1. The dihedral group D3 illustrated.

    presentation of the dihedral group

  2. A presentation of the infinite dihedral group.

    presentation of the dihedral group

  3. Dihedral Group -- from Wolfram MathWorld

    presentation of the dihedral group

  4. PPT

    presentation of the dihedral group

  5. Group Theory

    presentation of the dihedral group

  6. Abstract Algebra

    presentation of the dihedral group


  1. Abstract Algebra

  2. Dihedral Group (Abstract Algebra)

  3. The Dihedral Group

  4. Visual Group Theory, Lecture 2.2: Dihedral groups

  5. Abstract Algebra

  6. Dihedral Groups Part 1


  1. Dihedral group

    In mathematics, a dihedral group is the group of symmetries of a regular polygon, which includes rotations and reflections. Dihedral groups are among the simplest examples of finite groups, and they play an important role in group theory and geometry. The notation for the dihedral group differs in geometry and abstract algebra. In geometry, Dn or Dihn refers t…

  2. Representation Theory of the Dihedral Group $D_{2n}$

    Suppose we have the group D2n (for clarity this is the dihedral group of order 2n, as notation can differ between texts). We can describe this group as follows: σ, τ | σn = 1, τ2 = 1, τστ = σ − …

  3. 3.3: Dihedral Groups (Group of Symmetries)

    Definition: Dihedral Groups. A dihedral group is a group of symmetries of a regular polygon with n sides, where n is a positive integer. The dihedral group of order 2n, denoted by D_n, is …

  4. abstract algebra

    Trying to prove any relation between elements of a group can be derived from the relations in the presentation of the group

  5. Dihedral Group -- from Wolfram MathWorld

    Dihedral groups D_n are non-Abelian permutation groups for n>2. The nth dihedral group is represented in the Wolfram Language as DihedralGroup[n]. One group presentation …

  6. Presentation of Groups

    A presentation hXjRide nes a group, which is roughly the largest group which is generated by Xsuch that all equations in Rholds in G. In the above example we can show any group G= …