The Great Gatsby: Essay Samples

9 10 graded assignment the great gatsby literary essay

Welcome to The Great Gatsby Essay Samples page prepared by our editorial team! Here you’ll find a heap of wonderful ideas for your Great Gatsby essay. Absolutely free research paper and essay samples on The Great Gatsby are collected here, on one page.

📝 The Great Gatsby: Essay Samples List

Below you’ll find a large collection of The Great Gatsby essay and research paper samples. Feel free to use any of them to inspire your own writing!

  • Gatsby & Nick in The Great Gatsby Essay Genre : Essay Words : 1763 Focused on : The Great Gatsby characters Characters mentioned : Nick Carraway, Jay Gatsby
  • Gatsby & Jean Valjean: Compare & Contrast Essay Genre : Essay Words : 1259 Focused on : The Great Gatsby characters Characters mentioned : Nick Carraway, Jay Gatsby, Daisy Buchanan
  • The Ethicality of an Action Jay Gatsby Genre : Assessment paper Words : 833 Focused on : The Great Gatsby themes Characters mentioned : Jay Gatsby, Daisy Buchanan, Myrtle Wilson
  • The American Dream in The Great Gatsby: Essay Genre : Essay Words : 619 Focused on : The Great Gatsby themes Characters mentioned : Nick Carraway, Jay Gatsby, Daisy Buchanan, Tom Buchanan, Myrtle Wilson, George Wilson
  • Babylon Revisited & The Great Gatsby: Motifs & Themes Genre : Essay Words : 1216 Focused on : The Great Gatsby themes Characters mentioned : Jay Gatsby, Daisy Buchanan
  • Time as a Theme in The Great Gatsby: Essay Genre : Essay Words : 896 Focused on : The Great Gatsby themes Characters mentioned : Jay Gatsby, Daisy Buchanan, Myrtle Wilson
  • Daisy Buchanan: Quotes Analysis Essay Genre : Essay Words : 1077 Focused on : The Great Gatsby characters Characters mentioned : Nick Carraway, Jay Gatsby, Daisy Buchanan, Tom Buchanan, Jordan Baker
  • Female Characters in The Streetcar Named Desire & The Great Gatsby: Comparative Essay Genre : Essay Words : 1639 Focused on : The Great Gatsby characters Characters mentioned : Nick Carraway, Daisy Buchanan, Tom Buchanan
  • Why Is Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby a Satire? Genre : Essay Words : 680 Focused on : The Great Gatsby genre Characters mentioned : Jay Gatsby, Daisy Buchanan, Mr. McKee
  • Jay Gatsby & Tom Buchanan: Compare & Contrast Genre : Essay Words : 812 Focused on : The Great Gatsby characters Characters mentioned : Jay Gatsby, Daisy Buchanan, Tom Buchanan
  • Francis Scott Fitzgerald & His American Dream Genre : Essay Words : 1815 Focused on : F.S. Fitzgerald’s biography Characters mentioned : Daisy Buchanan, Tom Buchanan
  • Jay Gatsby & Eponine from Les Miserables: Compare & Contrast Essay Genre : Essay Words : 812 Focused on : The Great Gatsby characters Characters mentioned : Jay Gatsby, Daisy Buchanan, Tom Buchanan
  • Jay Gatsby and Valjean in ‘Les Miserables’: Comparative Essay Genre : Essay Words : 769 Focused on : The Great Gatsby characters Characters mentioned : Jay Gatsby, Nick Carraway
  • Love in The Great Gatsby & The Catcher in The Rye: Comparative Essay Genre : Analytical essay Words : 1059 Focused on : The Great Gatsby themes Characters mentioned : Jay Gatsby, Nick Carraway, Daisy Buchanan
  • The Great Gatsby: Analysis and Feminist Critique Genre : Essay Words : 1365 Focused on : The Great Gatsby analysis Characters mentioned : Nick Carraway, Jay Gatsby, Daisy Buchanan, Tom Buchanan, Myrtle Wilson, George Wilson
  • Fairy Tale Traits in The Great Gatsby Genre : Essay Words : 1146 Focused on : The Great Gatsby analysis & context Characters mentioned : Nick Carraway, Jay Gatsby, Daisy Buchanan, Tom Buchanan
  • The Great Gatsby: Book Review Genre : Book review Words : 701 Focused on : The Great Gatsby context Characters mentioned : Nick Carraway, Jay Gatsby, Daisy Buchanan, Tom Buchanan
  • The Great Gatsby: Book Review & Reflection Genre : Essay Words : 587 Focused on : The Great Gatsby characters Characters mentioned : Nick Carraway, Jay Gatsby, Daisy Buchanan, Tom Buchanan, Myrtle Wilson, George Wilson, Jordan Baker
  • Fitzgerald’s American Dream in The Great Gatsby & Winter Dreams Genre : Argumentative essay Words : 1119 Focused on : The Great Gatsby themes Characters mentioned : Nick Carraway, Jay Gatsby, Daisy Buchanan
  • Silver & Gold: Color Symbolism in The Great Gatsby Genre : Essay Words : 889 Focused on : The Great Gatsby color symbolism Characters mentioned : Jay Gatsby, Daisy Buchanan, Tom Buchanan, Jordan Baker
  • Nick as the Narrator in The Great Gatsby Genre : Essay Words : 2473 Focused on : The Great Gatsby characters Characters mentioned : Nick Carraway
  • The Dilemmas of the American Dream in The Great Gatsby Genre : Essay Words : 687 Focused on : The Great Gatsby themes Characters mentioned : Jay Gatsby
  • Political Satire in American Literature Genre : Essay Words : 788 Focused on : The Great Gatsby genre Characters mentioned : Nick Carraway, Jay Gatsby
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  • Summary (Chapter 3)
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  • Summary (Chapter 5)
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  • Summary (Chapter 7)
  • Summary (Chapter 8)
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IvyPanda. (2024, May 21). The Great Gatsby: Essay Samples.

"The Great Gatsby: Essay Samples." IvyPanda , 21 May 2024,

IvyPanda . (2024) 'The Great Gatsby: Essay Samples'. 21 May.

IvyPanda . 2024. "The Great Gatsby: Essay Samples." May 21, 2024.

1. IvyPanda . "The Great Gatsby: Essay Samples." May 21, 2024.


IvyPanda . "The Great Gatsby: Essay Samples." May 21, 2024.


The Great Gatsby Literary Essay

In The Great Gatsby, a classic novel written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Nick Carraway is in love with Jordan Baker, George Wilson is in love with Myrtle Wilson and Jay Gatsby is in love with Daisy Buchanan. Regrettably, all of these women are unworthy of the love and affection bestowed upon them by these men. Throughout the course if this essay, the love between these individuals will be analysed and the reasons why these women are unworthy will be highlighted. Nick Carraway is initially introduced to Jordan Baker by his cousin, Daisy Buchanan, when he goes to their house for dinner. Jordan immediately presents herself as aloof, and makes Nick feel uncomfortable. This is portrayed by his statement: “– indeed, I was almost surprised into …show more content…

She, however, takes advantage of the fact that Gatsby is willing to do anything for her, and convinces him to take responsibility for Myrtle’s death, which she caused! Gatsby is so blinded by his love for her that he does not even realise that he is being manipulated. For example when questioned by Nick as to whether or not Daisy was driving when the accident causing Myrtle’s death occurred, Gatsby responds by saying: “Yes... but of course I’ll say I was.” This lie eventually leads to his death, and Daisy does not even have the decency to attend his funeral. It can therefore be seen that Jordan, Myrtle and Daisy are not the slightest bit worthy of the love of Nick, George and Gatsby respectively. Jordan is dishonest and careless, in complete contrast to Nick’s honesty and integrity, and lies to him throughout the entire relationship; Myrtle has no respect for George and never treats him kindly, and indirectly causes his death, whilst Daisy takes advantage of Gatsby’s love and allows him to take responsibility for her actions, which ultimately leads to his death. 811

Literary Analysis Essay On The Great Gatsby

In book, “The Great Gatsby,” F. Scott Fitzgerald depicts how the American was corrupted through wealth. Fitzgerald provides many examples. The most common example shown was Jay Gatsby. Gatsby’s idea that to achieve his American Dream must be to acquire wealth. In order to show this, Fitzgerald uses various literary elements. Two of those being imagery and foreshadowing, these played a critical role in describing the theme, and specific moods to show what was to come and as well as describe the story as a whole. These play a vital role in representing Gatsby’s life and journey to acquiring Daisy, his version of the American Dream.

The Great Gatsby

Tom, Nick and Jordan are driving home when at Wilson's garage they come to find that Myrtle has been hit and killed by a yellow car. Tom immediately knows that it is Gatsby who was driving the car and seeks revenge. What he does not know is that the actual driver was Daisy. Gatsby does not tell anyone but Nick that Daisy was driving the car because he does not want anything bad to happen to her. This shows how much he truly cares for Daisy. It also shows that by not letting anyone else know the truth regarding the accident that Gatsby will only trust key people. This trust issue causes many problems for Gatsby and others.

The Great Gatsby Theme Essay

  • 1 Works Cited

Themes of hope, success, and wealth overpower The Great Gatsby, leaving the reader with a new way to look at the roaring twenties, showing that not everything was good in this era. F. Scott Fitzgerald creates the characters in this book to live and recreate past memories and relationships. This was evident with Gatsby and Daisy’s relationship, Tom and Daisy’s struggling marriage, and Gatsby expecting so much of Daisy and wanting her to be the person she once was. The theme of this novel is to acknowledge the past, but do not recreate and live in the past because then you will not be living in the present, taking advantage of new opportunities.

The Great Gatsby - Chapter 1 Essay

The Great Gatsby - Chapter 1 Read the beginning of the novel chapter 1 up to page 12 “Tom Buchanan in his riding clothes was standing with his legs apart on the front porch.” How effective do you find this as an introduction to Great Gatsby. In your response you should pay close attention to voice, language and style. The Great Gatsby was written by F Scott Fitzgerald in 1925, and is set during 1922, a period tinged with moral failure of a society obsessed with class and privilege.

Irony of The Great Gatsby

  • 4 Works Cited

Myrtle Wilson, the wife of George, and the lover of Tom Buchanan, is brutally murdered toward the end of the novel. After an uncivilized afternoon in New York, Daisy and Gatsby head swiftly back to East Egg. Gatsby explains to Nick, “It all happened in a minute, but it seemed to me that she wanted to speak to us, thought we were somebody she knew” (Fitzgerald 109). Myrtle ran out toward the car looking for Tom but sadly for her it is not him. Many know about Tom’s affair, but not with whom he is having it, especially Daisy. Daisy never slows the car down, and she never realizes who she hits. This shows that Daisy is oblivious to Myrtles existence. Myrtle is sleeping with her husband, she ruins their marriage, and Daisy kills her. The irony exists in this because Daisy actually saves her marriage by killing

Great Gatsby Essay

“It’s a shallow life that doesn’t give a person a few scars”. This quote said by Garrison Keillor, metaphorically exemplifies the true meaning of hollowness and shallowness. Hollowness and shallowness were a major part of people’s characteristics in the 1920’s ‘easy money’ era because of the great economic boom. During this era, people earned their money by corruption with smuggling alcohol during prohibition. In addition, people earned their money by people unknowingly investing in major stocks. A few people earned their money with hard work; it was mostly made easily for them. Throughout the novel, The Great Gatsby, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the shallowness and hollowness of the upper class is persistently shown. Hollowness and

The Great Gatsby Essay

The Great Gatsby, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, is a story about a wealthy man named Gatsby. Gatsby lives a luxuriant life in West Egg of New York. Gatsby’s wealth has an unknown secret because nobody seems to know where his wealth emerged from. Despite of having so much fortune, Gatsby’s true American dream has not been achieved. In the great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald develops Gatsby as a failed American dream to show the impossibility of the American dream in the 1920’s.

Examples Of Myrtle's Death In The Great Gatsby

After her death, George is devastated and starts to go crazy. Because of his love for Myrtle, he enters a mental state that is only concerned with avenging her death. George confronts Tom, but Tom convinces George that the person truly responsible for Myrtle’s death was Gatsby. George believes Tom and travels to west egg where he shoots Gatsby and himself. Tom’s actions are another example of the rich being careless. He knows that George about to do something dangerous and desperate, but instead of trying to defuse the situation, he merely redirects the aggression towards Gatsby. Tom shows his belief that he was justified in sending Wilson after Gatsby when he tells Nick, "What if I did tell him? That fellow had it coming to him. He threw dust into your eyes just like he did in Daisy's, but he was a tough one. He ran over Myrtle like you'd run over a dog and never even stopped his car.” As a result of Tom’s careless actions, two more people die, and Tom leaves the mess for other people to clean

The Great Gatsby And Bodega Dreams : The Love That Killed Bodega And Gatsby

Gatsby thought he was being chivalrous for Daisy, but he did not care that Daisy chose not to take responsibility for her hit-and-run. Myrtle’s husband, George Wilson, gets revenge for Myrtle’s loss, assuming that Gatsby had an affair with his wife and killed her once he finds a dog leash and Myrtle 's belongings. George kills Gatsby,

“Is Tom most responsible for Gatsby’s death? Daisy? Myrtle? Gatsby himself? Give reasons why or why not each character is implicated in the murder.”

Daisy Buchanan In The Great Gatsby

The theme at the heart of the novel “The Great Gatsby” by F Scott Fitzgerald lies in the doomed relationship between the protagonist, Jay Gatsby and Daisy Buchanan. Narrated by Nick Carraway, the friend of Gatsby’s whom Gatsby finally confides in at the most tragic moment of his life, the story unfolds against the backdrop of the roaring 20’s.

Essay on compare and contrast daisy and myrtle

Daisy may not care about much but she cares a lot about Nick (The Great Gatsby: Daisy). Nick is Gatsby’s neighbor and tries helping to get Gatsby with Daisy especially because Gatsby kept begging him to (Fitzgerald). One day Gatsby, Tom, Daisy, Nick and Jordan go out. Daisy becoming upset and trying to escape runs over Myrtle Wilson (Fitzgerald). Daisy does not care or have any sympathy towards her death she doesn’t even confess but let’s Gatsby take the blame because he was in the car with her (Willhite).

The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald Essay

Nick makes a major decision the night Myrtle was killed; he was done with the lot of them. Nick acknowledged for the first time that summer, how corrupted the established wealthy can be. When Tom, Jordan and Nick arrived back at the Buchanan residence, Jordan asked Nick to come inside for awhile. However, Nick declines and starts to walk down the drive where Gatsby appears

The novel The Great Gatsby is a story that takes place in the 1920’s. The story

How Is Daisy Portrayed In The Great Gatsby

Daisy misleads Gatsby in thinking she is going to escape with him and leave everything behind even though she has no real intention of doing so. Her middle name Fay means “fairy” which epitomizes her carefree, ethereal manner, as well as envisaging a flitting personality, which ties into her lack of loyalty. Ann Massa cites, “Daisy’s lack of depth and passion leads her to flinch from the real emotion and profound inner vitality which Gatsby’s life style struggles to express.” She does not deal with the aftermath of her affair with Gatsby; she did not attend his funeral, abandoning him in his death, and left Nick to “clean up the mess she had made. ” She also says to Gatsby, “I’d like to get you in one of those pink clouds and put you in it and push you around.” This suggests that she wants to escape with Gatsby, without confronting Tom with their affair. Daisy’s presented with the inability to take responsibilities for her actions, and this leads to the mistrust Fitzgerald reflects throughout the novel. Like Jordan, Daisy is a careless character, as the accident with Myrtle shows. She is careless because she had been born into wealth and she had an endless resource of men who continually spoil her. However in spite of all her faults, Fitzgerald presents her with ingenuity as she is clearly cynical about the position she is in, and this is epitomized when she comments “the best thing a girl

9 10 graded assignment the great gatsby literary essay

The Great Gatsby

F. scott fitzgerald, ask litcharts ai: the answer to your questions.

Welcome to the LitCharts study guide on F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby . Created by the original team behind SparkNotes, LitCharts are the world's best literature guides.

The Great Gatsby: Introduction

The great gatsby: plot summary, the great gatsby: detailed summary & analysis, the great gatsby: themes, the great gatsby: quotes, the great gatsby: characters, the great gatsby: symbols, the great gatsby: literary devices, the great gatsby: quizzes, the great gatsby: theme wheel, brief biography of f. scott fitzgerald.

The Great Gatsby PDF

Historical Context of The Great Gatsby

Other books related to the great gatsby.

  • Full Title: The Great Gatsby
  • Where Written: Paris and the US, in 1924
  • When Published: 1925
  • Literary Period: Modernism
  • Genre: Novel
  • Setting: Long Island, Queens, and Manhattan, New York in the summer of 1922
  • Climax: The showdown between Gatsby and Tom over Daisy
  • Point of View: First person

Extra Credit for The Great Gatsby

Puttin' on the Fitz. Fitzgerald spent most of his adult life in debt, often relying on loans from his publisher, and even his editor, Maxwell Perkins, in order to pay the bills. The money he made from his novels could not support the high-flying cosmopolitan life his wife desired, so Fitzgerald turned to more lucrative short story writing for magazines like Esquire. Fitzgerald spent his final three years writing screenplays in Hollywood.

Another Failed Screenwriter. Fitzgerald was an alcoholic and his wife Zelda suffered from serious mental illness. In the final years of their marriage as their debts piled up, Zelda stayed in a series of mental institutions on the East coast while Fitzgerald tried, and largely failed, to make money writing movie scripts in Hollywood.

The logo.

The Great Gatsby Unit Plan | Entire Novel Study

the great gatsby novel study

This resource includes an  ANTICIPATION GUIDE (pre-reading activity) for the novel  The Great Gatsby  by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

An anticipation guide is a comprehension strategy that is used  BEFORE   reading  to activate students’ prior knowledge and build curiosity about a new topic.

In this lesson, students will respond to several claims by indicating if they agree or disagree with that said statement. Next, students will work collaboratively in groups to answer related discussion questions to further build anticipation about the novel before reading.

9 10 graded assignment the great gatsby literary essay

Are you looking for  pre-reading activities for The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald ? Why not pay homage to the beautiful artwork of Spanish artist Francis Cugat who painted the original cover of the novel  The Great Gatsby !?

Have students analyze the text and graphics of the famous artwork; they will literally  judge a book by its cover  by answering questions about the emotions and associations they think of while looking at the image. Then, students should make predictions about what the story will be about.

This activity is fun and engaging for students! It’s a great reading strategy to build anticipation prior to a novel study on the American novel  The Great Gatsby.

9 10 graded assignment the great gatsby literary essay

This resource includes guided notes for  Background Information for the novel  The Great Gatsby  by F. Scott Fitzgerald.  The Great Gatsby background info is essential for students to learn and be familiar with before reading the novel!

The focus of this lesson entails a brief history of the 1920s to include the following topics: author background, setting of  The Great Gatsby,  1920s culture, the Jazz Age, the Roaring Twenties, the economic boom, gender roles, racism, prohibition, modernism, art deco, new money vs old money, social class, the Harlem Renaissance, post-war era, the Lost Generation, organized crime, and the American Dream.

Before reading the novel  The Great Gatsby , teach your students about the author, the setting, society, and culture of the 1920s to ensure they truly understand the prominent themes in the novel.

In this lesson, your students with be engaged as they take notes from a Powerpoint presentation and answer questions using the accommodating worksheet provided.

Students will answer questions along the way that create personal connections to the time period of the 1920s.

f scott fitzgerald author study collaborative poster

Have your students create a collaborative poster and learn about  F. Scott Fitzgerald  in a fun, engaging way!

Your students will create an author biography by researching F. Scott Fitzgerald and establishing his profile on a poster.

Students will learn about Fitzgerald and his body of work as a legendary author.

This goes perfectly for any novel study on  The Great Gatsby!

Additionally, they will learn the importance of collaboration and effective communication.

Project Steps:

1) To construct the author study poster, your students will work in groups to conduct research on Fitzgerald.

2) Students will then transfer their findings to boxes on the poster.

3) Next, they will work together to color or paint the pieces of the poster.

4) Lastly, students will tape together the final product.

The poster is made up of six pieces of paper, which can be printed on regular copy paper or card stock.

Once taped together, the final product will be  28″ x 15″  and can last a lifetime if you laminate it!

This resource includes the following:

  • Step by Step Student Directions (PDF & editable word document)
  • Author Study Project Rubric (PDF & editable word document)
  • Author Study Graphic Organizer for Students (PDF & editable word document)
  • 6 Blank Coloring Pages that come together as one beautiful poster (PDFs)
  • F. Scott Fitzgerald Author Study Answer Key
  • Example of Final Project: Completed Text & Fully Colored Body

9 10 graded assignment the great gatsby literary essay

This resource includes a fun, engaging activity that will get your students talking about  The Great Gatsby  before reading the novel! This  pre-reading activity for The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald  consists of over 20 classic “Would You Rather” questions.

The questions are all closely related to themes, motifs, and events directly from the novel—but without any spoilers! For example… Would you rather: marry someone rich OR make your own fortune??

Your students will be able to personally connect with the text, make predictions, and build anticipation before completing a novel study on the famous American novel  The Great Gatsby!

9 10 graded assignment the great gatsby literary essay

This resource entails 90 academic words defined:  Vocab Lists & Quizzes for All 9 Chapters!  All   The Great Gatsby   by F. Scott Fitzgerald vocabulary resources you need in one place!

Included in this resource  The Great Gatsby Vocabulary:

1. Powerpoint presentation with 90 words—and their definitions—from  The Great Gatsby.

2. Graphic organizers for students to record all definitions as well as write their own.

3. Teacher answer key for all 90 words.

4. Three quizzes: 30 words each, separated by every 3 chapters.

5. Answer keys for quizzes.

9 10 graded assignment the great gatsby literary essay

Make sure your students are completing their independent reading for the novel  The Great Gatsby  by F. Scott Fitzgerald  with these quick  Reading Checks or Chapter Quizzes ! This product works well if your students are reading independently or if you are reading as a class and you want to ensure students are paying attention! 🙂

These questions require brief responses; they are recall questions that are meant to be easy to remember for anyone who has completed the reading. This is a tool used simply to check that students are completing the independent reading, comprehending the basic information, and/or are engaged during class.

The reading checks are divided by every individual chapter (9 chapters altogether). There are two different versions of every set of questions (a & b). This is so you can use different quizzes for different classes and avoid cheating (students talk and share answers).

This product includes a Powerpoint presentation as well as printable worksheets that are meant to be cut in half and distributed to students (optional).

To administer quizzes:

  • project the questions on your board for students to see
  • have students use scrap paper or lined paper to write their answers down (or print the worksheets included)
  • when everyone is done, have students grade each other’s answers by switching papers in class
  • review the correct answers out loud and project them on the board
  • collect graded quizzes

Teacher answer keys included!

9 10 graded assignment the great gatsby literary essay

The Great Gatsby Chapter Activities — Chapter by Chapter Literary Analysis & Text-Dependent Reading Questions!

This resource includes literary analysis, reading comprehension, and discussion-type questions for all nine chapters of the novel  The Great Gatsby  by F. Scott Fitzgerald, as well as 10 after reading discussion questions.

As your students read the novel  The Great Gatsby,  chapter by chapter, have them digest, analyze, and discuss the important scenes and literary elements Fitzgerald demonstrates.

There are 10 questions per chapter, plus 10 after reading questions, totaling in 100 awesome questions in this product! Thorough answer keys are included.

You can print this resource as one all-encompassing packet or you can provide students worksheets one chapter at a time.

Students will analyze point of view, theme, imagery, symbolism, irony, and more with this lesson.

9 10 graded assignment the great gatsby literary essay

This Imagery Project is an after reading activity based on the novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

For this project, students will carefully select a scene from the novel  The Great Gatsby  that is filled with imagery. Students will illustrate and analyze the scene. To analyze the scene, students will pick out textual evidence that appeals to the five senses: sight, taste, touch, smell, and sound. Students will describe the effect the descriptive language has on the reader and the overall mood of the scene. Student’s must also explain Fitzgerald’s purpose for the use of imagery in the scene.

9 10 graded assignment the great gatsby literary essay

For this after reading activity based on the novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, students will write an obituary for Jay Gatsby using characterization skills.

If you are looking for engaging after reading activities for  The Great Gatsby,  this writing task provides students an opportunity to analyze Jay Gatsby’s character in an interesting way! Students will discuss Jay Gatsby’s history, his accomplishments, his personality, and more, all in a well-written tribute to his memory.

Have your students analyze characters from  F. Scott Fitzgerald’s  novel  The Great Gatsby  in a fun and engaging way:  Character Collabs !

Your students will use several  characterization  methods to depict each character’s profile, demonstrate their understanding of the literature, and present their final work on a poster.

Posters will showcase your students’ body of work after completing each character’s biography.

Additionally, students will learn the importance of collaboration and effective communication.

There are seven characters included in this resource:

  • Nick Carraway
  • Daisy Buchanan
  • Tom Buchanan
  • Jordan Baker
  • Myrtle Wilson
  • George Wilson

1) To construct each poster, your students will work in groups to analyze their specific character.

2) Students will then transfer their findings to boxes on each poster.

3) Next, they will work together to color the pieces of the posters.

4) Lastly, students will tape together the final products.

Each poster is made up of six pieces of paper, which can be printed on regular copy paper or card stock.

Once taped together, each final product will be  28″ x 15″ .

  • Teacher Guide
  • Student Directions
  • Brainstorm Character Analysis Worksheet
  • Blank Coloring Pages for each character
  • Answer Keys
  • Example of Final Project for Jay Gatsby
  • Digitally Colored Examples for every character
  • Editable documents: directions, rubric, brainstorm worksheet

9 10 graded assignment the great gatsby literary essay

After reading the beloved American novel  The Great Gatsby  by F. Scott Fitzgerald,  have your students reexamine the  most important quotes  and dialogue throughout the book.

In this lesson, students will first identify 10 popular quotes by their speaker. Next, students will take a closer look at 25 quotes from all nine chapters of  The Great Gatsby.  Students will analyze these quotes for their meaning and significance by answering open-ended questions pertaining to each quote.

This activity is a great addition to any  novel study  of  The Great Gatsby  and a nice review for after reading! Detailed answer key included.

9 10 graded assignment the great gatsby literary essay

In this resource, students will conduct a literary analysis of  The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald  and write a  TDA Essay  using textual evidence to support their responses.

There are TWO writing options students can choose from for this Response to Literature/TDA essay.

Included in this product you will get one copy of the following each as PDFs  (ready to print)  as well as one copy of the following each as WORD Documents (as to be  editable   for teachers ).

  • Essay Prompts for two different topics on the novel  The Great Gatsby
  • Two Prewriting Graphic Organizers for students to brainstorm ideas, thesis, examples, and textual evidence
  • TDA Essay Rubric broken down into categories: content, focus, organization, style, conventions, and format

9 10 graded assignment the great gatsby literary essay

Teach your students about the  Symbols/Symbolism and Colors in the novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

In this resource, you will get a Powerpoint lesson that is 58 slides, filled with information, quotes, examples, and photos to help your students analyze the important symbols and colors in the novel.

Below is a list of symbols your students will analyze:

  • Dan Cody’s Yacht
  • Gatsby’s Shirts
  • New York City
  • Valley of Ashes
  • Wolfsheim’s Cufflinks
  • Gatsby’s Uncut Books
  • The Eyes of Dr. T. J. Eckleburg
  • West Egg and East Egg
  • Gatsby’s Car
  • Gatsby’s Mansion
  • Gatsby’s Bedroom
  • Gatsby’s Swimming Pool
  • The Green Blinking Light on Daisy’s Dock

This lesson is great for cooperative learning and group work. Instructions for a jigsaw activity are included (optional).

In addition to the Powerpoint presentation, you will receive two graphic organizer options and an answer key.

9 10 graded assignment the great gatsby literary essay

Your students are going to love  The Great Gatsby Digital Escape Room!  Students will decipher and solve puzzles in this dramatic, backyard pool scene from the novel. In this 360° digital escape room, students will try to evade the police and enter Gatsby’s mansion to pack a get away bag!

This activity is designed to work for a laptop, tablet, or smart phone. Students will solve a series of clues based on the novel  The Great Gatsby  by F. Scott Fitzgerald in order to crack the master lock and escape the premises.

This game entails reading comprehension skills, finding textual evidence, and making inferences. Watch the preview video to get a closer look of what this resource entails.

Included in this download are teacher instructions, student instructions (digital), the master lock graphic organizer, answer keys, and a reflection sheet (optional).

PLEASE READ: While using this resource, you must have a wi-fi connection and the ability to access the following sites: Google Forms and Please check that these websites are not blocked by your district’s filter before purchasing. Your students do not need to have a Google account.

9 10 graded assignment the great gatsby literary essay

This resource includes  The Great Gatsby Final Unit Test with a Study Guide for Review and Answer Keys!

This test, based on F. Scott Fitzgerald’s  The Great Gatsby , requires students to demonstrate what they learned from the novel and their overall comprehension of the book. (Answer key included)

This exam consists of 68 questions and offers students an opportunity to demonstrate knowledge, skills, and abilities in a variety of ways, to include:

  • multiple choice questions
  • true or false
  • short answer (1-2 sentences)
  • character identification (with word bank)
  • extended response (5 sentences or more)

Also included in this product is an accommodating  study guide  that closely mirrors the expectations of the test. (Answer key included)

Additionally, I provide an “answer sheet” for any teachers that prefer students to not write on the actual tests because it is quicker to grade multiple choice questions with answer sheets. Answer sheets are  completely optional!

9 10 graded assignment the great gatsby literary essay

The Great Gatsby Movie Guide  worksheet is an in-depth Film Analysis and Book Comparison based on the 2013 movie  The Great Gatsby,  directed by Baz Luhrmann.

This exercise is meant for students to analyze the film as well as specific decisions made by the director. Students will also be required to input personal opinions regarding the movie, such as cast and music choice.

Answer guide included!

9 10 graded assignment the great gatsby literary essay

Have your students share their unique understanding of the novel  The Great Gatsby   by F. Scott Fitzgerald  by imaginatively blending their written ideas with colorful images based on information from the text.

With this  one-pager reading comprehension project,  students will analyze the literature by determining theme, symbolism, characterization, point of view, setting, important quotes and more. Students’ artwork make for unique and creative analyses of the literature and also make great  bulletin boards!  This is the perfect project for students to work on at the end of a novel study and to summarize their thoughts/ideas about the book.

Included in this purchase is:

  • Student directions for the one pager summary project
  • Rubric for the one pager project
  • Example one-pager based on the novel  The Great Gatsby
  • 10 BLANK TEMPLATES (printable—optional)

9 10 graded assignment the great gatsby literary essay

This resource includes  FIVE FULL WEEKS of content for The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald!

Additionally, in this  UNIT PLAN BUNDLE , you will receive a teacher guide that encompasses an example Unit Schedule/Pacing Guide!

Lessons Included in this Bundle:

  • Anticipation Guide and Questions
  • Judge The Book by its Cover Before Reading
  • Background Info on 1920s, the American Dream, the Roaring Twenties culture, and F. Scott Fitzgerald
  • Would You Rather Pre-Reading Game
  • Vocabulary For Every Chapter with Quizzes
  • Reading Checks/Quizzes for All 9 Chapters
  • Imagery and Descriptive Language Project
  • Obituary for Jay Gatsby Project
  • Character Analysis and Characterization Activity
  • Important Quotes Explanation and Analysis
  • Reading Questions for Every Chapter
  • TDA Essay Prompt and Rubric
  • Symbols and Colors Powerpoint Lesson
  • Digital Escape Room Reading Comprehension Game
  • Study Guide and Final Test
  • Movie Guide and Comparison Worksheet (Baz Luhrmann Film, 2013)
  • One Pager Creative Project

1 thought on “The Great Gatsby Unit Plan | Entire Novel Study”

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This unit is awesome! It is well designed and includes everything that I wanted to include in my personal unit plus the ancillary materials that I will not have to make myself. Thank you!!

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    Excellent. 2 pages / 990 words. Prompt Examples for "The Great Gatsby" Essay Character Analysis: Analyze the character of Pammy Buchanan in The Great Gatsby, exploring her role in the narrative and how her presence reflects aspects of her parents, Tom and Daisy. Symbolism and Themes: Discuss the symbolism of Pammy...

  2. 8503614

    Graded Assignment The Great Gatsby Literary Essay This document provides an overview of the tasks and time line for completing this assignment. Assignment Instructions. After reading The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, you will answer the question below in an essay of at least five paragraphs.

  3. 9.10: The Great Gatsby Unit Test Flashcards

    Choose the answer that defines modernism: "a philosophical and artistic movement that began to surface in the early 20th century. The movement surrounded the rejection of traditional values and ideas as a result of the atrocities seen in World War I." In a flashback, we know that Daisy marries Tom Buchanan, reverting to what she knows, what she ...

  4. The Great Gatsby: Essay Topics, Questions, & Ideas

    5 min. 3,574. Welcome to The Great Gatsby Essay Topics page prepared by our editorial team! Here you'll find a large collection of essay ideas on the novel! Literary analysis, themes, characters, & more. Get inspired to write your own paper! We will write a custom essay specifically. for you for only 11.00 9.35/page.

  5. PDF AP English III Great Gatsby Essay Prompts

    The Great Gatsby AP Essay Prompts Choose one of the essay prompts below. Write a thoughtful, focused, and organized response. Your essay should focus on the novel as evidence— this means quoting directly from the novel at least twice. Your essay will be graded using the AP style rubric (available for viewing on my website) on how well

  6. The Great Gatsby: Essay Samples

    Here you'll find a heap of wonderful ideas for your Great Gatsby essay. Absolutely free research paper and essay samples on The Great Gatsby are collected here, on one page. We will write a custom essay specifically. for you for only 11.00 9.35/page. 808 certified writers online.

  7. The Great Gatsby: Pursuing The American Dream

    The American dream is a concept that anyone could make it in America and achieve their dreams (whether its wealth, love or stature, ect.) if you work hard enough to make it happen. In The Great Gatsby taking place in the roaring 20's the author F. Scott Fitzgerald suggests how the american dream is unattainable and only that, a dream.

  8. The Great Gatsby Literary Essay

    819 Words. 4 Pages. Open Document. In The Great Gatsby, a classic novel written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Nick Carraway is in love with Jordan Baker, George Wilson is in love with Myrtle Wilson and Jay Gatsby is in love with Daisy Buchanan. Regrettably, all of these women are unworthy of the love and affection bestowed upon them by these men.

  9. 9.10 Graded Assignment: The Great Gatsby Literary Essay: PLEASE WRITE A

    9.10 graded assignment: the great gatsby literary essay: please write a essay about the great gatsby. dont not tell me what an essay is i want yall to write a essay about the great gatsby pleaseeeeeeee!!! 1. thesis 2. three paragraphs- 4 sentences each 3. conclusion i will mark yall brainliest if yall do this for me just pleaseeeeeeee!!!!!

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    The Great Gatsby, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, is a classic novel that has captivated readers for generations. One of the reasons for its enduring appeal is the author's skillful use of literary devices to enhance the storytelling and convey deeper meanings. In this essay, we will analyze the use of literary devices in The Great Gatsby, including symbolism, irony, and foreshadowing, to ...

  11. PDF Great Gatsby Essay Grading Rubric

    English 213: Modern and Postmodern Literature Great Gatsby Essay Grading Criteria A 70- to 80-Point Essay (3.5 -4.0, A Range) v Has a substantive thesis and essay fully addresses the topic; the thesis is defendable, clearly explained, and supported in the body of the essay v Shows substantial depth, fullness and complexity of thought

  12. 9.10 Graded Assignment The Great Gatsby Literary Essay.rtf

    The Great Gatsby Essay By, Armando Hurtado "In the roarin' twenties, the party never stops and the champagne flows like a river. But behind the glittering facade lies a world of corruption and shattered dreams." The Great Gatsby is a novel written by F. Scott Fitzgerald and published in 1925. Set in the fictional town of West Egg on Long Island, the novel follows the tragic story of Jay Gatsby ...

  13. The Great Gatsby Study Guide

    The publication of his first novel, This Side of Paradise, in 1920, made Fitzgerald a literary star. He married Zelda one week later. In 1924, the couple moved to Paris, where Fitzgerald began work on The Great Gatsby. Though now considered his masterpiece, the novel sold only modestly. The Fitzgeralds returned to the United States in 1927.

  14. The Ultimate The Great Gatsby Cheatsheet

    In this article, we give you the ultimate The Great Gatsby cheatsheet. Once you've read it, download your free annotated essay!

  15. Graded Assignment.docx

    Graded Assignment The Great Gatsby Literary Essay This document provides an overview of the tasks and time line for completing this assignment. Assignment Instructions After reading The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, you will answer the question below in an essay of at least five paragraphs. You will hand in your completed essay on the final day of this unit.

  16. The Great Gatsby Literary Essay Graded Assignment

    The Great Gatsby Literary Essay Graded Assignment By: Krissi Denning What does the "American Dream" mean to you? Throughout the years, the meaning of the American Dream has changed immensly. In the 1920's, the American Dream was to be rich, famous, and powerful. In The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald suggests that the state of the American Dream is meaningless if you cannot find happiness ...

  17. The Great Gatsby Unit Plan

    The Great Gatsby Chapter Activities — Chapter by Chapter Literary Analysis & Text-Dependent Reading Questions! This resource includes literary analysis, reading comprehension, and discussion-type questions for all nine chapters of the novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, as well as 10 after reading discussion questions.

  18. Graded Assignment The Great Gatsby Literary Essay

    The assignment question pertains to writing a literary essay on the novel 'The Great Gatsby.'. This involves a deep analysis of the text, themes, characters, and the author's message. When writing the essay, the student should first create a solid thesis statement that defines the main argument or insight they will be exploring about the novel.