Friedrich Nietzsche: 'Without music, life would be a mistake.'

Without music, life would be a mistake.

Summary:The quote "Without music, life would be a mistake" by Friedrich Nietzsche captures the profound impact that music has on our existence. It suggests that music is not only essential but also indispensible in enhancing the human experience. This quote emphasizes the importance of music for our emotional well-being, self-expression, and connection to others, highlighting that a life devoid of music would be lacking something vital.Introduction: Unexpected Philosophical ConceptWhile Nietzsche's quote rightly emphasizes the significance of music, it also invites us to delve deeper into the underlying philosophical concept of meaning and purpose in life. It raises the question of whether our lives would have any intrinsic value or purpose without the presence of art, specifically music. By exploring this concept, we can gain a broader understanding of the profound impact of music on our existence, and how it shapes our perception of the world around us.Why is Music Essential for Human Existence?Music provides an emotional outlet, allowing us to connect with our deepest feelings and experiences. It has the unique ability to elicit a wide range of emotions, from joy and euphoria to sadness and introspection. Through its expressive nature, music becomes a powerful tool for individuals to navigate the complexities of human emotions and find solace or inspiration.Furthermore, music serves as a universal language, transcending cultural barriers and connecting people from different walks of life. It fosters a sense of unity and togetherness, creating communal experiences that can be shared and enjoyed by people across the globe. Whether through attending concerts, singing in choirs, or simply listening to our favorite tunes, music allows us to form meaningful connections with others, forging bonds and cultivating empathy.In addition to its emotional and social significance, music also plays a crucial role in self-expression. It provides individuals with a medium to communicate their thoughts, desires, and experiences in ways that words alone cannot capture. When words fail, music fills the void, allowing us to express the inexpressible and convey our innermost thoughts and struggles.Comparing Life With Music to Life WithoutNow, let us explore the contrast between a life filled with music and a life devoid of it. A life without music may seem bleak and lacking in depth. Imagine a world where no melodies exist, where the sound of laughter, the strum of a guitar, or the soothing rhythm of a piano are absent. Without the emotional release and catharsis that music provides, life would arguably lose its vibrancy and richness.Furthermore, a life without music would mean forfeiting the deep connections and shared experiences it offers. The absence of music would not only limit our ability to connect with others but also hinder our capacity to understand and empathize with different cultures and perspectives. The loss of this universal language would create a divide, isolating us within our own individual realms.Moreover, without music as a medium for self-expression, individuals might struggle to convey their innermost thoughts and feelings effectively. Music not only helps us process and cope with our emotions but also facilitates personal growth and introspection. Without this avenue for self-expression, individuals might face difficulties in truly understanding and embracing their own identities.Conclusion:Friedrich Nietzsche's quote resonates deeply within us, affirming the profound impact that music has on our lives. It serves as a reminder that music is not merely an extraneous aspect of our existence, but rather an integral part of what makes us human. Music is a conduit that enables us to experience and express our emotional states, connect with others, and discover our own sense of self. Without music, life would indeed be an incomplete and unfulfilling journey. So let us celebrate the presence of music in our lives and cherish its ability to enrich our experiences, bringing meaning and joy to our shared human existence.

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Without Music Life Would Be A Mistake Essay

Music, something that surrounds our everyday lives, yet people choose to live without it. Viewing music as “unneeded” or “disruptive”. I would never imagine my life without music, because music has saved me in more ways than I could ever think of. Music affects our emotions, makes time fly, and can be very expressive. “Without music life would be a mistake”, Friedrich Nietzsche. Music is needed in our lives.

Essay Example on Life Without Music

Our emotion can be changed by the music we listen to.

Study shows that after hearing music with a sad mood or sad lyrics, the listeners would express similar emotions. With so many varieties of music, the emotions are endless, and some of these emotions can make a difference. An RSPCA rescue team in Somerset in 2006, reported that stressed dogs are calmed by Mozart and Beethoven. The mood of music can make people feel many different things. Music can be perceived and felt. Anyone can turn on the radio and perceive the music yet to feel the music and understand and relate to the music means so much more.

While music can send many messages and feelings, at time no messages are needed. There are many varieties of “focus” music that drives people to hear the music yet let their attention drive elsewhere. Moderate noise levels lead to higher creativity, while high noise become overwhelming and difficult to focus. Yes some people think best without any music at all, so it is our job to learn and know how we think best.

essay without music life would be a mistake

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With times like cleaning and driving, music can easily make the time fly by. While getting into the song, we forget the current task we are doing and enjoying it instead of making it feel like another job. Many people can argue that changing the music is a common reason for accidents, creating a distraction from the road. Our economy is seeing and responding with potential life saving acts. For example Chevy in 2016 developed a system called “Wired”. Wired is directed towards teen drivers and limits ma…

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Without Music Life Would Be A Mistake Essay

The Marginalian

Great Writers on the Power of Music

By maria popova.

essay without music life would be a mistake

Gathered here are uncommonly beautiful reflections on the singular power of music by some of humanity’s greatest writers, collected over years of reading — please enjoy.


essay without music life would be a mistake

Susan Sontag spent the majority of her adult life reading between eight and ten hours a day , and never fewer than four. Her intense love of literature was paralleled by a commensurate love of music. In a diary entry found in Reborn: Journals and Notebooks, 1947–1963 ( public library ) — the spectacular volume that gave us young Sontag on personal growth , art , marriage , the four people a great writer must be , and her duties for being a twenty-something — she writes at age 15:

Music is at once the most wonderful, the most alive of all the arts — it is the most abstract, the most perfect, the most pure — and the most sensual. I listen with my body and it is my body that aches in response to the passion and pathos embodied in this music.


essay without music life would be a mistake

In his final essay collection, A Man Without a Country ( public library ) — the source of his abiding wisdom on the shapes of stories — Kurt Vonnegut wrote that music, above all else, “made being alive almost worthwhile” for him. He synthesized the sentiment in an extra-concentrated dose of his wry irreverence:

If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph: THE ONLY PROOF HE NEEDED FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD WAS MUSIC


essay without music life would be a mistake

Poet Edna St. Vincent Millay makes a similar point via counterpoint. In a beautiful 1920 letter to a friend, found in The Letters of Edna St. Vincent Millay ( public library ) — which also gave us the beloved poet on what it really means to be an anarchist , her touching appreciation of her mother , and her exquisite love letters — 28-year-old Millay writes:

I can whistle almost the whole of the Fifth Symphony, all four movements, and with it I have solaced many a whining hour to sleep. It answers all my questions, the noble, mighty thing, it is “green pastures and still waters” to my soul. Indeed, without music I should wish to die. Even poetry, Sweet Patron Muse forgive me the words, is not what music is. I find that lately more and more my fingers itch for a piano, and I shall not spend another winter without one. Last night I played for about two hours, the first time in a year, I think, and though most everything is gone enough remains to make me realize I could get it back if I had the guts. People are so dam lazy, aren’t they? Ten years I have been forgetting all I learned so lovingly about music, and just because I am a boob. All that remains is Bach. I find that I never lose Bach. I don’t know why I have always loved him so. Except that he is so pure, so relentless and incorruptible, like a principle of geometry.


essay without music life would be a mistake

No one has illustrated the vitalizing power of music with more marvelous morbidity than Friedrich Nietzsche . In an aphorism from his 1889 book Twilight of the Idols, or, How to Philosophize with a Hammer ( public library ), he proclaims:

Without music life would be a mistake.

The point of this morbidity, of course, is to convey the infinitely enlivening power of music — something Nietzsche elaborated on in an autobiographical fragment quoted in Julian Young’s altogether fantastic Friedrich Nietzsche: A Philosophical Biography ( public library ):

God has given us music so that above all it can lead us upwards. Music unites all qualities: it can exalt us, divert us, cheer us up, or break the hardest of hearts with the softest of its melancholy tones. But its principal task is to lead our thoughts to higher things, to elevate, even to make us tremble… The musical art often speaks in sounds more penetrating than the words of poetry, and takes hold of the most hidden crevices of the heart… Song elevates our being and leads us to the good and the true. If, however, music serves only as a diversion or as a kind of vain ostentation it is sinful and harmful.


essay without music life would be a mistake

Arthur Schopenhauer was a major influence on his compatriot of Nietzsche. In his extensive inquiry into the power of music , found in the first volume of his 1818 masterwork The World as Will and Representation ( public library ), Schopenhauer writes:

Music … stands quite apart from all the [other arts]. In it we do not recognize the copy, the repetition, of any Idea of the inner nature of the world. Yet it is such a great and exceedingly fine art, its effect on man’s innermost nature is so powerful, and it is so completely and profoundly understood by him in his innermost being as an entirely universal language, whose distinctness surpasses even that of the world of perception itself, that in it we certainly have to look for more than that exercitium arithmeticae occultum nescientis se numerare animi [“an unconscious exercise in arithmetic in which the mind does not know it is counting”] which Leibniz took it to be… We must attribute to music a far more serious and profound significance that refers to the innermost being of the world and of our own self.

More of Schopenhauer’s ideas about music can be found here .


essay without music life would be a mistake

In her early twenties, Virginia Woolf found a very different kind of exaltation in music. In a lengthy 1903 diary entry titled “A Dance at Queen’s Gate” from A Passionate Apprentice: The Early Journals, 1897–1909 ( public library ), the 21-year-old writer recounts the particularly intoxicating effect of dance music (which, at the time, involved violins) during a wild night on the town:

That is the quality which dance music has — no other: it stirs some barbaric instinct — lulled asleep in our sober lives — you forget centuries of civilization in a second, & yield to that strange passion which sends you madly whirling round the room — oblivious of everything save that you must keep swaying with the music — in & out, round & round — in the eddies & swirls of the violins. It is as though some swift current of water swept you along with it. It is magic music.


essay without music life would be a mistake

The great French Romantic poet, novelist, and dramatist Victor Hugo extolled music’s singular potency with sublime succinctness. In the preface to his 1864 study of those he considered to be “the greatest geniuses of all time,” somewhat deceptively titled William Shakespeare ( public library ), he writes:

Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent.


essay without music life would be a mistake

Aldous Huxley takes a complementary perspective in a beautiful essay titled The Rest Is Silence (on which Alex Ross’s excellent The Rest Is Noise is a play), found in the altogether terrific 1931 collection Music at Night and Other Essays ( public library ):

After silence that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music. […] When the inexpressible had to be expressed, Shakespeare laid down his pen and called for music.

essay without music life would be a mistake

Perhaps the most dedicated and prolific diarist of all time, French-Cuban writer Anaïs Nin began keeping a diary at the age of eleven and continued until her death at the age of 74, producing sixteen volumes of published journals in which she reflected on such diverse and timeless subjects as love , reproductive rights , the elusive nature of joy , the meaning of life , and why emotional excess is essential for creativity . In an entry from The Diary of Anaïs Nin, Vol. 5 ( public library ) — which also gave us Nin’s sublime meditation on embracing the unfamiliar — she writes:

Jazz is the music of the body. The breath comes through brass. It is the body’s breath, and the strings’ wails and moans are echoes of the body’s music. It is the body’s vibrations which ripple from the fingers. And the mystery of the withheld theme, known to jazz musicians alone, is like the mystery of our secret life. We give to others only peripheral improvisations.


essay without music life would be a mistake

In his timeless and tremendously timely 1860s essay Democratic Vistas , found in the Library of America volume Walt Whitman: Poetry and Prose ( public library ), Walt Whitman writes:

Music, the combiner, nothing more spiritual, nothing more sensuous, a god, yet completely human, advances, prevails, holds highest place; supplying in certain wants and quarters what nothing else could supply.


essay without music life would be a mistake

Nearly a century and a half later, Oliver Sacks captured this supreme spiritual sustenance of music in Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain ( public library ), which remains the most stimulating inquiry into the source of music’s power ever written. Reflecting on a particularly trying moment for the human spirit — the days following the September 11 attacks — Dr. Sacks writes:

On my morning bike ride to Battery Park, I heard music as I approached the tip of Manhattan, and then saw and joined a silent crowd who sat gazing out to sea and listening to a young man playing Bach’s Chaconne in D on his violin. When the music ended and the crowd quietly dispersed, it was clear that the music had brought them some profound consolation, in a way that no words could ever have done. Music, uniquely among the arts, is both completely abstract and profoundly emotional. It has no power to represent anything particular or external, but it has a unique power to express inner states or feelings. Music can pierce the heart directly; it needs no mediation. One does not have to know anything about Dido and Aeneas to be moved by her lament for him; anyone who has ever lost someone knows what Dido is expressing. And there is, finally, a deep and mysterious paradox here, for while such music makes one experience pain and grief more intensely, it brings solace and consolation at the same time.

Complement with Anthony Burgess’s account of the magical moment he fell in love with music as a little boy and this wonderful vintage guide to the seven essential skills of listening to music , then revisit similar collections of great writers’ reflections on New York City , the creative benefits of keeping a diary , the importance of boredom , and how creativity works .

— Published March 15, 2016 — —




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essay without music life would be a mistake

Nietzsche was right: “Without music life would be a mistake.”

Tags Inspiration


Teenagers have always known the best way out of a bad mood: Run upstairs away from everyone else, slam the door as hard as you can, put some music on with the volume up to 11, then sink into a beanbag chair until all (or most) of the angst and misery has left the building. Since time began, music has calmed the soul, but now we have scientific proof that it does way more that: it's one of the best ways to reduce stress, reduces anxiety, improves cognitive function, and even helps you recover more quickly from surgery. If it can do all that, imagine what it can do to improve a slightly “meh” day! To find out more (and to justify a future purchase of some awesome new headphones), here are 15 Amazing Effects Music Has On Your Health .

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essay without music life would be a mistake

Without music, life would be a mistake.


What's the meaning of this quote?

Quote Meaning: The quote "Without music, life would be a mistake" encapsulates a profound sentiment about the intrinsic value of music in human existence. At its core, it suggests that music isn't merely an optional embellishment to life but an essential element that enriches, defines, and gives depth to our experiences. When delving into the meaning behind this statement, several layers unfold, revealing insights into the human condition and the role of music within it.

Fundamentally, music serves as a universal language that transcends cultural, linguistic, and societal boundaries. Its emotive power enables individuals to express and comprehend complex feelings and sensations that often elude verbal articulation. Through melody, rhythm, and harmony, music communicates the depths of human emotions, from joy and exhilaration to sorrow and contemplation. In this sense, music becomes a conduit for emotional connection, fostering empathy and understanding among diverse individuals and communities.

essay without music life would be a mistake

Moreover, music possesses an innate ability to evoke memories and nostalgia, anchoring us to moments in time and imbuing them with profound significance. Whether it's the stirring notes of a childhood lullaby or the anthems of pivotal life events, music intertwines with our personal narratives, shaping our identities and influencing our perceptions of the world. As such, the absence of music would not only diminish the richness of our present experiences but also erode the tapestry of memories that constitute our past.

Beyond its emotional and mnemonic functions, music plays a pivotal role in cultural expression and heritage preservation. Across civilizations and epochs, music has served as a vessel for transmitting cultural values, traditions, and narratives from one generation to the next. Through folk songs, classical compositions, and contemporary genres, music reflects the diversity of human experiences and encapsulates the zeitgeist of different historical periods and geographical regions. Deprived of music, societies risk losing a vital medium for collective storytelling, communal celebration, and cultural continuity.

Furthermore, music serves as a catalyst for creativity, innovation, and self-expression. For composers, musicians, and listeners alike, engaging with music fosters imagination, stimulates intellect, and nurtures a sense of curiosity and wonder. Whether through improvisation, composition, or interpretation, individuals harness the transformative power of music to explore new ideas, challenge established norms, and push the boundaries of artistic expression. In essence, music fuels the human spirit, igniting a sense of passion and purpose that infuses every aspect of our lives.

In conclusion, the quote "Without music, life would be a mistake" encapsulates the profound significance of music as a fundamental aspect of the human experience. It underscores music's capacity to transcend barriers, evoke emotions, preserve cultural heritage, and inspire creativity. Ultimately, it serves as a poignant reminder of the intrinsic value of music in shaping our perceptions, forging connections, and enriching the tapestry of human existence.

Who said the quote?

The quote "Without music, life would be a mistake." is often attributed to Friedrich Nietzsche ( Quotes ). Friedrich Nietzsche was a German philosopher whose writings questioned traditional morality and the nature of existence.

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essay without music life would be a mistake

'Life without music would be a mistake' - NYU Supplement #2 What intrigues you?

steveandimrad 2 / 2   Oct 9, 2012   #1 Nietzsche once said "Without music, life would be a mistake." Music is the harmony of the world, crafted by man to create a myriad of sensations. The score during the climax of a movie, the homeless man singing for his next meal, the prelude to a well-known concerto-music defines some of the most monumental impressions on people. Music has always been my life's biggest passion, and continues to bring my world to new heights. When I hear music, I see bright, vivid colors. I analyze the smallest details of a musical piece down to the most subtle instrument. Noticing new components of a song that aren't typically heard during the first few plays, for me, is like an archaeologist finding a bone in a desert. Music is a messenger of emotions, simple yet complex, and indescribable by all accounts. I remember the first time I heard Chopin's Tristesse; I was in a car with my friends, and it was so heartbreakingly beautiful that I tried to hide my tears. However, I soon realized there was not a dry eye in the car. Whenever I'm feeling stressed, I escape the pressures of reality and become lost in music. I take a ride on a roller coaster of emotions as musical notes bring me from a state of pure calmness to a state of adrenaline. When the music ends, my mind feels cleansed and ready to get back into the loop of things. I run to music, study to music, release anger to music, yell in joy to music, and live to music.

Jordan Zhu - / 2   Oct 9, 2012   #2 Your description of music is incredibly deep; a little too deep. The abstract descriptions of musical components ("Noticing new components of a song that aren't typically heard during the first few plays", "Music is a messenger of emotions", " I escape the pressures of reality and become lost in music") It's a good essay, but difficult to relate to because not everyone might relate to your description of music the same way you do. Getting rid of some of the abstract descriptions of music and showing how its as you think of it will help. Expanding more of about the tearful camaraderie you felt listening to Chopin's Tristesse and making that the central story you use as an example of music's ability to move you would be easier to relate to. Also, describing the pressures of reality (are you a deep sea diver resurfacing trying not to get the bends?) and how music lets you escape from them would have more impact as well. Also, as a small detail, you might want to add how you can think up or recall a nice tune in your head without headphones and an iPod. Because in the last sentence, it seems like you're just another teenager who is constantly plugged into his iPod who walks blatantly uninterested in the world around them. "When the music ends, my mind feels cleansed and ready to get back into the loop of things. I run to music, study to music, release anger to music, yell in joy to music, and live to music."

SpicyCurryMan 2 / 9   Oct 9, 2012   #3 Contrary to the user above, I love the abstract descriptions! It shows you insight and deep knowledge.

tnterror 2 / 2   Oct 10, 2012   #4 i like the concept of the passage, however it is too vague. you often state that music helps you, that music is your escape. the prompt wants you to explain one piece of music or art, in this case you have already chosen a piece; just expand on that. it will show your depth rather than your breadth. Deepen your knowledge and inspiration of Chopin's Tristesse and you will be golden.

essay without music life would be a mistake

Without Music, Life would be a Mistake

essay without music life would be a mistake

These words of the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, uttered more than 100 years ago, expressed an intuitive understanding of the importance of music for the human existence. While many people may have had a general sense of this to be true, it has been only in recent years that researchers have been able to provide evidence as to the power and influence of music.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) revealed that music it is the only human activity that involves each and every region of our brains. Listening to music, in a nutshell, can make you smarter, but play an instrument and you are on your way to being remarkable. No doubt, music enriches people’s lives on the molecular, intellectual, and emotional levels.

Music training and learning an instrument can significantly improve our motor and reasoning skills. Music also helps us exercise. More than 90 years ago, American researcher Leonard Ayres found that cyclists pedaled faster when listening to music than without it. The reason being, music can override the signals of fatigue our body is sending to our brain and so instead of stopping exercising, we continue on. Not only can we push through the pain to exercise longer and harder when we listen to music, but it can actually help us to use our energy more efficiently. Some studies have shown that cyclists who listened to music required 7% less oxygen to do the same work as those who cycled in silence. It is interesting to note that this is mostly beneficial for low- and moderate-intensity exercise. The same is true for ambient noise, which at moderate levels, has shown to promote abstract processing, leading to higher creativity.

But maybe you just like to listen to music and give in to the emotions that come with it.  But be aware that the music we listen to influence how we perceive the world around us. For instance, the way we interpret a neutral expression as happy or sad, matches the tone of the music we just heard. And being able to distinguish between perceived emotions and felt emotions, i.e. allowing us to understand the emotions of a piece of music without actually feeling them , is the reason why we can enjoy listening to sad music, rather than feeling depressed.

No doubt music is not only enjoyable, it is also good for you. It is part of humanity and represents some of the greatest accomplishments of our species. Without it, life would indeed be a mistake.

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OPINION: “Without music, life would be a mistake”

Music can heal, help you cope with everyday life, even if you’re not a professional musician



Music comes in many different mediums.

PORTIA SIMMONS March 17, 2021

I have always had the fantasy of playing in a rock and roll band. I decided to take the first step towards achieving this daydream. I bought a drum set off Facebook Marketplace. I felt proud, setting up my own drum kit and practicing. Although I’m not Roger Taylor just yet, I enjoy it. I use it to let my mind rest after a big day. Music makes me want to dance, to relax, and lights the fire in my soul. I wanted to see if others felt the same way. 

Matthew Thomas Davidson, junior French and hospitality business management major, said that he uses the piano to relieve stress. 

“Whenever I’m stressed out, I usually play a song or two and then I’m able to relax a little bit and just sort of get my mind around things again,” Davidson said. 

He told me that he has a personal connection to the piano he plays. 

“It’s not actually store-bought. It’s something I got from my great grandfather. He used to play music too. So basically every time I play a song on there, it reminds me of his passion,” Davidson said. 

He said he believes his great grandfather’s spirit lives on through the piano and that every time he plays, it’s a way to honor his memory.

Davidson said he encourages people to start playing a musical instrument because it can help develop the brain because you are learning a new skill. In order to start, he said to put yourself in touch with a musician or teacher you know and to download music apps in order to grasp the basics.

Davidson has been playing the piano since he was five years old. Although gifted with natural talent, such as perfect pitch, he said that music is more than an ability to him. 

“For me, whenever I play music, it just flows through me so I really put a lot of emotion into it,” Davidson said.

If you don’t want to learn how to play an instrument, that’s okay. Davidson said that simply listening to music can help you cope with negative feelings. 

“Listening to music in general has helped my friends and people [I know] who are genuinely dealing with stuff, because music has certain messages. The music can be very relatable, depending on the mood. It’s very calming overall,” Davidson said. 

He recommended listening to soothing music with slow beats, also known as lo-fi, and classical music on YouTube in order to calm down. 

Davidson specifically recommended the song “Liebeßtraum” by Liszt. He said it is very daydreamy and allows his brain to drift off for a moment.

Ashley Swanson, freshman music education major, said that this feeling associated with music can offer a new perspective on the world. 

“It can help you express yourself in a way that is different than just talking, or writing things down,” Swanson said. 

She believes that music can connect anyone, no matter your background.

 “There isn’t necessarily a language barrier for music, it’s more like an emotion that you can feel together or you can perform together,” Swanson said.

Swanson said music is crucial, especially during COVID-19, because it can help you connect to others.

“It gives us a reason to reach out to people. If you hear a song and you’re like, ‘oh I really liked that song and it has to do with a memory,’ it brings us back to a certain point and I think that’s pretty cool,” Swanson said. 

If you want to get involved with music, Swanson recommends reaching out to current musicians because they can help lead you down the right path. 

To close the discussion, Swanson said to keep an open mind when trying to learn more about music. 

“I would suggest for people to just open their ears to new types of music,” Swanson said. 

Music is not only enjoyable, but can help express your feelings through song and lyrics. If you want to play, you don’t necessarily need to be a rock star to love music. So what are you waiting for? Pick up your guitar pick, drumsticks or just your hands and start playing. 

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‘Without music, life would be a mistake’

Profile image of Monica Hanaway

Existentialism in Pandemic Times

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This review is based on recent publications about the effects of sound, and more particularly of music, on several aspects of physiology. It has been known for a long time that music has effects on the brain and on the functioning of different organs. In recent years, several publications also described specific effects of music on the physicochemical mechanisms in the other organisms, bacteria, plants and animals. These researches being rather disparate in the methodologies used and the results obtained, they need to be classified. In this review, we summarize the studies and attempt to explain the cellular mechanisms involved, by considering the properties of the plasma membrane and its links with the extracellular and intracellular medium. This field of research is currently in full expansion, but still requires further studies to understand and go further in the possible applications, the precise molecular mechanisms of effects of music still remain to be clarified.


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Friedrich Nietzsche Quote

Without music, life would be a mistake.

Twilight of the Idols (1888)

Without music, life would be a mistake.

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Friedrich Nietzsche quote about life from Twilight of the Idols - Without music life would be a mistake.

“ Without music life would be a mistake. ”   Friedrich Nietzsche , Twilight of the Idols (1889) . copy citation

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Friedrich Nietzsche quote about life from Twilight of the Idols - Without music life would be a mistake.

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A Conversation With President Zelensky

In a wide-ranging interview, president volodymyr zelensky of ukraine challenged the west’s hesitations..

Hosted by Sabrina Tavernise

Featuring Andrew E. Kramer

Produced by Nina Feldman ,  Clare Toeniskoetter ,  Rob Szypko and Diana Nguyen

With Michael Simon Johnson

Edited by Lisa Chow

Original music by Marion Lozano ,  Elisheba Ittoop and Sophia Lanman

Engineered by Chris Wood

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Five years ago, a TV personality and comedian, Volodymyr Zelensky, won the presidency in Ukraine in a landslide victory. When Russia launched a full-scale invasion of the country three years later, he faced the biggest challenge of his presidency and of his life. Despite initial success beating back one of the world’s largest armies, the tide has turned against him.

Andrew E. Kramer, the Kyiv bureau chief for The Times, sat down with Mr. Zelensky to discuss the war, and how it might end.

On today’s episode

essay without music life would be a mistake

Andrew E. Kramer , the Kyiv bureau chief for The New York Times.

In a dark room, Volodymyr Zelensky is sitting on a wooden chair in front of a wooden table. He is wearing a dark green T-shirt and trousers, and is gesturing with his hands.

Background reading

Read The New York Times’s interview with President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine .

Explaining the debate over Ukraine’s use of Western weapons .

There are a lot of ways to listen to The Daily. Here’s how.

We aim to make transcripts available the next workday after an episode’s publication. You can find them at the top of the page.

Special thanks to Oleksandr Chubko .

The Daily is made by Rachel Quester, Lynsea Garrison, Clare Toeniskoetter, Paige Cowett, Michael Simon Johnson, Brad Fisher, Chris Wood, Jessica Cheung, Stella Tan, Alexandra Leigh Young, Lisa Chow, Eric Krupke, Marc Georges, Luke Vander Ploeg, M.J. Davis Lin, Dan Powell, Sydney Harper, Mike Benoist, Liz O. Baylen, Asthaa Chaturvedi, Rachelle Bonja, Diana Nguyen, Marion Lozano, Corey Schreppel, Rob Szypko, Elisheba Ittoop, Mooj Zadie, Patricia Willens, Rowan Niemisto, Jody Becker, Rikki Novetsky, John Ketchum, Nina Feldman, Will Reid, Carlos Prieto, Ben Calhoun, Susan Lee, Lexie Diao, Mary Wilson, Alex Stern, Sophia Lanman, Shannon Lin, Diane Wong, Devon Taylor, Alyssa Moxley, Summer Thomad, Olivia Natt, Daniel Ramirez and Brendan Klinkenberg.

Our theme music is by Jim Brunberg and Ben Landsverk of Wonderly. Special thanks to Sam Dolnick, Paula Szuchman, Lisa Tobin, Larissa Anderson, Julia Simon, Sofia Milan, Mahima Chablani, Elizabeth Davis-Moorer, Jeffrey Miranda, Maddy Masiello, Isabella Anderson, Nina Lassam and Nick Pitman.

Andrew E. Kramer is the Kyiv bureau chief for The Times, who has been covering the war in Ukraine since 2014. More about Andrew E. Kramer



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  3. Friedrich Nietzsche Quote: “Without music, life would be a mistake.”

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  4. Friedrich Nietzsche Quote: “Without music, life would be a mistake.”

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  6. Friedrich Nietzsche Quote: “Without music, life would be a mistake.”

    essay without music life would be a mistake


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  9. Without music life would be a mistake

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  10. Without music, life would be a mistake.

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    Without Music, Life would be a Mistake. 2020-11-01 tarasfoundation Music and Science, Ocean Sentinels Club. These words of the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, uttered more than 100 years ago, expressed an intuitive understanding of the importance of music for the human existence. While many people may have had a general sense of this to ...

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  14. "Without music, life would be a mistake."

    "Without music, life would be a mistake." ― Friedrich Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols. tags: inspirational, music, philosophy. Read more quotes from Friedrich Nietzsche. Share this quote: Like Quote. Recommend to friends. Friends Who Liked This Quote. To see what your friends ...

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    For "those who hear not the music, think the dancers mad." -TSZ. He means the absence of music would make life a mistake. He means people would never have sex on purpose without music. In my perception, it's a testament to man's purpose. Imagine life purely in the sense of biomechanics without arbitration.

  16. OPINION: "Without music, life would be a mistake"

    OPINION: "Without music, life would be a mistake". Music can heal, help you cope with everyday life, even if you're not a professional musician. Music comes in many different mediums. PORTIA SIMMONS March 17, 2021. I have always had the fantasy of playing in a rock and roll band. I decided to take the first step towards achieving this ...

  17. 'Without music, life would be a mistake' is a platform for academics to share research papers. ... 60 study points DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY Faculty of mathematics and natural sciences UNIVERSITY OF OSLO 11/2011 2 "Without music, life would be a mistake" Friedrich Nietzsche German philosopher (1844-1900) 3 4 Preface This study has been carried out at the Department of ...

  18. Without Music Life Would Be A Mistake {Acceptance Essay}

    Without Music, Life Would Be a Mistake I decided to title my essay with a quote that has strongly stuck with me throughout my life, well throughout middle and high school that is. This quote was said by Friedrich Nietzsche, who was a German philosopher, cultural critic, poet, philologist, and Latin and Greek scholar whose work has exerted a profound influence on Western philosophy and modern ...

  19. Without music life would be a mistake

    Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.Plato (born 429 BCE) A tiny, obscure African tribe has a creation myth whereby first there was a void, a vast emptiness, out of which came a vibration, a sound from which came all of creation. 1 Our mother's heartbeat must be the first vibration any of us feels or hears; who knows whether ...

  20. Without music, life would be a mistake.

    Without music, life would be a mistake. Friedrich Nietzsche. Twilight of the Idols (1888) Quote of the day. I love children, especially when they cry, for then someone takes them away. Nancy Mitford. Friedrich Nietzsche. Creative Commons. Born: October 15, 1844. Died: August 25, 1900 (aged 55)

  21. WITHOUT music, LIFE would be a MISTAKE ― Friedrich Nietzsche

    Nietzsche said it well - Without music, life would be a mistake. Equally so, Carlos Santana said: "The drum is the heartbeat of music; the bass is the though...

  22. Friedrich Nietzsche: "Without music life would be a mistake."

    33 What trifles constitute happiness! The sound of a bagpipe. Without music life would be a mistake. The German imagines even God as a songster. 34 On ne peut penser et écrire qu'assis (G. Flaubert). Here I have got you, you nihilist! A sedentary life is the real sin against the Holy Spirit. Only those thoughts that come by walking have any ...

  23. "Without music, life would be a mistake"

    Music in our lives "Without music, life would be a mistake" _Friedrich Nietzsche_ 1. Âm nhạc bắt nguồn như thế nào? 1. Âm nhạc đã bắt đầu như thế nào? Music and creativity in Ancient Greece Music and creativity in Ancient Greece a, Âm nhạc là gì? Âm nhạc là một bộ môn nghệ thuật b,

  24. A Conversation With President Zelensky

    With Michael Simon Johnson. Edited by Lisa Chow. Original music by Marion Lozano , Elisheba Ittoop and Sophia Lanman. Engineered by Chris Wood. Five years ago, a TV personality and comedian ...