearly as much to shape our character and perspective as our struggles and burdens do. Out of all my past experiences, illness—and especially mental illness—has shaped me. “ —Chase Deleon, Central York High School, York, Penn. Click here to read the entire essay.

“ … I can now run that whole grape leaf assembly line, along with other traditional plates, by myself. I have begun speaking out on current topics, such as Middle-Eastern representation in acting. I have become so much closer with my relatives and I don’t mind busting a move with them on the dance floor. Although a trip to Syria is not in my near future, DeVault made me realize that a connection to your geographical cultural roots is important. According to my aunt, I have become a carefree, happy, and more passionate person. I no longer feel stuck in the middle of ethnicity and society. Becoming one with and embracing my identity truly is ‘A Whole New World.’” —Christina Jarad, University Ligget School, Grosse Pointe Woods, Mich. Click here to read the entire essay.

“While my bow is not made of wood and my arrows lack a traditional stone tip, the connections are always present, whether I am stalking bull elk in the foothills of the Rockies or fly fishing in the mystical White River. The methods and the technologies may be different, but the motivations are the same. It is a need to be connected to where my food originates. It is a desire to live in harmony with untouched lands. It is a longing to live wild, in a time where the wild is disappearing before our eyes. “ —Anderson Burdette, Northern Oklahoma University, Stillwater, Okla. Click here to read the entire essay.

“Black people always say that White people don’t use seasoning. This saying is one of those sayings that I always heard, but never understood. I am Black, but I was adopted into a White household … Even though I identify as a Black woman, all my life I have struggled with breaking into the Black culture because other people around me consciously or unconsciously prevent me from doing so. “ —Brittany Hartung, Spring Hill College, Mobile, Ala. Click here to read the entire essay.

We received many outstanding essays for the Fall 2019 Student Writing Competition. Though not every participant can win the contest, we’d like to share some excerpts that caught our eye:

How can other people say that I only have one identity before I can even do that for myself? —Arya Gupta, Ethical Culture Fieldston Middle School, Bronx, N.Y.

‘Middle Child’ by J. Cole blasts through the party. Everyone spits the words like they’re on stage with him. J. Cole says the N-Word, and I watch my Caucasian peers proudly sing along. Mixed Girl is perplexed. Black Girl is crestfallen that people she calls friends would say such a word. Each letter a gory battlefield; White Girls insists they mean no harm; it’s how the song’s written. Black Girl cries. —Liz Terry, Kirkwood High School, Kirkwood, Mo.

To me, valuing my ancestors is a way for me to repay them for their sacrifices. —Jefferson Adams Lopez, Garrison Middle School, Walla Walla, Wash.

A one-hour drive with light traffic. That’s the distance between me and my cousins. Short compared to a 17-hour flight to the Philippines, yet 33 miles proved to create a distance just as extreme. Thirty-three miles separated our completely different cultures. —Grace Timan, Mount Madonna High School, Gilroy, Calif.

What does it mean to feel Korean? Does it mean I have to live as if I live in Korea? Does it mean I have to follow all the traditions that my grandparents followed? Or does it mean that I can make a decision about what I love? —Max Frei, Ethical Culture Fieldston Middle School, Bronx, N.Y.

Not knowing feels like a safe that you can’t open (speaking about her ancestry) . —Madison Nieves-Ryan, Rachel Carson High School, New York, N.Y.

As I walked down the halls from classroom to classroom in high school, I would see smiling faces that looked just like mine. At every school dance, in every school picture, and on every sports team, I was surrounded by people who looked, thought, and acted similar to me. My identity was never a subject that crossed my mind. When you aren’t exposed to diversity on a daily basis, you aren’t mindful of the things that make you who you are. —Jenna Robinson, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio

When my Great-Great-Grandfather Bill was 12, he ran away to work with his uncles. And then when he was older and married, he called up his wife and said, “Honey, I’m heading off to college for a few years. Buh-Bye!” Because of his adventurous spirit, Bill Shea was the first Shea to go to college. Ever since my mom told me this story, I’ve always thought that we could all use a little Bill attitude in our lives.  —Jordan Fox, Pioneer Middle School, Walla Walla, Wash.

I defy most of the stereotypes of the Indian community. I’m a gender-fluid, American, Belizean kid who isn’t very studious. I want to be a writer, not a doctor, and I would hang out with friends rather than prepare for the spelling bee. —Yadna Prasad, Ethical Culture Fieldston Middle School, Bronx, N.Y.

While my last name may be common, the history behind my family is not. A line of warriors, blacksmiths, intellectuals, and many more. I’m someone who is a story in progress. —Ha Tuan Nguyen, Chief Sealth International High School, Seattle, Wash.

My family is all heterosexual. I did not learn about my identity from them. LGBTQ+ identity is not from any part of the world. I cannot travel to where LGBTQ+people originate. It does not exist. That is the struggle when connecting with our identities. It is not passed on to us. We have to find it for ourselves. —Jacob Dudley, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio

My race is DeVault’s childhood kitchen, so warm and embracing. Familiar. My sexuality is DeVault’s kitchen through adulthood: disconnected. —Maddie Friar, Kirkwood High School, Kirkwood, Mo.

At school, I was Dar-SHAW-na and at home DAR-sha-na. There were two distinct versions, both were me, but neither were complete. \ —Darshana Subramaniam, University Liggett School, Grosse Pointe Woods, Mich.

I do not think that heritage and ethnic roots are always about genetics. It is about the stories that come with it, and those stories are what shapes who you are. —Lily Cordon-Siskind, Ethical Culture Fieldston Middle School, Bronx, N.Y.

In my sixteen-year-old mind, the two ethnicities conflicted. I felt like I couldn’t be both. I couldn’t be in touch with Southern roots and Cuban ones at the same time. How could I, they contradict each other? The Cuban part of me ate all my food, was loud and blunt, an underdog and the Southerner was reserved, gentle, and polite. —Grace Crapps, Spring Hill College, Mobile, Ala.

I thought I was simply an American. However, I learned that I am not a jumbled mix of an untraceable past, but am an expertly woven brocade of stories, cultures, and hardships. My ancestors’ decisions crafted me…I am a story, and I am a mystery. —Hannah Goin, Pioneer Middle School, Walla Walla, Wash.

We received many outstanding essays for the Fall 2019 Student Writing Competition, and several students got clever and creative with their titles. Here are some titles that grabbed our attention:

“A Mixed Child in a Mixed-Up Family” Caitlin Neidow, Ethical Culture Fieldston Middle School, Bronx, N.Y.

“Diggin’ in the DNA” Honnor Lawton, Chestnut Hill Middle School, Liverpool, N.Y.

“Hey! I’m Mexican (But I’ve Never Been There)” Alexis Gutierrez-Cornelio, Wellness, Business & Sports School, Woodburn, Ore.

“What It Takes to Be a Sinner” Amelia Hurley, Kirkwood High School, Kirkwood, Mo.

“Mirish” Alyssa Rubi, Chief Sealth International High School, Seattle, Wash.

“Nunca Olvides de Donde Vienes ” ( Never forget where you came from ) Araceli Franco, Basis Goodyear High School, Goodyear, Ariz.

“American Tacos” Kenni Rayo-Catalan, Estrella Mountain Community College, Avondale, Ariz.

“Corn-Filled Mornings and Spicy Afternoons” Yasmin Medina, Tarrant County Community College, Fort Worth, Tex.

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why i am proud to be an american essay contest winners

American Legion Post 611 Announces American Essay Contest Winners

why i am proud to be an american essay contest winners

The local post and unit had 96 essays for the judges to read and screen them down to 3 essays in each class. The first place essays were then sent to the 19th District chairman for further judging.

In Class II (9th & 10th grade) Finn Greenwood won first place. Finn is a sophomore at Stew-Stras and is the son of Eric Greenwood and Elizabeth Greenwood.

In Class III (11th & 12th grade) Caiden DeBolt won first place. Caiden is a junior at Stew-Stras and is the son of Chris and Beth DeBolt.

Their essays were then sent to the 4th Division for further judging. They both have been invited to read their essays at the Champaign Post 559.

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why i am proud to be an american essay contest winners

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Americanism Essay: Examples, Tips & Topics [2024 Update]

It’s not hard to see why Americanism is one of the most popular essay topics. The concept of Americanism is in the center of the US identity. Writing an essay about it is an excellent way to find out more about this great country.

That being said:

From this article, you will learn everything you need to know about Americanism and essay writing. Choose your topic, follow our tips, and write your perfect composition! Besides, you’ll find out the Americanism definition and history in the article.Before we move forward, check our custom writing services and bookmark our website. Our free tips will help you with all kinds of essays.

  • 🏆 Essay Contest
  • 📝 Types of Essays

✍️ Before You Start

  • 🖊️ Introduction
  • 📄 Main Body
  • ✅ Conclusion

🪄 How Are You Inspired by America Essay Ideas

  • 🦅 Patriotic Essay
  • 💰 American Dream
  • 🗽 American Identity
  • 🏻‍🤝‍🧑🏾 American Values

📚 Americanism Essay Examples

🔍 references, ❓ what is americanism.

Americanism is a set of ideas specific to the United States. Among its key concepts are freedom, equality, individualism, and democracy. It is believed that the United States is an exceptional nation because of these values. In short, you can say that Americanism is what makes people in the US American.

☝️ The Meaning of Americanism

First, let’s see the Americanism definition. It is an idea that celebrates the freedom and individualism of the US citizens. Opportunities and possibilities make the USA distinct from other countries. Carl Schurz, an American statesman and reformer, once said about it:

“This is not a mere idealistic fancy. It is the natural position of this great republic among the nations of the earth. It is its noblest vocation, and it will be a glorious day for the United States when the good sense and the self-respect of the American people see in this their “manifest destiny.” Carl Schurz

Americanism has no counterparts in other cultures. At the same time, it is a way of life, a set of beliefs, and a national character.

What else makes Americanism unique? For instance, it doesn’t depend on a person’s place of birth. Anyone can become an American. They only need to accept the US values, such as:

  • To be in control of one’s fate;
  • To be oriented on future goals;
  • Not to be afraid of changes;
  • To believe in equal opportunities;
  • To appreciate individuality.

As you can see, Americanism has a lot in common with nationalism and patriotism. Indeed, it emphasized the love for one’s country. It includes its symbols, such as the flag and Declaration of Independence. But, unlike nationalism, Americanism doesn’t regard ethnicity as vital.

There are also some other terms associated with Americanism:

  • “Melting pot” is a metaphor of the US as the place where diverse cultures melt into one. You can see it explored in various Americanism essay examples .
  • The American Dream is the idea of a perfect way of life. People come to the United States to achieve it.
  • Some people identify as US citizens, as well as belonging to an ethnicity ascribed at their birth. For example, one can be Asian-American or Italian-American. It is called hyphenated Americans.
  • Pan-Americanism is a movement that promotes good relationships between all countries on the American continent.
  • There are many positive traits to Americanism. Still, it is sometimes seen as a hypocritical idea. Critics point out that the US doesn’t always follow its ideals. Also, they say that US policies do more harm than good. The dislike of America’s values is known as anti-Americanism.

📜 History of Americanism

Did you know that Americanism has a long and exciting history? Well, you’ll see it in this section:

  • Americanism has its roots in the 17th century Protestantism. Back then, people proclaimed the US the “chosen country.” It meant that America, with its morals and democratic principles, should be an example to others.
  • Later the colonists won the Revolutionary war. People saw it as proof of the country’s special status. They believed that new land offers unlimited opportunities. You only had to work hard.
  • Soon the idea of Manifest Destiny was born. The US was supposed to spread its values throughout the continent. When the era of globalization came, Americanism became even more widespread.
  • After World War I, veterans started an organization called the American Legion. They wanted to promote patriotism, democracy, and freedom. Besides, they came up with the concept of “100 percent Americanism”. By it, they meant the complete adherence to the US values. The organization still exists today and holds annual Americanism essay contests.
  • Theodore Roosevelt is associated with the popularization of Americanism. He encouraged immigrants to come to the US and adopt the American way of living. People from all over the world moved to the United States in search of a better life.
  • The idea that all men are created equal is written in the Declaration of Independence. While this statement is many centuries old, it still inspires millions of Americans.

🏆 American Essay Contest

Americanism is an excellent topic for an essay. Want to know why? It helps to raise patriotism and promote knowledge about our fundamental rights. No wonder there are even competitions held between students.

Colleges and universities usually announce Americanism essay contests as an opportunity for the winners to obtain a scholarship.

What is it exactly?

Americanism essay contest is an annual essay writing competition organized for high-school students. The sponsors of the event are the American Legion Auxiliary and Sons of The American Legion. Generally, the contest is oriented to promoting national values and discovering new perspectives.

According to the rules, participants need to conduct research and compose a paper on America’s topic. The ideas can be completely diverse: patriotism, foreign relations, religion, etc.

The participants of the Americanism essay contest are divided into three classes:

  • Class I – grades 7 and 8;
  • Class II – grades 9 and 10;
  • Class III – grades 11 and 12.

Besides, there are specific participation requirements . Students who are allowed to take part in the competition should be:

  • American citizens
  • Lawful permanent residents.

Regarding the formatting requirements , the essay should be either typed or handwritten. The maximum length is 500 words. No visual aids are allowed.

The work should be submitted to the local American Legion Auxiliary Unit. Before sending your essay, make sure the document includes:

  • title page (with essay title on it);
  • the participant’s name and address (city, state, zip, street, house, apartment number);
  • school grade;
  • school name.

The contest winners usually receive money awards or scholarships: the higher the class, the more prestigious the prize.

Would you like to participate in the competition? Below, you will find the essential tips and useful advice on how to write a perfect paper for the Americanism essay contest.

☑️ Americanism Essay: Ideas & Tips

Now you’re ready to write your paper on Americanism. Follow our how-to guide to get the best results.

📝 Types of Americanism Essays

You might be wondering: what kind of composition should I write? There are many ways to discuss Americanism. Let’s see which design you can choose depending on your topic.

The main types of Americanism essay.

Definition essay on Americanism

When writing about Americanism, it would be your first choice. This type of composition is focused on the concept’s meaning. For example, if your topic of choice is “What Americanism means to me,” it would be logical to write a definition essay.

You can start by introducing the definition of the word “Americanism.” Look into several different dictionaries. Then, write your thoughts on the topic. Think of what you can add to the definition based on your personal experience.

Argumentative essay on Americanism

In this case, you research the topic and then discuss it. You also provide evidence to support your ideas.

Let’s imagine that your topic is “Why Americanism is important.” State your personal opinion in the intro paragraph. Then, prove it by using facts. You can sum it up as “Americanism is important because…”

Descriptive essay on Americanism

It’s a type of composition that involves creativity. Convey images, sounds, and textures through words.

For example, an essay titled “Why America is a beautiful country” is likely to be descriptive. You can discuss the landscapes and places you’ve seen. Choose ones that left the impression on you. Similarly, you can honor your relatives by writing a composition about them.

Compare and contrast essay

Sometimes you want to talk about two different things in your composition. For instance, you choose the subject “Americanism and nationalism.” A compare and contrast essay would be the perfect choice for you.

In it, you enumerate the common elements between two things (compare.) Then, say what makes them different from each other (contrast). This way, you gain a deeper understanding of both concepts.

Choose the essay design that suits you best and follow the instructions below.

Now let’s see what other prompts can make your writing experience better.

Qualities of a perfect topic for Americanism essays.

  • First of all, decide on your essay topic. Ideally, it should be something that you care about. This way, it will be easier for you to express your personal opinion.
  • Search credible websites when you look for information. Sites ending with .gov and .edu usually have the most competent data.
  • Try to avoid using biased sources when you’re writing about Americanism. This topic can be sensitive to some people. So, it’s better to stick to the facts.
  • Another thing to keep an eye on is relevance. Check the date of the source before using it. For instance, you want to explore the attitudes towards Americanism from ten years ago. Look for the information from this period. If you’re writing about the current situation, avoid outdated sources.
  • Finally, create a draft for yourself. In it, you can outline the basic structure of your essay. It will help you to work in an organized manner. An outline will also make your ideas flow logically.

🖊️ Americanism Essay: Introduction

Now you’re ready to start writing! And the first thing to consider is the opening paragraph.

Every good introduction starts with a catchy sentence. It is intended to grab the reader’s attention. This sentence is also called a hook. There are many different ways to formulate it. For example, you can say what makes your topic exciting. Alternatively, you may start with a famous quote about America.

For instance, you can begin your essay with this quote:

This is America: A brilliant diversity spread like stars, like a thousand points of light, in a broad and peaceful sky. George H.W. Bush

Keep in mind that the introduction is a crucial part of your essay. It provides the reader with the necessary background information. It also contains the thesis which you will be discussing.

So, you start by telling the reader what they need to know before reading your composition. Namely, it can be the definition of Americanism and other key ideas.

America is the country full of choices and opportunities. It impresses with its astonishing landscapes, tasty cuisine, fascinating traditions, and rich cultural heritage. Yet, the most significant distinctive feature of the USA is the wide diversity of ethnicities and ideologies presented among the country’s citizens and residents. Even though people’s beliefs differ to some extent, each member of the American community has a right to speak up their mind and state their point of view. This is what makes the country strong and unique.

The next step is to state your thesis. It sums up your position on the topic. Let’s say your essay is titled “Why should I be proud to be an American?” The thesis can be, “I am proud to be an American because I have freedom of voice and freedom of choice.” Remember to connect everything with your thesis statement!

📄 Americanism Essay: Main Body

Now it’s time to develop it in the body paragraphs. Their structure depends on the type of composition.

  • In Americanism definition essays, it’s your explanation of the central concept. For example, you can say which parts of the dictionary explanation you disagree with.
  • In argumentative essays, it’s the reasoning and evidence which support your point of view. For instance, you can analyze the statistics showing the attitude towards Americanism.
  • In descriptive essays, it’s the picture you convey through words. Describe a national park, a city, or a person.
  • In compare and contrast essays, it’s the similarities and differences between the things in question. You can alternate between comparing and contrasting. Or, you might focus consecutively on similarities and then differences.

For example, in an argumentative essay, the first body paragraph can look like this:

I am proud to be an American because I have freedom of choice. The USA is a truly liberal country where every individual is capable of setting life goals and principles and satisfying them. In America, people have a right to decide upon their religious views, choose educational institutions, express their sexual orientation, etc. Being capable of determining the way of life the citizens prefer to lead, the Americans feel more fulfilled and satisfied with their lives. The freedom of choice opens a considerable number of opportunities. Moreover, it provides people with the ultimate right to build their own life – the one they desire to have.

How to write a body paragraph of an Americanism essay.

Here’s another tip: use enumeration in your paper. Start each paragraph with “firstly,” “secondly,” etc. It will give your composition a clear structure.

✅ Americanism Essay: Conclusion

And now it’s time to finish your essay. In the closing paragraph, you sum up the main ideas that you’ve arrived at. For example, go back to your thesis statement and say if you’ve proven it.

Naturally, there are different ways to conclude different types of compositions:

  • Recommend your readers to visit the most beautiful US locations.
  • Say that despite many similarities, the things in question are different.
  • Finish your definition essay by formulating your short explanation of Americanism.

For example, the concluding paragraph might look like this:

Overall, the idea of Americanism is based on the liberal society where every member is capable of speaking up their mind and defending their position. America opens the door to the world of liberty and justice. Offering freedom of voice and choice, the country provides its citizens and residents with the possibility to take the preferred life path. Here, people feel independent and fulfilled because their points of view are taken into consideration. Due to the constant development of the Americanism concept, the USA remains one of the most powerful countries in the world for the past couple of centuries.

Keep in mind that sometimes there’s no definitive answer to the thesis question. Don’t worry if there are some objective contradictions in your composition. You can state in the conclusion that there exist various points of view on the subject.

Now you know everything, you need to write a perfect essay. We hope our tips will help you do your best.

💡 Americanism Essay Topics

Can’t choose a topic for your composition? Check our list and get inspired. See a few Americanism essay examples that illustrate our ideas below:

  • Explain whether you think that the American dream is still alive .
  • What is the role of consumerism in American culture?
  • Discuss the value of traditional American culture.
  • Describe the women who made an impact on American history.
  • Discuss how the film Armageddon reflects the American culture of patriotism.
  • Is teaching patriotism in schools a possible task?
  • The peculiarities of American communication culture.

Looking for some inspirational ideas for your paper about the US? Check the ideas for your “How Are You Inspired by America?” essay that we have prepared for you:

  • How does the American flag inspire you? For more than 225 years, the American flag has represented freedom and justice. It’s been serving as both a warning to opponents and an assurance to partners that democracy still exists. In your essay, you can reflect on what the US flag means to you.
  • The US culture of independence and freedom. Write about a sense of individualism that exists in the US. In addition, you can provide examples of the individual achievements of American citizens.
  • The evolution of American values. Examine the shifting character of American values and trace their evolution from the country’s founding to the present. Discuss how historical events, social movements, and cultural shifts have shaped these values. How do they affect your life?
  • American volunteerism and its impact. When someone is in need, Americans are there to help, whether it is across the world or just next door. In your essay, you can share a specific story or example of American volunteerism that has inspired you. Why did it resonate with you?
  • Why is the US designed around convenience? In your essay, discuss the importance of convenience for Americans in various aspects, such as transportation, consumerism, and social norms. Analyze critical factors contributing to America’s convenience-driven culture.
  • America as the most diverse country in the world. One reason why people dream of visiting the US is to meet individuals from around the world. You can write an essay exploring how encountering diverse cultures and perspectives in America has enriched your life.
  • The summer weather in America. People often think of California and Florida when they imagine the US. Write about your experience visiting these or other states in the summer. Describe the weather, lakes, beaches, campfires, and other memorable aspects.
  • The most iconic dishes of American cuisine. Here, you can dwell on the distinctive features of American cuisine – from hamburgers to deep dish pizza in Chicago. Explain how food has impacted your love and appreciation for the US.
  • Why do you want to go to the US? In your essay, share your personal experience of when you fell in love with America. Maybe you are dreaming of visiting this country because of the films and TV shows you have watched in your childhood. Or, perhaps, you were impressed by the stories of your classmates who had already been there.
  • The role of the United States in the global community. Examine America’s historical involvement in international affairs and its current geopolitical position. Discuss its challenges and opportunities in shaping a more peaceful, prosperous, and sustainable world.

🦅 Patriotic Essay Topics

  • Why I am proud to be American. This topic is all about your personal attitude towards the US. Describe the things that you love most about America. For example, it can be the right to speak your mind, have a good education, etc. 
  • Why is patriotism important for America? Discuss the significance of patriotism for your country’s well-being. A nation that loves its homeland does everything to make it better. Besides, working for the common good helps to prevent conflicts between people.
  • What can we do to promote American patriotism ? Think about the ways of spreading the love for the United States. For instance, we can teach the history of the early colonies and the Founding Fathers. We can also talk about how patriotism helped us win in sports, conflicts, and even wars.
  • Can patriotism be harmful? It’s an exciting and controversial topic. Think of its deleterious forms. For example, the ones that fuel prejudice, such as nativism.
  • What is the difference between constructive and blind patriotism ? It can be a compare and contrast essay. Discuss the meaning of these two concepts and say how to tell them apart.
  • Why do we pledge allegiance to the flag ? This topic is concerned with official symbols of the US. The flag is one of them. You can talk about its history or describe what it stands for.
  • Is American patriotism voluntary or obligatory? It’s an excellent topic for an argumentative essay. Traditionally being American means adhering to a set of values, including love for one’s country. Does it make patriotism required?
  • Is patriotism a reasonable justification for conflicts? Loyalty to the country played a crucial part in several clashes. For instance, you can explore its role in the Red Scare, the Cold War, and Iraq operations.
  • Patriotism and the beauty of America. From canyons to big cities – describe the most stunning places in the US! Say if the beauty of your country makes you love it even more.
  • The role of patriotism in my life. And here, you can focus on your personal experience. Do the outstanding achievements of the American nation inspire you? Do you have a relative that you’re incredibly proud of? Discuss it in a composition!

💰 American Dream Essay Topics

There have been at least a hundred thousand movies, songs, books, and manifests about the all-famous American dream. Writing an essay on this subject would be an exciting experience.

  • Concepts of the American Dream . Study various dictionary definitions and come up with one of your own. Try to sum up the critical elements of this concept. Then, describe it the way you see it.
  • Is the American Dream still relevant today? Some people say that its popularity is on the decline. Study the facts and learn about the attitude of the majority.
  • American Dream: then and now. As you probably know, the idea of the American Dream is several centuries old. Throughout history, its meaning has changed. What used to mean perfect living conditions for everybody now has to do with fame and money. You can explore the changes in the American Dream and the reasons behind them.
  • Is it worth pursuing the American Dream ? Some think the pursuit causes more harm than good, while others feel inspired by it. A person’s attitude toward achieving the American dream largely depends on how they interpret it.
  • American Dream in The Great Gatsby . Here you can conduct a short literary analysis of the novel. See how F.S. Fitzgerald describes the ambitious, self-made men of the United States. Say if you agree with the characterization or not.
  • What do the skeptics say about the American Dream ? It’s always important to hear the arguments from both sides. Find a competent opinion against the American Dream and analyze it. You may choose a speech, a book, or a poem.
  • Who can achieve the American Dream? Discuss if everybody can attain the status associated with it. Think about people from different social groups: aristocracy, new immigrants, or people of color.
  • Can the American Dream be destructive? Centuries of pursuing wealth and happiness have plenty of negative consequences. For example, many people have unrealistic expectations. Others still exploit the poor for their profit. See how it is connected with the American Dream.
  • What makes people disillusioned with the American Dream ? Here you can focus on dubious things associated with it. For example, there can be obstacles beyond one’s control. Similarly, a lack of privilege can make the dream unattainable.
  • Is the American Dream useful? Despite its downsides, the dream remains an essential concept for the nation. However, because of its ever-changing meaning, it’s hard to keep up with it. Say if this concept has outlived itself or is still useful despite the changing times.

🗽 American Identity Essay Topics

The United States consists of people coming from all over the world. Like a melting pot for different cultures, America combines them into one identity.

  • What makes the American identity unique? Here you can enumerate the character traits typical for US citizens. It can be exceptionalism, individualism, etc.
  • What elements of American identity are borrowed from other countries? Think about food or traditional holidays. You may also discuss things like the legal system and religion that helped to shape national identity.
  • Multiculturalism in the US . America is an amalgamation of various nations and ethnicities. Some of their traits merge into one collective identity. Others remain specific to the countries they originate from. You can write a fascinating essay on cultures co-existing in the US.
  • What is the American Spirit? It’s an exciting concept that is hard to define. You can talk about the American Spirit at war. Or, you may choose to describe people who embody it, such as George Washington .
  • Why is optimism essential for the American identity? Without a positive attitude, you can’t build a successful future. Result orientation, action, and love of change make Americans optimistic.
  • Manifest Destiny in the US . As you already know, Manifest Destiny is an integral part of Americanism. Discuss its origins and effects on the nation in a fascinating essay.
  • American national symbols . You’ve heard of Uncle Sam, stars and stripes, and a bald eagle. But what do these symbols mean? Explore their history and impact in your essay.
  • The role of historical knowledge in the US identity. You will probably agree that knowing the country’s history is essential. It teaches us valuable lessons, inspires us, and sets examples. You can describe your personal experience in your composition.
  • The Constitution as the beginning of US identity. Here you can write about what made the Constitution a crucial document. Back when it was created, it allowed both democracy and slavery. Think about similar contradictions in the American identity. 
  • The importance of sports for the US. Sports have always played an important part in uniting people. Baseball, football, basketball – the list goes on! Choose your favorite games and describe their importance for the nation.

🧑🏻‍🤝‍🧑🏾 American Values Essay Topics

US citizens have particular sets of values. Find out what rules govern the lives of Americans.

  • Freedom as a fundamental American value. This topic covers all kinds of liberty—from religious to political. Think about the role freedom played in the formation of the United States. 
  • American home as a value. It’s traditionally accepted to take great care of your home. At the same time, there’s a tradition of moving often. Think about what this contradiction can mean.
  • Equality: the essential American value. See what equality means for America and discuss its milestones. Don’t forget to mention the civil rights movements in your essay. For example, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP.)
  • Hard work as an American value. As you know, work is one of America’s greatest virtues. The idea is that everyone gets what they deserve. Thus, those who put more effort—gain more profit. Do you think it’s true?
  • Change in American society. Many cultures around the world treat change as something negative. It’s not the same in the US, where people welcome changes. Variation is believed to bring progress and a brighter future. You can compare the attitude towards change in the United States and other cultures.
  • The value of democracy in the US. Democracy helps to prevent conflicts and promote development. Many people think that it’s a superior form of government. Say whether you agree with this statement and why.
  • What makes materialism a national value? You may be interested in exploring this topic and its history. In America, material wealth is a natural reward for hard work. Find out where this belief comes from and what it means today.
  • Education as an American value. This topic is closely connected to the idea of opportunity. By going to university, you can become whatever you want to be. Explore this notion in your Americanism essay.
  • The importance of Martin Luther King’s speech, “I Have a Dream.” MLK’s address brilliantly sums up American values. It also points out the problems we need to solve to make our lives better. Explore it in your essay.
  • Donald Trump and re-evaluation of Americanism. Since 2016, Americanism became widely popular due to Donald Trump’s policies. The belief in the unique mission and exceptionalism are back in the spotlight. You can discuss whether it’s a good or a bad thing in your essay.

Below you will find a few incredible Americanism essay examples. Check them out to get inspired!

Why I Am Proud to Be an American Essay Example

Our first essay sample explores the topic “Why I Am Proud to Be an American”:

Growing up, I was taught to be proud of my country, my culture, and our nation’s heroes. I am grateful for what we have in the United States, including the freedom to write, speak, and choose. 

The United States is a country where you can freely express your opinions without fear of being criticized or punished. While there are nations throughout the world that penalize people for speaking out against the government or certain religious views, America encourages different perspectives. Of course, the regulations and laws prohibiting hate speech must be obeyed, but Americans are free to express their views regarding political, ethical, and religious issues. 

Another reason to be proud of being American is freedom of choice. The United States is one of a few countries in the world with legalized same-sex marriages. It also allows its citizens to practice the religion of their choice. This open-mindedness has made the US a welcoming place for people from all walks of life and has contributed to its reputation as a melting pot of cultures and beliefs. 

No country is perfect. The US is not flawless, either. We have many issues, such as racial tensions and terrorism. Though we now see undeniable progress toward equality, the problem of racial profiling and prejudice still exists. Domestic and international terrorism is another worrying issue that inflicts uneasiness and demands serious security measures. We need to combine the efforts of citizens and government to overcome all shortcomings through constructive dialogue and meaningful reforms.   

Despite all these problems, I am and always will be proud to be an American. Freedom of speech and respect for diversity are two main principles that inspire me and make my country great. Of course, the US has imperfections and struggles, just like any other country. But we have already overcome significant obstacles in the past, and I know we will continue to do so in the future since we are the country of freedom and the home of the brave.

How Can I Be a Good American Essay

The essay example below provides a student’s reflections on how to be a good American.

Have you ever thought about what it means to be a good American? Even though everyone has their own answer to this question, there are several fundamental values that all US citizens respect and adhere to. These include abiding by the law, respecting individual rights, valuing our history and culture, and working together to make life better for everyone. 

The US Constitution is the basis of American democracy that protects individual liberties and rights. All Americans respect the Constitution and its Amendments and recognize the importance of the law. In addition, I believe that a good American is not afraid to take social responsibility, vote, participate in community organizations, and advocate for policies that uphold justice and equity. 

Examples from American history also demonstrate patriotism and love for the country. Good Americans recognize that a deep understanding of their nation’s past is significant for creating a meaningful connection to the present. When people learn about America’s history and culture, they understand its unique character, past challenges, successes, and strong spirit. This knowledge helps them become more active citizens, which enables America to keep improving and protecting its values. 

I think a good American is a true patriot who is not mindlessly loyal to the American nation but profoundly loves it, with all its strengths and flaws. A decent American also recognizes and appreciates the country’s victories and accepts its mistakes while working to make it a better place for all citizens.

Now you’re all set to write a perfect composition. What writing tips did you find the most useful? Let us know in the comments!

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🤔 Americanism Essay FAQs

Americanism essay is intended to capture the spirit of the USA. It often includes a reference to the ancestors and appreciation of human rights. Take aspects of the American way of life and develop them in a patriotic style.

Americanism is a concept that sums up the ideals of the USA. It treats equality, freedom, and one’s love for the country as especially important. Anyone who adopts Americanism can become a US citizen.

Americanism is an essential part of US culture. It’s a philosophy, a way of life, and a set of rules. It is unique, and it makes America different from all other countries.

You can say that Americanism is a belief in freedom and equality. It provides us with ideals we can follow to make the US better. These are the traditional values that make this country great.

  • Comparing and Contrasting: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Argumentative Essays: Online Writing Lab: Purdue University
  • Definition Essay: Excelsior Online Writing Lab: Excelsior College
  • Writing the Introduction: Monash University
  • Anti-Americanism Causes and Characteristics: Pew Research Center
  • Americanism: Encyclopedia.com
  • The Value of Democracy: Encyclopedia Britannica
  • The American Spirit: Heritage.com
  • Values in American Culture: Boston University
  • Revisiting the American Dream: Is the U.S. Providing Fewer Opportunities to Get Ahead?: Wharton University of Pennsylvania
  • Reality and the American Dream: Is Meritocracy Defined by Socio-Economic Status?: McKendree University
  • One American Identity, Two Distinct Meanings: University of Colorado
  • Writing Descriptive Essays: Purdue Online Writing Lab: Purdue University
  • There Are Many Ways to Be Patriotic: Penn State College of Liberal Arts
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I would agree. ‘Dig deep’ and ‘dig deeper’ seem fine to me, and are common in corpora (more common than ‘dig deeply’ or ‘dig more deeply’ in BNC and COCA). I was wondering, is that because ‘deep’ can be a flat adverb, or is it because ‘deep’ here is an adjectival complement: that is, you’re not digging in a deep manner, but digging so as to be at a deep point (compare ‘run deep’, ‘go deep’, etc.)? I sympathize with the students over ‘computer program,’ as I often have to check myself with that one too!

It's really good!

Yes, it is.

why i am proud to be an american essay contest winners

2023 Freedom Fest Kids Essay Contest Winners

Essays answer the question: “Why do we celebrate the Fourth of July?”

Contributed by Morgan Hill children

The theme for the 2023 Freedom Fest is “A Star-Spangled Celebration.” The kids essay contest reflects the theme with the question: “Why do we celebrate the Fourth of July?”

Organized by Karen Crane, she encouraged children in the South Valley to answer the question “When you think of our Fourth of July, do you think of our Star-Spangled Banner? Or, do you think of heroes who protect our freedom?

The Kiwanis Club of Morgan Hill supported the contest.

Here are the winning essays:

Primary Division – Grades 2 and 3

Grand Prize winner: NOEL S. (Grade 3, Mrs. Colton)     Do you like fireworks and barbecues? When I think of these, I think of the Fourth of July. The Fourth of July is a special day for America.  It was the day that America won its independence. In 1776, a declaration was signed for America to be free.  Now people from all over the world come to America to be free! So just keep this in mind: The Fourth of July is the day that America won its freedom. I LOVE AMERICA!      
Second Place winner: Cora K. (Grade 3, Mrs. Miceli) Hi, Today I will tell you about what the 4th of July means to me. First, the 4th of July means celebrating our country’s freedom and spending time with family and friends.  Also, remembering the people who fought for our freedom and country. Second, what I do to celebrate the 4th of July is to watch fireworks with my friends and family and I also go to watch the Morgan Hill 4th of July parade. All in all, my favorite part of the 4th of July is spending time with family and friends. Have a great 4th of July!  
Third Place winner: Scarlett A. (Grade 2, Ms. Patel)    We celebrate the 4th of July as a birthday for America.  The first 4th of July was in 1776. On that day, we signed the Declaration of Independence.  By signing the Declaration of Independence, we became the United States of America and were no longer controlled by England.  We celebrate this day by having firework shows, having parades, and singing songs that remind us why America is great.  In Morgan Hill, we have a big celebration and my favorite part is the “Patriotic Sing”. Singing songs about America reminds us that it wonderful to live in the United States of America.        

Intermediate Division – Grades 4 and 5

Grand Prize: Karl S. (Grade 5, Mrs. Chappell) Karl S, We celebrate the 4th of July because that’s America’s Birthday. When I think about the 4th of July, I think of Morgan Hill’s 4th of July Parade, and our whole community gathering together to celebrate America’s Birthday. I think of the 4th of July as a time to spend with family and friends, and honor all the military heroes who fought for our freedom.  I think of the stars on our flag  as well as the stripes. The stars represent all of our United States. The stripes represent the original thirteen colonies. The thirteen colonies that helped form  America and the whole United States. When I think about the 4th of July, I think about the songs that people enjoy singing around the 4th of July like patriotic songs. The patriotic songs that come to my mind are “The Star Spangled Banner”, “My Country Tis of Thee”, “God Bless America”, and many more patriotic songs. When I think of the 4th of July, I think of how many versions and names the flag had before it was how it is today. The stars were based off of the Washington Headquarters flag; it started with five rows, and a two three two three pattern. This flag was important because it was anywhere General Washington was. The flag flew over battlefields, the headquarters or raised above soldiers marching. Over time the flag has changed many times, every time a state was added, they added a star and a stripe, then they decided to keep 13 stripes to represent the 13 colonies. The stars would then represent the number of states. This is the flag we know today and flies high over our schools, at our government buildings, over our battleships, on our military heroes, uniforms, on our airplanes, and next to our homes on the 4th of July Another reason I love the 4th of July is to celebrate our country’s heroes. Those heroes who have fought for our freedom, and those who have fallen. Our heroes protect us no matter what and sacrifice themselves to protect us. They had to go through hard training to get to where they are, and they give it their all. I think all of our heroes deserve more than what they get because they are giving up so much to fight for our country. In conclusion, I like the 4th of July, and I’d personally like to thank everyone who has fought for us. Overall, the 4th of July is a fantastic day and we live in a community that celebrates it to its fullest. From the Patriotic sing, to the running race, the car show, parade, and fireworks our community comes together to celebrate the 4th of July. We are United as one celebrating our United States.
Second Place Winner: Andy T. (Grade 5 – Mrs. McDonald) Andy T. When I think about Independence Day, I think about our country’s heroes, our rights, and our freedom in this country.  Imagine being in an area that has absolutely no freedom, your country has unfair laws, and you have no control over your choices. I would not be happy, but many countries today still face this issue. These countries have no independence whatsoever, and are miserable. However, we should be grateful we are independent and never have to worry about this happening to us. Independence Day is a day to celebrate our independence, which is why we should be thanking those who fight for our freedom and rights, such as the Armed Forces, or police officers, who do a big part in conserving our rights and keeping us safe. When I hear about Independence Day, I also think about how we have our own freedom, we have freedom of speech, the freedom to play our favorite video games like Roblox. And, we have the freedom to read our favorite book series and the right to express who you are. Our celebrations here in Morgan Hill already do a big part in helping us celebrate Independence Day. I love the parade because I get to eat popsicles and hold flags. A lot of people come so it is fun to celebrate together as a community. I am writing about this because it is important to recognize that we are Independent, we have many free choices. We can also express ourselves however we want. I am proud to be an American!
Third Place winner: Asztryd B. (5th Grade – Mrs. Chappell) Asztryd B. Playing in the sun on this year’s 4th of July, isn’t just about the fireworks. It is about the history between the Fourth of July and our great Declaration of Independence! The real question is “Why do we celebrate the Fourth of July?” The Fourth of July is truly an amazing, and historical celebration. “What historical accomplishment is celebrated by the Fourth of July?” Well, in 1776, the Declaration of Independence was founded and led us to freedom. Throughout history, our former leaders of the Declaration were Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams. You see, they are the main reason we are here standing, being heard, and under our own blanket of rules. They wrote the Declaration of Independence for our chances of being free and to have better life opportunities, whether it’s a job or anything in life! We celebrate our role models and the Declaration on the Fourth of July in an important, historical, celebration. In order to get a clear picture, we need to know how life was before the Declaration of Independence. Facing this challenge back then, against Great Britain wasn’t easy, Great Britain used to own the Thirteen Colonies. Therefore, Great Britain was empowered to rule all colonies. The colonies were furious at how unfairly they were treated, and how little they got respect. They all deserved equal rights! Soon, came their heroes Thomas, Benjamin, and John. These three were heroes to all. They were the presidents who had introduced us to freedom and brought us to this point. It took great leadership in order to make the Declaration of Independence a reality. First of all, they had to make great suggestions to be an independent citizen. Second of all, they had to convince their “king” to approve their request. The three presidents convinced their king, therefore they were now free but had to make their own rules. For this reason, they held a meeting in Philadelphia, where other historical meetings have played out. One might think the importance of the Fourth of July is fireworks, the food, and celebrations.  However, the spirit of the Fourth of July rests in that, thanks to this, we are free Americans!  This means we are empowered to have a better life if we are willing to work hard. We have many options when it comes to culture and religion. This combination of differences makes us proud Americans from this great country.

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why i am proud to be an american essay contest winners

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American Pride: The Reasons Why I Am Proud to Be an American

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Words: 484 |

Published: Aug 10, 2018

Words: 484 | Page: 1 | 3 min read

Works Cited

  • Bellah, R. N., Madsen, R., Sullivan, W. M., Swidler, A., & Tipton, S. M. (1985). Habits of the Heart: Individualism and Commitment in American Life. University of California Press.
  • Bellah, R. N., Madsen, R., Sullivan, W. M., Swidler, A., & Tipton, S. M. (1996). Individualism and Community: Education and Social Change in America. University of Chicago Press.
  • Dworkin, R. (1978). Taking Rights Seriously. Harvard University Press.
  • Fishkin, J. S. (2010). The Rights of Others: Aliens, Residents, and Citizens. Cambridge University Press.
  • Jefferson, T. (1789). Bill of Rights (Amendments 1-10 of the Constitution). Retrieved from https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/bill-of-rights-transcript
  • Kukathas, C. (2003). The Liberal Archipelago: A Theory of Diversity and Freedom. Oxford University Press.
  • Rawls, J. (1971). A Theory of Justice. Harvard University Press.
  • Skrentny, J. D. (2002). The Minority Rights Revolution. Harvard University Press.
  • Thoreau, H. D. (1849). Civil Disobedience. Retrieved from https://www.gutenberg.org/files/71/71-h/71-h.htm
  • Waldron, J. (2012). The Right to Private Property. Oxford University Press.

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why i am proud to be an american essay contest winners

In 2020, I became a proud American citizen. Native critics don't know how good they have it.

In today’s america it almost feels subversive to be proud of becoming — or being — a u.s. citizen..

I closed out 2020 with one of the best moments in my life. On Dec. 8, I became a citizen of the United States of America. It ranks in significance right behind marrying my wife and the births of my children.

If being born here is like suddenly winning the lottery, becoming a naturalized citizen is like slowly and steadily reaching financial independence. The United States has been such a source of inspiration for immigrants that we hope to create our own lottery by working to become citizens and embodying the appreciation for everything that is good about America — sometimes even more so than locals.

I waited years to become American. I first came to the United States from Uruguay in 2008 for my graduate studies and received my green card in 2014. Five years later, I could apply to become a citizen. 

In today’s America it almost feels subversive to be proud of becoming — or being — a U.S. citizen. We are in the middle of a national conversation about the true origin and character of our nation. Some insist on debasing America’s origins by asserting that it was fundamentally based on slavery and began in 1619. Others assert that bold but flawed people came together to form America in 1776 . That this was the true beginning of an unprecedented experiment that included injustices, yet consistently strives to improve and live up to its stated ideals. 

A divided perception of America

The public perception of America coming from the intellectual class is wholly different from popular opinion. It is not unlike the common discrepancy on Rotten Tomatoes between a professional critic's score and the audience's score . A recent survey , conducted by my public policy non-profit, the Archbridge Institute, asked a nationally representative sample if they are proud to be American and 87% of adults agree. The responses cut across party lines, gender, and ethnicity.

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In a  similar survey  we conducted, 74% of Americans claim they have either achieved the American Dream or are on their way to achieving it.

A country that regularly denies opportunities to significant portions of its population would not see the majority of people ( 85% of Americans , across age, ethnicity, and education level) saying they have either about the same or more opportunities as their parents had. Only 15% of Americans (and just 11% of Black Americans) say they have fewer opportunities.

Gallup has similar findings. Americans are largely satisfied, 63% , with the opportunity for economic mobility in the United States, according to an early 2020 poll. And, prior to the coronavirus hitting, Americans had more confidence in the U.S. economy than at any other point in about two decades. 

Thinking about our core values the night before my citizenship oath ceremony, the first values that came to mind were the philosophical pillars outlined in the Declaration of Independence: Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

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But, most of all, the United States is a country built on freedom and meaning. The pursuit of meaning drives all of us, both as individuals and collectively. Americans seek to live better, richer and fuller lives, regardless of our origins. Here, people are encouraged to combine that pursuit of meaning with a sense of personal agency, inspiring what psychologist Clay Routledge calls “existential agency.” This is the belief that people can “find and maintain meaning in life.” 

I am grateful to be an American citizen

That is why I am grateful to become an American citizen. For me, the ethos of the American dream remains the vision statement for the United States.

It cannot be comprehensively quantified, since it is partly an attitude, a promise of better days to come, and an invitation to pursue happiness and human flourishing. In one of the questions posed in our  surveys , participants were asked what the American dream meant to them, and to rate various statements as “essential,” “important but not essential,” and “not important,” to the American dream.   Freedom of choice in how to live ranked the highest, in terms of how many people said it was essential to the dream.  

We must continue to remove barriers that stand in the way of people seeking to live better, richer and fuller lives. As a new citizen, I am excited to play my part in making sure that the American dream is alive and well in my own imagination and in everyday life. 

My own dream has a number, 4.92, which was my Uber driver rating when I needed to make ends meet while launching my nonprofit. I was promised neither success nor an easy ride (many Uber rides weren’t), but America did offer me an opportunity. That’s all we need.

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Embracing America’s core values is part of the reason why immigrants are crucial to the American experiment. The United States was first started by immigrants who exercised their existential agency to pursue their own dreams. As an immigrant who has lived in other parts of the world, I can attest to America’s unique, self-improving nature. America faces its problems, and seeks to create better versions of itself.

The American experiment continues to be re-energized by immigrants like me, who choose to be part of the shining city on a hill. I am humbled and grateful for the opportunity to become an American citizen. Thank you to all Americans for welcoming me into what is now our country. 

Gonzalo Schwarz serves as president and CEO of the Archbridge Institute , a public policy think tank  analyzing  social mobility and human flourishing.


Essay on Why I Am Proud To Be An American

Students are often asked to write an essay on Why I Am Proud To Be An American in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Why I Am Proud To Be An American

Being a part of history.

I am proud to be an American because I am a part of a nation with a long and storied history. The United States has been at the forefront of many important advancements in science, technology, and culture.

Land of Opportunity

I am proud to be an American because it’s a land of opportunity. Anyone, regardless of their background, can come to this country and find success. I am grateful for the opportunities that have been given to me and I know that I would not have been able to achieve the same level of success in any other country.

A Vibrant and Diverse Culture

I am proud to be an American because it’s a vibrant and diverse country. People from all over the world come to the United States to experience its unique culture. I am proud to be a part of a country that is so welcoming and accepting of people from all backgrounds.

250 Words Essay on Why I Am Proud To Be An American

The american dream: a beacon of hope.

I am proud to be an American. America is a land of opportunities. It is a place where anyone can pursue their dreams, regardless of their background or circumstances. The American Dream is alive and well, and it is available to all who are willing to work hard and never give up.

Land of Freedom and Justice

America is a land of freedom and justice. We have the right to speak our minds, to practice our religion, and to assemble peaceably. We are also guaranteed a fair trial by a jury of our peers. Justice is blind in America, and everyone is equal under the law.

Diversity and Inclusion

One of the things that makes America so special is its diversity. People from all over the world have come to America to seek a better life, and they have brought with them their own unique cultures and traditions. This diversity makes America a vibrant and exciting place to live. We are a nation of immigrants, and we are proud to be a place where people from all over the world can come to find a new home.

A Leader in Innovation and Technology

America is a leader in innovation and technology. We have produced some of the greatest scientists, inventors, and entrepreneurs in history. American companies are responsible for some of the most important technological advances of the past century, including the internet, the personal computer, and the smartphone.

In conclusion, I am proud to be an American because of the opportunities, the freedom, and the justice that this country offers. I am proud to be part of a nation that is a leader in innovation and technology. I am proud to be an American because this country is a beacon of hope for people all over the world.

500 Words Essay on Why I Am Proud To Be An American

A land of opportunity.

I am proud to be an American because this country is a land of opportunity. No matter where you come from or what your background is, if you work hard and play by the rules, you can achieve anything you set your mind to. This country has given me the chance to pursue my dreams and make a better life for myself and my family.

A Place of Freedom

I am proud to be an American because this country is a place of freedom. We have the freedom to speak our minds, worship as we please, and assemble peacefully. We also have the right to a fair trial and to be innocent until proven guilty. These freedoms are not guaranteed in many other countries around the world, and I am grateful to live in a country where they are.

A Nation of Immigrants

I am proud to be an American because this country is a nation of immigrants. People from all over the world have come to this country in search of a better life, and they have all helped to make America the great country it is today. I am proud to be a part of this diverse and welcoming nation.

A Country of Hope

I am proud to be an American because this country is a country of hope. No matter how difficult things may seem, we always have hope for a better future. We believe that anything is possible if we work hard and never give up. This hope is what drives us forward and makes us a stronger nation.

I am proud to be an American because this country is a land of opportunity, a place of freedom, a nation of immigrants, and a country of hope. I am grateful to live in this country, and I will always be proud to be an American.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on Why Homework Is Important
  • Essay on Why Fast Food Is Bad For You
  • Essay on Why Exotic Animals Should Not Be Pets

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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why i am proud to be an american essay contest winners

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National essay contests.

If you’re a high school student who enjoys writing, there are plenty of national essay contests you can participate in – many of which include large rewards for the winners and finalists!

Awards range from monetary scholarships, cash amounts, all-expenses paid trips, and even donations to school libraries. For example, the JFK Profile in Courage Essay Contest combines scholarships, cash awards and travel: the winner receives a $5,000 cash award, $5,000 to invest in a college savings plan, and travel and lodging expenses to attend the ceremony in Boston.

Each contest has its own requirements, including the deadline, and the topic and length of the essay.. There are a variety of categories for these essay contests, including Literary Analysis, Politics & History, Personal Reflection, and those geared to specific career fields such as science or journalism.

Literary Analysis

Literary analysis essay contests are based on a specific piece of literature, and they are judged on both writing style and content. Judges look for writing that is clear, articulate and logically organized. Student should demonstrate a solid grasp of the themes and messages in the novel or play about which they’re writing. For example, the Ayn Rand Institute hosts yearly essay contests for students from 8 th grade through graduate school. Currently, topics center on three of Rand’s popular novels, Anthem (8 th , 9 th , 10 th ), Atlas Shrugged (12 th grade, college and graduate), and The Fountainhead (11 th , 12 th ).

Penguin’s national essay contest, The 19 th Annual Signet Classics Student Scholarship Essay Contest is offered to students in 11 th or 12 th grade. This contest focuses on the plays Pygmalion and My Fair Lady and requires students to choose one of six topics. The topics include questions about character relationships, alternate endings, and the role of song and expanded scenes.

Politics & History

Common themes of national essay contests include modern-day politics, past figures, and historical ideals or philosophies. These essays are analytical in nature and tend to be an opportunity for students to develop and enhance research, writing and critical thinking skills.

The John F. Kennedy Library Foundation invites high school students to “consider the concept of political courage by writing an essay on a US elected official who has chosen to do what is right, rather than what is expedient” through   The Profile in Courage Essay Contest . Students ar required to write an essay of 700 to 1,000 words, and to use at least five varied sources.

Open to all high school students, the Sons of the American Revolution offers the George S. & Stella M. Knight Essay Contest . The topic should deal with an event, person, philosophy, or ideal associated with the American Revolution, the Declaration of Independence, the Magna Carta or the framing of the United States Constitution. Sources must include published book sources, and the essays are judged on historical accuracy, clarity of thought, organization, grammar, and documentation.

Personal Reflection

A plethora of essay contests allow students to submit reflections of a more personal – rather than historical or literary – nature. Many offer opportunities to reflect on a personal hero, such as the essay required for the National World War II Museum’s Annual Essay Contest . This competition  asks the question, “How do you define a hero?” and requires students to use World War II as a starting point. Though based in a historical context, essays should be written using examples from students’ own lives and experiences.

The Fleet Reserve Association (FRA) hosts an essay contest for students in 7 th through 12 th grade. The essay only 350 words, and has the theme “Why I am proud to be an American.” Similarly, the Joe Foss Institute’s Hayes C Kirby Essay Scholarship Contest asks students to respond to “I love my country because…” with a minimum of 1500 words. It encourages entrants to be creative, while developing a clearly defined theme.

Specific Career Fields

Some essay contests focus on a specific field of study or career path. For example, The DuPont Challenge is a science essay contest for 6 th through 12 th graders. It offers four focus areas, with topics including economics growth, nutritious food sources, a secure energy future, protecting people and the environment, and research-oriented STEM innovations.

For those interested in writing and journalism, the Society of Professional Journalists offers a high school essay contest in order to “increase high school students’ knowledge and understanding of the importance of independent media.” In a 300-500 word essay, students respond to the topic, “Why is it important for journalists to seek the news and report it?”

Students with an interest and talent in writing should explore the many opportunities that lie within national essay contests. With such a wide range of topics, there’s something for everyone, and you may even start to build up some funds for college!

Of course, there are many more essay competitions and scholarship opportunities than are mention here. If you’d like to learn more, contact Collegiate Gateway – we’re always happy to help.

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U.S. Student in Scotland Ruby McIntee Wins the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Essay Contest

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   May 20, 2024   Media Contact:   Matt Porter    617-514-1574 [email protected]   www.jfklibrary.org  

U.S. Student in Scotland Ruby McIntee Wins the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Essay Contest    – Winning Essay Profiles U.S. Representative from New York Vito Marcantonio who took a controversial stand to protect political freedom –

BOSTON – The John F. Kennedy Library Foundation today announced that Ruby McIntee , a U.S. Citizen and senior at  the High School of Dundee  in Dundee Scotland , has won the national John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Essay Contest for High School Students . The winning essay describes how former U.S. Representative Vito Marcantonio (New York 18th District) courageously opposed the 1948 Subversive Activities Control Act which required communists to register with the U.S. Attorney General. Determined to protect constitutionally guaranteed freedoms, Marcantonio risked his career and reputation to stay true to democratic principles.

The essay contest is sponsored by the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation and The Boeing Company . 

“Ruby’s essay on Representative Marcantonio reminds us that our democracy needs political leaders who are willing to stand up for the public good at any cost,” said Rachel Flor , Executive Director of the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation. “I am thrilled to see thousands of students participate in this year’s Profile in Courage Essay Contest to learn about the challenges faced by our past elected leaders and the choices they made to stand up for the greater good.”

“Boeing is proud to support the JFK Library Foundation’s work to encourage civic engagement,” said Ziad Ojakli , executive vice president of Government Operations at Boeing. “The Profile in Courage Essay Contest helps students become stronger leaders by challenging them to think about how public service makes our world better.”

The annual Profile in Courage Essay Contest invites high school students from across the nation to write an essay on an act of political courage by a U.S. elected official. The contest is a companion program of the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award™, named for Kennedy’s Pulitzer Prize-winning book Profiles in Courage , which recounts the stories of eight U.S. senators who risked their careers by embracing unpopular decisions for the greater good. This year, 2,313 essays were submitted from students in fifty states, Washington, D.C., and from U.S. citizens in Canada, Ecuador, Germany, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Namibia, Nigeria, Turkey, United Kingdom, Uruguay, and Vietnam. 

McIntee is the first winner studying from outside the United States.

McIntee will receive a $10,000 scholarship award from the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation and Boeing for her accomplishment.

McIntee attended elementary school in Brooklyn, New York and decided to write about someone from the state where she had lived. She painstakingly combed through pages of Congressional records to find what she considered an excellent essay subject. Although McIntee felt Representative Marcantonio had many acts of political courage to choose from, she decided to focus on his opposition to the 1948 Subversive Activities Control Act.

McIntee has been a member of her school's debate team for five years and looks forward to continuing debating in college. She enjoys swimming, editing for her school newspaper and reading. Interested in politics and history, she is a founding member of her school's philosophy club and an Orwell youth fellow. She plans to attend the University of Edinburgh next fall.

McIntee’s nominating teacher, Ms. Amanda Tevendale , will receive a John F. Kennedy Public Service Grant in the amount of $500 to be used for school projects that encourage student leadership and civic engagement. 

Craig Hrones , a sophomore   at Amherst Regional High School in Amherst, Massachusetts, was selected as the second-place winner for his essay on John P. Slattery, a former State Representative of Massachusetts. He will receive a $3,000 prize for this recognition.

Each of the following five finalists will receive a $1,000 prize: Benjamin Klingle , a senior at Brunswick High School  in Brunswick, Maine , profiled Jared Golden, U.S. Representative of Maine; Novah Miller , a senior at Colorado’s Finest High School of Choice in Englewood, Colorado , profiled Richard Lamm, former Governor of Colorado; Shreya Nallamothu , a junior at University High School  in Normal, Illinois , profiled David Dinkins, former Mayor of New York City; Aarush Tutiki , a sophomore at Albuquerque Academy in Albuquerque, New Mexico , profiled Leonidas Dyer, former U.S. Representative of Missouri; Mia VonLehman , a junior at Notre Dame Academy in Park Hills, Kentucky , profiled Woodrow Wilson Mann, former Mayor of Little Rock, Arkansas.

Ten students were recognized as semifinalists: Maeve Brady , a junior at The Wheatley School in Old Westbury, New York , profiled David Rose, former Assemblyman of Anchorage, Alaska; Xiayang Huang , a sophomore at  Hunter College High School in New York, New York , profiled Rodney Mims Cook Sr., former State Representative of Georgia; Taisei Ishikawa , a junior at  Greencastle High School in Greencastle, Indiana , profiled William Hudnut, former Mayor of Indianapolis; J ulia Knispel , a junior at Ridgefield High School in Ridgefield, Connecticut , profiled Sarah Davis, former State Representative of Texas; Ariel Konieczko , a junior at Beacon High School in New York, New York , profiled Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, former U.S. Representative of Florida; Landry Lehan , a junior at Mercy High School in Omaha, Nebraska , profiled John Nosser, former Mayor of Natchez, Mississippi; Karthik Sangameswaran , a junior at Saratoga High School  in Saratoga, California , profiled Albert Patterson, former State Senator of Alabama; Allison Taylor , a senior at Xavier High School in Appleton, Wisconsin , profiled Vel Phillips, former Alderwoman of Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Hayden Watkins , a senior at Rowan County High School  in Morehead, Kentucky , profiled Cecil Watkins, Attorney of Rowan County, Kentucky; Wyatt Wunker, a junior at Saint John’s School  in San Juan, Puerto Rico , profiled Luis Muñoz Marín, former Governor of Puerto Rico.

Eight students received honorable mentions and are listed, along with winners, finalists, and semifinalists, at  www.jfklibrary.org/essaycontest .

The John F. Kennedy Library Foundation created the  John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award  in 1989 to honor President Kennedy’s commitment and contribution to public service and to celebrate his May 29th birthday. The award is presented annually to public servants who have made courageous decisions of conscience without regard for the personal or professional consequences. The award is named for President Kennedy’s 1957 Pulitzer Prize-winning book, Profiles in Courage . A distinguished committee of leaders from the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation and the National Archives and Records Administration selected the winning essays.

The John F. Kennedy Library Foundation  is a 501(c)(3), non-profit organization founded in 1984 to provide financial support, staffing, and creative resources for the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, a presidential library administered by the National Archives and Records Administration. The JFK Presidential Library and the JFK Library Foundation seek to promote, through educational and community programs, a greater appreciation and understanding of American politics, history, and culture; the process of governing; and the importance of public service.

As a leading global aerospace company, Boeing develops, manufactures and services commercial airplanes, defense products and space systems for customers in more than 150 countries. As a top U.S. exporter, the company leverages the talents of a global supplier base to advance economic opportunity, sustainability and community impact. Boeing's diverse team is committed to innovating for the future, leading with sustainability, and cultivating a culture based on the company's core values of safety, quality and integrity. Join our team and find your purpose at  boeing.com/careers .

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LAFCU essay winners: How my environment molded me into the person I am today

Here are the four winners of LAFCU's Write to Educate essay contest. The students were tasked with answering this question: How has the place you have grown up molded you into the person you are today and impacted your life?

The winners each received a $5,000 college scholarship and another $500 was donated to each winner's designated charity.

My community shaped and expanded my worldview

Nature vs Nurture. How much does the environment a person is placed into have an effect on their character versus how they were born?

I have contemplated this question many times when it comes to myself and how much I have allowed myself to be changed by the people around me. From a young age I have always had a strong sense of self. I have known who I am and what I need to do to accomplish my goals of becoming smarter and stronger. I have had little care for the judgments from my peers.

This has been an asset because it has allowed me to reach heights beyond what I thought was possible but that does not mean I always know my path forward. That doesn’t mean I have not changed. As much as I, and every other human on the planet, resists change, it is impossible to grow without changing.

Becoming older means expanding one’s view of the world from a simplified version to a messy one. A world full of complexity and inconsistency which each and every one of us must navigate and find our own path through the shroud known as our future. The community that I have grown up with are my paddles allowing me to navigate the treacherous river, giving me advice and a wider world view of things I never thought existed.

My morality is the first thing that was shaped by my community. Every person has the basics of morality sewn into them from birth but when it comes to more complicated situations, my community has changed my view.

My younger self was much more cut and dry where I would label something as wrong no matter what, with no exception. My community has taught me to view these situations with more context to make more informed decisions.

For example, a kid beats another kid because he was being bullied by him. My old self would say the kid who got into the fight should be punished because he laid his hands on another person and should have taken other outlets to resolve the problem. The way I see it now is that even though his decision was wrong to hurt the other kid, no one was able to stop the bully from bullying him and the system itself has failed the kid by allowing the bullying to happen. I have no wish for anyone to get hurt, but I see that situation as much more nuanced than I once did.

These ideas have been shaped by my own experiences and by the people around me who have been put into tough situations. I have learned from the diverse community around me that the choices people make are rarely simple ones.

My political views have also been shaped by my community. I am growing up in a community that largely has different political views from my own. Having different people to communicate with that have grown up in ways different from my own, has allowed me to find where I stand on certain issues.

Within my community I have been able to find people that I respect, and I take note of the things they believe and challenge their ideas versus my own. Even if in the end our ideas of how the world should be run may differ, I have been able to find common ground with tons of people and I have been able to refine my views into a more well-rounded, multi-faceted, diverse view of the world.

My community is full of people from all different races and cultures, and by combining perspectives from all those different people, we can find a way to have a more united world with the basic necessity of finding common ground and understanding which can unite us all. Where I have grown up has shaped the way I think and how I act. Even though I have always had a strong sense of self, there are parts of my personality that have been changed and molded by my experiences, and my community has influenced the way that I view different situations. Without my community I would not be as accepting and open-minded as I am today.

— Antonio Rojas of East Lansing High School is headed to the University of Michigan. Chosen charity: Cristo Rey Community Center

Lansing Hmong community encouraged my success

Many things in life are taken for granted. During my childhood, I was very active in the Hmong Lansing community. The community would occasionally hold multiple annual events for gatherings. I would meet many new people there and hear their stories, advice or opinions on life. The younger me at the time didn’t know what to take from these experiences and failed to appreciate these moments.

As I matured, I understood what these opportunities meant when I grew around the community. It was the experience of learning from others. The learning experiences growing up in the Hmong Lansing community have molded me to become a person of ambitions, someone who gives back, and the love of cooking for others.

In the Hmong community, the place has molded me into a person of ambitions. I am a first-generation Asian American coming from Hmong immigrants. My parents came to America for a better opportunity. Within my community, most do not have a college education. People from the Hmong community had to adjust to the culture, language, and way of life in America. Born in America, I adjusted to the culture there easily compared to my community.

I felt the need to carry their dreams of being successful. I wanted to take the opportunity that wasn’t given to my community and achieve greater heights. I want to strive for success within the Hmong community.I have grown into a person who gives back to their community. I can always remember the events that brought the community together all over Michigan. It was a yearly cultural event called the Lansing Hmong New Year. It was an event of celebration, bonding, and opportunity to connect with others. I wanted to help continue thisongoing tradition. I started doing community service to involve myself.

Even though it may not have been much, I felt a sense of accomplishment in giving back to the community. Seeing the joy of others is what truly motivates me to give back to my community.

The place I had grown up in created a love for cooking. I vividly remember the times when my parents would have a barbecue for various occasions for the community. I would always ask my dad to teach me how to grill. It was until one particular day that pestering led my dad to teach me how to grill. It was my brother’s graduation event.

Graduation from high school was important in the Hmong community; it was the time for people to gather for the success of one’s education. My dad guided me in the process of grilling until he thought I was ready by myself. I took my first step in grilling, and it was a success. People in the community for my brother’s graduation thought my cooking was delicious. I was filled with joy and pride. I liked having that feeling and having others enjoy what I make. Learning that skill gave me a passion for cooking for others.

Throughout my life in the Hmong Lansing community, it has taught me many valuable lessons in life. Whether it was basic knowledge or insights, these life lessons were appreciated. Without the love, guidance, and support from the community, I wouldn’t have grown into the person I am now. The Hmong Lansing community holds a special place in my heart.

— Elvis Vue of Waverly High School will attend Ferris State University. Chosen charity: Hmong Family Association

Rural upbringing influenced my career choice

Did you know that rural students are now officially recognized as an under-represented group in colleges?

For decades, rural students have faced unique barriers in getting into the best colleges, but in recent years, people have started to realize that the lack of rural representation in academia is a problem. From my own experiences growing up in a small, rural town, I have gained skills vital to my future career as a plasma physicist, allowing me to collaborate with my peers in the scientific community to better the world.

One of the key things that Napoleon has offered me is a close-knit community, which has given me social skills that I would not otherwise have, allowing me to effectively collaborate with others when the time comes to work as a group. These skills will serve me well in my future career, where I will be collaborating with scientists both in my own field and related disciplines.

As a smaller, rural school district, Napoleon had not always had the resources of larger schools. Despite this, my teachers have helped me to develop creative ways to solve problems when not all the tools are available, allowing me to effectively function in situations where I do not have the same opportunities as other students.

For instance, though my school doesn’t offer advanced physics education, I was able to seek out opportunities like the Academically Talented Youth Program at Western Michigan University or Physicists Inspiring the Next Generation (PING) at Michigan State University, which allowed me to gain knowledge I would not otherwise have, and I was supported in this endeavor by my school.

As a student in ATYP, I had to leave school early once a week in order to gain an accelerated honors education in English − not only was my school able to accommodate my periodic absences, they were also willing to accept my ATYP credits in lieu of the school’s English classes. This flexibility let me have more time at school to pursue other modes of education such as dual enrollment.

Similarly, my upbringing in a more rural area has given me a perspective on the world and how it works that is beyond what my more urban peers are familiar with. Growing up in a forest, I have always been surrounded by nature, and I have a deep love for the woods around my home. This has spurred my intention to enter the field of plasma physics, where I can make a difference by working towards the end goal of nuclear fusion energy, a clean and safe source of electricity that will keep the woodlands I have loved safe for centuries to come.

Already, I am able to apply this perspective to the community around me. In my role for the Jackson Community Foundation’s Youth Advisory Committee, I have had an incredible opportunity to serve as a mediator, helping to resolve issues that occur in my group of students working towards a better future for the youth of Jackson County.

— Thomas Hays of Napolean High School will attend Michigan State University. Chosen charity: Jackson Community Foundation

Success comes from overcoming rural limitations

Livingston County has always been my home. Despite continuing development, the area where I live remains rural. Growing up in a rural area is equal parts wonderful and frustrating. Rural means fewer people per square mile with smaller communities and less diversity.

My school is not known in the area for its diversity. There is not much variety when it comes to everything from what grocery store your family shops at to what school you attend.

My education has been limited by my rural community because my school has fewer class selections and availability. For example, both last year and this year I signed up to take classes (AP English Literature and Pre-Calculus) my school offers but I was unable to attend these classes because the only availability conflicted with my other classes. To combat this struggle, I committed to learning these classes online through a virtual education platform with whom my school partners.

One of my other choices, AP biology, did not have enough student interest to schedule the class and I had to change selections. This has been a limiting challenge for me as well as other students in my district. To broaden options, many students participate in dual enrollment classes with community colleges in the area. Limited variety and availability has encouraged me to stretch my idea of traditional school to take the classes that will help shape my future.

Activities like archery and horseback riding are local to me. I attended horse camp at age 6 and have been involved with horses ever since. Currently I am a member of my school’s equestrian team and own my own horse, Gingersnap. Horsemanship has taught me selflessness, hard work, responsibility, and perseverance. Without access to local barns and camps I would have missed out on developing important life skills.

My school’s archery team was started by another student in my grade who had a passion for archery, the outdoors, and hunting. I joined immediately. In addition to memories and friendships, archery has taught me how to set and achieve realistic goals, that practice makes progress, and teamwork. I am grateful for my community being in an area that supports and fosters growth in clubs such as these.

Despite the lack of variety, I strive for excellence in every opportunity to reach my full potential. My classmates and l help encourage each other in many areas from academics to sports and clubs. A friend of mine created the Environmental Club, of which I was a member, to help promote recycling and decrease wastefulness. She also created Students for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI). Our club not only recognizes diversity but we find solutions to problems in our community every day. We spread awareness at school through bulletin boards displaying achievements by a variety of groups in hopes to foster change and inspire others in our community and the world beyond.

With a smaller school population, there is less diversity but we do have an inclusive program called Peer to Peer. Neurotypical students are paired with neurodivergent students (called “links”) to assist them with participation and making friends. These “links” are often the only friendships these students have at school. I helped encourage my “link” to communicate with me by starting conversations, asking questions, and playing games.

Our school is small enough that our Peer to Peer class was able to meet and play Braille Uno during lunch. The more intimate setting including our whole group may not be possible in a larger district. While we may not have the diversity of a larger school, I embrace any available opportunities to learn about others.

I would not trade growing up in a rural area as I feel I made the most of my opportunities and developed skills that will support my transition to a larger college community and beyond.

— Vivian Hansen of Pinckney High School will attend Eastern Michigan University. Chosen charity: Bountiful Harvest Pantry


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  25. LAFCU Write to Educate essay winners received $5,000 scholarship

    Lansing State Journal. Here are the four winners of LAFCU's Write to Educate essay contest. The students were tasked with answering this question: How has the place you have grown up molded you ...