The 10 Best Presentation Tools for Students in 2023

best online presentation tools for students

Presentation tools for students have come a long way.

Students have access to all sorts of digital presentation tools, from legacy slide-based tools like PowerPoint to truly inventive and experimental new formats that incorporate live and prerecorded video and audio. The rise in virtual, hybrid, and flipped classrooms has made the need for education-focused online presentation tools for students all the greater.

Wondering which tools will help your students create the best presentations? We’ve shown you tools before, like 20 classroom technology tools you may not know , but many of those were teacher-focused. Here are 10 of the best student presentation tools your kiddos can use in 2023. And listen to this episode of EdTech Heroes with Sultan Rana to see how you can revolutionize presentations for students this year!

Importance of students learning to use a range of presentation tech tools 🎬

Before we get into this list, it’s fair to ask: Is it really all that important for students to get comfortable using technology-based presentation tools? 🤔

We believe the answer is an emphatic “Yes!”

The modern world we live in already depends on all sorts of tech and that dependence will only increase. Today’s students are tomorrow’s adults, and it’s vital they develop media literacy skills now. This is behind the push for digital citizenship , or teaching children to use tech safely and responsibly so they can effectively participate in society in the future.  

Many students are already comfortable navigating smartphone apps, video games, smart TVs, and social media. But throw a PowerPoint or other business tool in front of them, and it’s another story. They aren’t technology averse. But neither are they automatically comfortable with all the different software and user interfaces that they’ll encounter in the professional and business world.

As the world grows more technologically complex 🤖, the professionals of tomorrow need exposure today to the language of technology. 

By engaging with a range of presentation tools — along with edtech tools like Google Classroom and other LMS platforms — students gain a more well-rounded understanding of how to interact with productivity-oriented tech. They learn how to communicate their ideas and collaborate across physical and virtual spaces with ease. 

With that question answered, let’s jump into the top 10 student presentation tools that will support your students’ tech skills and overall growth. 

1. Screencastify Submit

Screencastify Submit does many things. It allows teachers to create presentation assignments for students. It also allows students to easily record and submit these short video assignments on any device. It’s a great way to practice giving live presentations without the pressure of an audience, plus it helps students gain skills with talking and presenting on camera. 🎥

Another advantage for students: Students can practice their presentation skills and wait to submit until they’ve recorded their favorite take. 

Screencastify Submit is simple because it’s designed to be a secure, closed system between teachers and students. However, the broader Screencastify suite — one of the top Google Chrome extensions for educators and students — has plenty of integrations with popular LMSes and edtech platforms. 

2. PowerPoint and Google Slides

Two of the classic slide-building apps, PowerPoint and Google Slides feel very traditional compared to many of the other tools listed here. Still, both apps are easy introductions to the concept of creating basic 2D designs and visually appealing presentations. PowerPoint Presentations and Google Slides allow students to create slideshow content with transitions, animations, multiple slide layouts, and more.

These presentation software solutions help students prioritize the information that’s most useful to their audience and hone the ability to present that material in a visually engaging way. They can also be used in conjunction with screencasting or screen sharing to present in a more live or interactive manner.

These apps are both widespread and integrate seamlessly with a variety of tools. For Apple users, Keynote is another option in this same style, but it’s limited to only macOS and iOS, making it less widely adopted.

Note that Google Slides is free for everyone with a Gmail account, but PowerPoint requires an individual subscription or a school-wide license.

3. Prezi Next

The original Prezi was like a cooler, snappier version of PowerPoint. It did away with the feeling that every slide was a static rectangular image and let users create presentations that felt more like unique little worlds 🌍  than like conference room snooze-fests 😴 .

Unfortunately, it was built on Adobe Flash, which is dead and gone .

Prezi Next is the new generation of Prezi, built fresh in HTML5. It keeps the feel of the original and enables students to produce creative, imaginative presentations full of both whimsy and functionality. Templates in Prezi Next allow students to be creative, detailed, and look great in the process.

Prezi also integrates with major video conferencing apps like Google Meet and Zoom, allowing students to present their Prezi live. 

4. Haiku Deck

Haiku Deck is another slide-based presentation app. It’s entirely cloud-based, meaning you can access Haiku Deck from the web. The big differentiator with Haiku Deck is its automated image search. The app intelligently analyzes the text that your students add to their slides, then it suggests photos and slide designs that make sense for that text.

Haiku Deck gives users access to over 40 million royalty-free images (meaning no more watermarks or pixelated backgrounds) and includes dozens of themes designed by pros, complete with complementary fonts picked out for each one.

Haiku Deck is mostly a standalone tool. So, while you don’t get deep integrations with other tools, you might not really need them.

Related: Learn about the best tools for student engagement in this episode of EdTech Heroes !

5. Pear Deck

Before they ever explain what Pear Deck is, the team behind Pear Deck points to research showing that learning has both social, emotional and academic components and goes into great detail about the research-backed instructional strategies that the platform supports.

So, this tool comes from a team that’s dedicated to improving educational outcomes for all kinds of learners. But what does it do, exactly?

Essentially, Pear Deck operates as an add-on to Google Slides or PowerPoint and allows you to turn those static presentation tools into dynamic, interactive educational experiences. You can embed quizzes, tutorials, and other interactive content and see student responses in real time.

Although it’s aimed at teachers, it can be used by students to enhance their own presentations with engaging content like Q&A or audio and video, and gives them more creative freedom. 

Sutori is a tool that’s purpose built to help students create timelines and roadmaps and tell stories. It’s simple and streamlined, making it easy for students of all ages to use. Students can even embed media on their Sutori timelines, and Sutori is easy to use online and via remote learning.

Sutori’s timeline focus makes it perfect for social studies or history and any other linear, time-based lessons. The company also lists use cases for English, Language, Arts, and STEM teachers. It’s a great tool for fostering multimedia collaboration, critical thinking (via both primary and secondary sources), and research skills.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words 📸, and if that’s true, how much more is an infographic worth? A lot, when it comes to the classroom. Infographics are great storytelling tools, not to mention visual aids. The trouble is that making great infographics from scratch have required graphic design skills🧑‍💻  — until tools like Easelly.

Easelly lets anyone make quality infographics in a wide range of styles. Students can better visualize data and content, which is great both for their own critical thinking and logic skills as well as their public presentation skills.

Easelly includes numerous templates that make it easy to transform content from dry text and statistics into beautiful infographics.

Easelly doesn’t directly integrate with other tools, but infographics created in Easelly can easily (hence the name) be exported to other tools to be shared or presented.

8. Glogster

Glogster is a tool for creating multimedia posters that can include 3D elements. Students can embed a wide range of media into a Glogster, including screencast videos, graphics, images, audio, and even 3D and VR objects.

Glogster is somewhat like an oversized poster board to make a class project or report, but also interactive and zoomable. It’s a digital canvas that makes just about anything visual possible, all within one space.

Students can practice their visual storytelling skills and get comfortable navigating and embedding multiple media types with Glogster.

9. VoiceThread

VoiceThread is a unique tool that lets users collaborate and discuss just about anything: videos, images, documents and more using features like annotations, highlights, pausing, zooming. It’s essentially a media-focused video chat tool.

In the K-12 landscape, VoiceThread is great for students who want to share a specific media file with others and collaborate either in discussion or in a Q&A after a presentation. Viewers can add video comments and questions directly to a presentation, giving a more personal level of engagement especially for fully remote classrooms. Students can develop great conversational and presentation skills using VoiceThread, too.

Miro is a visual collaboration tool designed primarily for teams to get work done. In other words, it’s a business-focused digital whiteboard tool that has a lot of value for classrooms too. 

Students (and teachers) can use it for idea mapping 🗺, brainstorming, creating workflows or diagrams, and all sorts of other visual collaboration and presentation needs. 

It’s great for group projects where students might want to get a bunch of ideas mapped out prior to creating their polished presentation in another tool. Miro also has some effective templates that can help students work quickly.

Because it’s a business tool, Miro has all kinds of integrations with all the top business apps. Some of these are useful in education, such as Zoom, Google drive, and Microsoft Teams integrations.

Find out why students and teachers love Screencastify 🍎 

Screencastify is fantastic for any teacher who needs to create screencast videos quickly and easily. But it’s great for students, too! 

Students can use Screencastify Submit to easily create video responses to their teachers’ assignments, using the desktop, laptop, or mobile device they have at home. Older students can even use Screencastify themselves to create their own screencast presentations for virtual reports, class presentations, and more.

Click to learn more about what Screencastify can do for educators and students alike.

Create with Screencastify!

Helping educators accomplish more, create visible success and inspire new ways of teaching.

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Best Classroom Tools for Presentations and Slideshows

Many students dread presenting or struggle to structure and communicate their ideas successfully. These interactive presentation and slideshow apps and websites give them tools to make their work fun, engaging, and interesting. Students can create screencasts to teach a topic to the class, use a design tool to craft sleek graphics, or record entertaining videos and animations. Whether it's for practice or to reach an authentic audience, students can demonstrate their learning and gain valuable skills for college and career. There are also some great options for teachers to create and present lessons with live whiteboard instruction or slick multimedia and interactive elements like videos or embedded assessments. 

Want to know what we think are the best interactive presentation tools? Check out The Best Interactive Presentation and Lesson Tools for Classrooms .

Slideshow and Lesson Delivery Tools

best online presentation tools for students

Flexible interactive presentation tool engages kids at school and home

Bottom Line : It's great for creating customized and differentiated lessons, but it might not be accessible for every student.

best online presentation tools for students

Engage and assess students with media, videos, and interactive slides

Bottom Line : The teacher- or student-paced learning can improve 1-to-1 environments and the learning activities are top notch.

best online presentation tools for students

User-friendly slideshow tool offers customization, promotes creativity

Bottom Line : The robust design and accessibility features make creating dynamic presentations a breeze.

best online presentation tools for students

Live presentation tool adds interactivity to stale slide decks

Bottom Line : This easy-to-use tool gets students more involved in presentations, but a lot of teachers might use similar tools already.

best online presentation tools for students

Interactive slideshows offer a variety of ways to engage and assess

Bottom Line : It’s an appealing platform that can improve formative assessment, particularly for teachers using Google Classroom.

best online presentation tools for students

Versatile polling/presentation tool boasts great question variety

Bottom Line : This tool supports student-centered teaching by pushing real-time participation/feedback beyond simple polls and multiple-choice questions.

best online presentation tools for students

Robust lesson creation and delivery tool aids assessment

Bottom Line : With some creativity, this interactive platform can support instruction and assessment.

best online presentation tools for students

Simple, elegant tool for creating presentations on mobile devices

Bottom Line : Provides a solid mobile version of Apple's presentation app.

best online presentation tools for students

Multimedia presentation tool features useful templates and 3D zoom

Bottom Line : With its zoom in and out capabilities, Prezi helps teachers and students go beyond traditional presentations to put important content front and center.

best online presentation tools for students

Limited text and high-impact visuals help focus presentations

Bottom Line : Haiku Deck doesn't teach the essentials of good presentations, but it's great for users who already know the basics.

Screencasting Tools

best online presentation tools for students

Create, present, and assess with effortless interactive screencasts

Bottom Line : This intuitive tool is excellent for recording and responding to screencasts of any length.


best online presentation tools for students

Create and edit sophisticated screencasts without breaking the bank

Bottom Line : This is the most flexible screencasting tool, but it requires patience -- and perhaps a subscription -- to unlock all of its possibilities.


best online presentation tools for students

Screen-recording tool facilitates outside-of-the-box instruction

Bottom Line : This is an instructional tool that could reinvent classroom workflow, especially for classrooms in the Google ecosystem.

best online presentation tools for students

Create and edit high-quality screencasts and videos in record time

Bottom Line : This platform is full of features that blend video creation and screencasting, helping teachers expand and differentiate their lessons.

best online presentation tools for students

Simple, easy screencast creator with room to grow

Bottom Line : This is a competitive entrant into the screencasting field that leans into ease-of-use and fewer restrictions.

Shadow Puppet Edu

best online presentation tools for students

Resource-rich video slideshow maker a gem for a variety of classrooms

Bottom Line : Easy-to-use free tool is a must-have for elementary classrooms; just keep an eye on sharing and privacy.

TouchCast Studio

best online presentation tools for students

Cool tool takes videos to the next level

Bottom Line : It's a creative tool for teachers to make interactive video content and for students to present information, but teachers should monitor use.

Whiteboard Tools

Explain everything.

best online presentation tools for students

Create, record, and share videos with classic presentation tool

Bottom Line : With a paid subscription, a stellar suite of features that offer maximum flexibility without overwhelming users with too many options.

best online presentation tools for students

Interactive whiteboard lets users brainstorm, organize, and collaborate

Bottom Line : This beautiful and collaborative platform is useful for everything from workflow tasks to creative expression.

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Digital tools for making infographics, presentations, videos, animations, as well as tools for assessments, quizzes, and more.

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By Iveta Pavlova

in Insights , Teach Remotely

6 years ago

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20 Digital Tools for Classroom for Innovative Teachers & Students

Updated April 21, 2022

In the world we live in, technology is literally everywhere and the kids adapt to it more than anyone else. Unlike teachers, students are being raised in a digital world. It is absolutely natural for students of all ages to use technology in every aspect of their lives. This is why digital tools in classroom are becoming more and more crucial. Traditional methods for teaching are already going through a transformation to adapt to the needs of 21st-century students and to enhance the professional practice of teachers. The digital future is literally happening now.

Using technology for education provokes students’ curiosity, boosts their engagement, and leads to better learning and comprehension. These factors are a priority for every effective teacher and today they can be easily achieved by using digital tools in classroom. We’ve selected 20 innovative digital tools for classroom which foster responsibility, relationships, and respect, and can be used by educators and students.

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Article overview:

  • suitable for students of all ages
  • suitable for teachers

Prezi is a digital software for creating interactive presentations. According to their research, the innovative way Prezi helps you make presentations – by zooming, leads to more effective, more persuasive, more effective, and more engaging presentations than presentations made with PowerPoint. If you are still unaware of what you can do with the software, we strongly recommend that you check it out and present it to your students. Who knows, maybe this would be one of the digital tools for classroom that would help you keep the attention of the kids.

Here is a useful tutorial that will help you get the hang of the software:

2. Haiku Deck

  • suitable for students and teachers

A digital tool with whose help you can easily make presentations on your iPad, iPhone, and the web. The tool works online and offers a huge database of stock photos with which you can create image-based slides. Haiku Deck makes it easy to create presentations on the go and literally carry them in your pocket. Haiku Deck can be also integrated into Google Classroom which has been very popular lately. See a quick video of how Haiku Deck makes presentations fun and easy:

  • for students primarily between 8 and 16 years old

Although mainly purposed for students, Scratch can be used by people of all ages. This digital tool lets students create engaging projects like games, animations, interactive art, stories and more. If your students have an interest in making programs, Scratch is definitely one of the digital tools for classroom you have to introduce them to. This program would give the little ones a brilliant start to make them think in an innovative and creative way. If you wonder how to help them start, here is a video tutorial “Make Your First Program” with Scratch:

Video is one of the most engaging mediums of the modern-da society which is why you should definitely incorporate it into your classroom. Animoto is one of the digital tools for classroom that can be used by both teachers and students for educational purposes. Animoto helps you create animated videos easily. You can create photo slideshows, stitch various videos together, and add text and more images to come up with a truly engaging video in the end. Check out this video tutorial before starting your first Animoto video:

Why make students write a story when they can draw it for a change? Digital tools for classroom like Pixton boost the children’s visual thinking and creativity while it engages them to the fullest. This tool allows little and big students to make comics and storyboards. This activity can be both educational and fun. If you are an educator, you can try Pixton for free before introducing it to your kids. A perfect tool to boost the students’ imagination! See how it works:

6. BoomWriter

7. Explain Everything

  • suitable for educators and upper-class students

Explain Everything is all about interaction in a virtual environment. This digital tool allows students and teachers to collaborate on an interactive whiteboard thus encouraging group activities. This software can also be integrated with Schoolwork, Dropbox, Evernote, GDrive, OneDrive, and more useful apps. With the drag-and-drop options, Explain Everything is super easy and intuitive to work with. See how you can get started and how collaboration works via the following video:

You may also be interested in GraphicMama’s Free Coloring Book: 60+ Coloring Pages (Free Printable PDF)

8. Educreations

9. Glogster

Glogster is one of the amazing digital tools for classroom which helps children learn by using visual content. This app allows you to create multimedia posters by combining text information, photos, and videos. The creations are called glogs and stored in a special library called Glogpedia. Containing over 40 thousand different glogs on various subjects and topics, this tool can become one of your most trusted tools for teaching children effectively. Learn more in the video below.

10. Flipsnack

  • suitable for students and educators

  • suitable for the whole class to use

Padlet is a digital pinboard that allows participants (students and teachers) contribute by pinning different images, videos, text files, links, and more. Digital tools for classroom like Padlet motivate students to work together and brainstorm like a team. You can customize the background to a corkboard, blackboard, wood, sand, and many more options, the layout to a grid, stream, or freeform, as well as control who has access to the board. Here is a tutorial you can check out:

12. VoiceThread

  • suitable for K-12 students

GraphicMama Studio - Custom Adobe Character Animator Puppets

13. StoryJumper

14. Storybird

  • suitable for K-9 students

15. Quizlet

16. Socrative

  • for educators

  • for students, teachers, and parents

Edmodo is an Education Network that teachers, students, and parents can join. Edmodo provides a digital classroom environment and gives you access to many resources. At first sight, it pretty much looks like the social media networks we know, so you will intuitively understand what, where, and how to join groups and communities, and collaborate with other users in the network. Edmodo gives you the opportunity to create a digital classroom where you can invite your students and even start sending digital assignments. Check out this explainer video to learn more about the Edmodo education network:

18. Schoology

Schoology is a learning management system that is free to use and it allows teachers to create and distribute materials, give assessments, track progress, etc. Basically, with Schoology, you can do everything that you do in Google Classroom , plus more features. You can organize content much more easily, embed multimedia within the assignment description, record audio or video within the platform, have a grade book, set completing rules, and many more. Check out an introduction video below.

19. Piktochart

One of the great digital tools for classroom which provides educators and students with tools to create infographics, presentations, reports, and more visual content materials. Visme provides all kinds of templates and graphic resources to help visualize any kind of data or assignment. You can insert videos, make animations, insert links, etc. Check out the following to see what you can do with Visme.


Technology is a friend of education and there is no reason to fight this trend. Right on the contrary, by incorporating digital tools in classroom, you become an effective school leader who fosters innovation.

Here, at GraphicMama, we support educators with innovative thinking who encourage students to learn and develop. This is why we create cartoon characters that are great for educational purposes and can be used in many ways: in digital tools for making infographics, creating presentations, video making, and animations, as well as all kinds of tools for conveying visual concepts and ideas.

We hope we’ve been helpful. If you can think of other useful digital tools for classroom or more ways to use cartoon characters for digital education, we can’t wait to see your thoughts in the comments below. See ya!

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Ultimate Online Education Presentation Template

80 teaching slide templates exclusively created by graphicmama.

Check out our ultimate template for online teaching with 80 premade PowerPoint presentation slides. Made to make online education easier and more entertaining.

  • 80 Educational slides including lesson slides, practice slides, infographic slides, and specific different themes: math, geography, biology, chemistry, literature, quotes, and more.
  • Editable in PowerPoint and Google Slides.
  • Well-structured and organized files

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best online presentation tools for students

Iveta Pavlova

Iveta is a passionate writer at GraphicMama who has been writing for the brand ever since the blog was launched. She keeps her focus on inspiring people and giving insight on topics like graphic design, illustrations, education, business, marketing, and more.

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Thousands of vector graphics for your projects.

Prepare your lectures with GraphicMama's educational cartoon characters:

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Only Prezi lets you create zooming, moving, visually stunning presentations that grab and keep your audience’s attention, in any subject.

best online presentation tools for students

Trusted by organizations that know the power of great presentations

TED logo

In a double-blind study of Prezi vs. PowerPoint, Prezi was found to be:


*independent Harvard study of Prezi vs. PowerPoint

The power of AI right inside Prezi

Make your words perfect.

Improve your text with the click of a button. Saying what you mean has never been easier.

Tell visual stories like a pro

Turn any text into the perfect visual story, with design built right in.

More engaging, more attention

Prezi’s unique format lets you show the whole story in context, displaying relationships between ideas in ways slides just can’t. Any subject is easier to remember when it all makes more sense.

More memorable, more retention

With Prezi, there’s no lapse between what I’m saying and what I’m presenting. Words and visuals just melt together. You can’t create that kind of connection with slides.

Tearanny Street

Director of Marketing and Communications

Save up to 80% with discounts for students and teachers.

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13 student-friendly websites to make presentations.

  • July 26, 2023

Making a great presentation isn’t just about slides and bullet points. A wide variety of fun and easy-to-use tools can help students and teachers make presentations. In addition to longtime favorites like PowerPoint and Google Slides, there are many more tools that can make your presentations pop. If you are looking for student-friendly websites to make presentations, I have a handful of favorites to share with you.

In this blog post, you’ll find thirteen student-friendly websites to make presentations. These are perfect for different subject areas, and you might find that a few are a better fit for elementary students and others are a better choice for secondary students.

Websites to Make Presentations

I’ve included a few very popular and a couple of unexpected choices on the list! If you have a favorite, make sure to let me know all about it — just send a message or tag me @ClassTechTips on Instagram or Twitter .

Google Slides

Google Slides is a super popular and free tool within Google Drive. Students can collaborate in real time and easily share presentations. They can make a wide range of presentations and even use Google Slides to create comic strips to present information.



You might first think about Prezi as the tool with its zooming user interface. But they have many resources for students to create dynamic and visually engaging presentations. You can also find lots of templates on this page for students and this page for educators.

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Microsoft PowerPoint Online

Microsoft’s classic presentation tool, PowerPoint, has an online version that is free to use with a Microsoft account. I spent a lot of time in PPT growing up, and it’s still a tool used in the workplace throughout different industries.

Canva is often thought of first as a graphic design tool. But it also has an excellent presentation builder with many templates to choose from. Canva for Education is free and has lots of supporting resources for students and teachers.

Informative infographic illustrating and summarizing 13 student-friendly websites for effective and creative presentation creation.

Visme is an excellent tool for creating presentations, infographics, and other visual content. They have a special version for education that students can use to create a variety of presentations.

Apple Clips

Do you use iPads with Students? Then you’ll want to check out Apple Clips . It’s a fantastic movie-making tool that focuses on short-form creations. This isn’t technically a website (but an iOS app ), and it’s a great choice for a quick video presentation.

Emaze is an online presentation software with a range of templates allowing automatic presentation translation. Their website says that the Education version is “Coming Soon,” so you may want to bookmark this and check back in later this year.

Perfect for students who want to create animated video presentations, Powtoon lets students create presentations for any subject matter. It’s a great alternative to traditional slides, and you can find both teacher and student examples on their site.


Genially is a versatile tool that allows you to create slideshow presentations, infographics, video presentations, and more. You might remember seeing it on my list of websites to make timelines that I shared earlier this year.

Adobe Express 

I’m a big fan of Adobe Express , and you might have checked out one of my posts featuring their creativity challenges . It’s a fantastic tool for students who want to incorporate storytelling in their presentations. You can combine text, images, and voice to create videos or build a webpage to present information.

Infographic Templates in Adobe Express

Piktochart also helps teachers and students create visually engaging presentations. Students can use this tool to create the primary visual for a presentation or graphics they might add to a traditional slide deck.


If you’ve joined me for a workshop this year, you’ve probably tried out Padlet alongside me. It’s an excellent tool for organizing information, and Padlet can be used creatively for presentations. You can add images, links, videos, and more, and I love the different ways to organize information.


Students in higher education might want to try out this AI-powered presentation tool . It automatically applies design best practices to your slides, and you can sign up here for a free EDU account.

There are lots of exciting options for student-friendly websites to make presentations. The thirteen tools on this list can help you change up your classroom routine. If you have a favorite to add to the list, let me know all about it! Just send a message or tag me @ClassTechTips on Instagram or Twitter .

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Blog Author and EdTech Consultant Dr. Monica Burns

Monica Burns

Dr. Monica Burns is a former classroom teacher, Author, Speaker, and Curriculum & EdTech Consultant. Visit her site for more ideas on how to become a tech-savvy teacher.

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Best Interactive Presentation Tools for Teachers and Students

By Med Kharbach, PhD | Last Update: May 17, 2024

Interactive Presentation Tools

The purpose of today’s post is to share with you some of the best interactive presentation tools you can use to create engaging presentations without the need for any graphic design knowledge. All of these platforms offer pre-designed customizable presentation templates that you can easily edit and personalize to your preference.

Almost, all of these tools include integrated libraries where you can search for and use stock images and multimedia materials. They also empower you with a wide variety of helpful features including collaborative ones enabling you to invite team members and work collaboratively on the same presentation.  

While some of the featured presentation tools below provide interactive features, there is always the possibility to make your presentations super interactive using tools that are designed specifically for that purpose.

I have already reviewed some of  engagement-promoting applications that teachers and educators can implement to turn their presentations into lively dialogic hubs using live polls, Q&A, questionnaires, word clouds, and quizzes. These engagement tools are perfect to integrate with the presentations tools below. 

Interactive Presentation Tools

Check out our picks for best interactive presentation tools:

1. Google Slides

Google Slides is another good presentation tool I recommend for teachers and educators. It  offers a wide variety of powerful features, all for free. Besides the basic things that you can do on any editor (e.g., insert images, add text and shapes, change colour, etc), Google Slides also offers collaborative features that enable team members to collaborate on the same presentation in real time.

Collaborators can insert comments and chat with those who are viewing the presentation. As the owner of the presentation, you can always keep track of changes made to the presentation and at any time reverse to earlier versions. 

Presentations you create via Google Slides can be downloaded in different formats including Microsoft PowerPoint and Adobe PDF. They can also be emailed, published online as a webpage or be embedded in a website or blog. When you share your presentation with others you get to control what they can do (e.g., editor, commenter, or viewer). 

3- Flipsnack

Flipsnack is an interactive presentation maker that allows users to create and share animated presentations with a realistic 3D page flip effect. This software allows you to either create from scratch your presentation or you can simply pick one of the fully-customizable templates available in the built-in library and adjust it to your own taste and needs.

In terms of customization, Flipsnack comes equipped with a large variety of interactive elements, such as photo-slideshows; GIFs; audio and video elements; social media buttons, and map embedding.

Flipsnack also offers multiple download options, so you can download your presentation as HTML5; web PDF; PDF for print; GIF; PNG; JPEG, and MP4, or just share it online with your target audience. Check out Flipsnack’ s teacher review to learn more about this platform.

4. Haiku Deck

Haiku Deck is another powerful presentation making tool for teachers. It works on the web, iPad, and iPhone. Some of the interesting features it offers include over 40 million  free Creative Commons licensed images to use in your slides together with the ability to upload and add your own images, access to a huge collection of layouts and fonts, tons of professionally designed templates to choose from, seamless and real time syncing between the web and mobile apps, and many more.

Haiku Deck

Another interesting functionality provided by Haiku Deck is the ability to use your phone as a teleprompter allowing you to turn it to a remote in presentation mode. When it comes to sharing your Haiku Deck presentations you have various options to choose from including the ability to share decks through email, on social media, present decks on a projector, embed or export decks to PowerPoint or Keynote, download as PDF, and more.

Haiku Deck has a special version for the education community called Haiku Deck Classroom. Teachers use it to help students create  engaging presentations and showcase their learning.

Some of the features it provides includes advanced privacy settings for the class, YouTube embeds, presentation audio, save to video, broadcast presentations to the entire class, and many more. Haiku Deck Classroom costs $99/year for a single teacher and 150 students.

Visme is another good presentation tool to consider. It offers a number of key features including real-time collaboration, beautiful pre-designed templates and pitch decks, tons of free stock images and icons, interactive maps, over 50 charts and graphs, mind maps, and many more.

You can either start creating your presentation from Scratch or choose from the collections of ready-made templates. Customize the presentation to your own needs and when you are done present and share with others. 


Using Visme’s Presenter Studio, you can easily record your screen (audio and video or audio only) and share it asynchronously with others. Other interesting features provided include the ability to import and export Microsoft PowerPoint as editable presentations, access to 125 fonts, create processes and workflows using tables and diagrams, create your own library of icons and PDFs for future presentations, and more.

6. Piktochart

Piktochart is probably one of the best alternatives to Canva and Visme. It is ideal for creating different types of visual content including presentations, posters, infographics, flyers, videos, and many more. The templates library features a huge selection of customizable presentation templates including a section specifically for education. 


Piktochart also offers real-time collaborative features allowing users to co-create presentations. Other interesting features provided by Piktochart include the ability to upload your fonts, design custom colour palette, access stock photos or upload your own, add interactive maps to your presentations, present online or download your presentation in .ppt or PDF format, and many more. 

7. Online whiteboard tools

Google Jamboard

While they are not presentation tools in the conventional sense of the word, online whiteboarding tools can also be used for creating and sharing presentations. They are especially ideal for teamwork collaboration.

They enable you to work together, brainstorm ideas, organize throughs and communicate complex data in visually engaging formats. Some of my favourite online whiteboards include Google Jamboard, Lucidspark, and Conceptboard. For more details about each of these platforms check out   best visual collaboration tools for teachers .

8-  Canva Presentation

Canva, the popular design platform, is one of my favourite presentation tools out there. The site features a huge library of beautifully designed templates and offers tons of features and multiple presentation modes.

Here is how to make a presentation on Canva: head over to Canva and type ‘Presentation’ in the search box. Browse through the pre-made presentation templates. You can filter your search by theme and style. 

The Education section embeds a wide range of awesome templates created specifically for the education community. Once you find the template you are interested in, click to open  it in Canva editor where you can start editing it the way you like.

You can add photos, GIFs, insert videos and music, add shapes and fonts,  etc. Use animations to add a creative effect to your slides. Once your presentation is ready you can choose among various presentation modes.

“Choose from standard presentation, presenter mode, video recording. Or, on bad hair days, choose an audio-only video presentation mode. Save your slides as a PDF for handouts, export them as PowerPoint .pptx files, or turn them into an interactive website!”

Canva also offers collaborative features that allow you to invite your team members to help with the creation of your presentation. “To create a team, simply choose those who you would like to collaborate with and once the invitation is accepted you can instantly start creating your presentation together. Play with illustrations, colours, leave comments, and resolve suggestions all within the Canva editor. Teamwork is made easier with Canva’s presentation tool”.

Canva for Education  is a version created especially for us in education and offers special pricing and features. Check it out to learn more.

Final thoughts

Today’s post highlights a suite of interactive presentation tools that are transforming the way educators and students create and share content, all without the need for extensive design skills. With user-friendly interfaces and a multitude of customizable templates, these tools open up a world of creativity and collaboration.

They come packed with features like stock image libraries and multimedia integration, elevating presentations from static slides to engaging stories. Tools like Google Slides and Canva cater to real-time teamwork, while Haiku Deck and Visme offer unique ways to animate ideas. For those seeking to make their presentations even more dynamic, integrating live polls, Q&As, and quizzes can turn a simple lecture into an interactive learning session.

best online presentation tools for students

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Meet Med Kharbach, PhD

Dr. Med Kharbach is an influential voice in the global educational technology landscape, with an extensive background in educational studies and a decade-long experience as a K-12 teacher. Holding a Ph.D. from Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax, Canada, he brings a unique perspective to the educational world by integrating his profound academic knowledge with his hands-on teaching experience. Dr. Kharbach's academic pursuits encompass curriculum studies, discourse analysis, language learning/teaching, language and identity, emerging literacies, educational technology, and research methodologies. His work has been presented at numerous national and international conferences and published in various esteemed academic journals.

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Make interactive presentations

Create show-stopping presentations and clickable slide decks with Genially’s free online presentation builder. Leave boring behind and tell a story that’s interactive, animated, and beautifully engaging.



A presentation that works like a website

Engage your audience with interactive slides that they can click on and explore. Add music, video, hotspots, popup windows, quiz games and interactive data visualizations in a couple of clicks. No coding required!

Animating an image with genially


Make your slides pop with animation

Bring a touch of movie magic to the screen with incredible visual effects and animated page transitions. Add click-trigger and timed animations to make any topic easy to understand and captivating to watch.

Image of the Genially tool showing the insertion of multimedia elements from Spotify, Google Maps and Youtube


Live from the world wide web

Embed online content directly in your slides for a media-rich interactive experience. From YouTube and Spotify to Google Maps and Sheets, Genially works seamlessly with over 100 popular apps and websites.

Image of the Genially tool showing free libraries of backgrounds, color palettes, vector graphics, images, charts, graphs, maps and smartblocks.


Genius design tools

With Genially, anyone can create a polished and professional presentation. Choose from over 2000 pre-built templates, or create your own design using the drag-and-drop resources, color palettes, icons, maps and vector graphics.

Image of a Genially interactive presentation


Safe and sound in the cloud

Because Genially is online, you can relax knowing that your slides are always up-to-date. There’s no risk of forgetting to save changes or accessing the wrong file. Log in from anywhere, collaborate with your team, and make edits in real time.

All-in-one interactive presentation maker

Real-time collaboration

Co-edit slide decks with others in real time and organize all of your team projects in shared spaces.

Multi format

Present live, share the link, or download as an interactive PDF, MP4 video, JPG, HTML, or SCORM package.

Engagement Analytics

See how many people have viewed and clicked on your slides and keep tabs on learner progress with User Tracking.

Import from PPTX

Give your old decks a new lease of life by importing PowerPoint slides and transforming them with a little Genially magic.

Keep content on-brand with your logo, fonts, colors, brand assets, and team templates at your fingertips.

Quiz & Survey Builder

Use the Interactive Questions feature to add a fun quiz to your slides or gather feedback from your audience.

Beautiful templates

Make your next deck in a flash with Genially’s ready-to-use slides.

Interactive Okr shapes presentation template

Okr shapes presentation

Interactive School notebook presentation template

School notebook presentation

Interactive Animated sketch presentation template

Animated sketch presentation

Interactive Minimal presentation template

Minimal presentation

Interactive Land of magic presentation template

Land of magic presentation

Interactive Onboarding presentation template

Onboarding presentation

Interactive Visual presentation template

Visual presentation

Interactive Animated chalkboard presentation template

Animated chalkboard presentation

Interactive Online Education Guide template

Online Education Guide

Interactive Terrazzo presentation template

Terrazzo presentation

Interactive Startup pitch template

Startup pitch

Interactive Historical presentation template

Historical presentation


Interactive presentation ideas

From classroom materials to business pitches, make an impact every day with Genially.

A photograph with 7 children of different nationalities in a school classroom with a laptop making a presentation

Education presentations

Photograph of 3 people gathered together talking about a report with a tablet

Pitch decks

Photograph of 4 people in an office using a laptop to make a company presentation

Business presentations

Photo of 1 girl with a mac computer doing a slideshow

Thesis defense

Why the world loves Genially presentations

Reviews from people rating the tool genially

Share anywhere

Present live

From the front of the room or behind a screen, you’ll wow your audience with Genially. Heading off grid? Download in HTML to present dynamic slides without WiFi.

Share the link

Every Genially slide deck has its own unique url, just like a website! Share the link so that others can explore at their own pace, or download an MP4 video slideshow or PDF.

Post online

Embed the slides on your website or post them on social media. Upload to Microsoft Teams, Google Classroom, Moodle or any other platform.

Composition of an eye surrounded by image icons to illustrate the Genially method; interactive visual communication

The benefits of interactive slides

🗣️ Active participation An interactive slide deck gives your audience cool things to click on and discover, boosting learning and engagement.

👂 Multi-sensory experience Audio, video, animations, and mouse interactions make your content immersive, entertaining and accessible.

🧑‍🤝‍🧑 People-friendly format Pop-ups and embeds condense more material into fewer slides so you can break information down into digestible chunks.

🎮 Gamification Games, quizzes and puzzles make information more memorable and enable you to gather feedback and check understanding.

How to make an interactive presentation

With Genially’s easy-to-use presentation platform, anyone can make incredible visual content in moments.

Choose a template or a blank canvas

Create content starting from a Genially template

Get stunning results in less time with a ready-made template. Feeling creative? Design your own slides from scratch.

Customize the design

Add animations and interactions

Resources to become a pro presentation creator

Image showing the interactivity of the Genially tool


How to create an interactive presentation: Get started in Genially.

Image showing a presentation about the Genially tool


How to present data without sending your audience to sleep.

Image showing how the Genially tool is no-code


No-code animation: Bring your slides to life with cinematic visual effects.

Neon image talking about storytelling in Genially


The art of digital storytelling: Engage and thrill on screen.

Genially in a nutshell

How do I make a presentation interactive and how does Genially work? Find the answers to all of your slide-related questions here!

What’s an interactive presentation?

Interactive slides contain clickable hotspots, links, buttons, and animations that are activated at the touch of a button. Instead of reading or watching passively, your audience can actively interact with the content.  

Genially’s interaction presentation software allows you to combine text, photos, video clips, audio and other content in one deck. It’s a great way to condense more information into fewer slides. 

If you’re a teacher, you can share multiple materials in one single learning resource. Students can create their own projects using digital media and online maps. For business or training, try embedding spreadsheet data, PDFs, and online content directly in your slides. 

An interactive slide deck is more user-friendly than a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation or Google Slides document. That’s because you can break information down into chunks with pop-ups, labels, voiceovers and annotated infographics.  

The other benefit of interactive content is increased engagement. It’s easier to keep your audience’s attention when they’re actively participating. Try Genially’s presentation software and free slideshow maker to see how it’s better than other presentation websites. You won’t go back to standard presentation apps!

How do you make a clickable slide?

The best way to make slides clickable is to use Genially’s free interactive presentation program. Design your slide then apply an interaction. In a couple of clicks, you can add popup windows, hyperlinks, close-up images, games, animations, multimedia and other content. 

Choose from the library of hotspot buttons and icons to show people what to click on. Go to Presenter View to get a preview and see how your content will appear to your audience.

How do I create presentations that look professional?

You’ve got a deadline looming and you’re staring at the screen with a blank presentation. We’ve all been there! Starting a presentation design from scratch is tricky, especially if you’re short on time. 

Genially’s free online presentation maker has over 2000 ready-to-use templates for professional slide presentations, photos slideshows, and more. Each slide design has been created by our team of top graphic designers. No need to worry about fonts, centering images, or designing a matching color scheme. It’s all done for you. 

Start by browsing our layouts and themes for education, business and then customize with your own text and images.

How do I share or download my slides?

Because Genially is a cloud based presentation software, you can simply share the link to your slides. Like other online presentation tools, there are no files to download or store on your computer. Everything is saved online.  

When you publish your slide deck, it gets its own unique url, just like a website. Share the link with others to let them explore the content in their own time. If you’re presenting live, just click the Present button. 

You can also embed your presentation on your website, company wiki, or social media. Genially is compatible with WordPress, Moodle, Google Classroom, and other platforms. If you use an LMS, you can also download your interactive design slides in SCORM format.

For slideshow videos and slideshows with music, share online or download as an MP4 video. Check out our free slideshow templates for ideas.

Can I make a free presentation in Genially?

You bet! Genially is an easy-to-use slide maker, with a free version and paid plans. The free plan allows you to create unlimited slides with interactions and animations. Subscribe to one of our paid plans for more advanced features.

Discover a world of interactive content

Join the 25 million people designing incredible interactive experiences with Genially.

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The Top Digital Presentation Tools For Students to Help Ace Your Next Presentation

Digital presentation tools have revolutionized the way students deliver presentations in classrooms, conferences, and meetings. Long gone are the days when students relied solely on chalkboards, whiteboards, or overhead projectors to present their ideas and findings. With the advent of technology, students can now create beautiful and engaging presentations that captivate their audience. In this blog post, we will explore the top digital presentation tools for students to help them ace their next presentation.

Nowadays, presentation skills are critical for both academic and professional success. As such, students need to constantly refine their communication abilities to stand out in a competitive world. The digital presentation tools we will explore in this blog post are user-friendly, versatile, and powerful. All of them offer a range of features that make it easy for students to craft memorable and impactful presentations. Whether you're preparing a class presentation, a research project, or pitching to a panel, the right digital presentation tool can make all the difference in your success.

Prezi, PowerPoint, Google Slides, Adobe Spark, and Keynote will be discussed as the top digital presentation tools in this blog post. Using these tools, students can create stunning visuals, design unique themes, and shape a memorable presentation that will leave a lasting impression on their audience. By mastering digital presentation tools, students can gain confidence in their public speaking skills, communicate their message effectively, and achieve academic and professional success. If you're interested in perfecting your presentation skills, then this blog post is for you!

Are you tired of using boring PowerPoint presentations for your school projects? Look no further than Prezi! This all-in-one presentation creation and delivery platform offers a more dynamic and visually appealing way to present your work. With its unique zooming feature and customizable templates, Prezi allows you to bring your ideas to life and engage your audience.

One of the best features of Prezi is its ease of use for students. You don't need to be a tech expert to create a stunning presentation. The platform has a user-friendly interface that makes it simple to add text, images, and videos to your slides. Plus, its cloud-based system means you can access your presentation from anywhere and collaborate with classmates in real time.

In addition, Prezi offers a range of tools to enhance your presentation skills. It has built-in analytics to help you track your audience engagement and improve your delivery. You can also practice your presentation using its virtual rehearsal feature, which allows you to get feedback on your pacing and delivery. With Prezi, you'll be well on your way to acing your next presentation and impressing your classmates and teachers alike.

Powerpoint: A comprehensive and user-friendly presentation tool for crafting stunning visuals

Powerpoint is a well-known and widely used presentation tool that has been around since the 1990s. Despite its age, it remains one of the most popular presentation software in use today. Powerpoint's user-friendly interface makes it easy to use, allowing even beginners to create eye-catching presentations with ease.

One of the greatest advantages of Powerpoint is the wide range of design options available. Users can choose from an array of themes and color schemes, as well as the ability to upload custom images, video, and audio. Powerpoint also has built-in charts, graphs, and diagrams that helps audience to understand the presented information quickly.

Powerpoint's features help to streamline the presentation creation process, allowing students to focus on the content rather than the technical details. Powerpoint also provides effortless importing of media files, creating animations, and applying transitions between slides. All these features make Powerpoint an indispensable tool for those who want to create outstanding presentations.

As far as creating digital presentations are concerned, Powerpoint is an excellent choice. Its versatility, flexibility, and ease-of-use have made it the go-to for students, business professionals, and educators alike. By utilizing Powerpoint's features and design options, students can stand out with presentations that are sure to impress.

Google Slides: A powerful online presentation tool with a wide array of templates and themes

Are you tired of boring and outdated presentations? If so, it's time to switch to digital presentation tools that will help you ace your next presentation. One tool that stands out among the rest is Google Slides. This powerful online presentation tool offers a wide array of templates and themes that are perfect for students.

Google Slides allows you to create visually appealing presentations that will capture your audience's attention. The tool offers a variety of templates and themes to choose from, making it easy for you to create a unique presentation that reflects your personality and style. Plus, Google Slides is user-friendly, which means that even if you're not a tech-savvy person, you'll be able to create high-quality presentations in no time.

One of the many benefits of using Google Slides is that it's compatible with various devices. This means that you won't have to worry about formatting issues when you present your work. You can access your presentations from anywhere, using any device, which adds to the convenience of using this tool.

For students who want to be successful with their presentations, it is essential to use digital presentation tools. Google Slides is an excellent choice since it's easy to use and offers a wide variety of templates and themes to choose from. Give it a try, and you'll be amazed at how it will transform your presentations.

Adobe Spark: An easy-to-use presentation tool that helps you create eye-catching slides

Many students have had to create presentations for school projects at some point, and it can be a daunting task to pull it off. But worry not, because there are many digital presentation tools out there to help you. One such tool that stands out is Adobe Spark.

Adobe Spark is an easy-to-use presentation tool that enables you to create eye-catching slides. One of the great things about Adobe Spark is that you don't need any design experience to use it. It has a simple interface that allows you to choose from a variety of preset templates, fonts, and themes. You can also customize your presentations with your own images, videos, and audio files to make them more engaging.

Another great feature of Adobe Spark is that it's entirely web-based, meaning you don't need to install any software on your computer. You can create and edit your presentations from any device with an internet connection. This also means that you can collaborate with others on your presentation, allowing you to get feedback and make improvements in real-time.

As a result, Adobe Spark is an excellent digital presentation tool that you should consider using if you are going to make presentations in the future. Its ease of use, customizable templates, and web-based interface make it the perfect tool for students of all levels. Whether you're presenting to your class, a group of peers, or even to a potential employer, Adobe Spark can help you create an engaging and memorable presentation.

Keynote: A great tool for creating custom-made presentations that look professional

If you're anything like me, you shudder at the thought of standing up in front of a crowd to deliver a presentation. The sweaty palms, the racing heart, the fear of messing up – it's enough to make anyone anxious. But fear not! With the right digital presentation tools, you can create a presentation that looks and feels professional. And our top pick? Keynote.

Keynote is a fantastic tool that allows you to create custom-made presentations with just a few clicks of a button. With its intuitive interface, you can easily add images, videos, and text to your slides, and create seamless transitions that make your presentation flow effortlessly. Plus, with the ability to add animations and interactive elements, your audience is sure to be engaged from start to finish.

But Keynote isn't the only digital presentation tool out there. If you're looking for something a little more collaborative, you might want to try out Google Slides. With real-time collaboration features, you can work with your classmates to create a presentation that everyone is proud of. And if you're looking for something that's a little more versatile, PowerPoint is always a great option. With its comprehensive features, you can create a presentation that's tailored to your needs.

So, if you're looking to ace your next presentation, be sure to check out our top digital presentation tools for students. With Keynote, Google Slides, and PowerPoint at your fingertips, you'll be well on your way to delivering the best presentation of your life.

Slidebean: An intuitive tool for creating impressive presentations with minimal effort

Are you tired of spending hours creating presentations for class? Look no further than Slidebean! This intuitive tool allows you to effortlessly create visually stunning presentations with minimal effort. Say goodbye to the days of spending hours trying to align elements and design beautiful slides.

Not only is Slidebean user-friendly, but it also offers a wide variety of templates to choose from. Whether you need to make a presentation on a scientific topic or want to wow your audience with a creative pitch, there's a template for you. Plus, the platform allows you to easily incorporate images, videos, graphs, and other multimedia elements to enhance your presentation.

But Slidebean isn't the only digital presentation tool available to students. From Prezi to Google Slides, there are plenty of resources to help you ace your next presentation. So why not make your life easier and take advantage of these digital tools? With minimal effort, you can create impressive and professional presentations that will leave your audience in awe.

Both academia and professional life have become increasingly dependent on presentations in the digital age we live in. With the wide array of digital presentation tools that are available today, students can easily create dynamic and engaging presentations that differentiate themselves from the competition. From Prezi to Canva to Powtoon, these tools not only enhance the visual appeal of your presentation but allow for a more interactive and collaborative experience. By utilizing these top digital presentation tools, students can not only ace their next presentation but develop essential communication skills that will serve them throughout their academic and professional careers. So why settle for a lackluster presentation when you can create a memorable and impactful one with the help of these tools?

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Pregnancy breakthrough.

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Kawaii Interface for an Agency presentation template

Kawaii Interface for an Agency

Take a look at these slides and tell us, aren't they super cute? Their resemblance to a computer interface, the gradients on the backgrounds and the kawaii illustrations make this template an adorable one! Talk about your agency and the services you offer and watch your audience react with a...

E-Learning presentation template

New and interesting technologies are being used for teaching. This means that you don’t need to be at school or at the university to take courses. If you need to prepare a webinar or you must give a presentation to talk about e-learning and these kind of advances in education,...

Christmas Recipe presentation template

Christmas Recipe

Do you have a sweet tooth? We bet you love Christmas—the snow, the presents, the happy times… and the food! We can help you deliver an awesome presentation with this free template designed for cooking recipes!

Science Fair Newsletter presentation template

Science Fair Newsletter

Creativity and innovation are also words closely tied to science, since people are always looking for new inventions and applications. Are you organizing a science fair and want to keep people up to date? How convenient—here’s our latest free template focused on this topic!

Minimal Charm presentation template

Minimal Charm

Are you looking for a monochromatic theme that is interesting at the same time? How about using a simple and clean theme, along with black-and-white pictures, to convey business or corporate content in a professional way?

Notebook Lesson presentation template

Notebook Lesson

These are the last days before the Summer break! We know that there are some pending lessons that you need to prepare for your students. As they may be thinking about their friends and their holidays, catch their attention with this cool template!

Science Education Center presentation template

Science Education Center

Albert Einstein believed that “the important thing is to never stop questioning.” When it comes to science and research, we need to investigate and to ask for answers. Teach your students about the value of questioning in your Science Education Center!

Minimalist Marketing Plan presentation template

Minimalist Marketing Plan

Defining a good marketing strategy is not enough to get new clients and investors. You need to present your data and next steps with an elegant presentation in order to create a great impact! Use our minimalist template now!

Chef CV presentation template

Food is quite important in our lives, don’t you think so? If you are a chef, we have designed the perfect template for your curriculum. Have a look at it now!

Bicycle Shop presentation template

Bicycle Shop

Begin your path with a single pedal stroke! Do you own a bike company? Give some general information about you to your customers, tell them what you do and what you sell. Keep moving!

Creative Portfolio presentation template

Creative Portfolio

Let others know about your potential with this creative portfolio! We have just created a great template to help you share your work with recruiters. Give it a go now!

Magical Wizard World Minitheme presentation template

Magical Wizard World Minitheme

I solemnly swear I’m up to no boring presentations! Use this Slidesgo template that looks like a magical map to give a magical speech and surprise your audience. You don’t need be a wizard to be able to edit the resources on these slides, you only need to open Google...

Hairdresser Portfolio presentation template

Hairdresser Portfolio

Peter Coppola said that “life is more beautiful when you meet the right hairdresser.” That’s true! If you are a stylist willing to show your work to the public, use his modern template.

  • Page 1 of 92

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The only presentation tool for students. helps you and your entire class create modern presentations with ease. We believe that design and education should be accessible to everyone, so we’re excited to offer students a free annual Pro subscription. Simply verify your .edu account and we’ll send you a confirmation email with your coupon code. See offer details

How it works

Get a jumpstart every time.

Our inspiration gallery has hundreds of pre-designed templates so you never have to stare at a blank slide again.

No design skills necessary

Our product has been taught rules of good design. As you add content, your slides automatically adapt by using our AI slide creator technology.

Collaborate without constraints

Class projects are now a breeze. Create and edit your slides in real-time - you never have to wait for a revised presentation because it’s in the cloud.

Sharing in 3,2,1

Simply email a link to your presentation, embed it on a website, or share out on social media.

The secret weapon of leading institutions


Crush classroom presentations

Get a jumpstart on your academic research, homework, or thesis presentation with one of our pre-built templates crafted by academic experts.

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Scale student projects

Get the tools you need to tell compelling stories and realize creative presentation ideas that will take you to the top of the class.

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Nail remote collaboration

Our advanced collaboration tools let you invite classmates with one click. Everything’s on the cloud, so everyone’s always working on the same deck, in real time.

Start with a template

Check out our curated pitch deck templates to help jump-start your next presentation. Each template is ready to use, fully customizable, and easy-to-edit in just a few clicks. ‍ View All Templates

best online presentation tools for students

Why for classrooms?

  • The product is the designer so you don’t have to be. Our AI presentation tools help you tell your story, beautifully.
  • Create unique and engaging materials with animations, custom icons, photos, and more.
  • Build interactive presentations and assignments and share via a link, website in just a few clicks.
  • Record voice overs to classroom presentations to give yourself a break during long class periods.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible for the education discount.


Students with a verified .edu email account are eligible for a free annual Pro subscription (up to 12 months). 

If I’m an existing Pro subscriber, can I get the discount? 

This discount is only available for new first time student subscribers.

How do I get my Education discount? 

To apply for the Education discount, head over to and fill out our application form. Once your email is verified, you will automatically be upgraded to the Education plan. 

How do I verify my .edu address? 

To verify your email, head to and select the Verify your .EDU Account button. All school domains are eligible.

How long is the discount good for?

This discount is good for your first year (12 months) of service.

What do I do if I have more questions? 

If you have any questions, contact [email protected]

best online presentation tools for students

TERMS AND CONDITIONS offer for students

Students with a verified .edu email account are eligible for a free annual Pro subscription (up to 12 months). The discount will be applied to the first year of the subscription term for the plan (excluding any renewals or add-on upgrades). Users who have purchased an Individual, Team and/or Pro Subscription Plan within the last 6 months are not eligible for the discount. Offer only valid on future purchases, not applicable to past payments or subscriptions. Discount shall be void and no longer valid if, for any reason, the Subscription Plan, or your right to use the Beautiful.AI services, is canceled, terminated, and/or suspended. One discount per customer/individual/entity.

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My TechDecisions

15 Online Tools for Students and Teachers to Create Presentations

Presentations can be an equally daunting task for students and educators to put together and deliver..

October 18, 2016 Gloria Kopp 9 Comments

Online Tools for Engaging Presentations

If presentations are not done right, they could lead to boring, mind wandering time wasters, where the message doesn’t really get through properly. But, help is available in the form of great online tools that’ll help you create engaging presentations, whether you’re a student or a teacher.

Keep their attention, get your message across, and dazzle them with eye catching presentations using these online resources.

Related: Tips to Consider for Effective Audio Visual Presentations

  • Animoto :  If traditional slide show presentations won’t cut it, look to Animoto to create a video presentation. Photos and video can be put together in a professional looking presentation easily. Just pick your style and music, customize your photos and videos with text and get ready to present.
  • Canva :  It’s so simple to drag, drop and create stunningly beautiful presentations with Canva. They’ve got everything you need to fill the professionally designed templates, from images to photo filters to fonts. You’ve got endless possibilities at your fingertips, helping you put together stunning and engaging presentations.
  • Creedo :  Impress and make sure that your presentation is listened to and remembered. It’s entirely possible with the help of Creedoo. If you’re looking to interact with your audience through your presentation, this is the resource to turn to. Ask questions to and poll your audience, then get their responses in real time. This tool also gives you the option of creating additional back slides that connect to any of your main slides, so that if you need to go more in depth into a topic, you’ll have back slides prepared, so you won’t miss a beat.
  • Boomessays :  Content is key in every presentation, and if you don’t have engaging content, it doesn’t matter how spectacular your presentation looks. Turn to the professional writers at Boom Essays for expertly written content, and you’ll get relevant, in depth information to fill your presentation with.
  •   Emaze :  Amaze with Emaze, where you can create, share and explore amazing presentations. Free templates are available for you to customize, and presentations are also available in 3D. The cloud-based tool allows you to access your presentations anywhere.
  • Go Animate:  In less than 5 minutes, you can easily create a professional looking animated video that’ll tell your story out loud. It’s ideal for the classroom because it serves up information in a unique and engaging way, that’ll keep students interested. And, the unlimited subscriptions mean you’ll have complete access to unlimited creation, hosting and download.
  • Google Slides :  This free presentation software has become a permanent fixture in many classrooms. It’s accessible from any internet connected device, so you can create, view, present and more from anywhere at anytime. Google also auto saves your work as changes are made, so you’ll never have to worry about losing your work.
  • Essayroo :  No matter what your presentation is focused on, the writers at EssayRoo can put together a killer presentation that’ll engage your audience. Wow everyone with the knowledge and detail you’re presenting and the depth of information you’ve got when you enlist the help of a content creation service, like EssayRoo.
  • MoveNote : Put together creative video presentations using MoveNote’s cloud-based software that lets you add your content, then enhance it through video recordings using your webcam. This tool is especially useful in creating “How to” videos.
  • Pear Deck : Engage the entire classroom using presentations done through Pear Deck. It’s an incredible resource that allows students to directly join into a teacher’s presentation using a unique code on their own device. This is truly an interactive presentation tool that lets teachers get data about how their students are interacting with the presentation.
  • Microsoft PowerPoint : The original presentation software, PowerPoint is the industry standard for businesses, educators and students alike. It’s the most widely used software worldwide, and now also features an online cloud-based version that can be shared easily and can be accessed anywhere.
  • SlideDog :  If you’re a little worried that your presentation will have problems opening, your videos won’t load or about any other technical problems that might occur, ease your worries with SlideDog. This resource helps put your mind at ease, because you can combine almost any media into one seamless presentation, and know that each element of your presentation will open without worry.
  • UK Writings : Put together amazing presentations when you include content created by the experts at UK Writings. All of their writers are fully vetted to ensure they know the topics they’ll be writing about, so you’re guaranteed to get great content to add to your visually stunning presentation.
  • Hemingway App : Ensure that your presentation content is error free and written perfectly for the level of your audience with the help of Hemingway App. Write at a level too low and you’ll lose their interest; Write at a level above what they can understand and your message will get lost.
  • ProWriting Aid : Keep your audience engaged by turning your good writing into great writing with a little assistance from ProWriting Aid. You’ll improve your readability, helping you get through to your audience on their level of understanding.

Read next: Use Your Classroom Projector for More than Presentations

Create presentations on a whole new level with the assistance of these helpful, easy to use online tools. You’ll boost the quality of your presentations, while increasing the level of engagement of your audience, which means your information will be received at a greater rate.

Gloria Kopp is a web content writer and an elearning consultant from Manville city. She graduated from University of Wyoming and started a career of a creative writer. She has recently launched her Studydemic educational website and is currently working as a freelance writer and editor.

Videoconferencing Technology

Discover how to eliminate the dreaded, confusing, disorganized audio conference from your organization forever. This report will show you how.

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Reader Interactions

best online presentation tools for students

November 8, 2016 at 4:56 am

best online presentation tools for students

November 10, 2016 at 5:28 am

Presentations usually give a deeper insight to what the topic is. It’s not surprising that a short outline with a picture gives a better understanding of the topic. Over many years the best formula for creating presentations remains unchanged: visuality + original content. Being a true follower of Canvas and Unplag, I cannot but say about the high quality of these tools. With them, I improved my time-managing skills and also upgraded my creative mind. Canva is on the top of all the tools for creating beautiful design: colours, prints, patterns – everything is captivating. What I do about Unplag is its speed and accuracy. In a second it identifies academic lapses such as wrong formatted citations or references. It’s more than cool.

best online presentation tools for students

March 19, 2018 at 12:53 pm

First off I want to say superb blog! I had a quick question in which I’d like to ask if you don’t mind. I was interested to know how you center yourself and clear your head prior to writing. I’ve had a tough time clearing my thoughts in getting my ideas out. I do enjoy writing however it just seems like the first 10 to 15 minutes are wasted just trying to figure out how to begin. Any ideas or tips? Appreciate it!

best online presentation tools for students

April 25, 2018 at 8:15 am

Thanks for anny other informative website. Where else may I get that kind of information written iin such an ideal way? I have a project that I amm simply nnow runnjing on, and I have bee at the look out for such information.

best online presentation tools for students

June 28, 2018 at 6:45 am

Beneficial information related to making presentations, but I have a question these tools are paid or free?

best online presentation tools for students

March 28, 2019 at 7:54 am

It is a great way of socializing and building up relationships. Oh! What a great post this is and I am glad I found your post on the topic that I was looking for?” Thanks for taking the time to post. It’s lifted the level of debate.

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April 4, 2019 at 7:47 pm

For most up-to-date news you have to visit the web and on web I found this website as a best web site for newest updates.

best online presentation tools for students

May 27, 2019 at 1:54 am

This article very informative I have clear my mind about this topic thanks

best online presentation tools for students

June 14, 2019 at 8:21 am

According to my opinion, it is very informative because I am a student and THis type of blog excellent for me and also teachers.

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How the Florida Panthers Maximize Their Workflow & Win New Clients Using Visme

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Converting More Leads from Existing Traffic with Visme’s Interactive Form Builder

How the Denver Broncos Use Visme to Visualize Data, Execute Strategies & Wow Partners

How the Denver Broncos Use Visme to Visualize Data, Execute Strategies & Wow Partners

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How a Consultancy Uses Visme to Create Engaging Client-Facing Content

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Make Stunning Presentations

Transforms the way you create presentations and present it to your audience.

best online presentation tools for students

Chosen by brands large and small

Our presentation software is used by over 27,500,000 marketers, communicators, executives and educators from over 133 countries that include:

best online presentation tools for students

Create beautiful presentations, faster

Visme is the best presentation software for teams who need real-time collaboration and individuals who need advanced features and customization for interactive presentations. Create beautiful presentations in minutes, not hours.

A collage showing the different presentation templates available in Visme.

“Frequently, members of the lead team need to give presentations and trainings; Visme has allowed us to really increase the quality of the presentations with minimal effort AND we can re-use past presentations as templates for future presentations, which makes it a great little efficiency booster too!”

“I like the sheer volume of quality presentation and design templates we get with Visme. Editing the templates is generally straightforward and we can have a few different people have access to editing them. We can also set different permissions to have some people provide input or approval and others do the actual editing. We can collaborate right within the Visme to make our notes and suggestions as direct as possible.”

Make it bold and beautiful

Design presentation slides with a wide selection of gorgeous templates and pitch decks , millions of free stock images and thousands of icons.

Tap into more than 50 charts & graphs, interactive maps, mind maps, plus multimedia features modern functionalities that other presentation apps and presentation programs don’t offer.

Thousands of easy-to-edit presentation templates, slides and pitch decks

  • Choose from beautiful custom HD quality presentation templates in trending styles
  • Create your own custom presentation or slideshow from scratch with our drag-and-drop interface
  • Import and edit your PowerPoint presentations online from your web browser

A welcome slide from the Creative presentation theme in Visme.

Record yourself presenting

Once you’ve created your presentation, do more than only share or download it. With Visme’s Presenter Studio, you can record your presentation and share it with your audience.

  • Record your screen, audio, and video, or switch off your camera for an audio-only presentation.
  • Present asynchronously on your own time, at your own pace. Let your colleagues watch it at their convenience.

Living in the past?

Relax. Visme allows you to import and export your Microsoft PowerPoint as editable presentations.

An illustration of a guy inserting a black-and-white slide into the top of a printer and a girl taking out a colorful slide from the bottom.

Graphics, charts, diagrams, data widgets and maps

  • Over 1.5 million high resolution stock images, thousands of vector icons and over 125 fonts
  • Visualize data with more than 50 charts, graphs, data visualization tools and powerful maps
  • Tables, diagrams and flowcharts to create processes and workflows

A collage showing the different data widgets available in Visme.

Speed things up with Visme AI Designer

Go from a text prompt to a ready-to-use design in mere minutes with Visme AI Designer (Beta). Do you need to create a presentation but lack the time? Let Visme AI Designer help you save time and effort. Describe your desired project to our AI Designer Chatbot, choose a style, and relax as AI Designer generates your project.

Save time and a whole lot of hassle

No more searching for Microsoft Office files in your device, in your G Suite account or in iCloud. Have everything you need in one place, accessible at any time and reuse them in your presentations.

A graphic showing the file management feature in Visme.

File Management & Content Blocks

The more you create, the more productive you get. Grow your own media library of icons and even PDFs for future presentations and other formats.

A graphic showing the slide library in Visme.

Slide Library

Create your own slide library or custom content blocks and reuse them in any of your future presentations.

A graphic showing a video thumbnail with a play button in the center and confetti around it.

Create a stunning presentation in 5 minutes

Gain granular control, animate anything, create actionable areas, add videos, voice overs, and music to your presentations., present like a pro or go home.

Deliver your presentation as visually interactive experiences.

Create, edit & present

Access Visme on your favorite browser on your desktop or laptop. No presentation software or plugins to install. Present offline even if you have no internet connection.

  • Visme works on all latest browsers on both PC and Macs.

Create Edit & Present

Reach your audience everywhere

Visme presentations are engineered to display across all mobile and tablet devices. Auto responsive presentations will adhere to maximum resolution of any device you present on.

  • Maintain smooth transitions on any mobile device. Tap or scroll across your slides.

Reach your Audience Everywhere

Stay poised with presenter

Tap into Visme presenter view to access notes and prompts visible only to you while you present to help you maintain focus and stay on prompt.

  • Presenter mode works online and offline.

Stay poised with Presenter

Share or download your presentations

Share your presentation online, make it private or download to present offline

A graphic showing the commenting feature in Visme.

Share online

Share your presentation online, embed to your website with Visme’s advanced embedding options or post on social media.

A graphic showing the collaboration feature in Visme.

Make it private

Make your presentation private or password protected and not indexable by Google for internal sharing and sensitive information.

A graphic showing the different download options available in Visme.

Download your presentation to present offline without internet connection. Download as PowerPoint, PDF, HTML5 and video.

Track, analyze and engage

Learn who is viewing your presentation and for how long, down to the slide level.

A graphic showing the analytics feature in Visme.

Great for you . Even better for your team!

Visme for presentations is everything you need to collaborate and share beautiful presentations with your team.

A graphic showing the team management feature in Visme.

Manage your team

Easily add and track users in your teams for real-time collaboration

A graphic showing the Brand Kit feature in Visme.

Set document brand guidelines

Lock your document brand colors and set your own chart and graph templates

A graphic showing the permissions settings feature in Visme.

Set permissions

Set user permissions or create roles to decide who can view, edit or share your documents

Learn more about how our users are taking advantage of everything Visme has to offer.

A graphic showing a Visme user.

How WOW! is Saving Nearly 79% in Time and Cost With Visme

An illustration of a vacant seat and a smartphone displaying IBM’s careers page.

How IBM Saw a 75% Reduction in Job Posting Costs With Visme

A graphic showing a Visme slide, a color palette, and the font symbol


Build Branded Presentations

Build a library of presentations, slides, media assets and brand colors to share with your team.

Build Branded Presentations

Personalize Your Presentations

Present as is or polish content and adjust as needed.

Build Branded Presentations


Share Your Documents

Present live or offline, make it private or use to generate leads and measure results.

Learn more about Visme for Teams.

Advanced editing and presentation design features

Hundreds of professional presentation templates for every industry

Available in HD format and can be customized to any desired size

Add your own branded fonts and colors for a consistent feel across all your documents

Tap into 50+ charts, tables, flowcharts or insert your own external content

Presentation notes and presenter mode to present in front of an audience

Quickly and easily download as HTML5 or PowerPoint to present offline


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Some of the best presentation software are Visme, Prezi, SlideDog, Haiku Deck, Slidebean, Powtoon and Zoho Show and others like Google Slides, Microsoft PowerPoint and Apple Keynote.

While PowerPoint was a great tool, it’s a bit outdated and doesn’t have the capabilities that a modern tool like Visme has. With professionally designed, modern presentation templates, millions of free design assets, easy-to-understand tutorials and more available to you, Visme is the number one PowerPoint alternative available. You can find more PowerPoint alternatives on our blog.

Don't worry – you don't have to start from scratch! Import your PowerPoint presentation into Visme, edit it online and export in PowerPoint, PDF or even embed it on your website.

Visme presentations are responsive on mobile devices, so regardless of if you're viewing your project on an Android or iOS device like an iPhone or iPad, your presentations are still displayed perfectly.

Yes, Visme offers a completely free plan! However, for professionals and businesses who need access to more premium features, there are tiered pricing plans available based on your needs.

Create a free account today and start creating your own presentations, infographics, social media content, professional documents and more.

An illustration of confetti.

Jumpstart your presentation

The all-in-one beautiful interactive presentation maker that will transform the way you create, engage and present with your audience.

An illustration of a drive-in cinema with a Visme slide template on the projector screen.

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Best Presentation Apps for Students

Best Presentation Apps for Students

One of the best ways to get students to use technology in your classroom is through presentations. No matter what the topic, creating colorful slideshows and engaging materials helps students get their point across and gives them a chance to learn best practices for using software to help them organize their thoughts. These interactive presentation apps and websites give them tools to make their work fun, engaging, and interesting. 

But what tech should you rely on for K-12 student presentations? There are plenty of options to choose from. Here are some of the best digital presentation tools for students:

Microsoft PowerPoint

1. Microsoft PowerPoint

Microsoft PowerPoint - 5 star rating

(Android, iPhone, iPad)

PowerPoint is a popular presentation app for students to create slideshows containing important information, charts, and images. It provides built-in professional graphics and user-friendly tools, making it accessible even for beginners to create impressive presentations. With a wide range of editing tools, PowerPoint simplifies the process of arranging images and text effectively, making it an excellent introduction to graphic design principles. Students can utilize PowerPoint for creating content-rich slideshows with transitions, animations, multiple layouts, and more. It offers a variety of templates, with additional advanced designs available through Premium subscriptions.

Platform:  Website, iOS, Android, macOS

Price:  Free with subscription options

SmartSHOW 3D

2. SmartSHOW 3D

SmartSHOW 3D - 5 star rating

SmartSHOW 3D is a presentation tool that lets you start from a blank project or one of hundreds of premade templates to create a compelling slideshow with sound, photos and videos. SmartSHOW 3D provides a rich toolkit for creating professional-level presentations with stunning effects. You can put multiple layers on the slide, apply animation to selected layers, add keyframes for fine-tuning the show. You can enjoy a collection of 180+ transition effects: classic fade-ins and dissolves, wipes and whirlwinds, enchanting gradients and ultramodern 3D-transitions.

Platform:  Windows

Price:  License based


Prezi is a great alternative to traditional presentations like PowerPoint. It encourages spontaneous thinking and dynamic delivery rather than rehearsed, linear slides. Unlike PowerPoint, Prezi operates as a concept map, enabling seamless navigation between topics from a central page. It's well-suited for online presentations, making it an excellent choice for virtual meetings. Prezi offers both flexibility in editing and design, and it's user-friendly. Its engaging features, such as zooming, can produce polished results, and students can present their content in any order, which is particularly useful for Q&A sessions.

Price:  Free with premium plans

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Canva is a popular presentation website for students. It is a free, intuitive, and simple tool packed with lots of exciting features and customizable elements. It lets you pick from thousands of excellent templates to make your presentation shine. Canva also includes a variety of transitions, supports GIFs, video embedding, and Google Maps integration. It offers library of millions of high-quality charts, illustrations, and images you can use to make your presentation truly great. Canva lets you share the project on social media with a few simple clicks or use Presentation Mode to present it remotely right from your Canva account.

Google Slides

5. Google Slides

Google Slides - 5 star rating

Google Slides is a free tool to create presentations from scratch or from a template. For students and teachers, Google Slides is one of the most exciting and versatile presentation tool. There are many sharing options for your Google Slides presentation. It can be private, you can share it with select people, or you can share it publicly on the web. You can choose whether people can view or edit your presentation. Now, if you are looking for an app that is affordable and easy to use, then we recommend you go for Google Slides. Google Slides is one of the more popular presentation apps and PowerPoint alternatives available.

Price:  Free


(iPhone, iPad)

Teaching your class the finer points of video editing is very time consuming, but Animoto lets you take a major shortcut. This drag-and-drop program makes it easy for students to add video clips, photos, and text that they cut together into a short video. This is perfect for creating PSAs, trailers, and advertisements as a capstone project, and teachers can get it for free.


7. AhaSlides

AhaSlides - 5 star rating

AhaSlides is a cloud-based interactive presentation software with which your audience can respond to your questions using just their phones. AhaSlides allows users to transform one-sided, boring, and dull presentations into interactive ones. For instance, the presentation software allows them to create and host Q&A sessions wherein they will be able to crowdsource relevant and great questions from the audience without using a microphone. The presentation software permits users to customize their presentations to make them more impressive, captivating, and engaging. 

Platform:  Web-based


8. Venngage

Venngage - 5 star rating

With Venngage online presentation maker, you can create dynamic presentations by using their ready-made templates. Pick a template created by professional designers, customize it by adding your texts, images, videos, charts, icons, and illustrations. Once you finish the customization, present it directly from the site or download it as a PDF or PNG. Some features are limited in the free version.

So, now you have more than enough interactive presentation apps options – all that’s left is to pick a template and get started. You may not want to force a set of tools upon yourself for whatever you do, be it slideshow making and presenting. Be flexible with these apps as you might find a different use case for different situations. 

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The 9 Best Online Tools for Student Collaboration

There are so many to choose from!

A collage of four tutorials for teachers that feature the best tech tools for collaboration.

From group projects to collective brainstorming and peer review, we love to get our students collaborating. Whether we are teaching in person or online, there are a ton of tools for getting our students to work together both during and after school. Here are the 9 best tech tools for student collaboration.

Goal: I want an online tool for students to give and get feedback.

Try: peergrade.

You create an assignment and a rubric–students submit their work. Then, Peergrade randomly distributes the assignments to different students. They use the rubric to give feedback. They can add written comments. Best part? They can rate the feedback they get.

Learn More:

Goal: I want my students to study together outside of school.

Try: quizlet.

Students can review and quiz each other from the comfort of their own bedrooms with Quizlet. Students make sets of flashcards for an upcoming test, and then they can share them with their classmates. This allows students to split up the workload as well. You can even divide the material into sections and have each student make cards for one of those sections.

Goal: I want my students to have a place to communicate and share ideas in real time.

Try: yoteach.

With this backchannel communication tool, you create a chat room and can post questions, moderate discussions, delete responses, and have control over who is communicating within the chat room. Students can submit a drawing, create a poll, or use the voting feature.

Goal: I want my students to have discussions outside of class.

Try: flipgrid.

Flipgrid is a social media-style video discussion platform great for generating class discussions around topics, videos, or links posted to the class grid. Students can video record their responses to share with the teacher or class. Use it for book reviews, peer feedback, sharing, and celebrating work.

Goal: I want a tool for students to have a virtual discussion.

Try: parlay.

Parlay allows you to compile resources around a discussion prompt, have students submit a response to the discussion prompt, and then engage students in both written and verbal discussion and peer feedback. It’s the perfect tool for virtual Socratic seminars!

Goal: I want a virtual space for my students to brainstorm.

This digital workspace is designed for visual collaboration. Students can draw, create and move around virtual sticky notes, build diagrams, add videos, and more.

Goal: I want a virtual space for my students to solve problems.

We used our whiteboard all the time when teaching in person. Miro is a digital whiteboard with all kinds of options for creating diagrams and solving problems.

Goal: I want a tool where I can create and share projects with students.

Try: wakelet.

If you want to organize and share resources with your students, this is your tool. You can create a lesson plan, project, newsletter, reading list, and more.

Goal: I want students to answer each other’s questions once class is over.

This app-based platform provides students and teachers with a space to ask and answer questions. Teachers can create a question for the class and choose to provide students with the space to post a private response or keep it open to collect and share all responses.

Plus, check out The 8 Best Online Tools For Teacher Planning .

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The 9 Best Online Tools For Student Collaboration

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best online presentation tools for students

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Best Practices for Online Presentations:The Ultimate Guide

Best Practices for Online Presentations:The Ultimate Guide

Online presentations have become an integral part of our professional and personal lives, especially in today's digital age. Whether you're presenting to colleagues, clients, or a virtual audience, delivering a flawless online presentation requires careful planning, preparation, and execution. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the best practices for online presentations, covering crafting engaging content, essential tips, mastering virtual presentation technology, overcoming challenges, and advanced techniques to take your presentations to the next level.

Crafting Engaging Virtual Presentation Content

  • Simplify Your Slides : Keep your slides concise, visually appealing, and easy to read. Use a clear, legible font size (at least 24 points) and limit the amount of text on each slide. Opt for high-quality images, charts, and graphics to support your key points and maintain audience interest.
  • Use Visual Aids : Incorporate relevant images, videos, and graphs to break up text and make your slides more engaging. Ensure that all visuals are high-resolution and clearly visible to your audience. Use animations and transitions sparingly to avoid distracting from your core message.

best online presentation tools for students

Essential Tips before Deliver a Flawless Virtual Presentation

  • Proper Webcam & Lighting : Invest in a high-quality webcam and ensure that your lighting is optimal to make a great first impression on your audience. Position your webcam at eye level and use soft, natural light to illuminate your face evenly, avoiding harsh shadows or back lighting. Proper lighting can significantly enhance the quality of your video feed. In addition, Position yourself facing a window for natural light or use a ring light or desk lamp to illuminate your face. Avoid sitting with a window behind you, as it can create a silhouette effect.
  • Check Internet Connection : A stable and fast internet connection is crucial for a smooth virtual presentation. Test your connection speed beforehand and consider using a wired connection instead of Wi-Fi for better reliability. Have a backup plan, such as a mobile hotspot, in case of connectivity issues.
  • Dress Professionally : Even though you're presenting virtually, dressing professionally can boost your confidence and make a positive impression on your audience. Choose attire that is appropriate for the occasion and avoid busy patterns or distracting accessories.
  • Eliminate Distractions : Minimize background noise and distractions to keep your audience focused on your presentation. Close unnecessary applications, silence notifications, and inform others in your household about your presentation to avoid interruptions.
  • Present in a Quiet Space : Find a quiet, dedicated space for your virtual presentation to minimize background noise and interruptions. If possible, use a room with a door that you can close and consider using a noise-canceling headset or microphone for better audio quality.

Mastering Virtual Presentation Technology

  • Master the virtual presentation platform : Take the time to learn the features and capabilities of the virtual presentation platform you'll be using. Explore options such as screen sharing, chat, polls, and breakout rooms to engage your audience effectively.
  • Test equipment : Before the presentation, thoroughly test your audio, video, and screen sharing capabilities to ensure a seamless experience. Check your microphone and webcam settings, and practice using the virtual presentation platform to avoid technical hiccups during the live event.
  • Use Audience Engagement Tools : Incorporate interactive elements like live polls, Q&A sessions, and chat to keep your audience engaged throughout the presentation. Encourage participation by asking questions, seeking feedback, and fostering discussions.

Overcoming Virtual Presentation Challenges

  • Managing Nerves and Anxiety : To manage nerves and anxiety, practice deep breathing exercises before your presentation. Take slow, deep breaths to calm your mind and reduce stress. Use positive self-talk and visualize a successful presentation to boost your confidence.
  • Handling Technical Issues : Despite thorough preparation, technical issues can still arise. Have a backup plan in place, such as sharing your slides or notes with the audience in advance. Remain calm and communicate with your audience if you experience technical difficulties, and have a co-host or technical support on standby to assist if needed.
  • Encouraging Audience Participation : To encourage audience participation, start by setting expectations and providing clear instructions on how to engage. Use icebreakers or polls to initiate interaction and create a welcoming atmosphere. Allocate dedicated time for Q&A and actively monitor the chat for questions and comments.

best online presentation tools for students

Advanced Virtual Presentation Techniques

  • Using Body Language : Even in a virtual setting, body language plays a crucial role in effective communication. Maintain good posture, make eye contact with the camera, and use appropriate hand gestures to emphasize key points. Avoid fidgeting or making distracting movements.
  • Varying Tone and Pace : Keep your audience engaged by varying your tone and pace throughout the presentation. Use vocal inflections to convey enthusiasm and emphasize important information. Adjust your speaking pace to allow for pauses and give your audience time to process the content.

Summarize the strengths and weaknesses of the presentation

  • Collect feedback : Actively seek feedback from the audience through post-presentation surveys or sending follow-up emails. Let the audience share their thoughts, ask questions, and provide suggestions.
  • Summarize and improve : Analyze the collected feedback. Summarize the strengths and weaknesses of the presentation. Incorporate valuable insights into future presentations to continuously improve your online presentation skills.

Delivering a successful online presentation requires a combination of technical proficiency, engaging content, and effective communication skills. By following the best practices outlined in this guide, you'll be well-equipped to navigate the challenges of virtual presentations and captivate your audience. Remember to invest in quality equipment, master the virtual presentation platform, craft compelling content, and engage your audience through interactive elements and storytelling. With practice and persistence, you'll become a confident and impactful virtual presenter, ready to tackle any online presentation with ease.  If you have any other questions regarding online presentations, feel free to leave a message. Additionally, you are welcome to share the online presentation skills. Meanwhile, if you find this article useful, please share it with your friends or on social media.

What are the most important technical considerations for online presentations?

The most important technical considerations for online presentations include:

Ensuring a stable and fast internet connection

Investing in a high-quality webcam and microphone

Familiarizing yourself with the virtual presentation platform

Testing your audio, video, and screen sharing capabilities before the presentation

Having a backup plan in case of technical issues

How can I make my virtual presentation content more engaging?

To make your virtual presentation content more engaging, consider the following:

Keep your slides concise and visually appealing

Use high-quality images, charts, and graphics to support your key points

Incorporate storytelling techniques to make your content more relatable and memorable

Use interactive elements like polls, Q&A sessions, and chat to encourage audience participation

Vary your tone and pace to maintain audience interest

What should I do if I experience technical issues during my online presentation?

If you experience technical issues during your online presentation, remain calm and take the following steps:

Communicate with your audience and inform them of the issue

Have a backup plan, such as sharing your slides or notes in advance

Seek assistance from a co-host or technical support team

If the issue persists, consider rescheduling the presentation or providing alternative means of accessing the content

How can I manage nerves and anxiety before an online presentation?

To manage nerves and anxiety before an online presentation, try the following techniques:

Practice deep breathing exercises to calm your mind and reduce stress

Use positive self-talk and visualize a successful presentation

Rehearse your presentation multiple times to build confidence

Ensure that you are well-prepared and familiar with the virtual presentation platform

Create a comfortable and distraction-free environment for your presentation

What are some advanced techniques for delivering impactful virtual presentations?

Advanced techniques for delivering impactful virtual presentations include:

Using appropriate body language, such as maintaining good posture and making eye contact with the camera

Varying your tone and pace to keep your audience engaged

Encouraging feedback and actively seeking audience input

Incorporating storytelling techniques to create an emotional connection with your audience

Leveraging advanced features of the virtual presentation platform, such as breakout rooms or whiteboarding tools, to enhance interaction and collaboration.


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Home Blog Teaching Trends Online whiteboard for teaching, 5 ideas for getting started

September 3rd, 2024 by Angélique Toque

Online whiteboard for teaching, 5 ideas for getting started

online whiteboard for teaching

Table of Contents

An online whiteboard for teaching can greatly enhance your classroom. Students today are more familiar with technology than ever before, so why not let them learn in the way they consume knowledge daily? 

The Explain Everything online whiteboard is the perfect match for your upcoming semester’s challenges. Let’s dive deeper into digital whiteboard scenarios for teaching and find your favorite one!

Create interactive presentations in minutes

As a teacher, you produce tons of materials—so why not turn them into interactive resources? If you have PowerPoint presentations, you can easily import them into Explain Everything . By using digital whiteboards for teaching you can transform all materials into interactive presentations. You can record voice overs, make annotations, and tailor the content to meet your students’ needs. These tasks are no longer difficult to accomplish.

What can you add to your presentation to make it more interactive?

  • Videos from your device
  • Voiceover recordings
  • Imported files (basically anything you want!)
  • Sticky notes, shapes, cliparts, and more

How to create your fist interactive project? Watch this video

Annotate on PDFs using a digital whiteboard 

Stop printing all your materials and start digitizing exercises and assignments. This approach not only saves you time but also simplifies the teaching process. All students can access a whiteboard project with homework from any of their devices. They can no longer claim they’ve lost their worksheet somewhere! How to start annotating on your PDFs in a second? Watch this video

Record Instructional Videos

Nowadays, everything is turned into a video—it has become a part of our lives. With this powerful tool, teachers can save tons of time on material preparation and build a digital library of pre-made videos covering different topics and subjects for students. With the Explain Everything digital whiteboard, you can record lesson recaps for absent students or create assignments. Instantly share materials with your students or parents using a web link.

How to record explainer videos? Watch a video or read the article → 

Create Engaging Assignments with Activities

Teachers who integrate gamified activities into their assignments are often seen as innovative and dynamic, aiming to boost student engagement and motivation. Recently we’ve launched a brand new feature “Activities”. From now on you can use activities like Memory, Matching, and Crosswords to strengthen your students’ knowledge and incorporate some fun during your classes. 

Disclaimer: Activities are available on the Advanced and Pro Plans, on iOS devices.

How to start using Activities in Explain Everything? Watch this video

Digital teaching aids, store them all in one place

One of the greatest advantages of digital teaching aids is the ability to store all your teaching materials in one place. By digitizing your lesson plans, presentations, worksheets, and other resources, you create an organized and easily accessible repository of your teaching prep. This not only saves you time but also allows you to build upon your materials year after year without having to start from scratch. With everything stored digitally, you can quickly make updates, share resources with colleagues, and ensure that you’re always prepared. 

Online whiteboard for teaching, start with Back to School Templates 

If you’re new to digital whiteboards, now is a great time to try one for free and see if it meets your needs. Creating an account costs nothing but can make a huge difference. Start with these Back-to-School templates and customize them however you like.

best online presentation tools for students

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Use of Online Tools to Introduce Students to Research

Engaging students in research is a high-impact practice shown to increase graduation outcomes and sustain their pursuit of careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). However, research opportunities for students early in their undergraduate studies are not widely available at most colleges or for most students. To overcome this barrier, we developed three online resources designed to introduce students to what research is and direct them on how to get started with the search for research opportunities. These resources consist of (a) two introductory videos to inspire students to learn more about research, (b) online modules on the topics of getting started with research, transferable research skills, and publications and presentations, and (c) a searchable faculty research mentor directory. We found these online resources to be an effective ways to reach and engage a large number of undergraduate students who are accustomed to obtaining information on the web. These online resources can also serve as useful supplemental resources for advising staff and faculty who wish to introduce students to research.


Early exposure to research is a high-impact practice shown to increase the retention of undergraduates in STEM majors and help them attain their degrees and enter research careers ( Hurtado et al., 2008 ; Jones et al., 2010 ; Kingsford et al., 2022 ). However, research opportunities for students early in their undergraduate studies are not widely available at most colleges or to most students. A National Survey on Student Engagement (NSSE) showed that only 5% of undergraduate students participate in research during their first year, which is much less than the 25–40% of undergraduate students that participated in research in their senior year ( Buffalari et al., 2020 ). Some known barriers to early participation in research for undergraduates include first-year students not knowing what research is or where to begin. For example, many first-year students take introductory courses that are scheduled in large classrooms or lecture halls. This type of environment is not conducive for students to get to know their faculty and learn about their faculty’s research interests.

To address these barriers, the California State University Long Beach (CSULB) Building Infrastructure Leading to Diversity (BUILD) Program partnered with the Office of Undergraduate Research Services (OURS) on campus to develop three online resources designed to help students learn about research and show them how to get started with research on campus. First, two short videos were developed that introduce students to what research is, describe how it is done across a wide range of disciplines, and provide an overview of a variety of student-centered research programs and eligibility requirements. Second, we developed three online professional development modules on topics geared toward early-career students, including (a) how to engage in research on campus, (b) benefits of participating in research via scholarly presentations and publications, and (c) transferability of research skills to non-research careers. Third, a searchable faculty research mentor directory was created as an online tool that connects students seeking faculty research mentor directory who are recruiting student research assistants. Using the faculty research directory, students can find a potential mentor by searching for faculty in a particular department, program, or area using keywords that capture the students’ research interests. Students can also view the directory to explore the broad types of research being conducted by faculty. Students interested in applying to specific research programs can use the directory to determine which faculty are associated with specific student programs.

In the following sections, we describe the process in which we used to develop:

  • Highly engaging online videos to introduce students to research and inspire them to find out more about research.
  • Professional development modules that provide more in-depth coverage of how to get started with research, highlight the importance of research and the opportunities research can provide, and the transferability of research skills to non-research careers.
  • A searchable faculty research mentor directory to highlight available faculty mentors and their research areas.

We also provide preliminary evaluation data to demonstrate the helpfulness of the modules to all participants, especially students who are new to research. Finally, we end the paper with recommendations for other organizations interested in adopting online tools to introduce students to research.


As noted in the Introduction, many students are not introduced to research early in their undergraduate studies or do not know how to get started. Thus, we proposed to develop student-centered online videos to introduce students to research and research opportunities on campus. To ensure adoption of these online tools within our university, we engaged the key stakeholders (e.g., University Administrators, OURS Director, Directors/Coordinators of various student research programs, and undergraduate students) in the development of content. Feedback from meetings with these stakeholders resulted in the following design criteria for the videos:

  • Avoid research jargon: The videos should be inviting to students who may not know what research is, apart from what they see in the media (e.g., a person in a lab coat leaning over a microscope). To encourage students to explore research and research careers, content should be written in a manner that is inviting and consistent with community/public messaging rather than with scientific jargon.
  • Represent a broad range of research disciplines: Typical characterization of research is in the traditional Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines. However, research occurs in all areas. The videos should have a broad coverage of research areas, spanning from the STEM disciplines to the Arts, Humanities, and Business. The range of research possibilities presented should invite more students to explore their own interests.
  • Be engaging: Students indicated that videos on research typically consist of a professor talking about their research projects. This type of presentation is neither inviting nor engaging for students new to research. The video should take advantage of the appeal of multimedia and animation to a broader audience of students to engage them in the viewing of the content.
  • Be representative of diversity: Students should be able to “see” themselves as researchers and see other researchers that resemble their multi-faceted identities. Thus, the people or characters in the videos should be representative of different cultural, ethnic, gender, and able-bodied identities.
  • Be specific to the university: Students need to “see” themselves as part of the research community. The videos should reflect images/locations that are representative of campus and campus life.
  • Flexible usage: The videos should be in a form that can be used for various types of outreach activities (i.e., have a shorter video to play at a variety of university events and a longer one for more targeted recruitment events).

Based on the feedback received, we partnered with the students and a faculty member in the Animation Program in the School of Art at CSULB to develop animated videos that introduce students to research. Specifically, a set of introductory videos were produced: What is research? and How to get involved in research at CSULB? (see Figure 1 for screen shots). These videos were developed with best instructional design practices (Brame, 2016) and animation practices: Short length to retain attention, use of visual elements to highlight important information, and use of animation to maintain engagement. The following process was used to develop and refine the videos:

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is nihms-2018262-f0001.jpg

Screenshot of the what is research (top) and how to get involved in research at CSULB (bottom) videos posted on the OURS website: Office of Undergraduate Research Services (OURS) | California State University, Long Beach ( ); .

  • Content generation from subject-matter experts: The Director of OURS and two BUILD Principal Investigators, all of whom were experienced with directing student research programs generated the initial content for the videos by providing key points in a PowerPoint slide deck.
  • Storyboarding: The animation team took the key points from the slides and generated a narrative for the videos and mock-ups of potential visual imagery to accompany the narrative. This part was led by animation students.
  • Iterative feedback and design: The storyboards were reviewed by subject matter experts for content accuracy. Feedback on the revised content was obtained from representative undergraduate students as well as faculty and staff from campus student research programs.
  • Initial production: After multiple feedback sessions, the animation team produced the videos and revised them based on additional feedback from various stakeholders consisting of students, staff, faculty, and administrators.
  • Final production: The final What is research? video was almost 7 minutes in length, which was deemed to be too long for use as a general recruitment tool. As a result, a shortened, 4-minute version was also produced by the animation team with input from the subject matter experts. The How to get involved in research at CSULB? w as 6 minutes in length.

Feedback on the final version of the two videos was obtained from focus groups with undergraduate students, OURS peer advisors, and research program directors. In general, the feedback was positive, indicating that the videos were engaging to watch, covered a broad range of research disciplines, were inclusive of diverse student identities, and served as a good online resource for introducing students to research and directing them on how to get started with research.

Both videos can be found on the main page of the OURS website. Additionally, when students are invited to apply to OURS programs (OURS Connects or the Undergraduate Research Opportunity program, UROP), the video link is included in their invitation letter so they can learn more about the research process at CSULB.


In support of student research training and professional development, the CSULB BUILD Program worked with the university’s Academic Technology Services to produce 8 online modules on the topic of applying to summer research experiences (SREs) and graduate schools. The modules were formally evaluated by BUILD trainees enrolled in Spring 2021 to assess trainees’ general experiences with the online modules. The BUILD trainees indicated that the modules were useful, informative, easy to access/use, good use of their time, and a good supplemental activity to their learning community activities (see Vu et al., 2021 ). Moreover, the trainees indicated that they preferred the online modules over in-person or synchronous lecture presentations because the videos can be viewed at their convenience, class meeting times can be used more for discussion of issues rather than lecture on the topics, and the videos (or parts of the videos) can be viewed as often as needed.

While the “Applying for Summer Research Experiences and Graduate Schools” modules were found to be helpful, they are intended for advanced undergraduates who are already committed to research. As such, we developed three new modules that would be tailored to undergraduates exploring research. These modules are 30–60 minutes in length and include quizzes and references to resources. The topics were selected based on feedback from faculty research mentors obtained from BUILD focus groups and OURS advising staff. The first module, Getting Started with Research , introduced students to research and research opportunities on campus and provided a more in-depth coverage than the 6-minute How to Get Involved in Research video described earlier. The second module, Transferable Research Skills to Other Careers , was designed to illustrate to students that research skills can be applied to many daily tasks and, as a result, provide preparation for a broad range of career paths. The goal of this module is to let students know that research skills are an important part of critical thinking and that these skills can be applied to non-research careers if students decide to go on a different career path. The third module on Publication and Presentation Opportunities introduces students to the different types of publications and presentations. It also highlights some of the benefits of conducting research and encourages students to seek opportunities to disseminate their scholarly work.

To develop these three introductory modules, subject matter experts worked with instructional designers to develop the content and media for the videos. An iterative design process was used that composed of:

  • A “kick-off” meeting: This meeting allowed the various individuals working on the video to determine what would be involved in the creation of the content and video.
  • Content development: The subject matter expert provided the content for the module, which included a script (narrative for the videos), PowerPoint slides with key points.
  • Storyboards and mock-ups: The instructional designer provided a storyboard that mapped the narrative to visual concepts (key points displayed and relevant graphics). Mock-up displays were also provided that included choices for graphical assets (some of which had to be purchased) to be used in the final video.
  • Video recording: The modules contained video-recorded introductions by the subject-matter experts and voice-over visuals.
  • Completion of video production: The designers provided full draft videos that were edited over 2–3 iterations.

These three new modules, along with the original ones developed for applying to summer research experiences and graduate schools, were made available in Fall 2022 to students who enrolled in the Research Certificate Program offered by OURS. Based on the pilot survey conducted in Spring 2023, students in the OURS Research Certificate Program ( n = 21) reported agreement in their satisfaction of the quality of the professional development modules ( M = 3.86, sd = 0.96) and found the modules beneficial ( M = 3.90, sd = 1.00). A 5-point Likert scale was used where 1 = Strongly disagree, 3 = Neutral, and 5 = Strongly agree. Students indicated in their qualitative responses that they had mixed feelings about the modules. Some students indicated that the modules were very helpful, but others indicated that the number of modules available to be intimidating and time-consuming to work through.


To make faculty research mentors more accessible to students, we initially created a mentor database with a selected number of faculty who were research mentors for the BUILD program. The database was created as a searchable table hosted on the BUILD program website. Each BUILD faculty profile included their name, picture, affiliation, contact information (email address and research website), research keywords, and availability of research assistant positions for prospective students. Prospective students could search for potential faculty research mentors through various filters (implemented as selection boxes), such as department, research keywords, and types of research (e.g., applied, qualitative). The database was maintained by a BUILD staff. Faculty mentors could update their personal profile by submitting a request to the program staff.

As part of our institutionalization efforts with OURS, we transferred this database and worked with our campus Information Technology Services to create a campus-wide faculty mentor directory that provides students with information about faculty research opportunities across a broader range of disciplines and undergraduate research programs in addition to BUILD. The new directory (see Figure 2 for a screenshot) is hosted on the OURS website for use by any CSULB student and faculty. The searchable items are more simplified than the BUILD mentor directory to keep the directory more user-friendly for campus-wide users across all academic disciplines and easier to maintain by OURS staff. The directory is linked to the university employee database from which the faculty member’s affiliation (department and college) and contact information (name and email) are imported and updated automatically. Each faculty profile includes additional information, such as picture, research keywords, research website, research program participation, and completion status of relevant faculty mentor training (e.g., Advancing Inclusive Mentoring or Beach Mentor Program, see Young et al., 2022 ). For our campus, having the Beach Mentor Program completion status in the faculty profile signals to students that the faculty member has engaged in about 10 hours of mentor training. An improved feature of this directory is that the faculty mentors can directly update their research descriptions in their profiles by logging on to the site using their university credentials. The new directory allows students to connect with prospective research mentors across all disciplines to begin their research journey and was streamlined to minimize maintenance effort.

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is nihms-2018262-f0002.jpg

Mentor directory home page where students can search for a faculty mentor by (1) department, (2) research program (3) keyword (i.e., research area). .

Overall, we found that the use of online videos and resources to introduce students to research to be effective tools. These tools allow students to access the materials at their convenience (any time, any place and with any device). Students can also view the material at their own pace and as often as needed. However, simply employing these tools without providing human resources, such as peer mentors or staff/faculty advisors, can be overwhelming to students new to the research endeavour. Thus, we recommend that for maximum benefit, online resources are scaffolded with appropriate levels of peer or professional support.


We thank Beom Sik Shim, Benjamin Lin, and Justine Prebich from the CSULB Animation Program for their work on the introduction to research videos. We also thank Mark Lim, Francisco Romero, Preston Wingrove, and the CSULB Academic Technology Services (ATS) team for their work on the professional development modules. This research was supported in part by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under Award Numbers; UL1GM118979; TL4GM118980; RL5GM118978. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.

  • Buffalari D, Fernandes JJ, Chase L, Lom B, McMurray MS, Morrison ME, & Stavnezer AJ (2020). Integrating research into the undergraduate curriculum: 1. Early research experiences and training . Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education , 19 ( 1 ), A52. [ PMC free article ] [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]
  • Hurtado S, Eagan MK, Cabrera NL, Lin MH, Park J, & Lopez M (2008). Training future scientists: Predicting first-year minority student participation in health science research . Research in Higher Education , 49 ( 2 ), 126–152. [ PMC free article ] [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]
  • Jones MT, Barlow, Amy EL, & Villarejo M (2010). Importance of undergraduate research for minority persistence and achievement in biology . The Journal of Higher Education , 81 ( 1 ), 82–115. [ Google Scholar ]
  • Kingsford L, Mendoza R, Dillon J, Chun C-A, & Vu K-PL (2022). Broadening and diversifying the behavioral and biomedical research workforce through early access to an undergraduate research training program . Understanding Interventions , 13 ( 2 ), 1–24. [ PMC free article ] [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]
  • Vu K-PL, Chun C-A, Chin Goosby K, Cho Y-H, Dillon J, & Marayong P (2021). Preparing undergraduate students for summer research experiences and graduate school applications in a pandemic environment: development and implementation of online modules. In: Yamamoto S, Mori H (eds) human interface and the management of information. information-rich and intelligent environments. HCII 2021. Lecture notes in computer science , vol. 12766 , 156–176. Springer, Cham. [ PMC free article ] [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]
  • Young KA, Marayong P, & Vu K-PL (2022). Advancing inclusive mentoring: Faculty mentor training at a diverse R2 university changes mentoring practices and increases mentoring skill confidence . Journal on Excellence in College Teaching , 33 ( 4 ), 105–132. [ PMC free article ] [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]

The University of Chicago The Law School

Civil rights & police accountability clinic—significant achievements for 2023-24.

Our Clinic students continue to make a difference in the community, while learning all that it means to be a lawyer.

The Federal Civil Rights Consent Decree Governing the Chicago Police Department

Years of advocacy by Clinic students and our clients resulted in the 2019 federal civil rights Consent Decree that seeks to remedy the Chicago Police Department’s (CPD’s) pattern and practice of excessive and discriminatory violence targeted disproportionately against Black people. Highlights from our Consent Decree work during the 2023-24 academic year include: (1) our success in remedying CPD’s practice of violent, dehumanizing, and discriminatory home raids that have targeted and traumatized Black and Brown children and families in Chicago; (2) the relief that we won in emergency proceedings that we initiated to prevent unlawful mass arrests and First Amendment violations during the Democratic National Convention in Chicago; (3) our progress toward remedying racially discriminatory practices of targeting Black people for unlawful stop-and-frisks and pretextual traffic stops; and (4) advocacy for critical modifications to strengthen and improve the Decree.

Ending Illegal and Discriminatory Home Raids

Clinic students and our community-based clients won a complete overhaul of the policies that govern residential search warrants in Chicago in months-long court supervised multi-party negotiations, briefs, and court proceedings. CPD’s new policies will seek to restrict home raids to circumstances in which they are necessary and forbid raids whenever the potential harms outweigh the expected benefits. CPD will be required to develop a written plan for the execution of every residential warrant to minimize the harm, trauma, and intrusion to families and their homes. Officers will be evaluated for their success in mitigating harm when executing search warrants. The new policies will protect children and vulnerable people from unnecessary harm, including requiring police to schedule raids at times when they are least likely to be home. They ban high-risk nighttime raids and limit no-knock warrants to circumstances in which people’s lives and physical safety are in jeopardy. They prohibit police from leaving families with broken doors and locks vulnerable to crime. And they will require police to thoroughly document and publicly report on each raid to enhance transparency and accountability. In addition, we won measures that will prevent wrong raids, including requiring CPD to independently investigate and corroborate tips, maintain records of any instance in which the informant provided false or inaccurate information, and provide the prosecutor and court with any information that may undermine the credibility of the informant and tip before seeking a warrant. The proposed new policies will soon be subject to public review and comment in anticipation of full implementation. The public and judicial scrutiny that we brought to bear during our enforcement proceedings has already resulted in a tenfold reduction of home raids and prevented the traumatization of thousands of children.

Protecting First Amendment Rights to Protest and the DNC

In spring 2023, we learned that the CPD intended to implement a new policy to facilitate mass arrests during protests and other First Amendment activities in anticipation of the Democratic National Convention. The proposed new policy would have eviscerated relief that we had won in 2021 that fundamentally transformed Chicago police policies governing the policing of First Amendment activities—relief that requires CPD to protect the rights of people to engage in public protest and dissent rather than to stamp out protests. The Clinic filed an emergency enforcement action to enjoin the proposed mass arrest policy. In the proceedings that followed, we succeeded in preventing the parts of the policy that threatened people’s First Amendment rights from taking effect. The First Amendment policy that we had won in 2021 continues to govern during the DNC and all public demonstrations now and in the future. For example, the revised policy on mass arrests will now prohibit police from arresting people engaged in First Amendment conduct for minor offenses unless they pose an immediate threat to the physical safety or property of others. It also explicitly bans retaliation against people for exercising their First Amendment rights.

Strengthening the Consent Decree and Advancing Racial Justice

Having won our community-based clients’ historic power to enforce the Decree, Clinic students continue to fight to strengthen the Decree to make our clients—people who have been most impacted by CPD’s civil rights violations—full and equal partners in the process. As a result of our advocacy, throughout the 2023-24 academic year, the federal court ordered the City to engage with community representatives when developing policies, procedures, and training—including the recent mass arrests policy that the CPD had initially sought to impose without any meaningful community engagement. Clinic students participated in five full-day public hearings in federal court focusing on potential modifications to the Decree and issues of racial justice. Students presented powerful testimony and legal memoranda that advocated for Consent Decree revisions that (a) require de-escalation and reductions in CPD violence; (b) divert people from the criminal legal system through alternatives to arrest and the elimination of unnecessary negative interactions with police; (c) develop non-criminal responses to people experiencing mental health crises (we won implementation of an historic pilot program on this); (d) prohibit police from pointing guns at people unless they present an immediate threat to serious injury or death to another person; (e) require officers to file a written report each time they point a gun at a community member; (f) provide services to survivors of CPD violence and their family members; and (g) address barriers to police accountability that were erected in the new collective bargaining agreements with the unions representing Chicago police officers. We also succeeded in subjecting CPD’s racially discriminatory stop-and-frisk practices to federal court supervision.

The court is currently deciding whether to also subject CPD traffic stops to federal court oversight under the Consent Decree, as traffic stops have become a flashpoint for unnecessary police violence in Chicago as they have skyrocketed in Black and Brown communities. Eighty-five percent of the instances in which Chicago police used force in traffic stops have been directed at Black people. We presented testimony and briefs that seek to outlaw CPD’s practice of using pretextual stops to harass Black and Brown people, disband police tactical units that have been responsible for unnecessary and disproportionate violence directed toward Black and Brown people, and limit CPD traffic stops to violations that pose genuine threats to public safety.

Ending Incommunicado Detention—A Second Consent Decree

The Clinic continues to advance its historic work in making real the fifty-eight-year-old promise of Miranda v. Arizona in Chicago. Tyler Lawson, ’24 , and Katherine Stanton, ’25, led a team of Clinic students that did outstanding advocacy work with our community-based clients and the Office of the Cook County Public Defender after having won a second consent decree that went into effect in February 2023 in Cook County Circuit Court—a decree that is designed to end the decades-long practice of incommunicado detention in CPD stations that has facilitated torture, coerced confessions, and wrongful convictions. Clinic students produced an empirical report with Professor Kyle Rozema that analyzed data from every arrest in Chicago that took place during the first year of the Decree. The Report found ninety-nine percent of people in CPD custody did not access an attorney and more than half of the people most vulnerable to interrogation did not get prompt access to a phone. Inspections by Clinic students inside Chicago police stations revealed that legible signs required by the Consent Decree that inform people in custody of their rights under the Decree and the Public Defender’s free 24-hour hotline number for legal assistance were routinely missing in the places where CPD detains people who may be subject to interrogation. Clinic students also documented that contrary to the Decree, many of the visiting rooms that CPD is required to maintain in every police station did not allow for private and confidential meetings between people in custody and their attorneys. The Clinic presented the Report and our findings to the court. In response, the Honorable Judge Neil H. Cohen directed CPD to work with the Clinic to ensure the installation of appropriate signs and remedy the documented deficiencies with respect to privacy. We are administering a survey to people at their first court appearance to provide the court with additional information about the reasons why people in CPD custody have not promptly accessed phones and counsel. Our preliminary findings indicate that CPD has failed to offer phones or provided the Public Defender’s 24-hour number to people subject to police interrogation. A quarter of the people surveyed report that CPD interrogated them without access to counsel. In addition, Clinic students have engaged in targeted outreach to people at risk of arrest and criminal defense attorneys in Chicago, created fantastic flyers, social media, and written material to educate people about their rights under the Decree, and developed a long-form interview tool to gain additional insight about barriers to access to counsel and phones.

Individual Cases

While we fight for systemic change, the Clinic has continued its tradition of excellence in serving individuals and families in need.

Clinic students won a stage three post-conviction hearing with our client Christopher Ellis before the Honorable Carol Howard in Cook County Circuit Court that can result in vacating Mr. Ellis’s conviction. Two Chicago police officers pulled Mr. Ellis out of his car, beat and tased him, and then falsely accused Mr. Ellis of aggravated battery against the police officers to cover up their abuse. Mr. Ellis was convicted and sentenced to six years in prison. Based on a phenomenal set of briefs written by Clinic students Hannah V.L. George, ’24, and Becky Marvin, ’24, and Professor Herschella Conyers ’ students Amara Shaikh, ’24 , and Liam Grah, ’25, in the Criminal and Juvenile Justice Clinic and Becky Marvin ’s outstanding oral argument, Judge Howard found that the Clinic has made a substantial showing of Mr. Ellis’s innocence and the ineffective assistance of his trial counsel. Judge Howard offered the highest praise to the students’ work. We expect Mr. Ellis’s case to go to trial in the fall.

 Erin Yonchak,’24, presented Clifton Young’s case before the Illinois Torture and Inquiry Relief Commission. Erin’s presentation and supporting written memorandum were nothing short of superb. As a result of Erin’s scrupulous investigation, factual and legal determinations, and recommendations, the Torture Commission found credible evidence that Mr. Young was tortured by Chicago police and ordered a full evidentiary hearing in Cook County Circuit Court that may result in his freedom after having served more than twenty years in prison.

Amrita Krishnan, ’25, is investigating a novel claim of police torture before the Illinois Torture Commission that is based on Chicago police detectives’ exploitation of a person’s withdrawal symptoms from heroin and denial of medical treatment to obtain a confession. This is the first of a series of claims of torture before the Commission based on deliberate indifference to a person in custody’s severe physical and psychological pain associated with drug withdrawal to leverage an incriminating statement. Amrita’s legal and medical research into whether and under what circumstances drug withdrawal can form a basis for a torture claim is precedential. It has the power to establish the governing legal standards in Illinois for assessing torture claims involving withdrawal.

Gabbie Zook, ’24 , Hannah V.L. George, ’24 , and Becky Marvin, ’24, led an investigation with a client who was repeatedly sexually assaulted by a Chicago police officer in public housing when she was a mere teenager. The Clinic helped to connect our client with the Chicago Torture Justice Center to provide her with critical support as she continues to work through her trauma from the repeated assaults. We face a myriad of legal challenges because of the years that have passed since the assaults and Illinois law that protects municipalities from liability when police officers abuse their state power to sexually assault people, but we remain committed to supporting our client in her fight for a measure of justice and healing. Our students’ work has shined a light on a path forward.

Policy Projects

Chicago police transparency.

Natalie Cohn-Aronoff, ’24 , and Amber Hunter, ’25, have led a critical project to prevent the return to a state of police impunity in Chicago. The Clinic is responding to the Fraternal Order of Police’s (FOP’s) efforts to shroud in secrecy the adjudication of cases in which Chicago police officers have been found to have committed the most serious forms of misconduct to warrant firing or suspension of more than a year. After the FOP won an arbitration award that sought to end a sixty-year history of public hearings before a neutral body to be replaced by secret hearings behind closed doors by a handful of handpicked arbitrators who have a long track record of protecting Chicago police officers from accountability, the Clinic began work with a coalition of community, civil rights, and good government groups organized to stop the FOP from turning back the clock on our progress. We drafted press releases and an op-ed that lifted the threat of Chicago police impunity to visibility. We drafted policy and legal material for City Council to provide the basis for challenging the arbitrator’s award. We provided testimony in public hearings that was widely cited in the media. Our work supporting the organization of community members persuaded the Mayor and City Council to reject the Arbitrator’s award by a 3/5 vote in City Council and challenge the award in court. The Cook County Circuit Court then ruled that the Arbitrator’s award violated fundamental state policy in Chicago police transparency and accountability and ordered that the Chicago police disciplinary cases must remain open to the public. The FOP has filed a notice of appeal. A team of Clinic students led by Ben Postone, ’24, is drafting an amicus brief before the Illinois Court of Appeals on behalf of the broad community-based coalition that will explain the nature and strength of the public interest at stake.

At the same time, Clinic students have conducted extensive research and consulted experts in labor law to draft proposed state legislation that requires the public adjudication of Chicago police misconduct cases. The Clinic is collaborating with stakeholders to devise a path to establish law that will guarantee public transparency on CPD misconduct now and in the future. The Clinic has also drafted potential municipal legislation that would enhance Chicago’s Civilian Office of Police Accountability’s (COPA’s) efforts to promote greater transparency and accountability by enabling COPA to promptly publicly release summaries of completed misconduct investigations, prosecute disciplinary proceedings that result from COPA investigations, and restrict the Police Department’s power to overturn misconduct findings only for clear error and disciplinary recommendations only for abuse of discretion.

Sam Hallam, ’25, and Katherine Stanton, ’25, are leading efforts to remedy other aspects of FOP’s new collective bargaining contract that thwart police accountability and transparency in Chicago, including a provision that prohibits the videotaping of conversations between officers and supervisors after a police officer shoots a community member. The recording and use of such conversations are critical tools to remedy the longstanding code of silence in the CPD—a code that has encouraged officers to manufacture a common narrative when an officer shoots or kills a person or is otherwise accused of misconduct.

Medical-Legal Partnership with University of Chicago Trauma Center

Rosie Gruen, ’25 , and Sam Hallam, ’25, have led a medical-legal project that we launched last year with the Trauma Center at the University of Chicago Medical Center (UCMC) and pro bono attorneys from the Akerman law firm to prevent police from to violating patient civil rights and medical privacy and interfering with critical medical care. We formed this partnership to address reports from the doctors and staff at the Medical Center of police abuse of patients who have suffered gunshot injuries; coercive interrogations of people who are being treated for serious injuries; interference with medical care and patient autonomy over medical decisions; searches and seizures of patients’ personal property; invasions of patient privacy and personal health information; shackling and physical abuse of patients; and forcing medical personal to perform invasive tests on patients. The Clinic team has been conducting and working to publish empirical research on interactions between police and professionals and staff at the Medical Center and patients and their family members. In addition to the conducting approximately fifty long-form interviews, the Clinic has researched the intersection of property law, criminal law and procedure, privacy law, constitutional law, and administrative regulations and practices in medical settings around the United States. Students have also consulted with national medical and legal experts. Based upon our research, the Clinic developed a first draft of recommended UCMC policies for internal feedback to prevent ongoing civil rights violations and interference with patient care. Our research has also taught us that despite similar civil rights violations in hospital settings and interference by law enforcement with medical treatment, there is a lack of model policies or established best practices on the subject. We are hopeful that the publication of our research and the policies that we develop at UCMC will serve as a model for hospitals throughout the country and prevent civil and human rights violations and improve health outcomes in the Trauma Center and beyond.

Partnership with the Cook County Public Defender and Zealous

We also built on our partnership with the Cook County Public Defender’s Office and Zealous, a national non-profit dedicated to supporting public defender offices, to identify and address systemic issues in the criminal legal system that deprive clients of the Public Defender and Clinic access to justice. Darius Diamond, ’24 , Gabbie Zook, ’24 , and Katherine Stanton, ’25, have led our efforts on this project. This year, our focus has been to support the Public Defender’s work to create two holistic community defender offices in Chicago—the first is scheduled to open this fall in the Roseland community on Chicago’s South Side. The second will be in the Austin community on the West Side. Clinic students have been on the ground floor in designing the offices and services with community members, public defenders, and people in jail. We are developing plans for Clinic students to maintain a regular presence in the Community Defender Offices to work with public defenders and their clients in addressing police accountability and other systemic barriers to justice.

In addition, students are working with public defenders in Cook County to achieve greater independence from county prosecutors and judges when advocating with their clients to change and enjoin laws, policies and practices that impair the ability of public defenders to represent their clients and to improve the criminal legal system. For example, Clinic students are currently working with the Public Defender to explore ways to change the law to give the Public Defender the power to retain counsel to bring affirmative civil rights litigation.


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    Create beautiful presentations, faster. Visme is the best presentation software for teams who need real-time collaboration and individuals who need advanced features. and customization for interactive presentations. Create beautiful presentations in minutes, not hours. "Frequently, members of the lead team need to give presentations and ...

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    1. Microsoft PowerPoint. (Android, iPhone, iPad) PowerPoint is a popular presentation app for students to create slideshows containing important information, charts, and images. It provides built-in professional graphics and user-friendly tools, making it accessible even for beginners to create impressive presentations.

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    Starts at $11.99/presenter/month. Canva. Pre-built templates and designs. Drag-and-drop interface, library of templates, icons, and stock photos. Yes. Starts at $120/user/year. AI-powered design. AI-powered design for automatic polish and consistency, smart data visualization tools.

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    Whether we are teaching in person or online, there are a ton of tools for getting our students to work together both during and after school. Here are the 9 best tech tools for student collaboration. Goal: I want an online tool for students to give and get feedback. Try: Peergrade. You create an assignment and a rubric-students submit their work.

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    Online presentations have become an integral part of our professional and personal lives. In this guide, we will conduct in-depth explanations and analyses on everything from creating engaging content, essential tips, mastering virtual presentation techniques, overcoming challenges to advanced techniques.

  22. Online whiteboard for teaching, 5 ideas for getting started

    Create Engaging Assignments with Activities. Teachers who integrate gamified activities into their assignments are often seen as innovative and dynamic, aiming to boost student engagement and motivation. Recently we've launched a brand new feature "Activities". From now on you can use activities like Memory, Matching, and Crosswords to strengthen your students' knowledge and ...

  23. Discover online presentation software

    Invite collaborators: Share the presentation with your team members by sending them a link or inviting them directly through the software. Work together in real time: Once your team members have access, they can start editing the slide presentation simultaneously.Use the built-in chat and comment features to communicate and provide feedback in real time.

  24. Use of Online Tools to Introduce Students to Research

    INTRODUCTION. Early exposure to research is a high-impact practice shown to increase the retention of undergraduates in STEM majors and help them attain their degrees and enter research careers (Hurtado et al., 2008; Jones et al., 2010; Kingsford et al., 2022).However, research opportunities for students early in their undergraduate studies are not widely available at most colleges or to most ...

  25. Civil Rights & Police Accountability Clinic—Significant Achievements

    Our Clinic students continue to make a difference in the community, while learning all that it means to be a lawyer. The Federal Civil Rights Consent Decree Governing the Chicago Police Department Years of advocacy by Clinic students and our clients resulted in the 2019 federal civil rights Consent Decree that seeks to remedy the Chicago Police Department's (CPD's) pattern and practice of ...