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106 Conflict Resolution Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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Conflict resolution is an essential skill that plays a crucial role in various aspects of our lives. Whether it is in personal relationships, the workplace, or even on a global scale, conflicts are inevitable. However, it is how we address and resolve these conflicts that determines the outcome and impact they have on our lives and the world around us.

Writing an essay on conflict resolution can provide a deeper understanding of this skill and its significance. To help you get started, here are 106 conflict resolution essay topic ideas and examples:

  • The importance of conflict resolution in personal relationships.
  • Conflict resolution techniques used in international diplomacy.
  • The role of empathy in conflict resolution.
  • Conflict resolution strategies for parents and children.
  • The impact of unresolved conflicts on mental health.
  • Conflict resolution in the workplace: best practices.
  • The role of effective communication in resolving conflicts.
  • Conflict resolution in multicultural societies.
  • The influence of gender on conflict resolution.
  • Conflict resolution and negotiation skills in business.
  • The role of compromise in resolving conflicts.
  • Conflict resolution in online communities.
  • The impact of conflict resolution on organizational productivity.
  • Conflict resolution and its effect on community building.
  • The role of forgiveness in conflict resolution.
  • Conflict resolution in educational settings.
  • Conflict resolution in the criminal justice system.
  • The impact of cultural differences on conflict resolution.
  • Conflict resolution in the healthcare industry.
  • Conflict resolution in sports teams.
  • Conflict resolution and human rights.
  • The role of power dynamics in conflict resolution.
  • Conflict resolution and social media.
  • The impact of conflict resolution on economic development.
  • Conflict resolution in environmental disputes.
  • Conflict resolution and international cooperation.
  • The role of mediation in conflict resolution.
  • Conflict resolution in the family business.
  • The impact of conflict resolution on personal growth.
  • Conflict resolution and social justice.
  • Conflict resolution and restorative justice.
  • The role of negotiation in conflict resolution.
  • Conflict resolution in political campaigns.
  • The impact of conflict resolution on romantic relationships.
  • Conflict resolution in the classroom.
  • Conflict resolution and conflict prevention.
  • The role of compromise in international conflicts.
  • Conflict resolution and the media.
  • Conflict resolution in the digital age.
  • The impact of conflict resolution on community engagement.
  • Conflict resolution and public policy.
  • Conflict resolution and mental health stigma.
  • The role of leadership in conflict resolution.
  • Conflict resolution in the family court system.
  • Conflict resolution and peacebuilding.
  • The impact of conflict resolution on employee satisfaction.
  • Conflict resolution in the nonprofit sector.
  • Conflict resolution and social inequality.
  • The role of trust in conflict resolution.
  • Conflict resolution in the music industry.
  • Conflict resolution in urban planning.
  • The impact of conflict resolution on interpersonal relationships.
  • Conflict resolution in the military.
  • Conflict resolution and workplace diversity.
  • The role of emotions in conflict resolution.
  • Conflict resolution and environmental conservation.
  • Conflict resolution in international trade disputes.
  • Conflict resolution and community policing.
  • The impact of conflict resolution on team dynamics.
  • Conflict resolution in diplomatic negotiations.
  • Conflict resolution and conflict transformation.
  • The role of dialogue in conflict resolution.
  • Conflict resolution and social change.
  • Conflict resolution in healthcare teams.
  • Conflict resolution and human rights violations.
  • The impact of conflict resolution on organizational culture.
  • Conflict resolution in online gaming communities.
  • Conflict resolution and the justice system.
  • The role of compromise in interpersonal conflicts.
  • Conflict resolution and urban development.
  • Conflict resolution in the tech industry.
  • The impact of conflict resolution on workplace communication.
  • Conflict resolution and gender equality.
  • Conflict resolution in community organizations.
  • Conflict resolution and sustainable development.
  • The role of active listening in conflict resolution.
  • Conflict resolution in international peacekeeping missions.
  • Conflict resolution and social entrepreneurship.
  • The impact of conflict resolution on employee well-being.
  • Conflict resolution in the film industry.
  • Conflict resolution and environmental justice.
  • The role of negotiation in interpersonal conflicts.
  • Conflict resolution in public health emergencies.
  • Conflict resolution and poverty reduction.
  • Conflict resolution in online dating.
  • The impact of conflict resolution on family dynamics.
  • Conflict resolution and international human rights law.
  • Conflict resolution and workplace ethics.
  • The role of compromise in political conflicts.
  • Conflict resolution in the fashion industry.
  • Conflict resolution and sustainable agriculture.
  • Conflict resolution in international aid organizations.
  • The impact of conflict resolution on organizational effectiveness.
  • Conflict resolution in online marketing campaigns.
  • Conflict resolution and racial justice.
  • The role of empathy in interpersonal conflicts.
  • Conflict resolution in disaster response efforts.
  • Conflict resolution and social media activism.
  • The impact of conflict resolution on team performance.
  • Conflict resolution in international business transactions.
  • Conflict resolution and sustainable tourism.
  • Conflict resolution in humanitarian interventions.
  • The role of compromise in environmental conflicts.
  • Conflict resolution and sustainable energy.
  • Conflict resolution in international sports competitions.
  • The impact of conflict resolution on community empowerment.

These essay topics cover a wide range of areas where conflict resolution plays a significant role. Whether you are interested in personal relationships, international affairs, or social justice, there is a topic that suits your interests. Remember to conduct thorough research and provide examples to support your arguments. Good luck with your essay!

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Home Essay Samples Sociology Conflict Resolution

How to Resolve Conflict Without Violence: Building Peaceful Communities

Table of contents, the role of communication, the power of empathy, the role of mediation, seeking compromise.

  • Wilmot, W. W., & Hocker, J. L. (2018). Interpersonal Conflict. McGraw-Hill Education.
  • Fisher, R., Ury, W., & Patton, B. (2011). Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In. Penguin.
  • Katz, N., & Lawyer, S. (2007). The mediation of conflict. Routledge.
  • Decety, J., & Jackson, P. L. (2006). A social-neuroscience perspective on empathy. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 15(2), 54-58.
  • Stewart, C. (2015). Facilitation at a Glance!: Your Pocket Guide to Facilitation. Lulu Press, Inc.

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What is conflict?

Causes of conflict in a relationship, how do you respond to conflict, conflict resolution, stress, and emotions, core skill 1: quick stress relief, core skill 2: emotional awareness, nonverbal communication and conflict resolution, more tips for managing and resolving conflict, conflict resolution skills.

Whatever the cause of disagreements and disputes at home or work, these skills can help you resolve conflict in a constructive way and keep your relationships strong and growing.

how to write a conflict resolution essay

Conflict is a normal part of any healthy relationship. After all, two people can’t be expected to agree on everything, all the time. The key is not to fear or try to avoid conflict but to learn how to resolve it in a healthy way.

When conflict is mismanaged, it can cause great harm to a relationship, but when handled in a respectful, positive way, conflict provides an opportunity to strengthen the bond between two people. Whether you’re experiencing conflict at home, work, or school, learning these skills can help you resolve differences in a healthy way and build stronger, more rewarding relationships.

Conflict 101

  • A conflict is more than just a disagreement. It is a situation in which one or both parties perceive a threat (whether or not the threat is real).
  • Conflicts continue to fester when ignored. Because conflicts involve perceived threats to our well-being and survival, they stay with us until we face and resolve them.
  • We respond to conflicts based on our perceptions of the situation, not necessarily to an objective review of the facts. Our perceptions are influenced by our life experiences, culture, values, and beliefs.
  • Conflicts trigger strong emotions. If you aren’t comfortable with your emotions or able to manage them in times of stress, you won’t be able to resolve conflict successfully.
  • Conflicts are an opportunity for growth. When you’re able to resolve conflict in a relationship, it builds trust. You can feel secure knowing your relationship can survive challenges and disagreements.

Conflict arises from differences, both large and small. It occurs whenever people disagree over their values, motivations, perceptions, ideas, or desires. Sometimes these differences appear trivial, but when a conflict triggers strong feelings, a deep personal need is often at the core of the problem. These needs can range from the need to feel safe and secure or respected and valued, to the need for greater closeness and intimacy.

Think about the opposing needs of a toddler and a parent. The child’s need is to explore, so venturing to the street or the cliff edge meets that need. But the parent’s need is to protect the child’s safety, a need that can only be met by limiting the toddler’s exploration. Since these needs are at odds, conflict arises.

The needs of each party play an important role in the long-term success of a relationship. Each deserves respect and consideration. In personal relationships, a lack of understanding about differing needs can result in distance, arguments, and break-ups. In the workplace, differing needs can result in broken deals, decreased profits, and lost jobs.

[Read: Tips for Building a Healthy Relationship]

When you can recognize conflicting needs and are willing to examine them with compassion and understanding, it can lead to creative problem solving, team building, and stronger relationships.

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Do you fear conflict or avoid it at all costs? If your perception of conflict comes from painful memories from early childhood or previous unhealthy relationships, you may expect all disagreements to end badly. You may view conflict as demoralizing, humiliating, or something to fear. If your early life experiences left you feeling powerless or out of control, conflict may even be traumatizing for you.

If you’re afraid of conflict, it can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. When you enter a conflict situation already feeling threatened, it’s tough to deal with the problem at hand in a healthy way. Instead, you’re more likely to either shut down or blow up in anger.

Healthy and unhealthy ways of managing and resolving conflict

Conflict triggers strong emotions and can lead to hurt feelings, disappointment, and discomfort. When handled in an unhealthy manner, it can cause irreparable rifts, resentments, and break-ups. But when conflict is resolved in a healthy way, it increases your understanding of the other person, builds trust, and strengthens your relationships.

If you are out of touch with your feelings or so stressed that you can only pay attention to a limited number of emotions, you won’t be able to understand your own needs. This will make it hard to communicate with others and establish what’s really troubling you. For example, couples often argue about petty differences—the way she hangs the towels, the way he slurps his soup—rather than what is  really bothering them.

The ability to successfully resolve conflict depends on your ability to:

  • Manage stress quickly while remaining alert and calm. By staying calm, you can accurately read and interpret verbal and nonverbal communication.
  • Control your emotions and behavior. When you’re in control of your emotions, you can communicate your needs without threatening, intimidating, or punishing others.
  • Pay attention to the  feelings being expressed as well as the spoken words of others.
  • Be aware of and respect differences. By avoiding disrespectful words and actions, you can almost always resolve a problem faster.

To successfully resolve a conflict, you need to learn and practice two core skills:

  • Quick stress relief: the ability to quickly relieve stress in the moment.
  • Emotional awareness: the ability to remain comfortable enough with your emotions to react in constructive ways, even in the midst of a perceived attack.

Being able to manage and relieve stress in the moment is the key to staying balanced, focused, and in control, no matter what challenges you face. If you don’t know how to stay centered and in control of yourself, you will become overwhelmed in conflict situations and unable to respond in healthy ways.

Psychologist Connie Lillas uses a driving analogy to describe the three most common ways people respond when they’re overwhelmed by stress:

Foot on the gas. An angry or agitated stress response. You’re heated, keyed up, overly emotional, and unable to sit still.

Foot on the brake. A withdrawn or depressed stress response. You shut down, space out, and show very little energy or emotion.

Foot on both gas and brake. A tense and frozen stress response. You “freeze” under pressure and can’t do anything. You look paralyzed, but under the surface you’re extremely agitated.

How stress affects conflict resolution

Stress interferes with the ability to resolve conflict by limiting your ability to:

  • Accurately read another person’s body language .
  • Hear what someone is really saying.
  • Be aware of your own feelings.
  • Be in touch with your own, deep-rooted needs.
  • Communicate your needs clearly.

Is stress a problem for you?

You may be so used to feeling stressed that you’re not even aware you  are stressed. Stress may pose a problem in your life if you identify with the following:

  • You often feel tense or tight somewhere in your body.
  • You’re not aware of movement in your chest or stomach when you breathe.
  • Conflict absorbs your time and attention.

Learn how to manage stress in the moment

One of the most reliable ways to rapidly reduce stress is by engaging one or more of your senses—sight, sound, taste, smell, touch—or through movement. You could squeeze a stress ball, smell a relaxing scent, taste a soothing cup of tea, or look at a treasured photograph. We all tend to respond differently to sensory input, often depending on how we respond to stress, so take some time to find things that are soothing to you. Read: Quick Stress Relief .

Emotional awareness is the key to understanding yourself and others. If you don’t know how or why you feel a certain way, you won’t be able to communicate effectively or resolve disagreements.

[Read: Improving Emotional Intelligence]

Although knowing your own feelings may sound simple, many people ignore or try to sedate strong emotions like anger, sadness, and fear. Your ability to handle conflict, however, depends on being connected to these feelings. If you’re afraid of strong emotions or if you insist on finding solutions that are strictly rational, your ability to face and resolve differences will be limited.

Why emotional awareness is a key factor in resolving conflict

Emotional awareness—the consciousness of your  moment-to-moment emotional experience—and the ability to manage all of your feelings appropriately, is the basis of a communication process that can resolve conflict.

Emotional awareness helps you to:

  • Understand what is really troubling other people
  • Understand yourself, including what is really troubling you
  • Stay motivated until the conflict is resolved
  • Communicate clearly and effectively
  • Interest and influence others

Assessing your level of emotional awareness

The following quiz helps you assess your level of emotional awareness. Answer the following questions with:  almost never, occasionally, often, very often, or  almost always . There are no right or wrong responses, only the opportunity to become better acquainted with your emotional responses.

What kind of relationship do you have with your emotions?

  • Do you experience feelings that flow, encountering one emotion after another as your experiences change from moment to moment?
  • Are your emotions accompanied by physical sensations that you experience in places like your stomach or chest?
  • Do you experience distinct feelings and emotions, such as anger, sadness, fear, and joy, which are evident in different facial expressions?
  • Can you experience intense feelings that are strong enough to capture both your own attention and that of others?
  • Do you pay attention to your emotions? Do they factor into your decision-making?

If any of these experiences are unfamiliar, your emotions may be “turned” down or even off. In either case, you may need help developing your emotional awareness. You can do this by using Helpguide’s free Emotional Intelligence Toolkit.

When people are in the middle of a conflict, the words they use rarely convey the issues at the heart of the problem. But by paying close attention to the other person’s nonverbal signals or “body language,” such as facial expressions, posture, gestures, and tone of voice, you can better understand what the person is really saying. This will allow you to respond in a way that builds trust, and gets to the root of the problem.

[Read: Nonverbal Communication and Body Language]

Your ability to accurately read another person depends on your own emotional awareness. The more aware you are of your own emotions, the easier it will be for you to pick up on the wordless clues that reveal what others are feeling. Think about what you are transmitting to others during conflict, and if what you say matches your body language. If you say “I’m fine,” but you clench your teeth and look away, then your body is clearly signaling you are anything but “fine.” A calm tone of voice, a reassuring touch, or an interested facial expression can go a long way toward relaxing a tense exchange.

You can ensure that the process of managing and resolving conflict is as positive as possible by sticking to the following guidelines:

Listen for what is felt as well as said. When you really listen, you connect more deeply to your own needs and emotions, and to those of other people. Listening also strengthens, informs, and makes it easier for others to hear you when it’s your turn to speak.

Make conflict resolution the priority rather than winning or “being right.” Maintaining and strengthening the relationship, rather than “winning” the argument, should always be your first priority. Be respectful of the other person and their viewpoint.

Focus on the present. If you’re holding on to grudges based on past conflicts, your ability to see the reality of the current situation will be impaired. Rather than looking to the past and assigning blame, focus on what you can do in the here-and-now to solve the problem.

Pick your battles. Conflicts can be draining, so it’s important to consider whether the issue is really worth your time and energy. Maybe you don’t want to surrender a parking space if you’ve been circling for 15 minutes, but if there are dozens of empty spots, arguing over a single space isn’t worth it.

Be willing to forgive. Resolving conflict is impossible if you’re unwilling or unable to forgive others. Resolution lies in releasing the urge to punish, which can serve only to deplete and drain your life.

Know when to let something go. If you can’t come to an agreement, agree to disagree. It takes two people to keep an argument going. If a conflict is going nowhere, you can choose to disengage and move on.

Using humor in conflict resolution

You can avoid many confrontations and resolve arguments and disagreements by communicating in a humorous way . Humor can help you say things that might otherwise be difficult to express without offending someone. However, it’s important that you laugh with the other person, not at them. When humor and play are used to reduce tension and anger, reframe problems, and put the situation into perspective, the conflict can actually become an opportunity for greater connection and intimacy.

More Information

  • CR Kit - Covers causes of conflict, different conflict styles, and fair fighting guidelines to help you positively resolve disagreements. (Conflict Resolution Network)
  • 12 Skills Summary - A 12-step conflict resolution training kit. (Conflict Resolution Network)
  • Effective Communication - The art of listening in conflict resolution. (University of Maryland)
  • 10.3 Causes and Outcomes of Conflict – Organizational Behavior . (n.d.). Retrieved May 25, 2022, from Link
  • BaƟoğul, C., & ÖzgĂŒr, G. (2016). Role of Emotional Intelligence in Conflict Management Strategies of Nurses. Asian Nursing Research , 10(3), 228–233. Link
  • Corcoran, Kathleen O’Connell, and Brent Mallinckrodt. “Adult Attachment, Self-Efficacy, Perspective Taking, and Conflict Resolution.” Journal of Counseling & Development 78, no. 4 (2000): 473–83. Link
  • Yarnell, Lisa M., and Kristin D. Neff. “Self-Compassion, Interpersonal Conflict Resolutions, and Well-Being.” Self and Identity 12, no. 2 (March 1, 2013): 146–59. Link
  • Tucker, Corinna Jenkins, Susan M. Mchale, and Ann C. Crouter. “Conflict Resolution: Links with Adolescents’ Family Relationships and Individual Well-Being.” Journal of Family Issues 24, no. 6 (September 1, 2003): 715–36. Link

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How to write a conflict essay

Haiden Malecot

It is human nature to disagree with the people that you encounter. Conflicts are common at home, among families, at the workplace, between societies, and between countries. It is, therefore, crucial to have the knowhow on how to write a conflict essay.

What is a conflict? What causes conflicts? Which parties conflict? How can individuals avoid conflicts? How can we solve conflicts? How can conflicting parties coexist? These are some of the queries that you should ask yourself as you write your article.

Important steps to follow when writing an essay about conflict:

  • You should first understand what conflict is. Various dictionary meanings are explaining what conflict is. You should understand the meaning to enable you to write an elaborate essay on the subject.
  • After that, conduct extensive research to gain information on the conflict. The areas of research include:
  • The types of conflict
  • Reasons for conflict
  • Consequences of conflict: the advantages and disadvantages
  • How to avoid conflict
  • How to solve conflict
  • Numerous sources contain this information. Be sure only to use the sources that are allowed by your instructor. The sources may include scholarly sources, peer reviewed journals, specific newspapers, course books, or specific internet sources. Also, ensure that you note down the information that you obtain, the source, and page number for proper citing in the essay. Noting down saves time and make it easier to refer from the sources.
  • Plan your essay. The plan should involve the format of your essay and the key points to include in the various paragraphs.
  • Write your essay. Start the essay with a detailed introduction that informs the readers on the contents of your essay. The introduction should have a definition that explains what an essay is. The paragraph should then include the points that your essay will address. Finish the introduction with a thesis statement that conveys your message on the subject matter.
  • The body should address all the issues that you want your reader to know about conflict. Each paragraph should handle a specific issue. The introductory sentence of each paragraph should inform the reader the contents of the paragraph. Remember to be elaborate and concise. Assume that your audience lacks previous knowledge about conflict and that your essay is meant to educate the reader about it. Handle all issues in depth while avoiding ambiguous information. The body should include conflict types, the reasons, consequences, how to avoid, and how to solve a conflict. Explain these points fully. Your essay should also include your viewpoint concerning conflict. Ensure that the reader will get your stand on conflict as they read your essay.
  • You can provide your reader with recommendations pertaining conflict. The recommendations may include living with conflict in cases where the conflicting parties were unable to solve or avoid the conflict. The recommendation can also include insight on how to benefit from a conflicting situation.
  • The last paragraph is the conclusion. The conclusion summarizes the major points of your essay. Include a summary of the definition. Highlight the types, reasons, consequences, solutions for conflict, and recommendations. Also, highlight your thesis statement to show your reader that the essay has achieved the expected objective.

Crucial points to note:

  • Follow all the requirements provided by the instructor on writing the essay. The requirements include the word limit, paper format (also includes font type, margins), the proper referencing style e.g. MLA, APA, HARVARD, etc.
  • Ensure that your essay lacks plagiarism. You avoid plagiarism by citing information that you borrow from other people. Plagiarism is also avoided by reading and understanding the sources and writing your essay using your understanding. Remember to always cite outside sources in the text and in the reference page in alphabetical order.
  • Provide high-quality work. Quality involves originality, proper articulation of ideas, proper flow of ideas, and a good command of the language used.
  • Avoid spelling mistakes and grammar errors. You should proofread your work upon completion.
  • Use the ‘third person’ unless instructed otherwise.

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Listening deeply to our counterparts is a critical negotiation skill. Here, we look at how conflict examples can help us transform unproductive conflict into opportunities to listen and learn.

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Listening is perhaps the clearest path to understanding others and resolving conflict, but it can be difficult to practice. The desire to disagree, prove we’re “right,” and engage in hardball tactics often get in the way. Here, we consider how transformative listening can be, then study how deep listening plays out in conflict examples.

Learning When Forced to Listen

In the 1980s, Jessie Daniels entered the sociology PhD program at the University of Texas with a lot of assumptions about the world, as she writes in a new anthology of personal essays by sociologists, Between Us: Healing Ourselves and Changing the World Through Sociology . Some of those assumptions were profoundly shaken when she secured a research position with Dr. Joe Feagin.

Feagin assigned Daniels the task of transcribing interviews with middle-class Black Americans about their experience with racism. At the time, Daniels, who is white, naively assumed that because the Civil Rights Act had made racial discrimination illegal in the United States, the interviewees might be “overly sensitive, looking for discrimination where there was none,” she recalls.

In fact, she soon found, the interviewees were slow to complain. When they did share stories of possible discrimination, they agonized over how to interpret them. One woman, for instance, described being seated at the back of a restaurant, near the kitchen. “Oh, come on,” Daniels thought. “ That could happen to anyone .” But as Daniels noted, the woman on the tape “couldn’t hear me, and I couldn’t actually interrupt her, so I just kept typing.”

In her interview, the woman expressed how confusing the incident was: “It could be discrimination, or it could not be, but now I’ve got to spend my energy to try and figure this out, because you know, I don’t want to be one of those complaining types.” She concluded, “It’s an exhausting way to go through life.” From nearly every interviewee, Daniels heard similar stories of “internal calculation in response to discrimination.”

By listening closely to the interviewees—with no opportunity to question or rebut them—Daniels gained a deeper understanding of systemic racism and the pain and confusion it causes. “By the end of transcribing those interviews, something fundamental in me had shifted,” she writes. “Instead of arguing or disagreeing with the Black people I’d spent time listening to, I was in solidarity with them.”

Daniels’ story illustrates how listening deeply to other people can challenge our preconceived beliefs. Listening can be especially beneficial in bringing disputing parties together, as the following conflict examples suggest.

Transforming Your Listening Skills

In her book Transformative Negotiation: Strategies for Everyday Change and Equitable Futures , Sarah Federman explores real-world conflict examples to illustrate how negotiation can help those in financial precarity achieve greater stability. While teaching negotiation at the University of Baltimore, she learned to adapt traditional negotiation training to the lives of her students, who were coping with problems such as negotiating car insurance claims and adapting to life after incarceration.

Teaching active listening skills in negotiation was core to this training. In particular, Federman encourages her students to “ ask five information-seeking questions with no agenda ” of others in their lives. “This means they can only ask questions to better understand the person’s world, not to lead the person toward or away from a particular solution,” she writes.

One student asked the following five questions of his brother, who had been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia and recently discharged from the hospital:

  • How do you feel?
  • How do you like the new medication?
  • How do we make sure you stay on the medication and go for quarterly checkups?
  • Would you talk to me whenever you feel like the drugs are not working?
  • Do you need anything?

By asking these questions and listening carefully, the student gained a new understanding of how much his brother had suffered and of his past behavior. As Federman writes, “Good listening can reduce household and workplace tension, preventing conflict and making negotiations easier when they occur.”

Listening Is Contagious

Turning to conflict examples in a galaxy far, far away, mediator and coach Danielle Blumenberg describes the power of listening in negotiation in an essay for the new anthology Star Wars and Conflict Resolution II: My Negotiations Will Not Fail , which gleans conflict-resolution strategies from the Star Wars universe. In the film The Force Awakens, Blumenberg describes encounters between the self-reliant scavenger Rey, hero Luke Skywalker, and dark side warrior Kylo Ren.

In one scene, Rey tries telling Luke about the “darkness she feels calling to her,” Blumenberg writes, but “Luke doesn’t listen well—instead, he reacts with fear and shuts her down.” In a later encounter with Kylo, Rey “mirrors Luke’s approach, casting accusations at Kylo and not seeking information.” Clearly, poor listening can become a vicious cycle.

But rather than shutting her down, as Luke did, Kylo “responds with curiosity”; he ignores her insults and begins asking questions. The next time they connect, Rey reciprocates by asking Kylo questions and seeking to understand his behavior. “Their mutual listening begins to move them past their conflict,” writes Blumenberg. The key to this breakthrough was Kylo’s ability to move beyond accusation and respond by listening closely—a negotiation strategy we can all adopt.

What have you learned from recent conflict examples in your life?

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Conflict Resolution Essay

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Disclaimer: This paper has been submitted by a student. This is not a sample of the work written by professional academic writers.

Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this work are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of StudySaurus.

In the present world, there are all sorts of conflict, starting from our homes to the workplace. The fundamental thing is how we deal with the issue having in mind that no party involved in the dispute would want to be seen as inferior to the other person. At work is where much of the problem is, especially when dealing with customers directly, and according to the rule of business, one should always leave the customer happy and satisfied so that they can come back again. As a director for food and beverage at Canyon Shadows Resort, there are adverse situations that I have to deal with in most cases involving clients that are not satisfied with the service received.

When considering the case of Vince and Beth, they selected the resort for their high-end wedding reception. They asked for meals and booked a ballroom with patio overlooking golf course so that their esteemed guests could enjoy the view and the play, which I, being the director promised to deliver and make sure that they are all satisfied.

According to the present weather condition, it is impossible to provide patio because it is windy which means there will be no people playing golf. At the same time, the light sprinkles make it hard for both the golf players and the guests to be outside because they will be wet. In that case, there is a conflict likely to emerge. Even though the weather is an external factor that has chipped in to hinder our services, we as the resort are responsible for not delivering what we promised (Furlong, 2005). The deal was that I, being the director of the resort make sure that everything goes as planned and the guests are entertained to the fullest. According to the plans and present conditions, all the other processes involved in the reception will go on smoothly thus leaving the issue of patio and golf as the only hindrance.

On choosing the method to resolve this conflict, I adopt the A.B.C.D. strategy. The first letter is standing for apologising early and often. In this scenario, even though factors affecting the event are external, we owe the couple and the guests an apology. The best way that I can resolve this conflict is reporting the matter early enough so that they can psychologically prepare and understand that they will not get all they needed. The best way to communicate this message is in person so that I can sincerely show how apologetic I am, instead of just making a phone call, which many people take not serious (Tidwell, 2001). When looking the reception, they came in person; therefore it would be polite of e just to make a visit early in the morning and inform the couples of the problem we are experiencing at the moment. Apologizing first also gives room for the couples to look for an alternative source of entertainment for their guests so that their event could be memorable as they planned. When I go and apologise in person, I will be able to advise on the best alternatives ways of entertainment that we can offer.

The second letter B stands for being present and attentive when listening to the other party. This conflict involves the hotel and the couple, Vince and Beth, where the resort is not able to deliver the services we promised. When trying to resolve this issue, being present and accepting the company’s mistake is the first step. Secondly, listening carefully to the complaints raised and the discomfort caused will help create a good picture for the couple that we are apologising and we regret what happened (Lamber, 1999). At the same time, I will have time to explain the causes of the conflict, and how I as the as a director for food and beverage at Canyon Shadows Resort will make sure that we remedy the issue to avoid future inconveniences.

The third letter C stands or closing the loop. Every business aims to ensure that the customers are always satisfied with the services received. In this case, Beth, Vince and their guests will not be satisfied without the patio and watching the golf play which they desired. The resort decided to return a section of the money to the couples that were paid for the entertainment services (Avruch, 1998). There are recovery actions taken to ensure that one ask up for what the customer lost. In this case, I will have to make a follow-up and see whether the couple and their guests are delighted with the recovery actions or not, and what ore they desire.

The last letter D stands for doing ore that the client expects. When trying to solve this conflict, the board of the resort and I decided to organise a movie theatre or the couple and their guests. We refunded the entertainment money, but a movie will be used as an apology gift. We as the hotel expects frowning from the couple because we could not meet their expectations, but the best way to change that into a smile is giving them an apology gist so that they can smile and come back next time.

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Conflict and Resolution in "Remember The Titans"

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Strategies to Handle Conflict Essay

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Despite the fact that all of us want to live well, peacefully and never fight with people surrounding us, we still often face conflict situations that do not have any smooth solution. Even those people who are used to living calmly and do not like to be engaged into the direct conflict often come across life decisions that cannot be made without strong, violent interactions with others. It often happens that you may be not the instigator of the conflict but still you become an active participant thereof, and you have to look for constructive strategies that will help you sustain good relations with those taking part in the conflict together with you, and to preserve the peaceful state of mind and inner harmony that should not be disturbed by conflict situations.

Surely, all scientists and researchers admit that it is impossible to sort out a short and helpful set of strategies to handle conflict because they depend on each particular situation and on the person who applies them, as well as on many other factors. Those who try to use them or develop their own strategies still cannot give a direct, indisputable answer to the question how to deal with the conflict. But still it is important to analyze the decisions offered to people who face conflict very often and who need to learn to cope with it.

Williams (2009) offers a set of conflict management strategies assuming that when we face a conflict we first of all have to think not about what we want to do, but about what we should do. Keeping yourself composed and not giving way to emotions is the first precondition of successful implementation of the conflict management strategy. So, among those possible to be used to handle the conflict one should choose from forcing (using authority to settle the conflict), accommodating (satisfying the needs of another party in the conflict forgetting about your own ones), avoiding (being passively accepting the conflict without any direct action), compromising (finding the solution that would partly satisfy all of the parties) and collaborating (the win-win situation that involves active work on the solution to the conflict that will be beneficial for all parties) (Williams, 2009).

The strategy of collaborating heavily relies on one rule that is easy to grasp but hard to fulfill – attentive listening to your counterpart. Dean Rusk, the former US Secretary of State, argued that listening is one of the best ways to persuade another person, and this can be done without words (Justice and Jamieson, 2006). However, it is easy to give an example from life that everyone may have seen at the workplace or in the study group – this strategy is accommodating from the perspective of one party, and forcing from the viewpoint of another party. This often happens when people experience the pressure of groupthink and agree with the intentionally wrong statement only not to be engaged in debates with the rest of the group. Forcing is evident from the side of the boss or the tutor who may be wrong but may not have any wish to discuss the matter because he or she may be afraid to appear wrong. So they use their authority to force management of the conflict; however, it is a common tendency for the conflict to arise again further on if it is solved this way – the strategies are destructive and do not change the situation on the whole.

Looking at all enumerated pieces of advice as to how to handle the conflict in your life, it is possible to sum the information up and to choose those strategies that suit your individuality, your habits and diplomatic skills as well as the peculiarities of your character. But the main thing to understand while studying conflict, ways to reduce it and the nature of its impact on your life, is that conflict is unavoidable and inescapable, thus it can only be reduced. Moreover, the negative impact of conflicts on the conscience of the person can be reduced once this person understands that conflict is something natural and it cannot be eliminated on the whole – its presence in every life is a norm, so being engaged in conflicts is not the reason for panic or disappointment:

“Avoidance and engagement are both poor strategies for managing conflict. Life is filled with conflicts that you will need to move past. Avoiding all of them would be neglecting your duty to yourself and others” (Young, 2009).

Living a full, harmonious life is possible even when the conflict fills your life – the main thing is not the conflict itself but the way you treat it. Those who make a tragedy out of the trifle situation will never achieve completeness and harmony. More than that, they will never achieve their goals. Conflict is a natural life situation that has to be manipulated and not feared. Only under such treatment the person who faces a conflict in his or her life will be able to get out of it without any losses, and possibly even with gains.

Speaking about me, I prefer to solve the conflict in constructive ways – either by compromising or by collaborating. This happens because I am always aware of the fact that if the conflict is ignored or forced to be over, there will be no use of such a decision and the conflict will arise again. As soon as it emerges repeatedly several more times it will become tenser and the parties will get more aggressive, so there may be no more peaceful and constructive solution to it. Thus, to avoid such emergency situations which can reach their climax and create a serious misunderstanding or the collapse of a group of people, it is necessary to handle conflict in a timely and constructive manner.

Justice, T., & Jamieson, D. (2006). The facilitator’s fieldbook: step-by-step procedures, checklists and guidelines, samples and templates (2 nd ed.). AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn.

Williams, S. (2009). Conflict Management – Style and Strategy. Web.

Young, S.H. (2009). Dodging Bullets: 7 Strategies to Handle Conflict. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2021, November 25). Strategies to Handle Conflict. https://ivypanda.com/essays/strategies-to-handle-conflict/

"Strategies to Handle Conflict." IvyPanda , 25 Nov. 2021, ivypanda.com/essays/strategies-to-handle-conflict/.

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IvyPanda . 2021. "Strategies to Handle Conflict." November 25, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/strategies-to-handle-conflict/.

1. IvyPanda . "Strategies to Handle Conflict." November 25, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/strategies-to-handle-conflict/.


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America’s Military Is Not Prepared for War — or Peace

A photo of U.S. Navy sailors, in silhouette, aboard an aircraft carrier.

By Roger Wicker

Mr. Wicker, a Republican, is the ranking member of the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee.

“To be prepared for war,” George Washington said, “is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace.” President Ronald Reagan agreed with his forebear’s words, and peace through strength became a theme of his administration. In the past four decades, the American arsenal helped secure that peace, but political neglect has led to its atrophy as other nations’ war machines have kicked into high gear. Most Americans do not realize the specter of great power conflict has risen again.

It is far past time to rebuild America’s military. We can avoid war by preparing for it.

When America’s senior military leaders testify before my colleagues and me on the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee behind closed doors, they have said that we face some of the most dangerous global threat environments since World War II. Then, they darken that already unsettling picture by explaining that our armed forces are at risk of being underequipped and outgunned. We struggle to build and maintain ships, our fighter jet fleet is dangerously small, and our military infrastructure is outdated. Meanwhile, America’s adversaries are growing their militaries and getting more aggressive.

In China, the country’s leader, Xi Jinping, has orchestrated a historic military modernization intended to exploit the U.S. military’s weaknesses. He has overtaken the U.S. Navy in fleet size, built one of the world’s largest missile stockpiles and made big advances in space. President Vladimir Putin of Russia has thrown Europe into war and mobilized his society for long-term conflict. Iran and its proxy groups have escalated their shadow war against Israel and increased attacks on U.S. ships and soldiers. And North Korea has disregarded efforts toward arms control negotiations and moved toward wartime readiness.

Worse yet, these governments are materially helping one another, cooperating in new ways to prevent an American-led 21st century. Iran has provided Russia with battlefield drones, and China is sending technical and logistical help to aid Mr. Putin’s war. They are also helping one another prepare for future fights by increasing weapons transfers and to evade sanctions. Their unprecedented coordination makes new global conflict increasingly possible.

That theoretical future could come faster than most Americans think. We may find ourselves in a state of extreme vulnerability in a matter of a few years, according to a growing consensus of experts. Our military readiness could be at its lowest point in decades just as China’s military in particular hits its stride. The U.S. Indo-Pacific commander released what I believe to be the largest list of unfunded items ever for services and combatant commands for next year’s budget, amounting to $11 billion. It requested funding for a raft of infrastructure, missile defense and targeting programs that would prove vital in a Pacific fight. China, on the other hand, has no such problems, as it accumulates the world’s leading hypersonic arsenal with a mix of other lethal cruise and attack missiles.

Our military leaders are being forced to make impossible choices. The Navy is struggling to adequately fund new ships, routine maintenance and munition procurement; it is unable to effectively address all three. We recently signed a deal to sell submarines to Australia, but we’ve failed to sufficiently fund our own submarine industrial base, leaving an aging fleet unprepared to respond to threats. Two of the three most important nuclear modernization programs are underfunded and are at risk of delays. The military faces a backlog of at least $180 billion for basic maintenance, from barracks to training ranges. This projects weakness to our adversaries as we send service members abroad with diminished ability to respond to crises.

Fortunately, we can change course. We can avoid that extreme vulnerability and resurrect American military might.

On Wednesday I am publishing a plan that includes a series of detailed proposals to address this reality head-on. We have been living off the Reagan military buildup for too long; it is time for updates and upgrades. My plan outlines why and how the United States should aim to spend an additional $55 billion on the military in the 2025 fiscal year and grow military spending from a projected 2.9 percent of our national gross domestic product this year to 5 percent over the next five to seven years.

It would be a significant investment that would start a reckoning over our nation’s spending priorities. There will be conversations ahead about all manner of budget questions. We do not need to spend this much indefinitely — but we do need a short-term generational investment to help us prevent another world war.

My blueprint would grow the Navy to 357 ships by 2035 and halt our shrinking Air Force fleet by producing at least 340 additional fighters in five years. This will help patch near-term holes and put each fleet on a sustainable trajectory. The plan would also replenish the Air Force tanker and training fleets, accelerate the modernization of the Army and Marine Corps, and invest in joint capabilities that are all too often forgotten, including logistics and munitions.

The proposal would build on the $3.3 billion in submarine industrial base funding included in the national security supplemental passed in April, so we can bolster our defense and that of our allies. It would also rapidly equip service members all over the world with innovative technologies at scale, from the seabed to the stars.

We should pair increased investment with wiser spending. Combining this crucial investment with fiscal responsibility would funnel resources to the most strategic ends. Emerging technology must play an essential role, and we can build and deploy much of it in less than five years. My road map would also help make improvements to the military procurement system and increase accountability for bureaucrats and companies that fail to perform on vital national security projects.

This whole endeavor would shake our status quo but be far less disruptive and expensive than the alternative. Should China decide to wage war with the United States, the global economy could immediately fall into a depression. Americans have grown far too comfortable under the decades-old presumption of overwhelming military superiority. And that false sense of security has led us to ignore necessary maintenance and made us vulnerable.

Our ability to deter our adversaries can be regained because we have done it before. At the 50th anniversary of Pearl Harbor, in the twilight of the Soviet Union, George H.W. Bush reflected on the lessons of Pearl Harbor. Though the conflict was long gone, it taught him an enduring lesson: “When it comes to national defense,” he said, “finishing second means finishing last.”

Regaining American strength will be expensive. But fighting a war — and worse, losing one — is far more costly. We need to begin a national conversation today on how we achieve a peaceful, prosperous and American-led 21st century. The first step is a generational investment in the U.S. military.

Roger Wicker is the senior U.S. senator from Mississippi and the ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Committee.

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    From the Thomas-Kilmann model for conflict management, the techniques involve avoiding, challenging, teamwork, negotiation, and accommodation. In the context of the Gramberg (2005), arbitration, reconciliation, and mediation can suffice as solutions to workplace conflicts.

  7. Essays About Conflict: Top 5 Examples and 7 Writing Prompts

    In this essay, write about historical and current conflicts and explain their origins. Then, examine the efforts made by past and present governments to resolve these disputes, including the positive or negative impacts of these conflicts on the world at large. 4. Karl Marx's Theory of Conflict.

  8. Conflict Management

    This essay will discuss the conflicts between management and employees in organizations. It will include the eight strategies by Kenneth Cloke and Joan Smith in their book, " Resolving Conflicts at work: Strategies for everyone on the job .". The process involves, "organizational change, managing change, change implementation ...

  9. How to Write a Conflict Essay in Six Steps

    1. Choose a topic. Be the first to add your personal experience. 2. Research your topic. Be the first to add your personal experience. 3. Outline your essay. Be the first to add your personal ...

  10. Conflict Resolution Essay

    Conflict Resolution Essay. be put back together again. Though these relationships vary, from professional to personal, they are all prone to encountering some form of conflict. John Dewey has designed a problem solving sequence with 6 (six) steps, listed and explained below, to facilitate resolution of these conflicts.

  11. Mastering The Art Of Writing A Great Conflict Essay

    A hook sentence - an interesting fact, question, quote, or anecdote. Introduction part that makes readers aware of the conflict. Thesis statement. 3 body paragraphs, each with one issue of the conflict and several proofs. Address whether the conflict was resolved or not. You may also discuss the ways of avoiding or solving the conflict.

  12. Conflict Resolution Skills

    Pay attention to the feelings being expressed as well as the spoken words of others. Be aware of and respect differences. By avoiding disrespectful words and actions, you can almost always resolve a problem faster. To successfully resolve a conflict, you need to learn and practice two core skills:

  13. How to Write Compelling Conflict: Create Conflict in Stories

    The key to successful storytelling is creating conflict. Writers establish the conflict of a story soon after they introduce their main character. Conflict is the element that kicks off the action and gets the story started. Writing compelling conflict is something every writer should know how to do.

  14. Help! I need assistance writing a conflict essay for my assignment

    The recommendation can also include insight on how to benefit from a conflicting situation. The last paragraph is the conclusion. The conclusion summarizes the major points of your essay. Include a summary of the definition. Highlight the types, reasons, consequences, solutions for conflict, and recommendations.

  15. Essays About Conflict in Life: Top 5 Examples and Prompts

    First, discuss simple conflicts you observe around you. For example, the cashier misunderstands an order, your mom forgets to buy groceries, or you have clashing class schedules. 3. Review On Movies Or Books About Conflicts. Pick a movie or book and summarize its plot.

  16. Resolving Conflicts: from Personal to Global

    In conclusion, conflict is a multifaceted phenomenon that can occur at various levels, from personal interactions to global relations. Interpersonal conflicts can often be resolved through effective communication and empathy, while intrapersonal conflicts require self-reflection and personal growth. International conflicts, being more complex ...

  17. 168 Conflict Resolution Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    Conflict Analysis and Resolution Procedures. This essay explores the conflict phenomenon with a specific focus on the analysis and application of the conflict resolution procedures that exist in the conflict ethos to real life. Educational Administration: Conflict Management and Resolution.

  18. Essay about Conflict Resolution

    Good Essays. 1616 Words. 7 Pages. Open Document. Conflict Resolution. Throughout life people should consider developing integrated conflict management systems to prevent and resolve conflict and provide practical guidelines for designing and implementing such systems. The principles identified in this document can be used to manage external ...

  19. How Conflict Examples Can Teach Us to Listen

    Turning to conflict examples in a galaxy far, far away, mediator and coach Danielle Blumenberg describes the power of listening in negotiation in an essay for the new anthology Star Wars and Conflict Resolution II: My Negotiations Will Not Fail, which gleans conflict-resolution strategies from the Star Wars universe. In the film The Force ...

  20. Conflict Essay Topics

    You can also find more Essay Writing articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more. ... Regardless, this can hamper the process of conflict resolution. Conclusion on Conflict Essay Topics. Conflict is a part of life and it's something that you're almost guaranteed to experience in any type of relationship. Whether it be a ...

  21. Resolving Conflict Essay

    1. This essay sample was donated by a student to help the academic community. Papers provided by EduBirdie writers usually outdo students' samples. Cite this essay. Download. "Conflict is inevitable in organizations. However, it can be both a positive and negative force.". As a leader of a current team, at your next team meeting, you plan ...

  22. PDF Chad Ballee Conflict Resolution Reflection EDUC 253 Reflective Essay

    that I, myself, handle conflict. There are many different ways to handle conflict. The main ways that I am going to describe are conflict between two people and my own personal conflict style that was found by doing a survey in class. My personal conflict style is avoiding, according to the survey that we took in class to develop our own ...

  23. Conflict Resolution Essay Example

    This conflict involves the hotel and the couple, Vince and Beth, where the resort is not able to deliver the services we promised. When trying to resolve this issue, being present and accepting the company's mistake is the first step. Secondly, listening carefully to the complaints raised and the discomfort caused will help create a good ...

  24. The Transformative Power of Forgiveness

    Conclusion. In conclusion, forgiveness is a powerful and transformative practice that offers numerous psychological, social, and conflict resolution benefits. By choosing to forgive, individuals can improve their mental well-being, foster social cohesion, and contribute to lasting peace. While forgiveness can be challenging, especially in the ...

  25. Peace and Conflict Resolution

    Thus in undertaking any intervention, it is good to observe the best way out of the conflict. This paper seeks to look into peace and conflict resolution taking critical analysis of the cases in Rwanda and Libya. It is to evaluate whether intervention by external organizations such as the UN was necessary citing the similarity and differences ...

  26. Conflict and Resolution in "Remember The Titans"

    The primary conflict in "Remember the Titans" is the racial tension between the newly integrated black and white football players. This tension is a microcosm of the broader societal unrest during the Civil Rights Movement. Initially, the black and white players are hostile towards each other, reflecting the deep-seated prejudices and mistrust ...

  27. Conflict Resolves Faster With With Smart Communication

    Pick Out Impact Language. Choose words in advance of a conflict resolution meeting or a negotiation that communicates the values and intentions you want to convey, Fox says. She recommends ...

  28. Strategies to Handle Conflict

    Williams (2009) offers a set of conflict management strategies assuming that when we face a conflict we first of all have to think not about what we want to do, but about what we should do. Keeping yourself composed and not giving way to emotions is the first precondition of successful implementation of the conflict management strategy.

  29. Opinion

    America's Military Is Not Prepared for War — or Peace. Mr. Wicker, a Republican, is the ranking member of the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee. "To be prepared for war," George ...