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contemporary essays for civil services examinations pdf

(Books) Contemporary Essays for Civil Services Examinations 1st Edition By Ramesh Singh

Contemporary essays for civil services examinations 1st edition by ramesh singh, book details:.

Publisher McGraw-Hill Education Publication Year 2013 August ISBN -13 9780070655591 ISBN -10 0070655596 Language English Edition 1st Edition Binding Paperback Number of Pages 248 Pages

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contemporary essays for civil services examinations pdf

20 UPSC Essay Topics for Civil Service Exams, Current Essay Topics

List of Topics of Essays for UPSC Exams

UPSC Civil Service Exams – 20 Important Essay Topics

UPSC through its essay paper, consisting of eight topics divided  in two parts with maximum marks  being 250, and time duration of 3 hours , checks the coherence in the writing of the candidate, the construct of ideas in his/her mind and the way one can systematically put them on paper. The topics range from contemporary social issues to ethical-philosophical enquiries. A list of some of the very important topics for essays for this year has been prepared for you guys:

Also See : UPSC Exams

20 Important Essay Topics for UPSC Civil Services Exam

1- judiciary  and its working.

New points to be added: The master of the roaster controversy , issue of selection of judges through collegium system, the difference  of opinions between the Chief Justice and the senior supreme court judges. Previously asked questions: Judicial activism and Indian democracy. -2004 We may brave human laws but cannot resist natural laws. -2017

Also See Article: Art of Making Notes for Civil Service Exam – Part 1

2- Water disputes between States.

New points to be added: Cauvery Water Dispute and the Satluj Yamuna Link Canal case, Model/ Mandovi/Mahadayi river in Goa, Karnataka and Maharashtra. The Inter-State River Water Disputes (Amendment) Bill, 2017 was introduced in Lok Sabha with the provision the tribunal’s decision on a dispute within a period of three years. This period is extendable by a maximum of two years. Previously  asked questions: Cooperative federalism : Myth or reality. -2016 Water resources should be under the control of the central government. -2004

3- Modi’s agricultural schemes in the era of rampant farmer suicide

New points to be added: Increased MSP by 1.5 times, Loan waivers, fiscal affects of such schemes, if the farmers are really benefited  or not, Atal Bhujal Yojana scheme, groundwater will be conserved efficiently and it will provide adequate amount of water for the use of agricultural purpose. Previously asked questions: How far has democracy in India delivered the goods? -2003 Food security for sustainable national development -2005

4- Apolitical Education

New points to be added: Proximity of politics has degraded the education system, the alleged saffronisation of curriculum, autonomy of our educational institutions or have they become tools to disburse political patronage. Previously asked questions: Literacy is growing very fast, but there is no corresponding growth in education. -1996 Is an egalitarian society possible by educating the masses? -2008

5- The importance of higher education

New points to be added: Centres of higher education and their issues: universities, academies, colleges, seminaries, conservatories, institutes of technology. Significance of higher education available through certain college-level institutions, including vocational schools, trade schools, and other career colleges that award academic degrees or professional certifications. Previously asked questions: Privatization of higher education in India. -2002 Credit–based higher education system – status, opportunities and challenges -2011

6- Skilling the youth of India

New points to be added: Schemes: Kaushal Vikas Yojana, Skill India, StandUp India; acquire the market-relevant skills, Public-private partnerships in preparing the curriculum for training packages, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Skills Fund, National Policy on Skill Development. Previously asked questions: Are the standardized tests good measure of academic ability or progress? -2014 Irrelevance of the classroom. -2001

7- Environment  vs Growth

New points to be added: Weakening of the ancient symbiotic relationship between society and the environment on account of development and population growth, introducing greater scientific rigour in environment impact assessment of projects, lack of policy enthusiasm towards environment. Previously asked questions: Ecological considerations need not hamper development. -1993 Protection of ecology and environment is essential for sustained economic development. -2006

8- Why is administration insensitive about the plight of slum dwellers

New points to be added: Third of India’s slum dwellers live in unrecognised slums, over representation of Scheduled Castes (SC) in slums, with 1 out of every five slums residents belonging to SC, compared to just over one out of 10 for urban India as a whole, Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Jharkhand, Tamil Nadu and Bihar–had 51% of India’s slum households. Previously asked questions: Economic growth without distributive justice is bound to breed violence. -1993 The focus of health care is increasingly getting skewed towards the ‘haves’ of our society. -2009

9- India’s role in changing global world order

New points to be added: Demographic dividend, technological  revolution, increased FDI, Ease of doing business, position as against China, New alignments eg. Quad, BIMSTEC etc. Previously asked questions: The implications of globalization for India. -2000 Preparedness of our society for India’s global leadership role. -2010

10- Foreign Policy of Modi era

New points to be added: Act East policy, improving ties with India’s immediate neighbours in the neighbourhood first policy, development of a dedicated SAARC satellite, , Indian Ocean outreach, Project Mausam, Fast track diplomacy, Para diplomacy, Link West policy, Friendly- Israel policy. Previously asked questions: The global order: political and economic -1993 India’s role in promoting ASEAN cooperation. -2004

Also See Article: Study Tips for UPSC Civil Service Exam-part II GS paper 3,4

11- National  health  protection  scheme

New points to be added: Provisions, Universal Health, funding provisions, executional hierarchy, Populism or Welfare? Previously asked questions: The focus of health care is increasingly getting skewed towards the ‘haves’ of our society. -2009

12- Universal Basic Income vs Subsidy

New points to be added: Is it a simple antidote to poverty? , demolish complex welfare bureaucracies while meeting some social transfer obligations, amount to about 5% of GDP, mobilising public opinion and activate social movements, UBI is funded by taxes and withheld current subsidies to the rich, The tax-GDP ratio in India. Previously asked questions: Economic growth without distributive justice is bound to breed violence. -1993

13- Nationalism debate

New points to be added: Effect of globalisation, possible substitutes such as global capitalism, socialist internationalism and UN multilateralism. The major challenges are coping with new problems arising within their territories and those which affect the very survival of mankind, sub-nationalisn, International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank, which significantly abridged the space for macroeconomic policymaking by nation states. Previously asked questions: Globalization would finish small-scale industries in India. -2006 Multinational corporations – saviours or saboteurs -1994

14- Indian Model of Secularism

New points to be added: The lack of secularisation of society, groups gravitate to their own communities, politicisation  of religion, Triple Talaq, Universal Civil Code, personal laws etc. Previously asked questions: Spirituality and scientific temper. -2003 Science and Mysticism: Are they compatible? -2012

15- Feminisation of agriculture

New points to be added: Male out migration from rural areas, decreasing women’s opportunities in agricultural productivity, and lower rural pay due to skill exclusions, dangerous to food security, social subsidies on education and health were removed, women became responsible for supplementing the increased cost. Previously asked questions: If development is not engendered, it is endangered. -2016 Farming has lost the ability to be a source of subsistence for majority of farmers in India. -2017 Whether women’s emancipation? -2004

Also See Article: Civil Service Exam Optional Subjects – Science, not popular, but scoring

16- Digitalisation  Drive

New points to be added: the Digital India Land Record Modernisation Program (DILRMP), EShakti or Digitisation of SHGs, UPI, BHIM, AADHAR linkages, aim of connecting entire India digitally in the span of 4 years, Universal Access to Mobile Connectivity,  National Rural Internet Mission, E-kranti. Previously asked questions: Increasing computerization would lead to the creation of a dehumanized society. -2006 Computer: the harbinger of silent revolution. -1993

17- India’s standing in BRICS countries.

New points to be added: Utility of the organization for India’s strategic and economic interests, membership yields greater opportunity than risk, BRICS Development Bank, “anti-Western” sentiment, struggles of other BRICS members, “China factor”.

18- Pollution Crisis in urban areas

New points to be added: Burning of farm residue, transportation scheme, better management of resources, loss to national income, international reputation, threat of diseases, WHO reports, Ranking of Indian cities. Previously asked questions: Urbanization is a blessing in disguise. -1997 Urbanisation and its hazards -2008

19- Cultural Transformation in 21st century

New points to be added: Institutionalization of science in society, adaptive changes in religious values and beliefs, process of social restructuration, emergence of new classes, decline of traditional cultural institutions, social mobility, migration, occupational diversification. Previously asked questions: Modernism and our traditional socio-ethical values. -2000 The composite culture of India. -1998 The Indian society at the crossroads. -1994 From traditional Indian philanthropy to the gates-buffet model-a natural progression or a paradigm shift? -2010

Also See : UPSC Exam Dates

20- Artificial intelligence

New points to be added: Narrow and general artificial intelligence, recursive self-improvement, triggering an intelligence explosion leaving human intellect far behind, risks associated,  legal and safety concerns, misaligned goals. Previously asked questions: Technology cannot replace manpower. -2015 Science and technology is the panacea for the growth and security of the nation-2013 These were some of the ‘hot topics’ that were in highlight  for some reason or the other throughout  the year. However exhaustive  this list may be, but UPSC has a tact of asking the same topic in a way that no one could imagine. Hence, candidates  are suggested to practice  as many mocks/tests as possible because with practice  comes precision.

Latest Essay topics for UPSC Civil Services Exam

1. Is CAA against the spirit of the Indian Constitution? What are the social and economic ramifications?

What is CAA

Latest amendment to CAA in 2019

Repercussions of the said amendment

Opinion of the Supreme Court

Stand taken by the Modi Government

Public outcry against CAA

2. New India @75

Give details of NITI Aayog’s ambitious scheme that defines the objectives for 2024-25

3. Mob Lynching

The problem, social outlook

Legal aspect

Suggestions of the Rajnath Singh and Rajeev Gauba Committee

Proposal to curb it

4. Article 370 Abrogation in Kashmir

Historical overview

Latest developments and the impact

5. Feminism

What is it, why is feminism propagated, the hype around feminism?

Is feminism worth the popularity that it has gained?

More Essay Topics

6. Higher Education versus skill acquisition

7. Entrance exams versus Qualifying exams – what is the relevance of entrance exams for admissions to UG and PG courses in India?

8. Scrapping of section 377 – the latest addition to Human rights protection

9. Pro-poor policies of Modi Government

10. Mind – A Beautiful servant or a Dangerous master?

11. Relevance of the Supreme court’s decision to decriminalize the crime of adultery laid under section 497 of IPC

12. Worsening INR

13. Should the youth in India consider Politics as a career?

List of Previous Years UPSC Essays

1. Impact of the Farm laws on Indian economy and the agricultural community.

2. Impact of the new economic measures on fiscal ties between the union and states in India

3. Destiny of a nation is shaped in its classrooms.

4. You cannot step twice in the same river.

5. Fulfilment of ‘new women’ in India a myth.

6. We may brave human laws but cannot resist natural laws.

7. ‘Social Media’ is inherently a selfish medium.

8. Relevance of Non-Alignment Movement (NAM)

9. If Development is not engendered, it is endangered

10. Need Brings Greed, if need increases it spoils breed

11. Schooling is not education.

12. Innovation is the key determinant to Economic Growth and Social welfare

13. Co-operative Federalism –Myth or Reality

14. Cyberspace and Internet – Blessing or curse to the Human Civilization in the long run

15. Digital Economy- A leveler or a source of Economic Inequality

16. Deglobalization is good for the world.

17. Scientific and technological progress cannot be equated with human progress.

18. Government Surveillance – Good or bad?

19. Labour reforms in India and their role in economic growth.

20. Just because you have a choice does not mean that any of them is right.

Essays in English

Essay on Demonetization

Essay on Pollution

Essay on Water conservation

Essay on Global Warming

Essay on Diwali in English

Essay on Holi in English

Essay on Chandrayaan in English

Essay on Women Empowerment in English

Essay on Child labour in English

Essay on Swachh Bharat Mission

Contributions of DRDO in Indian Defence

Essay on Digital India in English

Essays in Hindi

Essay on My school in Hindi

Essay on Corruption in Hindi

Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Essay in Hindi

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan Essay in Hindi

Essay on Republic Day in Hindi

Essay on Independence day in Hindi

Essay on Diwali in Hindi

Essay on Holi in Hindi

Essay on Demonetization in Hindi

Essay Writing in Hindi

Happy preparation, guys!

Author: Anushka Mishra


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Download UPSC Essay PDF Books for Mains

UPSC Essay PDF For Mains

Are you looking for the Essay Writing books for UPSC? In this post, we share important  UPSC Essay PDFs for upcoming mains exams.

We at JobsCaptain, try to give you maximum resources to crack UPSC Mains Essay Examination. Below shared all UPSC essay writing books are also useful for all state Public Services Commissions exams such as GPSC, BPSC, UPPSC, RPSC, MPSC etc.

First, let’s read the basic information:

UPSC Essay Books
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Best Essay Writing Books for UPSC/Civil Services Examination

Download UPSC Essay PDF

Let’s download UPSC Essay PDF Books for Mains Exam:

  • Prabhat 145+ Essays for Civil Service Examinations PDF
  • Modern Essays Book PDF by Arihant for UPSC
  • Vision IAS Mains Essay 2022 PDF – Download
  • QUOTE Book for UPSC Mains Answer Writing – Download PDF
  • 151 Essays Arihant PDF Book for Civil Services Examination
  • CSE (Mains) – Ethics & Essay Book PDF – Download
  • UPSC Mains Essay Sample Paper – Open PDF

We hope above Essay Writing Books for UPSC/Civil Services Mains Exams and State PSC exam will help you in the upcoming examination.

  • 10 Essay Writing Books PDF for Competitive Exams
  • UPSC Main Essay Previous Year Paper with Answer PDF
  • Indian History Related Essay/Descriptive Questions

Thank you for reading. Moreover, if you need any additional books for the UPSC mains exam then do comment below.

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How To Write A Good Essay In Civil Service Mains Exam?

Last updated on July 15, 2024 by Alex Andrews George

Essay Writing Tips

It has been observed that many candidates, unfortunately, take the essay paper too lightly resulting in a score not comparable with their potential.

It is vital to attempt essay paper with the same seriousness as all other papers in GS Mains and learn the art of writing a good essay.

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Understanding Essay Paper in IAS Exam

250 marks out of 2025 (12.3 %) are the weight-age of essay paper on total Civil Services Mains Marks as per the latest UPSC syllabus. Since 2015, candidates have been asked to write two essays out of 8 choices. Each essay is for 125 marks (1000-1200 words). Check the UPSC CSE Essay Syllabus here .

Time allotted is 3 hours.

Note: Before 2013, UPSC CSE essay paper was only for 200 marks with a single essay to write upon!

UPSC’s expectation from Essay Paper

How to write an essay

Examiners will pay special attention to the candidate’s grasp of his/her material, its relevance to the subject chosen and to his/her ability to think constructively and to present his/her ideas concisely, logically and effectively.

  • Make a framework (blueprint) of the essay you are going to write first.
  • Our advice would be to use simple language. As Anton Chekov once said ‘Brevity is the sister of talent’.
  • The idea of using ornamental language to showcase your English vocabulary may backfire at times. But, don’t make your essay sound like a General Studies answer.
  • If the introduction can generate curiosity in the reader, that would be great.
  • There should be a logical continuation from beginning to end.
  • The essay should be organized in well-structured paragraphs coherent with the flow of the essay.
  • Don’t be too aggressive or pessimistic in your tone.
  • Come up with good points and express new viewpoints.
  • Go through well-written essays by experts in newspapers and magazines, and understand how they frame the ‘Introduction’ and ‘Conclusion’ paragraphs.
  • In most cases, there will not be any need for separate coaching or preparation for essays, and candidates’ reading and preparation for General Studies Mains should suffice. But make sure your writing and analytical skills are up to the UPSC expectations; if not, polish it.
  • Write mock essays and get it evaluated by experts in the field.

Let’s analyze a few previous year UPSC essay papers.

Essay Questions Asked in the UPSC (Mains) Examination

Write an essay on any one of the following topics:

  • In the context of Gandhiji’s views on the matter, explore, on an evolutionary scale, the terms ‘Swadhinata’, ‘Swaraj’, and ‘Dharmarajya’. Critically comment on their contemporary relevance to Indian democracy.
  • Is the criticism that the ‘Public-Private-Partnership’ (PPP) model for development is more of a bane than a boon in the Indian context, justified?
  • Science and Mysticism: Are they compatible?
  • Managing work and home – Are the Indian working women getting a fair deal?
  • Creation of smaller states and the consequent administrative, economic, and developmental implications.
  • Does Indian cinema shape our popular culture or merely reflect it?
  • Credit-based higher education system –status, opportunities, and challenges.
  • In the Indian context, both human intelligence and technical intelligence are crucial and combating terrorism.

How much is a good score on the UPSC CSE essay paper?

As the essay paper is out of 250, marks which are above 50% can be considered good, ie. 125.

Marks between 110-125 is considered as average.

Marks in the range of 150-160 are possible for exceptional essays.

Note: UPSC may award poorly written essay marks as low as ‘0’ or ’20’. So beware and pay sufficient attention to proper practice.

Also read: 10 Common Essay Writing Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Important Essay Topics for UPSC CSE

Topics like Women empowerment, Rural Development, Social Justice, Terrorism, Internal Security, etc. are hot topics for essays, and be prepared with various dimensions of the same in the UPSC Exam.

Books that help in Essay Writing for the UPSC Civil Services Exam

  • Essays for Civil Services and Other Competitive Examinations by Pulkit Khare .
  • Selected Contemporary Essays by Saumitra Mohan (MHE)
  • Essay Paper for Civil Services Main Examination by Pavneet Singh and Sonali Bansal

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About Alex Andrews George

Alex Andrews George is a mentor, author, and social entrepreneur. Alex is the founder of ClearIAS and one of the expert Civil Service Exam Trainers in India.

He is the author of many best-seller books like 'Important Judgments that transformed India' and 'Important Acts that transformed India'.

A trusted mentor and pioneer in online training , Alex's guidance, strategies, study-materials, and mock-exams have helped many aspirants to become IAS, IPS, and IFS officers.

Reader Interactions

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January 17, 2016 at 2:06 am

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June 30, 2016 at 8:34 am

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September 12, 2017 at 2:14 pm

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June 12, 2017 at 8:27 pm

Can I write the mains in my own language…?

September 12, 2017 at 2:21 pm

Why not.?.. definitely…

July 17, 2017 at 12:40 pm

very helpfull Post

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November 29, 2017 at 11:57 am

Looking at the language of your query, it looks like you are well versed in English. You are trying to sensitize “The Issue”.

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November 15, 2017 at 12:28 pm

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July 23, 2019 at 2:59 pm

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January 8, 2020 at 12:41 pm

Dear sir, I will complete 29 year on 15-01-2020, And if i will enroll BBA program now it will be completed in fy 22-23, that time my age will be 32, i belong to OBC category, is i am eligible for upse exam?

Please suggest me

June 15, 2020 at 9:19 pm

You are eligible till your age is 35 . Still you will so much time for the preparation which is more than enough for you , so go for it and remember eventually your dedication towards your studies will decide your future , even I m also thinking about upsc . I hope we will end up with something gud

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June 28, 2021 at 8:58 am

i think you can but i would suggest you to see youtube once as i saw for general it was 21-32 years and obc i think its till 34-35 not clear with the last year

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March 3, 2020 at 3:31 pm

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October 17, 2021 at 8:58 pm

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Showcase your ideas on public policy and current affairs by entering our essay writing competition. Every month, students can choose any one topic and send their essays. Make sure you first prepare well and then write down the essay as it will give you great practice for the actual UPSC essay exam.

  • Selected essays will be published on our website with the name of the author.
  • Two essays will be reviewed and practice will be given to enhance the essay writing ability.
  • They will also get a Free test series for Prelims

We hope more and more students will participate in the Essay contest, which includes topics of current affairs. One should remember that these topics will be useful not only for the IAS exams but also for other competitive exams.

Practice Essay Topics for UPSC

May - June 2024 Essay Contest (Last date is June 30, 2024)

S.NO Essay Contest Topics
1 Are elections free and fair in India?
2 Is employment is real issue in India as compared to other countries? What can we do to improve the situation?
3 Should we do away with reservation and open up to all as equal opportunity?

Candidates should send their essay to [email protected]. Please mention your mobile number in your mail .

View: Upsc essay topics

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Essay Contest Topics: January - 2021

  • In the tussle between a local vaccine and an international vaccine, how does a government decide?
  • Is it important to be a good human being and accommodating or should we be aggressive and achieve success?
  • How can individuals contribute to the growth of a nation’s economy?
  • Should India close down its dams and focus on nuclear and solar energy?

Selected Essay Topics: March 2024

1. Changing trends in the female workforce, how it can be harnessed for better growth. -JNANDEEP BORA (Winner)

Selected Essay Topics: December 2023

1. Is the caste barrier breaking due to increased love marriages in India? -SHUVAJYOTI DUTTA

Selected Essay Topics: November 2023

1. Is the caste barrier breaking due to increased love marriages in India? -JNANDEEP BORA (Winner)

Selected Essay Topics: August - September 2023

1. Religion Vs Nation - Write an essay on the harmony and the conflict? -Jatin Sethi

2. Poverty and the Indian story of the numbers below the poverty line. What are the solutions? -MUDRA PADMASHALI (Winner)

Selected Essay Topics: April 2023

1. Role of Social Media in Indian Politics -Shri Rishija

2. Role of Social Media in Indian Politics -Vinita Murmu (Winner)

3. Role of social media in Indian politics. -JNANDEEP BORA.


5. Where are the oil economies headed with the rise of electric vehicles? Discuss the impact on India. -RICHA RAJ (Winner)

6. Future of printed currency. Discuss. -DR. RUPALI KUMARI

7. Role of social media in Indian politics -SANJEEV KUMAR

Selected Essay Topics: March 2023

1. How important is God in a civil society? -Jatin Sethi (Winner)

Selected Essay Topics: January 2023

1. BRAIN DRAIN A DECADE AGO AND NOW -Dr Rashmi bhat (Winner)

2. BRAIN DRAIN A DECADE AGO AND NOW -Gudibandi vaishnavi

3. Should a civil servant be honest? How corruption in offices can be monitored? -JNANDEEP BORA.

4. Should a civil servant be honest? How corruption in offices can be monitored? -Jatin Sethi (Winner)

5. India has some of the richest business houses, how does it affect our GDP? -Swagata Sengupta

6. Should a civil servant be honest? How corruption in offices can be monitored? -Mudra Padmashali

Selected Essay Topics: November - December 2022

1. Is being a Hindu more important than being an Indian? should we have to choose? -Kajal Bansal

2. With Rishi Sunak becoming the British PM, does India benefit in any way? -Dr. Rashmi Bhagat

3. Food distribution in India-the way ahead -Mudra Padmashali

4. Is being a Hindu more important than being an Indian? Should we have to choose?” -Jatin Sethi (Winner)

Selected Essay Topics: October 2022

1. Analyze the economic status of India vis-a-vis the world economic scenario -Vijay Sridhar

2. Is Success a mind game or sheer hard work? -Mudra Padmashali

Selected Essay Topics: August 2022

1. Lending hands to someone is better than giving a dole. -Vijay Sridhar (Winner)

2. Quick but steady wins the race -Mudra p (Winner)

3. Dreams which should not let India sleep -SHUVAJYOTI DUTTA

4. Dreams which should not let India sleep. -Sangeeta Paul

5. Dreams which should not let India sleep. -Muhammad Fasal (Winner)

Selected Essay Topics: June 2022

1. Role of money in health and happiness -Jnandeep Bora

2. Role of Money in Health and happiness -Dr.Rashmi Bhat

3. Work life balance how can it be achieved? -Dr. Reshma Bhat

4. Work life balance how can it be achieved? -Ani Ysl

5. Work life balance how can it be achieved? -Sangeeta Paul

6. Role of money in health and happiness -Anusha Kolli (Winner)

Selected Essay Topics: April & May 2022

1. How important is that PT/sports class in school? -AISHWARYA THORAM

2. How important is that PT/sports class in school? -Dr.Reshma Bhat

3. How Important is that PT/ sports class in school ? -Abraham Johnson Anchaniyil

4. The effect of war in modern days with reference to Ukaraine and Russia. -SATARUPA MUKHERJEE

5. How important is that PT/Sport class in school? -JNANDEEP BORA

Selected Essay Topics: February & March 2022

1. What is important for the voters of India? Do they carry away by propaganda? -Jayant Joshi

2. What should we do to improve Indians to be honest in public life? -VAISHNAVI GUDIBANDI

3. What is important for the voters of India? Do they carried away by propaganda? -Jayant Joshi

4. What should we do to inspire Indians to be honest in public life? -Twinkle

5. What is important for the voters of India? Do they get carried away by propaganda? -JNANDEEP BORA (Winner)

Selected Essay Topics: January 2022

1. India’s economic growth, the way forward -Anusha Kolli

Selected Essay Topics: December 2021

1. Should money weigh over choice passion in the choice of career? -Twinkle

2. The Corona virus, it’s variants and the way forward -Dr. Reshma Bhat (Winner)

3. How useful is celebrating festivals for human society? -Rashmi Bhat

4. How useful is celebrating festivals for human society? -Jayant Joshi

5. How useful is celebrating festivals for human society? -Anusha Kolli (Winner)

6. The Corona Virus , it`s variants and the way forward -Sanjyot Dhavale

7. Should money weigh over choice, passion in the choice of career? -Muhammad Fasal (Winner)

Selected Essay Topics: December - 2019

  • Are we corrupt as a nation? How can the common man stay away from activities that encourage Corruption? -SRISHAKTHI.M
  • Are we corrupt as a nation? How can the common man stay away from activities that encourage Corruption? -ADARSH BAJPAI
  • Are we corrupt as a nation? How can the common man stay away from activities that encourage Corruption? -ARPIT SAMANT (Winner)
  • Air Pollution, the road ahead. Will using alternate number cars, no firecrackers in Diwali help? -NIVEDITA ROY (Winner)
  • Air Pollution, the road ahead. Will using alternate number cars, no firecrackers in Diwali help? -Sangeeta Paul
  • Is nationalism above humanism? -ABRAHAM JOHNSON ANCHANIYIL
  • Is nationalism above humanism? -Sujeet Kumar (Winner)
  • Should India, Pakistan and Bangladesh become one country? List advantages and disadvantages. -JNANDEEP BORA (Winner)

Selected Essay Topics: November - 2019

  • Unemployment in India and the roadmap ahead. - SADIQUE MD YUSUF SHAIKH (Winner)
  • Rural development – what are the possibilities?. - ZEENAT ABDUL KARIM SHAIKH
  • Rural development – what are the possibilities?. - NIVEDITA ROY (Winner)
  • Can live in relationships be considered a new age form of marriage? - shuvajyoti dutta
  • Can live in relationships be considered a new age form of marriage? - JNANDEEP BORA. (Winner)
  • What does the youth of India want? Engaging the youth. - Shaoni Chakraborty
  • What does the youth of India want? Engaging the youth. - Rachna Gupta (Winner)

Selected Essay Topics: October - 2019

  • Biased Media is a real threat to Indian Democracy. - Sangeeta paul (Winner)
  • Biased Media is a real threat to Indian Democracy. - Surya M
  • Rise of Artificial Intelligence : the threat of jobless future through reskilling and upskilling - Maryam Maqsood (Winner)
  • Courage to accept and decision to improve are two keys to success - SRISHAKTHI.M (Winner)

Selected Essay Topics: September - 2019

  • How Important the Role of a Housewife to India’s Economic Growth? - Srishakthi.M
  • Feeding India's Billion plus Population , the Roadmap Ahead. - Uday Kiran.D
  • What Does Marriage Mean to the Millennials in India? - Surya. M
  • What Does Marriage Mean to the Millennials in India? - Abraham Johnson Anchaniyil.
  • Feeding India's Billion plus Population , the Roadmap Ahead. - Niharika Tahasheeldar
  • Tree Plantation Drives, Are They Enough to Get Sufficient Rains - Prathamesh Mahajan
  • Feeding India's Billion plus Population , the Roadmap Ahead. - Krupan.P.M (Winner)
  • Feeding India's Billion plus Population , the Roadmap Ahead. - Goutham.R
  • What Does Marriage Mean to the Millennials in India? - Jnandeep Bora (Winner)
  • How Important the Role of a Housewife to India’s Economic Growth? - Nikita Mehta
  • Feeding India's Billion plus Population , the Roadmap Ahead. - Shuvajyoti Dutta

Selected Essay Topics: August - 2019

  • Fulfilment of ”new Women” in India Is a Myth - Dr.Rashmi Bhat.
  • Fulfilment of ”new Women” in India Is a Myth - Yohalakshmi Nethi Gopalakrishnan
  • Farming Has Lost the Ability to Be a Source of Subsistence for Majority of Farmers in India - M.Surya (Winner)
  • Is There Enough Employment for the Youth of India? What Can Be Done? - Jnandeep Bora. (Winner)

Selected Essay Topics: July - 2019

  • Customary Morality Cannot Be a Guide to Modern Life - Karthiayani Nair
  • A Good Life Is One Inspired by Love and Guided by Knowledge - Krupan P M (Winner)
  • A People That Values Its Privileges above Its Principles, Loses Both - Shuvajyoti Dutta

Selected Essay Topics: June - 2019

  • Alternative Technologies for Climate Change. - Surya
  • Alternative Technologies for Climate Change. - Sayyed Samreen Roomi
  • Poverty Anywhere is a Threat to Prosperity Everywhere. - Durgesh Kumar Singh (Winner)
  • Poverty Anywhere is a Threat to Prosperity Everywhere. - Mimansa Sahrawat
  • Poverty Anywhere is a Threat to Prosperity Everywhere. - Jnandeep Bora

Selected Essay Topics: May - 2019

  • Rise of Religious Terrorism in Sri Lanka - Sayed Nishat Tanaum (Winner)
  • India's Decision to Create Indo-pacific Division. - Malavika.R
  • The Proposal to Allow Dentist Practice as General Physician. - Reshma Bhat.DR

Selected Essay Topics: April - 2019

  • Rahul Gandhi's minimum income guarantee scheme - Harshini Manthripragada (Winner)

Selected Essay Topics: March - 2019

  • Priyanka Gandhi and her entry into politics - JNANDEEP BORA (Winner)
  • Pulwama terror attack and its aftermath - Amit Aseri (Selected)
  • Government announcement of No tax for income till Rs. 5 lakh - Sneha Lad (Selected)

Essay Topics: February - 2019

  • 10 Per Cent Reservation For General Category - Veena Goyal (Winner)
  • 10 Per Cent Reservation For General Category - Manish Kumar (Selected)
  • Economic Offenders in India - Abraham Johnson Achaniyil (Selected)

Essay Topics: January - 2019

  • Plastic ban in India - Manish Kumar (Winner)
  • Importance of reservation of seats for women in Parliament - Dr Rashmi Bhat (Selected)
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Civil Service Essay Contest May - June 2024

  • Are elections free and fair in India?
  • Is employment is real issue in India as compared to other countries? What can we do to improve the situation?
  • Should we do away with reservation and open up to all as equal opportunity?

Civil Service Essay Contest (March 2024)

  • Changing trends in the female workforce, how it can be harnessed for better growth. Views : 2292
  • Is the caste barrier breaking due to increased love marriages in India? Views : 3114

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Make Your Note

Essay Writing for Civil Services Examination

  • 13 Aug 2018
  • 20 min read

Understanding Essay Writing

An essay is a short piece of writing that sheds light on any given topic. M.H. Abrams, the American literary critic, notes that the essay is “Any short composition in prose that undertakes to discuss a matter, express a point of view, or persuade us to accept a thesis on any subject.”

Broadly speaking, there are two types of essays - formal and informal. In the UPSC Civil Services Examination (CSE), we are concerned with the formal essay. The formal essay is relatively impersonal, the author writes it as an authority and such essays tend to be less emotional. Formal essays can also have factual elements in it, like quoted statistics from a government report etc. It is never in the form of a conversation, never uses first-person references and seldom gets intimate with the audience. In short, a formal essay has a certain degree of seriousness attached to it.

Essay writing for CSE

  • For the CSE essay paper, two essays have to be written under 3 hours in the 1000-1200 word limit. Each essay carries 125 marks for a total of 250.
  • The essay paper is divided into two sections - A and B, each carrying a choice of 4 essays each, and the aspirant has to choose only one essay from each section.
  • The instructions in the syllabus are clear in what is being expected from the aspirant. Aspirants are ‘expected to keep their thoughts closely to the subject and arrange their ideas accordingly.It furthur tates that, credit will be given for effective and coherent expression’.
  • The underlined keywords are important because after content, these are the exact parameters on which the essay will be evaluated. 

Beginning Essay Writing

Practice makes perfect. For scoring good marks in the essay, one needs practice. But, before we get to the practising part, we should do some basic homework first. We would start by looking at what a well structured essay is, how it can be planned, what elements can be added to make the essay more scoring, and most importantly, how to do it all within the prescribed time limit.

Basic structure of an essay

The most common method of structuring a essay is breaking it up into paragraphs. In this technique, besides the introduction and the conclusion, there will be body-paragraphs. In these body-paragraphs, the aspirant will have to fit in all his content.

  • Body-paragraphs can broadly be supportive, critical or narrative. Ideally, one can start any argument in an aptly phrased narrative paragraph which describe the topic in some detail and then move on to a supportive paragraph containing a few positive facts/ideas on the topic. Though critical paragraphs look best when they are placed last, there are no such rules, and for some topics it can be used as the opening paragraph for the topic.
  • The most important part of the essay is perhaps the introduction. First impressions are very important, and a well thought out introduction will definitely make a positive impression on the examiner. We will discuss how to write a proper introduction later in this strategy.
  • Similarly, the conclusion is where one can score additional marks if done properly. This will also be discussed later.

Keywords of the essay syllabus

  • 'closely': Any deviation from the topic will be tolerated only up to a certain point. One must, therefore, as a rule stick as closely as possible to the topic at hand. Any example, quote, anecdote or reference must be on topic or related closely to it.
  • 'arrange': The essay must be in an arranged form. The aspirant is supposed to plan ahead and form a structure of the essay before actually writing it down.
  • 'orderly': The ideas or arguments put forward in the essay must follow an order. A haphazard essay that does not flow sequentially, must be avoided at all costs.
  • 'concise': The essay and the matter discussed therein must be expressed as precisely possible. Clarity of thought and brevity of expression is what is looked for in the CSE essay.
  • 'effective': The essay must be written in a language that makes a strong impression. Thus, one needs to be conveying a point with every sentence, every paragraph. Flowery language is best avoided.
  • 'coherent': Coherence is required of all forms of writing, including answer writing, but in the CSE essay one must be extra careful to check that all individual sentences in the essay are making sense. Also, paragraphs as a whole must convey a clear and well thought out exposition on the theme of the essay.

Planning to write an essay

A good essay needs planning. There are three steps to it - defining or understanding what the essay is going to be about in very clear terms, brainstroming on the topic and thirdly, devising the outline of the essay.

Central idea of the thesis statement

  • All CSE essays have a thesis statement. For example, in CSE 2016, the following essay was asked— ‘Innovation is the key determinant of economic growth and social welfare’ . Here the central idea is ‘innovation’. The aspirant is supposed to explore those dimensions of innovation that affect ‘economic growth and social welfare’. In doing so, the aspirant should not veer from the central topic of innovation but if possible add a few related ideas which may supplement the overall central idea that not only socio-economic but also other areas like technology and culture are affected by forces of innovation.
  • In another essay asked in CSE— ‘Water disputes between States in federal India’ – the central idea is how the water disputes between various Indian states have played out and what are its various dimensions. Constitutional, legal, social and political dimensions, for ex, are a must for addressing this topic. In order to find out the various dimensions of any given topic we should perform a brainstorming exercise.

Brainstorming for essay writing

  • Brainstorming for essay is a crucial step. Brainstorming helps you get all the ideas at one place for quick reference. There are no hard and fast rules, but typically one can begin with the given topic and immediately start listing the things that come to mind. One can ideally devote an entire page for this exercise.

Brainstorming guide

  • The first requirement for brainstorming is focus. One should be able to focus single-mindedly on the job at hand, which in this case is jotting down as many points as possible regarding the essay topic.
  • Boundaries must also be properly defined. If the topic does not absolutely require a particularly complex point or if it does not require following a difficult train of thought, it should be avoided. Keeping the essay as simple as possible without sacrificing the most valid points is what we should be looking for.
  • Then we must set a time limit for the brainstorming session. Ideally, for CSE that time limit works out to about 25 minutes per essay. Within that time limit one is supposed to come up with all the necessary points and plans for writing the essay.
  • Another important point to be made here is that aspirants should have a fair understanding regarding  the expectations of the CSE examiner from the essay. Every topic will have some basic ideas that the aspirants must necessarily try to explore or address. During brainstorming such a requirement can be searched for.
  • In the brainstorming exercise one may also take help of diagrams, flow-charts, mind-maps etc., if needed. Sometimes doing this may clear things up to a great extent or even save precious time.
  • Three things that one must exclusively do while brainstorming are — identify causes and factors, define the various issues and make a list of associated ideas. Doing this is key to success in the entire brainstorming exercise.

Adding elements to the essay

  • Any good essay will definitely have a multitude of elements and dimensions to it. For CSE essay writing, there are certain basic rules that one can follow while searching for these elements and dimensions.
  • The first of such rules would be to follow and uphold Constitutional values at all times . This is very crucial for essay writing in CSE, that the values enshrined in our Constitution reflect in whatever idea, problem or solution we discuss in the essay. At no point should one try and support an idea that is unconstitutional.
  • One must also be democratic while addressing issues . The concepts of ‘freedom and equality’ should be the guiding principles while suggesting solutions and while criticising events or issues.
  • Generally, one must also avoid taking absolutist/non-compromising positions . In fact, the best way to handle complex problems is to find the middle ground.
  • One must also try not to make sweeping generalisations on any given issue. Instead, there should be hints of patience, justice and understanding in addressing or discussing any given topic.
  • Lastly, there are two more things that an aspirant need to keep in mind while attempting the CSE essay. (A) Do not question the topic itself, which is to say, in other words, do not contradict yourself. Pick a position (ideally, the middle path) and stay true to it throughout the essay. (B) Never use positively, things that are universally considered or used in a negative sense, and vice-versa. For ex, one must not say that ‘terrorism’ under certain conditions is equivalent to a freedom struggle, even though quotes like ‘one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter’ are quite common.

Elements in an essay

  • The three basic elements — social, political and economic — form the bedrock of a good CSE essay.
  • To these, one may add other dimensions like Constitutional, legal, technological, technical etc. 
  • Another important element is the persona Good personal experiences or anecdotes can no doubt be used to increase the effectiveness of the essay but these should stay within the accepted framework of ethical conduct.

PESTLE Analysis

  • Political – Economic – Sociological – Technological – Legal – Environmental Analysis.
  • Use PESTLE Analysis to figure out the various aspects, dimensions, factors etc of any given topic.

Outlining the essay

  • Before writing the essay, it is best to outline it. To outline an essay means to figure out what to say in the introduction/conclusion, which idea comes where, or even what quote to use for the essay etc.
  • Outlining the essay in rough helps us grasp the entirety of the essay before actually writing it. It helps us get the big picture, and also see what we could be missing.
  • It is said that once we can figure out the conclusion to our essay, it becomes much easier to not only begin but finish it with confidence.

Writing An Essay 

Sticking to the time limit

In the CSE, one has to write two essays in 3 hours which translates into 1 hour 30 minutes for each essay. Out of this, around 45 minutes to 1 hour will be required to write one essay. One can add another 10 minutes for the revision of one essay. This leaves us with roughly 30 minutes of time to prepare the essay in rough, and it includes time for carrying out the brainstorming and outlining exercises.

How to introduce the essay

  • The goal of the introduction should be to arouse the reader’s interest in the topic and to prepare the reader for what is to follow.
  • A good introduction to the essay can be a brief explanation of the essay topic itself. It can be made further interesting by adding to it some personal experience, or some relevant anecdotes or quotes
  • The introduction should not be confusing or lacking in clarity, rather it should be able to immediately clear up any doubts regarding the topic if there is any.

Writing in paragraphs

  • In a stand-alone paragraph, the concluding sentence announces that the paragraph is finished, complete. In an essay, the concluding sentence of a paragraph is more likely to play the role of a transitional device, joining one paragraph to the next.
  • Flow is very important in an essay. It is also connected to writing order. Writing orders are of two types
  • Known-to-New is the order of writing where the author by choice goes from known (given) concepts to unknown ones. New material is gradually added to build on the unknown.
  • Simple-to-Complex is the order of writing where the author first establishes a base of concepts that are easily understood and then develops over it increasingly complex ideas.
  • One can use the FREQOES method to add matter to the various paragraphs.

How to conclude the essay

  • The essay can be concluded in the following ways - restating the main points in brief and with different wordings (summarizing), suggesting a way forward or a course of action, or adding an interesting personal comment or any relevant anecdote.
  • Another way to conclude the essay is by returning to the discussion begun in the introduction. This is called the ‘cyclic return’ and a lot of essays follow this simple method of concluding an essay.
  • The conclusion should bear a positive outlook, it should see the silver lining in the clouds. It should also be as clear and concise as possible.

Revising the essay

  • To revise, read the essay in its entirety, underlining (preferably with scale and pencil) important words or phrases. Correct spelling or grammatical mistakes if any. Make sure the pages look clean and tidy.
  • One may add or omit a few words but it should not be overdone. It is also not advisable that entirely new ideas/sentences are inserted in the essay at the time of revision, unless such information is critical to the essay.

Some tips on essay writing

  • One can go through the CSE previous year’s essays and understand the concepts, dimensions and solutions required to solve those. Having a simple understanding of complex social problems is the secret to writing a good essay for the CSE.
  • One can also keep handy a small collection of quotes or quotable phrases and citable anecdotes to be used while writing the essay. This keeps one prepared for writing any type of essay.

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  1. PDF Drishti Publications

    Drishti Publications. Publications. Publications. Mukherjee. 011-47532596, hiefDear Aspirants,Essay writing is an important component of the Civil Services Examination (CSE), which tries to gauge the writing skills, knowledge, critical thinking, imagination and creativi.

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    OverviewSpecially designed for the Civil Services Main Examination, Contemporary Essays, prepare its readers to create and not just write the essays asked in the examination. Entering its third edition, the book offers a Multi-dimensional Proactive approach to comprehend essays. It is a collection of carefully selected and compiled essays following 'area approach' which enables the ...


    RAU'S IAS FOCUS SPECIAL EDITIONS | MAINS COMPASS (C3 CURATION) for CSE 2022 1 What is an Essay? • An essay is a "formal, analytical and creative piece of writing, dealing with a single theme". • It is a written conversation giving a clear and concise expression to one's own personal ideas or opinions

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  6. Contemporary Essays

    Contemporary Essays is a collection of carefully selected topical essays meant ?for aspirants of UPSC and state civil services examination . After the restructuring of the syllabus of the Main Examination in 2013, the scope and weightage of the paper has increased (250 marks instead of earlier 200 marks) and there is kind of a declared emphasis on the importance of the essay and the art of ...

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    Essay Book for UPSC is a critical exam resource for aspirants preparing for the upcoming Civil Services examination 2023. All candidates must be well-versed in Essay Writing for the UPSC Civil Services Mains examination. UPSC Mains Paper 1 is Essay. Candidates will need to attempt 2 essays within 3 hours of duration for the UPSC Essay paper.

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    Contemporary Essays for Civil Services Examinations 1st Edition By Ramesh Singh Book Details: Publisher McGraw-Hill Education Publication Year 2013 August ISBN-13 9780070655591 ... UPSC Exam Complete Study Notes (PDF Available) Whats Hot! ALERT: UPSC IAS, IPS, IFS 2025-2026 Exam...

  10. PDF Essay Writing for Civil Services Examination

    For the CSE essay paper, two essays have to be written under 3 hours in the 1000-1200 word limit. Each essay carries 125 marks for a total of 250. The essay paper is divided into two sections - A and B, each carrying a choice of 4 essays each, and the aspirant has to choose only one essay from each section.

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  12. 20 UPSC Essay Topics for Civil Service Exams, Current ...

    UPSC Civil Service Exams - 20 Important Essay Topics. UPSC through its essay paper, consisting of eight topics divided in two parts with maximum marks being 250, and time duration of 3 hours, checks the coherence in the writing of the candidate, the construct of ideas in his/her mind and the way one can systematically put them on paper.The topics range from contemporary social issues to ...

  13. UPSC Essay Paper Preparation and Material

    About Civil Service India Civil Service India is a website dedicated to the Civil Services Exam Conducted by UPSC. It guides you through the entire gambit of the IAS exam starting with notification, eligibility, syllabus, tips, quiz, notes and current affairs. A team of dedicated professionals are at work to help you!

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    Understanding Essay Paper in IAS Exam. 250 marks out of 2025 (12.3 %) are the weight-age of essay paper on total Civil Services Mains Marks as per the latest UPSC syllabus. Since 2015, candidates have been asked to write two essays out of 8 choices. Each essay is for 125 marks (1000-1200 words). Check the UPSC CSE Essay Syllabus here.

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