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168 Current International Relations Research Topics For Any Level

international relations research topics

Are you a student looking for intriguing international relations research topics? Look no further! In this blog post, we have created a list of 168 unique and thought-provoking research topics in the field of international relations that should help students get an A+ on their next paper.

Whether you’re studying political science, international affairs or related disciplines, this comprehensive list covers a wide range of fascinating subjects. From global governance to security issues, diplomacy, human rights, and more, these topics are designed to inspire your research and help you delve deeper into the complexities of international relations. So, grab your notepad and get ready to explore these captivating research ideas!

A Word On International Relations Theses

International relations is the study of interactions between nations and global actors. It examines politics, economics, security, and culture, exploring how countries cooperate, conflict and shape global dynamics. If you’re about to start working on a thesis in international relations and you are wondering what to include in your paper, here is a short explanation of each of the mandatory chapters:

Introduction: The opening section that presents the research problem, objectives, and significance of the study. Literature Review: A comprehensive review of existing scholarly works related to the research topic, providing a context for the study. Methodology: Describes the research design, data collection methods, and analytical techniques used to address the research questions or hypotheses. Findings: Presents the empirical results or outcomes of the research, often supported by data, analysis, and interpretation. Discussion: Analyzes and interprets the findings in relation to the research objectives, drawing connections to existing literature and providing insights. Conclusion: Summarizes the main findings, highlights the contributions to the field, and suggests avenues for future research. References: Lists all the sources cited in the thesis following a specific citation style (e.g., APA, MLA).

Now, it’s time to deliver on our promise and give you the list of international relations research paper topics. Choose the one you like the most:

Easy International Relations Research Topics

Explore our list of easy international relations research topics that will help you understand global politics and analyze the dynamics of international relations with ease

  • The impact of globalization on state sovereignty and international relations
  • Analyzing the role of non-state actors in global governance structures
  • The influence of soft power in shaping international relations and diplomacy
  • Exploring the relationship between human rights and international relations
  • Examining the dynamics of economic interdependence in international relations
  • The role of international organizations in promoting peace and security
  • Assessing the impact of climate change on international relations and cooperation
  • Analyzing the role of regional integration in shaping global politics
  • The implications of cyber warfare for international relations and national security
  • Examining the challenges and opportunities of humanitarian intervention in international relations
  • Analyzing the role of ideology in shaping state behavior in international relations
  • Exploring the impact of migration and refugee crises on international relations
  • Assessing the role of international law in resolving conflicts and promoting peace
  • Investigating the role of intelligence agencies in shaping international relations

International Relations Thesis Topics

Our wide range of international relations thesis topics will guide you towards developing a strong research question, conducting in-depth analysis, and contributing to the field with your original research:

  • Power dynamics and the balance of power in international relations
  • Exploring the role of diplomacy in conflict resolution and peacebuilding
  • The impact of nuclear proliferation on international security and non-proliferation regimes
  • Analyzing the role of international institutions in managing global crises
  • The influence of nationalism on interstate relations and regional cooperation
  • Examining the role of international norms and human rights in shaping foreign policy
  • Assessing the impact of economic globalization on state sovereignty in international relations
  • The role of social media in shaping public opinion and international relations
  • Exploring the concept of hegemony and its implications for international relations
  • The role of gender in international relations and its impact on policy-making
  • Analyzing the role of intelligence agencies in shaping international relations
  • The implications of emerging technologies on international security and arms control
  • Examining the role of media and propaganda in international conflicts and public opinion
  • The impact of regional integration on state behavior and international cooperation

Advanced International Relations Topics For Research

Dive into complex issues, explore cutting-edge theories, and unravel the intricate dynamics of global affairs with our advanced international relations topics for research:

  • China’s global rise and its power dynamics
  • Non-traditional security threats in international relations
  • AI and warfare: Implications for international security
  • Climate change, conflict, and forced migration in international relations
  • Religion and politics in international relations
  • Populism’s impact on global governance and international relations
  • Social movements and civil society in shaping international relations
  • Pandemics and international cooperation: Implications for global governance
  • Cultural diplomacy and soft power in international relations
  • Information warfare and disinformation in international relations
  • Regional powers shaping global security dynamics
  • Responsibility to protect and humanitarian interventions in international relations
  • Resource scarcity and environmental degradation in international relations
  • Migration and refugee crises’ impact on global stability

International Relations Research Questions

Our carefully curated list of international relations research questions will inspire critical thinking and promote meaningful discussions:

  • How does power transition theory explain shifts in global power dynamics?
  • What are the implications of the rise of non-state actors on traditional state-centric international relations theories?
  • How do identity politics and nationalism shape interstate conflicts?
  • What are the factors influencing state compliance with international human rights norms?
  • How does globalization impact state sovereignty?
  • What are the challenges of multilateralism in addressing global issues?
  • How does public opinion influence state behavior in international relations?
  • What are the causes and consequences of failed states in international relations?
  • How does the distribution of power in international institutions affect their legitimacy?
  • What are the implications of emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, on international security?
  • How do regional conflicts and security dilemmas impact regional integration efforts?
  • What are the root causes of terrorism?
  • How does economic interdependence shape interstate relations and global governance structures?
  • What are the challenges of global environmental governance in addressing climate change?

International Relations Paper Topics

Choose one of our international relations paper topics that resonate with your interests and embark on an enriching research journey:

  • The role of ideology in shaping state behavior in international relations
  • Analyzing the impact of economic sanctions on diplomatic relations between countries
  • The role of media and propaganda in influencing public opinion in international conflicts
  • Exploring the relationship between globalization and cultural identity in international relations
  • The implications of cybersecurity threats on national security and international relations
  • Assessing the role of intelligence agencies in gathering and analyzing international intelligence
  • Analyzing the impact of regional organizations on regional conflicts and cooperation in international relations
  • The influence of international trade agreements on global economic and political relations
  • Exploring the dynamics of nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation in international relations
  • The role of international law in resolving territorial disputes and promoting peace
  • Non-state actors in international relations: Influence and challenges
  • Conflict resolution mechanisms: Negotiation, mediation, and peacebuilding approaches
  • Diplomatic immunity: Balancing immunity with accountability in international relations
  • The impact of global pandemics on international cooperation and security

Engaging Topic Ideas About International Relations

Are you seeking engaging and captivating topic ideas for your international relations research? Choose one of these engaging topic ideas about international relations:

  • Global governance and international organizations in addressing global challenges.
  • Nationalism’s impact on international relations and global cooperation.
  • Soft power in shaping international perceptions and relations.
  • Regional conflicts’ implications for global stability and security.
  • Cyber warfare: Assessing evolving cyber threats in international relations.
  • Media’s role in international relations: Influence, propaganda, and disinformation.
  • Economic interdependence: Opportunities and risks in global relations.
  • Diplomacy in the digital age: Challenges of virtual diplomacy.
  • Global migration and refugee crises: Humanitarian and political dimensions.
  • Human rights in international relations: Promoting universal rights.
  • Terrorism’s impact on global security and counterterrorism efforts.
  • Environmental diplomacy: Addressing global environmental challenges.
  • Religion’s role in international relations.
  • Regional power dynamics: Influence of major powers in different regions

international relations research topics

Interesting International Relations Research Paper Topics

Uncover fascinating research paper topics in international relations that will captivate your readers and showcase your analytical skills. Use one of these interesting international relations research paper topics:

  • Populism’s rise and its impact on international relations and global governance
  • Climate change’s geopolitical implications: Conflicts, migrations, and resource competition
  • Hybrid warfare: Analyzing blurred lines between conventional and unconventional threats
  • Technology’s impact on diplomacy and the future of diplomatic practices
  • Nuclear energy diplomacy: Balancing peaceful uses and proliferation concerns
  • Soft power and cultural industries’ influence in international relations
  • Politics of humanitarian aid: Challenges and ethical considerations
  • Media framing’s impact on public opinion in international conflicts
  • International cooperation in space exploration and its geopolitical implications
  • Diaspora communities’ role in shaping international relations and global politics
  • Migration policies and human rights: Balancing border control and human dignity
  • Global health governance: Cooperation, challenges, and pandemic responses
  • Environmental peacebuilding: Addressing conflicts over natural resources and degradation
  • Economic sanctions: Effectiveness and ethical implications in international relations

Political Science Dissertation Topics

Our list of political science dissertation topics will provide you with a solid foundation for developing a unique research proposal and making a significant contribution to the field:

  • The role of political ideologies in foreign policy and international relations.
  • National security strategies and state behavior in international relations.
  • Global governance and collective decision-making challenges in international institutions.
  • Public opinion’s influence on foreign policy and international relations.
  • Identity politics and intergroup relations in international contexts.
  • Humanitarian interventions and the responsibility to protect.
  • Geopolitics and resource conflicts: Strategic importance of natural resources.
  • International law’s role in shaping state behavior and resolving conflicts.
  • Comparative political systems in international relations.
  • Political leadership’s impact on diplomatic relations and cooperation.
  • International development assistance: Aid effectiveness and challenges.
  • Non-state actors in global politics: Influence, networks, power dynamics.
  • Intelligence agencies in international intelligence gathering and analysis.
  • Political parties and foreign policy shaping

Current International Relations Topics For Research Paper

Stay up to date with the latest developments in global politics by exploring our selection of current international relations topics for research paper writing :

  • Emerging technologies’ impact on global security and power dynamics.
  • Transnational threats: Terrorism, crime, and cyber challenges in focus.
  • Regional integration in globalization: Achievements, limitations, and prospects.
  • Trade wars: Implications for global economy and cooperation.
  • Disinformation and fake news: Influence on international politics and public opinion.
  • Climate change negotiations: Progress and challenges in combating global warming
  • Cybersecurity and emerging threats in international relations.
  • Regional power dynamics in the Middle East: Implications for global security
  • Global responses to the COVID-19 pandemic: Cooperation and challenges
  • Climate change mitigation and adaptation in international policy
  • Rising nationalism and its impact on international cooperation
  • Humanitarian crisis in Yemen: International responses and challenges
  • Technology and the future of warfare: Implications for global security
  • The Belt and Road Initiative: Assessing its impact on international relations

Awesome Research Topics For International Relations

Our awesome research topics for international relations allow you to explore diverse areas of global politics and contribute to the field with your exceptional research:

  • NGOs’ role in shaping international policies and agendas
  • Humanitarian interventions and the responsibility to protect: Effectiveness and ethics
  • Cybersecurity challenges in international relations: Risks and responses
  • Global migration governance: Policies and implications
  • Globalization vs national sovereignty: Impacts on state behavior
  • China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Geopolitical influence and challenges
  • Nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation: Effectiveness of treaties
  • Gender in international relations: Impact of norms and policies
  • Post-colonial perspectives in international relations: Power dynamics and legacies
  • Climate justice and international cooperation: Addressing climate change
  • Regional organizations in global governance and international relations
  • Politics of humanitarian intervention: Strategies and outcomes
  • Political economy of international trade: Impact of policies and agreements
  • Populism’s impact on democracy and international relations

Controversial International Relations Topics

Delve into the realm of controversy and discourse with our thought-provoking controversial international relations topics:

  • Drones in targeted killings: Legal and ethical implications
  • Nuclear energy and non-proliferation: Benefits and risks
  • Intervention in state sovereignty: Legitimacy and consequences
  • Ethics of economic sanctions: Effectiveness and impact on civilians
  • Cyber warfare and international norms: Regulating cyber conflicts
  • Climate change’s impact on national security and conflicts
  • Intelligence agencies in covert operations and international relations
  • Politics of humanitarian aid: Motivations and challenges
  • Ethics of military intervention: Justifications and consequences
  • Politics of regime change: Motivations and implications
  • Media bias’s impact on international perceptions and diplomacy
  • Private military companies: Challenges and accountability
  • Politics of disarmament and arms control: Progress and challenges
  • Corporate interests’ influence on foreign policy and relations

Best International Relations Topics For 2023

Stay ahead of the curve with our selection of the best international relations topics for 2023. These carefully curated topics reflect the current trends, emerging challenges and pressing issues:

  • COVID-19 pandemic’s implications on global politics and international relations
  • Rise of populism and its impact on democracy and international cooperation
  • Cybersecurity challenges in a hyper-connected world: Risks and responses
  • Future of international cooperation in addressing global challenges and conflicts
  • Climate change and security: Implications for international relations and stability
  • Evolving role of regional powers in shaping global politics and relations
  • Technological advancements’ impact on state power and international relations
  • Global governance reform: Restructuring international institutions
  • Social media’s role in shaping international perceptions and political movements
  • Challenges and prospects of nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation
  • Intersection of artificial intelligence and international relations
  • Impact of trade wars on global economic relations and cooperation
  • Geopolitical tensions in the Arctic: Resource competition and influence
  • Future of multilateralism: Relevance and effectiveness in a changing world

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We have also prepared a list of best topics on the following disciplines:

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How do I choose a research topic in international relations?

Consider your interests, current events, and gaps in existing literature to identify an area of focus. Brainstorm potential topics and ensure they align with your research objectives.

What makes a strong international relations research paper?

A strong research paper includes a well-defined research question, solid theoretical framework, rigorous analysis, credible sources, and logical structure. It should also contribute to the existing body of knowledge.

How can I narrow down my international relations research topic?

Consider specific regions, actors, theories, or policy areas within international relations. Narrowing down your topic will allow for a more focused and manageable research paper.

Can I use case studies in my international relations research paper?

Yes, case studies can be valuable in providing empirical evidence and in-depth analysis. They help illustrate theoretical concepts and offer real-world examples to support your arguments.

History Research Paper Topics

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40+ Best International Relations Research Topics: Global Dynamics Unveiled

International Relations Research Topics

  • Post author By admin
  • November 11, 2023

Explore the complex landscape of global affairs with our curated list of International Relations Research Topics. Delve into pressing issues, emerging trends, and fresh perspectives that shape the world stage.

Uncover the latest insights and navigate the intricacies of international diplomacy through innovative research avenues.

Embarking on the captivating odyssey of “International Relations Research Topics” is akin to donning the explorer’s hat in a vast, interconnected world.

As our globe tightens its bonds, the study of international relations becomes not just relevant but essential. In this article, we embark on a journey that doesn’t merely skim the surface; it delves deep into the beating heart of themes that intrigue scholars and mold the very narrative of our shared global drama.

Imagine traversing the echoes of historical events, resonating through the grand halls of diplomacy. Picture grappling with the contemporary puzzles that carve the geopolitical landscape, and unraveling the theoretical frameworks that scaffold our comprehension of international relations.

From the intricate dance of negotiation to the mosaic of global governance complexities, we’re set to embark on a thrilling adventure, spanning disciplines, cultures, and the sands of time.

So, fasten your seatbelts as we navigate the twists and turns of international relations research. Join us in dissecting real-world challenges through illuminating case studies and peering into the crystal ball of future trends that will shape the diplomatic stage.

The realm of international relations research isn’t just a scholarly pursuit; it’s a journey into the heart of human interaction on the international stage, a quest that promises both revelations and solutions.

Get ready for an expedition that transcends borders and plunges into the pulse of our shared global destiny.

Together, let’s unravel the dynamic and ever-evolving world of international relations research—a journey that promises not just academic enlightenment but a deeper understanding of the threads that weave our world together.

Table of Contents

International Relations Research Topics

Check out international relations research topics:-

Theories of International Relations

Power Dynamics Unveiled : Investigate the role of power in international relations and how realist perspectives shape foreign policy.

The Promise of Cooperation : Explore the principles of liberalism and how they influence diplomatic collaboration and international organizations.


Beyond Structures : Delve into the impact of ideas, norms, and identities on international relations, challenging traditional structural perspectives.

Critical Theories

Deconstructing Narratives : Examine critical approaches to IR, questioning established norms and advocating for social justice in global relations.

Foreign Policy

The united states’ foreign policy.

Evolution and Trends : Analyze the historical shifts and current trends in U.S. foreign policy, exploring its global implications.

China’s Foreign Policy

Rising Dragon : Investigate China’s geopolitical strategy, economic diplomacy, and its role in shaping international relations.

Russia’s Foreign Policy

Eurasian Ambitions : Explore Russia’s geopolitical objectives, alliances, and its impact on regional and global stability.

The European Union’s Foreign Policy

Unity in Diversity : Assess the coherence and challenges of the EU’s foreign policy, considering its unique supranational structure.

The Foreign Policy of the Middle East

Navigating Complexity : Examine the intricate foreign policies of Middle Eastern nations, addressing regional conflicts and global interactions.

International Law

The role of international law in the international system.

Legal Frameworks : Investigate the impact and effectiveness of international legal systems in governing state behavior.

The Sources of International Law

Foundations Unveiled : Explore the historical and contemporary sources influencing the development of international legal principles.

The Enforcement of International Law

Legal Realities : Assess the mechanisms and challenges in enforcing international law, addressing issues of compliance and accountability.

The Development of International Law

Evolutionary Trajectories : Trace the historical evolution of international law, analyzing its adaptive nature in response to global changes.

The Future of International Law

Innovations and Challenges : Speculate on the future directions and innovations in international law amidst evolving global dynamics.

International Organizations

The united nations.

Global Governance : Examine the role, challenges, and effectiveness of the United Nations in addressing global issues and conflicts.

The World Trade Organization

Trade Diplomacy : Assess the impact of the WTO on global trade dynamics, exploring its role in shaping economic relations.

The International Monetary Fund

Economic Stabilization : Investigate the IMF’s influence on global financial stability, economic development, and its role in financial crises.

The World Bank

Development Finance : Examine the World Bank’s role in funding development projects and its impact on global economic disparities.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

Collective Security : Analyze NATO’s evolving role in ensuring collective defense and maintaining regional and global security.

International Security

Nuclear weapons.

Arms Control Dilemmas : Explore the challenges of nuclear disarmament, arms control agreements, and the geopolitical implications of nuclear arsenals.

Global Threats : Investigate the causes, dynamics, and counterterrorism strategies in response to global terrorist threats.


Virtual Battlefields : Examine the evolving landscape of cyber threats, state-sponsored cyber operations, and diplomatic responses.

Climate Change

Security Implications : Assess the security challenges posed by climate change, including resource scarcity, migration, and conflict risks.

Global Health Security : Explore the intersection of international relations and global health, focusing on pandemic preparedness and response.

International Development

The causes of poverty.

Structural Analysis : Investigate the root causes of poverty globally, examining the role of economic, social, and political factors.

The Impact of Globalization

Global Dynamics : Analyze the effects of globalization on economic, social, and political dimensions, considering both positive and negative impacts.

The Role of Aid

Humanitarian Assistance : Examine the effectiveness of international aid in promoting development, addressing crises, and reducing poverty.

The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)

Civil Society Actors : Assess the contributions and challenges of NGOs in international development and diplomacy.

The Future of International Development

Sustainable Goals : Speculate on the future trajectories of international development, considering global challenges and innovative solutions.

International Political Economy

The global economy.

Economic Governance : Evaluate the structures and governance of the global economy, addressing issues of economic inequality and trade imbalances.

Trade Diplomacy Trends : Investigate emerging trends in global trade diplomacy, trade agreements, and their impact on national economies.

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) : Examine the role of FDI in shaping international economic relations, focusing on its impact on host and home countries.

Financial Governance : Assess the role of international financial institutions and governance mechanisms in maintaining global financial stability.


Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) : Explore the progress and challenges in achieving the SDGs, considering their impact on global economic relations.

International Environmental Politics

Global Responses : Evaluate international efforts to address climate change, analyzing agreements, policies, and the role of state and non-state actors.


Conservation Challenges : Examine global initiatives and challenges in preserving biodiversity, considering the impact on ecosystems and human societies.

Cross-Border Impacts : Analyze international frameworks and strategies for addressing transboundary pollution, emphasizing cooperative solutions.

Water Resources

Hydro-Diplomacy : Investigate the geopolitical dimensions of water scarcity, transboundary water management, and the potential for conflict or cooperation.

Global Energy Security : Assess the geopolitics of energy resources, exploring the impact on international relations and national security.

International Human Rights

The universal declaration of human rights.

70 Years On : Reflect on the achievements and challenges in upholding the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The Role of Human Rights Organizations

Advocacy and Impact : Assess the contributions and limitations of human rights organizations in promoting and protecting human rights globally.

The Challenges of Human Rights Protection

Contemporary Dilemmas : Examine current challenges and dilemmas in the protection of human rights, considering cultural, political, and legal perspectives.

The Future of Human Rights

Emerging Harmonies : Identify and analyze emerging human rights issues globally and explore diplomatic strategies for advancing human rights advocacy worldwide.

Future Trends

Check out the future trends:-

Diplomacy in the Digital Age

Cybersecurity Adventures: In an era of technological leaps, the specter of cyber threats looms large. Future international relations will be in the trenches, figuring out the playbook for norms, treaties, and group huddles to fend off cyber villains and safeguard our digital fortresses.

Guardians of Global Wellness

Pandemic Odyssey: The seismic impact of COVID-19 sounded the alarm for robust global health governance.

Imagine this: a future where nations join hands in a symphony of collaboration, fine-tuning pandemic preparedness, orchestrating vaccine ballets, and addressing health inequalities on the grand stage of global solidarity.

Environmental Diplomacy

Climate Crusaders: Brace yourself for a climate showdown! As the world heats up, international relations will groove to the beat of urgent climate action.

Imagine a dance floor where negotiations, agreements, and collaborations bust moves to mitigate environmental threats and jive with the rhythm of a changing climate.

Regional Power Play

Shapeshifting Dynamics: A plot twist is brewing as regional powers in Asia and Africa steal the spotlight, reshaping the global stage.

The future of international relations will be a blockbuster, navigating the rise of these regional superheroes alongside the traditional titans of global influence.

Tech-Driven Humanitarianism

Aid’s Tech Symphony: When humanitarian crises strike, enter the tech virtuosos! Drones, artificial intelligence, and other tech marvels take center stage, orchestrating a symphony of innovation to respond to crises and deliver assistance with superhero efficiency.

Cosmic Diplomacy

Space Odyssey Unleashed: As we soar into the cosmos, international relations will boldly go where no treaties have gone before.

Picture diplomatic efforts navigating the vast expanse of space, establishing norms, agreements, and governance frameworks for our cosmic endeavors.

Economic Resilience Revolution:

Economic Tango Redefined: The aftermath of global economic shocks reshapes the dance floor of economic alliances and trade relationships.

Future international relations will spin into action, crafting moves to enhance economic resilience and foster cooperation in an ever-changing economic landscape.

Digital Frontier Governance:

Regulating the Digital Wild West: Get ready for a showdown in the digital saloon! The digital realm takes the spotlight in international relations, where future trends include crafting international regulations, treaties, and norms to tame the digital frontier, ensuring data privacy and the ethical use of emerging technologies.

Migration Marvels:

Demographic Jigsaw: Demographic changes and migration challenges become key players in the international relations saga.

Nations collaborate on an epic script, developing comprehensive policies that address the impacts of migration on societies, economies, and the geopolitics stage.

Multilateral Makeover

Global Governance Remix: The future sees multilateral institutions donning a new look to tackle contemporary challenges.

Efforts to reform and adapt global governance structures take center stage, promising an international relations blockbuster that shapes the world’s destiny.

What are good topics for research in international relations?

Check out some of good topics for research in international relations:-

Digital Battlegrounds: Navigating Cybersecurity Challenges in Global Diplomacy

Unraveling the influence of cyber threats on shaping diplomatic relations and the imperative for a united front in the realm of cybersecurity.

China’s Global Odyssey: Decoding the Belt and Road Initiative

Embarking on an exploration of the economic, political, and geopolitical ripple effects stemming from China’s grand infrastructure and development venture.

Angels in Conflict: Humanitarian Interventions Unveiled

Delving into the intricacies of international humanitarian interventions, weighing their effectiveness against the ethical backdrop in conflict-ridden territories.

Climate Avengers: Global Governance Confronts Climate Change

Surveying the battlefield of climate change, evaluating the triumphs and tribulations of international agreements and organizations in fostering sustainability.

Beyond Borders: The Dance of Non-State Actors in Global Affairs

Spotlighting the silent influencers – NGOs, multinational corporations, and other non-state actors – and deciphering their impact on the world stage.

Refugee Realities: An International Collaboration Saga

Unmasking the challenges and collaborative opportunities on the global stage as nations grapple with the escalating refugee crisis .

Energy Chess: Geopolitics in Resource Distribution

Tracing the geopolitical moves dictated by the control and distribution of energy resources, a chess game shaping international relations.

Populism’s Echo: Global Diplomacy in the Age of Charismatic Leaders

Analyzing the crescendo of populist movements and leaders, exploring their influence on international relations, alliances, and diplomatic dynamics.

Nuclear Shadows: Proliferation Puzzles and Global Security

Assessing the shadow cast by nuclear weapons proliferation and unraveling strategies for global disarmament.

Multilateralism Unveiled: Charting the Future Course

Lifting the curtain on the role and relevance of multilateral institutions in the ever-evolving landscape of international relations, envisioning potential reforms.

Regional Harmony: Dynamics of Integration Explored

Unlocking the impact of regional organizations, like the European Union or ASEAN, on stability, economic collaboration, and political cohesion.

Soft Whispers: Cultural Influence in Global Affairs

Deciphering the art of soft power, cultural sway, and the dance of public diplomacy on the grand stage of international relations.

Trade Winds of Change: Global Commerce Post-Pandemic

Navigating the reshaped tides of global trade and supply chains in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Rights Under Fire: Human Rights Amidst Conflict

Assessing the safeguarding of human rights in the tumult of conflict zones, and exploring avenues for accountability and justice.

AI on the Frontlines: Warfare in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Probing the ethical, legal, and strategic battlegrounds of integrating artificial intelligence into military operations and the face of warfare.

These topics now come alive with a touch of intrigue and exploration!

What topics do international relations students study?

Embarking on the adventure of international relations studies is like diving into a treasure trove of global complexities. A

s students navigate this dynamic field, they encounter a fascinating array of subjects that mirror the intricate dance of nations.

Here’s a sneak peek into the captivating topics that typically grace the desks of international relations students:

Global Political Economy

Unraveling the intricate threads of international trade, finance, and economic jamborees, exploring the rollercoaster ride of globalization, development dramas, and economic sagas.

Delving into the legal labyrinths that regulate the cosmic ballet between states, organizations, and individuals on the world stage—think treaties, human rights, and diplomatic choreography.

Security Studies

Analyzing the kaleidoscope of global security, from military acrobatics and conflict resolution gymnastics to the starring role of international organizations in the grand spectacle of peacekeeping.

Comparative Politics

Comparing political systems worldwide, a bit like political Tinder, but for countries—swipe left for autocracy, swipe right for democracy.

Diplomacy and Negotiation

Mastering the art and strategy of diplomacy—picture a chessboard where countries make their moves with diplomatic finesse, negotiating checkmates and stalemates.

Foreign Policy Analysis

Playing detective in the realm of global decision-making—think Sherlock Holmes meets geopolitics, dissecting the motives and influences behind a nation’s foreign policy.

Touring the bureaucratic wonders of global organizations like the United Nations, where policies are debated, resolutions are passed, and diplomatic handshakes abound.

Human Rights and Global Governance

Championing the cause of human rights on the world stage, a bit like the Avengers, but for justice, with discussions on global governance challenges thrown in.

Crisis Management

Learning the ABCs of handling international crises—from humanitarian dramas to political cliffhangers, because sometimes the world feels like a suspenseful blockbuster.

Area Studies

Taking a deep dive into the soul of specific regions or countries, unraveling their histories, cultures, political intrigues, and international relations soap operas.

These are just a few teasers from the thrilling curriculum that shapes international relations students into global aficionados, ready to decode the world’s greatest mysteries and challenges.

What are the main issues of international relations?

Embarking on the labyrinthine journey of international relations is like diving headfirst into a riveting saga filled with complex challenges and diplomatic intricacies. Here’s a closer look at the pulse-quickening issues that keep the global stage buzzing with anticipation:

Global Security and Conflict

Imagine the ongoing chess game of maintaining global peace, tackling conflicts, and deftly sidestepping the landmines of potential new hostilities.

Economic Inequality and Globalization

Imagine a high-stakes tightrope walk, balancing the pursuit of economic growth with the tightrope of fair wealth distribution in our interconnected, globalized world.

Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability

Feel the urgency of a call to arms against climate change, championing environmental protection, and orchestrating a symphony of international cooperation for sustainable development.

Human Rights Violations

Enter the battlefield of justice, where the quest to protect and champion human rights clashes with discrimination, persecution, and the shadows of injustice.

Global Health Challenges

Witness the epic quest against pandemics, the noble pursuit of equal healthcare, and the captivating dance where global health meets the intricate steps of international relations.

Nuclear Proliferation

Imagine delicate diplomatic waltz around the possession and potential use of nuclear weapons, involving disarming maneuvers, non-proliferation treaties, and diplomatic pirouettes.

Terrorism and Transnational Crime

Navigate the thrilling world of international intrigue where the threat of terrorism and cybercrime lurk, challenging the boundaries of nations.

Migration and Displacement

Step into the multifaceted dance of human migration, refugees seeking a new rhythm, and the drama of how these moves impact host countries and global stability.

Nationalism and Populism

Experience the resurgence of nationalist and populist movements, an unfolding drama influencing both domestic and international political stages.

Technological Advancements and Governance

Dive into the riveting tale of rapid technological advances, where cybersecurity challenges and the regulation of emerging technologies take center stage.

Public Health Crises

Respond to the urgent call of global health crises, epitomized by the dramatic plot twists of events like the COVID-19 pandemic.

Diplomatic Tensions and Alliances

Feel the diplomatic tension in the air, where alliances are forged and strained, as the geopolitical script continually rewrites itself.

These are not just global issues; they’re the characters and plotlines that make the grand narrative of international relations a thrilling and ever-evolving spectacle. Get ready for the next episode!

What are the topics of the International Relations Journal?

The International Relations Journal is like a treasure trove, unlocking the secrets of the ever-evolving world of international relations.

It’s a captivating journey through a kaleidoscope of topics, where the academic spotlight shines on:

Dive into the drama of war, the chessboard of nuclear politics, and the backstage workings of global peacekeepers.

Get tangled in the web of globalization’s impact on world economies, the intricate dance of international trade, and the role of financial bigwigs.

Embark on a legal odyssey, exploring the origins and applications of international law, dissecting treaties, and scrutinizing institutions like the International Court of Justice.

Take a cross-cultural road trip, comparing political systems, dissecting the birth and demise of democracies and autocracies, and peeking into the political economy and social policies across the globe.

International Relations Theory

Dip your toes into the sea of theories, from the hard-hitters like realism and liberalism to the avant-garde worlds of constructivism, critical theory, and postmodernism.

International History

Time-travel through historical sagas of diplomacy, the rollercoaster of war, the rise and fall of empires, and the game-changers like the Cold War, 9/11, and the transformative waves of the Arab Spring.

This isn’t just a journal; it’s a vibrant marketplace of ideas, where scholars and enthusiasts alike gather to decipher the complex symphony that is international relations.

In the captivating realm of international relations research, these topics serve as portals into the heart of our global narrative, inviting curious minds to embark on a journey through the complexities that define our interconnected world.

From the intriguing dance of technological diplomacy to the pressing challenges posed by climate change, each research avenue beckons exploration and deeper understanding.

As we navigate this intellectual landscape, the rise of artificial intelligence’s impact on global affairs, China’s ascendancy reshaping geopolitical dynamics, and the imperative for collective action on climate-related issues emerge as pivotal subjects.

These aren’t just topics; they are doorways into a world where every inquiry contributes to the ever-evolving story of our shared human experience.

The future of democracy faces crossroads, and the ethical dimensions of technology on human rights challenge us to contemplate the intersection of progress and ethical responsibility.

The multifaceted facets of international security weave a narrative that transcends borders, reminding us of our interconnected destinies.

As scholars and enthusiasts delve into these topics, the journal of international relations becomes not just a source of knowledge but a compass, guiding us through the intricate and dynamic terrain of our global society.

The landscape of international relations research is an open invitation to unravel, question, and actively participate in the ongoing dialogue that shapes our world. It’s a vibrant tapestry waiting to be explored by those curious enough to seek, understand, and contribute to the rich mosaic of our interconnected reality.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the key theoretical frameworks in international relations research.

International relations research draws on various theoretical frameworks, including realism, liberalism, and constructivism. Each offers unique perspectives on global affairs.

How does cultural diplomacy impact international relations?

Cultural diplomacy plays a crucial role in shaping international perceptions. It fosters understanding between nations and influences public opinion, contributing to soft power dynamics.

What are the pressing contemporary issues in international relations research?

Contemporary issues include geopolitical tensions, global health crises, and environmental challenges. Researchers delve into these topics to offer insights and solutions.

How does global governance contribute to international stability?

Global governance, facilitated by international organizations, contributes to stability by providing mechanisms for collaboration, conflict resolution, and the pursuit of common goals.

What role do case studies play in international relations research?

Case studies provide a practical application of theoretical frameworks to real-world scenarios. They offer nuanced insights into diplomatic challenges and successes.

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140+ international relations dissertation topics to research.

September 7, 2021

International relation reflects how sovereign states in the world relate with each other through decisions that are influenced by non-governmental organizations on politics, economics, and security. The discipline covers a wide area of subjects such as law, geography, history, politics, and economics.

international relations dissertation topics

Most students of international relations work as diplomats, protecting the interest of their countries abroad by representing them in trade agreements, security reach, and other consular services. Therefore, any topics in international relations usually demonstrate the political reach of a country, its legal stand, and economic power.

In this article, we’ll look at the most interesting international relations dissertation topics. We’ll explore topics under terrorism, human rights, politics, and other international relations thesis topics. If you’ve ever been looking for where to get international relations research topics that score you high grades, this article is for you. So, continue reading.

Interesting International Relations Dissertation Topics

International relation is an interdisciplinary field of study that focuses on the relationships between countries. More importantly, students get to explore global issues and solve them scientifically. Looking for general international relations PhD ideas and topics? Take a look at these interesting topics below.

  • The world since the first man landed on the moon.
  • Nuclear weapons and cyberwars: the new war language.
  • The implications of online petitions in international relations.
  • The impacts of the Big Tech on world trade and economy.
  • The effects of technological laws on foreign trade and investment.
  • Explain international relations theories and relate them to the realism of state cooperation.
  • Conduct an analysis of the 9/11 terrorist attack on the US and how it shapes the Afghan War.
  • Discuss how the United Nations has failed in discharging its duties?
  • Explore the implications of the different diplomatic laws among the G7 countries.
  • What are the implications of the Abraham Accord between Israel and Arab nations?
  • Nuclear Weapons: Analyze Iran and North Korea’s nuclear weapons and impact on global peace.
  • Explain how the pandemic influenced global trade and international relations.
  • What are the positive and negative impacts of the surge in western cultural adoption in underdeveloped countries?
  • Discuss the influence of the United States on global laws, markets, and relations.
  • Has the UN been partial in the development of laws and support?
  • Illustrate the factors that led to the fall of the Soviet Union and how they shape modern policies.
  • Evaluate the cultural impacts of international relations on developing countries.
  • Obama, Trump, and Biden: explain how each president oversaw the Afghan War.
  • Describe the contribution of major religions to modern-day international agreements.
  • Effect of mass migration from developing countries to diversity in the European Union.
  • Discuss the International Criminal Court has always been partial in the discharge of justice.
  • Cybersecurity and the role of Interpol: Modalities, threat, and significance.
  • The China-India foreign policy: What should be done and how to go about it.
  • Why Africa is finding it difficult to maintain international relations and how it can be helped.
  • The threats and importance of international labour in global trade.

Terrorism Dissertation Ideas and Topics to Research

The very act of terrorism is to create fear within individuals everywhere in the world for global benefits. Counterterrorism and antiterrorism are military tactics, strategies, and trade enforcements countries carry out to prevent terrorism. Find below a list of terrorism dissertation ideas under international relations.

  • Impact of the Afghan War on international relations.
  • Discuss how the Afghan-US War was lost long before Biden.
  • How is the Taliban a terrorist group?
  • The value of defence in terrorism wars.
  • What emotions bind terrorists to extremist groups?
  • Effect of religious extremism on terrorism.
  • The significant relationship between terrorism and military functioning.
  • Terrorism and the long history of World Wars.
  • The Coronavirus pandemic is an act of terrorism.
  • A critical review of how terrorism affects global trade.
  • Roles of colonial and anticolonial laws in past and future terrorism.
  • Terrorist trends from the past to the present.
  • Modalities of regional nationalism towards effective counterterrorism.
  • How transnational relations influence the rise of terrorism.
  • A critical review and study of Turkish terrorism in History.
  • A critical assessment and review of American terrorism.
  • A critical review and study of English terrorism in History.
  • A critical assessment and review of Nazi terror.
  • Effect of extremism on foreign direct investments and international banking.
  • How terrorism influences international banking decisions across several countries.
  • The challenges of counterterrorism in underdeveloped countries.
  • Terrorism, technology, and the use of military force.
  • The consequences of terrorism using Afghanistan and Syria as examples.
  • Impacts of terrorism on global trade and global warming.
  • How the Blockchain industry affects counterterrorism strategies.

Politics Dissertation Ideas in International Relations

Since no country exists in isolation of others, every political decision is therefore probed to ensure peaceful coexistence among countries in the world. The following contains a list of politics and international relations dissertation topics.

  • Political influence of cyberterrorists on international trade.
  • Is cyberterrorism a form of political extremism?
  • Terrorism informatics and impact on political relations.
  • COVID-19 pandemic as an instrument of geopolitics.
  • The UN role in the resolution of the Indo-Pak conflict.
  • 9/11 and influence on trade between the US and Middle Belt.
  • German foreign policy and impact on the rest of Europe.
  • German domination of the EU and impact on the formulation of foreign policies.
  • How underdeveloped countries are threats to political forwardness.
  • Russia and the USA: Review and assessment of political history.
  • Effects and consequences of nuclear weapons to global politics.
  • Role of the UN in the resolution of Pakistan-Israel relations.
  • A critical review of the political role of the UN in civil wars.
  • Application of cyber-political theories to international relations.
  • Role of international relations on the politics of military functioning.
  • How the West and Russia shape the modern perspective of political history.
  • China and the West: A critical analysis of major political decisions then and now.
  • The Chinese economy is a threat to modern world power and security.
  • The Chinese economy is needed in modern world power and security.
  • Questioning the political neutrality of the UN’s major decisions.
  • Political theories and the changing norms of international relations.
  • The geopolitics of the West in the Afghan War.
  • Consequences of the geopolitics of the West in the surge of terrorism and extremism.
  • A critical review and assessment of the political relations between the US and the Arabs.
  • The uprising of the Middle East against the US.

Human Rights Dissertation Topics

Human rights are the fundamental rights of every human that must be protected by all countries. These rights shape international relations decisions and agreements to trade and power. The rights further embody the dignity that every human should be accorded. Here are common human rights dissertation topics and research ideas.

  • Revisioning women’s rights in the Middle East.
  • An in-depth assessment of the historical context of human rights.
  • Universal human rights: the theoretical and practical.
  • Why democratic human rights cannot work in Africa.
  • Human rights in major religions: Islam and Christianity.
  • Impacts of the modern perspective of human rights.
  • Historical reforms on human rights then and now.
  • Human rights and westernism: differences and similarities.
  • Human rights as a major determiner of world poverty.
  • Gender inequality and the concept of human rights.
  • African leadership as a major influence on human rights.
  • A critical assessment of China’s political human rights.
  • Terrorist and extremist impacts on fundamental rights.
  • The rations and sentiments of western human rights.
  • Do human rights treaties foster respect among countries?
  • Exploring the ten commandments for human rights.
  • Human rights in war-ravaged countries: Syria and Afghanistan.
  • The struggle for human rights in Africa and the Middle East.
  • Taiwan and China: Human rights as major political concerns.
  • North Korea and the effects of human rights protectionism.
  • Why cybersecurity is a concern of human rights.
  • Technology and privacy: the end of human rights.
  • Human rights crisis in the West through the impact of racism.
  • The fundamental rights of women in Saudi Arabia.
  • Rights of humans during wars and Western passivity.

International Relations Economics Dissertation Topics

Economics is the business of goods, needs, and survival. Every country is motivated by self-sufficiency and needs sustenance, hence economics is an integrative study in international relations. If you are looking to write on international relations economics dissertation topics, here are popular ones that guarantee you top grades.

  • The implication of the Blockchain industry on international trade and relations.
  • Impacts of taxation on trade agreement and security.
  • The impact of tax on world poverty alleviation systems.
  • The implication of internet banking on global terrorism.
  • Investigating the relationship between trade and war.
  • Effect of UN economic policies on global trade relations.
  • Impact of trade liberalization on the global employment rate.
  • Global inflation and effect on world immigration policies.
  • The oil sector and the agricultural sector and their influence on regional and international conflict.
  • Impact of the oil industry on environmental globalization.
  • Role of insurance policies and companies on global trade.
  • Effects of cashless policy on cybersecurity and terrorism.
  • A critical study of the determinants of foreign investment policy.
  • An analysis of the global population on financial technology.
  • Impact of agricultural imperialism on trade and global warming.
  • How regional agricultural economic policies lead to global war and threat.
  • Role of the UN in facilitating effective global trade policies.
  • The rise of global trade monopoly: A case of the Big Tech.
  • An analysis of technological revolution and impact on global sustainability.
  • Does technological monopoly suggest global western economic monopoly?
  • Effect of cryptocurrency on economic disinformation and misinformation.
  • Global economic relations twenty years from now.
  • The neutrality of the UN in the performance of world trade liberalization.
  • The significant relationship between the financial sector and world poverty index.
  • The significant relationship between global poverty index and terrorism.

Globalization Topics and Ideas in International Relations

When countries begin to operate within their sovereign rights and other countries’ sovereign rights for mutual benefits, it is known as globalization. The world today is linked as if it is a single entity by telecommunications. Here are globalization topics and ideas in international relations you should be looking at for grades.

  • Threats and impacts of globalization on Africa.
  • The social and political implications of globalization.
  • Why globalization is a western concept.
  • Why globalization is not just a western concept.
  • The drive for world power and globalization as a tool.
  • The energy consequences of globalization.
  • Globalization and the erosion of natural languages.
  • The psychological impacts of globalization and foreign cultures.
  • Globalization: theory, practice, ethics, and implications.
  • The implicit concept of globalization is an assimilation strategy of western power.
  • How globalization influences terrorism, counterterrorism, and military functioning.
  • The drive for global power and authority: trade wars and the rise of nuclear weapons.
  • Globalization: why world international relations tomorrow is not a guarantee.
  • The global market is a myth.
  • Media and technology: Two major factors that decide the global market and globalization culture.
  • The globalization of law, culture, economy, and education.
  • History of globalization beyond the internet.
  • The making and remaking of globalization twenty years from now.
  • Challenges of technology and globalization in the Middle East and Africa.
  • The erosion of diversity through the implications of world trade, global laws, and international relations.
  • A critical review and assessment of world religions on global warming and trade.
  • Globalization: A comparative assessment of the US and China global market strategies.
  • Globalization in the 20th century and how it shaped modern global decisions.
  • The psychological impacts of international trade agreements on national citizens.
  • Globalization is the end of international relations.

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213 International Relations Dissertation Topics That Will Help You Succeed

international relations dissertation topics

International relations dissertation topics cover the relations between different nations, regions, economies, and governments. They also explore the essence of economic ties, trade, global security, diplomacy, and foreign policies. Essentially, these topics don’t focus on one country. Instead, they cover events and their impact on regions or countries. Virtually every country should ensure that its economic and international relations with other nations are longstanding and valuable.

International relations studies enable students to understand the operations and connections of different countries. It also allows learners to know the effects of policy changes and other significant incidents among countries. If struggling to select a topic for your paper in this subject, these ideas should guide you.

Dissertation Topics in International Relations

If looking for a topic that will capture your educator’s attention and compel them to award you the top grade, consider any of these topic ideas. These are some of the best topics that can capture the educator’s attention, but you still will have to take your time to research your preferred topic idea thoroughly and write a brilliant paper to impress the educator.

  • Brexit implications for the European Union and the United Kingdom
  • Current globalization trends of financial markets
  • The primary energy and fuel resources suppliers and consumers
  • What is the American interest Promotion system or lobbying?
  • What is democracy retreat?
  • International relations- What are the direct humanitarian interventions?
  • The US global leadership evolution in a contemporary strategy for international relations
  • Investigating the international refugee laws
  • Modern geopolitics- Celebrating realism instead of idealism
  • Differentiating the League of Nations from the United Nations
  • How a rising China can benefit the United States and her allies
  • Viewing globalization from a socioeconomic perspective
  • Lessons from the Russian and American conflict
  • How the American foreign policy affects democratization and human rights
  • The structure of the International Monetary Fund
  • Controversies around Amnesty International
  • Human rights violation in Uganda
  • What causes global poverty?
  • Causes and effects of the Syrian conflict
  • Power battles in the Arctic Circle
  • Investigating the Non-State actors’ roles in Japan Corporations
  • Global distribution of the GM foods market
  • What are the ethical guidelines for NGOs?
  • Analyzing the global security networks
  • Neo-globalization- Investigating international cooperation
  • Anti-globalization movement and globalization
  • Analyzing patriotism during trans-nationalism
  • How to negotiate for hostages in a foreign country
  • How UMSCA affects international trade
  • The impact of the US exit from the Paris Climate Change Treaty
  • How feminists approach international relations theory
  • Comparing Japan’s and China’s foreign aid policies
  • How the UN has failed in its nuclear disarmament plans
  • How China-Soviet conflict affects the US-China relations
  • Effects of China-Taiwan-Hong Kong relations on the international economy
  • Examining the US foreign policy
  • Why domestic policies matter to international relations
  • Analyzing global anti-colonial justice and inequality
  • Why anti-dumping is necessary for international trade legislation
  • Approaches for foreign policy decision making

Politics and International Relations Dissertation Topics

If interested in international relations and politics, you may want to write a paper on a topic in this category. Here are ideas that can earn learners high grades when researched extensively. Your professor will be interested in any of these topics in international relations and politics. However, take your time to research and analyze information extensively to develop a top-notch paper about your preferred topic.

  • World Health Organization- Benefits of international relations for a global medical system
  • International politics on feminism- Analyzing the constant efforts for ensuring gender equality worldwide
  • The American amendments- Analyzing the US laws and their applications
  • Why foreign labor matters- How immigrants help countries develop their cities
  • Economic alliances between nations- How partnerships provide financial support
  • The Israel conflict- Analyzing the historical conflict between Israel and Palestine
  • Investigating the NATO role in military defense
  • The European Union formation and why it’s important
  • The Arab Spring- Investigating revolutions in Arab countries
  • Religion involvement in politics- Religious and governmental roles
  • The origins of right and left parties- the Interesting story behind the segregation
  • Investigating international relations between democratic and communist countries
  • Cold war Studying its causes and effects on political relations
  • The Communist regime- Investigating the hard times in Europe during communism
  • The First World War- Political situations that facilitated World War 1
  • How the Soviet Union’s collapse influenced international relations between the West and Eastern Europe
  • How Single Europe formation opened up the EU to Eastern European nations while hindering or helping this ideal
  • Why countries in Eastern Europe are susceptible to the Soviet rule
  • Has the integration of Eastern European countries into the EU succeeded?
  • How rising China will affect the relationship between Russia and the West
  • Discussing the primary problems that prompted Eastern European countries to enter the EU
  • Why Russia remains a threat to the Western ideals
  • Has the Cold war ended?
  • Will the pre-eminent role of Russia in Eurasian politics continue with the growing power of China?
  • How Russia influences the fragmented EU
  • Considering the relations between the US and Russia, why have they never declared war?
  • Based on past links, why is Russia always distancing itself from the West?
  • Is hybrid war a part of the Russian threat to Western countries?
  • How Crimea’s annexation by Russia can break relations with Western countries
  • Has the world neglected the Russian threat to Eastern European countries?

Best International Relations Ph.D. Ideas

Do you want to write a Ph.D. dissertation about the latest or topical issue? In that case, pick your dissertation title from this list. These are exciting topics for an international relations dissertation in 2023. Nevertheless, research the issue you choose extensively to gather the latest information to incorporate in your paper.

  • Policy shifts in the US-Russia relations after President Donald Trump
  • What role has the UN played in resolving the Indian annexation of Kashmir?
  • Investigating the intervention of Russia in Syria and its effect on US-Europe relations
  • How the economic growth of China will affect the world
  • Should the world be concerned by the India-China border conflict?
  • Investigating the causes of the China-India conflict
  • Should the US feel threatened by the growth of China as a superpower?
  • Should the US change its stance towards Russia?
  • How the US-China trade war affects global trade
  • Investigating the pulling out of the US military from Germany
  • How cryptocurrencies will affect global business and international relations
  • Why is China emerging as an economic power?
  • What caused Brexit?
  • How the Affordable Care Act affects the healthcare system in the US
  • Impact of the Black Lives Matter movement on the view and discussions about racism
  • Changes in the immigration laws in the US over the past years
  • How the immigration laws in the US compare to those of other countries
  • Effects of states with increased minimum wages
  • Factors that have increased the unemployment rate globally
  • Analyzing the relationship between North Korea and the United States
  • Changes in international relations during the Trump presidency
  • How feminist goals changed in the last ten years
  • How China’s One belt One Road project affected the Indian economy
  • Is Iran a strategic Middle East threat to the US?
  • How US sanctions affect the Interest of Iran in Iraq
  • Implications of sanctions by the US on Iran for Pakistan or India
  • What’s the peacemaker role of Iran in Afghanistan following the US withdrawal?
  • Discuss the Indo-Pacific New Great Game
  • Discuss the Afghanistan-Iran relations following the US withdrawal
  • Iran militia’s effect on Israel-Palestine conflict

Interesting International Relations Thesis Topics

Your thesis topic should be exciting to read about for the educator to award you the top grade. This category has suitable topics for you if looking for interesting international relations and politics dissertation ideas. Pick any of these ideas and then develop them through research to create a thesis that will earn you the top grade.

  • Global policeman- Could the US be using this terminology to cover bullying?
  • Analyzing the differences between the foreign policies of democratic and republican secretaries of State
  • Why political relationships matter in fostering global peace
  • Analyzing the China/Hong Kong relationship and its role in Gaza
  • How weapons trade affects relationships between sellers and buyers
  • Analyzing BRIC countries and their relationships’ economic benefits in the African States
  • Analyzing the relationship between the West and the developing world- Is exploitation or co-dependency?
  • Analyzing the essence of sports, competition, and trade between countries as a way of establishing lasting relationships
  • Investigating the crisis in Qatar international relationship- How to prevent future political problems
  • Analyzing foreign intervention in Political processes in a country and its impact
  • Interpreting the public law and international policies- Do they shield or aid criminals from the laws of their countries?
  • Why is continental currency essential to trade?
  • How can a continental currency aid the Africa economies?
  • Analyzing Britain’s exit from the European Union- How will it affect the European continent?
  • How NATO affects the relationships between Russia and member states
  • Analyzing Ancient Greece’s foreign policies and their impact on nearby states
  • The prominent role of China in modern times regarding Sino-African relations
  • How customs, beliefs, and language define the international policies of a country
  • The impact of religious beliefs on the foreign policy of a country and interactions with other states
  • US actions in the pursuit of national interests- Are they always legit under international law?
  • Decoupling from China- For how long this Trump policy will continue?
  • The long-term effects of Trumpism rise in the US- Dealing with the growing anti-war and isolationist trend.
  • Competing priorities in Western, Eastern Europe, Indo-Pacific, and the Middle East- Does the USA foreign policy lack strategic focus?
  • How will the US approach Brexit?
  • What the Geopolitical influence and power of Russia means for the US foreign policy
  • How does the wall between the US and Mexico affect the global economy?
  • Will liberal internationalism remain the guide for the US foreign policy even with China’s growing power?
  • What is the primary threat to the United States?
  • Who controls the foreign policy of a country, and how does that affects its international relations?
  • How can a perceived threat to a country affect its relations with other nations?

Human Rights Dissertation Topics

Internationally, students have many frameworks and policies addressing human rights that they can consider for their dissertation. Here are some of the topics in this category. Pick any of these topics if interested in international human rights. Investigate the idea extensively to develop an exciting paper.

  • Analyzing critical human rights law elements at an international level
  • A review of human rights from an international law’s perspective
  • How human rights and international relations complement each other at a global level
  • Human rights and their custodian at an international level
  • How do the rules governing international human rights differ from those of your country?
  • Does the UK safeguard the immigrant’s social rights?
  • Do the UK’s legal immigrants get equal economic and social rights with the natives?
  • Transnational attitudes and cultural rights- How globalization affects the UK nationals’ rights
  • A perspective on democratic rights, international human rights, and culture
  • How international human rights shape the legal discipline in the academic world
  • Public trust and international human rights- A domestic perspective
  • Who should safeguard human rights laws at the international level?
  • Who suffers because of conflicts against militias?
  • Exploring international human rights within the tort laws context
  • The implementation challenges facing policies on international human rights
  • Enforcing the international human rights laws- Investigating challenges and achievements
  • Unaccompanied children and international human rights- Reviewing the transnational borders with this issue
  • Cultural, religious, and ethnic rights from the perspective of the international human rights
  • Human rights laws violation- Who should be responsible?
  • International human rights- The view of people suffering from armed atrocities and political oppression
  • Human trafficking- How to address this violation of human rights at a global level
  • Gendering documentation- Is it a manual for defending women’s human rights?

Terrorism Dissertation ideas

Terrorism is an international threat, and countries should combine efforts to fight it. Here are sample topics to consider in this category. These brilliant topics on international relations and terrorism will help you narrow your research extensively before writing your dissertation.

  • How the Western security policy has progressed since the 9/11 terrorist attack
  • How the ongoing war against terrorism has suppressed civil liberties
  • Do the recent terror attacks mean that efforts to fight terrorists have failed?
  • Longitudinal and cross-national comparisons of the public opinion on studies regarding supporting and opposing the war against terrorism
  • Evaluating and measuring counter-terrorism policies
  • Unexpected and unwanted side- The boomerang effects on counter-terrorism
  • Addressing the disconnect in terrorism and counter-terrorism intelligence
  • Gender and terrorism
  • The internet and terrorism
  • Investigating civil war and state repression from an international perspective
  • The media and terrorism- How do they shape public opinion?
  • International counter-terrorism policies
  • Counter-terrorism tactics, strategies, and operations
  • Terrorism groups, actors, and incidents
  • How the 9/11 events support Samuel Huntingdon’s idea of a civilization clash
  • Did the world take enough measures to prevent another terrorism act after the 9/11 attack?
  • Were the United States’ actions following the 9/11 attack legit and proportionate?
  • How did the 9/11 events affect international relations?
  • How did the 9/11 attack influence international relations between the Arab world and the West?
  • Discuss the political lessons that the world has learned from the ongoing terror war
  • How trade between countries has continued despite the overshadowing context of the terror war
  • Defining international terrorism- Is the use of drone attacks and targeted killings a legit response to terror attacks?
  • The impact of international terrorism fears on domestic security laws
  • How countries use their war on terror to justify their security measures
  • How the 9/11 attack acted as a catalyst for the Arab spring’s political upheaval
  • Strategies for countering extremist ideologies at the international level
  • How to strengthen the international resilience against terrorism
  • Conspiracy theories for countering terrorism

More Topics in International Relations

Perhaps, you’re yet to find a topic you would like to work with from the above list. In that case, consider these international relations research topics for more ideas.

  • Why did the Soviet Union sign the Non-Aggression treat in 1939?
  • Why power is central to the perspectives of realists on international relations
  • Why international relations are vital to any country
  • China and Russia- Which is the more significant threat to the US national security?
  • Western countries and security concerns
  • China-US forthcomings
  • China-US conflict or cooperation
  • US involvement in Chile and Peru
  • Present and past US foreign policy
  • Defense and foreign policies in the US
  • The Ukraine crisis and Vladimir Putin
  • The State of EU-US relations
  • International politics theories
  • International theory traditions
  • Israel creation and Truman
  • International relations- The structural theory
  • Weaknesses and strengths of the international law
  • International relations and the second industrial revolution
  • International relations and democracy in the 19th century
  • The European Union and Britain- Analyzing their relations
  • How realists approach international relations
  • International war maturation
  • Negative realism role in world politics
  • The global system and new sovereignty
  • Effects of the Nixon doctrine on international relations
  • International relations problems
  • Overseas military bases- What are their problems?
  • Globalization and its impact on international relations
  • Analyzing the good neighbor policy
  • How liberalism affects international relations
  • Why military ethics matter during the global war
  • Relationship issues between the US and Iran
  • International relations in North Korea- A realistic interpretation

Pick any of these ideas and develop them into a winning dissertation. If unable to do it alone, seek professional assistance online. Use cheap services of expert US, British, or UK writers to complete your dissertation fast without compromising quality. That way, you’ll get a custom dissertation from ENL writers with a proven track record of delivering superior papers for college and university students.

Get on top of your homework.

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40+ Expert Suggestions For International Relations Dissertation Topics

As a field of study, international relations delves into the complex relationships between nations. It scrutinizes the political, economic, and social interactions that shape our global society. Embarking on an International Relations dissertation provides an opportunity to critically analyze these interactions and contribute to this field's existing body of knowledge.

Choosing a compelling and relevant topic is the first step in this engaging journey. This article presents a selection of 40+ dissertation topics, curated by experts that will inspire you as you explore the dynamic world of international relations.

The Relevance of International Relations:

As a study field, international relations have never been more relevant than they are today. We live in a rapidly globalizing world where nation-states are interconnected and interdependent. International relations help us understand these intricate connections, addressing inherently international problems—like climate change, global economy, terrorism, nuclear proliferation, and even pandemics.

Moreover, international relations offer critical insights into how national and international politics, world economies, and legal systems interact, influencing global peace and conflict. In this context, a guide for writing an academic paper can be a beneficial resource for students of this discipline, as it provides strategies for effectively writing about these complex and interconnected issues.

Ultimately, international relations enable us to see beyond our borders and understand the broader dynamics at work. This understanding is paramount in our current times and for anyone hoping to help shape a better future.

Decoding the Importance of Expert Guidance:

Expert guidance is pivotal to the success of academic pursuits. This applies heavily to dissertation writing, where the complexity of managing vast quantities of information can be overwhelming. Experts, with their comprehensive knowledge and rich experience, can lead one along the efficient path to academic success. They proficiently mentor students, providing insights into topic selection, research methodologies, and more.

Experts play a crucial role by guiding students to adhere to research ethics, maintain objectivity, and preserve academic integrity. At the same time, they can serve as a source of motivation and reassurance to students during moments of uncertainty.

That said, services provided by an expert report writing agency in UK can be invaluable. Equipped with professionals specializing in various domains, these agencies usher students through the intricate dissertation writing process, ensuring quality content and adherence to rigorous academic standards.

Top 40 International Relations Dissertation Topics:

  • Economic Security: A Lens for Understanding International Relations
  • Unraveling the Causes of Russia-Ukraine Conflict
  • Behind the Scenes: The Driving Forces of Global Terrorism
  • Middle East: A Geo-Economic Examination
  • COVID-19 and Its Effects on Global Diplomacy
  • A Study of UK's Immigration Laws and Regulations
  • The UK's Role in the Indo-Pak Kashmir Conflict
  • The 9/11 Event and Its Influences on Global Trade
  • International Relations and the European Union: An Analysis
  • Emerging Trends in Financial Markets Globalization

Engaging Dissertation Themes in International Relations

  • War Tactics in the Arctic Circle
  • Transnationalism vs Patriotism: A Comparative Insight
  • Global Inequality: The Continuing Impact of Anti-Colonial Injustice
  • The Influence of International Relations on Domestic Policies
  • The Positive Role of International Relations in WHO Operations
  • Domestic Views on Public Trust and Human Rights
  • Upholding Human Rights Laws on a Global Scale
  • Implications of Conflict on Military Organizations
  • Navigating Challenges in Policy Implementation
  • Assessing the Effectiveness of Counter-Terrorism Policies

Notable Dissertation Subjects in Politics and International Relations

  • Agile Management's Role: A Case Study in UK Construction
  • Exploring Gen Z and Sustainability: CSR in High-End Fashion
  • Engaging Communities in the Fight Against Elderly Malnutrition
  • Adjustments Impact on Well-being in Autistic Individuals
  • Comparing International Relations in Democratic vs Communist Nations
  • Unraveling Political Issues During World War I .
  • A Study of Human Rights Violations in Uganda
  • The Cold War: Causes, Effects, and Influence on Political Ties
  • Religious and Governmental Influence in Political Sphere
  • The Power of Media in Directing Public Sentiments

Impressive Themes for Dissertation in International Relations

  • 9/11 Implications on Global Relations
  • The Terrorism Threat and Its Influence on Security Legislations
  • The 1939 Non-Aggression Pact and Its Implications
  • Overcoming Challenges in International Relations
  • Destructive Influence of Realism in Global Politics
  • Cryptocurrencies: A New Player in International Diplomacy
  • The Role of Trade Agreements in Shaping European Economy.
  • Understanding the Democratic Peace Theory
  • Offensive vs. Defensive Liberalism: A Comparative Analysis
  • Neo-Globalization Versus Anti-Globalization: A Comparative Study

Suggestions to Develop International Relations Dissertation Topic Ideas:

There are several key considerations while tackling your international relations dissertation topic ideas. One of the critical elements is the prewriting phase for your paper.

Firstly, this phase encompasses various vital activities designed to make your writing distinctive. You should look at examples of international relations dissertations to harness ideas, organize your thoughts, and evaluate your drafts. This exploration will also help you establish a suitable international relations dissertation structure. By investing time in prewriting, you can ascertain the paper's objective and devise a way to engage your readers elegantly.

Topic Selection:

The first crucial step in your academic journey involves selecting a suitable topic for your international relations dissertation. Aim for a topic that is not only manageable and closely related to your field of study but also has the potential to add unique insights to the existing body of knowledge.

Your dissertation aims to motivate others to explore the multifaceted domain of international relations. Reviewing examples of previously published dissertations or seeking your professor's advice could be of great value at this stage. If you find this process daunting or time-consuming, remember that you always have the option to pay someone to do my dissertation as a viable alternative.

Brainstorming and Investigating:

In this phase, firstly, begin by jotting down any ideas that come to mind relating to the topic, disregarding grammar or punctuation at this moment. This free-writing exercise can spark your creativity and foster a diverse while smoothing the development of your international relations dissertation topics. Altogether, In-depth research is essential at this stage, equipping you with comprehensive data and informing the core argument of your dissertation. If you encounter any hurdles during this process, don't hesitate to contact us at our dissertation support service for assistance.

Grouping Ideas and Outlining:

Once you've selected your dissertation topics, organize your thoughts into coherent sentences. Link related ideas and ensure they correspond to your primary theme. Outlining your purpose and pertinent material will help structure your supporting ideas. Lastly, support your arguments with evidence and comply with the document requirements. Dissertation writing services can be helpful if you need additional guidance.

Editing and Proofreading:

While immersed in creating the perfect international relations dissertation topics, it's easy to miss minor and significant errors that could impact the overall quality and readability of the dissertation. You must proofread your document multiple times and make the necessary revisions. Focus on referencing, grammar, tense, coherency, and errors.

If you find this challenging or would like a professional touch, the experts at AcademicEra.co.uk can assist you in ensuring accuracy and excellence in your international relations dissertation.

Concluding Your Dissertation:

Your conclusion is the final component of your dissertation paper, so it should recapitulate your main arguments and thesis statement. Use this section to justify all your paper's international relations dissertation topics. Refrain from introducing new points here; instead, summarize your findings. Share your experiences, including whether the chosen international relations issue was resolved or the challenges encountered. Remember to mention any limitations and potential future studies related to your topic.

Final Thoughts:

Lastly, selecting the right topic for an international relations dissertation can be complex, given the vast array of compelling themes. By presenting 40+ expert suggestions for these topics, we aim to ease this task, providing a Launchpad for your research.

Your endeavors in international relations should not just disseminate information or analysis; ideally, they should instigate thought and inspire further exploration into the many dimensions of international relations. Moreover, we hope these 40+ expert suggestions guide you in shaping an impactful dissertation in the field of international relations. Happy researching!

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International Relations Dissertation Topics (29 Examples) For Research

Mark Jun 25, 2020 Jun 21, 2020 International Relations No Comments

The study and practice of international relations are interdisciplinary in nature. It is an academic and public policy field, which is selected by students willing to explore the interrelations of the world’s primary political institutions. Getting a degree in International Relations requires completing and submitting a dissertation.  Choosing a dissertation topic is one of the […]

international relations dissertation topics

The study and practice of international relations are interdisciplinary in nature. It is an academic and public policy field, which is selected by students willing to explore the interrelations of the world’s primary political institutions. Getting a degree in International Relations requires completing and submitting a dissertation.

Choosing a dissertation topic is one of the most challenging tasks for students. So, we have developed a list of some incredibly interesting international relations dissertation topics and project topics on international relations. You can choose any topic from the list of research topics on international relations, and we can help in writing a brief proposal. We also offer expert and quality writing and research service.

List of International Relations Dissertation Topics

Research on agendas for a world in transition focusing on the feminist international relations.

Studying political psychology in the context of international relations.

A theoretical and practical analysis of the China international relations thinking.

A realistic neoclassical approach to the future of China-US relations.

A review of the theory and practice in foreign policy.

Focusing on performativity, performances, and actor networks in the context of rethinking agency in the field of international relations.

A comparative analysis of the theories of war and peace.

Exploring the role of regional organisations in economic interdependence and peace in East Asia.

To study the impact of artificial intelligence on international security.

Comparing and contrasting the theoretical and empirical approaches to uncertainty and conflict in international relations.

Examining the role of government in developing policies to maintain international relations.

Exploring the changes and evolution in the immigration system of different countries in these years.

Studying the importance of society’s culture in understanding the role it plays on a global scale.

Scrutinising the role of international organisations in helping nations in developing positive relations.

Impact of language, customs, and beliefs in defining the international policies a country adopts.

An analysis of the foreign interventions on the political processes and its effects in states.

Exploring the differences in the democratic secretaries of state and external policies of republican.

A literature review on the causes of the First World War.

Studying international relations between communist and democratic countries.

To analyse the communist regime.

A literature review on the economic alliances between countries and the need for economic support.

Studying the importance of foreign labour and how immigrants have contributed to the development of countries.

To investigate how international relations can be beneficial for the medical system of countries.

Analysing the reasons for and impact of Israeli conflict based on secondary research.

To study the revolutions that took place in Arab countries.

Impact of terrorism on state governance taking the recent case scenarios.

Analysing the state responses to the Syrian refugee crisis taking in view the compliance without obligation.

Topic With Mini-Proposal (Paid Service)

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thesis ideas international relation

213 International Relations Dissertation Topics – Your Ultimate List

International Relations Dissertation Topics

If you are looking to start working on your dissertation, you are probably in the process of searching for the best topics. You probably know that finding exceptional international relations dissertation topics takes time and effort. You can’t skip this step either because the topic has the potential to make or break your thesis. You need the absolute best and most interesting topics, period. Obviously, i t is not easy to write a dissertation paper . The good news is that we have 213 original, highly interesting topics right here. So, to get a good topic, all you have to do is go through our list of ideas and pick the one you like. We have split the list into 21 categories, so it should be fairly easy for you to find the perfect topic in just a couple of minutes. We know, you are probably wondering why you should choose our topics and not continue your search on the Internet.

Best International Relations Dissertation Topics Online

The truth is that our dissertation topics in international relations are the best on the Web. In addition, they are all original. This means that your peers won’t probably pick any of these ideas. The last thing you want to do is write a paper on a topic that has already been selected by one of your peers.

Another very important benefit of choosing our topics is that you don’t have to pay a dime to use them. Our list of ideas is 100% free to use. You can even reword the topics, if you so desire. And no, you don’t have to give us any credit. Remember, this list is updated periodically. So, if you can’t find the perfect topic now, return to this page in a few days and look at the new topics we’ve added.

We know you are anxious to see what we have in store for you. Here are the best 213 international relations dissertation topics on the Internet:

Politics and International Relations Dissertation Topics

Take a look at some of our most interesting politics and international relations dissertation topics and choose the one you like right now:

  • Discuss realism and liberalism
  • The terror attacks of 9/11
  • The International society theory
  • Japan’s international relations with China
  • India: the next superpower?
  • Discuss the concept of neoliberalism
  • Future relations between China and the United States
  • The withdrawal of US troops from Germany
  • An in-depth analysis of the dependency theory
  • The Israeli-Palestinian conflict
  • Realism versus constructivism
  • An analysis of feminism in international relations
  • Discuss the concept of sovereignty
  • Discuss the concept of power blocks

International Relations Dissertation

When you need to write an international relations dissertation, you need a good topic – that’s for sure. Check out these excellent ideas:

  • The history of international relations
  • Define constructivism
  • Discuss the concept of national interest
  • The history of realism
  • An analysis of the Marxist theory
  • The regime theory: an in-depth analysis
  • Polarity in modern power blocks
  • Discuss the concept of non-state actors in international relations
  • The role of religion in international relations
  • Interdependence of European Union nations
  • Well-known regional security arrangements in Asia
  • Human rights in Africa

Political Science Ideas

Writing about political science is not easy, we know. However, we can assure you that writing about one of our political science ideas will make your job a lot easier:

  • Discuss Presidential Democracy as opposed to Parliamentary Democracy
  • The power struggles around the Arctic Circle
  • Compare and contrast liberalism and post-socialism
  • Discuss election ethics in the United States
  • Best community improvement methods in the UK
  • Discuss privacy laws in the European Union
  • Discuss the Human Rights Act of 1998
  • Religion: a modern social power
  • Pardoning powers in Asian countries
  • An in-depth look at Plato’s The Republic
  • Lenin’s communist approach
  • Discuss protests on social networks
  • Best way to solve the Yemen conflict
  • The foreign policy of the US
  • The foreign policy of the UK

Historical International Agreements

An easy way to write a thesis is to pick a relatively simple topic. Why don’t you analyze one of the many historical international agreements? Here are some ideas:

  • The Convention for the Preservation of Wild Animals, Birds and Fish in Africa
  • The Cuban–American Treaty of Relations of 1903
  • The Treaty of Peace and Friendship of 1904
  • The Second Geneva Convention
  • The Japan–Korea Treaty of 1910
  • The Treaty of Bucharest of 1913
  • The Treaty of London of 1915 (also called the London Pact)
  • The Treaty of Versailles
  • The Treaty of Sèvres
  • The Franco-Soviet Treaty of Mutual Assistance
  • The United Nations Charter
  • The Treaty of London (1949)
  • The ANZUS Treaty
  • The Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations
  • The Outer Space Treaty
  • The Paris Agreement of 2015
  • The Cotonou Agreement

Politics Dissertation Ideas

Writing a politics dissertation doesn’t have to be a daunting task. It doesn’t have to take months. Take a look at these interesting politics dissertation ideas and start working on your paper today:

  • Discuss comparative politics in Europe
  • Discuss a major political theory
  • Discuss political geography in Africa
  • Political extremism in UK politics
  • The impact of the news on politics in Taiwan
  • Relations between terrorism, religion and politics
  • Television propaganda effects in China

Terrorism Dissertation Ideas

Yes, you can analyze a topic related to terrorism in your dissertation. In fact, here are some of the most important terrorism dissertation ideas you can write about:

  • Domestic terrorism in the United States
  • The state of terrorism in 2023
  • Domestic terrorism in the United Kingdom
  • The rise of Al-Qaeda
  • Thwarting terror attacks in Europe
  • Terrorism in modern Turkey
  • The attacks of 9/11
  • The death of Osama bin Laden
  • A biography of Ayman al-Zawahiri
  • Terrorism in India
  • Pakistan’s support for terror organizations
  • Peshmerga’s fight against ISIS
  • The retreat of US forces from Afghanistan (2023)
  • Modern techniques to detect terror attacks
  • The Kurds and their fight against Islamic State

International Diplomacy Thesis Ideas

Discussing international diplomacy is an excellent way to get some bonus points (professors love these topics). Here are some great international diplomacy thesis ideas:

  • The upcoming US-Japan trade deal
  • Impact of cryptocurrencies on international diplomacy
  • The steps of negotiating an alliance
  • The steps of negotiating a truce in the Gaza Strip
  • Trade agreements in effect in Europe
  • Discuss parliamentary diplomacy in the United States
  • Discuss the concepts involved with cultural diplomacy

Complex International Relations Topics

Do you want to write a paper on a more complex topic? No problem, we’ve got your covered. Here are some more complex international relations topics:

  • The First Iraqi-Kurdish War
  • The Second Iraqi-Kurdish War
  • Discuss the concept of foreign policy
  • What is neo-classical realism?
  • The democratic peace theory
  • Discuss the variants of liberalism
  • Liberalism versus constructivism
  • Offensive liberalism vs. defensive liberalism
  • Discuss human right in Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Globalization and the problems it poses
  • Discuss the concept of global ethics
  • Discuss the concept of global poverty
  • What is military diplomacy?

Political Socialization Ideas

Are you looking for the best political socialization ideas? Our expert academic writers have compiled a list of the best ones for you. Check these out:

  • Discuss the concept of political socialization during Plato’s time
  • Economic opportunities of political socialization
  • The art of the propaganda war
  • The importance of social studies education for politicians
  • Political socialization through the use of humanitarian aid
  • The cumulative aspect of political socialization
  • Political socialization compared to political culture

Human Rights Dissertation Topics

Writing a dissertation about human rights dissertation topics can take a very long time because of the research involved. Here are some of our most interesting ideas:

  • Human rights problems in Palestine
  • Human rights issues in Israel
  • Discuss the monitoring of human rights in Europe
  • The right to peaceful assembly in Asia
  • The freedom of expression in China
  • Discuss the right to life and liberty
  • Armed conflict and its effects on human rights
  • Attacks on journalists in the Middle East
  • The spread of misinformation at state level
  • Gender discrimination in education in the United States
  • Housing discrimination based on race in the UK

International Relations PhD Ideas

Are you looking for some of the best and most interesting international relations PhD ideas? Pick one of the topics on this list and start working on your paper right away:

  • The China-India conflicts
  • China’s role in Taiwan in 2023
  • The Indo-Pakistani conflict in Kashmir
  • The surge in global terrorism
  • Discuss the relations between India and Central Asia
  • Problems in the South China Sea
  • China’s Cold War Against the US
  • Africa: a rising international power
  • Discuss the concept of revisionism (status quo)
  • Discuss the concept of interdependence
  • Religion in international relations

Topics That Professors Really Like

Our experienced dissertation writers know exactly what professors like. Check out this list of topics that professors love and pick the one you think works for you:

  • The US withdrawal from Afghanistan
  • Discuss the Afghan peace process
  • The impact of the US-China trade war on Europe
  • Immigration laws in the US compared to those in Europe
  • The CPEC and the economy of Pakistan
  • Discuss the reasons behind UK’s Brexit
  • Chinese involvement in African political issues
  • Analyze the United States policy towards Africa
  • United Nations and their role in the Yemen conflict
  • The United States’ foreign policy on Russia
  • Donald Trump’s views on Russian foreign policy
  • Bitcoin and its effects on international relations

Topics in International Relations in the Middle East

Are you interested in writing about topics in international relations in the Middle East? We have managed to create some unique topics that you will surely appreciate:

  • Religious differences in the Middle East
  • Shia and Sunny Muslims clashes
  • Discuss the Iran–Saudi Arabia proxy conflict
  • The decline in oil prices
  • OPEC members and their effects on Middle Easters countries
  • Discuss the Arab Spring demonstrations
  • Discuss women’s rights in the Middle East
  • Rise in terrorist threats in the Middle East
  • Terror training camps in Iran
  • The rise of ISIS (the Islamic State)
  • America’s war in the Middle East

Persuasive International Relations Topics

If you need to write a persuasive academic paper, it’s time to take a look at our list of awesome persuasive international relations topics:

  • The importance of the American Interest Promotion System
  • The influence of realism on modern geopolitics
  • Discuss International Refugee Law
  • The disadvantages of the Chinese Maritime Strategy
  • China is gaining a foothold in Africa
  • The value of electronic documents in international trade
  • State sovereignty problems in Asia
  • Labor power is diminishing across the world
  • Negative aspects of foreign investments in emerging economies
  • The concept of hard power in international relations

International Relations Thesis Topics

If you are looking to a captivating topic for your next thesis, it’s definitely time to take a look at our list of international relations thesis topics:

  • The benefits of military alliances in Asia
  • The negative aspects of military alliances in Europe
  • Analyze a developing country of your choice
  • Discuss the main characteristics of international diplomacy
  • The history of NATO
  • Analyze the Standard Realism theory
  • Discuss the concept of commercial liberalism

Argumentative International Relations Topics

If you are required to write an argumentative paper, you should pick one of the following argumentative international relations topics right away:

  • Norms in international relations
  • Social learning in European international relations
  • The role of international institutions
  • Discuss the main Rational Choice theories
  • The relations between civil society and the military
  • Persuasion used in international relations
  • Discuss the origins of domestic conflict in the US

Easy Topics in International Relations

We have a list of easy topics in international relations, of course. These ideas are for students who want to spend as little time as possible working on their thesis or research paper:

  • Political refugees in the US
  • The Arab Spring movement
  • The foreign policy of Russia
  • Current state of the European Union
  • Post-Brexit relations between the UK and the EU
  • The importance of exchange students
  • Define international diplomacy
  • Discuss international education

Controversial International Relations Topics

Why would you be afraid to write a thesis on a controversial topic? You professor will surely appreciate it if you choose one of these controversial international relations topics:

  • The role of foreign labor in the EU
  • Foreign labor in the United States
  • Discuss humanitarian assistance in Africa
  • Pros and cons of NATO
  • Protecting human rights in Asia
  • The freedom of expression on the Internet
  • Discuss OPEC’s price-fixing strategy

Latest Topics in International Relations

Our writers keep up to date with the latest topics in international relations. Here are some of the most interesting ideas:

  • The role of terrorist organizations in the Middle East
  • Peace prospects in Afghanistan
  • Curbing Russia’s nuclear power
  • The advantages of globalization
  • Discuss UK’s Brexit
  • Weapons trade inside the EU
  • Adopting the Euro in the European Union

International Law Thesis Topics

Our experienced writers can help you if you are looking for international law thesis topics. We know, it’s very difficult to find topics about international law. Pick one of these ideas today:

  • Analyze international human rights laws
  • Discuss international criminal law
  • Analyze private international law
  • Discuss public international law
  • A closer look at international humanitarian law
  • Discuss maritime international laws
  • The three sources of international law

International Relations Research Topics for College

Are you a college student who needs to write a research paper on international relations? Here are the best international relations research topics for college:

  • Discuss international customs
  • Artificial intelligence in international security applications
  • Covid-19 effects on international trade
  • Relations between democratic and communist states
  • Achieving peace in Asia
  • Analyze the neoclassical approach to conflicts
  • Covid-19 effects on international relations

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20 Topics for Dissertation in International Relations

The ability to understand how countries operate has always played a role in determining how nations relate to each other. Students from the diverse social science disciplines can be tasked with writing a thesis on international relations. As expected, the first step to getting such a task completed is coming up with an adequate international relations thesis topic that will define the entire nature of your work. Here, 20 interesting international dissertation topics will be outlined below to help simplify the overall task of a writing a thesis.

20 International Relations Thesis Topics

  • Analyzing the Importance of a Society’s Culture in Determining the Role It Plays on a Global Scale
  • Discussing the Impact of Different Religious Beliefs in Defining a Nation’s Foreign Policy and its Interaction with the World
  • Scrutinizing the Role of International Organizations in Helping Diverse Nations Develop Positive Relationships
  • Analyzing the Role of Language, Customs and Beliefs in Defining the International Policies a Country Adopts
  • Scrutinizing the Refugee Crisis in the Middle East and the Role International Relations between Arab Countries has Played
  • A Research on Sino-African Relations and the Prominent Role China Has Undertaken in Modern Times
  • An Analysis of Ancient Greece, Its Foreign Policies and Its Effect on the Surrounding States
  • An Overview of NATO and its Effects on the Relationship Between Member States and Russia.
  • An Economic Analysis of Britain’s break from the European Union and Its Effects on the European Continent
  • Scrutinizing the Importance of a Continental Currency to Trade and how one could Aid Africa’s Economies
  • The Interpretation of Public Law, International Policies and Their Role in Aiding or Shielding Criminals from a Country’s Laws.
  • An Analysis of Foreign Interventions on a State’s Political Processes and its Effects
  • Scrutinizing the Qatar International Relationship Crisis and Discussing the Solutions to Eliminating Future Political Issues
  • An Analysis on the Importance of Trade, Sports and Competition Between States as a means to Building Lasting Relationships
  • A Critical Analysis of the Relationship Between the Developing World and the West: Co-Dependency or Exploitation?
  • An Analysis of BRIC Countries, the Economic Benefits of This Union and Its Relationship with the African States
  • A Critical Look at the Weapons Trade and Its Effects on the Relationship Between Buyers and Sellers
  • An Analysis of the China/Hong Kong Relationship to Implementing it in Gaza
  • The Importance of Building Political Relationships as Critical Means to Fostering Peace
  • The Difference in the External Policies of Republican and Democratic Secretaries of State

Here we come to the end of today’s international relationship dissertation topics that touch on a variety of subject matters you can consider basing your research on.

Posted by Mike Sung

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Politics Dissertation Topics and International Relations Dissertation Topics

It is absolutely vital to choose the right topic for your dissertation. The correct choice will give you the best opportunity of achieving a high grade. Essentially, you are looking to pick a topic and a question that serves to facilitate an effective critical discussion of the issues at hand, demonstrating original insight and also analysing and evaluating the significance of the literature that has already been produced in your chosen area.

Politics is an interesting area for academic research, especially with the significant political changes happening in 2020-2021, from Brexit to the coronavirus crisis and associated geopolitical changes, to the rise of China, and ongoing tensions in Eastern Europe.

To help you prepare for your politics dissertation, this article discusses international relations and politics dissertation topics related to: the post 9/11 world and terrorism, US foreign policy, British foreign policy, Africa, Russia, Eastern Europe, China, Israel, India, the Middle East, the European Union and international law. The most recent and pertinent geopolitical developments are discussed in the form of questions, to help you formulate your preferred choices.

  • The world since 9/11 Dissertation Topics
  • US Foreign Policy Dissertation Topics
  • British Foreign Policy Dissertation Topics
  • Africa Dissertation Topics
  • Russia and Eastern Europe Dissertation Topics

Chinese Politics Dissertation Topics

Israel and the middle east politics dissertation topics, india dissertation topics.

  • European Union Dissertation Topics
  • International relations after the Second World War Dissertation Topics
  • International law Dissertation Topics

The world since 9/11 Dissertation Topics

The terrorist attacks of 9/11 on the World Trade Centre almost 20 years ago resulted in the creation of new coalitions between Western democracies, while pushing other countries further apart. The resulting ‘war on terror’ has been ongoing ever since, albeit more quietly in recent years and has resulted in a number of complicated geopolitical shifts. This is still a very relevant area that would be ideal to base your politics dissertation topics on. Suggested international relations & politics dissertation topics include:

  • To what extent do the events of 9/11 support the ideas of Samuel Huntingdon’s ‘clash of civilisations’?
  • Was enough done in the immediate wake of 9/11 to prevent further similar acts of terrorism in the West?
  • Were the actions of the United States in the wake of 9/11 legitimate and proportionate?
  • In what ways could the events of 9/11 be said to have impacted on international relations?
  • How were international relations between the West and the Arab world influenced by 9/11?
  • What are the key political lessons learnt by the West since 9/11 and the ensuing war on terror?
  • How has trade between nations developed within the overshadowing context of the continuing war on terror?
  • What is the definition of terrorism? Is the use of force, such as targeted killings and drone attacks, a legitimate response to terrorist attacks?
  • How has the domestic security legislation of Western countries been impacted by the fear of terrorism since 9/11?
  • How have countries used the war on terror, ongoing since 9/11, to justify their own security measures?
  • Did 9/11 act as a catalyst for the political upheaval of the Arab Spring?
  • To what extent has the ongoing war on terror been used to suppress civil liberties?
  • Does the spread of terror attacks in multiple countries in recent years mean that the war on terror has failed?
  • Has Western security policy begun to move on from the post-9/11 terrorism threat, to more conventional state-based challenges such as Russia and China?

US Foreign Policy Dissertation Topics

In the latter half of the last century, US foreign policy has evolved, with the US electing to involve itself in events far across the world as a means of maintaining its position as one of the key ‘superpowers’ in the world. To discuss US foreign policy in your dissertation, you could research one of the following politics dissertation topics.

  • The US has often talked about as the ‘global policeman’ however could such terminology be construed as a cover for mere bullying?
  • Are the actions of the US in the pursuit of its national interest always legitimate under international law?
  • How, could the US be said to have overstepped its boundaries in intervening in other countries’ internal affairs?
  • The relationship between the United Nations and the US is ambivalent: to what extent do the actions of the US undermine the role of the United Nations?
  • How does the development of nuclear power in China and other Asian countries serve to reflect the negative aspects of US foreign policy?
  • In what ways does the growth of China as an economic and military superpower serve to threaten the US?
  • Twenty years of a war on terror, plus tensions with Russia and China have created a militarized US foreign policy that greatly benefits the military industrial complex, which frequently lobbies for foreign interventions. Who actually controls US foreign policy?
  • What is the most significant potential external threat to the US? How is this likely to change US foreign policy going forward?
  • US foreign policy has traditionally been one of liberal internationalism. In an unstable world where democracy and liberalism are being challenged by the growing power of China, how can liberal internationalism continue to guide US foreign policy?
  • Will the current building of the wall on the border of the US with Mexico have detrimental consequences for the global economy?
  • What does the increasing geopolitical power and influence of Russia mean for the future direction of US foreign policy?
  • How is the US likely to approach Brexit, the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union?
  • With competing priorities in the Middle East, Western and Eastern Europe, and the Indo-Pacific, does US foreign policy suffer from a lack of strategic focus, and if so, how?
  • What are the long-term consequences of the rise of ‘Trumpism’ for the United States’ foreign policy? How will the US deal with the growing isolationist and anti-war trend among its own public?
  • To what extent will the Trump policy of economically decoupling from China be continued or reversed by future Administrations?

British Foreign Policy Dissertation Topics

The United Kingdom remains an influential global power, even as its role in the world is in a state of great change due to the challenges of Brexit.  The topics below will help you research further into British foreign policy for your politics dissertation.

  • How will Brexit impact the security co-operation between the United Kingdom and Europe, particularly with reference to data sharing on criminal and terrorist suspects?
  • To what extent was the free movement of people a driver of the UK’s decision to leave the European Union?
  • With the US increasingly focused on the Indo-Pacific, what significance does the UK-US ‘special relationship’ have today?
  • On the basis of Britain’s foreign policy, is Britain little more than the “pet” of the US?
  • How influential is Britain’s foreign policy on the rest of Europe?
  • How can Britain utilise its economic, military, and diplomatic power to improve its position in the global sphere in the wake of Brexit?
  • What would be the implications of a Labour government for British foreign policy in the Middle East?
  • Is Brexit likely to reduce the influence that Britain still wields in global affairs, and in what ways?
  • Post-Covid, is a close UK relationship with China still practical and viable?
  • Is the previous interventionist approach of Britain to foreign policy politically and economically sustainable with significant post-Covid economic constraints on the horizon?
  • How can the United Kingdom keep itself together in the wake of challenges to the Union from Northern Irish and Scottish independence movements?
  • What strategic security approaches should the UK take to minimize the risk of instability in Northern Ireland post-Brexit?
  • Does the UK still hold relevance and significance for the US as an ally, with major budgetary cuts to the British Armed Forces coming in the aftermath of the Covid crisis?
  • How can Britain’s foreign policy be revitalised through the linking of trade and economic priorities to diplomacy and security?

Africa Dissertation Topics

  • Africa’s relations with the rest of the world have historically often been problematic because of the prevalence of state and ethnic conflict, as well as the autocratic nature of many African governments. Growing Chinese involvement in Africa is also a concern. Together with significant developmental challenges, Africa is a rich area for discussion and analysis of many facets of international relations from war to economic growth and the aftermath of colonialism. Have Western interventions only served to make matters worse in Africa?
  • To what extent could the political tensions between communities and ethnic groups in Africa today have been affected by colonial rule?
  • To what extent could ancient tribal traditions and religious beliefs hold some responsibility for the problems between African nations?
  • What are the key causes of problems between African nations and how do they affect their relationships with the West?
  • What efforts have been made by the rest of the world to resolve the tensions between warring African nations? How successful have they been?
  • How are relations between African nations likely to develop in the future?
  • How successful has the African Union been in resolving Africa’s challenges and providing a voice for Africa on the global stage?
  • How effective have efforts at negotiation and conciliation between warring African ethnic groups been? How relevant are Western political ideals in an African setting?
  • In what ways is Africa a destabilising regional force in global politics?
  • In what ways is the rise of an African middle class changing its politics?
  • How are Islamist terror organisations exploiting local African conflicts?
  • How effective have African counterterrorism efforts been in recent years?
  • How has Africa been politically excluded by the international community, and to what extent can this be rectified?

Russia and Eastern Europe Dissertation Topics

Russia remains a critical swing power, as a military peer of the US and a large economy, however the aftermath of the fall of the Soviet Union has seen some significant changes in Eastern Europe. Countries in Eastern Europe are looking to align more with the West, potentially increasing mutual enmity between Russia and the West. To base your dissertation in this area, you could use one of the following topics.

  • How has the collapse of the Soviet Union served to influence international relations between Eastern Europe and the West?
  • With the formation of a ‘Single Europe’, has the opening up of the EU to Eastern European countries served to hinder or help this ideal?
  • Why were Eastern European countries so susceptible to Soviet rule? What changed?
  • How successfully have Eastern European countries been integrated into the EU?
  • How will the rise of China impact on Russia’s relationship with the West?
  • What are the most significant problems for the EU caused by the entry of Eastern European States?
  • Why is Russia still considered to be such a threat to Western ideals?
  • Has the Cold War ever really stopped?
  • How did Russia’s annexation of the Crimea and support for rebel forces in Ukraine cause a break in relations with the West?
  • In the aftermath of the war in Crimea, will ‘hybrid war’ be part of a renewed Russian threat to the West?
  • On the basis of past relations, why does Russia still look to distance itself from the West?
  • On the basis of relations between Russia and the US, why have they never actually declared war?
  • Has the threat posed by Russia to the countries of Eastern Europe been neglected?
  • To what extent does Russian influence impact upon an increasingly fragmented European Union?
  • In the light of China’s growing power, is Russia’s preeminent role in Eurasian politics and security likely to continue?
  • Is a Sino-Russian military alliance feasible, and what are the implications for European security?
  • How will Russian hacker attacks on US elections impact on Russia’s relationship with the West? Are such attacks a new method of external political influencing, or merely an extension of Cold War era sabotage?
  • Nord Stream 2 is a highly controversial energy project. Does it increase Russian-German mutual interdependence, or does it only serve to enhance Russian leverage as alleged by the US?

In the latter part of the 20th century, whilst the Chinese government still maintained its distinctly communist ideals, the country became increasingly open to Western views on economic growth and technology, blended together with a view to rapid growth. Starting with Deng Xiaoping’s reforms in the 1980s, to the current President Xi Jinping, Chinese economic and political approaches are the subject of much speculation. There is a lot to be discussed here, and below are some suggested topics for your politics dissertation.

  • To what extent have Western politics and ideals influenced China?
  • Why did China elect to ‘open’ what had previously been a distinctly closed economy?
  • In what way can Deng Xiaoping’s reforms be seen to have moved the Chinese economy towards Western capitalism?
  • Is China is considered a threat to Western ideals? Discuss.
  • How could China’s rapid economic growth be considered a good thing for the West?
  • Why have greater efforts not been made by the West to forge closer relations with the Chinese?
  • How could Chinese political ideals be said to have influenced Western politics? Has this been for the better?
  • Why, when the power of the Soviet Union was considered such a threat, were greater efforts not made to overthrow China’s communist rule?
  • How can China be viewed with such suspicion, when the West is largely responsible for its growth? Discuss.
  • What impact will the Covid crisis have on the Western relationship with China going forward? How will China’s crackdown in Xinjiang impact relations with the West?
  • What are the potential gains and losses for China in trying to take Taiwan by military force?
  • How will the growing hostility between China and India shape the global economic, security and political environment?
  • To what extent does China’s human rights record make relations with the West complex?
  • Is growing Chinese military power a threat to Russia in Siberia?
  • In what ways has President Xi Jinping reversed the policies of predecessors such as Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Xemin?
  • What impact does Xi Jinping’s appointment to rule ‘indefinitely’ have on the potential for democracy in China?
  • Does the Chinese model of state capitalism undermine the western view that capitalism and democracy ‘go hand in hand’?

There have long been significant difficulties in the relationship between the Arabs and the Israelis, mainly centered upon the recognition of a Palestinian State, which has led to many armed conflicts and complications in relationships with other countries. The Middle East also features tensions involving Iran, as well as controversy over the lack of regional democracy. If you are stuck for ideas for your politics on a Middle East centered dissertation, the following topics may be useful for you to research.

  • What have been the main difficulties blocking the creation of a Palestinian State?
  • How have relations between the Arabs and the Israelis served to influence their relationships with Western States?
  • Why has the Arab-Israeli conflict gone on for so long?
  • What is the most significant event that most effectively symbolises the breakdown of relations between the Arabs and the Israelis?
  • How successful have Western attempts proved to be in resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict?
  • To what extent can a two state solution be implemented in Israel and Palestine while settlements are still being built on Palestinian territory?
  • With the expansion of Israeli settlements, are the prospects of a two-state solution dead?
  • Can a Palestinian State ever be recognised?
  • Compare and contrast the recognition sought for a Palestinian State with that of Tibet – which is more likely?
  • Why were events not resolved when the Arab-Israeli conflict descended into war?
  • What role should the United Nations play in resolving the Arab/Israeli conflict?
  • To what extent has former President Trump’s announcement to move the US Israeli embassy to Jerusalem impacted on Israeli/Palestinian relations?
  • What impact has the Arab Spring had on Arab/Israeli relations?
  • To what extent can the Palestinian Authority be seen as an autonomous state government?
  • Is there potential for an Israeli-Palestinian deal, now that many Arabs states such as the UAE have recognized Israel?
  • How will the Israeli-Russian relationship impact on Syria and the wider Middle East?
  • How has the Arab Spring failed to deliver on its early promise?
  • In what ways will ongoing Arab-Iranian antagonism impact on the Middle East?
  • Is the Arab world well positioned for a post-oil future?

India is widely regarded as a rising superpower, and a potential democratic counterbalance to China, in the West. The recent Coronavirus crisis, where Indian manufactured vaccines proved pivotal, underscore how Indian capabilities and confrontation with China will play a role in international relations going forward. Check out some useful ideas for India-related dissertation topics below for international relations and politics.

  • What learnings are there for the rest of the world from Indian experience of counterterrorism?
  • What are the possible gains for the UK in pursuing a close post-Brexit partnership with India?
  • How can India contribute to the ‘Quad’ of Japan, Australia, India and the US in balancing China?
  • How has the export of Covid vaccines altered global perceptions of India?
  • What is the impact of India-Pakistan tensions on UK security?
  • Why has democracy succeeded in India?
  • How has colonialism shaped Indian attitudes to the West?
  • How can India balance development and poverty alleviation with the security challenges in its neighbourhood?
  • What contribution could India make to stabilizing Afghanistan?
  • How will growing Russian-Chinese relations impact on Indian security?

European Union Dissertation Topics

The EU served to cement relations between the countries that were party to the Union with a view to establishing closer ties between the nations on all social, political and economic matters, for the good of the EU and its many member states. Recent political dissatisfaction with the European Union has caused members to think again about the role and the purpose of the institution, not least with the UK referendum vote to leave. There are many subjects to be discussed and researched for your politics dissertation regarding the European Union.  Some of these are suggested below.

  • How could the EU be considered flawed in forming closer political relations between member states?
  • Why could the EU be considered discriminatory to the formation of relations with nations beyond it? How could it be considered little more than a ‘boys club’?
  • How has rapidly increasing the number of member countries in the EU impacted on previous ideals and relationships between existing EU members?
  • To what extent has the EU’s formation been influenced by the historical understanding of the formation of the US?
  • What aspect of the EU could be considered most detrimental to international relations? Why? What does this mean for the political standing of the Union?
  • Can the EU’s move towards ‘shared security’ be seen as a threat to the existence of NATO?
  • Is the EU capable of being a single actor in the defense and security sphere?
  • Are the symbols and tools of statehood, such as flag, anthem and legislature justified for the EU?
  • To what extent has a ‘Single European Entity’ been achieved? In the context of international relations, is this a good thing?
  • Why was a ‘Single European Entity’ not possible sooner? Why were international relations not previously conductive to it?
  • To what extent could the EU be said to be similar to the Soviet Union? Does this mean the Soviet Union was a good thing?
  • What impact has the UK vote to leave the EU had on how other member states view the Union?
  • How important is the EU in keeping the peace in Northern Ireland? Compare and contrast with the role of NATO in Europe?
  • How have far right movements across Europe impacted on the stability of the European Union?
  • What role has large scale migration from the Middle East played on satisfaction with EU membership across Europe?
  • Is EU foreign policy too heavily weighted towards the interests of Germany and France, at the expense of smaller member states?
  • Do energy projects such as Nord Stream 2, and continued scrambles for Middle East oil underscore the need for a renewed sustainable energy policy for Europe?
  • How has the flawed Covid response by the EU, especially for the procurement of vaccines, impacted on public perceptions of the EU?
  • Has the distribution of Coronavirus vaccines in Europe been equitable, with each member country getting a fair share? What will be the political impact of the delays in vaccine deployment and distribution?
  • Can the EU survive the Coronavirus crisis? Has a perceived slow response to Coronavirus damaged the EU?

International relations after the Second World War Dissertation Topics

In the immediate aftermath of World War II, in Europe in particular, many countries faced a great deal of problems as they sought to rebuild. Social unrest and economic instability were particularly prominent, as people struggled to justify their identity and actions, whilst many in authority took advantage of this instability. This was an important time in politics, and a topic relating to international relations after the Second World War would make for an interesting politics dissertation.

  • How could the role played by the US in the immediate aftermath of the War be said to be illustrative of the position they took on in international relations and politics?
  • To what extent did the US ‘take advantage’ of Europe’s decreased position after the war to increase its own power?
  • Was the Marshall Plan ultimately beneficial or detrimental to Europe’s economic recovery?
  • To what extent was Germany’s division illustrative of the state of international relations at this time? Would a ‘united’ Germany have led to closer international relations?
  • How did the state of Europe in the wake of war make many countries susceptible to the Soviet Union and their communist ideals?
  • What was the aim of the Allied Powers in WWII? Did they achieve them?
  • How were European relations effectively structured for the next fifty years by the immediate aftermath of the war? Is this still the case?
  • How did the ‘Cold War’ start? What were its most significant influences on international relations?
  • How did the effects of the ‘Cold War’ spread so quickly? How was it resolved?
  • What was the biggest achievement in international relations in the aftermath of War?
  • How successful were the reparations provided by the US in securing countries against the threat provided by the Soviet Union?
  • Why were nuclear weapons developed? How did they affect international relations?
  • To what extent did World War II directly lead to the creation of the EU?

International law Dissertation Topics

International law provides the framework for international relations to function. However it is adhered to only selectively by Great Powers, and sometimes by smaller countries too.  When and where is the application of international law ideal? Here are some great suggestions on international law for your politics dissertation.

  • In what ways has the law of the EU served to influence relations between the member states? Has this always been a good thing?
  • Why does the law punish some countries when they break it, whilst others are left to their own devices? Discuss.
  • How successful has the United Nations proved to be as a law enforcement agency?
  • Is the US above the law? Discuss with examples.
  • Why are countries like China and Russia allowed to get away with breaches of the law as it stands internationally, whilst Iraq and Afghanistan are punished?
  • Were the actions of the US in Iraq and Afghanistan legitimate?
  • Is the use of force ever justified by international law?
  • What reforms are needed by international law to improve international relations? Are such reforms likely?
  • In the face of complex politics, can international law ever be universally applicable?
  • To what extent are all countries ‘equal in the eyes of the law’?
  • What role does international law have to play in the use of drone strikes?
  • Can international law be effective in a digital age?
  • Why has international law proven unable to find a resolution to the Syrian conflict?
  • How can international law be enforced against Great Powers, many of whom routinely flout it in pursuit of their interests?

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Diplomacy Dissertation Topics Ideas

Published by Owen Ingram at January 5th, 2023 , Revised On March 24, 2023

Diplomacy dissertation is an interesting and important academic pursuit, especially given the current global climate. The ability to navigate potentially challenging international relationships is an invaluable skill for anyone in public service or those looking to work in international relations. This research requires students to identify a specific area of diplomacy and then build their understanding of relevant concepts and theories through rigorous analysis.

The topics for a diplomacy dissertation can vary widely, depending on the interests and abilities of the student. For example, those interested in global politics may want to explore themes such as military interventions, humanitarian aid, or foreign policy decisions.

For those more focused on economics, topics such as trade agreements or economic sanctions could be explored. There are also interesting questions related to law that could be addressed by delving into diplomatic immunity or international criminal law.

When Should a Student Choose a Diplomacy Dissertation Topic?

When it comes to choosing a dissertation topic for a diplomacy major, the possibilities are nearly endless. So, of course, it can be overwhelming to make such an important decision. It is essential to consider what type of research you want to conduct and what kind of project you want to work on to help narrow down your choices and make the process easier.

Some students prefer a more theoretical approach, focusing on international relations theory or how different countries interact diplomatically with one another. Others may be more interested in researching specific historical events that shaped global events or policies implemented due to diplomatic efforts. Answering these questions will help you identify the topics best suited for your dissertation project.

Once you have identified potential dissertation topics that fit your interests, doing primary research on each option is essential.

List of Diplomacy Dissertation Topics

  • Conceptualising equidistant diplomacy in international relations: the case of Singapore
  • The role of public diplomacy in international relations in the full process of globalisation
  • Introduction: Commercial diplomacy and international business: merging international business and international relations
  • Democracy and diplomacy: The impact of domestic politics in US foreign policy, 1789-1994
  • Diplomacy, domestic politics, and the US-India nuclear agreement
  • Diplomatic practices, domestic fields, and the international system: Explaining France’s France’s shift on nuclear nonproliferation
  • Germany at Maastricht: diplomacy and domestic politics
  • Japanese foreign policy on climate change: Diplomacy and domestic politics
  • Streaming diplomacy: Netflix’s domestic politics and foreign policy
  • Domestic politics, international bargaining and China’s territorial disputes
  • Revisiting pipeline politics and diplomacy: from energy security to domestic politics explanations
  • China’s diplomacy: Theory and practice
  • Who “won” Libya? The force-diplomacy debate and its implications for theory and policy
  • Diplomacy theory and practice in Islam
  • International security in practice: the politics of NATO-Russia diplomacy
  • Conspiracy theories as a Russian public diplomacy Tool: The case of Russia Today (RT)
  • Teaching diplomacy by other means: Using an outside-of-class simulation to teach international relations theory
  • Naval diplomacy—a theoretical approach
  • China’s strategic partnership diplomacy
  • Rising star: China’s new security diplomacy
  • China diplomacy, 1914-1918
  • China’s oil diplomacy in Africa
  • Beyond diplomacy? UK relations with China since 1997
  • The concept of ”community of common destiny in China’s diplomacy: Meaning, motives and implications
  • Social media and public diplomacy: A comparative analysis of the digital diplomatic strategies of the EU, US and Japan in China
  • Diplomacy and War at NATO: The secretary general and military action after the cold war
  • The gulf conflict, 1990-1991: Diplomacy and war in the new world order.

What is the Importance of Choosing the Right Diplomacy Dissertation Topic?

Choosing the right topic for your diplomacy dissertation can be difficult. However, selecting an appropriate research question is essential for producing meaningful and engaging work. When choosing the most suitable topic, you need to consider several factors: its relevance in today’s world, how much data and literature are available as support, and whether or not it is something that interests you.

A good diplomacy dissertation topic should tick all these boxes; it should allow you to explore a relevant issue from multiple angles and express your opinion within the context of current affairs.

This will ensure that your research has value beyond the academic setting by providing important insights into real-world challenges and helping inform future policymaking decisions. Moreover, if your chosen subject matter genuinely excites you, this enthusiasm will shine through in your finished product – improving its overall impact even further.

How Can ResearchProspect Help?

ResearchProspect writers can send several custom topic ideas to your email address. Once you have chosen a topic that suits your needs and interests, you can order for our dissertation outline service which will include a brief introduction to the topic, research questions , literature review , methodology , expected results , and conclusion . The dissertation outline will enable you to review the quality of our work before placing the order for our full dissertation writing service!

FAQ’s About Diplomacy Dissertation Ideas

Can i use these topics for my dissertation.

Yes, you can use these topics for your dissertation. Though, other students might have used these topics.

Does ResearchProspect provide customised and unique diplomacy dissertation topics?

Yes, we do provide customised and unique dissertation topics. To place an order , visit our website.

Can you make a research proposal on my selected topic?

Yes, we can make a research proposal on your selected topic. You can check out our website for more information about our proposal writing services or order a research proposal topic.

When to choose the diplomacy dissertation topic?

It is important to choose diplomacy dissertation topics at the outset of the dissertation whenever it is assigned. It takes a great deal of time to research a dissertation, so you will save a lot of hassle if you choose a topic ahead of time.

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International Relations Undergraduate Honors Theses

Honors theses from 2024 2024.

Where the Thunder Dragon Lives: The Case of Human Capital Flight in Bhutan , Grace Subu

Defining Greekness: The Effect of Ethnic Identity on Foreign Policy Opinions , Iliana Tzafolias

Honors Theses from 2023 2023

Rethinking ‘Feminicide’: The Role of Organized Crime Groups in Increased Rates of Feminicide in Mexico , Giselle Figueroa

Threads of Continuity: Investigating the Historical Context of the China Challenge and Its Implications for Current US Grand Strategy , Bennett Hawley

Terror Management Theory in International Relations: Vladimir Putin and Slobodan Milosevic , Poojitha Tanjore

Stranded At Home: How the Absence of Men in Norwegian Whaling Communities Fostered Women's Civic Engagement , Katrine Roderburg Westgaard

Honors Theses from 2022 2022

Psychological Peacebuilding: When the Time is Ripe for an Election , Kaiming Chen

Showing Off and Going Out: China’s Vanity Project Phenomenon , Caroline Morin

Honors Theses from 2021 2021

Like, Share, and Fight? The Role of Social Media and Cybernationalism in Exacerbating Tensions Between South Korea and Japan , Christina Durham

The Remittance Behavior of High-skill Migrants: Evidence from Albania , Gillous Harris

Behind Every Successful Diplomat is Their Spouse: The Buffer Role of Indian and Pakistani Diplomatic Spouses , Sania Shahid

Honors Theses from 2020 2020

Sleeping with the Television On: How Popular Culture Content Implicitly Informs Political Reality , Grace Amato

Trade Talks and Populist Thoughts: The Rise in Populist Rhetoric Following China's Accession to the World Trade Organization , Samuel Desmarais

All the News Fit to Print: Egyptian and Tunisian Media Development and Political Toleration through Arab Spring , Seth Fiderer

Moroccan Identity in the 1980s: The Theory and Policy Implications of Studying Moroccan Identity , Heather Rodenberg

Autocratic Liberalization and Gendered Speech: Evidence from the Parliament of Singapore , Elizabeth Rosen

Flipping the Kill-Switch: Why Governments Shut Down the Internet , Elizabeth Sutterlin

Honors Theses from 2019 2019

Impact of China's One Belt One Road Initiative at Different Geographical Scales , Yuxiang Hou

A Comparative Analysis of Media and Legislative Rhetoric on Gun Control , Samyuktha Mahadevan

Proliferation & Instability: How Nuclear Weapons Acquisition Alters Inter-state Relations , Tyler Sagerstrom

Engagement from Afar: How the Role of the Diaspora Makes or Breaks National Secession Campaigns , Lincoln Zaleski

Honors Theses from 2018 2018

Islamic Rhetoric in Pakistan: A Comparison at the National and Sub-national Levels , Ava Chafin

The Role of the Air Force in the Conduct of the Coup d’Etat , Graeme Cranston-Cuebas

Setting and Success in Resistance Campaigns , Eric Gelles

Maritime Governance: How State Capacity Impacts Piracy and Sea Lane Security , Yuito Ishikawa

Popular Motherist Activism in Argentina: Why do Mothers Radicalize? , Emily B. Jackson

Honors Theses from 2017 2017

From Invisible Children to Legal Citizens: An Analysis of Low National Birth Registration Rates and Global Efforts to Increase Registration , Mary K. Adgie

The Role of EU and NATO Conditionality on Developing Democracies: A Georgian Case Study , Carolyn A. De Roster

Things Fall Apart: The Role of Small Arms Acquisition in Insurgent Fragmentation , Matthew K. Ribar

Honors Theses from 2016 2016

Declaring War or Sentencing Criminals? Assessing Short-Term and Long-Term Counterterrorism Success , Arielle Lehner Galston

Do Birds of a Feather Really Flock Together? Ideational Homophily and Development Policy Influence , Kristin Ritchey

Honors Theses from 2015 2015

Gentle Warlords: The Potential for Violent Non-State Actors to Provide Stability , Tyler Bembenek

A Rival to the West? Comparing the Effects of Chinese and World Bank Health Aid on Health Outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa , Isabel Jane DoCampo

Life That Thrives In Hostility: Mexico's Indigenous Communities and Self-Defense Forces , Kassia M. Halcli

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Understanding Secession: An Analysis of the 2012-2014 Debates on Independence in Scotland and Catalonia , Lucas A. Leblanc

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Good Neighbors: Trade, Culture, and Institutions in the Resolution of Territorial Disputes , Dylan R. Kolhoff

The Relationship between Access to Healthcare and Civil Conflict , Jeffrey T. Rohde

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The History Question in Sino-Japanese Relations , Wenfan Chen

Justice and a Lack Thereof: Comparative Perspectives on Accountability in the Southern Cone , Elsa M. Voytas

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Government Performance, Identity, and Support for Further Devolution in Europe , Nicholas Jacob Bell

The Nuclear Taboo Paradox: Destabilizing Consequences of the Norm , Andrew Bryan Bessler

Latin America during the Cold War: The Role of U.S. Soft Power , Kate Elizabeth Hagey Clough

Visions of the Good: International Politics and the Struggle for Justice , John F. Kirn III

Honors Theses from 2010 2010

The Comparative Effect of Minority Vetoes on Shared Governance in Post-Conflict Consociational Societies: Case Studies of Bosnia-Herzegovina and Lebanon , Dina Abdel-Fattah

Why Do the Strong Quit?: Causes of Counterinsurgent Withdrawal During Overseas Insurgencies , Brian P. Doyle

Olympians , Richard Pell Jordan

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Education and Islamic Radicalization in the Arabian Peninsula , Rachel Walsh

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Theses and dissertations are documents that present an author's research findings, which are submitted to the University in support of their academic degree. They are very useful to consult when carrying out your own research because they:

  • provide a springboard to scope existing literature
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On this page you will find guidance on how to search for and access theses and dissertations in the Bodleian Libraries and beyond.

Theses and dissertations

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The Bodleian Libraries collection holds DPhil, MLitt and MPhil theses deposited at the University of Oxford. You can also search for theses and dissertations associated with other universities online, or request them via inter-library loan.

Help with theses and dissertations

To find out more about how to find and access theses and dissertations in the Bodleian Libraries and beyond, we recommend the following:

  • Bodleian Libraries theses and dissertations Links to information on accessing the Bodleian Libraries collections of Oxford, UK, US and other international theses.
  • Oxford University Research Archive [ORA] guide For searching, depositing and disseminating Oxford University research publications.
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  • Guide to copyright The Bodleian Libraries' Quick guide to copyright and digital sources.

The Social Science Library holds hard copies of dissertations (usually MPhil and MSc) that departments have sent in according to their own selection criteria.

The library holds dissertations from the following departments: Criminology, Economics, Geography and the Environment, International Development, Politics and International Relations (note that MPhil Politics and International Relations dissertations are held in the Bodleian Library), Socio-Legal Studies and Social Policy and Intervention.

These dissertations are on the shelves opposite the Print and Copy Room, arranged by department, course and year. They are all indexed on SOLO, and they are for consultation in the library only. They cannot be borrowed.

Depositing your thesis

It is mandatory for students completing a research degree at the University of Oxford (registered to a programme of study on or after 1st October 2007) to deposit an electronic copy of their theses with the Oxford University Research Archive (ORA) in order to meet the requirements of their award. To find out more, visit the Oxford University Research Archive guide.

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Terms you may encounter in your research.

Thesis: In the UK, a thesis is normally a document that presents an author's research findings as part of a doctoral or research programme.

Dissertation: In the UK, a dissertation is normally a document that presents an author's research findings as part of an undergraduate or master's programme.

DPhil: An abbreviation for Doctor of Philosophy, which is an advanced research qualification. You may also see it referred to as PhD.

ORA: The Oxford University Research Archive , an institutional repository for the University of Oxford's research output including digital theses.

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Since the ceasefire of the Minsk agreement (Minsk II), media, politics and scholars debate EU-diplomacy concerning the concessions Minks II made towards Russia. Reflecting EU-Russia-relations, the Ukraine-crisis was not a surprise (see Mearsheimer 2014, Dias 2013). In a long-term perspective, a contradiction appears between Russia’s confirmations of EU-norms and values as mutually shared principles on one hand, and a “fundamental ideological difference” on the other hand (Faw 2010:40, see Monaghan 2013:5pp). Regarding academic research, the problem is not new but still relevant (see Timmermann 2005, The Council of the European Union 2010, Poyraz 2011, Maliukevičius 2013). The Ukraine-crisis challenges relations between EU and Russia. What path will EU and Russia tread? Picking up on the hint at ideological differences, the thesis questions: Why does the Ukraine-crisis challenge EU-Russian-relations? Where do the challenges originate? What are their underlying reasons? The recent crisis in Ukraine can be seen as a challenge of EU-standards in EU-Russian-relations, regarding their implications for EU-diplomacy concerning power and balance of interests in a globalized world. The Ukraine-crisis underlines the role of the Ukraine as a buffer zone at the peak of mutual misunderstanding between EU and Russia. In the theoretical framework of power/knowledge and discourse after Michel Foucault (1972, 1980), the Master Thesis analyses key concepts of official discourse in EU-Russian relations. With Foucault’s notion of power and picking up on the hint at ideological differences, core concepts of EU-standards, such as democracy, multipolarity, rule of law and modernization, can be “unpacked” in the logic of ‘truth of power’, comparatively or contrasting to the Russian ‘truth of power’. The research design of qualitative discourse analysis focuses on official resources of EU- and Russian policies in the timeframe of Vladimir Putin’s first presidency in 2000 up to today, concentrating on values and norms as given EU-standard. The Ukraine will be considered in the context of analysis, while the role of the U.S. is given marginal attention, in order to keep the frame of a master thesis. Michel Foucault himself gave methodological precautions, but not a methodology to put discourse analysis into practice (see ibid. 1980, see Jørgensen/Phillips 2002). Consequently, the methodology of this discourse analysis refers to Laclau and Mouffee’s conception of nodal points and floating signifiers in the framework of their discourse theory, which follows core aspects of Foucault’s approach (see Laclau and Mouffee 1985).1 In order to examine the core assumption, EU-standards, challenged in EU-Russian-relations in the course of the Ukraine-crisis, will be analysed. EU-standard concepts chosen for analysis are: democracy, multipolarity, rule of law and modernization. These will be analysed with Laclau and Mouffee’s conception of nodal points and floating signifiers. Data will be collected (official resources), the comprehension of the respective EU- standard concept by each side, Russia and EU, will be examined and verified by examples. The outcome will be discussed against the theoretical background of a “truth of power”, regarding implications for EU-diplomacy towards Russia and Ukraine’s role as a buffer zone concerning power and balance in a globalized world. Future perspectives of academic research will be envisaged.

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Government and International Affairs Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2023 2023.

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Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

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Decolonizing Human Trafficking: A Case Study of Human Trafficking in Edo State Nigeria , Oyinkansola Adepitan

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Networks in the Norm Life Cycle and the Diffusion of Environmental Norms , James E. Fry

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Bodily Harm: An Analysis of the Phenomenological and Linguistic Aspects of Harm and Trauma , Grant Samuel Peeler

Mystic Medicine: Afro-Jamaican Religio-Cultural Epistemology and the Decolonization of Health , Jake Wumkes

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

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Soviet Nationality Policy: Impact on Ethnic Conflict in Abkhazia and South Ossetia , Nevzat Torun

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

The Influence of The Armenian Diaspora on The American Foreign Policy , Fatih Aydogan

Discourse, Affinity and Attraction: A Case Study of Iran's Soft Power Strategy in Afghanistan , Hiva Feizi

Becoming Legitimate: How PMSCs are Seeking Legitimacy in the International System , Sommer Mitchell

De Mestizas a Indígenas: Reindigenization as a Political Strategy in Ecuador , Pamela X. Pareja

Star Power, Pandemics, and Politics: The Role of Cultural Elites in Global Health Security , Holly Lynne Swayne

Strategic Negligence: Why the United States Failed to Provide Military Support to the Syrian Resistance in 2011-2014 , Konrad J. Trautman

The Viability of Democratic Governance in De Facto States: A Comparative Case Study of Iraqi Kurdistan and Syria Rojava , Chelsea Vogel

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Cyber Deterrence against Cyberwar between the United States and China: A Power Transition Theory Perspective , Yavuz Akdag

The Role of Elites in the Formation of National Identities: The Case of Montenegro , Muhammed F. Erdem

Measuring Trust in Post-Communist States: Making the Case for Particularized Trust. , Nicole M. Ford

Hidden: A Case Study on Human Trafficking in Costa Rica , Timothy Adam Golob

Latino Subgroups Political Participation in American Politics: The Other Latinos’ Electoral Behavior , Angelica Maria Leon Velez

Re-ethnicization of Second Generation Non-Muslim Asian Indians in the U.S. , Radha Moorthy

Structural Racism: Racists without Racism in Liberal Institutions within Colorblind States , Alexis Nicole Mootoo

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Venezuela, from Charisma to Mimicry: The Rise and Fall of a Televised Political Drama , Rebecca Blackwell

Containment: A Failed American Foreign Policy and How the Truman Doctrine Led to the Rise in Islamic Extremism in the Muslim World , Christopher Jonathan Gerber

The Role of Religion in Mitigating Cancer Disparities Among Black Americans , Samar Hennawi

Where is the Survivor’s Voice? An Examination of the Individual and Structural Challenges to the Reintegration of Immigrant Human Trafficking Survivors , Michelle Cristina Angelo Dantas Rocha

Changes and Challenges in Diplomacy: An Evaluation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Dominican Republic , Yudelka Santana

How Presidents Can Become "Hip" by Using High Definition Metaphors Strategic Communication of Leadership in a Digital Age , Mirela Camelia Stimus

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

At the Intersection of Human Agency and Technology: Genetically Modified Organisms , James Libengood

The Triumvirate of Intersectionality: a Case Study on the Mobilization of Domésticas in Brazil , Kristen Lei Nash

Strategic Missile Defense: Russian and U.S. Policies and Their Effects on Future Weapons Proliferation , Diana Marie Nesbitt

Staring Down the Mukhabarat: Rhizomatic Social Movements and the Egyptian and Syrian Arab Spring , Stephen Michael Strenges

The Effect of Neoliberalism on Capabilities: Evaluating the Case of Mexico , James Paul Walker

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Human Trafficking from Southern Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala: Why These Victims are Trafficked into Modern Day Florida , Timothy Adam Golob

The Effects of U.S. Middle East Foreign Policy on American Muslims: A Case Study of Muslims in Tampa Bay , Mark G. Grzegorzewski

Does Revolution Breed Radicalism? An Analysis of the Stalled Revolution in Syria and the Radical Forces Since Unleashed , Ryan King Little

The United States Prison System: A Comparative Analysis , Rachel O'connor

Fair Trade in Transition: Evolution, Popular Discourse, and the Case of the CADO Cooperative in Cotopaxi, Ecuador , Robyn Michelle Odegard

Challenging the Democratic Peace Theory - The Role of US-China Relationship , Toni Ann Pazienza

Continuation in US Foreign Policy: An Offensive Realist Perspective , Bledar Prifti

The Syrian Civil War: Four Concentric Forces of Tensions , Majid Rafizadeh

Key Ingredients in the Rule of Law Recipe: The Role of Judicial Independence in the Effective Establishment of the Rule of Law , Lauren A. Shumate

Leges, Plebiscita, et Rogationes: Democratization and Legislative Action, 494 - 88 BC , Eric Wolters

An Analysis of State Building: The Relationship between Pashtun 'Para-State' Institutions and Political Instability in Afghanistan , Rebecca Young Greven

Accessibility's Influence on Population Location near Light Rail in the Denver Region , Christophe Michael Zuppa

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

A Comparative Study: How Educational and Healthcare Preparedness Affected Marketization of the Chinese and Indian Economies , Cindy Arjoon

Accidental Detention: A Threat to the Legitimacy of Venezuelan Democracy , Mabel Gabriela Durán-Sánchez

European Union Institutions, Democratic Discourse, and the Color Revolutions , Lizette G. Howard

The End of Anarchy: Weapons of Mass Destruction and the States System , Gregory Edward Johnson

Trends in the Contracting out of Local Government Services , Cristiane Carvalho Keetch

Framing Colombian Women's Beliefs, Values and Attitude Towards Sex and Sexual High-Risk Behaviors , Rosa Ore

Impacts of U.S. Foreign Policy and Intervention on Guatemala: Mid-20th Century , Patricia M. Plantamura

Maximizing Citizenship with Minimal Representation: An Analysis of Afro-Argentine Civil Society Organizing Strategies , Prisca Suarez

From Zaire to the DRC: A Case Study of State Failure , Adam Zachariah Trautman

Guanxi, Networks and Economic Development: The Impact of Cultural Connections , Patricia Anne Weeks

Comparative Political Corruption in the United States: The Florida Perspective , Andrew Jonathon Wilson

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

Modernization From Above: Social Mobilization, Political Institutionalization and Instability: A Case Study of Iran (1953-1979) , Jeffrey Robert Cobb

The Relationship between the Social Construction of Race and the Black/White Test Score Gap in , Toriano M. Dempsey

The Causes and Effects of Get Tough: A Look at How Tough-on-Crime Policies Rose to the Agenda and an Examination of Their Effects on Prison Populations and Crime , Cheyenne Morales Harty

Hegemonic Rivalry in the Maghreb: Algeria and Morocco in the Western Sahara Conflict , Michael D. Jacobs

The Politics of Pentecostalism; Does it Help or Hinder Democratic Consolidation in Brazil? , Amber S. Johansen

Women's Political Representation in Europe: An Analysis of Structural and Attitudinal Factors , Jenna Elaine Mcculloch

Examining the Relationship between Participatory Democracy and Nonwhite Domestic Workers in Porto Alegre, Brazil: Issues of Race, Class and Privilege , Alexis Nicole Mootoo

The Indigenous Movement and the Struggle for Political Representation in Bolivia , Angelica T. Nieves

MAS and the Indigenous People of Bolivia , Maral Shoaei

Cyberwar and International Law: An English School Perspective , Anthony F. Sinopoli

The Homegrown Jihad: A Comparative Study of Youth Radicalization in the United States and Europe , William Wolfberg

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

The State and the Legalization of Dual Citizenship/Dual Nationality: A Case Study of Mexico and the Philippines , Pamela Kim Anderson

The Integration of African Muslim Minority: A Critique of French Philosophy and Policy , Amber Nichole Dillender

Elections and Tensions and Constitutions! Oh, My! A Process-Oriented Analysis of Bolivian Democratization from 1993 to 2009 , Laurel Kristin Dwyer

Cuban Medical Internationalism: A Case for International Solidarity in Foreign Policy Decision Making , Eric James Fiske

The Threat to Democracy in Brazil's Public Sphere , Daniel Nettuno

Prospects for Political Reform in China , Jody Lee Tomlin

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

The Positive- and Negative-Right Conceptions of Freedom of Speech and the Specter of Reimposing the Broadcast Fairness Doctrine ... or Something Like It , Adam Fowler

The Christian Zionist Lobby and U.S.-Israel Policy , Mark G. Grzegorzewski

An Analysis of U.S. Policies Targeting the Iranian Nuclear Program , Bryan T. Hamilton

Religion and Resistance: The Role of Islamic Doctrine in Hamas and Hezbollah , Matthew Lawson

Prospects for Nuclear Non-Proliferation: An Actor-Oriented Case Study of Iran’s Future , James Martin Lockwood

Impact of Globalization on Socio-Economic and Political Development of the Central Asian Countries , Karina Orozalieva

Mubarak’s Machine: The Durability of the Authoritarian Regime in Egypt , Andrea M. Perkins

International Society Cosmopolitan Politics and World Society , Kimberly Weaver

Theses/Dissertations from 2009 2009

From China to Cuba: Guerilla Warfare as a Mechanism for Mobilizing Resources , Jorge Barrera

Neoliberalism and Dependence: A Case Study of The Orphan Care Crisis in Sub-Saharan Africa , Christine Concetta Gibson

City Level Development New Key to Successful Development , Gina Herron

The neoconservative war on modernity: The Bush Doctrine and its resistance to legitimation , Ben Luongo

The Security and Foreign Policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran: An Offensive Realism Perspective , Bledar Prifti

Transdiscursive cosmopolitanism: Foucauldian freedom, subjectivity, and the power of resistance , Joanna Rozpedowski

Making and Keeping the Peace: An Analysis of African Union Efficacy , Nicholas Temple

Social Implications of Fair Trade Coffee in Chiapas, Mexico: Toward Alternative Economic Integration , Joseph J. Torok

Theses/Dissertations from 2008 2008

Role of Culture in Economic Development: China Study of China and Latin America , Amira Fellner

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  1. Master thesis international relations topics in 2021

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  3. Introduction to International Relations Notes

    thesis ideas international relation

  4. Essay On International Relations

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  6. Introduction to International relations.

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  1. Thesis Defense Darren Hassan

  2. Realism and Idealism in International Relations || Theories in IR || By Muhammad Akram

  3. Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition 2010 presentation by Danau Tanu

  4. The Thesis Statement

  5. مقدمة فى كتابة الرسائل والنشر الدولى Introduction for a Thesis Writing and International Publication

  6. International development


  1. 168 Free International Relations Research Topics For Top Grade

    Choose one of our 168 free, original international relations research topics and get a top grade on your essay, research paper or thesis. Toll-free: +1 (877) 401-4335. Order Now. About; ... Our wide range of international relations thesis topics will guide you towards developing a strong research question, conducting in-depth analysis, and ...

  2. International Relations Dissertation Topics and Titles

    For international relations dissertation topics: Examine global issues and conflicts. Analyse diplomacy, treaties, or organisations. Explore cultural, economic, or political influences. Review current events and debates. Consider regional dynamics. Opt for a topic resonating with your passion and research scope.

  3. 40+ Best International Relations Research Topics: Global ...

    November 11, 2023. Explore the complex landscape of global affairs with our curated list of International Relations Research Topics. Delve into pressing issues, emerging trends, and fresh perspectives that shape the world stage. Uncover the latest insights and navigate the intricacies of international diplomacy through innovative research avenues.

  4. 140+ International Relations Dissertation Topics To Succeed

    140+ International Relations Dissertation Topics To Research. September 7, 2021. International relation reflects how sovereign states in the world relate with each other through decisions that are influenced by non-governmental organizations on politics, economics, and security. The discipline covers a wide area of subjects such as law ...

  5. Topics on International Relations & Foreign Policy

    The Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS) examines research topics surrounding global studies, international relations, & foreign policy issues.

  6. 213 Top International Relations Dissertation Topics for 2023

    213 International Relations Dissertation Topics That Will Help You Succeed. International relations dissertation topics cover the relations between different nations, regions, economies, and governments. They also explore the essence of economic ties, trade, global security, diplomacy, and foreign policies. Essentially, these topics don't ...

  7. Over 40 Impactful International Relations Dissertation Topic

    Top 40 International Relations Dissertation Topics: Economic Security: A Lens for Understanding International Relations. Unraveling the Causes of Russia-Ukraine Conflict. Behind the Scenes: The Driving Forces of Global Terrorism. Middle East: A Geo-Economic Examination. COVID-19 and Its Effects on Global Diplomacy.

  8. International Relations Theses

    Our research is focused around three broad themes: conflict, peace and security; the evolving character of global and supra-national institutions; and the interpenetration of civil societies and international relations. In addition we have major strengths in area studies which help to ground our research into these broad thematic areas.

  9. PDF Politics and International Relations Guide to Dissertations 2020-21

    Politics and International Relations Guide to Dissertations 2020-21 Choosing a dissertation, a topic and a supervisor Your decision to write a dissertation in Politics International Relations for Part and IIB may turn on what you have gained from writing a long essay for assessment for POL 5 if you took that paper.

  10. International Relations Dissertation Topics (29 Examples) For Research

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  11. 213 Exceptional International Relations Dissertation Topics

    International Relations Thesis Topics. If you are looking to a captivating topic for your next thesis, it's definitely time to take a look at our list of international relations thesis topics: The benefits of military alliances in Asia; The negative aspects of military alliances in Europe; Analyze a developing country of your choice

  12. 20 Topics for Dissertation in International Relations

    20 International Relations Thesis Topics. Analyzing the Importance of a Society's Culture in Determining the Role It Plays on a Global Scale. Discussing the Impact of Different Religious Beliefs in Defining a Nation's Foreign Policy and its Interaction with the World. Scrutinizing the Role of International Organizations in Helping Diverse ...

  13. International Relations Undergraduate Honors Theses

    State sponsored feminism in Mohammed bin Salman's Saudi Arabia . Bilan-Cooper, Ashari (2024-05-01) This thesis is structured as follows. First, I will begin by exploring the literature on state-led feminism and its relationship to reform in authoritarian settings. Then, I will contextualize these findings in the case ...

  14. International Relations & Politics Dissertation Topics

    European Union Dissertation Topics; International relations after the Second World War Dissertation Topics; International law Dissertation Topics; The world since 9/11 Dissertation Topics. The terrorist attacks of 9/11 on the World Trade Centre almost 20 years ago resulted in the creation of new coalitions between Western democracies, while ...

  15. Examples of International Relations and Diplomacy Master's Theses at AGS

    The Relation between Microfinance, the Empowerment of Women and the Alleviation of Poverty. By Mairi Lee (2007) English Language as a Political Tool in Non-Anglophone Countries. By Rachel Levine (2007) The Inability of Peacekeeping to address the Rwandan-Congolese Security Dilemma.

  16. Diplomacy Dissertation Topics Ideas

    List of Diplomacy Dissertation Topics. Conceptualising equidistant diplomacy in international relations: the case of Singapore. The role of public diplomacy in international relations in the full process of globalisation. Introduction: Commercial diplomacy and international business: merging international business and international relations.

  17. International Relations Undergraduate Honors Theses

    Honors Theses from 2017. PDF. From Invisible Children to Legal Citizens: An Analysis of Low National Birth Registration Rates and Global Efforts to Increase Registration, Mary K. Adgie. PDF. The Role of EU and NATO Conditionality on Developing Democracies: A Georgian Case Study, Carolyn A. De Roster. PDF.

  18. List of International Relations Essay Topics and How to Choose One

    Here's a list of 200 creative and helpful essay topics for international relations: America and its allies will benefit from rising China. Globalizations from a socio-economic point of view. Origins, objectives, and development of Al Qaeda. The conflict between America and Russia.

  19. Politics and International Relations: Theses and Dissertations

    show you the evolution of an author's ideas over time; provide relevant and up-to-date research (for recent theses and dissertations) ... International Development, Politics and International Relations (note that MPhil Politics and International Relations dissertations are held in the Bodleian Library), Socio-Legal Studies and Social Policy and ...

  20. International Relations Dissertation Topics

    List of the Most Recent International Relations Dissertation Topics. Topic 39: Analysing the Impact of BREXIT on Bilateral Relations Between the U.K. and Scotland. Topic 40: The UK-Afghanistan Relations Post-Taliban Revival and US Withdrawal from Afghanistan. Topic 41: Examining the Impact of Accepting the Taliban Leadership in Afghanistan.

  21. PDF Politics and International Relations Guide to Dissertations 2022-23

    One crucial requirement to take a dissertation is a supervisor: you cannot write a dissertation without a supervisor. You should remember that you will not be able to find a supervisor for all conceivable topics in the field of politics and international relations. The Department has a list of its staff, together with a brief account of their


    The development of a stronger international society, well functioning international institutions and a rule-based international order is our objective." (European Council 2003b:9) Accordingly, relations with the EU presume normative unification by accepting EUvalues, which are pivotal for the EU's soft power approach in foreign policy ...

  23. Government and International Affairs Theses and Dissertations

    Structure of Turkey-USA Bilateral Relations and Analysis of Factors Affecting Bilateral Relations, Hanifi Ozkarakaya. PDF. Soviet Nationality Policy: Impact on Ethnic Conflict in Abkhazia and South Ossetia, Nevzat Torun. ... Cyberwar and International Law: An English School Perspective, Anthony F. Sinopoli. PDF.

  24. Next UK government must forge better trade relations with EU, says

    Michael O'Dwyer and Peter Foster in London. May 29 2024. The next UK government must negotiate an improved trading relationship with the EU as businesses face ever-higher costs from Brexit, one ...