How innovations in teaching and learning help education leapfrog

Subscribe to the center for universal education bulletin, lauren ziegler and lauren ziegler former project director, leapfrogging in education - global economy and development , center for universal education @laurenr_ziegler alejandro paniagua alejandro paniagua consultant - brookings institution.

September 19, 2019

This piece is a summary of the new report, “ Learning to leapfrog: Innovative pedagogies to transform education .”

As the 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) begins, attention is focused on progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). With only a decade left to achieve them, it could take a century before all children are learning at the levels needed to thrive today and in the future. If we are serious about meeting SDG 4 for education, we must reframe our mindset toward the concept of leapfrogging —or rapidly accelerating education progress. New research by the Center for Universal Education (CUE) at Brookings, “ Learning to leapfrog: Innovative pedagogies to transform education ,” focuses on how innovations in teaching and learning can take root and scale, putting SDG 4 within reach. The report brings together previous OECD research on innovative pedagogies and CUE´s “ Leapfrogging Inequality ” book, to rethink and refine six innovative pedagogies that can transform teaching and learning (see figure).

6 clusters

Key finding 1: Innovative pedagogies are needed to transform learning

The report examines how innovative pedagogies are ripe for leapfrogging, that is, the pedagogies target skills that most impact students’ job prospects and social lives and secure the necessary depth and breadth of skills needed for lifelong learning. Many of these approaches can be used in low-resource settings and without technology, which can help close gaps in equity by helping learners who are furthest behind.

Building on the six innovative pedagogies, the report narrows in on example approaches of each. One of the approaches most ripe for leapfrogging is storytelling , an approach based on the gamification pedagogy. Storytelling can be especially impactful for teachers that base their teaching on lectures and traditional drilling, as it raises the quality of teacher narratives and engages students through powerful stories. Storytelling favors dialogue and brings together the apparently opposite “teacher-centered” and “student-centered” approaches, showing how innovation can build on teacher capacities and local beliefs.

Another approach ripe for leapfrogging is problem solving , an approach of the computational thinking pedagogy. This approach both develops a critical skill young people will need throughout their lives, and contrary to popular belief, can work well in low-tech settings. As an example, the CS Unplugged project offers off-line activities such as games, magic tricks, and competitions to show children the kind of thinking that is expected of a computer scientist. The project has become quite popular around the globe and has been translated into 12 languages, making this approach quite accessible.

Peter Tabichi, the 2019 Global Teacher Prize Winner from Kenya, shared how he uses innovations to leapfrog progress in education at the launch of the Brookings report at UNGA in September 2019.

Key finding 2: Three structural changes are needed for innovative pedagogies to flourish

Leapfrogging in education is an ambitious and challenging goal; it cannot be achieved solely through better conceptualizations and awareness of innovative pedagogies. “Learning to leapfrog” argues that policies need to be framed at multiple levels, which include teachers’ personal dispositions and skills, local conditions, and the wider national context of curriculum and policy priorities. In particular, the report calls for three structural changes for these transformations to take root:

  • At the level of the teaching workforce, education decisionmakers should invest in teacher learning and professional development to ensure foundations for quality teaching . These foundations include pedagogical and content knowledge, teaching across a range of student abilities, and ample time for classroom instruction.
  • Looking beyond the existing teaching workforce, education decisionmakers can widen the profile of who can be considered an educator . Doing so brings in specialized expertise and, in many cases (though not all) can “unburden” teachers from administrative responsibilities.
  • The third structural change needed is to properly scaffold and manage hybrid learning environments —partnerships and models that blend formal and nonformal learning and are prevalent in today’s complex education landscape. Scaffolding through model approaches and support materials can ensure these hybrid arrangements offer quality learning that moves the needle on leapfrogging.

Key finding 3: Scaling innovative pedagogies requires systems transformation and leveraging networks

The three structural changes highlighted above point to the importance of scale, and how the adoption of innovation pedagogies will ultimately require system transformation. The report discusses how the goals of scaling should go beyond quantity of learners  reached, and, rather, scale deep change , which includes altering beliefs and norms, diffusing innovation, shifting ownership to those closest to innovation, and continual learning. The report argues that one way to scale deep change is by leveraging education networks. Teachers and other education actors will undoubtedly engage and learn from their peers to implement innovative practices; thus, an important route to scaling will come through the density and dynamism of education networks, such as chains of schools, communities of practice, and teacher networks.

With a decade left to reach the SDGs, the time to leapfrog is now. We hope decisionmakers will take note of the report and its findings. It will be featured amid the many UNGA events in an afternoon discussing innovations in teaching and learning on Monday, September 23rd together with the Education Workforce Initiative , which will launch a separate report on new approaches for how the education workforce can be designed, trained, and developed.

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The OECD Average Measuring Innovation in Education 2019:

Published by Evan Simpson Modified over 5 years ago

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Getting all children in school and learning takes strong, innovative education systems.

On 15 April 2020 in Kyiv, Ukraine, Zlata, 7, works on schoolwork from home, with all schools in the country closed as part of measures to combat the spread of COVID-19.

Education systems are complex. Getting all children in school and learning requires alignment across families, educators and decision makers. It requires shared goals, and national policies that put learning at the centre. It also requires data collection and regular monitoring to help policymakers identify what’s working, who’s benefiting, and who’s being left behind.

Strong education systems are inclusive and gender-equitable. They support early learning and multi-lingual education, and foster innovations to extend education opportunities to the hardest-to-reach children and adolescents.

Innovation in education

Innovation in education is about more than new technology. It’s about solving a real problem in a fresh, simple way to promote equity and improve learning.

Innovation in education comes in many forms. Programmes, services, processes, products and partnerships can all enhance education outcomes in innovative ways – like customized games on solar-powered tablets that deliver math lessons to children in remote areas of Sudan. Or digital learning platforms that teach refugees and other marginalized children the language of instruction in Greece, Lebanon and Mauritania.

Innovation in education means solving a real problem in a new, simple way to promote equitable learning.

Innovation in education matches the scale of the solution to the scale of the challenge. It draws on the creativity and experience of communities – like a programme in Ghana that empowers local mothers and grandmothers to facilitate early childhood education – to ensure decisions are made by those most affected by their outcomes.

Many innovators are already at work in classrooms and communities. UNICEF collaborates with partners to identify, incubate and scale promising innovations that help fulfil every child’s right to learn.

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UNICEF’s work to strengthen education systems

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We support data collection and analysis to help Governments assess progress across a range of outcomes and strengthen national Education Management Information Systems. We also develop comprehensive guidelines for education sector analysis that are used in countries around the world to drive equity-focused plans and policies.

Our efforts promote transparency , shedding light on education systems so that students, parents and communities gain the information they need to engage decision makers at all levels and hold them to account.

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These 12 innovators are transforming the future of education

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Quality education is vital in the UN Sustainable Development Goals, but this has been significantly disrupted by COVID-19. Image:  UNSPLASH/Ivan Aleksic

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  • COVID-19 continues to disrupt schoolchildren’s right to a quality education.
  • In March 2021, schools in 57 countries were still closed, according to the World Bank.
  • Deloitte launched the World Class Education Challenge on the World Economic Forum's UpLink platform to search for innovators who are bridging gaps in learning and access.
  • Deloitte will invest US$1 million in the 12 top innovations, announced today, supporting them to scale their solutions to impact more learners. This is part of Deloitte’s World Class ambition to provide educational opportunities to 100 million individuals by 2030.

Today’s students are tomorrow’s workers, problem-solvers and leaders. Access to a quality education is vital not just for children to thrive, but for social and economic development.

The United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals set out that every child should have a free, quality primary and secondary level education. It’s estimated that the disruptions to education resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic have set back progress in educational gains by 20 years . While all students were impacted by the pandemic, the difference between the privileged, and those being left behind, has widened even further.

In India, for example, one study suggests nearly 40% of students in less privileged households have not been able to study at all. And the government estimates some 30 million schoolchildren have no access to smartphones, devices or the internet to attend school online.

World Class Education Challenge

Deloitte is committed to using this moment to truly catalyze change. We must identify what is working, the new ways and innovations that are delivering results for students, and scale them. To find ideas with the highest potential for impact and scale, Deloitte ran the World Class Education Challenge on the World Economic Forum’s UpLink platform.

The Challenge had three focus areas: providing equitable access for students being left behind; investing in teachers’ development; and equipping students with the skills they will need in 2030. It focused on finding solutions in Africa, India and Asia Pacific.

From almost 400 submissions, 12 innovators have been selected. These individuals and their organizations will work alongside Deloitte professionals to help address the global education crisis. They will also receive up to US$1 million in professional services on a pro bono basis and financial grants.

Announcing the Top UpLink innovators

The 12 innovations chosen to be Top UpLink innovators are:

Developed with the needs of African teachers in mind, Learnable is an augmented teaching assistant that allows teachers to compose and distribute dynamic, interactive lessons via a dedicated mobile app and WhatsApp. Lessons can be saved offline, so that students do not need constant internet access.

Nomad Education

Nomad Education is a free mobile app which offers 350 academic certificates that helps more than 1 million francophone children every year to succeed in their studies, whatever their social, geographic or academic background.

Pan-African Robotics Competition

The Pan-African Robotics Competition (PARC) is the largest robotics competition in Africa and has educated more than a 1000 African youth in Science, Technology, Engineering & Math (STEM), while also offering a Virtual Learning Platform (VLP) to enable the African youth to virtually learn to code, design and build their own robots. It also integrates a feature for collaboration and knowledge exchange.

A lack of quality STEM education directly impacts productivity and economic development in Nigeria. Millions of students have no access to traditional laboratories, which are expensive to build and maintain, says Oyebisi. StanLab is a cloud-based, 3D virtual laboratory platform, providing near real-life laboratory experience for students without access to physical laboratories.

UCT Online High School

UCT Online High School's mission is to turn physical limitations into digital opportunities for Africa’s children to access aspirational, quality secondary school education. Its purpose-built online school and free online curriculum pave the way for high quality, online and blended learning to be delivered at scale, and stimulate digital transformation of the education systems on the continent.

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Emotional intelligence, critical thinking and problem solving are key skills for the future of work. Call-a-Kahaani is Udhyam Learning Foundation's Interactive Voice Response (IVR) platform to empower youth with entrepreneurial mindsets, leveraging engaging interactive storytelling.

Ekatra is a tool for educators and organizations to deliver learning at scale, using text (including SMS and WhatsApp) message-based micro courses targeted to improve learning, with the mission to bring important knowledge to people no matter what their circumstances are.

Rocket Learning

Rocket Learning builds vibrant digital communities of parents and teachers to support foundational learning for some of the world's most underprivileged children. It is helping 20,000 teachers reach over 200,000 parents daily with contextualized content in their local language sent via WhatsApp groups. This supports parents with the crucial early years education, including teaching children to recognize letters and numbers.



An initiative of Generation Peace, this solution aims to empower educators to reinvent the way they teach. The web-based learning platform is designed to help Indonesian educators encourage innovation in their classrooms – and raise the next generation of critical thinkers. It offers practical tools, proven strategies, and best practices from around the world to inspire future change-makers.

Komerce is transforming the lives of rural Indonesian communities by unlocking e-commerce potential through education. The innovative platform teaches Indonesian youth e-commerce skills, and connects them with small and medium-sized enterprises in their rural towns, to both boost the local economy and provide opportunities for young people.

Scaling Skills That Matter

An innovation of The Posify Group, The Posify Academy is a student-led, evidence-based combined well-being and career development platform, arming youth with a sense of purpose and equipping them with future skills, so they can navigate this rapidly evolving world with confidence, and uncover and deliver their unique potential.

Tech-Voc Career Accelerator Program

An initiative of, Tech-Voc Career Accelerator drives youth not in education, employment and training (NEET) in the Philippines to the frontlines of employment by transforming their interest into a passion for technical-vocational work through holistic skills development, industry training and linkages, and continuous learning.

The group of top innovators submitted to the education challenge were officially announced during the Sustainable Development Impact Summit. You can watch the session and find out more about the solutions here .

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World Economic Forum articles may be republished in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License, and in accordance with our Terms of Use.

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Best practices

The call for applications and nominations for the 2023 edition is open until 21 February 2024

Upcoming events

Subregional seminar "Priorities for Youth in the Digital World: Jobs and Education"

Open educational resources

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A translation campaign to facilitate home-based early age reading

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or 63%of the world’s population, were using the Internet in 2021

do not have a household computer and 43% of learners do not have household Internet.

to access information because they are not covered by mobile networks

in sub-Saharan Africa have received minimum training


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Creativity and Innovation. Minder Chen Visiting Professor Information Management Department National Taiwan University & Professor of MIS California State University Channel Islands [email protected]. National Tainan University Nov. 20, 2014. Creativity and Innovation.

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Creativity And Innovation Leadership

Creativity And Innovation Leadership

Creativity and innovation leadership is something that can only come when you go through proper innovation training. You become more creative and innovative when you have creativity and innovation leadership qualities. Visit for more info.

181 views • 4 slides


  1. Innovation in Education

    4. 1 - Identify. problems or trends 2 - Propose solutions 3 - Prepare a pilot / experiment 4 - Communicating the value of the invention 5 - Tests to enhance the invention 6 - Identify the successes 7 - Process and/or product improvement 8 - Implementation and market adoption. 5.

  2. Innovation in Education

    Innovation in Education. Mar 30, 2017 • Download as PPTX, PDF •. 17 likes • 16,572 views. M. Melwin Mathew. Top innovations in education sector. No one Never done before. Education.

  3. PPTX PowerPoint Presentation

    Measuring innovation in education and understanding how it works is essential to improve the quality of the education sector. We need to examine whether, and how, practices are changing within classrooms and educational organisations and how students use learning resources. ... PowerPoint Presentation Last modified by: KAR Soumyajit, EDU/IMEP ...

  4. Innovation in education: what works, what doesn't, and what to do about

    Innovation is doing new things. (Theodore Levitt). To innovate is to look beyond what we are currently doing and develop a novel idea that helps us to do our job in a new way. The purpose of any invention, therefore, is to create something different from what we have been doing, be it in quality or quantity or both.

  5. How innovations in teaching and learning help education leapfrog

    New research by the Center for Universal Education (CUE) at Brookings, " Learning to leapfrog: Innovative pedagogies to transform education ," focuses on how innovations in teaching and ...

  6. (PPT) Innovation in Education

    rayed afzal. Innovation is the new approach towards education at primary level. We'll have to do a paradigm shift inorder to switch from creativity to innovation method of teaching. How Innovation is different from creativity and what are its benefits. This presentation tries to show a practical approach towards teaching innovation to primary ...

  7. (Ppt) Innovation in Education: Meaningful Learning Through Creative

    This article is a chapter of the book "The Creativity Virus", published by Katja Tschimmel in 2019, on the 15th of April 2019 in honour of Leonardo da Vinci's 567th anniversary and in the context of the World Creativity and Innovation Week. The article introduces the evolution of the concept 'creativity' from a Psychological to a Systemic Approach.

  8. PPTX PowerPoint Presentation

    Based on effects sizes (multiplied by 100), the indices propose a continuum, but innovation intensity can be considered as relatively small when below 20, moderate between 20 and 40, and large above 40. More details on the methodology can be found in the report. Key findings for Slovenia. Slovenia experienced the highest level of innovation ...

  9. PPT

    2000-2009: Digital Decade • Digital innovations become an integral part of life • Education:Guided and individualised learning; new devices for learning; deeper engagement; technology moves from a focus to being just a tool. • Knowledge Workers: Will achieve twice the productivity improvement of the last decade.

  10. Innovation in education

    The Centre for Educational Research and Innovation. Education Indicators in Focus briefs highlight specific indicators in OECD's Education at a Glance that are of particular interest to policy makers and practitioners. CERI does extensive research work which covers learning at all ages, from birth to old age.

  11. PPT

    Innovation and creativity doesn't have to be a lessening of standards. • Need to bring together a range of professional knowledges in partnerships where all are seen to be equal. Innovation requires a risk-analysis and discipline. • Schools need to be at an acceptable level before the freedom to innovate.

  12. The OECD Average Measuring Innovation in Education 2019:

    1 The OECD Average Measuring Innovation in Education 2019: Some additional findings on the OECD 27 more students in 100 at the primary level frequently observed and described natural phenomena in science lessons, reaching a 50% coverage. In primary education, 21 more students in 100 frequently watched their teachers demonstrate experiments, reaching a 35% coverage.

  13. Strengthening education systems and innovation

    Innovation in education comes in many forms. Programmes, services, processes, products and partnerships can all enhance education outcomes in innovative ways - like customized games on solar-powered tablets that deliver math lessons to children in remote areas of Sudan. Or digital learning platforms that teach refugees and other marginalized ...

  14. PPT

    Innovation in Education. Sep 12, 2014. 70 likes | 320 Views. Innovation in Education. Mahatma Gandhi International School, Ahmedabad Vinod P. MGIS. 200 students Affirmative action for diversity Democratic self-government Learners and Animators Completely project based learning Creative problem solving skills Team work. Download Presentation.

  15. These 12 innovators are transforming the future of education

    The 12 innovations chosen to be Top UpLink innovators are: AFRICA. Learnable. Developed with the needs of African teachers in mind, Learnable is an augmented teaching assistant that allows teachers to compose and distribute dynamic, interactive lessons via a dedicated mobile app and WhatsApp.

  16. JRIT Innovation in education: what works, what doesn t, and what to do

    Abstract. Purpose The purpose of this paper is to present an analytical review of the educational innovation field in the USA. It outlines classification of innovations, discusses the hurdles to innovation, and offers ways to increase the scale and rate of innovation-based transformations in the education system. Design/methodology/approach.

  17. PDF Realization of a Desired Future: Innovation in Education

    that innovation is a concept that relates mostly to the future economies and societies. For some part, it is already happening today in that many multi-national and corporate companies are requiring the above skills and qualifications already and they are driving the innovation economy, thus urging the system of education and its outputs to become

  18. Digital learning and transformation of education

    Digital innovation has demonstrated powers to complement, enrich and transform education, and has the potential to speed up progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) for education and transform modes of provision of universal access to learning. It can enhance the quality and relevance of learning, strengthen inclusion, and ...

  19. PPT

    Presentation Transcript. Creativity and Innovation in Education. The need for innovationViews of teachers and teachingTeaching: The learning professionThe rise of creativity, developing innovationInnovation in educationDeveloping Next Practice. The need for innovation. Schooling in the early 21st Century....

  20. What Is Innovation in Education and Why It's Important?

    The spirit of innovation education is an openness to looking with fresh eyes at problems and to address them in different, new ways. It is a recognition that we don't have all the answers and are open to new approaches to improve such as methods of knowledge transfer with innovative teaching strategies.

  21. (PDF) Power Point as an innovative tool for teaching and learning in

    The discussion will be focusing on student engagement in Industrial Design (ID) education. Digital presentation tools provide a new and powerful way in education refers to learning from the use of ...