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How To Start A Paragraph: 200+ Important Words And Phrases

by Kerri-Anne Edinburgh | Aug 3, 2022

There’s a lot to get right when you’re writing an essay. And a particularly important skill is knowing how to start a paragraph effectively. That first sentence counts!

Luckily for you, we’ve compiled HEAPS of advice, example phrases and top connective words to help you transition between paragraphs and guide your reader with ease.

So read on for a pick ’n’ mix of how to start a paragraph examples!

Paragraphs: the lowdown

So why exactly are paragraphs such an important tool for writing effectively ? Well:

  • They’re an important part of keeping your reader captivated
  • They help your reader to follow your argument or narrative
  • And they keep your writing in easily digestible chunks of information!

And an important part of all that is nailing the start of your paragraphs . Honestly!

Start off strong and your reader will know exactly what you’re going to do next and how your information interrelates. Top marks here you come – and for the low, low cost of some clever vocab!

Start your paragraphs off weakly however, without setting up effective signposting and transitions , and they’ll get lost and ( horror !) might have to re-read your essay to make sense of it. Ugh.

how to write a paragraph

What should your paragraphs contain?

If you’re writing an academic essay, there are a lot of popular conventions and guides about what a paragraph should include.

Academic writing guides favour well-developed paragraphs that are unified, coherent, contain a topic sentence, and provide adequate development of your idea. They should be long enough to fully discuss and analyse your idea and evidence.

And remember – you should ALWAYS start a new paragraph for each new idea or point .

You can read more about paragraph break guidelines in our helpful what is a paragraph article! If you’re wondering how long your paragraphs should be , check out our guideline article.

Paragraph structure (the PEEL method)

Academic paragraphs often follow a common structure , designed to guide your reader through your argument – although not all the time ! It goes like this:

  • Start with a “topic sentence”
  • Give 1-2 sentences of supporting evidence for (or against) your argument
  • Next, write a sentence analysing this evidence with respect to your argument or topic sentence
  • Finally, conclude by explaining the significance of this stance, or providing a transition to the next paragraph

(A quick definition: A “topic sentence” introduces the idea your paragraph will focus upon and makes summarising easy. It can occur anywhere but placing it at the start increases readability for your audience. )

One popular acronym for creating well-developed academic paragraphs is PEEL . This stands for Point, Evidence, Explanation, Link . Using this method makes it easy to remember what your paragraph should include.

  • I.e. your point (the topic sentence), some evidence and analysis of how it supports your point, and a transitional link back to your essay question or forwards to your next paragraph.

NOTE : You shouldn’t start all your paragraphs the same way OR start every sentence in your paragraph with the same word – it’s distracting and won’t earn you good marks from your reader.

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how to start off a paragraph in a essay

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How to create clarity for your readers

Paragraphs are awesome tools for increasing clarity and readability in your writing. They provide visual markers for our eyes and box written content into easily digestible chunks.

But you still need to start them off strongly . Do this job well, and you can seamlessly guide your readers through the narrative or argument of your writing.

The first sentence of your paragraph is an important tool for creating that clarity . You can create links with the surrounding paragraphs and signal the purpose of this paragraph for your reader.

  • Transitions show the links and relationships between the ideas you’re presenting: addition, contrast, sequential, conclusion, emphasis, example/citation
  • Connective words help you to join together multiple paragraphs in a sequence
  • Note: there is quite a lot of overlap in vocabulary! Some transitions are also great signposts etc.

Tip : Don’t overuse them! These techniques can make your writing sounds more professional and less like spoken language by smoothing over jarring jumps between topics. But using too many will make your writing stilted.

A common term that encompasses these three tools is “ sentence starter ”. They are typically set apart from the body of your sentence by a comma.

You can learn more about these key skills in our two helpful articles linked above – or explore a range of other writing skills advice, such as how to start an essay , structure an essay , and proofread an essay effectively!

Picking the right tone

It is important that the paragraph-starting phrases and connective words you choose complement the style of your writing and the conventions of the subject you are writing for .

For example, scientific papers usually have much clearer and expected structure and signposting conventions than arts and humanities papers.

If you’re unsure, it’s best to check some of the sources you’ve researched for your essay, explore the relevant academic style guide, or get help from a teacher – ask them for some examples!

Getting your grammar right

Grammatical conventions can be a minefield, but they’re worth remembering if you want to get top marks!

If you’re looking to increase the clarity of your writing and paragraphs, make sure you pick the right spot for your commas and colons .

For example, when you’re starting a new paragraph, many of the common signposting words and phrases require a comma. These include: however, therefore, moreover, what’s more, firstly, secondly, finally, likewise, for example, in general … (and more!).

These phrases should always be followed by a comma if it’s at the start of a sentence, or separated with a comma before and after like this if placed mid-sentence:

However, we cannot say for sure what happened here. We know, for example, that X claims to have lost the icon.

A word about “ this ” (a tip for really great writing)

As you start writing your paragraphs (and even sentences), you might be tempted to kick off with the word “ this” – as in the classic “ this shows that … ”.

But that’s not a great idea.

Why ? Academic essays aim should aim for maximum clarity, and “ this ” is just vague !

What’s important is that the connections that are clear to you , the writer (who is – hopefully – intimately familiar with your argument), are ALSO clear to your reader , who has probably never read your essay before.

Just imagine, your reader might be muttering “this what??” as they read, and then having to re-read the paragraph and the paragraph before to check … which is not ideal for getting good marks.

In complex documents (especially essays and theses) where a lot of information is presented at once, the points you’re referencing might be spread across several paragraphs of evidence and argument-building. So, unless your sentence/paragraph-starting “this” follows on immediately from the point it references, it’s best to try a different phrase.

And all it really takes is a little signposting and clarification to avoid the vagueness of “ this shows that ”. Ask yourself “ this WHAT shows that? ” And just point out what you’re referencing – and be obvious ! 

Here’s some examples:

how to start off a paragraph in a essay

You can also do a similar exercise with “ they ” and other demonstrative pronouns (that, these, those).

Specifying what your pronouns refer to will great help to increase the clarity of your (topic) sentences . And as an added bonus, your writing will also sound more sophisticated!

What type of paragraph are you starting?

When it comes to essay writing, there’s usually an expected structure: introduction, body (evidence and analysis) and conclusion .

With other genres of writing your paragraphs might not conform to such

Consider the structure of your paragraph. What do you want it to do? What is the topic? Do you want to open with your topic sentence?

How to start an introductory paragraph

Nailing the introduction of your essay is simultaneously one of the most important and hardest sections to write . A great introduction should set up your topic and explain why it’s significant.

One of the primary goals of an effective introduction is to clearly state your “ thesis statement ” (what your essay is about, and what you are setting out to achieve with your argument).

A popular (and easy) technique to start an introduction is to begin your first paragraph by immediately stating your thesis statement .

Here’s some examples of how to start a paragraph with your thesis statement:

  • This paper discusses …
  • In this paper, you will find …
  • This essay argues that …
  • This thesis will evaluate …
  • This article will explore the complex socio-political factors that contributed to the decline of the Roman Empire between the reign of Constantine (312-337AD) and the fall of Rome in 476AD .

However, starting your introductory paragraph effectively is not all about immediately stating your thesis!

So head over to our great article on how to start an essay , for lots of more advice and examples on how to kick off your introductions and capture your reader’s attention with style!

how long is a paragraph

How to start a body paragraph

Unless you’re writing an introduction or conclusion, you’ll be writing a “body paragraph”. Body paragraphs make up the majority of your essay, and should include all of your main points, data, evidence, analysis, deductions and arguments.

Each paragraph should have a particular purpose and be centred around one idea . Your body paragraphs might be analytical, evidential, persuasive, descriptive etc.

To help your reader make sense of the body of your essay, it’s important to guide them with signposts and transitions. These usually occur at the start of your paragraphs to demonstrate their relationship to preceding information.

However, that means there are LOTS of different techniques for starting your body paragraphs! So for 200+ words and phrases for effectively starting a body paragraph, simply keep reading!

How to start a concluding paragraph

Concluding paragraphs are a little different to other paragraphs because they shouldn’t be presenting new evidence or arguments . Instead, you’re aiming to draw your arguments together neatly, and tie up loose ends.

You might find them as part of a smaller sub-section within a longer academic dissertation or thesis. Or as part of the conclusion of your essay.

When starting your conclusion it’s always a great idea to let your reader know they’ve arrived by signposting its purpose . This is especially true if your essay doesn’t contain any headers!

Here are some examples of how to kick off your concluding paragraph:

  • In conclusion, this paper has shown that …
  • In summary, we have found that …
  • A review of these analyses indicates that …
  • To conclude, this essay has demonstrated that we must act immediately if we want to halt the drastic dwindling of our global bee population.

How to start a paragraph: 200+ top words and phrases for a winning first sentence

Choosing the best start for your paragraph is all about understanding the purpose of this paragraph within the wider context of the preceding (and following) paragraphs and your essay as a whole.

Where does it fit into the structure of your essay? Is it:

  • Opening a new topic or theme?
  • Providing explanations or descriptions?
  • Continuing a list or sequence?
  • Providing evidence?
  • Presenting a different opinion or counter-argument?
  • Beginning an analysis?
  • Highlighting consequences?
  • Drawing a conclusion?

It’s important to be direct in how you start each paragraph – especially if you’re struggling to get your point across!

The best way to craft a killer first sentence is to be clear on what you want it to do . We’ve covered 12 options below, packed with vocab and examples to get you started …

And don’t forget to consider when you should start a new paragraph , and how long you want your paragraphs to be . Where you place your paragraph breaks will have a big effect on the kind of starting sentence you need !

Finally – remember that the best time to craft effective opening sentences is after you’ve written your first draft and decided on your paragraph breaks! You should already have all your ideas arranged into a logical order.

Showing structure and presenting concepts

This first type of paragraphs are commonly found throughout your essay, whether you’re introducing your ideas, providing evidence and data, or presenting results.

There a lots of useful types of connective words and phrases to help you kick off your paragraphs with clarity:

how to start a paragraph

Most notable are the sequential signposting words , which you can use throughout your essay to guide your reader through the steps of your argument, or a list of related evidence, for example.

If you’re looking for something a little more specific, read on for four sets of example academic phrases to use to start a paragraph!

1.       Starting or continuing a sequence

One of the most important types of transitional phrases to help you start a paragraph is a sequential transition . These signposting transitions are great for academic arguments because they help you to present your points in order, without the reader getting lost along the way.

Sequential connectives and transitions create order within your narrative by highlighting the temporal relationship between your paragraphs. Think lists of events or evidence , or setting out the steps in your narrative .

You’ll often find them in combination with other paragraph-starting phrases ( have a look at the examples below to spot them !)

Why not try out some of these examples to help guide the readers of your essay?

  • Before considering X, it is important to note that …
  • Following on from Y, we should also consider …
  • The first notion to discuss is …
  • The next point to consider is …
  • Thirdly, we know that Y is also an important feature of …
  • As outlined in the previous paragraph, the next steps are to …
  • Having considered X, it is also necessary to explore Y …

2.       Providing evidence, examples or citations

Once you’ve made your claims or set out your ideas, it’s important to properly back them up. You’ll probably need to give evidence, quote experts and provide references throughout your essay .

If you’ve got more than one piece of evidence, it’s best to separate them out into individual paragraphs . Sequential signposting can be a helpful tool to help you and your reader keep track of your examples.

If your paragraph is all about giving evidence for a preceding statement, why not start with one of these phrases:

  • For example, X often …
  • This stance is clearly illustrated by …
  • Consider the example of Y, which …
  • This concept is well supported by …

If you want to quote or paraphrase a source or expert, a great way to start your paragraph is by introducing their views. You can also use phrases like these to help you clearly show their role in your essay:

  • [Author], in particular, has argued that …
  • According to [source], Y is heavily influenced by …
  • [Source] for example, demonstrates the validity of this assertion by …
  • This [counter-] argument is supported by evidence from X, which shows that …

Always remember to provide references for your sources in the manner most appropriate for your field ( i.e. footnotes, and author-date methods ).

3.       Giving emphasis to your point

Not all points and paragraphs in an essay are made equal. It’s natural you’ll want to highlight ideas and evidence for your reader to make sure they’re persuaded by your argument !

So, if you want to give emphasis to what you’re about to discuss, be obvious ! In fact, you may need to be more direct than you think:

  • This detail is significant because …
  • Undoubtedly, this experience was …
  • Certainly, there are ramifications for …
  • The last chapters, in particular, are revealing of X …

4.       Acknowledging uncertainty

In academia it’s common to find a little uncertainty in your evidence or results, or within the knowledge of your field . That’s true whether you’re a historian exploring artefacts from Ancient Greece, or a social scientist whose questionnaire results haven’t produced a clear answer.

Don’t hide from this uncertainty – it’s a great way to point ahead to future research that needs to be done. In fact, you might be doing it in your essay!

Why not try one of these examples to highlight the gaps in your academic field or experiment?

  • Whether X is actually the case remains a matter of debate, as current explorations cannot …
  • Although not proven, it is commonly understood that X …
  • Whilst the likelihood of X is debateable …
  • Given the age of the artifacts, it is impossible to say with accuracy whether Y …
  • Although we cannot know for sure, the findings above suggest that …
  • Untangling the causes of X is a complex matter and it is impossible to say for sure whether …

Showing the relationships between your points

As your essay progresses you will need to guide your reader through a succession of points, ideas and arguments by creating a narrative for them to follow. And important part of this task is the use of signposting to demonstrate the relationship between your paragraphs . Do they support each other? Do they present opposite sides of a debate?

Luckily there are lots of agreement , opposition and contextual connectives to help you increase your clarity:

how to start a paragraph

Read on for four more sets of example academic phrases to help you present your ideas!

5.       Making a new point

If there’s no connection between your new paragraph and the preceding material, you’re probably starting a new topic, point or idea.

That means it’s less likely ( although not impossible ) that you’ll need transitional phrases . However, it’s still important to signpost the purpose and position of this new paragraph clearly for your reader.

  • We know that X …
  • This section of the essay discusses …
  • We should now turn to an exploration of Y …
  • We should begin with an overview of the situation for X …
  • Before exploring the two sides of the debate, it is important to consider …

You can find some great ideas and examples for starting a new topic in our how to start an essay article. Whilst they’re definitely applicable to introductions, these strategies can also work well for kicking off any new idea!

6.       Presenting accepted concepts

If you’re aiming to take a new stance or question an accepted understanding with your essay, a great way to start a paragraph is by clearly setting out the concepts you want to challenge .

These phrases are also an effective way to establish the context of your essay within your field:

  • It is commonly believed that …
  • The accepted interpretation of X is …
  • Until recently, it was thought that …
  • Historically, X has been treated as a case of …
  • Over the past two decades, scholars have approached X as an example of …
  • The most common interpretation of Y is …

7.       Adding similar points

Agreement connectives are an important tool in your arsenal for clearly indicating the continuation or positive relationship between similar ideas or evidence you’re presenting.

If you’re looking to continue your essay with a similar point, why not try one of these examples:

  • Another aspect of X is …
  • Another important point is …
  • By the same token, Y should be explored with equal retrospection for …
  • Moreover, an equally significant factor of X is …
  • We should also consider …
  • Proponents of Y frequently also suggested that …

8.       Demonstrating contrast

In contrast, if you’re looking to present a counter-argument, opposite side of a debate, or critique of the ideas, evidence or results in your preceding paragraph(s), you’ll need to turn to contradiction and opposition connectives.

These phrases will help you to clearly link your paragraphs whilst setting them in contrast within your narrative:

  • A contrary explanation is that …
  • On the other side of this debate,  X suggests that …
  • Given this understanding of X, it is surprising that Y …
  • On the other hand, critics of X point to …
  • Despite these criticisms, proponents of X continue to …
  • Whilst the discussion in the previous paragraph suggests X to be true, it fails to take into consideration Y …

Note : some paragraph-opening sentences can be modified using connective words to show either agreement or contrast! Here are some examples:

  • It could also be said that X does [not] …
  • It is [also] important to note that X … OR It is important, however, to note that X …
  • There is [also/however], a further point to be considered …

Presenting analyses, arguments and results

An important stage of any essay is the analysis – that’s when you bring your own arguments to the table, based on your data and results.

Signalling this clearly, therefore, is pretty important! Happily, there are plenty of connective words and phrases that can help you out:

paragraph starters

Read on for four sets of example academic phrases to use to start your analysis, results and summary paragraphs!

9.       Conducting an analysis and constructing your argument

Once you’ve set out your evidence or data, it’s time to point out the connections within them. Or to analyse how they support the argument you want to make.

With humanities essays it is common to analyse the impact of your evidence as you present it. In contrast, sciences essays often contain a dedicated analysis section after the data has been presented.

You’ll probably need several analytical paragraphs to address each of your points. So, a great way to get started is to dive straight in by signposting the connections you want to make in each one:

  • Each of these arguments make an important contribution to X because …
  • In order to fully understand Y, we need to analyse the findings from …
  • Each model of X and Y changed throughout the experiment because …
  • Exploring this dataset reveals that, in fact, X is not as common as hypothesised …
  • Notwithstanding such limitations, this data still shows that …
  • Of central concern to Y, therefore, is the evidence that …
  • This interpretation of X is …
  • This critique implies that …
  • This approach is similar to that of Y, who, as we have seen above, argues that …
  • The resulting graphs suggest that …
  • Whilst conducting the survey, it was discovered that …

10.   Presenting results

Having completed your analyses of any evidence (and hopefully persuaded your reader of your argument), you may need to present your results. This is especially relevant for essays that examine a specific dataset after a survey or experiment .

If you want to signpost this section of your essay clearly, start your paragraph with a phrase like these:

  • The arguments presented above show that …
  • In this last analysis, we can see that X has shown …
  • As we have seen, the data gathered demonstrates that …
  • As demonstrated above, our understanding of X primarily stems from …

11.   Demonstrating cause and effect

When writing an academic essay you may often need to demonstrate the cause and effect relationship between your evidence or data, and your theories or results . Choosing the right connective phrases can be important for showing this relationship clearly to your reader.

Try one of these phrases to start your paragraph to clearly explain the consequences:

  • As a consequence, X cannot be said to …
  • Therefore, we can posit that …
  • Provided that X is indeed true, it has been shown that Y …
  • As such, it is necessary to note that …
  • For this reason, the decision was made to …
  • The evidence show that the primary cause of X was …
  • As a result of Y, it was found that …

12.   Summarising a topic or analysis

In general, summary paragraphs should not present any new evidence or arguments. Instead, they act as a reminder of the path your essay has taken so far.

Of course, these concluding paragraphs commonly occur at the end of an essay as part of your conclusion. However, they are also used to draw one point or stage of your argument to a close before the next begins .

Within a larger essay or dissertation, these interludes can be useful reminders for your reader as you transition between providing context, giving evidence, suggesting new approaches etc.

It’s worth noting that concluding your topic or analysis isn’t always the same as presenting results, although there can be some similarities in vocabulary.

Connect your arguments into summaries with clear linking phrases such as:

  • Altogether, these arguments demonstrate that …
  • Each of these arguments make an important contribution to our understanding of X …
  • From this overview of X and Y, we can conclude that …
  • We can therefore see that …
  • It was hypothesised that X, however, as we have seen …
  • Therefore, we can [clearly] see that …

Time to get writing your paragraphs!

And that’s it! You should now have a much-improved understanding of how to start a paragraph.

Whether you we’re worried about how to start your introductions or conclusions, or were wondering about specific types of body paragraphs, hopefully you’ve found what you need in the examples above .

If you need more writing advice to help you nail top marks for your essay, we’ve got a whole series of articles designed to improve your writing skills – perfect ! Have a read for top tips to for capturing easy marks 😊

You can learn:

  • how to create effective paragraphs
  • about the ideal length(s) for your paragraphs
  • how to start an essay AND how to structure an essay
  • the 70+ top connective words and phrases to improve your writing
  • how to signpost your essay for top marks
  • about improving clarity with easy proofreading tricks

Good luck completing your essay!

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how to start off a paragraph in a essay

how to start off a paragraph in a essay

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How to Write an Essay Introduction (with Examples)   

essay introduction

The introduction of an essay plays a critical role in engaging the reader and providing contextual information about the topic. It sets the stage for the rest of the essay, establishes the tone and style, and motivates the reader to continue reading. 

Table of Contents

What is an essay introduction , what to include in an essay introduction, how to create an essay structure , step-by-step process for writing an essay introduction , how to write an introduction paragraph , how to write a hook for your essay , how to include background information , how to write a thesis statement .

  • Argumentative Essay Introduction Example: 
  • Expository Essay Introduction Example 

Literary Analysis Essay Introduction Example

Check and revise – checklist for essay introduction , key takeaways , frequently asked questions .

An introduction is the opening section of an essay, paper, or other written work. It introduces the topic and provides background information, context, and an overview of what the reader can expect from the rest of the work. 1 The key is to be concise and to the point, providing enough information to engage the reader without delving into excessive detail. 

The essay introduction is crucial as it sets the tone for the entire piece and provides the reader with a roadmap of what to expect. Here are key elements to include in your essay introduction: 

  • Hook : Start with an attention-grabbing statement or question to engage the reader. This could be a surprising fact, a relevant quote, or a compelling anecdote. 
  • Background information : Provide context and background information to help the reader understand the topic. This can include historical information, definitions of key terms, or an overview of the current state of affairs related to your topic. 
  • Thesis statement : Clearly state your main argument or position on the topic. Your thesis should be concise and specific, providing a clear direction for your essay. 

Before we get into how to write an essay introduction, we need to know how it is structured. The structure of an essay is crucial for organizing your thoughts and presenting them clearly and logically. It is divided as follows: 2  

  • Introduction:  The introduction should grab the reader’s attention with a hook, provide context, and include a thesis statement that presents the main argument or purpose of the essay.  
  • Body:  The body should consist of focused paragraphs that support your thesis statement using evidence and analysis. Each paragraph should concentrate on a single central idea or argument and provide evidence, examples, or analysis to back it up.  
  • Conclusion:  The conclusion should summarize the main points and restate the thesis differently. End with a final statement that leaves a lasting impression on the reader. Avoid new information or arguments. 

how to start off a paragraph in a essay

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to write an essay introduction: 

  • Start with a Hook : Begin your introduction paragraph with an attention-grabbing statement, question, quote, or anecdote related to your topic. The hook should pique the reader’s interest and encourage them to continue reading. 
  • Provide Background Information : This helps the reader understand the relevance and importance of the topic. 
  • State Your Thesis Statement : The last sentence is the main argument or point of your essay. It should be clear, concise, and directly address the topic of your essay. 
  • Preview the Main Points : This gives the reader an idea of what to expect and how you will support your thesis. 
  • Keep it Concise and Clear : Avoid going into too much detail or including information not directly relevant to your topic. 
  • Revise : Revise your introduction after you’ve written the rest of your essay to ensure it aligns with your final argument. 

Here’s an example of an essay introduction paragraph about the importance of education: 

Education is often viewed as a fundamental human right and a key social and economic development driver. As Nelson Mandela once famously said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” It is the key to unlocking a wide range of opportunities and benefits for individuals, societies, and nations. In today’s constantly evolving world, education has become even more critical. It has expanded beyond traditional classroom learning to include digital and remote learning, making education more accessible and convenient. This essay will delve into the importance of education in empowering individuals to achieve their dreams, improving societies by promoting social justice and equality, and driving economic growth by developing a skilled workforce and promoting innovation. 

This introduction paragraph example includes a hook (the quote by Nelson Mandela), provides some background information on education, and states the thesis statement (the importance of education). 

This is one of the key steps in how to write an essay introduction. Crafting a compelling hook is vital because it sets the tone for your entire essay and determines whether your readers will stay interested. A good hook draws the reader in and sets the stage for the rest of your essay.  

  • Avoid Dry Fact : Instead of simply stating a bland fact, try to make it engaging and relevant to your topic. For example, if you’re writing about the benefits of exercise, you could start with a startling statistic like, “Did you know that regular exercise can increase your lifespan by up to seven years?” 
  • Avoid Using a Dictionary Definition : While definitions can be informative, they’re not always the most captivating way to start an essay. Instead, try to use a quote, anecdote, or provocative question to pique the reader’s interest. For instance, if you’re writing about freedom, you could begin with a quote from a famous freedom fighter or philosopher. 
  • Do Not Just State a Fact That the Reader Already Knows : This ties back to the first point—your hook should surprise or intrigue the reader. For Here’s an introduction paragraph example, if you’re writing about climate change, you could start with a thought-provoking statement like, “Despite overwhelming evidence, many people still refuse to believe in the reality of climate change.” 

Including background information in the introduction section of your essay is important to provide context and establish the relevance of your topic. When writing the background information, you can follow these steps: 

  • Start with a General Statement:  Begin with a general statement about the topic and gradually narrow it down to your specific focus. For example, when discussing the impact of social media, you can begin by making a broad statement about social media and its widespread use in today’s society, as follows: “Social media has become an integral part of modern life, with billions of users worldwide.” 
  • Define Key Terms : Define any key terms or concepts that may be unfamiliar to your readers but are essential for understanding your argument. 
  • Provide Relevant Statistics:  Use statistics or facts to highlight the significance of the issue you’re discussing. For instance, “According to a report by Statista, the number of social media users is expected to reach 4.41 billion by 2025.” 
  • Discuss the Evolution:  Mention previous research or studies that have been conducted on the topic, especially those that are relevant to your argument. Mention key milestones or developments that have shaped its current impact. You can also outline some of the major effects of social media. For example, you can briefly describe how social media has evolved, including positives such as increased connectivity and issues like cyberbullying and privacy concerns. 
  • Transition to Your Thesis:  Use the background information to lead into your thesis statement, which should clearly state the main argument or purpose of your essay. For example, “Given its pervasive influence, it is crucial to examine the impact of social media on mental health.” 

how to start off a paragraph in a essay

A thesis statement is a concise summary of the main point or claim of an essay, research paper, or other type of academic writing. It appears near the end of the introduction. Here’s how to write a thesis statement: 

  • Identify the topic:  Start by identifying the topic of your essay. For example, if your essay is about the importance of exercise for overall health, your topic is “exercise.” 
  • State your position:  Next, state your position or claim about the topic. This is the main argument or point you want to make. For example, if you believe that regular exercise is crucial for maintaining good health, your position could be: “Regular exercise is essential for maintaining good health.” 
  • Support your position:  Provide a brief overview of the reasons or evidence that support your position. These will be the main points of your essay. For example, if you’re writing an essay about the importance of exercise, you could mention the physical health benefits, mental health benefits, and the role of exercise in disease prevention. 
  • Make it specific:  Ensure your thesis statement clearly states what you will discuss in your essay. For example, instead of saying, “Exercise is good for you,” you could say, “Regular exercise, including cardiovascular and strength training, can improve overall health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.” 

Examples of essay introduction 

Here are examples of essay introductions for different types of essays: 

Argumentative Essay Introduction Example:  

Topic: Should the voting age be lowered to 16? 

“The question of whether the voting age should be lowered to 16 has sparked nationwide debate. While some argue that 16-year-olds lack the requisite maturity and knowledge to make informed decisions, others argue that doing so would imbue young people with agency and give them a voice in shaping their future.” 

Expository Essay Introduction Example  

Topic: The benefits of regular exercise 

“In today’s fast-paced world, the importance of regular exercise cannot be overstated. From improving physical health to boosting mental well-being, the benefits of exercise are numerous and far-reaching. This essay will examine the various advantages of regular exercise and provide tips on incorporating it into your daily routine.” 

Text: “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee 

“Harper Lee’s novel, ‘To Kill a Mockingbird,’ is a timeless classic that explores themes of racism, injustice, and morality in the American South. Through the eyes of young Scout Finch, the reader is taken on a journey that challenges societal norms and forces characters to confront their prejudices. This essay will analyze the novel’s use of symbolism, character development, and narrative structure to uncover its deeper meaning and relevance to contemporary society.” 

  • Engaging and Relevant First Sentence : The opening sentence captures the reader’s attention and relates directly to the topic. 
  • Background Information : Enough background information is introduced to provide context for the thesis statement. 
  • Definition of Important Terms : Key terms or concepts that might be unfamiliar to the audience or are central to the argument are defined. 
  • Clear Thesis Statement : The thesis statement presents the main point or argument of the essay. 
  • Relevance to Main Body : Everything in the introduction directly relates to and sets up the discussion in the main body of the essay. 

how to start off a paragraph in a essay

Writing a strong introduction is crucial for setting the tone and context of your essay. Here are the key takeaways for how to write essay introduction: 3  

  • Hook the Reader : Start with an engaging hook to grab the reader’s attention. This could be a compelling question, a surprising fact, a relevant quote, or an anecdote. 
  • Provide Background : Give a brief overview of the topic, setting the context and stage for the discussion. 
  • Thesis Statement : State your thesis, which is the main argument or point of your essay. It should be concise, clear, and specific. 
  • Preview the Structure : Outline the main points or arguments to help the reader understand the organization of your essay. 
  • Keep it Concise : Avoid including unnecessary details or information not directly related to your thesis. 
  • Revise and Edit : Revise your introduction to ensure clarity, coherence, and relevance. Check for grammar and spelling errors. 
  • Seek Feedback : Get feedback from peers or instructors to improve your introduction further. 

The purpose of an essay introduction is to give an overview of the topic, context, and main ideas of the essay. It is meant to engage the reader, establish the tone for the rest of the essay, and introduce the thesis statement or central argument.  

An essay introduction typically ranges from 5-10% of the total word count. For example, in a 1,000-word essay, the introduction would be roughly 50-100 words. However, the length can vary depending on the complexity of the topic and the overall length of the essay.

An essay introduction is critical in engaging the reader and providing contextual information about the topic. To ensure its effectiveness, consider incorporating these key elements: a compelling hook, background information, a clear thesis statement, an outline of the essay’s scope, a smooth transition to the body, and optional signposting sentences.  

The process of writing an essay introduction is not necessarily straightforward, but there are several strategies that can be employed to achieve this end. When experiencing difficulty initiating the process, consider the following techniques: begin with an anecdote, a quotation, an image, a question, or a startling fact to pique the reader’s interest. It may also be helpful to consider the five W’s of journalism: who, what, when, where, why, and how.   For instance, an anecdotal opening could be structured as follows: “As I ascended the stage, momentarily blinded by the intense lights, I could sense the weight of a hundred eyes upon me, anticipating my next move. The topic of discussion was climate change, a subject I was passionate about, and it was my first public speaking event. Little did I know , that pivotal moment would not only alter my perspective but also chart my life’s course.” 

Crafting a compelling thesis statement for your introduction paragraph is crucial to grab your reader’s attention. To achieve this, avoid using overused phrases such as “In this paper, I will write about” or “I will focus on” as they lack originality. Instead, strive to engage your reader by substantiating your stance or proposition with a “so what” clause. While writing your thesis statement, aim to be precise, succinct, and clear in conveying your main argument.  

To create an effective essay introduction, ensure it is clear, engaging, relevant, and contains a concise thesis statement. It should transition smoothly into the essay and be long enough to cover necessary points but not become overwhelming. Seek feedback from peers or instructors to assess its effectiveness. 


  • Cui, L. (2022). Unit 6 Essay Introduction.  Building Academic Writing Skills . 
  • West, H., Malcolm, G., Keywood, S., & Hill, J. (2019). Writing a successful essay.  Journal of Geography in Higher Education ,  43 (4), 609-617. 
  • Beavers, M. E., Thoune, D. L., & McBeth, M. (2023). Bibliographic Essay: Reading, Researching, Teaching, and Writing with Hooks: A Queer Literacy Sponsorship. College English, 85(3), 230-242. 

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It’s the roadmap to your essay, it’s the forecast for your argument, it’s...your introduction paragraph, and writing one can feel pretty intimidating. The introduction paragraph is a part of just about every kind of academic writing , from persuasive essays to research papers. But that doesn’t mean writing one is easy!

If trying to write an intro paragraph makes you feel like a Muggle trying to do magic, trust us: you aren’t alone. But there are some tips and tricks that can make the process easier—and that’s where we come in.

In this article, we’re going to explain how to write a captivating intro paragraph by covering the following info:  

  • A discussion of what an introduction paragraph is and its purpose in an essay
  • An overview of the most effective introduction paragraph format, with explanations of the three main parts of an intro paragraph
  • An analysis of real intro paragraph examples, with a discussion of what works and what doesn’t
  • A list of four top tips on how to write an introduction paragraph

Are you ready? Let’s begin!


What Is an Introduction Paragraph? 

An introduction paragraph is the first paragraph of an essay , paper, or other type of academic writing. Argumentative essays , book reports, research papers, and even personal  essays are common types of writing that require an introduction paragraph. Whether you’re writing a research paper for a science course or an argumentative essay for English class , you’re going to have to write an intro paragraph. 

So what’s the purpose of an intro paragraph? As a reader’s first impression of your essay, the intro paragraph should introduce the topic of your paper. 

Your introduction will also state any claims, questions, or issues that your paper will focus on. This is commonly known as your paper’s thesis . This condenses the overall point of your paper into one or two short sentences that your reader can come back and reference later.

But intro paragraphs need to do a bit more than just introduce your topic. An intro paragraph is also supposed to grab your reader’s attention. The intro paragraph is your chance to provide just enough info and intrigue to make your reader say, “Hey, this topic sounds interesting. I think I’ll keep reading this essay!” That can help your essay stand out from the crowd.

In most cases, an intro paragraph will be relatively short. A good intro will be clear, brief, purposeful, and focused. While there are some exceptions to this rule, it’s common for intro paragraphs to consist of three to five sentences . 

Effectively introducing your essay’s topic, purpose, and getting your reader invested in your essay sounds like a lot to ask from one little paragraph, huh? In the next section, we’ll demystify the intro paragraph format by breaking it down into its core parts . When you learn how to approach each part of an intro, writing one won’t seem so scary!


Once you figure out the three parts of an intro paragraph, writing one will be a piece of cake!

The 3 Main Parts of an Intro Paragraph

In general, an intro paragraph is going to have three main parts: a hook, context, and a thesis statement . Each of these pieces of the intro plays a key role in acquainting the reader with the topic and purpose of your essay. 

Below, we’ll explain how to start an introduction paragraph by writing an effective hook, providing context, and crafting a thesis statement. When you put these elements together, you’ll have an intro paragraph that does a great job of making a great first impression on your audience!

Intro Paragraph Part 1: The Hook

When it comes to how to start an introduction paragraph, o ne of the most common approaches is to start with something called a hook. 

What does hook mean here, though? Think of it this way: it’s like when you start a new Netflix series: you look up a few hours (and a few episodes) later and you say, “Whoa. I guess I must be hooked on this show!” 

That’s how the hook is supposed to work in an intro paragrap h: it should get your reader interested enough that they don’t want to press the proverbial “pause” button while they’re reading it . In other words, a hook is designed to grab your reader’s attention and keep them reading your essay! 

This means that the hook comes first in the intro paragraph format—it’ll be the opening sentence of your intro. 

It’s important to realize  that there are many different ways to write a good hook. But generally speaking, hooks must include these two things: what your topic is, and the angle you’re taking on that topic in your essay. 

One approach to writing a hook that works is starting with a general, but interesting, statement on your topic. In this type of hook, you’re trying to provide a broad introduction to your topic and your angle on the topic in an engaging way . 

For example, if you’re writing an essay about the role of the government in the American healthcare system, your hook might look something like this: 

There's a growing movement to require that the federal government provide affordable, effective healthcare for all Americans. 

This hook introduces the essay topic in a broad way (government and healthcare) by presenting a general statement on the topic. But the assumption presented in the hook can also be seen as controversial, which gets readers interested in learning more about what the writer—and the essay—has to say.

In other words, the statement above fulfills the goals of a good hook: it’s intriguing and provides a general introduction to the essay topic.

Intro Paragraph Part 2: Context

Once you’ve provided an attention-grabbing hook, you’ll want to give more context about your essay topic. Context refers to additional details that reveal the specific focus of your paper. So, whereas the hook provides a general introduction to your topic, context starts helping readers understand what exactly you’re going to be writing about

You can include anywhere from one to several sentences of context in your intro, depending on your teacher’s expectations, the length of your paper, and complexity of your topic. In these context-providing sentences, you want to begin narrowing the focus of your intro. You can do this by describing a specific issue or question about your topic that you’ll address in your essay. It also helps readers start to understand why the topic you’re writing about matters and why they should read about it. 

So, what counts as context for an intro paragraph? Context can be any important details or descriptions that provide background on existing perspectives, common cultural attitudes, or a specific situation or controversy relating to your essay topic. The context you include should acquaint your reader with the issues, questions, or events that motivated you to write an essay on your topic...and that your reader should know in order to understand your thesis. 

For instance, if you’re writing an essay analyzing the consequences of sexism in Hollywood, the context you include after your hook might make reference to the #metoo and #timesup movements that have generated public support for victims of sexual harassment. 

The key takeaway here is that context establishes why you’re addressing your topic and what makes it important. It also sets you up for success on the final piece of an intro paragraph: the thesis statement.

Elle Woods' statement offers a specific point of view on the topic of murder...which means it could serve as a pretty decent thesis statement!

Intro Paragraph Part 3: The Thesis

The final key part of how to write an intro paragraph is the thesis statement. The thesis statement is the backbone of your introduction: it conveys your argument or point of view on your topic in a clear, concise, and compelling way . The thesis is usually the last sentence of your intro paragraph. 

Whether it’s making a claim, outlining key points, or stating a hypothesis, your thesis statement will tell your reader exactly what idea(s) are going to be addressed in your essay. A good thesis statement will be clear, straightforward, and highlight the overall point you’re trying to make.

Some instructors also ask students to include an essay map as part of their thesis. An essay map is a section that outlines the major topics a paper will address. So for instance, say you’re writing a paper that argues for the importance of public transport in rural communities. Your thesis and essay map might look like this: 

Having public transport in rural communities helps people improve their economic situation by giving them reliable transportation to their job, reducing the amount of money they spend on gas, and providing new and unionized work .

The underlined section is the essay map because it touches on the three big things the writer will talk about later. It literally maps out the rest of the essay!

So let’s review: Your thesis takes the idea you’ve introduced in your hook and context and wraps it up. Think of it like a television episode: the hook sets the scene by presenting a general statement and/or interesting idea that sucks you in. The context advances the plot by describing the topic in more detail and helping readers understand why the topic is important. And finally, the thesis statement provides the climax by telling the reader what you have to say about the topic. 

The thesis statement is the most important part of the intro. Without it, your reader won’t know what the purpose of your essay is! And for a piece of writing to be effective, it needs to have a clear purpose. Your thesis statement conveys that purpose , so it’s important to put careful thought into writing a clear and compelling thesis statement. 


How To Write an Introduction Paragraph: Example and Analysis

Now that we’ve provided an intro paragraph outline and have explained the three key parts of an intro paragraph, let’s take a look at an intro paragraph in action.

To show you how an intro paragraph works, we’ve included a sample introduction paragraph below, followed by an analysis of its strengths and weaknesses.

Example of Introduction Paragraph

While college students in the U.S. are struggling with how to pay for college, there is another surprising demographic that’s affected by the pressure to pay for college: families and parents. In the face of tuition price tags that total more than $100,000 (as a low estimate), families must make difficult decisions about how to save for their children’s college education. Charting a feasible path to saving for college is further complicated by the FAFSA’s estimates for an “Expected Family Contribution”—an amount of money that is rarely feasible for most American families. Due to these challenging financial circumstances and cultural pressure to give one’s children the best possible chance of success in adulthood, many families are going into serious debt to pay for their children’s college education. The U.S. government should move toward bearing more of the financial burden of college education. 

Example of Introduction Paragraph: Analysis

Before we dive into analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of this example intro paragraph, let’s establish the essay topic. The sample intro indicates that t he essay topic will focus on one specific issue: who should cover the cost of college education in the U.S., and why. Both the hook and the context help us identify the topic, while the thesis in the last sentence tells us why this topic matters to the writer—they think the U.S. Government needs to help finance college education. This is also the writer’s argument, which they’ll cover in the body of their essay. 

Now that we’ve identified the essay topic presented in the sample intro, let’s dig into some analysis. To pin down its strengths and weaknesses, we’re going to use the following three questions to guide our example of introduction paragraph analysis: 

  • Does this intro provide an attention-grabbing opening sentence that conveys the essay topic? 
  • Does this intro provide relevant, engaging context about the essay topic? 
  • Does this intro provide a thesis statement that establishes the writer’s point of view on the topic and what specific aspects of the issue the essay will address? 

Now, let’s use the questions above to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of this sample intro paragraph. 

Does the Intro Have a Good Hook? 

First, the intro starts out with an attention-grabbing hook . The writer starts by presenting  an assumption (that the U.S. federal government bears most of the financial burden of college education), which makes the topic relatable to a wide audience of readers. Also note that the hook relates to the general topic of the essay, which is the high cost of college education. 

The hook then takes a surprising turn by presenting a counterclaim : that American families, rather than students, feel the true burden of paying for college. Some readers will have a strong emotional reaction to this provocative counterclaim, which will make them want to keep reading! As such, this intro provides an effective opening sentence that conveys the essay topic. 

Does the Intro Give Context?

T he second, third, and fourth sentences of the intro provide contextual details that reveal the specific focus of the writer’s paper . Remember: the context helps readers start to zoom in on what the paper will focus on, and what aspect of the general topic (college costs) will be discussed later on. 

The context in this intro reveals the intent and direction of the paper by explaining why the issue of families financing college is important. In other words, the context helps readers understand why this issue matters , and what aspects of this issue will be addressed in the paper.  

To provide effective context, the writer refers to issues (the exorbitant cost of college and high levels of family debt) that have received a lot of recent scholarly and media attention. These sentences of context also elaborate on the interesting perspective included in the hook: that American families are most affected by college costs.

Does the Intro Have a Thesis? 

Finally, this intro provides a thesis statement that conveys the writer’s point of view on the issue of financing college education. This writer believes that the U.S. government should do more to pay for students’ college educations. 

However, the thesis statement doesn’t give us any details about why the writer has made this claim or why this will help American families . There isn’t an essay map that helps readers understand what points the writer will make in the essay.

To revise this thesis statement so that it establishes the specific aspects of the topic that the essay will address, the writer could add the following to the beginning of the thesis statement:

The U.S. government should take on more of the financial burden of college education because other countries have shown this can improve education rates while reducing levels of familial poverty.

Check out the new section in bold. Not only does it clarify that the writer is talking about the pressure put on families, it touches on the big topics the writer will address in the paper: improving education rates and reduction of poverty. So not only do we have a clearer argumentative statement in this thesis, we also have an essay map!  

So, let’s recap our analysis. This sample intro paragraph does an effective job of providing an engaging hook and relatable, interesting context, but the thesis statement needs some work ! As you write your own intro paragraphs, you might consider using the questions above to evaluate and revise your work. Doing this will help ensure you’ve covered all of your bases and written an intro that your readers will find interesting!


4 Tips for How To Write an Introduction Paragraph

Now that we’ve gone over an example of introduction paragraph analysis, let’s talk about how to write an introduction paragraph of your own. Keep reading for four tips for writing a successful intro paragraph for any essay. 

Tip 1: Analyze Your Essay Prompt

If you’re having trouble with how to start an introduction paragraph, analyze your essay prompt! Most teachers give you some kind of assignment sheet, formal instructions, or prompt to set the expectations for an essay they’ve assigned, right? Those instructions can help guide you as you write your intro paragraph!

Because they’ll be reading and responding to your essay, you want to make sure you meet your teacher’s expectations for an intro paragraph . For instance, if they’ve provided specific instructions about how long the intro should be or where the thesis statement should be located, be sure to follow them!

The type of paper you’re writing can give you clues as to how to approach your intro as well. If you’re writing a research paper, your professor might expect you to provide a research question or state a hypothesis in your intro. If you’re writing an argumentative essay, you’ll need to make sure your intro overviews the context surrounding your argument and your thesis statement includes a clear, defensible claim. 

Using the parameters set out by your instructor and assignment sheet can put some easy-to-follow boundaries in place for things like your intro’s length, structure, and content. Following these guidelines can free you up to focus on other aspects of your intro... like coming up with an exciting hook and conveying your point of view on your topic!

Tip 2: Narrow Your Topic

You can’t write an intro paragraph without first identifying your topic. To make your intro as effective as possible, you need to define the parameters of your topic clearly—and you need to be specific. 

For example, let’s say you want to write about college football. “NCAA football” is too broad of a topic for a paper. There is a lot to talk about in terms of college football! It would be tough to write an intro paragraph that’s focused, purposeful, and engaging on this topic. In fact, if you did try to address this whole topic, you’d probably end up writing a book!

Instead, you should narrow broad topics to  identify a specific question, claim, or issue pertaining to some aspect of NCAA football for your intro to be effective. So, for instance, you could frame your topic as, “How can college professors better support NCAA football players in academics?” This focused topic pertaining to NCAA football would give you a more manageable angle to discuss in your paper.

So before you think about writing your intro, ask yourself: Is my essay topic specific, focused, and logical? Does it convey an issue or question that I can explore over the course of several pages? Once you’ve established a good topic, you’ll have the foundation you need to write an effective intro paragraph . 


Once you've figured out your topic, it's time to hit the books!

Tip 3: Do Your Research

This tip is tightly intertwined with the one above, and it’s crucial to writing a good intro: do your research! And, guess what? This tip applies to all papers—even ones that aren’t technically research papers. 

Here’s why you need to do some research: getting the lay of the land on what others have said about your topic—whether that’s scholars and researchers or the mass media— will help you narrow your topic, write an engaging hook, and provide relatable context. 

You don't want to sit down to write your intro without a solid understanding of the different perspectives on your topic. Whether those are the perspectives of experts or the general public, these points of view will help you write your intro in a way that is intriguing and compelling for your audience of readers. 

Tip 4: Write Multiple Drafts

Some say to write your intro first; others say write it last. The truth is, there isn’t a right or wrong time to write your intro—but you do need to have enough time to write multiple drafts . 

Oftentimes, your professor will ask you to write multiple drafts of your paper, which gives you a built-in way to make sure you revise your intro. Another approach you could take is to write out a rough draft of your intro before you begin writing your essay, then revise it multiple times as you draft out your paper. 

Here’s why this approach can work: as you write your paper, you’ll probably come up with new insights on your topic that you didn’t have right from the start. You can use these “light bulb” moments to reevaluate your intro and make revisions that keep it in line with your developing essay draft. 

Once you’ve written your entire essay, consider going back and revising your intro again . You can ask yourself these questions as you evaluate your intro: 

  • Is my hook still relevant to the way I’ve approached the topic in my essay?
  • Do I provide enough appropriate context to introduce my essay? 
  • Now that my essay is written, does my thesis statement still accurately reflect the point of view that I present in my essay?

Using these questions as a guide and putting your intro through multiple revisions will help ensure that you’ve written the best intro for the final draft of your essay. Also, revising your writing is always a good thing to do—and this applies to your intro, too!


What's Next?

Your college essays also need great intro paragraphs. Here’s a guide that focuses on how to write the perfect intro for your admissions essays. 

Of course, the intro is just one part of your college essay . This article will teach you how to write a college essay that makes admissions counselors sit up and take notice.

Are you trying to write an analytical essay? Our step-by-step guide can help you knock it out of the park.

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Ashley Sufflé Robinson has a Ph.D. in 19th Century English Literature. As a content writer for PrepScholar, Ashley is passionate about giving college-bound students the in-depth information they need to get into the school of their dreams.

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How to Start a Paragraph

Last Updated: January 26, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Jake Adams . Jake Adams is an academic tutor and the owner of Simplifi EDU, a Santa Monica, California based online tutoring business offering learning resources and online tutors for academic subjects K-College, SAT & ACT prep, and college admissions applications. With over 14 years of professional tutoring experience, Jake is dedicated to providing his clients the very best online tutoring experience and access to a network of excellent undergraduate and graduate-level tutors from top colleges all over the nation. Jake holds a BS in International Business and Marketing from Pepperdine University. There are 21 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 551,853 times.

A paragraph is a small unit of writing that is made up of several (usually 3-8) sentences. [1] X Trustworthy Source University of North Carolina Writing Center UNC's on-campus and online instructional service that provides assistance to students, faculty, and others during the writing process Go to source These sentences are all related to a common theme or idea. There are many different kinds of paragraph. Some paragraphs make argumentative claims, and others might narrate a fictional story. No matter what kind of paragraph you write, you can get started by organizing your thoughts, keeping your reader in mind, and planning well.

Paragraph Template and Sample Paragraphs

how to start off a paragraph in a essay

Starting an Argumentative Paragraph

Step 1 Recognize the structure of an argumentative paragraph.

  • Topic sentence. A topic sentence explains to the reader what the paragraph is about. It usually ties back to the bigger argument in some way, and it explains why the paragraph belongs in the essay. Sometimes a topic sentence might be 2 or even 3 sentences long, though it is usually just a single sentence. [2] X Research source
  • Evidence. Most body paragraphs in an argumentative paper include some kind of proof that your position is the correct one. This evidence can be all kinds of things: quotations, surveys, or even your own observations. [3] X Trustworthy Source University of North Carolina Writing Center UNC's on-campus and online instructional service that provides assistance to students, faculty, and others during the writing process Go to source Your paragraphs are where this evidence can be presented in a convincing way. [4] X Research source
  • Analysis. A good paragraph doesn't just present evidence. It also takes some time to explain why the evidence is worthwhile, what it means, and why it is better than other pieces of evidence out there. This is where your own analysis comes into play.
  • Conclusions and transitions. After the analysis, a good paragraph will conclude by explaining why the paragraph is significant, how it fits in with the thesis of the essay, and will begin to set up the next paragraph. [5] X Research source

Step 2 Reread your thesis statement.

  • If they share common themes or ideas
  • If they share a common source (such as the same document or study)
  • If they share a common author
  • If they are the same type of evidence (such as two surveys that demonstrate similar results)

Step 6 Write about your evidence using the 6 W's of writing.

  • You must define any key terms or jargon that might be unfamiliar to your reader. (What)
  • You must provide any key dates and locations, if relevant (such as where a historical document was signed). (When/Where)
  • You must describe how evidence was obtained. For example, you might want to explain the methods of a scientific study that provided you with your evidence. (How)
  • You must explain who provided you with your evidence. Do you have a quotation from an expert? Why is this person considered knowledgeable about your topic? (Who)
  • You must explain why you think this evidence is important or notable. (Why)

Step 7 Write 2-3 sentences analyzing your evidence.

  • What is it that ties this evidence together?
  • How does this evidence help prove my thesis?
  • Are there any counterpoints or alternative explanations I should keep in mind?
  • What makes this evidence stand out? Is there anything special or interesting about it?

Step 8 Write your topic sentence.

  • "The high ratings that Charlie Brown television specials have garnered for decades demonstrate the influence of this character."
  • "Some people contend that superheroes such as Superman are more important than Charlie Brown. However, studies show that most Americans identify more readily with the hapless Charlie than with the powerful, alien Superman."
  • "Media historians point to Charlie Brown's catchphrases, distinctive appearance, and sage wisdom as reasons why this character is beloved by adults and children alike."

Step 9 Make sure the topic sentence supports the rest of the paragraph.

  • If there are too many ideas, you may need to break up the paragraph into two separate paragraphs.
  • Be sure that your topic sentence isn't simply a restatement of the thesis itself. Each paragraph should have a distinct, unique topic sentence. If you are simply restating "Charlie Brown is important" at the beginning of each body paragraph, you will have to narrow down your topic sentences more thoroughly. [14] X Research source

Step 10 Conclude your paragraph.

  • When you begin to discuss a different theme or topic
  • When you begin to address contrasting ideas or counterarguments
  • When you address a different type of evidence
  • When you discuss a different time period, generation, or person
  • When your current paragraph is becoming unwieldy. If you have too many sentences in your paragraph, you may have too many ideas. Either cut your paragraph into two, or edit down your writing to make it more readable.

Starting an Introductory Paragraph

Step 1 Find a hook.

  • An anecdote: “When he was growing up, Samuel Clemens watched steamboats on the Mississippi River and dreamed of being a river boat captain.”
  • A statistic: “Women directed a mere seven percent of major Hollywood films in 2014.” [18] X Research source
  • A quotation: “ 'I am glad to see that men are getting their rights,' Sojourner Truth said in 1867, 'but I want women to get theirs, and while the water is stirring I will step into the pool.'"
  • A thought-provoking question: “What will Social Security look like in 50 years?”

Step 2 Avoid universal statements.

  • "Since the beginning of time . . ."
  • "From the beginning of mankind . . ."
  • "All men and women ask themselves . . ."
  • "Every human on the planet . . ."

Step 3 Describe the topic of your essay.

  • If possible, avoid phrases such as “In this paper, I will argue that Social Security is ineffective” or “This paper focuses on the ineffectiveness of Social Security.” Instead, simply make your point: "Social Security is an ineffective system."

Step 4 Write crisp, clear sentences.

  • Read your paragraph out loud to see if your sentences are clear and easy to follow. If you have to take a lot of breaths while you read, or if you have a hard time keeping track of your ideas out loud, you should shorten your sentences.

Step 5 Conclude introductory paragraphs of argumentative essays with a thesis statement.

  • Argumentative. You cannot simply state something that is common knowledge or basic fact. "Ducks are birds" is not a thesis statement.
  • Convincing. Your thesis must be based in evidence and careful analysis. [21] X Research source Do not posit a wild, deliberately unconventional, or unprovable thesis. Follow where your evidence leads.
  • Appropriate to your assignment. Remember to adhere to all parameters and guidelines of your paper assignment.
  • Manageable in the space allotted. Keep your thesis narrow and focused. That way you might be able to prove your point in the space given to you. Do not make a thesis statement that is too large ("I have discovered a new reason why World War II occurred") or too small ("I will argue that left-handed soldiers put on their coats differently from right-handed soldiers"). [22] X Research source

Starting a Conclusion Paragraph

Step 1 Link your conclusion with your introduction.

  • For example, if you started your paper with a quote from Sojourner Truth, you might start the conclusion with: “Even though Sojourner Truth spoke almost 150 years ago, her statement continues to ring true today.”

Step 2 Make a final point.

  • For example, you could write: “Is an e-cigarette really any different from a regular cigarette?”

Step 3 Summarize your paper.

  • You can start off by writing, “In summary, the cultural policies of the European Union support global trade in three ways.”

Step 4 Consider further work that can be done.

Starting a Paragraph of a Story

Step 1 Determine the 6 W's of your story.

  • Always change paragraphs when a different speaker begins using dialogue. Having two characters use dialogue in the same paragraph creates confusion for your reader.

Step 3 Use paragraphs of different lengths.

  • Longer paragraphs can help establish a thick, nuanced description of a person, place, or object.
  • Shorter paragraphs can help establish humor, shock, or fast-paced action and dialogue.

Step 4 Consider the purpose of your paragraph.

  • Provide your reader with key background information
  • Advance the plot of your story
  • Show how your characters relate to one another
  • Describe the setting of your story
  • Explain a character's motivations
  • Provoke an emotional reaction from your reader, such as fear, laughter, distress, or sentiment.

Step 5 Use prewriting exercises to get ideas.

  • Write a letter from one character to another
  • Write a few pages of a journal from your character's perspective
  • Read about the time and place where your story is set. What historical details are the most interesting to you?
  • Write a timeline of plot events to keep you oriented
  • Do a "freewrite" exercise, where you spend 15 minutes writing everything you can think of about your story. You can sort it out and organize it later.

Using Transitions Between Paragraphs

Step 1 Connect the new paragraph with the previous one.

  • For example, you might write: “Firstly…” The next paragraph would start with, “Secondly…” The third paragraph could start with either “Thirdly…” or “Finally…”
  • Other words to signal a sequence are: eventually, ultimately, at first, in the first place, in the second place, or lastly.

Step 3 Use a transition word to compare or contrast paragraphs.

  • For example, use phrases like “in comparison” or “similarly” to compare.
  • Use phrases such as “in spite of,” “however,” “nevertheless,” or “on the contrary” to signal that the paragraph will contrast or oppose the idea from the previous paragraph.

Step 4 Use a transition phrase to indicate an example is next.

  • Use phrases like “for example,” “for instance,” “thus,” or "more specifically."
  • You might also use an example type of transition when you are putting special emphasis on the example. In this case, use transition words like “particularly” or “notably.” For example, you might write: “Most notably, Sojourner Truth was an outspoken critic of the patriarchal system of the Reconstruction era.”

Step 5 Describe the attitude that the reader should associate with something.

  • Words like “fortunately,” “luckily,” “oddly enough,” and “unfortunately” are useful here.

Step 6 Show cause and effect.

  • For example, you might write: “Sojourner Truth was, most notably, an outspoken critic…”
  • "Ultimately, we can see . . ."
  • "And, finally, the expert witness claimed . . ."

Overcoming Writer's Block

Step 1 Don't panic.

Expert Q&A

Jake Adams

  • Format paragraphs by indenting. Use the “tab” key on your keyboard, or indent about one-half inch if writing by hand. This gives a visual cue to the reader that you’ve started a new paragraph. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Make sure every paragraph is unified by a related set of ideas. If you find yourself explaining too many concepts, terms, or characters, you should divide your writing into multiple paragraphs. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Give yourself lots of time for revisions. Your first draft of your paragraph might not be perfect. Get your thoughts on paper and fix them later. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

how to start off a paragraph in a essay

  • Never plagiarize. Cite your sources carefully for your research, and do not copy other people's ideas. Plagiarism is a serious infringement of intellectual property and can lead to serious consequences. Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 0

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Start a Conclusion Paragraph

  • ↑ https://writingcenter.unc.edu/tips-and-tools/paragraphs/
  • ↑ https://www.ccsoh.us/cms/lib/OH01913306/Centricity/Domain/207/Argumentative%20Essay%20Outline.pdf
  • ↑ http://writingcenter.unc.edu/handouts/evidence/
  • ↑ http://writingcenter.unc.edu/handouts/paragraphs/
  • ↑ https://lsa.umich.edu/sweetland/undergraduates/writing-guides/how-can-i-create-stronger-analysis-.html
  • ↑ https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/general_writing/academic_writing/essay_writing/argumentative_essays.html
  • ↑ https://library.wcc.hawaii.edu/c.php?g=35279&p=3073195
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  • ↑ http://arts.uottawa.ca/writingcentre/en/hypergrammar/writing-paragraphsc
  • ↑ https://academicguides.waldenu.edu/writingcenter/paragraphs/topicsentences
  • ↑ https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/general_writing/academic_writing/paragraphs_and_paragraphing/index.html
  • ↑ Jake Adams. Academic Tutor & Test Prep Specialist. Expert Interview. 20 May 2020.
  • ↑ http://writingcenter.unc.edu/handouts/introductions/
  • ↑ http://womenintvfilm.sdsu.edu/research.html
  • ↑ https://wts.indiana.edu/writing-guides/using-evidence.html
  • ↑ https://www.esc.edu/online-writing-center/resources/research/research-paper-steps/developing-thesis/characteristics/
  • ↑ http://www.writing.ucsb.edu/faculty/donelan/concl.html
  • ↑ https://writing.ku.edu/prewriting-strategies
  • ↑ https://writingcenter.unc.edu/tips-and-tools/transitions/
  • ↑ http://www.writing.ucsb.edu/faculty/donelan/para.html
  • ↑ https://www.purdueglobal.edu/blog/student-life/7-ways-overcome-writers-block/

About This Article

Jake Adams

The best way to start an introductory paragraph is with a clever or surprising hook to grab the reader's attention, like an anecdote, statistic, or quotation. Then, orient your reader in the essay by briefly describing your topic in a few crisp, clear sentences. Wrap up your paragraph with a thesis statement describing your overall argument in 1-3 sentences. Transition to a new paragraph with a signal phrase like "firstly," "for example," "similarly," or "however." For examples and tips on starting argumentative, concluding, or fictional paragraphs, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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105 Best Words To Start A Paragraph

words to start a paragraph, explained below

The first words of a paragraph are crucial as they set the tone and inform the reader about the content that follows.

Known as the ‘topic’ sentence, the first sentence of the paragraph should clearly convey the paragraph’s main idea. 

This article presents a comprehensive list of the best words to start a paragraph, be it the first, second, third, or concluding paragraph.

Words to Start an Introduction Paragraph

The words you choose for starting an essay should establish the context, importance, or conflict of your topic.

The purpose of an introduction is to provide the reader with a clear understanding of the topic, its significance, and the structure of the ensuing discussion or argument.

Students often struggle to think of ways to start introductions because they may feel overwhelmed by the need to effectively summarize and contextualize their topic, capture the reader’s interest, and provide a roadmap for the rest of the paper, all while trying to create a strong first impression.

Choose one of these example words to start an introduction to get yourself started:

  • The debate surrounding [topic]…
  • [Topic] has garnered attention due to…
  • Exploring the complexities of [topic]…
  • The significance of [topic] lies in…
  • Over the past decade, [topic] has…
  • The critical question of [topic]…
  • As society grapples with [topic]…
  • The rapidly evolving landscape of [topic]…
  • A closer examination of [topic] reveals…
  • The ongoing conversation around [topic]…
Don’t Miss my Article: 33 Words to Avoid in an Essay

Words to Start a Body Paragraph

The purpose of a body paragraph in an essay is to develop and support the main argument, presenting evidence, examples, and analysis that contribute to the overall thesis.

Students may struggle to think of ways to start body paragraphs because they need to find appropriate transition words or phrases that seamlessly connect the paragraphs, while also introducing a new idea or evidence that builds on the previous points.

This can be challenging, as students must carefully balance the need for continuity and logical flow with the introduction of fresh perspectives.

Try some of these paragraph starters if you’re stuck:

  • Building upon previous research…
  • As [source] suggests, [topic]…
  • Analyzing [topic] through [theory]…
  • Considering the impact of [policy]…
  • Delving deeper into [topic]…
  • Drawing from [author]’s findings…
  • [Topic] intersects with [related topic]…
  • Contrary to popular belief, [topic]…
  • The historical context of [topic]…
  • Addressing the challenges of [topic]…

Words to Start a Conclusion Paragraph

The conclusion paragraph wraps up your essay and leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

It should convincingly summarize your thesis and main points. For more tips on writing a compelling conclusion, consider the following examples of ways to say “in conclusion”:

  • In summary, [topic] demonstrates…
  • The evidence overwhelmingly suggests…
  • Taking all factors into account…
  • In light of the analysis, [topic]…
  • Ultimately, [topic] plays a crucial role…
  • In light of these findings…
  • Weighing the pros and cons of [topic]…
  • By synthesizing the key points…
  • The interplay of factors in [topic]…
  • [Topic] leaves us with important implications…

Complete List of Transition Words

Above, I’ve provided 30 different examples of phrases you can copy and paste to get started on your paragraphs.

Let’s finish strong with a comprehensive list of transition words you can mix and match to start any paragraph you want:

  • Secondly, …
  • In addition, …
  • Furthermore, …
  • Moreover, …
  • On the other hand, …
  • In contrast, …
  • Conversely, …
  • Despite this, …
  • Nevertheless, …
  • Although, …
  • As a result, …
  • Consequently, …
  • Therefore, …
  • Additionally, …
  • Simultaneously, …
  • Meanwhile, …
  • In comparison, …
  • Comparatively, …
  • As previously mentioned, …
  • For instance, …
  • For example, …
  • Specifically, …
  • In particular, …
  • Significantly, …
  • Interestingly, …
  • Surprisingly, …
  • Importantly, …
  • According to [source], …
  • As [source] states, …
  • As [source] suggests, …
  • In the context of, …
  • In light of, …
  • Taking into consideration, …
  • Given that, …
  • Considering the fact that, …
  • Bearing in mind, …
  • To illustrate, …
  • To demonstrate, …
  • To clarify, …
  • To put it simply, …
  • In other words, …
  • To reiterate, …
  • As a matter of fact, …
  • Undoubtedly, …
  • Unquestionably, …
  • Without a doubt, …
  • It is worth noting that, …
  • One could argue that, …
  • It is essential to highlight, …
  • It is important to emphasize, …
  • It is crucial to mention, …
  • When examining, …
  • In terms of, …
  • With regards to, …
  • In relation to, …
  • As a consequence, …
  • As an illustration, …
  • As evidence, …
  • Based on [source], …
  • Building upon, …
  • By the same token, …
  • In the same vein, …
  • In support of this, …
  • In line with, …
  • To further support, …
  • To substantiate, …
  • To provide context, …
  • To put this into perspective, …

Tip: Use Right-Branching Sentences to Start your Paragraphs

Sentences should have the key information front-loaded. This makes them easier to read. So, start your sentence with the key information!

To understand this, you need to understand two contrasting types of sentences:

  • Left-branching sentences , also known as front-loaded sentences, begin with the main subject and verb, followed by modifiers, additional information, or clauses.
  • Right-branching sentences , or back-loaded sentences, start with modifiers, introductory phrases, or clauses, leading to the main subject and verb later in the sentence.

In academic writing, left-branching or front-loaded sentences are generally considered easier to read and more authoritative.

This is because they present the core information—the subject and the verb—at the beginning, making it easier for readers to understand the main point of the sentence.

Front-loading also creates a clear and straightforward sentence structure, which is preferred in academic writing for its clarity and conciseness.

Right-branching or back-loaded sentences, with their more complex and sometimes convoluted structure, can be more challenging for readers to follow and may lead to confusion or misinterpretation.

Take these examples where I’ve highlighted the subject of the sentence in bold. Note that in the right-branching sentences, the topic is front-loaded.

  • Right Branching: Researchers found a strong correlation between sleep and cognitive function after analyzing the data from various studies.
  • Left-Branching: After analyzing the data from various studies, a strong correlation between sleep and cognitive function was found by researchers.
  • The novel was filled with vivid imagery and thought-provoking themes , which captivated the audience from the very first chapter.
  • Captivating the audience from the very first chapter, the novel was filled with vivid imagery and thought-provoking themes.

The words you choose to start a paragraph are crucial for setting the tone, establishing context, and ensuring a smooth flow throughout your essay.

By carefully selecting the best words for each type of paragraph, you can create a coherent, engaging, and persuasive piece of writing.


Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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How to Write a Paragraph in an Essay


Written by  Scribendi

The deadline for your essay is looming, but you're still not sure how to write your essay paragraphs or how to structure them. If that's you, then you're in good hands.

After the content of your essay, the structure is the most important part. How you arrange your thoughts in an essay can either support your argument or confuse the reader. The difference comes down to your knowledge of how to write a paragraph to create structure and flow in an essay. 

At its most basic level,  an essay paragraph comprises the following elements: (1) a topic sentence, (2) sentences that develop and support the topic sentence, and (3) a concluding sentence.

Also, when writing a paragraph or essay , keep in mind that most essays follow the five-paragraph model. This model involves writing an introductory paragraph, three paragraphs of supporting arguments, and a conclusion paragraph. 

In most cases, a paper of this length just won't cut it. However, remembering this formula can help you write key paragraphs in your essay, such as an introduction that states the main hypothesis, a body that supports this argument, and a conclusion that ties everything together.

Let's break down how to write a paragraph so you can get that essay written. 

How to Write a Paragraph in an Essay

Writing a paragraph means grouping together sentences that focus on the same topic so that the important points are easy to understand. In the body of an essay, each paragraph functions as its own point or argument that backs up the essay's main hypothesis. Each paragraph also includes evidence that supports each argument made. 

It helps to separate each paragraph idea in a quick essay outline before you start writing your paragraphs so you can organize your thoughts. It is also helpful to link each paragraph in a cohesive way that supports your hypothesis. For good paragraph writing to work, your readers will need to be able to clearly follow the ideas you're presenting throughout your essay.  

Essay paragraphs are important for organizing topics and thoughts and for creating readability and flow. Readers often skip large blocks of writing in blog posts, articles, or essays. It can be confusing when there are no breaks between different ideas or when thoughts flow one into the next without any discernible pauses. Knowing how to write a paragraph to help break up your content and ideas is essential for avoiding this.

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Writing a paragraph is easier when you follow a structure. An essay paragraph consists of around 250 words , with the sentence count varying from five to six or more, depending on the type of essay you're writing.

The structure of an essay paragraph includes the following: 

  • A topic sentence at the beginning of the paragraph that clearly states one idea
  • Supporting sentences that explain the idea in the topic sentence and provide evidence to back up that idea 
  • A concluding sentence that links back to the original topic sentence idea and segues to the next paragraph

Following this basic structure will ensure that you never have to wonder how to write a paragraph and will keep your essay structure consistent. 

What Is a Topic Sentence?

All good paragraph writing starts with a topic sentence. The topic sentence provides a brief summary of the content. In an essay's body, each paragraph begins with a topic sentence.

The topic sentence gives structure to a paragraph the same way a thesis gives structure to an essay. Both a thesis and a topic sentence state the main idea that drives the rest of the content. In the case of a paragraph, the topic sentence drives the rest of the paragraph content, and in the case of an essay, the thesis drives the rest of the essay content.

When writing a topic sentence, keep in mind that it should be

  • The first sentence of your paragraph
  • Specific, focusing on a specific area of your thesis statement
  • The focus of your paragraph

There are two parts to every topic sentence: the topic, which is what the paragraph will be about, and the controlling idea, which is the paragraph's direction. For example, if your paragraph was about hamsters being great pets, that would be your topic, but your controlling idea might be that there are many reasons why hamsters are great pets.

A paragraph example with a good topic sentence would start out something like this: 

Hamsters are great pets for many reasons. They don't require extensive training, so no time-consuming obedience courses are necessary. They are also relatively inexpensive to own when compared to dogs or cats because they're low-maintenance. 

Examples of Effective Hooks

A paragraph in an essay should always use an effective hook. If you're hoping to grab the attention of your reader, it helps to start your paragraph with a compelling statement or question that will be of interest. 

Here are a few examples to use for inspiration: 

Most people would rather work to live than live to work, and the gig economy makes this possible. 

How important is it for today's influencers to rely on Instagram? 

Daily sugar intake has reached a staggering average of 25 teaspoons per person in the United States.

Supporting Sentences

Writing an essay paragraph is like building an effective and functional house. In the same way that each room has a purpose, each paragraph in your essay should have its own separate topic with supporting sentences . Paragraph writing can be simple if you think of it this way! 

The goal of supporting sentences is to provide evidence validating each topic in your paragraph. Each sentence provides details to help your reader understand the paragraph's main idea. 

If you have trouble coming up with supporting sentences to develop the main idea in your paragraph, try rephrasing your topic sentence as a question. For example, if you're writing about how all babies have three basic needs, ask, what are the three basic needs of all babies? 

At the end of your supporting sentences, add a concluding sentence that ties everything to the main argument of your essay. Repeat this for each supporting argument, and you'll have mastered the concept of how to write a paragraph. Read on for a paragraph example with supporting sentences. 

Supporting Sentence Examples

To get a feel for how to use supporting sentences in a paragraph in an essay, check out this basic example: 

Babies have three basic needs. First, babies need food. Depending on their age, they'll drink formula for their first meals and graduate to soft baby food later. Second, they need shelter. Babies need a safe place to live. Third, they need support. They need someone loving to look out for them and take care of them.  

Writing a Paragraph

How to Use Transitions

Knowing how to write a paragraph involves knowing how to use transitions .

Good essay paragraphs have transitions that help ideas flow clearly from one to the next. Given that your essay will include many different ideas and subtopics, your transitions will ensure that your information and ideas are well connected. 

If you're not familiar with transitions, they are words or phrases that connect ideas. They signal a connection between your topic sentence and your supporting sentences, but they also help readers connect ideas between paragraphs. 

At the beginning of a sentence, use a transition to segue into a new idea. At the beginning of each paragraph, use a transition to signal a new concept or idea that you will discuss.

However, try to avoid one-word transitions at the beginning of a paragraph, like "Since" or "While," because they don't usually provide enough information. Instead, try using transitional phrases between paragraphs (instead of words), such as "On the other hand" or "In addition to."  

Examples of Transitions

Here are a few examples of transitions — both one-word transitions and transitional phrases — to use in the paragraphs of your essay:  

  • As a result
  • For example
  • By the same token
  • Consequently
  • In the meantime
  • To summarize
  • To conclude
  • Undoubtedly
  • Subsequently

Writing a paragraph in an essay can be simple if you understand basic paragraph structure. Additionally, it's helpful to keep in mind the structure of an essay and how each essay paragraph links together to form a fully developed argument or idea.

Creating an outline before you start writing your essay—which can also be described as a blueprint (to return to the metaphor of building a house)—is a great way to effectively arrange your topics, support your argument, and guide your writing.

Knowing how to write a paragraph is essential to communicating your thoughts and research, no matter the topic, in a way that is readable and coherent.

How Long Is a Paragraph?

An essay paragraph can vary in length depending on a variety of factors, such as the essay's type, topic, or requirements. Generally, essay paragraphs are three to five or more sentences, since each paragraph should have a fully developed idea with a beginning, middle, and end. 

However, all essays are different, and there are no hard and fast rules that dictate paragraph length. So, here are some guidelines to follow while writing a paragraph:  

  • Stick to one idea per paragraph. 
  • Keep your paragraphs roughly the same length. 
  • Ensure that each page of your essay has 2 – 3 paragraphs.
  • Combine shorter paragraphs into a larger one if the smaller paragraphs work together to express a single idea.

Overall, it's the paragraph writing itself that dictates a paragraph's length. Don't get too caught up in trying to reach a specific word count or number of sentences. Understanding this concept is key to knowing how to write a paragraph that conveys a clear and fully developed idea. 

How Do I Know When to Start a New Paragraph?

A new essay paragraph will always signal a new point or idea. Before you think about starting a new paragraph, ask yourself whether you are about to discuss something new that you haven't brought up yet. If the answer is yes, it warrants a new paragraph. 

The end of a paragraph functions as a break for your reader. If you've successfully developed and concluded an idea, you'll know that it's time to begin a new paragraph, especially if the material is long or complex. 

Every essay should have an introductory paragraph and a conclusion paragraph. But as long as you keep in mind that good paragraph writing means starting off with a new idea each time, you're in a good position to know when a new paragraph should begin. 

How Many Paragraphs Do I Need in My Essay?

The number of paragraphs you write in an essay will largely depend on the requirements of the essay. These requirements are usually dictated by an instructor.

For a short, 1-page essay, your instructor might require only three paragraphs. For a longer, 2- to 3-page essay, you might need five paragraphs. For longer essays, there could be up to seven to nine paragraphs. Any essay with more paragraphs than that is usually deemed a thesis or a research paper. 

At a minimum, an essay will always have at least three paragraphs: an introductory paragraph, a body paragraph, and a conclusion paragraph. Depending on the required word or page count or the type of essay (argumentative, informative, etc.), your essay could have multiple paragraphs expanding on different points. An argumentative essay, for example, should have at least five paragraphs. 

Therefore, the most important question to ask when deciding on your number of essay paragraphs is this: What does my professor expect from me? 

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how to start off a paragraph in a essay

The writer of the academic essay aims to persuade readers of an idea based on evidence. The beginning of the essay is a crucial first step in this process. In order to engage readers and establish your authority, the beginning of your essay has to accomplish certain business. Your beginning should introduce the essay, focus it, and orient readers.

Introduce the Essay.  The beginning lets your readers know what the essay is about, the  topic . The essay's topic does not exist in a vacuum, however; part of letting readers know what your essay is about means establishing the essay's  context , the frame within which you will approach your topic. For instance, in an essay about the First Amendment guarantee of freedom of speech, the context may be a particular legal theory about the speech right; it may be historical information concerning the writing of the amendment; it may be a contemporary dispute over flag burning; or it may be a question raised by the text itself. The point here is that, in establishing the essay's context, you are also limiting your topic. That is, you are framing an approach to your topic that necessarily eliminates other approaches. Thus, when you determine your context, you simultaneously narrow your topic and take a big step toward focusing your essay. Here's an example.

The paragraph goes on. But as you can see, Chopin's novel (the topic) is introduced in the context of the critical and moral controversy its publication engendered.

Focus the Essay.  Beyond introducing your topic, your beginning must also let readers know what the central issue is. What question or problem will you be thinking about? You can pose a question that will lead to your idea (in which case, your idea will be the answer to your question), or you can make a thesis statement. Or you can do both: you can ask a question and immediately suggest the answer that your essay will argue. Here's an example from an essay about Memorial Hall.

The fullness of your idea will not emerge until your conclusion, but your beginning must clearly indicate the direction your idea will take, must set your essay on that road. And whether you focus your essay by posing a question, stating a thesis, or combining these approaches, by the end of your beginning, readers should know what you're writing about, and  why —and why they might want to read on.

Orient Readers.  Orienting readers, locating them in your discussion, means providing information and explanations wherever necessary for your readers' understanding. Orienting is important throughout your essay, but it is crucial in the beginning. Readers who don't have the information they need to follow your discussion will get lost and quit reading. (Your teachers, of course, will trudge on.) Supplying the necessary information to orient your readers may be as simple as answering the journalist's questions of who, what, where, when, how, and why. It may mean providing a brief overview of events or a summary of the text you'll be analyzing. If the source text is brief, such as the First Amendment, you might just quote it. If the text is well known, your summary, for most audiences, won't need to be more than an identifying phrase or two:

Often, however, you will want to summarize your source more fully so that readers can follow your analysis of it.

Questions of Length and Order.  How long should the beginning be? The length should be proportionate to the length and complexity of the whole essay. For instance, if you're writing a five-page essay analyzing a single text, your beginning should be brief, no more than one or two paragraphs. On the other hand, it may take a couple of pages to set up a ten-page essay.

Does the business of the beginning have to be addressed in a particular order? No, but the order should be logical. Usually, for instance, the question or statement that focuses the essay comes at the end of the beginning, where it serves as the jumping-off point for the middle, or main body, of the essay. Topic and context are often intertwined, but the context may be established before the particular topic is introduced. In other words, the order in which you accomplish the business of the beginning is flexible and should be determined by your purpose.

Opening Strategies.  There is still the further question of how to start. What makes a good opening? You can start with specific facts and information, a keynote quotation, a question, an anecdote, or an image. But whatever sort of opening you choose, it should be directly related to your focus. A snappy quotation that doesn't help establish the context for your essay or that later plays no part in your thinking will only mislead readers and blur your focus. Be as direct and specific as you can be. This means you should avoid two types of openings:

  • The history-of-the-world (or long-distance) opening, which aims to establish a context for the essay by getting a long running start: "Ever since the dawn of civilized life, societies have struggled to reconcile the need for change with the need for order." What are we talking about here, political revolution or a new brand of soft drink? Get to it.
  • The funnel opening (a variation on the same theme), which starts with something broad and general and "funnels" its way down to a specific topic. If your essay is an argument about state-mandated prayer in public schools, don't start by generalizing about religion; start with the specific topic at hand.

Remember.  After working your way through the whole draft, testing your thinking against the evidence, perhaps changing direction or modifying the idea you started with, go back to your beginning and make sure it still provides a clear focus for the essay. Then clarify and sharpen your focus as needed. Clear, direct beginnings rarely present themselves ready-made; they must be written, and rewritten, into the sort of sharp-eyed clarity that engages readers and establishes your authority.

Copyright 1999, Patricia Kain, for the Writing Center at Harvard University

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10 Simple Tips for Writing TOEFL Essay in 2024

The TOEFL iBT test is a good way to show you know English well enough for university. The test has four parts: reading, listening, speaking, and writing. It takes about three hours to finish. The last part, the writing section, has two essays: one independent and one integrated.

The integrated essay lasts 20 minutes and is based on a reading and a listening passage, similar to a typical school setting. You need to remember what you heard and explain the ideas in your own words without copying. In this article, we will give you some constructive tips to improve your TOEFL iBT writing skills.


How to write a good TOEFL essay?

Table of Content

10 Amazing TOEFL 2024 Essay Writing Tips

Tips for writing a good toefl essay, create an essay plan, know what the examiner wants, give yourself a word limit, stick to the prompt, keep on practising your writing, use effective paragraph structure, use specific examples, use varied sentence structure, use academic vocabulary, use correct grammar and punctuation, integrated writing task, transition words and phrases, integrated essay time breakdown.

Here’s a quick summary of our top 10 TOEFL Writing Tips:

  • Tip 1: Pay close attention to the reading passage because the listening passage will challenge each point made in it.
  • Tip 2: Practice taking brief but accurate notes during the listening passage. You only get to hear it once.
  • Tip 3: Paraphrase the passages. The TOEFL grading criteria include vocabulary, and you will earn zero points if you simply quote the material.
  • Tip 4: Use lots of transitional words and phrases to help develop your essay and connect your ideas.
  • Tip 5: Manage your time wisely. You only have 20 minutes to write an essay of at least 250 words.
  • Tip 6: Add to the discussion. Do not repeat points and ideas from the passages in your response.
  • Tip 7: Stick to a few simple verb tenses.
  • Tip 8: Try to include multiple sentences with more than one clause.
  • Tip 9: Plan to edit your essay for at least one minute at the end. There is no spellcheck on the TOEFL.
  • Tip 10: Practice writing at home and ask a teacher or trained TOEFL expert to give you a grade and point out your weaknesses.
Must Read: Top 10 TOEFL 2024 Writing Tips to Ace the Exam

Having a plan for your TOEFL iBT essay can make your writing flow better and help you organize your ideas. Writing down a short essay plan before you start will help you use your time well. When you know what you will write next, you won’t have to stop and think between each paragraph.

There are several common TOEFL iBT essay plans that work well. However, the most important thing is to find what works best for you. An organized plan is essential to succeed in the TOEFL iBT writing test because it helps the examiner follow your essay easily. Even if you have great ideas, a disorganized essay can make it hard to get the grades you deserve.

Check the writing rubrics for the TOEFL iBT writing test and set a goal for the grade you want.

The writing rubrics show what the examiner expects from your TOEFL iBT essay. This can help you focus on important skills like organization and clarity.

You can find examples of TOEFL iBT writing test essays with estimated grades online. These examples give you a good idea of what to aim for when practicing. Knowing what the examiner is looking for can make you feel more confident in your writing.

A good TOEFL iBT essay should have at least 150 words for the integrated task and 300 words for the independent task. However, it’s up to you to decide.

Setting a word limit helps you know when to stop writing and start checking your essay. This also forces you to focus on what is essential, leading to a higher grade. In writing your TOEFL iBT essay, quality is more important than quantity.

Under pressure during the TOEFL iBT exam, it’s easy to go off-topic.

After each paragraph, quickly read what you have written to ensure it is relevant to the essay prompt. This will save time because you won’t have to rewrite at the end if you realize you strayed from the topic. It also helps you plan the next paragraph.

With limited time, it’s best to stay on track throughout the TOEFL iBT writing test. This is especially important for the independent writing task but is also useful for the integrated writing.

More Practice is key for the TOEFL iBT writing test as it improves both your writing skills and speed. The more you write, the more confident you will feel during the exam.

Becoming good at writing doesn’t happen overnight, so practice is essential. Spending 30 minutes on a sample TOEFL iBT essay regularly will help you improve. By practicing often, you will retain your skills and become familiar with the essays, making them less intimidating during the test.

Also, it’s important to time yourself when you practice.

Paragraphs are the building blocks of your essay. Each paragraph should start with a clear topic sentence that ties into the main idea of the essay. Support your main point with evidence and examples in each paragraph. Make sure each paragraph flows smoothly into the next by using transition words and phrases to link ideas and create a cohesive essay.

To score high on your TOEFL essay, use specific examples to support your ideas. Include real-life examples, statistics, and facts to back up your arguments. This shows your knowledge of the topic and your critical thinking skills. Specific examples also make your essay more interesting and help you stand out from other test-takers.

Vary your sentence structure to make your essay more engaging. Mix short and long sentences, questions, and statements to add variety. This will help avoid repetition and keep your writing interesting. However, ensure that your sentences are grammatically correct and fit well in the context of your essay.

Using academic vocabulary makes your essay sound more professional. Choose words that are suitable for the academic level of the test. Avoid slang, casual language, and overly complex words. Make sure you use words correctly and understand their meanings.

Correct grammar and punctuation are crucial for a high score on the TOEFL writing section. Ensure you use correct verb tenses, subject-verb agreement, and sentence structure. Use appropriate punctuation to make your writing clear and easy to read. If you’re unsure about any grammar or punctuation rules, look them up or ask a tutor for help.

Transitional words and phrases are crucial and should be used in TOEFL essays. Transition between contrasting points of views in both readin and listening passages are important:

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How to write a good TOEFL essay- FAQs

What is the format of the toefl essay.

The TOEFL essay is a 30-minute written task where you are asked to express and support your opinion on a specific topic. The essay is typically four to five paragraphs long and should include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Where can I find sample TOEFL essays to practice with?

You can find sample TOEFL essays in TOEFL preparation books or online. The official TOEFL website also provides sample essays and scoring guides.

How can I prepare for the TOEFL writing section?

To prepare for the TOEFL writing section, you should practice writing essays using sample prompts, develop your grammar and vocabulary skills, and learn how to organize and develop your ideas effectively. You may also want to work.

How to write a TOEFL essay?

To write a TOEFL essay, it is important to understand the prompt, brainstorm ideas, create an outline, and then write a well-structured essay with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Practice organising your thoughts and expressing them clearly within the time limit provided.

Is 27 a good writing score in TOEFL?

Yes, a score of 27 is considered a good writing score in TOEFL. It demonstrates a high level of proficiency in writing and indicates strong language skills, coherence, and clarity in expressing ideas.

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Kellie Schmidt

How to build a strong writing community in your classroom

how to start off a paragraph in a essay

It is often tempting to take an overly formal approach to writing. While the writing process is a critical tool for developing writers, there is no need to instill in them the idea that they need to send a formal invitation, written in calligraphy, to ask someone to provide feedback about their writing .

What, after all, is the goal of having a writing community? At its best, the community will support every writer by providing suggestions for improvement, ideas about new approaches, and even refinement of the topic or specific wording choices. This support can take many forms and can be approached in a variety of ways.

Lead by example

A powerful way for educators to nurture young writers is to provide ample opportunities for writing, but also for them to show themselves as writers. In the 2019 article “Changing how writing is taught,” Steve Graham advocates for teachers to see themselves as writers and to model their own active engagement in the writing process. He notes that this requires a level of vulnerability, but that it is also a tool to show students that it takes practice and thoughtfulness to hone the craft, a craft in which there is always room for more growth.

How can a teacher open the door to allow students the opportunity to understand the teacher’s thinking as the teacher writes? Using a “think aloud” is a great way to do this. Consider a history teacher who needs to explain different types of governments the class will be studying over the course of a year. That teacher may begin by saying something along the lines of, “I listed this type of government first because it is at the center of what we are studying this year, though it is not what we will encounter first chronologically.” This is a way of demystifying a lesson plan and inviting students in.

Remind students that everyone has a writing voice and a writing identity that are worth sharing and developing.

If a teacher is vulnerable and open, it creates a stronger sense of safety for students who may be hesitant to share their own writing. It also makes writing seem a bit less formal and scary. As educators, we likely share our own written words regularly with our class. Why not pull back the curtain? Doing so shows our students that even a sentence or a list on a board is an act of writing worthy of note and examination.

Use peer feedback

When we think of a writing community in the school setting, we likely picture a teacher-organized peer review activity. The teacher pairs students or organizes them into groups, and they take turns reading or listening to each other’s works. Then they share their thoughts, and the more earnest (or perhaps punitive) peers will whip out their metaphorical red pens and share feedback.

Students may need help starting and continuing these dialogues. Consider providing conversation starters for them to use. Even something as simple as, “One part of my writing that seemed to go more slowly than other parts was…” or “I think my opening paragraph could be more….” If an exchange does not flow smoothly, students can turn back to these conversation starters to continue their collaboration.

Be sure to add in prompts that force students to focus on points of pride, for example, “I was so happy when I…” or “I really liked the sentence where I….” This allows them to remember successes and to also illuminate accomplishments that may help their peers consider their own work. Peer feedback has benefits for all involved but has also proven to be particularly valuable for students learning a second language —even more valuable than teacher feedback.

To provide more structure and guidance, a teacher can assign a particular area of focus for any peer review work. “Review each other’s work and provide feedback” is likely far too broad an instruction, particularly if the class is only 45 or 50 minutes. Give students more guidance, or weed out elements that are not going to yield helpful results. If you want student discussion to have greater depth and meaning, ask them to focus on structure or tone, for example. Consider giving them conversation starters such as, “The type of structure I used for this essay was…. I chose this because….”

This is not to say that they cannot give each other feedback on grammar and mechanics, but these young writers will benefit more from feedback about the arguments they are making or the organization of their work. It helps the receiver as well as the provider to think about writing at this level rather than about input that can come from spelling and grammar check tools available in word processing programs.

Another way you can guide peer review sessions is by building student awareness of mentor texts. When students are exposed to clear, effective, and powerful writing, they can start to learn by example. I promise that I am not being paid by the estate of Ray Bradbury when I say that when I attempt to craft figurative language, I think about his stunning writing in Something Wicked This Way Comes . While I will never have his gifts, I have a lofty target at which to aim. I was lucky enough to read this work at a young age and to see how powerfully a writer can manipulate words and pages. If students read the same mentor texts, they start to build a shared vocabulary around writing they can use when “coaching” each other.

It is vital to monitor how students are providing feedback, of course. As I mentioned earlier, sharing your writing is an act of vulnerability. If we want students to become more comfortable doing this, we have to make sure the experience is as positive and productive as we can make it. Especially if the feedback comes early in the writing process, students likely are not sharing Pulitzer Prize–ready work. Remind students to frame feedback in clear but gentle ways, and model this for them consistently. “Your sentences are a hot mess” is likely to damage a young writer; “I’m not sure I quite understand what you mean in your second sentence” is gentler while still guiding the writer to reflect and revise.

Embrace an audience of more than one

When a student thinks about their writing community, the person they probably think of first is their teacher. While teachers can and do provide valuable insight, there is a danger of inadvertently leading students to think that the only audience for their writing is the teacher. This can stifle student voice and growth if the student forgets that generally, when we write, we hope to reach more than one person.

And what if that one person has a narrow idea of what constitutes “good” or “acceptable” writing? In life beyond school, we sometimes write to an audience of just one, but students need coaching about considering broader audiences. If you want them to write particularly to your preferences, establish that via a rubric or a structured document of that nature. Bear in mind, though, that your preferences may not serve them well with future teachers. Not all teachers love humor in writing, or a distinct voice. Help your students think more broadly, which means you will have to think broadly as well.

It is also important to remind students that writing is not only the act of sitting in a classroom writing an essay or responding to a text-dependent analysis question.

Over the course of a year, students should also have opportunities to experiment with different styles of writing and to consider different audiences. Help them think about what this means and brainstorm together (once again, modeling vulnerability) what successful writing might look like for the audience in question. Even better: Find members of that audience and ask them what appeals to them in writing. Those people then become members of the writing community, too, providing insight and guidance that young writers can carry with them as they progress with their craft.

Think creatively about the writing community

While teachers and classmates can provide valuable feedback, a gift we can give young writers is to help them realize that a writing community can take many forms. If I turn and ask a colleague to review an email I wrote to see if it makes sense, I have brought them into my writing community. If I do a “think aloud” about an essay I have to write about character growth in a play, the person listening to me ramble has become a part of my community. If I read aloud to my dog, who is surely just waiting to hear the words “treat” or “walkies,” I could even say I have brought him into my writing community. (Okay, sure, this is really just me talking to myself, but humor me.) Students should be encouraged to engage others in providing feedback to their writing. Siblings, friends, invested adults—these can all become part of our writing communities.

I think something offputting, or at least intimidating, about creating a writing community is the idea that it means you hand over your work, either in physical or electronic form, and you wait for the recipient to read and critique it. While this mode of feedback can be extremely helpful, it requires a level of formality that is not always necessary. Support your students in being creative about when and how they ask for feedback from their writing community. Does one sentence of an essay feel clunky to them? Have them ask someone if it makes sense. Are they struggling to clarify the argument they are trying to make? Encourage them to bounce it off someone else and ask them if they can explain what the writer believes or is postulating. Students don’t have to have every person engage in a thorough analysis of an entire piece of writing.

I also encourage you to support your students in asking others what they think makes them good writers. Perhaps one student has a good ear for dialogue and can help their peers with that at some point. Perhaps citations come easily to someone else who is willing to review those. We all have different strengths and interests in writing; pulling in people with a wide range of skills makes a writing community diverse and flexible.

Shaping a writing identity

A teacher—I would argue almost every teacher—has an opportunity to play a pivotal role in the development of a student’s identity as a writer. Many students may be resistant to this idea, thinking they can only deserve the title of “writer” if they reach the pantheon of famous writers who dominate bookshelves and pedestals within the canon.

We can make the title of “writer” less intimidating and remind students that everyone has a writing voice and a writing identity that are worth sharing and developing. It is also important to remind students that writing is not only the act of sitting in a classroom writing an essay or responding to a text-dependent analysis question. We write more than we think we do: when we send emails, when we post to social media, when we send text messages, or even when we jot down reminders to ourselves. With everything we write, we are expressing something of ourselves. What could be more worthwhile for educators to nurture?

So, forget Hugh Grant. Forget your latent rage toward Alan Rickman and how he treated Emma Thompson’s character in that movie. A writing community is, actually, all around. We all have a voice and identity as a writer, even if we have not yet pinpointed it. Help your students embrace that writing identity, and use their writing community to help them allow it to shine through in all of their work. Model this as an educator and your young writers will, whether they thank you or not, benefit from it.

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Essay On The Cat For Kids – 10 Lines, Short & Long Essay

Shaili Contractor

Key Points To Remember When Writing An Essay On Cats For Lower Primary Classes

Cats & their appearance, 10 lines on ‘my pet cat’ in english, ‘my pet cat’ essay in 100 words for kids, short essay on cats for kids, fun facts about cats that kids should know, what your will child learn from the essay.

Cats are cute, furry, and adorable pets, loved by most people. Their serious expressions, carefree attitude, and absolutely silly antics make them a favourite among people who love cats. Having lived with human beings for thousands of years, it is still sometimes unclear if we domesticated them or if they have domesticated us! In this article, we will go over what makes cats a favourite and show you how to write essays on cats for classes 1, 2 and 3 in short and long forms.

Here are some essential tips on how to write an essay on cats:

  • If you plan to write about your own pet cat in the essay exclusively, start from their adoption and continue the essay writing about their behaviour.
  • When writing a generic essay about cats, talk about their habits, food preferences, instincts, and general nature.
  • Long-form essays should have introductory and concluding sentences/paragraphs.
  • A good essay can balance information about your cat’s behaviour and nature in general.

If your little one could use some help describing cats, this section about the appearance of cats will come in handy.

The common cat is a four-legged mammal with furry skin, soft paws, attentive ears, and a heightened sense of alertness. They are born with different colours such as black, white, grey, orange and sometimes a mix of all the three. The fur on cats is to protect them from cold. They have soft, padded paws that dampen noise when they are hunting or moving about. They also have long whiskers around their nose to sense the movement of prey and a rough tongue to scrape the flesh off of bones. Cats are carnivores that hunt little animals in the wild. An adult cat can weigh between 3.5 to 4.5 kilos.

10-line essays on a cat are easy for children in classes 1 and 2. Here is an example:

  • I have a pet cat, and his name is fluffy.
  • Fluffy is a male cat with a long furry tail.
  • He is white with orange stripes on different parts of his body.
  • Fluffy is a good boy and behaves well all the time.
  • He poops in his litter box and eats up all his food without making a mess.
  • Sometimes he becomes very playful and runs all around the house.
  • Fluffy follows me wherever I go and sleeps below my desk all the time.
  • He also loves to relax and laze around everywhere in the house.
  • Fluffy loves spending time cuddling with us and makes soft purring sounds.
  • I love my pet cat, Fluffy, and I know he loves me a lot, too.

Here is an example of a short paragraph on my pet cat:

My pet cat is an orange tabby named Lizzy. We raised Lizzy since she was a 12-week-old kitten. She is nine months old now and loves to play all the time. She likes to chase her toy ball around the house. She also chews on all my stuff and pulls the curtains and sheets. When she is not playing, she wants to eat and sleep. I always look for Lizzy the first thing in the morning when I wake up, and I pet her goodnight before going to sleep.

A short essay is a good exercise to learn how to establish flow and narrative. Here is an example of an essay on cats in 200 words:

We have a pet cat in the house called Momo. He is a stray we adopted from our street when he was three months old. Momo has been in our family for two years now. He stays inside the house and lazes around all day but is very energetic at night. That’s when he loves to run around and often topples things in the house.

Having a pet cat is a huge responsibility. Since letting them outside exposes them to diseases and other dangers, you need to provide them with everything inside the house. Cats need fresh and healthy food, a litterbox to poop in, and a good bed to sleep on. They also have to be vaccinated against a number of diseases to ensure their safety.

Cats are carnivores by nature. Momo loves to eat chicken, fish, dry cat food, and wet cat food. Sometimes he also brings the small animals that he hunts from the garden inside the house. Everybody in the family loves Momo, and he loves us back even more. Although they appear calm, cats have a different way of showing affection to their owners. I know Momo loves me when he slowly blinks his eyes when I call out for him or curls up next to my feet when I am studying.

Essay on Cats For Kids - 10 Lines, Short and Long Essay

A long descriptive essay on my pet cat requires children to plan for what they wish to include in the essay and build a good narrative. Here is an example of an essay for Class-3:

My pet cat, Rocket, is a Maine Coon cat. As a breed that is popular for its size and fury looks, Rocket is as impressive as any pet can get! He is white, black, and grey in colour and quite a graceful looking feline by his appearance. He sits majestically and walks majestically but sleeps in silly postures. He loves spending his time with me or outside looking at birds sitting in the backyard.

I’ve always wanted to have a pet cat as they are furry and cute animals. Maine Coon is my favourite cat breed as I think they are the most majestic looking cats in the world. These cats live in cold climates and higher latitudes where it snows and the temperature regularly falls below freezing levels. Because their natural habitat is freezing cold, they naturally have thick fur. Therefore, we have to take extra precautions to make sure Rocket doesn’t get too hot in the lower latitudes that we live in. He gets his own air-conditioned room where the temperature is always maintained cool. It has his bed and play area and a window that leads him to the backyard.

During hot summer days, Rocket spends most of his time indoors, sleeping in my room. We also give him a haircut to make him feel more comfortable. When it is colder outside, he likes to venture out into the garden and hunt little animals. Even though we give him all the best foods, his hunting instincts remain the same as all other cats. He often hunts little birds, pigeons, chipmunks, and any other unfortunate critters that wander into the garden.

Rocket also loves to be pet and cuddled. He likes it when I scratch his back with a comb. When he is not the apex predator in the garden, he is a silly cat playing with random things in the house. I cannot wish for a better pet than Rocket!

Some cool facts about cats for children:

  • Cats are excellent jumpers – they can jump six times their height.
  • Cats always land on their feet when they fall.
  • Cats spend 13 to 16 hours sleeping during the day.
  • One year of a cat’s life is approximately equal to 15 years of human life.
  • Cats show affection to their owners by slowly opening and closing their eyes.

By studying the examples given above and writing an essay on ‘My Pet Animal’ or ‘My Pet Cat’, your child can learn how to express their observation and knowledge about cats in short and long essays. These examples will equip your little one with ideas on how to present information about their pet cat sequentially for their own composition.

1. Why Should You Get a Pet Cat?

Cats are incredibly adorable pets that are smart enough to take care of themselves. They are also loving and affectionate pets that are very clean and need little grooming or maintenance.

2. What Are Cats’ Eating Habits?

Cats are carnivores; hence they naturally eat meat. Domesticated cats will also eat packaged cat food, dairy products, meat, fish, and other non-vegetarian products.

3. What Are Some Regular Life Habits Of Cats

Domesticated cats spend most of their time sleeping or playing at home. They would also want to go outside the house to explore and even mate if they are not neutered.

Cats are amazing creatures that are adored all over the world. If you are writing an essay about your cat, include plenty of information about their behaviours that other people can relate to. Keep the essay as cute and fun as your own pet!

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  2. How To Start A Paragraph: 200+ Important Words And Phrases

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  4. How To Start A Paragraph: 200+ Important Words And Phrases

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  5. How To Start A Paragraph: 200+ Important Words And Phrases

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