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  • 5 Best Business Plan Software and Tools in 2023 for Your Small Business

4.5 out of 5 stars

Data as of 3 /13/23 . Offers and availability may vary by location and are subject to change.

Chloe Goodshore

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A business plan can do a lot for your business. It can help you secure investors or other funding. It can give your company direction. It can keep your finances healthy. But, if we’re being honest, it can also be a pain to write.

Luckily, you don’t have to start from scratch or go it alone. Business plan software and services can help you craft a professional business plan, like our top choice LivePlan , which provides templates, guidance, and more.

You’ve got quite a few choices for business plan help, so we’re here to help you narrow things down. Let’s talk about the best business plan tools out there.

  • LivePlan : Best overall
  • BizPlanBuilder : Most user-friendly
  • Wise Business Plans : Best professional service
  • Business Sorter : Best for internal plans
  • GoSmallBiz.com : Most extra features
  • Honorable mentions

Business plan software 101

The takeaway, business plan software faq, compare the best business plan software.

Cloud-based software $12.00/mo. 60-day money back guarantee

Windows app and cloud-based software $20.75/mo. 60-day money back guarantee

Professional service Custom quote N/A

Cloud-based software $10.00/mo. 14 days

Cloud-based software $39.00/mo. N/A

tool of business planning

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LivePlan: Best overall business plan software

Data as of 3 /13/23 . Offers and availability may vary by location and are subject to change. *With annual billing

LivePlan has been our favorite business plan software for a while now, despite the stiff competition.

There’s a lot to like about LivePlan. It has pretty much all the features you could want from your business plan software. LivePlan gives you step-by-step instructions for writing your plan, helps you create financial reports, lets you compare your business’s actual financials to your plan’s goals, and much more. And if you ever need inspiration, it includes hundreds of sample business plans that can guide your writing.

LivePlan software pricing


But the best part? You get all that (and more) at a very competitive price. (You can choose from annual, six-month, or monthly billing.) While LivePlan isn’t quite the cheapest business plan builder out there, it’s not too far off either. And if comes with a 60-day money back guarantee. So there’s no risk in trying LivePlan out for yourself.

With a great balance of features and cost, LivePlan offers the best business plan solution for most businesses.

BizPlanBuilder: Most user-friendly

Need something easy to use? BizPlanBuilder fits the bill.

BizPlanBuilder doesn’t have a flashy, modern user interface―but it does have a very clear, intuitive one. You’ll be able to see your plan’s overall structure at a glance, so you can quickly navigate from your title page to your market trend section to that paragraph on your core values. And as you write, you’ll use a text editor that looks a whole lot like the word processing programs you’re already familiar with.

BizPlanBuilder software pricing

$20.75/mo. $29.00/mo.$349.00

Data effective 3/13/23. At publishing time, amounts, rates, and requirements are current but are subject to change. Offers may not be available in all areas.

BizPlanBuilder also offers lots of helpful guidance for actually writing your plan. It gives you pre-written text, in which you just have to fill in relevant details. It offers explanations for what information you need to include in each section of your plan and way. It even gives you helpful tips from experts, so you’ll have all the information you need to plan like a pro.

So if you want planning software with almost no learning curve, you’ll like BizPlanBuilder.

Wise Business Plans: Best professional service

  • Custom quote

Unlike all the other companies on this list, Wise Business Plans doesn’t offer software. Instead, it offers professional business plan writing services―meaning someone does all the hard work for you.

Now, you might think that sounds expensive―and you’re probably right (you have to request a custom quote for your plan). But there’s a lot to be said for expertise, and Wise Business Plans has plenty of that. Your business plan will get written by an experienced writer (with an MBA, no less). They’ll get information from you, do their own research, and then write your plan. You get one free revision, and you can always pay for more.  

Wise Business Plans service pricing

N/AN/ACustom quote

Your end result will be a polished, entirely original business plan. (You can even get printed copies.) And best of all, you won’t have to spend your precious time working on the plan yourself. Wise Business Plans takes care of all the hard parts, and makes your business look good while doing it. Sounds like a service worth paying for, right?

Put simply, if you want the most professional business plan possible, we recommend using Wise Business Plans’s writing service.

Business Sorter: Best for internal plans

Many businesses need plans to show to people outside the company (to get financing, for example). But what if you just need a plan for internal use? In that case, we suggest Business Sorter.

Business Sorter uses a unique card-based method to help you craft the perfect business plan. (You can watch a demo video to see how it works.) You’ll plan some of the usual things, like finances and marketing. But Business Sorter also lets you make plans for specific teams and team members. It also emphasizes more internal matters, like operations, that might get overlooked in a business plan for outsiders.

Business Sorter software pricing

Custom pricingCustom pricing

After you’ve made your business plan, Business Sorter also helps you stay accountable to it. You can create tasks, give them deadlines, and assign them to team members―giving you basic project management tools to make sure your business plans become business actions. (Oh, and did we mention that Business Sorter has the lowest starting prices of any software on this list?)

It all adds up to a business plan software that works great for internal planning.

GoSmallBiz: Most extra features

Want to get way more than just business planning software? Then you probably want GoSmallBiz.

See, GoSmallBiz offers business plan software as part of its service―but it’s just one part of a much bigger whole. You also get everything from discounts on legal services to a website builder to a CRM (customer relationship manager) to business document templates. And more. In other words, you get just about everything you need to get your startup off the ground.

GoSmallBiz software pricing


Don’t worry though―you still get all the business planning help you need. GoSmallBiz gives you business plan templates, step-by-step instructions, and the ability to create financial projections. And if you get stuck, GoSmallBiz will put you in touch with experts who can offer advice.

If you want business planning and much, much more, give GoSmallBiz a try.

  • PlanGuru : Best financial forecasting
  • EnLoop : Cheapest tool for startups

We recommend the software above for most business planning needs. Some businesses, though, might be interested in these more specialized planning software.

Honorable mention software pricing

$899.00/yr. $99.00/mo. N/A

$11.00/mo.$19.95/mo. N/A

PlanGuru: Best financial forecasting features

Plan Guru

PlanGuru is pretty pricey compared to our other picks, but you might find its forecasting features worth paying for. It has more forecasting methods than other software (over 20) plus it lets you forecast up to 10 years.

EnLoop: Cheapest tool for startups

enloop logo

EnLoop doesn’t have our favorite features or interface, but it does have really, really low pricing plus a seven-day free trial. It's the most affordable software for startup business planning and still provides all the essential features like financial analysis, team collaboration, charting, and more.

Data as of 3 /13/23 . Offers and availability may vary by location and are subject to change. * With annual billing

Several of our previous favorite planning software, including BusinessPlanPro and StratPad, seem to have gone out of business.

A business plan is a written, living document that tells the story of your business and what you plan to do with it. It serves as the source of truth for you—the business owner—as well as potential partners, employees, and investors, but it also serves as a roadmap of what you want your business to be.

Why you need a business plan

While some small-business owners don’t see the point of creating a formal business plan, it can have some concrete benefits for your business. For example, one 2016 study found that business owners with written plans are more successful than those that don’t. 1

Still too vague? Then let’s get specific.

If you ever seek business funding (from, say, banks, angel investors , or venture capitalists ), you’ll have to prove that your business deserves the money you want. A formal business plan―complete with financial data and projections―gives you a professional document you can use to make your case. (In fact, most potential investors will expect you to have a business plan ready.)

Even if you’re not seeking funding right now, a business plan can help your business. A formal plan can guide your business’s direction and decision making. It can keep your business accountable (by, for example, seeing if your business meets the financial projections you included). And a formal plan offers a great way to make sure your team stays on the same page.

What to include in your business plan

Not all business plans are created equal. To make a really useful business plan, you’ll want to include a number of elements:

  • Basic information about your business
  • Your products/services
  • Market and industry analysis
  • What makes your business competitive
  • Strategies and upcoming plans
  • Your team (and your team’s background)
  • Current financial status
  • Financial and market projections
  • Executive summary

Of course, you can include more or fewer elements―whatever makes sense for your business. Just make sure your business plan is comprehensive (but not overwhelming).

How business plan software can help

With so many elements to include, business plan creation can take a while. Business plan software tries to speed things up.

Most business plan software will include prompts for each section. In some cases, you can just fill in your business’s specific information, and the software will write the text for you. In other cases, the software will give you specific guidance and examples, helping you write the text yourself.

Plus, business plan software can help you stay organized. You’ll usually get intuitive menus that let you quickly flip through sections. So rather than endlessly scrolling through a long document in a word processor, you can quickly find your way around your plan. Some software even lets you drag and drop sections to reorganize your plan.

Sounds way easier than just staring at a blank page and trying to start from scratch, right?

Choosing business plan software

To find the right business plan builder for your business, you’ll want to compare features. For example, would you rather write your own text, getting prompts and advice from your software? Or would you rather go with a fill-in-the-blank method?

Likewise, think about the elements you need. If your plan will have a heavy focus on finances, you’ll want to choose business plan software with robust financial projection features. If you care more about market and competitor analysis, look for software that can help with that research.

You may also want to find business plan software that integrates with your business accounting software . Some plan builders will import data from Xero, QuickBooks, etc. to quickly generate your financial data and projections.

And of course, you’ll want to compare prices. After all, you always want to end up with software that fits your business budget.

The right business plan software can make your life easier. With LivePlan ’s wide breadth of features and online learning tools, you can’t go wrong. Plus, BizPlanBuilder 's one-time pricing makes it easy to invest while Business Sorter has a low starting cost. And if you're business is looking to grow, GoSmallBiz and Wise Business Plans will scale with you.

But of course, different companies have different needs. So shop around until you find the software that’s best for you and your business.

Now that you've got a business plan, take a look at our checklist for starting a small business.  It can help you make sure you have everything else you need to get your startup off to a good start!

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Creating a business plan can take anywhere from a couple hours to several weeks. Your timeline will depend on things like the elements you choose to include, whether you use software or hire a writing service, and how much research goes into your plan.

That said, much of the business plan software out there brags that it can help you create a fairly detailed plan in a few hours. So if you’re going the software route, that can help you set your expectations.

If you want to get the most out of your business plan, you should update it on a regular basis―at least annually. That way, you can continually refer to it to inform your company’s strategies and direction.  

At the very least, you should update your business plan before you start looking for a new round of funding (whether that’s with investors or lenders).

Thanks to business plan software, you can easily write your own business plan rather than pay someone to do it for you. And in most cases, software will cost you less than a professional business plan service.

There are some times you might want to go with a service though. If time is tight, you might find that it’s worth the cost of a service. Or if you’ve got big investor meetings on the horizon, you might want the expertise and polish that a professional service can offer.

Ultimately, you’ll have to decide for yourself whether business plan software or a business plan service will work better for your company.


We ranked business plan software and tools based on features, pricing and plans, and connections to project management and other services. The value of each plan and service, along with what it offers, was a big consideration in our rankings, and we looked to see if what was offered was useful to small businesses or just extra. The final thing we looked at was the ease of use of the software to see if it's too complex for small businesses.

At Business.org, our research is meant to offer general product and service recommendations. We don't guarantee that our suggestions will work best for each individual or business, so consider your unique needs when choosing products and services.

Sources 1. Harvard Business Review, “ Research: Writing a Business Plan Makes Your Startup More Likely to Succeed .” Accessed March 13, 2023.

Chloe Goodshore

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5 Best Business Plan Software in 2022

Profile photo of Sally Lauckner

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When you’re starting a business, developing a strong business plan will be one of the first steps you take. Your business plan will cover everything from a detailed explanation of your products or services and pricing model to at least three years of financial projections—plus much more. Therefore, whether you’re not sure how to get started or you’re just looking to make the process easier, you may want to turn to business plan software for help.

In this guide, we'll break down five of the best business plan software options—discussing their pros, cons, features, pricing, and more—so you have all the information you need to decide which solution is right for your small business.

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The 5 best business plan software options

The right business plan software will make the process of writing your business plan much simpler. Like many business software solutions, however, there are a number of different business plan software options out there—each of which has a unique set of features, user experience, and price.

This being said, if you're looking for a place to start your search for the best business plan software, you can explore the five top options below:

How much do you need?

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We’ll start with a brief questionnaire to better understand the unique needs of your business.

Once we uncover your personalized matches, our team will consult you on the process moving forward.

1. LivePlan

Best overall business plan software.

If you want template-rich, modern-feeling business plan software, then LivePlan may be the right pick for you. LivePlan excels with their user interface, which feels updated and slick, and also offers intuitive, easy-to-use features and options.

Their step-by-step instruction will help you kick things off from the beginning, and you can take advantage of their online learning center to continue to gain business skills.

Affordable plans, including pay-as-you-go option

No long-term contracts or cancellation fee; 60-day money-back guarantee

Modern, intuitive interface; cloud-based, can be used on Mac, PC, as well as tablets

Ability to create unlimited plans in one account; over 500 customizable templates

Variety of business resources including video tutorials, step-by-step instruction, and general customer support

Limited integration options

Challenging to enter your own financial modeling projections

Can be difficult to learn

Ability to create an unlimited number of business plans on one account

More than 500 business plan templates spanning various industries

Integration with Xero and QuickBooks Online

Real-time tracking of financial data with accounting integrations

Ability to export your business plan to Word or PDF

Expert advice and step-by-step instruction included

Performance dashboards for tracking against budgets and sales goals

Ability to create and export a one-page pitch executive summary

Annual plan: $15 per month, billed every 12 months

Six-month plan: $18 per month, billed every six months

Pay-as-you-go plan: $20 per month, billed once every month

2. GoSmallBiz

Best for multiple business management tools in one platform.

Next on our list of the best business plan software options is GoSmallBiz, which is much more than just a business plan software. With GoSmallBiz, you have access to business continuity planning software with features that cover creating a roadmap, working through business and legal forms, building a website, and more.

In this way, GoSmallBiz is great for startups or newer businesses looking to access multiple business management tools through one platform.

Unlimited business consultation and extensive library of online resources

Multiple business tools in one software

Website consultation analysis and business assessment

Industry-specific business plan templates with emphasis on financial projections and statements

Expensive monthly cost compared to alternatives

Limited business plan features

Entire business plan can only be exported to Microsoft Word

Outdated interface

Industry-specific business plan templates with step-by-step building wizard

Ability to create financial statements and projections

Free website hosting and website builder

Customer relationship manager with integration with MailChimp

Digital marketing dashboard with social media and Google Analytics integrations

HR document builder

Corporate minutes writer

Business documents library

Business courses library

Unlimited business consultation

$39 per month, no contracts, free cancellation

Best for simple, fast business plan creation.

If you're looking for free business plan software, Enloop will be one of your closest options—they offer an all-inclusive seven-day free trial, no credit card required. Additionally, unlike some of the other options on our list, Enloop is strictly dedicated to business plan creation, including automated text writing, financial forecast comparisons, and a real-time performance score that tracks your progress.

This being said, if you'd prefer the most straightforward, fast, and simple way to write your business plan, Enloop will be a platform worth considering.

Simple and straightforward software, solely dedicated to business plan creation

Seven-day free trial

Automatic text generation available to streamline the writing process

Affordable plans with annual discount option

Limited additional educational resources

Only one template option

No integration options

Ability to create three business plans with customizable text, images, tables, charts, and over 100 currency symbols and formats

Includes automatic text generation for each plan section that you can then customize

Automatically generated financial statements

Includes financial performance comparison analysis (using three ratios with Detailed plan and 16 with Performance plan)

Real-time performance score to track your progress

Ability to invite users to edit (two with Detailed plan, five with Performance plan)

Pass/fail report and certificate to help you identify issues with your plan

Free plan: Seven-day free trial with no credit card required

Detailed plan: $19.95 per month or $11 per month, paid annually

Performance plan: $39.95 per month, or $24 per month, paid annually

Best for startups looking to acquire funding or find investors.

Part of the Startups.com suite, Bizplan gets top marks for their user interface—it’s intuitive, easy to use, and modern. You’ll work with a step-by-step business plan builder to get exactly what you’d like from your business plan. It may remind you of a modern website builder, since it has drag-and-drop tools to build templates.

Moreover, for one subscription fee, you have access to all of the tools in the Startups.com network, including self-guided courses, how-to guides, masterclass videos, and more. All in all, with a direct connection to Fundable, Bizplan is a top business plan software option for startups looking to acquire funding and find investors.

Subscription gives you access to all Startups.com tools

Lifetime access subscription option

User-friendly drag-and-drop business plan builder

Excellent educational resources

Connection to Fundable great for businesses looking for capital

No free trial

No templates based on industry

No mobile access

Drag-and-drop templates for business plan building

Financial command center to track all business financials in one place

Unlimited account collaborators

Ability to share business plan online with investors

Online resources including self-guided courses, masterclass videos, how-to guides, mentorship access

Unlimited software use for Fundable, Launchrock, and Startups.com

Monthly plan: $29 per month

Annual plan: $20.75 per month, billed at $249 per year

Lifetime access: $349 one-time fee

5. PlanGuru

Best for financial planning and budgeting.

Finally, for some of the strongest financial features among business plan software options, including budgeting and forecasting, you might check out PlanGuru. Whereas the other solutions we've reviewed were first and foremost focused on writing a business plan, PlanGuru is dedicated to business financial planning —providing the tools you need to create budgets, financial forecasts, reports, and more.

Therefore, if you need a software solution that can streamline the financial piece of your business planning processes, PlanGuru will certainly have the most to offer.

Extensive financial tools and detailed forecasting, budgeting, and reporting capabilities

Substantial library of resources

Cloud-based and desktop options

14-day free trial and 30-day money-back guarantee

Expensive, especially for additional users

Only focuses on the financial aspect of business planning; no templates or tools for basic business plan writing

Difficult to use without prior financial knowledge

Cloud-based version of software, as well as locally installed Windows version (desktop version has a few more features)

Works with QuickBooks Online, Xero, and Excel

Budgeting and forecasting for up to 10 years

Over 20 standard forecasting methods

Formula builder to create custom methods

Ratios and KPIs

Dashboard and reporting tools

Help guides, video tutorials, knowledgebase, and live U.S.-based customer support

14-day free trial

$99 per month (additional users $29 per month)

$899 per year (additional users $299 per year)

What to look for in business plan software

Ultimately, it's up to you to decide, which, if any, of the best business plan software solutions on our list is right for your business.

So, if you're trying to figure out how to choose between the various options out there, it might be helpful to compare your top choices based on the following criteria:

Features: As we've seen different business plan software solutions offer different features. You'll want to look carefully at the feature list of any software and determine what features are most important for your business needs. Do you need an extensive library of templates with detailed customization? Would you prefer software that includes an online learning center for business skills? Are you looking for a solution that combines business plan writing with other tasks? It may be useful to list out your ideal feature set, so you can compare individual software plans to that list.

Price: Although you might be able to find some free business plan software options (or at the very least, free trials), in most cases, you'll need to pay a subscription fee to access the platform you choose. Therefore, you'll want to think about what your budget is for this business tool and what type of software is most cost-effective for your needs.

User experience: User experience can vary widely among different business plan software options. You’ll find some programs that are newer or have been recently updated. Others might have the kind of interfaces that felt new years ago but are now pretty out of date—and, subsequently, make them a little harder to use. The right user experience for your needs is genuinely a matter of opinion and comfort—nevertheless, it's worth testing thoroughly testing out a platform to ensure that it can truly work for you before investing in a monthly or annual subscription.

The bottom line

There's no doubt that properly crafting your business plan is important for the future growth and success of your small business. Luckily, the right business plan software should make the process much simpler.

This being said, whether you opt for one of the best business plan software options listed here, or another platform entirely, you'll want to take the time to compare multiple solutions and ensure you choose the one that's right for your business.

As we mentioned, it can be helpful to think about the features you're looking for, your budget, and your user-experience preferences ahead of time—that way, you'll have a set of criteria in mind as you explore different solutions.

Ultimately, perhaps the best thing you can do to find the right software is to actually test out the platforms themselves—either by using a free trial or a money-back guarantee.

This article originally appeared on JustBusiness, a subsidiary of NerdWallet.

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How it Works

Step 1

Start With Your Idea

Craft Your Vision: Jumpstart your business journey with a brief description of your business. Acknowledge your business type and let us seamlessly transform it into a meticulously structured plan.

Step 1

Series Of Guided Questions

Easily navigate through each section with Plannit's step-by-step guidance. Enter your own detailed solutions or leverage with AI-generated content and receive helpful prompts and ideas along the way. Plannit's AI capabilities provide insightful and precise content for market analysis, financial projections, marketing strategies, sales plan and more.

Step 1

Collaborate With Your Partners

Bring your team over! PlannitAI provides a dedicated space where you can invite team members to view, shape and refine your online business plan. With or without the help of our AI model You can reword, rephrase, prolong and shorten sections to your liking. Collaborate in real-time to ensure your business strategy benefits from diverse insights and expertise, leading to a well-rounded and robust plan.

Step 1

Present With Confidence

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Who can benefit from plannit.


Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Analyze your ventures through extensive business plans aligned with your vision and goals.


Business Owners

Back your business with a solid plan that aligns with your objectives. Perfect for small businesses.


Educational Institutions

Develop your business understanding and vocabulary by analyzing your business idea and creating a plan.


Startups Accelerators

Work alongside your founders as they build their plan to ensure they have a solid roadmap for scalability.

Funding Ready Business Plan

Executive summary, company overview.

Problem Statement

Business Description

Mission Statement

Business Model

Products and Services

Additional Features

Revenue Model

Market Analysis

Target Market

Market Size and Segments

Unique Value Proposition

Risks and Mitigations

Identified Risks

Mitigation Strategies

Financial Overview

Income Statement

Marketing and Sales Plan

Focus On Your Vision

Language support.


Key Features & Benefits

Ai editing companion.

Modify and regenerate sections of your business plan using premade or custom prompts. Our AI will help you refine your plan to perfection.

Multi-User Collaboration

Invite team members with easy sharing to collaborate on your business plan in real-time. Communicate and make changes together. Collaborate with your partners in real-time as you perfect your plan.

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Your plan in your language. We offer a choice of over 150 worldwide languages to ensure the best fit for your business plan.

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Tools and Templates

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Plan Export

Download your business plan in an editable .docx format. Fully edit & share your plan with investors, partners, and stakeholders.

Plannit Business Ecosystem

Business Resources

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • Initiate with Your Business Concept: Lay the Groundwork: Start by introducing your business idea into Plannit AI's Business Plan Generator. This first step is crucial, as it sets the tone for a tailored, insightful business plan that truly resonates with your vision. Capture the Essence: Our platform is designed to grasp the nuances of your concept, ensuring that the generated plan accurately reflects the core and potential of your business.
  • Navigate Through the AI-Guided Questionnaire: Tailored Interactive Experience: Plannit AI’s AI-guided questionnaire is your interactive guide through the planning process. It meticulously gathers information about your business's objectives, strategies, and market positioning, ensuring a comprehensive and reflective plan. Intelligent Feedback and Suggestions: As you progress through the questionnaire, benefit from smart prompts and suggestions, ensuring that your plan is not just detailed but also strategically sound and aligned with industry standards.
  • Generate Your Plan with Advanced AI: Intuitive Plan Creation: With the questionnaire complete, Plannit AI's advanced algorithms intelligently analyze your responses. They then craft a detailed, customizable, and strategically aligned business plan, providing you with a structured, coherent, and actionable format. Benefit from AI-Powered Insights: Plannit AI offers AI-driven insights and suggestions, ensuring your plan is not just a document but a strategic tool equipped with tailored AI prompts and an in-app plan editor. Get inspired by browsing through our sample business plans, a collection of successful strategies across various industries.
  • Finalize Your Plan with Confidence: Dynamic Adaptation and Refinement: Plannit AI recognizes that a business plan is a living document. Our platform allows for continuous adaptation and refinement, ensuring your strategy remains agile, relevant, and aligned with your evolving business goals. Professional Presentation and Sharing: Once your plan meets your standards, utilize Plannit AI's export features to present your plan professionally. Choose between various formats for exporting your business plan, ready to impress stakeholders, attract investors, or guide your team. Review and Adapt: Ensure your business plan is a living document, ready to evolve with your growing business. Plannit AI's dynamic platform allows you to adapt your strategy as new opportunities or challenges arise.
  • Roadmap for Success: At its core, a business plan acts as a strategic guide, providing detailed steps on how your business will achieve its objectives. It helps you navigate the startup phase, manage growth effectively, and tackle unforeseen challenges with a well-thought-out strategy.
  • Securing Funding: For startups and businesses looking to expand, a business plan is crucial for securing loans or attracting investors. It demonstrates to potential financial backers that your business has a clear vision, a solid strategy for profitability, and a plan for delivering returns on their investment.
  • Informed Decision-Making: A well-prepared business plan offers valuable insights into your market, competition, and potential challenges. This information is vital for making informed decisions, from day-to-day operations to long-term strategic shifts.
  • Market Analysis and Strategy: It allows you to conduct an in-depth analysis of your target market, understand customer needs, and position your product or service effectively. The marketing strategy outlined in your business plan helps in identifying the best channels and tactics to reach your audience and achieve market penetration.
  • Financial Planning: One of the most critical components of a business plan is the financial forecast. It outlines your funding requirements, expected revenue, profit margins, and cash flow projections. This section is essential for budgeting, financial management, and ensuring the financial viability of your business.
  • Goal Setting and Performance Measurement: A business plan sets clear, measurable goals and objectives. It provides a framework for monitoring performance, measuring success, and making necessary adjustments to stay on track.
  • Aspiring Entrepreneurs: If you're at the idea stage, looking to transform your vision into a viable business, Plannit AI offers the tools and guidance to bring your concept to life. Our platform helps you articulate your business idea, define your target market, and develop a solid plan to turn your dream into reality.
  • Students and Educators: For students delving into the intricacies of business planning and educators teaching the fundamentals of entrepreneurship, Plannit AI serves as an invaluable resource. It provides a practical, hands-on tool for learning and teaching how to create detailed business plans, analyze markets, and understand financials in a real-world context.
  • Startup Founders: In the dynamic startup environment, Plannit AI is the ideal partner for founders looking to pivot quickly, secure funding, or understand their competitive landscape. With our AI-driven insights and market analysis tools, startups can make informed decisions and adapt their strategies to thrive in competitive markets.
  • Small Business Owners: For small business owners seeking to optimize their operations, expand their customer base, or explore new markets, Plannit AI offers targeted solutions. Our platform simplifies the planning process, enabling owners to focus on growth while managing the day-to-day challenges of running their business.
  • Consultants and Freelancers: Consultants and freelancers specializing in business development, strategic planning, or financial advising will find Plannit AI a powerful addition to their toolkit. It allows them to provide clients with comprehensive, data-driven business plans and strategies, enhancing the value of their services.
  • Non-Profit Organizations: Leaders of non-profit organizations can leverage Plannit AI to plan initiatives, secure funding, and manage resources more efficiently. Our platform helps non-profits articulate their mission, set achievable goals, and measure their impact, ensuring they can make a difference in their communities.
  • Innovators and Inventors: Individuals looking to commercialize innovative products or technologies can use Plannit AI to navigate the complexities of bringing new ideas to market. From patent strategies to go-to-market plans, our platform covers all bases, ensuring innovators can focus on what they do best.
  • Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs) and Government Agencies: Government and SBA backed entities can greatly benefit from integrating Plannit AI into their services, enhancing their ability to support a larger number of clients more efficiently. By facilitating quicker, more in-depth business plan development, these organizations can spend more time assisting with plan execution and less time on creation, ultimately serving their communities more effectively.
  • Anyone with a Business Idea: Ultimately, Plannit AI is for anyone with a business idea, regardless of industry, experience, or stage of business development. Our mission is to democratize business planning, making it accessible, understandable, and actionable for everyone.
  • Interactive Questionnaire and ChatGPT Integration: Plannit AI transforms the business planning process into an engaging conversation. Through our advanced ChatGPT integration, we offer a questionnaire that dynamically adapts to your responses, ensuring your plan is personalized, comprehensive, and aligned with your business goals.
  • Dynamic Planning Environment: Unlike static templates provided by many, Plannit AI introduces a living platform that grows with your business. It features real-time updates, strategic insights, and a feedback mechanism that keeps your business plan current and actionable.
  • Extensive Educational Resources: Our Education Center is packed with articles, guides, and sample plans to bolster your planning process. It's designed to arm you with the knowledge to navigate the complexities of your industry confidently.
  • Enhanced Collaboration and Customization: Recognizing the collaborative essence of business planning, Plannit AI supports team efforts with multi-user editing, annotations, and feedback features, ensuring a comprehensive approach to your strategy.
  • Customer Success Stories: Our users' achievements are a testament to Plannit AI's effectiveness. These success stories illustrate how diverse businesses have utilized our platform for strategic planning and growth.
  • Tailored Business Plan Creation: Our platform stands out with its tailored approach, featuring customizable templates that directly cater to your business type and industry, making plan creation straightforward and relevant.
  • Content Generation:: ChatGPT helps draft various sections of a business plan, from executive summaries to marketing strategies, by providing structured and coherent text based on the prompts given.
  • Strategic Insights: It can offer suggestions on business strategies by analyzing trends and providing examples from a wide range of industries.
  • Financial Planning: While it can't replace professional financial advice, ChatGPT can guide the structure of financial projections and statements, helping you consider important financial aspects of your plan.

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tool of business planning

6 Best Business Plan Software Platforms (2024)

Read on for a list of our favorite software platforms for writing a business plan, plus advice on how to choose the right business plan software for your needs.

Business plan software

Every successful ecommerce business is supported by a foundation of solid business planning. A professional business plan sets the stage for your new business , acting as an internal and external roadmap for brand identity, financial planning, project management, and more.

Writing a business plan is an important and often difficult task for any entrepreneur or business owner. If you can't get your head around a business plan template , business planning software can help. If drafting a business plan from scratch sounds too daunting to tackle on your own, business plan software offers everything you need for business plan creation, including financial reports, sample business plans, how-to articles, and more.

Read on for a list of the best business plan software platforms, plus advice on how to choose the right business plan software for your needs.

6 best business plan software platforms for 2023

Affordable software with business plan templates and samples

LivePlan business plan software.png

  • Pricing : standard plan is $15/month; premium is $30/month; annual discounts available
  • Money-back guarantee : 60 days
  • Capterra rating : 4.5/5
  • G2 rating : 4.1/5
  • Integrations : QuickBooks, Xero, open API

One of the most affordable pieces of business plan software on this list, LivePlan allows users to create unlimited business plans and offers more than 500 sample business plans and pages to start with. Get step-by-step guidance on how to write your plan and use templates for different types of business plans, making it easy to tailor your plan to your needs.

LivePlan also offers a robust set of financial forecasting tools, helping you to convert financial data like cash flow statements into easy-to-read charts and graphs.

Business plan software for entrepreneurs who struggle with writing

Enloop business plan software.png

  • Pricing : 7-day free trial; detailed plan is $19.95/month; performance plan is $39.95/month; annual discounts available
  • Money-back guarantee : none, but no contracts are required
  • Capterra : 4/5
  • Integrations <: none

Enloop has many of the same features as other pieces of business plan software. It automatically syncs financial data and creates financial ratios. And when you write your plan, it assesses it and gives you a performance score, so you can improve it if needed. You can also add users for easy collaboration and sharing. Enloop is especially good if writing isn’t your strong suit, as you can plug in your metrics and let the software do the “writing” for you .

Business plan software for startups seeking investment

Bizplan business plan software.jpg

  • Pricing : $29/month; $349 lifetime access; annual discounts available
  • Money-back guarantee : 3 days
  • Capterra : 4.4/5
  • Integrations : Xero, QuickBooks

Bizplan is a business plan software that caters to small businesses and startups seeking external investment. The platform makes connecting with potential investors easy, and allows users to easily publish a business plan on Fundable, a popular crowdfunding platform.

Other standout features include drag-and-drop tools for creating business plan templates, access to self-guided business courses from Startups.com, and financial tools to help set salaries, forecast revenue, and track expenses.

Best business plan software for planning, forecasting, and scenario analysis

PlanGuru business plan software.png

  • Pricing : 3-day free trial available; app and desktop require separate subscriptions at $99/month each, plus $29/month per additional user; discounts available for annual billing
  • Money-back guarantee : 30 days
  • Capterra : 4.2/5
  • Integrations : Xero, QuickBooks, Microsoft Excel

If the focus of your business plan is your business’s financial picture and potential, PlanGuru is an excellent option. In addition to offering most of the basic business plan software features you’d expect, PlanGuru offers tools for budgeting, financial forecasts and reports , strategic planning, and scenario analysis.

While PlanGuru supports additional users, each user also comes with an additional monthly fee of $29/month .

Best contract-free business plan software for new businesses

GoSmallBiz business plan software.png

  • Pricing : plans start at $15/month; Go service plan for $199/year; Guide service plan for $49/month; Grow service plan for $39/month; additional one-time services and recurring subscriptions available
  • Capterra : n/a
  • Integrations : MailChimp

While it may not have the longest list of business planning features, GoSmallBiz’s solution is part of a larger business continuity planning software platform that includes tools for everything from human resource management to tax payments. GoBizPlan also offers industry-specific business plan templates to kickstart your business plan creation. This is especially helpful if your business idea is destined for a specific vertical market .

GoSmallBiz users can create financial statements and projections for multiple years, including income statements , cash flow statements , and balance sheets . Finally, GoSmallBiz offers step-by-step guidance, prompts, and tutorials to help users get the most out of the platform .

Business plan software with the option to get help from professionals

PlanBuildr business plan software.png

  • Pricing : free trial available; annual subscriptions available; PlanBuildr uses a custom pricing model; rates aren’t readily available on its website, but one landing page prices the business plan software at $3,500
  • Money-back guarantee : none, but subscription may be canceled anytime within the first 30 days
  • Integrations : various across accounting, CRM, and marketing tools

PlanBuildr is another user-friendly business plan software for people who aren’t as confident with the writing process. This software uses a fill-in-the-blank business plan creator to help you quickly build a simple but solid business plan. PlanBuildr also offers extensive financial reports and features, including charts and graphs and the ability to create various financial projections.

PlanBuildr has 10 business plan designs to choose from, and you can also hire PlanBuildr for additional business plan writing services .

Why use business plan software?

Entrepreneurs use business plan software to guide them through the process of turning a business idea into a complete business model. Only a select group of small business owners go into business for writing—the rest have stronger skills elsewhere. Business plan software can offer the exact support you need to get the wording, structure, and presentation just right.

Likewise, not every entrepreneur is good with numbers. Business plan software can help with financial forecasting by making sense of your cash flow and other financial data. Some software will even automatically generate financial statements for you, making it easier for you and your audience to understand the numbers.

Many business plan tools also offer a range of business plan templates . It’s almost always easier to follow a template or business plan example than to start with a blank page. Writing a business plan is a lot less intimidating this way. Plus, business plan templates can function as a checklist, ensuring that you don’t omit any important sections or information .

How to choose your business plan software

While most business planning software can accomplish the same end goal, each has its own pros and cons, depending on your needs. The best business plan software for you may be different than the best option for your fellow business owners. When shopping for business plan software, consider the following:

  • Budget . Perhaps most obvious, the business plan software you choose needs to fit within your budget. Basic business plan tools may not have all the functionality you’re looking for, but more advanced features typically mean a higher price tag.
  • Collaboration . If you’re collaborating on your business plan with a fellow founder, an accountant, or legal counsel, you’ll want a business plan tool that supports multiple team members. Some software also allow you to add users as viewers, which can be helpful for distributing the plan to shareholders, lenders, or potential investors, for example.
  • Financial reporting . If business financials and reporting are important to you, choose business plan software that excels in this area. Look for business planning tools that offer financial forecasting features beyond basic data reporting, including marketing and performance reports and data visualization through charts and graphs. If you need more extensive financial tools, consider investing in accounting software .
  • Interface . Every tool you use in your business needs to have an interface that’s easy to navigate. Choosing business planning software with a steep learning curve or difficult-to-navigate interface may make the process of creating a business plan more frustrating than it needs to be.
  • Templates . One of the greatest advantages to using business plan software is access to business plan templates and examples. The best business plan software options offer a range of templates, enabling you to create business plans for multiple audiences and different contexts.
  • Software integrations . If you have a tightly connected tech stack, it would behoove you to find a business plan software that can integrate seamlessly with other popular business tools, including Microsoft Office and popular platforms for marketing and accounting.
  • Support. If you run into trouble with your business planning software, a great support team or library of business resources can help you get back on track. As a bonus, most business plan software providers also offer online learning tools to help you maximize your results, including video tutorials and built-in advice modules
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Business plan software FAQ

What is the best software to write a business plan, what are the 4 types of business plans.

  • Startup business plan
  • One-page business plan
  • Internal business plan
  • Strategic business plan

Is there a template for a business plan?

Do i need a business plan to start a small business.

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7 Best Business Plan Software for Startups in 2024

| Written by

Businesswoman next to text that says Top 7 Business Plan Software.

Writing a business plan is crucial for entrepreneurs to outline their vision and strategy. With so many options available, choosing the best business plan software for startups can be challenging. Our review compares top solutions for founders, evaluating features, usability, resources, integrations, and pricing to help you select the platform that fits your needs. We’ll explore how these tools can streamline the planning process and help you create a professional, investor-ready business plan to launch your startup successfully.

Our #1 Pick: Upmetrics

Upmetrics makes it easy and affordable to create a professional, investor-ready business plan with AI-powered tools and customizable templates.

Unsure if Upmetrics is right for you? Continue reading our comprehensive review below to learn more and explore your options.

Best Business Planning Tools

Best Business Plan Software Overall

Best Financial Forecasting

Most User-Friendly

In this review, we’ll look at seven of the best business plan software platforms — discussing their pros, cons, features, pricing, and more — so you can decide which one is right for your startup.

Best Business Plan Software for Startups 2024:

  • Upmetrics – Best Overall
  • LivePlan – Best Financial Forecasting
  • Bizplan – Easiest to Use
  • Enloop – Best Automation Features
  • PlanGuru – Best Business Valuation Tool
  • IdeaBuddy – Best for Idea Validation
  • iPlanner – Best for Nonprofits

The following tools all have their own great features. Based on its affordable pricing and usability, Upmetrics is our top business plan software choice for startups.

Try Upmetrics today or continue reading to explore your options!

Best Business Plan Software: Upmetrics

Access 400+ industry-specific templates and AI-driven tools to build a winning business plan.

1. Upmetrics – $7/month to $37/month

First up on our list is Upmetrics , an affordable and versatile business planning tool. The software is designed for small business owners, young entrepreneurs, and startups who need comprehensive business planning capabilities without the high cost. 

Upmetrics simplifies the entire planning process with its advanced AI capabilities, realistic financial forecasting, and user-friendly functionalities. The AI writing assistant auto-writes sections of your business plan, while the forecasting assistant provides financial forecasting stream suggestions.

What’s more, Upmetrics’ subscription model comes with strategic planning tools, collaborative features, and other business resources that help entrepreneurs plan and grow their businesses with ease.

  • AI business plan generator to create business plans faster
  • 400+ sample business plan templates
  • AI pitch deck creator to generate impressive pitches
  • Robust financial forecasting for up to 7-10 years
  • QuickBooks and Xero integrations to import your data easily
  • Business plan builder with drag-and-drop capabilities
  • Real-time collaboration and easy-sharing options
  • Reliable and easy-to use interface
  • Extremely affordable pricing plans
  • Multilingual support (9+ different languages)
  • Effective strategic plan creation on-the-go
  • 15-day money back guarantee (even change plans anytime)
  • No long-term commitments
  • Educational resources, free guides, and video tutorials for beginners
  • Not suitable for larger enterprises
  • No free trial

Customer Reviews

Over 110,000 entrepreneurs have used Upmetrics for different purposes, from securing funding to launching their ventures. It received great customer reviews and earned 4.8 stars out of 5 on GetApp, making it a strong contender among business planning software.

tool of business planning

Learn more by reading our full Upmetrics review .

2. LivePlan – $15/month to $30/month

While LivePlan  isn’t our top pick, it’s a strong contender for the best business plan software for startups, offering excellent value for money. This cloud-based solution enables entrepreneurs to craft professional business plans from any location, combining user-friendly features with comprehensive functionality.

Additionally, if you decide to stop service for whatever reason, Palo Alto Software, the makers of LivePlan, will keep your account active and data preserved for at least a year should you decide to reactivate your account later.

  • Create an unlimited number of business plans
  • A forecast feature for those less mathematically inclined. Plug in data, and it will generate charts, graphs, figures, and even the profit and loss, balance sheet, and cash flow statements
  • 500+ business plan templates spanning all major industries
  • Real-time financial data tracking
  • Performance dashboards track sales and budgeting
  • Create one-page pitch plans for potential investors
  • Milestone scheduling feature — Some people will use it when working with others on their plan; it will let you assign milestones to people
  • Low-cost annual plans
  • Affordable pay-as-you-go plans
  • No cancellation fees
  • Data saved for 12-months, even after cancellation
  • Clean, modern platform
  • Cloud-based; works on any business machine (Linus, Windows, Mac)
  • Integrates with Quickbooks and Xero to import your data easily
  • Knowledgeable customer support to get help with your plan
  • No valuation capabilities
  • Templates built on the earlier tool by Palo Alto Software, Business Plan Pro, require some modifications to be used on LivePlan

LivePlan receives great feedback from customers. LivePlan reviews average 4.5 stars out of 5 on GetApp. LivePlan is an easy company for us to recommend for the best business plan software.

Image of the company logo.

Learn more by reading our full LivePlan review .

3. Bizplan – $29/month, $249/year, $349 lifetime

Bizplan rates high on our list because they offer a lifetime plan that gets you “forever access” to their business plan software. As an added bonus, you also receive free access to Startup Courses and LaunchRock, a landing page builder.

  • Easy, “fill-in-the-blanks” plan builder
  • Publish your detailed business plan online
  • Unlimited business plans
  • Bizplan takes care of the financials
  • Cloud-based (use any browser on any computer)
  • Options to add more graphics and photos
  • Low-cost yearly plans
  • Create unlimited business plans
  • Xero to import your data easily
  • Excellent and responsive customer support (email/chat/phone)
  • Free access to Startup.com and LaunchRock.com
  • Discount at Fundable.com (connect with lenders and investors)
  • Can’t export in Word
  • Doesn’t currently integrate with QuickBooks
  • No third-party app integrations

BizPlan receives great feedback from customers. BizPlan reviews average 4.4 stars out of 5 on GetApp. Still a relatively new option, BizPlan already has over 30,000 satisfied customers. As their platform grows, we wouldn’t be surprised to see them integrate even more valuable features. Keep a close eye on this one.

Image of the company logo.

Learn more by reading our full Bizplan review .

4. Enloop – Free to $39.95/month

If you’re looking to try before you buy, Enloop is a strong choice as one of the only business planning software tools with a free trial.

  • User-friendly platform
  • Compare your financials against your industry’s performance
  • Bank ready financial statements (Profit and Loss, Balance Sheet, Cash flow)
  • Lets multiple users work on a business plan
  • 36-Month detailed financial reports
  • Sync date and text into your business plan
  • Real-time performance rating
  • Generated business plan Pass/Fail report
  • Multiple currency formatting
  • Seven-day free trial (no credit card required)
  • Advanced financial ratios
  • Financial projections
  • Video tutorials to help you with the writing process
  • No phone or chat support, just a “contact us” form.
  • Three business plan limit per account
  • Doesn’t integrate with QuickBooks or Xero
  • No financial forecasts beyond 36-months
  • No 30-day money-back guarantee

Enloop receives fair feedback from customers. Enloop’s reviews average 3 stars out of 5 on PCMag. Enloop’s main complaint is its lack of instructional text for writing mission statements and other key sections. What they rank high on is their efficiency and the speed at which the software lets you write a business plan.

Even beyond the free version, Enloop Basic is just $9.95/month ($6/month when paid annually), so they’re one of the least expensive tools for writing a business plan.

Image of the company logo.

5. PlanGuru – $99/month to $299/month

PlanGuru is a good option if you’re looking for considerably more robust software that offers quite a bit more. The most notable feature we like is the valuation tool, only present on the desktop version of the software. PlanGuru lets you calculate the valuation of your business using three different methods. No other business plan software offers this that we know of.

PlanGuru also offers budgeting, forecasting, and performance tools to help you put together a business plan. In the main, PlanGuru allows you to get a custom-tailored three financial statement budget model up and running out of QuickBooks or Xero in a matter of minutes. PlanGuru’s business plan writing software takes you through a setup process where it asks you questions such as:

  • What’s the first month of your fiscal year?
  • How many historical years do you want to import?

And, once you answer these questions, PlanGuru then generates a model for you that you can then populate with your historical data if you have it. Then you can go through PlanGuru’s 20+ projection methods.

Some financial data projection methods include:

  • Expenses, like payroll, etc.
  • Balance sheet items, like accounts receivable, accounts payable, crude expenses, prepaid expenses, loans, etc.

These are only a few of the features the business plan software offers. Here are some more.

  • Budgeting/Forecasting Software
  • Analytics Service for Financial Performance & KPIs
  • Valuation calculations (desktop software only)
  • Desktop and cloud-based options
  • Free 14-day trial and 30-day money-back guarantee
  • Great customer support and knowledgeable sales staff
  • Lower-cost yearly plans offered
  • Advanced financial calculations
  • Business valuation calculations
  • No contracts
  • Integrates with QuickBooks and Xero
  • Costlier than LivePlan and most other options
  • Additional cost per user can add up quickly

Important Note: These tools are important because investors may want to see not only historical performance but also projections.

Image of the company logo.

6. IdeaBuddy – Free to $35/month

IdeaBuddy makes our list because of what’s behind their approach. IdeaBuddy focuses on helping entrepreneurs develop their idea first, then share it, and then refine it into a plan. If you have a business idea and don’t know what to do next, IdeaBuddy could be what you’re looking for in a business plan software.

  • Single-page business plan pitch (Idea plan)
  • Clean modern design platform combined with great financial tools
  • Marketing plan for selling and promoting your products
  • Market overview plan where you create targeted customer profiles, identify your competition and calculate the market potential
  • Business plan creation that includes forecasting performance and cash flow projections
  • A proprietary algorithm calculates a final score for your idea providing recommendations for improvement after you complete “Story Mode”
  • Idea Journal, that is an internal business plan for you to show potential investors
  • A lifetime plan costs only $178
  • Great for developing ideas
  • Great for doing market research
  • Pay-as-you-go plans offered
  • Email-only customer service
  • Software lag time issues
  • Fewer software options than most other small business options

IdeaBuddy has received some outstanding customer reviews on GetApp. IdeaBuddy has earned a 4.6-star rating out of 5 possible stars.

Image of the company logo.

7. iPlanner – Starts at $55/year

iPlanner is a comprehensive business plan software that has been aiding entrepreneurs since 2007, providing a robust framework for developing business plans, models, and financial forecasts online.

  • Unlimited Team Members & Collaboration
  • A La Carte Pricing Model vs Packages
  • Discounts for Serial Entrepreneurs & Business Coaches
  • Solid amount of industry knowledge and experience.
  • They’ve got two trademarked business planning services, Startup Framework™ and Strategy Designer™
  • All of their business planning packages allow you to have unlimited collaborators and assign people three different roles: Project Owners, Advisors, and Viewers.
  •  Their Startup Framework software has a business modeling section where you can design a business model canvas and strategize as much as you need before diving into your plan.
  • Doesn’t have a month-to-month option for either of their services. Their Strategy Designer is payable only annually, while their Startup Framework is available for 3-month, 6-month, or 12-month payments.
  • They don’t offer refunds
  •  Their website is pretty old school and tough to navigate.
  •  Unlike other business planning software, iPlanner doesn’t offer a free version or trial. However, you can take a tour of their Startup Framework software or view a demo of the Strategy Designer to get a feel for them.

If a simple framework is all you’re looking for, iPlanner can help you out. They don’t have many bells and whistles, but at these price points, they offer a good value for nonprofits and corporations.

Image of the company logo.

Business Plan Software Pros and Cons

  • By using business plan software providers, you’ll be able to create a solid outline for your business. Although some of the options above are better than others, each will walk you through from start to finish.
  • No matter how you look at it, business plan software is cost-effective. As long as you actually use the tool, you’ll generate significantly more value than you’re spending on monthly subscription fees.
  • If you spend the time to create a solid plan, you’re much more likely to hold yourself accountable. Think of planning software like an accountability buddy for a small business owner.
  • Your business plan tool will help set realistic financial goals, and most can also keep your bottom line in check by integrating your accounting software.
  • Business planning software enables you to collaborate with partners, mentors and investors.
  • Some of the business plan tools don’t offer support and can have slightly buggy features. That said, if you’re serious about writing a solid plan, go with a tool that’s constantly updated and well made.
  • Although some business plan tools have a collaboration feature, none of them can review it when you’re done. All business planning tools lack a human touch.

How to Choose the Right Business Plan Software

With the array of business planning tools available, it can be daunting to select the right one for your needs. Here are some tips for choosing the best business plan software solution:

  • Consider your skill level – Opt for software like a wizard-guided business plan template if you are less experienced in writing plans. Choose more advanced software with greater flexibility once you know what you are doing. Look for drag-and-drop tools to easily organize sections.
  • Determine your budget – Prices range from free to several hundred dollars. Know how much you can spend before shopping.
  • Compare features – Look for software with the specific tools you need, like financial projections, sample text, customizable templates, and more.
  • Evaluate the financial tool capabilities – The software should provide extensive financial tools like forecasting, modeling, projections, and dashboards to streamline financial planning.
  • Check reviews and ratings – Get feedback from other users about their experience with the software. High reviews indicate easier, more user-friendly software.

Plan for Success With Upmetrics

Create a professional, investor-ready plan using AI-powered tools and industry-specific templates.

What is the purpose of a business plan?

The purpose of a business plan is to provide a structured outline and roadmap for a business’s goals, strategies, and operations. It serves as a guide for decision-making, resource allocation, and management.

Furthermore, business plans can be crucial to attract investors, secure funding, and ensure that all stakeholders have a clear understanding of the business’s direction, objectives, and value proposition.

How do you write a business plan?

To write a business plan, start by writing an executive summary that provides an overview of your business idea, products/services, market opportunity, and projected growth. Outline your company description, industry analysis, target customers, competitive advantage, marketing and sales plans, operations, management team, and financial projections.

How long should a business plan be?

The length can vary based on the complexity of the business, its stage, and its intended audience. In general, it might range from 15-50 pages. However, the key is to ensure that the plan is comprehensive yet concise.

For many situations, especially when seeking investment, a more detailed plan is preferable. Yet, for internal purposes or for businesses at very early stages, a shorter, more concise plan might suffice.

Are there business plan templates on Word?

Yes, Microsoft Word has business plan templates you can download and customize. The templates provide section headings, instructions, sample text, and tables to input your specific business information.

Further Reading

  • What Is a Business Plan? July 2, 2024
  • Lean Startup Business Plan Guide August 29, 2024
  • The 7 BIGGEST Business Plan Mistakes to Avoid July 10, 2024

Topics to Explore

  • Startup Ideas
  • Startup Basics
  • Startup Leadership
  • Startup Marketing
  • Startup Funding

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10 Best Business Plan Software and Tools in 2024

best business plan software tools

Got a million-dollar idea but find yourself staring at a blank page when it comes to crafting a business plan?

Yes, a business plan. It’s essential for your company, just like it is for any other firm. No entrepreneur is new to the importance of the plan.

But does the thought of spending endless hours and resources on creating one seem daunting?

Here’s the game-changer—with business plan software , you can craft a solid, engaging plan that attracts investors in just days.

These platforms not only assist in writing your plan but also in creating financial projections, cover pages, and more. But with so many options available, finding the perfect fit for your company can be confusing.

To help you with that, we’ve compiled a list of the top 10 business plan software based on user interface, features, pricing, and more.

Let’s dive in and explore your best options!

Best Paid and Free Business Plan Software and Tools

Jump to section.

Before getting into detailed analyses of each tool, let’s take a look at them to understand their suitability, impressive features, and base price.

Tools Suitable For Impressive Feature Base Price
Startups, advisors, educators & students AI-generated business plans & pitch decks, and easy financial forecasting $7/month
Entrepreneurs & mid-sized firms Financial forecasting & collaboration tools $20/month
Small businesses & startups Automated plan writing & performance score $19.95/month
Small businesses & entrepreneurs Idea validation tools & business planning templates $15/month
Firms & financial planners Advanced analytics & financial planning
Entrepreneurs & small businesses Interactive plan builder with collaboration tools $59/12 months
Medium-sized firms & Nonprofits Advanced budgeting & scenario analysis $99/month
Small & mid-sized firms Step-by-step guidance and financial forecasting $25.50/month
Entrepreneurs & startups Guided business plan creator & financial tools $20.75/month
Firms & financial planners Scenario analysis & collaboration $33.6/month

How do we analyze these business planning tools?

Following extensive research and evaluation, we’ve compiled a list of the top business planning platforms. We considered factors like user experiences, ratings and reviews from G2 and Capterra, cost, and scalability.

Additionally, we’ve assessed these tools based on their automation capabilities, integrations, and other features. This list is tailored for business owners and individuals looking to streamline and optimize their business planning process.

1. Upmetrics

business plan affordable tools

About Upmetrics

Upmetrics is the leading AI-powered business planning and financial forecasting tool for business students, entrepreneurs, and small business owners.

Upmetrics’ AI assistance helps you draft an entire business plan within an hour; you only need to answer a few questions and refine the initial draft. The platform allows you to work with your partners, advisors, or consultants in real time, ensuring everyone’s on the same page.

Besides, if you have burning business questions, you can’t seem to find the answer, shoot. Upmetrics’ AI Assist will provide practical answers for them. It’s like a business coach or co-pilot working with you on your plan.

Wait. That’s not all! Besides all these features, Upmetrics offers an automated financial forecasting tool with a visual dashboard, an AI-powered pitch deck creator, an extensive library of 400+ sample plans, a strategic planning tool, and a lot more.

Here’s the cherry on top: All these features won’t cost you a fortune. Upmetrics is affordable, reliable, and best for beginners (no technical knowledge needed).

Let’s have a look at what more you get using Upmetrics:

AI business plan generator

With an AI business plan generator, you answer a few questions and your plan will be ready.

Automated financial projections

Our AI does all the hard work and provides realistic financial projections without any complex calculations.

400+ business plan templates

Upmetrics has a library of customizable business plan templates to give you a great start on your plan.

AI co-pilot

Our AI co-pilot is your research assistant & business advisor, answering questions and providing insights.


Integrate your actual financial data from Xero and QuickBooks directly for seamless financial planning.

Real-time collaboration

The tool lets teams work together on business plans simultaneously, enhancing efficiency.

Other key features of Upmetrics include:

  • AI pitch deck creator: With our AI business pitch builder, you can effortlessly auto-write sections, integrate business plan data, and create compelling presentations that capture investor interest.
  • Guided business plan builder: With practical tips and examples you get inspiration on what exactly to write. Besides that, our drag-and-drop builder ensures a clear and visually appealing design.
  • AI assistance: Enhance the business plan writing with AI assistant, through which you can auto-write, change the tone, alter the language, adjust the length, make financial statements, and more.
  • Create actionable business strategies: Simplify the creation, management, and execution of your business strategy with our powerful planning tools and business canvases.
  • Business resources: The tool offers various business resources like checklists, guides, and video tutorials to give you a great head-start for your business plan writing journey.
  • Scenario planning: Easily see how different decisions affect your finances by testing various scenarios. This helps you prepare for any future financial situation.

Upmetrics pricing

Upmetrics provides the most affordable plans, and it also offers a 15-day money-back guarantee. Here are the two plans that the tool offers:


Create winning Business Plans with ultimate

AI Business Plan Generator

Plans starting from $7/month


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Imad Ahmed

2. Liveplan

About Liveplan

LivePlan is one of the best and most renowned business planning, budgeting, and performance-tracking tools for startups and small business owners.

Whether you’re a startup looking to attract potential investors or an established organization that needs help creating a forecast of your business’s financial future—LivePlan can help.

LivePlan simplifies the process of creating a professional business plan with its instruction manuals, tutorials, and expert guidance, whereas its automated financials built-in with formulas ensure precise financial forecasting.

LivePlan provides a wide range of features which may include:

  • AI-powered business plan creator: It helps you write your business plan and answer your business-related doubts. It also helps you change the tone and length. However, the price may be prohibitive for some users.
  • Budgeting and expense tracking: The tool helps you manage your finances with ease, providing real-time insights and detailed reports.
  • Online learning tools & resources: From tutorials to step-by-step guides and a library of templates, LivePlan provides the resources needed to create a successful business plan.
  • Collaborative planning: It enables teams to collaborate on business plans with real-time editing and commenting from anywhere.
  • Pitch deck creator: With a customizable template and easy-to-use tools, you can create professional pitch decks that effectively communicate your business idea and vision.

What I didn't like about LivePlan?

Compare Liveplan with Others

liveplan vs enloop comparison

Liveplan vs. Enloop: Which is Best for Your Business?

ideabuddy vs liveplan

IdeaBuddy vs. Liveplan: Which is Best for Your Business?

bizplan vs liveplan comparison

Bizplan vs. Liveplan: Which is Best for Your Business?

About Enloop

Enloop is a business planning and financial forecasting tool. It helps business owners measure the strength of their business plan through their performance score feature to help them begin their venture with confidence. 

Unlike Upmetrics and LivePlan—Enloop is designed for individuals with prior financial knowledge and business planning experience.

Understanding all of its functionalities can be tough since it’s not the most intuitive and user-friendly application in this space. So it may take a while to get used to it.

Enloop provides a wide range of financial tools and business planning features, which may include:

  • Business plan creation: Enloop's business plan creation feature guides you through the process of creating a professional business plan.
  • Automated financial forecasts: The tool automatically generates financial forecasts in your business plan, which you can edit later. Although, there aren’t many verified reviews to back their claims.
  • Collaboration features: It allows collaboration but lacks real-time editing and commenting. Members must save changes before others can access the plan.
  • Real-time performance score: The real-time performance score goes up as you complete each section helping you improve your plan.

What I didn't like about Enloop?

4. IdeaBuddy

About IdeaBuddy

IdeaBuddy is an innovative business planning tool that helps new-age entrepreneurs turn their ideas into successful business plans. 

Customizable templates, industry-based guides, as well as streamlined idea and business plan creation, make it one of the most user-friendly applications on the list.

It’s designed on a principle where users can develop, test, and launch their business ideas—all in one place. While it’s great for idea creation, it may lack several comprehensive business planning features.

Financial forecasting is vital to a business plan, but IdeaBuddy may not provide all the necessary financial features for accurate projections.

So if your business is in the idea stage—choosing IdeaBuddy could be a fair call, but if you plan to build a comprehensive business plan, you need another tool.

IdeaBuddy provides a wide range of features, which may include:

  • Modern business plan builder: It compiles all the sections from the business guide to generate a modern business plan.
  • Mobile-friendly platform: It lets you manage your business plans from any mobile device with ease. You can collaborate in real-time and make quick edits and updates.
  • Customizable templates: IdeaBuddy’s customizable templates offer a flexible and professional framework for creating business plans, financial forecasts, and pitch decks. But it doesn’t offer extensive design customization features.
  • Test to score your idea: This feature evaluates your business concept's viability using a structured scoring system, competitive advantage, and financial feasibility.
  • Brainstorm ideas with your team: This feature facilitates collaborative idea generation and development. It allows members to contribute their insights in a shared environment.

What I didn't like about IdeaBuddy?

About Planful

Planful is a business planning and financial performance management cloud software. It provides a structured framework for industry-wide businesses to develop, track, and execute their plans.

The tool specializes in financial performance management with advanced features like—financial close management, reporting, and consolidation.

While the tool has numerous advanced features and functionalities—they all come with a high price tag as it’s mainly designed for medium and large-scale enterprises.

Let’s have a look at the extensive financial tools and features you may get with a planful subscription:

  • Budgeting and forecasting: With features like forecasts, driver-based planning, and what-if scenario analysis organizations can align budgets with business goals.
  • Financial consolidation: Real-time consolidation updates and detailed reporting capabilities offer insights into financial performance across the organization.
  • Scenario modeling: Users can create multiple scenarios and compare them to make informed decisions.
  • Anomaly detection: Planful helps you spot unusual or out-of-the-ordinary things in a company's financial information to improve data accuracy.
  • Data integration and connectivity: The platform integrates seamlessly with ERP, CRM, and other systems, ensuring that data is up-to-date and accurate.

What I didn't like about Planful?

6. iPlanner

About iPlanner

iPlanner is a business planning tool that has been helping entrepreneurs develop their business plans since 2007. It’s suitable for businesses looking to secure funding, better understand and manage risks, or communicate the company’s business model and strategy to the team.

Though this business planning tool has been around for over a decade now, it hasn’t seemed to cope with technological advancements, so it may not provide the most intuitive and visually appealing user interface.

But if you’re searching for an affordable business planning and performance tracking tool with KPIs, analytics, and reporting features, iPlanner can be a good investment.

Here’s an overview of the key features of iPlanner—a business planning tool: 

  • Financial forecasting: There are tools to create comprehensive financial forecasts, including income statements, balance sheets, and cash flows.
  • Scenario analysis: The scenario analysis feature enables you to evaluate various business scenarios by adjusting key variables and assumptions.
  • How-to articles and guides: There are how-to articles and other resources to guide you in your business plan writing journey.
  • Collaboration and sharing: With real-time editing and commenting, team members can collaborate from anywhere, ensuring everyone is on the same page.

What I didn't like about iPlanner?

7. PlanGuru

About PlanGuru

PlanGuru is a business planning tool that helps entrepreneurs make better decisions, increase profits, and accomplish their business goals through strategic business planning and accurate forecasting.

Budgeting & financial analytics, rolling forecast, and strategic planning are three critical components of PlanGuru’s feature list. 

PlanGuru specializes in forecasting financial statements, scenario analysis, budgeting, and gaining insights through reporting tools.

It offers many advanced financial forecasting features but is quite expensive— making it unsuitable for startups with limited investment capital.

PlanGuru provides a wide range of financial tools and business planning features to create business plans, which may include:

  • Business valuation tool: With advanced valuation methods and sensitivity analysis, it enables informed decision-making for strategic planning and investments.
  • 20+ standard forecast methods: The platform offers over 20 standard forecast methods, empowering businesses to protect their financial performance.
  • Archive budget feature: This feature enables businesses to store and organize past budgets for easy reference and analysis.
  • Custom report builder for Excel: It allows users to create tailored financial reports within Excel, leveraging the platform's analytical and visualization tools.

What I didn't like about PlanGuru?

8. The Business Plan Shop

About The Business Plan Shop

The Business Plan Shop is a business & financial planning and analysis platform for small and medium-sized business owners and financial advisors.

Its industry-specific business plan templates make it easier for beginners to get started.

Despite its many features, the business plan tool specializes in financial analysis, forecasting, and KPI tracking. It surely has a few advanced features but can be expensive for startups and small businesses.

This business planning tool provides a wide range of features, which may include:

  • Financial forecasting: It automatically generates key financial metrics and allows for scenario commentary to explore different outcomes.
  • Sync accounting data: It seamlessly integrates with your accounting software to import financial data directly into your business plan.
  • Drag and drop templates and editor: This feature offers you a flexible way to create your plan. Users can easily customize templates by dragging and dropping sections.
  • Faster than Microsoft Word: Unlike the manual formatting required in Word, this platform automates many aspects of the process, significantly speeding up the process.

What I didn't like about The Business Plan Shop?

About Bizplan

Bizplan is a comprehensive business planning tool that helps startups, entrepreneurs, and small business owners create business plans with direct access to planning experts. 

Financial tools help create detailed financial projections and financial and cash flow statements in no time, so entrepreneurs can spend more time growing and scaling their businesses.

The platform also has a fundraising tool to help startups connect with potential investors—which has already helped raise over $500 million for startups.

It has all the features to create a basic business plan but may lack industry-specific guidance or assistance.

Let’s have a look at the wide range of features that come with a Bizplan subscription:

  • Drag and drop functionality: Customizable templates with drag-and-drop functionality for easy organization and editing.
  • Financial modeling: It allows users to easily visualize financial data through charts and graphs, making complex financial information more understandable.
  • Reporting and presentation: Track progress and metrics with detailed reports, and easily create professional presentations to showcase your business plan.
  • Progress tracking: It enables users to monitor the development of their plan in real-time. It provides a visual overview of completed sections to stay organized.
  • Step-by-step guidance: The tool provides users with a structured framework for creating their business plans. It ensures that users cover all aspects of business plans.

What I didn't like about Bizplan?

About Brixx

Brixx is a financial forecasting tool for cash flow, budgeting, and financial planning. Apart from helping users create a basic business plan, the platform also helps them with financial modeling, scenario planning, and goal tracking.

Its interactive charts and graphs can help you present your financial data and cash flow statements for enhanced reader understanding.

Integrating Brixx and other accounting software automates the syncing of your actuals and forecasts, giving you a head start using Brixx.

The tool primarily focuses on financial projections and forecasting, so there are only a few features for other parts of the business plan.

Let’s have a look at some features that come with a Brixx subscription:

  • 1-10-year financial forecasts: This tool enables businesses to create detailed projections for profit & loss, cash flow, and balance sheet statements for up to 10 years.
  • Automated tax forecasts: It simplifies tax planning by automatically calculating future-based and practical tax liabilities based on your financial data and projections.
  • Business resources: The tool includes step-by-step guidance, pre-built templates, and a library of sample plans to help users create professional plans. But if you need help beyond that, the technical support may not be as helpful.
  • Scenario planning: It allows users to create and compare multiple financial scenarios to understand the potential impact of different business decisions.

What I didn't like about Brixx?

How to choose the right business planning platform?

All the business plan tools on our list are credible and can help you create a winning business plan. However, it’s critical to understand each tool specializes in certain aspects of business planning.

Let’s understand which factors to consider while choosing the right tool to help you create a professional business plan:

The most obvious factor. Ask yourself how much you can afford to spend on a business plan maker.

A free or low-cost tool may provide only some necessary functionalities to create a detailed plan. So, figure out your budget and shortlist the tools that you can afford to invest in.

Your specific requirements

The next step. Learn your specific requirements. For instance, if your business is in the idea stage, you may not require a tool with advanced financial features like—PlanGuru; Ideabuddy may work.

Both tools cater to specific audiences; if you’re not sure, you may go with Upmetrics. It has pricing plans suitable for all business sizes.

Business plan templates

Custom designing a business plan can be tedious, so make sure the business planning tool you choose has industry-specific templates to help you get started.

AI assistance

Artificial Intelligence has revolutionized the way people get their things done. Make sure you select a platform that also provides AI assistance while creating a business plan.

With tools like ChatGPT and AI business plan generators , you can draft a business plan in a breeze.

Charts and graphs

Let’s face it, no one likes to read long paragraphs. The tool you choose must be able to turn your financial data and balance sheets into appealing and easy-to-understand charts and graphics.

Financial projections

The most critical section of a business plan. Understand your requirements regarding financial projections and the level of features the tool provides.

For instance, a large-scale organization may require a tool that can easily do business financials for ten or more years.

Contribution and sharing features

Make sure the tool you choose provides the contribution and sharing features so that you can work with multiple team members.

Convenience and user-friendliness

A no-brainer. Ensure the platform you choose has a user-friendly user interface and a manageable learning curve to understand all the working features.


Some of the best business planning tools integrate with accounting software. This feature can be handy while importing your existing financial details into your business plan.

Step-by-step guides

These user guides and tutorials can help you easily outline and prepare the first draft of your business plan, so make sure you consider this as one of the factors while selecting a tool.

When you’re new to business planning tools, you may need help using some of its features. A responsive support team can help you get back on the right track.

Think of these factors as a checklist while researching the right business planning platform. Once you have checked off all the boxes, you will have the right business plan software by your side.

Pros and Cons of Using Business Plan Software

Undoubtedly, a business planning tool can be a worthwhile investment for your business, but it indeed has a few disadvantages too. Let’s get to that:

  • Time Saving: business plan software can be a big time-saving investment.
  • Step-by-step guidance: These guides make it easier to get started for beginners.
  • Accurate reporting: Good business plan software guarantee the accountability and accuracy of the reports generated.
  • Customizations: Business plan tools also offer options to personalize your reports.
  • Generic templates: These planning tools often provide generic templates that may not suit your requirements.
  • Limited flexibility: In terms of formatting, content, design, and layout.
  • Learning curve: Using these tools requires a learning curve to navigate the software.

There have to be a few disadvantages, but they are negligible when you look at the positive side of having a business plan software onboard.

And this section leads us to our conclusion!

That was the article for today with some of the best business plan software. Now over to you. Revisit the top business planning software on the list, do your research, and select the one that best suits your requirements.

Got any more burning questions in mind? The FAQ section starts right after we wrap this article up, feel free to explore. Happy business planning! 

Other Business Plan Software Alternatives

  • Best Liveplan Alternatives
  • Best Bizplan Alternatives
  • Best Growthink Alternatives
  • Best Ideabuddy Alternatives
  • Best Enloop Alternatives

Say No to Expensive Business Planning Software!

Get Affordable and Feature-Packed Business Planning with Upmetrics


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best business plan software for startups.

We’ve already mentioned the best business planning tool in the blog post earlier; you may choose one amongst those depending on your specific needs.

However, Upmetrics can be a go-to business planning tool for startups as it only costs $7 per month to get started—which is worth it against the value you get.

Which tool is used as a one-page business plan?

There are many business plan software providing features to create one-page business plans like—Upmetrics and Ideabuddy. You can use Upmetrics’ canvas modeling feature to develop actionable and entrepreneur-focused one-page business plans.

Can I write a business plan myself?

Of course, you can. It’s easier than ever to write a business plan with the emerging use of tools like ChatGPT. Though you can write a business plan, you need assistance making it presentable for your investors.

And business planning tool providers like Upmetrics can help you do that. With 200+ sample business plans, you can easily write the first draft of your business plan.

What is the best way to write a business plan?

There can’t be a standard answer to this question. There are various business planning processes, which might not work for you. Still, considering the time-saving approach, using an industry-specific template and editing it as per your requirements can be an easy way to write a business plan.

Using ChatGPT for business plan writing can also be one of the best ways to write a business plan. As mentioned, there can’t be a specific answer to this question; find a way that best suits your needs.

Is there any free business planning platform available?

It’s really challenging to find the perfect business planning tool, that too, for free. IdeaBuddy from our list has a free plan, but it comes with very limited features, not so helpful for creating a business plan.

A Business planning platform like Upmetrics, Bizplan, and LivePlan also have free demos and trials, so you may try their features before purchasing.

Furthermore, you can get 30% off on an Upmetrics subscription if you’re a nonprofit or student.

How much does a business plan tool typically cost?

The cost of a business plan software can widely depend on the level of features and functionalities it provides. Still, the monthly subscription of a business plan tool can range anywhere between $5 to $300.

About the Author

tool of business planning

Upmetrics Team

Upmetrics is the #1 business planning software that helps entrepreneurs and business owners create investment-ready business plans using AI. We regularly share business planning insights on our blog. Check out the Upmetrics blog for such interesting reads. Read more

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10 Best Business Plan Software and Tools for Better Productivity


  • May 17, 2024
  • Curiosity Corner

Fast fact: 70% of businesses that survive for 5 years follow a strategic business plan. 

That makes having a comprehensive and compelling business plan a no-brainer for long-term business growth. It serves as a roadmap for your venture and demonstrates your vision, strategy, and potential to investors and stakeholders. 

However, drafting a business plan from scratch can take time and effort, especially for those with limited experience and resources. Fortunately, many excellent business plan software solutions are available to make the process easier.

This article covers the top 10 business plan software options available in 2024. Each offers unique features, pricing structures, and capabilities to cater to diverse business needs. 

Let’s get right in!

10 Best Business Plan Software for 2024

1. Upmetrics 2. LivePlan 3. Enloop 4. BizPlan 5. GoSmallBiz 6. Business Sorter 7. iPlanner 8. Cuttles 9. MAUS Master Plan Lean 10. Storydoc 11. Retable

1. Upmetrics

Upmetrics is a modern and AI-powered business plan generator that simplifies the complexities of creating a comprehensive business plan. With its intuitive business plan builder and built-in templates, Upmetrics allows users to customize their plans and forecasts according to their specific needs.

The newly launched AI assistant can help users create a business plan from scratch within 10-15 minutes. All you need to do is enter some information about your business and see your plan coming through.

Key Features:

  • 400+ customizable business plan templates
  • AI Pitch Deck Creator
  • Strategic Planning Tools
  • Financial forecasting capabilities

Pricing: Starter plan at $7/month, Premium plan at $14/month. (annual billing)

2. LivePlan

LivePlan is a comprehensive and user-friendly business plan software that serves to businesses of all sizes and industries. It offers a user-friendly interface and step-by-step guidance to make the process of crafting a professional business plan easier.

  • Customizable templates and industry-specific examples
  • Financial forecasting and budgeting tools
  • Pitch deck and presentation mode
  • Real-time collaboration and sharing capabilities
  • Expert advice and educational resources

Pricing: Starts at $20/month for the basic plan, with more advanced options available.

Enloop is a cloud-based solution designed specifically for creating business plans for investors, banks, and lenders. Enloop’s writing and text synchronization features can help you streamline business plan creation for you. Let’s check out some of its best features.

  • Free version for testing the solution
  • Available in multiple languages
  • Interactive PDF export
  • Step-by-step guidance and templates

Pricing: Basic plan starts at $9/month, with more advanced plans ranging from $11 to $40/month.

BizPlan is a versatile business plan builder that connects to the Startups.com network, making it an ideal choice for startups seeking investment. With its step-by-step approach and the Progress Tracker tool, BizPlan helps users stay organized and on track.

  • Connectivity to Findable for attracting financial investment
  • Online educational programs for entrepreneurs
  • Multiple owner access to a single account
  • A lifetime access option is available

Pricing: Monthly plan at $29/month, annual plan at $249/year, or lifetime access for $349 (one-time fee).

5. GoSmallBiz

GoSmallBiz is an online support system specifically designed for small businesses and startups in the United States. In addition to business plan creation, GoSmallBiz offers valuable resources and educational materials to help to aspire entrepreneurs succeed.

  • Access to up-to-date management information
  • Unlimited access to online consultants
  • Customer database for attracting and retaining customers

Pricing: Monthly fee of $39.

6. Business Sorter

Business Sorter is a cloud-based solution that simplifies the process of creating internal business plans. Featuring a user-friendly card system and pre-designed solutions tailored to different business needs, Business Sorter is perfect for entrepreneurs who aren’t looking for investor-focused presentations.

  • 173 digital cards for comprehensive business planning
  • Unlimited team member access and monitoring
  • Multi-device accessibility
  • Built-in help function and strong data protection

Pricing: Cost depends on the number of users, with a special offer for companies with an unlimited number of team members.

7. iPlanner

iPlanner is a multifunctional platform for business planning and project management. The tool provides a variety of business plan templates and financial forecasting tools , making it suitable for a broad spectrum of startups, from restaurants to large enterprises and venture capital initiatives.

  • Step-by-step business plan creation wizard
  • Integration with Microsoft Office and DropBox
  • Training content library with practical recommendations
  • Experienced mentor support

Pricing: Professional Plan at $55 (supports 1 project), Corporate Plan at $93 (supports 12 projects), and Corporate Plus (custom pricing).

Cuttles is a fully interactive business planning software with a focus on planning, budgeting, and financial forecasting. With its ready-made templates and multi-language support, Cuttles caters to a global audience of entrepreneurs.

  • One-page business plan template for banks, investors, and lenders
  • High-level security through cloud storage
  • PDF export for business plans
  • Online training courses and resource library

Pricing: Seed Plan at $8/year (1 startup, 1 user), Grow Plan at $16/year (1 startup, unlimited users), and Series Plan at $48/year (unlimited startups and users).

9. MAUS Master Plan Lean

MAUS Master Plan Lean is an Australian-based business plan creation software designed for strategic planning. With its comprehensive toolset, MAUS Master Plan Lean helps users create actionable plans, track tasks, and monitor performance.

  • Strategic planning wizard
  • Step-by-step action plan creation and task tracking
  • Schedule creation and collaboration tools
  • Real-time marketing reports and performance tracking

Pricing: Business Planning & HR Pack at $97/month, MasterPlan Learn at $299/year, and Business Planning Pack at $499/year.

10. Storydoc

Storydoc is a business plan creator designed to help entrepreneurs and businesses create outstanding and innovative business plans, as well as other types of presentations. With its intuitive interface and a wide range of features, Storydoc makes it easy to organize and present various aspects of your business plan.

  • Ready-made interactive slide templates optimized for engagement
  • Robust integrations with existing tech stack
  • Ability to pull company branding directly from website
  • Extensive analytics panel for tracking performance

Pricing: Starter plan at $40/month per user, Pro plan at $60/month per user, and custom Team plans (pricing available upon request).

11. Retable

Retable is a versatile and intuitive project management and data management software designed to streamline operations of all sizes of business. With its easy-to-use interface and robust feature set, Retable makes managing data sets, tasks and projects simpler and more efficient.

  • Customizable templates for various use cases
  • Advanced data views like grid, kanban, list, card, calendar, chart, map and form
  • Collaborative workspaces with real-time updates
  • Organization, team and role management
  • Integration with popular productivity apps
  • Over +30 column types
  • Custom branding

Pricing: Starts at $12/month for the team plan.

Why use business plan software?

Using business plan software offers several advantages over creating a business plan from scratch. These software solutions are designed to streamline the process, provide guidance, and ensure a professional and well-structured outcome. For a customized approach, consider ServiceNow Software Development to tailor solutions that fit your specific business needs.

Here are some key reasons to consider using business plan software:

Time-saving: Business plan software automates many tasks, such as formatting, financial calculations, and data organization, saving you valuable time and effort.

Guided approach: Most business plan software provides step-by-step guidance, prompts, and templates to ensure you cover all essential components of a comprehensive business plan.

Professional presentation: These software solutions offer built-in tools to create visually appealing and professional-looking business plans, increasing the chances of impressing potential investors or stakeholders.

Financial forecasting: Advanced financial forecasting tools help you create accurate financial projections, a critical component of any successful business plan.

Collaboration and sharing: Many software options offer collaboration features, allowing multiple team members to contribute to and review the business plan, ensuring a cohesive vision.

By using the power of business plan software, you can simplify the process, improve efficiency, and create a compelling and comprehensive business plan that effectively communicates your vision and increases your chances of success.

How to Choose the Right Business Plan Software?

With so many business plan software options available, choosing the right one for your needs can take time and effort. Here are some key factors to consider when selecting the best business plan software:

Ease of use: Look for software with a intuitive navigation & user-friendly interface to ensure a smooth learning curve and efficient workflow.

Industry-specific templates : Consider software that offers customizable templates and industry-specific examples relevant to your business sector. In addition, there is also an option to hire developers in Chile , Mexico or other IT hubs for custom software development.

Financial forecasting capabilities : Evaluate the financial forecasting tools and their ability to create accurate projections based on your business data.

Collaboration and sharing features: If you plan to involve multiple team members or stakeholders, prioritize software with robust collaboration and sharing capabilities .

Educational resources and support: Software that provides educational resources, such as tutorials, expert advice, and customer support , can be invaluable, especially for first-time business plan creators.

Integration with existing tools: Consider software that easily integrates with your existing platforms and tools, such as accounting software or cloud storage solutions.

Pricing and scalability: Evaluate the pricing plans and ensure they align with your budget and long-term goals, considering the potential for business growth and scalability.

By carefully assessing your specific needs and prioritizing the features that matter most to your business, you can select the best business plan software that will streamline the process and maximize your chances of success.

Creating a well-crafted business plan is similar to preparing a business proposal , it should be neat & clean, to the point, and engaging enough to attract investors or partners. The top 10 business plan software options discussed offer a wide range of capabilities to cater to diverse needs.

From user-friendly interfaces to advanced financial forecasting tools, collaboration features, and industry-specific templates, tools like Upmetrics streamline the creation of a comprehensive and professional business plan.

Selecting the right software requires careful consideration of factors such as ease of use, financial forecasting capabilities, collaboration features , educational resources, and integration with existing tools.

By utilizing the power of business plan software, you can present your vision with clarity and professionalism, increasing your chances of attracting the resources and support needed for long-term success.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Which business plan software is the best?

The best business plan software depends on your specific needs, goals, and budget. Some top options include Upmetrics, LivePlan, Enloop, BizPlan, each offering unique features and pricing structures. Carefully evaluate the capabilities of each software against your requirements to make an informed choice.

How do I create my own business plan?

Start by choosing a business plan software that provides templates, guidance, and tools for different components like executive summaries, market analysis, and financial projections. Follow the step-by-step process outlined by the software, filling in the necessary information and customizing as needed. Leverage the software’s features to create a comprehensive and professional business plan.

What are the different types of business plans?

The main types include standard business plans for presenting to investors or banks, lean business plans without extensive background information, and one-page business plans or pitches. Additionally, there are operational, tactical, strategic, and contingency business plans tailored to different purposes and business stages.

Is business plan software secure?

Most reputable business plan software solutions prioritize security features like multi-factor authentication, intrusion detection, data encryption, and regular security updates. However, it’s crucial to evaluate the specific security measures of the software you’re considering to ensure the protection of your sensitive business data.

Is it necessary for small businesses to use business plan software?

While not strictly necessary, using business plan software can significantly benefit small businesses by streamlining the process, providing guidance, and ensuring a professional outcome. It can save time, improve efficiency, and increase the chances of impressing potential investors or stakeholders.

What are the benefits of using Business Plan Software?

Key benefits include time-saving through task automation, a guided approach with templates and prompts, professional presentation tools, advanced financial forecasting capabilities, and collaboration features for multiple team members. Overall, business plan software simplifies the process and improves the quality of your business plan.

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Blog Business 8 Best Business Plan Software for 2024

8 Best Business Plan Software for 2024

Written by: Krystle Wong Jan 01, 2024

7 Best Business Plan Software

Gone are the days of staring at blank pages and struggling to structure a business plan effectively. With user-friendly interfaces and a wide range of business plan templates catering to various industries, creating business plans that are polished, professional and data-driven can now be done in a fraction of the time.

For startups, business plan software guides them through the crucial early stages with comprehensive business plan templates and financial modeling tools. Established businesses on the other hand benefit from the software’s collaborative features, enabling seamless teamwork as they pivot, innovate and pursue new growth opportunities.

In this article, let’s delve into exploring the seven best business plan software for 2024. Whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur with a groundbreaking idea or a seasoned business owner ready to elevate your enterprise to new heights, these software solutions have all you need to create a solid business plan.

Click to jump ahead:

What is a business plan software?

  • 7 Best business plan software for 2024

Factors to consider when choosing a business plan software

7 steps to create your own business plan, business plan software faq, key takeaway.

A Business plan software is a specialized digital tool designed to assist entrepreneurs, startups and established businesses in creating, organizing and presenting comprehensive business plans. 

Business plan software significantly reduces the time and effort required to create a comprehensive business plan . The availability of business plan templates, financial modeling tools and automated features streamlines the process of business planning and eliminates the need for starting from scratch.

Some advanced business planning software even integrates market research capabilities. This feature provides users with access to market trends, industry benchmarks and relevant data. Access to such data helps users make informed decisions and demonstrate a thorough understanding of their target market.

8 Best business plan software for 2024 

1. venngage.


Venngage specializes in transforming traditional business plans into captivating visual stories. Visuals can communicate complex information effectively, ensuring your ideas stand out and resonate with your audience.

When it comes to business planning, conveying your ideas with impact is just as important as the content itself. In this digital age, visual storytelling has emerged as a powerful way to captivate audiences and leave a lasting impression. That’s where Venngage steps in.

With a rich library of templates, Venngage offers a variety of themes and styles to suit different industries and business types. Customize your business plans with our user-friendly drag-and-drop tools by adding your brand elements, customizing colors, fonts and visuals to make your business plan truly unique. Check out our library of sample business plans to get started today.

However, while Venngage excels in visual storytelling, it might not be the go-to tool for in-depth financial forecasts and analysis. Users seeking extensive financial modeling might want to complement Venngage with a comprehensive business planning tool.

Pricing options:

Create your first 5 designs with Venngage for free and upgrade to a premium or business plan for $10/month per user and $24/month per user respectively to enjoy premium features. For larger teams who need extra support, controls and security, the enterprise plan starts from $499/month for 10+ seats.

Can I collaborate with team members using this business plan software?

Yes, absolutely! Venngage offers collaborative features that allow you to work seamlessly with multiple team members when creating business plans. You can invite team members to join your Venngage account and they can contribute to the design process in real time. 

Can I export my business plan to different file formats?

Upgrade to a premium or business plan on Venngage to export your professional business plan to different file formats. After designing your business plan, you can choose to export it as a high-quality PDF document, which is ideal for sharing and printing. Additionally, Venngage allows you to export your business plan as an image file (PNG or JPG), making it easy to use in presentations or on your website. 

Is this business plan software suitable for startups or established businesses? 

Venngage is great for entrepreneurs and businesses looking to enhance their business plans with visually engaging infographics and visual assets.

Instead of sharing a lengthy, 50-page document that may bore your audience and fail to effectively convey your message — present your business plan with infographics. Here’s how you can create a business plan infographic that will wow your readers and showcase your business at its best. 

2. LivePlan


Source: Screenshot from LivePlan

In the realm of business planning software, LivePlan stands out as a reliable and user-friendly tool. With a focus on seamless financial forecasting and budgeting capabilities, LivePlan streamlines the planning process, helping businesses transform their visions into reality.

The software’s financial forecasting tools provide users with the ability to project revenue, expenses and cash flow accurately. This financial insight is invaluable for making informed decisions and setting realistic goals.

For hassle-free data integration, the business plan software offers seamless integration with accounting software . This feature allows users to import financial data effortlessly, saving time and reducing manual data entry.

While LivePlan excels in financial planning and user-friendliness, some users may find the customization options for design and layout to be limited. For businesses seeking highly tailored visual aesthetics, LivePlan’s template-based approach might be less ideal.

The standard plan is available at $20/month for monthly billing and $15/month for annual billing. For businesses seeking extensive financial tools to support their operations and growth, the Premium plan costs $20 for the first month and $40/month (monthly billing) or $30/month (annual billing) for subsequent months.

LivePlan facilitates seamless collaboration among users within your account, allowing multiple individuals to work on the same plan concurrently. To prevent conflicting edits, LivePlan restricts access to specific sections, allowing only one user to edit at a time while others observe the locked section.

You can export your business plan by using the print to PDF feature. This generates your plan content in a standard file format compatible with Adobe Reader and other free reader programs. Alternatively, you can export your plan to Microsoft Word (2007 or later).

A great tool for small businesses, startups and entrepreneurs looking for easy-to-use software with solid financial planning tools.

3. Upmetrics

tool of business planning

Upmetrics is an AI-powered business planning software that helps businesses of all sizes and industries write their business plan.

With Upmetrics AI Assistant, you can write your plan faster, get answers to any business-related queries, and prepare financial forecasts in no time. 

Besides, the subscription includes access to 400+ sample business plans, various informative guides, and video tutorials to keep your business plan writing process on track. 

Additionally, it has collaborative features, so that everyone on the team can share their insights. Not just that, the software provides you with an AI pitch deck generator, so you can make a stellar pitch.

As an AI business plan builder , Upmetrics is suitable for entrepreneurs, startups, and small businesses to write their plans at any stage. Although it has various cover page designs and immense customization options, it might still lack visual appeal. 

Pricing plan options 

  • Starter plan – $7 monthly 
  • Premium plan – $14 monthly 

Yes, you can collaborate with your team members while using Upmetrics. It offers collaboration tools that allow you to work effortlessly with your team on the business plan. You can invite team members to collaborate, assign tasks, and track the progress together. 

You can download your business plan as a PDF or directly as a document in Word. Besides, you can share the business plan directly to any email, and they will get the viewer access to the plan. 

Upmetrics is a versatile business planning software suitable for startups and established businesses. But its financial planning features, step-by-step guidance, and AI Assistant make it more useful for startups writing business plans for the first time.

4. BizPlan by Startups.com

BizPlan by Startups.com

Source: Screenshot from BizPlan

If you’re a startup aiming to raise investments, BizPlan is the one for you. As a universal professional business plan builder, BizPlan offers the added advantage of seamless integration with all the tools within the Startups.com network.

Designed with startups in mind, BizPlan’s step-by-step approach allows you to break down the entire scope of work into manageable steps and the built-in Progress Tracker tool keeps you on track towards success.

Once you subscribe, BizPlan opens the door to utilizing all the tools offered by Startups.com, making it a one-stop shop for your entrepreneurial needs. Whether it’s lifetime access to the service, connectivity to Findable to attract financial investments, a wealth of online educational programs or the ability to connect multiple owners to a single account, BizPlan delivers comprehensive support.

While the business plan software offers an array of benefits, it’s essential to consider the possible downsides. The absence of a free version and a mobile app, along with a lack of industry-specific templates for business plans may be worth considering before making your decision

Pricing plan options:

  • Monthly plan ($29 per month)
  • Annual plan ($20.75 per month or $249/year)
  • Lifetime access (one-time fee of $349)

Bizplan encourages collaboration with partners, team members, advisors and subject matter experts by allowing threaded comments throughout the entire plan. It provides control over who can access sensitive financial data and enables convenient cloud-based access from anywhere.

Bizplan provides multiple options for sharing your business plan with others. You can generate an online version of your plan, which can be set as private by default or made publicly accessible through a unique shareable URL. Additionally, Bizplan offers the option to create a custom-branded PDF of your business plan. 

BizPlan is great for entrepreneurs and small businesses who value a vast collection of resources and need support in financial analysis.


Source: Screenshot from Enloop

Enloop emerges as one of the best business plan tools for startups, catering to entrepreneurs who crave a streamlined planning process. With the ability to automatically generate basic text for each section of your plan, Enloop saves time and effort in crafting your business vision.

A highlight of the business plan tool is its automatic generation of financial projections, offering accurate insights based on your entered data. This powerful feature empowers entrepreneurs to make informed decisions and project future outcomes with confidence.

For those with a penchant for strategic thinking, Enloop’s “what-if” scenario analysis becomes an invaluable tool. It allows users to explore various business strategies and assess their potential impact on plan outcomes, enabling sound decision-making.

Enloop doesn’t stop at generating numbers; it goes a step further by providing a business plan grading system. This insightful feature assesses plan quality, giving users valuable feedback to refine and enhance their business plans.

However, it’s essential to consider the software’s limitations as customization and design options are relatively limited. Additionally, the basic version of Enloop might not meet the needs of all users, as it lacks certain advanced features. 

  • Seven day free trial (no credit card required)
  • Detailed plan ($19.95/month or $11/month when billed annually)
  • Performance plan ($39.95/month or $24/month when billed annually)

Enloop’s online business plan writing app lets you invite and collaborate with anyone on your business plans using the ‘Invite & Share’ feature.

Enloop allows you to download your business plan in PDF format whenever you’re ready. The plans remain accessible in your paid account, encouraging regular updates to keep track of your business’s health and have an up-to-date plan ready for financing needs.

Suitable for entrepreneurs seeking a tool that simplifies financial forecasting and scenario analysis.

6. PlanGuru


Source: Screenshot from PlanGuru

PlanGuru’s standout feature lies in its ability to forecast all three financial statements – income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement so that users can make data-driven decisions.

Creating detailed analyses becomes a breeze with PlanGuru’s general ledger import utilities, allowing seamless historical data import. The software facilitates budget vs actual reporting and enables building rolling forecasts with just a few clicks each month.

Unlimited budgeting flexibility is another advantage offered by the business plan builder. Users can craft simple high-level small business budgets or delve into intricate multi-department operating budgets with ease.

With scenario analysis capabilities, PlanGuru empowers users to interpret the financial impact of specific events accurately. This feature enables making critical investments and strategic decisions with confidence, knowing thorough due diligence has been performed.

Given its sophisticated features, PlanGuru may be more suitable for financial professionals and analysts looking for in-depth financial analysis and budgeting tools. Users not familiar with financial modeling may face a steeper learning curve when utilizing Enloop’s robust capabilities.

  • Single entity ($99/month or $75/month when billed annually)
  • Multi-department consolidations ($299/month or $225/month when billed annually)

You can add up to 3 users with the multi-department consolidation plan. Additionally, all plans allow you to add on $29/month (billed monthly) or $25/month (billed annually) for each extra user.

What other apps does PlanGuru integrate with?

The cloud-based platform is also accessible as a Windows-based desktop version, giving you the freedom to choose the format that suits you best. Additionally, PlanGuru seamlessly integrates with MS Excel, QuickBooks Online and Xero, providing further flexibility and convenience in using the software.

The cloud-based version is suitable for SMBs or nonprofits budgeting for a single entity while the multi-department consolidations plan is for companies with multiple departments needing consolidated budgets.

7. Business Sorter

Business Sorter

Source: Screenshot from Business Sorter

With Business Sorter’s card sort system, crafting the foundation of your plan becomes a breeze. Featuring 273 cards covering various business situations, the business plan generator offers flexibility, allowing users to customize their plan by adding their cards or modifying existing ones, tailoring the plan to their specific needs.

The platform also provides the convenience of viewing your plan on any device, including smartphones, which not many business plan apps have. Additionally, guidance is at hand with Business Sorter as the software provides valuable tips and advice for every key step, empowering users to implement their business strategy with confidence.

While Business Sorter excels in its interactive features, it may not offer as extensive financial analysis tools as other business plan software. For businesses requiring advanced financial modeling capabilities, Business Sorter might not fully meet their requirements.

  • For small teams with up to 3 users ($10/month or $80/year)
  • For medium teams with up to 10 users ($30/month or $240/year)
  • For large teams with up to 30 users ($80/month or $640/year)
  • For enterprises with unlimited users (custom pricing)

Your business plan can be edited by only one user at a time. When a user opens a plan, it automatically locks to prevent any data loss and remains locked until the user finishes their work and exits the plan.

You can print each business plan directly from the plan summaries on your dashboard. 

Suitable for both entrepreneurs and businesses looking for an interactive and visually appealing planning approach.

9. AchieveIt


Source: Screenshot from AchieveIt

AchieveIt stands as a versatile software for business plans, designed to simplify the planning process for businesses of all sizes and planning methods. With AchieveIt, you can easily build plans, ensuring alignment and engagement among your employees and optimizing plans for seamless execution.

Regardless of your preferred planning method, AchieveIt empowers you to construct plans effortlessly, providing a flexible solution for any planning use case. The software ensures your plans are well-aligned with your organization’s objectives, engaging all team members for successful plan execution.

The business plan tool provides robust tracking and reporting features, allowing businesses to monitor the progress of their plans and measure performance against set goals. Users can create customized dashboards to visualize key performance metrics, making it easier to identify trends and insights.

That said, In comparison to most business plan software, AchieveIt’s pricing might be relatively higher with its extensive features. On top of that, for users new to strategic planning software, AchieveIt may present a learning curve during the initial adoption phase.

The business plan software packages for AchieveIt varies based on factors like organization size, required functionality and the number of users. AchieveIt being an enterprise-level software offers custom pricing to cater to the specific needs of each business. For accurate pricing details, it’s best to contact their sales or customer support team.

AchieveIt allows team members, stakeholders and advisors to have shared access to the platform, providing them with visibility into the latest updates and progress on the plans. Users can assign tasks to team members and track their progress within the platform. 

Can AchieveIt integrate with existing systems?

AchieveIt’s Data Integration API lets you import key metric data from existing systems, saving time and reducing errors by eliminating the need for data entry in multiple places.

AchieveIt is best suited for medium to large-sized businesses and organizations that require a comprehensive and collaborative strategic planning platform. It caters to teams and enterprises seeking to improve their planning processes, track performance and drive organizational alignment to achieve business objectives effectively.

No idea what your business plan should look like? Check out these business plan examples for inspiration. 

tool of business planning

When searching for the best business planning software, you may be wondering — what features should I look for in business plan software? You want to make sure it meets your specific requirements and streamlines the planning process effectively. Here are the top six factors to consider:

Ease of use

The software should have a user-friendly interface that simplifies the process of creating a business plan. Look for intuitive navigation, clear instruction and a layout that makes it easy to input and organize your information.

Features and business plan templates

Check the range of features and business plan templates the software offers. Look for a diverse selection of business plan templates catering to various industries and business types. The software should provide essential sections like executive summaries, market analysis, financial projections and more.

tool of business planning

Financial modeling tools

Your business plan software should allow you to input financial data and generate accurate and comprehensive financial projections. These business plan creation tools are vital for assessing the financial viability of your business.

Collaboration and sharing

If you’ll be working with a team or seeking feedback from others, consider software that enables real-time collaboration and easy sharing. The ability to work together seamlessly can enhance productivity and improve the quality of your business plan.

Built for fast-moving teams that need to be on the same page, Venngage’s real-time collaboration enables you to polish your design with your team in real time, leave comments on each other’s work,and save your designs in one shared folder. With your  Venngage Business  account, you can easily invite and manage your team members to collaborate on a design, all in real time.

Security and data protection

Since a business plan contains sensitive information, prioritize software that prioritizes security. Ensure that the software uses encryption and data protection measures to keep your data safe from unauthorized access.

Exporting and sharing options

Check the software’s export options. You’ll likely want to share your business plan with others, so ensure it can be exported in popular formats like PDF or PowerPoint.

Are you an entrepreneur starting a new business or expanding your existing business? This guide on how to create a small business plan might come in handy for you. 

tool of business planning

Creating business plans can be a crucial step in setting your entrepreneurial vision on the right track. To help you through the process, here are 7 steps to guide you in crafting a comprehensive business plan:

Step 1: Executive summary

Start with an attention-grabbing executive summary. This section provides an overview of your business. In your executive summary, make sure to highlight your mission, goals, products or services, target market and the unique value you offer. Keep it concise, yet compelling.

tool of business planning

Step 2: Company description

Give a detailed description of your company. Explain your business’s history, its legal structure (e.g. sole proprietorship, LLC, corporation) and the reasons why your business will succeed in the market.

tool of business planning

Step 3: Market analysis

Conduct thorough market research to understand your industry, target market and competition. Identify your ideal customers, their needs and preferences. Analyze your competitors and highlight your competitive advantages.

Step 4: Products and Services

Describe your products or services in depth. Explain their features, benefits and how they meet the needs of your target customers. Emphasize what sets your offerings apart from the competition.

tool of business planning

Step 5: Marketing and sales strategy

Outline your marketing and sales strategies to reach your target audience. Explain your promotional activities, pricing strategies, distribution channels and sales tactics. Detail how you plan to acquire and retain customers.

Step 6: Financial projections

Project your financial performance over the next three to five years. Include estimated revenue, expenses and cash flow. Detail your startup costs and funding requirements if applicable. Be realistic and supported by market research.

Step 7: Implementation plan

Create a detailed roadmap for executing your business plan. Set specific goals and milestones. Break down tasks and assign responsibilities. Include timelines and a plan for measuring progress.

tool of business planning

A great tip here is to start with a well-structured outline. This guide on how to create a business plan outline will help you in creating your blueprint to easily identify your business’ resource needs, including finances, personnel and equipment. 

Is my business data safe with business plan software?

Most reputable business plan software providers prioritize data security and employ encryption and other measures to keep your business data safe from unauthorized access.

What are the benefits of using business planning tools?

Business planning tools offer time efficiency, professional presentation, error reduction, collaborative features and accessibility, making it easier to create a comprehensive business plan that impresses investors and stakeholders.

Do I need any specific skills or expertise to use business plan software?

No, many business plan software solutions are designed to be user-friendly, requiring no specific skills or expertise. They often come with templates and step-by-step guidance to assist you through the planning process.

In the dynamic landscape of 2024, businesses are on the lookout for innovative tools to stay ahead of the curve and drive their growth. These 7 business plan software picks for 2024 offer a wide range of features, from user-friendly interfaces and real-time collaboration to sophisticated financial analysis tools and customizable dashboards.

Whether you’re looking for user-friendly platform business planning tools that aligns with your business planning processes or a business plan writing software that allows you to tailor the business plan according to your industry, goals and unique requirements — I’m quite certain I’ve got them all covered. 

The value of these business plan software options lies not only in their efficiency but also in their ability to save time and reduce errors. By integrating with existing systems through Data Integration APIs, users can seamlessly import key metric data, eliminating redundant data entry and streamlining the process.

If you’re still unsure about which is the right business plan software for your business, you can always take advantage of free trials or video tutorials and demos offered by software providers. Testing the platform firsthand will give you a practical understanding of its usability and suitability for your business.

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How to Write a Business Plan for a Small Business

Determined female African-American entrepreneur scaling a mountain while wearing a large backpack. Represents the journey to starting and growing a business and needi

Noah Parsons

24 min. read

Updated September 2, 2024

Download Now: Free Business Plan Template →

Writing a business plan doesn’t have to be complicated. 

In this step-by-step guide, you’ll learn how to write a business plan that’s detailed enough to impress bankers and potential investors, while giving you the tools to start, run, and grow a successful business.

  • The basics of writing a business plan

If you’re reading this guide, then you already know why you need a business plan . 

You understand that writing a business plan helps you: 

  • Raise money
  • Grow strategically
  • Keep your business on the right track 

As you start to write your business plan, it’s useful to zoom out and remember what a business plan is .

At its core, a business plan is an overview of the products and services you sell, and the customers that you sell to. It explains your business strategy: how you’re going to build and grow your business, what your marketing strategy is, and who your competitors are.

Most business plans also include financial forecasts for the future. These set sales goals, budget for expenses, and predict profits and cash flow. 

A good business plan is much more than just a document that you write once and forget about. It’s also a guide that helps you outline and achieve your goals. 

After writing your business plan, you can use it as a management tool to track your progress toward your goals. Updating and adjusting your forecasts and budgets as you go is one of the most important steps you can take to run a healthier, smarter business. 

We’ll dive into how to use your plan later in this article.

There are many different types of plans , but we’ll go over the most common type here, which includes everything you need for an investor-ready plan. However, if you’re just starting out and are looking for something simpler—I recommend starting with a one-page business plan . It’s faster and easier to create. 

It’s also the perfect place to start if you’re just figuring out your idea, or need a simple strategic plan to use inside your business.

Dig deeper : How to write a one-page business plan

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  • What to include in your business plan

Executive summary

The executive summary is an overview of your business and your plans. It comes first in your plan and is ideally just one to two pages. Most people write it last because it’s a summary of the complete business plan.

Ideally, the executive summary can act as a stand-alone document that covers the highlights of your detailed plan. 

In fact, it’s common for investors to ask only for the executive summary when evaluating your business. If they like what they see in the executive summary, they’ll often follow up with a request for a complete plan, a pitch presentation , or more in-depth financial forecasts .

Your executive summary should include:

  • A summary of the problem you are solving
  • A description of your product or service
  • An overview of your target market
  • A brief description of your team
  • A summary of your financials
  • Your funding requirements (if you are raising money)

Dig Deeper: How to write an effective executive summary

Products and services description

When writing a business plan, the produces and services section is where you describe exactly what you’re selling, and how it solves a problem for your target market. The best way to organize this part of your plan is to start by describing the problem that exists for your customers. After that, you can describe how you plan to solve that problem with your product or service. 

This is usually called a problem and solution statement .

To truly showcase the value of your products and services, you need to craft a compelling narrative around your offerings. How will your product or service transform your customers’ lives or jobs? A strong narrative will draw in your readers.

This is also the part of the business plan to discuss any competitive advantages you may have, like specific intellectual property or patents that protect your product. If you have any initial sales, contracts, or other evidence that your product or service is likely to sell, include that information as well. It will show that your idea has traction , which can help convince readers that your plan has a high chance of success.

Market analysis

Your target market is a description of the type of people that you plan to sell to. You might even have multiple target markets, depending on your business. 

A market analysis is the part of your plan where you bring together all of the information you know about your target market. Basically, it’s a thorough description of who your customers are and why they need what you’re selling. You’ll also include information about the growth of your market and your industry .

Try to be as specific as possible when you describe your market. 

Include information such as age, income level, and location—these are what’s called “demographics.” If you can, also describe your market’s interests and habits as they relate to your business—these are “psychographics.” 

Related: Target market examples

Essentially, you want to include any knowledge you have about your customers that is relevant to how your product or service is right for them. With a solid target market, it will be easier to create a sales and marketing plan that will reach your customers. That’s because you know who they are, what they like to do, and the best ways to reach them.

Next, provide any additional information you have about your market. 

What is the size of your market ? Is the market growing or shrinking? Ideally, you’ll want to demonstrate that your market is growing over time, and also explain how your business is positioned to take advantage of any expected changes in your industry.

Dig Deeper: Learn how to write a market analysis

Competitive analysis

Part of defining your business opportunity is determining what your competitive advantage is. To do this effectively, you need to know as much about your competitors as your target customers. 

Every business has some form of competition. If you don’t think you have competitors, then explore what alternatives there are in the market for your product or service. 

For example: In the early years of cars, their main competition was horses. For social media, the early competition was reading books, watching TV, and talking on the phone.

A good competitive analysis fully lays out the competitive landscape and then explains how your business is different. Maybe your products are better made, or cheaper, or your customer service is superior. Maybe your competitive advantage is your location – a wide variety of factors can ultimately give you an advantage.

Dig Deeper: How to write a competitive analysis for your business plan

Marketing and sales plan

The marketing and sales plan covers how you will position your product or service in the market, the marketing channels and messaging you will use, and your sales tactics. 

The best place to start with a marketing plan is with a positioning statement . 

This explains how your business fits into the overall market, and how you will explain the advantages of your product or service to customers. You’ll use the information from your competitive analysis to help you with your positioning. 

For example: You might position your company as the premium, most expensive but the highest quality option in the market. Or your positioning might focus on being locally owned and that shoppers support the local economy by buying your products.

Once you understand your positioning, you’ll bring this together with the information about your target market to create your marketing strategy . 

This is how you plan to communicate your message to potential customers. Depending on who your customers are and how they purchase products like yours, you might use many different strategies, from social media advertising to creating a podcast. Your marketing plan is all about how your customers discover who you are and why they should consider your products and services. 

While your marketing plan is about reaching your customers—your sales plan will describe the actual sales process once a customer has decided that they’re interested in what you have to offer. 

If your business requires salespeople and a long sales process, describe that in this section. If your customers can “self-serve” and just make purchases quickly on your website, describe that process. 

A good sales plan picks up where your marketing plan leaves off. The marketing plan brings customers in the door and the sales plan is how you close the deal.

Together, these specific plans paint a picture of how you will connect with your target audience, and how you will turn them into paying customers.

Dig deeper: What to include in your sales and marketing plan

Business operations

When writing a business plan, the operations section describes the necessary requirements for your business to run smoothly. It’s where you talk about how your business works and what day-to-day operations look like. 

Depending on how your business is structured, your operations plan may include elements of the business like:

  • Supply chain management
  • Manufacturing processes
  • Equipment and technology
  • Distribution

Some businesses distribute their products and reach their customers through large retailers like Amazon.com, Walmart, Target, and grocery store chains. 

These businesses should review how this part of their business works. The plan should discuss the logistics and costs of getting products onto store shelves and any potential hurdles the business may have to overcome.

If your business is much simpler than this, that’s OK. This section of your business plan can be either extremely short or more detailed, depending on the type of business you are building.

For businesses selling services, such as physical therapy or online software, you can use this section to describe the technology you’ll leverage, what goes into your service, and who you will partner with to deliver your services.

Dig Deeper: Learn how to write the operations chapter of your plan

Key milestones and metrics

Although it’s not required to complete your business plan, mapping out key business milestones and the metrics can be incredibly useful for measuring your success.

Good milestones clearly lay out the parameters of the task and set expectations for their execution. You’ll want to include:

  • A description of each task
  • The proposed due date
  • Who is responsible for each task

If you have a budget, you can include projected costs to hit each milestone. You don’t need extensive project planning in this section—just list key milestones you want to hit and when you plan to hit them. This is your overall business roadmap. 

Possible milestones might be:

  • Website launch date
  • Store or office opening date
  • First significant sales
  • Break even date
  • Business licenses and approvals

You should also discuss the key numbers you will track to determine your success. Some common metrics worth tracking include:

  • Conversion rates
  • Customer acquisition costs
  • Profit per customer
  • Repeat purchases

It’s perfectly fine to start with just a few metrics and grow the number you are tracking over time. You also may find that some metrics simply aren’t relevant to your business and can narrow down what you’re tracking.

Dig Deeper: How to use milestones in your business plan

Organization and management team

Investors don’t just look for great ideas—they want to find great teams. Use this chapter to describe your current team and who you need to hire . You should also provide a quick overview of your location and history if you’re already up and running.

Briefly highlight the relevant experiences of each key team member in the company. It’s important to make the case for why yours is the right team to turn an idea into a reality. 

Do they have the right industry experience and background? Have members of the team had entrepreneurial successes before? 

If you still need to hire key team members, that’s OK. Just note those gaps in this section.

Your company overview should also include a summary of your company’s current business structure . The most common business structures include:

  • Sole proprietor
  • Partnership

Be sure to provide an overview of how the business is owned as well. Does each business partner own an equal portion of the business? How is ownership divided? 

Potential lenders and investors will want to know the structure of the business before they will consider a loan or investment.

Dig Deeper: How to write about your company structure and team

Financial plan

The last section of your business plan is your financial plan and forecasts. 

Entrepreneurs often find this section the most daunting. But, business financials for most startups are less complicated than you think, and a business degree is certainly not required to build a solid financial forecast. 

A typical financial forecast in a business plan includes the following:

  • Sales forecast : An estimate of the sales expected over a given period. You’ll break down your forecast into the key revenue streams that you expect to have.
  • Expense budget : Your planned spending such as personnel costs , marketing expenses, and taxes.
  • Profit & Loss : Brings together your sales and expenses and helps you calculate planned profits.
  • Cash Flow : Shows how cash moves into and out of your business. It can predict how much cash you’ll have on hand at any given point in the future.
  • Balance Sheet : A list of the assets, liabilities, and equity in your company. In short, it provides an overview of the financial health of your business. 

A strong business plan will include a description of assumptions about the future, and potential risks that could impact the financial plan. Including those will be especially important if you’re writing a business plan to pursue a loan or other investment.

Dig Deeper: How to create financial forecasts and budgets

This is the place for additional data, charts, or other information that supports your plan.

Including an appendix can significantly enhance the credibility of your plan by showing readers that you’ve thoroughly considered the details of your business idea, and are backing your ideas up with solid data.

Just remember that the information in the appendix is meant to be supplementary. Your business plan should stand on its own, even if the reader skips this section.

Dig Deeper : What to include in your business plan appendix

Optional: Business plan cover page

Adding a business plan cover page can make your plan, and by extension your business, seem more professional in the eyes of potential investors, lenders, and partners. It serves as the introduction to your document and provides necessary contact information for stakeholders to reference.

Your cover page should be simple and include:

  • Company logo
  • Business name
  • Value proposition (optional)
  • Business plan title
  • Completion and/or update date
  • Address and contact information
  • Confidentiality statement

Just remember, the cover page is optional. If you decide to include it, keep it very simple and only spend a short amount of time putting it together.

Dig Deeper: How to create a business plan cover page

How to use AI to help write your business plan

Generative AI tools such as ChatGPT can speed up the business plan writing process and help you think through concepts like market segmentation and competition. These tools are especially useful for taking ideas that you provide and converting them into polished text for your business plan.

The best way to use AI to write a business plan is to leverage it as a collaborator , not a replacement for human creative thinking and ingenuity. 

AI can come up with lots of ideas and act as a brainstorming partner. It’s up to you to filter through those ideas and figure out which ones are realistic enough to resonate with your customers. 

There are pros and cons of using AI to help with your business plan . So, spend some time understanding how it can be most helpful before just outsourcing the job to AI.

Learn more: 10 AI prompts you need to write a business plan

  • Writing tips and strategies

To help streamline the business plan writing process, here are a few tips and key questions to answer to make sure you get the most out of your plan and avoid common mistakes .  

Determine why you are writing a business plan

Knowing why you are writing a business plan will determine your approach to your planning project. 

For example: If you are writing a business plan for yourself, or just to use inside your own business , you can probably skip the section about your team and organizational structure. 

If you’re raising money, you’ll want to spend more time explaining why you’re looking to raise the funds and exactly how you will use them.

Regardless of how you intend to use your business plan , think about why you are writing and what you’re trying to get out of the process before you begin.

Keep things concise

Probably the most important tip is to keep your business plan short and simple. There are no prizes for long business plans . The longer your plan is, the less likely people are to read it. 

So focus on trimming things down to the essentials your readers need to know. Skip the extended, wordy descriptions and instead focus on creating a plan that is easy to read —using bullets and short sentences whenever possible.

Have someone review your business plan

Writing a business plan in a vacuum is never a good idea. Sometimes it’s helpful to zoom out and check if your plan makes sense to someone else. You also want to make sure that it’s easy to read and understand.

Don’t wait until your plan is “done” to get a second look. Start sharing your plan early, and find out from readers what questions your plan leaves unanswered. This early review cycle will help you spot shortcomings in your plan and address them quickly, rather than finding out about them right before you present your plan to a lender or investor.

If you need a more detailed review, you may want to explore hiring a professional plan writer to thoroughly examine it.

Use a free business plan template and business plan examples to get started

Knowing what information to include in a business plan is sometimes not quite enough. If you’re struggling to get started or need additional guidance, it may be worth using a business plan template. 

There are plenty of great options available (we’ve rounded up our 8 favorites to streamline your search).

But, if you’re looking for a free downloadable business plan template , you can get one right now; download the template used by more than 1 million businesses. 

Or, if you just want to see what a completed business plan looks like, check out our library of over 550 free business plan examples . 

We even have a growing list of industry business planning guides with tips for what to focus on depending on your business type.

Common pitfalls and how to avoid them

It’s easy to make mistakes when you’re writing your business plan. Some entrepreneurs get sucked into the writing and research process, and don’t focus enough on actually getting their business started. 

Here are a few common mistakes and how to avoid them:

Not talking to your customers : This is one of the most common mistakes. It’s easy to assume that your product or service is something that people want. Before you invest too much in your business and too much in the planning process, make sure you talk to your prospective customers and have a good understanding of their needs.

  • Overly optimistic sales and profit forecasts: By nature, entrepreneurs are optimistic about the future. But it’s good to temper that optimism a little when you’re planning, and make sure your forecasts are grounded in reality. 
  • Spending too much time planning: Yes, planning is crucial. But you also need to get out and talk to customers, build prototypes of your product and figure out if there’s a market for your idea. Make sure to balance planning with building.
  • Not revising the plan: Planning is useful, but nothing ever goes exactly as planned. As you learn more about what’s working and what’s not—revise your plan, your budgets, and your revenue forecast. Doing so will provide a more realistic picture of where your business is going, and what your financial needs will be moving forward.
  • Not using the plan to manage your business: A good business plan is a management tool. Don’t just write it and put it on the shelf to collect dust – use it to track your progress and help you reach your goals.
  • Presenting your business plan

The planning process forces you to think through every aspect of your business and answer questions that you may not have thought of. That’s the real benefit of writing a business plan – the knowledge you gain about your business that you may not have been able to discover otherwise.

With all of this knowledge, you’re well prepared to convert your business plan into a pitch presentation to present your ideas. 

A pitch presentation is a summary of your plan, just hitting the highlights and key points. It’s the best way to present your business plan to investors and team members.

Dig Deeper: Learn what key slides should be included in your pitch deck

Use your business plan to manage your business

One of the biggest benefits of planning is that it gives you a tool to manage your business better. With a revenue forecast, expense budget, and projected cash flow, you know your targets and where you are headed.

And yet, nothing ever goes exactly as planned – it’s the nature of business.

That’s where using your plan as a management tool comes in. The key to leveraging it for your business is to review it periodically and compare your forecasts and projections to your actual results.

Start by setting up a regular time to review the plan – a monthly review is a good starting point. During this review, answer questions like:

  • Did you meet your sales goals?
  • Is spending following your budget?
  • Has anything gone differently than what you expected?

Now that you see whether you’re meeting your goals or are off track, you can make adjustments and set new targets. 

Maybe you’re exceeding your sales goals and should set new, more aggressive goals. In that case, maybe you should also explore more spending or hiring more employees. 

Or maybe expenses are rising faster than you projected. If that’s the case, you would need to look at where you can cut costs.

A plan, and a method for comparing your plan to your actual results , is the tool you need to steer your business toward success.

Learn More: How to run a regular plan review

How to write a business plan FAQ

What is a business plan?

A document that describes your business , the products and services you sell, and the customers that you sell to. It explains your business strategy, how you’re going to build and grow your business, what your marketing strategy is, and who your competitors are.

What are the benefits of writing a business plan?

A business plan helps you understand where you want to go with your business and what it will take to get there. It reduces your overall risk, helps you uncover your business’s potential, attracts investors, and identifies areas for growth.

Writing a business plan ultimately makes you more confident as a business owner and more likely to succeed for a longer period of time.

What are the 7 steps of writing a business plan?

The seven steps to writing a business plan include:

  • Write a brief executive summary
  • Describe your products and services.
  • Conduct market research and compile data into a cohesive market analysis.
  • Describe your marketing and sales strategy.
  • Outline your organizational structure and management team.
  • Develop financial projections for sales, revenue, and cash flow.
  • Add any additional documents to your appendix.

What are the 5 most common business plan mistakes?

There are plenty of mistakes that can be made when writing a business plan. However, these are the 5 most common that you should do your best to avoid:

  • 1. Not taking the planning process seriously.
  • Having unrealistic financial projections or incomplete financial information.
  • Inconsistent information or simple mistakes.
  • Failing to establish a sound business model.
  • Not having a defined purpose for your business plan.

What questions should be answered in a business plan?

Writing a business plan is all about asking yourself questions about your business and being able to answer them through the planning process. You’ll likely be asking dozens and dozens of questions for each section of your plan.

However, these are the key questions you should ask and answer with your business plan:

  • How will your business make money?
  • Is there a need for your product or service?
  • Who are your customers?
  • How are you different from the competition?
  • How will you reach your customers?
  • How will you measure success?

How long should a business plan be?

The length of your business plan fully depends on what you intend to do with it. From the SBA and traditional lender point of view, a business plan needs to be whatever length necessary to fully explain your business. This means that you prove the viability of your business, show that you understand the market, and have a detailed strategy in place.

If you intend to use your business plan for internal management purposes, you don’t necessarily need a full 25-50 page business plan. Instead, you can start with a one-page plan to get all of the necessary information in place.

What are the different types of business plans?

While all business plans cover similar categories, the style and function fully depend on how you intend to use your plan. Here are a few common business plan types worth considering.

Traditional business plan: The tried-and-true traditional business plan is a formal document meant to be used when applying for funding or pitching to investors. This type of business plan follows the outline above and can be anywhere from 10-50 pages depending on the amount of detail included, the complexity of your business, and what you include in your appendix.

Business model canvas: The business model canvas is a one-page template designed to demystify the business planning process. It removes the need for a traditional, copy-heavy business plan, in favor of a single-page outline that can help you and outside parties better explore your business idea.

One-page business plan: This format is a simplified version of the traditional plan that focuses on the core aspects of your business. You’ll typically stick with bullet points and single sentences. It’s most useful for those exploring ideas, needing to validate their business model, or who need an internal plan to help them run and manage their business.

Lean Plan: The Lean Plan is less of a specific document type and more of a methodology. It takes the simplicity and styling of the one-page business plan and turns it into a process for you to continuously plan, test, review, refine, and take action based on performance. It’s faster, keeps your plan concise, and ensures that your plan is always up-to-date.

What’s the difference between a business plan and a strategic plan?

A business plan covers the “who” and “what” of your business. It explains what your business is doing right now and how it functions. The strategic plan explores long-term goals and explains “how” the business will get there. It encourages you to look more intently toward the future and how you will achieve your vision.

However, when approached correctly, your business plan can actually function as a strategic plan as well. If kept lean, you can define your business, outline strategic steps, and track ongoing operations all with a single plan.

Content Author: Noah Parsons

Noah is the COO at Palo Alto Software, makers of the online business plan app LivePlan. He started his career at Yahoo! and then helped start the user review site Epinions.com. From there he started a software distribution business in the UK before coming to Palo Alto Software to run the marketing and product teams.

Check out LivePlan

Table of Contents

  • Use AI to help write your plan
  • Common planning mistakes
  • Manage with your business plan

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14 Exceptionally Useful Tools for Writing a Business Plan

Alyssa Gregory is an entrepreneur, writer, and marketer with 20 years of experience in the business world. She is the founder of the Small Business Bonfire, a community for entrepreneurs, and has authored more than 2,500 articles for The Balance and other popular small business websites.

tool of business planning

Writing a business plan is a necessary part of starting a business, yet many small business owners struggle with the process. Not only can it be time-consuming and stressful to conduct the necessary research and gather the required materials, but it can also be difficult to know exactly what format your business plan should be in and what information it should include.

To help you streamline the process, here are 14 tools you can use to get started with your business plan.

Online Tools

This set of online tools walks you through each section of a traditional business plan in a step-by-step format.

  • SBA's Build Your Business Plan Tool - The SBA's Business Plan Tool is a step-by-step guide that allows you to save your progress and come back to it for up to six months.
  • Enloop - With this tool, you add in your information, and Enloop automatically writes your plan based on your details.
  • LivePlan - LivePlan is an online service that simplifies the business planning process while providing assistance with budgeting, forecasting, and performance tracking.
  • RocketLawyer - Business owners can create a customized, printable business plan with RocketLawyer by following an online step-by-step interview process.
  • StratPad - StratPad's step-by-step approach and cloud-based business planning software help small business owners create a plan in less than a day.

Business Plan Tutorials

These five business planning how-to documents will help you get your business plan started.

  • How to Write a Simple Business Plan - An easy 8-step business plan tutorial that results in a streamlined and brief business plan that you can use as-is or as a starting point for a more traditional business plan.
  • SBA's Video Business Planning Tutorial - This series of video tutorials includes nine videos that are about 2-10 minutes each. You can pick and choose where to start or run through them in the original order.
  • Entrepreneur's Elements of a Business Plan - An in-depth review of the seven essential sections of a business plan: what you should include, what you shouldn't include, how to work the numbers and additional resources you can turn to for help.
  • Comprehensive Business Plan Outline - A business plan outline that walks you through each section of a basic business plan, including an overview of what should be included, examples and tips for writing each section of your business plan effectively.
  • Shopify's Ultimate Guide to Business Plans - This comprehensive 9-chapter business plan guide covers every important aspect of writing a business plan.

Business Plan Templates

If you prefer more of a "fill-in-the-blank" format to get your business plan started, one of these templates may be exactly what you need.

  • SCORE Business Planning Templates - A collection of business planning templates that are for both new and established businesses.
  • BPlans' Business Plan Template - A downloadable template that gives you a clear idea of what a traditional business plan should look like. (Free sign-up is required to download.)
  • The $100 Startup One-Page Business Plan - Download and fill in the blanks with this one-page business plan template.
  • Office Depot's Business Plan Templates - These templates include the most important elements of a business plan that demonstrate how the nature of a business and the target audience for the plan impact the content.

Keep in mind that the best business plans are those that are updated and regularly used as a way to keep your business on track. Whichever tool you use, make it a goal to create a plan that you can use as an action document and can grow with your business over time.

The Best 10 Business Planning Tools for Startups

Business planning is one of the significant strategic approaches that startup companies use to showcase their core objectives and programs to achieve organizations goals. Young businesses also prefer to make solid business plans to attract investors.

Therefore, the use of authoritative business planning tools is crucial for startups. That is why this article shares one of the top business planning tools with all necessary features and pricing models.

  • 1 Top 10 Business Planning Tools for Startups
  • 2.1 Features
  • 2.2 Pricing
  • 3.1 Features
  • 3.2 Pricing
  • 4.1 Features
  • 4.2 Pricing
  • 5.1 Features
  • 5.2 Pricing
  • 6.1 Features
  • 6.2 Pricing
  • 7.1 Features
  • 7.2 Pricing
  • 8.1 Features
  • 8.2 Pricing
  • 9.1 Features
  • 9.2 Pricing
  • 10.1 Features
  • 10.2 Pricing
  • 11.1 Features
  • 11.2 Pricing
  • 12 Conclusion
  • 14 What is Business Planning?
  • 15 Why business planning is important?
  • 16 What are ten of the best business planning tools?

Top 10 Business Planning Tools for Startups

Here are ten of the best tools that will help you writing a business plan.

Business Planning Tools For Startups

Enloop is a cloud-based business planning tool that 323,180 entrepreneurs, students and businesses have used. It can create around 16 financial ratios and real-time performance reports.

Financial Forecast —  Businesses can automatically anticipate their financial reports with this tool.

Currency Support —  It supports around 100 currencies, so people from different countries can smoothly use this app for business planning.

Real-Time Score —  Enloop permits the startups to watch their real-time score to improve performance.

Its Free plan enables the businesses to get a 7-day free trial. But the monthly cost of its Detailed plan is $19.95.

2. LivePlan

LivePlan could be a reliable option for startups to nail down a solid business plan. Moreover, it also claims to build business plans 30% faster than the rivals. Luckily, 1 million small businesses, enterprises and entrepreneurs have shown trust in this tool.

Sample Plans —  It is the perfect business tool for new teams because they can get guidance from 500+ already available sample plans.

Professional Documents —  LivePlan also enables the startups to design an engaging business plan and other documents to convince investors.

LivePlan comes with two plans Standard and Premium, and its monthly charges start from $20.

3. IdeaBuddy

If you are finding an ingenious business planning tool, then you shouldn’t ignore IdeaBuddy. With planning, development and real-time evaluation, its financial projection properties are also appealing.

One-Page Plan —  Startups can build a business plan within 30 minutes, and yes, it could consist of a single page for ease of understanding.

Financial Properties —  Financial calculators, profit and loss statements, and forecasts benefit from using IdeaBuddy.

The yearly cost of its Dreamer plan is $65, but only 1 collaborator is eligible for it. However, for 3 and 30 collaborators, you can also consider its Founder and Team plans. The yearly charges of these plans commence from $115.

Cuttles is one of the most straightforward business planning tools that 20,000+ startups are using. It could surely be a great option when it comes to building startup plans.

Canvas —  This property aids the young companies to smoothly architect and corroborate their business idea.

Suitable for Teams —  It also allows the startups to easily include the teams’ ideas while making a business plan.

Its Free plan is applicable for 1 member and offers restricted features. On the other hand, you can consider its Seed, Grow and Series plans with more advanced characteristics. Its Seed plan bills €8/month to users.

5. Vizologi

Vizologi is an AI-backed business planning tool that is the foremost choice of students, strategists, managers, entrepreneurs and consultants. The availability of free business models also differentiates it from rivals.

Business Intelligence —  Companies can make wise decisions using premium analytics and data reports.

Business Plan —  Its business plan includes a mash-up method, canvas, SWOT & PEST analysis.

Although Vizologi confers a free trial, but its monthly charges commence from $9.

6. TheBizPlanner

TheBizPlanner is also a unique business planning tool. This end-to-end business planning software comes with four significant properties: profile, connect, plan and collaborate.

Dashboard —  The single screen dashboard provides all reports to businesses.

Campus Edition —  It has also released an exclusive edition for educators.

Fortunately, TheBizPlanner Pro is free for startups now. Howbeit, you can talk with the sales team to get the pricing of its Competition plan.

7. AchieveIt

AchieveIt is a purpose-built Georgia-based strategic business planning solution that was founded in 2010. This is an ideal business planning platform for all sectors, including credit unions, commercial, healthcare, federal and local governments.

Integrated Tool —  It provides data uniformity and great accountability for execution.

PowerPoint Digestibility —  This tool could be easily connected with PowerPoint.

This platform bills $70 per user and month under its Core plan.

8. PlanGuru

PlanGuru is also a considerable business planning, forecasting and budgeting software that startups should use. Furthermore, it is more suitable for accountants, small businesses and nonprofit organizations than big enterprises.

Forecasting —  PlanGuru provides 20 powerful forecasting tools to businesses.

Analysis in Minutes —  Users can get all historical data analysis within minutes.

The monthly cost of its cloud and desktop version starts from $99.

Jedox is a unified business planning and forecasting solution that 2500+ companies use worldwide. The major brands that are practicing Jedox are ManpowerGroup, McDonald’s and Bosch.

Timely Insights —  Time-intensive planning has become essential for startups, and it is only possible with timely insights.

Predictive Forecasting —  It is packed with artificial intelligence-based predictive forecasting and planning features.

Jedox comes with four major plans Essential, Business, Professional and Performance. However, you will have to click the ‘Get A Quote’ tab to explore the pricing.

If you want business planning software for VC funded companies, growth and accounting firms, then Jirav is the best option for you. This is a smart and all-in-one budgeting, planning and forecasting tool.

Automatic Imports —  Jirav could automatically integrate all of your business data. Companies can also connect it with accounting and workforce software like Gusto, Xero and QuickBooks.

Reports & Dashboards —  It provides both commercial and non-financial information.

Starter and Pro are core plans of Jirav that monthly cost $250 and $850, respectively.

Business planning is critical for startups and founders to execute a business idea successfully. The use of smart and interactive business planning software and solutions definitely help the new businesses in convincing VCs to fund them. In this regard, entrepreneurs can utilize the above best performing business planning tools.

To discover more startups tools, please refer to the article Top Startup Tools .

What is Business Planning?

Business planning typically applies to organizing ideas in a formal business plan that summarizes the business’s current state.

Why business planning is important?

– Steer the business – Define milestones – Help with funding

What are ten of the best business planning tools?

– Enloop – Live Plan – IdeasBuddy – Cuttles – Vizologi – TheBizPlanner – AchieveIt – PlanGuru – Jedox – Jirav

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Jessica Clark

I'm a professional software engineer freelancer. I'm passionate about coding and tech startups.

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What is a Business Plan? Definition, Tips, and Templates

AJ Beltis

Published: June 28, 2024

Years ago, I had an idea to launch a line of region-specific board games. I knew there was a market for games that celebrated local culture and heritage. I was so excited about the concept and couldn't wait to get started.

Business plan graphic with business owner, lightbulb, and pens to symbolize coming up with ideas and writing a business plan.

But my idea never took off. Why? Because I didn‘t have a plan. I lacked direction, missed opportunities, and ultimately, the venture never got off the ground.

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And that’s exactly why a business plan is important. It cements your vision, gives you clarity, and outlines your next step.

In this post, I‘ll explain what a business plan is, the reasons why you’d need one, identify different types of business plans, and what you should include in yours.

Table of Contents

What is a business plan?

What is a business plan used for.

  • Business Plan Template [Download Now]

Purposes of a Business Plan

What does a business plan need to include, types of business plans.

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Free Business Plan Template

The essential document for starting a business -- custom built for your needs.

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A business plan is a comprehensive document that outlines a company's goals, strategies, and financial projections. It provides a detailed description of the business, including its products or services, target market, competitive landscape, and marketing and sales strategies. The plan also includes a financial section that forecasts revenue, expenses, and cash flow, as well as a funding request if the business is seeking investment.

The business plan is an undeniably critical component to getting any company off the ground. It's key to securing financing, documenting your business model, outlining your financial projections, and turning that nugget of a business idea into a reality.

The purpose of a business plan is three-fold: It summarizes the organization’s strategy in order to execute it long term, secures financing from investors, and helps forecast future business demands.

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20 top strategic planning tools and frameworks [templates & examples]

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If you want homemade bread, you need access to the right appliances and ingredients. And if your strategic plan is a loaf of sourdough, your strategic planning tools are the measuring spoons, the framework is the recipe, and your model is the oven. Each component works together to create the desired result.

Whether it’s baking fresh bread or increasing revenue or customer satisfaction, all goals take strategic planning initiatives — and in some cases, all-purpose flour — to accomplish. Let's go over the 15 most popular frameworks and five of our favorite strategic planning tools to achieve organizational success.

What is strategic planning?

The goal of developing a strategic plan is to communicate where your organization wants to go and determine what each team member needs to do to help get it there. Strategic planning helps your organization develop and document action items for carrying out the company vision and achieving business goals. 

While there are several models that can help you determine opportunities, priorities, and overall objectives, most strategic planning processes follow five general steps:

  • Identify your organization’s vision
  • Assess your current internal and external environments
  • Outline goals
  • Determine stakeholder responsibilities
  • Measure and assess outcomes

Regardless of the process you choose, each of these steps will lead to the next, allowing you to build out a comprehensive strategic plan.

15 types of strategic planning frameworks

Strategic planning frameworks help teams with brainstorming in order to create specific goals from an overall vision. Frameworks are essentially roadmaps to take teams from ideas to actions. You don’t necessarily need to use a framework within a model — just like you don’t necessarily need to follow a recipe to bake a loaf of bread — but it helps you produce the best outcome. And don’t feel limited to using only one framework within a particular model.

Although it’s not a complete list, the 15 frameworks listed below are some of the most commonly used.

1. Balanced scorecard

Created by Dr. Robert Kaplan and Dr. David Norton, the balanced scorecard is designed for organizations that want to focus on their business as a whole, rather than solely on financial performance. It helps give leadership teams a look at how their operations are performing, particularly within quick timelines.

When using the balanced scorecard, you’ll reference four factors to set goals and assess performance:

  • Customers or clients: How your users perceive your business
  • Internal processes: Your organization’s efficiency when developing quality products or services
  • Organizational capacity: Your company culture and the ways in which your business can improve and grow
  • Financial capacity: Your organization’s potential profitability and the effectiveness of resource allocation

Once you determine where your organization stands with regard to the factors above, you can develop specific goals, measurable objectives, and the steps you’ll need to take to achieve these.

2. Objectives and key results (OKR)

Objectives and key results (OKR) is a straightforward strategic planning framework used to translate overarching business goals into specific measurable objectives. It helps you define:

  • Objectives: Identify three to five time-bound goals you want to achieve.
  • Key results: Determine three to five quantitative outcomes per objective.

The OKR framework helps your team build connections between their individual contributions and your company’s success. Your team should shoot for a 70% key result success rate . If they’re hitting 100% right out of the gate, your organization’s goals weren’t ambitious enough.

Related: OKRs vs. KPIs: What’s the difference?

3. SWOT analysis

A SWOT analysis is a framework for strategic planning that helps you identify your organization’s internal strengths and weaknesses and external opportunities and threats. You should use the SWOT framework at the beginning of your strategic planning process to align stakeholders and provide a common lens through which to view your company’s current position.

List your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats within the four quadrants of a 2x2 box. Once outlined, your team can seek connections between quadrants that will inform your strategy. The goal of the SWOT framework is to help you create a strategy that takes advantage of growth opportunities but also prepares for worst-case scenarios.

An image of the Mural SWOT Analysis template

4. PEST or PESTLE analysis

A PEST analysis is a strategic planning framework that helps teams analyze external political, economic, sociocultural, and technological factors that could impact your business goals. It could also be modified to include legal and environmental elements (PESTLE).

Like a SWOT analysis, considering each factor of PEST or PESTLE within your industry environment gives your team advanced warning about any significant or immediate threats to your organizational goals. It also enables teams to pinpoint business opportunities within each of the framework’s factors.

5. Gap analysis

The gap analysis framework should be used to compare where your organization currently stands with where you want it to be and help you understand how to bridge the gap between the two. 

With the gap analysis framework — also called the strategic planning gap, need assessment, or need-gap analysis — you’ll be able to determine weak points and root causes (or potential causes) of performance issues by comparing what you’re currently doing with what you intend to do. It helps you identify internal organizational deficiencies and create a plan that addresses them.

6. VRIO framework

The VRIO framework helps you identify your organization’s competitive advantages and is composed of four elements:

  • Value: Do your resources help increase revenue or decrease costs, resulting in business value?
  • Rarity: Is there a lot of competition in the market for your resources? Are other companies able to create your products and services using these resources?
  • Imitability: Could a competing organization copy your products and services easily?
  • Organization: Does your organization have the right systems in place to capitalize on your resources?

By analyzing these elements, you’ll be able to refine your organization’s vision and create a plan that helps you meet your customers’ needs.

7. Porter’s Five Forces

Developed in 1979 by Michael Porter, the Five Forces strategic planning framework helps you identify and understand the factors that put competitive pressure on your organization.

The five forces are:

  • Bargaining power of buyers: If the same products and services are offered elsewhere with minimal differences in quality, consumers will have the power to influence pricing.
  • Bargaining power of suppliers: If there are fewer product or service alternatives for consumers, suppliers like large retailers will have the power to drive down costs.  
  • Threat of new entrants: What are your industry’s barriers to entry? New companies in your marketplace will increase pressure on the cost of your products and services.
  • Threat of substitute products or services: Can consumers easily substitute a competitor’s product or service for yours? Your business offerings need to create value.
  • Rivalry among existing competitors: How'll your competitors’ growth impact your business? The more competition in the marketplace, the harder it'll be to create value with your business offerings.

These forces determine how economic value is divided among your competitors, so using this framework for strategic planning will help you identify your company’s position in the industry.

8. 7S model

The 7S model was developed by McKinsey consultants, and it emphasizes the value of strategically aligning internal departments with business processes. The key elements organizations should be looking to align include:

  • Strategy: Your organization’s business plan for outperforming your competitors supported by your company’s mission and vision.
  • Structure: How your internal departments and teams are organized; the chain of command.
  • Systems: The procedures, daily duties, and technical infrastructure your organization uses to perform.
  • Shared values: The beliefs and norms that guide your business decisions and actions; these reflect your company’s work ethic.
  • Style: The way management and other stakeholders approach leadership.
  • Staff: How employees are sought out and trained and what motivates them; your workers’ general capabilities.
  • Skills: Your team members’ capabilities; the level of employee competence. 

The 7S model encourages leadership teams to explore the interconnectedness of these elements within the company and look for inconsistencies or areas of weakness. Once you’ve noted the areas that need to be strengthened, you can work toward realigning these elements to accomplish strategic goals in your organization.

Related: Tactical vs. strategic planning: Why you need both

9. Ansoff Matrix

The Ansoff Matrix framework was developed to help companies plan their growth strategies. The base for this framework is a 2x2 matrix with “products” on the x-axis and “markets” on the y-axis.

Each box within the matrix corresponds to a particular growth strategy. These are:

  • Market penetration: Sell an existing product in an existing market.
  • Market development: Sell an existing product in a new market.
  • Product development: Sell a new product in an existing market.
  • Diversification: Sell a new product in a new market.

Each business strategy is increasingly risky, with diversification being the biggest swing. The Ansoff Matrix helps organizations with financial decision-making and developing an action plan for business growth.

10. Boston Consulting Group (BCG) matrix

This matrix was developed by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) in the early 1970s to help companies categorize products or business units based on their market growth rate and relative market share. The BCG matrix helps you prioritize resource allocation by identifying where to invest, divest, or maintain products or business units.

The four groups under the BCG matrix include:

  • Stars: Products with a high market share in a fast-growing market. These top performers need investment to maintain growth.
  • Cash cows: Products with a high market share in a slow-growth market. They churn out cash and require minimal investment.
  • Question marks: Products or business units with a low market share in a high-growth market. They have the potential to be stars if given high investment.
  • Dogs: Products with low market share in a stagnant market. They often drain resources and are candidates for divestment.

11. Feature market analysis

Feature market analysis is a strategic approach used to assess the potential of new product features or innovations in the market. 

Key steps in feature market analysis typically include:

  • Segmentation: Identifying specific market segments or customer groups with distinct needs and preferences to target with new features.
  • Market needs: Gathering data on customer preferences, pain points, and trends through surveys, interviews, focus groups, or other methods.
  • Competitor analysis: Studying competitors' products and features to understand what is currently available in the market and identify gaps or areas for differentiation.
  • Feature prioritization : Evaluating potential features based on criteria such as customer demand, feasibility, competitive advantage, and alignment with the overall product strategy.

An image of the Mural Feature Prioritization template

12. Lean canvas

The lean canvas is a one-page strategic management framework adapted from the Business Model Canvas by Ash Maurya. It helps startups and entrepreneurs efficiently develop and iterate on business strategy. 

Lean canvas provides a structured framework for identifying key elements of a business model, including:

  • Problem: Describes the top three problems your customers face.
  • Solution: Outlines your solution to the identified problems.
  • Key metrics: Lists the key performance indicators (KPIs) you'll use to measure success.
  • Unique value proposition: States the unique value your product or service offers to customers.
  • Unfair advantage: Highlights any strengths or advantages that give your business an edge over competitors.
  • Customer segments: Identifies the target customer segments for your product or service.
  • Channels: Specifies the channels through which you'll reach and acquire customers.
  • Revenue streams: Details how your business will generate revenue.
  • Cost structure: Outlines the fixed and variable costs associated with running your business.

13. Four corners analysis

The four corners analysis, developed by Michael Porter, helps you understand a competitor's intent, objectives, and strengths. It addresses four core questions:

  • Drivers : This corner examines the driving forces behind your competitors' actions, such as market trends, customer preferences, and industry dynamics.
  • Current strategy: This corner looks at your competitor's current strategy, including its objectives, goals, and the tactics it employs to achieve them.
  • Management assumptions: This corner explores your competitors' beliefs and assumptions on market conditions and competitive dynamics.
  • Capabilities and resources: This corner evaluates the competitor's strengths and weaknesses, such as technology, talent, brand reputation, and financial resources.

14. Pareto analysis

Pareto analysis helps you prioritize tasks, issues, or factors based on the principle that a small number of inputs (20%) typically lead to a large majority of outputs (80%).

During the strategic planning process, you often identify multiple issues or challenges you need to address to achieve your goals. With Pareto analysis, you focus on the ones that have the most significant impact on your organization's performance or objectives.

15. The 3 horizons model

This strategic framework is developed by McKinsey to help you balance focus between short-term optimization, medium-term innovation, and long-term transformation. 

The three horizons represent different timelines and levels of innovation:

  • Horizon 1: Represents products, services, and business models that drive current profitability and performance. The focus is on optimizing operations and improving efficiency.
  • Horizon 2: Includes emerging opportunities and initiatives that have the potential to become significant contributors to future growth and profitability.
  • Horizon 3: Represents disruptive innovations and future possibilities that have the potential to reshape industries and create entirely new markets.

5 great strategic planning tools

Strategic planning tools are software programs that help teams put frameworks into action. There are many tools out there, each offering a unique specialty or perspective.

There's no one platform that's perfect for every single company. But these five are all exceptional at helping companies build their strategic plans. Find the one that best fits your company to help with planning.

Not to brag, but… Mural’s visual work platform makes strategic collaboration easier. It gives teams the tools — like custom templates and asynchronous collaboration features (like anonymous voting) — to outline business goals, identify key performance metrics, and measure results.

Mural’s templates for strategy and alignment help teams start the planning process by providing structure for frameworks like OKR or SWOT analysis . And each template features facilitation assistance to walk your team through strategic planning activities .

Cross-functional collaboration is easy in Mural — in real time or asynchronously. The anonymous voting feature, for example, lets teams come to a consensus and reach internal alignment quickly. 

ClickUp is a project management tool that helps teams prioritize tasks and organize strategic plans.

ClickUp offers templates like matrices and visual timeliness so you’re able to plug in content quickly, process this information, and start coming up with plans faster.

There’s also a feature called ClickUp Goals that helps teams break objectives down into smaller tasks using Targets or ways to measure each item. These targets include number, true/false, currency, and task.

ClickUp is comprehensive, but the pre-built automations may be limiting to some users if too many are triggered at the same time or if your organization requires more customization.

Hive marries task management with strategic planning by helping teams manage complex timelines, large-scale projects, and workflows.

Hive has goal-setting and milestone-tracking features that help teams set task dependencies, follow progress, and share reports with relevant stakeholders. Its visualization tools allow you to toggle between overarching organizational goals and individual teammate objectives. 

You can use the Hive Pages feature as a dashboard for your workspace’s hub. You can set Pages as public or private, add and customize widgets within your Pages, and even export Pages to non-Hive users.

A chat function is available within the tool, but some users have reported losing messages within the platform. So, some may find other collaboration tools more reliable for communication.

Airtable is a next-generation platform that gives teams the power of relational databases in the form of user-friendly spreadsheets. It lets users organize, collaborate on, and store strategic plans within these databases.

Airtable offers an OKR tracking template that helps align teams and manage goals while maintaining accuracy. It also includes a Sync feature that updates workflows seamlessly across teams.

Airtable is a flexible tool but may have limitations, like lagging, when dealing with complex projects or datasets. Data processing functions and complicated calculations could lead to slower response times within the platform.

Trello is a Kanban-based project management tool. Its intuitive design features boards and cards, which can be used to structure strategic models and frameworks. 

Trello offers board templates for project and task management that provide organizational structures to help teams outline deliverables and assign tasks. It also features Timeline and Calendar views, so it’s easy to envision goals and schedule deadlines.

Power-Ups are Trello board features that allow you to use your favorite third-party apps directly within the platform. However, some users may find that combining Power-Ups from different vendors may cause friction in Trello’s functionality.

Bring your organization’s vision to life

There’s no one best framework or strategic planning tool — the right options for you'll depend on your organization’s vision, mission, and available resources. 

Regardless of methodology, most strategic planning begins with analyzing your current internal business environment and external factors, developing specific objectives, and creating action items to achieve these goals. 

Not sure where to start your strategic planning? Mural's template library includes preformatted, customizable frameworks (like this radar template !) to get your team on the path to success.

Bryan Kitch

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What Is a Business Plan?

Understanding business plans, how to write a business plan, common elements of a business plan, the bottom line, business plan: what it is, what's included, and how to write one.

Adam Hayes, Ph.D., CFA, is a financial writer with 15+ years Wall Street experience as a derivatives trader. Besides his extensive derivative trading expertise, Adam is an expert in economics and behavioral finance. Adam received his master's in economics from The New School for Social Research and his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in sociology. He is a CFA charterholder as well as holding FINRA Series 7, 55 & 63 licenses. He currently researches and teaches economic sociology and the social studies of finance at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

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A business plan is a document that outlines a company's goals and the strategies to achieve them. It's valuable for both startups and established companies. For startups, a well-crafted business plan is crucial for attracting potential lenders and investors. Established businesses use business plans to stay on track and aligned with their growth objectives. This article will explain the key components of an effective business plan and guidance on how to write one.

Key Takeaways

  • A business plan is a document detailing a company's business activities and strategies for achieving its goals.
  • Startup companies use business plans to launch their venture and to attract outside investors.
  • For established companies, a business plan helps keep the executive team focused on short- and long-term objectives.
  • There's no single required format for a business plan, but certain key elements are essential for most companies.

Investopedia / Ryan Oakley

Any new business should have a business plan in place before beginning operations. Banks and venture capital firms often want to see a business plan before considering making a loan or providing capital to new businesses.

Even if a company doesn't need additional funding, having a business plan helps it stay focused on its goals. Research from the University of Oregon shows that businesses with a plan are significantly more likely to secure funding than those without one. Moreover, companies with a business plan grow 30% faster than those that don't plan. According to a Harvard Business Review article, entrepreneurs who write formal plans are 16% more likely to achieve viability than those who don't.

A business plan should ideally be reviewed and updated periodically to reflect achieved goals or changes in direction. An established business moving in a new direction might even create an entirely new plan.

There are numerous benefits to creating (and sticking to) a well-conceived business plan. It allows for careful consideration of ideas before significant investment, highlights potential obstacles to success, and provides a tool for seeking objective feedback from trusted outsiders. A business plan may also help ensure that a company’s executive team remains aligned on strategic action items and priorities.

While business plans vary widely, even among competitors in the same industry, they often share basic elements detailed below.

A well-crafted business plan is essential for attracting investors and guiding a company's strategic growth. It should address market needs and investor requirements and provide clear financial projections.

While there are any number of templates that you can use to write a business plan, it's best to try to avoid producing a generic-looking one. Let your plan reflect the unique personality of your business.

Many business plans use some combination of the sections below, with varying levels of detail, depending on the company.

The length of a business plan can vary greatly from business to business. Regardless, gathering the basic information into a 15- to 25-page document is best. Any additional crucial elements, such as patent applications, can be referenced in the main document and included as appendices.

Common elements in many business plans include:

  • Executive summary : This section introduces the company and includes its mission statement along with relevant information about the company's leadership, employees, operations, and locations.
  • Products and services : Describe the products and services the company offers or plans to introduce. Include details on pricing, product lifespan, and unique consumer benefits. Mention production and manufacturing processes, relevant patents , proprietary technology , and research and development (R&D) information.
  • Market analysis : Explain the current state of the industry and the competition. Detail where the company fits in, the types of customers it plans to target, and how it plans to capture market share from competitors.
  • Marketing strategy : Outline the company's plans to attract and retain customers, including anticipated advertising and marketing campaigns. Describe the distribution channels that will be used to deliver products or services to consumers.
  • Financial plans and projections : Established businesses should include financial statements, balance sheets, and other relevant financial information. New businesses should provide financial targets and estimates for the first few years. This section may also include any funding requests.

Investors want to see a clear exit strategy, expected returns, and a timeline for cashing out. It's likely a good idea to provide five-year profitability forecasts and realistic financial estimates.

2 Types of Business Plans

Business plans can vary in format, often categorized into traditional and lean startup plans. According to the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) , the traditional business plan is the more common of the two.

  • Traditional business plans : These are detailed and lengthy, requiring more effort to create but offering comprehensive information that can be persuasive to potential investors.
  • Lean startup business plans : These are concise, sometimes just one page, and focus on key elements. While they save time, companies should be ready to provide additional details if requested by investors or lenders.

Why Do Business Plans Fail?

A business plan isn't a surefire recipe for success. The plan may have been unrealistic in its assumptions and projections. Markets and the economy might change in ways that couldn't have been foreseen. A competitor might introduce a revolutionary new product or service. All this calls for building flexibility into your plan, so you can pivot to a new course if needed.

How Often Should a Business Plan Be Updated?

How frequently a business plan needs to be revised will depend on its nature. Updating your business plan is crucial due to changes in external factors (market trends, competition, and regulations) and internal developments (like employee growth and new products). While a well-established business might want to review its plan once a year and make changes if necessary, a new or fast-growing business in a fiercely competitive market might want to revise it more often, such as quarterly.

What Does a Lean Startup Business Plan Include?

The lean startup business plan is ideal for quickly explaining a business, especially for new companies that don't have much information yet. Key sections may include a value proposition , major activities and advantages, resources (staff, intellectual property, and capital), partnerships, customer segments, and revenue sources.

A well-crafted business plan is crucial for any company, whether it's a startup looking for investment or an established business wanting to stay on course. It outlines goals and strategies, boosting a company's chances of securing funding and achieving growth.

As your business and the market change, update your business plan regularly. This keeps it relevant and aligned with your current goals and conditions. Think of your business plan as a living document that evolves with your company, not something carved in stone.

University of Oregon Department of Economics. " Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Business Planning Using Palo Alto's Business Plan Pro ." Eason Ding & Tim Hursey.

Bplans. " Do You Need a Business Plan? Scientific Research Says Yes ."

Harvard Business Review. " Research: Writing a Business Plan Makes Your Startup More Likely to Succeed ."

Harvard Business Review. " How to Write a Winning Business Plan ."

U.S. Small Business Administration. " Write Your Business Plan ."

SCORE. " When and Why Should You Review Your Business Plan? "

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Best business plan software of 2024

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The best business plan software makes it simple and easy to plan your business finances in order to present them to a bank or investors.

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The whole point of a business plan is that it allows you to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses, not least via your Unique Selling Point (USP) ,and make product or service comparisons with competitors.

Of course, even the best business plan relies on estimates and guesstimates, as it's impossible to predict market changes, developments, and future performance under such conditions. 

Ultimately, though, a business plan will demonstratively prove why your business is a solid enough investment to risk putting money into, and shows that you have properly and thoroughly researched your market, and details the real potential of a new business opportunities.

Here then are the best business plan software providers currently available.

You may also be interested in our featured business guides on best business laptops , best business computers and best business smartphones .

The best business plan software of 2024 in fill:

Why you can trust TechRadar We spend hours testing every product or service we review, so you can be sure you’re buying the best. Find out more about how we test.

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Reasons to buy

Reasons to avoid.

Bizplan is the online business planning tool that claims usage of 30,000 startup founders from the Startups.co platform. They use a guided creator that can break the big project down into the component pieces that get tracked with a Progress Tracker, and expert guidance each step of the way including templates that can be dropped in, and completed, along with simple integration of visuals along the way.

Additional resources are also provided via the Bizplan Academy, with lessons on relevant topics, for example, “Building a Brand: How to Tell a Powerful Brand Story,” and “Critical Path Your Way to Higher Revenues,” among the many offerings. Those that need even more assistance also can take advantage of an expert consultation from a financial expert.

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Website screenshot for PlanGuru

2. PlanGuru

PlanGuru is a comprehensive, and powerful software package in the business planning space. Education is provided via a series of case studies at their PlanGuru University and a whole slew of video tutorials.

The feature set includes flexible budgeting that can handle a simple small business, or a larger multi-department operating budget, and financial forecasting that uses multiple methods, including intelligent and turn-key methods - twenty methods in total. Historical results can also be imported with the general ledger import utility which can then applied to produce a rolling forecast. They also offer PlanGuru Launch, a service to bring in expertise and is charged per hour of assistance.

A significant downside is Planguru charges a higher cost than other software options. The cheapest option is around $75 per month for one business entity when billed annually. While there is no free trial, PlanGuru does offer a 30 day money back guarantee. 

Website screenshot for Enloop

Our expert review:

Enloop is a great choice for business planning software for the cash strapped business as it is the rare offering that has a free tier. Step up up to the next tier, and this is no barebones product, as it has over 100 currency symbols, can automatically generate bank-ready financial reports, and even has automated text writing that can sync with financial data to turn it into text. There is also a real time performance score assigned, that dynamically changes as the business plan is strengthened.  

The plans start with the Free tier, which is limited to a single business plan with simple text, no images, and does not offer any advanced features. The next plan up is the Detailed plan, that supports three business plans, and offers a significant 55% discount when paid annually, making it even better value. This plan costs around $20 per month. For a more comprehensive package you can buy the Performance plan costing around $40 per month.

Read our full Enloop business plan software review .

Website screenshot for LivePlan

4. LivePlan

LivePlan is business planning software that offers a simple pricing scheme as there is only a single plan to choose from. As they have a 15+ year track record, they offer a clean and simple interface, that can create business plans that look like they were done by an expert consultant, and the software includes a live dashboard that can track day-to-day performance. Those with writer’s block will benefit from the over 500 included sample plans that can be turned to for inspiration.  

Rather than complicate things with too many tiers to choose from, LivePlan only has a single plan which can be paid for monthly or annually.

Website screenshot for Business Sorter

5. Business Sorter

Business Sorter promises to simplify and speed up business planning and claims to be able to flesh out a plan in an hour or two, via a novel 273 card sort system that covers many common situations.

The ability to reword cards is included, or also to add cards to the already expansive deck, so no worries if there is not a pre-made card for your situation. Unlike some sites that have videos, the educational resources here are provided as PDFs and Word files, which can be quicker to access, but harder to follow for some learners. 

The lowest tier plan, Basic is fully featured, and includes up to three team leaders. 

Read our full Business Sorter review .

Other business plan software to consider

We've only covered some of the most popular business plan software platforms out there, but there are a number of other notables worth mentioning, plus a wide variety of providers of business plan templates. Below we'll briefly cover a range of some of the additional options out there that are worth considering to get your business plan right.

Go Business Plans is more of a consultancy than a software solution, but is worth mentioning for the simple fact that it's one of America's biggest business plan companies. While software might be able to do the job for you, if you're looking for significant funding, it's probably useful to get some professional advice, not least in terms of strategic planning, feasibility studies, and financial projections to ensure you have a solid base for your business plan.

Wise Business Plans provides a very wide range of templates to work from in constructing a business plan. These are particularly designed with funding in mind, no matter what kind of business you run. What is especially helpful is that Wise doesn’t simply deal with business plan templates for a diverse range of business types, the company also provides plan templates for franchises and non-profits.

Plan Writers  is another bespoke service that essentially listens to what you want and then puts the plan together for you. Again, this technically falls outside of business plan "software", but the chances are you'll use a software package as a platform to build from, and Plan Writers can then help you build up from that base.

Bplans is another provider of business plan templates, but goes beyond that with additional pitch and SWOT analysis templates. There are also business plan guides, industry reports, and a free course on writing a business plan. Bplans also publishes a lot of free-to-use articles on business planning, financials, and tax reporting, to help ensure you can keep your figures and projections accurate and compliant.

We've also listed the best free software for small business .

A business plan is essentially your roadmap to profitability from an initial investment. Whether it's your own money, or a loan from a bank, it's still a good idea to set up a business plan for yourself.

Main things to look to are a SWOT analysis to provide an idea of your business idea's strengths and weaknesses, as well as identify a unique selling point (USP) that will give your business an edge.

While business plans inevitably demand the use of figures, and while these can be impossible to be accurate with, at least by making intelligent guesses you can set yourself targets to work towards.

That's another common feature of a plan, so that specific periods you can review your business progress and make adjustments to your plan as required. This allows you to use real figures for your projections, allowing you to better plan ahead.

Which business plan software is best for you?

When deciding which business plan software to use, first consider what your actual needs are, as sometimes free platforms may only provide basic options, so if you need to use advanced tools you may find a paid platform is much more worthwhile. Additionally, free and budget software options can sometimes prove limited when it comes to the variety of tools available, while higher-end software can really cater for every need, so do ensure you have a good idea of which features you think you may require.

How we tested the best business plan software

To test for the best business plan software we first set up an account with the relevant software platform, whether as a download or as an online service. We then tested the service to see how the software could be used for different purposes and in different situations. The aim was to push each business plan software platform to see how useful its basic tools were and also how easy it was to get to grips with any more advanced tools.

Read how we test, rate, and review products on TechRadar .

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Some of our fans:

“ LivePlan earns the top spot on our list of best business plan software —and for good reason. LivePlan’s slick and interactive service provides a step-by-step business plan approach, a rich collection of cloud-based features, and online learning tools.”

Brooke Hayes Headshot

Brooke Hayes

Software Reviewer at Business.org

Here’s how LivePlan makes it surprisingly simple to write a convincing business plan

Woman watering flowers with LivePlan editors

You get a step-by-step process to follow

LivePlan asks you questions about your business, you plug in the answers. It’s as easy as that. You’ll get straight-forward instructions with examples on:

  • Writing a pitch that grabs investors’ attention
  • What to include in your marketing plan
  • Every other essential piece of your business plan

“ LivePlan is incredibly simple and easy to use. The financial sales forecasting tool is very intuitive and makes writing a business plan more fun.”

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Helga Douglas

Owner, Svala

All the financials are calculated for you

LivePlan tells you exactly what financial information you need to enter and then does all the calculations automatically using built-in formulas. So you end up with razor-accurate financial statements that include all the tables that a lender or investor expects to see.

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“I have such a better clarity of thought because I can see the impact of marketing by using LivePlan versus just using a spreadsheet.”

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Most LivePlan users are able to breeze through their first business plan. But if you ever have a question, there are 3 ways to get advice:

  • Call a LivePlan expert at 1-888-498-6136.
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“It’s our road map, continually helping us stay on track. We wrote a business plan we can take to any investor , and it’s game on.”

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Lavender Kisses Farm

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LivePlan has helped over 1 million business owners build better businesses

It’s proven, companies that plan and track against their plan grow 30% faster than those that don’t. No matter your industry, location, or size — LivePlan helps you get your business off the ground and grow

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“Trying to open a new business is very time-consuming, and since I was running another business while I was trying to set up Tailored, I didn’t have a lot of time.”

Owner & Founder, Tailored Coffee

Tailored Coffee Owner & Founder, Brian Sung

“It wasn’t my intention to be an entrepreneur or a business person. My intention was to work with dogs. I kind of had to learn the rest of it in order to do what I wanted to do.”

Joanna Stanford

Founder, Trots Dogs

Trots Dogs Founder, Joanna Stanford

“That’s what it does for your business; [using LivePlan] has got us all talking and much more engaged about what we are and what we’re trying to do.”

Owner & Founder, Web Ninja

Web Ninja Owner & Founder, Bruce Carr

“Before LivePlan, I was making decisions that were poorly informed. Now I test everything through my business first, before I take it to my clients.”

Enae Jackson-Atkins

Owner & Founder, Esquire Accounting

Esquire Accounting Owner & Founder, Enae jackson-Atkins

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“I learned more about running my small business from a week of focused work in [LivePlan] than I have from any other single source. It has fundamentally changed the way I view my business ventures”

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“LivePlan was a great help to design, work out, plan and strategically organize and think about all the ideas that go into developing a new project and business plan [...] Think about it like a coach guiding you through the process.”

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Rob Mackley

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“Before LivePlan, my team and I had no idea where or how to start [...] It helped us focus on and build every single area of our business strategy and recognize that some aspects of the company needed to be adjusted before we could launch.”

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“I didn’t have a business plan and using LivePlan helped give me an easy tool to build a strong business plan for myself and clients. My clients have gone on to enhance their plans and grow their businesses.”

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Join over 1 million entrepreneurs who found success with LivePlan

35-day money back guarantee. Start planning for $20 per month.

This Map Lets You See When Magnificent Fall Foliage Will Peak in Your Area

Use the interactive tool’s week-by-week, county-by-county predictions to start planning your leaf-peeping trips across the United States

Sarah Kuta

Daily Correspondent

Mornings are crisp and cool,  football is starting up again and  pumpkin spice -flavored everything is back on store shelves—sure signs that autumn is on its way.

Soon, the leaves on deciduous trees will begin to lose their green luster and transform into a kaleidoscope of golden yellows, vivid oranges, bright reds and deep burgundies.

To help leaf-peepers make the most of this colorful season, the tourism site for the Smoky Mountain region has released its annual  interactive fall foliage map that shows the progression of the changing leaves across the country.

The map offers a week-by-week, county-by-county look at the fall foliage season starting on September 2 and ending on November 18. It’s color-coded to show when and where the leaves are starting to turn—from light green (no change) to orange (partial) to red (peak).

Since it launched in 2013, the map has used historical temperature data, forecast temperatures and other inputs to predict peak fall foliage, according to the  Washington Post ’s Natalie B. Compton. In recent years, it’s also taken into account user-submitted photos and reports, per  Travel + Leisure ’s Stacey Leasca.

The map’s creators acknowledge that their predictions may not be perfect. Still, the tool is a good starting point for planning a  hike ,  train ride or  road trip to soak up the fall color. The Farmers’ Almanac also has a  fall foliage map , and several states—including  Minnesota and  Wisconsin —release their own predictions.

This year’s fall foliage season is shaping up to be a promising one in many parts of the United States.

In Colorado, for instance, above-average precipitation and healthy aspen trees should produce a dazzling display of gold in the Rocky Mountains.

“I mapped almost no disturbance in aspen stands,” forestry expert Dan West , who is also an entomologist with the Colorado State Forest Service and Colorado State University, tells the  Denver Post ’s John Meyer. “When I say disturbance, I’m talking about insects and disease. Some years we have environmental conditions that are perfect for fungal issues on leaves. We didn’t have that develop this year.”

The New England region is also “primed for a big show,” writes Jim Salge, a foliage expert and former meteorologist, in  Yankee magazine ’s annual fall foliage forecast. The region’s trees had a “good growing season” with minimal impacts from drought or overwatering, according to Salge.

Salge predicts the best New England fall foliage will be in the Berkshires, the central Green Mountains, the White Mountains and western Maine. Later in the fall, eastern Massachusetts may also put on a “good show.”

“Colors should be bright, and trending toward a redder year if abundant sunshine allows,” he writes. “Colors should hang on longer than normal before fading and falling slowly.”

The Great Lakes and the Mississippi River Valley should also have “nice reds and oranges” this year, as Paul Pastelok, a long-range meteorologist, tells AccuWeather ’s Brian Lada.

“Plan your trip ahead of time,” Paselok, who is also with Accuweather, adds. “Get to those places, because they fill up fast.”

The leaves on deciduous trees turn colors as the tree begins to prepare for winter. As temperatures get chillier and daylight hours become shorter each autumn, the  chlorophyll in trees’ leaves begins to degrade. Chlorophyll gives leaves their green color, so its disappearance allows other previously hidden pigments, like  carotenoids and  anthocyanins , to take center stage.

Eventually, the leaves will drop to the ground and the trees will go dormant, which is how they protect themselves against winter’s harsh weather. In the meantime, however, humans get to reap the benefits of this transitional period.

“We’ve kind of built a culture of celebrating the beauty around us each fall,” Salge tells  Boston.com ’s Sanjana Mishra. “When people talk about leaf peeping, it’s more than just driving around and looking at trees—it’s building family traditions. It’s building a culture of enjoying the beautiful weather and beautiful colors we have.”

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Sarah Kuta

Sarah Kuta | READ MORE

Sarah Kuta is a writer and editor based in Longmont, Colorado. She covers history, science, travel, food and beverage, sustainability, economics and other topics.


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How CEOs Are Using Gen AI for Strategic Planning

  • Graham Kenny,
  • Marek Kowalkiewicz,
  • Kim Oosthuizen

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Real-world examples of what these new tools can — and can’t — do.

For business leaders, especially at relatively small companies, the idea of applying gen AI to strategic planning is mouthwatering.  This article explores the potential and limits of AI in helping such companies chart their strategies.  Through the lens of two disguised case studies the authors show how gen AI can help companies identify some challenges and opportunities that managers missed, overcoming the human biases, but by the same token missed some possibilities rooted in the company’s specific capabilities. And although gen AI was less able to imagine possible future scenarios because its forecasts were entirely rooted in historical data, clever promoting enabled it to surface issues and questions that human managers ignored.  The authors conclude that knowing gen AI’s weaknesses allows managers to take advantage of its strengths. The key is to view gen AI as a tool that augments, rather than replaces, your strategic thinking and decision-making.

The business community is all atwitter at the prospect that gen AI — through the likes of ChatGPT, you.com, and Claude.ai — will revolutionize business decision-making. Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, even declared “you are about to enter the greatest golden age of human possibility.”

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  • Graham Kenny is the CEO of Strategic Factors and author of Strategy Discovery . He is a recognized expert in strategy and performance measurement who helps managers, executives, and boards create successful organizations in the private, public, and not-for-profit sectors. He has been a professor of management in universities in the U.S. and Canada.
  • MK Marek Kowalkiewicz is a Professor and Chair in Digital Economy at QUT Business School in Brisbane, Australia.  He was a Founding Research Manager of SAP’s Machine Learning lab in Singapore, a Global Research Program Lead at SAP Research, and a Research Fellow at Microsoft Research Asia. His new book is “ The Economy of Algorithms: AI and the Rise of the Digital Minions “. He writes a weekly newsletter, “ The Economy of Algorithms “.
  • KO Kim Oosthuizen is the Head of Artificial Intelligence Australia and New Zealand at SAP, based in Sydney, Australia.  She founded the SAP AI Council in Australia to focus on the responsible adoption, operation, and scaling of AI and lectures part-time at various business schools. You can connect with or follow her on LinkedIn.

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11 monetization tools to try in your creator business.

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Investing in the right software can help you focus on what really matters—growing your brand and ... [+] your income.

As content creators transition into business owners, many are faced with the fact that multiple streams of income are required to build sustainability and consistency in their business’ income. From offering paid memberships to launching courses, creators are increasingly taking their influence beyond content and into full-fledged businesses. However, running a successful creator business isn’t just about producing content—it requires tools that streamline operations, enhance productivity, and ultimately maximize earnings.

Whether you're just starting or scaling an established brand, the right software can help automate tedious tasks, optimize your business processes, and give you more time to focus on what you do best—creating.

1. Email Marketing Provider

For creators, an email list is a direct line of communication with your most engaged audience. While social media algorithms change and platforms fluctuate, your email list remains a constant, allowing you to control the conversation. It’s an invaluable tool for promoting products, sharing exclusive content, and maintaining a close connection with your community. Many creators even see the highest conversion from their email list.

ConvertKit is explicitly designed for creators who want to build and nurture an email list with ease. The platform’s automation features allow you to segment your audience, personalize messages, and set up targeted email sequences. Whether you're launching a new course or promoting affiliate links, ConvertKit’s tools make email marketing more efficient, helping you monetize your audience directly.

2. Social Media Scheduling Tool

Staying active and engaged on social media is mandatory for growing a creator business, but consistently posting can be time-consuming. Many creators find that posting content consistently is one of their biggest challenges. A social media scheduling tool allows you to automate posts, plan content in advance, and maintain an active presence without being glued to your devices 24/7. This lets creators focus on other revenue-generating activities like product launches or brand partnerships.

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Later.com is a great option for creators looking to plan and schedule content across multiple social media platforms. With its visual calendar and drag-and-drop feature, Later makes it easy to map out your content strategy visually. It also provides analytics tools to help optimize your posting times and track engagement, ensuring your social media efforts drive results. Later also offers options to secure brand partnerships directly through the platform.

3. Link in Bio Platform

With most creators relying on social media to drive traffic to their various projects, having a “link in bio” tool that helps consolidate these links, making it easier for your followers to access everything you offer, is crucial. Instead of opting for the in-app options where you can sometimes only list one single link, many creators create minisites that help direct their audience to the right places.

The Leap goes beyond the typical link-in-bio platform by offering a custom store that you’re able to build by adding a photo, linking your socials, and choosing a theme. Creators can choose from 200+ combinations to perfect their theme and coordinate it with their social media profile’s look and feel. Whether it’s linking to a newsletter signup, a digital product (that you can create and host directly in-platform), or a blog post, The Leap enables you to monetize your audience more effectively.

4. Calendar Booking System

If you offer services like coaching or find yourself consistently hopping on calls with brands to plan sponsored work, a calendar booking system is essential for streamlining your workflow. A reliable system not only makes it easier for clients to book with you, but it also syncs with your personal calendar to prevent double-bookings. For creators, this can be a significant time-saver, allowing you to focus on creating while keeping your schedule organized.

Calendly is a top choice for creators who offer one-on-one services or consultations. It integrates with tools like Google Calendar and Zoom, making it easy to schedule virtual meetings and automatically send reminders to clients. This streamlines your client onboarding process and enhances your professional image so that you can focus on delivering value without worrying about logistics.

5. Membership Creation Platform

Monetizing through paywalled memberships offers creators a consistent income stream while providing exclusive content to their most loyal followers. Whether it’s offering behind-the-scenes content, monthly live Q&As, or early access to new products or sales, a membership platform allows you to deepen engagement and foster community while generating recurring revenue.

Circle is designed for creators looking to build tight-knit communities around their content. It allows you to offer exclusive memberships, host discussions, and share premium content in an organized, community-focused platform. Circle’s all-in-one design makes creating an engaged membership experience simple, aesthetically pleasing, and easy to navigate for members.

6. Organizational Platform

As a creator running a business, managing multiple projects, content calendars, brand collaborations, and ideas can get overwhelming. An organizational platform helps you streamline tasks, keep everything in one place, and collaborate efficiently with any team members or virtual assistants you may have. To avoid burning out, many creators find an organizational platform mandatory.

Notion offers a flexible, all-in-one workspace for creators to plan, track, and execute their business activities. Whether you’re organizing content ideas, managing partnerships, or setting personal goals, Notion’s customizable templates and formats allow you to stay on top of everything. It’s a must-have tool for creators juggling multiple revenue streams and looking to streamline their business processes.

7. Editing Software

High-quality content is one thing that helps creators to stand out in a very saturated space. Whether it’s short- or long-form content, your editing tools need to enhance your content, not complicate it. A user-friendly editing platform allows creators to produce professional-looking videos without a steep learning curve, ensuring you consistently deliver scroll-stopping content to your audience.

CapCut is a go-to video editing tool for creators producing consistent content. It’s particularly popular for its intuitive interface, allowing you to easily add effects, transitions, and closed captioning. CapCut is great for creators who need to quickly turn around high-quality videos for social media, helping them stay competitive.

8. Course Creation Platform

Creating and selling online courses is a lucrative way for creators to monetize their expertise. A course creation platform helps you design, launch, and manage courses without needing technical expertise. For creators looking to share knowledge and earn revenue, an easy-to-use platform can significantly boost your business growth.

Thinkific is an all-in-one solution for creators who want to offer professional, engaging courses. With customizable templates, built-in marketing tools, and easy payment options, Thinkific simplifies the process of turning your expertise into an income stream. Whether you’re teaching content creation, photography, or business strategies, Thinkific makes course creation seamless for both you and your audience.

9. Content Repurposing Software

To make the most of your content, repurposing it across multiple platforms is key. Repurposing tools help creators take one piece of content, such as a video or blog post, and convert it into various formats for different platforms without having to manually perform this task. This approach not only saves time but also extends the lifespan of your content, ensuring you get the most out of what you’re creating.

Repurpose.io is designed to help creators automate the process of repurposing content across platforms like YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and more. For example, you can create an automation that takes a TikTok video you posted and automatically turns it into a YouTube Short, saving you time and energy.

10. Content Production Software

In today’s competitive creator economy, producing engaging, high-quality content is essential for standing out. Content creation software allows creators to design, edit, and produce eye-catching videos and visuals that capture attention and elevate their brand. Whether you’re creating social media videos, product promotions, or digital marketing assets, having the right tools can significantly enhance the quality and professionalism of your content.

OpusClip is a cutting-edge platform designed to help creators streamline their video production process. With advanced AI-driven tools, Opus Clip allows you to quickly create polished, high-quality videos optimized for social media platforms. It allows you to take one long-form video and create multiple short-form videos and then offers the option to publish to any social platform as well. With easy-to-use editing features, templates, and AI-generated captions, Opus Clip helps you produce engaging videos that captivate your audience while saving time on production.

11. Website Creation

While it’s not mandatory, a professional website can act as the central hub for your creator business. Whether it’s showcasing your portfolio, selling products, or hosting a blog, having a website gives you full control over how you present your brand to the internet. A website can help you build credibility, establish a brand, and offer products or services directly to your audience.

Squarespace is one of the most popular website-building platforms for creators. With beautiful templates and user-friendly tools, it’s easy to build a website that looks professional and functions seamlessly. Squarespace also offers built-in e-commerce features, allowing you to sell products, services, or digital goods directly through your website, making it a comprehensive platform for scaling your creator business.

Bottom Line

Running a successful creator business involves more than just content creation—it requires a toolkit of specialized platforms and software to streamline your workflow, engage your audience, and scale your income. You can turn your passion into a profitable, sustainable business by leveraging the right tools, from email marketing providers to course creation platforms. Investing in the right software can free up more time for creativity and help you focus on what really matters—growing your brand and your income.

Kristen Bousquet

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FRIDHULT Sleeper sofa, Knisa light gray

10 10 year limited warranty

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FRIDHULT sofa bed is designed to use as little space as possible, while maximizing the sleeping surface. Perfect if you live in a small space and want to be able to easily transform your sofa into a bed.

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10-year guarantee. Read about the terms in the guarantee brochure.

Small, neat dimensions and minimalist armrests make FRIDHULT sofa bed easy to fit, even in limited spaces, while maximizing the sleeping surface.

Legs with a wood expression give the sofa bed a warm look, and the finished back makes it equally beautiful from all sides, so you can place it in the middle of the room if you like.

This sofa converts easily into a bed. And just as quickly back into a sofa.

IKEA of Sweden

Stationary cover.

Do not wash.

Do not bleach.

Do not tumble dry.

Do not iron.

Do not dry clean.

Vacuum clean.

Wipe clean with a damp cloth.

  • Safety & compliance This cover’s ability to resist abrasion has been tested to handle 40,000 cycles. 15,000 cycles or more is suitable for furniture used every day at home. Over 30,000 cycles means a good ability to resist abrasion. The cover has a lightfastness level of 5-6 (the ability to resist color fading) on a scale of 1 to 8. According to industry standards, a lightfastness level of 4 or higher is suitable for home use. This seating furniture is tested and complies with relevant strength and durability standards. The tests simulate typical usage of the product and are based on use by persons weighing up to 242 lbs.
  • Assembly & documents Assembly instructions FRIDHULT Sleeper sofa 203.557.64

Bed length:  79 1/2 "

Bed width:  46 7/8 "

Depth:  29 7/8 "

Height:  24 "

Height including back cushions:  28 3/4 "

Length, open:  82 1/4 "

Seat depth:  20 1/2 "

Seat height:  14 5/8 "

Width:  49 5/8 "

Width:  28 "

Height:  18 "

Length:  48 ¼ "

Weight:  77 lb 6 oz

Package(s):  1


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  1. 📚 Entrepreneur's Business Plan guide🏅

  2. The #1 mistake when using AI in your business

  3. The Best Business Tool You Own

  4. The Best AI Tool for Simplifying Business Planning through AI-Powered Insight #upmetrics #digitalzaa

  5. 10 Affordable Business Plan Software You Can Use to Easily Write Your Own Business Plan🔶TOOLS S3•E1

  6. Make Business Plans Like an Expert


  1. 10 Best Business Plan Software In 2024

    The Best Business Plan Software of 2024. Wrike: Best overall. Smartsheet: Best for goal management. LivePlan: Best for financial forecasting. Aha!: Best for roadmapping. Bizplan: Best for ...

  2. 5 Best Business Plan Software and Tools 2023

    5 Best Business Plan Software and Tools in 2023 for Your Small Business. Entrepreneurs who write formal business plans are 16% more likely to achieve success than entrepreneurs who don't. 1 This software can help. Data as of 3/13/23. Offers and availability may vary by location and are subject to change.

  3. 5 Best Business Plan Software in 2022

    Six-month plan: $18 per month, billed every six months. Pay-as-you-go plan: $20 per month, billed once every month. 2. GoSmallBiz. Best for multiple business management tools in one platform. Next ...

  4. Write your business plan

    A good business plan guides you through each stage of starting and managing your business. You'll use your business plan as a roadmap for how to structure, run, and grow your new business. ... Your business plan is the tool you'll use to convince people that working with you — or investing in your company — is a smart choice.

  5. Business Plan Software With Performance Tracking

    It's proven, companies that plan and track against their plan grow 30% faster than those that don't. No matter your industry, location, or size — LivePlan helps you get your business off the ground and grow. "It wasn't my intention to be an entrepreneur or a business person. My intention was to work with dogs.

  6. The Best Business Plan Software

    The 10 online business plan software solutions examined in this roundup —Atlas Business Solutions Ultimate Business Planner 5.0, Enloop, EquityNet, NetEkspert iPlanner.NET, OnePlace, Palo Alto ...

  7. Create a Business Plan in Minutes

    Plannit.ai is an AI-driven business planning platform that helps entrepreneurs, business owners, students and business consultants create professional business plans in minutes. ... Plannit AI's tailored prompts and structured planning tools ensure that the insights and content generated are directly applicable to your business plan, making the ...

  8. 6 Best Business Plan Software Platforms (2024)

    G2: 3.7/5. Integrations: Xero, QuickBooks. Bizplan is a business plan software that caters to small businesses and startups seeking external investment. The platform makes connecting with potential investors easy, and allows users to easily publish a business plan on Fundable, a popular crowdfunding platform.

  9. 7 Best Business Plan Software for Startups in 2024

    Get Started. 1. Upmetrics - $7/month to $37/month. First up on our list is Upmetrics, an affordable and versatile business planning tool. The software is designed for small business owners, young entrepreneurs, and startups who need comprehensive business planning capabilities without the high cost.

  10. 10 Best Business Plan Software and Tools in 2024

    This list is tailored for business owners and individuals looking to streamline and optimize their business planning process. 1. Upmetrics. Best for: Entrepreneurs, small business owners, business advisors, educators, and business students. About Upmetrics.

  11. 10 Best Business Plan Software and Tools for 2024

    7. iPlanner. iPlanner is a multifunctional platform for business planning and project management. The tool provides a variety of business plan templates and financial forecasting tools, making it suitable for a broad spectrum of startups, from restaurants to large enterprises and venture capital initiatives.

  12. Bizplan.com

    Share your plan directly with investors or use Fundable — our online fundraising tool that's help helped Founders like you raise over $500 million in startup capital. Learn More Plumlife built their business plan with Bizplan and raised $6 million.

  13. Bplans: Business Planning Resources and Free Business Plan Samples

    Business Glossary. Definitions for common terminology and acronyms that every small business owner should know. Bplans offers free business plan samples and templates, business planning resources, how-to articles, financial calculators, industry reports and entrepreneurship webinars.

  14. 8 Best Business Plan Software for 2024

    5. Enloop. Enloop emerges as one of the best business plan tools for startups, catering to entrepreneurs who crave a streamlined planning process. With the ability to automatically generate basic text for each section of your plan, Enloop saves time and effort in crafting your business vision.

  15. How to Write a Business Plan for a Small Business

    Writing a business plan doesn't have to be complicated. In this step-by-step guide, you'll learn how to write a business plan that's detailed enough to impress bankers and potential investors, while giving you the tools to start, run, and grow a successful business. The basics of writing a business plan

  16. 14 Exceptionally Useful Tools for Writing a Business Plan

    SBA's Build Your Business Plan Tool - The SBA's Business Plan Tool is a step-by-step guide that allows you to save your progress and come back to it for up to six months. Enloop - With this tool, you add in your information, and Enloop automatically writes your plan based on your details. LivePlan - LivePlan is an online service that simplifies ...

  17. How To Write A Business Plan (2024 Guide)

    Describe Your Services or Products. The business plan should have a section that explains the services or products that you're offering. This is the part where you can also describe how they fit ...

  18. The Best 10 Business Planning Tools for Startups

    Its Free plan enables the businesses to get a 7-day free trial. But the monthly cost of its Detailed plan is $19.95. 2. LivePlan. LivePlan could be a reliable option for startups to nail down a solid business plan. Moreover, it also claims to build business plans 30% faster than the rivals.

  19. What is a Business Plan? Definition, Tips, and Templates

    2. Feasibility Business Plan. This type of business plan focuses on a single essential aspect of the business — the product or service. It may be part of a startup business plan or a standalone plan for an existing organization. This comprehensive plan may include: A detailed product description. Market analysis. Technology needs. Production ...

  20. 20 top strategic planning tools and frameworks [templates ...

    Related: Tactical vs. strategic planning: Why you need both. 9. Ansoff Matrix. The Ansoff Matrix framework was developed to help companies plan their growth strategies. The base for this framework is a 2x2 matrix with "products" on the x-axis and "markets" on the y-axis.

  21. Business Plan: What It Is, What's Included, and How to Write One

    A business plan is a document detailing a company's business activities and strategies for achieving its goals. ... and provides a tool for seeking objective feedback from trusted outsiders. A ...

  22. Best business plan software of 2024

    The best business plan software makes it simple and easy to plan your business finances in order to present them to a bank or investors. Best business plan software of 2024: quick menu. (Image ...

  23. Business Plan Software

    If you ever get stuck, we'll help you out. Most LivePlan users are able to breeze through their first business plan. But if you ever have a question, there are 3 ways to get advice: Call a LivePlan expert at 1-888-498-6136. Chat with our advocacy team. Try it now. Browse 500+ sample plans & tutorial videos.

  24. This Map Lets You See When Magnificent Fall Foliage Will Peak in Your

    Use the interactive tool's week-by-week, county-by-county predictions to start planning your leaf-peeping trips across the United States Sarah Kuta Daily Correspondent Mornings are crisp and ...

  25. How CEOs Are Using Gen AI for Strategic Planning

    For business leaders, especially at relatively small companies, the idea of applying gen AI to strategic planning is mouthwatering. ... The key is to view gen AI as a tool that augments, rather ...

  26. 11 Monetization Tools To Try In Your Creator Business

    2. Social Media Scheduling Tool. Staying active and engaged on social media is mandatory for growing a creator business, but consistently posting can be time-consuming.

  27. Beyond Disaster Recovery: Strategic Business Continuity with ServiceNow

    As your business environment and risks change, your BCM strategy should evolve to meet new challenges. 2. Conduct Testing and Simulations: Perform regular tests and simulations to identify weaknesses in your BCM plan. ServiceNow provides tools to automate these exercises, making it easier to keep your plans accurate and reliable. 3.

  28. FRIDHULT Sleeper sofa

    IKEA - FRIDHULT, Sleeper sofa, Knisa light gray, 10-year guarantee. Read about the terms in the guarantee brochure. Small, neat dimensions and minimalist armrests make FRIDHULT sofa bed easy to fit, even in limited spaces, while maximizing the sleeping surface. Stationary cover.

  29. Irish start-up Tines unveils new AI tool for security teams

    Tines has also made Workbench available to users of the company's free community edition plan. Sign up for Business push alerts and have the best news, analysis and comment delivered directly to ...

  30. Starbucks' new CEO wants to make Starbucks a coffee shop again

    Its new CEO has a plan to fix it all. ... Starbucks is transitioning from a primarily brick-and-mortar company to an online-driven business. Mobile app and drive-thru orders make up more than 70% ...