Crafting an Effective Letter of Assignment: A Comprehensive Guide with Sample


A letter of assignment is a critical document in various business, academic, and professional settings. It formally assigns responsibilities, tasks, or roles from one party to another. Understanding how to craft an effective letter of assignment can ensure clear communication and smooth transitions in responsibilities. This guide will explore the essential components of a letter of assignment, provide legal considerations, and offer a sample letter to help you draft your own.

letter assignment template

Understanding the Letter of Assignment

What is a letter of assignment.

A letter of assignment is a document that formally assigns a specific task, responsibility, or job from one individual or organization to another. It is commonly used in settings such as journalism, where assignments are delegated to reporters, or in project management, where specific tasks are assigned to team members.

For more information on the role of assignments in organizational management, Harvard Business School provides a wealth of resources on organizational behavior.

Key Elements of a Letter of Assignment

Introduction : Clearly state the purpose of the letter.

Details of the Assignment : Specify the task or responsibility being assigned, including any relevant deadlines or expectations.

Resources and Authority : Outline any resources that will be provided to assist with the assignment and any authority the assignee has over others.

Expectations and Goals : Clearly define what success looks like for the assignment.

Duration of the Assignment : If applicable, state the start and end dates.

Contact Information : Provide contact details for someone who can offer assistance or answer questions related to the assignment.

To see a general template of business documents, including assignment letters, visit Purdue University’s Online Writing Lab.

Legal Considerations

When crafting a letter of assignment, it's essential to ensure that it does not violate any contractual agreements or employment laws. Consult legal resources or an attorney to confirm that all aspects of your letter are compliant with local and federal laws. The U.S. Small Business Administration offers guidelines on employment and labor laws that might be relevant.

Sample Letter of Assignment

Note: This sample is for illustrative purposes only and should be customized to meet specific needs and legal requirements.

[Your Name] [Your Position] [Your Company/Organization] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date] [Recipient Name] [Recipient Position] [Company/Organization] [Recipient Address] [City, State, Zip Code] Dear [Recipient Name], Subject: Assignment of [Task/Responsibility/Project Name] I am writing to formally assign you the responsibility of [brief description of the task or responsibility]. This assignment will commence on [start date] and will conclude on [end date], unless extended by mutual agreement. Details of the Assignment: - **Task Description**: [Detailed description of the task, including any specific expectations or deliverables.] - **Resources Provided**: [List of resources or support to be provided, including access to systems, budget information, etc.] - **Authority**: You will have the authority to [describe any authority over staff, budgets, decisions]. - **Goals and Objectives**: The primary goal of this assignment is [describe what successful completion of the assignment looks like]. Please confirm your acceptance of this assignment by signing and returning a copy of this letter. Should you have any questions or require further clarification, do not hesitate to contact me directly at [your phone number] or [your email]. Thank you for your attention to this matter and your continued contribution to our team. Sincerely, [Your Signature (if sending a hard copy)] [Your Typed Name] [Your Position] [Enclosures: if any]

Best Practices for Letter of Assignment

Clarity and conciseness.

Ensure that the letter is clear and concise. Avoid ambiguity about the responsibilities or expectations to prevent misunderstandings.

After sending the letter, follow up to ensure that the recipient has understood everything and agrees to the terms laid out in the letter.

Record Keeping

Keep a copy of the signed letter for your records. This can be useful for future reference or in case of disputes.

letter assignment template


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letter assignment template

A well-crafted letter of assignment not only clarifies roles and responsibilities but also sets the stage for successful project execution and employee engagement. By adhering to legal standards and following the guidelines provided, you can ensure that these documents are both effective and compliant. For further reading on employment and assignment contracts, visit Harvard University's Employment and Labor Law page .

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Free printable letter templates

The art of letter writing is alive and well. find a free letter writing template for word and customize your correspondence. letters are about more than letterhead; make sure you're structuring your notes for maximum readability..

letter assignment template

Customize a heartfelt letter with these templates

In this digital age, getting a handwritten letter in the mail is a rare but wonderful surprise. Although writing out a message takes more effort than just sending a text message, a letter will mean so much more to the recipient. And by writing your letter on custom-made paper, you can personalize your letter even more. Make your letter more graphically appealing in a flash using templates. To start, choose your favorite template on Microsoft Create. You can give your letter a simple look with a modern design, go back in time with a vintage template, or keep it playful with some fun illustrations. Once you've picked your template, you can customize your paper to make your letter special. Whether you're writing a nice note to grandma or want to keep in touch with a pen pal, adding some graphics to your letter will make it so much more memorable. After completing your design, you can print it out, write your letter, and add it to an envelope. Don't forget the stamp before heading to the post box! Letters are also great to send for special occasions such as weddings and holidays . Enhance any letter or invitation with a personalized celebration template.

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Letter Format Example and Writing Tips

letter assignment template

What to Include in a Formal Letter

Written letter format, email letter format, letter template to download, professional written letter example, professional email example, tips for formatting your letter, proofread, spellcheck, and print, how to address the envelope.

 Theresa Chiechi / The Balance

Letter format might not be top of mind when you begin writing an important letter or email, but an appropriate presentation is critical to ensure your message is ultimately well received. A printed letter is usually reserved for important professional communications, such as recommendation letters, cover letters, resignation letters, and business correspondence, so you'll want to know how to write one professionally.

Correct formatting is especially important if you're sending a hard copy to the recipient rather than an email because the letter needs to fit the page, look professional, and be clear, concise, and easy to read.

Review information on what you need to include when writing a professional letter, examples, and advice on the appropriate font, salutation, spacing, closing, and signature for business correspondence.

Key Takeaways

  • A formal letter should include details about why you’re writing, an expression of your appreciation to the recipient for considering your request, and your contact information.
  • Correspondence can be sent as a written letter or in an email. When sending an email message, list the reason you are writing in the subject line of the message.
  • When writing a professional letter, carefully proofread and spellcheck before you print or send it.

Formal correspondence should include the details of why you’re writing, your contact information, a greeting and closing, and your signature.

Beginning of the Letter

Contact Information (Written Letter):  A written letter should include the contact information of both yourself and the recipient (name, title, company name, address, phone number, email), followed by the date.

Contact Information (Email):  When sending an email, you don’t need to include the recipient’s contact information. List your contact information at the end of the letter after your signature.

Greeting:  Address the letter using a professional greeting and formal title ("Dear Mr./Ms./Dr.").

Body of the Letter

The first paragraph of your letter  should provide an introduction as to why you are writing so your reason for contacting the person is clear.

In the  following paragraphs , provide specific details about your request or the information you are providing.

The  last paragraph  of your letter should reiterate the reason you are writing and thank the reader for reviewing your request. If appropriate, it should also politely ask for a written response or the opportunity to arrange a meeting to further discuss your request.

Closing the Letter

Use a formal sign-off , such as "Sincerely" or "Best regards."

Signature (Written Letter):  End the letter with your handwritten signature followed by your typed name.

Signature (Email):  Include your typed name followed by your contact information.

It’s important to include enough detail so the recipient understands why you’re writing and the response you expect to the letter.

Here’s a template for each section of a formal letter:

Your Contact Information   Name Address City, State Zip Code Phone Number Email Address

Recipient Contact Information  Name Title Company Address City, State Zip Code

Greeting   Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name,

Use a  formal salutation , not a first name, unless you know the person well. If you do not know the person's gender, you can write out their full name. For instance, write, "Dear Pat Crody" instead of "Dear Mr. Crody" or "Dear Ms. Crody." If you do not know the recipient’s name, it’s still common and acceptable to use the old-fashioned “ To Whom It May Concern .”

Body of Letter

  • Paragraph 1: State the reason you are writing, for example, you are asking for something or sharing a piece of information.
  • Paragraph 2:  Provide details about your request or the information you’re sharing.
  • Paragraph 3:  If necessary, include additional information on the purpose of your letter.
  • Paragraph 4:  Thank the reader for considering your request, and ask for a response to your letter.

Closing Best regards,

Signature Handwritten signature (use black or blue ink to sign a written letter)

Typed Signature  Your typed name

Here’s a template for each section of a professional email:

Subject Line Subject: Your Name — Reason for Writing

Greeting Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name,

Body of Message Your message should generally be two or three paragraphs at most. Explain why you’re writing and what you’re requesting.

Closing Sincerely,

Typed Signature and Contact Information Mikala Schwartz 617-123-1234

When sending email correspondence, include the reason you are writing in the subject line of the message. List your contact information under your typed signature at the end of the message.

Here is a letter template that you can download  (compatible with Google Docs and Word Online), or review the text version below.

Nicole Thomas 35 Chestnut Street Dell Village, Wisconsin 54101 555-555-5555

September 5, 2023

Jason Andrews Manager LMK Company 53 Oak Avenue, Ste 5 Dell Village, Wisconsin 54101

Dear Mr. Andrews,

I’m writing to resign from my position as customer service representative, effective September 16, 2023.

I’ve recently decided to go back to school, and my program starts in late September. I’m tendering my resignation now so that I can be as helpful as possible to you during the transition.

I’ve truly enjoyed my time working with you and everyone else on our team at LMK. It’s rare to find a customer service role that offers as much opportunity to grow and learn, and perhaps more rare to find such a positive, inspiring team of people to grow and learn with.

I’m particularly grateful for your guidance while I was considering furthering my education. Your support has meant so much to me. 

Please let me know if there’s anything I can do to help you find and train my replacement.

Thanks and best wishes,

Signature (hard copy letter)

Nicole Thomas

Subject: Annual Meeting

Dear Kathleen,

Thank you so much for your assistance in planning our annual meeting. Your expertise in handling the meeting arrangements, booking the conference facilities and hotel, coordinating travel, scheduling events, and organizing the meeting is greatly appreciated.

I appreciate your help and advice, and I am hoping we can plan on having your assistance with next year’s event. It’s tentatively scheduled for January 16–20, 2025, in Tampa, Florida. If you can confirm your availability, I’ll be in touch when we’re ready to start planning.

I look forward to working with you in the future, and thank you again.

Best regards,

Peter Hancock

Professional letters should be simple, short, and written in business format using a traditional font.

  • Length of the Letter: Most formal letters are no more than one typed page.
  • Font Style and Size: Use a plain font such as Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri. Your font size should be between 10 and 12 points.
  • Margins:  Use one-inch margins and left justify your text.
  • Spacing: Single-space your letter, and leave a space between each paragraph. Use one-inch margins and align your text to the left. Leave an extra space after the salutation, before the closing, and before and after your handwritten signature in a printed letter.
  • Printing the Letter:  Business letters should be printed on plain white paper.

Once you have written your letter, proofread it and carefully spellcheck it on the screen. Then, print it out and read it aloud at least one more time, checking for any errors or typos. This is important as it's often easier to spot errors on a hard copy. 

Reading your letter out loud is a good way to catch a mistake.

Check for formatting errors, such as two paragraphs that don’t have a space between them or lines that are indented incorrectly. Then, before putting your letter in an envelope, sign above your typed name using black or blue ink. 

If you’re emailing your letter, send a copy to yourself to be sure it’s perfect. Then send the final version to the recipient.

Print a copy of your written letter so you have it for your records. Your email will be saved in your “sent” email folder.

When your letter is ready to mail, fold it in thirds so it fits into a business-size envelope. You can use your word-processing program to print the addresses on the envelope or handwrite them. 

Print your name on the top-left corner of the front of the envelope. Print the recipient’s address in the center of the envelope, parallel with the long side. Add a stamp to the top right of the envelope.

NMU Writing Center. " Parts of a Business Letter ."

University of Arizona. " Writing a Professional Letter ."

USPS. " How to Send a Letter or Postcard: Domestic ."

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Home Business Assignment Agreement

Assignment Agreement Template

Use our assignment agreement to transfer contractual obligations.

Assignment Agreement Template

Updated February 1, 2024 Reviewed by Brooke Davis

An assignment agreement is a legal document that transfers rights, responsibilities, and benefits from one party (the “assignor”) to another (the “assignee”). You can use it to reassign debt, real estate, intellectual property, leases, insurance policies, and government contracts.

What Is an Assignment Agreement?

What to include in an assignment agreement, how to assign a contract, how to write an assignment agreement, assignment agreement sample.

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Partnership Interest

An assignment agreement effectively transfers the rights and obligations of a person or entity under an initial contract to another. The original party is the assignor, and the assignee takes on the contract’s duties and benefits.

It’s often a requirement to let the other party in the original deal know the contract is being transferred. It’s essential to create this form thoughtfully, as a poorly written assignment agreement may leave the assignor obligated to certain aspects of the deal.

The most common use of an assignment agreement occurs when the assignor no longer can or wants to continue with a contract. Instead of leaving the initial party or breaking the agreement, the assignor can transfer the contract to another individual or entity.

For example, imagine a small residential trash collection service plans to close its operations. Before it closes, the business brokers a deal to send its accounts to a curbside pickup company providing similar services. After notifying account holders, the latter company continues the service while receiving payment.

Create a thorough assignment agreement by including the following information:

  • Effective Date:  The document must indicate when the transfer of rights and obligations occurs.
  • Parties:  Include the full name and address of the assignor, assignee, and obligor (if required).
  • Assignment:  Provide details that identify the original contract being assigned.
  • Third-Party Approval: If the initial contract requires the approval of the obligor, note the date the approval was received.
  • Signatures:  Both parties must sign and date the printed assignment contract template once completed. If a notary is required, wait until you are in the presence of the official and present identification before signing. Failure to do so may result in having to redo the assignment contract.

Review the Contract Terms

Carefully review the terms of the existing contract. Some contracts may have specific provisions regarding assignment. Check for any restrictions or requirements related to assigning the contract.

Check for Anti-Assignment Clauses

Some contracts include anti-assignment clauses that prohibit or restrict the ability to assign the contract without the consent of the other party. If there’s such a clause, you may need the consent of the original parties to proceed.

Determine Assignability

Ensure that the contract is assignable. Some contracts, especially those involving personal services or unique skills, may not be assignable without the other party’s agreement.

Get Consent from the Other Party (if Required)

If the contract includes an anti-assignment clause or requires consent for assignment, seek written consent from the other party. This can often be done through a formal amendment to the contract.

Prepare an Assignment Agreement

Draft an assignment agreement that clearly outlines the transfer of rights and obligations from the assignor (the party assigning the contract) to the assignee (the party receiving the assignment). Include details such as the names of the parties, the effective date of the assignment, and the specific rights and obligations being transferred.

Include Original Contract Information

Attach a copy of the original contract or reference its key terms in the assignment agreement. This helps in clearly identifying the contract being assigned.

Execution of the Assignment Agreement

Both the assignor and assignee should sign the assignment agreement. Signatures should be notarized if required by the contract or local laws.

Notice to the Other Party

Provide notice of the assignment to the non-assigning party. This can be done formally through a letter or as specified in the contract.

File the Assignment

File the assignment agreement with the appropriate parties or entities as required. This may include filing with the original contracting party or relevant government authorities.

Communicate with Third Parties

Inform any relevant third parties, such as suppliers, customers, or service providers, about the assignment to ensure a smooth transition.

Keep Copies for Records

Keep copies of the assignment agreement, original contract, and any related communications for your records.

Here’s a list of steps on how to write an assignment agreement:

Step 1 – List the Assignor’s and Assignee’s Details

List all of the pertinent information regarding the parties involved in the transfer. This information includes their full names, addresses, phone numbers, and other relevant contact information.

This step clarifies who’s transferring the initial contract and who will take on its responsibilities.

Step 2 – Provide Original Contract Information

Describing and identifying the contract that is effectively being reassigned is essential. This step avoids any confusion after the transfer has been completed.

Step 3 – State the Consideration

Provide accurate information regarding the amount the assignee pays to assume the contract. This figure should include taxes and any relevant peripheral expenses. If the assignee will pay the consideration over a period, indicate the method and installments.

Step 4 – Provide Any Terms and Conditions

The terms and conditions of any agreement are crucial to a smooth transaction. You must cover issues such as dispute resolution, governing law, obligor approval, and any relevant clauses.

Step 5 – Obtain Signatures

Both parties must sign the agreement to ensure it is legally binding and that they have read and understood the contract. If a notary is required, wait to sign off in their presence.

Assignment Agreement Template

Related Documents

  • Purchase Agreement : Outlines the terms and conditions of an item sale.
  • Business Contract : An agreement in which each party agrees to an exchange, typically involving money, goods, or services.
  • Lease/Rental Agreement : A lease agreement is a written document that officially recognizes a legally binding relationship between two parties -- a landlord and a tenant.
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Assignment Agreement Template

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Literacy Ideas

How to write a letter

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In this age of digital communication, writing letters is becoming something of a lost art. Emails and text messages can be sent instantly and for a fraction of the cost good old-fashioned snail mail can offer.

So, why bother teaching letter-writing at all? Well, though electronic ‘letters’ are often freer in formatting and language than physical letters, we can also apply letter-writing rules to electronic media. However, physical letters do offer some distinct benefits of their own too.


Whilst we pride ourselves here on how to write a great essay, information report, or another text type that is primarily used in an educational setting, the ability to craft a powerful letter or email has literally changed people’s lives, altered the course of history and been the difference between life and death in some cases.

It can be the one opportunity to remove all the noise and confusion on any subject area and honestly tell someone how you feel straight from the heart.  Pen to paper.  

For whatever reason, a thousand emails, tweets, and likes will never have the same impact as a well-crafted handwritten letter.  Its very creation and existence show your reader how passionate and genuine about what it contains.

Letters fall under the transactional writing category; if you want to know more about transactional texts, be sure to check out our in-depth guide here.

Visual Writing


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Over 100 PAGES of engaging RESOURCES , various letter SAMPLES , LESSON PLANS and INTERACTIVE DIGITAL RESOURCES to teach your students how to write amazing LETTERS and EMAILS .

Teach this life skill with confidence through this excellent ALL-IN-ONE RESOURCE . No preparation is required.


1. the personal touch: .

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Those of us who grew up in an age before the internet got going will remember the excitement of waiting for and receiving a letter. Many of us will have had childhood pen pals we never met or received love letters from our teenage sweethearts. Maybe some treasured letters are still securely stored in a bedside drawer.

There is something extremely personal and intimate about the letter that email cannot capture. Letters are physical, and their increasing rarity makes them seem even more intimate today.

In this day and age, receiving a personally written letter is something a unicorn in communication terms. Students who know how to produce a well-crafted letter can use it to their advantage. For example, any business hiring manager will undoubtedly be numbed by the constant torrent of emails flooding their inbox.

That mailed resume accompanied by a handwritten letter that waits for them on their desk in the morning will surely stand out and secure an attentive read. The letter, in its various forms, is guaranteed to stand out and make an impact in an age where the vast majority of communication is digital.

3. Handwriting

how to write a letter | letter handwriting | How to write a letter |

Just as letter writing has declined in popularity, so too has the emphasis on well-developed handwriting skills. You can, if you wish, take the opportunity here to have the students work on their handwriting skills.

While students may protest that they can accomplish the task much quicker by word-processing, another benefit of handwriting a letter is that the speed becomes almost meditative. This allows students to focus carefully on their grammar and punctuation without always resorting to the crutch of spell-checkers and grammar correction software.


The table below outlines whether your letter should be written formally or informally, with some suggested prompts .  Whilst there are many similarities, a formal letter should always be considered as a document with a real purpose and ramifications.



INVITATION Make someone feel special about an upcoming event.

APPLICATION Write a professional letter of application for a job or group you wish to join.

REFEREE / REFERENCE Vouch for another’s skills, personality or credibility.

ACCEPTANCE & REJECTION Approve or deny an applicant in a professional manner.

MAKE AN OFFER Make a formal and binding offer in writing.

EXIT / RESIGNATION Formally leave or step down in a professional and dignified manner.



THANK YOU Let someone know you appreciate their efforts.

CONGRATULATIONS Acknowledge someone’s achievements in life.

GRIEVANCE / LOSS Acknowledge someones personal loss or suffering and let them know you care.

FRIENDSHIP & LOVE Tell someone how special they are to you and why?

LETTER TO THE EDITOR / MAYOR ETC. Let someone know how their actions and adversely affect you and others.

LETTER TO SELF Give your older or younger self some words of advice and wisdom.

INFORMATIONAL UPDATE Write a letter back home telling them what you have been up to.


The writing process begins with planning.

As with all genres of writing, the process of formal letter writing should start with planning. This should involve sketching a brief outline from which to work rather than a comprehensive detailing of minutiae. The plan should include:

  • Note addresses, names etc. – who are you writing to?
  • Record the purpose of the letter – what do you want to say?
  • List points to be made (each will form a paragraph) – how will you say it?
  • State action point – what do you want the reader to do?

Formal letters can be written for a wide range of purposes and may come in various shapes, including a letter of complaint, a cover letter accompanying a job application, a letter of invitation, a reference letter, or a proposal letter – to name a few. Though each will adhere to its own rules of formatting and tone when writing formal letters, students should avoid using slang or contractions.

Language should be straightforward and polite. Encourage students to avoid bursts of purple prose in favor of direct, functional language. Usually, a formal letter will be written to achieve a particular end and should be written with that end foremost in mind. Students should avoid meanderings and stay firmly focused on the task at hand.


how to write a letter | how to write a formal letter 1 | How to write a letter |

  • The writer’s address should be in the top right-hand corner.
  • The date should be written below the writer’s address
  • The recipient’s name and address are below that on the left-hand side
  • Use the correct opening (Dear Sir / Madam, Dear Mrs Ferguson, etc.)
  • Use Standard English
  • The opening sentence should explain the purpose of the letter
  • Each paragraph should make a single specific point
  • Use an appropriate formal tone and register in the wording of the letter
  • Avoid contractions, slang, and abbreviations
  • The concluding ‘action point’ paragraph states what you want the recipient to do
  • The formal ending, such as Yours Sincerely or Yours Faithfully

A Note on Salutations

If the student knows the intended recipient’s name, start with Dear Mr. / Mrs Surname and end with Yours Sincerely. If they don’t know the recipient’s name, start with Dear Sir / Madam and end with Yours Faithfully.

Use of Rhetorical Devices

As mentioned, formal letter writing focuses on attempting to convince someone to take some course of action or other. To do this, it is helpful to employ some rhetorical devices to make the writing more persuasive . Some useful techniques to encourage your students to employ include:

Direct Address: Using the pronoun ‘you’ in a formal letter makes the reader feel that you are speaking directly to them. This helps to engage the reader and encourage them to continue reading the letter.

how to write a letter | 1 Love letter | How to write a letter |

Emotive Language: Where students are trying to convince the reader to take a course of action, the use of emotive language can often be a powerful tool. Students can use either positive or negative colored words to create the desired response in the reader.

Facts and Figures: Another way to persuade and convince is to employ facts and figures to support the points made in the letter.


how to write a letter | Formal letter writing example year 3 | How to write a letter |

How to write an informal letter

Common features of informal letters:.

There are far fewer rules to follow when writing an informal letter, but there are still some practical guidelines to follow that will prove helpful for students engaged in writing informally.

As with any piece of writing, it is important to consider who the audience is and the reason for writing in the first place. In particular, this will help decide the tone and the language register. The more intimate the relationship, the more informal the language can be.

Though the letter will be informal, it will still have a purpose. Information should still be organized into paragraphs, as would be done with a formal, more ‘official’ letter. Students sometimes struggle with this aspect, as they often conflate ‘informal’ with ‘disorganized.’ Making them plan their informal letter before writing can help ensure it is sufficiently organized.


how to write a letter | how to write an informal letter 1 | How to write a letter |

Informal letters will start with a greeting appropriate to how close the relationship is. For acquaintances, this may be ‘Dear Tom,’ (using the first name instead of the surname) to a very informal ‘Hi Jane,’. Don’t forget the comma after the name!

After the greeting, a general opening sentence should follow. Usually, this will be something like a ‘How are you?’ or a ‘How have you been?’. If the recipient is married or has kids, you may wish to ask how their spouse or children are.

Next, students should state the reason for writing. The language should be open and friendly in tone and, in contrast to the formal letter, colloquial language, idiomatic expressions, and contractions are perfectly okay and even desirable.

Just as the opening salutation to an informal letter is much more relaxed, so too will the closing salutation. There are many possibilities for the students to choose here, and their decision will depend on who they are writing to and their personal preferences. Some examples of possible closings include ‘Love’, ‘Best regards’, ‘All the best’, and ‘Thanks’.


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Teaching Resources

Use our resources and tools to improve your student’s writing skills through proven teaching strategies.


The most effective way for students to internalize all the features of letter writing, formal or informal, is to gain experience by writing various letters for differing purposes. The following activities offer some suggestions for students to get practising today:


Have students write as if they were a character from a piece of fiction you have been reading in class. Choosing a dramatic point in the plot , ask students to imagine they are one of the characters writing a letter to another character in the story. This writer may be either formal or informal, depending on the scenario presented. This will give students realistic letter-writing practice while also getting them to engage closely with the text and respond imaginatively to its themes.


Either offer a range of possible life predicaments or cut out the questions from the ‘agony aunt’ page of a local newspaper. Students must write back offering advice in response to the predicaments expressed in the question or predicament. The response should be written in full letter format. This activity also lends itself to several variations. The response may be written to a close friend, for example, or written from the perspective of a professional agony aunt employing a more formal tone and presentation.


Have students think of their favorite candy bar or clothing item. Encourage them to imagine they have bought this product lately and found it to be substandard. Students must write a formal letter of complaint to the manufacturer outlining their complaint and recommending a course of action to satisfactorily resolve that complaint. They must use all the features of a formal letter as outlined above.

old handwritten letter


  • Write in pencil or a calligraphy pen,
  • screw them up tightly and carefully unfold and flatten.
  • Lightly dab coffee stains over the paper to make it look aged.
  • Carefully singe or burn the edges of your paper.
  • Add some sepia-filtered photos for effect.


As students become more confident in their understanding of letter-writing formats, encourage them to exchange letters with each other for peer assessment. You may wish to provide them with a checklist of features to look for while reading over their partner’s work.

Letter-writing can also be a great way to partner up with schools overseas; often, children studying English as a second language will be delighted to receive letters from (and write to) students in English-speaking countries. And though email increasingly encroaches on the traditional territory of the letter, many of the skills garnered in the practice of letter writing are transferable to the modern manifestation. There is ample opportunity here to link letter-writing learning with approaches to writing emails too.

Letter-writing can provide a focus for a wide range of learning objectives while also teaching students valuable practical skills that will serve them well beyond their school years, both in their personal and work lives. And who knows, perhaps in years to come, one of the letters your student writes in your class may become a treasured keepsake in someone’s bedside drawer.




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How to Write a Recount Text (And Improve your Writing Skills)

Content for this page has been written by Shane Mac Donnchaidh.  A former principal of an international school and university English lecturer with 15 years of teaching and administration experience.  Editing and support content has been provided by the literacyideas  team.

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Assignment Letter Sample

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Assignment Letter Sample – How to Write an Assignment Letter.

An assignment letter is a letter that conveys the writer’s intention of assigning some of his or her rights to an assignee. This letter is used in different situations like the bankruptcy of a business or it could be simply used to give the right to the assignee to act on the behalf of the assigner. This is one of the letters that are hardly used, but still it is still essential in knowing how to write a good assignment letter in case you will need to write it in the future.

Writing letters, reports, notes, among other things, are important skills for business and personal life. Effective letters will yield nothing but good results. Most often than not, people assess others by the quality of their writing, hence it’s essential to write well. Here are some simple tips in writing an assignment letter to get you started:

• The most basic and most important thing you should when writing an assignment letter is that you should be clear and specific regarding the rights that you are going to assign and how long will it last.

• Use short sentences. Sentences that contains more than fifteen words could lessen the clarity of what you’re trying to convey. After drafting it, seek out commas and make full use of pauses in between long sentences, and replace with full-stops. Avoid using technical terms unless it is necessary.

• In writing assignment letters, you should check for typographical, grammatical and factual errors. Be sure to include ways to contact you regarding any concerns they might have.

Having a good letter format or letter template as a guide can be very helpful. Download a free assignment letter sample, then customize that will suit your needs. It is a great way to get you started in the right direction.

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Free Assignment Letter Template

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Assigning content to writers takes time if you do it right. It’s important to give your writers as much information as you can so they can create the content you need. An assignment letter should be in every content director’s — and every publication editor’s — toolkit. We’ve taken the guesswork out. You can download this Assignment Letter Template (Word Doc) today to get your writers on the right track. Download it, modify, add your logo and branding. It’s all yours.

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letter assignment template

Writing an assignment letter

letter assignment template

So, how detailed should an assignment agreement be? The answer is as detailed as possible. The assignment letter should be a legally binding document, confirming the agreement between the company and the assignee with respect to the terms and conditions of the assignment. In reality, the most common approach is that the assignee remains employed with the home company and the home employment contract remains in place. However, the assignment letter serves as an addendum to the employment contract and confirms the terms and conditions which vary from the normal contract while on assignment. Any terms and conditions not specifically varied therefore remain as per the home employment contract.

Most of the checklist items opposite will require considerable scoping – particularly if no assignment policy exists, but making well outlined provisions will prove worthwhile. The extent to which each item should be explained is illustrated below for three key areas.

Compensation, tax and pension arrangements

This is possibly the most complex and important part of the assignment letter and must clearly explain how the assignee will be compensated while on assignment. If the company uses a build-up or balance sheet approach, this section of the agreement will confirm details such as the home notional salary, cost of living adjustments, assignment and location allowances and, of course, the assignment salary.   It should be confirmed whether the assignment salary is guaranteed net or gross, as well as where and how it will be delivered, i.e. through which payroll, in which currency, details of split pay arrangements, exchange rates, etc. If the company has a variable pay structure details of how bonus and incentive payments will be calculated and delivered while on assignment must also be included.   The process for salary reviews must also be explained, as well as the treatment of assignment compensation for tax and social security. Assignees will normally remain in home country social security plans while on assignment, subject to the relevant regulations, and this should also be confirmed in the assignment letter. This section of the agreement will also give details of the tax services provided to the assignee, e.g. departure and arrival meetings, tax return preparation, etc. And finally, the pension arrangements should be confirmed.   Of course, if the assignee is to be compensated according to a different approach, e.g. the assignment salary is based on the local compensation levels of the host location as opposed to the build-up method, similar details to the ones described above should be given, which confirm the assignment compensation and tax treatment

Assignment benefits

The most significant benefits, both in terms of cost to the company as well as value to the assignee, are education allowances for the assignee’s children and host country accommodation. The assignment letter should clearly explain the level of benefits provided and how they are delivered, i.e. in-kind or in cash, bearing in mind the most tax effective form of delivery for the company depending on host country tax legislation. Tax charged on assignment benefits can be considerable, sometimes up to 50% of total assignment costs.   With education benefits it is important to state the type of schooling for which the company will provide assistance. If there are limits on the amount up to which the company will pay for education, or limitations on the choice of schools, this should be confirmed.   Similarly, the limits up to which the company will pay for host country accommodation must be set out clearly. The letter should also clarify what happens if the assignee chooses accommodation below or above the set rental limits.

End of assignment

If there is the possibility of an assignment extension beyond the initially-agreed term, the applicable policy should be detailed here. Most importantly, a maximum duration beyond which the assignment will not be extended should be indicated. This avoids situations where employees become “permanent” assignees, remaining on assignment terms and conditions well beyond five years, which is generally the most common maximum assignment duration.   It is also good practice to give details of the company’s localisation policy in this section. It may well suffice to confirm that a localisation policy may be applied once the maximum assignment duration has been reached, without having to give too many details on the actual process. But by mentioning the possibility of localisation in the letter, assignees’ expectations are managed and they are aware that assignment terms will not continue indefinitely.   In the repatriation section the agreement should confirm the relocation assistance provided; e.g. shipping, temporary accommodation, relocation lump-sums, etc. Furthermore, this section should confirm the process and time scales for finding a suitable position for the assignee upon returning home.   Finally, assignment letters rarely differentiate between terminating or resigning from the assignment, as opposed to terminating or resigning from the actual employment with the company. It is good practice to include the relevant terms and notice periods for each of these scenarios here and to differentiate accordingly. Terminating the employment of an assignee can be complicated and this section of the agreement should be very well thought through. Unfortunately, the governing labour law is often unclear or not straightforward to determine. A company should always seek legal advice should a labour dispute arise.

Need help with assignment letters? ECA's  Consultancy & Advisory team  are on hand to critique your company's assignment letters or create  assignment letter templates  in line with your policy, as well as offer expert advice and guidance on content so that your assignment letters accurately manage the expectations of the employee and the company. If you'd like to speak with one of our Consultants, you can  request a callback here . 

  • Sample Letters

FREE 9+ Sample Assignment Letter Templates in PDF | MS Word

Sample Assignment Letter Templates

An assignment letter is a document that is used mostly in situations such as business bankruptcy and insolvency. It is a legal document which can be presented in courts when handling different cases. Examples of scenarios whereby this paper comes in are when a business owner is assigning a portion of his or her assets to a trustee for selling purposes and also when assigning specific rights to another person such as collecting payment on your behalf.

Assignment Letter

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Our assignment templates get designed in the best way possible to usher you properly when creating one. An assignment letter template may also be said to be a Professional Letter of assignment or an assignment letter sample.

Salary Assignment Letter

salary assignment letter

Size: 130 KB

The top of the page should have the name of the person or the entity issuing the letter together with their personal information such as the telephone number, email address, and the postal address. Below that it should indicate that it is a letter of assignment to give the form an identity. Next should be the full names of the people or entity in the agreement alongside their personal information.

After that, mention the duration of the assignment and the location of where the deal takes place. The body of the document should be concluded by listing all the details of the money that they parties will be handling. Finally, the parties involved should sign the paper to seal the agreement.

Appraisal Assignment Letter

appraisal assignment letter

Size: 38 KB

The top of the form should read that the document is an appraisal assignment letter for easier identification. The name plus the postal address of the person or company issuing the appraisals should be listed next. After that, a declaration statement mentioning the names of the parties involved in the agreement should be put down saying who has assigned rights to the other.

The agreement should always comply with the standards set by law. Other acknowledgments that each party is supposed to heed to should also get listed in this document. The model should conclude by stating the period when the agreement will be active.

Voided Assignment Letter

voided assignment letter

Size: 37 KB

The top of the model should read that it is a voided assignment letter for quick identification of the form. After that, on the left, the name of the person of corporate who is going to receive the document is listed together with other personal information such as a postal address and an email address.

The right should have the date of when the paper gets published. Finally, the reasons as to why there is a voided assignment letter must be on it and signatures of the parties involved should also be given to show that they agree with the stated reasons.

Incentive Assignment Letter

incentive assignment letter

Size: 42 KB

The name of the company issuing the letter should be the first thing on the document and the date below that. Next should be the name and personal details of the person or entity meant to receive it. The incentive assignment should be listed giving all crucial information about it and contacts which the receiver can contact for further negotiations. Finally, it concludes with a short formal message to the receiver.

Professional Assignment Letter

professional assignment letter

Size: 355 KB

Buddy Assignment Letter

buddy assignment letter

Size: 155 KB

Friendly Assignment Letter

friendly assignment letter

Size: 31 KB

Sample Assignment Letter

sample assignment letter

Size: 137 KB

Assignment Letter from Trainee

assignment letter from trainee

Volunteer Assignment Letter

volunteer assignment letter

Size: 52 KB

What are the Advantages of Having our Assignment Letter Templates?

One may lack sufficient knowledge on what to include when forming this document; therefore, the main benefit of having our template is that it gives you the proper guidance on which information to include in your paper and an order of how to put it down.

Another advantage is that our templates are files which you can save on you PC; thus, you can make references from the file again in future when forming assignment letters. Finally, our templates are always designed to help you create one as per the standard legal requirements. You may also see  Sample Personal Letters

How Have We Made our Assignment Letter Templates the Best for you?

Our models get worked on by the experts whom we have interviewed thoroughly and proven that they are talented. We also ensure that they have sufficient experience in the field for our templates to be as effective for you as possible. Another way we have made our templates the best for you is by making them editable such that you can do any modifications you prefer on them. Finally, they are printable for you to be able to make as many copies as you want. You may also see  Friendly Letters

Which are the Most Crucial Aspects that I Should Entail in my Assignment Letter?

Always list the name of parties in the agreement and also sufficient personal information about them. Never forget to indicate the date you publish the model and the period of how long the contract will be valid. Ensure that both parties agree on what gets stated on the Professional Letters then seal the deal with signatures of each. Finally, since it is a legal document, always ensure that your agreement complies with the provisions of the law to avoid awful penalties.

We ensure that we meet the requirements of all our customers according to their needs. Those that would want a fully customed model can always communicate to us so that we can direct you to our experts to help them understand what kind of make you want. We have customer care agents that are always available to tend to all the inquiries you may have and the consultations you may need. Consider acquiring our accessible and affordable assignment letter template today, to guide you while creating the document you need.

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Contract Assignment Agreement

How does it work?

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2. Complete the document

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3. Save - Print

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Contract Assignment Agreement

Rating: 4.8 - 105 votes

This Contract Assignment Agreement document is used to transfer rights and responsibilities under an original contract from one Party, known as the Assignor, to another, known as the Assignee. The Assignor who was a Party to the original contract can use this document to assign their rights under the original contract to the Assignee, as well as delegating their duties under the original contract to that Assignee. For example, a nanny who as contracted with a family to watch their children but is no longer able to due to a move could assign their rights and responsibilities under the original service contract to a new childcare provider.

How to use this document

Prior to using this document, the original contract is consulted to be sure that an assignment is not prohibited and that any necessary permissions from the other Party to the original contract, known as the Obligor, have been obtained. Once this has been done, the document can be used. The Agreement contains important information such as the identities of all parties to the Agreement, the expiration date (if any) of the original contract, whether the original contract requires the Obligor's consent before assigning rights and, if so, the form of consent that the Assignor obtained and when, and which state's laws will govern the interpretation of the Agreement.

If the Agreement involves the transfer of land from one Party to another , the document will include information about where the property is located, as well as space for the document to be recorded in the county's official records, and a notary page customized for the land's location so that the document can be notarized.

Once the document has been completed, it is signed, dated, and copies are given to all concerned parties , including the Assignor, the Assignee, and the Obligor. If the Agreement concerns the transfer of land, the Agreement is then notarized and taken to be recorded so that there is an official record that the property was transferred.

Applicable law

The assignment of contracts that involve the provision of services is governed by common law in the " Second Restatement of Contracts " (the "Restatement"). The Restatement is a non-binding authority in all of U.S common law in the area of contracts and commercial transactions. Though the Restatement is non-binding, it is frequently cited by courts in explaining their reasoning in interpreting contractual disputes.

The assignment of contracts for sale of goods is governed by the Uniform Commercial Code (the "UCC") in § 2-209 Modification, Rescission and Waiver .

How to modify the template

You fill out a form. The document is created before your eyes as you respond to the questions.

At the end, you receive it in Word and PDF formats. You can modify it and reuse it.

Contract Assignment Agreement - Template - Word and PDF

Country: United States

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  • Corporate Proxy
  • Mutual Rescission and Release Agreement
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  • Meeting Notice
  • Other downloadable templates of legal documents

letter assignment template

letter assignment template

Best Practices for Writing a Global Assignment Letter Of Understanding

By Laura Wilkins, CRP, GMS

Those who have relocated globally can attest to the life-changing nature of an overseas assignment—often requiring that the employee sell a home in addition to moving their family to a new country and changing many of their typical routines. Your employee letter of understanding must cover a number of important topics sensitively but clearly—without increasing already high stress levels.

A letter of understanding outlines the details and benefits of an international assignment. This legally binding document, which all parties must sign, serves as an addendum to the employee’s regular employment contract and lays out any differing terms that apply. In addition to the assignment start and end date, job title, and location, the letter of assignment must specify all contractual agreements, a code of conduct, compensation, assignment-specific benefits such as moving expenses, and any repatriation allowance or tax equalization provided.

The letter of understanding should specify all pertinent details without leaving any room for interpretation. Lack of clarity can lead to misunderstandings and costly mistakes which drain resources and distract the employee, impacting the success of the assignment.

The key to drafting effective letters of understanding begins with knowing your employees and focusing on their needs and their families’ needs. You may find sample templates online to help you draft a letter of understanding, but unfortunately, many of them begin like this:

Dear Mr. Jones,

This letter is to inform you that you will be transferred effective [date] to our location in…

Considering the upheaval a relocation will cause in your employee’s life, this approach may come across as overly abrupt. Here are some best practices to help you write an effective letter of understanding.

Discuss the Global Relocation or Assignment First

Smiling businesswoman meets with a male colleague.

Having a detailed discussion provides an opportunity to create enthusiasm about a new role by:

  • Providing a platform to discuss your global mobility policy and company-provided financial assistance
  • Clarifying the specific skill-building and learning opportunities available in the new role
  • Showing that the company values the employee and wants to make an investment in his or her future
  • Demonstrating that the employee is important to the growth of the business

Holding a preliminary discussion shows respect for the employee and allows you to craft a letter tailored to that individual. In turn, this will likely increase loyalty and productivity and reduce the chance of a declined relocation offer.

Outline the New Role

Your employee’s job title and responsibilities may remain the same in the new location. If so, make sure the letter of understanding includes the name of the person to whom the employee will report and the duration of the transfer or assignment. For employees taking on new responsibilities, you’ll also want to include the following:

  • The employee’s new job title or position
  • A description of any increased benefits, salary or bonuses

Similar in some ways to an employment offer letter, this portion of the letter of understanding focuses on the specifics of the new role. It documents the job title, salary, and related benefits to eliminate misunderstandings. The appropriate manager should sign and date the letter, and it should include the:

  • Employee’s full name and current home address.
  • Department names — both the current department and the new destination department.
  • Effective date the employee should report to the new location.
  • Anticipated end date in the case of an assignment.
  • Name of the employee’s new manager.
  • Expiration date for the individual’s relocation and assignment benefits.

After you provide this information, you can delve into the specifics of your company’s global mobility policy and explain the benefits the employee will receive. If you’re looking for additional resources on transfer notices, check out our page on 12 Employee Transfer Letter Tips. 

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The assignment letter, an editor’s best friend.

By Susan West & Michael Gold on January 26, 2012

Sure, you and the writer had a long talk when you commissioned that story idea. But two months later the manuscript is on your desk, and who can remember what the article was supposed to be? That’s where an assignment letter comes in handy. After you and a freelancer have agreed on a story, recap the discussion in writing and send your letter (or e-mail message) to the writer. It will help you get the piece you want.

Once you’ve read through the guidelines below, have a look at our sample letter (a downloadable PDF document).


  • To build an editorial foundation for the story: A clear assignment letter puts you and the writer on the same wavelength. If your written description differs from the writer’s recollection, you have a chance to resolve the discrepancy before the first draft comes in. And when the manuscript arrives, the letter allows you to judge whether the writer delivered the story as promised. You can also circulate the letter to higher-ups to make sure they buy into the assignment and recall it later. When you distribute the manuscript to other editors for review, attach the letter so they too know what the idea was.
  • To build a relationship with a writer: Writers want clear instruction; an assignment letter provides that and gives the writer something to refer to while reporting and writing. A careful summary of the story idea assures the writer that you’re a careful editor who wants to prevent those nasty surprises that so often pop up between writer and editor. The letter also lets you address a writer’s weaknesses—get two sources for every fact, avoid clichés, and so on.


  • A clear, specific statement of the story’s concept, content, and approach: Quickly and specifically outline what the article will cover and the depth of information you expect, including perhaps the types of sources you desire (personal interviews, scientific studies, etc.). Send research materials you have collected. Enclose a sample story from your magazine that could serve as a model. Confirm the approach you have agreed to and, if you two have discussed them, outline the lead and structure.
  • Your worries: Is the reporting going to be difficult? Say so. Are you concerned about the structure? Ask to see an outline. Are there points that absolutely have to be covered? Make sure the writer knows.
  • Logistical information: Describe the magazine’s payment procedures, editing process, fact-checking needs; tell the writer if you’re going to be out of town and whether you prefer to work by phone or e-mail. You can create some of this information ahead of time to cut-and-paste into your assignment letters.

For more suggestions on working with writers, see our model rewrite letter and tips on getting the most from freelancers .

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APA Sample Paper

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Note:  This page reflects the latest version of the APA Publication Manual (i.e., APA 7), which released in October 2019. The equivalent resource for the older APA 6 style  can be found here .

Media Files: APA Sample Student Paper  ,  APA Sample Professional Paper

This resource is enhanced by Acrobat PDF files. Download the free Acrobat Reader

Note: The APA Publication Manual, 7 th Edition specifies different formatting conventions for student  and  professional  papers (i.e., papers written for credit in a course and papers intended for scholarly publication). These differences mostly extend to the title page and running head. Crucially, citation practices do not differ between the two styles of paper.

However, for your convenience, we have provided two versions of our APA 7 sample paper below: one in  student style and one in  professional  style.

Note: For accessibility purposes, we have used "Track Changes" to make comments along the margins of these samples. Those authored by [AF] denote explanations of formatting and [AWC] denote directions for writing and citing in APA 7. 

APA 7 Student Paper:

Apa 7 professional paper:.

28+ Best Free Assignment Cover Page Formats for MS Word

What is an assignment cover page, key elements for a comprehensive front page.

  • Institution Details: Begin by prominently featuring the name of your school, college, or institute. This establishes credibility and provides context for your assignment.
  • Personal Information: Include your own name to indicate authorship and ownership of the assignment. This adds a personal touch and facilitates easy identification.
  • Assignment Title: Clearly state the title of your assignment, conveying its purpose and focus. A concise and informative title sets the tone for your work.
  • Course Information: Specify the relevant course title or code to indicate the academic context in which your assignment was completed. This assists in proper categorization and organization.
  • Instructor’s Name: Acknowledge the teacher or professor who will be evaluating your assignment by including their name. This demonstrates respect and professionalism.
  • Due Date: Clearly indicate the deadline or due date for the assignment submission. This ensures timely assessment and helps you stay organized.

What are the basic tips?

  • Font style : It is always in the best interest to use bold, simple, and clear text instead of using fancy text fonts and styles. This helps the reader understand things in a better way.  Moreover, the usage of pictures behind texts must be avoided as it creates poor visibility for the reader when reading the text printed on it.
  • Presentation: Presentation plays an important role in expressing what you need to convey to someone and how you need to communicate it. Presenting the title page in the most effective manner is essential as this leaves an impression on the teacher reading the assignment. It also acts as a decisive tool for the teacher whether or not he/ she interestingly goes through the whole document.
  • Spell Check: Before handing over the assignment, one should take a brief review of all the spelling and also look for any grammatical errors.
  • Avoid plagiarism: A student must always be honest in what he writes. He should avoid copying material or texts from anywhere.
  • Personal detail: One should never forget to mention his/her name. The font size used for writing the name must be bigger so that it makes the name visible to the teacher.

Advantages of an Impressive Assignment Cover Page

  • Showcasing Professionalism: By meticulously designing your cover page, you demonstrate a strong commitment to professionalism. This attention to detail reflects positively on your work ethic and sets you apart as a dedicated student.
  • Creating a Positive Impression: A well-crafted front page sets the tone for your assignment, capturing the attention of your teacher or professor. It establishes a positive first impression, arousing their interest and encouraging them to delve further into your work.
  • Enhancing Visual Appeal: A visually appealing cover page enhances the overall presentation of your assignment. With carefully chosen fonts, colors, and layouts, you create an engaging and aesthetically pleasing introduction that captivates the reader’s attention.
  • Communicating Pertinent Information: It provides a concise summary of essential details, such as the assignment title, your name, and the due date. This ensures clarity and facilitates seamless identification and organization of your work.
  • Reflecting a Professional Attitude: By dedicating time and effort to creating an impressive cover page, you exemplify a professional attitude towards your academic pursuits. This level of dedication and care leaves a lasting impression on your teacher or professor.

Download Free Cover Page Templates

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Versatile Designs and Layouts for Every Purpose

  • Assignment Types: Our templates are designed specifically for different types of assignments, such as case studies, critical reviews, essays, syllabi, and business projects. Each template is tailored to suit the requirements and objectives of its respective assignment type.
  • Academic Disciplines: Our collection includes templates suitable for various academic disciplines like biology, chemistry, computer science, engineering, English, geography, mathematics, physics, and social studies. Each template aligns with the themes and aesthetics of its corresponding discipline.
  • Purposes: Whether you are a student, educator, or professional, our templates serve multiple purposes. They can be used for university assignments, school projects, research papers, or any academic or professional endeavor that requires a polished cover page.
  • Designs, Layouts, and Styles: Our templates offer a diverse range of designs, from minimalistic and clean to visually captivating and sophisticated. You can choose from different layouts that creatively arrange text, images, and graphics. Our templates cater to a variety of styles, ensuring there is something for everyone’s preferences.

User-Friendly Customization: Make It Your Own

  • Easy Modifications: We believe in keeping things simple. With just a few clicks, you can effortlessly modify our templates to suit your specific requirements. Change colors, fonts, and layouts with ease, and watch your cover page transform before your eyes.
  • Colors and Themes: Infuse it with the perfect color scheme and themes that truly represent your assignment. Our templates offer a wide range of options, so you can find the ideal palette and theme that resonate with your content.
  • Font Selection: The right font can make all the difference. Choose from our diverse selection of fonts to enhance the visual appeal and readability. From elegant and professional to modern and bold, we have fonts to suit every style.
  • Layout Flexibility: It should reflect your unique presentation style. With our templates, you have the freedom to experiment with different layouts, arranging titles, subtitles, images, and text blocks in a way that best suits your assignment.

Benefits of Using Professionally Designed Templates: Make an Impact with Ease

  • Time and Effort Saving: Our professionally designed templates eliminate the need to start from scratch. With pre-designed layouts, styles, and graphics, you can save valuable time and effort in creating visually appealing front pages. Simply customize the template to suit your assignment’s requirements, and you’re ready to impress.
  • Consistency and Professionalism: Using our templates ensures consistency in your assignment submissions. The standardized design elements and formatting guidelines help maintain a professional appearance throughout your work. Presenting your assignments with a polished title page enhances the overall quality and credibility of your content.
  • Visual Appeal: A visually appealing title page grabs attention and sets the tone for your assignment. Our templates are thoughtfully crafted by design professionals, incorporating aesthetically pleasing elements, color schemes, and typography. By leveraging these designs, you can effortlessly create eye-catching cover pages that captivate your professors or readers.
  • Positive Impression: First impressions matter, and a well-designed cover page leaves a positive impact on professors and readers alike. Showcasing your assignment in a professional and visually appealing manner demonstrates your dedication and attention to detail. It sets the stage for an engaging reading experience, encouraging your audience to delve deeper into your work.
  • User-Friendly Customization: Our templates are designed to be easily customizable, allowing you to add your personal touch without technical expertise. You can modify text, colors, images, and other elements to align with your assignment’s theme and requirements. This flexibility ensures that your cover page reflects your unique style while maintaining a professional look.

Tips for Maximizing the Impact: Make Your Cover Page Stand Out

  • Choose Colors Wisely: Select colors that complement your assignment’s theme and evoke the desired emotions. Vibrant colors can grab attention, while muted tones create a sense of elegance. Maintain consistency with your assignment’s overall design and avoid using too many colors that may distract from the main message.
  • Opt for Legible Fonts: Use clear and readable fonts to enhance the accessibility and professionalism of your cover page. Avoid overly decorative or complex fonts that may hinder readability. Opt for fonts that align with your assignment’s tone and maintain consistency throughout the document.
  • Incorporate Relevant Graphics: Graphics can enhance the visual appeal of your cover page and reinforce the assignment’s subject matter. Choose images or icons that are directly related to the topic or convey the assignment’s main concept. Ensure that the graphics are high-quality and appropriately sized to maintain clarity.
  • Organize Information Effectively: Arrange the information in a logical and visually appealing manner. Use headings, subheadings, and bullet points to break down content and make it easier to read. Highlight key details such as the assignment title, your name, course information, and submission date.
  • Maintain Simplicity: While it’s important to make it visually appealing, avoid cluttering it with excessive elements. Keep the design clean and uncluttered, allowing the key information to stand out. Remember, simplicity often has a greater impact than complexity.
  • Preview and Proofread: Before finalizing, preview it to ensure that all elements are properly aligned and visually balanced. Proofread the content to eliminate any spelling or grammatical errors. A polished and error-free cover demonstrates your attention to detail and professionalism.

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10 Strong Scholarship Recommendation Letter Examples

Help make college more affordable for your students.

Scholarship awards feature

Paying for college takes a lot of planning. Tuition costs rise every year and graduates are buckling under the weight of debt from loans. For some, the expense of higher education is prohibitive, with many talented students being forced to cut their dreams short. Scholarships can make getting a degree more affordable. Students qualify based on academic performance, special interests, or financial needs. If you’ve been asked to help with the process, we’ve got you covered! Here’s a list of sample recommendation letters for scholarship applications that best meet your students’ needs.

How To Write Scholarship Recommendation Letters

If you’ve been asked to write a recommendation letter for your student’s scholarship, you might feel overwhelmed. You want to help your student, but you’re worried your letter won’t be good enough. In the end, you can only do your best, so lead with your heart and consider the following suggestions:

  • Use letterhead and add your personal information (full name, title, school name, etc.) in the top left corner. 
  • Fill the whole page (at least 300 words) with an introduction, two or three paragraphs, and a conclusion. 
  • In the first paragraph, introduce your student, specify the scholarship for which they are applying, and share details about the nature and length of your relationship. 
  • In the body paragraphs, describe the ways your student is suitable and deserving of the scholarship. 
  • In your final section, pull everything together and emphasize your student’s strengths as well as the reasons why you are endorsing them. 

Here’s a quick video on how to craft an effective scholarship recommendation letter:

Don’t feel you can honestly provide a positive recommendation? Gently decline their request for a letter. Avoid putting yourself in a position where you will have to be insincere. You don’t want to write something negative because it could cost the student an opportunity to earn a scholarship. 

Sample Recommendation Letters for Scholarship Applications

1. general scholarship recommendation letter.

This is a great sample scholarship letter if you’re trying to offer a rounded view of a student’s performance in high school. You’ll include information about your experience with them as well as your thoughts on their potential success in a higher-education setting.

2. Sample Rhodes Scholarship letter 

If your student is a candidate for a prestigious award such as the Rhodes Scholarship, this sample scholarship letter will give you an idea of what to share with the selection committee. With these types of recommendation letters, you want to provide as much praise and positive information as possible.

3. Scholarship letter for math students

There are many great scholarship opportunities for strong math students. This sample recommendation letter outlines how to share not only your student’s math talents but the other traits that make them a good candidate as well.

4. Leadership scholarship sample letter

This helpful scholarship recommendation letter offers an example for highlighting leadership skills. Back up your endorsement by sharing specific situations as well as participation in any committees, programs, and events where your student excelled.

5. Scholarship letter for international studies

Does your student plan to go abroad? If so, review this sample for writing a strong letter of recommendation for this specific type of scholarship. Be sure to include evidence as to why you believe your student is well rounded and exceptional. 

6. Environmentalist scholarship letter

Has one of your students decided to pursue a degree in environmental sciences and wildlife? If so, this scholarship recommendation letter is a good example because it concisely highlights their strengths and shares why they would make a good candidate.

7. Scholarship letter for students who need financial assistance

No one should miss out on a college education because they can’t afford to pay. You can help them overcome this barrier! This excellent sample letter of recommendation shows the details to include for scholarships based on financial need. 

8. Scholarship recommendation letter for STEM students

There are many scholarships for students who plan to pursue a career in STEM fields. If you’ve been asked to write a letter of recommendation for this type of scholarship, this sample will give you a good idea of what to include. 

9. Greek society scholarship letter sample

Fraternities and sororities can be a great source of financial support for college and university students. Review this sample recommendation letter for scholarship applications for Greek society candidates.

10. Personal endorsement for scholarships

This sample recommendation letter for a scholarship application is best when you can’t vouch for the prospective student’s academic performance but want to share information about their personal character and how it relates to the scholarship program. 

Do you have a great sample recommendation letter for scholarship applications? Please share it in the comments below!

Plus, check out  the ultimate guide to college scholarships, want more articles like this be sure to subscribe to our newsletters ..

Help your students cover the high cost of tuition. Choose a sample recommendation letter for scholarship applications from this list!

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