Speech on teachers day in english: 4 short and easy speech ideas.

Are you looking for speech ideas to write an amazing speech on teachers day? We have curated a list of 4 short and easy speeches, which you can get inspired by. A friend, a guide, and a philosopher, a teacher is the one that fills a student with knowledge, skills, and confidence allowing them to tap into the independence of life. Teacher�s day is celebrated each year in India on the 5 th of September to honor the birth of the honorable Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, popularly called Professor, he was the second President and the first vice president of India after independence. Admired by many in his field, his birthday was chosen to honor teachers from all parts of the nation since 1962.

Words can be quite impactful and decisive. If you are looking to prepare a speech on Teachers day, we have prepared a list of a few simple speeches that you can use as a reference in making your very own inspirational and motivational speaker.

Here are some examples to help you understand the format of the teacher's day speech.

Speech On Teachers Day : 1

Very good morning to all. Today is Teacher�s day, one of the most auspicious occasions when we get to thank our teachers for everything they do for us. Celebrated on the occasion of the birth anniversary of Dr. S Radhakrishnan. He was a teacher himself and was the second president of our country.

A philosopher and educationist, Dr. Radhakrishnan believed that teachers are the foundation of the future for us students. From teaching us chapters from textbooks to giving us valuable lessons in life, our teachers help us to become a better version of ourselves. Teachers are not limited to our classrooms. Anyone who provides us with values and life skills can be considered a teacher and they can help us in many forms. Today is the day we get to thank our teachers.

It is my pleasure and privilege to be a part of the group thanking our teachers and I would like to wish them a warm and happy teacher�s day. You are a blessing for us and for our future selves. Thank you for guiding us through the difficult chapters of our textbooks as well as life to help us become valuable citizens of India. On behalf of my class, I would like to extend our love to our teachers. We are fortunate enough to be guided by such lovely teachers to become fine students. We sincerely pray for your happiness and well-being from the bottom of our hearts.

Speech On Teachers Day : 2

Very good morning to all my friends and my lovely teachers. On this wonderful occasion of teacher�s day, we celebrate the birthday of Dr. S Radhakrishnan and honor our dear teachers. Our teachers have been working day and night tirelessly to provide us with the best education that we deserve to help us become responsible citizens of India.

Remembering Dr. Radhakrishnan, every year all of us students wait eagerly for the 5th of September with joy and enthusiasm. This day is celebrated all over our country to pay respects to our teachers who play an important role in sharpening the next generation.

I would also like to include that teachers are equal to our parents. They teach us with utmost effort and treat us like their own children. Though our parents gave birth to us, it is our teachers that held us to the standards of being a wonderful human beings. They fill us with motivation and inspiration to help our young minds grow and reach their potential. Preparing us for the challenges to come, thank you for giving us the strength and inspiration to face any challenge.

Teachers are a blessing to us and we cannot thank them enough with a simple five-minute speech. Let us pledge to respect and honor our teachers by following their advice and teachings to become good human beings for society. Thank you everyone for your guidance and support whenever we need them.

Look at a few more examples of teacher's day speech.

Speech On Teachers Day : 3

Respected Teachers and my dear friends,

We have all gathered here to celebrate the auspicious occasion of Teacher�s day. On behalf of me and all my fellow students, I would wholeheartedly like to thank our teachers for everything that they have done for us. I have prepared a few words in honor of our teachers.

As we all know that Teacher�s day is celebrated on the occasion of Dr. Radhakrishnan�s birthday on the 5th of September. Dr. Radhakrishnan was the second president after independence who was also a teacher and educationist. His excellent guidance helped pave the future path for many of the brightest minds of our country. India has been celebrating Teacher Day since 1962 in his honor who has been an inspirational figure to all.

Our teachers are one of the most irreplaceable parts of our lives. No student can succeed without the efforts and blessings of their teacher. From teaching us lessons from textbooks to life lessons, our teachers have helped us love learning and believe in ourselves and we cannot thank them enough. Can we imagine how life would have been without our teachers? We got a taste of this during the pandemic when we lost our school days and we dearly missed our interactions. From classroom fights to the scolding of our teachers, we missed it all. This however did not slow our teachers down and they jumped back to help us with online classes. With the tremendous efforts and sacrifices our teachers have made for us, we would like to thank you all for being there for us.

We promise to hold up the lessons and values you taught us and hope to make you proud someday!

Speech On Teachers Day : 4

Good morning to all! We are all gathered here to offer our gratitude for the efforts put in by our teachers. Teachers are our parents away from home and our guides to a successful future. On the occasion of Teacher�s day, I would like to extend our love on the behalf of all the students.

Teacher�s day is celebrated to commemorate the efforts of our teachers and observe the birth anniversary of Dr. Radhakrishnan, who was the first vice president and the second president of independent India. It is said that when students came to congratulate Dr. Radhakrishnan on his birthday, he told them to dedicate the day to the profession of teaching, and thus Teacher�s day was born to honor the efforts of teachers across the country.

I would like to take this opportunity and thank my teachers for their support and guidance all through these years. You have all been a motivation and inspiration for us all helping us to tackle any difficult situation in life.

Dear teachers, we will always be grateful for your guidance wherever we are in the future. We are thankful to have been under the blessings of such wonderful teachers who have been nothing but the absolute best.

Thank You. Read More: Teachers Day Quiz 2021: 10 MCQs To Check Your Knowledge!

Students plan a variety of acts and speeches for their teachers. With their teachers, they perform dances, sing songs, and play a variety of games.

Teacher's Day is observed to honor and acknowledge the contributions of teachers to the development of children's futures.

  • April,02 2022

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Mr Greg's English Cloud

Speech Script: Teachers’ Day

Teachers’ Day is a special occasion where we express our gratitude and appreciation for the invaluable contributions of educators in shaping our lives. Delivering a heartfelt speech is a wonderful way to honor teachers on this significant day. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide on how to write an inspiring speech for Teachers’ Day, highlighting key elements such as understanding the audience, structuring the speech, incorporating personal anecdotes, expressing gratitude, and delivering a memorable conclusion.

Table of Contents

Understanding the Audience

Before you begin writing your Teachers’ Day speech, it is crucial to understand your audience. Consider the diverse group of teachers who will be present, ranging from seasoned educators to newly appointed teachers. Acknowledge their dedication, passion, and the challenges they face in their noble profession. Tailor your speech to resonate with their experiences and aspirations, ensuring that your words create a sense of unity and appreciation among the educators.

Structuring the Speech

An organized structure is essential for an effective speech. Begin with a warm introduction, capturing the attention of your audience. Provide a brief overview of the significance of Teachers’ Day and the purpose of your speech. Transition into the main body, divided into several key points. Each point should focus on a specific aspect, such as the impact of teachers on students’ lives, the transformative power of education, or the importance of continuous learning. Use clear and concise language, and support your points with relevant examples or anecdotes. Finally, conclude your speech by summarizing the key ideas and reinforcing the message of appreciation and gratitude.

Incorporating Personal Anecdotes

Personal anecdotes add a touch of authenticity and emotional connection to your speech. Share your own experiences as a student and highlight the teachers who have made a lasting impact on your life. Recall specific moments or instances that exemplify their dedication, compassion, or innovative teaching methods. By sharing these personal stories, you not only honor the teachers who have influenced you but also inspire others to reflect on their own experiences with educators. Remember to maintain a balance between personal anecdotes and broader messages that resonate with the entire audience.

Expressing Gratitude

Teachers’ Day is an opportune time to express heartfelt gratitude. Take a moment to acknowledge the hard work, sacrifices, and unwavering commitment demonstrated by teachers. Reflect on the challenges they face, including the demanding nature of their profession and their role in shaping future generations. Express appreciation for their guidance, patience, and belief in their students’ potential. Consider incorporating quotes, poems, or excerpts from famous speeches that exemplify the impact of teachers on society. Be sincere and genuine in your expressions of gratitude, as it will resonate deeply with your audience.

Delivering a Memorable Conclusion

A powerful conclusion leaves a lasting impression on your audience. Summarize the key points of your speech, emphasizing the significance of teachers and their role as catalysts for change. Inspire your audience with a call to action, encouraging them to continue making a difference in the lives of students. Conclude with a heartfelt thank you, expressing gratitude once again for the dedication and passion exhibited by teachers. Consider ending with a memorable quote or a thought-provoking statement that encapsulates the essence of your speech.

Teachers’ Day Speech Example #1

Esteemed teachers, respected guests, and dear students,

Today, we gather here to celebrate a group of extraordinary individuals who shape our minds, inspire our hearts, and ignite our passion for learning—our teachers. On this special occasion of Teachers’ Day, we come together to express our deepest gratitude and appreciation for the invaluable contributions they make in our lives. In this speech, we will reflect on the profound impact of teachers, the transformative power of education, and the importance of honoring and celebrating these remarkable individuals.

Teachers hold the power to change lives, to ignite curiosity, and to unlock the potential within each of us. They are the guiding lights that illuminate our path to knowledge and understanding. Through their dedication, expertise, and unwavering belief in our abilities, they empower us to dream big, to challenge ourselves, and to reach for the stars. Teachers not only impart academic knowledge but also nurture our character, values, and life skills. They instill in us the confidence to face challenges, the resilience to persevere, and the compassion to make a positive impact in the world.

Education is the key that unlocks the doors of opportunity and empowers us to shape our own destinies. Teachers play a pivotal role in this transformative journey. They create inclusive and engaging learning environments where we can explore new ideas, ask questions, and discover our passions. They encourage critical thinking, creativity, and independent thought, equipping us with the tools to navigate an ever-changing world. Beyond textbooks and exams, teachers impart life lessons, values, and the importance of empathy and respect for others. They foster a love for lifelong learning and inspire us to become lifelong learners ourselves.

Teachers’ Day is a time to honor and celebrate the tireless efforts, dedication, and unwavering commitment of our teachers. It is an opportunity to express our gratitude for the sacrifices they make, the extra hours they invest, and the personal care they provide to ensure our success. Today, let us reflect on the impact teachers have made in our lives and the countless ways they have shaped our futures.

Let us recognize the teachers who have gone above and beyond, who have nurtured our potential, and who have believed in us when we doubted ourselves. Their guidance and mentorship have left an indelible mark on our hearts and minds. Today, we acknowledge their selflessness, their passion for teaching, and their relentless pursuit of our growth and development.

Beyond individual teachers, let us celebrate the entire teaching community. The collective efforts of teachers shape the foundation of education and society as a whole. Let us acknowledge their resilience, adaptability, and dedication, especially in the face of unprecedented challenges. Their unwavering commitment to our education and well-being is deserving of our highest praise and appreciation.

In conclusion, on this special occasion of Teachers’ Day, let us honor and celebrate the guiding lights who have touched our lives and shaped our futures. Let us express our gratitude not only through words but through our actions, by applying the lessons they have taught us and making a positive impact in the world. To all the remarkable teachers present here today and to teachers around the world, we extend our deepest appreciation and wish you a joyous and fulfilling Teachers’ Day.

Teachers’ Day Speech Example #2

Esteemed educators, distinguished guests, and dear students,

Today, we gather here to celebrate the incredible influence of teachers in our lives and to commemorate the significance of their role on this special occasion of Teachers’ Day. Teachers are the architects of our intellectual and personal growth, guiding us along the path of knowledge and empowering us to reach our fullest potential. In this speech, we will reflect on the enduring impact of teachers, the transformative power of education, and the profound gratitude we owe to these remarkable individuals.

Teachers are the guiding light that illuminates the path to discovery and understanding. They possess the extraordinary ability to ignite a flame of curiosity within us, sparking a lifelong love for learning. Through their passion, knowledge, and dedication, they provide us with the tools to navigate the complexities of the world. Teachers foster critical thinking, encourage intellectual curiosity, and instill in us the confidence to voice our opinions and ideas. They create an environment that nurtures creativity, problem-solving skills, and resilience. Their unwavering support and belief in our abilities empower us to explore our potential and pursue our dreams.

Education is a transformative force that has the power to shape lives and create a better future. Teachers are the catalysts of this transformation, molding not only our minds but also our character. They equip us with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the challenges of life and contribute meaningfully to society. Teachers go beyond textbooks, imparting life lessons, values, and empathy. They inspire us to become compassionate individuals who are aware of the world around us. Teachers foster a sense of inclusivity, celebrating diversity and nurturing a respectful and harmonious community.

Teachers’ Day is a momentous occasion to express our sincerest gratitude and honor the teachers who have made a profound impact on our lives. Let us take this opportunity to acknowledge their unwavering dedication, sacrifice, and unwavering belief in our potential. Today, we celebrate not just individual teachers, but the entire teaching community. Every teacher, whether in a classroom, a laboratory, or through virtual platforms, plays a crucial role in shaping the minds of future generations.

Let us remember those teachers who have gone above and beyond, who have inspired us to dream big and supported us in achieving our goals. Their mentorship and guidance have left an indelible mark on our lives. Today, we honor their commitment to our growth and their tireless efforts to make a difference.

As students, let us also recognize our responsibility to honor our teachers by embracing education with enthusiasm, integrity, and a thirst for knowledge. Let us strive to be lifelong learners, continuing to grow and develop even beyond the boundaries of the classroom.

In conclusion, on this momentous Teachers’ Day, let us celebrate the enduring impact of teachers on our lives. Their dedication, passion, and commitment have shaped our minds, influenced our character, and paved the way for our future success. Today and every day, let us express our deepest gratitude to the remarkable teachers who have illuminated our path and inspired us to reach for the stars. To all the teachers present here today and to teachers around the world, we extend our heartfelt appreciation and wish you a joyous and fulfilling Teachers’ Day.

Teachers’ Day Speech Example #3

Honorable educators, esteemed guests, and dear students,

Today, we gather here to pay tribute to the profound impact of teachers in shaping minds, nurturing souls, and igniting a lifelong love for learning. On this auspicious occasion of Teachers’ Day, we come together to celebrate the unwavering dedication and invaluable contributions of these remarkable individuals. In this speech, we will reflect on the enduring influence of teachers, the transformative power of education, and the deep gratitude we owe to those who have guided us on our educational journey.

Teachers are the guiding lights that illuminate the paths to knowledge, wisdom, and self-discovery. They possess the unique ability to recognize and nurture the potential within each student. In their classrooms, they create an environment that fosters growth, curiosity, and intellectual exploration. With passion and expertise, they impart knowledge, challenge assumptions, and inspire us to think critically. Teachers not only teach us subjects but also guide us in navigating life’s complexities, instilling values, empathy, and resilience. They believe in our capabilities and provide unwavering support, empowering us to overcome obstacles and achieve our goals.

Education is a transformative force that empowers individuals and drives positive change in society. Teachers are the catalysts of this transformation, shaping generations of learners. Through education, they open doors of opportunity, broaden perspectives, and equip us with the tools to thrive in a rapidly evolving world. Teachers foster creativity, encourage innovation, and nurture the skills necessary for success. They inspire us to become lifelong learners, instilling a hunger for knowledge and a passion for personal growth. Beyond academic subjects, teachers cultivate critical thinking, compassion, and social responsibility, molding well-rounded individuals who contribute meaningfully to their communities.

Teachers’ Day is a momentous occasion to honor and appreciate the tireless efforts and unwavering commitment of our teachers. It is an opportunity to express our deepest gratitude for their selflessness, patience, and dedication to our education and well-being. Today, let us remember and celebrate those teachers who have left an indelible mark on our lives, who have gone beyond their call of duty, and who have believed in our potential when we doubted ourselves.

Let us acknowledge the sacrifices teachers make, often going above and beyond their responsibilities to ensure our success. Their encouragement, mentorship, and guidance have shaped our futures and inspired us to become the best versions of ourselves. Today, we express our heartfelt appreciation for their unwavering support and the countless hours they invest in our growth.

Moreover, let us extend our gratitude to the entire teaching community. Teachers work collaboratively, sharing knowledge, best practices, and inspiration. They support and uplift one another, united by a common goal of nurturing young minds. The collective efforts of teachers shape the foundation of education, laying the groundwork for a brighter and more enlightened future.

In conclusion, on this special Teachers’ Day, let us celebrate the everlasting influence of teachers, the guiding lights who have shaped our lives and set us on a path to success. Their dedication, passion, and unwavering belief in our potential have made a lasting impact. May we always remember their invaluable contributions and strive to honor their legacy by embracing education, pursuing knowledge, and making a positive difference in the world. To all the exceptional teachers present here today and to educators worldwide, we extend our deepest gratitude and wish you a joyous and fulfilling Teachers’ Day.

Final Thoughts

Writing an inspiring speech for Teacher’s Day requires careful consideration of the audience, a well-structured outline, personal anecdotes, expressions of gratitude, and a memorable conclusion. By honoring teachers through our words, we celebrate their impact on our lives and recognize their pivotal role in shaping the future generations.

About Mr. Greg

Mr. Greg is an English teacher from Edinburgh, Scotland, currently based in Hong Kong. He has over 5 years teaching experience and recently completed his PGCE at the University of Essex Online. In 2013, he graduated from Edinburgh Napier University with a BEng(Hons) in Computing, with a focus on social media.

Mr. Greg’s English Cloud was created in 2020 during the pandemic, aiming to provide students and parents with resources to help facilitate their learning at home.

Whatsapp: +85259609792

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sample speech on teachers day

Frantically Speaking

How to Write a Teachers’ Day Speech: A Guide for Students and Teachers

Hitiksha jain.

  • Speech Writing

How to give a speech for teachers' day- a guide for students and teachers

A teachers’ day speech is a special occasion speech. It is a speech where you acknowledge your teachers, gurus or mentors for being an absolute human guide and encouraging you to dream. On this special day, you express your gratitude towards them, it can be in the form of a speech or stage performances.

‘When one teaches, two learn.’  Robert Heinlein

Teachers’ Day is that one event which not only excites the students, but the teachers as well. It is an important day for the students, as it gives them a chance to recognize the efforts put in by their teachers to ensure that they get proper education and ethics in life. Likewise, the teachers also await the Teachers’ Day celebration, as their efforts get acknowledged and honoured by their students.

But why is it important to celebrate Teachers’ Day?

Teaching is considered to be the most sacred and noble professions of all, as teachers are the ones to craft the other professions. 

Teachers have the ability to change the students’ life for the better. Teaching is a tough job; however, it is that one job where you can make the optimum impact on another person’s life.

However, we often tend to forget the importance teachers have in our lives. So, on this day you make them realize how important they are in your life along with this you appreciate their existence, their efforts and their guidance.

How to appreciate your teachers or students in your teachers' day speech

Not only students, but teachers also express their views to the students because their profession is nothing without their students. 

If you are looking for tips on how you can draft a heart touching speech for teachers’ day, don’t worry we’ve got some suggestions for you (teacher or student).

But remember, the only key to give a heartwarming speech is Authenticity.

importance of being authentic or genuine in your teachers' day speech

Tips to Remember Before you Draft your Teachers’ Day Speech:

1)  appreciate, do not exaggerate.

When you give a speech on occasions like teachers’ day, it demands you to be authentic while sharing your experiences or showing gratitude. Being authentic will help you make your speech pure and impressive at the same time. 

Try to articulate your feelings in the simplest form which will make your speech sound genuine. 

Exaggeration in a speech might make you lose your credibility, making it sound unreal. 

In case of students giving a speech for their teachers, you can appreciate their efforts, praise them, or the way in which they helped you garner knowledge, improve your skills, grow confidence as well as to help you choose the right path to success. 

In short, when thinking about the best way to thank your teacher/s, consider what exceptional they did or above their call of duty? How did they inspire you or change your thinking? Did they inspire some new academic avocation or activity? What skills will you hold dear in future?

You are basically trying to acknowledge the efforts that your teachers have put in. So try and make your acknowledgement sound genuine and speak from your heart and not just for the sake of saying it.

In case of teachers giving a speech on teachers’ day, you can talk more on the lines of how your students have been motivating you or how happy you are to see their efforts to do better everyday, for instance, showing their interests in the extracurricular activities or competitions. 

Pro tip- Do not overdo it, for instance over praising your teachers or students, the listeners will understand it is not coming from your heart. 

2) Dedicate your Thoughts

The speaker should be expressive about one’s emotions. Your speech is dedicated to the event of Teachers’ day, so everything you speak has to support the event.

For students giving a speech on teachers’ day, the speaker can dedicate the speech mainly to acknowledge his teachers, communicate gratitude towards them and applaud them for being a beacon of light in their lives. 

For teachers giving a speech on teachers’ day, you can talk more about why it is celebrated, the importance of a teacher in a student’s life, what motivates you to be a teacher.

3) The PURPOSE should be at the Heart of your Speech

One thing you need to bear in your mind is the purpose of your speech. Purpose means, why is the speech drafted or for what are you drafting the speech. 

For instance, in case of students , the speech is drafted for your teachers in order to pay them a tribute or acknowledge their efforts.

Similarly, in case of teachers , your speech is drafted for the students as well the fellow teachers, so your purpose of talking would be the joy you experience while teaching or guiding your students or expressing your gratitude for the efforts the students have taken to make your day special.

Therefore, your speech needs to revolve much around teachers’ day, so that you don’t deviate from the purpose of your speech.

4) Duration of the Speech 

The goal of any speaker is to make his speech memorable and at the same time the one which has a long-lasting impact.

While drafting your speech, try to keep it short and sweet, as it is more likely to hold your audiences’ attention. It also forces you to say what you mean and nothing more. Meaning, you will cover only those points that are central to your message or speech.

Stick to your topic and then draft your speech accordingly – use as few words as possible and limited anecdotes to retain your audiences’ attention without sacrificing the essential information. 

Make sure the points you want to make come out clearly.

We’ve written an article on How to Deliver a 1 Minute Speech: Tips, Examples, Topics & More . Check it out to get some tips on how you can deliver a short speech.

After keeping in mind these few suggestions, the next step would be to organize your content, so that your speech flows smoothly.

Here’s an article on How to make your speech flow smoothly . You can review this article to get a better understanding regarding the same.

In order to give a clear and a structured speech, your speech needs to be divided into three parts, mainly- Introduction, Body and Conclusion.

How to Organize your Teachers’ Day Speech?

1) introduction.

An introduction can be best considered as the foundation of your speech. Just as you can’t build a building without forming its base, you cannot build your speech until and unless you don’t introduce your topic.

Introducing your topic will help you gain the audiences’ attention because you’re revealing the purpose of you standing in front of them.

The goal is to start your speech with impact and to do this, you can start by telling a story or a quote, or by asking an interesting question.

Here’s an article that we’ve written on various storytelling approaches that you can consider for your next speech.

You can start your speech with, say like a story or a quote and then connect it to the occasion of Teachers’ day or teachers in general. 

For instance, a student can start his speech with a hypothetical situation, supposing a life without a teacher and then connect it to being thankful for having them in your life as torch bearers. 

A teacher can start her speech by expressing her gratitude towards the program that has been organized for them along with a few lines regarding why is teachers’ day celebrated

To start your speech with a bang, you can review the article that we wrote on 15 powerful speech opening lines and how to create your own.

After choosing an impactful opening remark, the next part would be the body of your speech.

Oftentimes, more importance is given to the opening and closing remarks and everything in between is considered to be filler. This should not be the case because the body of a speech is where you offer the evidence or data to support your main message.

Taking the previous example in case of students , you can actually start expressing your gratitude towards them, recognize their efforts, explain their importance in your life, and much more.

In case of teachers , you can build your speech on the basis of how your students motivate you or how you feel about teaching as a profession, or what joy you experience while teaching.

3) Conclusion

The conclusion of your speech should restate your main message. 

You basically summarize the main points of your speech which will help you to create a long-lasting impression in the minds of your audience. 

You can end your speech in much the same way you began- with a story, quotation, or a question. 

In case of students ending their Teachers’ day speech, you can thank your teachers for being an essential part of your journey.

In case of teachers ending their Teachers’ day speech, they can provide a bunch of advice to their students. 

We have a few suggestions or tips on Ways to end your speech with maximum impact .

To make this simple, here are some points that you can cover while drafting your speech.

4 Points Students can cover in their Teachers’ Day Speech : 

  • Teacher’s importance in your life
  • Acknowledge their efforts that they have put in for you
  • You can highlight the significance of teachers’ day
  • Express your gratitude towards them

sample speech for a student giving a speech for teachers' day

Sample Speech by Students for their Teachers

Education without teachers is like a body without a soul.  “A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination and instill a love of learning” , says Brad Henry. Let’s pick the first keyword over here – ‘HOPE’. A teacher is capable of returning the lost light in a student’s life. Therefore, teachers are the torch bearers who show us the path of success and walk us through the entire path until we achieve something. Today we all have gathered here to celebrate the presence of those unsung heroes without whom no profession would have existed, our teachers. It is said that parents give birth to a child, but it is the Teacher who makes sure that the child is not only raised as a tough individual, but also as an ideal citizen. We students have sometimes made it so difficult for a teacher to survive, especially if we personally find a subject boring, but it is the teacher who has made us learn a lesson which is To Never Give Up. Even if we are disrespectful, intolerant, and sometimes cross all our limits of being bearable, she still continues to motivate us.  What a teacher writes on the blackboard of life can never be erased. The values, the skills and the life lessons taught by them are something we all will hold dear in our lives. You are the reason behind our dreams and our farsightedness. You have prepared us to become the fittest and the finest individuals. Without your presence we wouldn’t have learnt how to dream. Thank you for guiding us when we were wrong and being on your toes to get the best out of us, we all are very grateful to have you all as our teachers. I would like to conclude my speech through a short poem called Teachers by Kevin William Huff that summarizes the role of a teacher in a student’s life. Teachers Inspire a love of knowledge and truth As you light the path which leads our youth For our future brightens with each lesson your teach Each smile you lengthen Each goal you help reach For the dawn of each poet, each philosopher and king Begins with a teacher And the wisdom they bring

Download the Teacher’s day Sample Speech by a Student here.

6 Points Teachers can cover in their Teachers’ Day Speech: 

  • Appreciate the efforts your students have put in to organize the event
  • Express your joy or why you like teaching 
  • How students motivate you to teach
  • Why do we celebrate teachers’ day
  • What do you feel about teaching as a profession
  • Few advices to the students for their future endeavours

Sample speech for teachers giving a speech for teachers' day

Sample Speech by Teachers for their Students

“There’s no word in the language I revere more than teacher. My heart sings when a kid refers to me as his teacher, and it always has. I’ve honored myself and the entire family of man by becoming a teacher.”  —Pat Conroy, Author It is said that Teachers have got their designation because of the existence of students, who are taught lessons for life. Welcoming the Principal, my fellow teachers and my dear students. It gives me immense pleasure to thank each and every student present here for putting up such a lovely program. We teachers feel highly privileged to have students like you all, so I would like to dedicate this day to all our students. Teaching for me is one of those careers, where you learn something new every day as well as impart knowledge and skills to train individuals and make them ready to face the real world. We really appreciate all the support that you’ve been giving us over the years and continuously reminding us about the value of our work and our potential to impact your lives for the greater good. In short, your support helps us remain mindful of our ultimate purpose and hold on to the passion that fuels our fire.  This special day reminds me of my own gurus and their impact on my life. I remember one of my teachers telling me this, “Beyond the undone and unseen lies the unachieved.” Meaning, to do something that nobody has done or seen and that’s when you will achieve what nobody has. To achieve something extraordinary you need to conquer the 3 D’s- Desire, Determination and Discipline.  Desire means being passionate about something you love.  Determination refers to being dedicated towards something that you are passionate about. Discipline refers to practicing what you are determined about. As teachers, we strongly believe it is our key responsibility to dig in the foundation to construct pillars of great strength. And I truly appreciate the efforts all the teachers have been putting in so as to achieve this. Before I sign off for the day I would like to give you all a piece of advice. Each one of you is different, each one of you has a different caliber, challenge yourself and chase your dreams. There will be a time in your life when you might fail, but don’t give up. Your success lies without your level of patience. Do great for the society and help everyone possible. Never take your profession on your head because at first, you have to be a good human before becoming a good professional. Hence, I proudly say teaching for me is sacred and I revere teaching as a profession.

Download the Teacher’s day Sample Speech by a Teacher here.

Final Thoughts

Teachers play a major role in shaping the minds of the students. They inspire, motivate, influence, and encourage the students to think differently as well as they instill values and ethics in them.

Hence, students should not hesitate in paying a tribute to their teachers. A speech is the best way to convey your thoughts and appreciate their selfless efforts, as words hold immense power in them.

You can consider these tips and speech samples while drafting your speech in order to make your speech a remarkable one.

The success of any speech comes in when you try to speak from your heart and express what you feel in its truest sense.

Hitiksha Jain

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sample speech on teachers day

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Teacher’s Day Speech for School and College (500-1000 Words)

January 5, 2022 by ReadingJunction Leave a Comment

Teachers Day Celebration Speech Samples For Students in (500-1000)

In this article, you will read a few Teachers day celebration speech samples for students and children in 500 to 1000 words. We have also added a tutorial for writing the best speech for Teachers day for school and college competitions.

Read – Essay on Teacher’s Day

Table of Contents

Teachers Day Celebration Speech Sample for School With Tutorial in 500 Words

Intonation and voice modulation.

Your voice should be as heartwarming as you have written. Voice modulation helps to express emotions the way they are perceived. Exaggerate your view to highlight the mark your teachers have made in your life.

Medium rate of speech

The speed of your speech or talking speed is another critical factor that will break your statement. When you express your views about your teachers, make sure you speak at a moderate rate. The rate of your speech will also help you remember the statement well and modify your voice.

Soothing Pitch

It is another crucial factor that affects speech. A pleasing pitch will attract teachers’ attention and make it easy for you to share your message. Make sure you exercise your speech in a tone that sounds engaging as well as lively.


Make sure you do your best on the day you are about to give a speech. Since all will be watching you, make sure your uniform is clean and ironed, your hair is in place, and your shoes are well polished.

Teacher’s day speech

A teacher is the most critical influence in one’s life. If we talk about the younger people of six, seven, or eight years of primary school, they see their teacher as a magician.

On a significant occasion as Teacher’s Day, students would love to convey their gratefulness to their teachers.

Along with complicated preparations to surprise their teachers, they want to impress them with their heartfelt thoughts and feelings. Sample Teacher’s Day speech can help younger speakers express themselves better.

Teacher’s Day Speech for School Sample

Dear teachers and dear friends!

Perfect morning to all of you

Today, on the particular occasion of Teacher’s Day, we pay our heartfelt tributes to our very dear teachers here, who have worked tirelessly to build the future of our nation.

Teacher’s Day is celebrated every year on 5 September, with lots of enthusiasm, happiness , and joy. Today is the birth anniversary of Doctor Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, who was a great teacher and scholar.

He was our country, the second President. Students across the country celebrate this Day as Teachers Day to honour their teachers who play a critical role in building the character of the students and are the final pillar of the organization.

It would not be unethical to say that teachers are equal to our parents. They teach us selflessly and consider us as their children. Parents deliver birth to a child, while teachers shape the personality of that child, and they continuously try to help the child grow into the right person.

Therefore we should always respect and love them. Teachers are sources of inspiration. They inspire us, nourish our young minds with knowledge, give us strength, and prepare us to face obstacles or challenges in life.

Therefore, teachers are a blessing to us in many ways. Let us always honour our teachers today, follow them, and follow their advice to become qualified citizens. On this Day, I want to be grateful to all my teachers for guiding me whenever I need you.

A beautiful big thanks to all of you!

Teacher Day Speech For College (Tutorial and Sample 1000 Words)

How to compose a great teacher’s day speech.

You have been invited to give a speech on Teacher’s Day, and everyone is excited about it. But, prior, you pick up a pen and paper to write what you think, consider it the most significant speech.

How many instances have you attended a lecture and half slept through it? A great speech includes well-crafted words, focus, length, speaker functions, and some other elements that we will talk about in this article.

So, prior you put pen to paper, read on to find out how to prepare a great speech; one that will be admired by your teachers, fellow students, and will get you a place in the school’s great hall of fame.

Keep a format in mind

A long speech without a break will exhaust your audience. So, before you start playing a pen, prepare your speech. It will give you a rough sketch of everything in your mind; You will want to be an element of your speech.

Break your speech into appropriate paragraphs and sub-heads. Write relevant content under each sub-head. But ensure that the material should be gelled with a sub-head.

If your sub-head centred on a particular topic and the content below it is going in a different direction, it can be a great speech to impress your audience and indeed a fantastic speech.

Opening address and speech

The opening address should be clear, crisp, and to the viewpoint.

Begin by addressing your principal, fellow students, teachers, and other audiences present on the premises.

Your speech should talk about the significance of Teacher’s Day. It includes what changes had seen since its beginning in 1962, and the role it played in the growth of the nation.

Include some references or examples of great teachers shaping the education system in the country, such as Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan , Savitribai Phule, APJ Abdul Kalam , Drs. Aseema Chatterjee and Drs. Manmohan Singh.

It will give your speech a genuinely global appeal if you can also include the names of some famous foreign teachers.

The debate about the Indian educational system is huge. Things like how it has advanced, the operation of Gurudakshina and Gurukul, and how, over the period, the educational system has altered; but the importance remains the same.

Keep it short

You will have a lot to say to your teachers and fellow students, so keep your speech length short.

Long speeches can often be boring unless they have something new to tell the audience. Take a leaf from history.

The Gettysburg Address was the shortest speech by US President Abraham Lincoln with just 272 words and lasted for about two minutes. However, it is considered one of the greatest speeches not only in the United States but worldwide. So, say a low but powerful word.

Actions speak louder than words

Do not read a speech like you were forced to do it. No matter how important and meaningful the names are, they will lose appeal if the speaker is devoid of any emotions. Therefore, be interactive using your hands, facial expressions, actions, and feelings.

Attract your audience, entertain them, inform them, and your speech will become memorable. But take care not to overplay it, as it will give you a humorous look.

Do not fab while presenting your speech; This is a significant change.

A great speech requires a great ending. No matter how to amplify the statement, a sudden ending will leave the audience disappointed and weeping. Pay attention to the end.

Use quotes from some excellent academics or personalities to give your speech a suitable ending. And if you have a creative instinct, you can make a memorable quote to end in speech.

The ending should be something that will make your speech memorable and can be referenced by an upcoming generation of students.

Teacher’s Day Speech for College Students sample:

Good morning to all the teachers and my dear friends. The light of the world, beacon in the darkness and the hope that gives us the strength to survive is our teacher. Today we celebrate Teachers’ Day.

One day, the gifts are set aside to honour souls who work every day to make sure the potential is bright for all of us. Let us welcome all teachers with a big round of applause.

On this beautiful occasion, let us allow expressing our wishes to all our teachers who have made an impeccable contribution to shaping us.

Every year on 5 September, we celebrate Teachers’ Day. It is a day filled with great excitement, joy, and happiness as students eagerly tell their teachers how and why they are unique to them.

It is my honour to talk about my dear teachers on this beautiful occasion. We celebrate Teachers’ Day on 5 September every year in India. On 5 September, Dr Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan’s birth anniversary was celebrated, and Teachers’ Day was celebrated to commemorate his birthday.

Along with being a skilled leader as the country’s president; Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was a great scholar and an outstanding teacher. Also, Read Teacher’s Day: D-Day Special Students across the country celebrate this day to honour and thank their teachers for making tips. Teachers are the backbone of our society.

They make head changes by shaping and building the personality of the students and making them ideal citizens of the country. As one sees great influence on the growth, development, and welfare of the students and the nation, one must accept that teaching is a great profession.

There is a saying that teachers are older than parents. Parents deliver to an infant while teachers mould the personality of that child and provide a bright future. In addition to academics, teachers stand with us at every step to guide, inspire, and inspire us to become better human beings.

They are sources of knowledge and knowledge. There are thoughts and thumbs-up from them that one day everyone will be used to return to this society. I would like to communicate my gratitude to every teacher for selfless service and dynamic support. We are always grateful to you. Thanks to all of you.

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sample speech on teachers day

Sharing Our Experiences

The ultimate guide to crafting a Teacher’s Day Speech that will make your teachers feel like superheroes!

Teacher's Day Speech

Help your child deliver a memorable Teachers’ Day speech with these expert tips. From brainstorming ideas to perfecting their delivery, we’ve got you covered. Don’t miss out on this ultimate guide for proud parents!

Are you feeling the pressure of writing a perfect Teacher’s Day Speech that will make your teachers feel appreciated and valued? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. As a parent or a kid, it can be daunting to find the right words to express your gratitude to the teachers who have dedicated their lives to educating and nurturing you. But fear not, we’re here to help you craft a speech that will make your teachers feel like superheroes!

Maybe you’re feeling overwhelmed by the task at hand, thinking “How am I supposed to sum up everything my teacher means to me in just a few minutes?” It’s understandable to feel that way. After all, your teacher has been a constant source of support and inspiration throughout the year. But take a deep breath and relax. We’ve got your back.

In this ultimate guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to create a heartfelt and impactful Teacher’s Day Speech. We’ll provide you with practical tips, real-life examples, and a ton of inspiration to help you express your gratitude and admiration for your teachers.

So, let’s begin! By the end of this article, you’ll be ready to deliver a speech that will make your teachers feel like superheroes.

Crafting a Superhero-worthy Teacher’s Day Speech: Expressing Gratitude, Acknowledging Hard Work, and Recognizing Contributions

As Teacher’s Day approaches, it’s time to start thinking about how to make your teachers feel appreciated and valued. After all, teachers play a pivotal role in shaping our lives and futures. They are the unsung heroes who work tirelessly to inspire and educate us. So, it’s only fitting that we take the time to acknowledge and thank them for all that they do.

But what exactly makes a Teacher’s Day Speech stand out? How can we express our gratitude in a way that truly resonates with our teachers? The key is to make them feel like superheroes.

Teachers have the power to transform lives. They are the ones who instill a love for learning and guide us through our academic journey. Without them, we wouldn’t be where we are today. That’s why it’s so important to make them feel appreciated and valued.

So, how do we do that? The first step is to express gratitude. Thank your teachers for their unwavering support, their guidance, and their dedication. Let them know how much you appreciate everything they’ve done for you.

Next, acknowledge their hard work. Teaching is not an easy job, and it takes a lot of effort and patience to be a great teacher. So, take a moment to recognize the sacrifices they’ve made and the challenges they’ve overcome.

Finally, recognize their contributions. Teachers play a crucial role in shaping our lives, and they deserve recognition for all that they do. Whether it’s through a heartfelt speech or a thoughtful gift, let your teachers know that their contributions have not gone unnoticed.

By following these key elements, you can create a Teacher’s Day Speech that truly makes your teachers feel like superheroes.

So, let’s start crafting a speech that shows our teachers just how much they mean to us.

Practical tips for crafting an effective Best Teacher’s Day Speech

Teachers are the backbone of our society, nurturing and molding young minds to become responsible and productive members of society. As such, it is important to recognize and appreciate the hard work and dedication that they put into their profession. One of the most effective ways to do so is by delivering a heartfelt and memorable Teachers’ Day Speech.

Crafting a good Teachers’ Day Speech can seem daunting, but with the right mindset and approach, anyone can deliver a speech that resonates with their audience.

Here are some practical tips to help you write the best Teachers’ Day Speech:

Start with Preparation

Before you start writing your speech, take some time to gather your thoughts and prepare an outline. Identify the key points that you want to cover and the message you want to convey. It is important to have a clear idea of what you want to say and how you want to say it.

Organise the Speech

It is essential to organize your speech to ensure that it flows logically and is easy to follow. Start with an introduction that captures the audience’s attention, briefly introduce yourself and the purpose of the speech. In the body of the speech, express your gratitude, highlight your teacher’s contributions, and share personal anecdotes. In the conclusion, summarise your thoughts and reiterate your appreciation.

Duration of the Speech

When delivering a Teachers’ Day speech, it is crucial to keep it brief and to the point. An ideal Teachers’ Day speech should not exceed 10 minutes. This ensures that your speech is engaging and memorable, without being too long and tedious.

Express your gratitude to your teacher for their dedication, hard work, and contribution towards your growth and development. Highlight specific examples of how your teacher has impacted your life, both academically and personally.

Do Not Exaggerate

While it’s essential to acknowledge your teacher’s efforts, it’s crucial not to exaggerate. Be sincere and truthful in your speech, and avoid making false statements or claims.

Do Not Undermine the Purpose of the Speech

Keep in mind the purpose of the Teachers’ Day speech – to express your gratitude and appreciation. Avoid any negative comments or criticisms and stay focused on the positive aspects.

Dedicate Your Thoughts

When crafting your Teachers’ Day speech, take the time to reflect on your teacher’s impact on your life. Dedicate your thoughts and emotions to ensure that your speech is authentic and heartfelt.

Incorporate Humor and Emotion

Incorporating humor and emotion into your speech can make it more engaging and memorable. Use personal anecdotes, metaphors, and analogies to make your speech relatable and impactful. However, ensure that the humor is appropriate and does not undermine the purpose of the speech.

Use Personal Anecdotes

A good speech is one that connects with the audience on a personal level. Share personal anecdotes or stories that showcase the impact that teachers have had on your life. This will help you establish an emotional connection with your audience and make your speech more memorable.

Be Unconventional

While there are some standard conventions for a Teachers’ Day Speech, don’t be afraid to break the mold and try something new. Perhaps you can incorporate a poem, a song, or a visual aid to make your speech more memorable.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Once you have written your speech, practice delivering it multiple times. This will help you become more comfortable with the material and ensure that you deliver a polished and confident speech.

By following these tips and incorporating your own unique style, you can craft a speech that celebrates and honors the hard work and dedication of teachers everywhere. Remember to speak from the heart, and your message will resonate with your audience for years to come.

After guiding your child to write a well-crafted Teachers’ Day Speech, the next step is to help them practice and deliver it with confidence. Here are some tips to ensure your child’s speech is not only impressive but also emotionally touching:

  • Practice, Practice, Practice: Encourage your child to rehearse their speech in front of a mirror or with family and friends. This will help them overcome stage fright and build their confidence.
  • Focus on Intonation and Voice Modulation: The tone of voice and modulation can make or break a speech. Encourage your child to practice speaking in a clear, confident, and emotive tone. Teach them to emphasize important words, phrases, and expressions to make their speech more impactful.
  • Maintain a Moderate Rate of Speech: Your child should speak at a pace that is neither too fast nor too slow. Speaking too fast may cause the audience to miss important points, while speaking too slowly can make the speech boring and uninteresting.
  • Use a Pleasing Pitch: Your child’s pitch should be pleasing to the ear. Teach them to speak with a tone that is neither too high nor too low. This will make their speech more engaging and interesting to listen to.
  • Engage the Audience with Presentation: Encourage your child to use appropriate gestures and body language to complement their speech. This will help them connect with the audience and keep them engaged throughout the speech.
  • Maintain Eye Contact: Your child should maintain eye contact with the audience while delivering their speech. This will make them appear confident and sincere.

By following these tips, your child can deliver an impressive and touching speech that will leave their teachers feeling appreciated and valued.

Sample Teachers’ Day Speech Ideas in English

Here are some sample speeches that you can use as a guide:

Sample Teacher’s Day Speech #1

Dear Teachers,

A very good morning to each and every one of you. Today, on the occasion of Teachers’ Day, I stand here with immense pleasure to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the teachers who have played a pivotal role in shaping my life.

Teachers’ Day is not just a day to celebrate, but also a day to recognize and appreciate the contributions of our teachers. Without you, we would not be the person we are today. You have been the guiding light who has led us towards the path of success.

I vividly remember my first day in school when I was scared and lost. But, my teacher came to me with a warm smile and guided me through the day. From that day on, I knew that I had found a second home in school. I found a family in my teachers who nurtured me with knowledge and values that would stay with me for the rest of my life.

Teachers, you have inspired us to dream big and reach for the stars. You have motivated us to believe in ourselves and our abilities. You have instilled in us the importance of hard work and determination, and the value of ethics and integrity. You have not just taught us subjects, but also taught us life skills that are invaluable.

As a student, I understand the immense hard work and dedication that goes into being a teacher. You have to be a mentor, a friend, and a guide, all rolled into one. And yet, you always manage to go above and beyond to ensure that we have the best learning experience.

Today, I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for your unwavering support, encouragement, and guidance. Thank you for always being there for us, for pushing us to do better, and for believing in us even when we didn’t believe in ourselves.

In conclusion, I would like to say that teachers are not just educators, but also life changers. You have the power to shape the future of our nation by shaping the future of your students. So, on this Teachers’ Day, I urge you to keep inspiring and motivating us, and to keep making a positive impact in the world.

Thank you, and Happy Teachers’ Day!

Sample Teacher’s Day Speech #2

Good morning everyone,

I stand before you today with a heart full of gratitude and a mind filled with memories that I will cherish for the rest of my life. Today, on Teacher’s Day, I would like to take a moment to thank all the wonderful teachers who have helped shape me into the person I am today.

I have been lucky enough to have many great teachers throughout my academic journey, but I would like to specifically thank two teachers who have had a profound impact on my life. The first is my primary school teacher, Mrs. Smith, who not only taught me how to read and

write, but also how to be kind, compassionate and curious. She encouraged me to ask questions and explore the world around me, and for that I will always be grateful.

The second teacher I would like to thank is my high school English teacher, Mr. Johnson. He not only taught me the intricacies of literature and writing, but also taught me the value of hard work and perseverance. He believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself and pushed me to strive for excellence.

But today is not just about thanking individual teachers, it is about acknowledging the tireless efforts of all teachers who work day in and day out to provide their students with the best possible education. Teaching is not an easy job, and yet they do it with dedication and passion.

On this Teacher’s Day, I urge all of us to remember the importance of teachers and the role they play in shaping our future. Let us not take them for granted and show them the respect and appreciation they deserve.

In conclusion, I would like to say thank you to all the teachers out there who have touched our lives in one way or another. Your hard work and dedication do not go unnoticed and we are all grateful for everything you do. Happy Teacher’s Day!

Sample Teacher’s Day Speech #3

Dear teachers and fellow students,

Today is a day we set aside to recognize the hard work, dedication and unwavering commitment of our teachers. We come together to celebrate them and express our gratitude for their role in shaping our lives.

As I stand here today, I am reminded of the countless hours that our teachers have put in to help us become the best version of ourselves. They have not only imparted knowledge but also instilled in us values that will guide us throughout our lives.

I vividly remember the day when I walked into this school as a nervous and timid student, unsure of what the future held for me. But it was the teachers who welcomed me with open arms, believed in me, and pushed me to reach my full potential.

Our teachers have gone above and beyond to ensure that we receive a quality education, often sacrificing their own time and resources to make it happen. They have encouraged us to dream big and work hard, and have been there every step of the way to guide and support us.

Today, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude to all our teachers for the immeasurable impact they have had on our lives. We are grateful for your patience, your kindness, and your unwavering commitment to our growth and development.

To the teachers, we want you to know that you are our role models, our mentors, and our heroes. We look up to you and admire your passion for teaching and your willingness to go the extra mile for us. You have inspired us to be the best version of ourselves, and for that, we are forever grateful.

In conclusion, on behalf of all the students, I want to say thank you to our teachers for everything that you do. Your dedication and passion have not gone unnoticed, and we want you to know that you have made a profound impact on our lives. Happy Teacher’s Day!

Sample Teacher’s Day Speech #4

Dear respected teachers, fellow students, and distinguished guests,

I am honored to stand before you all on this special occasion of Teacher’s Day. I want to take this opportunity to express my gratitude and appreciation to all the teachers who have made a profound impact on my life.

Teachers are more than just educators. They are mentors, role models, and guides who help us navigate through the complexities of life. They inspire us to be our best selves and push us to achieve our fullest potential. Without their guidance and support, we would not be where we are today.

As students, we are blessed to have some of the most dedicated and passionate teachers who go above and beyond to make sure we are learning and growing every day. They put in long hours, sacrifice their personal time, and invest in our futures.

I want to take this moment to thank each and every one of our teachers for their tireless efforts in shaping our minds and character. Thank you for the encouragement, the patience, and the kindness you have shown us. You have made a difference in our lives, and we are forever grateful.

I also want to acknowledge the challenges that teachers have faced in the past year and a half. The pandemic has brought unprecedented changes and difficulties in the education system, and teachers have had to adapt quickly to new teaching methods and technologies. Despite these challenges, they have continued to put the needs of their students first and have gone above and beyond to ensure that we receive a quality education.

As we celebrate this day, let us also reflect on the importance of education and the vital role that teachers play in shaping our society. Let us commit to supporting and appreciating our teachers every day, not just on this special occasion.

Once again, I want to express my deepest appreciation and respect for all the teachers who have touched our lives. Thank you for being our superheroes.

Happy Teacher’s Day!

Sample Teacher’s Day Speech #5

Today, we gather to celebrate and honor our teachers on this special occasion of Teacher’s Day. It’s a day to express our gratitude and appreciation for all the hard work and dedication that they put into shaping our lives and helping us achieve our goals.

As I stand before you, I am reminded of the countless memories that we have shared with our teachers – from the laughter and joy of learning new things to the challenges and struggles that they have helped us overcome. Our teachers have always been there for us, guiding us every step of the way.

They have taught us not just academic subjects but also valuable life lessons such as honesty, integrity, and respect. They have nurtured our talents and encouraged us to pursue our passions. They have been our mentors, our friends, and our role models.

On this special day, I want to take a moment to thank each and every one of our teachers for the profound impact that they have had on our lives. Your patience, kindness, and dedication have inspired us to be better versions of ourselves. You have helped us realize our full potential and taught us to believe in ourselves.

I also want to acknowledge the sacrifices that our teachers make every day to ensure that we receive the best education possible. They spend long hours preparing lessons, grading papers, and providing us with extra help when we need it. They do all of this with a smile on their faces, knowing that they are making a difference in our lives.

As we celebrate Teacher’s Day, let us pledge to continue to learn from our teachers and to show our appreciation for all that they do for us. Let us strive to make them proud by working hard, pursuing our dreams, and becoming responsible citizens of our country.

Once again, thank you to all of our teachers for being the guiding light in our lives. Happy Teacher’s Day!

Sample Teacher’s Day Speech #6

I stand before you today on this special occasion of Teacher’s Day to express my heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to all the teachers who have played a significant role in shaping me into the person I am today.

As a student, I have had the privilege of being taught by some of the most inspiring teachers who have not only imparted knowledge but also instilled values and ethics that have helped me become a better human being.

I still remember my first day of school when I was nervous and scared. But my teacher, Ms. Sarah, welcomed me with a warm smile and made me feel at ease. Her patience, kindness, and dedication towards her students left an indelible mark on my heart, and I can confidently say that I would not be where I am today without her guidance and support.

Throughout my academic journey, I have had the pleasure of being taught by several other wonderful teachers who have not only challenged me to push my limits but also encouraged me to believe in myself and my abilities.

It is because of them that I have developed a love for learning, a thirst for knowledge, and a desire to make a positive impact on society.

Today, on this special day, I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and appreciate all the teachers who have made a difference in my life and the lives of countless others.

To all the teachers out there, I want you to know that your hard work, dedication, and passion do not go unnoticed. Your efforts have not only enriched the lives of your students but have also contributed to building a better and brighter future for our world.

Once again, thank you to all the teachers who have made a positive impact on my life. Your unwavering support and belief in me have given me the confidence to pursue my dreams and make a difference in the world.

How to Prepare Your Child for the Speech

Preparing your child for a speech can be a daunting task, but with the right approach, it can be an enjoyable experience for both you and your child. Whether your child is giving a speech for a school assembly or a special occasion like Teacher’s Day, here are some tips to help them prepare and deliver an outstanding speech.

  • Start Early: It’s important to give your child enough time to prepare their speech. This will allow them to research the topic, organize their thoughts, and practice their delivery. Encourage your child to start working on their speech at least a week in advance.
  • Understand the Audience: Before your child starts writing their speech, it’s important to understand the audience they will be speaking to. This will help them tailor their speech to the interests and expectations of the listeners.
  • Practice, Practice, Practice: Once your child has written their speech, encourage them to practice it several times. This will help them feel more confident and comfortable with their delivery. You can also practice with them by giving feedback and suggestions for improvement.
  • Intonation and Voice Modulation: Encourage your child to practice their intonation and voice modulation. This will help them to add emphasis to important points and create a more engaging delivery. A monotone delivery can quickly lose the attention of the audience.
  • Moderate Rate of Speech: Encourage your child to speak at a moderate rate. Speaking too fast can cause the audience to lose track of what’s being said, while speaking too slow can cause them to lose interest.
  • Use Personal Anecdotes: Encourage your child to include personal anecdotes in their speech. This will help them connect with the audience on a deeper level and make their speech more memorable.
  • Incorporate Humor: Humor is a great way to engage the audience and make the speech more entertaining. Encourage your child to include appropriate humor in their speech.
  • Keep it Short and Simple: Encourage your child to keep their speech short and to the point. A long, rambling speech can quickly lose the interest of the audience.
  • Use Visual Aids: If appropriate, encourage your child to use visual aids to support their speech. This can include slides, pictures, or props that help to illustrate their points.
  • Be Confident: Finally, encourage your child to be confident in their delivery. Remind them that they have worked hard to prepare their speech and that they have important things to share with the audience. With the right preparation and mindset, your child can deliver a successful and memorable speech.
  • Encourage them to practice in front of a mirror: This will help them to work on their facial expressions and body language, which are important aspects of delivering a great speech.
  • Record their practice sessions: By recording their practice sessions, your child can listen to themselves and identify areas where they need to improve, such as intonation, pacing, or clarity.
  • Provide constructive feedback: When listening to your child’s practice sessions, be sure to offer constructive feedback that will help them improve their speech. Focus on specific areas where they can improve, and be sure to offer praise for what they’re doing well.
  • Help them to memorize the speech: While it’s not necessary for your child to memorize their entire speech, it’s a good idea for them to memorize the opening and closing lines, as well as any important points they want to make.
  • Practice with an audience: Encourage your child to practice their speech in front of a small audience, such as family members or close friends. This will help them to get used to speaking in front of others and build their confidence.
  • Remind them to breathe: Before your child begins their speech, remind them to take a deep breath and exhale slowly. This will help to calm their nerves and steady their voice.
  • Dress appropriately: Encourage your child to dress appropriately for the occasion. This will help them to feel confident and professional, which will shine through in their speech.

Remember, the most important thing is to help your child feel confident and prepared for their Teacher’s Day speech. With your guidance and support, they’ll be able to deliver a speech that is heartfelt, meaningful, and impactful.

Final Thoughts: Empower Your Child to Give an Unforgettable Speech on Teacher’s Day

As a parent, you may feel overwhelmed by the prospect of helping your child prepare a speech for Teacher’s Day. It’s natural to feel nervous about how your child will perform and how their teacher and peers will react.

But let me tell you this: you are not alone. Every parent wants their child to shine and make a positive impact, especially on such a special occasion as Teacher’s Day.

Perhaps you’re thinking, ‘But what if my child doesn’t have a natural talent for public speaking? What if they forget their lines or freeze on stage?’

First of all, it’s important to remember that every child is unique and has their own strengths and weaknesses. Some children may feel more comfortable speaking in front of an audience than others, but with the right guidance and practice, every child can improve their communication skills and deliver a meaningful speech.

Secondly, the benefits of helping your child prepare a speech for Teacher’s Day are immense. Not only will your child learn how to express their gratitude and appreciation for their teacher, but they will also gain valuable skills such as public speaking, critical thinking, and creativity. They will feel more confident and empowered, and their teacher and peers will be inspired by their words.

So, don’t be afraid to embrace this opportunity and guide your child towards giving an unforgettable speech on Teacher’s Day. Use the tips and strategies outlined in this article, and remember to practice patience, kindness, and encouragement with your child.

I believe in you and your child, and I know that with your support, they will deliver a speech that will make you proud and leave a lasting impact on their teacher and classmates.

Thank you for reading, and best of luck to you and your child on Teacher’s Day!

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  • Speech on Teachers Day Celebration


Teachers’ Day Speech in English

Teachers' Day is celebrated in India on the 5th of September every year. It is celebrated to mark the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan who was the second President of India and a great scholar. Teachers' Day is an important occasion for all the educational institutions and honours the hard work and teachings of all the respected teachers. It is a day filled with lots of excitement and celebrations for the school followed by a teachers day celebration speech. Therefore, we have provided here a speech on teachers’ day which can be referred to by the students. This article also contains a short speech and 10 lines of speech which might be helpful for students of all the classes.

Long Speech on Teachers Day Celebration


A very warm welcome to all my respected teachers and everyone present here. Today I am here to deliver a speech on Teachers’ Day. I would like to start my speech by thanking all my beloved teachers for always guiding us and bestowing us with all the teachings, moral values, and discipline. Teachers’ Day in India is celebrated every year on the 5th of September to mark the birthday of our second President, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. Dr. Radhakrishnan was the first Vice President of India. He was also a great scholar, an ideal teacher, and a Bharat Ratna recipient. He was born on 5th September 1888 . It was after becoming the President of India, some of his friends and students approached Dr. Radhakrishnan to celebrate his birthday. To this, he replied that instead of celebrating his birthday on this particular date, it would be his privilege if 5th September is celebrated as Teachers’ Day all over India. Thereafter, 5th September is celebrated every year to honour our beloved teachers who nourish and prepare us for a better future. 

Teachers are our supporting pillars who play an important role in guiding us throughout our student life. They give their best to teach us valuable lessons in life and are our role models whom we look up to. I equally want to thank my parents for being my first mentors and supporting me in each and every step of my life. On this occasion, I would like to request my parents as well as my teachers to continue guiding me the same way.

It is said that the future of a particular country lies in the hands of its children. Thus, a teacher has a major role to play in shaping the future of the students and helping us become successful in our respective careers. 

Teacher’s Day is thus celebrated to honour the hardships as well as to acknowledge their special role in our lives. It is a day full of excitement, activities, and special performances that are organized by the students, especially for their teachers. Teachers’ Day is not only celebrated in India but also is celebrated worldwide to appreciate the power of teaching. Different countries celebrate this day on different dates. But, UNESCO officially declared the 5th of October as the World Teachers’ Day in 1994.

Last but not least, I would like to end my speech by thanking you all for providing me with an opportunity to deliver a speech on my beloved teachers on this occasion of Teachers’ Day. I feel proud to call myself a student of this institution which has helped me evolve as a better person and has given me a passion to learn new things every day. 

Short Speech on Teachers Day

Very good morning to everyone present here. I am here to deliver a speech on this auspicious occasion of Teachers’ Day. I would like to start by wishing all my respected teachers a very Happy Teachers’ Day. It is because of your hard work and dedication that we as students learn and grow into a better person every day. I would like to thank all the teachers for always standing with us as a supportive pillar and correcting our numerous mistakes. To mark their hard work towards teaching and honour them with appreciation, Teachers’ Day is celebrated all over India on 5th September. 

Celebration of Teachers’ Day was started by the first Vice President of India, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan who was born on 5th September 1888. He was also the second President of India and a great scholar. He had a passion for teaching and was also awarded the Bharat Ratna. Once when some of his students asked to celebrate his birthday, Dr. Radhakrishnan told them that he would be very honoured if instead of celebrating 5th September as his birthday, they celebrated it as Teachers' Day. This truly shows how much he was dedicated to teaching and passionate about paying respect to all the teachers. Thus, every year we celebrate Teachers’ Day to mark the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. 

Celebration of Teachers’ Day in school holds a special place in our hearts. Being a student, we get an opportunity to organize special performances in honour of our beloved teachers. This day is filled with fun, excitement, and lots of activities for all the students.

Lastly, I would like to thank all my teachers for playing role models in our lives and help us grow into better people. I am thankful to get an opportunity to deliver a speech on the special occasion of Teachers’ Day.  

Short Introduction for Your Speech

Good morning to all my Teachers!

We are gathered here to celebrate the auspicious occasion of the birth anniversary of Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, one of the greatest scholars of India and the second President of India. This day is widely celebrated as teachers Day all over India. In my speech, I would love to thank all my teachers who are working hard to teach us and help us to learn new things every day. Not only do they help us to gain knowledge through books but in our lives. You have taught us how to overcome our fears and failures, gain self-confidence and voice our views and opinions in the form of a speech before so many people like I am presenting now. 

It is always believed that teachers will always have high regard in every student's heart, even higher than their parents. It is evident in our shlokas:

“ Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu Gurur Devo Maheshwaraha

  Guru Saakshaat ParaBrahma Tasmai Shri Gurave Namaha” 

Teachers will always be the pillars of every student's life. They guide us through our dark times to enjoy a beautiful bright future. Teacher’s day is celebrated all over the world on the 5th of October as declared by UNESCO in 1994. I am thankful to all of them for guiding me through my difficulties and helping me to become a responsible citizen of India. Let us all together make this day memorable for all our teachers. Thank you.

Very good morning and a warm welcome to all my beloved teachers! 

Today, we are gathered here to celebrate Teacher’s Day. The 5th of September is the birthday of Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, one of the greatest teachers of India. He was the first Vice President of India and an eminent scholar. Teachers are the makers of a great nation. Hence, teachers are always kept in the highest position. They guide us in our life to become the best person. 

Our Maths teacher not only teaches us simple or difficult problems but gives us the confidence to face problems in our lives. Our English and regional language teachers not only teach us beautiful stories and poetry but help us to learn to communicate and appreciate the great works of literature. Our science teachers teach us not only interesting science experiments but show us the beauty of nature and how it works when applied.

Every teacher teaches us discipline, helps to develop principal and helps us to know ourselves. We spend most of our life with all these teachers, and we are grateful to them for giving us the knowledge to secure our futures and happiness. Today, we celebrate teachers day to honour the difficulties faced by our teachers every day to teach us and make us capable. 

It is my honour to give this speech in front of my beloved teachers. It gives me immense joy to express my classmates' and my gratitude towards our teachers. Thank you very much for all your love, kindness and knowledge.

Good morning to my respected teachers and my classmates!

Today we have gathered to celebrate the birthday of Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, one of the eminent teachers and scholars of India. He was one of the greatest statesmen and philosophers. Despite being from a poor brahmin family, his thirst for knowledge never reduced. He was elected as the second President of India. The great philosopher's birthday is regarded as Teachers day. This day is special for every teacher and student. On this day, we students show our gratitude towards our teachers. 

Even during this pandemic, our teacher has never stopped teaching us. Even if they are suffering from a deadly pandemic, they have taught us through various virtual platforms. We are grateful to our teachers for giving us love. Despite facing problems, they have given us the strength to fight against this deadly pandemic. Even though we are still trapped in our houses and missing our friends and the warmth of our classrooms, still through the virtual platform, seeing our teacher’s smile makes our day. 

It is a great honour for me to give this speech and express my gratitude and respect towards my teachers on this auspicious day. We will always be your students, no matter how big we become. Thank you, teachers, for always staying with us.

10 Lines Speech on Teachers Day

Here are a few points that will help you in speech writing on teachers day..

Good morning everyone. I am here to deliver a speech on Teachers’ Day. 

Teachers’ Day is celebrated on the 5th of September every year in all schools and colleges.

It is celebrated as the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. He was born on 5th September 1888.

Dr. S. Radhakrishnan was the first Vice President and second President of India. 

He was a great scholar and teacher and was even awarded the Bharat Ratna.

Teachers’ Day is celebrated to acknowledge the hard work and role played by teachers in our life.

Our teachers play an important role in making our life better and correcting our mistakes.

Different countries celebrate teachers’ day on different dates in honour of the teachers. 

UNESCO declared 5th October as World Teachers’ Day in 1994.

Various programs and functions are organized by the school students in honour of the teachers.

Teachers’ Day celebration in school is a day full of fun and excitement for the students and the teachers. 

Finally, I would like to thank my teachers for being a strong pillar in my life and guiding me in every phase of my life. Last but not least I would like to wish all my beloved teachers a very Happy Teachers’ Day.


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Speech on Teachers’ Day by Teacher

Teachers’ Day is a special occasion just for you! It’s a day to celebrate the hard work and dedication of your educators.

Every year, on this day, you get a chance to show your gratitude towards your teachers. Isn’t it exciting?

1-minute Speech on Teachers’ Day by Teacher

Dear Principal, colleagues, and students,

Today, I stand before you with immense pleasure and gratitude to celebrate Teachers’ Day, a day dedicated to honoring the hard work, dedication, and commitment of teachers around the world. We, as teachers, take pride in our profession, as we play a pivotal role in shaping the future of our students, and therefore, society.

Teaching is not just a profession; it is a vocation that comes with great responsibility. We not only impart knowledge and skills but also contribute to building the character and values of our students. We cherish the opportunity to guide and inspire our young learners, nurturing their curiosity and helping them achieve their dreams.

Our role as teachers goes beyond the confines of the classroom. We act as mentors, counselors, and role models for our students, guiding them through the complexities of life. We celebrate their successes, support them in their challenges, and encourage them to become the best version of themselves.

On this special day, let us also acknowledge the teachers who have inspired us throughout our lives. We remember those who have left an indelible mark on our hearts and minds, shaping us into who we are today. We are grateful for their impact and strive to carry forward the legacy of their teachings in our own classrooms.

As we celebrate Teachers’ Day, let us also remember the importance of collaboration and learning from one another. We, as a community of educators, should support and uplift each other, sharing our experiences and knowledge for the betterment of our students and the education system as a whole.

In conclusion, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all my colleagues for their unwavering dedication and passion for teaching. It is an honor to work alongside such inspiring educators. To our students, we thank you for the opportunity to be a part of your journey, and we promise to continue nurturing your growth and success.

Happy Teachers’ Day to all!

2-minute Speech on Teachers’ Day by Teacher

Dear Principal, fellow teachers, students, and esteemed guests,

Today, we gather to celebrate a very special occasion – Teachers’ Day. On this day, we pay tribute to our teachers, who have played an instrumental role in shaping our lives. As a teacher, I feel incredibly privileged and honored to be a part of this noble profession and to be standing here addressing you all on this auspicious day.

Teachers play a crucial role in the lives of students, not only as facilitators of academic knowledge but also as guides and mentors. Our responsibility extends far beyond the four walls of the classroom – we strive to mold young minds into responsible, compassionate, and successful individuals. We work tirelessly to create a stimulating learning environment that fosters curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking. We understand that each student is unique, with their own aspirations and dreams, and we endeavor to help them reach their fullest potential.

As we celebrate Teachers’ Day, let us not forget the great teachers of the past, whose wisdom and teachings continue to inspire us. Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, a distinguished scholar, philosopher, and statesman, whose birthday we commemorate today, was an epitome of an ideal teacher. He once said, “Teachers should be the best minds in the country.” It is a constant reminder to us to strive for excellence in our profession and to dedicate ourselves to the betterment of our students.

Teaching is a profession that demands passion, dedication, and commitment. And I am immensely proud to be a part of a community of educators who embody these qualities. Our students come to us from diverse backgrounds, with unique talents and interests. As teachers, it is our duty to nurture their individuality and foster a love for learning, so they can grow up to be confident, well-rounded individuals.

In this fast-paced, ever-changing world, the role of a teacher has evolved beyond merely imparting knowledge. We must also instill in our students the values of empathy, tolerance, and respect for others. We must teach them the importance of teamwork, collaboration, and understanding different perspectives. It is our responsibility to equip our students with the necessary skills and knowledge to face the challenges of the future and to be responsible global citizens.

Furthermore, Teachers’ Day is also an opportunity for us to reflect on our own teaching practices and to continuously strive for improvement. We must embrace the advancements in technology and incorporate innovative teaching methods in our classrooms to make learning more engaging and relevant for our students. As educators, we must never stop learning, for it is through our personal growth that we can better serve our students.

To our dear students, I want you to know that your success is our greatest reward. We take immense pride in your achievements and celebrate your accomplishments with you. We are here to support you through your struggles and to help you overcome obstacles, both in and out of the classroom. We believe in your dreams and will do everything in our power to help you achieve them.

In conclusion, as we celebrate Teachers’ Day, let us remember the significant impact teachers have on the lives of their students. We are fortunate to belong to a profession that can bring about a profound change in the world – one student at a time. So, let us continue to work together, teachers and students, to create a brighter future filled with knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to speak on this special day and for your unwavering support in our shared mission of education. Happy Teachers’ Day!

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Best Speech on Teachers Day in English for Teachers

What Are The Qualities of a Great Teacher

As much as the Youth of any nation is its future builder, teachers play an equal role in the development of the nation. Because they help us dream, realize those dreams, and take necessary steps to achieve them. Therefore, in 365 days, teachers deserve a special when we can let them learn that we appreciate and value their contribution to our lives. With this in mind, there are countless ways to celebrate teachers day. Also, delivering a teachers day speech is one of the best ones on this beautiful occasion. In the following article, there are two sample teachers day speeches from which you can opt the Best Speech on teachers day in English for teachers.

Sample Speech 1

“Teachers affect eternity; no one can tell where their influence stop.” ~Henry Brook adam

Good morning everyone! Initially, I welcome you all to this graceful day. Respected principal, teachers, and my dear fellow students, I feel privileged to have gotten the chance to share my views about teachers and their role in society.

Dear audience, since we have gathered here to celebrate one of the most beautiful and glorious days in the calendar, I would like to take this opportunity to read you a little poem on teachers called “I Want to Be Like You” by Joanna Fuchs.

Thank you, teacher, for being my life’s role model. When I consider all you’ve taught me and reflect on the kind of person you are, I want to be like you— smart, interesting and engaging, positive, confident, yet unpretentious. I want to be like you— well-informed and easy to understand, thinking with your heart as well as your head, gently nudging us to do our best, with sensitivity and insight. I want to be like you— giving your time, energy and talent to ensure the brightest possible future for each of us. Thank you, teacher For giving me a goal to shoot for: I want to be like you! ~By Joanna Fuchs

All in all, the poem sums up that teachers play a vital role in the lives of every student. Because they help us build a bridge towards a successful future sacrificing a happy time with their friends and family; and working harder every minute of their lives. They are basically the reason why ordinary students like us dream extraordinary things.

With that being said, I would like to end my speech by thanking our dear teachers for offering a hand, opening our minds and touching our hearts.

Sample Speech 2

A teacher is like Spring, Who nurtures new green sprouts, Encourages and leads them, Whenever they have doubts. A teacher is like Summer, Whose sunny temperament Makes studying a pleasure, Preventing discontent. A teacher is like Fall, With methods crisp and clear, Lessons of bright colors And a happy atmosphere. A teacher is like Winter, While it’s snowing hard outside, Keeping students comfortable, As a warm and helpful guide. Teacher, you do all these things, With a pleasant attitude; You’re a teacher for all seasons, And you have my gratitude! ~By Joanna Fuchs

A very good morning/evening, ladies and gentlemen. Today we have gathered here to celebrate one of the most honorable occasions. We are here to celebrate teachers day and honor the hard work and contributions of teachers in our day to day routine and most importantly our future. Dear audience, teachers day is celebrated every year all around the globe at different dates probably but it is celebrated with a similar purpose. Generally, 5th September is dedicated to teachers to show appreciation and acknowledge the role of teachers in our lives.

Thus, I am sure you are voluntarily enthusiastic to join us and pay your tributes not only to your beloved teachers but also to all the teachers out there who are always ready to take part in shaping our personalities, helping us build a happy and successful future and to make us become an ideal citizen of our society. Moreover, there is a special reason behind celebrating 5th September as teachers day in India. Because 5th September is the birthday of   Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan . He was highly devoted to education. Professionally, he was a well-known scholar, philosopher, statesman, first vice president of India, second president of India, and most importantly, a great teacher.

In 1962, when he was selected as the president of India, he was asked by students if he would like them to celebrate his birthday on 5th September. However, he refused and told them that it would be better if they dedicate 5th September to teachers. Since then, students all around India have been celebrating 5th September as the teachers day to honor the teachers and the teaching profession.

For all the students out there, teachers day play a  vital role and help them to pay tribute and gratitude to their teachers for their precious and selfless efforts in shaping their character and future. Besides, teachers have an important role in the development of the education system in our society. Because they not only teach us the school subjects but also they teach us the good ways of living our lives.

Furthermore, they are some of the best inspirations and motivation for us. Besides, they help us to tackle any difficult situations and problems we get while we are working on our future dreams.

Thus, in order to conclude my speech, I would like to say that I am grateful to all the teachers out there for being the lighthouse guiding us through both easy and difficult moments of life. Thank You!

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So that is it for the Best Speech on teachers day. If you have any questions or suggestion, you can let us know by dropping a comment down below.

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Teachers Day Speech by Students in English

Teachers Day Speech – Teachers’ Day is an important day for everyone. It celebrates the transformative role of a teacher which they play in a student’s life. In other words, teachers spend all their years in educating us and helping us become better human beings. However, generally, people forget their teachers once they pass out of their school. Thus, it is very important to have a day that is dedicated solely to them and their contributions. It is rather essential to show gratitude to these great human beings who shape us in innumerable ways. In India, we celebrate Teachers Day on the 5 th of September every year. A lot of activities take place in order to appreciate the teachers and their offerings.

teachers day speech

The Man Behind It

In India, 5 th September is chosen as Teacher’s Day because it was the birthday of Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan. He was a renowned academic of our country who was also the first Vice President and the second President of Independent India.

Before he stepped foot into politics, Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan used to represent the University of Calcutta in numerous international forums in the United Kingdom.

After he became the president, his students wanted to celebrate his birthday instead he asked them to mark it as a day to celebrate teachers. Thus, due to this and his contribution to academics, his birth anniversary became Teacher’s Day for Indians.

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Significance of this Day

Teacher’s Day serves as a great reminder to appreciate our teachers for their services which they continue to render to the students and also to the community as a whole. Further, it is also teachers who motivate us to do better in life. Thus, it recognizes their efforts to produce excellent artists, doctors, musicians, dancers, engineers and more.

It also encourages the students to respect and honor the teachers because they play a major role in making the students what they are. Teachers Day is great for making them feel appreciated and loved as it does not happen every day due to the busy schedule.

Furthermore, this day gives them a much-needed break from the busy schedule. As the teachers are always under stress to complete the syllabus on time, it helps them relax and enjoy a day meant to celebrate their greatness and contributions.

In Honour of My Teachers

You might not realize the power of simple words as a thank you can go a long way. In this fast-paced world, we forget to express gratitude to one another. Thus, Teachers Day serves as the perfect opportunity to express our gratitude to our beloved teachers present here.

Every day is a blessing because of my dear teachers. Their selflessness and love help me grow and learn new things. Each day our teachers show up for us despite various hardships that they do not discuss, thus, it is our turn now to show them we are here for them.

It is because of you dear teachers that we are able to have the skills that we do today. Your experiences have helped us become wiser for the better. No token of appreciation can ever be enough to thank you for what you all have done for us. Time spent with each one of us is nothing short of memorable and we will forever be indebted to you all for shaping our personalities and making us better human beings.

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How to Write an Unforgettable Teacher Appreciation Speech

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Today we are showing you how to write a teacher appreciation speech that’ll show your all the teachers how meaningful they are.

Giving a teacher appreciation speech.

Expressing gratitude towards wonderful teachers is not just a formality, but a meaningful gesture that can leave a lasting impact.

A well written appreciation speech has the power to inspire, uplift, and acknowledge the incredible work that educators do every day and show them how much each teacher deserves tremendous love.

Teachers play a vital role in shaping the lives of their students, instilling knowledge, values, and a passion for learning.

Here we dive into the art of writing a teacher appreciation speech that goes beyond mere words to truly resonate with its audience.

We will explore the significance of honoring teachers, the heartfelt emotions involved, and the importance of expressing gratitude sincerely.

Whether you are a student, a parent, or a colleague looking to convey your appreciation, crafting a thoughtful speech can convey your deep respect and admiration for the dedication and hard work of teachers.

After all, teachers are what make school such a special place. School would be just a hollow building without all the deeds amazing teachers do everyday.

A speech is a great idea for teacher’s appreciation week .

Looking for more great teacher appreciation ideas ? We’ve got lots of great teacher appreciation printables and teacher appreciation craft ideas too!

Table of Contents

Understanding the Role of Teachers in Society

Crafting a heartfelt teacher appreciation speech, structuring an inspiring teacher appreciation speech, delivering the speech with confidence and sincerity, acknowledging the impact of teacher appreciation, teacher appreciation speech example.

Teachers hold a pivotal role in shaping the future of society through their impact on students’ lives. They go beyond imparting knowledge, influencing values, skills, and character development. Let’s delve into the multifaceted role of teachers in our society.

Here are some things to consider before writing your speech.

Impact of Teachers on Students’ Lives

Teachers are more than just educators; they are mentors, role models, and supporters. Their influence extends far beyond the classroom, shaping the beliefs, attitudes, and aspirations of their students.

Teachers instill a sense of curiosity, critical thinking, and a thirst for knowledge that can last a lifetime. They play a crucial role in nurturing the next generation of leaders, innovators, and change-makers.

The relationships teachers build with their students can have a profound impact on their personal and academic growth. Teachers not only teach academic subjects but also impart life lessons, instilling values like empathy, resilience, and perseverance.

They help students discover their strengths, overcome challenges, and realize their full potential. The guidance and encouragement provided by teachers can set students on a path to success and fulfillment.

Challenges Faced by Teachers

Despite their vital role, teachers encounter numerous challenges in their profession. From heavy workloads and limited resources to diverse student needs and societal pressures, teachers navigate a complex landscape every day.

The demands of modern education, including standardized testing, curriculum changes, and technology integration, add to the challenges teachers face.

Moreover, teachers often deal with issues beyond academics, such as student behavior problems, mental health concerns, and societal inequalities.

The emotional labor involved in supporting students’ social and emotional well-being can be draining. Despite these challenges, teachers remain dedicated to their students’ growth and well-being, often going above and beyond their job descriptions.

Appreciation for teachers is crucial not only to boost their morale but also to acknowledge the hard work, passion, and dedication they bring to their profession.

Recognizing the challenges teachers face and expressing gratitude for their contributions can inspire them to continue making a positive impact on students’ lives.

In a society where teachers play such a significant role in shaping the future generations, it is essential to value and appreciate their efforts, recognizing the impact they have on individuals, communities, and the world at large.

Sharing a heartfelt teacher appreciation speech is a meaningful way to express gratitude and admiration for the educators who impact our lives.

Reflecting on personal experiences with teachers and how they have influenced us can add a personal touch to the speech, making it more genuine and memorable.

Personal Reflections on Teacher’s Influence

Begin by reflecting on specific moments when the teacher made a difference in your life.

Recall instances where their guidance, support, or encouragement influenced your personal growth and academic journey.

Share anecdotes that highlight the positive impact the teacher had on you, allowing the audience to understand the depth of your appreciation.

Expressing Specific Appreciation

Expressing gratitude with specific examples can make your speech more impactful. Mention particular qualities or actions of the teacher that you admire and appreciate.

Whether it’s their dedication to helping students, their innovative teaching methods, or their unwavering support, sharing concrete examples can demonstrate the profound impact they have had on you and others.

Adding Personal Touches to the Speech

Adding personal touches to your teacher appreciation speech can make it more heartfelt and memorable. Consider using resources like teacher appreciation poems and teach appreciation quotes to add a creative and touching flair to your message.

These elements can beautifully complement your anecdotes, illustrating the profound bond between teachers and their students.

You can also incorporate personal experiences or lessons learned from the teacher that have shaped your growth and perspective. Personalizing the speech shows thoughtfulness and gratitude, making the teacher feel truly valued and appreciated.

Crafting a teacher appreciation speech that resonates with your audience requires careful structuring to ensure your message is impactful and memorable. Here’s how you can structure your speech to inspire and honor your teachers.

Setting the Tone

The introduction of your teacher appreciation speech sets the tone for the entire address. It serves as the hook that captures the audience’s attention and piques their interest. Consider starting with a personal anecdote, a thought-provoking quote, or a heartfelt thank you to immediately engage your listeners. A captivating introduction not only grabs attention but also sets the stage for the heartfelt appreciation you’re about to express.

Sharing Appreciation Stories

In the body of your speech, sharing personal anecdotes and appreciation stories can profoundly impact your audience. Reflect on specific moments when a teacher’s guidance or support made a difference in your life or the lives of others.

By weaving these stories into your speech, you humanize your message and illustrate the positive influence teachers have. Personal narratives create a connection with your audience and showcase the genuine appreciation you have for your teachers.

You can get ideas in our guide for writing teacher appreciation letter or examples for thank-you notes from parents , which can provide a personal touch and demonstrate the collective appreciation of the community.

Sharing specific instances where teachers have made a significant difference can make your speech more relatable and heartfelt.

Inspiring Closing Remarks

Concluding your teacher appreciation speech with impactful closing remarks leaves a lasting impression on your audience. Use this final opportunity to reinforce your gratitude, summarize key points, and leave the audience inspired.

Consider ending with a with an inspiring message, possibly echoing the sentiments found in thank-you messages from students , leaving a lasting impression of heartfelt appreciation.

Crafting an inspiring teacher appreciation speech involves structuring your message thoughtfully, from the attention-grabbing introduction to the heartfelt conclusion.

By setting the right tone, sharing personal stories, and ending with impactful closing remarks, you can create a speech that honors and celebrates the teachers who have made a difference.

Delivering a teacher appreciation speech with confidence and sincerity is a critical aspect of making a lasting impact on your audience. Here are some tips to help you practice, maintain eye contact, and deliver your speech with genuine emotion:

Tips on Practicing the Speech

  • Practice Makes Perfect : Rehearse your speech multiple times to familiarize yourself with the content and flow.
  • Record Yourself : Recording your practice sessions allows you to identify areas for improvement, such as pacing and tone.
  • Seek Feedback : Ask friends or family to listen to your speech and provide constructive feedback for refinement.
  • Visualize Success : Picture yourself delivering the speech confidently and envision a positive response from your audience.

Maintaining Eye Contact

  • Connect with Your Audience : Maintain eye contact with different individuals in the room to establish a personal connection and convey sincerity.
  • Engage with Emotion : Use eye contact to express genuine gratitude and appreciation for the teachers you are addressing.
  • Practice In Front of a Mirror : Practice making eye contact with your reflection to build confidence in maintaining eye contact during the actual speech.

Delivering with Genuine Emotion

  • Speak from the Heart : Infuse your speech with personal anecdotes and heartfelt sentiments to evoke genuine emotion.
  • Express Gratitude : Verbally express your appreciation for the teachers’ dedication and impact on your life and education.
  • Stay True to Your Emotions : Avoid sounding rehearsed by staying authentic and allowing your emotions to shine through in your delivery.

By following these tips, you can deliver your speech for teachers with the confidence and sincerity that will truly inspire and touch the hearts of your audience.

Expressing gratitude towards teachers not only brightens their day but also plays a significant role in shaping their teaching journey. Let’s delve into how gratitude impacts teachers and ways to continue appreciating them beyond a speech.

How Gratitude Impacts Teachers

Gratitude acts as a driving force for teachers, fueling their passion and dedication towards their students. When teachers feel appreciated, it boosts their morale, leading to increased job satisfaction and motivation to excel in their roles.

The simple act of acknowledging their hard work and commitment can have a profound impact on their overall well-being.

It reinforces a sense of value and recognition, creating a positive environment where teachers feel supported and encouraged to continue making a difference in the lives of their students.

Continuing the Appreciation Beyond the Speech

While a thank you speech is a wonderful gesture, it’s essential to continue showing gratitude consistently.

Simple actions such as writing a heartfelt note, volunteering to help with classroom tasks, or participating in school events can go a long way in recognizing and supporting teachers.

Building a culture of appreciation not only benefits individual teachers but also fosters a sense of community within the school.

By consistently showing appreciation and support, we can empower teachers to thrive and inspire future generations with their dedication and passion.

Here’s an example of a great teacher appreciation speech.

Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed colleagues, and most importantly, our honored teachers,

As we gather in this moment of gratitude, we find ourselves reflecting on the invaluable impact you’ve made on our lives. Your dedication extends far beyond the walls of any classroom, reaching deep into the hearts and minds of those you teach. Today, I wish to celebrate you with words that mirror our collective admiration, starting with a poem that echoes our sentiments:

“In the garden of life, teachers plant seeds of knowledge that grow forever. With gentle hands and a nurturing heart, they cultivate dreams, inspire curiosity, and awaken the soul to the endless possibilities that await.”

This poem, though simple, captures the essence of what you do every day. You are the gardeners of human potential, nurturing budding minds with the richness of education and the warmth of your dedication.

In the spirit of expressing our deepest thanks, let me share a quote that resonates profoundly with the essence of your contribution: “A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.” Your impact is immeasurable, not confined by the here and now but extending into the infinite reach of future generations. Your words, your lessons, and your care forge the legacy of your influence, a legacy that transcends time and space.

Every day, you paint the world with the colors of wisdom and truth, guiding us with patience and understanding, and illuminating the path of learning with the light of your knowledge. Your commitment to education is not just a profession but a profound calling, a dedication to shaping the architects of tomorrow and the guardians of a brighter future.

Through your eyes, we have glimpsed the wonders of the world, and through your words, we have been inspired to pursue our dreams with courage and confidence. You have shown us that the quest for knowledge is not a race to be won but a journey to be savored, filled with endless curiosity and boundless possibilities.

As we stand here in admiration of your unwavering dedication, let us acknowledge that the true essence of teaching is not to fill minds with data but to ignite the spark of understanding and the flame of passion. You have mastered this art with grace, imparting lessons that endure far beyond the final bell.

In closing, let this moment be a testament to our heartfelt appreciation for the countless ways you enrich our lives. Your influence shapes not just the intellect but the very spirit of those you teach, igniting a fire of learning that burns brightly within us all.

Thank you, dear teachers, for every moment, every lesson, and every memory. Your legacy is not just in the minds you’ve enlightened but in the lives you’ve inspired. We are all better for having known you, and our gratitude is as boundless as the knowledge you share.

Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts.

Crafting a heartfelt teacher appreciation speech is not only a gesture of gratitude but also a powerful way to inspire and uplift those who dedicate their lives to education.

Emphasizing the importance of recognizing the hard work and dedication of teachers, we have explored how to structure a speech that resonates with sincerity and admiration.

Remember, simplicity and authenticity are key when expressing your gratitude. Let your words flow naturally, focusing on the impact your teacher has had on your life and the lives of others.

Take the time to reflect on the qualities that make your teacher special and be sure to convey your appreciation with genuine emotion.

By harnessing the power of gratitude in your speech, you have the opportunity to create a lasting impression that will inspire both your teacher and your audience.

So go ahead, write your own teacher appreciation speech and let your words be a beacon of gratitude and inspiration.

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  • Speech On Teachers Day

Speech on Teachers’ Day

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” These are the words told by Benjamin Franklin. Are you ready to get involved in the process of learning? Read the following article and grab as many points as possible to develop a fine speech on teachers’ day.

Table of Contents

When and why is teachers’ day celebrated, history of teachers’ day, two-minute speech on teachers’ day, speech on dr. s. radhakrishnan.

  • Frequently Asked Questions on Speech on Teachers’ Day

In India, Teachers’ Day or Shikshak Divas is celebrated annually on September 5 to mark the birthday of Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, who was the first Vice President of India. As we all know, teachers/gurus play a vital role in the life of every individual. They are the ones who inspire us to do great things, and to succeed in life. So it is to celebrate their hard work that September 5 is observed as Teachers’ Day.

Even though it is celebrated on September 5 in India, in many other nations, it is celebrated annually on October 5. Every year, the theme of World Teachers’ Day gets changed. In 2021, “Teachers at the heart of education recovery” was the theme. A joint statement from UNESCO, ILO, UNICEF, and Educational International said, “On World Teachers’ Day, we are not only celebrating every teacher. We are calling on countries to invest in them and prioritise them in global education recovery efforts so that every learner has access to a qualified and supported teacher. Let’s stand with our teachers!”

Sample Speeches on Teachers’ Day

A few samples of speeches on Teachers’ Day are given below. Go through these speeches and utilise them to expand your knowledge.

The world celebrates Teachers’ Day on the anniversary of the adoption of the 1966 International Labour Organisation (ILO)/UNESCO recommendation concerning the status of teachers all around the world. It has set the benchmark regarding the rights and responsibilities of teachers.

When Dr. S. Radhakrishnan became the second President of India in 1962, many of his previous students approached him to seek permission to celebrate his birthday, September 5, as a special day. He, instead of granting permission to celebrate his birthday, he requested them to celebrate September 5 as Teachers’ Day, and to recognise the contributions made by teachers to society.

Teachers are one of the top influencers of our lives. Every human being will have a story to tell about the impact made by teachers on their lives. Teachers take every effort possible to enrich the lives of their students, and they bring great changes to our society. What would be the condition of a generation if there are no teachers to inspire them?

According to Solomon Ortiz, “Education is the key to success in life, and teachers make a lasting impact in the lives of their students”. With time and effort, a teacher lights the way for their students. It will be a mistake if we fail to notice their devotion and hard work. So let’s celebrate Teachers’ Day and try our best to widen their smiles.

Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was born in Tiruttani, Andhra Pradesh, on September 5, 1888. He was an academic, prominent philosopher and statesman, and was one of the most recognised Indian thinkers. Radhakrishnan’s broad knowledge of western philosophy and literary traditions made him attain a huge reputation, and it was through his teachings that many western philosophies were introduced to Indian society. He was an outstanding student during his school and college years, and later became a great teacher. Dr. S. Radhakrishnan was a person who dedicated his life to educating others.

In 1921, he was appointed as the professor of Philosophy to the King George Ⅴ Chair of Mental and Moral Science at the University of Calcutta. For 12 years, he worked in the university, and during that period, he represented the University of Calcutta at the Congress of the Universities of the British Empire, as well as at the International Congress of Philosophy at Harvard University. Then, later in 1936, he was appointed by H.N. Spalding as a Spalding Professor of Eastern Religions and Ethics at the University of Oxford. H.N. Spalding was highly impressed by his lectures and thus specifically made a position for him in the university. Students of Dr. S. Radhakrishnan highly admired and respected him. Once, his students arranged a flower-decked carriage to take him to the Mysore railway station from the Mysore University. It was in the year 1921, and the carriage was pulled by the students themselves.

Dr. S. Radhakrishnan has taught in multiple colleges all over India, and teaching for him was a divine profession. According to him, “True teachers are those who help us think for ourselves”. Later in 1948, he became the chairman of the University Education Commission. Radhakrishnan was elected as the first Vice-President of India in 1952, and elected as the second President of India (1962–1967). He was granted several awards during his lifetime. It includes a Knighthood in 1931, the highest civilian award – the Bharat Ratna in 1954, and the honorary membership of the British Royal Order of Merit in 1963. Dr. Radhakrishnan was nominated 16 times for the Nobel Prize in Literature and another 11 times for the Nobel Peace Prize. He died on April 16, 1975, in Chennai.

Frequently Asked Questions on Teachers’ Day

When is teachers’ day celebrated in india.

In India, Teachers’ Day or Shikshak Divas is celebrated annually on September 5 to mark the birthday of Dr S. Radhakrishnan, who was the first Vice President of India.

When is Teachers’ Day celebrated worldwide?

Even though in India it is celebrated on September 5, in many other nations, Teachers’ Day is celebrated annually on October 5.

What was the theme of Teachers’ Day in 2021?

Every year, the theme of World Teachers’ Day is changed. In 2021, “Teachers at the heart of education recovery” was the theme of Teachers’ Day.

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Teachers Day Speech in English 2024 [Short, Simple & Best] – PDF

Teachers Day Speech in English: In this article, you are going to read 5 samples of speech on Teachers’ Day for students (100, 150, 200, and 250 words). A set of 10 Lines Speech on Teachers’ Day is also given here. All the speeches have been written in an easy and simple language. You can deliver any of these speeches on the Teachers’ Day program in your school. These speeches will be helpful for kids as well as higher-class students. We’ve also attached a free PDF at the end of this article. So, let’s get started.

Table of Contents

Teachers Day Speech in English: 100 Words

Good morning respected Principal sir, all the teachers, and dear students. Today we have gathered here to celebrate the Teachers’ Day. First, I would like to wish all my respected teachers a very happy Teachers’ Day.

Teachers’ Day is celebrated on 5th September to mark the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. He was a philosopher, a teacher, and an author.

Teachers are undoubtedly the backbone of the society. They play a big role in building the character of students. They give us knowledge, believe in us, and help us achieve our dreams.

On behalf of all students, I would like to thank all the teachers for the tireless efforts they make to give us knowledge and shape our future.

Happy Teachers’ Day!

Teachers Day Speech in English

Teachers Day Speech for Kids: 150 Words

Good morning my dear friends and respected teachers. Today we’ve gathered here to celebrate the auspicious occasion of Teachers’ Day. Teachers’ Day in India is celebrated on 5th September to commemorate the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. He was a former President, scholar, philosopher, and recipient of Bharat Ratna.

First and foremost, I’d like to express my gratitude to our dear teachers for making us what we are today.

Teachers are the second parents for children. They are responsible for shaping a child’s future, making him/her a better human being. They teach us good manners and discipline to lead a successful life. The teachers are the nation builders. By creating ideal citizens, they uplift the position of the nation in the world.

Thank you teachers for all your love and support. Thank you for being a true friend, philosopher, and guide to us.

Happy Teachers’ Day, to all our dear teachers!

Speech on Teachers Day

Also Read: 10 Lines on Teachers Day

Short Speech on Teachers Day: 200 Words

A very warm welcome to the principal sir, all the teachers, and everyone present here. First of all, I would like to thank my class teacher for giving me the opportunity to speak before you on this special occasion. Today is the 5th of September, and on this day we celebrate Teachers’ Day with great pomp and show.

Actually, the 5th of September is the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan who was a great teacher, philosopher, first vice-president of India, and second president of India. Due to his contribution to education, we celebrate his birthday as teachers’ day.

Teachers play a major role in student’s life. Teaching is a noble profession that builds a solid foundation for the future of students. They teach us moral values, discipline, and punctuality. It is because of their guidance that the students can differentiate between right and wrong. They inspire and encourage us to strive for greatness, live to our fullest potential, and see the best in ourselves.

At the end of my speech, I would like to thank my dear teachers for all their dedication and hard work.

Thank you so much

Happy Teachers’ Day to all!

short speech on Teachers Day for kids

Also Read: Essay on Teachers Day in English

Simple Speech on Teachers Day: 150-200 Words

Good morning to all the teachers and my dear friends. First I wish all of you a very Happy Teachers’ Day. It is my honour and privilege to talk about our teachers on this special occasion. In India, September 5 is celebrated as Teachers’ Day as a tribute to the contribution made by teachers to the society.

The day also marks the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, the first Vice President of India who was also a teacher and a philosopher.

Teachers’ Day is the best way for us to acknowledge and honour the hard work and contributions of the teachers. A good teacher is an asset to the students. They not only teach us but also guide us and inspire us. Teachers serve the country best by making their pupils into good citizens.

I wish the teachers continue to inspire young generations like that. I would like to conclude with a quote of APJ Abdul Kalam –

“Teachers are the backbone of any country, the pillar upon which all aspirations are converted into realities.”

Happy Teachers Day Speech: 200 – 250 Words

Good morning everyone. As we all know, we have gathered here today to celebrate the Teachers’ Day. On this day, students express their gratitude towards the teachers to acknowledge the efforts made by them to make their lives better. In India Teachers’ Day is celebrated on 5 September annually since 1962, to mark the birth anniversary of the first Vice-President & the second President of India, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan.

Teachers are role models to children. They shape our future through education and help us to build strong character. Without the guidance of teachers, we are really incomplete. Teachers not only give us knowledge but we also learn many useful things like moral values, good manners , and social etiquette’s from them. They help us to develop confidence in our life. They also help us to improve our natural talents.

We are extremely fortunate to have lovely teachers who are very cooperative and supportive. I cannot thank them enough for all the love and support they have given us.

Last but not least, I would like to end my speech with a quote of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam –

“The purpose of education is to make good human beings with skill and expertise. Enlightened human beings can be created by teachers.”

10 Lines Speech on Teachers Day

1. Good morning respected Principal sir, teachers, and my dear friends.

2. First of all, I wish all of you a very Happy Teachers’ Day.

3. As we all know, Teachers’ Day is celebrated on 5th September on the birthday of Dr. S Radhakrishnan.

4. Dr. Radhakrishnan was a great philosopher and teacher who dedicated his life to education.

5. Teachers’ Day is the day when we appreciate and honour the contributions of teachers in society.

6. A teacher is a role model and an inspiration to go further and to dream bigger.

7. Teachers have the ability to shape the future of millions of students and guide them on the right path.

8. It is through their guidance that the students learn to differentiate between right and wrong.

9. Teachers bring out the best in us and encourage us to strive for greatness.

10. On this special day, I want to thank our teachers for guiding us, inspiring us, and making us what we are today.

10 Lines Speech on Teachers Day

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Read More: 1. Report Writing on Teachers Day  2. 10 Lines on Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan 3. Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Essay

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Teachers’ Day Speech in English, Short and Long Welcome Speech

Teachers' Day is celebrated in India on 5th September to honor, celebrate and thank the selfless service rendered by the teachers. Here, we have provided short and long teachers day speech.

Teacher's day speech

Table of Contents

Every year, the 5th of September, marks the remembrance of the great educator, leader and thinker, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan who was born on this special day. So we Indians celebrate this day as Teachers’ Day to pay tribute and respect to our priceless teachers and to honour Dr. Radhakrishnan. On this day, students in schools and colleges engage in special celebrations that break from their usual schedules, providing them with motivation and excitement. In this essay, we have provided insights on delivering short and long Teacher’s Day Speech in English which is one of the important events in the Teachers’ Day celebrations list.

Teacher’s Day Speech in English

The great thinker and educator, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was born on 5th September 1888, who is our former Second President. His birthday is being celebrated across the nation as Teachers’ Day to pay homage to the invaluable contributions and services offered by teachers to shape the lives of students for a bright future. On this special occasion, students incorporate their ideas and plan events to encourage and show gratefulness to their teachers. Let us look into some examples of Teacher’s Day speeches for the students who are interested in delivering an inspiring speech to encourage and honour their teachers.

Short Teacher’s Day Speech in English

Good Morning to my respected teachers and friends. I’m here to deliver a Teacher’s Day speech on this joyful event. First of all, I wish all my teachers a very happy Teachers’ Day! I would like to take this wonderful opportunity to thank my teachers who are rendering their never-ending and valuable service each and every day. They strive hard to uplift each and every student to achieve greater heights in their life. They shape not only the minds of students but also their character and future to come out with flying colours. In each and every student’s life and career, the teacher’s role is noteworthy.

The place of a teacher in every student’s life is of higher significance as teachers are considered next to our parents. Of course, parents are our first teachers, who taught us to speak and they should be honoured and respected the most. Our respected teachers also teach us to withstand and tolerate any sort of crisis in our lives. My sincere advice to all our beloved friends is we should obey our teachers’ words and follow their advice to become responsible citizens of India. I thank all my teachers on this special occasion and express our sincere wishes and happiness for their support and motivation.


Long Teacher’s Day Speech in English

A very good morning to my honourable teachers, beloved colleagues and one and all present here. We all have gathered here to celebrate the auspicious occasion of this teachers’ day. We Indians celebrate Teachers’ Day on the 5th of September of every year, as a remembrance of Dr. Sarvapelli Radhakrishnan’s birth date. He was a great scholar, thinker, educator, diplomat and most importantly teacher. Dr. Radhakrishnan had requested to celebrate his birthday as a mark of paying tribute to the entire teaching profession. This denoted his politeness and selfless attitude in encouraging and celebrating Teachers’ Day.

Students of India take this opportunity to pay gratitude to their teachers on this special day. They arrange special events for their teachers and take a break from their usual routine. The special events include delivering an interesting speech to admire their selfless profession, playing interesting general knowledge games, singing songs and presenting some nice mementoes, greeting cards and e-cards. They also prepare our minds to tackle any kind of tough situations students face in day-to-day life.

Teachers play a very important role in the life of each and every student, who have precious roles in the education of students, society and the country. Teachers’ Day celebration is an excellent chance for all the students to do something for their teachers in respect and honour. It is also like an appreciation and motivation to the new emerging teachers to become responsible teachers in the future towards education. As a student, I will always be thankful to all my teachers in my life.

Thank You and Happy Teachers’ Day to all my beloved teachers!

Happy Teachers’ Day Speech 2023 Beginning

An inspiring Speech on Teachers’ Day can be well-delivered by welcoming your teachers with these pick-up lines

  • A very good morning to all my beloved teachers, and a warm welcome to them to celebrate this special day.
  • We all have gathered here to commemorate this special occasion to honour our respectful teachers as they play a vital role in students’ day-to-day lives in moulding their minds, and character for a brighter future.
  • We all express our heartfelt gratitude to teachers who not only taught us subjects but also lessons of life.
  • We truly understand that being a teacher is not an easy task as you strive hard on a daily basis to deliver the best quality education to each and every student in your classroom.
  • As a remembrance of the birthdate of a great leader, thinker, scholar and teacher, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan we all celebrate Teachers’ Day in India.
  • Similar to his priceless efforts and support our teachers have rendered their entire support and contributions in uplifting the students; lives by imparting quality educations, how to face any crisis in students; lives and how to handle tough situations.
  • Sending gifts, greeting cards or e-cards merely cannot match up to all your invaluable services, hard work and efforts.
  • We as students pay our utmost tribute, honour and respect to all that you have done for us so far which cannot be simply put into words.
  • We look forward to your continuous support and rendering your worthwhile service to shape us as complete individuals and most importantly responsible citizens of India.
  • Thank you once again for all your support, motivation, efforts, hard work and service and let us make this day memorable with our special events and celebrations.

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Teacher's Day Speech in English-FAQs

Q1. when is teachers' day 2023 celebrated.

Ans. Teachers' Day 2023 is celebrated on 5th September 2023 (Tuesday).

Q2. Why is Teachers' Day celebrated?

Ans. Teachers' Day is celebrated to pay homage to the invaluable contributions and services offered by teachers to shape the lives of students for a bright future.

Q3. How to start and conclude teachers' day speech?

Ans. You can start the teachers' day speech by thanking teachers and wishing them good morning, and conclude the speech by conveying praising message.

Q4. How is Teachers' Day celebrated?

Ans. Teachers' Day is celebrated by organizing special events include delivering an interesting speech to admire their selfless profession, playing interesting general knowledge games, singing songs and presenting some nice mementoes, greeting cards and e-cards for the teachers.

Aparna Tomar

As Team Lead- Content Writer, I take on leadership within our content creation team, overseeing the development of error-free educational content. My primary responsibility is to produce and analyse high-quality content educating and informing the aspirants about upcoming government exams published on our website. I have more than 6 years experience in content writing wherein 3.5 years of experience in ed-tech content writing.

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Teacher’s Day Speech 2023: 10 Best Short Speeches & 5 Long Speeches

Explore a heartfelt collection of short and long Teacher’s Day speeches. Express gratitude and admiration for educators who inspire and shape lives

As we approach Teacher’s Day 2023, we have gathered a selection of 10 concise yet poignant short speeches and 5 comprehensive long speeches. These speeches serve as heartfelt expressions of gratitude, admiration, and recognition for the educators who have been instrumental in our academic and personal growth. They highlight the profound impact that teachers have on our lives and underscore the significance of their tireless dedication to our education.

These speeches aim to encapsulate the essence of Teacher’s Day, a day when we celebrate the guiding lights that illuminate our path to knowledge and inspire us to become the best versions of ourselves. Whether short or long, each speech pays homage to the transformative power of education and the indomitable spirit of our teachers, reminding us of the invaluable role they play in shaping our futures.

Happy Teacher's Day

Happy Teacher’s Day Speech: Short Happy Teacher’s Day Speeches

“Dear teachers, today we gather to express our deep appreciation for your unwavering dedication to our growth and development. Your influence on our lives is immeasurable. Beyond imparting knowledge, you have shaped our character and instilled values that will guide us throughout life’s journey. Your commitment to fostering a love for learning has ignited a passion within us to chase our dreams relentlessly. You are not just educators but mentors, friends, and role models, and for that, we are profoundly grateful. Happy Teacher’s Day!”

“To our beloved teachers, you are the architects of our future. Your lessons extend far beyond the pages of textbooks. Through your guidance, we have not only gained knowledge but also learned invaluable life lessons. Your dedication and unwavering support have been our constant source of motivation. On this Teacher’s Day, we take a moment to appreciate the tireless efforts you put into sculpting our minds and nurturing our potential. Thank you for being the guiding lights in our lives. Happy Teacher’s Day!”

“Today, we stand in awe of the extraordinary individuals who have dedicated their lives to the noblest of professions – teaching. You are the guardians of knowledge, the torchbearers of wisdom, and the catalysts of change. Your impact on us extends far beyond the confines of the classroom. Your words of encouragement, your patience in times of struggle, and your unwavering belief in our abilities have transformed us into better versions of ourselves. On this Teacher’s Day, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude for being the beacons of inspiration in our lives. Happy Teacher’s Day!”

“In the classroom of life, teachers are the compass that guides us through the uncharted waters of knowledge. Your wisdom and guidance have been the steady hand that keeps us on course. Beyond the subjects you teach, you’ve imparted lessons of resilience, determination, and compassion. Your dedication and passion for education have kindled a fire within us to explore, learn, and grow. As we celebrate Teacher’s Day, we acknowledge your invaluable contribution to our lives and the countless lives you continue to touch. Thank you for being our guiding light. Happy Teacher’s Day!”

“To our dear teachers, your wisdom is the candle that lights the way in our journey of knowledge. Your patience, your unwavering support, and your belief in our potential have been the driving forces behind our academic and personal growth. Your influence reaches far beyond the classroom, shaping our values, beliefs, and aspirations. As we celebrate Teacher’s Day, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your tireless efforts and dedication to our betterment. You are not just educators; you are our mentors, our inspirations, and our heroes. Happy Teacher’s Day!”

“Today, we honor the incredible men and women who have chosen teaching as their life’s calling. Your impact on our lives is immeasurable. Through your guidance, we have discovered the joy of learning and the power of knowledge. Your selflessness, dedication, and passion for education have not only enriched our minds but also touched our hearts. On this Teacher’s Day, we want to express our deep gratitude for your unwavering support and belief in our potential. You have been our pillars of strength, and we are forever indebted. Happy Teacher’s Day!”

“Dear teachers, your influence on our lives is profound and enduring. You have not only imparted knowledge but also nurtured our dreams, aspirations, and self-confidence. Your dedication to our growth, both academically and personally, is a testament to your unwavering commitment to our success. As we celebrate Teacher’s Day, we want to express our heartfelt appreciation for your tireless efforts in shaping our futures. You are the guiding stars that light our way, and we are eternally grateful. Happy Teacher’s Day!”

“To our remarkable teachers, you are the unsung heroes of society. Your tireless efforts and selfless dedication to our education have paved the way for our future success. Beyond textbooks, you have taught us life lessons, values, and the importance of perseverance. On this Teacher’s Day, we take a moment to thank you for your unwavering support and belief in our abilities. You have made a profound impact on our lives, and we are forever grateful. Happy Teacher’s Day!”

“As we celebrate Teacher’s Day, we pay tribute to the extraordinary men and women who have dedicated their lives to the pursuit of knowledge and the betterment of future generations. Your guidance and mentorship have been instrumental in shaping our minds and character. Your patience, dedication, and passion for teaching have inspired us to reach for the stars. We are grateful for your unwavering support and the countless hours you’ve invested in our growth. You are the guiding lights in our journey, and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Happy Teacher’s Day!”

“Today, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to the teachers who have left an indelible mark on our lives. Your influence reaches far beyond the classroom. You have not only imparted knowledge but also instilled in us a love for learning and a thirst for knowledge. Your dedication, patience, and unwavering belief in our abilities have shaped us into the individuals we are today. On this Teacher’s Day, we celebrate your tireless efforts and selfless commitment to our education. You are the guiding stars in our journey, and we are truly thankful. Happy Teacher’s Day!”

Happy Teacher’s Day Speech: Long Happy Teacher’s Day Speeches

Happy teacher’s day – long speech 1:.

Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed teachers, and fellow students,

Today, we gather here to celebrate Teacher’s Day, a day when we pause to recognize and express our profound gratitude to the incredible educators who have been instrumental in our lives. It is a day to acknowledge the transformative power of education and the tireless efforts of those who have dedicated their lives to teaching.

Teachers are often described as the architects of our future, and rightly so. They play a pivotal role in shaping not only our academic knowledge but also our character, values, and aspirations. From the earliest days of our education to the present moment, teachers have been our guiding lights, imparting not only facts and figures but also wisdom, guidance, and inspiration.

Throughout our educational journey, we have encountered a myriad of teachers, each with their unique teaching style, personality, and approach. Some have been strict taskmasters who pushed us beyond our limits, challenging us to achieve our full potential. Others have been gentle mentors who patiently guided us through our struggles and setbacks. Regardless of their style, each teacher has left an indelible mark on our lives.

One of the most remarkable aspects of the teaching profession is the dedication that teachers exhibit day in and day out. They work tirelessly, often going above and beyond their call of duty to ensure that we receive the best education possible. They sacrifice their time, energy, and sometimes even personal aspirations to ensure that we, their students, have the tools we need to succeed.

Moreover, teachers are not just educators; they are mentors and role models. They teach us not only about subjects and curriculum but also about life. They instill in us values like perseverance, integrity, and empathy. They inspire us to dream big and chase those dreams relentlessly. They give us the confidence to believe in ourselves and our abilities.

As we celebrate Teacher’s Day, it is important to remember that education is not just a one-way street. It is a collaborative effort between teachers and students. We, the students, have a responsibility to make the most of the knowledge and guidance that teachers provide. We must be eager learners, open to new ideas, and willing to put in the effort required to excel academically and personally.

In conclusion, on this Teacher’s Day, let us take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude to all the teachers who have touched our lives. Let us acknowledge their unwavering dedication, their passion for teaching, and the profound impact they have had on our journeys. To all the teachers, past and present, we say, thank you for being our guiding stars. Happy Teacher’s Day!

Happy Teacher’s Day – Long Speech 2:

Good morning everyone,

Today, as we gather to celebrate Teacher’s Day, we find ourselves reflecting on the profound impact that teachers have had on our lives. This day is not just an occasion to convey our gratitude, but also an opportunity to recognize the pivotal role that teachers play in the intellectual and moral development of individuals and societies.

Teachers are often described as the silent heroes who work diligently behind the scenes, shaping the minds of future generations. They are the sculptors of our intellect, molding the clay of our young minds into refined vessels of knowledge and wisdom. From the earliest days of our schooling to the advanced levels of education, teachers have been our companions on this incredible journey of learning.

One of the remarkable qualities of great teachers is their ability to inspire. They have the power to ignite a spark within us, a thirst for knowledge that propels us forward on the path of discovery. Great teachers do not merely impart facts and figures; they cultivate curiosity, critical thinking, and a love for lifelong learning.

Moreover, teachers often wear multiple hats in our lives. They are educators, mentors, counselors, and, in many cases, friends. They listen to our problems, offer guidance, and provide a safe haven where we can express ourselves without judgment. This multifaceted role demonstrates their dedication to our holistic development, not just as students but as well-rounded individuals.

It’s important to acknowledge that teaching is not always an easy profession. Teachers face a multitude of challenges, from managing diverse classrooms to adapting to ever-evolving educational methodologies and technologies. Despite these challenges, they remain resolute in their commitment to nurturing the minds entrusted to them.

Furthermore, teachers are instrumental in building the moral fabric of society. They instill values such as honesty, integrity, respect, and empathy in their students. In doing so, they contribute to the creation of responsible citizens who will contribute positively to their communities and the world at large.

As we celebrate Teacher’s Day today, let us express our deep gratitude to our teachers for their unwavering dedication and profound influence. Let us also recognize the responsibility we bear as students to honor their efforts by being committed learners and responsible individuals. Together, we can continue to nurture the spirit of education and personal growth that our teachers have instilled in us.

In conclusion, on this special day, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to all the teachers who have touched my life and the lives of countless others. Your contributions are immeasurable, and your influence everlasting. Happy Teacher’s Day!

Happy Teacher’s Day – Long Speech 3:

Dear teachers, students, and honored guests,

Today, we come together to celebrate Teacher’s Day, a day dedicated to recognizing and appreciating the invaluable contributions of educators in our lives. This occasion allows us to reflect upon the profound impact teachers have on our personal and academic growth.

Teachers are often described as the guiding stars who illuminate our path to knowledge and wisdom. They play a pivotal role in shaping our intellect, character, and aspirations. From the moment we enter the doors of our first school to our higher education pursuits, teachers are the constant companions on our educational journey.

What makes a great teacher truly exceptional is their ability to inspire and ignite a passion for learning. Beyond the textbooks and lectures, they instill in us the curiosity to explore, the critical thinking skills to analyze, and the creativity to innovate. They foster an environment where questions are encouraged, mistakes are seen as opportunities for growth, and success is celebrated.

Moreover, teachers often serve as mentors and role models. They not only impart knowledge but also instill values, ethics, and a sense of responsibility. Through their actions and words, they shape our moral compass, teaching us the importance of empathy, integrity, and respect for others. In this way, teachers contribute not only to our personal development but also to the betterment of society.

Teaching is not merely a profession; it’s a calling. It requires unwavering dedication, boundless patience, and a genuine love for nurturing young minds. It involves adapting to diverse learning styles, overcoming challenges, and embracing continuous self-improvement. It’s a journey of lifelong learning and growth for teachers themselves.

As we celebrate Teacher’s Day, it’s important for us, as students, to express our gratitude to our teachers for their tireless efforts. It’s also a reminder of our role in this partnership of education. We must be active participants in our own learning, showing respect, gratitude, and diligence in our studies.

In conclusion, on this Teacher’s Day, let us acknowledge the incredible impact that teachers have on our lives. Let us express our heartfelt gratitude to all the teachers who have nurtured our minds and hearts. Happy Teacher’s Day to the educators who continue to inspire and shape the future generations!

Happy Teacher’s Day – Long Speech 4:

Respected teachers, fellow students, and honored guests,

Today, we gather here with a profound sense of gratitude and respect to celebrate Teacher’s Day, a day dedicated to honoring the invaluable role that teachers play in our lives. This occasion provides us with an opportunity to reflect on the immeasurable impact teachers have had on our academic journeys and personal growth.

Teachers are often described as the pillars of education, and rightly so. They are the guiding lights who illuminate our path to knowledge, wisdom, and self-discovery. From the earliest days of our formal education to the present moment, teachers have been our mentors, motivators, and sources of inspiration.

What distinguishes exceptional teachers is their ability to make learning a transformative experience. They go beyond textbooks and curricula, nurturing in us a genuine love for learning. They encourage us to think critically, to question, to explore, and to experiment. Through their guidance, we not only acquire knowledge but also develop essential life skills and a thirst for knowledge that extends far beyond the classroom.

Moreover, teachers are not just educators; they are mentors and role models. They lead by example, teaching us not only the subject matter but also the values of honesty, integrity, empathy, and perseverance. They instill in us a sense of responsibility, both to ourselves and to society, and empower us to become responsible global citizens.

Teaching is not merely a profession; it’s a vocation. It requires boundless patience, empathy, and a deep commitment to the growth and well-being of students. Teachers often work tirelessly, adapting to diverse learning styles, addressing the unique needs of each student, and embracing continuous professional development to stay at the forefront of education.

As we celebrate Teacher’s Day, it’s incumbent upon us, as students, to express our heartfelt gratitude to our teachers for their unwavering dedication. We must also recognize our role in this dynamic educational partnership. We are not passive recipients of knowledge; we are active participants in our own learning journeys. By approaching our studies with diligence, respect for our teachers, and a hunger for knowledge, we honor their efforts.

In conclusion, on this Teacher’s Day, let us collectively appreciate the profound impact that teachers have on our lives. Let us take a moment to thank all the teachers who have touched our hearts and minds. Happy Teacher’s Day to the educators who continue to inspire and shape the future leaders of the world!

Happy Teacher’s Day – Long Speech 5:

Dear teachers, students, and distinguished guests,

Today, we come together with a deep sense of appreciation and reverence to celebrate Teacher’s Day, an occasion that holds special significance in our hearts. It is a day to express our gratitude to the exceptional educators who have influenced our lives in countless ways and to acknowledge the transformative power of education.

Teachers are often described as the guiding stars who navigate us through the complex universe of knowledge. They hold the keys to enlightenment, unlocking doors to understanding, wisdom, and personal growth. From the earliest days of our education to the advanced stages of learning, teachers have been our mentors, illuminating our path.

What sets apart remarkable teachers is their ability to ignite the flames of curiosity and passion for learning within us. They do not simply disseminate information; they inspire us to explore, to question, and to think critically. They instill in us a thirst for knowledge that extends beyond the classroom, fostering a lifelong love for learning.

Moreover, teachers are not just educators; they are life coaches, mentors, and role models. They nurture not only our intellect but also our character. They impart values such as integrity, kindness, resilience, and compassion. Through their actions and teachings, they mold us into responsible, ethical individuals who contribute positively to society.

Teaching is a noble profession that demands unwavering dedication, continuous self-improvement, and boundless patience. Teachers work tirelessly, often facing diverse challenges and adapting to the evolving landscape of education. They are champions of knowledge, striving to make a difference in the lives of their students.

As we celebrate Teacher’s Day, it is important for us, as students, to recognize our part in this collaborative educational journey. We must not only express our gratitude but also commit ourselves to be active participants in our own learning. By approaching our studies with diligence, respect, and a hunger for knowledge, we honor the dedication of our teachers.

In conclusion, on this auspicious day, let us collectively salute the exceptional educators who have left an indelible mark on our lives. Let us extend our heartfelt thanks to all the teachers who have illuminated our paths with their wisdom and guidance. Happy Teacher’s Day to the inspirational figures who continue to shape the minds and hearts of future generations!

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Teacher’s Day Speech: Best Teacher’s Day Speech By Students in English

Teacher’s Day Speech In English for Students: Teacher’s day is celebrated on 5th September every year to acknowledge and highlight

Reported by Pankaj Bhatt

Published on 1 May 2024

Teacher’s Day Speech In English for Students : Teacher’s day is celebrated on 5th September every year to acknowledge and highlight the contribution of teachers and the teaching profession in India. Teacher’s day marks the birth anniversary of one of the finest teachers and philosophers of the nation, Late Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. It is one of the occasions which is celebrated with great enthusiasm and zest in schools. Students organize various acts and speeches for their teachers.

If you are also looking for a Teacher’s Day Speech to deliver on the auspicious occasion of Teacher’s Day (5th September), you have reached the right destination. Here, we are providing you with two Teacher’s Day Speeches categorized under two heads- Short speech and long speech for students . Hope you will be able to pay your tribute and gratitude towards your teachers through this article.

Short Speech on Teacher’s Day for Students

Good Morning to all!

My name is ‘ [your name] ‘ . Today, we have gathered here to celebrate Teacher’s Day in the pursuit to honour our teachers for their everyday guidance to help us succeed in our paths.

Firstly, I would love to extend my heartiest congratulations and gratitude to every teacher on behalf of myself and my peers for always being a guiding light and a ray of hope in our lives. We could have never stood where we are today. Thank you, teachers, for everything!

In India, Teacher’s Day is celebrated on the 5th of September every year. The date is chosen to honour one of the greatest educationists and scholars of the nation – Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. Born on 5th September 1888, Sir Radhakrishnan requested their students rather than celebrate his birthday, they must celebrate the day as Teacher’s Day. Since 1962, the day has been commemorated as Teacher’s Day. Besides, Sir Radhakrishnan was also a renowned politician with high esteem and was appointed as the first Vice President and the second President of India.

However, 5th October has been recognized as World Teacher’s Day since 1994. The day glorifies the teachers worldwide for their constant guidance and hard work in building the life of the students. Also, it tends to raise awareness about the role of teachers in creating a healthy society.

Teachers are the pillars of society. They are the building blocks of the nation’s future. They inspire us to bring about our best and serve the country. Without teachers, there is no lawyer, doctor, IAS officer, researcher, or astronaut. Teachers support us and guide us through our path towards a brighter future.

As it says, Life is the greatest teacher of all . Life teaches us the art of survival. Teachers are not only academic teachers. Our very first teachers are our parents, who teach us to walk, eat, and speak. Then comes nature, our friends , our siblings, and many others. Today is the day to acknowledge each teacher of our lives. They taught us how to fight and stand once again when we fail.

Dr APJ Abdul Kalam , one of the finest scientists and most importantly a great teacher of the country says, “The purpose of education is to make good human beings with skills and expertise. Enlightened human beings can be created by teachers.”

I, once again, thank every teacher around the world for moulding and shaping our lives and encouraging us to do better in every step and achieve greater heights.

Long Speech on Teacher’s Day for Students

It’s the teacher that makes the difference, not the classroom. – Michael Morpurgo

My name is ‘[your name]’. Today, we have gathered here to celebrate Teacher’s Day in the pursuit to honour our teachers for their everyday guidance to help us succeed in our paths.

To begin with, I would like to salute and extend my overwhelming gratitude to the teachers’ community. They have always been a guiding light and provided rigid support to walk through our paths whenever needed. Today, on the behalf of every student in the world, I would like to say that we owe a big thank you to each teacher who has helped us directly or indirectly in shaping our lives. Thank you and a very Happy Teacher’s day!

Teacher’s Day marks the birth anniversary of Late Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan . He was one of the greatest teachers and philosophers our country ever had. When his students insisted to celebrate his birthday, he very graciously asked them to rather celebrate the day as Teacher’s Day and not his birthday. Since 1962, 5th September is commemorated as Teacher’ day in India.

Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan

Born on September 5th, 1888, Sir Radhakrishnan was a man of high esteems and values. He was one of India’s most dignified personalities. He had received his education in the field of philosophy. Some of his notable books are- The Hindu View of Life, A Source Book in Indian Philosophy, The Philosophy of Rabindranath Tagore, The Pursuit of Life, Faith Renewed, etc. These books radiate a pearl of gigantic wisdom and are a must-read.

Furthermore, Sir Radhakrishnan served the nation as the first Vice President of India from 1952 to 1962 and the second President of India from 1962 to 1967. Besides, he is also the recipient of India’s highest civilian honour i.e. Bharat Ratna in 1954 . He has been nominated 16 times for Nobel Prize in Literature while 11 times in the category Nobel Peace Prize.

Dr Radhakrishnan always believed that teachers must be the best minds in the nation . He donated a major part of his income as President to the Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund.

International Teacher’s Day Speech

In India, Teacher’s Day is celebrated on 5th September. Similarly, International Teacher’s Day is celebrated on 5th October of every year around the globe. The aim of the day is not only to appreciate the efforts of the teachers’ community but also to raise awareness about the significant role of the teachers in building the character of the child and the scope of improvement in their conditions. The theme for World Teacher’s Day 2020 was “ Teachers: Leading in crisis, reimagining the future”.

Teacher: A True Inspiration

In Sanskrit, there is a guru mantra, गुरुर्ब्रह्मा गुरुर्विष्णुः गुरुर्देवो महेश्वरः। गुरुरेव परंब्रह्म तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः।। It means that a Guru or teacher is a representative of the trinity (Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva). One who creates imparts knowledge and destroys the darkness that prevails within.

In the words of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam , “ Teachers are the backbone of any country, the pillar upon which all aspirations are converted into realities .” Teachers are a blessing in disguise. They help us in building our character and shape our personalities. They form those crucial stepping stones that ultimately guide us to the path of joy, happiness, and success.

Teachers inspire us to bring about the best in ourselves and serve the country. Without teachers, there is no lawyer, no doctor, no IAS officer, no scientist, and no astronaut. They support and guide us through our ways selflessly.

As it says, Life is the greatest teacher of all . Life teaches us the art of survival. Teachers are not only academic teachers. In fact, our very first teachers are our parents who teach us to walk, eat, and speak. Then comes nature, our friends, our siblings, and many others. Today is the day to acknowledge each teacher of our lives. They taught us how to fight and stand once again when we fail.

On this auspicious occasion , I would like to quote, “ A teacher takes a hand, opens a mind, and touches a heart. ” I, once again, extend my heartiest gratitude and respect to all the teachers who have helped in every step of our lives directly or indirectly. Thank you teachers for always being there for us, motivating us, and pushing us beyond our limits to relish success.

Thank you all!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is teacher’s day celebrated.

Teacher’s day is celebrated to honor and appreciate the efforts of the teachers in building the future of the children.

Whose birthday is marked as Teacher’s day?

Teacher’s day marks the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan.

When is International Teacher’s Day celebrated?

International Teacher’s Day falls on the 5th of October of every year.

Pankaj Bhatt

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Closing Remarks Speech for Teachers Day

Ai generator.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Distinguished guests, faculty, parents, and students,

Thank you all for being here today to celebrate Teachers’ Day, a special occasion dedicated to honoring the hard work, dedication, and contributions of our incredible teachers. Today has been filled with heartfelt tributes, inspiring speeches, and moments of joy and appreciation.

To our teachers : Today is a testament to your unwavering commitment to educating and nurturing our students. Your passion, patience, and perseverance are the cornerstones of our educational community. You inspire, motivate, and shape the future, and for that, we are deeply grateful. Your impact goes beyond the classroom, touching lives and making a lasting difference.

To the students : Your heartfelt expressions of gratitude and admiration remind us of the profound influence teachers have on their students. Remember to always value and respect your teachers, for they are the guiding lights on your journey to knowledge and personal growth.

To the parents and families : Your support and collaboration with our teachers are essential to the success of our students. Thank you for your partnership and trust in our educational community.

To our guests and supporters : Your presence and participation today have added immense value to our celebration. Thank you for joining us in honoring our teachers and for your continued support.

As we conclude this celebration, let us reflect on the profound impact that teachers have on our lives and express our gratitude not just today, but every day. Let us commit to supporting our teachers in every way possible and to fostering an environment where they can continue to inspire and educate future generations.

Once again, thank you to all the teachers for your tireless dedication and hard work. You are truly appreciated, and we celebrate you today and always.

Thank you all for your participation and support. Have a wonderful day, and let’s continue to honor and appreciate our teachers every day.


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Portland Teachers’ Union Publishes Handbook on “Teaching and Organizing for Palestine” in the Classroom

In the handbook, pat alleges district administrators have censored free speech..

sample speech on teachers day

Decrying what it describes as censorship of classroom protest, the Portland teachers’ union has escalated its rhetoric in support of Palestine, distributing an instructional handbook that’s become a flashpoint in the fraught local debate over the Israel-Hamas War.

The Portland Association of Teachers last week co-published a handbook “for asserting educators’ rights to teach about and advocate for the liberation of Palestine and Palestinians.” That handbook, titled “Teaching and Organizing for Palestine Within Portland Public Schools,” asserts that Portland Public Schools has censored and harassed teachers and students who advocated for Palestine on school grounds. The handbook now sits on the union website’s homepage.

PAT, which represents more than 4,500 educators in the Portland Public Schools system, wrote that the handbook was “developed in response to the censorship, discrimination, and harassment that many PPS education workers have experienced and are currently experiencing at the hands of PPS District ‘leadership.’”

The union’s advocacy for Palestine dates back to at least December. Fresh off the 15-day strike that laid bare hostilities between the union and the school district, the union displayed support for Palestine by advertising cease-fire marches and a “Palestine 101″ panel discussion on its Facebook page.

But the handbook, which appears to have been circulated on May 28, marks a new level in the union’s advocacy for Palestine.

The handbook lists alleged instances of school leadership allowing harassment and censorship of pro-Palestinian efforts by teachers and students. The list includes:

“Censoring student work on the topics of Settler Colonialism and Zionism,” “Censoring teachers’ ‘political’ posters, including any language with the word ‘cease-fire,’” “Administrators warning teachers to ‘watch their backs’ due to relentless complaints and harassment by Zionist parents and community members,” and “Allowing Zionist parents and community members to harass, watch, and record pro-Palestinian student activities on PPS school property.”

District spokeswoman Valerie Feder said in a statement that PPS “is committed to fostering an environment in all our schools and classrooms where every student feels safe, supported, and valued.”

“It is our expectation that staff create these spaces by facilitating respectful, age-appropriate, and standards-based learning and contextualization of major world events, such as the ongoing Israel-Hamas war or, before that, the war in Ukraine,” Feder said. “When these expectations of staff are not met—such as when a teacher engages in political advocacy while working—our process is to talk with the teacher about our expectations and direct corrections, removal, or replacement of inappropriate content.”

Feder did not respond to the union’s allegations that the district censored free speech.

Bob Horenstein, director of community relations at the Jewish Federation of Portland, says the union’s actions follow a recent dispute at Grant High School, in which the teacher of a freshman history course used PAT materials in the classroom, and students then posted anti-Zionist posters on a bulletin board. On three occasions, Horenstein says, the district ordered posters and protest signs removed from Grant property.

Horenstein says the handbook that PAT is now distributing reads less like educational material and more like political agitprop.

“This is propaganda,” Horenstein says. “If this were used in the classroom, it could potentially make a Jewish student feel unsafe.”

In December, after WW first reported on PAT’s advocacy for Palestine, union president Angela Bonilla agreed to a meeting with the Jewish Federation of Portland. Horenstein says that meeting occurred Dec. 21.

“She has heard from numerous Jewish teachers and students,” he tells WW . “Our concerns have been ignored. She came to our offices, she took a lot of notes. And in the end, nothing changed.”

In a statement to WW, Bonilla says the union “is a diverse organization that values multiple and varied thoughts, perspectives, and beliefs of our members. Like many other labor organizations, PAT has a history of speaking out against injustices taking place both locally and globally. We are a union deeply committed to social justice, and to fighting for schools and communities that are free from antisemitism, Islamophobia, and other forms of discrimination. And we will continue to ensure our members are aware of their rights when they are teaching about polarizing topics like the current humanitarian crisis in Gaza.”

The handbook arrived after hostilities over the Israel-Hamas War paralyzed college campuses across the country, including in Portland, where activists seized and vandalized the Portland State University library , and a Jewish student left Reed College after someone threw a rock that hit her in the head .

The 32-page handbook appears to have been first published May 28 in conjunction with an event last Tuesday evening, co-hosted by PAT and Oregon Educators for Palestine, at the PAT Hall in Northeast Portland. Social media posts from Oregon Educators for Palestine about the event call it an information session about “your rights to teach and advocate for Palestine within Portland Public Schools.” The post also told attendees they would leave with “curriculum to Teach Palestine by grade level and subject,” which the group linked to , among other pro-Palestinian educational materials.

The handbook itself instructs teachers on how teaching pro-Palestinian materials and lesson plans fits into the union’s contract with the school district. The handbook makes the case that such lesson plans are allowed under contract language.

“Essentially, if your curriculum can be reasonably connected to Palestine, or an aspect related to otherwise ‘controversial’ teaching, you are protected,” the handbook reads. “Teaching about Palestine is also protected under Oregon’s Ethnic Studies Standards.”

“When students ask your opinion: Root your answer in facts and ask them more questions to help them develop their own opinions,” the handbook reads in one section. “Remind them that what we are seeing is not a long-standing hostility between Jewish and Arab or Muslim people. Palestinian resistance is a political struggle for self-determination against colonial and apartheid rule that has roots in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.”

It also instructs teachers how to file a grievance if they feel censored or harrassed and points them to various legal advice resources.

The handbook in its final slides offers teachers additional reading materials and resources. Among them: a handbook titled “Toolkit to Defend K-12 Educators and Librarians Against False Accusations of Antisemitism” and “Genocide Education in Portland Public Schools: A Timeline from 2019–Present.”

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The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20500

A Proclamation on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex Pride Month,   2024

During Pride Month, we celebrate the extraordinary courage and contributions of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex (LGBTQI+) community.  We reflect on the progress we have made so far in pursuit of equality, justice, and inclusion.  We recommit ourselves to do more to support LGBTQI+ rights at home and around the world. 

For generations, LGBTQI+ Americans have summoned the courage to live authentically and proudly — even when it meant putting their lives and livelihoods at risk.  In 1969 at the Stonewall Inn in New York, brave LGBTQI+ individuals protested the violence and marginalization they faced, boosting a civil rights movement for the liberation of LGBTQI+ people that has transformed our Nation.  Since then, courageous LGBTQI+ Americans continue to inspire and bring hope to all people seeking a life true to who they are.  LGBTQI+ people also continue to enrich every aspect of American life as educators, entertainers, entrepreneurs, athletes, actors, artists, scientists, scholars, diplomats, doctors, service members, veterans, and so much more.

Advancing equality for the LGBTQI+ community is a top priority for my Administration.  I signed the historic Respect for Marriage Act, which protects the marriage of same-sex and interracial couples.  As Commander in Chief, I was proud to have ended the ban on transgender Americans serving in the United States military.  I signed historic Executive Orders strengthening civil rights protections for housing, employment, health care, education, and the justice system.  We are also combating the dangerous and cruel practice of so-called “conversion therapy” and implementing a national strategy to end the HIV epidemic in this country.  We ended the disgraceful practice of banning gay and bisexual men from donating blood.  We are doing this work here at home and around the globe, where LGBTQI+ community members are fighting for recognition of their fundamental human rights and seeking to live full lives, free from hate-fueled violence and discrimination.

But for all the progress, we know real challenges persist.  Last year, as we celebrated Pride Month on the South Lawn of the White House, I had the honor of meeting survivors of the Club Q and Pulse shootings, which tragically took the lives of LGBTQI+ Americans.  Although my Administration passed the most significant gun law in nearly 30 years, the Congress must do its part and ban assault weapons.  At the same time, families across the country face excruciating decisions to relocate to a different State to protect their children from dangerous and hateful anti-LGBTQI+ laws, which target transgender children, threaten families, and criminalize doctors and nurses.  These bills and laws attack our most basic values and freedoms as Americans:  the right to be yourself, the right to make your own medical decisions, and the right to raise your own children.  Some things should never be put at risk:  your life, your safety, and your dignity.

To the entire LGBTQI+ community — and especially transgender children — please know that your President and my entire Administration have your back.  We see you for who you are:  made in the image of God and deserving of dignity, respect, and support.  That is why I have taken historic action to protect the LGBTQI+ community.  We are ensuring that the LGBTQI+ community is protected against discrimination when accessing health care, and the Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Homeland Security, and Department of Justice launched a safety partnership to provide critical training and support to the community, including resources to help report hate crimes and better protect festivals, marches, community centers, businesses, and health care providers serving the community.  The Department of Education and the Department of Justice are also addressing whether book bans may violate Federal civil rights laws when they target LGBTQI+ students or students of color and create hostile classroom environments.  Additionally, we are providing specialized services through the nationwide crisis hotline for LGBTQI+ youth who feel isolated and overwhelmed — anyone who needs help can call 988 and then press 3 to be connected to a professional counselor.  We are committing more resources for mental health programs that help families support and affirm their kids and are starting a new Federal initiative to address LGBTQI+ homelessness.  We finalized new regulations requiring States to protect LGBTQI+ kids in foster care.

America is the only Nation in the world founded on an idea:  We are all created equal and deserve to be treated equally throughout our lives.  We have never fully lived up to that idea, but we have never fully walked away from it either.  This month, we recommit to realizing the promise of America for all Americans, to celebrating courageous LGBTQI+ people, and to taking pride in the example they set for our Nation and the world.  

NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim June 2024 as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex Pride Month.  I call upon the people of the United States to recognize the achievements of the LGBTQI+ community, to celebrate the great diversity of the American people, and to wave their flags of pride high.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirty-first day of May, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty-four, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-eighth.

                              JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR.

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  • Open access
  • Published: 05 June 2024

The impact of COVID-19 lockdown on physical activity and sedentary behaviour in secondary school teachers: a prospective cohort study

  • Yanni Verhavert 1   na1 ,
  • Tom Deliens 1   na1 ,
  • Lara Stas 2 , 3 ,
  • Elke Van Hoof 4 ,
  • Benedicte Deforche 1 , 5 ,
  • Dirk Aerenhouts 1 ,
  • Peter Clarys 1 ,
  • Evert Zinzen 1 &
  • Kristine De Martelaer 1  

BMC Public Health volume  24 , Article number:  1508 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

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Metrics details

Mid-March 2020, Belgium went in lockdown to combat the COVID-19-pandemic. Having to provide school-based day care and adapt to online teaching, while all social, cultural and sports events and activities were cancelled, secondary school teachers’ physical activity (PA) and sedentary behaviour (SB) may have been affected considerably. This study investigates the impact of the first Belgian lockdown on PA and SB in Flemish secondary school teachers.

This prospective cohort study was conducted throughout the 2019–2020 school year. PA and SB measured in March/April 2020 were compared with a pre-lockdown measurement in January/February 2020. Other pre-lockdown measurements (September/October 2019 and November/December 2019) and one other during-lockdown measurement (May/June 2020) allowed us to control for confounding. Validated questionnaires were used to assess participants’ PA and SB. Generalized linear mixed models were applied in R.

Among 624 participants (77·2% females, 43·3 ± 10·3 years), increases were observed for total PA (+ 108 min/week;  p  = 0·047), moderate PA (+ 217 min/week;  p  = 0·001), domestic and garden PA (+ 308 min/week;  p  < 0·0001) and leisure-time PA (+ 131 min/week;  p  < 0·0001), whereas work-related PA (-289 min/week;  p  < 0·0001) and active transportation (-38 min/week;  p  =0·005) decreased. No differences were observed for walking ( p  = 1·0) and vigorous PA ( p  = 0·570). Increases were found for total SB (+ 972 min/week;  p  < 0·0001), work-related SB (+ 662 min/week;  p  < 0·0001) and leisure-time SB (+ 592 min/week;  p  = 0·0004), whereas transport-related SB (-290 min/week;  p  < 0·0001) decreased.

During the lockdown, we found in our sample that Flemish secondary school teachers showed an increase in SB that was 9 times as high as their PA increase. As a government, education network or school, it is crucial to sensitize, promote, and facilitate sufficient MVPA and/or walking, but likewise to discourage SB during pandemic-induced lockdowns.

Peer Review reports


On March 13, 2020, the Belgian Federal Government installed a first set of rigorous measures to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, followed by a tightening of these measures on March 18. This first COVID-19-induced lockdown included several measures impacting our daily lives dramatically. Schools cancelled all classes at first and then, in analogy with the universities, changed to digitalized long-distance learning, bars and restaurants were closed down, and all social, cultural and sports events and activities were cancelled. This included organised sports and group-based physical activities. Also, non-essential workers were asked to work from home, and for a major part of them, these measures even resulted in being technically unemployed.

These drastic changes in work and lifestyle are most likely to impact people’s physical activity (PA) and sedentary behaviour (SB). Low PA and high SB levels show a clear association with both acute and non-acute health problems [ 1 , 2 ]. Inactive and sedentary people show greater risk of developing overweight and obesity, and other non-communicable diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and cancer [ 1 ], but also have an apparent link with severe COVID-19 illness [ 3 ]. It is also known that exercise positively affects the immune system, which may be crucial in fighting off bacterial or viral infections [ 4 ]. Besides physical health, inadequate PA and excessive SB are associated with poor mental health, such as depression, anxiety and burn-out [ 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 ]. The above illustrates the importance of an active lifestyle, especially during a virus outbreak and subsequent lockdown circumstances.

Secondary school teachers have been affected considerably by the aforementioned lockdown measures as, in Belgium, they had to provide school-based day care at the very beginning of the lockdown (from March 16 to April 3, 2020; i.e., the start of the Easter vacation) and adapt to digitalised long-distance learning (from April 20, 2020 until May 18, 2020), and even hybrid teaching during the remainder of the school year (until June 30, 2020). In addition, when teachers had to return to the classroom, they had to deal with students who needed to recover (academically and emotionally) from the strict pandemic measures and they were putting their own health, and that of their families, at risk as the pandemic was still ongoing [ 9 , 10 ]. Research also found that teachers reported higher anxiety levels than other professions and that remote teachers experienced higher levels of distress compared to teachers teaching in person [ 11 ]. As PA and SB are found to be associated with mental health [ 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 ], and as teachers’ mental health was found to be impacted by the pandemic, it is essential to investigate the impact of the pandemic on lifestyle factors such as PA and SB within this specific population. As this study is part of a larger longitudinal study on burnout and lifestyle among secondary school teachers, the present study was only able to focus on secondary school teachers. While research in this specific population is lacking, we hypothesise that the lockdown measures have had a significant impact on secondary school teachers’ lifestyle, including PA and SB.

A recent systematic review reported lockdown-induced decreases in PA and increases in SB across several countries and populations (excluding secondary school teachers) [ 18 ]. In Belgium, however, increases in both PA and SB were found in a general adult population [ 19 ]. Unfortunately, no details on the duration of PA and SB activities, PA intensity or the contextual domains in which PA and SB appeared, were provided [ 19 ]. However, a few non-Belgian studies focused on different PA domains, showing that the impact of COVID-19 on PA was domain-specific (i.e., decrease in sport levels and active travel, increase in housework/gardening and habitual PA, and no difference for light outdoor activities during the first lockdown) [ 20 , 21 ]. Also, due to the acute nature of the corona-crisis, many studies that have been published (including the aforementioned Belgian study), investigated the effect of the lockdown measures on PA and/or SB using a cross-sectional and retrospective approach [ 18 ]. Those who did use a longitudinal study design most often included only two measurement points [ 22 ]. As such research designs are prone to considerable bias, prospective research with multiple measurement points is needed to confirm these findings. Also, due to the different types of lockdown measures per country, generalisability of other countries’ findings is limited. Hence, the present prospective cohort study aimed to add to the limited knowledge resulting from the above described and sole Belgian study [ 19 ].

The present study is part of a larger longitudinal follow-up study (launched in 2019) and therefore presents unique natural experiment data on how PA (including duration, intensity and contextual domain) and SB (including duration and contextual domain) in Flemish secondary school teachers have been impacted by the first COVID-19 lockdown.


A non-probability cluster sampling strategy was used to recruit Flemish secondary school teachers. In August and September 2019, all secondary schools in Flanders (Belgium) were contacted through e-mail and telephone. To increase the response and participation rate, the Flemish Department of Education ( Vlaams Departement Onderwijs ) as well as all education networks (i.e., Flemish community schools, subsidised public schools, subsidised free schools) were involved in the recruitment and were asked to promote the study among all school principals. To stimulate school involvement, a convenient selection of schools in Flanders were visited to promote our study face-to-face. Schools that were willing to participate in the study were asked to send an e-mail with a link to an online questionnaire to their entire teaching staff. Furthermore, the same link was spread through social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter) and by posting advertisements via the Flemish Department of Education. Teachers being in sick leave or having a distorted physical activity/dietary pattern (by e.g., injuries, diseases, following a diet) were excluded from the final sample. As this study was part of a larger longitudinal follow-up study, in which we questioned distorted physical activity/dietary patterns by one question, we could not differentiate between the two. As a result, participants who reported being distorted in either category were excluded.

Design and procedure

This prospective cohort study is part of a larger longitudinal study, including six measurements throughout the 2019–2020 school year, i.e., Sep/Oct, Nov/Dec, Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, and Jul/Aug. For the purpose of the present study (i.e., measuring the impact of COVID-19 lockdown on secondary school teachers’ PA and SB), the Jan/Feb measurement (Jan 27 – Feb 11, 2020) will serve as baseline (T0). The measurement performed in Mar/Apr (Mar 23 – Apr 7, 2020), which is five days after the installation of the lockdown measures, will serve as measurement under lockdown-exposure (i.e., primary endpoint (T1)). The measurements prior to T0 (i.e., Sep/Oct (T-2) and Nov/Dec (T-1)) will serve as ‘pre’ control measurements, whereas the measurement after T1 (i.e., May/Jun (T2)) will serve as ‘post’ control measurement. The Jul/Aug measurement was omitted due to anticipated summer holiday bias. The timeline of the measurements is displayed in Fig.  1 .

figure 1

Timing of the measurements

At each time point participants were asked to complete an online questionnaire, including sample characteristics and primary outcome measures. Sample characteristics include socio-demographics, work-related information, and other health-related variables. Primary outcomes in the present study are PA and SB. During each measurement period of two weeks, three reminders were sent to the non-responders, each on the fourth, eighth and eleventh day after activation of the online questionnaire.

Sample characteristics

Socio-demographics include sex, age, highest diploma (i.e., secondary school degree, post-secondary school degree or certificate, Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree, PhD degree), having an extra job (yes/no), marital status (i.e., single, married, unmarried, living together with partner, divorced, widowed), having children (yes/no) and ethnicity (i.e., White – European, White – other, North-African, Afro-American, Indian, Middle-Eastern, South-Asian, Southeast-Asian, other). Work-related factors include education network (i.e., Flemish community schools, subsidised free schools, subsidised public schools) and total working hours per week. Health-related variables include self-reported height and weight (from which body mass index (BMI; kg/m²) was calculated) and smoking status (yes/no).

Primary outcome measures

Physical activity.

The validated International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ – Dutch long version) was used to estimate PA domains and intensities during the last seven days [ 23 ]. This self-report questionnaire includes 31 items and assesses four contextual PA domains: [ 1 ] work-related [ 2 ], transport-related [ 3 ], domestic and garden, and [ 4 ] leisure-time PA. The participants were asked to fill in the number of days and the amount of time (hours and minutes) spent in three different PA intensity levels within each domain, namely [ 1 ] walking [ 2 ], moderate-intensity PA, such as carrying light loads, washing windows, cycling or swimming at a regular pace, and [ 3 ] vigorous-intensity PA, such as heavy lifting, aerobics, running and fast cycling or fast swimming (as specified by the IPAQ). The outcome measures are domain- and intensity-specific PA as well as total PA expressed in min/week. Multiple criteria from the IPAQ scoring protocol were applied [ 24 ]: [ 1 ] only values of ten or more minutes of activity were retained; [ 2 ] non-relevant observations were excluded (e.g., answering in step counts instead of minutes); [ 3 ] PA levels higher than 960 min/day (i.e., 16 h/day) were excluded, as this would be unrealistic. Total scores per domain were calculated by multiplying the frequency of each PA per week by its duration expressed in minutes. Next, the domains were combined into total walking, moderate-intensity PA, and vigorous-intensity PA. Lastly, total PA was calculated by summing all items. It should be mentioned that total light-intensity PA, in which walking is just one component, is not questioned in the IPAQ. Therefore, total PA in this study only represents walking and moderate-to-vigorous-intensity PA. Note that the IPAQ scoring protocol includes a section “Truncation of Data Rules”, which is not applied in the current study. The protocol states that “this rule attempts to normalize the distribution of levels of activity which are usually skewed in national or large population data sets” [ 24 ]. Instead of truncating and forcing data into a normal distribution, we opted to tailor the statistical analyses to the non-normal data distributions (see Statistical analysis section). The IPAQ has fair to good psychometric properties (reliability: ρ = 0.80 and validity: r  = 0.30) [ 25 ].

Sedentary behaviour

SB was assessed by using the Dutch version of the validated context-specific sedentary behaviour questionnaire for adults developed by Busschaert and colleagues [ 26 ]. This self-report questionnaire assesses SB in three domains: [ 1 ] work-related [ 2 ], transport-related, and [ 3 ] leisure-time SB. Participants were asked to specify how much time they spent sitting/lying down during the last seven days (weekdays and weekend days separately) within each domain. The outcome measures are domain-specific SB as well as total SB expressed in min/week (i.e., sum score of minutes during the week and weekend). Participants were asked to fill in the number of days and the amount of time spent sitting/lying for several items/activities (e.g., TV watching, computer use, reading) within each of the three domains. For each item, a specific time interval could be chosen; e.g., 1 to 15 min, 15 to 30 min, 30 to 60 min, 1 to 2 h, etc. Midpoint values (e.g., 7.5 min, 22.5 min, 45 min, 90 min, etc.) of each test item interval were calculated. As it was not mentioned in the protocol how the upper limit time intervals “more than seven hours a day” and “more than eight hours a day” had to be interpreted, it was decided to consider these time intervals as 450 min and 510 min, respectively. Total sedentary time for an average day was estimated by summing all midpoint values of the specific SB contexts (weekdays and weekend days separately) and was estimated as follows: ((total sedentary time on a weekday * 5) + (total sedentary time on a weekend day * 2))/7. Although not explicitly mentioned in the paper of Busschaert and colleagues [ 26 ], but consistent with the IPAQ protocol, we decided to exclude participants with SB levels higher than 960 min/day (i.e., 16 h/day) from the analysis.

Patient and public involvement statement

Patient and public involvement was not appropriate for this study.

Equity, diversity, and inclusion statement

Secondary school teachers from multiple geographical regions, urban and rural communities and different education networks were recruited for this study. Participants could report their sex, diploma and ethnicity. The author team included early, middle and late career researchers with balance from people who identify as male and female.

Statistical analyses

All data were analysed using R (R core Team, 2019; R Studio version 3.6.2) and SPSS (version 27). P-values < 0.05 were considered statistically significant, whereas p-values between 0.05 and 0.10 were considered marginally significant. Representativeness of the sample at baseline (T0) was assessed by conducting two proportions z-tests. Drop-out analyses between baseline (T0) and the primary endpoint (T1) were conducted to assess possible selection bias of the retention group. In the first analysis, participants of whom we had data at T0 and T1 (i.e., retention group) were compared to participants of whom we only had data at T0 (i.e., drop-out group). As the generalized mixed models that we used typically include all available observation points, we decided to perform a second analysis in which we compared participants of whom we had data at T0 and T1 to participants of whom we only had data at T1. Independent samples t -tests, Mann-Whitney U tests and chi² tests were conducted to detect possible differences between the drop-out group and retention group regarding total PA, total SB, sex, age, ethnicity, marital status, having children, smoking status, diploma, having an extra job, education network and BMI.

Multilevel models were used for data analysis. Preliminary analyses checked if a three level model was advised (repeated measures clustered within participants, participants clustered within schools) using graphical representations and by inspecting the amount of variance explained by each cluster. If necessary, one (or both) levels were dropped. Possible confounders, such as age and sex, were checked, but seemed to have no significant effects, and therefore no adjustments were made in the statistical models. The PA scale scores were non-normally distributed with continuous, positively skewed non-negative values. The SB scales also contained non-negative continuous values, but with less severe skewness. For both outcome variables, Gamma and Gaussian generalized linear mixed models were constructed using the R package lme4 [ 27 ]. To decide upon the model (i.e., Gamma or Gaussian) and link functions (i.e., log, inverse or identity), Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) values were compared and a likelihood ratio test was performed (lrtest() function of the R package lmtest [ 28 ]). The model selection procedure of each outcome is explained in Additional file 1. For both PA and SB outcomes, the Gamma model with the log link function was selected. In total, five separate models (i.e., total PA, PA intensities, PA domains, total SB, SB domains) were analysed. In order to assess the effect of the lockdown on total PA and SB, a model with total PA and one with SB as outcome variable and time as predictor variable was fitted. To inspect the lockdown effect in the different domains (PA and SB) or intensities (PA), the same model was fitted but with the domains or intensities as a categorical predictor variable together with an interaction term between time and domains or intensities. Significance of main and interaction effects of the categorical variables consisting of more than two categories were checked using Wald Chi² tests (Anova function from the R package car [ 29 ]). Contrasts were constructed (test Interactions function from the R package phia [ 30 ]) to inspect statistical differences between T0 and T-2, T-1, T1, T2 of each domain and intensity, respectively. Data visualisation was performed using the R packages ggplot2 [ 31 ] and sjPlot [ 32 ], based on the predicted values of the response variable. More detailed information on the statistical analysis procedure can be found in Additional file 2.

Of the initial 2,220 secondary school teachers that were included at the start of the larger study (T-2; Sep/Oct, 2019), 1,741 consented to be recontacted and provided their e-mail address. Of these, 830 filled in the questionnaire at T0 (Jan/Feb, 2020), which corresponds to a response rate of 47·7%. In total, 624 participants were included at T0, as 206 participants were excluded from the sample in line with the exclusion criteria as described above (i.e., due to injuries and/or following a diet ( n  = 172), sick leave ( n  = 8), not working in secondary education ( n  = 1), outliers for total PA ( n  = 8), outliers for SB ( n  = 9) and missing values for PA ( n  = 17). During lockdown-exposure (T1; Mar/Apr, 2020), the same 1,741 participants were invited to fill in the questionnaire again. Of these, 646 participants filled in the questionnaire (i.e., 37·1% response rate), of which 499 remained after exclusion (i.e., due to injuries and/or following a diet ( n  = 84), sick leave ( n  = 3), not working in secondary education ( n  = 10), outliers for total PA ( n  = 10), outliers for total SB ( n  = 41) and missing values ( n  = 13).

The final baseline (T0) sample consisted of 624 participants (77·2% females) with a mean age of 43·3 ± 10·3 years and a mean BMI of 25·2 ± 4·6 kg/m² at baseline (T0). More detailed information regarding sample characteristics can be found in Table  1 .

Representativeness of the sample at baseline (T0)

To determine representativeness, our sample was compared to the general secondary teacher population (see Table C1, Additional file 3) [ 33 ]. . Significant differences were found for sex (sample vs. population: 22·8% vs. 35·1% males; 77·2% vs. 64·9% females, p  < 0·001) and education network (sample vs. population: Flemish community schools: 47·7% vs. 22·5%; subsidised free schools: 47·9% vs. 68·0%; subsidised public schools: 3·7% vs. 9·4%; p  < 0·001). Regarding age, no significant differences were found for the age categories 30–39 years ( p  = 0·595), 40–49 years ( p  = 0·554), 50–59 years ( p  = 0·268) and plus 60 years ( p  = 0·342), whereas a significant difference was found for secondary school employees between 20 and 29 years (sample vs. population: 10·0% vs. 14·8%; p  = 0·0008).

Drop-out analysis between T0 and T1

The drop-out rate between T0 and T1 was 20·0%. Significant differences at baseline (T0) were found between the retention and drop-out group regarding age (44·5 ± 10·4 vs. 41·8 ± 9·9; p  = 0·002) and teaching hours per week (19·9 ± 4·5 vs. 20·6 ± 4·2; p  = 0·035). No differences at baseline (T0) between the retention and drop-out group were found for sex ( p  = 0·930), diploma ( p  = 0·271), having an extra job ( p  = 0·993), marital status ( p  = 0·587), having children ( p  = 0·448), ethnicity ( p  = 0·228), education network ( p  = 0·615), BMI ( p  = 0·306), smoking status ( p  = 0·092), total PA ( p  = 0·727) and total SB ( p  = 0·419).

The second analysis showed only one significant difference at T1 between the participants of whom we had data at T0 and T1, and participants of whom we only had data at T1 regarding marital status (single = 12·2%, unmarried = 3·7%, married = 53·7%; living together with partner = 22·4%; divorced = 8·0%, widowed = 0·0% vs. single = 5·0%, unmarried = 2·2%, married = 54·7%; living together with partner = 29·5%; divorced = 6·5%, widowed = 2·2% vs. p  = 0·008). No differences at T1 between both groups were found for age ( p  = 0·637), sex ( p  = 0·534), diploma ( p  = 0·584), having an extra job ( p  = 0·455), having children ( p  = 0·530), ethnicity ( p  = 0·693), education network ( p  = 0·627), BMI ( p  = 0·118), smoking status ( p  = 0·860), total PA ( p  = 0·538) and total SB ( p  = 0·198).

Changes in PA and SB during lockdown

All models included random intercepts for the participants. The estimates of both fixed and random effects of each model can be found in Tables A1-A5 in Additional file 1. Possible clustering effects of school were checked by adding the school level to the models. As results showed that there was hardly any variance explained by this level, the cluster of school was not included. Hence, only two levels (repeated measures clustered within participants) were included in the final models. Based on the contrasts, Table  2 and the text below report on the adjusted means and standard errors of link for each of the outcomes pre- and during lockdown (crude means and standard deviations for all measurements can be found in Additional file 4, Table D1).

Changes in physical activity

Total physical activity.

On average, participants were 108 min/week more active during lockdown as compared to pre-lockdown ( p  = 0·047) (see Fig.  2 ).

figure 2

Predicted values for total physical activity (minutes/week) with confidence intervals for each measurement (Values estimated using gamma model with log link function)

Domain-specific physical activity

On average, participants were 308 min/week more occupied in domestic and garden PA and 131 min/week more occupied in leisure-time PA (both p  < 0·0001) during lockdown compared to pre-lockdown. In contrast, participants showed 289 min/week less work-related physical activity ( p  < 0·0001) and 38 min/week less transport-related physical activity ( p  = 0·005) during lockdown compared to pre-lockdown (see Fig.  3 ).

figure 3

Predicted values for domain-specific physical activity (minutes/week) with confidence intervals for each measurement. (Values estimated using gamma model with log link function)

Intensity-specific physical activity

On average, participants were 217 min/week more physically active at moderate intensity ( p  = 0·0010) during lockdown compared to pre-lockdown. No significant differences regarding walking ( p  = 1·0) and vigorous intensity PA ( p  = 0·57) between during lockdown and pre-lockdown were found (see Fig.  4 ).

figure 4

Predicted values for intensity-specific physical activity (minutes/week) with confidence intervals for each measurement. (Values estimated using gamma model with log link function)

Changes in sedentary behaviour

Total sedentary behaviour.

On average, participants were 972 min/week more sedentary ( p  < 0·0001) during lockdown as compared to pre-lockdown (see Fig.  5 ).

figure 5

Predicted values for total sedentary behaviour (minutes/week) with confidence intervals for each measurement. (Values estimated using gamma model with log link function)

Domain-specific sedentary behaviour

On average, participants were 662 min/week more sedentary during their work ( p  < 0·0001) and 592 min/week more sedentary during their leisure-time ( p  = 0·0004) during lockdown compared to pre-lockdown. In contrast, participants were 290 min/week less sedentary during transport ( p  < 0·0001) during lockdown compared to pre-lockdown (see Fig.  6 ).

figure 6

Predicted values for domain-specific sedentary behaviour (minutes/week) with confidence intervals for each measurement. (Values estimated using gamma model with log link function)

Summary of the findings

The most important finding is that, during the first Belgian COVID-19 lockdown (installed on March 18, 2020) both total PA (+ 108 min/week, i.e., 1·8 h/week) and total SB (+ 972 min/week, i.e., 16·2 h/week) had increased in Flemish secondary school teachers. The observed increase in total PA was due to increases in both domestic and garden PA, and leisure-time PA (when considering PA domain) and in moderate intensity PA (when considering PA intensity). In contrast, walking and vigorous PA remained stable over time, while work-related PA and transport-related PA decreased. The observed increase in total SB was due to increases in both work-related SB and leisure-time SB, while transport-related SB decreased.

Strengths and limitations

An important strength of the present study is that we were able to use a prospective cohort design with repeated measures to evaluate the effect of the lockdown on PA and SB in secondary school teachers. Compared to other, mostly retrospective cross-sectional research, these prospective cohort data are unique and important to estimate the impact of COVID-19-induced lockdown measures on energy expenditure behaviour. The repeated pre- and during-lockdown measurements also allowed us to control (partially) for confounding, as for obvious reasons, it was not possible to compare against a control group. Second, this study provides more detailed information on the domain (PA and SB) and intensity (PA) level. The added value of this approach can be illustrated by the statistical outcomes of this study. Despite the fact that the models regarding the impact of the lockdown on total PA and total SB each explained a large amount of variance (total PA: 46·8%; total SB: 51·2%), our findings show that only a very small amount of variance was explained by the fixed effects (i.e., time) (total PA: 2%; total SB: 8·6%). When conducting the analyses per domain (PA and SB) and intensity (PA) level, the amount of variance explained by the fixed effects (i.e., time) increased considerably (i.e., domain-specific PA: 13·6%; intensity-specific PA: 37·9%; domain-specific SB: 49·9%). This underscores the importance of investigating domain- and/or intensity-specific PA and SB. Third, a relatively low drop-out rate of 20·0% between T0 and T1 was observed, while rather small significant baseline differences between the retention and drop-out group were found for age and teaching hours per week. This suggests limited drop-out bias during the course of the study. However, it should be mentioned that, of the 624 participants included at T0, only 353 (i.e., 56.6%) were included at T1. Furthermore, a selection bias may have been present upon recruitment as our sample was not representative for sex, the youngest age category and education network. Unfortunately, no other population-level data were available to check representativeness. A second limitation is the fact that we only included secondary school teachers. As mentioned above, this study is part of a larger longitudinal study among Flemish secondary school teachers. This means that, although societally relevant, our findings may not be generalized to other populations or occupations. For example, we expect that the increase in SB would be less dramatic in people performing a white-collar (desk, managerial or administrative) vs. blue-collar (labour) job. Third, although the IPAQ protocol includes truncation rules (i.e., topping off extreme or unrealistic values) [ 24 ], we decided to not apply these truncations, as this would have resulted in statistical issues concerning model-fit. However, we do not expect this to have influenced the results as this way of processing was applied systematically across all time points. Furthermore, it should be mentioned that total light-intensity PA, in which walking is just one component, is not questioned in the IPAQ. Therefore, the results on total PA in this study only represents walking and moderate-to-vigorous-intensity PA. Fourth, recall and social desirability bias are likely to be present as PA and SB were subjectively measured by means of self-report questionnaires [ 34 ]. As the same measurement tools were used across all time points, we expect this to have resulted in a systematic rather than unsystematic error, limiting biases on the established effects over time. Although systematic across time points, the omitted truncations and the used self-reports probably did cause overestimations of PA in absolute figures. Our findings indeed show that, on average, secondary school teachers engaged in 877·4 min/week (i.e., 2·1 h/day; see Additional file 4, Table D1) of moderate-to-vigorous-intensity PA (MVPA) at baseline, which is almost six times the minimal amount of 150 min/week recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) [ 35 ]. Given that 35·9% of the Flemish adult population is not meeting the guidelines [ 36 ], the reported PA levels seem quite unrealistic and overestimated. This typical overestimation of PA due to the use of self-reports is well-acknowledged and described in the literature [ 24 , 37 ]. Hence, the absolute values of PA (and possibly also SB) in the present study should be interpreted with great caution.

Interpretation and significance of the findings

Our findings are in line with those of Constandt and colleagues [ 19 ], reporting a general increase in both PA and SB in the general Belgian adult population. As mentioned, due to methodological limitations of the latter study, no comparison could be made concerning the duration and intensity of PA, nor in which domains PA was performed. In contrast, the review by Stockwell and colleagues [ 18 ] showed that, across several countries and several populations, PA levels decreased during the lockdown. This discrepancy may be explained by differences in study populations as well as by country-specific differences in lockdown measures installed by the different governments. For example, the confinement measures in Italy or Spain, where people were not allowed to leave their homes except for necessities while outdoor PA was prohibited, were more strict than those in Belgium, where people were still allowed and even stimulated to move around and engage in outdoor yet restricted and non-organised PA (e.g., walking, cycling only within the “family-bubble”) [ 18 ]. Although we may applaud that people were stimulated to engage in healthy behaviour, such as PA, no attention was raised to discourage unhealthy behaviour, such as SB. Indeed, our results even show that the increase in SB was 9 times as high as the increase in PA. The disproportionate increase of SB may have detrimental (acute) effects on health outcomes, especially when they sustain in the long run [ 2 ]. With their meta-analysis, including over one million people, Ekelund and colleagues [ 38 , 39 ] demonstrated a clear dose-response relationship between increased sitting time and all-cause mortality. In case of lower PA levels, the risk of sitting-induced mortality may be as high as that of smoking and obesity [ 39 ]. Interestingly, the same study revealed that engaging in MVPA for at least one hour/day may attenuate or even eliminate the detrimental effects of sitting for more than eight hours/day [ 38 , 39 ]. So, PA becomes even more relevant as long periods of sitting time during lockdown (e.g., due to homework) may be unavoidable.

While decreases were observed in other studies [ 18 ], walking was not impacted by the lockdown in our sample of secondary school teachers. This peculiar finding can be explained by the fact that teachers typically stand or walk around while performing their job. More detailed analysis (data not shown) indeed revealed that walking during leisure-time increased, while work-related walking decreased, cancelling each other out. This finding seems fairly logic as schools were closed and teachers were asked to work from home. On the domain level, this explains both the decrease in work-related PA and the overproportionate increase in work-related SB. Obviously, this same mechanism explains the reduced transport-related PA and SB.

Another interesting finding is that, unlike a significant increase in moderate-intensity PA, vigorous-intensity PA remained stable during the lockdown. As previous research highlighted the importance of sport infrastructure for sport participation rates [ 40 ], one might expect vigorous PA to have decreased due to the cancellation of organised sports and group-based physical activities (typically including higher-intensity activities and competition sports) as sport clubs were closed. This may indicate that the participants, as stimulated by the authorities, replaced these latter activities with other (self-organised) vigorous-intensity PA, such as running or cycling. This ‘compensatory effect’ was reported in previous research, suggesting that an increase in PA in one domain may result in compensatory changes in another one [ 41 ]. A systematic review by Swelam, Verswijveren [ 42 ] on the other hand, concluded that evidence regarding these compensatory effects is mixed.

Finally, as also discussed in previous research [ 21 , 43 ], the effects of the lockdown on PA and SB may be respectively over- and underestimated due to the relatively warm and sunny weather during the first lockdown period. Baseline (T0) measurements took place from Jan 27 to Feb 11, 2020 (i.e., 16-day measurement period), with maximum daily temperatures up to 13 °C, only 2 days with at least 5 h of sun per day, and 11 precipitation days [ 44 ]. In contrast, T1 measurements took place from Mar 23 to Apr 7, 2020 (i.e., 16-day measurement period), with maximum daily temperatures up to 23 °C, 9 days with at least 10 h of sun per day, and zero precipitation days [ 44 ]. This sunny, dry, and relatively warm weather during the first lockdown may have biased our findings by causing our participants to be more physically active. The extent of bias becomes clearer when interpreting the domain-specific PA models. As explained above, due to the greater amount of explained variance by the fixed time effect, it becomes more relevant to interpret the intensity- and domain-specific PA models compared to the total PA model. For example, when interpreting the total PA model, we observed a relatively larger decrease in total PA from September to November 2019, and a relatively smaller increase of total PA from January to March 2020 (i.e., during the lockdown). So, one might argue that the observed increase in PA may not be entirely attributed to the lockdown measures per se and that it is just a natural (including seasonal) fluctuation. However, when splitting up our models, we observed different domain-specific PA effects going in the opposite directions, diminishing the overall effect for total PA. Indeed, in contrast to the total PA model, the domain-specific models showed relatively larger increases or decreases (depending on the domain) in PA during the lockdown compared to other natural (including seasonal) fluctuations (indicated by the control measurements). This suggests that seasonal and/or weather effects were rather limited and that a great part of the effect can be attributed to the lockdown measures. It is also noteworthy that leisure-time SB increased substantially, despite the good weather circumstances. This is probably due to a lack of other (social) activity options, such as going out with friends, or participating in cultural events.

Recommendations for policy and research

On the policy level, one should be aware that installing such lockdown measures come with a price. In the present study, participants’ SB increased by 16·2 h/week (i.e., 2·3 h/day). More specifically, secondary school teachers went from 7·1 to 9·4 h/day of being sedentary. As highlighted above, this may have detrimental short- and long-term effects on people’s physical and mental health, especially in people being less than one hour/day physically active [ 38 , 39 ]. Taking a probable and considerable overestimation of PA into account, it is highly doubtable that many participants met this one hour/day threshold. It is clear that adequate levels of PA and reduced levels of SB are crucial components of a healthy lifestyle and are related to various comorbidities and mortality [ 38 , 39 ]. As a government, it is crucial to sensitize, promote, and facilitate sufficient MVPA and/or walking (as measured in the present study), but likewise to discourage SB (e.g., teachers may be advised to teach their online classes while standing or walking), even in such difficult times of pandemic-induced lockdown measures.

The COVID-19 lockdown was associated with an increase in PA of 108 min/week (i.e., 1·8 h/week) and an increase in SB of 972 min/week (i.e., 16·2 h/week) in secondary school teachers. Although the Belgian authorities encouraged people to engage in PA, the discouragement of SB was lacking. Promoting a physically active as well as a non-sedentary lifestyle is highly important during a pandemic and should be considered a priority for governments installing such lockdown measures.

Availability of data and materials

Data are available upon reasonable request ([email protected]).


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Yanni Verhavert and Tom Deliens shared first author.

Authors and Affiliations

Department of Movement and Sport Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, Brussels, 1050, Belgium

Yanni Verhavert, Tom Deliens, Benedicte Deforche, Dirk Aerenhouts, Peter Clarys, Evert Zinzen & Kristine De Martelaer

Core Facility - Support for Quantitative and Qualitative Research (SQUARE), Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, Brussels, 1050, Belgium

Department of Biostatistics and Medical Informatics, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Laarbeeklaan 101, Brussels, 1090, Belgium

Brussels, Belgium

Elke Van Hoof

Department of Public Health and Primary Care, Ghent University, C. Heymanslaan 10, Ghent, 9000, Belgium

Benedicte Deforche

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Study design (YV, TD, KDM, EZ, EVH), data collection (YV), data analysis (YV, TD, LS), methodology (YV, TD, KDM, EZ, EVH), writing - original draft (YV, TD), writing - reviewing & editing (all authors). YV, TD, KDM, EZ, EVH verified the initial dataset. YV, TD and LS take responsibility for the analysis. YV and TD contributed equally to this paper.

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Correspondence to Yanni Verhavert .

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This study was conducted in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration and its later amendments. Written informed consent was obtained from all participants prior to study enrolment. The study protocol was approved by the Medical Ethics Committee of the University Hospital (UZ Brussel, Brussels, Belgium; B.U.N. 143201940533).

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Verhavert, Y., Deliens, T., Stas, L. et al. The impact of COVID-19 lockdown on physical activity and sedentary behaviour in secondary school teachers: a prospective cohort study. BMC Public Health 24 , 1508 (2024).

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Received : 02 October 2023

Accepted : 24 May 2024

Published : 05 June 2024


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BMC Public Health

ISSN: 1471-2458

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    Good morning everyone. I am here to deliver a speech on Teachers' Day. Teachers' Day is celebrated on the 5th of September every year in all schools and colleges. It is celebrated as the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. He was born on 5th September 1888.

  8. Speech on Teachers' Day by Teacher

    Happy Teachers' Day to all! 2-minute Speech on Teachers' Day by Teacher. Dear Principal, fellow teachers, students, and esteemed guests, Today, we gather to celebrate a very special occasion - Teachers' Day. On this day, we pay tribute to our teachers, who have played an instrumental role in shaping our lives.

  9. Best Speech on teachers day in English for teachers

    Also, delivering a teachers day speech is one of the best ones on this beautiful occasion. In the following article, there are two sample teachers day speeches from which you can opt the Best Speech on teachers day in English for teachers. Sample Speech 1 "Teachers affect eternity; no one can tell where their influence stop." ~Henry Brook adam

  10. Teachers Day Speech by Students in English

    Teachers Day Speech - Teachers' Day is an important day for everyone. It celebrates the transformative role of a teacher which they play in a student's life. In other words, teachers spend all their years in educating us and helping us become better human beings. However, generally, people forget their teachers once they pass out of their ...

  11. Teachers Day Speech for Students in English

    Teachers Day Speech for Students in English - Sample 3. Hello to our revered principal, the backbone of our institution - our teachers, supporting staff, parents, and my dynamic classmates. Today's gathering, in honor of Teachers' Day, is a celebration of dedication, passion, and transformation. Teachers often step into our lives as just ...

  12. Teachers Day Speech by Teacher in English

    Teachers Day Speech by Teacher in English - Sample 1. Good morning dear colleagues, respected principal, members of the management, and my dear students. Today, on this special occasion of Teachers' Day, I am deeply honoured to stand here and address you all. As a teacher, it is a great privilege to be a part of your life, to share your hopes ...

  13. Best Welcome Speech on Teachers Day by Students in English

    Students can also find more English Speech Writing about Welcome Speeches, Farewell Speeches, etc Long and Short Welcome Speeches on Teachers Day by students in English. Below we have provided two speeches- Long and Short Welcome Speech on Teachers Day by students. The Long speech comprises of 500-600 words, and the Short speech consists of 200-300 words, respectively.

  14. How to Write an Unforgettable Teacher Appreciation Speech

    A well written appreciation speech has the power to inspire, uplift, and acknowledge the incredible work that educators do every day and show them how much each teacher deserves tremendous love. Teachers play a vital role in shaping the lives of their students, instilling knowledge, values, and a passion for learning.

  15. Speech on Teachers' Day

    Sample Speeches on Teachers' Day. A few samples of speeches on Teachers' Day are given below. Go through these speeches and utilise them to expand your knowledge. History of Teachers' Day. The world celebrates Teachers' Day on the anniversary of the adoption of the 1966 International Labour Organisation (ILO)/UNESCO recommendation ...

  16. Short Speech on Teachers Day Speech- Download free PDF!

    Short Speech On Teachers Day Sample 1. Ladies and Gentlemen, Good Morning! Today, on the very special occasion of Teachers' Day, I feel deeply honored to stand here and extend my gratitude to all the passionate and dedicated teachers who have made an indispensable contribution to my life and to society. Our teachers are the lighthouse in the ...

  17. Teacher's Day Speech 2023: Sample Speech For Students In English

    Teacher's Day Speech In English For Students. Speech 1: Respected Principal, Distinguished Teachers, Eminent Students, and my Dear Friends, We're gathered together to honour Teacher's Day today, a significant event. It's a time when we give thanks to the teachers who have made a significant impact on our lives and express to them how much we ...

  18. Teachers Day Speech in English 2024 [Short, Simple & Best]

    Teachers Day Speech in English: In this article, you are going to read 5 samples of speech on Teachers' Day for students (100, 150, 200, and 250 words). A set of 10 Lines Speech on Teachers' Day is also given here. All the speeches have been written in an easy and simple language.

  19. Teachers' Day Speech in English, Short and Long Welcome Speech

    Long Teacher's Day Speech in English. A very good morning to my honourable teachers, beloved colleagues and one and all present here. We all have gathered here to celebrate the auspicious occasion of this teachers' day. We Indians celebrate Teachers' Day on the 5th of September of every year, as a remembrance of Dr. Sarvapelli ...

  20. Teacher's Day Speech 2023: Best Short & Long Speeches

    As we approach Teacher's Day 2023, we have gathered a selection of 10 concise yet poignant short speeches and 5 comprehensive long speeches. These speeches serve as heartfelt expressions of gratitude, admiration, and recognition for the educators who have been instrumental in our academic and personal growth. They highlight the profound ...

  21. Teacher's Day Speech: Best Teacher's Day Speech By Students in English

    Teacher's Day Speech In English for Students: Teacher's day is celebrated on 5th September every year to acknowledge and highlight the contribution of teachers and the teaching profession in India. Teacher's day marks the birth anniversary of one of the finest teachers and philosophers of the nation, Late Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan.

  22. Teachers Day Speech

    Teacher Day Speech is given on the occasion of the teachers day, it is celebrated all around the world to praise teachers for their special contribution to society.. World Teachers' Day is celebrated on 7 September. However, Teacher's Day is celebrated on different dates by different countries. In several nations, the celebration is correlated to either well-known personalities or ...

  23. Closing Remarks Speech for Teachers Day

    To our teachers: Today is a testament to your unwavering commitment to educating and nurturing our students. Your passion, patience, and perseverance are the cornerstones of our educational community. You inspire, motivate, and shape the future, and for that, we are deeply grateful. Your impact goes beyond the classroom, touching lives and ...

  24. Welcome to the Purdue Online Writing Lab

    Teachers and trainers may use this material for in-class and out-of-class instruction. Mission. The Purdue On-Campus Writing Lab and Purdue Online Writing Lab assist clients in their development as writers—no matter what their skill level—with on-campus consultations, online participation, and community engagement. ...

  25. Portland Teachers' Union Publishes Handbook on "Teaching and Organizing

    Portland Teachers' Union Publishes Handbook on "Teaching and Organizing for Palestine" in the Classroom In the handbook, PAT alleges district administrators have censored free speech.

  26. Welcome Speech for Teachers Day in English

    Welcome Speech for Teachers Day in English - Sample 1. Ladies and gentlemen, respected Principal, esteemed colleagues, dear students, and honoured guests, good morning to you all. I extend a warm and hearty welcome to everyone present here today to celebrate the very special occasion of Teachers' Day. On this day, we come together to express ...

  27. A Proclamation on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and

    During Pride Month, we celebrate the extraordinary courage and contributions of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex (LGBTQI+) community. We reflect on the progress we have ...

  28. The impact of COVID-19 lockdown on physical activity and sedentary

    Background Mid-March 2020, Belgium went in lockdown to combat the COVID-19-pandemic. Having to provide school-based day care and adapt to online teaching, while all social, cultural and sports events and activities were cancelled, secondary school teachers' physical activity (PA) and sedentary behaviour (SB) may have been affected considerably. This study investigates the impact of the first ...

  29. What Is Machine Learning? Definition, Types, and Examples

    Some of the most common examples of machine learning that you may have interacted with in your day-to-day life include: Recommendation engines that suggest products, songs, or television shows to you, such as those found on Amazon, Spotify, or Netflix. Speech recognition software that allows you to convert voice memos into text.